1 |
2 |
3 | import { ConsoleLogger as Logger } from './Logger';
4 | import { StorageHelper } from './StorageHelper';
5 | import { makeQuerablePromise } from './JS';
6 | import { FacebookOAuth, GoogleOAuth } from './OAuthHelper';
7 | import { jitteredExponentialRetry } from './Util';
8 | import { ICredentials } from './types';
9 | import { Amplify } from './Amplify';
10 | import { getId, getCredentialsForIdentity } from './AwsClients/CognitoIdentity';
11 | import { parseAWSExports } from './parseAWSExports';
12 | import { Hub } from './Hub';
13 |
14 | const logger = new Logger('Credentials');
15 |
16 | const CREDENTIALS_TTL = 50 * 60 * 1000;
17 |
18 | const COGNITO_IDENTITY_KEY_PREFIX = 'CognitoIdentityId-';
19 |
20 | const AMPLIFY_SYMBOL = (
21 | typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && typeof Symbol.for === 'function'
22 | ? Symbol.for('amplify_default')
23 | : '@@amplify_default'
24 | ) as Symbol;
25 |
26 | const dispatchCredentialsEvent = (
27 | event: string,
28 | data: any,
29 | message: string
30 | ) => {
31 | Hub.dispatch('core', { event, data, message }, 'Credentials', AMPLIFY_SYMBOL);
32 | };
33 |
34 | export class CredentialsClass {
35 | private _config;
36 | private _credentials;
37 | private _credentials_source;
38 | private _gettingCredPromise = null;
39 | private _refreshHandlers = {};
40 | private _storage;
41 | private _storageSync;
42 | private _identityId;
43 | private _nextCredentialsRefresh: number;
44 |
45 |
46 | Auth = undefined;
47 |
48 | constructor(config) {
49 | this.configure(config);
50 | this._refreshHandlers['google'] = GoogleOAuth.refreshGoogleToken;
51 | this._refreshHandlers['facebook'] = FacebookOAuth.refreshFacebookToken;
52 | }
53 |
54 | public getModuleName() {
55 | return 'Credentials';
56 | }
57 |
58 | public getCredSource() {
59 | return this._credentials_source;
60 | }
61 |
62 | public configure(config) {
63 | if (!config) return this._config || {};
64 |
65 | this._config = Object.assign({}, this._config, config);
66 | const { refreshHandlers } = this._config;
67 |
68 |
69 | if (refreshHandlers) {
70 | this._refreshHandlers = {
71 | ...this._refreshHandlers,
72 | ...refreshHandlers,
73 | };
74 | }
75 |
76 | this._storage = this._config.storage;
77 |
78 | if (!this._storage) {
79 | this._storage = new StorageHelper().getStorage();
80 | }
81 |
82 | this._storageSync = Promise.resolve();
83 | if (typeof this._storage['sync'] === 'function') {
84 | this._storageSync = this._storage['sync']();
85 | }
86 |
87 | dispatchCredentialsEvent(
88 | 'credentials_configured',
89 | null,
90 | `Credentials has been configured successfully`
91 | );
92 |
93 | return this._config;
94 | }
95 |
96 | public get() {
97 | logger.debug('getting credentials');
98 | return this._pickupCredentials();
99 | }
100 |
101 |
102 | private _getCognitoIdentityIdStorageKey(identityPoolId: string) {
103 | return `${COGNITO_IDENTITY_KEY_PREFIX}${identityPoolId}`;
104 | }
105 |
106 | private _pickupCredentials() {
107 | logger.debug('picking up credentials');
108 | if (!this._gettingCredPromise || !this._gettingCredPromise.isPending()) {
109 | logger.debug('getting new cred promise');
110 | this._gettingCredPromise = makeQuerablePromise(this._keepAlive());
111 | } else {
112 | logger.debug('getting old cred promise');
113 | }
114 | return this._gettingCredPromise;
115 | }
116 |
117 | private async _keepAlive() {
118 | logger.debug('checking if credentials exists and not expired');
119 | const cred = this._credentials;
120 | if (cred && !this._isExpired(cred) && !this._isPastTTL()) {
121 | logger.debug('credentials not changed and not expired, directly return');
122 | return Promise.resolve(cred);
123 | }
124 |
