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8 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_custom_resource = cloudformation.CfnCustomResource(self, \"MyCfnCustomResource\",\n service_token=\"serviceToken\"\n)",
9 "version": "2"
10 },
11 "csharp": {
12 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnCustomResource cfnCustomResource = new CfnCustomResource(this, \"MyCfnCustomResource\", new CfnCustomResourceProps {\n ServiceToken = \"serviceToken\"\n});",
13 "version": "1"
14 },
15 "java": {
16 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnCustomResource cfnCustomResource = CfnCustomResource.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnCustomResource\")\n .serviceToken(\"serviceToken\")\n .build();",
17 "version": "1"
18 },
19 "go": {
20 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnCustomResource := cloudformation.NewCfnCustomResource(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnCustomResource\"), &cfnCustomResourceProps{\n\tserviceToken: jsii.String(\"serviceToken\"),\n})",
21 "version": "1"
22 },
23 "$": {
24 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnCustomResource = new cloudformation.CfnCustomResource(this, 'MyCfnCustomResource', {\n serviceToken: 'serviceToken',\n});",
25 "version": "0"
26 }
27 },
28 "location": {
29 "api": {
30 "api": "type",
31 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResource"
32 },
33 "field": {
34 "field": "example"
35 }
36 },
37 "didCompile": true,
38 "fqnsReferenced": [
39 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResource",
40 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps",
41 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
42 ],
43 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnCustomResource = new cloudformation.CfnCustomResource(this, 'MyCfnCustomResource', {\n serviceToken: 'serviceToken',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
44 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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57 "281": 1,
58 "290": 1
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63 "translations": {
64 "python": {
65 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_custom_resource_props = cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps(\n service_token=\"serviceToken\"\n)",
66 "version": "2"
67 },
68 "csharp": {
69 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnCustomResourceProps cfnCustomResourceProps = new CfnCustomResourceProps {\n ServiceToken = \"serviceToken\"\n};",
70 "version": "1"
71 },
72 "java": {
73 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnCustomResourceProps cfnCustomResourceProps = CfnCustomResourceProps.builder()\n .serviceToken(\"serviceToken\")\n .build();",
74 "version": "1"
75 },
76 "go": {
77 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnCustomResourceProps := &cfnCustomResourceProps{\n\tserviceToken: jsii.String(\"serviceToken\"),\n}",
78 "version": "1"
79 },
80 "$": {
81 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnCustomResourceProps: cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps = {\n serviceToken: 'serviceToken',\n};",
82 "version": "0"
83 }
84 },
85 "location": {
86 "api": {
87 "api": "type",
88 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps"
89 },
90 "field": {
91 "field": "example"
92 }
93 },
94 "didCompile": true,
95 "fqnsReferenced": [
96 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps"
97 ],
98 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnCustomResourceProps: cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps = {\n serviceToken: 'serviceToken',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
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112 "290": 1
113 },
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117 "translations": {
118 "python": {
119 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_hook_default_version = cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersion(self, \"MyCfnHookDefaultVersion\",\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n type_version_arn=\"typeVersionArn\",\n version_id=\"versionId\"\n)",
120 "version": "2"
121 },
122 "csharp": {
123 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnHookDefaultVersion cfnHookDefaultVersion = new CfnHookDefaultVersion(this, \"MyCfnHookDefaultVersion\", new CfnHookDefaultVersionProps {\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n TypeVersionArn = \"typeVersionArn\",\n VersionId = \"versionId\"\n});",
124 "version": "1"
125 },
126 "java": {
127 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnHookDefaultVersion cfnHookDefaultVersion = CfnHookDefaultVersion.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnHookDefaultVersion\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .typeVersionArn(\"typeVersionArn\")\n .versionId(\"versionId\")\n .build();",
128 "version": "1"
129 },
130 "go": {
131 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnHookDefaultVersion := cloudformation.NewCfnHookDefaultVersion(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnHookDefaultVersion\"), &cfnHookDefaultVersionProps{\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\ttypeVersionArn: jsii.String(\"typeVersionArn\"),\n\tversionId: jsii.String(\"versionId\"),\n})",
132 "version": "1"
133 },
134 "$": {
135 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookDefaultVersion = new cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersion(this, 'MyCfnHookDefaultVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n});",
136 "version": "0"
137 }
138 },
139 "location": {
140 "api": {
141 "api": "type",
142 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersion"
143 },
144 "field": {
145 "field": "example"
146 }
147 },
148 "didCompile": true,
149 "fqnsReferenced": [
150 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersion",
151 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps",
152 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
153 ],
154 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnHookDefaultVersion = new cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersion(this, 'MyCfnHookDefaultVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
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164 "243": 1,
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174 "translations": {
175 "python": {
176 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_hook_default_version_props = cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps(\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n type_version_arn=\"typeVersionArn\",\n version_id=\"versionId\"\n)",
177 "version": "2"
178 },
179 "csharp": {
180 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnHookDefaultVersionProps cfnHookDefaultVersionProps = new CfnHookDefaultVersionProps {\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n TypeVersionArn = \"typeVersionArn\",\n VersionId = \"versionId\"\n};",
181 "version": "1"
182 },
183 "java": {
184 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnHookDefaultVersionProps cfnHookDefaultVersionProps = CfnHookDefaultVersionProps.builder()\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .typeVersionArn(\"typeVersionArn\")\n .versionId(\"versionId\")\n .build();",
185 "version": "1"
186 },
187 "go": {
188 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnHookDefaultVersionProps := &cfnHookDefaultVersionProps{\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\ttypeVersionArn: jsii.String(\"typeVersionArn\"),\n\tversionId: jsii.String(\"versionId\"),\n}",
189 "version": "1"
190 },
191 "$": {
192 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookDefaultVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps = {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n};",
193 "version": "0"
194 }
195 },
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197 "api": {
198 "api": "type",
199 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps"
200 },
201 "field": {
202 "field": "example"
203 }
204 },
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206 "fqnsReferenced": [
207 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps"
208 ],
209 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnHookDefaultVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps = {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
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218 "243": 1,
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223 "290": 1
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228 "translations": {
229 "python": {
230 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_hook_type_config = cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfig(self, \"MyCfnHookTypeConfig\",\n configuration=\"configuration\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n configuration_alias=\"configurationAlias\",\n type_arn=\"typeArn\",\n type_name=\"typeName\"\n)",
231 "version": "2"
232 },
233 "csharp": {
234 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnHookTypeConfig cfnHookTypeConfig = new CfnHookTypeConfig(this, \"MyCfnHookTypeConfig\", new CfnHookTypeConfigProps {\n Configuration = \"configuration\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ConfigurationAlias = \"configurationAlias\",\n TypeArn = \"typeArn\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\"\n});",
235 "version": "1"
236 },
237 "java": {
238 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnHookTypeConfig cfnHookTypeConfig = CfnHookTypeConfig.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnHookTypeConfig\")\n .configuration(\"configuration\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .configurationAlias(\"configurationAlias\")\n .typeArn(\"typeArn\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .build();",
239 "version": "1"
240 },
241 "go": {
242 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnHookTypeConfig := cloudformation.NewCfnHookTypeConfig(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnHookTypeConfig\"), &cfnHookTypeConfigProps{\n\tconfiguration: jsii.String(\"configuration\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tconfigurationAlias: jsii.String(\"configurationAlias\"),\n\ttypeArn: jsii.String(\"typeArn\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n})",
243 "version": "1"
244 },
245 "$": {
246 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookTypeConfig = new cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfig(this, 'MyCfnHookTypeConfig', {\n configuration: 'configuration',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n configurationAlias: 'configurationAlias',\n typeArn: 'typeArn',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n});",
247 "version": "0"
248 }
249 },
250 "location": {
251 "api": {
252 "api": "type",
253 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfig"
254 },
255 "field": {
256 "field": "example"
257 }
258 },
259 "didCompile": true,
260 "fqnsReferenced": [
261 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfig",
262 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps",
263 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
264 ],
265 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnHookTypeConfig = new cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfig(this, 'MyCfnHookTypeConfig', {\n configuration: 'configuration',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n configurationAlias: 'configurationAlias',\n typeArn: 'typeArn',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
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285 "translations": {
286 "python": {
287 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_hook_type_config_props = cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps(\n configuration=\"configuration\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n configuration_alias=\"configurationAlias\",\n type_arn=\"typeArn\",\n type_name=\"typeName\"\n)",
288 "version": "2"
289 },
290 "csharp": {
291 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnHookTypeConfigProps cfnHookTypeConfigProps = new CfnHookTypeConfigProps {\n Configuration = \"configuration\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ConfigurationAlias = \"configurationAlias\",\n TypeArn = \"typeArn\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\"\n};",
292 "version": "1"
293 },
294 "java": {
295 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnHookTypeConfigProps cfnHookTypeConfigProps = CfnHookTypeConfigProps.builder()\n .configuration(\"configuration\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .configurationAlias(\"configurationAlias\")\n .typeArn(\"typeArn\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .build();",
296 "version": "1"
297 },
298 "go": {
299 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnHookTypeConfigProps := &cfnHookTypeConfigProps{\n\tconfiguration: jsii.String(\"configuration\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tconfigurationAlias: jsii.String(\"configurationAlias\"),\n\ttypeArn: jsii.String(\"typeArn\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n}",
300 "version": "1"
301 },
302 "$": {
303 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookTypeConfigProps: cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps = {\n configuration: 'configuration',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n configurationAlias: 'configurationAlias',\n typeArn: 'typeArn',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n};",
304 "version": "0"
305 }
306 },
307 "location": {
308 "api": {
309 "api": "type",
310 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps"
311 },
312 "field": {
313 "field": "example"
314 }
315 },
316 "didCompile": true,
317 "fqnsReferenced": [
318 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps"
319 ],
320 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnHookTypeConfigProps: cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps = {\n configuration: 'configuration',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n configurationAlias: 'configurationAlias',\n typeArn: 'typeArn',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
321 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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323 "75": 8,
324 "153": 1,
325 "169": 1,
326 "193": 1,
327 "225": 1,
328 "242": 1,
329 "243": 1,
330 "254": 1,
331 "255": 1,
332 "256": 1,
333 "281": 4,
334 "290": 1
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339 "translations": {
340 "python": {
341 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_hook_version = cloudformation.CfnHookVersion(self, \"MyCfnHookVersion\",\n schema_handler_package=\"schemaHandlerPackage\",\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n execution_role_arn=\"executionRoleArn\",\n logging_config=cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n )\n)",
342 "version": "2"
343 },
344 "csharp": {
345 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnHookVersion cfnHookVersion = new CfnHookVersion(this, \"MyCfnHookVersion\", new CfnHookVersionProps {\n SchemaHandlerPackage = \"schemaHandlerPackage\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExecutionRoleArn = \"executionRoleArn\",\n LoggingConfig = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n }\n});",
346 "version": "1"
347 },
348 "java": {
349 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnHookVersion cfnHookVersion = CfnHookVersion.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnHookVersion\")\n .schemaHandlerPackage(\"schemaHandlerPackage\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .executionRoleArn(\"executionRoleArn\")\n .loggingConfig(LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build())\n .build();",
350 "version": "1"
351 },
352 "go": {
353 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnHookVersion := cloudformation.NewCfnHookVersion(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnHookVersion\"), &cfnHookVersionProps{\n\tschemaHandlerPackage: jsii.String(\"schemaHandlerPackage\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\texecutionRoleArn: jsii.String(\"executionRoleArn\"),\n\tloggingConfig: &loggingConfigProperty{\n\t\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\t\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n\t},\n})",
354 "version": "1"
355 },
356 "$": {
357 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookVersion = new cloudformation.CfnHookVersion(this, 'MyCfnHookVersion', {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n});",
358 "version": "0"
359 }
360 },
361 "location": {
362 "api": {
363 "api": "type",
364 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion"
365 },
366 "field": {
367 "field": "example"
368 }
369 },
370 "didCompile": true,
371 "fqnsReferenced": [
372 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion",
373 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps",
374 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
375 ],
376 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnHookVersion = new cloudformation.CfnHookVersion(this, 'MyCfnHookVersion', {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
377 "syntaxKindCounter": {
378 "10": 7,
379 "75": 10,
380 "104": 1,
381 "193": 2,
382 "194": 1,
383 "197": 1,
384 "225": 1,
385 "242": 1,
386 "243": 1,
387 "254": 1,
388 "255": 1,
389 "256": 1,
390 "281": 6,
391 "290": 1
392 },
393 "fqnsFingerprint": "b65c160c68a93752472fdce582396db5b699acef91da2c48b80cb12d1be0729e"
394 },
395 "5a5e8eb2e49feed924800d748e9dada7f03a365d2d63de80295446ae315a113e": {
396 "translations": {
397 "python": {
398 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\nlogging_config_property = cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n)",
399 "version": "2"
400 },
401 "csharp": {
402 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nLoggingConfigProperty loggingConfigProperty = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n};",
403 "version": "1"
404 },
405 "java": {
406 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nLoggingConfigProperty loggingConfigProperty = LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build();",
407 "version": "1"
408 },
409 "go": {
410 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\nloggingConfigProperty := &loggingConfigProperty{\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n}",
411 "version": "1"
412 },
413 "$": {
414 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst loggingConfigProperty: cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};",
415 "version": "0"
416 }
417 },
418 "location": {
419 "api": {
420 "api": "type",
421 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty"
422 },
423 "field": {
424 "field": "example"
425 }
426 },
427 "didCompile": true,
428 "fqnsReferenced": [
429 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty"
430 ],
431 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst loggingConfigProperty: cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
432 "syntaxKindCounter": {
433 "10": 3,
434 "75": 7,
435 "153": 2,
436 "169": 1,
437 "193": 1,
438 "225": 1,
439 "242": 1,
440 "243": 1,
441 "254": 1,
442 "255": 1,
443 "256": 1,
444 "281": 2,
445 "290": 1
446 },
447 "fqnsFingerprint": "1c7d577361fb683f311cde1c9e5397c3bc5fe5a18d2b970b36288902c2189fd5"
448 },
449 "e706cfd627d28be3e862c1c44b1b755cc08e90ffa9e2c22162f84540104aa61d": {
450 "translations": {
451 "python": {
452 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_hook_version_props = cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps(\n schema_handler_package=\"schemaHandlerPackage\",\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n execution_role_arn=\"executionRoleArn\",\n logging_config=cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n )\n)",
453 "version": "2"
454 },
455 "csharp": {
456 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnHookVersionProps cfnHookVersionProps = new CfnHookVersionProps {\n SchemaHandlerPackage = \"schemaHandlerPackage\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExecutionRoleArn = \"executionRoleArn\",\n LoggingConfig = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n }\n};",
