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6 "translations": {
7 "python": {
8 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nerrors = fn.metric_errors()",
9 "version": "2"
10 },
11 "csharp": {
12 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMetric errors = fn.MetricErrors();",
13 "version": "1"
14 },
15 "java": {
16 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMetric errors = fn.metricErrors();",
17 "version": "1"
18 },
19 "go": {
20 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nerrors := fn.metricErrors()",
21 "version": "1"
22 },
23 "$": {
24 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst errors = fn.metricErrors();",
25 "version": "0"
26 }
27 },
28 "location": {
29 "api": {
30 "api": "moduleReadme",
31 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
32 },
33 "field": {
34 "field": "markdown",
35 "line": 27
36 }
37 },
38 "didCompile": true,
39 "fqnsReferenced": [
40 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
41 ],
42 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst errors = fn.metricErrors();\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
43 "syntaxKindCounter": {
44 "75": 6,
45 "130": 1,
46 "153": 1,
47 "169": 1,
48 "194": 1,
49 "196": 1,
50 "225": 2,
51 "242": 2,
52 "243": 2,
53 "290": 1
54 },
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57 "7c03a3d404f91569cb80fce723ee41998a7cf14d98191192247e133b3887fe49": {
58 "translations": {
59 "python": {
60 "source": "hosted_zone = route53.HostedZone(self, \"MyHostedZone\", zone_name=\"example.org\")\nmetric = cloudwatch.Metric(\n namespace=\"AWS/Route53\",\n metric_name=\"DNSQueries\",\n dimensions_map={\n \"HostedZoneId\": hosted_zone.hosted_zone_id\n }\n)",
61 "version": "2"
62 },
63 "csharp": {
64 "source": "HostedZone hostedZone = new HostedZone(this, \"MyHostedZone\", new HostedZoneProps { ZoneName = \"example.org\" });\nMetric metric = new Metric(new MetricProps {\n Namespace = \"AWS/Route53\",\n MetricName = \"DNSQueries\",\n DimensionsMap = new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"HostedZoneId\", hostedZone.HostedZoneId }\n }\n});",
65 "version": "1"
66 },
67 "java": {
68 "source": "HostedZone hostedZone = HostedZone.Builder.create(this, \"MyHostedZone\").zoneName(\"example.org\").build();\nMetric metric = Metric.Builder.create()\n .namespace(\"AWS/Route53\")\n .metricName(\"DNSQueries\")\n .dimensionsMap(Map.of(\n \"HostedZoneId\", hostedZone.getHostedZoneId()))\n .build();",
69 "version": "1"
70 },
71 "go": {
72 "source": "hostedZone := route53.NewHostedZone(this, jsii.String(\"MyHostedZone\"), &hostedZoneProps{\n\tzoneName: jsii.String(\"example.org\"),\n})\nmetric := cloudwatch.NewMetric(&metricProps{\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"AWS/Route53\"),\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"DNSQueries\"),\n\tdimensionsMap: map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"HostedZoneId\": hostedZone.hostedZoneId,\n\t},\n})",
73 "version": "1"
74 },
75 "$": {
76 "source": "const hostedZone = new route53.HostedZone(this, 'MyHostedZone', { zoneName: \"example.org\" });\nconst metric = new cloudwatch.Metric({\n namespace: 'AWS/Route53',\n metricName: 'DNSQueries',\n dimensionsMap: {\n HostedZoneId: hostedZone.hostedZoneId\n }\n});",
77 "version": "0"
78 }
79 },
80 "location": {
81 "api": {
82 "api": "moduleReadme",
83 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
84 },
85 "field": {
86 "field": "markdown",
87 "line": 40
88 }
89 },
90 "didCompile": true,
91 "fqnsReferenced": [
92 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric",
93 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricProps",
94 "@aws-cdk/aws-route53.HostedZone",
95 "@aws-cdk/aws-route53.HostedZone#hostedZoneId",
96 "@aws-cdk/aws-route53.HostedZoneProps",
97 "constructs.Construct"
98 ],
99 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst hostedZone = new route53.HostedZone(this, 'MyHostedZone', { zoneName: \"example.org\" });\nconst metric = new cloudwatch.Metric({\n namespace: 'AWS/Route53',\n metricName: 'DNSQueries',\n dimensionsMap: {\n HostedZoneId: hostedZone.hostedZoneId\n }\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
100 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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102 "75": 13,
103 "104": 1,
104 "193": 3,
105 "194": 3,
106 "197": 2,
107 "225": 2,
108 "242": 2,
109 "243": 2,
110 "281": 5
111 },
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114 "1c24d76a9416e5e1854f02b341d462fc6f2c84275adb8ba45bc9a4a4906e1bb7": {
115 "translations": {
116 "python": {
117 "source": "metric = cloudwatch.Metric(\n namespace=\"MyNamespace\",\n metric_name=\"MyMetric\",\n dimensions_map={\n \"ProcessingStep\": \"Download\"\n }\n)",
118 "version": "2"
119 },
120 "csharp": {
121 "source": "Metric metric = new Metric(new MetricProps {\n Namespace = \"MyNamespace\",\n MetricName = \"MyMetric\",\n DimensionsMap = new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"ProcessingStep\", \"Download\" }\n }\n});",
122 "version": "1"
123 },
124 "java": {
125 "source": "Metric metric = Metric.Builder.create()\n .namespace(\"MyNamespace\")\n .metricName(\"MyMetric\")\n .dimensionsMap(Map.of(\n \"ProcessingStep\", \"Download\"))\n .build();",
126 "version": "1"
127 },
128 "go": {
129 "source": "metric := cloudwatch.NewMetric(&metricProps{\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"MyNamespace\"),\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"MyMetric\"),\n\tdimensionsMap: map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"ProcessingStep\": jsii.String(\"Download\"),\n\t},\n})",
130 "version": "1"
131 },
132 "$": {
133 "source": "const metric = new cloudwatch.Metric({\n namespace: 'MyNamespace',\n metricName: 'MyMetric',\n dimensionsMap: {\n ProcessingStep: 'Download'\n }\n});",
134 "version": "0"
135 }
136 },
137 "location": {
138 "api": {
139 "api": "moduleReadme",
140 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
141 },
142 "field": {
143 "field": "markdown",
144 "line": 56
145 }
146 },
147 "didCompile": true,
148 "fqnsReferenced": [
149 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric",
150 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricProps"
151 ],
152 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst metric = new cloudwatch.Metric({\n namespace: 'MyNamespace',\n metricName: 'MyMetric',\n dimensionsMap: {\n ProcessingStep: 'Download'\n }\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
153 "syntaxKindCounter": {
154 "10": 3,
155 "75": 7,
156 "193": 2,
157 "194": 1,
158 "197": 1,
159 "225": 1,
160 "242": 1,
161 "243": 1,
162 "281": 4
163 },
164 "fqnsFingerprint": "087202f23cfe91448b6f603badfd0f34456db0f16bbb5a99a5e48aca326762c6"
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167 "translations": {
168 "python": {
169 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nall_problems = cloudwatch.MathExpression(\n expression=\"errors + throttles\",\n using_metrics={\n \"errors\": fn.metric_errors(),\n \"faults\": fn.metric_throttles()\n }\n)",
170 "version": "2"
171 },
172 "csharp": {
173 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMathExpression allProblems = new MathExpression(new MathExpressionProps {\n Expression = \"errors + throttles\",\n UsingMetrics = new Dictionary<string, IMetric> {\n { \"errors\", fn.MetricErrors() },\n { \"faults\", fn.MetricThrottles() }\n }\n});",
174 "version": "1"
175 },
176 "java": {
177 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMathExpression allProblems = MathExpression.Builder.create()\n .expression(\"errors + throttles\")\n .usingMetrics(Map.of(\n \"errors\", fn.metricErrors(),\n \"faults\", fn.metricThrottles()))\n .build();",
178 "version": "1"
179 },
180 "go": {
181 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nallProblems := cloudwatch.NewMathExpression(&mathExpressionProps{\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"errors + throttles\"),\n\tusingMetrics: map[string]iMetric{\n\t\t\"errors\": fn.metricErrors(),\n\t\t\"faults\": fn.metricThrottles(),\n\t},\n})",
182 "version": "1"
183 },
184 "$": {
185 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst allProblems = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"errors + throttles\",\n usingMetrics: {\n errors: fn.metricErrors(),\n faults: fn.metricThrottles(),\n }\n});",
186 "version": "0"
187 }
188 },
189 "location": {
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192 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
193 },
194 "field": {
195 "field": "markdown",
196 "line": 71
197 }
198 },
199 "didCompile": true,
200 "fqnsReferenced": [
201 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
202 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpression",
203 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionProps"
204 ],
205 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst allProblems = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"errors + throttles\",\n usingMetrics: {\n errors: fn.metricErrors(),\n faults: fn.metricThrottles(),\n }\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
206 "syntaxKindCounter": {
207 "10": 1,
208 "75": 14,
209 "130": 1,
210 "153": 1,
211 "169": 1,
212 "193": 2,
213 "194": 3,
214 "196": 2,
215 "197": 1,
216 "225": 2,
217 "242": 2,
218 "243": 2,
219 "281": 4,
220 "290": 1
221 },
222 "fqnsFingerprint": "8a95c14cad450e60e066f38e4e55360a750a83efd1716dfbd4e3bc9cf1607374"
223 },
224 "3c44ef26fbf1700dc2d558fdb87da7bccc962a384472ffb84411cd91e987ecd8": {
225 "translations": {
226 "python": {
227 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n# all_problems: cloudwatch.MathExpression\n\n\nproblem_percentage = cloudwatch.MathExpression(\n expression=\"(problems / invocations) * 100\",\n using_metrics={\n \"problems\": all_problems,\n \"invocations\": fn.metric_invocations()\n }\n)",
228 "version": "2"
229 },
230 "csharp": {
231 "source": "Function fn;\nMathExpression allProblems;\n\n\nMathExpression problemPercentage = new MathExpression(new MathExpressionProps {\n Expression = \"(problems / invocations) * 100\",\n UsingMetrics = new Dictionary<string, IMetric> {\n { \"problems\", allProblems },\n { \"invocations\", fn.MetricInvocations() }\n }\n});",
232 "version": "1"
233 },
234 "java": {
235 "source": "Function fn;\nMathExpression allProblems;\n\n\nMathExpression problemPercentage = MathExpression.Builder.create()\n .expression(\"(problems / invocations) * 100\")\n .usingMetrics(Map.of(\n \"problems\", allProblems,\n \"invocations\", fn.metricInvocations()))\n .build();",
236 "version": "1"
237 },
238 "go": {
239 "source": "var fn function\nvar allProblems mathExpression\n\n\nproblemPercentage := cloudwatch.NewMathExpression(&mathExpressionProps{\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"(problems / invocations) * 100\"),\n\tusingMetrics: map[string]iMetric{\n\t\t\"problems\": allProblems,\n\t\t\"invocations\": fn.metricInvocations(),\n\t},\n})",
240 "version": "1"
241 },
242 "$": {
243 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const allProblems: cloudwatch.MathExpression;\n\nconst problemPercentage = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"(problems / invocations) * 100\",\n usingMetrics: {\n problems: allProblems,\n invocations: fn.metricInvocations()\n }\n});",
244 "version": "0"
245 }
246 },
247 "location": {
248 "api": {
249 "api": "moduleReadme",
250 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
251 },
252 "field": {
253 "field": "markdown",
254 "line": 86
255 }
256 },
257 "didCompile": true,
258 "fqnsReferenced": [
259 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
260 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpression",
261 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionProps"
262 ],
263 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const allProblems: cloudwatch.MathExpression;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst problemPercentage = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"(problems / invocations) * 100\",\n usingMetrics: {\n problems: allProblems,\n invocations: fn.metricInvocations()\n }\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
264 "syntaxKindCounter": {
265 "10": 1,
266 "75": 16,
267 "130": 2,
268 "153": 2,
269 "169": 2,
270 "193": 2,
271 "194": 2,
272 "196": 1,
273 "197": 1,
274 "225": 3,
275 "242": 3,
276 "243": 3,
277 "281": 4,
278 "290": 1
279 },
280 "fqnsFingerprint": "8a95c14cad450e60e066f38e4e55360a750a83efd1716dfbd4e3bc9cf1607374"
281 },
282 "9bb2a1cc3eff64a126194c3fd08d28fddda3000fe27c44ac356adc5e38ff2d96": {
283 "translations": {
284 "python": {
285 "source": "cpu_utilization = cloudwatch.MathExpression(\n expression=\"SEARCH('{AWS/EC2,InstanceId} MetricName=\\\"CPUUtilization\\\"', 'Average', 300)\",\n\n # Specifying '' as the label suppresses the default behavior\n # of using the expression as metric label. This is especially appropriate\n # when using expressions that return multiple time series (like SEARCH()\n # or METRICS()), to show the labels of the retrieved metrics only.\n label=\"\"\n)",
286 "version": "2"
287 },
288 "csharp": {
289 "source": "MathExpression cpuUtilization = new MathExpression(new MathExpressionProps {\n Expression = \"SEARCH('{AWS/EC2,InstanceId} MetricName=\\\"CPUUtilization\\\"', 'Average', 300)\",\n\n // Specifying '' as the label suppresses the default behavior\n // of using the expression as metric label. This is especially appropriate\n // when using expressions that return multiple time series (like SEARCH()\n // or METRICS()), to show the labels of the retrieved metrics only.\n Label = \"\"\n});",
290 "version": "1"
291 },
292 "java": {
293 "source": "MathExpression cpuUtilization = MathExpression.Builder.create()\n .expression(\"SEARCH('{AWS/EC2,InstanceId} MetricName=\\\"CPUUtilization\\\"', 'Average', 300)\")\n\n // Specifying '' as the label suppresses the default behavior\n // of using the expression as metric label. This is especially appropriate\n // when using expressions that return multiple time series (like SEARCH()\n // or METRICS()), to show the labels of the retrieved metrics only.\n .label(\"\")\n .build();",
294 "version": "1"
295 },
296 "go": {
297 "source": "cpuUtilization := cloudwatch.NewMathExpression(&mathExpressionProps{\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"SEARCH('{AWS/EC2,InstanceId} MetricName=\\\"CPUUtilization\\\"', 'Average', 300)\"),\n\n\t// Specifying '' as the label suppresses the default behavior\n\t// of using the expression as metric label. This is especially appropriate\n\t// when using expressions that return multiple time series (like SEARCH()\n\t// or METRICS()), to show the labels of the retrieved metrics only.\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"\"),\n})",
298 "version": "1"
299 },
300 "$": {
301 "source": "const cpuUtilization = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"SEARCH('{AWS/EC2,InstanceId} MetricName=\\\"CPUUtilization\\\"', 'Average', 300)\",\n\n // Specifying '' as the label suppresses the default behavior\n // of using the expression as metric label. This is especially appropriate\n // when using expressions that return multiple time series (like SEARCH()\n // or METRICS()), to show the labels of the retrieved metrics only.\n label: '',\n});",
302 "version": "0"
303 }
304 },
305 "location": {
306 "api": {
307 "api": "moduleReadme",
308 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
309 },
310 "field": {
311 "field": "markdown",
312 "line": 105
313 }
314 },
315 "didCompile": true,
316 "fqnsReferenced": [
317 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpression",
318 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionProps"
319 ],
320 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst cpuUtilization = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"SEARCH('{AWS/EC2,InstanceId} MetricName=\\\"CPUUtilization\\\"', 'Average', 300)\",\n\n // Specifying '' as the label suppresses the default behavior\n // of using the expression as metric label. This is especially appropriate\n // when using expressions that return multiple time series (like SEARCH()\n // or METRICS()), to show the labels of the retrieved metrics only.\n label: '',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
321 "syntaxKindCounter": {
322 "10": 2,
323 "75": 5,
324 "193": 1,
325 "194": 1,
326 "197": 1,
327 "225": 1,
328 "242": 1,
329 "243": 1,
330 "281": 2
331 },
332 "fqnsFingerprint": "d076b8f8d5159f89701271919860e1d06da34c1b313ccdeda1241e8347a71d6f"
333 },
334 "2cde04306e1a22bd62e171efa5384e4e8e27af0ee46cea9a8734eb5bd670c361": {
335 "translations": {
336 "python": {
337 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nminute_error_rate = fn.metric_errors(\n statistic=\"avg\",\n period=Duration.minutes(1),\n label=\"Lambda failure rate\"\n)",
338 "version": "2"
339 },
340 "csharp": {
341 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMetric minuteErrorRate = fn.MetricErrors(new MetricOptions {\n Statistic = \"avg\",\n Period = Duration.Minutes(1),\n Label = \"Lambda failure rate\"\n});",
342 "version": "1"
343 },
344 "java": {
345 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMetric minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors(MetricOptions.builder()\n .statistic(\"avg\")\n .period(Duration.minutes(1))\n .label(\"Lambda failure rate\")\n .build());",
346 "version": "1"
347 },
348 "go": {
349 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nminuteErrorRate := fn.metricErrors(&metricOptions{\n\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"avg\"),\n\tperiod: *awscdkcore.Duration.minutes(jsii.Number(1)),\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"Lambda failure rate\"),\n})",
350 "version": "1"
351 },
352 "$": {
353 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors({\n statistic: 'avg',\n period: Duration.minutes(1),\n label: 'Lambda failure rate'\n});",
354 "version": "0"
355 }
356 },
357 "location": {
358 "api": {
359 "api": "moduleReadme",
360 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
361 },
362 "field": {
363 "field": "markdown",
364 "line": 135
365 }
366 },
367 "didCompile": true,
368 "fqnsReferenced": [
369 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric",
370 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions",
371 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
372 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
373 ],
374 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors({\n statistic: 'avg',\n period: Duration.minutes(1),\n label: 'Lambda failure rate'\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
375 "syntaxKindCounter": {
376 "8": 1,
377 "10": 2,
378 "75": 11,
379 "130": 1,
380 "153": 1,
381 "169": 1,
382 "193": 1,
383 "194": 2,
384 "196": 2,
385 "225": 2,
386 "242": 2,
387 "243": 2,
388 "281": 3,
389 "290": 1
390 },
391 "fqnsFingerprint": "0403a2d3527b3542a5966cc11b3ed44ac3ea5d6f87538223070f30ed3dd59f87"
392 },
393 "c48368c3648768426d3ff9557d4d50a524f8033ec2776e226c92ecf4aeece403": {
394 "translations": {
395 "python": {
396 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nminute_error_rate = fn.metric_errors(\n statistic=\"sum\",\n period=Duration.hours(1),\n\n # Show the maximum hourly error count in the legend\n label=\"[max: ${MAX}] Lambda failure rate\"\n)",
397 "version": "2"
398 },
399 "csharp": {
400 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMetric minuteErrorRate = fn.MetricErrors(new MetricOptions {\n Statistic = \"sum\",\n Period = Duration.Hours(1),\n\n // Show the maximum hourly error count in the legend\n Label = \"[max: ${MAX}] Lambda failure rate\"\n});",
401 "version": "1"
402 },
403 "java": {
404 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMetric minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors(MetricOptions.builder()\n .statistic(\"sum\")\n .period(Duration.hours(1))\n\n // Show the maximum hourly error count in the legend\n .label(\"[max: ${MAX}] Lambda failure rate\")\n .build());",
405 "version": "1"
406 },
407 "go": {
408 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nminuteErrorRate := fn.metricErrors(&metricOptions{\n\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"sum\"),\n\tperiod: *awscdkcore.Duration.hours(jsii.Number(1)),\n\n\t// Show the maximum hourly error count in the legend\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"[max: ${MAX}] Lambda failure rate\"),\n})",
409 "version": "1"
410 },
411 "$": {
412 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors({\n statistic: 'sum',\n period: Duration.hours(1),\n\n // Show the maximum hourly error count in the legend\n label: '[max: ${MAX}] Lambda failure rate',\n});",
413 "version": "0"
414 }
415 },
416 "location": {
417 "api": {
418 "api": "moduleReadme",
419 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
420 },
421 "field": {
422 "field": "markdown",
423 "line": 174
424 }
425 },
426 "didCompile": true,
427 "fqnsReferenced": [
428 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric",
429 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions",
430 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
431 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#hours"
432 ],
433 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors({\n statistic: 'sum',\n period: Duration.hours(1),\n\n // Show the maximum hourly error count in the legend\n label: '[max: ${MAX}] Lambda failure rate',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
434 "syntaxKindCounter": {
435 "8": 1,
436 "10": 2,
437 "75": 11,
438 "130": 1,
439 "153": 1,
440 "169": 1,
441 "193": 1,
442 "194": 2,
443 "196": 2,
444 "225": 2,
445 "242": 2,
446 "243": 2,
447 "281": 3,
448 "290": 1
449 },
450 "fqnsFingerprint": "3945d2aa18e8771579b70b9961819dabe3de06c0504da86161687cd36713019b"
451 },
452 "c62b6e9ea6eb19cde44536cb807c284a15ba05e9615294eda4a7fc502259f55d": {
453 "translations": {
454 "python": {
455 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\ncloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"Alarm\",\n metric=fn.metric_errors(),\n threshold=100,\n evaluation_periods=2\n)",
456 "version": "2"
457 },
458 "csharp": {
459 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nnew Alarm(this, \"Alarm\", new AlarmProps {\n Metric = fn.MetricErrors(),\n Threshold = 100,\n EvaluationPeriods = 2\n});",
460 "version": "1"
461 },
462 "java": {
463 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"Alarm\")\n .metric(fn.metricErrors())\n .threshold(100)\n .evaluationPeriods(2)\n .build();",
464 "version": "1"
465 },
466 "go": {
467 "source": "var fn function\n\n\ncloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"Alarm\"), &alarmProps{\n\tmetric: fn.metricErrors(),\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(100),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(2),\n})",
468 "version": "1"
469 },
470 "$": {
471 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nnew cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n metric: fn.metricErrors(),\n threshold: 100,\n evaluationPeriods: 2,\n});",
472 "version": "0"
473 }
474 },
475 "location": {
476 "api": {
477 "api": "moduleReadme",
478 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
479 },
480 "field": {
481 "field": "markdown",
482 "line": 198
483 }
484 },
485 "didCompile": true,
486 "fqnsReferenced": [
487 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm",
488 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmProps",
489 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
490 "constructs.Construct"
491 ],
492 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n metric: fn.metricErrors(),\n threshold: 100,\n evaluationPeriods: 2,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
493 "syntaxKindCounter": {
494 "8": 2,
495 "10": 1,
496 "75": 10,
497 "104": 1,
498 "130": 1,
499 "153": 1,
500 "169": 1,
501 "193": 1,
502 "194": 2,
503 "196": 1,
504 "197": 1,
505 "225": 1,
506 "226": 1,
507 "242": 1,
508 "243": 1,
509 "281": 3,
510 "290": 1
511 },
512 "fqnsFingerprint": "6e79e7dcfe0189242492fb93f3f778cec45c81a17088ee3486ae591176f05d95"
513 },
514 "79c88735991c2aa6796adf9e38f29a8328ece1d607bf300be6700e755aa652fd": {
515 "translations": {
516 "python": {
517 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nfn.metric_errors().create_alarm(self, \"Alarm\",\n threshold=100,\n evaluation_periods=2\n)",
518 "version": "2"
519 },
520 "csharp": {
521 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nfn.MetricErrors().CreateAlarm(this, \"Alarm\", new CreateAlarmOptions {\n Threshold = 100,\n EvaluationPeriods = 2\n});",
522 "version": "1"
523 },
524 "java": {
525 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nfn.metricErrors().createAlarm(this, \"Alarm\", CreateAlarmOptions.builder()\n .threshold(100)\n .evaluationPeriods(2)\n .build());",
526 "version": "1"
527 },
528 "go": {
529 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nfn.metricErrors().createAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"Alarm\"), &createAlarmOptions{\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(100),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(2),\n})",
530 "version": "1"
531 },
532 "$": {
533 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nfn.metricErrors().createAlarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n threshold: 100,\n evaluationPeriods: 2,\n});",
534 "version": "0"
535 }
536 },
537 "location": {
538 "api": {
539 "api": "moduleReadme",
540 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
541 },
542 "field": {
543 "field": "markdown",
544 "line": 210
545 }
546 },
547 "didCompile": true,
548 "fqnsReferenced": [
549 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CreateAlarmOptions",
550 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric#createAlarm",
551 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
552 ],
553 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nfn.metricErrors().createAlarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n threshold: 100,\n evaluationPeriods: 2,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
554 "syntaxKindCounter": {
555 "8": 2,
556 "10": 1,
557 "75": 8,
558 "104": 1,
559 "130": 1,
560 "153": 1,
561 "169": 1,
562 "193": 1,
563 "194": 2,
564 "196": 2,
565 "225": 1,
566 "226": 1,
567 "242": 1,
568 "243": 1,
569 "281": 2,
570 "290": 1
571 },
572 "fqnsFingerprint": "ecd9b00a4113c7a85c9d87a2d5cb2133b2e7eaf42a1f4b221f50ed8608c77f0c"
573 },
574 "3a31b8ab4f24dc7de1dc1aa021ccae3b0074fc61ebe97ba9c528b5418a4fefcc": {
575 "translations": {
576 "python": {
577 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch_actions as cw_actions\n# alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ntopic = sns.Topic(self, \"Topic\")\nalarm.add_alarm_action(cw_actions.SnsAction(topic))",
578 "version": "2"
579 },
580 "csharp": {
581 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch.Actions;\nAlarm alarm;\n\n\nTopic topic = new Topic(this, \"Topic\");\nalarm.AddAlarmAction(new SnsAction(topic));",
582 "version": "1"
583 },
584 "java": {
585 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.actions.*;\nAlarm alarm;\n\n\nTopic topic = new Topic(this, \"Topic\");\nalarm.addAlarmAction(new SnsAction(topic));",
586 "version": "1"
587 },
588 "go": {
589 "source": "import cw_actions \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatchactions\"\nvar alarm alarm\n\n\ntopic := sns.NewTopic(this, jsii.String(\"Topic\"))\nalarm.addAlarmAction(cw_actions.NewSnsAction(topic))",
590 "version": "1"
591 },
592 "$": {
593 "source": "import * as cw_actions from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch-actions';\ndeclare const alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\nconst topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'Topic');\nalarm.addAlarmAction(new cw_actions.SnsAction(topic));",
594 "version": "0"
595 }
596 },
597 "location": {
598 "api": {
599 "api": "moduleReadme",
600 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
601 },
602 "field": {
603 "field": "markdown",
604 "line": 234
605 }
606 },
607 "didCompile": true,
608 "fqnsReferenced": [
609 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch-actions.SnsAction",
610 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm#addAlarmAction",
611 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarmAction",
612 "@aws-cdk/aws-sns.ITopic",
613 "@aws-cdk/aws-sns.Topic",
614 "constructs.Construct"
615 ],
616 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as cw_actions from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch-actions';\ndeclare const alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'Topic');\nalarm.addAlarmAction(new cw_actions.SnsAction(topic));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
617 "syntaxKindCounter": {
618 "10": 2,
619 "75": 12,
620 "104": 1,
621 "130": 1,
622 "153": 1,
623 "169": 1,
624 "194": 3,
625 "196": 1,
626 "197": 2,
627 "225": 2,
628 "226": 1,
629 "242": 2,
630 "243": 2,
631 "254": 1,
632 "255": 1,
633 "256": 1,
634 "290": 1
635 },
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637 },
638 "c1484f351e36b25a33ad249d74d35830c5473e7ea50fe6424359174d131c5b4e": {
639 "translations": {
640 "python": {
641 "source": "# alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\nalarm_rule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.any_of(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.all_of(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.any_of(alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_alarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK), alarm3),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_alarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_boolean(False))\n\ncloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(self, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\",\n alarm_rule=alarm_rule\n)",
642 "version": "2"
643 },
644 "csharp": {
645 "source": "Alarm alarm1;\nAlarm alarm2;\nAlarm alarm3;\nAlarm alarm4;\n\n\nIAlarmRule alarmRule = AlarmRule.AnyOf(AlarmRule.AllOf(AlarmRule.AnyOf(alarm1, AlarmRule.FromAlarm(alarm2, AlarmState.OK), alarm3), AlarmRule.Not(AlarmRule.FromAlarm(alarm4, AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), AlarmRule.FromBoolean(false));\n\nnew CompositeAlarm(this, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\", new CompositeAlarmProps {\n AlarmRule = alarmRule\n});",
646 "version": "1"
647 },
648 "java": {
649 "source": "Alarm alarm1;\nAlarm alarm2;\nAlarm alarm3;\nAlarm alarm4;\n\n\nIAlarmRule alarmRule = AlarmRule.anyOf(AlarmRule.allOf(AlarmRule.anyOf(alarm1, AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, AlarmState.OK), alarm3), AlarmRule.not(AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false));\n\nCompositeAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\")\n .alarmRule(alarmRule)\n .build();",
650 "version": "1"
651 },
652 "go": {
653 "source": "var alarm1 alarm\nvar alarm2 alarm\nvar alarm3 alarm\nvar alarm4 alarm\n\n\nalarmRule := cloudwatch.alarmRule.anyOf(cloudwatch.alarmRule.allOf(cloudwatch.alarmRule.anyOf(alarm1, cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.alarmState_OK), alarm3), cloudwatch.alarmRule.not(cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.alarmState_INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromBoolean(jsii.Boolean(false)))\n\ncloudwatch.NewCompositeAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\"), &compositeAlarmProps{\n\talarmRule: alarmRule,\n})",
654 "version": "1"
655 },
656 "$": {
657 "source": "declare const alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\nconst alarmRule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.allOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK),\n alarm3,\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA)),\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false),\n);\n\nnew cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(this, 'MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmRule,\n});",
658 "version": "0"
659 }
660 },
661 "location": {
662 "api": {
663 "api": "moduleReadme",
664 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
665 },
666 "field": {
667 "field": "markdown",
668 "line": 268
669 }
670 },
671 "didCompile": true,
672 "fqnsReferenced": [
673 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule",
674 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#allOf",
675 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#anyOf",
676 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#fromAlarm",
677 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#fromBoolean",
678 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#not",
679 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState",
680 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#INSUFFICIENT_DATA",
681 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#OK",
682 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm",
683 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarmProps",
684 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
685 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarmRule",
686 "constructs.Construct"
687 ],
688 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst alarmRule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.allOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK),\n alarm3,\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA)),\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false),\n);\n\nnew cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(this, 'MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmRule,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
689 "syntaxKindCounter": {
690 "10": 1,
691 "75": 47,
692 "91": 1,
693 "104": 1,
694 "130": 4,
695 "153": 4,
696 "169": 4,
697 "193": 1,
698 "194": 19,
699 "196": 7,
700 "197": 1,
701 "225": 5,
702 "226": 1,
703 "242": 5,
704 "243": 5,
705 "282": 1,
706 "290": 1
707 },
708 "fqnsFingerprint": "fee41f55ebdb796ada349b0655c3d755869d1a1f81292ff128fb32225e52886f"
709 },
710 "108729d9bad0f66478ac124f1c1e4a1b7267b0308868fad209f878f7d624f0c1": {
711 "translations": {
712 "python": {
713 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# execution_count_metric: cloudwatch.Metric\n# error_count_metric: cloudwatch.Metric\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n title=\"Executions vs error rate\",\n\n left=[execution_count_metric],\n\n right=[error_count_metric.with(\n statistic=\"average\",\n label=\"Error rate\",\n color=cloudwatch.Color.GREEN\n )]\n))",
714 "version": "2"
715 },
716 "csharp": {
717 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric executionCountMetric;\nMetric errorCountMetric;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n Title = \"Executions vs error rate\",\n\n Left = new [] { executionCountMetric },\n\n Right = new [] { errorCountMetric.With(new MetricOptions {\n Statistic = \"average\",\n Label = \"Error rate\",\n Color = Color.GREEN\n }) }\n}));",
718 "version": "1"
719 },
720 "java": {
721 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric executionCountMetric;\nMetric errorCountMetric;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n .title(\"Executions vs error rate\")\n\n .left(List.of(executionCountMetric))\n\n .right(List.of(errorCountMetric.with(MetricOptions.builder()\n .statistic(\"average\")\n .label(\"Error rate\")\n .color(Color.GREEN)\n .build())))\n .build());",
722 "version": "1"
723 },
724 "go": {
725 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar executionCountMetric metric\nvar errorCountMetric metric\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"Executions vs error rate\"),\n\n\tleft: []iMetric{\n\t\texecutionCountMetric,\n\t},\n\n\tright: []*iMetric{\n\t\terrorCountMetric.with(&metricOptions{\n\t\t\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"average\"),\n\t\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"Error rate\"),\n\t\t\tcolor: cloudwatch.color_GREEN(),\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n}))",
726 "version": "1"
727 },
728 "$": {
729 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const executionCountMetric: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const errorCountMetric: cloudwatch.Metric;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n title: \"Executions vs error rate\",\n\n left: [executionCountMetric],\n\n right: [errorCountMetric.with({\n statistic: \"average\",\n label: \"Error rate\",\n color: cloudwatch.Color.GREEN,\n })]\n}));",
730 "version": "0"
731 }
732 },
733 "location": {
734 "api": {
735 "api": "moduleReadme",
736 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
737 },
738 "field": {
739 "field": "markdown",
740 "line": 331
741 }
742 },
743 "didCompile": true,
744 "fqnsReferenced": [
745 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Color",
746 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Color#GREEN",
747 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
748 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
749 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
750 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
751 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric#with",
752 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
753 ],
754 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const executionCountMetric: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const errorCountMetric: cloudwatch.Metric;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n title: \"Executions vs error rate\",\n\n left: [executionCountMetric],\n\n right: [errorCountMetric.with({\n statistic: \"average\",\n label: \"Error rate\",\n color: cloudwatch.Color.GREEN,\n })]\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
755 "syntaxKindCounter": {
756 "10": 3,
757 "75": 25,
758 "130": 3,
759 "153": 3,
760 "169": 3,
761 "192": 2,
762 "193": 2,
763 "194": 5,
764 "196": 2,
765 "197": 1,
766 "225": 3,
767 "226": 1,
768 "242": 3,
769 "243": 3,
770 "281": 6,
771 "290": 1
772 },
773 "fqnsFingerprint": "1645fef2b75b21b1050b2ea6bda4405579544588e20fc0f2a7e37d7eb18b7f63"
774 },
775 "2e8b47815ed5ca3b937b3be6af75939cc73563b5ae737f8429adc5643fdff9c8": {
776 "translations": {
777 "python": {
778 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n # ...\n\n left_annotations=[cloudwatch.HorizontalAnnotation(value=1800, label=Duration.minutes(30).to_human_string(), color=cloudwatch.Color.RED), cloudwatch.HorizontalAnnotation(value=3600, label=\"1 hour\", color=\"#2ca02c\")\n ]\n))",
779 "version": "2"
780 },
781 "csharp": {
782 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n // ...\n\n LeftAnnotations = new [] { new HorizontalAnnotation { Value = 1800, Label = Duration.Minutes(30).ToHumanString(), Color = Color.RED }, new HorizontalAnnotation { Value = 3600, Label = \"1 hour\", Color = \"#2ca02c\" } }\n}));",
783 "version": "1"
784 },
785 "java": {
786 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n // ...\n\n .leftAnnotations(List.of(HorizontalAnnotation.builder().value(1800).label(Duration.minutes(30).toHumanString()).color(Color.RED).build(), HorizontalAnnotation.builder().value(3600).label(\"1 hour\").color(\"#2ca02c\").build()))\n .build());",
787 "version": "1"
788 },
789 "go": {
790 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\t// ...\n\n\tleftAnnotations: []horizontalAnnotation{\n\t\t&horizontalAnnotation{\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.Number(1800),\n\t\t\tlabel: *awscdkcore.Duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)).toHumanString(),\n\t\t\tcolor: cloudwatch.color_RED(),\n\t\t},\n\t\t&horizontalAnnotation{\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.Number(3600),\n\t\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"1 hour\"),\n\t\t\tcolor: jsii.String(\"#2ca02c\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}))",
791 "version": "1"
792 },
793 "$": {
794 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n leftAnnotations: [\n { value: 1800, label: Duration.minutes(30).toHumanString(), color: cloudwatch.Color.RED, },\n { value: 3600, label: '1 hour', color: '#2ca02c', }\n ],\n}));",
795 "version": "0"
796 }
797 },
798 "location": {
799 "api": {
800 "api": "moduleReadme",
801 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
802 },
803 "field": {
804 "field": "markdown",
805 "line": 353
806 }
807 },
808 "didCompile": true,
809 "fqnsReferenced": [
810 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Color",
811 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Color#RED",
812 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
813 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
814 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
815 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
816 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes",
817 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#toHumanString"
818 ],
819 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n leftAnnotations: [\n { value: 1800, label: Duration.minutes(30).toHumanString(), color: cloudwatch.Color.RED, },\n { value: 3600, label: '1 hour', color: '#2ca02c', }\n ],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
820 "syntaxKindCounter": {
821 "8": 3,
822 "10": 2,
823 "75": 20,
824 "130": 1,
825 "153": 1,
826 "169": 1,
827 "192": 1,
828 "193": 3,
829 "194": 6,
830 "196": 3,
831 "197": 1,
832 "225": 1,
833 "226": 1,
834 "242": 1,
835 "243": 1,
836 "281": 7,
837 "290": 1
838 },
839 "fqnsFingerprint": "060e31b28e77f024e29d1b39e1b4d21d9f16e99270ee5625447c4e45ec82ae84"
840 },
841 "ebffb1747be766ac73a8c46aa4c87806e62a7e714d66019e4673710be3bb05dc": {
842 "translations": {
843 "python": {
844 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n # ...\n\n legend_position=cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT\n))",
845 "version": "2"
846 },
847 "csharp": {
848 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n // ...\n\n LegendPosition = LegendPosition.RIGHT\n}));",
849 "version": "1"
850 },
851 "java": {
852 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n // ...\n\n .legendPosition(LegendPosition.RIGHT)\n .build());",
853 "version": "1"
854 },
855 "go": {
856 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\t// ...\n\n\tlegendPosition: cloudwatch.legendPosition_RIGHT,\n}))",
857 "version": "1"
858 },
859 "$": {
860 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n legendPosition: cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT,\n}));",
861 "version": "0"
862 }
863 },
864 "location": {
865 "api": {
866 "api": "moduleReadme",
867 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
868 },
869 "field": {
870 "field": "markdown",
871 "line": 368
872 }
873 },
874 "didCompile": true,
875 "fqnsReferenced": [
876 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
877 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
878 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
879 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
880 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition",
881 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition#RIGHT"
882 ],
883 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n legendPosition: cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
884 "syntaxKindCounter": {
885 "75": 11,
886 "130": 1,
887 "153": 1,
888 "169": 1,
889 "193": 1,
890 "194": 4,
891 "196": 1,
892 "197": 1,
893 "225": 1,
894 "226": 1,
895 "242": 1,
896 "243": 1,
897 "281": 1,
898 "290": 1
899 },
900 "fqnsFingerprint": "ea9c769f622a1b98a2ed82e67b6d8570122a26ea375f8381dc72eb53b13d68d4"
901 },
902 "a2e7f2afff918dc7f551f30d40cacdd3aa38bb09231a30ab4b75317efb50d0ad": {
903 "translations": {
904 "python": {
905 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n # ...\n\n live_data=True\n))",
906 "version": "2"
907 },
908 "csharp": {
909 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n // ...\n\n LiveData = true\n}));",
910 "version": "1"
911 },
912 "java": {
913 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n // ...\n\n .liveData(true)\n .build());",
914 "version": "1"
915 },
916 "go": {
917 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\t// ...\n\n\tliveData: jsii.Boolean(true),\n}))",