125 | logger.debug('need to get a new credential or refresh the existing one');
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 | const { Auth = Amplify.Auth } = this;
130 |
131 | if (!Auth || typeof Auth.currentUserCredentials !== 'function') {
132 |
133 | return this._setCredentialsForGuest();
134 | }
135 |
136 | if (!this._isExpired(cred) && this._isPastTTL()) {
137 | logger.debug('ttl has passed but token is not yet expired');
138 | try {
139 | const user = await Auth.currentUserPoolUser();
140 | const session = await Auth.currentSession();
141 | const refreshToken = session.refreshToken;
142 | const refreshRequest = new Promise((res, rej) => {
143 | user.refreshSession(refreshToken, (err, data) => {
144 | return err ? rej(err) : res(data);
145 | });
146 | });
147 | await refreshRequest;
148 | } catch (err) {
149 |
150 | logger.debug('Error attempting to refreshing the session', err);
151 | }
152 | }
153 | return Auth.currentUserCredentials();
154 | }
155 |
156 | public refreshFederatedToken(federatedInfo) {
157 | logger.debug('Getting federated credentials');
158 | const { provider, user, token, identity_id } = federatedInfo;
159 | let { expires_at } = federatedInfo;
160 |
161 |
162 | expires_at =
163 | new Date(expires_at).getFullYear() === 1970
164 | ? expires_at * 1000
165 | : expires_at;
166 |
167 | const that = this;
168 | logger.debug('checking if federated jwt token expired');
169 | if (expires_at > new Date().getTime()) {
170 |
171 | logger.debug('token not expired');
172 | return this._setCredentialsFromFederation({
173 | provider,
174 | token,
175 | user,
176 | identity_id,
177 | expires_at,
178 | });
179 | } else {
180 |
181 | if (
182 | that._refreshHandlers[provider] &&
183 | typeof that._refreshHandlers[provider] === 'function'
184 | ) {
185 | logger.debug('getting refreshed jwt token from federation provider');
186 | return this._providerRefreshWithRetry({
187 | refreshHandler: that._refreshHandlers[provider],
188 | provider,
189 | user,
190 | });
191 | } else {
192 | logger.debug('no refresh handler for provider:', provider);
193 | this.clear();
194 | return Promise.reject('no refresh handler for provider');
195 | }
196 | }
197 | }
198 |
199 | private _providerRefreshWithRetry({ refreshHandler, provider, user }) {
200 | const MAX_DELAY_MS = 10 * 1000;
201 |
202 |
203 | return jitteredExponentialRetry<any>(refreshHandler, [], MAX_DELAY_MS)
204 | .then(data => {
205 | logger.debug('refresh federated token sucessfully', data);
206 | return this._setCredentialsFromFederation({
207 | provider,
208 | token: data.token,
209 | user,
210 | identity_id: data.identity_id,
211 | expires_at: data.expires_at,
212 | });
213 | })
214 | .catch(e => {
215 | const isNetworkError =
216 | typeof e === 'string' &&
217 | e.toLowerCase().lastIndexOf('network error', e.length) === 0;
218 |
219 | if (!isNetworkError) {
220 | this.clear();
221 | }
222 |
223 | logger.debug('refresh federated token failed', e);
224 | return Promise.reject('refreshing federation token failed: ' + e);
225 | });
226 | }
227 |
228 | private _isExpired(credentials): boolean {
229 | if (!credentials) {
230 | logger.debug('no credentials for expiration check');
231 | return true;
232 | }
233 | logger.debug('are these credentials expired?', credentials);
234 | const ts = Date.now();
235 |
236 | |
237 |
238 |
239 | const { expiration } = credentials;
240 | return expiration.getTime() <= ts;
241 | }
242 |
243 | private _isPastTTL(): boolean {
244 | return this._nextCredentialsRefresh <= Date.now();
245 | }
246 |
247 | private async _setCredentialsForGuest() {
248 | logger.debug('setting credentials for guest');
249 | if (!this._config?.identityPoolId) {
250 |
251 |
252 | this._config = Object.assign(
253 | {},
