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757 "iconUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws/aws-cdk/master/logo/default-256-dark.png",
758 "namespace": "Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation",
759 "packageId": "Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFormation"
760 },
761 "java": {
762 "maven": {
763 "artifactId": "cloudformation",
764 "groupId": "software.amazon.awscdk"
765 },
766 "package": "software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudformation"
767 },
768 "js": {
769 "npm": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation"
770 },
771 "python": {
772 "classifiers": [
773 "Framework :: AWS CDK",
774 "Framework :: AWS CDK :: 1"
775 ],
776 "distName": "aws-cdk.aws-cloudformation",
777 "module": "aws_cdk.aws_cloudformation"
778 }
779 },
780 "types": {
781 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResource": {
782 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
783 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
784 "docs": {
785 "custom": {
786 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource",
787 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cfn-customresource.html",
788 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
789 },
790 "remarks": "In a CloudFormation template, you use the `AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource` or `Custom:: *String*` resource type to specify custom resources.\n\nCustom resources provide a way for you to write custom provisioning logic in CloudFormation template and have CloudFormation run it during a stack operation, such as when you create, update or delete a stack. For more information, see [Custom resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/template-custom-resources.html) .\n\n> If you use the [VPC endpoints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/vpc/latest/userguide/vpc-endpoints.html) feature, custom resources in the VPC must have access to CloudFormation -specific Amazon Simple Storage Service ( Amazon S3 ) buckets. Custom resources must send responses to a presigned Amazon S3 URL. If they can't send responses to Amazon S3 , CloudFormation won't receive a response and the stack operation fails. For more information, see [Setting up VPC endpoints for AWS CloudFormation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/cfn-vpce-bucketnames.html) .",
791 "stability": "external",
792 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource`.",
793 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnCustomResource = new cloudformation.CfnCustomResource(this, 'MyCfnCustomResource', {\n serviceToken: 'serviceToken',\n});"
794 },
795 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResource",
796 "initializer": {
797 "docs": {
798 "stability": "external",
799 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::CloudFormation::CustomResource`."
800 },
801 "locationInModule": {
802 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
803 "line": 136
804 },
805 "parameters": [
806 {
807 "docs": {
808 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
809 },
810 "name": "scope",
811 "type": {
812 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
813 }
814 },
815 {
816 "docs": {
817 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
818 },
819 "name": "id",
820 "type": {
821 "primitive": "string"
822 }
823 },
824 {
825 "docs": {
826 "summary": "- resource properties."
827 },
828 "name": "props",
829 "type": {
830 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps"
831 }
832 }
833 ]
834 },
835 "interfaces": [
836 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
837 ],
838 "kind": "class",
839 "locationInModule": {
840 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
841 "line": 93
842 },
843 "methods": [
844 {
845 "docs": {
846 "stability": "external",
847 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
848 },
849 "locationInModule": {
850 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
851 "line": 149
852 },
853 "name": "inspect",
854 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
855 "parameters": [
856 {
857 "docs": {
858 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
859 },
860 "name": "inspector",
861 "type": {
862 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
863 }
864 }
865 ]
866 },
867 {
868 "docs": {
869 "stability": "external"
870 },
871 "locationInModule": {
872 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
873 "line": 160
874 },
875 "name": "renderProperties",
876 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
877 "parameters": [
878 {
879 "name": "props",
880 "type": {
881 "collection": {
882 "elementtype": {
883 "primitive": "any"
884 },
885 "kind": "map"
886 }
887 }
888 }
889 ],
890 "protected": true,
891 "returns": {
892 "type": {
893 "collection": {
894 "elementtype": {
895 "primitive": "any"
896 },
897 "kind": "map"
898 }
899 }
900 }
901 }
902 ],
903 "name": "CfnCustomResource",
904 "properties": [
905 {
906 "const": true,
907 "docs": {
908 "stability": "external",
909 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
910 },
911 "immutable": true,
912 "locationInModule": {
913 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
914 "line": 97
915 },
917 "static": true,
918 "type": {
919 "primitive": "string"
920 }
921 },
922 {
923 "docs": {
924 "stability": "external"
925 },
926 "immutable": true,
927 "locationInModule": {
928 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
929 "line": 154
930 },
931 "name": "cfnProperties",
932 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
933 "protected": true,
934 "type": {
935 "collection": {
936 "elementtype": {
937 "primitive": "any"
938 },
939 "kind": "map"
940 }
941 }
942 },
943 {
944 "docs": {
945 "custom": {
946 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cfn-customresource.html#cfn-customresource-servicetoken"
947 },
948 "remarks": "All other properties are defined by the service provider.\n\nThe service token that was given to the template developer by the service provider to access the service, such as an Amazon SNS topic ARN or Lambda function ARN. The service token must be from the same Region in which you are creating the stack.\n\nUpdates aren't supported.",
949 "stability": "external",
950 "summary": "> Only one property is defined by AWS for a custom resource: `ServiceToken` ."
951 },
952 "locationInModule": {
953 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
954 "line": 127
955 },
956 "name": "serviceToken",
957 "type": {
958 "primitive": "string"
959 }
960 }
961 ],
962 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnCustomResource"
963 },
964 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps": {
965 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
966 "datatype": true,
967 "docs": {
968 "custom": {
969 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cfn-customresource.html",
970 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
971 },
972 "stability": "external",
973 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnCustomResource`.",
974 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnCustomResourceProps: cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps = {\n serviceToken: 'serviceToken',\n};"
975 },
976 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnCustomResourceProps",
977 "kind": "interface",
978 "locationInModule": {
979 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
980 "line": 19
981 },
982 "name": "CfnCustomResourceProps",
983 "properties": [
984 {
985 "abstract": true,
986 "docs": {
987 "custom": {
988 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cfn-customresource.html#cfn-customresource-servicetoken"
989 },
990 "remarks": "All other properties are defined by the service provider.\n\nThe service token that was given to the template developer by the service provider to access the service, such as an Amazon SNS topic ARN or Lambda function ARN. The service token must be from the same Region in which you are creating the stack.\n\nUpdates aren't supported.",
991 "stability": "external",
992 "summary": "> Only one property is defined by AWS for a custom resource: `ServiceToken` ."
993 },
994 "immutable": true,
995 "locationInModule": {
996 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
997 "line": 30
998 },
999 "name": "serviceToken",
1000 "type": {
1001 "primitive": "string"
1002 }
1003 }
1004 ],
1005 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnCustomResourceProps"
1006 },
1007 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersion": {
1008 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
1009 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1010 "docs": {
1011 "custom": {
1012 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::CloudFormation::HookDefaultVersion",
1013 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion.html",
1014 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1015 },
1016 "remarks": "The `HookDefaultVersion` resource specifies the default version of the hook. The default version of the hook is used in CloudFormation operations for this AWS account and AWS Region .",
1017 "stability": "external",
1018 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::CloudFormation::HookDefaultVersion`.",
1019 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookDefaultVersion = new cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersion(this, 'MyCfnHookDefaultVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n});"
1020 },
1021 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersion",
1022 "initializer": {
1023 "docs": {
1024 "stability": "external",
1025 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::CloudFormation::HookDefaultVersion`."
1026 },
1027 "locationInModule": {
1028 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1029 "line": 329
1030 },
1031 "parameters": [
1032 {
1033 "docs": {
1034 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
1035 },
1036 "name": "scope",
1037 "type": {
1038 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1039 }
1040 },
1041 {
1042 "docs": {
1043 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
1044 },
1045 "name": "id",
1046 "type": {
1047 "primitive": "string"
1048 }
1049 },
1050 {
1051 "docs": {
1052 "summary": "- resource properties."