918 "version": "1"
919 },
920 "$": {
921 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n liveData: true,\n}));",
922 "version": "0"
923 }
924 },
925 "location": {
926 "api": {
927 "api": "moduleReadme",
928 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
929 },
930 "field": {
931 "field": "markdown",
932 "line": 380
933 }
934 },
935 "didCompile": true,
936 "fqnsReferenced": [
937 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
938 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
939 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
940 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
941 ],
942 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n liveData: true,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
943 "syntaxKindCounter": {
944 "75": 8,
945 "106": 1,
946 "130": 1,
947 "153": 1,
948 "169": 1,
949 "193": 1,
950 "194": 2,
951 "196": 1,
952 "197": 1,
953 "225": 1,
954 "226": 1,
955 "242": 1,
956 "243": 1,
957 "281": 1,
958 "290": 1
959 },
960 "fqnsFingerprint": "a78e544e731ab391671ecd4bf98e47a61cbad6f76ce229c38e1584661742d7d7"
961 },
962 "4a8dda045236271b954f0a4a021d985fc67baf588a656645d83021827fa261d3": {
963 "translations": {
964 "python": {
965 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n # ...\n\n view=cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView.BAR\n))",
966 "version": "2"
967 },
968 "csharp": {
969 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n // ...\n\n View = GraphWidgetView.BAR\n}));",
970 "version": "1"
971 },
972 "java": {
973 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n // ...\n\n .view(GraphWidgetView.BAR)\n .build());",
974 "version": "1"
975 },
976 "go": {
977 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\t// ...\n\n\tview: cloudwatch.graphWidgetView_BAR,\n}))",
978 "version": "1"
979 },
980 "$": {
981 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n view: cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView.BAR,\n}));",
982 "version": "0"
983 }
984 },
985 "location": {
986 "api": {
987 "api": "moduleReadme",
988 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
989 },
990 "field": {
991 "field": "markdown",
992 "line": 392
993 }
994 },
995 "didCompile": true,
996 "fqnsReferenced": [
997 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
998 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
999 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
1000 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView",
1001 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView#BAR",
1002 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
1003 ],
1004 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n view: cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView.BAR,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1005 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1006 "75": 11,
1007 "130": 1,
1008 "153": 1,
1009 "169": 1,
1010 "193": 1,
1011 "194": 4,
1012 "196": 1,
1013 "197": 1,
1014 "225": 1,
1015 "226": 1,
1016 "242": 1,
1017 "243": 1,
1018 "281": 1,
1019 "290": 1
1020 },
1021 "fqnsFingerprint": "7fd4e224ed06d70f93bfa2abd6c61c292f1a9fae0071e785589986757fe904db"
1022 },
1023 "c31fff1309d284676bdcb38516d53ef267ab9b1bfdbaa9b255aa176fd48477f7": {
1024 "translations": {
1025 "python": {
1026 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.AlarmWidget(\n title=\"Errors\",\n alarm=error_alarm\n))",
1027 "version": "2"
1028 },
1029 "csharp": {
1030 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new AlarmWidget(new AlarmWidgetProps {\n Title = \"Errors\",\n Alarm = errorAlarm\n}));",
1031 "version": "1"
1032 },
1033 "java": {
1034 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(AlarmWidget.Builder.create()\n .title(\"Errors\")\n .alarm(errorAlarm)\n .build());",
1035 "version": "1"
1036 },
1037 "go": {
1038 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewAlarmWidget(&alarmWidgetProps{\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"Errors\"),\n\talarm: errorAlarm,\n}))",
1039 "version": "1"
1040 },
1041 "$": {
1042 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarm: errorAlarm,\n}));",
1043 "version": "0"
1044 }
1045 },
1046 "location": {
1047 "api": {
1048 "api": "moduleReadme",
1049 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
1050 },
1051 "field": {
1052 "field": "markdown",
1053 "line": 406
1054 }
1055 },
1056 "didCompile": true,
1057 "fqnsReferenced": [
1058 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmWidget",
1059 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmWidgetProps",
1060 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1061 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
1062 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
1063 ],
1064 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarm: errorAlarm,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1065 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1066 "10": 1,
1067 "75": 13,
1068 "130": 2,
1069 "153": 2,
1070 "169": 2,
1071 "193": 1,
1072 "194": 2,
1073 "196": 1,
1074 "197": 1,
1075 "225": 2,
1076 "226": 1,
1077 "242": 2,
1078 "243": 2,
1079 "281": 2,
1080 "290": 1
1081 },
1082 "fqnsFingerprint": "ac432a1bd4e556866ba15b7d5f796c2906317f1e8ac8dceaf5da524c95bdd3c3"
1083 },
1084 "145414953db361f4767e9f75899200e57a40b9184b4e9ce50f18877ef88bc5a6": {
1085 "translations": {
1086 "python": {
1087 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# visitor_count: cloudwatch.Metric\n# purchase_count: cloudwatch.Metric\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget(\n metrics=[visitor_count, purchase_count]\n))",
1088 "version": "2"
1089 },
1090 "csharp": {
1091 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric visitorCount;\nMetric purchaseCount;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new SingleValueWidget(new SingleValueWidgetProps {\n Metrics = new [] { visitorCount, purchaseCount }\n}));",
1092 "version": "1"
1093 },
1094 "java": {
1095 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric visitorCount;\nMetric purchaseCount;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(SingleValueWidget.Builder.create()\n .metrics(List.of(visitorCount, purchaseCount))\n .build());",
1096 "version": "1"
1097 },
1098 "go": {
1099 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar visitorCount metric\nvar purchaseCount metric\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewSingleValueWidget(&singleValueWidgetProps{\n\tmetrics: []iMetric{\n\t\tvisitorCount,\n\t\tpurchaseCount,\n\t},\n}))",
1100 "version": "1"
1101 },
1102 "$": {
1103 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const visitorCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const purchaseCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({\n metrics: [visitorCount, purchaseCount],\n}));",
1104 "version": "0"
1105 }
1106 },
1107 "location": {
1108 "api": {
1109 "api": "moduleReadme",
1110 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
1111 },
1112 "field": {
1113 "field": "markdown",
1114 "line": 421
1115 }
1116 },
1117 "didCompile": true,
1118 "fqnsReferenced": [
1119 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1120 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
1121 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget",
1122 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidgetProps"
1123 ],
1124 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const visitorCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const purchaseCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({\n metrics: [visitorCount, purchaseCount],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1125 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1126 "75": 16,
1127 "130": 3,
1128 "153": 3,
1129 "169": 3,
1130 "192": 1,
1131 "193": 1,
1132 "194": 2,
1133 "196": 1,
1134 "197": 1,
1135 "225": 3,
1136 "226": 1,
1137 "242": 3,
1138 "243": 3,
1139 "281": 1,
1140 "290": 1
1141 },
1142 "fqnsFingerprint": "4a2c505727d9abafe653a0e97b3c86cae9d2be3b9abf3639795bf82dcfa31cce"
1143 },
1144 "d93943d2d92cc9f4ffff5908e95ecefc4f9d0e24fc769b0b684e012c38f556c2": {
1145 "translations": {
1146 "python": {
1147 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget(\n metrics=[],\n\n full_precision=True\n))",
1148 "version": "2"
1149 },
1150 "csharp": {
1151 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new SingleValueWidget(new SingleValueWidgetProps {\n Metrics = new [] { },\n\n FullPrecision = true\n}));",
1152 "version": "1"
1153 },
1154 "java": {
1155 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(SingleValueWidget.Builder.create()\n .metrics(List.of())\n\n .fullPrecision(true)\n .build());",
1156 "version": "1"
1157 },
1158 "go": {
1159 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewSingleValueWidget(&singleValueWidgetProps{\n\tmetrics: []iMetric{\n\t},\n\n\tfullPrecision: jsii.Boolean(true),\n}))",
1160 "version": "1"
1161 },
1162 "$": {
1163 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({\n metrics: [ /* ... */ ],\n\n fullPrecision: true,\n}));",
1164 "version": "0"
1165 }
1166 },
1167 "location": {
1168 "api": {
1169 "api": "moduleReadme",
1170 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
1171 },
1172 "field": {
1173 "field": "markdown",
1174 "line": 433
1175 }
1176 },
1177 "didCompile": true,
1178 "fqnsReferenced": [
1179 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1180 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
1181 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget",
1182 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidgetProps"
1183 ],
1184 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({\n metrics: [ /* ... */ ],\n\n fullPrecision: true,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1185 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1186 "75": 9,
1187 "106": 1,
1188 "130": 1,
1189 "153": 1,
1190 "169": 1,
1191 "192": 1,
1192 "193": 1,
1193 "194": 2,
1194 "196": 1,
1195 "197": 1,
1196 "225": 1,
1197 "226": 1,
1198 "242": 1,
1199 "243": 1,
1200 "281": 2,
1201 "290": 1
1202 },
1203 "fqnsFingerprint": "4a2c505727d9abafe653a0e97b3c86cae9d2be3b9abf3639795bf82dcfa31cce"
1204 },
1205 "bbdf276cfc637755ea25b90a6a543275cdfd2ca924618182a6aec8c79f954587": {
1206 "translations": {
1207 "python": {
1208 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.TextWidget(\n markdown=\"# Key Performance Indicators\"\n))",
1209 "version": "2"
1210 },
1211 "csharp": {
1212 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new TextWidget(new TextWidgetProps {\n Markdown = \"# Key Performance Indicators\"\n}));",
1213 "version": "1"
1214 },
1215 "java": {
1216 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(TextWidget.Builder.create()\n .markdown(\"# Key Performance Indicators\")\n .build());",
1217 "version": "1"
1218 },
1219 "go": {
1220 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewTextWidget(&textWidgetProps{\n\tmarkdown: jsii.String(\"# Key Performance Indicators\"),\n}))",
1221 "version": "1"
1222 },
1223 "$": {
1224 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.TextWidget({\n markdown: '# Key Performance Indicators'\n}));",
1225 "version": "0"
1226 }
1227 },
1228 "location": {
1229 "api": {
1230 "api": "moduleReadme",
1231 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
1232 },
1233 "field": {
1234 "field": "markdown",
1235 "line": 448
1236 }
1237 },
1238 "didCompile": true,
1239 "fqnsReferenced": [
1240 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1241 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
1242 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TextWidget",
1243 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TextWidgetProps"
1244 ],
1245 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.TextWidget({\n markdown: '# Key Performance Indicators'\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1246 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1247 "10": 1,
1248 "75": 8,
1249 "130": 1,
1250 "153": 1,
1251 "169": 1,
1252 "193": 1,
1253 "194": 2,
1254 "196": 1,
1255 "197": 1,
1256 "225": 1,
1257 "226": 1,
1258 "242": 1,
1259 "243": 1,
1260 "281": 1,
1261 "290": 1
1262 },
1263 "fqnsFingerprint": "840d59935c40a04fe23656d25d0a4951fd7b817663d33eac77f797151ee52974"
1264 },
1265 "428539244bb683b09be7cefaa27d0b994c706b841a2f401cc5e70518015af6ee": {
1266 "translations": {
1267 "python": {
1268 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(\n cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget(\n alarms=[error_alarm]\n ))",
1269 "version": "2"
1270 },
1271 "csharp": {
1272 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(\nnew AlarmStatusWidget(new AlarmStatusWidgetProps {\n Alarms = new [] { errorAlarm }\n}));",
1273 "version": "1"
1274 },
1275 "java": {
1276 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\nAlarmStatusWidget.Builder.create()\n .alarms(List.of(errorAlarm))\n .build());",
1277 "version": "1"
1278 },
1279 "go": {
1280 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\ncloudwatch.NewAlarmStatusWidget(&alarmStatusWidgetProps{\n\talarms: []iAlarm{\n\t\terrorAlarm,\n\t},\n}))",
1281 "version": "1"
1282 },
1283 "$": {
1284 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\n new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n })\n);",
1285 "version": "0"
1286 }
1287 },
1288 "location": {
1289 "api": {
1290 "api": "moduleReadme",
1291 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
1292 },
1293 "field": {
1294 "field": "markdown",
1295 "line": 461
1296 }
1297 },
1298 "didCompile": true,
1299 "fqnsReferenced": [
1300 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget",
1301 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetProps",
1302 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1303 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
1304 ],
1305 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\n new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n })\n);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1306 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1307 "75": 12,
1308 "130": 2,
1309 "153": 2,
1310 "169": 2,
1311 "192": 1,
1312 "193": 1,
1313 "194": 2,
1314 "196": 1,
1315 "197": 1,
1316 "225": 2,
1317 "226": 1,
1318 "242": 2,
1319 "243": 2,
1320 "281": 1,
1321 "290": 1
1322 },
1323 "fqnsFingerprint": "9afe23edfb649b00bff97e4ec475f78fe49aeda23857ff26e28af9c9f4501e81"
1324 },
1325 "2a1a032ff771bf4770aa3e4f96fa6e2c076bcd8d4521966d105442ef87fd5930": {
1326 "translations": {
1327 "python": {
1328 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget(\n title=\"Errors\",\n alarms=[error_alarm],\n sort_by=cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states=[cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM]\n))",
1329 "version": "2"
1330 },
1331 "csharp": {
1332 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new AlarmStatusWidget(new AlarmStatusWidgetProps {\n Title = \"Errors\",\n Alarms = new [] { errorAlarm },\n SortBy = AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n States = new [] { AlarmState.ALARM }\n}));",
1333 "version": "1"
1334 },
1335 "java": {
1336 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(AlarmStatusWidget.Builder.create()\n .title(\"Errors\")\n .alarms(List.of(errorAlarm))\n .sortBy(AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP)\n .states(List.of(AlarmState.ALARM))\n .build());",
1337 "version": "1"
1338 },
1339 "go": {
1340 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewAlarmStatusWidget(&alarmStatusWidgetProps{\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"Errors\"),\n\talarms: []iAlarm{\n\t\terrorAlarm,\n\t},\n\tsortBy: cloudwatch.alarmStatusWidgetSortBy_STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n\tstates: []alarmState{\n\t\tcloudwatch.*alarmState_ALARM,\n\t},\n}))",
1341 "version": "1"
1342 },
1343 "$": {
1344 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n sortBy: cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states: [cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM],\n}));",
1345 "version": "0"
1346 }
1347 },
1348 "location": {
1349 "api": {
1350 "api": "moduleReadme",
1351 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
1352 },
1353 "field": {
1354 "field": "markdown",
1355 "line": 474
1356 }
1357 },
1358 "didCompile": true,
1359 "fqnsReferenced": [
1360 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState",
1361 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#ALARM",
1362 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget",
1363 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetProps",
1364 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy",
1365 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy#STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP",
1366 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1367 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
1368 ],
1369 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n sortBy: cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states: [cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1370 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1371 "10": 1,
1372 "75": 21,
1373 "130": 2,
1374 "153": 2,
1375 "169": 2,
1376 "192": 2,
1377 "193": 1,
1378 "194": 6,
1379 "196": 1,
1380 "197": 1,
1381 "225": 2,
1382 "226": 1,
1383 "242": 2,
1384 "243": 2,
1385 "281": 4,
1386 "290": 1
1387 },
1388 "fqnsFingerprint": "765f2ea2455ace2c2d86264f210d48026473c81383f4e59ff5022414cb9a0e58"
1389 },
1390 "699ce96d41b9f05d21bc754c2f3e49348b11d09760c03cd32b50ca2cee42633a": {
1391 "translations": {
1392 "python": {
1393 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget(\n log_group_names=[\"my-log-group\"],\n view=cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n # The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n query_lines=[\"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\"\n ]\n))",
1394 "version": "2"
1395 },
1396 "csharp": {
1397 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new LogQueryWidget(new LogQueryWidgetProps {\n LogGroupNames = new [] { \"my-log-group\" },\n View = LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n QueryLines = new [] { \"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\" }\n}));",
1398 "version": "1"
1399 },
1400 "java": {
1401 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(LogQueryWidget.Builder.create()\n .logGroupNames(List.of(\"my-log-group\"))\n .view(LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE)\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n .queryLines(List.of(\"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\"))\n .build());",
1402 "version": "1"
1403 },
1404 "go": {
1405 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewLogQueryWidget(&logQueryWidgetProps{\n\tlogGroupNames: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"my-log-group\"),\n\t},\n\tview: cloudwatch.logQueryVisualizationType_TABLE,\n\t// The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n\tqueryLines: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"fields @message\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"filter @message like /Error/\"),\n\t},\n}))",
1406 "version": "1"
1407 },
1408 "$": {
1409 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({\n logGroupNames: ['my-log-group'],\n view: cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n queryLines: [\n 'fields @message',\n 'filter @message like /Error/',\n ]\n}));",
1410 "version": "0"
1411 }
1412 },
1413 "location": {
1414 "api": {
1415 "api": "moduleReadme",
1416 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
1417 },
1418 "field": {
1419 "field": "markdown",
1420 "line": 490
1421 }
1422 },
1423 "didCompile": true,
1424 "fqnsReferenced": [
1425 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1426 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
1427 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType",
1428 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType#TABLE",
1429 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget",
1430 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidgetProps"
1431 ],
1432 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({\n logGroupNames: ['my-log-group'],\n view: cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n queryLines: [\n 'fields @message',\n 'filter @message like /Error/',\n ]\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1433 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1434 "10": 3,
1435 "75": 13,
1436 "130": 1,
1437 "153": 1,
1438 "169": 1,
1439 "192": 2,
1440 "193": 1,
1441 "194": 4,
1442 "196": 1,
1443 "197": 1,
1444 "225": 1,
1445 "226": 1,
1446 "242": 1,
1447 "243": 1,
1448 "281": 3,
1449 "290": 1
1450 },
1451 "fqnsFingerprint": "1438f4219dd2040823fc631cfcf67e7c07934cacb3065d141d6d07efab7786f2"
1452 },
1453 "fadae74a694671c3244c8f5930e3a5d9e6458834d9b16e714c10ec63ad43ab7f": {
1454 "translations": {
1455 "python": {
1456 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\n# Import or create a lambda function\nfn = lambda_.Function.from_function_arn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\")\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.CustomWidget(\n function_arn=fn.function_arn,\n title=\"My lambda baked widget\"\n))",
1457 "version": "2"
1458 },
1459 "csharp": {
1460 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nIFunction fn = Function.FromFunctionArn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\");\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new CustomWidget(new CustomWidgetProps {\n FunctionArn = fn.FunctionArn,\n Title = \"My lambda baked widget\"\n}));",
1461 "version": "1"
1462 },
1463 "java": {
1464 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nIFunction fn = Function.fromFunctionArn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\");\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(CustomWidget.Builder.create()\n .functionArn(fn.getFunctionArn())\n .title(\"My lambda baked widget\")\n .build());",
1465 "version": "1"
1466 },
1467 "go": {
1468 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nfn := lambda.function.fromFunctionArn(dashboard, jsii.String(\"Function\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\"))\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewCustomWidget(&customWidgetProps{\n\tfunctionArn: fn.functionArn,\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"My lambda baked widget\"),\n}))",
1469 "version": "1"
1470 },
1471 "$": {
1472 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nconst fn = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(\n dashboard,\n 'Function',\n 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn',\n);\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.CustomWidget({\n functionArn: fn.functionArn,\n title: 'My lambda baked widget',\n}));",
1473 "version": "0"
1474 }
1475 },
1476 "location": {
1477 "api": {
1478 "api": "moduleReadme",
1479 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch"
1480 },
1481 "field": {
1482 "field": "markdown",
1483 "line": 508
1484 }
1485 },
1486 "didCompile": true,
1487 "fqnsReferenced": [
1488 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CustomWidget",
1489 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CustomWidgetProps",
1490 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1491 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
1492 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function",
1493 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function#fromFunctionArn",
1494 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
1495 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction#functionArn",
1496 "constructs.Construct"
1497 ],
1498 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nconst fn = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(\n dashboard,\n 'Function',\n 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn',\n);\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.CustomWidget({\n functionArn: fn.functionArn,\n title: 'My lambda baked widget',\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1499 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1500 "10": 3,
1501 "75": 16,
1502 "130": 1,
1503 "153": 1,
1504 "169": 1,
1505 "193": 1,
1506 "194": 5,
1507 "196": 2,
1508 "197": 1,
1509 "225": 2,
1510 "226": 1,
1511 "242": 2,
1512 "243": 2,
1513 "281": 2,
1514 "290": 1
1515 },
1516 "fqnsFingerprint": "e821e549c92942f2fed9ee1133e99ba3b87199420227037e507d0255e2c208f0"
1517 },
1518 "201498f63bb15814ddc237a86ab9e72e0cd72c9781974968b70420b81bf4b287": {
1519 "translations": {
1520 "python": {
1521 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# alias: lambda.Alias\n\n# or add alarms to an existing group\n# blue_green_alias: lambda.Alias\n\nalarm = cloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"Errors\",\n comparison_operator=cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold=1,\n evaluation_periods=1,\n metric=alias.metric_errors()\n)\ndeployment_group = codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(self, \"BlueGreenDeployment\",\n alias=alias,\n deployment_config=codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE,\n alarms=[alarm\n ]\n)\ndeployment_group.add_alarm(cloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"BlueGreenErrors\",\n comparison_operator=cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold=1,\n evaluation_periods=1,\n metric=blue_green_alias.metric_errors()\n))",
1522 "version": "2"
1523 },
1524 "csharp": {
1525 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nAlias alias;\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\nAlias blueGreenAlias;\n\nAlarm alarm = new Alarm(this, \"Errors\", new AlarmProps {\n ComparisonOperator = ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n Threshold = 1,\n EvaluationPeriods = 1,\n Metric = alias.MetricErrors()\n});\nLambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = new LambdaDeploymentGroup(this, \"BlueGreenDeployment\", new LambdaDeploymentGroupProps {\n Alias = alias,\n DeploymentConfig = LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE,\n Alarms = new [] { alarm }\n});\ndeploymentGroup.AddAlarm(new Alarm(this, \"BlueGreenErrors\", new AlarmProps {\n ComparisonOperator = ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n Threshold = 1,\n EvaluationPeriods = 1,\n Metric = blueGreenAlias.MetricErrors()\n}));",
1526 "version": "1"
1527 },
1528 "java": {
1529 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nAlias alias;\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\nAlias blueGreenAlias;\n\nAlarm alarm = Alarm.Builder.create(this, \"Errors\")\n .comparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD)\n .threshold(1)\n .evaluationPeriods(1)\n .metric(alias.metricErrors())\n .build();\nLambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = LambdaDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, \"BlueGreenDeployment\")\n .alias(alias)\n .deploymentConfig(LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE)\n .alarms(List.of(alarm))\n .build();\ndeploymentGroup.addAlarm(Alarm.Builder.create(this, \"BlueGreenErrors\")\n .comparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD)\n .threshold(1)\n .evaluationPeriods(1)\n .metric(blueGreenAlias.metricErrors())\n .build());",
1530 "version": "1"
1531 },
1532 "go": {
1533 "source": "import cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar alias alias\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\nvar blueGreenAlias alias\n\nalarm := cloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"Errors\"), &alarmProps{\n\tcomparisonOperator: cloudwatch.comparisonOperator_GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(1),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(1),\n\tmetric: alias.metricErrors(),\n})\ndeploymentGroup := codedeploy.NewLambdaDeploymentGroup(this, jsii.String(\"BlueGreenDeployment\"), &lambdaDeploymentGroupProps{\n\talias: alias,\n\tdeploymentConfig: codedeploy.lambdaDeploymentConfig_LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE(),\n\talarms: []iAlarm{\n\t\talarm,\n\t},\n})\ndeploymentGroup.addAlarm(cloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"BlueGreenErrors\"), &alarmProps{\n\tcomparisonOperator: cloudwatch.*comparisonOperator_GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(1),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(1),\n\tmetric: blueGreenAlias.metricErrors(),\n}))",
1534 "version": "1"
1535 },
1536 "$": {
1537 "source": "import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const alias: lambda.Alias;\nconst alarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Errors', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold: 1,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n metric: alias.metricErrors(),\n});\nconst deploymentGroup = new codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(this, 'BlueGreenDeployment', {\n alias,\n deploymentConfig: codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE,\n alarms: [\n // pass some alarms when constructing the deployment group\n alarm,\n ],\n});\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\ndeclare const blueGreenAlias: lambda.Alias;\ndeploymentGroup.addAlarm(new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'BlueGreenErrors', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold: 1,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n metric: blueGreenAlias.metricErrors(),\n}));",
1538 "version": "0"
1539 }
1540 },
1541 "location": {
1542 "api": {
1543 "api": "type",
1544 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm"
1545 },
1546 "field": {
1547 "field": "example"
1548 }
1549 },
1550 "didCompile": true,
1551 "fqnsReferenced": [
1552 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm",
1553 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmProps",
1554 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator",
1555 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator#GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD",
1556 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
1557 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
1558 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.ILambdaDeploymentConfig",
1559 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig",
1560 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig#LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE",
1561 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup",
1562 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup#addAlarm",
1563 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroupProps",
1564 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Alias",
1565 "constructs.Construct"
1566 ],
1567 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const alias: lambda.Alias;\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\ndeclare const blueGreenAlias: lambda.Alias;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codedeploy from '@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst alarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Errors', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold: 1,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n metric: alias.metricErrors(),\n});\nconst deploymentGroup = new codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(this, 'BlueGreenDeployment', {\n alias,\n deploymentConfig: codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE,\n alarms: [\n // pass some alarms when constructing the deployment group\n alarm,\n ],\n});\ndeploymentGroup.addAlarm(new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'BlueGreenErrors', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold: 1,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n metric: blueGreenAlias.metricErrors(),\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1568 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1569 "8": 4,
1570 "10": 4,
1571 "75": 42,
1572 "104": 3,
1573 "130": 2,
1574 "153": 2,
1575 "169": 2,
1576 "192": 1,
1577 "193": 3,
1578 "194": 12,
1579 "196": 3,
1580 "197": 3,
1581 "225": 4,
1582 "226": 1,
1583 "242": 4,
1584 "243": 4,
1585 "254": 1,
1586 "255": 1,
1587 "256": 1,
1588 "281": 10,
1589 "282": 1,
1590 "290": 1
1591 },
1592 "fqnsFingerprint": "4727dc5ca0410e37a904cbaf2127b922943cb314c9468c0db2d58c8cd209652e"
1593 },
1594 "1d2288ec1e3e5b0a03edf458e4c5a3e33f79ba83720f411f64c81043e27d1efd": {
1595 "translations": {
1596 "python": {
1597 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nalarm_action_config = cloudwatch.AlarmActionConfig(\n alarm_action_arn=\"alarmActionArn\"\n)",
1598 "version": "2"
1599 },
1600 "csharp": {
1601 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nAlarmActionConfig alarmActionConfig = new AlarmActionConfig {\n AlarmActionArn = \"alarmActionArn\"\n};",
1602 "version": "1"
1603 },
1604 "java": {
1605 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nAlarmActionConfig alarmActionConfig = AlarmActionConfig.builder()\n .alarmActionArn(\"alarmActionArn\")\n .build();",
1606 "version": "1"
1607 },
1608 "go": {
1609 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nalarmActionConfig := &alarmActionConfig{\n\talarmActionArn: jsii.String(\"alarmActionArn\"),\n}",
1610 "version": "1"
1611 },
1612 "$": {
1613 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst alarmActionConfig: cloudwatch.AlarmActionConfig = {\n alarmActionArn: 'alarmActionArn',\n};",
1614 "version": "0"
1615 }
1616 },
1617 "location": {
1618 "api": {
1619 "api": "type",
1620 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmActionConfig"
1621 },
1622 "field": {
1623 "field": "example"
1624 }
1625 },
1626 "didCompile": true,
1627 "fqnsReferenced": [
1628 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmActionConfig"
1629 ],
1630 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst alarmActionConfig: cloudwatch.AlarmActionConfig = {\n alarmActionArn: 'alarmActionArn',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1631 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1632 "10": 2,
1633 "75": 5,
1634 "153": 1,
1635 "169": 1,
1636 "193": 1,
1637 "225": 1,
1638 "242": 1,
1639 "243": 1,
1640 "254": 1,
1641 "255": 1,
1642 "256": 1,
1643 "281": 1,
1644 "290": 1
1645 },
1646 "fqnsFingerprint": "8947f31e5c297886dbe7916d26a1a9251914ec15dded5c4cbbc319bd5b30b9db"
1647 },
1648 "8fbbb8e6d4db0d09574c696ed38756cde0799c77ce7e4db65f821b400b9e40aa": {
1649 "translations": {
1650 "python": {
1651 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# alias: lambda.Alias\n\n# or add alarms to an existing group\n# blue_green_alias: lambda.Alias\n\nalarm = cloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"Errors\",\n comparison_operator=cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold=1,\n evaluation_periods=1,\n metric=alias.metric_errors()\n)\ndeployment_group = codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(self, \"BlueGreenDeployment\",\n alias=alias,\n deployment_config=codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE,\n alarms=[alarm\n ]\n)\ndeployment_group.add_alarm(cloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"BlueGreenErrors\",\n comparison_operator=cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold=1,\n evaluation_periods=1,\n metric=blue_green_alias.metric_errors()\n))",
1652 "version": "2"
1653 },
1654 "csharp": {
1655 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nAlias alias;\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\nAlias blueGreenAlias;\n\nAlarm alarm = new Alarm(this, \"Errors\", new AlarmProps {\n ComparisonOperator = ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n Threshold = 1,\n EvaluationPeriods = 1,\n Metric = alias.MetricErrors()\n});\nLambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = new LambdaDeploymentGroup(this, \"BlueGreenDeployment\", new LambdaDeploymentGroupProps {\n Alias = alias,\n DeploymentConfig = LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE,\n Alarms = new [] { alarm }\n});\ndeploymentGroup.AddAlarm(new Alarm(this, \"BlueGreenErrors\", new AlarmProps {\n ComparisonOperator = ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n Threshold = 1,\n EvaluationPeriods = 1,\n Metric = blueGreenAlias.MetricErrors()\n}));",
1656 "version": "1"
1657 },
1658 "java": {
1659 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nAlias alias;\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\nAlias blueGreenAlias;\n\nAlarm alarm = Alarm.Builder.create(this, \"Errors\")\n .comparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD)\n .threshold(1)\n .evaluationPeriods(1)\n .metric(alias.metricErrors())\n .build();\nLambdaDeploymentGroup deploymentGroup = LambdaDeploymentGroup.Builder.create(this, \"BlueGreenDeployment\")\n .alias(alias)\n .deploymentConfig(LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE)\n .alarms(List.of(alarm))\n .build();\ndeploymentGroup.addAlarm(Alarm.Builder.create(this, \"BlueGreenErrors\")\n .comparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD)\n .threshold(1)\n .evaluationPeriods(1)\n .metric(blueGreenAlias.metricErrors())\n .build());",
1660 "version": "1"
1661 },
1662 "go": {
1663 "source": "import cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar alias alias\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\nvar blueGreenAlias alias\n\nalarm := cloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"Errors\"), &alarmProps{\n\tcomparisonOperator: cloudwatch.comparisonOperator_GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(1),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(1),\n\tmetric: alias.metricErrors(),\n})\ndeploymentGroup := codedeploy.NewLambdaDeploymentGroup(this, jsii.String(\"BlueGreenDeployment\"), &lambdaDeploymentGroupProps{\n\talias: alias,\n\tdeploymentConfig: codedeploy.lambdaDeploymentConfig_LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE(),\n\talarms: []iAlarm{\n\t\talarm,\n\t},\n})\ndeploymentGroup.addAlarm(cloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"BlueGreenErrors\"), &alarmProps{\n\tcomparisonOperator: cloudwatch.*comparisonOperator_GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(1),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(1),\n\tmetric: blueGreenAlias.metricErrors(),\n}))",
1664 "version": "1"
1665 },
1666 "$": {
1667 "source": "import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const alias: lambda.Alias;\nconst alarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Errors', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold: 1,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n metric: alias.metricErrors(),\n});\nconst deploymentGroup = new codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(this, 'BlueGreenDeployment', {\n alias,\n deploymentConfig: codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE,\n alarms: [\n // pass some alarms when constructing the deployment group\n alarm,\n ],\n});\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\ndeclare const blueGreenAlias: lambda.Alias;\ndeploymentGroup.addAlarm(new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'BlueGreenErrors', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold: 1,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n metric: blueGreenAlias.metricErrors(),\n}));",
1668 "version": "0"
1669 }
1670 },
1671 "location": {
1672 "api": {
1673 "api": "type",
1674 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmProps"
1675 },
1676 "field": {
1677 "field": "example"
1678 }
1679 },
1680 "didCompile": true,
1681 "fqnsReferenced": [
1682 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm",
1683 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmProps",
1684 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator",
1685 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator#GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD",
1686 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
1687 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
1688 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.ILambdaDeploymentConfig",
1689 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig",
1690 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig#LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE",
1691 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup",
1692 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup#addAlarm",
1693 "@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroupProps",
1694 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Alias",
1695 "constructs.Construct"
1696 ],
1697 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const alias: lambda.Alias;\n\n// or add alarms to an existing group\ndeclare const blueGreenAlias: lambda.Alias;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codedeploy from '@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst alarm = new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Errors', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold: 1,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n metric: alias.metricErrors(),\n});\nconst deploymentGroup = new codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentGroup(this, 'BlueGreenDeployment', {\n alias,\n deploymentConfig: codedeploy.LambdaDeploymentConfig.LINEAR_10PERCENT_EVERY_1MINUTE,\n alarms: [\n // pass some alarms when constructing the deployment group\n alarm,\n ],\n});\ndeploymentGroup.addAlarm(new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'BlueGreenErrors', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n threshold: 1,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n metric: blueGreenAlias.metricErrors(),\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1698 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1699 "8": 4,
1700 "10": 4,
1701 "75": 42,
1702 "104": 3,
1703 "130": 2,
1704 "153": 2,
1705 "169": 2,
1706 "192": 1,
1707 "193": 3,
1708 "194": 12,
1709 "196": 3,
1710 "197": 3,
1711 "225": 4,
1712 "226": 1,
1713 "242": 4,
1714 "243": 4,
1715 "254": 1,
1716 "255": 1,
1717 "256": 1,
1718 "281": 10,
1719 "282": 1,
1720 "290": 1
1721 },
1722 "fqnsFingerprint": "4727dc5ca0410e37a904cbaf2127b922943cb314c9468c0db2d58c8cd209652e"
1723 },
1724 "b5a0b53c613020c544bb32de59e83913201b0893948b774bf5780bb791f95f98": {
1725 "translations": {
1726 "python": {
1727 "source": "# alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\nalarm_rule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.any_of(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.all_of(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.any_of(alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_alarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK), alarm3),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_alarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_boolean(False))\n\ncloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(self, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\",\n alarm_rule=alarm_rule\n)",
1728 "version": "2"
1729 },
1730 "csharp": {
1731 "source": "Alarm alarm1;\nAlarm alarm2;\nAlarm alarm3;\nAlarm alarm4;\n\n\nIAlarmRule alarmRule = AlarmRule.AnyOf(AlarmRule.AllOf(AlarmRule.AnyOf(alarm1, AlarmRule.FromAlarm(alarm2, AlarmState.OK), alarm3), AlarmRule.Not(AlarmRule.FromAlarm(alarm4, AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), AlarmRule.FromBoolean(false));\n\nnew CompositeAlarm(this, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\", new CompositeAlarmProps {\n AlarmRule = alarmRule\n});",
1732 "version": "1"
1733 },
1734 "java": {
1735 "source": "Alarm alarm1;\nAlarm alarm2;\nAlarm alarm3;\nAlarm alarm4;\n\n\nIAlarmRule alarmRule = AlarmRule.anyOf(AlarmRule.allOf(AlarmRule.anyOf(alarm1, AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, AlarmState.OK), alarm3), AlarmRule.not(AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false));\n\nCompositeAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\")\n .alarmRule(alarmRule)\n .build();",
1736 "version": "1"
1737 },
1738 "go": {