457 "version": "1"
458 },
459 "java": {
460 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnHookVersionProps cfnHookVersionProps = CfnHookVersionProps.builder()\n .schemaHandlerPackage(\"schemaHandlerPackage\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .executionRoleArn(\"executionRoleArn\")\n .loggingConfig(LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build())\n .build();",
461 "version": "1"
462 },
463 "go": {
464 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnHookVersionProps := &cfnHookVersionProps{\n\tschemaHandlerPackage: jsii.String(\"schemaHandlerPackage\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\texecutionRoleArn: jsii.String(\"executionRoleArn\"),\n\tloggingConfig: &loggingConfigProperty{\n\t\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\t\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n\t},\n}",
465 "version": "1"
466 },
467 "$": {
468 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps = {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n};",
469 "version": "0"
470 }
471 },
472 "location": {
473 "api": {
474 "api": "type",
475 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps"
476 },
477 "field": {
478 "field": "example"
479 }
480 },
481 "didCompile": true,
482 "fqnsReferenced": [
483 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps"
484 ],
485 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnHookVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps = {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
486 "syntaxKindCounter": {
487 "10": 6,
488 "75": 10,
489 "153": 1,
490 "169": 1,
491 "193": 2,
492 "225": 1,
493 "242": 1,
494 "243": 1,
495 "254": 1,
496 "255": 1,
497 "256": 1,
498 "281": 6,
499 "290": 1
500 },
501 "fqnsFingerprint": "553e51190bf5ecc245631a59aef80be916c40e51007fe69384e3032a26947b11"
502 },
503 "60a7f6beb540b234e207adc5430837b64cf493df7ab2c976381e520987e1bbe8": {
504 "translations": {
505 "python": {
506 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_macro = cloudformation.CfnMacro(self, \"MyCfnMacro\",\n function_name=\"functionName\",\n name=\"name\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n description=\"description\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n)",
507 "version": "2"
508 },
509 "csharp": {
510 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnMacro cfnMacro = new CfnMacro(this, \"MyCfnMacro\", new CfnMacroProps {\n FunctionName = \"functionName\",\n Name = \"name\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Description = \"description\",\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n});",
511 "version": "1"
512 },
513 "java": {
514 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnMacro cfnMacro = CfnMacro.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnMacro\")\n .functionName(\"functionName\")\n .name(\"name\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .description(\"description\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build();",
515 "version": "1"
516 },
517 "go": {
518 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnMacro := cloudformation.NewCfnMacro(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnMacro\"), &cfnMacroProps{\n\tfunctionName: jsii.String(\"functionName\"),\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n})",
519 "version": "1"
520 },
521 "$": {
522 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnMacro = new cloudformation.CfnMacro(this, 'MyCfnMacro', {\n functionName: 'functionName',\n name: 'name',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n});",
523 "version": "0"
524 }
525 },
526 "location": {
527 "api": {
528 "api": "type",
529 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacro"
530 },
531 "field": {
532 "field": "example"
533 }
534 },
535 "didCompile": true,
536 "fqnsReferenced": [
537 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacro",
538 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacroProps",
539 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
540 ],
541 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnMacro = new cloudformation.CfnMacro(this, 'MyCfnMacro', {\n functionName: 'functionName',\n name: 'name',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
542 "syntaxKindCounter": {
543 "10": 7,
544 "75": 9,
545 "104": 1,
546 "193": 1,
547 "194": 1,
548 "197": 1,
549 "225": 1,
550 "242": 1,
551 "243": 1,
552 "254": 1,
553 "255": 1,
554 "256": 1,
555 "281": 5,
556 "290": 1
557 },
558 "fqnsFingerprint": "18ebc36eee42c4a39fc4d325d839ac296f7bfdc23f4935fc5dbc4f664bc6a8d5"
559 },
560 "95e6801b6c2a5f0b1ca88ca1c59f0361c81d229dfe9b3d21776d6d9bcf2b1ff5": {
561 "translations": {
562 "python": {
563 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_macro_props = cloudformation.CfnMacroProps(\n function_name=\"functionName\",\n name=\"name\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n description=\"description\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n)",
564 "version": "2"
565 },
566 "csharp": {
567 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnMacroProps cfnMacroProps = new CfnMacroProps {\n FunctionName = \"functionName\",\n Name = \"name\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Description = \"description\",\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n};",
568 "version": "1"
569 },
570 "java": {
571 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnMacroProps cfnMacroProps = CfnMacroProps.builder()\n .functionName(\"functionName\")\n .name(\"name\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .description(\"description\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build();",
572 "version": "1"
573 },
574 "go": {
575 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnMacroProps := &cfnMacroProps{\n\tfunctionName: jsii.String(\"functionName\"),\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n}",
576 "version": "1"
577 },
578 "$": {
579 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnMacroProps: cloudformation.CfnMacroProps = {\n functionName: 'functionName',\n name: 'name',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};",
580 "version": "0"
581 }
582 },
583 "location": {
584 "api": {
585 "api": "type",
586 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacroProps"
587 },
588 "field": {
589 "field": "example"
590 }
591 },
592 "didCompile": true,
593 "fqnsReferenced": [
594 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacroProps"
595 ],
596 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnMacroProps: cloudformation.CfnMacroProps = {\n functionName: 'functionName',\n name: 'name',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
597 "syntaxKindCounter": {
598 "10": 6,
599 "75": 9,
600 "153": 1,
601 "169": 1,
602 "193": 1,
603 "225": 1,
604 "242": 1,
605 "243": 1,
606 "254": 1,
607 "255": 1,
608 "256": 1,
609 "281": 5,
610 "290": 1
611 },
612 "fqnsFingerprint": "32f6a6f6a24858cb741e856acf533ea86c99cb2a5cc0b48c361b048a9bed82d0"
613 },
614 "5cbc71bcc50b1b32beaf114a013b5fef0e3a953c15df56ad2d475a998b796184": {
615 "translations": {
616 "python": {
617 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_module_default_version = cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersion(self, \"MyCfnModuleDefaultVersion\",\n arn=\"arn\",\n module_name=\"moduleName\",\n version_id=\"versionId\"\n)",
618 "version": "2"
619 },
620 "csharp": {
621 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnModuleDefaultVersion cfnModuleDefaultVersion = new CfnModuleDefaultVersion(this, \"MyCfnModuleDefaultVersion\", new CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps {\n Arn = \"arn\",\n ModuleName = \"moduleName\",\n VersionId = \"versionId\"\n});",
622 "version": "1"
623 },
624 "java": {
625 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnModuleDefaultVersion cfnModuleDefaultVersion = CfnModuleDefaultVersion.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnModuleDefaultVersion\")\n .arn(\"arn\")\n .moduleName(\"moduleName\")\n .versionId(\"versionId\")\n .build();",
626 "version": "1"
627 },
628 "go": {
629 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnModuleDefaultVersion := cloudformation.NewCfnModuleDefaultVersion(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnModuleDefaultVersion\"), &cfnModuleDefaultVersionProps{\n\tarn: jsii.String(\"arn\"),\n\tmoduleName: jsii.String(\"moduleName\"),\n\tversionId: jsii.String(\"versionId\"),\n})",
630 "version": "1"
631 },
632 "$": {
633 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnModuleDefaultVersion = new cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersion(this, 'MyCfnModuleDefaultVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n arn: 'arn',\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n});",
634 "version": "0"
635 }
636 },
637 "location": {
638 "api": {
639 "api": "type",
640 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersion"
641 },
642 "field": {
643 "field": "example"
644 }
645 },
646 "didCompile": true,
647 "fqnsReferenced": [
648 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersion",
649 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps",
650 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
651 ],
652 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnModuleDefaultVersion = new cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersion(this, 'MyCfnModuleDefaultVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n arn: 'arn',\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
653 "syntaxKindCounter": {
654 "10": 5,
655 "75": 7,
656 "104": 1,
657 "193": 1,
658 "194": 1,
659 "197": 1,
660 "225": 1,
661 "242": 1,
662 "243": 1,
663 "254": 1,
664 "255": 1,
665 "256": 1,
666 "281": 3,
667 "290": 1
668 },
669 "fqnsFingerprint": "e5f34f5c84535032b9aefa314fad02664c9055f0c956f4bd5efe5f130d442efc"
670 },
671 "7a03f1fd21bd97547c1d01412767973d31d6743d6c72a0b8f9fbd3d0a696e095": {
672 "translations": {
673 "python": {
674 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_module_default_version_props = cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps(\n arn=\"arn\",\n module_name=\"moduleName\",\n version_id=\"versionId\"\n)",
675 "version": "2"
676 },
677 "csharp": {
678 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnModuleDefaultVersionProps cfnModuleDefaultVersionProps = new CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps {\n Arn = \"arn\",\n ModuleName = \"moduleName\",\n VersionId = \"versionId\"\n};",
679 "version": "1"
680 },
681 "java": {
682 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnModuleDefaultVersionProps cfnModuleDefaultVersionProps = CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps.builder()\n .arn(\"arn\")\n .moduleName(\"moduleName\")\n .versionId(\"versionId\")\n .build();",
683 "version": "1"
684 },
685 "go": {
686 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnModuleDefaultVersionProps := &cfnModuleDefaultVersionProps{\n\tarn: jsii.String(\"arn\"),\n\tmoduleName: jsii.String(\"moduleName\"),\n\tversionId: jsii.String(\"versionId\"),\n}",
687 "version": "1"
688 },
689 "$": {
690 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnModuleDefaultVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps = {\n arn: 'arn',\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n};",
691 "version": "0"
692 }
693 },
694 "location": {
695 "api": {
696 "api": "type",
697 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps"
698 },
699 "field": {
700 "field": "example"
701 }
702 },
703 "didCompile": true,
704 "fqnsReferenced": [
705 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps"
706 ],
707 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnModuleDefaultVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps = {\n arn: 'arn',\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
708 "syntaxKindCounter": {
709 "10": 4,
710 "75": 7,
711 "153": 1,
712 "169": 1,
713 "193": 1,
714 "225": 1,
715 "242": 1,
716 "243": 1,
717 "254": 1,
718 "255": 1,
719 "256": 1,
720 "281": 3,
721 "290": 1
722 },
723 "fqnsFingerprint": "d70d2ad6e33e1ae2846c902b9f8d2d3ae29b562b4f131db168cb33f9a7fa9c8e"
724 },
725 "3aa4f94787034f12554bb6e0ca5c2d5b32250f047aae2a7a95b57dc66cb9e170": {
726 "translations": {
727 "python": {
728 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_module_version = cloudformation.CfnModuleVersion(self, \"MyCfnModuleVersion\",\n module_name=\"moduleName\",\n module_package=\"modulePackage\"\n)",
729 "version": "2"
730 },
731 "csharp": {
732 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnModuleVersion cfnModuleVersion = new CfnModuleVersion(this, \"MyCfnModuleVersion\", new CfnModuleVersionProps {\n ModuleName = \"moduleName\",\n ModulePackage = \"modulePackage\"\n});",
733 "version": "1"
734 },
735 "java": {
736 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnModuleVersion cfnModuleVersion = CfnModuleVersion.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnModuleVersion\")\n .moduleName(\"moduleName\")\n .modulePackage(\"modulePackage\")\n .build();",
737 "version": "1"
738 },
739 "go": {
740 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnModuleVersion := cloudformation.NewCfnModuleVersion(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnModuleVersion\"), &cfnModuleVersionProps{\n\tmoduleName: jsii.String(\"moduleName\"),\n\tmodulePackage: jsii.String(\"modulePackage\"),\n})",
741 "version": "1"
742 },
743 "$": {
744 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnModuleVersion = new cloudformation.CfnModuleVersion(this, 'MyCfnModuleVersion', {\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n modulePackage: 'modulePackage',\n});",
745 "version": "0"
746 }
747 },
748 "location": {
749 "api": {
750 "api": "type",
751 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersion"
752 },
753 "field": {
754 "field": "example"
755 }
756 },
757 "didCompile": true,
758 "fqnsReferenced": [
759 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersion",
760 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps",
761 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
762 ],
763 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnModuleVersion = new cloudformation.CfnModuleVersion(this, 'MyCfnModuleVersion', {\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n modulePackage: 'modulePackage',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
764 "syntaxKindCounter": {
765 "10": 4,
766 "75": 6,
767 "104": 1,
768 "193": 1,
769 "194": 1,
770 "197": 1,
771 "225": 1,
772 "242": 1,
773 "243": 1,
774 "254": 1,
775 "255": 1,
776 "256": 1,
777 "281": 2,
778 "290": 1
779 },
780 "fqnsFingerprint": "564b2da70a090c00c7e213c7136e4d2be052498bc6eff19d21b168bc409b4304"
781 },
782 "2f4e05a9fc3b7ffbfe78e81d4925658d0e4e04e4cb359ec74627216c271350b1": {
783 "translations": {
784 "python": {
785 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_module_version_props = cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps(\n module_name=\"moduleName\",\n module_package=\"modulePackage\"\n)",
786 "version": "2"
787 },
788 "csharp": {
789 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnModuleVersionProps cfnModuleVersionProps = new CfnModuleVersionProps {\n ModuleName = \"moduleName\",\n ModulePackage = \"modulePackage\"\n};",
790 "version": "1"
791 },
792 "java": {
793 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnModuleVersionProps cfnModuleVersionProps = CfnModuleVersionProps.builder()\n .moduleName(\"moduleName\")\n .modulePackage(\"modulePackage\")\n .build();",
794 "version": "1"
795 },
796 "go": {
797 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnModuleVersionProps := &cfnModuleVersionProps{\n\tmoduleName: jsii.String(\"moduleName\"),\n\tmodulePackage: jsii.String(\"modulePackage\"),\n}",
798 "version": "1"
799 },
800 "$": {
801 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnModuleVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps = {\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n modulePackage: 'modulePackage',\n};",
802 "version": "0"
803 }
804 },
805 "location": {
806 "api": {
807 "api": "type",
808 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps"
809 },
810 "field": {
811 "field": "example"
812 }
813 },
814 "didCompile": true,
815 "fqnsReferenced": [
816 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps"
817 ],
818 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnModuleVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps = {\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n modulePackage: 'modulePackage',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
819 "syntaxKindCounter": {
820 "10": 3,
821 "75": 6,
822 "153": 1,
823 "169": 1,
824 "193": 1,
825 "225": 1,
826 "242": 1,
827 "243": 1,
828 "254": 1,
829 "255": 1,
830 "256": 1,
831 "281": 2,
832 "290": 1
833 },
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837 "translations": {
838 "python": {
839 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_public_type_version = cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersion(self, \"MyCfnPublicTypeVersion\",\n arn=\"arn\",\n log_delivery_bucket=\"logDeliveryBucket\",\n public_version_number=\"publicVersionNumber\",\n type=\"type\",\n type_name=\"typeName\"\n)",
840 "version": "2"
841 },
842 "csharp": {
843 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnPublicTypeVersion cfnPublicTypeVersion = new CfnPublicTypeVersion(this, \"MyCfnPublicTypeVersion\", new CfnPublicTypeVersionProps {\n Arn = \"arn\",\n LogDeliveryBucket = \"logDeliveryBucket\",\n PublicVersionNumber = \"publicVersionNumber\",\n Type = \"type\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\"\n});",
844 "version": "1"
845 },
846 "java": {
847 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnPublicTypeVersion cfnPublicTypeVersion = CfnPublicTypeVersion.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnPublicTypeVersion\")\n .arn(\"arn\")\n .logDeliveryBucket(\"logDeliveryBucket\")\n .publicVersionNumber(\"publicVersionNumber\")\n .type(\"type\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .build();",
848 "version": "1"
849 },
850 "go": {
851 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnPublicTypeVersion := cloudformation.NewCfnPublicTypeVersion(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnPublicTypeVersion\"), &cfnPublicTypeVersionProps{\n\tarn: jsii.String(\"arn\"),\n\tlogDeliveryBucket: jsii.String(\"logDeliveryBucket\"),\n\tpublicVersionNumber: jsii.String(\"publicVersionNumber\"),\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n})",
852 "version": "1"
853 },
854 "$": {
855 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnPublicTypeVersion = new cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersion(this, 'MyCfnPublicTypeVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n arn: 'arn',\n logDeliveryBucket: 'logDeliveryBucket',\n publicVersionNumber: 'publicVersionNumber',\n type: 'type',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n});",
856 "version": "0"
857 }
858 },
859 "location": {
860 "api": {
861 "api": "type",
862 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersion"
863 },
864 "field": {
865 "field": "example"
866 }
867 },
868 "didCompile": true,
869 "fqnsReferenced": [
870 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersion",
871 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersionProps",
872 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
873 ],
874 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnPublicTypeVersion = new cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersion(this, 'MyCfnPublicTypeVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n arn: 'arn',\n logDeliveryBucket: 'logDeliveryBucket',\n publicVersionNumber: 'publicVersionNumber',\n type: 'type',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
875 "syntaxKindCounter": {
876 "10": 7,
877 "75": 9,
878 "104": 1,
879 "193": 1,
880 "194": 1,