1053 },
1054 "name": "props",
1055 "optional": true,
1056 "type": {
1057 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps"
1058 }
1059 }
1060 ]
1061 },
1062 "interfaces": [
1063 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
1064 ],
1065 "kind": "class",
1066 "locationInModule": {
1067 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1068 "line": 264
1069 },
1070 "methods": [
1071 {
1072 "docs": {
1073 "stability": "external",
1074 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
1075 },
1076 "locationInModule": {
1077 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1078 "line": 344
1079 },
1080 "name": "inspect",
1081 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
1082 "parameters": [
1083 {
1084 "docs": {
1085 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
1086 },
1087 "name": "inspector",
1088 "type": {
1089 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
1090 }
1091 }
1092 ]
1093 },
1094 {
1095 "docs": {
1096 "stability": "external"
1097 },
1098 "locationInModule": {
1099 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1100 "line": 357
1101 },
1102 "name": "renderProperties",
1103 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1104 "parameters": [
1105 {
1106 "name": "props",
1107 "type": {
1108 "collection": {
1109 "elementtype": {
1110 "primitive": "any"
1111 },
1112 "kind": "map"
1113 }
1114 }
1115 }
1116 ],
1117 "protected": true,
1118 "returns": {
1119 "type": {
1120 "collection": {
1121 "elementtype": {
1122 "primitive": "any"
1123 },
1124 "kind": "map"
1125 }
1126 }
1127 }
1128 }
1129 ],
1130 "name": "CfnHookDefaultVersion",
1131 "properties": [
1132 {
1133 "const": true,
1134 "docs": {
1135 "stability": "external",
1136 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
1137 },
1138 "immutable": true,
1139 "locationInModule": {
1140 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1141 "line": 268
1142 },
1143 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
1144 "static": true,
1145 "type": {
1146 "primitive": "string"
1147 }
1148 },
1149 {
1150 "docs": {
1151 "custom": {
1152 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
1153 },
1154 "stability": "external",
1155 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the activated extension, in this account and Region."
1156 },
1157 "immutable": true,
1158 "locationInModule": {
1159 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1160 "line": 293
1161 },
1162 "name": "attrArn",
1163 "type": {
1164 "primitive": "string"
1165 }
1166 },
1167 {
1168 "docs": {
1169 "stability": "external"
1170 },
1171 "immutable": true,
1172 "locationInModule": {
1173 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1174 "line": 349
1175 },
1176 "name": "cfnProperties",
1177 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1178 "protected": true,
1179 "type": {
1180 "collection": {
1181 "elementtype": {
1182 "primitive": "any"
1183 },
1184 "kind": "map"
1185 }
1186 }
1187 },
1188 {
1189 "docs": {
1190 "custom": {
1191 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion-typename"
1192 },
1193 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeVersionArn` , or `TypeName` and `VersionId` .",
1194 "stability": "external",
1195 "summary": "The name of the hook."
1196 },
1197 "locationInModule": {
1198 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1199 "line": 302
1200 },
1201 "name": "typeName",
1202 "optional": true,
1203 "type": {
1204 "primitive": "string"
1205 }
1206 },
1207 {
1208 "docs": {
1209 "custom": {
1210 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion-typeversionarn"
1211 },
1212 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeVersionArn` , or `TypeName` and `VersionId` .",
1213 "stability": "external",
1214 "summary": "The version ID of the type configuration."
1215 },
1216 "locationInModule": {
1217 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1218 "line": 311
1219 },
1220 "name": "typeVersionArn",
1221 "optional": true,
1222 "type": {
1223 "primitive": "string"
1224 }
1225 },
1226 {
1227 "docs": {
1228 "custom": {
1229 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion-versionid"
1230 },
1231 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeVersionArn` , or `TypeName` and `VersionId` .",
1232 "stability": "external",
1233 "summary": "The version ID of the type specified."
1234 },
1235 "locationInModule": {
1236 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1237 "line": 320
1238 },
1239 "name": "versionId",
1240 "optional": true,
1241 "type": {
1242 "primitive": "string"
1243 }
1244 }
1245 ],
1246 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnHookDefaultVersion"
1247 },
1248 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps": {
1249 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
1250 "datatype": true,
1251 "docs": {
1252 "custom": {
1253 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion.html",
1254 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1255 },
1256 "stability": "external",
1257 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnHookDefaultVersion`.",
1258 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookDefaultVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps = {\n typeName: 'typeName',\n typeVersionArn: 'typeVersionArn',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n};"
1259 },
1260 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookDefaultVersionProps",
1261 "kind": "interface",
1262 "locationInModule": {
1263 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1264 "line": 173
1265 },
1266 "name": "CfnHookDefaultVersionProps",
1267 "properties": [
1268 {
1269 "abstract": true,
1270 "docs": {
1271 "custom": {
1272 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion-typename"
1273 },
1274 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeVersionArn` , or `TypeName` and `VersionId` .",
1275 "stability": "external",
1276 "summary": "The name of the hook."
1277 },
1278 "immutable": true,
1279 "locationInModule": {
1280 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1281 "line": 182
1282 },
1283 "name": "typeName",
1284 "optional": true,
1285 "type": {
1286 "primitive": "string"
1287 }
1288 },
1289 {
1290 "abstract": true,
1291 "docs": {
1292 "custom": {
1293 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion-typeversionarn"
1294 },
1295 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeVersionArn` , or `TypeName` and `VersionId` .",
1296 "stability": "external",
1297 "summary": "The version ID of the type configuration."
1298 },
1299 "immutable": true,
1300 "locationInModule": {
1301 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1302 "line": 191
1303 },
1304 "name": "typeVersionArn",
1305 "optional": true,
1306 "type": {
1307 "primitive": "string"
1308 }
1309 },
1310 {
1311 "abstract": true,
1312 "docs": {
1313 "custom": {
1314 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookdefaultversion-versionid"
1315 },
1316 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeVersionArn` , or `TypeName` and `VersionId` .",
1317 "stability": "external",
1318 "summary": "The version ID of the type specified."
1319 },
1320 "immutable": true,
1321 "locationInModule": {
1322 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1323 "line": 200
1324 },
1325 "name": "versionId",
1326 "optional": true,
1327 "type": {
1328 "primitive": "string"
1329 }
1330 }
1331 ],
1332 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnHookDefaultVersionProps"
1333 },
1334 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfig": {
1335 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
1336 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1337 "docs": {
1338 "custom": {
1339 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::CloudFormation::HookTypeConfig",
1340 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html",
1341 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1342 },
1343 "remarks": "The `HookTypeConfig` resource specifies the configuration of a hook.",
1344 "stability": "external",
1345 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::CloudFormation::HookTypeConfig`.",
1346 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookTypeConfig = new cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfig(this, 'MyCfnHookTypeConfig', {\n configuration: 'configuration',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n configurationAlias: 'configurationAlias',\n typeArn: 'typeArn',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n});"
1347 },
1348 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfig",
1349 "initializer": {
1350 "docs": {
1351 "stability": "external",
1352 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::CloudFormation::HookTypeConfig`."
1353 },
1354 "locationInModule": {
1355 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1356 "line": 548
1357 },
1358 "parameters": [
1359 {
1360 "docs": {
1361 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
1362 },
1363 "name": "scope",
1364 "type": {
1365 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1366 }
1367 },
1368 {
1369 "docs": {
1370 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
1371 },
1372 "name": "id",
1373 "type": {
1374 "primitive": "string"
1375 }
1376 },
1377 {
1378 "docs": {
1379 "summary": "- resource properties."
1380 },
1381 "name": "props",
1382 "type": {
1383 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps"
1384 }
1385 }
1386 ]
1387 },
1388 "interfaces": [
1389 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
1390 ],
1391 "kind": "class",
1392 "locationInModule": {
1393 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1394 "line": 474
1395 },
1396 "methods": [
1397 {
1398 "docs": {
1399 "stability": "external",
1400 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
1401 },
1402 "locationInModule": {
1403 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1404 "line": 565
1405 },
1406 "name": "inspect",
1407 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
1408 "parameters": [
1409 {
1410 "docs": {
1411 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
1412 },
1413 "name": "inspector",
1414 "type": {
1415 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
1416 }
1417 }
1418 ]
1419 },
1420 {
1421 "docs": {
1422 "stability": "external"
1423 },
1424 "locationInModule": {
1425 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1426 "line": 579
1427 },
1428 "name": "renderProperties",
1429 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1430 "parameters": [
1431 {
1432 "name": "props",
1433 "type": {
1434 "collection": {
1435 "elementtype": {
1436 "primitive": "any"
1437 },
1438 "kind": "map"
1439 }
1440 }
1441 }
1442 ],
1443 "protected": true,
1444 "returns": {
1445 "type": {
1446 "collection": {
1447 "elementtype": {
1448 "primitive": "any"
1449 },
1450 "kind": "map"
1451 }
1452 }
1453 }
1454 }
1455 ],
1456 "name": "CfnHookTypeConfig",
1457 "properties": [
1458 {
1459 "const": true,
1460 "docs": {
1461 "stability": "external",
1462 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
1463 },
1464 "immutable": true,
1465 "locationInModule": {
1466 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1467 "line": 478
1468 },
1469 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
1470 "static": true,
1471 "type": {
1472 "primitive": "string"
1473 }
1474 },
1475 {
1476 "docs": {
1477 "custom": {
1478 "cloudformationAttribute": "ConfigurationArn"
1479 },
1480 "stability": "external",
1481 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) of the activated hook type configuration, in this account and Region."
