14.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ILogGroup } from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';
2import { IStage } from './stage';
4 * Access log destination for a RestApi Stage.
5 */
6export interface IAccessLogDestination {
7 /**
8 * Binds this destination to the RestApi Stage.
9 */
10 bind(stage: IStage): AccessLogDestinationConfig;
13 * Options when binding a log destination to a RestApi Stage.
14 */
15export interface AccessLogDestinationConfig {
16 /**
17 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination resource
18 */
19 readonly destinationArn: string;
22 * Use CloudWatch Logs as a custom access log destination for API Gateway.
23 */
24export declare class LogGroupLogDestination implements IAccessLogDestination {
25 private readonly logGroup;
26 constructor(logGroup: ILogGroup);
27 /**
28 * Binds this destination to the CloudWatch Logs.
29 */
30 bind(_stage: IStage): AccessLogDestinationConfig;
33 * $context variables that can be used to customize access log pattern.
34 */
35export declare class AccessLogField {
36 /**
37 * The API owner's AWS account ID.
38 */
39 static contextAccountId(): string;
40 /**
41 * The identifier API Gateway assigns to your API.
42 */
43 static contextApiId(): string;
44 /**
45 * A property of the claims returned from the Amazon Cognito user pool after the method caller is successfully authenticated.
46 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-integrate-with-cognito.html
47 *
48 * @param property A property key of the claims.
49 */
50 static contextAuthorizerClaims(property: string): string;
51 /**
52 * The principal user identification associated with the token sent by the client and returned
53 * from an API Gateway Lambda authorizer (formerly known as a custom authorizer).
54 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-use-lambda-authorizer.html
55 */
56 static contextAuthorizerPrincipalId(): string;
57 /**
58 * The stringified value of the specified key-value pair of the `context` map returned from an API Gateway Lambda authorizer function.
59 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-use-lambda-authorizer.html
60 * @param property key of the context map.
61 */
62 static contextAuthorizer(property: string): string;
63 /**
64 * The AWS endpoint's request ID.
65 */
66 static contextAwsEndpointRequestId(): string;
67 /**
68 * The full domain name used to invoke the API. This should be the same as the incoming `Host` header.
69 */
70 static contextDomainName(): string;
71 /**
72 * The first label of the `$context.domainName`. This is often used as a caller/customer identifier.
73 */
74 static contextDomainPrefix(): string;
75 /**
76 * A string containing an API Gateway error message.
77 */
78 static contextErrorMessage(): string;
79 /**
80 * The quoted value of $context.error.message, namely "$context.error.message".
81 */
82 static contextErrorMessageString(): string;
83 /**
84 * A type of GatewayResponse. This variable can only be used for simple variable substitution in a GatewayResponse body-mapping template,
85 * which is not processed by the Velocity Template Language engine, and in access logging.
86 *
87 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-websocket-api-logging.html
88 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/customize-gateway-responses.html
89 */
90 static contextErrorResponseType(): string;
91 /**
92 * A string containing a detailed validation error message.
93 */
94 static contextErrorValidationErrorString(): string;
95 /**
96 * The extended ID that API Gateway assigns to the API request, which contains more useful information for debugging/troubleshooting.
97 */
98 static contextExtendedRequestId(): string;
99 /**
100 * The HTTP method used. Valid values include: `DELETE`, `GET`, `HEAD`, `OPTIONS`, `PATCH`, `POST`, and `PUT`.
101 */
102 static contextHttpMethod(): string;
103 /**
104 * The AWS account ID associated with the request.
105 */
106 static contextIdentityAccountId(): string;
107 /**
108 * For API methods that require an API key, this variable is the API key associated with the method request.
109 * For methods that don't require an API key, this variable is
110 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-api-usage-plans.html
111 */
112 static contextIdentityApiKey(): string;
113 /**
114 * The API key ID associated with an API request that requires an API key.
115 */
116 static contextIdentityApiKeyId(): string;
117 /**
118 * The principal identifier of the caller making the request.
119 */
120 static contextIdentityCaller(): string;
121 /**
122 * The Amazon Cognito authentication provider used by the caller making the request.
123 * Available only if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.