881 "197": 1,
882 "225": 1,
883 "242": 1,
884 "243": 1,
885 "254": 1,
886 "255": 1,
887 "256": 1,
888 "281": 5,
889 "290": 1
890 },
891 "fqnsFingerprint": "4518f8b1500fd74445c0430ecb19c9f88360bf685db8daaca1353da0c0bad950"
892 },
893 "3657536c9e12b88e4661656f14ae5774693fb718fce0e7c9c6e07fcd6aa331f2": {
894 "translations": {
895 "python": {
896 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_public_type_version_props = cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersionProps(\n arn=\"arn\",\n log_delivery_bucket=\"logDeliveryBucket\",\n public_version_number=\"publicVersionNumber\",\n type=\"type\",\n type_name=\"typeName\"\n)",
897 "version": "2"
898 },
899 "csharp": {
900 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnPublicTypeVersionProps cfnPublicTypeVersionProps = new CfnPublicTypeVersionProps {\n Arn = \"arn\",\n LogDeliveryBucket = \"logDeliveryBucket\",\n PublicVersionNumber = \"publicVersionNumber\",\n Type = \"type\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\"\n};",
901 "version": "1"
902 },
903 "java": {
904 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnPublicTypeVersionProps cfnPublicTypeVersionProps = CfnPublicTypeVersionProps.builder()\n .arn(\"arn\")\n .logDeliveryBucket(\"logDeliveryBucket\")\n .publicVersionNumber(\"publicVersionNumber\")\n .type(\"type\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .build();",
905 "version": "1"
906 },
907 "go": {
908 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnPublicTypeVersionProps := &cfnPublicTypeVersionProps{\n\tarn: jsii.String(\"arn\"),\n\tlogDeliveryBucket: jsii.String(\"logDeliveryBucket\"),\n\tpublicVersionNumber: jsii.String(\"publicVersionNumber\"),\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n}",
909 "version": "1"
910 },
911 "$": {
912 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnPublicTypeVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersionProps = {\n arn: 'arn',\n logDeliveryBucket: 'logDeliveryBucket',\n publicVersionNumber: 'publicVersionNumber',\n type: 'type',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n};",
913 "version": "0"
914 }
915 },
916 "location": {
917 "api": {
918 "api": "type",
919 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersionProps"
920 },
921 "field": {
922 "field": "example"
923 }
924 },
925 "didCompile": true,
926 "fqnsReferenced": [
927 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersionProps"
928 ],
929 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnPublicTypeVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersionProps = {\n arn: 'arn',\n logDeliveryBucket: 'logDeliveryBucket',\n publicVersionNumber: 'publicVersionNumber',\n type: 'type',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
930 "syntaxKindCounter": {
931 "10": 6,
932 "75": 9,
933 "153": 1,
934 "169": 1,
935 "193": 1,
936 "225": 1,
937 "242": 1,
938 "243": 1,
939 "254": 1,
940 "255": 1,
941 "256": 1,
942 "281": 5,
943 "290": 1
944 },
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948 "translations": {
949 "python": {
950 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_publisher = cloudformation.CfnPublisher(self, \"MyCfnPublisher\",\n accept_terms_and_conditions=False,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n connection_arn=\"connectionArn\"\n)",
951 "version": "2"
952 },
953 "csharp": {
954 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnPublisher cfnPublisher = new CfnPublisher(this, \"MyCfnPublisher\", new CfnPublisherProps {\n AcceptTermsAndConditions = false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ConnectionArn = \"connectionArn\"\n});",
955 "version": "1"
956 },
957 "java": {
958 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnPublisher cfnPublisher = CfnPublisher.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnPublisher\")\n .acceptTermsAndConditions(false)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .connectionArn(\"connectionArn\")\n .build();",
959 "version": "1"
960 },
961 "go": {
962 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnPublisher := cloudformation.NewCfnPublisher(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnPublisher\"), &cfnPublisherProps{\n\tacceptTermsAndConditions: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tconnectionArn: jsii.String(\"connectionArn\"),\n})",
963 "version": "1"
964 },
965 "$": {
966 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnPublisher = new cloudformation.CfnPublisher(this, 'MyCfnPublisher', {\n acceptTermsAndConditions: false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n connectionArn: 'connectionArn',\n});",
967 "version": "0"
968 }
969 },
970 "location": {
971 "api": {
972 "api": "type",
973 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublisher"
974 },
975 "field": {
976 "field": "example"
977 }
978 },
979 "didCompile": true,
980 "fqnsReferenced": [
981 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublisher",
982 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublisherProps",
983 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
984 ],
985 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnPublisher = new cloudformation.CfnPublisher(this, 'MyCfnPublisher', {\n acceptTermsAndConditions: false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n connectionArn: 'connectionArn',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
986 "syntaxKindCounter": {
987 "10": 3,
988 "75": 6,
989 "91": 1,
990 "104": 1,
991 "193": 1,
992 "194": 1,
993 "197": 1,
994 "225": 1,
995 "242": 1,
996 "243": 1,
997 "254": 1,
998 "255": 1,
999 "256": 1,
1000 "281": 2,
1001 "290": 1
1002 },
1003 "fqnsFingerprint": "62a602c228718a10446f117f2d2e2d90aab69057d61d7b819aaba10bc8f91019"
1004 },
1005 "36e0e404577c1c73b6cfa092d99a5cbd34dc07dc21af332f71311e3dc0124af8": {
1006 "translations": {
1007 "python": {
1008 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_publisher_props = cloudformation.CfnPublisherProps(\n accept_terms_and_conditions=False,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n connection_arn=\"connectionArn\"\n)",
1009 "version": "2"
1010 },
1011 "csharp": {
1012 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnPublisherProps cfnPublisherProps = new CfnPublisherProps {\n AcceptTermsAndConditions = false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ConnectionArn = \"connectionArn\"\n};",
1013 "version": "1"
1014 },
1015 "java": {
1016 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnPublisherProps cfnPublisherProps = CfnPublisherProps.builder()\n .acceptTermsAndConditions(false)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .connectionArn(\"connectionArn\")\n .build();",
1017 "version": "1"
1018 },
1019 "go": {
1020 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnPublisherProps := &cfnPublisherProps{\n\tacceptTermsAndConditions: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tconnectionArn: jsii.String(\"connectionArn\"),\n}",
1021 "version": "1"
1022 },
1023 "$": {
1024 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnPublisherProps: cloudformation.CfnPublisherProps = {\n acceptTermsAndConditions: false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n connectionArn: 'connectionArn',\n};",
1025 "version": "0"
1026 }
1027 },
1028 "location": {
1029 "api": {
1030 "api": "type",
1031 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublisherProps"
1032 },
1033 "field": {
1034 "field": "example"
1035 }
1036 },
1037 "didCompile": true,
1038 "fqnsReferenced": [
1039 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublisherProps"
1040 ],
1041 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnPublisherProps: cloudformation.CfnPublisherProps = {\n acceptTermsAndConditions: false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n connectionArn: 'connectionArn',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1042 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1043 "10": 2,
1044 "75": 6,
1045 "91": 1,
1046 "153": 1,
1047 "169": 1,
1048 "193": 1,
1049 "225": 1,
1050 "242": 1,
1051 "243": 1,
1052 "254": 1,
1053 "255": 1,
1054 "256": 1,
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1061 "translations": {
1062 "python": {
1063 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_resource_default_version = cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersion(self, \"MyCfnResourceDefaultVersion\",\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n type_version_arn=\"typeVersionArn\",\n version_id=\"versionId\"\n)",
1064 "version": "2"
1065 },
1066 "csharp": {
1067 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnResourceDefaultVersion cfnResourceDefaultVersion = new CfnResourceDefaultVersion(this, \"MyCfnResourceDefaultVersion\", new CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps {\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n TypeVersionArn = \"typeVersionArn\",\n VersionId = \"versionId\"\n});",
1068 "version": "1"
1069 },
1070 "java": {
1071 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnResourceDefaultVersion cfnResourceDefaultVersion = CfnResourceDefaultVersion.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnResourceDefaultVersion\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .typeVersionArn(\"typeVersionArn\")\n .versionId(\"versionId\")\n .build();",
1072 "version": "1"
1073 },
1074 "go": {
1075 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnResourceDefaultVersion := cloudformation.NewCfnResourceDefaultVersion(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnResourceDefaultVersion\"), &cfnResourceDefaultVersionProps{\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\ttypeVersionArn: jsii.String(\"typeVersionArn\"),\n\tversionId: jsii.String(\"versionId\"),\n})",
1076 "version": "1"
1077 },
1078 "$": {
1079 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnResourceDefaultVersion = new cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersion(this, 'MyCfnResourceDefaultVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n});",
1080 "version": "0"
1081 }
1082 },
1083 "location": {
1084 "api": {
1085 "api": "type",
1086 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersion"
1087 },
1088 "field": {
1089 "field": "example"
1090 }
1091 },
1092 "didCompile": true,
1093 "fqnsReferenced": [
1094 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersion",
1095 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps",
1096 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1097 ],
1098 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnResourceDefaultVersion = new cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersion(this, 'MyCfnResourceDefaultVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
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1100 "10": 5,
1101 "75": 7,
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1103 "193": 1,
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1107 "242": 1,
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1109 "254": 1,
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1111 "256": 1,
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1113 "290": 1
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1118 "translations": {
1119 "python": {
1120 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_resource_default_version_props = cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps(\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n type_version_arn=\"typeVersionArn\",\n version_id=\"versionId\"\n)",
1121 "version": "2"
1122 },
1123 "csharp": {
1124 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnResourceDefaultVersionProps cfnResourceDefaultVersionProps = new CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps {\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n TypeVersionArn = \"typeVersionArn\",\n VersionId = \"versionId\"\n};",
1125 "version": "1"
1126 },
1127 "java": {
1128 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnResourceDefaultVersionProps cfnResourceDefaultVersionProps = CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps.builder()\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .typeVersionArn(\"typeVersionArn\")\n .versionId(\"versionId\")\n .build();",
1129 "version": "1"
1130 },
1131 "go": {
1132 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnResourceDefaultVersionProps := &cfnResourceDefaultVersionProps{\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\ttypeVersionArn: jsii.String(\"typeVersionArn\"),\n\tversionId: jsii.String(\"versionId\"),\n}",
1133 "version": "1"
1134 },
1135 "$": {
1136 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnResourceDefaultVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps = {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n};",
1137 "version": "0"
1138 }
1139 },
1140 "location": {
1141 "api": {
1142 "api": "type",
1143 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps"
1144 },
1145 "field": {
1146 "field": "example"
1147 }
1148 },
1149 "didCompile": true,
1150 "fqnsReferenced": [
1151 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps"
1152 ],
1153 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnResourceDefaultVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnResourceDefaultVersionProps = {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1154 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1155 "10": 4,
1156 "75": 7,
1157 "153": 1,
1158 "169": 1,
1159 "193": 1,
1160 "225": 1,
1161 "242": 1,
1162 "243": 1,
1163 "254": 1,
1164 "255": 1,
1165 "256": 1,
1166 "281": 3,
1167 "290": 1
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1170 },
1171 "51e395a3ed94cc63f5efa6da15ad1a8c77c8e918536a153a6a3c32977f592f34": {
1172 "translations": {
1173 "python": {
1174 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_resource_version = cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion(self, \"MyCfnResourceVersion\",\n schema_handler_package=\"schemaHandlerPackage\",\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n execution_role_arn=\"executionRoleArn\",\n logging_config=cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n )\n)",
1175 "version": "2"
1176 },
1177 "csharp": {
1178 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnResourceVersion cfnResourceVersion = new CfnResourceVersion(this, \"MyCfnResourceVersion\", new CfnResourceVersionProps {\n SchemaHandlerPackage = \"schemaHandlerPackage\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExecutionRoleArn = \"executionRoleArn\",\n LoggingConfig = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n }\n});",
1179 "version": "1"
1180 },
1181 "java": {
1182 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnResourceVersion cfnResourceVersion = CfnResourceVersion.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnResourceVersion\")\n .schemaHandlerPackage(\"schemaHandlerPackage\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .executionRoleArn(\"executionRoleArn\")\n .loggingConfig(LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build())\n .build();",
1183 "version": "1"
1184 },
1185 "go": {
1186 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnResourceVersion := cloudformation.NewCfnResourceVersion(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnResourceVersion\"), &cfnResourceVersionProps{\n\tschemaHandlerPackage: jsii.String(\"schemaHandlerPackage\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\texecutionRoleArn: jsii.String(\"executionRoleArn\"),\n\tloggingConfig: &loggingConfigProperty{\n\t\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\t\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n\t},\n})",
1187 "version": "1"
1188 },
1189 "$": {
1190 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnResourceVersion = new cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion(this, 'MyCfnResourceVersion', {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n});",
1191 "version": "0"
1192 }
1193 },
1194 "location": {
1195 "api": {
1196 "api": "type",
1197 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion"
1198 },
1199 "field": {
1200 "field": "example"
1201 }
1202 },
1203 "didCompile": true,
1204 "fqnsReferenced": [
1205 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion",
1206 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceVersionProps",
1207 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1208 ],
1209 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnResourceVersion = new cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion(this, 'MyCfnResourceVersion', {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1210 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1211 "10": 7,
1212 "75": 10,
1213 "104": 1,
1214 "193": 2,
1215 "194": 1,
1216 "197": 1,
1217 "225": 1,
1218 "242": 1,
1219 "243": 1,
1220 "254": 1,
1221 "255": 1,
1222 "256": 1,
1223 "281": 6,
1224 "290": 1
1225 },
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1227 },
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1229 "translations": {
1230 "python": {
1231 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\nlogging_config_property = cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n)",
1232 "version": "2"
1233 },
1234 "csharp": {
1235 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nLoggingConfigProperty loggingConfigProperty = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n};",
1236 "version": "1"
1237 },
1238 "java": {
1239 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nLoggingConfigProperty loggingConfigProperty = LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build();",
1240 "version": "1"
1241 },
1242 "go": {
1243 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\nloggingConfigProperty := &loggingConfigProperty{\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n}",
1244 "version": "1"
1245 },
1246 "$": {
1247 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst loggingConfigProperty: cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion.LoggingConfigProperty = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};",
1248 "version": "0"
1249 }
1250 },
1251 "location": {
1252 "api": {
1253 "api": "type",
1254 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion.LoggingConfigProperty"
1255 },
1256 "field": {
1257 "field": "example"
1258 }
1259 },
1260 "didCompile": true,
1261 "fqnsReferenced": [
1262 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion.LoggingConfigProperty"
1263 ],
1264 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst loggingConfigProperty: cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion.LoggingConfigProperty = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1265 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1266 "10": 3,
1267 "75": 7,
1268 "153": 2,
1269 "169": 1,
1270 "193": 1,
1271 "225": 1,
1272 "242": 1,
1273 "243": 1,
1274 "254": 1,
1275 "255": 1,
1276 "256": 1,
1277 "281": 2,
1278 "290": 1
1279 },
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1283 "translations": {
1284 "python": {
1285 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_resource_version_props = cloudformation.CfnResourceVersionProps(\n schema_handler_package=\"schemaHandlerPackage\",\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n execution_role_arn=\"executionRoleArn\",\n logging_config=cloudformation.CfnResourceVersion.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n )\n)",
1286 "version": "2"
1287 },
1288 "csharp": {
1289 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnResourceVersionProps cfnResourceVersionProps = new CfnResourceVersionProps {\n SchemaHandlerPackage = \"schemaHandlerPackage\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExecutionRoleArn = \"executionRoleArn\",\n LoggingConfig = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n }\n};",
1290 "version": "1"
1291 },
1292 "java": {
1293 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnResourceVersionProps cfnResourceVersionProps = CfnResourceVersionProps.builder()\n .schemaHandlerPackage(\"schemaHandlerPackage\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .executionRoleArn(\"executionRoleArn\")\n .loggingConfig(LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build())\n .build();",