1482 },
1483 "immutable": true,
1484 "locationInModule": {
1485 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1486 "line": 503
1487 },
1488 "name": "attrConfigurationArn",
1489 "type": {
1490 "primitive": "string"
1491 }
1492 },
1493 {
1494 "docs": {
1495 "stability": "external"
1496 },
1497 "immutable": true,
1498 "locationInModule": {
1499 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1500 "line": 570
1501 },
1502 "name": "cfnProperties",
1503 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1504 "protected": true,
1505 "type": {
1506 "collection": {
1507 "elementtype": {
1508 "primitive": "any"
1509 },
1510 "kind": "map"
1511 }
1512 }
1513 },
1514 {
1515 "docs": {
1516 "custom": {
1517 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig-configuration"
1518 },
1519 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeName` and `Configuration` or `TypeARN` and `Configuration` .",
1520 "stability": "external",
1521 "summary": "Specifies the activated hook type configuration, in this AWS account and AWS Region ."
1522 },
1523 "locationInModule": {
1524 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1525 "line": 512
1526 },
1527 "name": "configuration",
1528 "type": {
1529 "primitive": "string"
1530 }
1531 },
1532 {
1533 "docs": {
1534 "custom": {
1535 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig-configurationalias"
1536 },
1537 "remarks": "Defaults to `default` alias. Hook types currently support default configuration alias.",
1538 "stability": "external",
1539 "summary": "Specifies the activated hook type configuration, in this AWS account and AWS Region ."
1540 },
1541 "locationInModule": {
1542 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1543 "line": 521
1544 },
1545 "name": "configurationAlias",
1546 "optional": true,
1547 "type": {
1548 "primitive": "string"
1549 }
1550 },
1551 {
1552 "docs": {
1553 "custom": {
1554 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig-typearn"
1555 },
1556 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeName` and `Configuration` or `TypeARN` and `Configuration` .",
1557 "stability": "external",
1558 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) for the hook to set `Configuration` for."
1559 },
1560 "locationInModule": {
1561 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1562 "line": 530
1563 },
1564 "name": "typeArn",
1565 "optional": true,
1566 "type": {
1567 "primitive": "string"
1568 }
1569 },
1570 {
1571 "docs": {
1572 "custom": {
1573 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig-typename"
1574 },
1575 "remarks": "Specifies a three-part namespace for your hook, with a recommended pattern of `Organization::Service::Hook` .\n\nYou must specify either `TypeName` and `Configuration` or `TypeARN` and `Configuration` .",
1576 "stability": "external",
1577 "summary": "The unique name for your hook."
1578 },
1579 "locationInModule": {
1580 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1581 "line": 539
1582 },
1583 "name": "typeName",
1584 "optional": true,
1585 "type": {
1586 "primitive": "string"
1587 }
1588 }
1589 ],
1590 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnHookTypeConfig"
1591 },
1592 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps": {
1593 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
1594 "datatype": true,
1595 "docs": {
1596 "custom": {
1597 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html",
1598 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1599 },
1600 "stability": "external",
1601 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnHookTypeConfig`.",
1602 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookTypeConfigProps: cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps = {\n configuration: 'configuration',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n configurationAlias: 'configurationAlias',\n typeArn: 'typeArn',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n};"
1603 },
1604 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookTypeConfigProps",
1605 "kind": "interface",
1606 "locationInModule": {
1607 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1608 "line": 370
1609 },
1610 "name": "CfnHookTypeConfigProps",
1611 "properties": [
1612 {
1613 "abstract": true,
1614 "docs": {
1615 "custom": {
1616 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig-configuration"
1617 },
1618 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeName` and `Configuration` or `TypeARN` and `Configuration` .",
1619 "stability": "external",
1620 "summary": "Specifies the activated hook type configuration, in this AWS account and AWS Region ."
1621 },
1622 "immutable": true,
1623 "locationInModule": {
1624 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1625 "line": 379
1626 },
1627 "name": "configuration",
1628 "type": {
1629 "primitive": "string"
1630 }
1631 },
1632 {
1633 "abstract": true,
1634 "docs": {
1635 "custom": {
1636 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig-configurationalias"
1637 },
1638 "remarks": "Defaults to `default` alias. Hook types currently support default configuration alias.",
1639 "stability": "external",
1640 "summary": "Specifies the activated hook type configuration, in this AWS account and AWS Region ."
1641 },
1642 "immutable": true,
1643 "locationInModule": {
1644 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1645 "line": 388
1646 },
1647 "name": "configurationAlias",
1648 "optional": true,
1649 "type": {
1650 "primitive": "string"
1651 }
1652 },
1653 {
1654 "abstract": true,
1655 "docs": {
1656 "custom": {
1657 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig-typearn"
1658 },
1659 "remarks": "You must specify either `TypeName` and `Configuration` or `TypeARN` and `Configuration` .",
1660 "stability": "external",
1661 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) for the hook to set `Configuration` for."
1662 },
1663 "immutable": true,
1664 "locationInModule": {
1665 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1666 "line": 397
1667 },
1668 "name": "typeArn",
1669 "optional": true,
1670 "type": {
1671 "primitive": "string"
1672 }
1673 },
1674 {
1675 "abstract": true,
1676 "docs": {
1677 "custom": {
1678 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hooktypeconfig-typename"
1679 },
1680 "remarks": "Specifies a three-part namespace for your hook, with a recommended pattern of `Organization::Service::Hook` .\n\nYou must specify either `TypeName` and `Configuration` or `TypeARN` and `Configuration` .",
1681 "stability": "external",
1682 "summary": "The unique name for your hook."
1683 },
1684 "immutable": true,
1685 "locationInModule": {
1686 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1687 "line": 406
1688 },
1689 "name": "typeName",
1690 "optional": true,
1691 "type": {
1692 "primitive": "string"
1693 }
1694 }
1695 ],
1696 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnHookTypeConfigProps"
1697 },
1698 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion": {
1699 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
1700 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1701 "docs": {
1702 "custom": {
1703 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::CloudFormation::HookVersion",
1704 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html",
1705 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1706 },
1707 "remarks": "The `HookVersion` resource publishes new or first hook version to the AWS CloudFormation registry.",
1708 "stability": "external",
1709 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::CloudFormation::HookVersion`.",
1710 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookVersion = new cloudformation.CfnHookVersion(this, 'MyCfnHookVersion', {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n});"
1711 },
1712 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion",
1713 "initializer": {
1714 "docs": {
1715 "stability": "external",
1716 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::CloudFormation::HookVersion`."
1717 },
1718 "locationInModule": {
1719 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1720 "line": 812
1721 },
1722 "parameters": [
1723 {
1724 "docs": {
1725 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
1726 },
1727 "name": "scope",
1728 "type": {
1729 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1730 }
1731 },
1732 {
1733 "docs": {
1734 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
1735 },
1736 "name": "id",
1737 "type": {
1738 "primitive": "string"
1739 }
1740 },
1741 {
1742 "docs": {
1743 "summary": "- resource properties."
