1 | # AWS Certificate Manager Construct Library
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6 | ![End-of-Support](https://img.shields.io/badge/End--of--Support-critical.svg?style=for-the-badge)
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8 | > AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01.
9 | > This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2.
10 | >
11 | > For more information on how to migrate, see the [_Migrating to AWS CDK v2_ guide][doc].
12 | >
13 | > [doc]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/v2/guide/migrating-v2.html
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19 | AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) handles the complexity of creating, storing, and renewing public and private SSL/TLS X.509 certificates and keys that
20 | protect your AWS websites and applications. ACM certificates can secure singular domain names, multiple specific domain names, wildcard domains, or
21 | combinations of these. ACM wildcard certificates can protect an unlimited number of subdomains.
22 |
23 | This package provides Constructs for provisioning and referencing ACM certificates which can be used with CloudFront and ELB.
24 |
25 | After requesting a certificate, you will need to prove that you own the
26 | domain in question before the certificate will be granted. The CloudFormation
27 | deployment will wait until this verification process has been completed.
28 |
29 | Because of this wait time, when using manual validation methods, it's better
30 | to provision your certificates either in a separate stack from your main
31 | service, or provision them manually and import them into your CDK application.
32 |
33 | **Note:** There is a limit on total number of ACM certificates that can be requested on an account and region within a year.
34 | The default limit is 2000, but this limit may be (much) lower on new AWS accounts.
35 | See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/acm-limits.html for more information.
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37 | ## DNS validation
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39 | DNS validation is the preferred method to validate domain ownership, as it has a number of advantages over email validation.
40 | See also [Validate with DNS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/gs-acm-validate-dns.html)
41 | in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.
42 |
43 | If Amazon Route 53 is your DNS provider for the requested domain, the DNS record can be
44 | created automatically:
45 |
46 | ```ts
47 | const myHostedZone = new route53.HostedZone(this, 'HostedZone', {
48 | zoneName: 'example.com',
49 | });
50 | new acm.Certificate(this, 'Certificate', {
51 | domainName: 'hello.example.com',
52 | validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromDns(myHostedZone),
53 | });
54 | ```
55 |
56 | If Route 53 is not your DNS provider, the DNS records must be added manually and the stack will not complete
57 | creating until the records are added.
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59 | ```ts
60 | new acm.Certificate(this, 'Certificate', {
61 | domainName: 'hello.example.com',
62 | validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromDns(), // Records must be added manually
63 | });
64 | ```
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66 | When working with multiple domains, use the `CertificateValidation.fromDnsMultiZone()`:
67 |
68 | ```ts
69 | const exampleCom = new route53.HostedZone(this, 'ExampleCom', {
70 | zoneName: 'example.com',
71 | });
72 | const exampleNet = new route53.HostedZone(this, 'ExampleNet', {
73 | zoneName: 'example.net',
74 | });
75 |
76 | const cert = new acm.Certificate(this, 'Certificate', {
77 | domainName: 'test.example.com',
78 | subjectAlternativeNames: ['cool.example.com', 'test.example.net'],
79 | validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromDnsMultiZone({
80 | 'test.example.com': exampleCom,
81 | 'cool.example.com': exampleCom,
82 | 'test.example.net': exampleNet,
83 | }),
84 | });
85 | ```
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87 | ## Email validation
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89 | Email-validated certificates (the default) are validated by receiving an
90 | email on one of a number of predefined domains and following the instructions
91 | in the email.
92 |
93 | See [Validate with Email](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/gs-acm-validate-email.html)
94 | in the AWS Certificate Manager User Guide.
95 |
96 | ```ts
97 | new acm.Certificate(this, 'Certificate', {
98 | domainName: 'hello.example.com',
99 | validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromEmail(), // Optional, this is the default
100 | });
101 | ```
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103 | ## Cross-region Certificates
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105 | ACM certificates that are used with CloudFront -- or higher-level constructs which rely on CloudFront -- must be in the `us-east-1` region.
106 | The `DnsValidatedCertificate` construct exists to facilitate creating these certificates cross-region. This resource can only be used with
107 | Route53-based DNS validation.
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109 | ```ts
110 | declare const myHostedZone: route53.HostedZone;
111 | new acm.DnsValidatedCertificate(this, 'CrossRegionCertificate', {
112 | domainName: 'hello.example.com',
113 | hostedZone: myHostedZone,
114 | region: 'us-east-1',
115 | });
116 | ```
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118 | ## Requesting private certificates
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120 | AWS Certificate Manager can create [private certificates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm/latest/userguide/gs-acm-request-private.html) issued by [Private Certificate Authority (PCA)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/acm-pca/latest/userguide/PcaWelcome.html). Validation of private certificates is not necessary.
121 |
122 | ```ts
123 | import * as acmpca from '@aws-cdk/aws-acmpca';
124 |
125 | new acm.PrivateCertificate(this, 'PrivateCertificate', {
126 | domainName: 'test.example.com',
127 | subjectAlternativeNames: ['cool.example.com', 'test.example.net'], // optional
128 | certificateAuthority: acmpca.CertificateAuthority.fromCertificateAuthorityArn(this, 'CA',
129 | 'arn:aws:acm-pca:us-east-1:123456789012:certificate-authority/023077d8-2bfa-4eb0-8f22-05c96deade77'),
130 | });
131 | ```
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133 | ## Importing
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135 | If you want to import an existing certificate, you can do so from its ARN:
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137 | ```ts
138 | const arn = 'arn:aws:...';
139 | const certificate = acm.Certificate.fromCertificateArn(this, 'Certificate', arn);
140 | ```
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142 | ## Sharing between Stacks
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144 | To share the certificate between stacks in the same CDK application, simply
145 | pass the `Certificate` object between the stacks.
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147 | ## Metrics
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149 | The `DaysToExpiry` metric is available via the `metricDaysToExpiry` method for
150 | all certificates. This metric is emitted by AWS Certificates Manager once per
151 | day until the certificate has effectively expired.
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153 | An alarm can be created to determine whether a certificate is soon due for
154 | renewal ussing the following code:
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156 | ```ts
157 | import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';
158 |
159 | declare const myHostedZone: route53.HostedZone;
160 | const certificate = new acm.Certificate(this, 'Certificate', {
161 | domainName: 'hello.example.com',
162 | validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromDns(myHostedZone),
163 | });
164 | certificate.metricDaysToExpiry().createAlarm(this, 'Alarm', {
165 | comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,
166 | evaluationPeriods: 1,
167 | threshold: 45, // Automatic rotation happens between 60 and 45 days before expiry
168 | });
169 | ```