1739 "source": "var alarm1 alarm\nvar alarm2 alarm\nvar alarm3 alarm\nvar alarm4 alarm\n\n\nalarmRule := cloudwatch.alarmRule.anyOf(cloudwatch.alarmRule.allOf(cloudwatch.alarmRule.anyOf(alarm1, cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.alarmState_OK), alarm3), cloudwatch.alarmRule.not(cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.alarmState_INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromBoolean(jsii.Boolean(false)))\n\ncloudwatch.NewCompositeAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\"), &compositeAlarmProps{\n\talarmRule: alarmRule,\n})",
1740 "version": "1"
1741 },
1742 "$": {
1743 "source": "declare const alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\nconst alarmRule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.allOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK),\n alarm3,\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA)),\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false),\n);\n\nnew cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(this, 'MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmRule,\n});",
1744 "version": "0"
1745 }
1746 },
1747 "location": {
1748 "api": {
1749 "api": "type",
1750 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule"
1751 },
1752 "field": {
1753 "field": "example"
1754 }
1755 },
1756 "didCompile": true,
1757 "fqnsReferenced": [
1758 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule",
1759 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#allOf",
1760 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#anyOf",
1761 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#fromAlarm",
1762 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#fromBoolean",
1763 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#not",
1764 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState",
1765 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#INSUFFICIENT_DATA",
1766 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#OK",
1767 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm",
1768 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarmProps",
1769 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
1770 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarmRule",
1771 "constructs.Construct"
1772 ],
1773 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst alarmRule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.allOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK),\n alarm3,\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA)),\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false),\n);\n\nnew cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(this, 'MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmRule,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1774 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1775 "10": 1,
1776 "75": 47,
1777 "91": 1,
1778 "104": 1,
1779 "130": 4,
1780 "153": 4,
1781 "169": 4,
1782 "193": 1,
1783 "194": 19,
1784 "196": 7,
1785 "197": 1,
1786 "225": 5,
1787 "226": 1,
1788 "242": 5,
1789 "243": 5,
1790 "282": 1,
1791 "290": 1
1792 },
1793 "fqnsFingerprint": "fee41f55ebdb796ada349b0655c3d755869d1a1f81292ff128fb32225e52886f"
1794 },
1795 "a500c581ec8897f19930b52bbc29b3e6c6c1ab55cdc6bb70dd9d752967fd642d": {
1796 "translations": {
1797 "python": {
1798 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget(\n title=\"Errors\",\n alarms=[error_alarm],\n sort_by=cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states=[cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM]\n))",
1799 "version": "2"
1800 },
1801 "csharp": {
1802 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new AlarmStatusWidget(new AlarmStatusWidgetProps {\n Title = \"Errors\",\n Alarms = new [] { errorAlarm },\n SortBy = AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n States = new [] { AlarmState.ALARM }\n}));",
1803 "version": "1"
1804 },
1805 "java": {
1806 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(AlarmStatusWidget.Builder.create()\n .title(\"Errors\")\n .alarms(List.of(errorAlarm))\n .sortBy(AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP)\n .states(List.of(AlarmState.ALARM))\n .build());",
1807 "version": "1"
1808 },
1809 "go": {
1810 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewAlarmStatusWidget(&alarmStatusWidgetProps{\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"Errors\"),\n\talarms: []iAlarm{\n\t\terrorAlarm,\n\t},\n\tsortBy: cloudwatch.alarmStatusWidgetSortBy_STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n\tstates: []alarmState{\n\t\tcloudwatch.*alarmState_ALARM,\n\t},\n}))",
1811 "version": "1"
1812 },
1813 "$": {
1814 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n sortBy: cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states: [cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM],\n}));",
1815 "version": "0"
1816 }
1817 },
1818 "location": {
1819 "api": {
1820 "api": "type",
1821 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState"
1822 },
1823 "field": {
1824 "field": "example"
1825 }
1826 },
1827 "didCompile": true,
1828 "fqnsReferenced": [
1829 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState",
1830 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#ALARM",
1831 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget",
1832 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetProps",
1833 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy",
1834 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy#STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP",
1835 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1836 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
1837 ],
1838 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n sortBy: cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states: [cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1839 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1840 "10": 1,
1841 "75": 21,
1842 "130": 2,
1843 "153": 2,
1844 "169": 2,
1845 "192": 2,
1846 "193": 1,
1847 "194": 6,
1848 "196": 1,
1849 "197": 1,
1850 "225": 2,
1851 "226": 1,
1852 "242": 2,
1853 "243": 2,
1854 "281": 4,
1855 "290": 1
1856 },
1857 "fqnsFingerprint": "765f2ea2455ace2c2d86264f210d48026473c81383f4e59ff5022414cb9a0e58"
1858 },
1859 "6a93294e274dda0c7c232d41627f9c367d06dbc8edc0e6c5ce44d7e764954def": {
1860 "translations": {
1861 "python": {
1862 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(\n cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget(\n alarms=[error_alarm]\n ))",
1863 "version": "2"
1864 },
1865 "csharp": {
1866 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(\nnew AlarmStatusWidget(new AlarmStatusWidgetProps {\n Alarms = new [] { errorAlarm }\n}));",
1867 "version": "1"
1868 },
1869 "java": {
1870 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\nAlarmStatusWidget.Builder.create()\n .alarms(List.of(errorAlarm))\n .build());",
1871 "version": "1"
1872 },
1873 "go": {
1874 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\ncloudwatch.NewAlarmStatusWidget(&alarmStatusWidgetProps{\n\talarms: []iAlarm{\n\t\terrorAlarm,\n\t},\n}))",
1875 "version": "1"
1876 },
1877 "$": {
1878 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\n new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n })\n);",
1879 "version": "0"
1880 }
1881 },
1882 "location": {
1883 "api": {
1884 "api": "type",
1885 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget"
1886 },
1887 "field": {
1888 "field": "example"
1889 }
1890 },
1891 "didCompile": true,
1892 "fqnsReferenced": [
1893 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget",
1894 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetProps",
1895 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1896 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
1897 ],
1898 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\n new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n })\n);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1899 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1900 "75": 12,
1901 "130": 2,
1902 "153": 2,
1903 "169": 2,
1904 "192": 1,
1905 "193": 1,
1906 "194": 2,
1907 "196": 1,
1908 "197": 1,
1909 "225": 2,
1910 "226": 1,
1911 "242": 2,
1912 "243": 2,
1913 "281": 1,
1914 "290": 1
1915 },
1916 "fqnsFingerprint": "9afe23edfb649b00bff97e4ec475f78fe49aeda23857ff26e28af9c9f4501e81"
1917 },
1918 "b57e8fe2b16cbb19e750de0fccf701f607c7b70fafae4a48d17b882afecad6a5": {
1919 "translations": {
1920 "python": {
1921 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(\n cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget(\n alarms=[error_alarm]\n ))",
1922 "version": "2"
1923 },
1924 "csharp": {
1925 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(\nnew AlarmStatusWidget(new AlarmStatusWidgetProps {\n Alarms = new [] { errorAlarm }\n}));",
1926 "version": "1"
1927 },
1928 "java": {
1929 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\nAlarmStatusWidget.Builder.create()\n .alarms(List.of(errorAlarm))\n .build());",
1930 "version": "1"
1931 },
1932 "go": {
1933 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\ncloudwatch.NewAlarmStatusWidget(&alarmStatusWidgetProps{\n\talarms: []iAlarm{\n\t\terrorAlarm,\n\t},\n}))",
1934 "version": "1"
1935 },
1936 "$": {
1937 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\n new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n })\n);",
1938 "version": "0"
1939 }
1940 },
1941 "location": {
1942 "api": {
1943 "api": "type",
1944 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetProps"
1945 },
1946 "field": {
1947 "field": "example"
1948 }
1949 },
1950 "didCompile": true,
1951 "fqnsReferenced": [
1952 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget",
1953 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetProps",
1954 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
1955 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
1956 ],
1957 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(\n new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n })\n);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
1958 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1959 "75": 12,
1960 "130": 2,
1961 "153": 2,
1962 "169": 2,
1963 "192": 1,
1964 "193": 1,
1965 "194": 2,
1966 "196": 1,
1967 "197": 1,
1968 "225": 2,
1969 "226": 1,
1970 "242": 2,
1971 "243": 2,
1972 "281": 1,
1973 "290": 1
1974 },
1975 "fqnsFingerprint": "9afe23edfb649b00bff97e4ec475f78fe49aeda23857ff26e28af9c9f4501e81"
1976 },
1977 "d390122529105ed8d47e0bd07bea1a8438d27c7d997d8f98b93a278e8e79199a": {
1978 "translations": {
1979 "python": {
1980 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget(\n title=\"Errors\",\n alarms=[error_alarm],\n sort_by=cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states=[cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM]\n))",
1981 "version": "2"
1982 },
1983 "csharp": {
1984 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new AlarmStatusWidget(new AlarmStatusWidgetProps {\n Title = \"Errors\",\n Alarms = new [] { errorAlarm },\n SortBy = AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n States = new [] { AlarmState.ALARM }\n}));",
1985 "version": "1"
1986 },
1987 "java": {
1988 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(AlarmStatusWidget.Builder.create()\n .title(\"Errors\")\n .alarms(List.of(errorAlarm))\n .sortBy(AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP)\n .states(List.of(AlarmState.ALARM))\n .build());",
1989 "version": "1"
1990 },
1991 "go": {
1992 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewAlarmStatusWidget(&alarmStatusWidgetProps{\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"Errors\"),\n\talarms: []iAlarm{\n\t\terrorAlarm,\n\t},\n\tsortBy: cloudwatch.alarmStatusWidgetSortBy_STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n\tstates: []alarmState{\n\t\tcloudwatch.*alarmState_ALARM,\n\t},\n}))",
1993 "version": "1"
1994 },
1995 "$": {
1996 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n sortBy: cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states: [cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM],\n}));",
1997 "version": "0"
1998 }
1999 },
2000 "location": {
2001 "api": {
2002 "api": "type",
2003 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy"
2004 },
2005 "field": {
2006 "field": "example"
2007 }
2008 },
2009 "didCompile": true,
2010 "fqnsReferenced": [
2011 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState",
2012 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#ALARM",
2013 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget",
2014 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetProps",
2015 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy",
2016 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy#STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP",
2017 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
2018 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
2019 ],
2020 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarms: [errorAlarm],\n sortBy: cloudwatch.AlarmStatusWidgetSortBy.STATE_UPDATED_TIMESTAMP,\n states: [cloudwatch.AlarmState.ALARM],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
2021 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2022 "10": 1,
2023 "75": 21,
2024 "130": 2,
2025 "153": 2,
2026 "169": 2,
2027 "192": 2,
2028 "193": 1,
2029 "194": 6,
2030 "196": 1,
2031 "197": 1,
2032 "225": 2,
2033 "226": 1,
2034 "242": 2,
2035 "243": 2,
2036 "281": 4,
2037 "290": 1
2038 },
2039 "fqnsFingerprint": "765f2ea2455ace2c2d86264f210d48026473c81383f4e59ff5022414cb9a0e58"
2040 },
2041 "044f5888c975b6f320adb3cbaddf2773ce467ffbeafc5c28872bae3421f34e01": {
2042 "translations": {
2043 "python": {
2044 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.AlarmWidget(\n title=\"Errors\",\n alarm=error_alarm\n))",
2045 "version": "2"
2046 },
2047 "csharp": {
2048 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new AlarmWidget(new AlarmWidgetProps {\n Title = \"Errors\",\n Alarm = errorAlarm\n}));",
2049 "version": "1"
2050 },
2051 "java": {
2052 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(AlarmWidget.Builder.create()\n .title(\"Errors\")\n .alarm(errorAlarm)\n .build());",
2053 "version": "1"
2054 },
2055 "go": {
2056 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewAlarmWidget(&alarmWidgetProps{\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"Errors\"),\n\talarm: errorAlarm,\n}))",
2057 "version": "1"
2058 },
2059 "$": {
2060 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarm: errorAlarm,\n}));",
2061 "version": "0"
2062 }
2063 },
2064 "location": {
2065 "api": {
2066 "api": "type",
2067 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmWidget"
2068 },
2069 "field": {
2070 "field": "example"
2071 }
2072 },
2073 "didCompile": true,
2074 "fqnsReferenced": [
2075 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmWidget",
2076 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmWidgetProps",
2077 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
2078 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
2079 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
2080 ],
2081 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarm: errorAlarm,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
2082 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2083 "10": 1,
2084 "75": 13,
2085 "130": 2,
2086 "153": 2,
2087 "169": 2,
2088 "193": 1,
2089 "194": 2,
2090 "196": 1,
2091 "197": 1,
2092 "225": 2,
2093 "226": 1,
2094 "242": 2,
2095 "243": 2,
2096 "281": 2,
2097 "290": 1
2098 },
2099 "fqnsFingerprint": "ac432a1bd4e556866ba15b7d5f796c2906317f1e8ac8dceaf5da524c95bdd3c3"
2100 },
2101 "46e2553ccc818912da4aeb04fe8a87531dd3b54cd720176fc1973ae0a151bf3b": {
2102 "translations": {
2103 "python": {
2104 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# error_alarm: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.AlarmWidget(\n title=\"Errors\",\n alarm=error_alarm\n))",
2105 "version": "2"
2106 },
2107 "csharp": {
2108 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new AlarmWidget(new AlarmWidgetProps {\n Title = \"Errors\",\n Alarm = errorAlarm\n}));",
2109 "version": "1"
2110 },
2111 "java": {
2112 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nAlarm errorAlarm;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(AlarmWidget.Builder.create()\n .title(\"Errors\")\n .alarm(errorAlarm)\n .build());",
2113 "version": "1"
2114 },
2115 "go": {
2116 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar errorAlarm alarm\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewAlarmWidget(&alarmWidgetProps{\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"Errors\"),\n\talarm: errorAlarm,\n}))",
2117 "version": "1"
2118 },
2119 "$": {
2120 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarm: errorAlarm,\n}));",
2121 "version": "0"
2122 }
2123 },
2124 "location": {
2125 "api": {
2126 "api": "type",
2127 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmWidgetProps"
2128 },
2129 "field": {
2130 "field": "example"
2131 }
2132 },
2133 "didCompile": true,
2134 "fqnsReferenced": [
2135 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmWidget",
2136 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmWidgetProps",
2137 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
2138 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
2139 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
2140 ],
2141 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const errorAlarm: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.AlarmWidget({\n title: \"Errors\",\n alarm: errorAlarm,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
2142 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2143 "10": 1,
2144 "75": 13,
2145 "130": 2,
2146 "153": 2,
2147 "169": 2,
2148 "193": 1,
2149 "194": 2,
2150 "196": 1,
2151 "197": 1,
2152 "225": 2,
2153 "226": 1,
2154 "242": 2,
2155 "243": 2,
2156 "281": 2,
2157 "290": 1
2158 },
2159 "fqnsFingerprint": "ac432a1bd4e556866ba15b7d5f796c2906317f1e8ac8dceaf5da524c95bdd3c3"
2160 },
2161 "0a749c96b308d2e0af6c90e4ba9e1a292a63a81dcd2d720bf2ee394484a20ff6": {
2162 "translations": {
2163 "python": {
2164 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_alarm = cloudwatch.CfnAlarm(self, \"MyCfnAlarm\",\n comparison_operator=\"comparisonOperator\",\n evaluation_periods=123,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n actions_enabled=False,\n alarm_actions=[\"alarmActions\"],\n alarm_description=\"alarmDescription\",\n alarm_name=\"alarmName\",\n datapoints_to_alarm=123,\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile=\"evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile\",\n extended_statistic=\"extendedStatistic\",\n insufficient_data_actions=[\"insufficientDataActions\"],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n metrics=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricDataQueryProperty(\n id=\"id\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account_id=\"accountId\",\n expression=\"expression\",\n label=\"label\",\n metric_stat=cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty(\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n ),\n period=123,\n return_data=False\n )],\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n ok_actions=[\"okActions\"],\n period=123,\n statistic=\"statistic\",\n threshold=123,\n threshold_metric_id=\"thresholdMetricId\",\n treat_missing_data=\"treatMissingData\",\n unit=\"unit\"\n)",
2165 "version": "2"
2166 },
2167 "csharp": {
2168 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnAlarm cfnAlarm = new CfnAlarm(this, \"MyCfnAlarm\", new CfnAlarmProps {\n ComparisonOperator = \"comparisonOperator\",\n EvaluationPeriods = 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ActionsEnabled = false,\n AlarmActions = new [] { \"alarmActions\" },\n AlarmDescription = \"alarmDescription\",\n AlarmName = \"alarmName\",\n DatapointsToAlarm = 123,\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile = \"evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile\",\n ExtendedStatistic = \"extendedStatistic\",\n InsufficientDataActions = new [] { \"insufficientDataActions\" },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Metrics = new [] { new MetricDataQueryProperty {\n Id = \"id\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AccountId = \"accountId\",\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Label = \"label\",\n MetricStat = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n ReturnData = false\n } },\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n OkActions = new [] { \"okActions\" },\n Period = 123,\n Statistic = \"statistic\",\n Threshold = 123,\n ThresholdMetricId = \"thresholdMetricId\",\n TreatMissingData = \"treatMissingData\",\n Unit = \"unit\"\n});",
2169 "version": "1"
2170 },
2171 "java": {
2172 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnAlarm cfnAlarm = CfnAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnAlarm\")\n .comparisonOperator(\"comparisonOperator\")\n .evaluationPeriods(123)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .actionsEnabled(false)\n .alarmActions(List.of(\"alarmActions\"))\n .alarmDescription(\"alarmDescription\")\n .alarmName(\"alarmName\")\n .datapointsToAlarm(123)\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile(\"evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile\")\n .extendedStatistic(\"extendedStatistic\")\n .insufficientDataActions(List.of(\"insufficientDataActions\"))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .metrics(List.of(MetricDataQueryProperty.builder()\n .id(\"id\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .accountId(\"accountId\")\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .metricStat(MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .returnData(false)\n .build()))\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .okActions(List.of(\"okActions\"))\n .period(123)\n .statistic(\"statistic\")\n .threshold(123)\n .thresholdMetricId(\"thresholdMetricId\")\n .treatMissingData(\"treatMissingData\")\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build();",
2173 "version": "1"
2174 },
2175 "go": {
2176 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnAlarm := cloudwatch.NewCfnAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnAlarm\"), &cfnAlarmProps{\n\tcomparisonOperator: jsii.String(\"comparisonOperator\"),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(123),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tactionsEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\talarmActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"alarmActions\"),\n\t},\n\talarmDescription: jsii.String(\"alarmDescription\"),\n\talarmName: jsii.String(\"alarmName\"),\n\tdatapointsToAlarm: jsii.Number(123),\n\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tevaluateLowSampleCountPercentile: jsii.String(\"evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile\"),\n\textendedStatistic: jsii.String(\"extendedStatistic\"),\n\tinsufficientDataActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"insufficientDataActions\"),\n\t},\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tmetrics: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricDataQueryProperty{\n\t\t\tid: jsii.String(\"id\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\taccountId: jsii.String(\"accountId\"),\n\t\t\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\t\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\t\t\tmetricStat: &metricStatProperty{\n\t\t\t\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\treturnData: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\tokActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"okActions\"),\n\t},\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"statistic\"),\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(123),\n\tthresholdMetricId: jsii.String(\"thresholdMetricId\"),\n\ttreatMissingData: jsii.String(\"treatMissingData\"),\n\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n})",
2177 "version": "1"
2178 },
2179 "$": {
2180 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnAlarm = new cloudwatch.CfnAlarm(this, 'MyCfnAlarm', {\n comparisonOperator: 'comparisonOperator',\n evaluationPeriods: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n actionsEnabled: false,\n alarmActions: ['alarmActions'],\n alarmDescription: 'alarmDescription',\n alarmName: 'alarmName',\n datapointsToAlarm: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile: 'evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile',\n extendedStatistic: 'extendedStatistic',\n insufficientDataActions: ['insufficientDataActions'],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metrics: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n namespace: 'namespace',\n okActions: ['okActions'],\n period: 123,\n statistic: 'statistic',\n threshold: 123,\n thresholdMetricId: 'thresholdMetricId',\n treatMissingData: 'treatMissingData',\n unit: 'unit',\n});",
2181 "version": "0"
2182 }
2183 },
2184 "location": {
2185 "api": {
2186 "api": "type",
2187 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm"
2188 },
2189 "field": {
2190 "field": "example"
2191 }
2192 },
2193 "didCompile": true,
2194 "fqnsReferenced": [
2195 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm",
2196 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarmProps",
2197 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2198 ],
2199 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnAlarm = new cloudwatch.CfnAlarm(this, 'MyCfnAlarm', {\n comparisonOperator: 'comparisonOperator',\n evaluationPeriods: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n actionsEnabled: false,\n alarmActions: ['alarmActions'],\n alarmDescription: 'alarmDescription',\n alarmName: 'alarmName',\n datapointsToAlarm: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile: 'evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile',\n extendedStatistic: 'extendedStatistic',\n insufficientDataActions: ['insufficientDataActions'],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metrics: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n namespace: 'namespace',\n okActions: ['okActions'],\n period: 123,\n statistic: 'statistic',\n threshold: 123,\n thresholdMetricId: 'thresholdMetricId',\n treatMissingData: 'treatMissingData',\n unit: 'unit',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2200 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2201 "8": 6,
2202 "10": 28,
2203 "75": 43,
2204 "91": 2,
2205 "104": 1,
2206 "192": 6,
2207 "193": 6,
2208 "194": 1,
2209 "197": 1,
2210 "225": 1,
2211 "242": 1,
2212 "243": 1,
2213 "254": 1,
2214 "255": 1,
2215 "256": 1,
2216 "281": 39,
2217 "290": 1
2218 },
2219 "fqnsFingerprint": "8fb0d82ddc5f1c970921f3c7a4e95b3ea62743d88524fe133bdc32c9f0e7563c"
2220 },
2221 "eb3cceebd3d5f123544cb72d148df9b70c41fd94e18e1b1c9ce6743178b8c2d3": {
2222 "translations": {
2223 "python": {
2224 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ndimension_property = cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n)",
2225 "version": "2"
2226 },
2227 "csharp": {
2228 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nDimensionProperty dimensionProperty = new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n};",
2229 "version": "1"
2230 },
2231 "java": {
2232 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nDimensionProperty dimensionProperty = DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build();",
2233 "version": "1"
2234 },
2235 "go": {
2236 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ndimensionProperty := &dimensionProperty{\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n}",
2237 "version": "1"
2238 },
2239 "$": {
2240 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst dimensionProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty = {\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n};",
2241 "version": "0"
2242 }
2243 },
2244 "location": {
2245 "api": {
2246 "api": "type",
2247 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty"
2248 },
2249 "field": {
2250 "field": "example"
2251 }
2252 },
2253 "didCompile": true,
2254 "fqnsReferenced": [
2255 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty"
2256 ],
2257 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst dimensionProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty = {\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2258 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2259 "10": 3,
2260 "75": 7,
2261 "153": 2,
2262 "169": 1,
2263 "193": 1,
2264 "225": 1,
2265 "242": 1,
2266 "243": 1,
2267 "254": 1,
2268 "255": 1,
2269 "256": 1,
2270 "281": 2,
2271 "290": 1
2272 },
2273 "fqnsFingerprint": "7d01cf0d690ceacec30af619ea6174e5f2dd47a1df7bc56111c71d8d48052ed6"
2274 },
2275 "9381886044830f50234b3bc7ab27313872a4279628a68444d24d662c45c0ffbe": {
2276 "translations": {
2277 "python": {
2278 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_data_query_property = cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricDataQueryProperty(\n id=\"id\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account_id=\"accountId\",\n expression=\"expression\",\n label=\"label\",\n metric_stat=cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty(\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n ),\n period=123,\n return_data=False\n)",
2279 "version": "2"
2280 },
2281 "csharp": {
2282 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricDataQueryProperty metricDataQueryProperty = new MetricDataQueryProperty {\n Id = \"id\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AccountId = \"accountId\",\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Label = \"label\",\n MetricStat = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n ReturnData = false\n};",
2283 "version": "1"
2284 },
2285 "java": {
2286 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricDataQueryProperty metricDataQueryProperty = MetricDataQueryProperty.builder()\n .id(\"id\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .accountId(\"accountId\")\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .metricStat(MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .returnData(false)\n .build();",
2287 "version": "1"
2288 },
2289 "go": {
2290 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricDataQueryProperty := &metricDataQueryProperty{\n\tid: jsii.String(\"id\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\taccountId: jsii.String(\"accountId\"),\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\tmetricStat: &metricStatProperty{\n\t\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t},\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\treturnData: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
2291 "version": "1"
2292 },
2293 "$": {
2294 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricDataQueryProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricDataQueryProperty = {\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n};",
2295 "version": "0"
2296 }
2297 },
2298 "location": {
2299 "api": {
2300 "api": "type",
2301 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricDataQueryProperty"
2302 },
2303 "field": {
2304 "field": "example"
2305 }
2306 },
2307 "didCompile": true,
2308 "fqnsReferenced": [
2309 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricDataQueryProperty"
2310 ],
2311 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricDataQueryProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricDataQueryProperty = {\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2312 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2313 "8": 2,
2314 "10": 11,
2315 "75": 21,
2316 "91": 1,
2317 "153": 2,
2318 "169": 1,
2319 "192": 1,
2320 "193": 4,
2321 "225": 1,
2322 "242": 1,
2323 "243": 1,
2324 "254": 1,
2325 "255": 1,
2326 "256": 1,
2327 "281": 16,
2328 "290": 1
2329 },
2330 "fqnsFingerprint": "81f5c93b1171b7cb4899225f5cdfc0dfae2d40a7e14610234675b672a75ab868"
2331 },
2332 "bde8ec085a3745f8a6d95448f19d49038f4c3a11bc492242c7c90c0067725b60": {
2333 "translations": {
2334 "python": {
2335 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_property = cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty(\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n)",
2336 "version": "2"
2337 },
2338 "csharp": {
2339 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricProperty metricProperty = new MetricProperty {\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n};",
2340 "version": "1"
2341 },
2342 "java": {
2343 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricProperty metricProperty = MetricProperty.builder()\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build();",
2344 "version": "1"
2345 },
2346 "go": {
2347 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricProperty := &metricProperty{\n\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n}",
2348 "version": "1"
2349 },
2350 "$": {
2351 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty = {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n};",
2352 "version": "0"
2353 }
2354 },
2355 "location": {
2356 "api": {
2357 "api": "type",
2358 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty"
2359 },
2360 "field": {
2361 "field": "example"
2362 }
2363 },
2364 "didCompile": true,
2365 "fqnsReferenced": [
2366 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty"
2367 ],
2368 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty = {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2369 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2370 "10": 5,
2371 "75": 10,
2372 "153": 2,
2373 "169": 1,
2374 "192": 1,
2375 "193": 2,
2376 "225": 1,
2377 "242": 1,
2378 "243": 1,
2379 "254": 1,
2380 "255": 1,
2381 "256": 1,
2382 "281": 5,
2383 "290": 1
2384 },
2385 "fqnsFingerprint": "0d7d3ad1da0d39aceac7c22e42932064f3cf8812414bf9b4e7678799cb3f035b"
2386 },
2387 "ff7ecc09e14a746dfa084e33819c9f1177f10c010bb62d24ff0ebbc8bd39c2af": {
2388 "translations": {
2389 "python": {
2390 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_stat_property = cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty(\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n)",
2391 "version": "2"
2392 },
2393 "csharp": {
2394 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricStatProperty metricStatProperty = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n};",
2395 "version": "1"
2396 },
2397 "java": {
2398 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricStatProperty metricStatProperty = MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build();",
2399 "version": "1"
2400 },
2401 "go": {
2402 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricStatProperty := &metricStatProperty{\n\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t},\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n}",
2403 "version": "1"
2404 },
2405 "$": {
2406 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricStatProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty = {\n metric: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n};",
2407 "version": "0"
2408 }
2409 },
2410 "location": {
2411 "api": {
2412 "api": "type",
2413 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty"
2414 },
2415 "field": {
2416 "field": "example"
2417 }
2418 },
2419 "didCompile": true,
2420 "fqnsReferenced": [
2421 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty"
2422 ],
2423 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricStatProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty = {\n metric: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2424 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2425 "8": 1,
2426 "10": 7,
2427 "75": 14,
2428 "153": 2,
2429 "169": 1,
2430 "192": 1,
2431 "193": 3,
2432 "225": 1,
2433 "242": 1,
2434 "243": 1,
2435 "254": 1,
2436 "255": 1,
2437 "256": 1,
2438 "281": 9,
2439 "290": 1
2440 },
2441 "fqnsFingerprint": "ea329729a987afbf3605f6e3377195e42c3b6c7d41c4588da98e74d157a46c04"
2442 },
2443 "f270134be7d3f325729a9e89c39db7bda0b37f6e5d58b40b6b5111aaa95cab68": {
2444 "translations": {
2445 "python": {
2446 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_alarm_props = cloudwatch.CfnAlarmProps(\n comparison_operator=\"comparisonOperator\",\n evaluation_periods=123,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n actions_enabled=False,\n alarm_actions=[\"alarmActions\"],\n alarm_description=\"alarmDescription\",\n alarm_name=\"alarmName\",\n datapoints_to_alarm=123,\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n evaluate_low_sample_count_percentile=\"evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile\",\n extended_statistic=\"extendedStatistic\",\n insufficient_data_actions=[\"insufficientDataActions\"],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n metrics=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricDataQueryProperty(\n id=\"id\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account_id=\"accountId\",\n expression=\"expression\",\n label=\"label\",\n metric_stat=cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.MetricProperty(\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAlarm.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n ),\n period=123,\n return_data=False\n )],\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n ok_actions=[\"okActions\"],\n period=123,\n statistic=\"statistic\",\n threshold=123,\n threshold_metric_id=\"thresholdMetricId\",\n treat_missing_data=\"treatMissingData\",\n unit=\"unit\"\n)",
2447 "version": "2"
2448 },
2449 "csharp": {
2450 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnAlarmProps cfnAlarmProps = new CfnAlarmProps {\n ComparisonOperator = \"comparisonOperator\",\n EvaluationPeriods = 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ActionsEnabled = false,\n AlarmActions = new [] { \"alarmActions\" },\n AlarmDescription = \"alarmDescription\",\n AlarmName = \"alarmName\",\n DatapointsToAlarm = 123,\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n EvaluateLowSampleCountPercentile = \"evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile\",\n ExtendedStatistic = \"extendedStatistic\",\n InsufficientDataActions = new [] { \"insufficientDataActions\" },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Metrics = new [] { new MetricDataQueryProperty {\n Id = \"id\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AccountId = \"accountId\",\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Label = \"label\",\n MetricStat = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n ReturnData = false\n } },\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n OkActions = new [] { \"okActions\" },\n Period = 123,\n Statistic = \"statistic\",\n Threshold = 123,\n ThresholdMetricId = \"thresholdMetricId\",\n TreatMissingData = \"treatMissingData\",\n Unit = \"unit\"\n};",
2451 "version": "1"
2452 },
2453 "java": {
2454 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnAlarmProps cfnAlarmProps = CfnAlarmProps.builder()\n .comparisonOperator(\"comparisonOperator\")\n .evaluationPeriods(123)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .actionsEnabled(false)\n .alarmActions(List.of(\"alarmActions\"))\n .alarmDescription(\"alarmDescription\")\n .alarmName(\"alarmName\")\n .datapointsToAlarm(123)\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile(\"evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile\")\n .extendedStatistic(\"extendedStatistic\")\n .insufficientDataActions(List.of(\"insufficientDataActions\"))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .metrics(List.of(MetricDataQueryProperty.builder()\n .id(\"id\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .accountId(\"accountId\")\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .metricStat(MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .returnData(false)\n .build()))\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .okActions(List.of(\"okActions\"))\n .period(123)\n .statistic(\"statistic\")\n .threshold(123)\n .thresholdMetricId(\"thresholdMetricId\")\n .treatMissingData(\"treatMissingData\")\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build();",
2455 "version": "1"
2456 },
2457 "go": {
2458 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnAlarmProps := &cfnAlarmProps{\n\tcomparisonOperator: jsii.String(\"comparisonOperator\"),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(123),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tactionsEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\talarmActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"alarmActions\"),\n\t},\n\talarmDescription: jsii.String(\"alarmDescription\"),\n\talarmName: jsii.String(\"alarmName\"),\n\tdatapointsToAlarm: jsii.Number(123),\n\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tevaluateLowSampleCountPercentile: jsii.String(\"evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile\"),\n\textendedStatistic: jsii.String(\"extendedStatistic\"),\n\tinsufficientDataActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"insufficientDataActions\"),\n\t},\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tmetrics: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricDataQueryProperty{\n\t\t\tid: jsii.String(\"id\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\taccountId: jsii.String(\"accountId\"),\n\t\t\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\t\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\t\t\tmetricStat: &metricStatProperty{\n\t\t\t\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\treturnData: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\tokActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"okActions\"),\n\t},\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"statistic\"),\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(123),\n\tthresholdMetricId: jsii.String(\"thresholdMetricId\"),\n\ttreatMissingData: jsii.String(\"treatMissingData\"),\n\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n}",
2459 "version": "1"
2460 },
2461 "$": {
2462 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnAlarmProps: cloudwatch.CfnAlarmProps = {\n comparisonOperator: 'comparisonOperator',\n evaluationPeriods: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n actionsEnabled: false,\n alarmActions: ['alarmActions'],\n alarmDescription: 'alarmDescription',\n alarmName: 'alarmName',\n datapointsToAlarm: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile: 'evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile',\n extendedStatistic: 'extendedStatistic',\n insufficientDataActions: ['insufficientDataActions'],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metrics: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n namespace: 'namespace',\n okActions: ['okActions'],\n period: 123,\n statistic: 'statistic',\n threshold: 123,\n thresholdMetricId: 'thresholdMetricId',\n treatMissingData: 'treatMissingData',\n unit: 'unit',\n};",
2463 "version": "0"
2464 }
2465 },
2466 "location": {
2467 "api": {
2468 "api": "type",
2469 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarmProps"
2470 },
2471 "field": {
2472 "field": "example"
2473 }
2474 },
2475 "didCompile": true,
2476 "fqnsReferenced": [
2477 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAlarmProps"
2478 ],
2479 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnAlarmProps: cloudwatch.CfnAlarmProps = {\n comparisonOperator: 'comparisonOperator',\n evaluationPeriods: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n actionsEnabled: false,\n alarmActions: ['alarmActions'],\n alarmDescription: 'alarmDescription',\n alarmName: 'alarmName',\n datapointsToAlarm: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile: 'evaluateLowSampleCountPercentile',\n extendedStatistic: 'extendedStatistic',\n insufficientDataActions: ['insufficientDataActions'],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metrics: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n namespace: 'namespace',\n okActions: ['okActions'],\n period: 123,\n statistic: 'statistic',\n threshold: 123,\n thresholdMetricId: 'thresholdMetricId',\n treatMissingData: 'treatMissingData',\n unit: 'unit',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2480 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2481 "8": 6,