1744 },
1745 "name": "props",
1746 "type": {
1747 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps"
1748 }
1749 }
1750 ]
1751 },
1752 "interfaces": [
1753 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
1754 ],
1755 "kind": "class",
1756 "locationInModule": {
1757 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1758 "line": 703
1759 },
1760 "methods": [
1761 {
1762 "docs": {
1763 "stability": "external",
1764 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
1765 },
1766 "locationInModule": {
1767 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1768 "line": 834
1769 },
1770 "name": "inspect",
1771 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
1772 "parameters": [
1773 {
1774 "docs": {
1775 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
1776 },
1777 "name": "inspector",
1778 "type": {
1779 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
1780 }
1781 }
1782 ]
1783 },
1784 {
1785 "docs": {
1786 "stability": "external"
1787 },
1788 "locationInModule": {
1789 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1790 "line": 848
1791 },
1792 "name": "renderProperties",
1793 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1794 "parameters": [
1795 {
1796 "name": "props",
1797 "type": {
1798 "collection": {
1799 "elementtype": {
1800 "primitive": "any"
1801 },
1802 "kind": "map"
1803 }
1804 }
1805 }
1806 ],
1807 "protected": true,
1808 "returns": {
1809 "type": {
1810 "collection": {
1811 "elementtype": {
1812 "primitive": "any"
1813 },
1814 "kind": "map"
1815 }
1816 }
1817 }
1818 }
1819 ],
1820 "name": "CfnHookVersion",
1821 "properties": [
1822 {
1823 "const": true,
1824 "docs": {
1825 "stability": "external",
1826 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
1827 },
1828 "immutable": true,
1829 "locationInModule": {
1830 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1831 "line": 707
1832 },
1833 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
1834 "static": true,
1835 "type": {
1836 "primitive": "string"
1837 }
1838 },
1839 {
1840 "docs": {
1841 "custom": {
1842 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
1843 },
1844 "stability": "external",
1845 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the hook."
1846 },
1847 "immutable": true,
1848 "locationInModule": {
1849 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1850 "line": 732
1851 },
1852 "name": "attrArn",
1853 "type": {
1854 "primitive": "string"
1855 }
1856 },
1857 {
1858 "docs": {
1859 "custom": {
1860 "cloudformationAttribute": "IsDefaultVersion"
1861 },
1862 "stability": "external",
1863 "summary": "Whether the specified hook version is set as the default version."
1864 },
1865 "immutable": true,
1866 "locationInModule": {
1867 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1868 "line": 738
1869 },
1870 "name": "attrIsDefaultVersion",
1871 "type": {
1872 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1873 }
1874 },
1875 {
1876 "docs": {
1877 "custom": {
1878 "cloudformationAttribute": "TypeArn"
1879 },
1880 "stability": "external",
1881 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Number (ARN) assigned to this version of the hook."
1882 },
1883 "immutable": true,
1884 "locationInModule": {
1885 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1886 "line": 744
1887 },
1888 "name": "attrTypeArn",
1889 "type": {
1890 "primitive": "string"
1891 }
1892 },
1893 {
1894 "docs": {
1895 "custom": {
1896 "cloudformationAttribute": "VersionId"
1897 },
1898 "stability": "external",
1899 "summary": "The ID of this version of the hook."
1900 },
1901 "immutable": true,
1902 "locationInModule": {
1903 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1904 "line": 750
1905 },
1906 "name": "attrVersionId",
1907 "type": {
1908 "primitive": "string"
1909 }
1910 },
1911 {
1912 "docs": {
1913 "custom": {
1914 "cloudformationAttribute": "Visibility"
1915 },
1916 "remarks": "Valid values include:\n\n- `PRIVATE` : The resource is only visible and usable within the account in which it's registered. CloudFormation marks any resources you register as `PRIVATE` .\n- `PUBLIC` : The resource is publicly visible and usable within any Amazon account.",
1917 "stability": "external",
1918 "summary": "The scope at which the resource is visible and usable in CloudFormation operations."
1919 },
1920 "immutable": true,
1921 "locationInModule": {
1922 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1923 "line": 761
1924 },
1925 "name": "attrVisibility",
1926 "type": {
1927 "primitive": "string"
1928 }
1929 },
1930 {
1931 "docs": {
1932 "stability": "external"
1933 },
1934 "immutable": true,
1935 "locationInModule": {
1936 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1937 "line": 839
1938 },
1939 "name": "cfnProperties",
1940 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1941 "protected": true,
1942 "type": {
1943 "collection": {
1944 "elementtype": {
1945 "primitive": "any"
1946 },
1947 "kind": "map"
1948 }
1949 }
1950 },
1951 {
1952 "docs": {
1953 "custom": {
1954 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-schemahandlerpackage"
1955 },
1956 "remarks": "For information on generating a schema handler package for the resource you want to register, see [submit](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation-cli/latest/userguide/resource-type-cli-submit.html) in the *CloudFormation CLI User Guide for Extension Development* .\n\n> The user registering the resource must be able to access the package in the S3 bucket. That's, the user must have [GetObject](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_GetObject.html) permissions for the schema handler package. For more information, see [Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Amazon S3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/list_amazons3.html) in the *AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide* .",
1957 "stability": "external",
1958 "summary": "A URL to the Amazon S3 bucket containing the hook project package that contains the necessary files for the hook you want to register."
1959 },
1960 "locationInModule": {
1961 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1962 "line": 772
1963 },
1964 "name": "schemaHandlerPackage",
1965 "type": {
1966 "primitive": "string"
1967 }
1968 },
1969 {
1970 "docs": {
1971 "custom": {
1972 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-typename"
1973 },
1974 "remarks": "Specifies a three-part namespace for your hook, with a recommended pattern of `Organization::Service::Hook` .\n\n> The following organization namespaces are reserved and can't be used in your hook type names:\n>\n> - `Alexa`\n> - `AMZN`\n> - `Amazon`\n> - `ASK`\n> - `AWS`\n> - `Custom`\n> - `Dev`",
1975 "stability": "external",
1976 "summary": "The unique name for your hook."
1977 },
1978 "locationInModule": {
1979 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1980 "line": 789
1981 },
1982 "name": "typeName",
1983 "type": {
1984 "primitive": "string"
1985 }
1986 },
1987 {
1988 "docs": {
1989 "custom": {
1990 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-executionrolearn"
1991 },
1992 "stability": "external",
1993 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task execution role that grants the hook permission."
1994 },
1995 "locationInModule": {
1996 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
1997 "line": 796
1998 },
1999 "name": "executionRoleArn",
2000 "optional": true,
2001 "type": {
2002 "primitive": "string"
2003 }
2004 },
2005 {
2006 "docs": {
2007 "custom": {
2008 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-loggingconfig"
2009 },
2010 "stability": "external",
2011 "summary": "Contains logging configuration information for an extension."
2012 },
2013 "locationInModule": {
2014 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2015 "line": 803
2016 },
2017 "name": "loggingConfig",
2018 "optional": true,
2019 "type": {
2020 "union": {
2021 "types": [
2022 {
2023 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty"
2024 },
2025 {
2026 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2027 }
2028 ]
2029 }
2030 }
2031 }
2032 ],
2033 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnHookVersion"
2034 },
2035 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty": {
2036 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
2037 "datatype": true,
2038 "docs": {
2039 "custom": {
2040 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-cloudformation-hookversion-loggingconfig.html",
2041 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2042 },
2043 "stability": "external",
2044 "summary": "The `LoggingConfig` property type specifies logging configuration information for an extension.",
2045 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst loggingConfigProperty: cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};"
2046 },
2047 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty",
2048 "kind": "interface",
2049 "locationInModule": {
2050 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2051 "line": 862
2052 },
2053 "name": "LoggingConfigProperty",
2054 "namespace": "CfnHookVersion",
2055 "properties": [
2056 {
2057 "abstract": true,
2058 "docs": {
2059 "custom": {
2060 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-cloudformation-hookversion-loggingconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-loggingconfig-loggroupname"
2061 },
2062 "stability": "external",
2063 "summary": "The Amazon CloudWatch Logs group to which CloudFormation sends error logging information when invoking the extension's handlers."
