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1import { PutObjectCommandInput } from '@aws-sdk/client-s3';
2import { StorageOptions, StorageProvider, S3ProviderGetConfig, S3ProviderGetOuput, S3ProviderPutConfig, S3ProviderRemoveConfig, S3ProviderListConfig, S3ProviderCopyConfig, S3ProviderCopyOutput, S3CopySource, S3CopyDestination, S3ProviderRemoveOutput, S3ProviderPutOutput, S3ProviderListOutput } from '../types';
4 * Provide storage methods to use AWS S3
5 */
6export declare class AWSS3Provider implements StorageProvider {
7 static readonly CATEGORY = "Storage";
8 static readonly PROVIDER_NAME = "AWSS3";
9 private _config;
10 private _storage;
11 /**
12 * Initialize Storage with AWS configurations
13 * @param {Object} config - Configuration object for storage
14 */
15 constructor(config?: StorageOptions);
16 /**
17 * get the category of the plugin
18 */
19 getCategory(): string;
20 /**
21 * get provider name of the plugin
22 */
23 getProviderName(): 'AWSS3';
24 /**
25 * Configure Storage part with aws configuration
26 * @param {Object} config - Configuration of the Storage
27 * @return {Object} - Current configuration
28 */
29 configure(config?: any): object;
30 private startResumableUpload;
31 /**
32 * Copy an object from a source object to a new object within the same bucket. Can optionally copy files across
33 * different level or identityId (if source object's level is 'protected').
34 *
35 * @async
36 * @param {S3CopySource} src - Key and optionally access level and identityId of the source object.
37 * @param {S3CopyDestination} dest - Key and optionally access level of the destination object.
38 * @param {S3ProviderCopyConfig} [config] - Optional configuration for s3 commands.
39 * @return {Promise<S3ProviderCopyOutput>} The key of the copied object.
40 */
41 copy(src: S3CopySource, dest: S3CopyDestination, config?: S3ProviderCopyConfig): Promise<S3ProviderCopyOutput>;
42 /**
43 * Get a presigned URL of the file or the object data when download:true
44 *
45 * @param {string} key - key of the object
46 * @param {S3ProviderGetConfig} [config] - Optional configuration for the underlying S3 command
47 * @return {Promise<string | GetObjectCommandOutput>} - A promise resolves to Amazon S3 presigned URL or the
48 * GetObjectCommandOutput if download is set to true on success
49 */
50 get<T extends S3ProviderGetConfig & StorageOptions>(key: string, config?: T): Promise<S3ProviderGetOuput<T>>;
51 /**
52 * Put a file in S3 bucket specified to configure method
53 * @param key - key of the object
54 * @param object - File to be put in Amazon S3 bucket
55 * @param [config] - Optional configuration for the underlying S3 command
56 * @return an instance of AWSS3UploadTask or a promise that resolves to an object with the new object's key on
57 * success.
58 */
59 put<T extends S3ProviderPutConfig>(key: string, object: PutObjectCommandInput['Body'], config?: T): S3ProviderPutOutput<T>;
60 /**
61 * Remove the object for specified key
62 * @param {string} key - key of the object
63 * @param {S3ProviderRemoveConfig} [config] - Optional configuration for the underlying S3 command
64 * @return {Promise<S3ProviderRemoveOutput>} - Promise resolves upon successful removal of the object
65 */
66 remove(key: string, config?: S3ProviderRemoveConfig): Promise<S3ProviderRemoveOutput>;
67 private _list;
68 /**
69 * List bucket objects relative to the level and prefix specified
70 * @param {string} path - the path that contains objects
71 * @param {S3ProviderListConfig} [config] - Optional configuration for the underlying S3 command
72 * @return {Promise<S3ProviderListOutput>} - Promise resolves to list of keys, eTags, lastModified
73 * and file size for all objects in path
74 */
75 list(path: string, config?: S3ProviderListConfig): Promise<S3ProviderListOutput>;
76 private _ensureCredentials;
77 private _isWithCredentials;
78 private _prefix;
79 /**
80 * Creates an S3 client with new V3 aws sdk
81 */
82 private _createNewS3Client;