2482 "10": 27,
2483 "75": 43,
2484 "91": 2,
2485 "153": 1,
2486 "169": 1,
2487 "192": 6,
2488 "193": 6,
2489 "225": 1,
2490 "242": 1,
2491 "243": 1,
2492 "254": 1,
2493 "255": 1,
2494 "256": 1,
2495 "281": 39,
2496 "290": 1
2497 },
2498 "fqnsFingerprint": "1580bdc5f0cbceb9676f14e5c427b8a52c08d5c2f78985924b57bf69e95d2903"
2499 },
2500 "3a15086a381a680f95a065abcb183c6236e984dfe8622b32759370a4f40d4f10": {
2501 "translations": {
2502 "python": {
2503 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_anomaly_detector = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector(self, \"MyCfnAnomalyDetector\",\n configuration=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.ConfigurationProperty(\n excluded_time_ranges=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty(\n end_time=\"endTime\",\n start_time=\"startTime\"\n )],\n metric_time_zone=\"metricTimeZone\"\n ),\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_math_anomaly_detector=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty(\n metric_data_queries=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricDataQueryProperty(\n id=\"id\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account_id=\"accountId\",\n expression=\"expression\",\n label=\"label\",\n metric_stat=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n ),\n period=123,\n return_data=False\n )]\n ),\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n single_metric_anomaly_detector=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty(\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n stat=\"stat\"\n ),\n stat=\"stat\"\n)",
2504 "version": "2"
2505 },
2506 "csharp": {
2507 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnAnomalyDetector cfnAnomalyDetector = new CfnAnomalyDetector(this, \"MyCfnAnomalyDetector\", new CfnAnomalyDetectorProps {\n Configuration = new ConfigurationProperty {\n ExcludedTimeRanges = new [] { new RangeProperty {\n EndTime = \"endTime\",\n StartTime = \"startTime\"\n } },\n MetricTimeZone = \"metricTimeZone\"\n },\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricMathAnomalyDetector = new MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty {\n MetricDataQueries = new [] { new MetricDataQueryProperty {\n Id = \"id\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AccountId = \"accountId\",\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Label = \"label\",\n MetricStat = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n ReturnData = false\n } }\n },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n SingleMetricAnomalyDetector = new SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty {\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n Stat = \"stat\"\n },\n Stat = \"stat\"\n});",
2508 "version": "1"
2509 },
2510 "java": {
2511 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnAnomalyDetector cfnAnomalyDetector = CfnAnomalyDetector.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnAnomalyDetector\")\n .configuration(ConfigurationProperty.builder()\n .excludedTimeRanges(List.of(RangeProperty.builder()\n .endTime(\"endTime\")\n .startTime(\"startTime\")\n .build()))\n .metricTimeZone(\"metricTimeZone\")\n .build())\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricMathAnomalyDetector(MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty.builder()\n .metricDataQueries(List.of(MetricDataQueryProperty.builder()\n .id(\"id\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .accountId(\"accountId\")\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .metricStat(MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .returnData(false)\n .build()))\n .build())\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .singleMetricAnomalyDetector(SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty.builder()\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .stat(\"stat\")\n .build())\n .stat(\"stat\")\n .build();",
2512 "version": "1"
2513 },
2514 "go": {
2515 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnAnomalyDetector := cloudwatch.NewCfnAnomalyDetector(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnAnomalyDetector\"), &cfnAnomalyDetectorProps{\n\tconfiguration: &configurationProperty{\n\t\texcludedTimeRanges: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&rangeProperty{\n\t\t\t\tendTime: jsii.String(\"endTime\"),\n\t\t\t\tstartTime: jsii.String(\"startTime\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\tmetricTimeZone: jsii.String(\"metricTimeZone\"),\n\t},\n\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tmetricMathAnomalyDetector: &metricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty{\n\t\tmetricDataQueries: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&metricDataQueryProperty{\n\t\t\t\tid: jsii.String(\"id\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\taccountId: jsii.String(\"accountId\"),\n\t\t\t\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\t\t\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\t\t\t\tmetricStat: &metricStatProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\t\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\t\treturnData: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\tsingleMetricAnomalyDetector: &singleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty{\n\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\t},\n\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n})",
2516 "version": "1"
2517 },
2518 "$": {
2519 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnAnomalyDetector = new cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector(this, 'MyCfnAnomalyDetector', /* all optional props */ {\n configuration: {\n excludedTimeRanges: [{\n endTime: 'endTime',\n startTime: 'startTime',\n }],\n metricTimeZone: 'metricTimeZone',\n },\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricMathAnomalyDetector: {\n metricDataQueries: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n },\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n singleMetricAnomalyDetector: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n stat: 'stat',\n },\n stat: 'stat',\n});",
2520 "version": "0"
2521 }
2522 },
2523 "location": {
2524 "api": {
2525 "api": "type",
2526 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector"
2527 },
2528 "field": {
2529 "field": "example"
2530 }
2531 },
2532 "didCompile": true,
2533 "fqnsReferenced": [
2534 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector",
2535 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetectorProps",
2536 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2537 ],
2538 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnAnomalyDetector = new cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector(this, 'MyCfnAnomalyDetector', /* all optional props */ {\n configuration: {\n excludedTimeRanges: [{\n endTime: 'endTime',\n startTime: 'startTime',\n }],\n metricTimeZone: 'metricTimeZone',\n },\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricMathAnomalyDetector: {\n metricDataQueries: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n },\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n singleMetricAnomalyDetector: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n stat: 'stat',\n },\n stat: 'stat',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2539 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2540 "8": 2,
2541 "10": 25,
2542 "75": 40,
2543 "91": 1,
2544 "104": 1,
2545 "192": 5,
2546 "193": 11,
2547 "194": 1,
2548 "197": 1,
2549 "225": 1,
2550 "242": 1,
2551 "243": 1,
2552 "254": 1,
2553 "255": 1,
2554 "256": 1,
2555 "281": 36,
2556 "290": 1
2557 },
2558 "fqnsFingerprint": "ac55f66e901682ed5e213a96e686b07260ac85a8df1a0e5b50a2dcaff9864d81"
2559 },
2560 "f6cd5f70162a3cd7ed5211d530b3811cbde806ecfd061813e0e216fd7c6932b6": {
2561 "translations": {
2562 "python": {
2563 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nconfiguration_property = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.ConfigurationProperty(\n excluded_time_ranges=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty(\n end_time=\"endTime\",\n start_time=\"startTime\"\n )],\n metric_time_zone=\"metricTimeZone\"\n)",
2564 "version": "2"
2565 },
2566 "csharp": {
2567 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nConfigurationProperty configurationProperty = new ConfigurationProperty {\n ExcludedTimeRanges = new [] { new RangeProperty {\n EndTime = \"endTime\",\n StartTime = \"startTime\"\n } },\n MetricTimeZone = \"metricTimeZone\"\n};",
2568 "version": "1"
2569 },
2570 "java": {
2571 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nConfigurationProperty configurationProperty = ConfigurationProperty.builder()\n .excludedTimeRanges(List.of(RangeProperty.builder()\n .endTime(\"endTime\")\n .startTime(\"startTime\")\n .build()))\n .metricTimeZone(\"metricTimeZone\")\n .build();",
2572 "version": "1"
2573 },
2574 "go": {
2575 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nconfigurationProperty := &configurationProperty{\n\texcludedTimeRanges: []interface{}{\n\t\t&rangeProperty{\n\t\t\tendTime: jsii.String(\"endTime\"),\n\t\t\tstartTime: jsii.String(\"startTime\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tmetricTimeZone: jsii.String(\"metricTimeZone\"),\n}",
2576 "version": "1"
2577 },
2578 "$": {
2579 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst configurationProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.ConfigurationProperty = {\n excludedTimeRanges: [{\n endTime: 'endTime',\n startTime: 'startTime',\n }],\n metricTimeZone: 'metricTimeZone',\n};",
2580 "version": "0"
2581 }
2582 },
2583 "location": {
2584 "api": {
2585 "api": "type",
2586 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.ConfigurationProperty"
2587 },
2588 "field": {
2589 "field": "example"
2590 }
2591 },
2592 "didCompile": true,
2593 "fqnsReferenced": [
2594 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.ConfigurationProperty"
2595 ],
2596 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst configurationProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.ConfigurationProperty = {\n excludedTimeRanges: [{\n endTime: 'endTime',\n startTime: 'startTime',\n }],\n metricTimeZone: 'metricTimeZone',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2597 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2598 "10": 4,
2599 "75": 9,
2600 "153": 2,
2601 "169": 1,
2602 "192": 1,
2603 "193": 2,
2604 "225": 1,
2605 "242": 1,
2606 "243": 1,
2607 "254": 1,
2608 "255": 1,
2609 "256": 1,
2610 "281": 4,
2611 "290": 1
2612 },
2613 "fqnsFingerprint": "8b558dd40414843b04c447e10bd0f4825c872d63188824afc3a2f325430f651e"
2614 },
2615 "7da447024dc129deff3674450652f37595ebf448468d8461945a3e8956eec720": {
2616 "translations": {
2617 "python": {
2618 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ndimension_property = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n)",
2619 "version": "2"
2620 },
2621 "csharp": {
2622 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nDimensionProperty dimensionProperty = new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n};",
2623 "version": "1"
2624 },
2625 "java": {
2626 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nDimensionProperty dimensionProperty = DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build();",
2627 "version": "1"
2628 },
2629 "go": {
2630 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ndimensionProperty := &dimensionProperty{\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n}",
2631 "version": "1"
2632 },
2633 "$": {
2634 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst dimensionProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty = {\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n};",
2635 "version": "0"
2636 }
2637 },
2638 "location": {
2639 "api": {
2640 "api": "type",
2641 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty"
2642 },
2643 "field": {
2644 "field": "example"
2645 }
2646 },
2647 "didCompile": true,
2648 "fqnsReferenced": [
2649 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty"
2650 ],
2651 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst dimensionProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty = {\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2652 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2653 "10": 3,
2654 "75": 7,
2655 "153": 2,
2656 "169": 1,
2657 "193": 1,
2658 "225": 1,
2659 "242": 1,
2660 "243": 1,
2661 "254": 1,
2662 "255": 1,
2663 "256": 1,
2664 "281": 2,
2665 "290": 1
2666 },
2667 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3052710bc90e848cc6dbd63a44a71051c8531bbebf1fddf91d2bb2fa6779103"
2668 },
2669 "e69b20fe2dea2df385f512a87472980d322e447cab14f611236c257aad66b68a": {
2670 "translations": {
2671 "python": {
2672 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_data_query_property = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricDataQueryProperty(\n id=\"id\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account_id=\"accountId\",\n expression=\"expression\",\n label=\"label\",\n metric_stat=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n ),\n period=123,\n return_data=False\n)",
2673 "version": "2"
2674 },
2675 "csharp": {
2676 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricDataQueryProperty metricDataQueryProperty = new MetricDataQueryProperty {\n Id = \"id\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AccountId = \"accountId\",\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Label = \"label\",\n MetricStat = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n ReturnData = false\n};",
2677 "version": "1"
2678 },
2679 "java": {
2680 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricDataQueryProperty metricDataQueryProperty = MetricDataQueryProperty.builder()\n .id(\"id\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .accountId(\"accountId\")\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .metricStat(MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .returnData(false)\n .build();",
2681 "version": "1"
2682 },
2683 "go": {
2684 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricDataQueryProperty := &metricDataQueryProperty{\n\tid: jsii.String(\"id\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\taccountId: jsii.String(\"accountId\"),\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\tmetricStat: &metricStatProperty{\n\t\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t},\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\treturnData: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
2685 "version": "1"
2686 },
2687 "$": {
2688 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricDataQueryProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricDataQueryProperty = {\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n};",
2689 "version": "0"
2690 }
2691 },
2692 "location": {
2693 "api": {
2694 "api": "type",
2695 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricDataQueryProperty"
2696 },
2697 "field": {
2698 "field": "example"
2699 }
2700 },
2701 "didCompile": true,
2702 "fqnsReferenced": [
2703 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricDataQueryProperty"
2704 ],
2705 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricDataQueryProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricDataQueryProperty = {\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2706 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2707 "8": 2,
2708 "10": 11,
2709 "75": 21,
2710 "91": 1,
2711 "153": 2,
2712 "169": 1,
2713 "192": 1,
2714 "193": 4,
2715 "225": 1,
2716 "242": 1,
2717 "243": 1,
2718 "254": 1,
2719 "255": 1,
2720 "256": 1,
2721 "281": 16,
2722 "290": 1
2723 },
2724 "fqnsFingerprint": "399d95d1bd4d70a87de7c8c427e3d15387fc413dee1e2b7024e32623917d7317"
2725 },
2726 "b1159d7da9c632a2b6853420f860d37d32c1c87f10a0ca29ca267952ee3a2539": {
2727 "translations": {
2728 "python": {
2729 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_math_anomaly_detector_property = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty(\n metric_data_queries=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricDataQueryProperty(\n id=\"id\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account_id=\"accountId\",\n expression=\"expression\",\n label=\"label\",\n metric_stat=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n ),\n period=123,\n return_data=False\n )]\n)",
2730 "version": "2"
2731 },
2732 "csharp": {
2733 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty metricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty = new MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty {\n MetricDataQueries = new [] { new MetricDataQueryProperty {\n Id = \"id\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AccountId = \"accountId\",\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Label = \"label\",\n MetricStat = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n ReturnData = false\n } }\n};",
2734 "version": "1"
2735 },
2736 "java": {
2737 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty metricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty = MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty.builder()\n .metricDataQueries(List.of(MetricDataQueryProperty.builder()\n .id(\"id\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .accountId(\"accountId\")\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .metricStat(MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .returnData(false)\n .build()))\n .build();",
2738 "version": "1"
2739 },
2740 "go": {
2741 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty := &metricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty{\n\tmetricDataQueries: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricDataQueryProperty{\n\t\t\tid: jsii.String(\"id\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\taccountId: jsii.String(\"accountId\"),\n\t\t\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\t\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\t\t\tmetricStat: &metricStatProperty{\n\t\t\t\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\treturnData: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
2742 "version": "1"
2743 },
2744 "$": {
2745 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty = {\n metricDataQueries: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n};",
2746 "version": "0"
2747 }
2748 },
2749 "location": {
2750 "api": {
2751 "api": "type",
2752 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty"
2753 },
2754 "field": {
2755 "field": "example"
2756 }
2757 },
2758 "didCompile": true,
2759 "fqnsReferenced": [
2760 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty"
2761 ],
2762 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty = {\n metricDataQueries: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2763 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2764 "8": 2,
2765 "10": 11,
2766 "75": 22,
2767 "91": 1,
2768 "153": 2,
2769 "169": 1,
2770 "192": 2,
2771 "193": 5,
2772 "225": 1,
2773 "242": 1,
2774 "243": 1,
2775 "254": 1,
2776 "255": 1,
2777 "256": 1,
2778 "281": 17,
2779 "290": 1
2780 },
2781 "fqnsFingerprint": "ff98bf4baf41f8772f7230967268bebf00876ba87e2a8249823e77232f4c682a"
2782 },
2783 "7032cb3657056cea1687cae5f105636971f46f5c2882b822b4e4b5a6d7eddb74": {
2784 "translations": {
2785 "python": {
2786 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_property = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
2787 "version": "2"
2788 },
2789 "csharp": {
2790 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricProperty metricProperty = new MetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n};",
2791 "version": "1"
2792 },
2793 "java": {
2794 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricProperty metricProperty = MetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
2795 "version": "1"
2796 },
2797 "go": {
2798 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricProperty := &metricProperty{\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
2799 "version": "1"
2800 },
2801 "$": {
2802 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};",
2803 "version": "0"
2804 }
2805 },
2806 "location": {
2807 "api": {
2808 "api": "type",
2809 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty"
2810 },
2811 "field": {
2812 "field": "example"
2813 }
2814 },
2815 "didCompile": true,
2816 "fqnsReferenced": [
2817 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty"
2818 ],
2819 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2820 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2821 "10": 5,
2822 "75": 10,
2823 "153": 2,
2824 "169": 1,
2825 "192": 1,
2826 "193": 2,
2827 "225": 1,
2828 "242": 1,
2829 "243": 1,
2830 "254": 1,
2831 "255": 1,
2832 "256": 1,
2833 "281": 5,
2834 "290": 1
2835 },
2836 "fqnsFingerprint": "96b66d24ed9e8313939f2302e3618ae1517ecf7f2b3424f7e80f7d4cc07ed9f4"
2837 },
2838 "f237d37fa4f16cc990fec3aed90d03240407d443f5a694bf84f342a728a0f0d4": {
2839 "translations": {
2840 "python": {
2841 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_stat_property = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n)",
2842 "version": "2"
2843 },
2844 "csharp": {
2845 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricStatProperty metricStatProperty = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n};",
2846 "version": "1"
2847 },
2848 "java": {
2849 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricStatProperty metricStatProperty = MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build();",
2850 "version": "1"
2851 },
2852 "go": {
2853 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricStatProperty := &metricStatProperty{\n\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n}",
2854 "version": "1"
2855 },
2856 "$": {
2857 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricStatProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty = {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n};",
2858 "version": "0"
2859 }
2860 },
2861 "location": {
2862 "api": {
2863 "api": "type",
2864 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty"
2865 },
2866 "field": {
2867 "field": "example"
2868 }
2869 },
2870 "didCompile": true,
2871 "fqnsReferenced": [
2872 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty"
2873 ],
2874 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricStatProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty = {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2875 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2876 "8": 1,
2877 "10": 7,
2878 "75": 14,
2879 "153": 2,
2880 "169": 1,
2881 "192": 1,
2882 "193": 3,
2883 "225": 1,
2884 "242": 1,
2885 "243": 1,
2886 "254": 1,
2887 "255": 1,
2888 "256": 1,
2889 "281": 9,
2890 "290": 1
2891 },
2892 "fqnsFingerprint": "cd132cc06352fbe46cb397757f48eb4df3b90d9d15eb675ccbe90fddc740d589"
2893 },
2894 "219c594503bd3efc349fb91c152c6d0ac2d67e6701761af00eae2856a66d238f": {
2895 "translations": {
2896 "python": {
2897 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nrange_property = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty(\n end_time=\"endTime\",\n start_time=\"startTime\"\n)",
2898 "version": "2"
2899 },
2900 "csharp": {
2901 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nRangeProperty rangeProperty = new RangeProperty {\n EndTime = \"endTime\",\n StartTime = \"startTime\"\n};",
2902 "version": "1"
2903 },
2904 "java": {
2905 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nRangeProperty rangeProperty = RangeProperty.builder()\n .endTime(\"endTime\")\n .startTime(\"startTime\")\n .build();",
2906 "version": "1"
2907 },
2908 "go": {
2909 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nrangeProperty := &rangeProperty{\n\tendTime: jsii.String(\"endTime\"),\n\tstartTime: jsii.String(\"startTime\"),\n}",
2910 "version": "1"
2911 },
2912 "$": {
2913 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst rangeProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty = {\n endTime: 'endTime',\n startTime: 'startTime',\n};",
2914 "version": "0"
2915 }
2916 },
2917 "location": {
2918 "api": {
2919 "api": "type",
2920 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty"
2921 },
2922 "field": {
2923 "field": "example"
2924 }
2925 },
2926 "didCompile": true,
2927 "fqnsReferenced": [
2928 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty"
2929 ],
2930 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst rangeProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty = {\n endTime: 'endTime',\n startTime: 'startTime',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2931 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2932 "10": 3,
2933 "75": 7,
2934 "153": 2,
2935 "169": 1,
2936 "193": 1,
2937 "225": 1,
2938 "242": 1,
2939 "243": 1,
2940 "254": 1,
2941 "255": 1,
2942 "256": 1,
2943 "281": 2,
2944 "290": 1
2945 },
2946 "fqnsFingerprint": "93aee829c116a7ac41821d3484ed70363698ddeba6122188592487fd84d2cfc7"
2947 },
2948 "3b74f70ef75dc4fdabd0765eb22349176674c605eba929eeef6ef3e39fd114ce": {
2949 "translations": {
2950 "python": {
2951 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nsingle_metric_anomaly_detector_property = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty(\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n stat=\"stat\"\n)",
2952 "version": "2"
2953 },
2954 "csharp": {
2955 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nSingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty singleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty = new SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty {\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n Stat = \"stat\"\n};",
2956 "version": "1"
2957 },
2958 "java": {
2959 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nSingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty singleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty = SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty.builder()\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .stat(\"stat\")\n .build();",
2960 "version": "1"
2961 },
2962 "go": {
2963 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nsingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty := &singleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty{\n\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n}",
2964 "version": "1"
2965 },
2966 "$": {
2967 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst singleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty = {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n stat: 'stat',\n};",
2968 "version": "0"
2969 }
2970 },
2971 "location": {
2972 "api": {
2973 "api": "type",
2974 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty"
2975 },
2976 "field": {
2977 "field": "example"
2978 }
2979 },
2980 "didCompile": true,
2981 "fqnsReferenced": [
2982 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty"
2983 ],
2984 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst singleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty = {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n stat: 'stat',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2985 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2986 "10": 6,
2987 "75": 11,
2988 "153": 2,
2989 "169": 1,
2990 "192": 1,
2991 "193": 2,
2992 "225": 1,
2993 "242": 1,
2994 "243": 1,
2995 "254": 1,
2996 "255": 1,
2997 "256": 1,
2998 "281": 6,
2999 "290": 1
3000 },
3001 "fqnsFingerprint": "5ecf8b0891a24f60ea702e24bf4a4a6be2fecd3b57713212930b529113761eb7"
3002 },
3003 "e3456d8866016d6faf96ba556728aca25dc63b8f9d6e36235ec4da715c4e0e15": {
3004 "translations": {
3005 "python": {
3006 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_anomaly_detector_props = cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetectorProps(\n configuration=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.ConfigurationProperty(\n excluded_time_ranges=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.RangeProperty(\n end_time=\"endTime\",\n start_time=\"startTime\"\n )],\n metric_time_zone=\"metricTimeZone\"\n ),\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_math_anomaly_detector=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty(\n metric_data_queries=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricDataQueryProperty(\n id=\"id\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account_id=\"accountId\",\n expression=\"expression\",\n label=\"label\",\n metric_stat=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricStatProperty(\n metric=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.MetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n ),\n period=123,\n stat=\"stat\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n unit=\"unit\"\n ),\n period=123,\n return_data=False\n )]\n ),\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n single_metric_anomaly_detector=cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty(\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetector.DimensionProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n stat=\"stat\"\n ),\n stat=\"stat\"\n)",
3007 "version": "2"
3008 },
3009 "csharp": {
3010 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnAnomalyDetectorProps cfnAnomalyDetectorProps = new CfnAnomalyDetectorProps {\n Configuration = new ConfigurationProperty {\n ExcludedTimeRanges = new [] { new RangeProperty {\n EndTime = \"endTime\",\n StartTime = \"startTime\"\n } },\n MetricTimeZone = \"metricTimeZone\"\n },\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricMathAnomalyDetector = new MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty {\n MetricDataQueries = new [] { new MetricDataQueryProperty {\n Id = \"id\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n AccountId = \"accountId\",\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Label = \"label\",\n MetricStat = new MetricStatProperty {\n Metric = new MetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n },\n Period = 123,\n Stat = \"stat\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Unit = \"unit\"\n },\n Period = 123,\n ReturnData = false\n } }\n },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n SingleMetricAnomalyDetector = new SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty {\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n Stat = \"stat\"\n },\n Stat = \"stat\"\n};",
3011 "version": "1"
3012 },
3013 "java": {
3014 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnAnomalyDetectorProps cfnAnomalyDetectorProps = CfnAnomalyDetectorProps.builder()\n .configuration(ConfigurationProperty.builder()\n .excludedTimeRanges(List.of(RangeProperty.builder()\n .endTime(\"endTime\")\n .startTime(\"startTime\")\n .build()))\n .metricTimeZone(\"metricTimeZone\")\n .build())\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricMathAnomalyDetector(MetricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty.builder()\n .metricDataQueries(List.of(MetricDataQueryProperty.builder()\n .id(\"id\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .accountId(\"accountId\")\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .metricStat(MetricStatProperty.builder()\n .metric(MetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .stat(\"stat\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build())\n .period(123)\n .returnData(false)\n .build()))\n .build())\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .singleMetricAnomalyDetector(SingleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty.builder()\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .stat(\"stat\")\n .build())\n .stat(\"stat\")\n .build();",
3015 "version": "1"
3016 },
3017 "go": {
3018 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnAnomalyDetectorProps := &cfnAnomalyDetectorProps{\n\tconfiguration: &configurationProperty{\n\t\texcludedTimeRanges: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&rangeProperty{\n\t\t\t\tendTime: jsii.String(\"endTime\"),\n\t\t\t\tstartTime: jsii.String(\"startTime\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\tmetricTimeZone: jsii.String(\"metricTimeZone\"),\n\t},\n\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tmetricMathAnomalyDetector: &metricMathAnomalyDetectorProperty{\n\t\tmetricDataQueries: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&metricDataQueryProperty{\n\t\t\t\tid: jsii.String(\"id\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\taccountId: jsii.String(\"accountId\"),\n\t\t\t\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\t\t\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\t\t\t\tmetricStat: &metricStatProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tmetric: &metricProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\t\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\t\treturnData: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\tsingleMetricAnomalyDetector: &singleMetricAnomalyDetectorProperty{\n\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\t},\n\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n}",
3019 "version": "1"
3020 },
3021 "$": {
3022 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnAnomalyDetectorProps: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetectorProps = {\n configuration: {\n excludedTimeRanges: [{\n endTime: 'endTime',\n startTime: 'startTime',\n }],\n metricTimeZone: 'metricTimeZone',\n },\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricMathAnomalyDetector: {\n metricDataQueries: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n },\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n singleMetricAnomalyDetector: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n stat: 'stat',\n },\n stat: 'stat',\n};",
3023 "version": "0"
3024 }
3025 },
3026 "location": {
3027 "api": {
3028 "api": "type",
3029 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetectorProps"
3030 },
3031 "field": {
3032 "field": "example"
3033 }
3034 },
3035 "didCompile": true,
3036 "fqnsReferenced": [
3037 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetectorProps"
3038 ],
3039 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnAnomalyDetectorProps: cloudwatch.CfnAnomalyDetectorProps = {\n configuration: {\n excludedTimeRanges: [{\n endTime: 'endTime',\n startTime: 'startTime',\n }],\n metricTimeZone: 'metricTimeZone',\n },\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricMathAnomalyDetector: {\n metricDataQueries: [{\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n accountId: 'accountId',\n expression: 'expression',\n label: 'label',\n metricStat: {\n metric: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n period: 123,\n stat: 'stat',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n unit: 'unit',\n },\n period: 123,\n returnData: false,\n }],\n },\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n singleMetricAnomalyDetector: {\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n stat: 'stat',\n },\n stat: 'stat',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3040 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3041 "8": 2,
3042 "10": 24,
3043 "75": 40,
3044 "91": 1,
3045 "153": 1,
3046 "169": 1,
3047 "192": 5,
3048 "193": 11,
3049 "225": 1,
3050 "242": 1,
3051 "243": 1,
3052 "254": 1,
3053 "255": 1,
3054 "256": 1,
3055 "281": 36,
3056 "290": 1
3057 },
3058 "fqnsFingerprint": "8c6485cf4f28727545b9cd87f31d712ff5eafe851116bdf2b9312998eee04876"
3059 },
3060 "2f447b3be7bd252eb3014d3ea3a440bf4c1ac3288dfcb65e1b44d1660faa4149": {
3061 "translations": {
3062 "python": {
3063 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_composite_alarm = cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarm(self, \"MyCfnCompositeAlarm\",\n alarm_name=\"alarmName\",\n alarm_rule=\"alarmRule\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n actions_enabled=False,\n alarm_actions=[\"alarmActions\"],\n alarm_description=\"alarmDescription\",\n insufficient_data_actions=[\"insufficientDataActions\"],\n ok_actions=[\"okActions\"]\n)",
3064 "version": "2"
3065 },
3066 "csharp": {
3067 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnCompositeAlarm cfnCompositeAlarm = new CfnCompositeAlarm(this, \"MyCfnCompositeAlarm\", new CfnCompositeAlarmProps {\n AlarmName = \"alarmName\",\n AlarmRule = \"alarmRule\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ActionsEnabled = false,\n AlarmActions = new [] { \"alarmActions\" },\n AlarmDescription = \"alarmDescription\",\n InsufficientDataActions = new [] { \"insufficientDataActions\" },\n OkActions = new [] { \"okActions\" }\n});",
3068 "version": "1"
3069 },
3070 "java": {
3071 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnCompositeAlarm cfnCompositeAlarm = CfnCompositeAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnCompositeAlarm\")\n .alarmName(\"alarmName\")\n .alarmRule(\"alarmRule\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .actionsEnabled(false)\n .alarmActions(List.of(\"alarmActions\"))\n .alarmDescription(\"alarmDescription\")\n .insufficientDataActions(List.of(\"insufficientDataActions\"))\n .okActions(List.of(\"okActions\"))\n .build();",
3072 "version": "1"
3073 },
3074 "go": {
3075 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnCompositeAlarm := cloudwatch.NewCfnCompositeAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnCompositeAlarm\"), &cfnCompositeAlarmProps{\n\talarmName: jsii.String(\"alarmName\"),\n\talarmRule: jsii.String(\"alarmRule\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tactionsEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\talarmActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"alarmActions\"),\n\t},\n\talarmDescription: jsii.String(\"alarmDescription\"),\n\tinsufficientDataActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"insufficientDataActions\"),\n\t},\n\tokActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"okActions\"),\n\t},\n})",
3076 "version": "1"
3077 },
3078 "$": {
3079 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnCompositeAlarm = new cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarm(this, 'MyCfnCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmName: 'alarmName',\n alarmRule: 'alarmRule',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n actionsEnabled: false,\n alarmActions: ['alarmActions'],\n alarmDescription: 'alarmDescription',\n insufficientDataActions: ['insufficientDataActions'],\n okActions: ['okActions'],\n});",
3080 "version": "0"
3081 }
3082 },
3083 "location": {
3084 "api": {
3085 "api": "type",
3086 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarm"
3087 },
3088 "field": {
3089 "field": "example"
3090 }
3091 },
3092 "didCompile": true,
3093 "fqnsReferenced": [
3094 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarm",
3095 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarmProps",
3096 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3097 ],
3098 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnCompositeAlarm = new cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarm(this, 'MyCfnCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmName: 'alarmName',\n alarmRule: 'alarmRule',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n actionsEnabled: false,\n alarmActions: ['alarmActions'],\n alarmDescription: 'alarmDescription',\n insufficientDataActions: ['insufficientDataActions'],\n okActions: ['okActions'],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3099 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3100 "10": 8,
3101 "75": 11,
3102 "91": 1,
3103 "104": 1,
3104 "192": 3,
3105 "193": 1,
3106 "194": 1,
3107 "197": 1,
3108 "225": 1,
3109 "242": 1,
3110 "243": 1,
3111 "254": 1,
3112 "255": 1,
3113 "256": 1,
3114 "281": 7,
3115 "290": 1
3116 },
3117 "fqnsFingerprint": "9f6cc1ae0145c023a86ecacabba0efbd3f270d82f3b7d06c2e8773124b37954a"
3118 },
3119 "eb96b2275c355addb187a0e5814cc5c9b9913d5486b6870622f7fcbba5674496": {
3120 "translations": {
3121 "python": {
3122 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_composite_alarm_props = cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarmProps(\n alarm_name=\"alarmName\",\n alarm_rule=\"alarmRule\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n actions_enabled=False,\n alarm_actions=[\"alarmActions\"],\n alarm_description=\"alarmDescription\",\n insufficient_data_actions=[\"insufficientDataActions\"],\n ok_actions=[\"okActions\"]\n)",
3123 "version": "2"
3124 },
3125 "csharp": {
3126 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnCompositeAlarmProps cfnCompositeAlarmProps = new CfnCompositeAlarmProps {\n AlarmName = \"alarmName\",\n AlarmRule = \"alarmRule\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ActionsEnabled = false,\n AlarmActions = new [] { \"alarmActions\" },\n AlarmDescription = \"alarmDescription\",\n InsufficientDataActions = new [] { \"insufficientDataActions\" },\n OkActions = new [] { \"okActions\" }\n};",
3127 "version": "1"
3128 },
3129 "java": {
3130 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnCompositeAlarmProps cfnCompositeAlarmProps = CfnCompositeAlarmProps.builder()\n .alarmName(\"alarmName\")\n .alarmRule(\"alarmRule\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .actionsEnabled(false)\n .alarmActions(List.of(\"alarmActions\"))\n .alarmDescription(\"alarmDescription\")\n .insufficientDataActions(List.of(\"insufficientDataActions\"))\n .okActions(List.of(\"okActions\"))\n .build();",
3131 "version": "1"
3132 },
3133 "go": {
3134 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnCompositeAlarmProps := &cfnCompositeAlarmProps{\n\talarmName: jsii.String(\"alarmName\"),\n\talarmRule: jsii.String(\"alarmRule\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tactionsEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\talarmActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"alarmActions\"),\n\t},\n\talarmDescription: jsii.String(\"alarmDescription\"),\n\tinsufficientDataActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"insufficientDataActions\"),\n\t},\n\tokActions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"okActions\"),\n\t},\n}",
3135 "version": "1"
3136 },
3137 "$": {
3138 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnCompositeAlarmProps: cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarmProps = {\n alarmName: 'alarmName',\n alarmRule: 'alarmRule',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n actionsEnabled: false,\n alarmActions: ['alarmActions'],\n alarmDescription: 'alarmDescription',\n insufficientDataActions: ['insufficientDataActions'],\n okActions: ['okActions'],\n};",
3139 "version": "0"
3140 }
3141 },
3142 "location": {
3143 "api": {
3144 "api": "type",
3145 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarmProps"
3146 },
3147 "field": {
3148 "field": "example"
3149 }
3150 },
3151 "didCompile": true,
3152 "fqnsReferenced": [
3153 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarmProps"
3154 ],
3155 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnCompositeAlarmProps: cloudwatch.CfnCompositeAlarmProps = {\n alarmName: 'alarmName',\n alarmRule: 'alarmRule',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n actionsEnabled: false,\n alarmActions: ['alarmActions'],\n alarmDescription: 'alarmDescription',\n insufficientDataActions: ['insufficientDataActions'],\n okActions: ['okActions'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3156 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3157 "10": 7,
3158 "75": 11,
3159 "91": 1,
3160 "153": 1,
3161 "169": 1,
3162 "192": 3,
3163 "193": 1,
3164 "225": 1,
3165 "242": 1,
3166 "243": 1,
3167 "254": 1,
3168 "255": 1,
3169 "256": 1,
3170 "281": 7,
3171 "290": 1
3172 },
3173 "fqnsFingerprint": "2d7abd9eb092c84296a42348e38b092d2f02bfc0fd1cfa22914445be6eea414f"
3174 },
3175 "3d842624bfe652636f25d827fbf61e15e4da3292f2a582cfe41d78faa050f1ac": {
3176 "translations": {
3177 "python": {
3178 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_dashboard = cloudwatch.CfnDashboard(self, \"MyCfnDashboard\",\n dashboard_body=\"dashboardBody\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dashboard_name=\"dashboardName\"\n)",
3179 "version": "2"
3180 },