254 | this._config,
255 | parseAWSExports(this._config || {}).Auth
256 | );
257 | }
258 | const { identityPoolId, region, mandatorySignIn, identityPoolRegion } =
259 | this._config;
260 |
261 | if (mandatorySignIn) {
262 | return Promise.reject(
263 | 'cannot get guest credentials when mandatory signin enabled'
264 | );
265 | }
266 |
267 | if (!identityPoolId) {
268 | logger.debug(
269 | 'No Cognito Identity pool provided for unauthenticated access'
270 | );
271 | return Promise.reject(
272 | 'No Cognito Identity pool provided for unauthenticated access'
273 | );
274 | }
275 |
276 | if (!identityPoolRegion && !region) {
277 | logger.debug('region is not configured for getting the credentials');
278 | return Promise.reject(
279 | 'region is not configured for getting the credentials'
280 | );
281 | }
282 |
283 | const identityId = (this._identityId = await this._getGuestIdentityId());
284 |
285 | const cognitoConfig = { region: identityPoolRegion ?? region };
286 |
287 | const guestCredentialsProvider = async () => {
288 | if (!identityId) {
289 | const { IdentityId } = await getId(cognitoConfig, {
290 | IdentityPoolId: identityPoolId,
291 | });
292 | this._identityId = IdentityId;
293 | }
294 | const { Credentials } = await getCredentialsForIdentity(cognitoConfig, {
295 | IdentityId: this._identityId,
296 | });
297 | return {
298 | identityId: this._identityId,
299 | accessKeyId: Credentials.AccessKeyId,
300 | secretAccessKey: Credentials.SecretKey,
301 | sessionToken: Credentials.SessionToken,
302 | expiration: Credentials.Expiration,
303 | };
304 | };
305 | let credentials = guestCredentialsProvider().catch(async err => {
306 | throw err;
307 | });
308 |
309 | return this._loadCredentials(credentials, 'guest', false, null)
310 | .then(res => {
311 | return res;
312 | })
313 | .catch(async e => {
314 |
315 |
316 | if (
317 | e.name === 'ResourceNotFoundException' &&
318 | e.message === `Identity '${identityId}' not found.`
319 | ) {
320 | logger.debug('Failed to load guest credentials');
321 | await this._removeGuestIdentityId();
322 |
323 | const guestCredentialsProvider = async () => {
324 | const { IdentityId } = await getId(cognitoConfig, {
325 | IdentityPoolId: identityPoolId,
326 | });
327 | this._identityId = IdentityId;
328 | const { Credentials } = await getCredentialsForIdentity(
329 | cognitoConfig,
330 | {
331 | IdentityId,
332 | }
333 | );
334 |
335 | return {
336 | identityId: IdentityId,
337 | accessKeyId: Credentials.AccessKeyId,
338 | secretAccessKey: Credentials.SecretKey,
339 | sessionToken: Credentials.SessionToken,
340 | expiration: Credentials.Expiration,
341 | };
342 | };
343 |
344 | credentials = guestCredentialsProvider().catch(async err => {
345 | throw err;
346 | });
347 |
348 | return this._loadCredentials(credentials, 'guest', false, null);
349 | } else {
350 | return e;
351 | }
352 | });
353 | }
354 |
355 | private _setCredentialsFromFederation(params) {
356 | const { provider, token } = params;
357 | let { identity_id } = params;
358 | const domains = {
359 | google: 'accounts.google.com',
360 | facebook: 'graph.facebook.com',
361 | amazon: 'www.amazon.com',
362 | developer: 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com',
363 | };
364 |
365 |
366 | const domain = domains[provider] || provider;
367 | if (!domain) {
368 | return Promise.reject('You must specify a federated provider');
369 | }
370 |
371 | const logins = {};
372 | logins[domain] = token;
373 |
374 | const { identityPoolId, region, identityPoolRegion } = this._config;
375 | if (!identityPoolId) {
376 | logger.debug('No Cognito Federated Identity pool provided');
377 | return Promise.reject('No Cognito Federated Identity pool provided');
378 | }