1294 "version": "1"
1295 },
1296 "go": {
1297 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnResourceVersionProps := &cfnResourceVersionProps{\n\tschemaHandlerPackage: jsii.String(\"schemaHandlerPackage\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\texecutionRoleArn: jsii.String(\"executionRoleArn\"),\n\tloggingConfig: &loggingConfigProperty{\n\t\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\t\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n\t},\n}",
1298 "version": "1"
1299 },
1300 "$": {
1301 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnResourceVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnResourceVersionProps = {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n};",
1302 "version": "0"
1303 }
1304 },
1305 "location": {
1306 "api": {
1307 "api": "type",
1308 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceVersionProps"
1309 },
1310 "field": {
1311 "field": "example"
1312 }
1313 },
1314 "didCompile": true,
1315 "fqnsReferenced": [
1316 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnResourceVersionProps"
1317 ],
1318 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnResourceVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnResourceVersionProps = {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1319 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1320 "10": 6,
1321 "75": 10,
1322 "153": 1,
1323 "169": 1,
1324 "193": 2,
1325 "225": 1,
1326 "242": 1,
1327 "243": 1,
1328 "254": 1,
1329 "255": 1,
1330 "256": 1,
1331 "281": 6,
1332 "290": 1
1333 },
1334 "fqnsFingerprint": "d7ef77a274e637bebcf607f5a2d170741963d6ccbd182df9c3584a6a26601d7e"
1335 },
1336 "35ac6ee589ff5c21eb67de59f306a329254be81dfafea15081de8ec86c908674": {
1337 "translations": {
1338 "python": {
1339 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_stack = cloudformation.CfnStack(self, \"MyCfnStack\",\n template_url=\"templateUrl\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n notification_arns=[\"notificationArns\"],\n parameters={\n \"parameters_key\": \"parameters\"\n },\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n timeout_in_minutes=123\n)",
1340 "version": "2"
1341 },
1342 "csharp": {
1343 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnStack cfnStack = new CfnStack(this, \"MyCfnStack\", new CfnStackProps {\n TemplateUrl = \"templateUrl\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n NotificationArns = new [] { \"notificationArns\" },\n Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"parametersKey\", \"parameters\" }\n },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n TimeoutInMinutes = 123\n});",
1344 "version": "1"
1345 },
1346 "java": {
1347 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnStack cfnStack = CfnStack.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnStack\")\n .templateUrl(\"templateUrl\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .notificationArns(List.of(\"notificationArns\"))\n .parameters(Map.of(\n \"parametersKey\", \"parameters\"))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .timeoutInMinutes(123)\n .build();",
1348 "version": "1"
1349 },
1350 "go": {
1351 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnStack := cloudformation.NewCfnStack(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnStack\"), &cfnStackProps{\n\ttemplateUrl: jsii.String(\"templateUrl\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tnotificationArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"notificationArns\"),\n\t},\n\tparameters: map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"parametersKey\": jsii.String(\"parameters\"),\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttimeoutInMinutes: jsii.Number(123),\n})",
1352 "version": "1"
1353 },
1354 "$": {
1355 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnStack = new cloudformation.CfnStack(this, 'MyCfnStack', {\n templateUrl: 'templateUrl',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n notificationArns: ['notificationArns'],\n parameters: {\n parametersKey: 'parameters',\n },\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n timeoutInMinutes: 123,\n});",
1356 "version": "0"
1357 }
1358 },
1359 "location": {
1360 "api": {
1361 "api": "type",
1362 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStack"
1363 },
1364 "field": {
1365 "field": "example"
1366 }
1367 },
1368 "didCompile": true,
1369 "fqnsReferenced": [
1370 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStack",
1371 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackProps",
1372 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1373 ],
1374 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnStack = new cloudformation.CfnStack(this, 'MyCfnStack', {\n templateUrl: 'templateUrl',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n notificationArns: ['notificationArns'],\n parameters: {\n parametersKey: 'parameters',\n },\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n timeoutInMinutes: 123,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1375 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1376 "8": 1,
1377 "10": 7,
1378 "75": 12,
1379 "104": 1,
1380 "192": 2,
1381 "193": 3,
1382 "194": 1,
1383 "197": 1,
1384 "225": 1,
1385 "242": 1,
1386 "243": 1,
1387 "254": 1,
1388 "255": 1,
1389 "256": 1,
1390 "281": 8,
1391 "290": 1
1392 },
1393 "fqnsFingerprint": "c9cd3753ab3b6f08b21288387663ed782e78403b0d4c66836656010b7b2d10c6"
1394 },
1395 "c7d2d1602262176c76fed6e03a4f07f1ae2fdbcbcfcd4513b07908026823b1b5": {
1396 "translations": {
1397 "python": {
1398 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_stack_props = cloudformation.CfnStackProps(\n template_url=\"templateUrl\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n notification_arns=[\"notificationArns\"],\n parameters={\n \"parameters_key\": \"parameters\"\n },\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n timeout_in_minutes=123\n)",
1399 "version": "2"
1400 },
1401 "csharp": {
1402 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnStackProps cfnStackProps = new CfnStackProps {\n TemplateUrl = \"templateUrl\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n NotificationArns = new [] { \"notificationArns\" },\n Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"parametersKey\", \"parameters\" }\n },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n TimeoutInMinutes = 123\n};",
1403 "version": "1"
1404 },
1405 "java": {
1406 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnStackProps cfnStackProps = CfnStackProps.builder()\n .templateUrl(\"templateUrl\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .notificationArns(List.of(\"notificationArns\"))\n .parameters(Map.of(\n \"parametersKey\", \"parameters\"))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .timeoutInMinutes(123)\n .build();",
1407 "version": "1"
1408 },
1409 "go": {
1410 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnStackProps := &cfnStackProps{\n\ttemplateUrl: jsii.String(\"templateUrl\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tnotificationArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"notificationArns\"),\n\t},\n\tparameters: map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"parametersKey\": jsii.String(\"parameters\"),\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttimeoutInMinutes: jsii.Number(123),\n}",
1411 "version": "1"
1412 },
1413 "$": {
1414 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnStackProps: cloudformation.CfnStackProps = {\n templateUrl: 'templateUrl',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n notificationArns: ['notificationArns'],\n parameters: {\n parametersKey: 'parameters',\n },\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n timeoutInMinutes: 123,\n};",
1415 "version": "0"
1416 }
1417 },
1418 "location": {
1419 "api": {
1420 "api": "type",
1421 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackProps"
1422 },
1423 "field": {
1424 "field": "example"
1425 }
1426 },
1427 "didCompile": true,
1428 "fqnsReferenced": [
1429 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackProps"
1430 ],
1431 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnStackProps: cloudformation.CfnStackProps = {\n templateUrl: 'templateUrl',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n notificationArns: ['notificationArns'],\n parameters: {\n parametersKey: 'parameters',\n },\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n timeoutInMinutes: 123,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1432 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1433 "8": 1,
1434 "10": 6,
1435 "75": 12,
1436 "153": 1,
1437 "169": 1,
1438 "192": 2,
1439 "193": 3,
1440 "225": 1,
1441 "242": 1,
1442 "243": 1,
1443 "254": 1,
1444 "255": 1,
1445 "256": 1,
1446 "281": 8,
1447 "290": 1
1448 },
1449 "fqnsFingerprint": "88398845f51e12baa84e8c645856c68e122435a9ec14ecb8893d3662570a6673"
1450 },
1451 "08db32551ce05a1886cba701ced2874cee6f174467665eddbdeb3e692ef4466b": {
1452 "translations": {
1453 "python": {
1454 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\n# managed_execution: Any\n\ncfn_stack_set = cloudformation.CfnStackSet(self, \"MyCfnStackSet\",\n permission_model=\"permissionModel\",\n stack_set_name=\"stackSetName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n administration_role_arn=\"administrationRoleArn\",\n auto_deployment=cloudformation.CfnStackSet.AutoDeploymentProperty(\n enabled=False,\n retain_stacks_on_account_removal=False\n ),\n call_as=\"callAs\",\n capabilities=[\"capabilities\"],\n description=\"description\",\n execution_role_name=\"executionRoleName\",\n managed_execution=managed_execution,\n operation_preferences=cloudformation.CfnStackSet.OperationPreferencesProperty(\n failure_tolerance_count=123,\n failure_tolerance_percentage=123,\n max_concurrent_count=123,\n max_concurrent_percentage=123,\n region_concurrency_type=\"regionConcurrencyType\",\n region_order=[\"regionOrder\"]\n ),\n parameters=[cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty(\n parameter_key=\"parameterKey\",\n parameter_value=\"parameterValue\"\n )],\n stack_instances_group=[cloudformation.CfnStackSet.StackInstancesProperty(\n deployment_targets=cloudformation.CfnStackSet.DeploymentTargetsProperty(\n accounts=[\"accounts\"],\n organizational_unit_ids=[\"organizationalUnitIds\"]\n ),\n regions=[\"regions\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n parameter_overrides=[cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty(\n parameter_key=\"parameterKey\",\n parameter_value=\"parameterValue\"\n )]\n )],\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n template_body=\"templateBody\",\n template_url=\"templateUrl\"\n)",
1455 "version": "2"
1456 },
1457 "csharp": {
1458 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nvar managedExecution;\n\nCfnStackSet cfnStackSet = new CfnStackSet(this, \"MyCfnStackSet\", new CfnStackSetProps {\n PermissionModel = \"permissionModel\",\n StackSetName = \"stackSetName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AdministrationRoleArn = \"administrationRoleArn\",\n AutoDeployment = new AutoDeploymentProperty {\n Enabled = false,\n RetainStacksOnAccountRemoval = false\n },\n CallAs = \"callAs\",\n Capabilities = new [] { \"capabilities\" },\n Description = \"description\",\n ExecutionRoleName = \"executionRoleName\",\n ManagedExecution = managedExecution,\n OperationPreferences = new OperationPreferencesProperty {\n FailureToleranceCount = 123,\n FailureTolerancePercentage = 123,\n MaxConcurrentCount = 123,\n MaxConcurrentPercentage = 123,\n RegionConcurrencyType = \"regionConcurrencyType\",\n RegionOrder = new [] { \"regionOrder\" }\n },\n Parameters = new [] { new ParameterProperty {\n ParameterKey = \"parameterKey\",\n ParameterValue = \"parameterValue\"\n } },\n StackInstancesGroup = new [] { new StackInstancesProperty {\n DeploymentTargets = new DeploymentTargetsProperty {\n Accounts = new [] { \"accounts\" },\n OrganizationalUnitIds = new [] { \"organizationalUnitIds\" }\n },\n Regions = new [] { \"regions\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ParameterOverrides = new [] { new ParameterProperty {\n ParameterKey = \"parameterKey\",\n ParameterValue = \"parameterValue\"\n } }\n } },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n TemplateBody = \"templateBody\",\n TemplateUrl = \"templateUrl\"\n});",
1459 "version": "1"
1460 },
1461 "java": {
1462 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nObject managedExecution;\n\nCfnStackSet cfnStackSet = CfnStackSet.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnStackSet\")\n .permissionModel(\"permissionModel\")\n .stackSetName(\"stackSetName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .administrationRoleArn(\"administrationRoleArn\")\n .autoDeployment(AutoDeploymentProperty.builder()\n .enabled(false)\n .retainStacksOnAccountRemoval(false)\n .build())\n .callAs(\"callAs\")\n .capabilities(List.of(\"capabilities\"))\n .description(\"description\")\n .executionRoleName(\"executionRoleName\")\n .managedExecution(managedExecution)\n .operationPreferences(OperationPreferencesProperty.builder()\n .failureToleranceCount(123)\n .failureTolerancePercentage(123)\n .maxConcurrentCount(123)\n .maxConcurrentPercentage(123)\n .regionConcurrencyType(\"regionConcurrencyType\")\n .regionOrder(List.of(\"regionOrder\"))\n .build())\n .parameters(List.of(ParameterProperty.builder()\n .parameterKey(\"parameterKey\")\n .parameterValue(\"parameterValue\")\n .build()))\n .stackInstancesGroup(List.of(StackInstancesProperty.builder()\n .deploymentTargets(DeploymentTargetsProperty.builder()\n .accounts(List.of(\"accounts\"))\n .organizationalUnitIds(List.of(\"organizationalUnitIds\"))\n .build())\n .regions(List.of(\"regions\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .parameterOverrides(List.of(ParameterProperty.builder()\n .parameterKey(\"parameterKey\")\n .parameterValue(\"parameterValue\")\n .build()))\n .build()))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .templateBody(\"templateBody\")\n .templateUrl(\"templateUrl\")\n .build();",
1463 "version": "1"
1464 },
1465 "go": {
1466 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\nvar managedExecution interface{}\n\ncfnStackSet := cloudformation.NewCfnStackSet(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnStackSet\"), &cfnStackSetProps{\n\tpermissionModel: jsii.String(\"permissionModel\"),\n\tstackSetName: jsii.String(\"stackSetName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tadministrationRoleArn: jsii.String(\"administrationRoleArn\"),\n\tautoDeployment: &autoDeploymentProperty{\n\t\tenabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tretainStacksOnAccountRemoval: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tcallAs: jsii.String(\"callAs\"),\n\tcapabilities: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"capabilities\"),\n\t},\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\texecutionRoleName: jsii.String(\"executionRoleName\"),\n\tmanagedExecution: managedExecution,\n\toperationPreferences: &operationPreferencesProperty{\n\t\tfailureToleranceCount: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tfailureTolerancePercentage: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tmaxConcurrentCount: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tmaxConcurrentPercentage: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tregionConcurrencyType: jsii.String(\"regionConcurrencyType\"),\n\t\tregionOrder: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"regionOrder\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tparameters: []interface{}{\n\t\t&parameterProperty{\n\t\t\tparameterKey: jsii.String(\"parameterKey\"),\n\t\t\tparameterValue: jsii.String(\"parameterValue\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tstackInstancesGroup: []interface{}{\n\t\t&stackInstancesProperty{\n\t\t\tdeploymentTargets: &deploymentTargetsProperty{\n\t\t\t\taccounts: []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"accounts\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\torganizationalUnitIds: []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"organizationalUnitIds\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tregions: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"regions\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tparameterOverrides: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&parameterProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tparameterKey: jsii.String(\"parameterKey\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tparameterValue: jsii.String(\"parameterValue\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttemplateBody: jsii.String(\"templateBody\"),\n\ttemplateUrl: jsii.String(\"templateUrl\"),\n})",
1467 "version": "1"
1468 },
1469 "$": {
1470 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n\ndeclare const managedExecution: any;\nconst cfnStackSet = new cloudformation.CfnStackSet(this, 'MyCfnStackSet', {\n permissionModel: 'permissionModel',\n stackSetName: 'stackSetName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n administrationRoleArn: 'administrationRoleArn',\n autoDeployment: {\n enabled: false,\n retainStacksOnAccountRemoval: false,\n },\n callAs: 'callAs',\n capabilities: ['capabilities'],\n description: 'description',\n executionRoleName: 'executionRoleName',\n managedExecution: managedExecution,\n operationPreferences: {\n failureToleranceCount: 123,\n failureTolerancePercentage: 123,\n maxConcurrentCount: 123,\n maxConcurrentPercentage: 123,\n regionConcurrencyType: 'regionConcurrencyType',\n regionOrder: ['regionOrder'],\n },\n parameters: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n stackInstancesGroup: [{\n deploymentTargets: {\n accounts: ['accounts'],\n organizationalUnitIds: ['organizationalUnitIds'],\n },\n regions: ['regions'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n parameterOverrides: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n templateBody: 'templateBody',\n templateUrl: 'templateUrl',\n});",
1471 "version": "0"
1472 }
1473 },
1474 "location": {
1475 "api": {
1476 "api": "type",
1477 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet"
1478 },
1479 "field": {
1480 "field": "example"
1481 }
1482 },
1483 "didCompile": true,
1484 "fqnsReferenced": [
1485 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet",
1486 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSetProps",
1487 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1488 ],
1489 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n\ndeclare const managedExecution: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnStackSet = new cloudformation.CfnStackSet(this, 'MyCfnStackSet', {\n permissionModel: 'permissionModel',\n stackSetName: 'stackSetName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n administrationRoleArn: 'administrationRoleArn',\n autoDeployment: {\n enabled: false,\n retainStacksOnAccountRemoval: false,\n },\n callAs: 'callAs',\n capabilities: ['capabilities'],\n description: 'description',\n executionRoleName: 'executionRoleName',\n managedExecution: managedExecution,\n operationPreferences: {\n failureToleranceCount: 123,\n failureTolerancePercentage: 123,\n maxConcurrentCount: 123,\n maxConcurrentPercentage: 123,\n regionConcurrencyType: 'regionConcurrencyType',\n regionOrder: ['regionOrder'],\n },\n parameters: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n stackInstancesGroup: [{\n deploymentTargets: {\n accounts: ['accounts'],\n organizationalUnitIds: ['organizationalUnitIds'],\n },\n regions: ['regions'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n parameterOverrides: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n templateBody: 'templateBody',\n templateUrl: 'templateUrl',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1490 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1491 "8": 4,
