771 BJSONView Raw
1//WARNING: If you are manually specifying files to compile then the tsconfig.json is completely ignored, you must use command line flags
3 "compilerOptions": {
4 "outDir": "./lib/",
5 "target": "es5",
6 "noImplicitAny": false,
7 "lib": [
8 "es5",
9 "es2015",
10 "dom",
11 "esnext.asynciterable",
12 "es2017.object"
13 ],
14 "sourceMap": true,
15 "module": "commonjs",
16 "moduleResolution": "node",
17 "allowJs": false,
18 "declaration": true,
19 "typeRoots": [
20 "./node_modules/@types",
21 "../../node_modules/@types"
22 ],
23 // temporary fix
24 "types": ["node", "lodash"]
25 },
26 "include": [
27 "src/**/*"
28 ]
\No newline at end of file