3181 "csharp": {
3182 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnDashboard cfnDashboard = new CfnDashboard(this, \"MyCfnDashboard\", new CfnDashboardProps {\n DashboardBody = \"dashboardBody\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DashboardName = \"dashboardName\"\n});",
3183 "version": "1"
3184 },
3185 "java": {
3186 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnDashboard cfnDashboard = CfnDashboard.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnDashboard\")\n .dashboardBody(\"dashboardBody\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dashboardName(\"dashboardName\")\n .build();",
3187 "version": "1"
3188 },
3189 "go": {
3190 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnDashboard := cloudwatch.NewCfnDashboard(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnDashboard\"), &cfnDashboardProps{\n\tdashboardBody: jsii.String(\"dashboardBody\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdashboardName: jsii.String(\"dashboardName\"),\n})",
3191 "version": "1"
3192 },
3193 "$": {
3194 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnDashboard = new cloudwatch.CfnDashboard(this, 'MyCfnDashboard', {\n dashboardBody: 'dashboardBody',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dashboardName: 'dashboardName',\n});",
3195 "version": "0"
3196 }
3197 },
3198 "location": {
3199 "api": {
3200 "api": "type",
3201 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnDashboard"
3202 },
3203 "field": {
3204 "field": "example"
3205 }
3206 },
3207 "didCompile": true,
3208 "fqnsReferenced": [
3209 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnDashboard",
3210 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnDashboardProps",
3211 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3212 ],
3213 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnDashboard = new cloudwatch.CfnDashboard(this, 'MyCfnDashboard', {\n dashboardBody: 'dashboardBody',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dashboardName: 'dashboardName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3214 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3215 "10": 4,
3216 "75": 6,
3217 "104": 1,
3218 "193": 1,
3219 "194": 1,
3220 "197": 1,
3221 "225": 1,
3222 "242": 1,
3223 "243": 1,
3224 "254": 1,
3225 "255": 1,
3226 "256": 1,
3227 "281": 2,
3228 "290": 1
3229 },
3230 "fqnsFingerprint": "ff2a037f58dc0253dff89e702ca454e36d1d13c74d9ac6a2eb36bb825c9dcdec"
3231 },
3232 "595d4a7d4a0f90ed2c482b8b7d291fba1a2f3d58469e4a0b08aa320bc62ef247": {
3233 "translations": {
3234 "python": {
3235 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_dashboard_props = cloudwatch.CfnDashboardProps(\n dashboard_body=\"dashboardBody\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dashboard_name=\"dashboardName\"\n)",
3236 "version": "2"
3237 },
3238 "csharp": {
3239 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnDashboardProps cfnDashboardProps = new CfnDashboardProps {\n DashboardBody = \"dashboardBody\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DashboardName = \"dashboardName\"\n};",
3240 "version": "1"
3241 },
3242 "java": {
3243 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnDashboardProps cfnDashboardProps = CfnDashboardProps.builder()\n .dashboardBody(\"dashboardBody\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dashboardName(\"dashboardName\")\n .build();",
3244 "version": "1"
3245 },
3246 "go": {
3247 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnDashboardProps := &cfnDashboardProps{\n\tdashboardBody: jsii.String(\"dashboardBody\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdashboardName: jsii.String(\"dashboardName\"),\n}",
3248 "version": "1"
3249 },
3250 "$": {
3251 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnDashboardProps: cloudwatch.CfnDashboardProps = {\n dashboardBody: 'dashboardBody',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dashboardName: 'dashboardName',\n};",
3252 "version": "0"
3253 }
3254 },
3255 "location": {
3256 "api": {
3257 "api": "type",
3258 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnDashboardProps"
3259 },
3260 "field": {
3261 "field": "example"
3262 }
3263 },
3264 "didCompile": true,
3265 "fqnsReferenced": [
3266 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnDashboardProps"
3267 ],
3268 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnDashboardProps: cloudwatch.CfnDashboardProps = {\n dashboardBody: 'dashboardBody',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dashboardName: 'dashboardName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3269 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3270 "10": 3,
3271 "75": 6,
3272 "153": 1,
3273 "169": 1,
3274 "193": 1,
3275 "225": 1,
3276 "242": 1,
3277 "243": 1,
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3279 "255": 1,
3280 "256": 1,
3281 "281": 2,
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3283 },
3284 "fqnsFingerprint": "3f77a16df544f10a994826aa13e0690f412057dc730b1f322ace9ed950dd389f"
3285 },
3286 "f38b022027a4ab7eecbc10252d48ae69bc138aaac493bd8deaf5de0c448d93ef": {
3287 "translations": {
3288 "python": {
3289 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_insight_rule = cloudwatch.CfnInsightRule(self, \"MyCfnInsightRule\",\n rule_body=\"ruleBody\",\n rule_name=\"ruleName\",\n rule_state=\"ruleState\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3290 "version": "2"
3291 },
3292 "csharp": {
3293 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnInsightRule cfnInsightRule = new CfnInsightRule(this, \"MyCfnInsightRule\", new CfnInsightRuleProps {\n RuleBody = \"ruleBody\",\n RuleName = \"ruleName\",\n RuleState = \"ruleState\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n});",
3294 "version": "1"
3295 },
3296 "java": {
3297 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnInsightRule cfnInsightRule = CfnInsightRule.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnInsightRule\")\n .ruleBody(\"ruleBody\")\n .ruleName(\"ruleName\")\n .ruleState(\"ruleState\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3298 "version": "1"
3299 },
3300 "go": {
3301 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnInsightRule := cloudwatch.NewCfnInsightRule(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnInsightRule\"), &cfnInsightRuleProps{\n\truleBody: jsii.String(\"ruleBody\"),\n\truleName: jsii.String(\"ruleName\"),\n\truleState: jsii.String(\"ruleState\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\ttags: []interface{}{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
3302 "version": "1"
3303 },
3304 "$": {
3305 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnInsightRule = new cloudwatch.CfnInsightRule(this, 'MyCfnInsightRule', {\n ruleBody: 'ruleBody',\n ruleName: 'ruleName',\n ruleState: 'ruleState',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});",
3306 "version": "0"
3307 }
3308 },
3309 "location": {
3310 "api": {
3311 "api": "type",
3312 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnInsightRule"
3313 },
3314 "field": {
3315 "field": "example"
3316 }
3317 },
3318 "didCompile": true,
3319 "fqnsReferenced": [
3320 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnInsightRule",
3321 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnInsightRuleProps",
3322 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3323 ],
3324 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnInsightRule = new cloudwatch.CfnInsightRule(this, 'MyCfnInsightRule', {\n ruleBody: 'ruleBody',\n ruleName: 'ruleName',\n ruleState: 'ruleState',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3325 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3326 "10": 7,
3327 "75": 10,
3328 "104": 1,
3329 "192": 1,
3330 "193": 2,
3331 "194": 1,
3332 "197": 1,
3333 "225": 1,
3334 "242": 1,
3335 "243": 1,
3336 "254": 1,
3337 "255": 1,
3338 "256": 1,
3339 "281": 6,
3340 "290": 1
3341 },
3342 "fqnsFingerprint": "f4f3f891a334487fad57a568e267b864777712bdea839495b815672f7e9965d1"
3343 },
3344 "a321c877404a98cb9e07b037f16ddf98aba62902eb24d32ab3de1622a815d588": {
3345 "translations": {
3346 "python": {
3347 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_insight_rule_props = cloudwatch.CfnInsightRuleProps(\n rule_body=\"ruleBody\",\n rule_name=\"ruleName\",\n rule_state=\"ruleState\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3348 "version": "2"
3349 },
3350 "csharp": {
3351 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnInsightRuleProps cfnInsightRuleProps = new CfnInsightRuleProps {\n RuleBody = \"ruleBody\",\n RuleName = \"ruleName\",\n RuleState = \"ruleState\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n};",
3352 "version": "1"
3353 },
3354 "java": {
3355 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnInsightRuleProps cfnInsightRuleProps = CfnInsightRuleProps.builder()\n .ruleBody(\"ruleBody\")\n .ruleName(\"ruleName\")\n .ruleState(\"ruleState\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3356 "version": "1"
3357 },
3358 "go": {
3359 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnInsightRuleProps := &cfnInsightRuleProps{\n\truleBody: jsii.String(\"ruleBody\"),\n\truleName: jsii.String(\"ruleName\"),\n\truleState: jsii.String(\"ruleState\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\ttags: []interface{}{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
3360 "version": "1"
3361 },
3362 "$": {
3363 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnInsightRuleProps: cloudwatch.CfnInsightRuleProps = {\n ruleBody: 'ruleBody',\n ruleName: 'ruleName',\n ruleState: 'ruleState',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};",
3364 "version": "0"
3365 }
3366 },
3367 "location": {
3368 "api": {
3369 "api": "type",
3370 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnInsightRuleProps"
3371 },
3372 "field": {
3373 "field": "example"
3374 }
3375 },
3376 "didCompile": true,
3377 "fqnsReferenced": [
3378 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnInsightRuleProps"
3379 ],
3380 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnInsightRuleProps: cloudwatch.CfnInsightRuleProps = {\n ruleBody: 'ruleBody',\n ruleName: 'ruleName',\n ruleState: 'ruleState',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3381 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3382 "10": 6,
3383 "75": 10,
3384 "153": 1,
3385 "169": 1,
3386 "192": 1,
3387 "193": 2,
3388 "225": 1,
3389 "242": 1,
3390 "243": 1,
3391 "254": 1,
3392 "255": 1,
3393 "256": 1,
3394 "281": 6,
3395 "290": 1
3396 },
3397 "fqnsFingerprint": "f61a327cdd1cbba15f0ffb4da08aa5b9d34ec610ea38dac0677117cc35ce9409"
3398 },
3399 "4b06c06e71d1c0f64446807bba0498cbd435d74f9b078f7b72539a9e8a370041": {
3400 "translations": {
3401 "python": {
3402 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_metric_stream = cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream(self, \"MyCfnMetricStream\",\n firehose_arn=\"firehoseArn\",\n output_format=\"outputFormat\",\n role_arn=\"roleArn\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n exclude_filters=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty(\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n )],\n include_filters=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty(\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n )],\n name=\"name\",\n statistics_configurations=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty(\n additional_statistics=[\"additionalStatistics\"],\n include_metrics=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n )]\n )],\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3403 "version": "2"
3404 },
3405 "csharp": {
3406 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnMetricStream cfnMetricStream = new CfnMetricStream(this, \"MyCfnMetricStream\", new CfnMetricStreamProps {\n FirehoseArn = \"firehoseArn\",\n OutputFormat = \"outputFormat\",\n RoleArn = \"roleArn\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExcludeFilters = new [] { new MetricStreamFilterProperty {\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n } },\n IncludeFilters = new [] { new MetricStreamFilterProperty {\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n } },\n Name = \"name\",\n StatisticsConfigurations = new [] { new MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty {\n AdditionalStatistics = new [] { \"additionalStatistics\" },\n IncludeMetrics = new [] { new MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n } }\n } },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n});",
3407 "version": "1"
3408 },
3409 "java": {
3410 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnMetricStream cfnMetricStream = CfnMetricStream.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnMetricStream\")\n .firehoseArn(\"firehoseArn\")\n .outputFormat(\"outputFormat\")\n .roleArn(\"roleArn\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .excludeFilters(List.of(MetricStreamFilterProperty.builder()\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build()))\n .includeFilters(List.of(MetricStreamFilterProperty.builder()\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build()))\n .name(\"name\")\n .statisticsConfigurations(List.of(MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty.builder()\n .additionalStatistics(List.of(\"additionalStatistics\"))\n .includeMetrics(List.of(MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build()))\n .build()))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3411 "version": "1"
3412 },
3413 "go": {
3414 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnMetricStream := cloudwatch.NewCfnMetricStream(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnMetricStream\"), &cfnMetricStreamProps{\n\tfirehoseArn: jsii.String(\"firehoseArn\"),\n\toutputFormat: jsii.String(\"outputFormat\"),\n\troleArn: jsii.String(\"roleArn\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\texcludeFilters: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricStreamFilterProperty{\n\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tincludeFilters: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricStreamFilterProperty{\n\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tstatisticsConfigurations: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty{\n\t\t\tadditionalStatistics: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"additionalStatistics\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tincludeMetrics: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&metricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
3415 "version": "1"
3416 },
3417 "$": {
3418 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnMetricStream = new cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream(this, 'MyCfnMetricStream', {\n firehoseArn: 'firehoseArn',\n outputFormat: 'outputFormat',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeFilters: [{\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n includeFilters: [{\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n name: 'name',\n statisticsConfigurations: [{\n additionalStatistics: ['additionalStatistics'],\n includeMetrics: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});",
3419 "version": "0"
3420 }
3421 },
3422 "location": {
3423 "api": {
3424 "api": "type",
3425 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream"
3426 },
3427 "field": {
3428 "field": "example"
3429 }
3430 },
3431 "didCompile": true,
3432 "fqnsReferenced": [
3433 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream",
3434 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStreamProps",
3435 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3436 ],
3437 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnMetricStream = new cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream(this, 'MyCfnMetricStream', {\n firehoseArn: 'firehoseArn',\n outputFormat: 'outputFormat',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeFilters: [{\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n includeFilters: [{\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n name: 'name',\n statisticsConfigurations: [{\n additionalStatistics: ['additionalStatistics'],\n includeMetrics: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3438 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3439 "10": 13,
3440 "75": 20,
3441 "104": 1,
3442 "192": 6,
3443 "193": 6,
3444 "194": 1,
3445 "197": 1,
3446 "225": 1,
3447 "242": 1,
3448 "243": 1,
3449 "254": 1,
3450 "255": 1,
3451 "256": 1,
3452 "281": 16,
3453 "290": 1
3454 },
3455 "fqnsFingerprint": "71b7257e8adf747b74d6a4bdcd54716fe9e2b43cba1b567551cc248c497188b1"
3456 },
3457 "b5269680d0bef49e3170637f86d803c345aed11a6bc89f66b2b9a71e6e1ea613": {
3458 "translations": {
3459 "python": {
3460 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_stream_filter_property = cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty(\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n)",
3461 "version": "2"
3462 },
3463 "csharp": {
3464 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricStreamFilterProperty metricStreamFilterProperty = new MetricStreamFilterProperty {\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n};",
3465 "version": "1"
3466 },
3467 "java": {
3468 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricStreamFilterProperty metricStreamFilterProperty = MetricStreamFilterProperty.builder()\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build();",
3469 "version": "1"
3470 },
3471 "go": {
3472 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricStreamFilterProperty := &metricStreamFilterProperty{\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n}",
3473 "version": "1"
3474 },
3475 "$": {
3476 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricStreamFilterProperty: cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty = {\n namespace: 'namespace',\n};",
3477 "version": "0"
3478 }
3479 },
3480 "location": {
3481 "api": {
3482 "api": "type",
3483 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty"
3484 },
3485 "field": {
3486 "field": "example"
3487 }
3488 },
3489 "didCompile": true,
3490 "fqnsReferenced": [
3491 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty"
3492 ],
3493 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricStreamFilterProperty: cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty = {\n namespace: 'namespace',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3494 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3495 "10": 2,
3496 "75": 6,
3497 "153": 2,
3498 "169": 1,
3499 "193": 1,
3500 "225": 1,
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3502 "243": 1,
3503 "254": 1,
3504 "255": 1,
3505 "256": 1,
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3507 "290": 1
3508 },
3509 "fqnsFingerprint": "77d983042da41e287521462d8ac5f5b9269e96dd4ec642a45e34818cd81a4029"
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3512 "translations": {
3513 "python": {
3514 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_stream_statistics_configuration_property = cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty(\n additional_statistics=[\"additionalStatistics\"],\n include_metrics=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n )]\n)",
3515 "version": "2"
3516 },
3517 "csharp": {
3518 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty metricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty = new MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty {\n AdditionalStatistics = new [] { \"additionalStatistics\" },\n IncludeMetrics = new [] { new MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n } }\n};",
3519 "version": "1"
3520 },
3521 "java": {
3522 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty metricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty = MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty.builder()\n .additionalStatistics(List.of(\"additionalStatistics\"))\n .includeMetrics(List.of(MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3523 "version": "1"
3524 },
3525 "go": {
3526 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty := &metricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty{\n\tadditionalStatistics: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"additionalStatistics\"),\n\t},\n\tincludeMetrics: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty{\n\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
3527 "version": "1"
3528 },
3529 "$": {
3530 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty: cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty = {\n additionalStatistics: ['additionalStatistics'],\n includeMetrics: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n};",
3531 "version": "0"
3532 }
3533 },
3534 "location": {
3535 "api": {
3536 "api": "type",
3537 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty"
3538 },
3539 "field": {
3540 "field": "example"
3541 }
3542 },
3543 "didCompile": true,
3544 "fqnsReferenced": [
3545 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty"
3546 ],
3547 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty: cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty = {\n additionalStatistics: ['additionalStatistics'],\n includeMetrics: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3548 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3549 "10": 4,
3550 "75": 9,
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3552 "169": 1,
3553 "192": 2,
3554 "193": 2,
3555 "225": 1,
3556 "242": 1,
3557 "243": 1,
3558 "254": 1,
3559 "255": 1,
3560 "256": 1,
3561 "281": 4,
3562 "290": 1
3563 },
3564 "fqnsFingerprint": "0040864ca0342e2a6c5ceeded8d41ff7766e0a243e65a565954c1d28fba43831"
3565 },
3566 "c0adced3adb0add2d98ea526bd3bbbc740fe043f7c7dced076ab139c137ed125": {
3567 "translations": {
3568 "python": {
3569 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_stream_statistics_metric_property = cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n)",
3570 "version": "2"
3571 },
3572 "csharp": {
3573 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty metricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty = new MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n};",
3574 "version": "1"
3575 },
3576 "java": {
3577 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty metricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty = MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build();",
3578 "version": "1"
3579 },
3580 "go": {
3581 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty := &metricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty{\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n}",
3582 "version": "1"
3583 },
3584 "$": {
3585 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty: cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n};",
3586 "version": "0"
3587 }
3588 },
3589 "location": {
3590 "api": {
3591 "api": "type",
3592 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty"
3593 },
3594 "field": {
3595 "field": "example"
3596 }
3597 },
3598 "didCompile": true,
3599 "fqnsReferenced": [
3600 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty"
3601 ],
3602 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty: cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3603 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3604 "10": 3,
3605 "75": 7,
3606 "153": 2,
3607 "169": 1,
3608 "193": 1,
3609 "225": 1,
3610 "242": 1,
3611 "243": 1,
3612 "254": 1,
3613 "255": 1,
3614 "256": 1,
3615 "281": 2,
3616 "290": 1
3617 },
3618 "fqnsFingerprint": "fa9297ced2a2b2c99a7db0e6810be3641e13c0b8581fe6b8efc5ff66898117b1"
3619 },
3620 "168795783f0f209cbc883e8a39b7ee404e82fb3f86fff01598e20bc87c050894": {
3621 "translations": {
3622 "python": {
3623 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ncfn_metric_stream_props = cloudwatch.CfnMetricStreamProps(\n firehose_arn=\"firehoseArn\",\n output_format=\"outputFormat\",\n role_arn=\"roleArn\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n exclude_filters=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty(\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n )],\n include_filters=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamFilterProperty(\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n )],\n name=\"name\",\n statistics_configurations=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty(\n additional_statistics=[\"additionalStatistics\"],\n include_metrics=[cloudwatch.CfnMetricStream.MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\"\n )]\n )],\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3624 "version": "2"
3625 },
3626 "csharp": {
3627 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nCfnMetricStreamProps cfnMetricStreamProps = new CfnMetricStreamProps {\n FirehoseArn = \"firehoseArn\",\n OutputFormat = \"outputFormat\",\n RoleArn = \"roleArn\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExcludeFilters = new [] { new MetricStreamFilterProperty {\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n } },\n IncludeFilters = new [] { new MetricStreamFilterProperty {\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n } },\n Name = \"name\",\n StatisticsConfigurations = new [] { new MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty {\n AdditionalStatistics = new [] { \"additionalStatistics\" },\n IncludeMetrics = new [] { new MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\"\n } }\n } },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n};",
3628 "version": "1"
3629 },
3630 "java": {
3631 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nCfnMetricStreamProps cfnMetricStreamProps = CfnMetricStreamProps.builder()\n .firehoseArn(\"firehoseArn\")\n .outputFormat(\"outputFormat\")\n .roleArn(\"roleArn\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .excludeFilters(List.of(MetricStreamFilterProperty.builder()\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build()))\n .includeFilters(List.of(MetricStreamFilterProperty.builder()\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build()))\n .name(\"name\")\n .statisticsConfigurations(List.of(MetricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty.builder()\n .additionalStatistics(List.of(\"additionalStatistics\"))\n .includeMetrics(List.of(MetricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .build()))\n .build()))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3632 "version": "1"
3633 },
3634 "go": {
3635 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\ncfnMetricStreamProps := &cfnMetricStreamProps{\n\tfirehoseArn: jsii.String(\"firehoseArn\"),\n\toutputFormat: jsii.String(\"outputFormat\"),\n\troleArn: jsii.String(\"roleArn\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\texcludeFilters: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricStreamFilterProperty{\n\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tincludeFilters: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricStreamFilterProperty{\n\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tstatisticsConfigurations: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricStreamStatisticsConfigurationProperty{\n\t\t\tadditionalStatistics: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"additionalStatistics\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tincludeMetrics: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&metricStreamStatisticsMetricProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
3636 "version": "1"
3637 },
3638 "$": {
3639 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst cfnMetricStreamProps: cloudwatch.CfnMetricStreamProps = {\n firehoseArn: 'firehoseArn',\n outputFormat: 'outputFormat',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeFilters: [{\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n includeFilters: [{\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n name: 'name',\n statisticsConfigurations: [{\n additionalStatistics: ['additionalStatistics'],\n includeMetrics: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};",
3640 "version": "0"
3641 }
3642 },
3643 "location": {
3644 "api": {
3645 "api": "type",
3646 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStreamProps"
3647 },
3648 "field": {
3649 "field": "example"
3650 }
3651 },
3652 "didCompile": true,
3653 "fqnsReferenced": [
3654 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CfnMetricStreamProps"
3655 ],
3656 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnMetricStreamProps: cloudwatch.CfnMetricStreamProps = {\n firehoseArn: 'firehoseArn',\n outputFormat: 'outputFormat',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeFilters: [{\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n includeFilters: [{\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n name: 'name',\n statisticsConfigurations: [{\n additionalStatistics: ['additionalStatistics'],\n includeMetrics: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n }],\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3657 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3658 "10": 12,
3659 "75": 20,
3660 "153": 1,
3661 "169": 1,
3662 "192": 6,
3663 "193": 6,
3664 "225": 1,
3665 "242": 1,
3666 "243": 1,
3667 "254": 1,
3668 "255": 1,
3669 "256": 1,
3670 "281": 16,
3671 "290": 1
3672 },
3673 "fqnsFingerprint": "d4768c30b928e607b870994104ee900804875f76ecf936839655d3a82c3745fc"
3674 },
3675 "d62981be45e2ef0a5ab94e0c7a1f98522c73d2e6ebf88f850cc5675b72054908": {
3676 "translations": {
3677 "python": {
3678 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# execution_count_metric: cloudwatch.Metric\n# error_count_metric: cloudwatch.Metric\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n title=\"Executions vs error rate\",\n\n left=[execution_count_metric],\n\n right=[error_count_metric.with(\n statistic=\"average\",\n label=\"Error rate\",\n color=cloudwatch.Color.GREEN\n )]\n))",
3679 "version": "2"
3680 },
3681 "csharp": {
3682 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric executionCountMetric;\nMetric errorCountMetric;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n Title = \"Executions vs error rate\",\n\n Left = new [] { executionCountMetric },\n\n Right = new [] { errorCountMetric.With(new MetricOptions {\n Statistic = \"average\",\n Label = \"Error rate\",\n Color = Color.GREEN\n }) }\n}));",
3683 "version": "1"
3684 },
3685 "java": {
3686 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric executionCountMetric;\nMetric errorCountMetric;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n .title(\"Executions vs error rate\")\n\n .left(List.of(executionCountMetric))\n\n .right(List.of(errorCountMetric.with(MetricOptions.builder()\n .statistic(\"average\")\n .label(\"Error rate\")\n .color(Color.GREEN)\n .build())))\n .build());",
3687 "version": "1"
3688 },
3689 "go": {
3690 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar executionCountMetric metric\nvar errorCountMetric metric\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"Executions vs error rate\"),\n\n\tleft: []iMetric{\n\t\texecutionCountMetric,\n\t},\n\n\tright: []*iMetric{\n\t\terrorCountMetric.with(&metricOptions{\n\t\t\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"average\"),\n\t\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"Error rate\"),\n\t\t\tcolor: cloudwatch.color_GREEN(),\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n}))",
3691 "version": "1"
3692 },
3693 "$": {
3694 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const executionCountMetric: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const errorCountMetric: cloudwatch.Metric;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n title: \"Executions vs error rate\",\n\n left: [executionCountMetric],\n\n right: [errorCountMetric.with({\n statistic: \"average\",\n label: \"Error rate\",\n color: cloudwatch.Color.GREEN,\n })]\n}));",
3695 "version": "0"
3696 }
3697 },
3698 "location": {
3699 "api": {
3700 "api": "type",
3701 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Color"
3702 },
3703 "field": {
3704 "field": "example"
3705 }
3706 },
3707 "didCompile": true,
3708 "fqnsReferenced": [
3709 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Color",
3710 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Color#GREEN",
3711 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
3712 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
3713 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
3714 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
3715 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric#with",
3716 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
3717 ],
3718 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const executionCountMetric: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const errorCountMetric: cloudwatch.Metric;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n title: \"Executions vs error rate\",\n\n left: [executionCountMetric],\n\n right: [errorCountMetric.with({\n statistic: \"average\",\n label: \"Error rate\",\n color: cloudwatch.Color.GREEN,\n })]\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
3719 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3720 "10": 3,
3721 "75": 25,
3722 "130": 3,
3723 "153": 3,
3724 "169": 3,
3725 "192": 2,
3726 "193": 2,
3727 "194": 5,
3728 "196": 2,
3729 "197": 1,
3730 "225": 3,
3731 "226": 1,
3732 "242": 3,
3733 "243": 3,
3734 "281": 6,
3735 "290": 1
3736 },
3737 "fqnsFingerprint": "1645fef2b75b21b1050b2ea6bda4405579544588e20fc0f2a7e37d7eb18b7f63"
3738 },
3739 "fba655e357152daec849bd77d6d9a838d8a0218ad6c097750e19f01dc81962d2": {
3740 "translations": {
3741 "python": {
3742 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# widget: cloudwatch.IWidget\n\ncolumn = cloudwatch.Column(widget)",
3743 "version": "2"
3744 },
3745 "csharp": {
3746 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nIWidget widget;\n\nColumn column = new Column(widget);",
3747 "version": "1"
3748 },
3749 "java": {
3750 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nIWidget widget;\n\nColumn column = new Column(widget);",
3751 "version": "1"
3752 },
3753 "go": {
3754 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar widget iWidget\n\ncolumn := cloudwatch.NewColumn(widget)",
3755 "version": "1"
3756 },
3757 "$": {
3758 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const widget: cloudwatch.IWidget;\nconst column = new cloudwatch.Column(widget);",
3759 "version": "0"
3760 }
3761 },
3762 "location": {
3763 "api": {
3764 "api": "type",
3765 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Column"
3766 },
3767 "field": {
3768 "field": "example"
3769 }
3770 },
3771 "didCompile": true,
3772 "fqnsReferenced": [
3773 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Column",
3774 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
3775 ],
3776 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const widget: cloudwatch.IWidget;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst column = new cloudwatch.Column(widget);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3777 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3778 "10": 1,
3779 "75": 8,
3780 "130": 1,
3781 "153": 1,
3782 "169": 1,
3783 "194": 1,
3784 "197": 1,
3785 "225": 2,
3786 "242": 2,
3787 "243": 2,
3788 "254": 1,
3789 "255": 1,
3790 "256": 1,
3791 "290": 1
3792 },
3793 "fqnsFingerprint": "c1a5800b9f5e9f14f47934377cdfa5b8c656d557e37fc65e01705c011d40ca5f"
3794 },
3795 "3bee72b9ef458c87194b69fc049fe8929a42e6500832a51b15388576cd31b887": {
3796 "translations": {
3797 "python": {
3798 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# dimensions: Any\n\ncommon_metric_options = cloudwatch.CommonMetricOptions(\n account=\"account\",\n color=\"color\",\n dimensions={\n \"dimensions_key\": dimensions\n },\n dimensions_map={\n \"dimensions_map_key\": \"dimensionsMap\"\n },\n label=\"label\",\n period=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n region=\"region\",\n statistic=\"statistic\",\n unit=cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS\n)",
3799 "version": "2"
3800 },
3801 "csharp": {
3802 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nvar dimensions;\nCommonMetricOptions commonMetricOptions = new CommonMetricOptions {\n Account = \"account\",\n Color = \"color\",\n Dimensions = new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"dimensionsKey\", dimensions }\n },\n DimensionsMap = new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"dimensionsMapKey\", \"dimensionsMap\" }\n },\n Label = \"label\",\n Period = Duration.Minutes(30),\n Region = \"region\",\n Statistic = \"statistic\",\n Unit = Unit.SECONDS\n};",
3803 "version": "1"
3804 },
3805 "java": {
3806 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nObject dimensions;\n\nCommonMetricOptions commonMetricOptions = CommonMetricOptions.builder()\n .account(\"account\")\n .color(\"color\")\n .dimensions(Map.of(\n \"dimensionsKey\", dimensions))\n .dimensionsMap(Map.of(\n \"dimensionsMapKey\", \"dimensionsMap\"))\n .label(\"label\")\n .period(Duration.minutes(30))\n .region(\"region\")\n .statistic(\"statistic\")\n .unit(Unit.SECONDS)\n .build();",
3807 "version": "1"
3808 },
3809 "go": {
3810 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar dimensions interface{}\n\ncommonMetricOptions := &commonMetricOptions{\n\taccount: jsii.String(\"account\"),\n\tcolor: jsii.String(\"color\"),\n\tdimensions: map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"dimensionsKey\": dimensions,\n\t},\n\tdimensionsMap: map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"dimensionsMapKey\": jsii.String(\"dimensionsMap\"),\n\t},\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\tperiod: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\tregion: jsii.String(\"region\"),\n\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"statistic\"),\n\tunit: cloudwatch.unit_SECONDS,\n}",
3811 "version": "1"
3812 },
3813 "$": {
3814 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const dimensions: any;\nconst commonMetricOptions: cloudwatch.CommonMetricOptions = {\n account: 'account',\n color: 'color',\n dimensions: {\n dimensionsKey: dimensions,\n },\n dimensionsMap: {\n dimensionsMapKey: 'dimensionsMap',\n },\n label: 'label',\n period: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n region: 'region',\n statistic: 'statistic',\n unit: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n};",
3815 "version": "0"
3816 }
3817 },
3818 "location": {
3819 "api": {
3820 "api": "type",
3821 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CommonMetricOptions"
3822 },
3823 "field": {
3824 "field": "example"
3825 }
3826 },
3827 "didCompile": true,
3828 "fqnsReferenced": [
3829 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CommonMetricOptions",
3830 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit",
3831 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit#SECONDS",
3832 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
3833 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
3834 ],
3835 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const dimensions: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst commonMetricOptions: cloudwatch.CommonMetricOptions = {\n account: 'account',\n color: 'color',\n dimensions: {\n dimensionsKey: dimensions,\n },\n dimensionsMap: {\n dimensionsMapKey: 'dimensionsMap',\n },\n label: 'label',\n period: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n region: 'region',\n statistic: 'statistic',\n unit: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3836 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3837 "8": 1,
3838 "10": 8,
3839 "75": 24,
3840 "125": 1,
3841 "130": 1,
3842 "153": 1,
3843 "169": 1,
3844 "193": 3,
3845 "194": 4,
3846 "196": 1,
3847 "225": 2,
3848 "242": 2,
3849 "243": 2,
3850 "254": 2,
3851 "255": 2,
3852 "256": 2,
3853 "281": 11,
3854 "290": 1
3855 },
3856 "fqnsFingerprint": "1ab3ce2c514d641cad2a983b72c1a64f5e0d0307ca98b84f7ae0c0d874151051"
3857 },
3858 "d27a4013118f8a738a2f4737802db75ff341b475cb92ebf5b0bfdf33a8fb209b": {
3859 "translations": {
3860 "python": {
3861 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# my_hosted_zone: route53.HostedZone\n\ncertificate = acm.Certificate(self, \"Certificate\",\n domain_name=\"hello.example.com\",\n validation=acm.CertificateValidation.from_dns(my_hosted_zone)\n)\ncertificate.metric_days_to_expiry().create_alarm(self, \"Alarm\",\n comparison_operator=cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n evaluation_periods=1,\n threshold=45\n)",
3862 "version": "2"
3863 },
3864 "csharp": {
3865 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nHostedZone myHostedZone;\n\nCertificate certificate = new Certificate(this, \"Certificate\", new CertificateProps {\n DomainName = \"hello.example.com\",\n Validation = CertificateValidation.FromDns(myHostedZone)\n});\ncertificate.MetricDaysToExpiry().CreateAlarm(this, \"Alarm\", new CreateAlarmOptions {\n ComparisonOperator = ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n EvaluationPeriods = 1,\n Threshold = 45\n});",
3866 "version": "1"
3867 },
3868 "java": {
3869 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nHostedZone myHostedZone;\n\nCertificate certificate = Certificate.Builder.create(this, \"Certificate\")\n .domainName(\"hello.example.com\")\n .validation(CertificateValidation.fromDns(myHostedZone))\n .build();\ncertificate.metricDaysToExpiry().createAlarm(this, \"Alarm\", CreateAlarmOptions.builder()\n .comparisonOperator(ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD)\n .evaluationPeriods(1)\n .threshold(45)\n .build());",
3870 "version": "1"
3871 },
3872 "go": {
3873 "source": "import cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar myHostedZone hostedZone\n\ncertificate := acm.NewCertificate(this, jsii.String(\"Certificate\"), &certificateProps{\n\tdomainName: jsii.String(\"hello.example.com\"),\n\tvalidation: acm.certificateValidation.fromDns(myHostedZone),\n})\ncertificate.metricDaysToExpiry().createAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"Alarm\"), &createAlarmOptions{\n\tcomparisonOperator: cloudwatch.comparisonOperator_LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(1),\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(45),\n})",
3874 "version": "1"
3875 },
3876 "$": {
3877 "source": "import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const myHostedZone: route53.HostedZone;\nconst certificate = new acm.Certificate(this, 'Certificate', {\n domainName: 'hello.example.com',\n validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromDns(myHostedZone),\n});\ncertificate.metricDaysToExpiry().createAlarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n threshold: 45, // Automatic rotation happens between 60 and 45 days before expiry\n});",
3878 "version": "0"
3879 }
3880 },
3881 "location": {
3882 "api": {
3883 "api": "type",
3884 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator"
3885 },
3886 "field": {
3887 "field": "example"
3888 }
3889 },
3890 "didCompile": true,
3891 "fqnsReferenced": [
3892 "@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager.Certificate",
3893 "@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager.CertificateProps",
3894 "@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager.CertificateValidation",
3895 "@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager.CertificateValidation#fromDns",
3896 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator",
3897 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator#LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD",
3898 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CreateAlarmOptions",
3899 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric#createAlarm",
3900 "@aws-cdk/aws-route53.IHostedZone",
3901 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct",
3902 "constructs.Construct"
3903 ],