1492 "10": 22,
1493 "75": 40,
1494 "91": 2,
1495 "104": 1,
1496 "125": 1,
1497 "130": 1,
1498 "192": 9,
1499 "193": 8,
1500 "194": 1,
1501 "197": 1,
1502 "225": 2,
1503 "242": 2,
1504 "243": 2,
1505 "254": 1,
1506 "255": 1,
1507 "256": 1,
1508 "281": 34,
1509 "290": 1
1510 },
1511 "fqnsFingerprint": "247e68715a22cc99b85fa70f4a07958873f79f427920dd2631004e812bb52ea8"
1512 },
1513 "c7182b7e2cc6e1b2ad2a6310ca042bd7a7d587848a06f5afb0eefc327ab589a9": {
1514 "translations": {
1515 "python": {
1516 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\nauto_deployment_property = cloudformation.CfnStackSet.AutoDeploymentProperty(\n enabled=False,\n retain_stacks_on_account_removal=False\n)",
1517 "version": "2"
1518 },
1519 "csharp": {
1520 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nAutoDeploymentProperty autoDeploymentProperty = new AutoDeploymentProperty {\n Enabled = false,\n RetainStacksOnAccountRemoval = false\n};",
1521 "version": "1"
1522 },
1523 "java": {
1524 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nAutoDeploymentProperty autoDeploymentProperty = AutoDeploymentProperty.builder()\n .enabled(false)\n .retainStacksOnAccountRemoval(false)\n .build();",
1525 "version": "1"
1526 },
1527 "go": {
1528 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\nautoDeploymentProperty := &autoDeploymentProperty{\n\tenabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tretainStacksOnAccountRemoval: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
1529 "version": "1"
1530 },
1531 "$": {
1532 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst autoDeploymentProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.AutoDeploymentProperty = {\n enabled: false,\n retainStacksOnAccountRemoval: false,\n};",
1533 "version": "0"
1534 }
1535 },
1536 "location": {
1537 "api": {
1538 "api": "type",
1539 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.AutoDeploymentProperty"
1540 },
1541 "field": {
1542 "field": "example"
1543 }
1544 },
1545 "didCompile": true,
1546 "fqnsReferenced": [
1547 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.AutoDeploymentProperty"
1548 ],
1549 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst autoDeploymentProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.AutoDeploymentProperty = {\n enabled: false,\n retainStacksOnAccountRemoval: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1550 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1551 "10": 1,
1552 "75": 7,
1553 "91": 2,
1554 "153": 2,
1555 "169": 1,
1556 "193": 1,
1557 "225": 1,
1558 "242": 1,
1559 "243": 1,
1560 "254": 1,
1561 "255": 1,
1562 "256": 1,
1563 "281": 2,
1564 "290": 1
1565 },
1566 "fqnsFingerprint": "03cb1f6657b7ef2f347acd4db2f2e5cfaeb8b4b6fb1700350ab0abde130c392a"
1567 },
1568 "f5284e03fc353b73fabb8fd69fbc18a324d25dd12659f60af15e78457cc5ffa7": {
1569 "translations": {
1570 "python": {
1571 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ndeployment_targets_property = cloudformation.CfnStackSet.DeploymentTargetsProperty(\n accounts=[\"accounts\"],\n organizational_unit_ids=[\"organizationalUnitIds\"]\n)",
1572 "version": "2"
1573 },
1574 "csharp": {
1575 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nDeploymentTargetsProperty deploymentTargetsProperty = new DeploymentTargetsProperty {\n Accounts = new [] { \"accounts\" },\n OrganizationalUnitIds = new [] { \"organizationalUnitIds\" }\n};",
1576 "version": "1"
1577 },
1578 "java": {
1579 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nDeploymentTargetsProperty deploymentTargetsProperty = DeploymentTargetsProperty.builder()\n .accounts(List.of(\"accounts\"))\n .organizationalUnitIds(List.of(\"organizationalUnitIds\"))\n .build();",
1580 "version": "1"
1581 },
1582 "go": {
1583 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ndeploymentTargetsProperty := &deploymentTargetsProperty{\n\taccounts: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"accounts\"),\n\t},\n\torganizationalUnitIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"organizationalUnitIds\"),\n\t},\n}",
1584 "version": "1"
1585 },
1586 "$": {
1587 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst deploymentTargetsProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.DeploymentTargetsProperty = {\n accounts: ['accounts'],\n organizationalUnitIds: ['organizationalUnitIds'],\n};",
1588 "version": "0"
1589 }
1590 },
1591 "location": {
1592 "api": {
1593 "api": "type",
1594 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.DeploymentTargetsProperty"
1595 },
1596 "field": {
1597 "field": "example"
1598 }
1599 },
1600 "didCompile": true,
1601 "fqnsReferenced": [
1602 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.DeploymentTargetsProperty"
1603 ],
1604 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst deploymentTargetsProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.DeploymentTargetsProperty = {\n accounts: ['accounts'],\n organizationalUnitIds: ['organizationalUnitIds'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1605 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1606 "10": 3,
1607 "75": 7,
1608 "153": 2,
1609 "169": 1,
1610 "192": 2,
1611 "193": 1,
1612 "225": 1,
1613 "242": 1,
1614 "243": 1,
1615 "254": 1,
1616 "255": 1,
1617 "256": 1,
1618 "281": 2,
1619 "290": 1
1620 },
1621 "fqnsFingerprint": "0154210a4e8437985133c6e9c32b9faece51fcd53fe15bc586f5fdc58775fed0"
1622 },
1623 "f30a0c28f271771b6e2b2bba1bd4f93390bc33f0dfc26660bbb1b599a5b330b9": {
1624 "translations": {
1625 "python": {
1626 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\noperation_preferences_property = cloudformation.CfnStackSet.OperationPreferencesProperty(\n failure_tolerance_count=123,\n failure_tolerance_percentage=123,\n max_concurrent_count=123,\n max_concurrent_percentage=123,\n region_concurrency_type=\"regionConcurrencyType\",\n region_order=[\"regionOrder\"]\n)",
1627 "version": "2"
1628 },
1629 "csharp": {
1630 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nOperationPreferencesProperty operationPreferencesProperty = new OperationPreferencesProperty {\n FailureToleranceCount = 123,\n FailureTolerancePercentage = 123,\n MaxConcurrentCount = 123,\n MaxConcurrentPercentage = 123,\n RegionConcurrencyType = \"regionConcurrencyType\",\n RegionOrder = new [] { \"regionOrder\" }\n};",
1631 "version": "1"
1632 },
1633 "java": {
1634 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nOperationPreferencesProperty operationPreferencesProperty = OperationPreferencesProperty.builder()\n .failureToleranceCount(123)\n .failureTolerancePercentage(123)\n .maxConcurrentCount(123)\n .maxConcurrentPercentage(123)\n .regionConcurrencyType(\"regionConcurrencyType\")\n .regionOrder(List.of(\"regionOrder\"))\n .build();",
1635 "version": "1"
1636 },
1637 "go": {
1638 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\noperationPreferencesProperty := &operationPreferencesProperty{\n\tfailureToleranceCount: jsii.Number(123),\n\tfailureTolerancePercentage: jsii.Number(123),\n\tmaxConcurrentCount: jsii.Number(123),\n\tmaxConcurrentPercentage: jsii.Number(123),\n\tregionConcurrencyType: jsii.String(\"regionConcurrencyType\"),\n\tregionOrder: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"regionOrder\"),\n\t},\n}",
1639 "version": "1"
1640 },
1641 "$": {
1642 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst operationPreferencesProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.OperationPreferencesProperty = {\n failureToleranceCount: 123,\n failureTolerancePercentage: 123,\n maxConcurrentCount: 123,\n maxConcurrentPercentage: 123,\n regionConcurrencyType: 'regionConcurrencyType',\n regionOrder: ['regionOrder'],\n};",
1643 "version": "0"
1644 }
1645 },
1646 "location": {
1647 "api": {
1648 "api": "type",
1649 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.OperationPreferencesProperty"
1650 },
1651 "field": {
1652 "field": "example"
1653 }
1654 },
1655 "didCompile": true,
1656 "fqnsReferenced": [
1657 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.OperationPreferencesProperty"
1658 ],
1659 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst operationPreferencesProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.OperationPreferencesProperty = {\n failureToleranceCount: 123,\n failureTolerancePercentage: 123,\n maxConcurrentCount: 123,\n maxConcurrentPercentage: 123,\n regionConcurrencyType: 'regionConcurrencyType',\n regionOrder: ['regionOrder'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1660 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1661 "8": 4,
1662 "10": 3,
1663 "75": 11,
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1666 "192": 1,
1667 "193": 1,
1668 "225": 1,
1669 "242": 1,
1670 "243": 1,
1671 "254": 1,
1672 "255": 1,
1673 "256": 1,
1674 "281": 6,
1675 "290": 1
1676 },
1677 "fqnsFingerprint": "89256598abcdc671c1e890167568003cd5238c067e65e90cbf925696fdbb36ca"
1678 },
1679 "b3a79bbaddc320c829b9c11d80cc032c66c699b6932bdfa75f177bbf8b6cf83f": {
1680 "translations": {
1681 "python": {
1682 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\nparameter_property = cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty(\n parameter_key=\"parameterKey\",\n parameter_value=\"parameterValue\"\n)",
1683 "version": "2"
1684 },
1685 "csharp": {
1686 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nParameterProperty parameterProperty = new ParameterProperty {\n ParameterKey = \"parameterKey\",\n ParameterValue = \"parameterValue\"\n};",
1687 "version": "1"
1688 },
1689 "java": {
1690 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nParameterProperty parameterProperty = ParameterProperty.builder()\n .parameterKey(\"parameterKey\")\n .parameterValue(\"parameterValue\")\n .build();",
1691 "version": "1"
1692 },
1693 "go": {
1694 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\nparameterProperty := &parameterProperty{\n\tparameterKey: jsii.String(\"parameterKey\"),\n\tparameterValue: jsii.String(\"parameterValue\"),\n}",
1695 "version": "1"
1696 },
1697 "$": {
1698 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst parameterProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty = {\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n};",
1699 "version": "0"
1700 }
1701 },
1702 "location": {
1703 "api": {
1704 "api": "type",
1705 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty"
1706 },
1707 "field": {
1708 "field": "example"
1709 }
1710 },
1711 "didCompile": true,
1712 "fqnsReferenced": [
1713 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty"
1714 ],
1715 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst parameterProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty = {\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1716 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1717 "10": 3,
1718 "75": 7,
1719 "153": 2,
1720 "169": 1,
1721 "193": 1,
1722 "225": 1,
1723 "242": 1,
1724 "243": 1,
1725 "254": 1,
1726 "255": 1,
1727 "256": 1,
1728 "281": 2,
1729 "290": 1
1730 },
1731 "fqnsFingerprint": "bed52d003e116ad99a3dad2dbf43b26c05b867b109971dc90a851bdc2e1aa49c"
1732 },
1733 "4cf004b60a143edca9d1a49913c2a6e93df082a8a44a5b204bbd7690afcecd2f": {
1734 "translations": {
1735 "python": {
1736 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\nstack_instances_property = cloudformation.CfnStackSet.StackInstancesProperty(\n deployment_targets=cloudformation.CfnStackSet.DeploymentTargetsProperty(\n accounts=[\"accounts\"],\n organizational_unit_ids=[\"organizationalUnitIds\"]\n ),\n regions=[\"regions\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n parameter_overrides=[cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty(\n parameter_key=\"parameterKey\",\n parameter_value=\"parameterValue\"\n )]\n)",
1737 "version": "2"
1738 },
1739 "csharp": {
1740 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nStackInstancesProperty stackInstancesProperty = new StackInstancesProperty {\n DeploymentTargets = new DeploymentTargetsProperty {\n Accounts = new [] { \"accounts\" },\n OrganizationalUnitIds = new [] { \"organizationalUnitIds\" }\n },\n Regions = new [] { \"regions\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ParameterOverrides = new [] { new ParameterProperty {\n ParameterKey = \"parameterKey\",\n ParameterValue = \"parameterValue\"\n } }\n};",
1741 "version": "1"
1742 },
1743 "java": {
1744 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nStackInstancesProperty stackInstancesProperty = StackInstancesProperty.builder()\n .deploymentTargets(DeploymentTargetsProperty.builder()\n .accounts(List.of(\"accounts\"))\n .organizationalUnitIds(List.of(\"organizationalUnitIds\"))\n .build())\n .regions(List.of(\"regions\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .parameterOverrides(List.of(ParameterProperty.builder()\n .parameterKey(\"parameterKey\")\n .parameterValue(\"parameterValue\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
1745 "version": "1"
1746 },
1747 "go": {
1748 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\nstackInstancesProperty := &stackInstancesProperty{\n\tdeploymentTargets: &deploymentTargetsProperty{\n\t\taccounts: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"accounts\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\torganizationalUnitIds: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"organizationalUnitIds\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tregions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"regions\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tparameterOverrides: []interface{}{\n\t\t&parameterProperty{\n\t\t\tparameterKey: jsii.String(\"parameterKey\"),\n\t\t\tparameterValue: jsii.String(\"parameterValue\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
1749 "version": "1"
1750 },
1751 "$": {
1752 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst stackInstancesProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.StackInstancesProperty = {\n deploymentTargets: {\n accounts: ['accounts'],\n organizationalUnitIds: ['organizationalUnitIds'],\n },\n regions: ['regions'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n parameterOverrides: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n};",
1753 "version": "0"
1754 }
1755 },
1756 "location": {
1757 "api": {
1758 "api": "type",
1759 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.StackInstancesProperty"
1760 },
1761 "field": {
1762 "field": "example"
1763 }
1764 },
1765 "didCompile": true,
1766 "fqnsReferenced": [
1767 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSet.StackInstancesProperty"
1768 ],
1769 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst stackInstancesProperty: cloudformation.CfnStackSet.StackInstancesProperty = {\n deploymentTargets: {\n accounts: ['accounts'],\n organizationalUnitIds: ['organizationalUnitIds'],\n },\n regions: ['regions'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n parameterOverrides: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1770 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1771 "10": 6,
1772 "75": 12,
1773 "153": 2,
1774 "169": 1,
1775 "192": 4,
1776 "193": 3,
1777 "225": 1,
1778 "242": 1,
1779 "243": 1,
1780 "254": 1,
1781 "255": 1,
1782 "256": 1,
1783 "281": 7,
1784 "290": 1
1785 },
1786 "fqnsFingerprint": "93d8e80e8c6e9ede6a323fd23cdece16b5dbec153e55fb27bf81a3942715f351"
1787 },
1788 "2c50e5cf508472c452a941db283e6a8ff1afc4a4599f535e6fe3b65295475494": {
1789 "translations": {
1790 "python": {
1791 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\n# managed_execution: Any\n\ncfn_stack_set_props = cloudformation.CfnStackSetProps(\n permission_model=\"permissionModel\",\n stack_set_name=\"stackSetName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n administration_role_arn=\"administrationRoleArn\",\n auto_deployment=cloudformation.CfnStackSet.AutoDeploymentProperty(\n enabled=False,\n retain_stacks_on_account_removal=False\n ),\n call_as=\"callAs\",\n capabilities=[\"capabilities\"],\n description=\"description\",\n execution_role_name=\"executionRoleName\",\n managed_execution=managed_execution,\n operation_preferences=cloudformation.CfnStackSet.OperationPreferencesProperty(\n failure_tolerance_count=123,\n failure_tolerance_percentage=123,\n max_concurrent_count=123,\n max_concurrent_percentage=123,\n region_concurrency_type=\"regionConcurrencyType\",\n region_order=[\"regionOrder\"]\n ),\n parameters=[cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty(\n parameter_key=\"parameterKey\",\n parameter_value=\"parameterValue\"\n )],\n stack_instances_group=[cloudformation.CfnStackSet.StackInstancesProperty(\n deployment_targets=cloudformation.CfnStackSet.DeploymentTargetsProperty(\n accounts=[\"accounts\"],\n organizational_unit_ids=[\"organizationalUnitIds\"]\n ),\n regions=[\"regions\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n parameter_overrides=[cloudformation.CfnStackSet.ParameterProperty(\n parameter_key=\"parameterKey\",\n parameter_value=\"parameterValue\"\n )]\n )],\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n template_body=\"templateBody\",\n template_url=\"templateUrl\"\n)",
1792 "version": "2"
1793 },
1794 "csharp": {
1795 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nvar managedExecution;\n\nCfnStackSetProps cfnStackSetProps = new CfnStackSetProps {\n PermissionModel = \"permissionModel\",\n StackSetName = \"stackSetName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AdministrationRoleArn = \"administrationRoleArn\",\n AutoDeployment = new AutoDeploymentProperty {\n Enabled = false,\n RetainStacksOnAccountRemoval = false\n },\n CallAs = \"callAs\",\n Capabilities = new [] { \"capabilities\" },\n Description = \"description\",\n ExecutionRoleName = \"executionRoleName\",\n ManagedExecution = managedExecution,\n OperationPreferences = new OperationPreferencesProperty {\n FailureToleranceCount = 123,\n FailureTolerancePercentage = 123,\n MaxConcurrentCount = 123,\n MaxConcurrentPercentage = 123,\n RegionConcurrencyType = \"regionConcurrencyType\",\n RegionOrder = new [] { \"regionOrder\" }\n },\n Parameters = new [] { new ParameterProperty {\n ParameterKey = \"parameterKey\",\n ParameterValue = \"parameterValue\"\n } },\n StackInstancesGroup = new [] { new StackInstancesProperty {\n DeploymentTargets = new DeploymentTargetsProperty {\n Accounts = new [] { \"accounts\" },\n OrganizationalUnitIds = new [] { \"organizationalUnitIds\" }\n },\n Regions = new [] { \"regions\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ParameterOverrides = new [] { new ParameterProperty {\n ParameterKey = \"parameterKey\",\n ParameterValue = \"parameterValue\"\n } }\n } },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n TemplateBody = \"templateBody\",\n TemplateUrl = \"templateUrl\"\n};",
1796 "version": "1"
1797 },
1798 "java": {
1799 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nObject managedExecution;\n\nCfnStackSetProps cfnStackSetProps = CfnStackSetProps.builder()\n .permissionModel(\"permissionModel\")\n .stackSetName(\"stackSetName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .administrationRoleArn(\"administrationRoleArn\")\n .autoDeployment(AutoDeploymentProperty.builder()\n .enabled(false)\n .retainStacksOnAccountRemoval(false)\n .build())\n .callAs(\"callAs\")\n .capabilities(List.of(\"capabilities\"))\n .description(\"description\")\n .executionRoleName(\"executionRoleName\")\n .managedExecution(managedExecution)\n .operationPreferences(OperationPreferencesProperty.builder()\n .failureToleranceCount(123)\n .failureTolerancePercentage(123)\n .maxConcurrentCount(123)\n .maxConcurrentPercentage(123)\n .regionConcurrencyType(\"regionConcurrencyType\")\n .regionOrder(List.of(\"regionOrder\"))\n .build())\n .parameters(List.of(ParameterProperty.builder()\n .parameterKey(\"parameterKey\")\n .parameterValue(\"parameterValue\")\n .build()))\n .stackInstancesGroup(List.of(StackInstancesProperty.builder()\n .deploymentTargets(DeploymentTargetsProperty.builder()\n .accounts(List.of(\"accounts\"))\n .organizationalUnitIds(List.of(\"organizationalUnitIds\"))\n .build())\n .regions(List.of(\"regions\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .parameterOverrides(List.of(ParameterProperty.builder()\n .parameterKey(\"parameterKey\")\n .parameterValue(\"parameterValue\")\n .build()))\n .build()))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .templateBody(\"templateBody\")\n .templateUrl(\"templateUrl\")\n .build();",