379 | if (!identityPoolRegion && !region) {
380 | logger.debug('region is not configured for getting the credentials');
381 | return Promise.reject(
382 | 'region is not configured for getting the credentials'
383 | );
384 | }
385 |
386 | const cognitoConfig = { region: identityPoolRegion ?? region };
387 |
388 | const authenticatedCredentialsProvider = async () => {
389 | if (!identity_id) {
390 | const { IdentityId } = await getId(cognitoConfig, {
391 | IdentityPoolId: identityPoolId,
392 | Logins: logins,
393 | });
394 | identity_id = IdentityId;
395 | }
396 | const { Credentials } = await getCredentialsForIdentity(cognitoConfig, {
397 | IdentityId: identity_id,
398 | Logins: logins,
399 | });
400 | return {
401 | identityId: identity_id,
402 | accessKeyId: Credentials.AccessKeyId,
403 | secretAccessKey: Credentials.SecretKey,
404 | sessionToken: Credentials.SessionToken,
405 | expiration: Credentials.Expiration,
406 | };
407 | };
408 |
409 | const credentials = authenticatedCredentialsProvider().catch(async err => {
410 | throw err;
411 | });
412 |
413 | return this._loadCredentials(credentials, 'federated', true, params);
414 | }
415 |
416 | private _setCredentialsFromSession(session): Promise<ICredentials> {
417 | logger.debug('set credentials from session');
418 | const idToken = session.getIdToken().getJwtToken();
419 | const { region, userPoolId, identityPoolId, identityPoolRegion } =
420 | this._config;
421 | if (!identityPoolId) {
422 | logger.debug('No Cognito Federated Identity pool provided');
423 | return Promise.reject('No Cognito Federated Identity pool provided');
424 | }
425 | if (!identityPoolRegion && !region) {
426 | logger.debug('region is not configured for getting the credentials');
427 | return Promise.reject(
428 | 'region is not configured for getting the credentials'
429 | );
430 | }
431 | const key = 'cognito-idp.' + region + '.amazonaws.com/' + userPoolId;
432 | const logins = {};
433 | logins[key] = idToken;
434 |
435 | const cognitoConfig = { region: identityPoolRegion ?? region };
436 |
437 | |
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 | const credentialsProvider = async () => {
444 |
445 | const guestIdentityId = await this._getGuestIdentityId();
446 |
447 | let generatedOrRetrievedIdentityId;
448 | if (!guestIdentityId) {
449 |
450 |
451 | const { IdentityId } = await getId(cognitoConfig, {
452 | IdentityPoolId: identityPoolId,
453 | Logins: logins,
454 | });
455 | generatedOrRetrievedIdentityId = IdentityId;
456 | }
457 |
458 | const {
459 | Credentials: { AccessKeyId, Expiration, SecretKey, SessionToken },
460 |
461 |
462 | IdentityId: primaryIdentityId,
463 | } = await getCredentialsForIdentity(cognitoConfig, {
464 | IdentityId: guestIdentityId || generatedOrRetrievedIdentityId,
465 | Logins: logins,
466 | });
467 |
468 | this._identityId = primaryIdentityId;
469 | if (guestIdentityId) {
470 |
471 |
472 | logger.debug(
473 | `The guest identity ${guestIdentityId} has been successfully linked to the logins`
474 | );
475 | if (guestIdentityId === primaryIdentityId) {
476 | logger.debug(
477 | `The guest identity ${guestIdentityId} has become the primary identity`
478 | );
479 | }
480 |
481 | await this._removeGuestIdentityId();
482 | }
483 |
484 |
485 | return {
486 | accessKeyId: AccessKeyId,
487 | secretAccessKey: SecretKey,
488 | sessionToken: SessionToken,
489 | expiration: Expiration,
490 | identityId: primaryIdentityId,
491 | };
492 | };
493 |
494 | const credentials = credentialsProvider().catch(async err => {
495 | throw err;
496 | });
497 |
498 | return this._loadCredentials(credentials, 'userPool', true, null);
499 | }
500 |
501 | private _loadCredentials(
502 | credentials,
503 | source,