2064 },
2065 "immutable": true,
2066 "locationInModule": {
2067 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2068 "line": 868
2069 },
2070 "name": "logGroupName",
2071 "optional": true,
2072 "type": {
2073 "primitive": "string"
2074 }
2075 },
2076 {
2077 "abstract": true,
2078 "docs": {
2079 "custom": {
2080 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-cloudformation-hookversion-loggingconfig.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-loggingconfig-logrolearn"
2081 },
2082 "stability": "external",
2083 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that CloudFormation should assume when sending log entries to CloudWatch Logs."
2084 },
2085 "immutable": true,
2086 "locationInModule": {
2087 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2088 "line": 874
2089 },
2090 "name": "logRoleArn",
2091 "optional": true,
2092 "type": {
2093 "primitive": "string"
2094 }
2095 }
2096 ],
2097 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty"
2098 },
2099 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps": {
2100 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
2101 "datatype": true,
2102 "docs": {
2103 "custom": {
2104 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html",
2105 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2106 },
2107 "stability": "external",
2108 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnHookVersion`.",
2109 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnHookVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps = {\n schemaHandlerPackage: 'schemaHandlerPackage',\n typeName: 'typeName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',\n loggingConfig: {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n },\n};"
2110 },
2111 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersionProps",
2112 "kind": "interface",
2113 "locationInModule": {
2114 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2115 "line": 592
2116 },
2117 "name": "CfnHookVersionProps",
2118 "properties": [
2119 {
2120 "abstract": true,
2121 "docs": {
2122 "custom": {
2123 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-schemahandlerpackage"
2124 },
2125 "remarks": "For information on generating a schema handler package for the resource you want to register, see [submit](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation-cli/latest/userguide/resource-type-cli-submit.html) in the *CloudFormation CLI User Guide for Extension Development* .\n\n> The user registering the resource must be able to access the package in the S3 bucket. That's, the user must have [GetObject](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_GetObject.html) permissions for the schema handler package. For more information, see [Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Amazon S3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/list_amazons3.html) in the *AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide* .",
2126 "stability": "external",
2127 "summary": "A URL to the Amazon S3 bucket containing the hook project package that contains the necessary files for the hook you want to register."
2128 },
2129 "immutable": true,
2130 "locationInModule": {
2131 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2132 "line": 603
2133 },
2134 "name": "schemaHandlerPackage",
2135 "type": {
2136 "primitive": "string"
2137 }
2138 },
2139 {
2140 "abstract": true,
2141 "docs": {
2142 "custom": {
2143 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-typename"
2144 },
2145 "remarks": "Specifies a three-part namespace for your hook, with a recommended pattern of `Organization::Service::Hook` .\n\n> The following organization namespaces are reserved and can't be used in your hook type names:\n>\n> - `Alexa`\n> - `AMZN`\n> - `Amazon`\n> - `ASK`\n> - `AWS`\n> - `Custom`\n> - `Dev`",
2146 "stability": "external",
2147 "summary": "The unique name for your hook."
2148 },
2149 "immutable": true,
2150 "locationInModule": {
2151 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2152 "line": 620
2153 },
2154 "name": "typeName",
2155 "type": {
2156 "primitive": "string"
2157 }
2158 },
2159 {
2160 "abstract": true,
2161 "docs": {
2162 "custom": {
2163 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-executionrolearn"
2164 },
2165 "stability": "external",
2166 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the task execution role that grants the hook permission."
2167 },
2168 "immutable": true,
2169 "locationInModule": {
2170 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2171 "line": 627
2172 },
2173 "name": "executionRoleArn",
2174 "optional": true,
2175 "type": {
2176 "primitive": "string"
2177 }
2178 },
2179 {
2180 "abstract": true,
2181 "docs": {
2182 "custom": {
2183 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-hookversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-hookversion-loggingconfig"
2184 },
2185 "stability": "external",
2186 "summary": "Contains logging configuration information for an extension."
2187 },
2188 "immutable": true,
2189 "locationInModule": {
2190 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2191 "line": 634
2192 },
2193 "name": "loggingConfig",
2194 "optional": true,
2195 "type": {
2196 "union": {
2197 "types": [
2198 {
2199 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnHookVersion.LoggingConfigProperty"
2200 },
2201 {
2202 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2203 }
2204 ]
2205 }
2206 }
2207 }
2208 ],
2209 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnHookVersionProps"
2210 },
2211 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacro": {
2212 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
2213 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2214 "docs": {
2215 "custom": {
2216 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::CloudFormation::Macro",
2217 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html",
2218 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2219 },
2220 "remarks": "The `AWS::CloudFormation::Macro` resource is a CloudFormation resource type that creates a CloudFormation macro to perform custom processing on CloudFormation templates. For more information, see [Using AWS CloudFormation macros to perform custom processing on templates](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/template-macros.html) .",
2221 "stability": "external",
2222 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::CloudFormation::Macro`.",
2223 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnMacro = new cloudformation.CfnMacro(this, 'MyCfnMacro', {\n functionName: 'functionName',\n name: 'name',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n});"
2224 },
2225 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacro",
2226 "initializer": {
2227 "docs": {
2228 "stability": "external",
2229 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::CloudFormation::Macro`."
2230 },
2231 "locationInModule": {
2232 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2233 "line": 1111
2234 },
2235 "parameters": [
2236 {
2237 "docs": {
2238 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
2239 },
2240 "name": "scope",
2241 "type": {
2242 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2243 }
2244 },
2245 {
2246 "docs": {
2247 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
2248 },
2249 "name": "id",
2250 "type": {
2251 "primitive": "string"
2252 }
2253 },
2254 {
2255 "docs": {
2256 "summary": "- resource properties."
2257 },
2258 "name": "props",
2259 "type": {
2260 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacroProps"
2261 }
2262 }
2263 ]
2264 },
2265 "interfaces": [
2266 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
2267 ],
2268 "kind": "class",
2269 "locationInModule": {
2270 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2271 "line": 1044
2272 },
2273 "methods": [
2274 {
2275 "docs": {
2276 "stability": "external",
2277 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
2278 },
2279 "locationInModule": {
2280 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2281 "line": 1129
2282 },
2283 "name": "inspect",
2284 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
2285 "parameters": [
2286 {
2287 "docs": {
2288 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
2289 },
2290 "name": "inspector",
2291 "type": {
2292 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
2293 }
2294 }
2295 ]
2296 },
2297 {
2298 "docs": {
2299 "stability": "external"
2300 },
2301 "locationInModule": {
2302 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2303 "line": 1144
2304 },
2305 "name": "renderProperties",
2306 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2307 "parameters": [
2308 {
2309 "name": "props",
2310 "type": {
2311 "collection": {
2312 "elementtype": {
2313 "primitive": "any"
2314 },
2315 "kind": "map"
2316 }
2317 }
2318 }
2319 ],
2320 "protected": true,
2321 "returns": {
2322 "type": {
2323 "collection": {
2324 "elementtype": {
2325 "primitive": "any"
2326 },
2327 "kind": "map"
2328 }
2329 }
2330 }
2331 }
2332 ],
2333 "name": "CfnMacro",
2334 "properties": [
2335 {
2336 "const": true,
2337 "docs": {
2338 "stability": "external",
2339 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
2340 },
2341 "immutable": true,
2342 "locationInModule": {
2343 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2344 "line": 1048
2345 },
2346 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
2347 "static": true,
2348 "type": {
2349 "primitive": "string"
2350 }
2351 },
2352 {
2353 "docs": {
2354 "stability": "external"
2355 },
2356 "immutable": true,
2357 "locationInModule": {
2358 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2359 "line": 1134
2360 },
2361 "name": "cfnProperties",
2362 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2363 "protected": true,
2364 "type": {
2365 "collection": {
2366 "elementtype": {
2367 "primitive": "any"
2368 },
2369 "kind": "map"
2370 }
2371 }
2372 },
2373 {
2374 "docs": {
2375 "custom": {
2376 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-functionname"
2377 },
2378 "stability": "external",
2379 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the underlying AWS Lambda function that you want AWS CloudFormation to invoke when the macro is run."
2380 },
2381 "locationInModule": {
2382 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2383 "line": 1074
2384 },
2385 "name": "functionName",
2386 "type": {
2387 "primitive": "string"
2388 }
2389 },
2390 {
2391 "docs": {
2392 "custom": {
2393 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-name"
2394 },
2395 "remarks": "The name of the macro must be unique across all macros in the account.",
2396 "stability": "external",
2397 "summary": "The name of the macro."