1800 "version": "1"
1801 },
1802 "go": {
1803 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\nvar managedExecution interface{}\n\ncfnStackSetProps := &cfnStackSetProps{\n\tpermissionModel: jsii.String(\"permissionModel\"),\n\tstackSetName: jsii.String(\"stackSetName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tadministrationRoleArn: jsii.String(\"administrationRoleArn\"),\n\tautoDeployment: &autoDeploymentProperty{\n\t\tenabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tretainStacksOnAccountRemoval: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tcallAs: jsii.String(\"callAs\"),\n\tcapabilities: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"capabilities\"),\n\t},\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\texecutionRoleName: jsii.String(\"executionRoleName\"),\n\tmanagedExecution: managedExecution,\n\toperationPreferences: &operationPreferencesProperty{\n\t\tfailureToleranceCount: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tfailureTolerancePercentage: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tmaxConcurrentCount: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tmaxConcurrentPercentage: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tregionConcurrencyType: jsii.String(\"regionConcurrencyType\"),\n\t\tregionOrder: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"regionOrder\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tparameters: []interface{}{\n\t\t&parameterProperty{\n\t\t\tparameterKey: jsii.String(\"parameterKey\"),\n\t\t\tparameterValue: jsii.String(\"parameterValue\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tstackInstancesGroup: []interface{}{\n\t\t&stackInstancesProperty{\n\t\t\tdeploymentTargets: &deploymentTargetsProperty{\n\t\t\t\taccounts: []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"accounts\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\torganizationalUnitIds: []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"organizationalUnitIds\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tregions: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"regions\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tparameterOverrides: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&parameterProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tparameterKey: jsii.String(\"parameterKey\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tparameterValue: jsii.String(\"parameterValue\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttemplateBody: jsii.String(\"templateBody\"),\n\ttemplateUrl: jsii.String(\"templateUrl\"),\n}",
1804 "version": "1"
1805 },
1806 "$": {
1807 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n\ndeclare const managedExecution: any;\nconst cfnStackSetProps: cloudformation.CfnStackSetProps = {\n permissionModel: 'permissionModel',\n stackSetName: 'stackSetName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n administrationRoleArn: 'administrationRoleArn',\n autoDeployment: {\n enabled: false,\n retainStacksOnAccountRemoval: false,\n },\n callAs: 'callAs',\n capabilities: ['capabilities'],\n description: 'description',\n executionRoleName: 'executionRoleName',\n managedExecution: managedExecution,\n operationPreferences: {\n failureToleranceCount: 123,\n failureTolerancePercentage: 123,\n maxConcurrentCount: 123,\n maxConcurrentPercentage: 123,\n regionConcurrencyType: 'regionConcurrencyType',\n regionOrder: ['regionOrder'],\n },\n parameters: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n stackInstancesGroup: [{\n deploymentTargets: {\n accounts: ['accounts'],\n organizationalUnitIds: ['organizationalUnitIds'],\n },\n regions: ['regions'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n parameterOverrides: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n templateBody: 'templateBody',\n templateUrl: 'templateUrl',\n};",
1808 "version": "0"
1809 }
1810 },
1811 "location": {
1812 "api": {
1813 "api": "type",
1814 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSetProps"
1815 },
1816 "field": {
1817 "field": "example"
1818 }
1819 },
1820 "didCompile": true,
1821 "fqnsReferenced": [
1822 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnStackSetProps"
1823 ],
1824 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n\ndeclare const managedExecution: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnStackSetProps: cloudformation.CfnStackSetProps = {\n permissionModel: 'permissionModel',\n stackSetName: 'stackSetName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n administrationRoleArn: 'administrationRoleArn',\n autoDeployment: {\n enabled: false,\n retainStacksOnAccountRemoval: false,\n },\n callAs: 'callAs',\n capabilities: ['capabilities'],\n description: 'description',\n executionRoleName: 'executionRoleName',\n managedExecution: managedExecution,\n operationPreferences: {\n failureToleranceCount: 123,\n failureTolerancePercentage: 123,\n maxConcurrentCount: 123,\n maxConcurrentPercentage: 123,\n regionConcurrencyType: 'regionConcurrencyType',\n regionOrder: ['regionOrder'],\n },\n parameters: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n stackInstancesGroup: [{\n deploymentTargets: {\n accounts: ['accounts'],\n organizationalUnitIds: ['organizationalUnitIds'],\n },\n regions: ['regions'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n parameterOverrides: [{\n parameterKey: 'parameterKey',\n parameterValue: 'parameterValue',\n }],\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n templateBody: 'templateBody',\n templateUrl: 'templateUrl',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1825 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1826 "8": 4,
1827 "10": 21,
1828 "75": 40,
1829 "91": 2,
1830 "125": 1,
1831 "130": 1,
1832 "153": 1,
1833 "169": 1,
1834 "192": 9,
1835 "193": 8,
1836 "225": 2,
1837 "242": 2,
1838 "243": 2,
1839 "254": 1,
1840 "255": 1,
1841 "256": 1,
1842 "281": 34,
1843 "290": 1
1844 },
1845 "fqnsFingerprint": "adb14388013f3a2683598a094a4f0b1ec0dc9396cdb699718c34f6d8f5add4ec"
1846 },
1847 "ce704c0ca7180431d835f53fc0a49e396816f5a4515dd4b48545f8ad2d2823a6": {
1848 "translations": {
1849 "python": {
1850 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_type_activation = cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation(self, \"MyCfnTypeActivation\",\n auto_update=False,\n execution_role_arn=\"executionRoleArn\",\n logging_config=cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n ),\n major_version=\"majorVersion\",\n public_type_arn=\"publicTypeArn\",\n publisher_id=\"publisherId\",\n type=\"type\",\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n type_name_alias=\"typeNameAlias\",\n version_bump=\"versionBump\"\n)",
1851 "version": "2"
1852 },
1853 "csharp": {
1854 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnTypeActivation cfnTypeActivation = new CfnTypeActivation(this, \"MyCfnTypeActivation\", new CfnTypeActivationProps {\n AutoUpdate = false,\n ExecutionRoleArn = \"executionRoleArn\",\n LoggingConfig = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n },\n MajorVersion = \"majorVersion\",\n PublicTypeArn = \"publicTypeArn\",\n PublisherId = \"publisherId\",\n Type = \"type\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n TypeNameAlias = \"typeNameAlias\",\n VersionBump = \"versionBump\"\n});",
1855 "version": "1"
1856 },
1857 "java": {
1858 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnTypeActivation cfnTypeActivation = CfnTypeActivation.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnTypeActivation\")\n .autoUpdate(false)\n .executionRoleArn(\"executionRoleArn\")\n .loggingConfig(LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build())\n .majorVersion(\"majorVersion\")\n .publicTypeArn(\"publicTypeArn\")\n .publisherId(\"publisherId\")\n .type(\"type\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .typeNameAlias(\"typeNameAlias\")\n .versionBump(\"versionBump\")\n .build();",
1859 "version": "1"
1860 },
1861 "go": {
1862 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnTypeActivation := cloudformation.NewCfnTypeActivation(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnTypeActivation\"), &cfnTypeActivationProps{\n\tautoUpdate: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\texecutionRoleArn: jsii.String(\"executionRoleArn\"),\n\tloggingConfig: &loggingConfigProperty{\n\t\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\t\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n\t},\n\tmajorVersion: jsii.String(\"majorVersion\"),\n\tpublicTypeArn: jsii.String(\"publicTypeArn\"),\n\tpublisherId: jsii.String(\"publisherId\"),\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\ttypeNameAlias: jsii.String(\"typeNameAlias\"),\n\tversionBump: jsii.String(\"versionBump\"),\n})",
1863 "version": "1"
1864 },
1865 "$": {
1866 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnTypeActivation = new cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation(this, 'MyCfnTypeActivation', /* all optional props */ {\n autoUpdate: false,\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n majorVersion: 'majorVersion',\n publicTypeArn: 'publicTypeArn',\n publisherId: 'publisherId',\n type: 'type',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeNameAlias: 'typeNameAlias',\n versionBump: 'versionBump',\n});",
1867 "version": "0"
1868 }
1869 },
1870 "location": {
1871 "api": {
1872 "api": "type",
1873 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation"
1874 },
1875 "field": {
1876 "field": "example"
1877 }
1878 },
1879 "didCompile": true,
1880 "fqnsReferenced": [
1881 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation",
1882 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnTypeActivationProps",
1883 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1884 ],
1885 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnTypeActivation = new cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation(this, 'MyCfnTypeActivation', /* all optional props */ {\n autoUpdate: false,\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n majorVersion: 'majorVersion',\n publicTypeArn: 'publicTypeArn',\n publisherId: 'publisherId',\n type: 'type',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeNameAlias: 'typeNameAlias',\n versionBump: 'versionBump',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1886 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1887 "10": 12,
1888 "75": 16,
1889 "91": 1,
1890 "104": 1,
1891 "193": 2,
1892 "194": 1,
1893 "197": 1,
1894 "225": 1,
1895 "242": 1,
1896 "243": 1,
1897 "254": 1,
1898 "255": 1,
1899 "256": 1,
1900 "281": 12,
1901 "290": 1
1902 },
1903 "fqnsFingerprint": "b20fbd3c61a78d2fc867b5ce07f68f655cd624d3b03107ce6f3671a447587da2"
1904 },
1905 "eb65a895ef80b9fbadc671505ac5cf69a05428e851f970eb3c886c2f6c521810": {
1906 "translations": {
1907 "python": {
1908 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\nlogging_config_property = cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n)",
1909 "version": "2"
1910 },
1911 "csharp": {
1912 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nLoggingConfigProperty loggingConfigProperty = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n};",
1913 "version": "1"
1914 },
1915 "java": {
1916 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nLoggingConfigProperty loggingConfigProperty = LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build();",
1917 "version": "1"
1918 },
1919 "go": {
1920 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\nloggingConfigProperty := &loggingConfigProperty{\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n}",
1921 "version": "1"
1922 },
1923 "$": {
1924 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst loggingConfigProperty: cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation.LoggingConfigProperty = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};",
1925 "version": "0"
1926 }
1927 },
1928 "location": {
1929 "api": {
1930 "api": "type",
1931 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation.LoggingConfigProperty"
1932 },
1933 "field": {
1934 "field": "example"
1935 }
1936 },
1937 "didCompile": true,
1938 "fqnsReferenced": [
1939 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation.LoggingConfigProperty"
1940 ],
1941 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst loggingConfigProperty: cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation.LoggingConfigProperty = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1942 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1943 "10": 3,
1944 "75": 7,
1945 "153": 2,
1946 "169": 1,
1947 "193": 1,
1948 "225": 1,
1949 "242": 1,
1950 "243": 1,
1951 "254": 1,
1952 "255": 1,
1953 "256": 1,
1954 "281": 2,
1955 "290": 1
1956 },
1957 "fqnsFingerprint": "67effe0e3f51c0c2066bda6eb9d8e9d47dce7dbed70ca450cb9dd9711b3629e8"
1958 },
1959 "8b7ec0b7577886d26c6ec5af50263710f66cb4eef2b67078549a0a8fc8ec50ca": {
1960 "translations": {
1961 "python": {
1962 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_type_activation_props = cloudformation.CfnTypeActivationProps(\n auto_update=False,\n execution_role_arn=\"executionRoleArn\",\n logging_config=cloudformation.CfnTypeActivation.LoggingConfigProperty(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n log_role_arn=\"logRoleArn\"\n ),\n major_version=\"majorVersion\",\n public_type_arn=\"publicTypeArn\",\n publisher_id=\"publisherId\",\n type=\"type\",\n type_name=\"typeName\",\n type_name_alias=\"typeNameAlias\",\n version_bump=\"versionBump\"\n)",
1963 "version": "2"
1964 },
1965 "csharp": {
1966 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnTypeActivationProps cfnTypeActivationProps = new CfnTypeActivationProps {\n AutoUpdate = false,\n ExecutionRoleArn = \"executionRoleArn\",\n LoggingConfig = new LoggingConfigProperty {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n LogRoleArn = \"logRoleArn\"\n },\n MajorVersion = \"majorVersion\",\n PublicTypeArn = \"publicTypeArn\",\n PublisherId = \"publisherId\",\n Type = \"type\",\n TypeName = \"typeName\",\n TypeNameAlias = \"typeNameAlias\",\n VersionBump = \"versionBump\"\n};",
1967 "version": "1"
1968 },
1969 "java": {
1970 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnTypeActivationProps cfnTypeActivationProps = CfnTypeActivationProps.builder()\n .autoUpdate(false)\n .executionRoleArn(\"executionRoleArn\")\n .loggingConfig(LoggingConfigProperty.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .logRoleArn(\"logRoleArn\")\n .build())\n .majorVersion(\"majorVersion\")\n .publicTypeArn(\"publicTypeArn\")\n .publisherId(\"publisherId\")\n .type(\"type\")\n .typeName(\"typeName\")\n .typeNameAlias(\"typeNameAlias\")\n .versionBump(\"versionBump\")\n .build();",
1971 "version": "1"
1972 },
1973 "go": {
1974 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnTypeActivationProps := &cfnTypeActivationProps{\n\tautoUpdate: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\texecutionRoleArn: jsii.String(\"executionRoleArn\"),\n\tloggingConfig: &loggingConfigProperty{\n\t\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\t\tlogRoleArn: jsii.String(\"logRoleArn\"),\n\t},\n\tmajorVersion: jsii.String(\"majorVersion\"),\n\tpublicTypeArn: jsii.String(\"publicTypeArn\"),\n\tpublisherId: jsii.String(\"publisherId\"),\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\ttypeName: jsii.String(\"typeName\"),\n\ttypeNameAlias: jsii.String(\"typeNameAlias\"),\n\tversionBump: jsii.String(\"versionBump\"),\n}",
1975 "version": "1"
1976 },
1977 "$": {
1978 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnTypeActivationProps: cloudformation.CfnTypeActivationProps = {\n autoUpdate: false,\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n majorVersion: 'majorVersion',\n publicTypeArn: 'publicTypeArn',\n publisherId: 'publisherId',\n type: 'type',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeNameAlias: 'typeNameAlias',\n versionBump: 'versionBump',\n};",
1979 "version": "0"
1980 }
1981 },
1982 "location": {
1983 "api": {
1984 "api": "type",
1985 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnTypeActivationProps"
1986 },
1987 "field": {
1988 "field": "example"
1989 }
1990 },
1991 "didCompile": true,
1992 "fqnsReferenced": [
1993 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnTypeActivationProps"
1994 ],
1995 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnTypeActivationProps: cloudformation.CfnTypeActivationProps = {\n autoUpdate: false,\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n majorVersion: 'majorVersion',\n publicTypeArn: 'publicTypeArn',\n publisherId: 'publisherId',\n type: 'type',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeNameAlias: 'typeNameAlias',\n versionBump: 'versionBump',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1996 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1997 "10": 11,
1998 "75": 16,
1999 "91": 1,
2000 "153": 1,
2001 "169": 1,
2002 "193": 2,
2003 "225": 1,
2004 "242": 1,
2005 "243": 1,
2006 "254": 1,
2007 "255": 1,
2008 "256": 1,
2009 "281": 12,
2010 "290": 1
2011 },
2012 "fqnsFingerprint": "0fac77b2f91dffc093749dbd6438ae4c81691fb0afa49c09e16f91ff325bf5fd"
2013 },
2014 "41a1935e720aa75e458f643e4917e96902dc70dd6dfb19786686707eab962b49": {
2015 "translations": {
2016 "python": {
2017 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_wait_condition = cloudformation.CfnWaitCondition(self, \"MyCfnWaitCondition\",\n count=123,\n handle=\"handle\",\n timeout=\"timeout\"\n)",
2018 "version": "2"
2019 },
2020 "csharp": {
2021 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnWaitCondition cfnWaitCondition = new CfnWaitCondition(this, \"MyCfnWaitCondition\", new CfnWaitConditionProps {\n Count = 123,\n Handle = \"handle\",\n Timeout = \"timeout\"\n});",
2022 "version": "1"
2023 },
2024 "java": {
2025 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnWaitCondition cfnWaitCondition = CfnWaitCondition.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnWaitCondition\")\n .count(123)\n .handle(\"handle\")\n .timeout(\"timeout\")\n .build();",
2026 "version": "1"
2027 },
2028 "go": {
2029 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnWaitCondition := cloudformation.NewCfnWaitCondition(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnWaitCondition\"), &cfnWaitConditionProps{\n\tcount: jsii.Number(123),\n\thandle: jsii.String(\"handle\"),\n\ttimeout: jsii.String(\"timeout\"),\n})",
2030 "version": "1"
2031 },
2032 "$": {
2033 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnWaitCondition = new cloudformation.CfnWaitCondition(this, 'MyCfnWaitCondition', /* all optional props */ {\n count: 123,\n handle: 'handle',\n timeout: 'timeout',\n});",
2034 "version": "0"
2035 }
2036 },
2037 "location": {
2038 "api": {
2039 "api": "type",
2040 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnWaitCondition"
2041 },
2042 "field": {
2043 "field": "example"
2044 }
2045 },
2046 "didCompile": true,
2047 "fqnsReferenced": [
2048 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnWaitCondition",
2049 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionProps",
2050 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2051 ],
2052 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnWaitCondition = new cloudformation.CfnWaitCondition(this, 'MyCfnWaitCondition', /* all optional props */ {\n count: 123,\n handle: 'handle',\n timeout: 'timeout',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2053 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2054 "8": 1,
2055 "10": 4,
2056 "75": 7,
2057 "104": 1,
2058 "193": 1,
2059 "194": 1,
2060 "197": 1,
2061 "225": 1,
2062 "242": 1,
2063 "243": 1,
2064 "254": 1,