3904 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const myHostedZone: route53.HostedZone;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport * as acm from '@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst certificate = new acm.Certificate(this, 'Certificate', {\n domainName: 'hello.example.com',\n validation: acm.CertificateValidation.fromDns(myHostedZone),\n});\ncertificate.metricDaysToExpiry().createAlarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n comparisonOperator: cloudwatch.ComparisonOperator.LESS_THAN_THRESHOLD,\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n threshold: 45, // Automatic rotation happens between 60 and 45 days before expiry\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}",
3905 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3906 "8": 2,
3907 "10": 4,
3908 "75": 22,
3909 "104": 2,
3910 "130": 1,
3911 "153": 1,
3912 "169": 1,
3913 "193": 2,
3914 "194": 7,
3915 "196": 3,
3916 "197": 1,
3917 "225": 2,
3918 "226": 1,
3919 "242": 2,
3920 "243": 2,
3921 "254": 1,
3922 "255": 1,
3923 "256": 1,
3924 "281": 5,
3925 "290": 1
3926 },
3927 "fqnsFingerprint": "0e107ec82a1cc2c1d21ab0fa000d40756ff4cf8bffcae5cad386c31022ce9218"
3928 },
3929 "be00b46a1afcc1a1f54398cbc0d12c23909853d2ed3eecd1d106b994a749ad75": {
3930 "translations": {
3931 "python": {
3932 "source": "# alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\nalarm_rule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.any_of(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.all_of(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.any_of(alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_alarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK), alarm3),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_alarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_boolean(False))\n\ncloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(self, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\",\n alarm_rule=alarm_rule\n)",
3933 "version": "2"
3934 },
3935 "csharp": {
3936 "source": "Alarm alarm1;\nAlarm alarm2;\nAlarm alarm3;\nAlarm alarm4;\n\n\nIAlarmRule alarmRule = AlarmRule.AnyOf(AlarmRule.AllOf(AlarmRule.AnyOf(alarm1, AlarmRule.FromAlarm(alarm2, AlarmState.OK), alarm3), AlarmRule.Not(AlarmRule.FromAlarm(alarm4, AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), AlarmRule.FromBoolean(false));\n\nnew CompositeAlarm(this, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\", new CompositeAlarmProps {\n AlarmRule = alarmRule\n});",
3937 "version": "1"
3938 },
3939 "java": {
3940 "source": "Alarm alarm1;\nAlarm alarm2;\nAlarm alarm3;\nAlarm alarm4;\n\n\nIAlarmRule alarmRule = AlarmRule.anyOf(AlarmRule.allOf(AlarmRule.anyOf(alarm1, AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, AlarmState.OK), alarm3), AlarmRule.not(AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false));\n\nCompositeAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\")\n .alarmRule(alarmRule)\n .build();",
3941 "version": "1"
3942 },
3943 "go": {
3944 "source": "var alarm1 alarm\nvar alarm2 alarm\nvar alarm3 alarm\nvar alarm4 alarm\n\n\nalarmRule := cloudwatch.alarmRule.anyOf(cloudwatch.alarmRule.allOf(cloudwatch.alarmRule.anyOf(alarm1, cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.alarmState_OK), alarm3), cloudwatch.alarmRule.not(cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.alarmState_INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromBoolean(jsii.Boolean(false)))\n\ncloudwatch.NewCompositeAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\"), &compositeAlarmProps{\n\talarmRule: alarmRule,\n})",
3945 "version": "1"
3946 },
3947 "$": {
3948 "source": "declare const alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\nconst alarmRule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.allOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK),\n alarm3,\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA)),\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false),\n);\n\nnew cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(this, 'MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmRule,\n});",
3949 "version": "0"
3950 }
3951 },
3952 "location": {
3953 "api": {
3954 "api": "type",
3955 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm"
3956 },
3957 "field": {
3958 "field": "example"
3959 }
3960 },
3961 "didCompile": true,
3962 "fqnsReferenced": [
3963 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule",
3964 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#allOf",
3965 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#anyOf",
3966 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#fromAlarm",
3967 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#fromBoolean",
3968 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#not",
3969 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState",
3970 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#INSUFFICIENT_DATA",
3971 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#OK",
3972 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm",
3973 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarmProps",
3974 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
3975 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarmRule",
3976 "constructs.Construct"
3977 ],
3978 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst alarmRule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.allOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK),\n alarm3,\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA)),\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false),\n);\n\nnew cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(this, 'MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmRule,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
3979 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3980 "10": 1,
3981 "75": 47,
3982 "91": 1,
3983 "104": 1,
3984 "130": 4,
3985 "153": 4,
3986 "169": 4,
3987 "193": 1,
3988 "194": 19,
3989 "196": 7,
3990 "197": 1,
3991 "225": 5,
3992 "226": 1,
3993 "242": 5,
3994 "243": 5,
3995 "282": 1,
3996 "290": 1
3997 },
3998 "fqnsFingerprint": "fee41f55ebdb796ada349b0655c3d755869d1a1f81292ff128fb32225e52886f"
3999 },
4000 "f41c48a2fba6c4f6101f6071fde1d83a1a2d25fdedee5692bd7128f340372757": {
4001 "translations": {
4002 "python": {
4003 "source": "# alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm\n# alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm\n\n\nalarm_rule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.any_of(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.all_of(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.any_of(alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_alarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK), alarm3),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_alarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.from_boolean(False))\n\ncloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(self, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\",\n alarm_rule=alarm_rule\n)",
4004 "version": "2"
4005 },
4006 "csharp": {
4007 "source": "Alarm alarm1;\nAlarm alarm2;\nAlarm alarm3;\nAlarm alarm4;\n\n\nIAlarmRule alarmRule = AlarmRule.AnyOf(AlarmRule.AllOf(AlarmRule.AnyOf(alarm1, AlarmRule.FromAlarm(alarm2, AlarmState.OK), alarm3), AlarmRule.Not(AlarmRule.FromAlarm(alarm4, AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), AlarmRule.FromBoolean(false));\n\nnew CompositeAlarm(this, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\", new CompositeAlarmProps {\n AlarmRule = alarmRule\n});",
4008 "version": "1"
4009 },
4010 "java": {
4011 "source": "Alarm alarm1;\nAlarm alarm2;\nAlarm alarm3;\nAlarm alarm4;\n\n\nIAlarmRule alarmRule = AlarmRule.anyOf(AlarmRule.allOf(AlarmRule.anyOf(alarm1, AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, AlarmState.OK), alarm3), AlarmRule.not(AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false));\n\nCompositeAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\")\n .alarmRule(alarmRule)\n .build();",
4012 "version": "1"
4013 },
4014 "go": {
4015 "source": "var alarm1 alarm\nvar alarm2 alarm\nvar alarm3 alarm\nvar alarm4 alarm\n\n\nalarmRule := cloudwatch.alarmRule.anyOf(cloudwatch.alarmRule.allOf(cloudwatch.alarmRule.anyOf(alarm1, cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.alarmState_OK), alarm3), cloudwatch.alarmRule.not(cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.alarmState_INSUFFICIENT_DATA))), cloudwatch.alarmRule.fromBoolean(jsii.Boolean(false)))\n\ncloudwatch.NewCompositeAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm\"), &compositeAlarmProps{\n\talarmRule: alarmRule,\n})",
4016 "version": "1"
4017 },
4018 "$": {
4019 "source": "declare const alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n\nconst alarmRule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.allOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK),\n alarm3,\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA)),\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false),\n);\n\nnew cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(this, 'MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmRule,\n});",
4020 "version": "0"
4021 }
4022 },
4023 "location": {
4024 "api": {
4025 "api": "type",
4026 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarmProps"
4027 },
4028 "field": {
4029 "field": "example"
4030 }
4031 },
4032 "didCompile": true,
4033 "fqnsReferenced": [
4034 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule",
4035 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#allOf",
4036 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#anyOf",
4037 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#fromAlarm",
4038 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#fromBoolean",
4039 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmRule#not",
4040 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState",
4041 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#INSUFFICIENT_DATA",
4042 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmState#OK",
4043 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm",
4044 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CompositeAlarmProps",
4045 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarm",
4046 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IAlarmRule",
4047 "constructs.Construct"
4048 ],
4049 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const alarm1: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm2: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm3: cloudwatch.Alarm;\ndeclare const alarm4: cloudwatch.Alarm;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst alarmRule = cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.allOf(\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.anyOf(\n alarm1,\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm2, cloudwatch.AlarmState.OK),\n alarm3,\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.not(cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromAlarm(alarm4, cloudwatch.AlarmState.INSUFFICIENT_DATA)),\n ),\n cloudwatch.AlarmRule.fromBoolean(false),\n);\n\nnew cloudwatch.CompositeAlarm(this, 'MyAwesomeCompositeAlarm', {\n alarmRule,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4050 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4051 "10": 1,
4052 "75": 47,
4053 "91": 1,
4054 "104": 1,
4055 "130": 4,
4056 "153": 4,
4057 "169": 4,
4058 "193": 1,
4059 "194": 19,
4060 "196": 7,
4061 "197": 1,
4062 "225": 5,
4063 "226": 1,
4064 "242": 5,
4065 "243": 5,
4066 "282": 1,
4067 "290": 1
4068 },
4069 "fqnsFingerprint": "fee41f55ebdb796ada349b0655c3d755869d1a1f81292ff128fb32225e52886f"
4070 },
4071 "6a55bf27f5fb42d11c97b8bbc4a5945cd4020c5ca899d7c54734734f4d5494f9": {
4072 "translations": {
4073 "python": {
4074 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nfn.metric_errors().create_alarm(self, \"Alarm\",\n threshold=100,\n evaluation_periods=2\n)",
4075 "version": "2"
4076 },
4077 "csharp": {
4078 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nfn.MetricErrors().CreateAlarm(this, \"Alarm\", new CreateAlarmOptions {\n Threshold = 100,\n EvaluationPeriods = 2\n});",
4079 "version": "1"
4080 },
4081 "java": {
4082 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nfn.metricErrors().createAlarm(this, \"Alarm\", CreateAlarmOptions.builder()\n .threshold(100)\n .evaluationPeriods(2)\n .build());",
4083 "version": "1"
4084 },
4085 "go": {
4086 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nfn.metricErrors().createAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"Alarm\"), &createAlarmOptions{\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(100),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(2),\n})",
4087 "version": "1"
4088 },
4089 "$": {
4090 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nfn.metricErrors().createAlarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n threshold: 100,\n evaluationPeriods: 2,\n});",
4091 "version": "0"
4092 }
4093 },
4094 "location": {
4095 "api": {
4096 "api": "type",
4097 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CreateAlarmOptions"
4098 },
4099 "field": {
4100 "field": "example"
4101 }
4102 },
4103 "didCompile": true,
4104 "fqnsReferenced": [
4105 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CreateAlarmOptions",
4106 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric#createAlarm",
4107 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
4108 ],
4109 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nfn.metricErrors().createAlarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n threshold: 100,\n evaluationPeriods: 2,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4110 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4111 "8": 2,
4112 "10": 1,
4113 "75": 8,
4114 "104": 1,
4115 "130": 1,
4116 "153": 1,
4117 "169": 1,
4118 "193": 1,
4119 "194": 2,
4120 "196": 2,
4121 "225": 1,
4122 "226": 1,
4123 "242": 1,
4124 "243": 1,
4125 "281": 2,
4126 "290": 1
4127 },
4128 "fqnsFingerprint": "ecd9b00a4113c7a85c9d87a2d5cb2133b2e7eaf42a1f4b221f50ed8608c77f0c"
4129 },
4130 "8ceebaf3812a728dc27c2d590d4dc6cb93c36ef2de9d32371a926e756201d809": {
4131 "translations": {
4132 "python": {
4133 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\n# Import or create a lambda function\nfn = lambda_.Function.from_function_arn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\")\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.CustomWidget(\n function_arn=fn.function_arn,\n title=\"My lambda baked widget\"\n))",
4134 "version": "2"
4135 },
4136 "csharp": {
4137 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nIFunction fn = Function.FromFunctionArn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\");\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new CustomWidget(new CustomWidgetProps {\n FunctionArn = fn.FunctionArn,\n Title = \"My lambda baked widget\"\n}));",
4138 "version": "1"
4139 },
4140 "java": {
4141 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nIFunction fn = Function.fromFunctionArn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\");\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(CustomWidget.Builder.create()\n .functionArn(fn.getFunctionArn())\n .title(\"My lambda baked widget\")\n .build());",
4142 "version": "1"
4143 },
4144 "go": {
4145 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nfn := lambda.function.fromFunctionArn(dashboard, jsii.String(\"Function\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\"))\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewCustomWidget(&customWidgetProps{\n\tfunctionArn: fn.functionArn,\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"My lambda baked widget\"),\n}))",
4146 "version": "1"
4147 },
4148 "$": {
4149 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nconst fn = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(\n dashboard,\n 'Function',\n 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn',\n);\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.CustomWidget({\n functionArn: fn.functionArn,\n title: 'My lambda baked widget',\n}));",
4150 "version": "0"
4151 }
4152 },
4153 "location": {
4154 "api": {
4155 "api": "type",
4156 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CustomWidget"
4157 },
4158 "field": {
4159 "field": "example"
4160 }
4161 },
4162 "didCompile": true,
4163 "fqnsReferenced": [
4164 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CustomWidget",
4165 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CustomWidgetProps",
4166 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4167 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
4168 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function",
4169 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function#fromFunctionArn",
4170 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
4171 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction#functionArn",
4172 "constructs.Construct"
4173 ],
4174 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nconst fn = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(\n dashboard,\n 'Function',\n 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn',\n);\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.CustomWidget({\n functionArn: fn.functionArn,\n title: 'My lambda baked widget',\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4175 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4176 "10": 3,
4177 "75": 16,
4178 "130": 1,
4179 "153": 1,
4180 "169": 1,
4181 "193": 1,
4182 "194": 5,
4183 "196": 2,
4184 "197": 1,
4185 "225": 2,
4186 "226": 1,
4187 "242": 2,
4188 "243": 2,
4189 "281": 2,
4190 "290": 1
4191 },
4192 "fqnsFingerprint": "e821e549c92942f2fed9ee1133e99ba3b87199420227037e507d0255e2c208f0"
4193 },
4194 "08a147d9c573dd9a0c842fce41032b4bd793f57bb49dccd472f47962a6e6b31a": {
4195 "translations": {
4196 "python": {
4197 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\n# Import or create a lambda function\nfn = lambda_.Function.from_function_arn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\")\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.CustomWidget(\n function_arn=fn.function_arn,\n title=\"My lambda baked widget\"\n))",
4198 "version": "2"
4199 },
4200 "csharp": {
4201 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nIFunction fn = Function.FromFunctionArn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\");\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new CustomWidget(new CustomWidgetProps {\n FunctionArn = fn.FunctionArn,\n Title = \"My lambda baked widget\"\n}));",
4202 "version": "1"
4203 },
4204 "java": {
4205 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nIFunction fn = Function.fromFunctionArn(dashboard, \"Function\", \"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\");\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(CustomWidget.Builder.create()\n .functionArn(fn.getFunctionArn())\n .title(\"My lambda baked widget\")\n .build());",
4206 "version": "1"
4207 },
4208 "go": {
4209 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nfn := lambda.function.fromFunctionArn(dashboard, jsii.String(\"Function\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn\"))\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewCustomWidget(&customWidgetProps{\n\tfunctionArn: fn.functionArn,\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"My lambda baked widget\"),\n}))",
4210 "version": "1"
4211 },
4212 "$": {
4213 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nconst fn = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(\n dashboard,\n 'Function',\n 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn',\n);\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.CustomWidget({\n functionArn: fn.functionArn,\n title: 'My lambda baked widget',\n}));",
4214 "version": "0"
4215 }
4216 },
4217 "location": {
4218 "api": {
4219 "api": "type",
4220 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CustomWidgetProps"
4221 },
4222 "field": {
4223 "field": "example"
4224 }
4225 },
4226 "didCompile": true,
4227 "fqnsReferenced": [
4228 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CustomWidget",
4229 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.CustomWidgetProps",
4230 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4231 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
4232 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function",
4233 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function#fromFunctionArn",
4234 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
4235 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction#functionArn",
4236 "constructs.Construct"
4237 ],
4238 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Import or create a lambda function\nconst fn = lambda.Function.fromFunctionArn(\n dashboard,\n 'Function',\n 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFn',\n);\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.CustomWidget({\n functionArn: fn.functionArn,\n title: 'My lambda baked widget',\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4239 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4240 "10": 3,
4241 "75": 16,
4242 "130": 1,
4243 "153": 1,
4244 "169": 1,
4245 "193": 1,
4246 "194": 5,
4247 "196": 2,
4248 "197": 1,
4249 "225": 2,
4250 "226": 1,
4251 "242": 2,
4252 "243": 2,
4253 "281": 2,
4254 "290": 1
4255 },
4256 "fqnsFingerprint": "e821e549c92942f2fed9ee1133e99ba3b87199420227037e507d0255e2c208f0"
4257 },
4258 "e2331681cf7f4f19f885a0704fb7a47d4cd027ee292410afcaae5e5a8f735e7a": {
4259 "translations": {
4260 "python": {
4261 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# widget: cloudwatch.IWidget\n\ndashboard = cloudwatch.Dashboard(self, \"MyDashboard\",\n dashboard_name=\"dashboardName\",\n end=\"end\",\n period_override=cloudwatch.PeriodOverride.AUTO,\n start=\"start\",\n widgets=[[widget]]\n)",
4262 "version": "2"
4263 },
4264 "csharp": {
4265 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nIWidget widget;\n\nDashboard dashboard = new Dashboard(this, \"MyDashboard\", new DashboardProps {\n DashboardName = \"dashboardName\",\n End = \"end\",\n PeriodOverride = PeriodOverride.AUTO,\n Start = \"start\",\n Widgets = new [] { new [] { widget } }\n});",
4266 "version": "1"
4267 },
4268 "java": {
4269 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nIWidget widget;\n\nDashboard dashboard = Dashboard.Builder.create(this, \"MyDashboard\")\n .dashboardName(\"dashboardName\")\n .end(\"end\")\n .periodOverride(PeriodOverride.AUTO)\n .start(\"start\")\n .widgets(List.of(List.of(widget)))\n .build();",
4270 "version": "1"
4271 },
4272 "go": {
4273 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar widget iWidget\n\ndashboard := cloudwatch.NewDashboard(this, jsii.String(\"MyDashboard\"), &dashboardProps{\n\tdashboardName: jsii.String(\"dashboardName\"),\n\tend: jsii.String(\"end\"),\n\tperiodOverride: cloudwatch.periodOverride_AUTO,\n\tstart: jsii.String(\"start\"),\n\twidgets: [][]*iWidget{\n\t\t[]*iWidget{\n\t\t\twidget,\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
4274 "version": "1"
4275 },
4276 "$": {
4277 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const widget: cloudwatch.IWidget;\nconst dashboard = new cloudwatch.Dashboard(this, 'MyDashboard', /* all optional props */ {\n dashboardName: 'dashboardName',\n end: 'end',\n periodOverride: cloudwatch.PeriodOverride.AUTO,\n start: 'start',\n widgets: [[widget]],\n});",
4278 "version": "0"
4279 }
4280 },
4281 "location": {
4282 "api": {
4283 "api": "type",
4284 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard"
4285 },
4286 "field": {
4287 "field": "example"
4288 }
4289 },
4290 "didCompile": true,
4291 "fqnsReferenced": [
4292 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard",
4293 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.DashboardProps",
4294 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.PeriodOverride",
4295 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.PeriodOverride#AUTO",
4296 "constructs.Construct"
4297 ],
4298 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const widget: cloudwatch.IWidget;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst dashboard = new cloudwatch.Dashboard(this, 'MyDashboard', /* all optional props */ {\n dashboardName: 'dashboardName',\n end: 'end',\n periodOverride: cloudwatch.PeriodOverride.AUTO,\n start: 'start',\n widgets: [[widget]],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4299 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4300 "10": 5,
4301 "75": 16,
4302 "104": 1,
4303 "130": 1,
4304 "153": 1,
4305 "169": 1,
4306 "192": 2,
4307 "193": 1,
4308 "194": 3,
4309 "197": 1,
4310 "225": 2,
4311 "242": 2,
4312 "243": 2,
4313 "254": 1,
4314 "255": 1,
4315 "256": 1,
4316 "281": 5,
4317 "290": 1
4318 },
4319 "fqnsFingerprint": "d89b3c56d4e26494b127be9cbf42ee47ce8bc1c0aa73d2ded3bd0520299365d1"
4320 },
4321 "920b5856db56a6c5d7f3ef7ab8411e11d387b05507b33850b1fcc711448442f0": {
4322 "translations": {
4323 "python": {
4324 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# widget: cloudwatch.IWidget\n\ndashboard_props = cloudwatch.DashboardProps(\n dashboard_name=\"dashboardName\",\n end=\"end\",\n period_override=cloudwatch.PeriodOverride.AUTO,\n start=\"start\",\n widgets=[[widget]]\n)",
4325 "version": "2"
4326 },
4327 "csharp": {
4328 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nIWidget widget;\n\nDashboardProps dashboardProps = new DashboardProps {\n DashboardName = \"dashboardName\",\n End = \"end\",\n PeriodOverride = PeriodOverride.AUTO,\n Start = \"start\",\n Widgets = new [] { new [] { widget } }\n};",
4329 "version": "1"
4330 },
4331 "java": {
4332 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nIWidget widget;\n\nDashboardProps dashboardProps = DashboardProps.builder()\n .dashboardName(\"dashboardName\")\n .end(\"end\")\n .periodOverride(PeriodOverride.AUTO)\n .start(\"start\")\n .widgets(List.of(List.of(widget)))\n .build();",
4333 "version": "1"
4334 },
4335 "go": {
4336 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar widget iWidget\n\ndashboardProps := &dashboardProps{\n\tdashboardName: jsii.String(\"dashboardName\"),\n\tend: jsii.String(\"end\"),\n\tperiodOverride: cloudwatch.periodOverride_AUTO,\n\tstart: jsii.String(\"start\"),\n\twidgets: [][]*iWidget{\n\t\t[]*iWidget{\n\t\t\twidget,\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
4337 "version": "1"
4338 },
4339 "$": {
4340 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const widget: cloudwatch.IWidget;\nconst dashboardProps: cloudwatch.DashboardProps = {\n dashboardName: 'dashboardName',\n end: 'end',\n periodOverride: cloudwatch.PeriodOverride.AUTO,\n start: 'start',\n widgets: [[widget]],\n};",
4341 "version": "0"
4342 }
4343 },
4344 "location": {
4345 "api": {
4346 "api": "type",
4347 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.DashboardProps"
4348 },
4349 "field": {
4350 "field": "example"
4351 }
4352 },
4353 "didCompile": true,
4354 "fqnsReferenced": [
4355 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.DashboardProps",
4356 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.PeriodOverride",
4357 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.PeriodOverride#AUTO"
4358 ],
4359 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const widget: cloudwatch.IWidget;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst dashboardProps: cloudwatch.DashboardProps = {\n dashboardName: 'dashboardName',\n end: 'end',\n periodOverride: cloudwatch.PeriodOverride.AUTO,\n start: 'start',\n widgets: [[widget]],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4360 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4361 "10": 4,
4362 "75": 16,
4363 "130": 1,
4364 "153": 2,
4365 "169": 2,
4366 "192": 2,
4367 "193": 1,
4368 "194": 2,
4369 "225": 2,
4370 "242": 2,
4371 "243": 2,
4372 "254": 1,
4373 "255": 1,
4374 "256": 1,
4375 "281": 5,
4376 "290": 1
4377 },
4378 "fqnsFingerprint": "4696165b145a938c20da7d16598f37eebd1ddea9d15ecf90e0e9b4a7dec37593"
4379 },
4380 "10c45d060a5e18ab64bc5247f1af859ae52f0ab0912dbbe5409f979468e032db": {
4381 "translations": {
4382 "python": {
4383 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# value: Any\n\ndimension = cloudwatch.Dimension(\n name=\"name\",\n value=value\n)",
4384 "version": "2"
4385 },
4386 "csharp": {
4387 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nvar value;\n\nDimension dimension = new Dimension {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = value\n};",
4388 "version": "1"
4389 },
4390 "java": {
4391 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nObject value;\n\nDimension dimension = Dimension.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(value)\n .build();",
4392 "version": "1"
4393 },
4394 "go": {
4395 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar value interface{}\n\ndimension := &dimension{\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tvalue: value,\n}",
4396 "version": "1"
4397 },
4398 "$": {
4399 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const value: any;\nconst dimension: cloudwatch.Dimension = {\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n};",
4400 "version": "0"
4401 }
4402 },
4403 "location": {
4404 "api": {
4405 "api": "type",
4406 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dimension"
4407 },
4408 "field": {
4409 "field": "example"
4410 }
4411 },
4412 "didCompile": true,
4413 "fqnsReferenced": [
4414 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dimension"
4415 ],
4416 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const value: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst dimension: cloudwatch.Dimension = {\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4417 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4418 "10": 2,
4419 "75": 8,
4420 "125": 1,
4421 "130": 1,
4422 "153": 1,
4423 "169": 1,
4424 "193": 1,
4425 "225": 2,
4426 "242": 2,
4427 "243": 2,
4428 "254": 1,
4429 "255": 1,
4430 "256": 1,
4431 "281": 2,
4432 "290": 1
4433 },
4434 "fqnsFingerprint": "c9618cfcfc0e16d1805273e0b46662a1a6674ad3be2b55bd217b5369b784c5b9"
4435 },
4436 "40adf5570e686affd2be470929e3273422bc26eabf4686f5c5706f1aad351905": {
4437 "translations": {
4438 "python": {
4439 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n # ...\n\n legend_position=cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT\n))",
4440 "version": "2"
4441 },
4442 "csharp": {
4443 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n // ...\n\n LegendPosition = LegendPosition.RIGHT\n}));",
4444 "version": "1"
4445 },
4446 "java": {
4447 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n // ...\n\n .legendPosition(LegendPosition.RIGHT)\n .build());",
4448 "version": "1"
4449 },
4450 "go": {
4451 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\t// ...\n\n\tlegendPosition: cloudwatch.legendPosition_RIGHT,\n}))",
4452 "version": "1"
4453 },
4454 "$": {
4455 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n legendPosition: cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT,\n}));",
4456 "version": "0"
4457 }
4458 },
4459 "location": {
4460 "api": {
4461 "api": "type",
4462 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget"
4463 },
4464 "field": {
4465 "field": "example"
4466 }
4467 },
4468 "didCompile": true,
4469 "fqnsReferenced": [
4470 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4471 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
4472 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
4473 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
4474 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition",
4475 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition#RIGHT"
4476 ],
4477 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n legendPosition: cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4478 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4479 "75": 11,
4480 "130": 1,
4481 "153": 1,
4482 "169": 1,
4483 "193": 1,
4484 "194": 4,
4485 "196": 1,
4486 "197": 1,
4487 "225": 1,
4488 "226": 1,
4489 "242": 1,
4490 "243": 1,
4491 "281": 1,
4492 "290": 1
4493 },
4494 "fqnsFingerprint": "ea9c769f622a1b98a2ed82e67b6d8570122a26ea375f8381dc72eb53b13d68d4"
4495 },
4496 "ac374948881f5994e671f77b3973c3a37f791dab8b550fa4574ec7dc1bd10c34": {
4497 "translations": {
4498 "python": {
4499 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n # ...\n\n legend_position=cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT\n))",
4500 "version": "2"
4501 },
4502 "csharp": {
4503 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n // ...\n\n LegendPosition = LegendPosition.RIGHT\n}));",
4504 "version": "1"
4505 },
4506 "java": {
4507 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n // ...\n\n .legendPosition(LegendPosition.RIGHT)\n .build());",
4508 "version": "1"
4509 },
4510 "go": {
4511 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\t// ...\n\n\tlegendPosition: cloudwatch.legendPosition_RIGHT,\n}))",
4512 "version": "1"
4513 },
4514 "$": {
4515 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n legendPosition: cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT,\n}));",
4516 "version": "0"
4517 }
4518 },
4519 "location": {
4520 "api": {
4521 "api": "type",
4522 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps"
4523 },
4524 "field": {
4525 "field": "example"
4526 }
4527 },
4528 "didCompile": true,
4529 "fqnsReferenced": [
4530 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4531 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
4532 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
4533 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
4534 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition",
4535 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition#RIGHT"
4536 ],
4537 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n legendPosition: cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4538 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4539 "75": 11,
4540 "130": 1,
4541 "153": 1,
4542 "169": 1,
4543 "193": 1,
4544 "194": 4,
4545 "196": 1,
4546 "197": 1,
4547 "225": 1,
4548 "226": 1,
4549 "242": 1,
4550 "243": 1,
4551 "281": 1,
4552 "290": 1
4553 },
4554 "fqnsFingerprint": "ea9c769f622a1b98a2ed82e67b6d8570122a26ea375f8381dc72eb53b13d68d4"
4555 },
4556 "be672da3a425dd3e4747cfa685f684d7d403b49aef153e5a46a08b71c533372a": {
4557 "translations": {
4558 "python": {
4559 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n # ...\n\n view=cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView.BAR\n))",
4560 "version": "2"
4561 },
4562 "csharp": {
4563 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n // ...\n\n View = GraphWidgetView.BAR\n}));",
4564 "version": "1"
4565 },
4566 "java": {
4567 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n // ...\n\n .view(GraphWidgetView.BAR)\n .build());",
4568 "version": "1"
4569 },
4570 "go": {
4571 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\t// ...\n\n\tview: cloudwatch.graphWidgetView_BAR,\n}))",
4572 "version": "1"
4573 },
4574 "$": {
4575 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n view: cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView.BAR,\n}));",
4576 "version": "0"
4577 }
4578 },
4579 "location": {
4580 "api": {
4581 "api": "type",
4582 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView"
4583 },
4584 "field": {
4585 "field": "example"
4586 }
4587 },
4588 "didCompile": true,
4589 "fqnsReferenced": [
4590 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4591 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
4592 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
4593 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView",
4594 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView#BAR",
4595 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget"
4596 ],
4597 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n view: cloudwatch.GraphWidgetView.BAR,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4598 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4599 "75": 11,
4600 "130": 1,
4601 "153": 1,
4602 "169": 1,
4603 "193": 1,
4604 "194": 4,
4605 "196": 1,
4606 "197": 1,
4607 "225": 1,
4608 "226": 1,
4609 "242": 1,
4610 "243": 1,
4611 "281": 1,
4612 "290": 1
4613 },
4614 "fqnsFingerprint": "7fd4e224ed06d70f93bfa2abd6c61c292f1a9fae0071e785589986757fe904db"
4615 },
4616 "d3a55d8cee6e314512d0772fb8d628cb85e8c9e0a04d5a0a03ea0fb98dd56800": {
4617 "translations": {
4618 "python": {
4619 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nhorizontal_annotation = cloudwatch.HorizontalAnnotation(\n value=123,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n color=\"color\",\n fill=cloudwatch.Shading.NONE,\n label=\"label\",\n visible=False\n)",
4620 "version": "2"
4621 },
4622 "csharp": {
4623 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nHorizontalAnnotation horizontalAnnotation = new HorizontalAnnotation {\n Value = 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Color = \"color\",\n Fill = Shading.NONE,\n Label = \"label\",\n Visible = false\n};",
4624 "version": "1"
4625 },
4626 "java": {
4627 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nHorizontalAnnotation horizontalAnnotation = HorizontalAnnotation.builder()\n .value(123)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .color(\"color\")\n .fill(Shading.NONE)\n .label(\"label\")\n .visible(false)\n .build();",
4628 "version": "1"
4629 },
4630 "go": {
4631 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nhorizontalAnnotation := &horizontalAnnotation{\n\tvalue: jsii.Number(123),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tcolor: jsii.String(\"color\"),\n\tfill: cloudwatch.shading_NONE,\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\tvisible: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
4632 "version": "1"
4633 },
4634 "$": {
4635 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst horizontalAnnotation: cloudwatch.HorizontalAnnotation = {\n value: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n color: 'color',\n fill: cloudwatch.Shading.NONE,\n label: 'label',\n visible: false,\n};",
4636 "version": "0"
4637 }
4638 },
4639 "location": {
4640 "api": {
4641 "api": "type",
4642 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.HorizontalAnnotation"
4643 },
4644 "field": {
4645 "field": "example"
4646 }
4647 },
4648 "didCompile": true,
4649 "fqnsReferenced": [
4650 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.HorizontalAnnotation",
4651 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Shading",
4652 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Shading#NONE"
4653 ],
4654 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst horizontalAnnotation: cloudwatch.HorizontalAnnotation = {\n value: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n color: 'color',\n fill: cloudwatch.Shading.NONE,\n label: 'label',\n visible: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4655 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4656 "8": 1,
4657 "10": 3,
4658 "75": 12,
4659 "91": 1,
4660 "153": 1,
4661 "169": 1,
4662 "193": 1,
4663 "194": 2,
4664 "225": 1,
4665 "242": 1,
4666 "243": 1,
4667 "254": 1,
4668 "255": 1,
4669 "256": 1,
4670 "281": 5,
4671 "290": 1
4672 },
4673 "fqnsFingerprint": "e45a953bbd2eb348c4b43411411dae2e03a7515cfa0e92249b7d51b74a43045a"
4674 },
4675 "628b0b191ab3ab0b1ceb2e058095a1b722eeeba39fc5092a0ecc05b2129639cd": {
4676 "translations": {
4677 "python": {
4678 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.GraphWidget(\n # ...\n\n legend_position=cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT\n))",
4679 "version": "2"
4680 },
4681 "csharp": {
4682 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new GraphWidget(new GraphWidgetProps {\n // ...\n\n LegendPosition = LegendPosition.RIGHT\n}));",
4683 "version": "1"
4684 },
4685 "java": {
4686 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(GraphWidget.Builder.create()\n // ...\n\n .legendPosition(LegendPosition.RIGHT)\n .build());",
4687 "version": "1"
4688 },
4689 "go": {
4690 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewGraphWidget(&graphWidgetProps{\n\t// ...\n\n\tlegendPosition: cloudwatch.legendPosition_RIGHT,\n}))",
4691 "version": "1"
4692 },
4693 "$": {
4694 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n legendPosition: cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT,\n}));",
4695 "version": "0"
4696 }
4697 },
4698 "location": {
4699 "api": {
4700 "api": "type",
4701 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition"
4702 },
4703 "field": {
4704 "field": "example"
4705 }
4706 },
4707 "didCompile": true,
4708 "fqnsReferenced": [
4709 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4710 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidget",
4711 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.GraphWidgetProps",
4712 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
4713 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition",
4714 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LegendPosition#RIGHT"
4715 ],
4716 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.GraphWidget({\n // ...\n\n legendPosition: cloudwatch.LegendPosition.RIGHT,\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4717 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4718 "75": 11,
4719 "130": 1,
4720 "153": 1,
4721 "169": 1,
4722 "193": 1,
4723 "194": 4,
4724 "196": 1,
4725 "197": 1,
4726 "225": 1,
4727 "226": 1,
4728 "242": 1,
4729 "243": 1,
4730 "281": 1,
4731 "290": 1
4732 },
4733 "fqnsFingerprint": "ea9c769f622a1b98a2ed82e67b6d8570122a26ea375f8381dc72eb53b13d68d4"
4734 },
4735 "0b2de5234bdc1492fc86cc5dd0a0a8de5faf9b8cfc9776294b07f5a5e88a7a8e": {
4736 "translations": {
4737 "python": {
4738 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget(\n log_group_names=[\"my-log-group\"],\n view=cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n # The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n query_lines=[\"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\"\n ]\n))",
4739 "version": "2"
4740 },
4741 "csharp": {
4742 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new LogQueryWidget(new LogQueryWidgetProps {\n LogGroupNames = new [] { \"my-log-group\" },\n View = LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n QueryLines = new [] { \"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\" }\n}));",
4743 "version": "1"
4744 },
4745 "java": {
4746 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(LogQueryWidget.Builder.create()\n .logGroupNames(List.of(\"my-log-group\"))\n .view(LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE)\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n .queryLines(List.of(\"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\"))\n .build());",
4747 "version": "1"
4748 },
4749 "go": {
4750 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewLogQueryWidget(&logQueryWidgetProps{\n\tlogGroupNames: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"my-log-group\"),\n\t},\n\tview: cloudwatch.logQueryVisualizationType_TABLE,\n\t// The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n\tqueryLines: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"fields @message\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"filter @message like /Error/\"),\n\t},\n}))",
4751 "version": "1"
4752 },
4753 "$": {
4754 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({\n logGroupNames: ['my-log-group'],\n view: cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n queryLines: [\n 'fields @message',\n 'filter @message like /Error/',\n ]\n}));",
4755 "version": "0"
4756 }
4757 },
4758 "location": {
4759 "api": {
4760 "api": "type",
4761 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType"
4762 },
4763 "field": {
4764 "field": "example"
4765 }
4766 },
4767 "didCompile": true,
4768 "fqnsReferenced": [
4769 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4770 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
4771 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType",
4772 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType#TABLE",
4773 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget",
4774 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidgetProps"
4775 ],