2398 },
2399 "locationInModule": {
2400 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2401 "line": 1081
2402 },
2403 "name": "name",
2404 "type": {
2405 "primitive": "string"
2406 }
2407 },
2408 {
2409 "docs": {
2410 "custom": {
2411 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-description"
2412 },
2413 "stability": "external",
2414 "summary": "A description of the macro."
2415 },
2416 "locationInModule": {
2417 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2418 "line": 1088
2419 },
2420 "name": "description",
2421 "optional": true,
2422 "type": {
2423 "primitive": "string"
2424 }
2425 },
2426 {
2427 "docs": {
2428 "custom": {
2429 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-loggroupname"
2430 },
2431 "stability": "external",
2432 "summary": "The CloudWatch Logs group to which AWS CloudFormation sends error logging information when invoking the macro's underlying AWS Lambda function."
2433 },
2434 "locationInModule": {
2435 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2436 "line": 1095
2437 },
2438 "name": "logGroupName",
2439 "optional": true,
2440 "type": {
2441 "primitive": "string"
2442 }
2443 },
2444 {
2445 "docs": {
2446 "custom": {
2447 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-logrolearn"
2448 },
2449 "stability": "external",
2450 "summary": "The ARN of the role AWS CloudFormation should assume when sending log entries to CloudWatch Logs ."
2451 },
2452 "locationInModule": {
2453 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2454 "line": 1102
2455 },
2456 "name": "logRoleArn",
2457 "optional": true,
2458 "type": {
2459 "primitive": "string"
2460 }
2461 }
2462 ],
2463 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnMacro"
2464 },
2465 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacroProps": {
2466 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
2467 "datatype": true,
2468 "docs": {
2469 "custom": {
2470 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html",
2471 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2472 },
2473 "stability": "external",
2474 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnMacro`.",
2475 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnMacroProps: cloudformation.CfnMacroProps = {\n functionName: 'functionName',\n name: 'name',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n logRoleArn: 'logRoleArn',\n};"
2476 },
2477 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnMacroProps",
2478 "kind": "interface",
2479 "locationInModule": {
2480 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2481 "line": 937
2482 },
2483 "name": "CfnMacroProps",
2484 "properties": [
2485 {
2486 "abstract": true,
2487 "docs": {
2488 "custom": {
2489 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-functionname"
2490 },
2491 "stability": "external",
2492 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the underlying AWS Lambda function that you want AWS CloudFormation to invoke when the macro is run."
2493 },
2494 "immutable": true,
2495 "locationInModule": {
2496 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2497 "line": 944
2498 },
2499 "name": "functionName",
2500 "type": {
2501 "primitive": "string"
2502 }
2503 },
2504 {
2505 "abstract": true,
2506 "docs": {
2507 "custom": {
2508 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-name"
2509 },
2510 "remarks": "The name of the macro must be unique across all macros in the account.",
2511 "stability": "external",
2512 "summary": "The name of the macro."
2513 },
2514 "immutable": true,
2515 "locationInModule": {
2516 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2517 "line": 951
2518 },
2519 "name": "name",
2520 "type": {
2521 "primitive": "string"
2522 }
2523 },
2524 {
2525 "abstract": true,
2526 "docs": {
2527 "custom": {
2528 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-description"
2529 },
2530 "stability": "external",
2531 "summary": "A description of the macro."
2532 },
2533 "immutable": true,
2534 "locationInModule": {
2535 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2536 "line": 958
2537 },
2538 "name": "description",
2539 "optional": true,
2540 "type": {
2541 "primitive": "string"
2542 }
2543 },
2544 {
2545 "abstract": true,
2546 "docs": {
2547 "custom": {
2548 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-loggroupname"
2549 },
2550 "stability": "external",
2551 "summary": "The CloudWatch Logs group to which AWS CloudFormation sends error logging information when invoking the macro's underlying AWS Lambda function."
2552 },
2553 "immutable": true,
2554 "locationInModule": {
2555 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2556 "line": 965
2557 },
2558 "name": "logGroupName",
2559 "optional": true,
2560 "type": {
2561 "primitive": "string"
2562 }
2563 },
2564 {
2565 "abstract": true,
2566 "docs": {
2567 "custom": {
2568 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-macro.html#cfn-cloudformation-macro-logrolearn"
2569 },
2570 "stability": "external",
2571 "summary": "The ARN of the role AWS CloudFormation should assume when sending log entries to CloudWatch Logs ."
2572 },
2573 "immutable": true,
2574 "locationInModule": {
2575 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2576 "line": 972
2577 },
2578 "name": "logRoleArn",
2579 "optional": true,
2580 "type": {
2581 "primitive": "string"
2582 }
2583 }
2584 ],
2585 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnMacroProps"
2586 },
2587 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersion": {
2588 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
2589 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2590 "docs": {
2591 "custom": {
2592 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleDefaultVersion",
2593 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html",
2594 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2595 },
2596 "remarks": "Specifies the default version of a module. The default version of the module will be used in CloudFormation operations for this account and Region.\n\nTo register a module version, use the `[AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleVersion](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduleversion.html)` resource.\n\nFor more information using modules, see [Using modules to encapsulate and reuse resource configurations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/modules.html) and [Registering extensions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/registry.html#registry-register) in the *AWS CloudFormation User Guide* . For information on developing modules, see [Developing modules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation-cli/latest/userguide/modules.html) in the *AWS CloudFormation CLI User Guide* .",
2597 "stability": "external",
2598 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleDefaultVersion`.",
2599 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnModuleDefaultVersion = new cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersion(this, 'MyCfnModuleDefaultVersion', /* all optional props */ {\n arn: 'arn',\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n});"
2600 },
2601 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersion",
2602 "initializer": {
2603 "docs": {
2604 "stability": "external",
2605 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleDefaultVersion`."
2606 },
2607 "locationInModule": {
2608 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2609 "line": 1311
2610 },
2611 "parameters": [
2612 {
2613 "docs": {
2614 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
2615 },
2616 "name": "scope",
2617 "type": {
2618 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2619 }
2620 },
2621 {
2622 "docs": {
2623 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
2624 },
2625 "name": "id",
2626 "type": {
2627 "primitive": "string"
2628 }
2629 },
2630 {
2631 "docs": {
2632 "summary": "- resource properties."
2633 },
2634 "name": "props",
2635 "optional": true,
2636 "type": {
2637 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps"
2638 }
2639 }
2640 ]
2641 },
2642 "interfaces": [
2643 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
2644 ],
2645 "kind": "class",
2646 "locationInModule": {
2647 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2648 "line": 1252
2649 },
2650 "methods": [
2651 {
2652 "docs": {
2653 "stability": "external",
2654 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
2655 },
2656 "locationInModule": {
2657 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2658 "line": 1325
2659 },
2660 "name": "inspect",
2661 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
2662 "parameters": [
2663 {
2664 "docs": {
2665 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
2666 },
2667 "name": "inspector",
2668 "type": {
2669 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
2670 }
2671 }
2672 ]
2673 },
2674 {
2675 "docs": {
2676 "stability": "external"
2677 },
2678 "locationInModule": {
2679 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2680 "line": 1338
2681 },
2682 "name": "renderProperties",
2683 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2684 "parameters": [
2685 {
2686 "name": "props",
2687 "type": {
2688 "collection": {
2689 "elementtype": {
2690 "primitive": "any"
2691 },
2692 "kind": "map"
2693 }
2694 }
2695 }
2696 ],
2697 "protected": true,
2698 "returns": {
2699 "type": {
2700 "collection": {
2701 "elementtype": {
2702 "primitive": "any"
2703 },
2704 "kind": "map"
2705 }
2706 }
2707 }
2708 }
2709 ],
2710 "name": "CfnModuleDefaultVersion",
2711 "properties": [
2712 {
2713 "const": true,
2714 "docs": {
2715 "stability": "external",
2716 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
2717 },
2718 "immutable": true,
2719 "locationInModule": {
2720 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2721 "line": 1256
2722 },
2723 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
2724 "static": true,
2725 "type": {
2726 "primitive": "string"
2727 }
2728 },
2729 {
2730 "docs": {
2731 "stability": "external"
2732 },
2733 "immutable": true,
2734 "locationInModule": {
2735 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2736 "line": 1330
2737 },
2738 "name": "cfnProperties",
2739 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2740 "protected": true,
2741 "type": {
2742 "collection": {
2743 "elementtype": {
2744 "primitive": "any"
2745 },
2746 "kind": "map"
2747 }
2748 }
2749 },
2750 {
2751 "docs": {
2752 "custom": {
2753 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion-arn"
2754 },
2755 "remarks": "Conditional: You must specify either `Arn` , or `ModuleName` and `VersionId` .",
2756 "stability": "external",
2757 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the module version to set as the default version."