2065 "255": 1,
2066 "256": 1,
2067 "281": 3,
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2069 },
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2071 },
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2073 "translations": {
2074 "python": {
2075 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_wait_condition_handle = cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionHandle(self, \"MyCfnWaitConditionHandle\")",
2076 "version": "2"
2077 },
2078 "csharp": {
2079 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnWaitConditionHandle cfnWaitConditionHandle = new CfnWaitConditionHandle(this, \"MyCfnWaitConditionHandle\");",
2080 "version": "1"
2081 },
2082 "java": {
2083 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnWaitConditionHandle cfnWaitConditionHandle = new CfnWaitConditionHandle(this, \"MyCfnWaitConditionHandle\");",
2084 "version": "1"
2085 },
2086 "go": {
2087 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnWaitConditionHandle := cloudformation.NewCfnWaitConditionHandle(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnWaitConditionHandle\"))",
2088 "version": "1"
2089 },
2090 "$": {
2091 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnWaitConditionHandle = new cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionHandle(this, 'MyCfnWaitConditionHandle');",
2092 "version": "0"
2093 }
2094 },
2095 "location": {
2096 "api": {
2097 "api": "type",
2098 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionHandle"
2099 },
2100 "field": {
2101 "field": "example"
2102 }
2103 },
2104 "didCompile": true,
2105 "fqnsReferenced": [
2106 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionHandle",
2107 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2108 ],
2109 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnWaitConditionHandle = new cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionHandle(this, 'MyCfnWaitConditionHandle');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2110 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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2112 "75": 4,
2113 "104": 1,
2114 "194": 1,
2115 "197": 1,
2116 "225": 1,
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2118 "243": 1,
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2120 "255": 1,
2121 "256": 1,
2122 "290": 1
2123 },
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2127 "translations": {
2128 "python": {
2129 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncfn_wait_condition_props = cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionProps(\n count=123,\n handle=\"handle\",\n timeout=\"timeout\"\n)",
2130 "version": "2"
2131 },
2132 "csharp": {
2133 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCfnWaitConditionProps cfnWaitConditionProps = new CfnWaitConditionProps {\n Count = 123,\n Handle = \"handle\",\n Timeout = \"timeout\"\n};",
2134 "version": "1"
2135 },
2136 "java": {
2137 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCfnWaitConditionProps cfnWaitConditionProps = CfnWaitConditionProps.builder()\n .count(123)\n .handle(\"handle\")\n .timeout(\"timeout\")\n .build();",
2138 "version": "1"
2139 },
2140 "go": {
2141 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncfnWaitConditionProps := &cfnWaitConditionProps{\n\tcount: jsii.Number(123),\n\thandle: jsii.String(\"handle\"),\n\ttimeout: jsii.String(\"timeout\"),\n}",
2142 "version": "1"
2143 },
2144 "$": {
2145 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnWaitConditionProps: cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionProps = {\n count: 123,\n handle: 'handle',\n timeout: 'timeout',\n};",
2146 "version": "0"
2147 }
2148 },
2149 "location": {
2150 "api": {
2151 "api": "type",
2152 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionProps"
2153 },
2154 "field": {
2155 "field": "example"
2156 }
2157 },
2158 "didCompile": true,
2159 "fqnsReferenced": [
2160 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionProps"
2161 ],
2162 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnWaitConditionProps: cloudformation.CfnWaitConditionProps = {\n count: 123,\n handle: 'handle',\n timeout: 'timeout',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2163 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2164 "8": 1,
2165 "10": 3,
2166 "75": 7,
2167 "153": 1,
2168 "169": 1,
2169 "193": 1,
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2171 "242": 1,
2172 "243": 1,
2173 "254": 1,
2174 "255": 1,
2175 "256": 1,
2176 "281": 3,
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2182 "translations": {
2183 "python": {
2184 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# custom_resource_provider: cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider\n# properties: Any\n\ncustom_resource = cloudformation.CustomResource(self, \"MyCustomResource\",\n provider=custom_resource_provider,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n properties={\n \"properties_key\": properties\n },\n removal_policy=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n resource_type=\"resourceType\"\n)",
2185 "version": "2"
2186 },
2187 "csharp": {
2188 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nCustomResourceProvider customResourceProvider;\nvar properties;\nCustomResource customResource = new CustomResource(this, \"MyCustomResource\", new CustomResourceProps {\n Provider = customResourceProvider,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Properties = new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"propertiesKey\", properties }\n },\n RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n ResourceType = \"resourceType\"\n});",
2189 "version": "1"
2190 },
2191 "java": {
2192 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nCustomResourceProvider customResourceProvider;\nObject properties;\n\nCustomResource customResource = CustomResource.Builder.create(this, \"MyCustomResource\")\n .provider(customResourceProvider)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .properties(Map.of(\n \"propertiesKey\", properties))\n .removalPolicy(RemovalPolicy.DESTROY)\n .resourceType(\"resourceType\")\n .build();",
2193 "version": "1"
2194 },
2195 "go": {
2196 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar customResourceProvider customResourceProvider\nvar properties interface{}\n\ncustomResource := cloudformation.NewCustomResource(this, jsii.String(\"MyCustomResource\"), &customResourceProps{\n\tprovider: customResourceProvider,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tproperties: map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"propertiesKey\": properties,\n\t},\n\tremovalPolicy: cdk.removalPolicy_DESTROY,\n\tresourceType: jsii.String(\"resourceType\"),\n})",
2197 "version": "1"
2198 },
2199 "$": {
2200 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const customResourceProvider: cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider;\ndeclare const properties: any;\nconst customResource = new cloudformation.CustomResource(this, 'MyCustomResource', {\n provider: customResourceProvider,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n properties: {\n propertiesKey: properties,\n },\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n resourceType: 'resourceType',\n});",
2201 "version": "0"
2202 }
2203 },
2204 "location": {
2205 "api": {
2206 "api": "type",
2207 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResource"
2208 },
2209 "field": {
2210 "field": "example"
2211 }
2212 },
2213 "didCompile": true,
2214 "fqnsReferenced": [
2215 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResource",
2216 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProps",
2217 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.ICustomResourceProvider",
2218 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct",
2219 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy",
2220 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy#DESTROY"
2221 ],
2222 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const customResourceProvider: cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider;\ndeclare const properties: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst customResource = new cloudformation.CustomResource(this, 'MyCustomResource', {\n provider: customResourceProvider,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n properties: {\n propertiesKey: properties,\n },\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n resourceType: 'resourceType',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2223 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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2225 "75": 19,
2226 "104": 1,
2227 "125": 1,
2228 "130": 2,
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2231 "193": 2,
2232 "194": 3,
2233 "197": 1,
2234 "225": 3,
2235 "242": 3,
2236 "243": 3,
2237 "254": 2,
2238 "255": 2,
2239 "256": 2,
2240 "281": 5,
2241 "290": 1
2242 },
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2246 "translations": {
2247 "python": {
2248 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# custom_resource_provider: cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider\n# properties: Any\n\ncustom_resource_props = cloudformation.CustomResourceProps(\n provider=custom_resource_provider,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n properties={\n \"properties_key\": properties\n },\n removal_policy=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n resource_type=\"resourceType\"\n)",
2249 "version": "2"
2250 },
2251 "csharp": {
2252 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nCustomResourceProvider customResourceProvider;\nvar properties;\nCustomResourceProps customResourceProps = new CustomResourceProps {\n Provider = customResourceProvider,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Properties = new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"propertiesKey\", properties }\n },\n RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n ResourceType = \"resourceType\"\n};",
2253 "version": "1"
2254 },
2255 "java": {
2256 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nCustomResourceProvider customResourceProvider;\nObject properties;\n\nCustomResourceProps customResourceProps = CustomResourceProps.builder()\n .provider(customResourceProvider)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .properties(Map.of(\n \"propertiesKey\", properties))\n .removalPolicy(RemovalPolicy.DESTROY)\n .resourceType(\"resourceType\")\n .build();",
2257 "version": "1"
2258 },
2259 "go": {
2260 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar customResourceProvider customResourceProvider\nvar properties interface{}\n\ncustomResourceProps := &customResourceProps{\n\tprovider: customResourceProvider,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tproperties: map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"propertiesKey\": properties,\n\t},\n\tremovalPolicy: cdk.removalPolicy_DESTROY,\n\tresourceType: jsii.String(\"resourceType\"),\n}",
2261 "version": "1"
2262 },
2263 "$": {
2264 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const customResourceProvider: cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider;\ndeclare const properties: any;\nconst customResourceProps: cloudformation.CustomResourceProps = {\n provider: customResourceProvider,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n properties: {\n propertiesKey: properties,\n },\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n resourceType: 'resourceType',\n};",
2265 "version": "0"
2266 }
2267 },
2268 "location": {
2269 "api": {
2270 "api": "type",
2271 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProps"
2272 },
2273 "field": {
2274 "field": "example"
2275 }
2276 },
2277 "didCompile": true,
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2279 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProps",
2280 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.ICustomResourceProvider",
2281 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy",
2282 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy#DESTROY"
2283 ],
2284 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const customResourceProvider: cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider;\ndeclare const properties: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst customResourceProps: cloudformation.CustomResourceProps = {\n provider: customResourceProvider,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n properties: {\n propertiesKey: properties,\n },\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n resourceType: 'resourceType',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2285 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2286 "10": 3,
2287 "75": 19,
2288 "125": 1,
2289 "130": 2,
2290 "153": 2,
2291 "169": 2,
2292 "193": 2,
2293 "194": 2,
2294 "225": 3,
2295 "242": 3,
2296 "243": 3,
2297 "254": 2,
2298 "255": 2,
2299 "256": 2,
2300 "281": 5,
2301 "290": 1
2302 },
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2304 },
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2306 "translations": {
2307 "python": {
2308 "source": "import aws_cdk.custom_resources as custom_resources\nimport aws_cdk.aws_lambda as lambda_\nfrom aws_cdk.core import Stack\n# my_on_event_lambda: lambda.Function\n# my_is_complete_lambda: lambda.Function\nstack = Stack()\n\nprovider = custom_resources.Provider(stack, \"myProvider\",\n on_event_handler=my_on_event_lambda,\n is_complete_handler=my_is_complete_lambda\n)",
2309 "version": "2"
2310 },
2311 "csharp": {
2312 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.CustomResources;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\nFunction myOnEventLambda;\nFunction myIsCompleteLambda;\nStack stack = new Stack();\n\nProvider provider = new Provider(stack, \"myProvider\", new ProviderProps {\n OnEventHandler = myOnEventLambda,\n IsCompleteHandler = myIsCompleteLambda\n});",
2313 "version": "1"
2314 },
2315 "java": {
2316 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.customresources.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.Stack;\nFunction myOnEventLambda;\nFunction myIsCompleteLambda;\nStack stack = new Stack();\n\nProvider provider = Provider.Builder.create(stack, \"myProvider\")\n .onEventHandler(myOnEventLambda)\n .isCompleteHandler(myIsCompleteLambda)\n .build();",
2317 "version": "1"
2318 },
2319 "go": {
2320 "source": "import custom_resources \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcustomresources\"\nimport lambda \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslambda\"\nimport \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\nvar myOnEventLambda function\nvar myIsCompleteLambda function\nstack := awscdkcore.NewStack()\n\nprovider := custom_resources.NewProvider(stack, jsii.String(\"myProvider\"), &providerProps{\n\tonEventHandler: myOnEventLambda,\n\tisCompleteHandler: myIsCompleteLambda,\n})",
2321 "version": "1"
2322 },
2323 "$": {
2324 "source": "import * as custom_resources from '@aws-cdk/custom-resources';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\ndeclare const myOnEventLambda: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const myIsCompleteLambda: lambda.Function;\nconst stack = new Stack();\n\nconst provider = new custom_resources.Provider(stack, 'myProvider', {\n onEventHandler: myOnEventLambda,\n isCompleteHandler: myIsCompleteLambda, // optional\n});",
2325 "version": "0"
2326 }
2327 },
2328 "location": {
2329 "api": {
2330 "api": "member",
2331 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProps",
2332 "memberName": "provider"
2333 },
2334 "field": {
2335 "field": "markdown",
2336 "line": 8
2337 }
2338 },
2339 "didCompile": true,
2340 "fqnsReferenced": [
2341 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
2342 "@aws-cdk/core.Stack",
2343 "@aws-cdk/custom-resources.Provider",
2344 "@aws-cdk/custom-resources.ProviderProps",
2345 "constructs.Construct"
2346 ],
2347 "fullSource": "import * as custom_resources from '@aws-cdk/custom-resources';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\ndeclare const myOnEventLambda: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const myIsCompleteLambda: lambda.Function;\nconst stack = new Stack();\n\nconst provider = new custom_resources.Provider(stack, 'myProvider', {\n onEventHandler: myOnEventLambda,\n isCompleteHandler: myIsCompleteLambda, // optional\n});",
2348 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2349 "10": 4,
2350 "75": 19,
2351 "130": 2,
2352 "153": 2,
2353 "169": 2,
2354 "193": 1,
2355 "194": 1,
2356 "197": 2,
2357 "225": 4,
2358 "242": 4,
2359 "243": 4,
2360 "254": 3,
2361 "255": 3,
2362 "256": 2,
2363 "257": 1,
2364 "258": 1,
2365 "281": 2,
2366 "290": 1
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2368 "fqnsFingerprint": "29acc0c9fa0abe844ff8486832f577972873e876c8575bbb2fc339c1dc1afc68"
2369 },
2370 "70558494926d71dcff04666cf3757008e036095e9d09af06c0e143c78f2233d0": {
2371 "translations": {
2372 "python": {
2373 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\nimport aws_cdk.aws_lambda as lambda_\n# my_function: lambda.Function\n\n# invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nprovider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.from_lambda(my_function)",
2374 "version": "2"
2375 },
2376 "csharp": {
2377 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda;\nFunction myFunction;\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nCustomResourceProvider provider = CustomResourceProvider.FromLambda(myFunction);",
2378 "version": "1"
2379 },
2380 "java": {
2381 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.*;\nFunction myFunction;\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nCustomResourceProvider provider = CustomResourceProvider.fromLambda(myFunction);",
2382 "version": "1"
2383 },
2384 "go": {
2385 "source": "import cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\nimport lambda \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslambda\"\nvar myFunction function\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nprovider := cloudformation.customResourceProvider.fromLambda(myFunction)",
2386 "version": "1"
2387 },
2388 "$": {
2389 "source": "import * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\ndeclare const myFunction: lambda.Function;\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nconst provider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.fromLambda(myFunction);",
2390 "version": "0"
2391 }
2392 },
2393 "location": {
2394 "api": {
2395 "api": "member",
2396 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProps",
2397 "memberName": "provider"
2398 },
2399 "field": {
2400 "field": "markdown",
2401 "line": 22
2402 }
2403 },
2404 "didCompile": true,
2405 "fqnsReferenced": [
2406 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider",
2407 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider#fromLambda",
2408 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
2409 ],
2410 "fullSource": "import * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\ndeclare const myFunction: lambda.Function;\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nconst provider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.fromLambda(myFunction);",
2411 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2412 "10": 2,
2413 "75": 10,
2414 "130": 1,
2415 "153": 1,
2416 "169": 1,
2417 "194": 2,
2418 "196": 1,
2419 "225": 2,
2420 "242": 2,
2421 "243": 2,
2422 "254": 2,
2423 "255": 2,
2424 "256": 2,
2425 "290": 1
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2430 "translations": {
2431 "python": {
2432 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\nimport aws_cdk.aws_sns as sns\n# my_topic: sns.Topic\n\n# publish lifecycle events to an SNS topic:\nprovider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.from_topic(my_topic)",
2433 "version": "2"
2434 },
2435 "csharp": {