4776 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({\n logGroupNames: ['my-log-group'],\n view: cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n queryLines: [\n 'fields @message',\n 'filter @message like /Error/',\n ]\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4777 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4778 "10": 3,
4779 "75": 13,
4780 "130": 1,
4781 "153": 1,
4782 "169": 1,
4783 "192": 2,
4784 "193": 1,
4785 "194": 4,
4786 "196": 1,
4787 "197": 1,
4788 "225": 1,
4789 "226": 1,
4790 "242": 1,
4791 "243": 1,
4792 "281": 3,
4793 "290": 1
4794 },
4795 "fqnsFingerprint": "1438f4219dd2040823fc631cfcf67e7c07934cacb3065d141d6d07efab7786f2"
4796 },
4797 "182e3ee670115569e174af7196fb01aa45d932131c39f0aecbb6107047003ad9": {
4798 "translations": {
4799 "python": {
4800 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget(\n log_group_names=[\"my-log-group\"],\n view=cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n # The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n query_lines=[\"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\"\n ]\n))",
4801 "version": "2"
4802 },
4803 "csharp": {
4804 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new LogQueryWidget(new LogQueryWidgetProps {\n LogGroupNames = new [] { \"my-log-group\" },\n View = LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n QueryLines = new [] { \"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\" }\n}));",
4805 "version": "1"
4806 },
4807 "java": {
4808 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(LogQueryWidget.Builder.create()\n .logGroupNames(List.of(\"my-log-group\"))\n .view(LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE)\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n .queryLines(List.of(\"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\"))\n .build());",
4809 "version": "1"
4810 },
4811 "go": {
4812 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewLogQueryWidget(&logQueryWidgetProps{\n\tlogGroupNames: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"my-log-group\"),\n\t},\n\tview: cloudwatch.logQueryVisualizationType_TABLE,\n\t// The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n\tqueryLines: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"fields @message\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"filter @message like /Error/\"),\n\t},\n}))",
4813 "version": "1"
4814 },
4815 "$": {
4816 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({\n logGroupNames: ['my-log-group'],\n view: cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n queryLines: [\n 'fields @message',\n 'filter @message like /Error/',\n ]\n}));",
4817 "version": "0"
4818 }
4819 },
4820 "location": {
4821 "api": {
4822 "api": "type",
4823 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget"
4824 },
4825 "field": {
4826 "field": "example"
4827 }
4828 },
4829 "didCompile": true,
4830 "fqnsReferenced": [
4831 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4832 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
4833 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType",
4834 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType#TABLE",
4835 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget",
4836 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidgetProps"
4837 ],
4838 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({\n logGroupNames: ['my-log-group'],\n view: cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n queryLines: [\n 'fields @message',\n 'filter @message like /Error/',\n ]\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4839 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4840 "10": 3,
4841 "75": 13,
4842 "130": 1,
4843 "153": 1,
4844 "169": 1,
4845 "192": 2,
4846 "193": 1,
4847 "194": 4,
4848 "196": 1,
4849 "197": 1,
4850 "225": 1,
4851 "226": 1,
4852 "242": 1,
4853 "243": 1,
4854 "281": 3,
4855 "290": 1
4856 },
4857 "fqnsFingerprint": "1438f4219dd2040823fc631cfcf67e7c07934cacb3065d141d6d07efab7786f2"
4858 },
4859 "8850f1264612c53c2152c4393f1c6254fe21be9ad31f7e5242dde13132a040eb": {
4860 "translations": {
4861 "python": {
4862 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget(\n log_group_names=[\"my-log-group\"],\n view=cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n # The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n query_lines=[\"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\"\n ]\n))",
4863 "version": "2"
4864 },
4865 "csharp": {
4866 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new LogQueryWidget(new LogQueryWidgetProps {\n LogGroupNames = new [] { \"my-log-group\" },\n View = LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n QueryLines = new [] { \"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\" }\n}));",
4867 "version": "1"
4868 },
4869 "java": {
4870 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(LogQueryWidget.Builder.create()\n .logGroupNames(List.of(\"my-log-group\"))\n .view(LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE)\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n .queryLines(List.of(\"fields @message\", \"filter @message like /Error/\"))\n .build());",
4871 "version": "1"
4872 },
4873 "go": {
4874 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewLogQueryWidget(&logQueryWidgetProps{\n\tlogGroupNames: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"my-log-group\"),\n\t},\n\tview: cloudwatch.logQueryVisualizationType_TABLE,\n\t// The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n\tqueryLines: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"fields @message\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"filter @message like /Error/\"),\n\t},\n}))",
4875 "version": "1"
4876 },
4877 "$": {
4878 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({\n logGroupNames: ['my-log-group'],\n view: cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n queryLines: [\n 'fields @message',\n 'filter @message like /Error/',\n ]\n}));",
4879 "version": "0"
4880 }
4881 },
4882 "location": {
4883 "api": {
4884 "api": "type",
4885 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidgetProps"
4886 },
4887 "field": {
4888 "field": "example"
4889 }
4890 },
4891 "didCompile": true,
4892 "fqnsReferenced": [
4893 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
4894 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
4895 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType",
4896 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType#TABLE",
4897 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget",
4898 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.LogQueryWidgetProps"
4899 ],
4900 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.LogQueryWidget({\n logGroupNames: ['my-log-group'],\n view: cloudwatch.LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,\n // The lines will be automatically combined using '\\n|'.\n queryLines: [\n 'fields @message',\n 'filter @message like /Error/',\n ]\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4901 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4902 "10": 3,
4903 "75": 13,
4904 "130": 1,
4905 "153": 1,
4906 "169": 1,
4907 "192": 2,
4908 "193": 1,
4909 "194": 4,
4910 "196": 1,
4911 "197": 1,
4912 "225": 1,
4913 "226": 1,
4914 "242": 1,
4915 "243": 1,
4916 "281": 3,
4917 "290": 1
4918 },
4919 "fqnsFingerprint": "1438f4219dd2040823fc631cfcf67e7c07934cacb3065d141d6d07efab7786f2"
4920 },
4921 "2c31ab422034913f24a0e75a03a17b0a64141ec4a606886f9928153db263775f": {
4922 "translations": {
4923 "python": {
4924 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nall_problems = cloudwatch.MathExpression(\n expression=\"errors + throttles\",\n using_metrics={\n \"errors\": fn.metric_errors(),\n \"faults\": fn.metric_throttles()\n }\n)",
4925 "version": "2"
4926 },
4927 "csharp": {
4928 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMathExpression allProblems = new MathExpression(new MathExpressionProps {\n Expression = \"errors + throttles\",\n UsingMetrics = new Dictionary<string, IMetric> {\n { \"errors\", fn.MetricErrors() },\n { \"faults\", fn.MetricThrottles() }\n }\n});",
4929 "version": "1"
4930 },
4931 "java": {
4932 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMathExpression allProblems = MathExpression.Builder.create()\n .expression(\"errors + throttles\")\n .usingMetrics(Map.of(\n \"errors\", fn.metricErrors(),\n \"faults\", fn.metricThrottles()))\n .build();",
4933 "version": "1"
4934 },
4935 "go": {
4936 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nallProblems := cloudwatch.NewMathExpression(&mathExpressionProps{\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"errors + throttles\"),\n\tusingMetrics: map[string]iMetric{\n\t\t\"errors\": fn.metricErrors(),\n\t\t\"faults\": fn.metricThrottles(),\n\t},\n})",
4937 "version": "1"
4938 },
4939 "$": {
4940 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst allProblems = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"errors + throttles\",\n usingMetrics: {\n errors: fn.metricErrors(),\n faults: fn.metricThrottles(),\n }\n});",
4941 "version": "0"
4942 }
4943 },
4944 "location": {
4945 "api": {
4946 "api": "type",
4947 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpression"
4948 },
4949 "field": {
4950 "field": "example"
4951 }
4952 },
4953 "didCompile": true,
4954 "fqnsReferenced": [
4955 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
4956 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpression",
4957 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionProps"
4958 ],
4959 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst allProblems = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"errors + throttles\",\n usingMetrics: {\n errors: fn.metricErrors(),\n faults: fn.metricThrottles(),\n }\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
4960 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4961 "10": 1,
4962 "75": 14,
4963 "130": 1,
4964 "153": 1,
4965 "169": 1,
4966 "193": 2,
4967 "194": 3,
4968 "196": 2,
4969 "197": 1,
4970 "225": 2,
4971 "242": 2,
4972 "243": 2,
4973 "281": 4,
4974 "290": 1
4975 },
4976 "fqnsFingerprint": "8a95c14cad450e60e066f38e4e55360a750a83efd1716dfbd4e3bc9cf1607374"
4977 },
4978 "a13c0c51fd8c31dc626112ad1d1fc44a895a52e3a72de7863bb92bba4e463fc9": {
4979 "translations": {
4980 "python": {
4981 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\nmath_expression_options = cloudwatch.MathExpressionOptions(\n color=\"color\",\n label=\"label\",\n period=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n search_account=\"searchAccount\",\n search_region=\"searchRegion\"\n)",
4982 "version": "2"
4983 },
4984 "csharp": {
4985 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\nMathExpressionOptions mathExpressionOptions = new MathExpressionOptions {\n Color = \"color\",\n Label = \"label\",\n Period = Duration.Minutes(30),\n SearchAccount = \"searchAccount\",\n SearchRegion = \"searchRegion\"\n};",
4986 "version": "1"
4987 },
4988 "java": {
4989 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nMathExpressionOptions mathExpressionOptions = MathExpressionOptions.builder()\n .color(\"color\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .period(Duration.minutes(30))\n .searchAccount(\"searchAccount\")\n .searchRegion(\"searchRegion\")\n .build();",
4990 "version": "1"
4991 },
4992 "go": {
4993 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nmathExpressionOptions := &mathExpressionOptions{\n\tcolor: jsii.String(\"color\"),\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\tperiod: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\tsearchAccount: jsii.String(\"searchAccount\"),\n\tsearchRegion: jsii.String(\"searchRegion\"),\n}",
4994 "version": "1"
4995 },
4996 "$": {
4997 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nconst mathExpressionOptions: cloudwatch.MathExpressionOptions = {\n color: 'color',\n label: 'label',\n period: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n searchAccount: 'searchAccount',\n searchRegion: 'searchRegion',\n};",
4998 "version": "0"
4999 }
5000 },
5001 "location": {
5002 "api": {
5003 "api": "type",
5004 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionOptions"
5005 },
5006 "field": {
5007 "field": "example"
5008 }
5009 },
5010 "didCompile": true,
5011 "fqnsReferenced": [
5012 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionOptions",
5013 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
5014 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
5015 ],
5016 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst mathExpressionOptions: cloudwatch.MathExpressionOptions = {\n color: 'color',\n label: 'label',\n period: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n searchAccount: 'searchAccount',\n searchRegion: 'searchRegion',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5017 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5018 "8": 1,
5019 "10": 6,
5020 "75": 13,
5021 "153": 1,
5022 "169": 1,
5023 "193": 1,
5024 "194": 2,
5025 "196": 1,
5026 "225": 1,
5027 "242": 1,
5028 "243": 1,
5029 "254": 2,
5030 "255": 2,
5031 "256": 2,
5032 "281": 5,
5033 "290": 1
5034 },
5035 "fqnsFingerprint": "1a8506e686a7a5d6fe51bbab786cbab85e741465a17d0d254765afdbab7f4917"
5036 },
5037 "e920359be7fb77cc6525b6953b07fba3109f932f8401b8d46cd3f807daf5eaa7": {
5038 "translations": {
5039 "python": {
5040 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nall_problems = cloudwatch.MathExpression(\n expression=\"errors + throttles\",\n using_metrics={\n \"errors\": fn.metric_errors(),\n \"faults\": fn.metric_throttles()\n }\n)",
5041 "version": "2"
5042 },
5043 "csharp": {
5044 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMathExpression allProblems = new MathExpression(new MathExpressionProps {\n Expression = \"errors + throttles\",\n UsingMetrics = new Dictionary<string, IMetric> {\n { \"errors\", fn.MetricErrors() },\n { \"faults\", fn.MetricThrottles() }\n }\n});",
5045 "version": "1"
5046 },
5047 "java": {
5048 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMathExpression allProblems = MathExpression.Builder.create()\n .expression(\"errors + throttles\")\n .usingMetrics(Map.of(\n \"errors\", fn.metricErrors(),\n \"faults\", fn.metricThrottles()))\n .build();",
5049 "version": "1"
5050 },
5051 "go": {
5052 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nallProblems := cloudwatch.NewMathExpression(&mathExpressionProps{\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"errors + throttles\"),\n\tusingMetrics: map[string]iMetric{\n\t\t\"errors\": fn.metricErrors(),\n\t\t\"faults\": fn.metricThrottles(),\n\t},\n})",
5053 "version": "1"
5054 },
5055 "$": {
5056 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst allProblems = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"errors + throttles\",\n usingMetrics: {\n errors: fn.metricErrors(),\n faults: fn.metricThrottles(),\n }\n});",
5057 "version": "0"
5058 }
5059 },
5060 "location": {
5061 "api": {
5062 "api": "type",
5063 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionProps"
5064 },
5065 "field": {
5066 "field": "example"
5067 }
5068 },
5069 "didCompile": true,
5070 "fqnsReferenced": [
5071 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
5072 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpression",
5073 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionProps"
5074 ],
5075 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst allProblems = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: \"errors + throttles\",\n usingMetrics: {\n errors: fn.metricErrors(),\n faults: fn.metricThrottles(),\n }\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
5076 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5077 "10": 1,
5078 "75": 14,
5079 "130": 1,
5080 "153": 1,
5081 "169": 1,
5082 "193": 2,
5083 "194": 3,
5084 "196": 2,
5085 "197": 1,
5086 "225": 2,
5087 "242": 2,
5088 "243": 2,
5089 "281": 4,
5090 "290": 1
5091 },
5092 "fqnsFingerprint": "8a95c14cad450e60e066f38e4e55360a750a83efd1716dfbd4e3bc9cf1607374"
5093 },
5094 "03e99abb2d70e62275728b1498fec02182137e513483c05b6e941142df94b0d9": {
5095 "translations": {
5096 "python": {
5097 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nminute_error_rate = fn.metric_errors(\n statistic=\"avg\",\n period=Duration.minutes(1),\n label=\"Lambda failure rate\"\n)",
5098 "version": "2"
5099 },
5100 "csharp": {
5101 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMetric minuteErrorRate = fn.MetricErrors(new MetricOptions {\n Statistic = \"avg\",\n Period = Duration.Minutes(1),\n Label = \"Lambda failure rate\"\n});",
5102 "version": "1"
5103 },
5104 "java": {
5105 "source": "Function fn;\n\n\nMetric minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors(MetricOptions.builder()\n .statistic(\"avg\")\n .period(Duration.minutes(1))\n .label(\"Lambda failure rate\")\n .build());",
5106 "version": "1"
5107 },
5108 "go": {
5109 "source": "var fn function\n\n\nminuteErrorRate := fn.metricErrors(&metricOptions{\n\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"avg\"),\n\tperiod: *awscdkcore.Duration.minutes(jsii.Number(1)),\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"Lambda failure rate\"),\n})",
5110 "version": "1"
5111 },
5112 "$": {
5113 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors({\n statistic: 'avg',\n period: Duration.minutes(1),\n label: 'Lambda failure rate'\n});",
5114 "version": "0"
5115 }
5116 },
5117 "location": {
5118 "api": {
5119 "api": "type",
5120 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
5121 },
5122 "field": {
5123 "field": "example"
5124 }
5125 },
5126 "didCompile": true,
5127 "fqnsReferenced": [
5128 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric",
5129 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions",
5130 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
5131 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
5132 ],
5133 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst minuteErrorRate = fn.metricErrors({\n statistic: 'avg',\n period: Duration.minutes(1),\n label: 'Lambda failure rate'\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
5134 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5135 "8": 1,
5136 "10": 2,
5137 "75": 11,
5138 "130": 1,
5139 "153": 1,
5140 "169": 1,
5141 "193": 1,
5142 "194": 2,
5143 "196": 2,
5144 "225": 2,
5145 "242": 2,
5146 "243": 2,
5147 "281": 3,
5148 "290": 1
5149 },
5150 "fqnsFingerprint": "0403a2d3527b3542a5966cc11b3ed44ac3ea5d6f87538223070f30ed3dd59f87"
5151 },
5152 "edda0a49fadc12560d9683e565822845b732877599d297bc09eb9482dc27d323": {
5153 "translations": {
5154 "python": {
5155 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# value: Any\n\nmetric_alarm_config = cloudwatch.MetricAlarmConfig(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n period=123,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.Dimension(\n name=\"name\",\n value=value\n )],\n extended_statistic=\"extendedStatistic\",\n statistic=cloudwatch.Statistic.SAMPLE_COUNT,\n unit=cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS\n)",
5156 "version": "2"
5157 },
5158 "csharp": {
5159 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nvar value;\n\nMetricAlarmConfig metricAlarmConfig = new MetricAlarmConfig {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n Period = 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Dimensions = new [] { new Dimension {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = value\n } },\n ExtendedStatistic = \"extendedStatistic\",\n Statistic = Statistic.SAMPLE_COUNT,\n Unit = Unit.SECONDS\n};",
5160 "version": "1"
5161 },
5162 "java": {
5163 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nObject value;\n\nMetricAlarmConfig metricAlarmConfig = MetricAlarmConfig.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .period(123)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .dimensions(List.of(Dimension.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(value)\n .build()))\n .extendedStatistic(\"extendedStatistic\")\n .statistic(Statistic.SAMPLE_COUNT)\n .unit(Unit.SECONDS)\n .build();",
5164 "version": "1"
5165 },
5166 "go": {
5167 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar value interface{}\n\nmetricAlarmConfig := &metricAlarmConfig{\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdimensions: []dimension{\n\t\t&dimension{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\textendedStatistic: jsii.String(\"extendedStatistic\"),\n\tstatistic: cloudwatch.statistic_SAMPLE_COUNT,\n\tunit: cloudwatch.unit_SECONDS,\n}",
5168 "version": "1"
5169 },
5170 "$": {
5171 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const value: any;\nconst metricAlarmConfig: cloudwatch.MetricAlarmConfig = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n period: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n }],\n extendedStatistic: 'extendedStatistic',\n statistic: cloudwatch.Statistic.SAMPLE_COUNT,\n unit: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n};",
5172 "version": "0"
5173 }
5174 },
5175 "location": {
5176 "api": {
5177 "api": "type",
5178 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricAlarmConfig"
5179 },
5180 "field": {
5181 "field": "example"
5182 }
5183 },
5184 "didCompile": true,
5185 "fqnsReferenced": [
5186 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricAlarmConfig",
5187 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Statistic",
5188 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Statistic#SAMPLE_COUNT",
5189 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit",
5190 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit#SECONDS"
5191 ],
5192 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const value: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricAlarmConfig: cloudwatch.MetricAlarmConfig = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n period: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n }],\n extendedStatistic: 'extendedStatistic',\n statistic: cloudwatch.Statistic.SAMPLE_COUNT,\n unit: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5193 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5194 "8": 1,
5195 "10": 5,
5196 "75": 21,
5197 "125": 1,
5198 "130": 1,
5199 "153": 1,
5200 "169": 1,
5201 "192": 1,
5202 "193": 2,
5203 "194": 4,
5204 "225": 2,
5205 "242": 2,
5206 "243": 2,
5207 "254": 1,
5208 "255": 1,
5209 "256": 1,
5210 "281": 9,
5211 "290": 1
5212 },
5213 "fqnsFingerprint": "691fe0e84f15b55f0cc431c7c9a7c1d900ec0222456a8b7f673c7e6b455cb266"
5214 },
5215 "c88f628362f98f0ffb13323dd74bcbc5d6b3490d63be5adabc9cbcbcca23e18c": {
5216 "translations": {
5217 "python": {
5218 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# metric: cloudwatch.Metric\n# rendering_properties: Any\n# value: Any\n\nmetric_config = cloudwatch.MetricConfig(\n math_expression=cloudwatch.MetricExpressionConfig(\n expression=\"expression\",\n period=123,\n using_metrics={\n \"using_metrics_key\": metric\n },\n\n # the properties below are optional\n search_account=\"searchAccount\",\n search_region=\"searchRegion\"\n ),\n metric_stat=cloudwatch.MetricStatConfig(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n period=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n statistic=\"statistic\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account=\"account\",\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.Dimension(\n name=\"name\",\n value=value\n )],\n region=\"region\",\n unit_filter=cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS\n ),\n rendering_properties={\n \"rendering_properties_key\": rendering_properties\n }\n)",
5219 "version": "2"
5220 },
5221 "csharp": {
5222 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nMetric metric;\nvar renderingProperties;\nvar value;\nMetricConfig metricConfig = new MetricConfig {\n MathExpression = new MetricExpressionConfig {\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Period = 123,\n UsingMetrics = new Dictionary<string, IMetric> {\n { \"usingMetricsKey\", metric }\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n SearchAccount = \"searchAccount\",\n SearchRegion = \"searchRegion\"\n },\n MetricStat = new MetricStatConfig {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n Period = Duration.Minutes(30),\n Statistic = \"statistic\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Account = \"account\",\n Dimensions = new [] { new Dimension {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = value\n } },\n Region = \"region\",\n UnitFilter = Unit.SECONDS\n },\n RenderingProperties = new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"renderingPropertiesKey\", renderingProperties }\n }\n};",
5223 "version": "1"
5224 },
5225 "java": {
5226 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nMetric metric;\nObject renderingProperties;\nObject value;\n\nMetricConfig metricConfig = MetricConfig.builder()\n .mathExpression(MetricExpressionConfig.builder()\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .period(123)\n .usingMetrics(Map.of(\n \"usingMetricsKey\", metric))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .searchAccount(\"searchAccount\")\n .searchRegion(\"searchRegion\")\n .build())\n .metricStat(MetricStatConfig.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .period(Duration.minutes(30))\n .statistic(\"statistic\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .account(\"account\")\n .dimensions(List.of(Dimension.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(value)\n .build()))\n .region(\"region\")\n .unitFilter(Unit.SECONDS)\n .build())\n .renderingProperties(Map.of(\n \"renderingPropertiesKey\", renderingProperties))\n .build();",
5227 "version": "1"
5228 },
5229 "go": {
5230 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar metric metric\nvar renderingProperties interface{}\nvar value interface{}\n\nmetricConfig := &metricConfig{\n\tmathExpression: &metricExpressionConfig{\n\t\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tusingMetrics: map[string]iMetric{\n\t\t\t\"usingMetricsKey\": metric,\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tsearchAccount: jsii.String(\"searchAccount\"),\n\t\tsearchRegion: jsii.String(\"searchRegion\"),\n\t},\n\tmetricStat: &metricStatConfig{\n\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\t\tperiod: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\t\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"statistic\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\taccount: jsii.String(\"account\"),\n\t\tdimensions: []dimension{\n\t\t\t&dimension{\n\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\tregion: jsii.String(\"region\"),\n\t\tunitFilter: cloudwatch.unit_SECONDS,\n\t},\n\trenderingProperties: map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"renderingPropertiesKey\": renderingProperties,\n\t},\n}",
5231 "version": "1"
5232 },
5233 "$": {
5234 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const metric: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const renderingProperties: any;\ndeclare const value: any;\nconst metricConfig: cloudwatch.MetricConfig = {\n mathExpression: {\n expression: 'expression',\n period: 123,\n usingMetrics: {\n usingMetricsKey: metric,\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n searchAccount: 'searchAccount',\n searchRegion: 'searchRegion',\n },\n metricStat: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n period: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n statistic: 'statistic',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n account: 'account',\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n }],\n region: 'region',\n unitFilter: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n },\n renderingProperties: {\n renderingPropertiesKey: renderingProperties,\n },\n};",
5235 "version": "0"
5236 }
5237 },
5238 "location": {
5239 "api": {
5240 "api": "type",
5241 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricConfig"
5242 },
5243 "field": {
5244 "field": "example"
5245 }
5246 },
5247 "didCompile": true,
5248 "fqnsReferenced": [
5249 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
5250 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricConfig",
5251 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricExpressionConfig",
5252 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricStatConfig",
5253 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit",
5254 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit#SECONDS",
5255 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
5256 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
5257 ],
5258 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const metric: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const renderingProperties: any;\ndeclare const value: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricConfig: cloudwatch.MetricConfig = {\n mathExpression: {\n expression: 'expression',\n period: 123,\n usingMetrics: {\n usingMetricsKey: metric,\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n searchAccount: 'searchAccount',\n searchRegion: 'searchRegion',\n },\n metricStat: {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n period: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n statistic: 'statistic',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n account: 'account',\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n }],\n region: 'region',\n unitFilter: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n },\n renderingProperties: {\n renderingPropertiesKey: renderingProperties,\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5259 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5260 "8": 2,
5261 "10": 11,
5262 "75": 39,
5263 "125": 2,
5264 "130": 3,
5265 "153": 2,
5266 "169": 2,
5267 "192": 1,
5268 "193": 6,
5269 "194": 4,
5270 "196": 1,
5271 "225": 4,
5272 "242": 4,
5273 "243": 4,
5274 "254": 2,
5275 "255": 2,
5276 "256": 2,
5277 "281": 20,
5278 "290": 1
5279 },
5280 "fqnsFingerprint": "bbc19fc43cf92f00c42e34ba68ff176a50b8fae350d2cb1b5c6fee9398ccca8f"
5281 },
5282 "c1ef6b43eadaa701bab71d5722c37237306558c3bbf6d4373674adeec029fd19": {
5283 "translations": {
5284 "python": {
5285 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# metric: cloudwatch.Metric\n\nmetric_expression_config = cloudwatch.MetricExpressionConfig(\n expression=\"expression\",\n period=123,\n using_metrics={\n \"using_metrics_key\": metric\n },\n\n # the properties below are optional\n search_account=\"searchAccount\",\n search_region=\"searchRegion\"\n)",
5286 "version": "2"
5287 },
5288 "csharp": {
5289 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetric metric;\n\nMetricExpressionConfig metricExpressionConfig = new MetricExpressionConfig {\n Expression = \"expression\",\n Period = 123,\n UsingMetrics = new Dictionary<string, IMetric> {\n { \"usingMetricsKey\", metric }\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n SearchAccount = \"searchAccount\",\n SearchRegion = \"searchRegion\"\n};",
5290 "version": "1"
5291 },
5292 "java": {
5293 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetric metric;\n\nMetricExpressionConfig metricExpressionConfig = MetricExpressionConfig.builder()\n .expression(\"expression\")\n .period(123)\n .usingMetrics(Map.of(\n \"usingMetricsKey\", metric))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .searchAccount(\"searchAccount\")\n .searchRegion(\"searchRegion\")\n .build();",
5294 "version": "1"
5295 },
5296 "go": {
5297 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar metric metric\n\nmetricExpressionConfig := &metricExpressionConfig{\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"expression\"),\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\tusingMetrics: map[string]iMetric{\n\t\t\"usingMetricsKey\": metric,\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tsearchAccount: jsii.String(\"searchAccount\"),\n\tsearchRegion: jsii.String(\"searchRegion\"),\n}",
5298 "version": "1"
5299 },
5300 "$": {
5301 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const metric: cloudwatch.Metric;\nconst metricExpressionConfig: cloudwatch.MetricExpressionConfig = {\n expression: 'expression',\n period: 123,\n usingMetrics: {\n usingMetricsKey: metric,\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n searchAccount: 'searchAccount',\n searchRegion: 'searchRegion',\n};",
5302 "version": "0"
5303 }
5304 },
5305 "location": {
5306 "api": {
5307 "api": "type",
5308 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricExpressionConfig"
5309 },
5310 "field": {
5311 "field": "example"
5312 }
5313 },
5314 "didCompile": true,
5315 "fqnsReferenced": [
5316 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
5317 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricExpressionConfig"
5318 ],
5319 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const metric: cloudwatch.Metric;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricExpressionConfig: cloudwatch.MetricExpressionConfig = {\n expression: 'expression',\n period: 123,\n usingMetrics: {\n usingMetricsKey: metric,\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n searchAccount: 'searchAccount',\n searchRegion: 'searchRegion',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5320 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5321 "8": 1,
5322 "10": 4,
5323 "75": 14,
5324 "130": 1,
5325 "153": 2,
5326 "169": 2,
5327 "193": 2,
5328 "225": 2,
5329 "242": 2,
5330 "243": 2,
5331 "254": 1,
5332 "255": 1,
5333 "256": 1,
5334 "281": 6,
5335 "290": 1
5336 },
5337 "fqnsFingerprint": "fbeba2c126377de6701fd259be8167ad2e3ff1dd0c7f638c1a60bcc8fea757ea"
5338 },
5339 "57fa66b4d07ca6f53a9257c6d999966b80b0b34fa91a41a13e41706656aca96a": {
5340 "translations": {
5341 "python": {
5342 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# value: Any\n\nmetric_graph_config = cloudwatch.MetricGraphConfig(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n period=123,\n rendering_properties=cloudwatch.MetricRenderingProperties(\n period=123,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n color=\"color\",\n label=\"label\",\n stat=\"stat\"\n ),\n\n # the properties below are optional\n color=\"color\",\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.Dimension(\n name=\"name\",\n value=value\n )],\n label=\"label\",\n statistic=\"statistic\",\n unit=cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS\n)",
5343 "version": "2"
5344 },
5345 "csharp": {
5346 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nvar value;\n\nMetricGraphConfig metricGraphConfig = new MetricGraphConfig {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n Period = 123,\n RenderingProperties = new MetricRenderingProperties {\n Period = 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Color = \"color\",\n Label = \"label\",\n Stat = \"stat\"\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Color = \"color\",\n Dimensions = new [] { new Dimension {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = value\n } },\n Label = \"label\",\n Statistic = \"statistic\",\n Unit = Unit.SECONDS\n};",
5347 "version": "1"
5348 },
5349 "java": {
5350 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nObject value;\n\nMetricGraphConfig metricGraphConfig = MetricGraphConfig.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .period(123)\n .renderingProperties(MetricRenderingProperties.builder()\n .period(123)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .color(\"color\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .stat(\"stat\")\n .build())\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .color(\"color\")\n .dimensions(List.of(Dimension.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(value)\n .build()))\n .label(\"label\")\n .statistic(\"statistic\")\n .unit(Unit.SECONDS)\n .build();",
5351 "version": "1"
5352 },
5353 "go": {
5354 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar value interface{}\n\nmetricGraphConfig := &metricGraphConfig{\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\trenderingProperties: &metricRenderingProperties{\n\t\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tcolor: jsii.String(\"color\"),\n\t\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\t\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tcolor: jsii.String(\"color\"),\n\tdimensions: []dimension{\n\t\t&dimension{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"statistic\"),\n\tunit: cloudwatch.unit_SECONDS,\n}",
5355 "version": "1"
5356 },
5357 "$": {
5358 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const value: any;\nconst metricGraphConfig: cloudwatch.MetricGraphConfig = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n period: 123,\n renderingProperties: {\n period: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n color: 'color',\n label: 'label',\n stat: 'stat',\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n color: 'color',\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n }],\n label: 'label',\n statistic: 'statistic',\n unit: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n};",
5359 "version": "0"
5360 }
5361 },
5362 "location": {
5363 "api": {
5364 "api": "type",
5365 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricGraphConfig"
5366 },
5367 "field": {
5368 "field": "example"
5369 }
5370 },
5371 "didCompile": true,
5372 "fqnsReferenced": [
5373 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricGraphConfig",
5374 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricRenderingProperties",
5375 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit",
5376 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit#SECONDS"
5377 ],
5378 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const value: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricGraphConfig: cloudwatch.MetricGraphConfig = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n period: 123,\n renderingProperties: {\n period: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n color: 'color',\n label: 'label',\n stat: 'stat',\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n color: 'color',\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n }],\n label: 'label',\n statistic: 'statistic',\n unit: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5379 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5380 "8": 2,
5381 "10": 10,
5382 "75": 24,
5383 "125": 1,
5384 "130": 1,
5385 "153": 1,
5386 "169": 1,
5387 "192": 1,
5388 "193": 3,
5389 "194": 2,
5390 "225": 2,
5391 "242": 2,
5392 "243": 2,
5393 "254": 1,
5394 "255": 1,
5395 "256": 1,
5396 "281": 15,
5397 "290": 1
5398 },
5399 "fqnsFingerprint": "18d3aa54426f483c55cb5ae5912beaecc66dc4b7e7b952f3069f3ad9ffc4bf2f"
5400 },
5401 "f5828401125c86d5de81c15818c8f7f7414ee6476c3546fbd86f149bb92bd24e": {
5402 "translations": {
5403 "python": {
5404 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n# delivery_stream: firehose.DeliveryStream\n\n\n# Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nincoming_bytes_percent_of_limit = cloudwatch.MathExpression(\n expression=\"incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit\",\n using_metrics={\n \"incoming_bytes\": delivery_stream.metric_incoming_bytes(statistic=cloudwatch.Statistic.SUM),\n \"byte_per_sec_limit\": delivery_stream.metric(\"BytesPerSecondLimit\")\n }\n)\n\ncloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"Alarm\",\n metric=incoming_bytes_percent_of_limit,\n threshold=0.9,\n evaluation_periods=3\n)",
5405 "version": "2"
5406 },
5407 "csharp": {
5408 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\nDeliveryStream deliveryStream;\n\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nMathExpression incomingBytesPercentOfLimit = new MathExpression(new MathExpressionProps {\n Expression = \"incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit\",\n UsingMetrics = new Dictionary<string, IMetric> {\n { \"incomingBytes\", deliveryStream.MetricIncomingBytes(new MetricOptions { Statistic = Statistic.SUM }) },\n { \"bytePerSecLimit\", deliveryStream.Metric(\"BytesPerSecondLimit\") }\n }\n});\n\nnew Alarm(this, \"Alarm\", new AlarmProps {\n Metric = incomingBytesPercentOfLimit,\n Threshold = 0.9,\n EvaluationPeriods = 3\n});",
5409 "version": "1"
5410 },
5411 "java": {
5412 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\nDeliveryStream deliveryStream;\n\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nMathExpression incomingBytesPercentOfLimit = MathExpression.Builder.create()\n .expression(\"incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit\")\n .usingMetrics(Map.of(\n \"incomingBytes\", deliveryStream.metricIncomingBytes(MetricOptions.builder().statistic(Statistic.SUM).build()),\n \"bytePerSecLimit\", deliveryStream.metric(\"BytesPerSecondLimit\")))\n .build();\n\nAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"Alarm\")\n .metric(incomingBytesPercentOfLimit)\n .threshold(0.9)\n .evaluationPeriods(3)\n .build();",
5413 "version": "1"
5414 },
5415 "go": {
5416 "source": "import cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\nvar deliveryStream deliveryStream\n\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nincomingBytesPercentOfLimit := cloudwatch.NewMathExpression(&mathExpressionProps{\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit\"),\n\tusingMetrics: map[string]iMetric{\n\t\t\"incomingBytes\": deliveryStream.metricIncomingBytes(&MetricOptions{\n\t\t\t\"statistic\": cloudwatch.Statistic_SUM,\n\t\t}),\n\t\t\"bytePerSecLimit\": deliveryStream.metric(jsii.String(\"BytesPerSecondLimit\")),\n\t},\n})\n\ncloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"Alarm\"), &alarmProps{\n\tmetric: incomingBytesPercentOfLimit,\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(0.9),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(3),\n})",
5417 "version": "1"
5418 },
5419 "$": {
5420 "source": "import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\ndeclare const deliveryStream: firehose.DeliveryStream;\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nconst incomingBytesPercentOfLimit = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: 'incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit',\n usingMetrics: {\n incomingBytes: deliveryStream.metricIncomingBytes({ statistic: cloudwatch.Statistic.SUM }),\n bytePerSecLimit: deliveryStream.metric('BytesPerSecondLimit'),\n },\n});\n\nnew cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n metric: incomingBytesPercentOfLimit,\n threshold: 0.9,\n evaluationPeriods: 3,\n});",
5421 "version": "0"
5422 }
5423 },
5424 "location": {
5425 "api": {
5426 "api": "type",
5427 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
5428 },
5429 "field": {
5430 "field": "example"
5431 }
5432 },
5433 "didCompile": true,
5434 "fqnsReferenced": [
5435 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm",
5436 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmProps",
5437 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
5438 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpression",
5439 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionProps",
5440 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions",
5441 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Statistic",
5442 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Statistic#SUM",
5443 "constructs.Construct"
5444 ],
5445 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\ndeclare const deliveryStream: firehose.DeliveryStream;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Size, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as firehose from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose';\nimport * as kinesis from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose-destinations';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as path from 'path';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nconst incomingBytesPercentOfLimit = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: 'incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit',\n usingMetrics: {\n incomingBytes: deliveryStream.metricIncomingBytes({ statistic: cloudwatch.Statistic.SUM }),\n bytePerSecLimit: deliveryStream.metric('BytesPerSecondLimit'),\n },\n});\n\nnew cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n metric: incomingBytesPercentOfLimit,\n threshold: 0.9,\n evaluationPeriods: 3,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5446 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5447 "8": 2,