2758 },
2759 "locationInModule": {
2760 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2761 "line": 1284
2762 },
2763 "name": "arn",
2764 "optional": true,
2765 "type": {
2766 "primitive": "string"
2767 }
2768 },
2769 {
2770 "docs": {
2771 "custom": {
2772 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion-modulename"
2773 },
2774 "remarks": "Conditional: You must specify either `Arn` , or `ModuleName` and `VersionId` .",
2775 "stability": "external",
2776 "summary": "The name of the module."
2777 },
2778 "locationInModule": {
2779 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2780 "line": 1293
2781 },
2782 "name": "moduleName",
2783 "optional": true,
2784 "type": {
2785 "primitive": "string"
2786 }
2787 },
2788 {
2789 "docs": {
2790 "custom": {
2791 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion-versionid"
2792 },
2793 "remarks": "Conditional: You must specify either `Arn` , or `ModuleName` and `VersionId` .",
2794 "stability": "external",
2795 "summary": "The ID for the specific version of the module."
2796 },
2797 "locationInModule": {
2798 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2799 "line": 1302
2800 },
2801 "name": "versionId",
2802 "optional": true,
2803 "type": {
2804 "primitive": "string"
2805 }
2806 }
2807 ],
2808 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnModuleDefaultVersion"
2809 },
2810 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps": {
2811 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
2812 "datatype": true,
2813 "docs": {
2814 "custom": {
2815 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html",
2816 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2817 },
2818 "stability": "external",
2819 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnModuleDefaultVersion`.",
2820 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnModuleDefaultVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps = {\n arn: 'arn',\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n versionId: 'versionId',\n};"
2821 },
2822 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps",
2823 "kind": "interface",
2824 "locationInModule": {
2825 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2826 "line": 1157
2827 },
2828 "name": "CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps",
2829 "properties": [
2830 {
2831 "abstract": true,
2832 "docs": {
2833 "custom": {
2834 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion-arn"
2835 },
2836 "remarks": "Conditional: You must specify either `Arn` , or `ModuleName` and `VersionId` .",
2837 "stability": "external",
2838 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the module version to set as the default version."
2839 },
2840 "immutable": true,
2841 "locationInModule": {
2842 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2843 "line": 1166
2844 },
2845 "name": "arn",
2846 "optional": true,
2847 "type": {
2848 "primitive": "string"
2849 }
2850 },
2851 {
2852 "abstract": true,
2853 "docs": {
2854 "custom": {
2855 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion-modulename"
2856 },
2857 "remarks": "Conditional: You must specify either `Arn` , or `ModuleName` and `VersionId` .",
2858 "stability": "external",
2859 "summary": "The name of the module."
2860 },
2861 "immutable": true,
2862 "locationInModule": {
2863 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2864 "line": 1175
2865 },
2866 "name": "moduleName",
2867 "optional": true,
2868 "type": {
2869 "primitive": "string"
2870 }
2871 },
2872 {
2873 "abstract": true,
2874 "docs": {
2875 "custom": {
2876 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion-versionid"
2877 },
2878 "remarks": "Conditional: You must specify either `Arn` , or `ModuleName` and `VersionId` .",
2879 "stability": "external",
2880 "summary": "The ID for the specific version of the module."
2881 },
2882 "immutable": true,
2883 "locationInModule": {
2884 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2885 "line": 1184
2886 },
2887 "name": "versionId",
2888 "optional": true,
2889 "type": {
2890 "primitive": "string"
2891 }
2892 }
2893 ],
2894 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnModuleDefaultVersionProps"
2895 },
2896 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersion": {
2897 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
2898 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2899 "docs": {
2900 "custom": {
2901 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleVersion",
2902 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduleversion.html",
2903 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2904 },
2905 "remarks": "Registers the specified version of the module with the CloudFormation service. Registering a module makes it available for use in CloudFormation templates in your AWS account and Region.\n\nTo specify a module version as the default version, use the `[AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleDefaultVersion](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduledefaultversion.html)` resource.\n\nFor more information using modules, see [Using modules to encapsulate and reuse resource configurations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/modules.html) and [Registering extensions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/registry.html#registry-register) in the *CloudFormation User Guide* . For information on developing modules, see [Developing modules](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation-cli/latest/userguide/modules.html) in the *CloudFormation CLI User Guide* .",
2906 "stability": "external",
2907 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleVersion`.",
2908 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnModuleVersion = new cloudformation.CfnModuleVersion(this, 'MyCfnModuleVersion', {\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n modulePackage: 'modulePackage',\n});"
2909 },
2910 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersion",
2911 "initializer": {
2912 "docs": {
2913 "stability": "external",
2914 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::CloudFormation::ModuleVersion`."
2915 },
2916 "locationInModule": {
2917 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2918 "line": 1535
2919 },
2920 "parameters": [
2921 {
2922 "docs": {
2923 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
2924 },
2925 "name": "scope",
2926 "type": {
2927 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2928 }
2929 },
2930 {
2931 "docs": {
2932 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
2933 },
2934 "name": "id",
2935 "type": {
2936 "primitive": "string"
2937 }
2938 },
2939 {
2940 "docs": {
2941 "summary": "- resource properties."
2942 },
2943 "name": "props",
2944 "type": {
2945 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps"
2946 }
2947 }
2948 ]
2949 },
2950 "interfaces": [
2951 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
2952 ],
2953 "kind": "class",
2954 "locationInModule": {
2955 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2956 "line": 1434
2957 },
2958 "methods": [
2959 {
2960 "docs": {
2961 "stability": "external",
2962 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
2963 },
2964 "locationInModule": {
2965 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2966 "line": 1558
2967 },
2968 "name": "inspect",
2969 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
2970 "parameters": [
2971 {
2972 "docs": {
2973 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
2974 },
2975 "name": "inspector",
2976 "type": {
2977 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
2978 }
2979 }
2980 ]
2981 },
2982 {
2983 "docs": {
2984 "stability": "external"
2985 },
2986 "locationInModule": {
2987 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
2988 "line": 1570
2989 },
2990 "name": "renderProperties",
2991 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2992 "parameters": [
2993 {
2994 "name": "props",
2995 "type": {
2996 "collection": {
2997 "elementtype": {
2998 "primitive": "any"
2999 },
3000 "kind": "map"
3001 }
3002 }
3003 }
3004 ],
3005 "protected": true,
3006 "returns": {
3007 "type": {
3008 "collection": {
3009 "elementtype": {
3010 "primitive": "any"
3011 },
3012 "kind": "map"
3013 }
3014 }
3015 }
3016 }
3017 ],
3018 "name": "CfnModuleVersion",
3019 "properties": [
3020 {
3021 "const": true,
3022 "docs": {
3023 "stability": "external",
3024 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
3025 },
3026 "immutable": true,
3027 "locationInModule": {
3028 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3029 "line": 1438
3030 },
3031 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
3032 "static": true,
3033 "type": {
3034 "primitive": "string"
3035 }
3036 },
3037 {
3038 "docs": {
3039 "custom": {
3040 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
3041 },
3042 "stability": "external",
3043 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the module."
3044 },
3045 "immutable": true,
3046 "locationInModule": {
3047 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3048 "line": 1463
3049 },
3050 "name": "attrArn",
3051 "type": {
3052 "primitive": "string"
3053 }
3054 },
3055 {
3056 "docs": {
3057 "custom": {
3058 "cloudformationAttribute": "Description"
3059 },
3060 "stability": "external",
3061 "summary": "The description of the module."