124 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/cognito-identity.html
125 */
126 static contextIdentityCognitoAuthenticationProvider(): string;
127 /**
128 * The Amazon Cognito authentication type of the caller making the request.
129 * Available only if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.
130 */
131 static contextIdentityCognitoAuthenticationType(): string;
132 /**
133 * The Amazon Cognito identity ID of the caller making the request. Available only if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.
134 */
135 static contextIdentityCognitoIdentityId(): string;
136 /**
137 * The Amazon Cognito identity pool ID of the caller making the request.
138 * Available only if the request was signed with Amazon Cognito credentials.
139 */
140 static contextIdentityCognitoIdentityPoolId(): string;
141 /**
142 * The AWS organization ID.
143 */
144 static contextIdentityPrincipalOrgId(): string;
145 /**
146 * The source IP address of the TCP connection making the request to API Gateway.
147 * Warning: You should not trust this value if there is any chance that the `X-Forwarded-For` header could be forged.
148 */
149 static contextIdentitySourceIp(): string;
150 /**
151 * The principal identifier of the user making the request. Used in Lambda authorizers.
152 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-lambda-authorizer-output.html
153 */
154 static contextIdentityUser(): string;
155 /**
156 * The User-Agent header of the API caller.
157 */
158 static contextIdentityUserAgent(): string;
159 /**
160 * The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the effective user identified after authentication.
161 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_users.html
162 */
163 static contextIdentityUserArn(): string;
164 /**
165 * The request path.
166 * For example, for a non-proxy request URL of https://{rest-api-id.execute-api.{region}.amazonaws.com/{stage}/root/child,
167 * this value is /{stage}/root/child.
168 */
169 static contextPath(): string;
170 /**
171 * The request protocol, for example, HTTP/1.1.
172 */
173 static contextProtocol(): string;
174 /**
175 * The ID that API Gateway assigns to the API request.
176 */
177 static contextRequestId(): string;
178 /**
179 * The request header override.
180 * If this parameter is defined, it contains the headers to be used instead of the HTTP Headers that are defined in the Integration Request pane.
181 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-override-request-response-parameters.html
182 *
183 * @param headerName
184 */
185 static contextRequestOverrideHeader(headerName: string): string;
186 /**
187 * The request path override. If this parameter is defined,
188 * it contains the request path to be used instead of the URL Path Parameters that are defined in the Integration Request pane.
189 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-override-request-response-parameters.html
190 *
191 * @param pathName
192 */
193 static contextRequestOverridePath(pathName: string): string;
194 /**
195 * The request query string override.
196 * If this parameter is defined, it contains the request query strings to be used instead
197 * of the URL Query String Parameters that are defined in the Integration Request pane.
198 *
199 * @param querystringName
200 */
201 static contextRequestOverrideQuerystring(querystringName: string): string;
202 /**
203 * The response header override.
204 * If this parameter is defined, it contains the header to be returned instead of the Response header
205 * that is defined as the Default mapping in the Integration Response pane.
206 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-override-request-response-parameters.html
207 *
208 * @param headerName
209 */
210 static contextResponseOverrideHeader(headerName: string): string;
211 /**
212 * The response status code override.
213 * If this parameter is defined, it contains the status code to be returned instead of the Method response status
214 * that is defined as the Default mapping in the Integration Response pane.
215 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-override-request-response-parameters.html
216 */
217 static contextResponseOverrideStatus(): string;
218 /**
219 * The CLF-formatted request time (dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss +-hhmm).
220 */
221 static contextRequestTime(): string;
222 /**
223 * The Epoch-formatted request time.
224 */
225 static contextRequestTimeEpoch(): string;
226 /**
227 * The identifier that API Gateway assigns to your resource.
228 */
229 static contextResourceId(): string;
230 /**
231 * The path to your resource.
232 * For example, for the non-proxy request URI of `https://{rest-api-id.execute-api.{region}.amazonaws.com/{stage}/root/child`,
233 * The $context.resourcePath value is `/root/child`.
234 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/api-gateway-create-api-step-by-step.html
235 */
236 static contextResourcePath(): string;
237 /**
238 * The deployment stage of the API request (for example, `Beta` or `Prod`).