5448 "10": 4,
5449 "75": 25,
5450 "104": 1,
5451 "130": 1,
5452 "153": 1,
5453 "169": 1,
5454 "193": 4,
5455 "194": 6,
5456 "196": 2,
5457 "197": 2,
5458 "225": 2,
5459 "226": 1,
5460 "242": 2,
5461 "243": 2,
5462 "254": 1,
5463 "255": 1,
5464 "256": 1,
5465 "281": 8,
5466 "290": 1
5467 },
5468 "fqnsFingerprint": "510ce058a1b61e1165c65d1e636f347b2e3db933f5a1ca9e2bc016e94fcd0fdf"
5469 },
5470 "81b645e1a11b3337b864e4208b1258c45aba806cda3c6e686d060e4bc1831dbf": {
5471 "translations": {
5472 "python": {
5473 "source": "hosted_zone = route53.HostedZone(self, \"MyHostedZone\", zone_name=\"example.org\")\nmetric = cloudwatch.Metric(\n namespace=\"AWS/Route53\",\n metric_name=\"DNSQueries\",\n dimensions_map={\n \"HostedZoneId\": hosted_zone.hosted_zone_id\n }\n)",
5474 "version": "2"
5475 },
5476 "csharp": {
5477 "source": "HostedZone hostedZone = new HostedZone(this, \"MyHostedZone\", new HostedZoneProps { ZoneName = \"example.org\" });\nMetric metric = new Metric(new MetricProps {\n Namespace = \"AWS/Route53\",\n MetricName = \"DNSQueries\",\n DimensionsMap = new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"HostedZoneId\", hostedZone.HostedZoneId }\n }\n});",
5478 "version": "1"
5479 },
5480 "java": {
5481 "source": "HostedZone hostedZone = HostedZone.Builder.create(this, \"MyHostedZone\").zoneName(\"example.org\").build();\nMetric metric = Metric.Builder.create()\n .namespace(\"AWS/Route53\")\n .metricName(\"DNSQueries\")\n .dimensionsMap(Map.of(\n \"HostedZoneId\", hostedZone.getHostedZoneId()))\n .build();",
5482 "version": "1"
5483 },
5484 "go": {
5485 "source": "hostedZone := route53.NewHostedZone(this, jsii.String(\"MyHostedZone\"), &hostedZoneProps{\n\tzoneName: jsii.String(\"example.org\"),\n})\nmetric := cloudwatch.NewMetric(&metricProps{\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"AWS/Route53\"),\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"DNSQueries\"),\n\tdimensionsMap: map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"HostedZoneId\": hostedZone.hostedZoneId,\n\t},\n})",
5486 "version": "1"
5487 },
5488 "$": {
5489 "source": "const hostedZone = new route53.HostedZone(this, 'MyHostedZone', { zoneName: \"example.org\" });\nconst metric = new cloudwatch.Metric({\n namespace: 'AWS/Route53',\n metricName: 'DNSQueries',\n dimensionsMap: {\n HostedZoneId: hostedZone.hostedZoneId\n }\n});",
5490 "version": "0"
5491 }
5492 },
5493 "location": {
5494 "api": {
5495 "api": "type",
5496 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricProps"
5497 },
5498 "field": {
5499 "field": "example"
5500 }
5501 },
5502 "didCompile": true,
5503 "fqnsReferenced": [
5504 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric",
5505 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricProps",
5506 "@aws-cdk/aws-route53.HostedZone",
5507 "@aws-cdk/aws-route53.HostedZone#hostedZoneId",
5508 "@aws-cdk/aws-route53.HostedZoneProps",
5509 "constructs.Construct"
5510 ],
5511 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst hostedZone = new route53.HostedZone(this, 'MyHostedZone', { zoneName: \"example.org\" });\nconst metric = new cloudwatch.Metric({\n namespace: 'AWS/Route53',\n metricName: 'DNSQueries',\n dimensionsMap: {\n HostedZoneId: hostedZone.hostedZoneId\n }\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
5512 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5513 "10": 4,
5514 "75": 13,
5515 "104": 1,
5516 "193": 3,
5517 "194": 3,
5518 "197": 2,
5519 "225": 2,
5520 "242": 2,
5521 "243": 2,
5522 "281": 5
5523 },
5524 "fqnsFingerprint": "246a2fbd4e692aa56cf78e29e8b695cfff1768c78645b3353df0bad9eeec7ba2"
5525 },
5526 "9d32c3a4b715eca9b760a5c7f04a4f8b7dde1422804dabb9bd92ae6dc2d33cb3": {
5527 "translations": {
5528 "python": {
5529 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_rendering_properties = cloudwatch.MetricRenderingProperties(\n period=123,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n color=\"color\",\n label=\"label\",\n stat=\"stat\"\n)",
5530 "version": "2"
5531 },
5532 "csharp": {
5533 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricRenderingProperties metricRenderingProperties = new MetricRenderingProperties {\n Period = 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Color = \"color\",\n Label = \"label\",\n Stat = \"stat\"\n};",
5534 "version": "1"
5535 },
5536 "java": {
5537 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricRenderingProperties metricRenderingProperties = MetricRenderingProperties.builder()\n .period(123)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .color(\"color\")\n .label(\"label\")\n .stat(\"stat\")\n .build();",
5538 "version": "1"
5539 },
5540 "go": {
5541 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricRenderingProperties := &metricRenderingProperties{\n\tperiod: jsii.Number(123),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tcolor: jsii.String(\"color\"),\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\tstat: jsii.String(\"stat\"),\n}",
5542 "version": "1"
5543 },
5544 "$": {
5545 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricRenderingProperties: cloudwatch.MetricRenderingProperties = {\n period: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n color: 'color',\n label: 'label',\n stat: 'stat',\n};",
5546 "version": "0"
5547 }
5548 },
5549 "location": {
5550 "api": {
5551 "api": "type",
5552 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricRenderingProperties"
5553 },
5554 "field": {
5555 "field": "example"
5556 }
5557 },
5558 "didCompile": true,
5559 "fqnsReferenced": [
5560 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricRenderingProperties"
5561 ],
5562 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricRenderingProperties: cloudwatch.MetricRenderingProperties = {\n period: 123,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n color: 'color',\n label: 'label',\n stat: 'stat',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5563 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5564 "8": 1,
5565 "10": 4,
5566 "75": 8,
5567 "153": 1,
5568 "169": 1,
5569 "193": 1,
5570 "225": 1,
5571 "242": 1,
5572 "243": 1,
5573 "254": 1,
5574 "255": 1,
5575 "256": 1,
5576 "281": 4,
5577 "290": 1
5578 },
5579 "fqnsFingerprint": "f2cd913721e120418e64a4e8cbad98288feffd4953434cfd4c7ac9b4bac514ac"
5580 },
5581 "f57c6c75b61a2a513ccd16878a4c9c1b3f52bdcd60fe7fc5c7e287875cf4fe3f": {
5582 "translations": {
5583 "python": {
5584 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# value: Any\n\nmetric_stat_config = cloudwatch.MetricStatConfig(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n namespace=\"namespace\",\n period=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n statistic=\"statistic\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n account=\"account\",\n dimensions=[cloudwatch.Dimension(\n name=\"name\",\n value=value\n )],\n region=\"region\",\n unit_filter=cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS\n)",
5585 "version": "2"
5586 },
5587 "csharp": {
5588 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nvar value;\nMetricStatConfig metricStatConfig = new MetricStatConfig {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n Namespace = \"namespace\",\n Period = Duration.Minutes(30),\n Statistic = \"statistic\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Account = \"account\",\n Dimensions = new [] { new Dimension {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = value\n } },\n Region = \"region\",\n UnitFilter = Unit.SECONDS\n};",
5589 "version": "1"
5590 },
5591 "java": {
5592 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nObject value;\n\nMetricStatConfig metricStatConfig = MetricStatConfig.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .namespace(\"namespace\")\n .period(Duration.minutes(30))\n .statistic(\"statistic\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .account(\"account\")\n .dimensions(List.of(Dimension.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(value)\n .build()))\n .region(\"region\")\n .unitFilter(Unit.SECONDS)\n .build();",
5593 "version": "1"
5594 },
5595 "go": {
5596 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar value interface{}\n\nmetricStatConfig := &metricStatConfig{\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tnamespace: jsii.String(\"namespace\"),\n\tperiod: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"statistic\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\taccount: jsii.String(\"account\"),\n\tdimensions: []dimension{\n\t\t&dimension{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: value,\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tregion: jsii.String(\"region\"),\n\tunitFilter: cloudwatch.unit_SECONDS,\n}",
5597 "version": "1"
5598 },
5599 "$": {
5600 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const value: any;\nconst metricStatConfig: cloudwatch.MetricStatConfig = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n period: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n statistic: 'statistic',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n account: 'account',\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n }],\n region: 'region',\n unitFilter: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n};",
5601 "version": "0"
5602 }
5603 },
5604 "location": {
5605 "api": {
5606 "api": "type",
5607 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricStatConfig"
5608 },
5609 "field": {
5610 "field": "example"
5611 }
5612 },
5613 "didCompile": true,
5614 "fqnsReferenced": [
5615 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricStatConfig",
5616 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit",
5617 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Unit#SECONDS",
5618 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
5619 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
5620 ],
5621 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const value: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricStatConfig: cloudwatch.MetricStatConfig = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n namespace: 'namespace',\n period: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n statistic: 'statistic',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n account: 'account',\n dimensions: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: value,\n }],\n region: 'region',\n unitFilter: cloudwatch.Unit.SECONDS,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5622 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5623 "8": 1,
5624 "10": 8,
5625 "75": 23,
5626 "125": 1,
5627 "130": 1,
5628 "153": 1,
5629 "169": 1,
5630 "192": 1,
5631 "193": 2,
5632 "194": 4,
5633 "196": 1,
5634 "225": 2,
5635 "242": 2,
5636 "243": 2,
5637 "254": 2,
5638 "255": 2,
5639 "256": 2,
5640 "281": 10,
5641 "290": 1
5642 },
5643 "fqnsFingerprint": "a0fc43eec1868d8f1d6c9045c370a900ca8e58d7f84944eeaaf20d9e54f8cace"
5644 },
5645 "129b4d094a69fb9843f1cdb600420209d1b9ffe07b15f9c98d7be20a7924e90f": {
5646 "translations": {
5647 "python": {
5648 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nmetric_widget_props = cloudwatch.MetricWidgetProps(\n height=123,\n region=\"region\",\n title=\"title\",\n width=123\n)",
5649 "version": "2"
5650 },
5651 "csharp": {
5652 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nMetricWidgetProps metricWidgetProps = new MetricWidgetProps {\n Height = 123,\n Region = \"region\",\n Title = \"title\",\n Width = 123\n};",
5653 "version": "1"
5654 },
5655 "java": {
5656 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nMetricWidgetProps metricWidgetProps = MetricWidgetProps.builder()\n .height(123)\n .region(\"region\")\n .title(\"title\")\n .width(123)\n .build();",
5657 "version": "1"
5658 },
5659 "go": {
5660 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nmetricWidgetProps := &metricWidgetProps{\n\theight: jsii.Number(123),\n\tregion: jsii.String(\"region\"),\n\ttitle: jsii.String(\"title\"),\n\twidth: jsii.Number(123),\n}",
5661 "version": "1"
5662 },
5663 "$": {
5664 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst metricWidgetProps: cloudwatch.MetricWidgetProps = {\n height: 123,\n region: 'region',\n title: 'title',\n width: 123,\n};",
5665 "version": "0"
5666 }
5667 },
5668 "location": {
5669 "api": {
5670 "api": "type",
5671 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricWidgetProps"
5672 },
5673 "field": {
5674 "field": "example"
5675 }
5676 },
5677 "didCompile": true,
5678 "fqnsReferenced": [
5679 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricWidgetProps"
5680 ],
5681 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricWidgetProps: cloudwatch.MetricWidgetProps = {\n height: 123,\n region: 'region',\n title: 'title',\n width: 123,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5682 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5683 "8": 2,
5684 "10": 3,
5685 "75": 8,
5686 "153": 1,
5687 "169": 1,
5688 "193": 1,
5689 "225": 1,
5690 "242": 1,
5691 "243": 1,
5692 "254": 1,
5693 "255": 1,
5694 "256": 1,
5695 "281": 4,
5696 "290": 1
5697 },
5698 "fqnsFingerprint": "de45e0bb4e5a83cc1fd42a118ce30cc321379e62fc9cf2a2ba6790e18348d763"
5699 },
5700 "e507cda555036322f791376427f4332c4ef5baf958640a0f71302cee806f1abd": {
5701 "translations": {
5702 "python": {
5703 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n# widget: cloudwatch.IWidget\n\nrow = cloudwatch.Row(widget)",
5704 "version": "2"
5705 },
5706 "csharp": {
5707 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nIWidget widget;\n\nRow row = new Row(widget);",
5708 "version": "1"
5709 },
5710 "java": {
5711 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nIWidget widget;\n\nRow row = new Row(widget);",
5712 "version": "1"
5713 },
5714 "go": {
5715 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nvar widget iWidget\n\nrow := cloudwatch.NewRow(widget)",
5716 "version": "1"
5717 },
5718 "$": {
5719 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const widget: cloudwatch.IWidget;\nconst row = new cloudwatch.Row(widget);",
5720 "version": "0"
5721 }
5722 },
5723 "location": {
5724 "api": {
5725 "api": "type",
5726 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Row"
5727 },
5728 "field": {
5729 "field": "example"
5730 }
5731 },
5732 "didCompile": true,
5733 "fqnsReferenced": [
5734 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
5735 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Row"
5736 ],
5737 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\ndeclare const widget: cloudwatch.IWidget;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst row = new cloudwatch.Row(widget);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5738 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5739 "10": 1,
5740 "75": 8,
5741 "130": 1,
5742 "153": 1,
5743 "169": 1,
5744 "194": 1,
5745 "197": 1,
5746 "225": 2,
5747 "242": 2,
5748 "243": 2,
5749 "254": 1,
5750 "255": 1,
5751 "256": 1,
5752 "290": 1
5753 },
5754 "fqnsFingerprint": "a9a64b7bb491f4481dc6722daa13844ea15a96480de5285b34d2838050a009e5"
5755 },
5756 "2f48db7ba8f0da40eab46e41f79a43beaf8e53cf0592c6a8ed0c27908f36e24e": {
5757 "translations": {
5758 "python": {
5759 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# visitor_count: cloudwatch.Metric\n# purchase_count: cloudwatch.Metric\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget(\n metrics=[visitor_count, purchase_count]\n))",
5760 "version": "2"
5761 },
5762 "csharp": {
5763 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric visitorCount;\nMetric purchaseCount;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new SingleValueWidget(new SingleValueWidgetProps {\n Metrics = new [] { visitorCount, purchaseCount }\n}));",
5764 "version": "1"
5765 },
5766 "java": {
5767 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric visitorCount;\nMetric purchaseCount;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(SingleValueWidget.Builder.create()\n .metrics(List.of(visitorCount, purchaseCount))\n .build());",
5768 "version": "1"
5769 },
5770 "go": {
5771 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar visitorCount metric\nvar purchaseCount metric\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewSingleValueWidget(&singleValueWidgetProps{\n\tmetrics: []iMetric{\n\t\tvisitorCount,\n\t\tpurchaseCount,\n\t},\n}))",
5772 "version": "1"
5773 },
5774 "$": {
5775 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const visitorCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const purchaseCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({\n metrics: [visitorCount, purchaseCount],\n}));",
5776 "version": "0"
5777 }
5778 },
5779 "location": {
5780 "api": {
5781 "api": "type",
5782 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget"
5783 },
5784 "field": {
5785 "field": "example"
5786 }
5787 },
5788 "didCompile": true,
5789 "fqnsReferenced": [
5790 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
5791 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
5792 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget",
5793 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidgetProps"
5794 ],
5795 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const visitorCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const purchaseCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({\n metrics: [visitorCount, purchaseCount],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
5796 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5797 "75": 16,
5798 "130": 3,
5799 "153": 3,
5800 "169": 3,
5801 "192": 1,
5802 "193": 1,
5803 "194": 2,
5804 "196": 1,
5805 "197": 1,
5806 "225": 3,
5807 "226": 1,
5808 "242": 3,
5809 "243": 3,
5810 "281": 1,
5811 "290": 1
5812 },
5813 "fqnsFingerprint": "4a2c505727d9abafe653a0e97b3c86cae9d2be3b9abf3639795bf82dcfa31cce"
5814 },
5815 "3f638a5b16d36ef2b6c8ef9d0056d72df7cad2afa9750b440cd8ef5134ee9285": {
5816 "translations": {
5817 "python": {
5818 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n# visitor_count: cloudwatch.Metric\n# purchase_count: cloudwatch.Metric\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget(\n metrics=[visitor_count, purchase_count]\n))",
5819 "version": "2"
5820 },
5821 "csharp": {
5822 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric visitorCount;\nMetric purchaseCount;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new SingleValueWidget(new SingleValueWidgetProps {\n Metrics = new [] { visitorCount, purchaseCount }\n}));",
5823 "version": "1"
5824 },
5825 "java": {
5826 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\nMetric visitorCount;\nMetric purchaseCount;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(SingleValueWidget.Builder.create()\n .metrics(List.of(visitorCount, purchaseCount))\n .build());",
5827 "version": "1"
5828 },
5829 "go": {
5830 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\nvar visitorCount metric\nvar purchaseCount metric\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewSingleValueWidget(&singleValueWidgetProps{\n\tmetrics: []iMetric{\n\t\tvisitorCount,\n\t\tpurchaseCount,\n\t},\n}))",
5831 "version": "1"
5832 },
5833 "$": {
5834 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const visitorCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const purchaseCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({\n metrics: [visitorCount, purchaseCount],\n}));",
5835 "version": "0"
5836 }
5837 },
5838 "location": {
5839 "api": {
5840 "api": "type",
5841 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidgetProps"
5842 },
5843 "field": {
5844 "field": "example"
5845 }
5846 },
5847 "didCompile": true,
5848 "fqnsReferenced": [
5849 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
5850 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
5851 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget",
5852 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SingleValueWidgetProps"
5853 ],
5854 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\ndeclare const visitorCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\ndeclare const purchaseCount: cloudwatch.Metric;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.SingleValueWidget({\n metrics: [visitorCount, purchaseCount],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
5855 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5856 "75": 16,
5857 "130": 3,
5858 "153": 3,
5859 "169": 3,
5860 "192": 1,
5861 "193": 1,
5862 "194": 2,
5863 "196": 1,
5864 "197": 1,
5865 "225": 3,
5866 "226": 1,
5867 "242": 3,
5868 "243": 3,
5869 "281": 1,
5870 "290": 1
5871 },
5872 "fqnsFingerprint": "4a2c505727d9abafe653a0e97b3c86cae9d2be3b9abf3639795bf82dcfa31cce"
5873 },
5874 "41d7e5a97976ed9ab8c0b3886e491257e648197a3c42a967a4372a5bafe59b1c": {
5875 "translations": {
5876 "python": {
5877 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nspacer = cloudwatch.Spacer(\n height=123,\n width=123\n)",
5878 "version": "2"
5879 },
5880 "csharp": {
5881 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nSpacer spacer = new Spacer(new SpacerProps {\n Height = 123,\n Width = 123\n});",
5882 "version": "1"
5883 },
5884 "java": {
5885 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nSpacer spacer = Spacer.Builder.create()\n .height(123)\n .width(123)\n .build();",
5886 "version": "1"
5887 },
5888 "go": {
5889 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nspacer := cloudwatch.NewSpacer(&spacerProps{\n\theight: jsii.Number(123),\n\twidth: jsii.Number(123),\n})",
5890 "version": "1"
5891 },
5892 "$": {
5893 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst spacer = new cloudwatch.Spacer(/* all optional props */ {\n height: 123,\n width: 123,\n});",
5894 "version": "0"
5895 }
5896 },
5897 "location": {
5898 "api": {
5899 "api": "type",
5900 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Spacer"
5901 },
5902 "field": {
5903 "field": "example"
5904 }
5905 },
5906 "didCompile": true,
5907 "fqnsReferenced": [
5908 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Spacer",
5909 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SpacerProps"
5910 ],
5911 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst spacer = new cloudwatch.Spacer(/* all optional props */ {\n height: 123,\n width: 123,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5912 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5913 "8": 2,
5914 "10": 1,
5915 "75": 6,
5916 "193": 1,
5917 "194": 1,
5918 "197": 1,
5919 "225": 1,
5920 "242": 1,
5921 "243": 1,
5922 "254": 1,
5923 "255": 1,
5924 "256": 1,
5925 "281": 2,
5926 "290": 1
5927 },
5928 "fqnsFingerprint": "9150f0c73371567609b786b348f3c09b4300fb775f071338754a8c7ce37a1a7d"
5929 },
5930 "39a2ef616aeb4da33cf74aff668e84153ded54ea7e8408936b69c65e5899a717": {
5931 "translations": {
5932 "python": {
5933 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\nspacer_props = cloudwatch.SpacerProps(\n height=123,\n width=123\n)",
5934 "version": "2"
5935 },
5936 "csharp": {
5937 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nSpacerProps spacerProps = new SpacerProps {\n Height = 123,\n Width = 123\n};",
5938 "version": "1"
5939 },
5940 "java": {
5941 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nSpacerProps spacerProps = SpacerProps.builder()\n .height(123)\n .width(123)\n .build();",
5942 "version": "1"
5943 },
5944 "go": {
5945 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nspacerProps := &spacerProps{\n\theight: jsii.Number(123),\n\twidth: jsii.Number(123),\n}",
5946 "version": "1"
5947 },
5948 "$": {
5949 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst spacerProps: cloudwatch.SpacerProps = {\n height: 123,\n width: 123,\n};",
5950 "version": "0"
5951 }
5952 },
5953 "location": {
5954 "api": {
5955 "api": "type",
5956 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SpacerProps"
5957 },
5958 "field": {
5959 "field": "example"
5960 }
5961 },
5962 "didCompile": true,
5963 "fqnsReferenced": [
5964 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.SpacerProps"
5965 ],
5966 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst spacerProps: cloudwatch.SpacerProps = {\n height: 123,\n width: 123,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5967 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5968 "8": 2,
5969 "10": 1,
5970 "75": 6,
5971 "153": 1,
5972 "169": 1,
5973 "193": 1,
5974 "225": 1,
5975 "242": 1,
5976 "243": 1,
5977 "254": 1,
5978 "255": 1,
5979 "256": 1,
5980 "281": 2,
5981 "290": 1
5982 },
5983 "fqnsFingerprint": "c21455e492e1b160df87414d0d0d72f187f7eb2b1e749fd893bd49b556761b95"
5984 },
5985 "2be9885849f4c603f08514c05509ad6dcbca344a2b9952af1b7619cf5278f1d6": {
5986 "translations": {
5987 "python": {
5988 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n# delivery_stream: firehose.DeliveryStream\n\n\n# Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nincoming_bytes_percent_of_limit = cloudwatch.MathExpression(\n expression=\"incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit\",\n using_metrics={\n \"incoming_bytes\": delivery_stream.metric_incoming_bytes(statistic=cloudwatch.Statistic.SUM),\n \"byte_per_sec_limit\": delivery_stream.metric(\"BytesPerSecondLimit\")\n }\n)\n\ncloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"Alarm\",\n metric=incoming_bytes_percent_of_limit,\n threshold=0.9,\n evaluation_periods=3\n)",
5989 "version": "2"
5990 },
5991 "csharp": {
5992 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\nDeliveryStream deliveryStream;\n\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nMathExpression incomingBytesPercentOfLimit = new MathExpression(new MathExpressionProps {\n Expression = \"incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit\",\n UsingMetrics = new Dictionary<string, IMetric> {\n { \"incomingBytes\", deliveryStream.MetricIncomingBytes(new MetricOptions { Statistic = Statistic.SUM }) },\n { \"bytePerSecLimit\", deliveryStream.Metric(\"BytesPerSecondLimit\") }\n }\n});\n\nnew Alarm(this, \"Alarm\", new AlarmProps {\n Metric = incomingBytesPercentOfLimit,\n Threshold = 0.9,\n EvaluationPeriods = 3\n});",
5993 "version": "1"
5994 },
5995 "java": {
5996 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\nDeliveryStream deliveryStream;\n\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nMathExpression incomingBytesPercentOfLimit = MathExpression.Builder.create()\n .expression(\"incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit\")\n .usingMetrics(Map.of(\n \"incomingBytes\", deliveryStream.metricIncomingBytes(MetricOptions.builder().statistic(Statistic.SUM).build()),\n \"bytePerSecLimit\", deliveryStream.metric(\"BytesPerSecondLimit\")))\n .build();\n\nAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"Alarm\")\n .metric(incomingBytesPercentOfLimit)\n .threshold(0.9)\n .evaluationPeriods(3)\n .build();",
5997 "version": "1"
5998 },
5999 "go": {
6000 "source": "import cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\nvar deliveryStream deliveryStream\n\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nincomingBytesPercentOfLimit := cloudwatch.NewMathExpression(&mathExpressionProps{\n\texpression: jsii.String(\"incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit\"),\n\tusingMetrics: map[string]iMetric{\n\t\t\"incomingBytes\": deliveryStream.metricIncomingBytes(&MetricOptions{\n\t\t\t\"statistic\": cloudwatch.Statistic_SUM,\n\t\t}),\n\t\t\"bytePerSecLimit\": deliveryStream.metric(jsii.String(\"BytesPerSecondLimit\")),\n\t},\n})\n\ncloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"Alarm\"), &alarmProps{\n\tmetric: incomingBytesPercentOfLimit,\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(0.9),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(3),\n})",
6001 "version": "1"
6002 },
6003 "$": {
6004 "source": "import * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\ndeclare const deliveryStream: firehose.DeliveryStream;\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nconst incomingBytesPercentOfLimit = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: 'incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit',\n usingMetrics: {\n incomingBytes: deliveryStream.metricIncomingBytes({ statistic: cloudwatch.Statistic.SUM }),\n bytePerSecLimit: deliveryStream.metric('BytesPerSecondLimit'),\n },\n});\n\nnew cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n metric: incomingBytesPercentOfLimit,\n threshold: 0.9,\n evaluationPeriods: 3,\n});",
6005 "version": "0"
6006 }
6007 },
6008 "location": {
6009 "api": {
6010 "api": "type",
6011 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Statistic"
6012 },
6013 "field": {
6014 "field": "example"
6015 }
6016 },
6017 "didCompile": true,
6018 "fqnsReferenced": [
6019 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm",
6020 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmProps",
6021 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
6022 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpression",
6023 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MathExpressionProps",
6024 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions",
6025 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Statistic",
6026 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Statistic#SUM",
6027 "constructs.Construct"
6028 ],
6029 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\ndeclare const deliveryStream: firehose.DeliveryStream;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Size, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as firehose from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose';\nimport * as kinesis from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesisfirehose-destinations';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as path from 'path';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Alarm that triggers when the per-second average of incoming bytes exceeds 90% of the current service limit\nconst incomingBytesPercentOfLimit = new cloudwatch.MathExpression({\n expression: 'incomingBytes / 300 / bytePerSecLimit',\n usingMetrics: {\n incomingBytes: deliveryStream.metricIncomingBytes({ statistic: cloudwatch.Statistic.SUM }),\n bytePerSecLimit: deliveryStream.metric('BytesPerSecondLimit'),\n },\n});\n\nnew cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'Alarm', {\n metric: incomingBytesPercentOfLimit,\n threshold: 0.9,\n evaluationPeriods: 3,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6030 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6031 "8": 2,
6032 "10": 4,
6033 "75": 25,
6034 "104": 1,
6035 "130": 1,
6036 "153": 1,
6037 "169": 1,
6038 "193": 4,
6039 "194": 6,
6040 "196": 2,
6041 "197": 2,
6042 "225": 2,
6043 "226": 1,
6044 "242": 2,
6045 "243": 2,
6046 "254": 1,
6047 "255": 1,
6048 "256": 1,
6049 "281": 8,
6050 "290": 1
6051 },
6052 "fqnsFingerprint": "510ce058a1b61e1165c65d1e636f347b2e3db933f5a1ca9e2bc016e94fcd0fdf"
6053 },
6054 "58674675282f7797692f025248ed8ff831e462577f820b19ac9f985af7c74b04": {
6055 "translations": {
6056 "python": {
6057 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.TextWidget(\n markdown=\"# Key Performance Indicators\"\n))",
6058 "version": "2"
6059 },
6060 "csharp": {
6061 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new TextWidget(new TextWidgetProps {\n Markdown = \"# Key Performance Indicators\"\n}));",
6062 "version": "1"
6063 },
6064 "java": {
6065 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(TextWidget.Builder.create()\n .markdown(\"# Key Performance Indicators\")\n .build());",
6066 "version": "1"
6067 },
6068 "go": {
6069 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewTextWidget(&textWidgetProps{\n\tmarkdown: jsii.String(\"# Key Performance Indicators\"),\n}))",
6070 "version": "1"
6071 },
6072 "$": {
6073 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.TextWidget({\n markdown: '# Key Performance Indicators'\n}));",
6074 "version": "0"
6075 }
6076 },
6077 "location": {
6078 "api": {
6079 "api": "type",
6080 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TextWidget"
6081 },
6082 "field": {
6083 "field": "example"
6084 }
6085 },
6086 "didCompile": true,
6087 "fqnsReferenced": [
6088 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
6089 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
6090 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TextWidget",
6091 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TextWidgetProps"
6092 ],
6093 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.TextWidget({\n markdown: '# Key Performance Indicators'\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
6094 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6095 "10": 1,
6096 "75": 8,
6097 "130": 1,
6098 "153": 1,
6099 "169": 1,
6100 "193": 1,
6101 "194": 2,
6102 "196": 1,
6103 "197": 1,
6104 "225": 1,
6105 "226": 1,
6106 "242": 1,
6107 "243": 1,
6108 "281": 1,
6109 "290": 1
6110 },
6111 "fqnsFingerprint": "840d59935c40a04fe23656d25d0a4951fd7b817663d33eac77f797151ee52974"
6112 },
6113 "bb9be7573bd114b0fd0d5db8370ef1565975758a3db244c9a64927e09d8c7db8": {
6114 "translations": {
6115 "python": {
6116 "source": "# dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.add_widgets(cloudwatch.TextWidget(\n markdown=\"# Key Performance Indicators\"\n))",
6117 "version": "2"
6118 },
6119 "csharp": {
6120 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.AddWidgets(new TextWidget(new TextWidgetProps {\n Markdown = \"# Key Performance Indicators\"\n}));",
6121 "version": "1"
6122 },
6123 "java": {
6124 "source": "Dashboard dashboard;\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(TextWidget.Builder.create()\n .markdown(\"# Key Performance Indicators\")\n .build());",
6125 "version": "1"
6126 },
6127 "go": {
6128 "source": "var dashboard dashboard\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(cloudwatch.NewTextWidget(&textWidgetProps{\n\tmarkdown: jsii.String(\"# Key Performance Indicators\"),\n}))",
6129 "version": "1"
6130 },
6131 "$": {
6132 "source": "declare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.TextWidget({\n markdown: '# Key Performance Indicators'\n}));",
6133 "version": "0"
6134 }
6135 },
6136 "location": {
6137 "api": {
6138 "api": "type",
6139 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TextWidgetProps"
6140 },
6141 "field": {
6142 "field": "example"
6143 }
6144 },
6145 "didCompile": true,
6146 "fqnsReferenced": [
6147 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Dashboard#addWidgets",
6148 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IWidget",
6149 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TextWidget",
6150 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TextWidgetProps"
6151 ],
6152 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const dashboard: cloudwatch.Dashboard;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as route53 from '@aws-cdk/aws-route53';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ndashboard.addWidgets(new cloudwatch.TextWidget({\n markdown: '# Key Performance Indicators'\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n\n",
6153 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6154 "10": 1,
6155 "75": 8,
6156 "130": 1,
6157 "153": 1,
6158 "169": 1,
6159 "193": 1,
6160 "194": 2,
6161 "196": 1,
6162 "197": 1,
6163 "225": 1,
6164 "226": 1,
6165 "242": 1,
6166 "243": 1,
6167 "281": 1,
6168 "290": 1
6169 },
6170 "fqnsFingerprint": "840d59935c40a04fe23656d25d0a4951fd7b817663d33eac77f797151ee52974"
6171 },
6172 "effb0b356befbdf4edc13ec6ea5eebbb7fff0c10094dd8d558e13e507e258be0": {
6173 "translations": {
6174 "python": {
6175 "source": "import aws_cdk.core as cdk\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\n\nfn = lambda_.Function(self, \"MyFunction\",\n runtime=lambda_.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,\n handler=\"index.handler\",\n code=lambda_.Code.from_asset(path.join(__dirname, \"lambda-handler\")),\n timeout=cdk.Duration.minutes(5)\n)\n\nif fn.timeout:\n cloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"MyAlarm\",\n metric=fn.metric_duration().with(\n statistic=\"Maximum\"\n ),\n evaluation_periods=1,\n datapoints_to_alarm=1,\n threshold=fn.timeout.to_milliseconds(),\n treat_missing_data=cloudwatch.TreatMissingData.IGNORE,\n alarm_name=\"My Lambda Timeout\"\n )",
6176 "version": "2"
6177 },
6178 "csharp": {
6179 "source": "using Amazon.CDK;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\n\nFunction fn = new Function(this, \"MyFunction\", new FunctionProps {\n Runtime = Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,\n Handler = \"index.handler\",\n Code = Code.FromAsset(Join(__dirname, \"lambda-handler\")),\n Timeout = Duration.Minutes(5)\n});\n\nif (fn.Timeout)\n{\n new Alarm(this, \"MyAlarm\", new AlarmProps {\n Metric = fn.MetricDuration().With(new MetricOptions {\n Statistic = \"Maximum\"\n }),\n EvaluationPeriods = 1,\n DatapointsToAlarm = 1,\n Threshold = fn.Timeout.ToMilliseconds(),\n TreatMissingData = TreatMissingData.IGNORE,\n AlarmName = \"My Lambda Timeout\"\n });\n}",
6180 "version": "1"
6181 },
6182 "java": {
6183 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\n\nFunction fn = Function.Builder.create(this, \"MyFunction\")\n .runtime(Runtime.NODEJS_16_X)\n .handler(\"index.handler\")\n .code(Code.fromAsset(join(__dirname, \"lambda-handler\")))\n .timeout(Duration.minutes(5))\n .build();\n\nif (fn.getTimeout()) {\n Alarm.Builder.create(this, \"MyAlarm\")\n .metric(fn.metricDuration().with(MetricOptions.builder()\n .statistic(\"Maximum\")\n .build()))\n .evaluationPeriods(1)\n .datapointsToAlarm(1)\n .threshold(fn.timeout.toMilliseconds())\n .treatMissingData(TreatMissingData.IGNORE)\n .alarmName(\"My Lambda Timeout\")\n .build();\n}",
6184 "version": "1"
6185 },
6186 "go": {
6187 "source": "import cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\n\nfn := lambda.NewFunction(this, jsii.String(\"MyFunction\"), &functionProps{\n\truntime: lambda.runtime_NODEJS_16_X(),\n\thandler: jsii.String(\"index.handler\"),\n\tcode: lambda.code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, jsii.String(\"lambda-handler\"))),\n\ttimeout: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(5)),\n})\n\nif fn.timeout {\n\tcloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"MyAlarm\"), &alarmProps{\n\t\tmetric: fn.metricDuration().with(&metricOptions{\n\t\t\tstatistic: jsii.String(\"Maximum\"),\n\t\t}),\n\t\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(1),\n\t\tdatapointsToAlarm: jsii.Number(1),\n\t\tthreshold: fn.timeout.toMilliseconds(),\n\t\ttreatMissingData: cloudwatch.treatMissingData_IGNORE,\n\t\talarmName: jsii.String(\"My Lambda Timeout\"),\n\t})\n}",
6188 "version": "1"
6189 },
6190 "$": {
6191 "source": "import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'lambda-handler')),\n timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(5),\n});\n\nif (fn.timeout) {\n new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, `MyAlarm`, {\n metric: fn.metricDuration().with({\n statistic: 'Maximum',\n }),\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n datapointsToAlarm: 1,\n threshold: fn.timeout.toMilliseconds(),\n treatMissingData: cloudwatch.TreatMissingData.IGNORE,\n alarmName: 'My Lambda Timeout',\n });\n}",
6192 "version": "0"
6193 }
6194 },
6195 "location": {
6196 "api": {
6197 "api": "type",
6198 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TreatMissingData"
6199 },
6200 "field": {
6201 "field": "example"
6202 }
6203 },
6204 "didCompile": true,
6205 "fqnsReferenced": [
6206 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm",
6207 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmProps",
6208 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
6209 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric#with",
6210 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions",
6211 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TreatMissingData",
6212 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.TreatMissingData#IGNORE",
6213 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
6214 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code#fromAsset",
6215 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function",
6216 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function#timeout",
6217 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionProps",
6218 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime",
6219 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime#NODEJS_16_X",
6220 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
6221 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes",
6222 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#toMilliseconds",
6223 "constructs.Construct"
6224 ],
6225 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport * as path from 'path';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CfnOutput, DockerImage, Duration, RemovalPolicy, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'lambda-handler')),\n timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(5),\n});\n\nif (fn.timeout) {\n new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, `MyAlarm`, {\n metric: fn.metricDuration().with({\n statistic: 'Maximum',\n }),\n evaluationPeriods: 1,\n datapointsToAlarm: 1,\n threshold: fn.timeout.toMilliseconds(),\n treatMissingData: cloudwatch.TreatMissingData.IGNORE,\n alarmName: 'My Lambda Timeout',\n });\n}\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6226 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6227 "8": 3,
6228 "10": 7,
6229 "14": 1,
6230 "75": 41,
6231 "104": 2,
6232 "193": 3,
6233 "194": 16,
6234 "196": 6,
6235 "197": 2,
6236 "223": 1,
6237 "225": 1,
6238 "226": 1,
6239 "227": 1,
6240 "242": 1,
6241 "243": 1,
6242 "254": 2,
6243 "255": 2,
6244 "256": 2,
6245 "281": 11,
6246 "290": 1
6247 },
6248 "fqnsFingerprint": "b572b53db2b3be139f2f443864f024ece60897af11bd3661dbaa14637ea39f13"
6249 },
6250 "c62638da99f835d9f75c3b35daefeaec29f1f1c8144d36de6861697a99218247": {
6251 "translations": {
6252 "python": {
6253 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudwatch as cloudwatch\n\ny_axis_props = cloudwatch.YAxisProps(\n label=\"label\",\n max=123,\n min=123,\n show_units=False\n)",
6254 "version": "2"
6255 },
6256 "csharp": {
6257 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudWatch;\n\nYAxisProps yAxisProps = new YAxisProps {\n Label = \"label\",\n Max = 123,\n Min = 123,\n ShowUnits = false\n};",
6258 "version": "1"
6259 },
6260 "java": {
6261 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudwatch.*;\n\nYAxisProps yAxisProps = YAxisProps.builder()\n .label(\"label\")\n .max(123)\n .min(123)\n .showUnits(false)\n .build();",
6262 "version": "1"
6263 },
6264 "go": {
6265 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport cloudwatch \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudwatch\"\n\nyAxisProps := &yAxisProps{\n\tlabel: jsii.String(\"label\"),\n\tmax: jsii.Number(123),\n\tmin: jsii.Number(123),\n\tshowUnits: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
6266 "version": "1"
6267 },
6268 "$": {
6269 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nconst yAxisProps: cloudwatch.YAxisProps = {\n label: 'label',\n max: 123,\n min: 123,\n showUnits: false,\n};",
6270 "version": "0"
6271 }
6272 },
6273 "location": {
6274 "api": {
6275 "api": "type",
6276 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.YAxisProps"
6277 },
6278 "field": {
6279 "field": "example"
6280 }
6281 },
6282 "didCompile": true,
6283 "fqnsReferenced": [
6284 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.YAxisProps"
6285 ],
6286 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst yAxisProps: cloudwatch.YAxisProps = {\n label: 'label',\n max: 123,\n min: 123,\n showUnits: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6287 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6288 "8": 2,
6289 "10": 2,
6290 "75": 8,
6291 "91": 1,
6292 "153": 1,
6293 "169": 1,
6294 "193": 1,
6295 "225": 1,
6296 "242": 1,
6297 "243": 1,
6298 "254": 1,
6299 "255": 1,
6300 "256": 1,
6301 "281": 4,
6302 "290": 1
6303 },
6304 "fqnsFingerprint": "870170e9281957101664de6d55f1b17a206bd4ffe3187ae6413a75763f0c5bde"
6305 }
6306 }