3062 },
3063 "immutable": true,
3064 "locationInModule": {
3065 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3066 "line": 1469
3067 },
3068 "name": "attrDescription",
3069 "type": {
3070 "primitive": "string"
3071 }
3072 },
3073 {
3074 "docs": {
3075 "custom": {
3076 "cloudformationAttribute": "DocumentationUrl"
3077 },
3078 "stability": "external",
3079 "summary": "The URL of a page providing detailed documentation for this module."
3080 },
3081 "immutable": true,
3082 "locationInModule": {
3083 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3084 "line": 1475
3085 },
3086 "name": "attrDocumentationUrl",
3087 "type": {
3088 "primitive": "string"
3089 }
3090 },
3091 {
3092 "docs": {
3093 "custom": {
3094 "cloudformationAttribute": "IsDefaultVersion"
3095 },
3096 "stability": "external",
3097 "summary": "Whether the specified module version is set as the default version."
3098 },
3099 "immutable": true,
3100 "locationInModule": {
3101 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3102 "line": 1481
3103 },
3104 "name": "attrIsDefaultVersion",
3105 "type": {
3106 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3107 }
3108 },
3109 {
3110 "docs": {
3111 "custom": {
3112 "cloudformationAttribute": "Schema"
3113 },
3114 "stability": "external",
3115 "summary": "The schema that defines the module."
3116 },
3117 "immutable": true,
3118 "locationInModule": {
3119 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3120 "line": 1487
3121 },
3122 "name": "attrSchema",
3123 "type": {
3124 "primitive": "string"
3125 }
3126 },
3127 {
3128 "docs": {
3129 "custom": {
3130 "cloudformationAttribute": "TimeCreated"
3131 },
3132 "stability": "external",
3133 "summary": "When the specified module version was registered."
3134 },
3135 "immutable": true,
3136 "locationInModule": {
3137 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3138 "line": 1493
3139 },
3140 "name": "attrTimeCreated",
3141 "type": {
3142 "primitive": "string"
3143 }
3144 },
3145 {
3146 "docs": {
3147 "custom": {
3148 "cloudformationAttribute": "VersionId"
3149 },
3150 "stability": "external",
3151 "summary": "The ID of this version of the module."
3152 },
3153 "immutable": true,
3154 "locationInModule": {
3155 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3156 "line": 1499
3157 },
3158 "name": "attrVersionId",
3159 "type": {
3160 "primitive": "string"
3161 }
3162 },
3163 {
3164 "docs": {
3165 "custom": {
3166 "cloudformationAttribute": "Visibility"
3167 },
3168 "remarks": "Valid values include:\n\n- `PRIVATE` : The module is only visible and usable within the account in which it's registered.\n- `PUBLIC` : The module is publicly visible and usable within any Amazon account.",
3169 "stability": "external",
3170 "summary": "The scope at which the module is visible and usable in CloudFormation operations."
3171 },
3172 "immutable": true,
3173 "locationInModule": {
3174 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3175 "line": 1510
3176 },
3177 "name": "attrVisibility",
3178 "type": {
3179 "primitive": "string"
3180 }
3181 },
3182 {
3183 "docs": {
3184 "stability": "external"
3185 },
3186 "immutable": true,
3187 "locationInModule": {
3188 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3189 "line": 1563
3190 },
3191 "name": "cfnProperties",
3192 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
3193 "protected": true,
3194 "type": {
3195 "collection": {
3196 "elementtype": {
3197 "primitive": "any"
3198 },
3199 "kind": "map"
3200 }
3201 }
3202 },
3203 {
3204 "docs": {
3205 "custom": {
3206 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduleversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduleversion-modulename"
3207 },
3208 "stability": "external",
3209 "summary": "The name of the module being registered."
3210 },
3211 "locationInModule": {
3212 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3213 "line": 1517
3214 },
3215 "name": "moduleName",
3216 "type": {
3217 "primitive": "string"
3218 }
3219 },
3220 {
3221 "docs": {
3222 "custom": {
3223 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduleversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduleversion-modulepackage"
3224 },
3225 "remarks": "> The user registering the module version must be able to access the module package in the S3 bucket. That's, the user needs to have [GetObject](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_GetObject.html) permissions for the package. For more information, see [Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Amazon S3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/list_amazons3.html) in the *AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide* .",
3226 "stability": "external",
3227 "summary": "A URL to the S3 bucket containing the package that contains the template fragment and schema files for the module version to register."
3228 },
3229 "locationInModule": {
3230 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3231 "line": 1526
3232 },
3233 "name": "modulePackage",
3234 "type": {
3235 "primitive": "string"
3236 }
3237 }
3238 ],
3239 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnModuleVersion"
3240 },
3241 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps": {
3242 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
3243 "datatype": true,
3244 "docs": {
3245 "custom": {
3246 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduleversion.html",
3247 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3248 },
3249 "stability": "external",
3250 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnModuleVersion`.",
3251 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudformation from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nconst cfnModuleVersionProps: cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps = {\n moduleName: 'moduleName',\n modulePackage: 'modulePackage',\n};"
3252 },
3253 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnModuleVersionProps",
3254 "kind": "interface",
3255 "locationInModule": {
3256 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3257 "line": 1351
3258 },
3259 "name": "CfnModuleVersionProps",
3260 "properties": [
3261 {
3262 "abstract": true,
3263 "docs": {
3264 "custom": {
3265 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduleversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduleversion-modulename"
3266 },
3267 "stability": "external",
3268 "summary": "The name of the module being registered."
3269 },
3270 "immutable": true,
3271 "locationInModule": {
3272 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3273 "line": 1358
3274 },
3275 "name": "moduleName",
3276 "type": {
3277 "primitive": "string"
3278 }
3279 },
3280 {
3281 "abstract": true,
3282 "docs": {
3283 "custom": {
3284 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-moduleversion.html#cfn-cloudformation-moduleversion-modulepackage"
3285 },
3286 "remarks": "> The user registering the module version must be able to access the module package in the S3 bucket. That's, the user needs to have [GetObject](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/API_GetObject.html) permissions for the package. For more information, see [Actions, Resources, and Condition Keys for Amazon S3](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/list_amazons3.html) in the *AWS Identity and Access Management User Guide* .",
3287 "stability": "external",
3288 "summary": "A URL to the S3 bucket containing the package that contains the template fragment and schema files for the module version to register."
3289 },
3290 "immutable": true,
3291 "locationInModule": {
3292 "filename": "lib/cloudformation.generated.ts",
3293 "line": 1367
3294 },
3295 "name": "modulePackage",
3296 "type": {
3297 "primitive": "string"
3298 }
3299 }
3300 ],
3301 "symbolId": "lib/cloudformation.generated:CfnModuleVersionProps"
3302 },
3303 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation.CfnPublicTypeVersion": {
3304 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation",
3305 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
3306 "docs": {
3307 "custom": {
3308 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::CloudFormation::PublicTypeVersion",
3309 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cloudformation-publictypeversion.html",
3310 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3311 },
3312 "remarks": "Tests and publishes a registered extension as a public, third-party extension.\n\nCloudFormation first tests the extension to make sure it meets all necessary requirements for being published in the CloudFormation registry. If it does, CloudFormation then publishes it to the registry as a public third-party extension in this Region. Public extensions are available for use by all CloudFormation users.\n\n- For resource types, testing includes passing all contracts tests defined for the type.\n- For modules, testing includes determining if the module's model meets all necessary requirements.\n\nFor more information, see [Testing your public extension prior to publishing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation-cli/latest/userguide/publish-extension.html#publish-extension-testing) in the *CloudFormation CLI User Guide* .\n\nIf you don't specify a version, CloudFormation uses the default version of the extension in your account and Region for testing.\n\nTo perform testing, CloudFormation assumes the execution role specified when the type was registered.\n\nAn extension must have a test status of `PASSED` before it can be published. For more information, see [Publishing extensions to make them available for public use](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation-cli/latest/userguide/resource-type-publish.html) in the *CloudFormation CLI User Guide* .",
3313 "stability": "external",
3314 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::CloudFormation::PublicTypeVersion`.",