2436 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.SNS;\nTopic myTopic;\n\n// publish lifecycle events to an SNS topic:\nCustomResourceProvider provider = CustomResourceProvider.FromTopic(myTopic);",
2437 "version": "1"
2438 },
2439 "java": {
2440 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.sns.*;\nTopic myTopic;\n\n// publish lifecycle events to an SNS topic:\nCustomResourceProvider provider = CustomResourceProvider.fromTopic(myTopic);",
2441 "version": "1"
2442 },
2443 "go": {
2444 "source": "import cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\nimport sns \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawssns\"\nvar myTopic topic\n\n// publish lifecycle events to an SNS topic:\nprovider := cloudformation.customResourceProvider.fromTopic(myTopic)",
2445 "version": "1"
2446 },
2447 "$": {
2448 "source": "import * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\ndeclare const myTopic: sns.Topic;\n\n// publish lifecycle events to an SNS topic:\nconst provider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.fromTopic(myTopic);",
2449 "version": "0"
2450 }
2451 },
2452 "location": {
2453 "api": {
2454 "api": "member",
2455 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProps",
2456 "memberName": "provider"
2457 },
2458 "field": {
2459 "field": "markdown",
2460 "line": 31
2461 }
2462 },
2463 "didCompile": true,
2464 "fqnsReferenced": [
2465 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider",
2466 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider#fromTopic",
2467 "@aws-cdk/aws-sns.ITopic"
2468 ],
2469 "fullSource": "import * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\ndeclare const myTopic: sns.Topic;\n\n// publish lifecycle events to an SNS topic:\nconst provider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.fromTopic(myTopic);",
2470 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2471 "10": 2,
2472 "75": 10,
2473 "130": 1,
2474 "153": 1,
2475 "169": 1,
2476 "194": 2,
2477 "196": 1,
2478 "225": 2,
2479 "242": 2,
2480 "243": 2,
2481 "254": 2,
2482 "255": 2,
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2489 "translations": {
2490 "python": {
2491 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\nimport aws_cdk.aws_lambda as lambda_\n# my_function: lambda.Function\n\n# invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nprovider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.from_lambda(my_function)",
2492 "version": "2"
2493 },
2494 "csharp": {
2495 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda;\nFunction myFunction;\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nCustomResourceProvider provider = CustomResourceProvider.FromLambda(myFunction);",
2496 "version": "1"
2497 },
2498 "java": {
2499 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda.*;\nFunction myFunction;\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nCustomResourceProvider provider = CustomResourceProvider.fromLambda(myFunction);",
2500 "version": "1"
2501 },
2502 "go": {
2503 "source": "import cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\nimport lambda \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslambda\"\nvar myFunction function\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nprovider := cloudformation.customResourceProvider.fromLambda(myFunction)",
2504 "version": "1"
2505 },
2506 "$": {
2507 "source": "import * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\ndeclare const myFunction: lambda.Function;\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nconst provider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.fromLambda(myFunction);",
2508 "version": "0"
2509 }
2510 },
2511 "location": {
2512 "api": {
2513 "api": "type",
2514 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider"
2515 },
2516 "field": {
2517 "field": "example"
2518 }
2519 },
2520 "didCompile": true,
2521 "fqnsReferenced": [
2522 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider",
2523 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider#fromLambda",
2524 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
2525 ],
2526 "fullSource": "import * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\ndeclare const myFunction: lambda.Function;\n\n// invoke an AWS Lambda function when a lifecycle event occurs:\nconst provider = cloudformation.CustomResourceProvider.fromLambda(myFunction);",
2527 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2528 "10": 2,
2529 "75": 10,
2530 "130": 1,
2531 "153": 1,
2532 "169": 1,
2533 "194": 2,
2534 "196": 1,
2535 "225": 2,
2536 "242": 2,
2537 "243": 2,
2538 "254": 2,
2539 "255": 2,
2540 "256": 2,
2541 "290": 1
2542 },
2543 "fqnsFingerprint": "2df6eac1c05e4c7a7b85339cf6e1c52da7165a3535aad3d32eff3c40a48527ba"
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2546 "translations": {
2547 "python": {
2548 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation as cloudformation\n\ncustom_resource_provider_config = cloudformation.CustomResourceProviderConfig(\n service_token=\"serviceToken\"\n)",
2549 "version": "2"
2550 },
2551 "csharp": {
2552 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation;\n\nCustomResourceProviderConfig customResourceProviderConfig = new CustomResourceProviderConfig {\n ServiceToken = \"serviceToken\"\n};",
2553 "version": "1"
2554 },
2555 "java": {
2556 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation.*;\n\nCustomResourceProviderConfig customResourceProviderConfig = CustomResourceProviderConfig.builder()\n .serviceToken(\"serviceToken\")\n .build();",
2557 "version": "1"
2558 },
2559 "go": {
2560 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudformation \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudformation\"\n\ncustomResourceProviderConfig := &customResourceProviderConfig{\n\tserviceToken: jsii.String(\"serviceToken\"),\n}",
2561 "version": "1"
2562 },
2563 "$": {
2564 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst customResourceProviderConfig: cloudformation.CustomResourceProviderConfig = {\n serviceToken: 'serviceToken',\n};",
2565 "version": "0"
2566 }
2567 },
2568 "location": {
2569 "api": {
2570 "api": "type",
2571 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProviderConfig"
2572 },
2573 "field": {
2574 "field": "example"
2575 }
2576 },
2577 "didCompile": true,
2578 "fqnsReferenced": [
2579 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CustomResourceProviderConfig"
2580 ],
2581 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst customResourceProviderConfig: cloudformation.CustomResourceProviderConfig = {\n serviceToken: 'serviceToken',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2582 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2583 "10": 2,
2584 "75": 5,
2585 "153": 1,
2586 "169": 1,
2587 "193": 1,
2588 "225": 1,
2589 "242": 1,
2590 "243": 1,
2591 "254": 1,
2592 "255": 1,
2593 "256": 1,
2594 "281": 1,
2595 "290": 1
2596 },
2597 "fqnsFingerprint": "25c4b1bcee079ea3b75fb31d0526a4e706f5ad95f07b86effddced715148b9e5"
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2600 "translations": {
2601 "python": {
2602 "source": "class MyNestedStack(cfn.NestedStack):\n def __init__(self, scope, id, *, parameters=None, timeout=None, notifications=None):\n super().__init__(scope, id, parameters=parameters, timeout=timeout, notifications=notifications)\n\n s3.Bucket(self, \"NestedBucket\")\n\nclass MyParentStack(Stack):\n def __init__(self, scope, id, *, description=None, env=None, stackName=None, tags=None, synthesizer=None, terminationProtection=None, analyticsReporting=None):\n super().__init__(scope, id, description=description, env=env, stackName=stackName, tags=tags, synthesizer=synthesizer, terminationProtection=terminationProtection, analyticsReporting=analyticsReporting)\n\n MyNestedStack(self, \"Nested1\")\n MyNestedStack(self, \"Nested2\")",
2603 "version": "2"
2604 },
2605 "csharp": {
2606 "source": "class MyNestedStack : NestedStack\n{\n public MyNestedStack(Construct scope, string id, NestedStackProps? props=null) : base(scope, id, props)\n {\n\n new Bucket(this, \"NestedBucket\");\n }\n}\n\nclass MyParentStack : Stack\n{\n public MyParentStack(Construct scope, string id, StackProps? props=null) : base(scope, id, props)\n {\n\n new MyNestedStack(this, \"Nested1\");\n new MyNestedStack(this, \"Nested2\");\n }\n}",
2607 "version": "1"
2608 },
2609 "java": {
2610 "source": "public class MyNestedStack extends NestedStack {\n public MyNestedStack(Construct scope, String id) {\n this(scope, id, null);\n }\n\n public MyNestedStack(Construct scope, String id, NestedStackProps props) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new Bucket(this, \"NestedBucket\");\n }\n}\n\npublic class MyParentStack extends Stack {\n public MyParentStack(Construct scope, String id) {\n this(scope, id, null);\n }\n\n public MyParentStack(Construct scope, String id, StackProps props) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new MyNestedStack(this, \"Nested1\");\n new MyNestedStack(this, \"Nested2\");\n }\n}",
2611 "version": "1"
2612 },
2613 "go": {
2614 "source": "type myNestedStack struct {\n\tnestedStack\n}\n\nfunc newMyNestedStack(scope construct, id *string, props nestedStackProps) *myNestedStack {\n\tthis := &myNestedStack{}\n\tcfn.NewNestedStack_Override(this, scope, id, props)\n\n\ts3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"NestedBucket\"))\n\treturn this\n}\n\ntype myParentStack struct {\n\tstack\n}\n\nfunc newMyParentStack(scope construct, id *string, props stackProps) *myParentStack {\n\tthis := &myParentStack{}\n\tnewStack_Override(this, scope, id, props)\n\n\tNewMyNestedStack(this, jsii.String(\"Nested1\"))\n\tNewMyNestedStack(this, jsii.String(\"Nested2\"))\n\treturn this\n}",
2615 "version": "1"
2616 },
2617 "$": {
2618 "source": "class MyNestedStack extends cfn.NestedStack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cfn.NestedStackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new s3.Bucket(this, 'NestedBucket');\n }\n}\n\nclass MyParentStack extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new MyNestedStack(this, 'Nested1');\n new MyNestedStack(this, 'Nested2');\n }\n}",
2619 "version": "0"
2620 }
2621 },
2622 "location": {
2623 "api": {
2624 "api": "type",
2625 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.NestedStack"
2626 },
2627 "field": {
2628 "field": "example"
2629 }
2630 },
2631 "didCompile": true,
2632 "fqnsReferenced": [
2633 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.NestedStack",
2634 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.NestedStackProps",
2635 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
2636 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct",
2637 "@aws-cdk/core.Stack",
2638 "@aws-cdk/core.StackProps",
2639 "constructs.Construct"
2640 ],
2641 "fullSource": "import * as cfn from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as customresources from '@aws-cdk/custom-resources';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport {\n App,\n Aws,\n CfnCondition,\n CfnDynamicReference,\n CfnDynamicReferenceService,\n CfnInclude,\n CfnJson,\n CfnMapping,\n CfnOutput,\n CfnParameter,\n CfnResource,\n CfnResourceProps,\n ConcreteDependable,\n Construct,\n CustomResource,\n CustomResourceProvider,\n CustomResourceProviderRuntime,\n DefaultStackSynthesizer,\n DependableTrait,\n Duration,\n Fn,\n IConstruct,\n RemovalPolicy,\n SecretValue,\n Size,\n SizeRoundingBehavior,\n Stack,\n StackProps,\n Stage,\n Token,\n} from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const app: App;\ndeclare const arn: 'arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-id';\ndeclare const cfnResource: CfnResource;\ndeclare const construct: Construct;\ndeclare const constructA: Construct;\ndeclare const constructB: Construct;\ndeclare const constructC: Construct;\ndeclare const functionProps: lambda.FunctionProps;\ndeclare const isCompleteHandler: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const myBucket: s3.IBucket;\ndeclare const myFunction: lambda.IFunction;\ndeclare const myTopic: sns.ITopic;\ndeclare const onEventHandler: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const resourceProps: CfnResourceProps;\n\ndeclare class MyStack extends Stack {}\ndeclare class YourStack extends Stack {}\n\nclass StackThatProvidesABucket extends Stack {\n public readonly bucket!: s3.IBucket;\n}\n\ninterface StackThatExpectsABucketProps extends StackProps {\n readonly bucket: s3.IBucket;\n}\n\nclass StackThatExpectsABucket extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackThatExpectsABucketProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n }\n}\n\nclass fixture$construct extends Construct {\n public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nclass MyNestedStack extends cfn.NestedStack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cfn.NestedStackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new s3.Bucket(this, 'NestedBucket');\n }\n}\n\nclass MyParentStack extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new MyNestedStack(this, 'Nested1');\n new MyNestedStack(this, 'Nested2');\n }\n}\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2642 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2643 "10": 3,
2644 "57": 2,
2645 "75": 26,
2646 "102": 2,
2647 "104": 3,
2648 "143": 2,
2649 "153": 1,
2650 "156": 6,
2651 "162": 2,
2652 "169": 4,
2653 "194": 2,
2654 "196": 2,
2655 "197": 3,
2656 "216": 2,
2657 "223": 2,
2658 "226": 5,
2659 "245": 2,
2660 "279": 2
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2665 "translations": {
2666 "python": {
2667 "source": "class MyNestedStack(cfn.NestedStack):\n def __init__(self, scope, id, *, parameters=None, timeout=None, notifications=None):\n super().__init__(scope, id, parameters=parameters, timeout=timeout, notifications=notifications)\n\n s3.Bucket(self, \"NestedBucket\")\n\nclass MyParentStack(Stack):\n def __init__(self, scope, id, *, description=None, env=None, stackName=None, tags=None, synthesizer=None, terminationProtection=None, analyticsReporting=None):\n super().__init__(scope, id, description=description, env=env, stackName=stackName, tags=tags, synthesizer=synthesizer, terminationProtection=terminationProtection, analyticsReporting=analyticsReporting)\n\n MyNestedStack(self, \"Nested1\")\n MyNestedStack(self, \"Nested2\")",
2668 "version": "2"
2669 },
2670 "csharp": {
2671 "source": "class MyNestedStack : NestedStack\n{\n public MyNestedStack(Construct scope, string id, NestedStackProps? props=null) : base(scope, id, props)\n {\n\n new Bucket(this, \"NestedBucket\");\n }\n}\n\nclass MyParentStack : Stack\n{\n public MyParentStack(Construct scope, string id, StackProps? props=null) : base(scope, id, props)\n {\n\n new MyNestedStack(this, \"Nested1\");\n new MyNestedStack(this, \"Nested2\");\n }\n}",
2672 "version": "1"
2673 },
2674 "java": {
2675 "source": "public class MyNestedStack extends NestedStack {\n public MyNestedStack(Construct scope, String id) {\n this(scope, id, null);\n }\n\n public MyNestedStack(Construct scope, String id, NestedStackProps props) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new Bucket(this, \"NestedBucket\");\n }\n}\n\npublic class MyParentStack extends Stack {\n public MyParentStack(Construct scope, String id) {\n this(scope, id, null);\n }\n\n public MyParentStack(Construct scope, String id, StackProps props) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new MyNestedStack(this, \"Nested1\");\n new MyNestedStack(this, \"Nested2\");\n }\n}",
2676 "version": "1"
2677 },
2678 "go": {
2679 "source": "type myNestedStack struct {\n\tnestedStack\n}\n\nfunc newMyNestedStack(scope construct, id *string, props nestedStackProps) *myNestedStack {\n\tthis := &myNestedStack{}\n\tcfn.NewNestedStack_Override(this, scope, id, props)\n\n\ts3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"NestedBucket\"))\n\treturn this\n}\n\ntype myParentStack struct {\n\tstack\n}\n\nfunc newMyParentStack(scope construct, id *string, props stackProps) *myParentStack {\n\tthis := &myParentStack{}\n\tnewStack_Override(this, scope, id, props)\n\n\tNewMyNestedStack(this, jsii.String(\"Nested1\"))\n\tNewMyNestedStack(this, jsii.String(\"Nested2\"))\n\treturn this\n}",
2680 "version": "1"
2681 },
2682 "$": {
2683 "source": "class MyNestedStack extends cfn.NestedStack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cfn.NestedStackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new s3.Bucket(this, 'NestedBucket');\n }\n}\n\nclass MyParentStack extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new MyNestedStack(this, 'Nested1');\n new MyNestedStack(this, 'Nested2');\n }\n}",
2684 "version": "0"
2685 }
2686 },
2687 "location": {
2688 "api": {
2689 "api": "type",
2690 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.NestedStackProps"
2691 },
2692 "field": {
2693 "field": "example"
2694 }
2695 },
2696 "didCompile": true,
2697 "fqnsReferenced": [
2698 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.NestedStack",
2699 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.NestedStackProps",
2700 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
2701 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct",
2702 "@aws-cdk/core.Stack",
2703 "@aws-cdk/core.StackProps",
2704 "constructs.Construct"
2705 ],
2706 "fullSource": "import * as cfn from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as customresources from '@aws-cdk/custom-resources';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport {\n App,\n Aws,\n CfnCondition,\n CfnDynamicReference,\n CfnDynamicReferenceService,\n CfnInclude,\n CfnJson,\n CfnMapping,\n CfnOutput,\n CfnParameter,\n CfnResource,\n CfnResourceProps,\n ConcreteDependable,\n Construct,\n CustomResource,\n CustomResourceProvider,\n CustomResourceProviderRuntime,\n DefaultStackSynthesizer,\n DependableTrait,\n Duration,\n Fn,\n IConstruct,\n RemovalPolicy,\n SecretValue,\n Size,\n SizeRoundingBehavior,\n Stack,\n StackProps,\n Stage,\n Token,\n} from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const app: App;\ndeclare const arn: 'arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-id';\ndeclare const cfnResource: CfnResource;\ndeclare const construct: Construct;\ndeclare const constructA: Construct;\ndeclare const constructB: Construct;\ndeclare const constructC: Construct;\ndeclare const functionProps: lambda.FunctionProps;\ndeclare const isCompleteHandler: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const myBucket: s3.IBucket;\ndeclare const myFunction: lambda.IFunction;\ndeclare const myTopic: sns.ITopic;\ndeclare const onEventHandler: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const resourceProps: CfnResourceProps;\n\ndeclare class MyStack extends Stack {}\ndeclare class YourStack extends Stack {}\n\nclass StackThatProvidesABucket extends Stack {\n public readonly bucket!: s3.IBucket;\n}\n\ninterface StackThatExpectsABucketProps extends StackProps {\n readonly bucket: s3.IBucket;\n}\n\nclass StackThatExpectsABucket extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackThatExpectsABucketProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n }\n}\n\nclass fixture$construct extends Construct {\n public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nclass MyNestedStack extends cfn.NestedStack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: cfn.NestedStackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new s3.Bucket(this, 'NestedBucket');\n }\n}\n\nclass MyParentStack extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n new MyNestedStack(this, 'Nested1');\n new MyNestedStack(this, 'Nested2');\n }\n}\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2707 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2708 "10": 3,
2709 "57": 2,
2710 "75": 26,
2711 "102": 2,
2712 "104": 3,
2713 "143": 2,
2714 "153": 1,
2715 "156": 6,
2716 "162": 2,
2717 "169": 4,
2718 "194": 2,
2719 "196": 2,
2720 "197": 3,
2721 "216": 2,
2722 "223": 2,
2723 "226": 5,
2724 "245": 2,
2725 "279": 2
2726 },
2727 "fqnsFingerprint": "083acf6b04d94caf1dad423589044c763c9ddf5904b2c5a7e26c343a0616148c"
2728 }
2729 }