2.68 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@aws-amplify/interactions",
3 "version": "5.0.33",
4 "description": "Interactions category of aws-amplify",
5 "main": "./lib/index.js",
6 "module": "./lib-esm/index.js",
7 "typings": "./lib-esm/index.d.ts",
8 "react-native": {
9 "./lib/index": "./lib-esm/index.js"
10 },
11 "sideEffects": [
12 "./lib/Interactions.js",
13 "./lib-esm/Interactions.js"
14 ],
15 "publishConfig": {
16 "access": "public"
17 },
18 "scripts": {
19 "test": "npm run lint && jest -w 1 --coverage",
20 "test:size": "size-limit",
21 "build-with-test": "npm run clean && npm test && tsc && webpack",
22 "build:cjs": "node ./build es5 && webpack && webpack --config ./webpack.config.dev.js",
23 "build:esm": "node ./build es6",
24 "build:cjs:watch": "node ./build es5 --watch",
25 "build:esm:watch": "node ./build es6 --watch",
26 "build": "npm run clean && npm run build:esm && npm run build:cjs",
27 "clean": "npm run clean:size && rimraf lib-esm lib dist",
28 "clean:size": "rimraf dual-publish-tmp tmp*",
29 "format": "echo \"Not implemented\"",
30 "lint": "tslint 'src/**/*.ts' && npm run ts-coverage",
31 "ts-coverage": "typescript-coverage-report -p ./tsconfig.build.json -t 88.6"
32 },
33 "repository": {
34 "type": "git",
35 "url": "https://github.com/aws-amplify/amplify-js.git"
36 },
37 "author": "Amazon Web Services",
38 "license": "Apache-2.0",
39 "bugs": {
40 "url": "https://github.com/aws/aws-amplify/issues"
41 },
42 "homepage": "https://aws-amplify.github.io/",
43 "files": [
44 "lib",
45 "lib-esm",
46 "src"
47 ],
48 "dependencies": {
49 "@aws-amplify/core": "5.3.1",
50 "@aws-sdk/client-lex-runtime-service": "3.186.1",
51 "@aws-sdk/client-lex-runtime-v2": "3.186.1",
52 "base-64": "1.0.0",
53 "fflate": "0.7.3",
54 "pako": "2.0.4",
55 "tslib": "^1.8.0"
56 },
57 "size-limit": [
58 {
59 "name": "Interactions (top-level class with Lex v2)",
60 "path": "./lib-esm/index.js",
61 "import": "{ Amplify, Interactions, AWSLexV2Provider }",
62 "limit": "87 kB"
63 }
64 ],
65 "jest": {
66 "globals": {
67 "ts-jest": {
68 "diagnostics": false,
69 "tsConfig": {
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71 "es5",
72 "es2015",
73 "dom",
74 "esnext.asynciterable",
75 "es2017.object"
76 ],
77 "allowJs": true
78 }
79 }
80 },
81 "transform": {
82 "^.+\\.(js|jsx|ts|tsx)$": "ts-jest"
83 },
84 "testRegex": "(/__tests__/.*|\\.(test|spec))\\.(tsx?|jsx?)$",
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86 "ts",
87 "tsx",
88 "js",
89 "json",
90 "jsx"
91 ],
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93 "testURL": "http://localhost/",
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100 }
101 },
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103 "/node_modules/",
104 "dist",
105 "lib",
106 "lib-esm"
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108 },
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