239 */
240 static contextStage(): string;
241 /**
242 * The response received from AWS WAF: `WAF_ALLOW` or `WAF_BLOCK`. Will not be set if the stage is not associated with a web ACL.
243 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-control-access-aws-waf.html
244 */
245 static contextWafResponseCode(): string;
246 /**
247 * The complete ARN of the web ACL that is used to decide whether to allow or block the request.
248 * Will not be set if the stage is not associated with a web ACL.
249 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-control-access-aws-waf.html
250 */
251 static contextWebaclArn(): string;
252 /**
253 * The trace ID for the X-Ray trace.
254 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/apigateway/latest/developerguide/apigateway-enabling-xray.html
255 */
256 static contextXrayTraceId(): string;
257 /**
258 * The authorizer latency in ms.
259 */
260 static contextAuthorizerIntegrationLatency(): string;
261 /**
262 * The integration latency in ms.
263 */
264 static contextIntegrationLatency(): string;
265 /**
266 * For Lambda proxy integration, this parameter represents the status code returned from AWS Lambda,
267 * not from the backend Lambda function.
268 */
269 static contextIntegrationStatus(): string;
270 /**
271 * The response latency in ms.
272 */
273 static contextResponseLatency(): string;
274 /**
275 * The response payload length.
276 */
277 static contextResponseLength(): string;
278 /**
279 * The method response status.
280 */
281 static contextStatus(): string;
284 * Properties for controlling items output in JSON standard format
285 */
286export interface JsonWithStandardFieldProps {
287 /**
288 * If this flag is enabled, the source IP of request will be output to the log
289 */
290 readonly ip: boolean;
291 /**
292 * If this flag is enabled, the principal identifier of the caller will be output to the log
293 */
294 readonly caller: boolean;
295 /**
296 * If this flag is enabled, the principal identifier of the user will be output to the log
297 */
298 readonly user: boolean;
299 /**
300 * If this flag is enabled, the CLF-formatted request time((dd/MMM/yyyy:HH:mm:ss +-hhmm) will be output to the log
301 */
302 readonly requestTime: boolean;
303 /**
304 * If this flag is enabled, the http method will be output to the log
305 */
306 readonly httpMethod: boolean;
307 /**
308 * If this flag is enabled, the path to your resource will be output to the log
309 */
310 readonly resourcePath: boolean;
311 /**
312 * If this flag is enabled, the method response status will be output to the log
313 */
314 readonly status: boolean;
315 /**
316 * If this flag is enabled, the request protocol will be output to the log
317 */
318 readonly protocol: boolean;
319 /**
320 * If this flag is enabled, the response payload length will be output to the log
321 */
322 readonly responseLength: boolean;
325 * factory methods for access log format.
326 */
327export declare class AccessLogFormat {
328 /**
329 * Custom log format.
330 * You can create any log format string. You can easily get the $ context variable by using the methods of AccessLogField.
331 * @param format
332 * @example
333 *
334 * apigateway.AccessLogFormat.custom(JSON.stringify({
335 * requestId: apigateway.AccessLogField.contextRequestId(),
336 * sourceIp: apigateway.AccessLogField.contextIdentitySourceIp(),
337 * method: apigateway.AccessLogField.contextHttpMethod(),
338 * userContext: {
339 * sub: apigateway.AccessLogField.contextAuthorizerClaims('sub'),
340 * email: apigateway.AccessLogField.contextAuthorizerClaims('email')
341 * }
342 * }))
343 */
344 static custom(format: string): AccessLogFormat;
345 /**
346 * Generate Common Log Format.
347 */
348 static clf(): AccessLogFormat;
349 /**
350 * Access log will be produced in the JSON format with a set of fields most useful in the access log. All fields are turned on by default with the
351 * option to turn off specific fields.
352 */
353 static jsonWithStandardFields(fields?: JsonWithStandardFieldProps): AccessLogFormat;
354 /**
355 * A API Gateway custom access log format
356 */
357 private readonly format;
358 private constructor();
359 /**
360 * Output a format string to be used with CloudFormation.
361 */
362 toString(): string;