504 | authenticated,
505 | info
506 | ): Promise<ICredentials> {
507 | const that = this;
508 | return new Promise((res, rej) => {
509 | credentials
510 | .then(async credentials => {
511 | logger.debug('Load credentials successfully', credentials);
512 | if (this._identityId && !credentials.identityId) {
513 | credentials['identityId'] = this._identityId;
514 | }
515 |
516 | that._credentials = credentials;
517 | that._credentials.authenticated = authenticated;
518 | that._credentials_source = source;
519 | that._nextCredentialsRefresh = new Date().getTime() + CREDENTIALS_TTL;
520 | if (source === 'federated') {
521 | const user = Object.assign(
522 | { id: this._credentials.identityId },
523 | info.user
524 | );
525 | const { provider, token, expires_at, identity_id } = info;
526 | try {
527 | this._storage.setItem(
528 | 'aws-amplify-federatedInfo',
529 | JSON.stringify({
530 | provider,
531 | token,
532 | user,
533 | expires_at,
534 | identity_id,
535 | })
536 | );
537 | } catch (e) {
538 | logger.debug('Failed to put federated info into auth storage', e);
539 | }
540 | }
541 | if (source === 'guest') {
542 | await this._setGuestIdentityId(credentials.identityId);
543 | }
544 | res(that._credentials);
545 | return;
546 | })
547 | .catch(err => {
548 | if (err) {
549 | logger.debug('Failed to load credentials', credentials);
550 | logger.debug('Error loading credentials', err);
551 | rej(err);
552 | return;
553 | }
554 | });
555 | });
556 | }
557 |
558 | public set(params, source): Promise<ICredentials> {
559 | if (source === 'session') {
560 | return this._setCredentialsFromSession(params);
561 | } else if (source === 'federation') {
562 | return this._setCredentialsFromFederation(params);
563 | } else if (source === 'guest') {
564 | return this._setCredentialsForGuest();
565 | } else {
566 | logger.debug('no source specified for setting credentials');
567 | return Promise.reject('invalid source');
568 | }
569 | }
570 |
571 | public async clear() {
572 | this._credentials = null;
573 | this._credentials_source = null;
574 | logger.debug('removing aws-amplify-federatedInfo from storage');
575 | this._storage.removeItem('aws-amplify-federatedInfo');
576 | }
577 |
578 |
579 | private async _getGuestIdentityId(): Promise<string> {
580 | const { identityPoolId } = this._config;
581 | try {
582 | await this._storageSync;
583 | return this._storage.getItem(
584 | this._getCognitoIdentityIdStorageKey(identityPoolId)
585 | );
586 | } catch (e) {
587 | logger.debug('Failed to get the cached guest identityId', e);
588 | }
589 | }
590 |
591 | private async _setGuestIdentityId(identityId: string) {
592 | const { identityPoolId } = this._config;
593 | try {
594 | await this._storageSync;
595 | this._storage.setItem(
596 | this._getCognitoIdentityIdStorageKey(identityPoolId),
597 | identityId
598 | );
599 | } catch (e) {
600 | logger.debug('Failed to cache guest identityId', e);
601 | }
602 | }
603 |
604 | private async _removeGuestIdentityId() {
605 | const { identityPoolId } = this._config;
606 | logger.debug(
607 | `removing ${this._getCognitoIdentityIdStorageKey(
608 | identityPoolId
609 | )} from storage`
610 | );
611 | this._storage.removeItem(
612 | this._getCognitoIdentityIdStorageKey(identityPoolId)
613 | );
614 | }
615 |
616 | |
617 |
618 |
619 |
620 |
621 | public shear(credentials) {
622 | return {
623 | accessKeyId: credentials.accessKeyId,
624 | sessionToken: credentials.sessionToken,
625 | secretAccessKey: credentials.secretAccessKey,
626 | identityId: credentials.identityId,
627 | authenticated: credentials.authenticated,
628 | };
629 | }
630 | }
631 |
632 | export const Credentials = new CredentialsClass(null);
633 |
634 | Amplify.register(Credentials);