1 | import { IResource, Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core';
2 | import { IAlarmAction } from './alarm-action';
3 | /**
4 | * Interface for Alarm Rule.
5 | */
6 | export interface IAlarmRule {
7 | /**
8 | * serialized representation of Alarm Rule to be used when building the Composite Alarm resource.
9 | */
10 | renderAlarmRule(): string;
11 | }
12 | /**
13 | * Represents a CloudWatch Alarm
14 | */
15 | export interface IAlarm extends IAlarmRule, IResource {
16 | /**
17 | * Alarm ARN (i.e. arn:aws:cloudwatch:<region>:<account-id>:alarm:Foo)
18 | *
19 | * @attribute
20 | */
21 | readonly alarmArn: string;
22 | /**
23 | * Name of the alarm
24 | *
25 | * @attribute
26 | */
27 | readonly alarmName: string;
28 | }
29 | /**
30 | * The base class for Alarm and CompositeAlarm resources.
31 | */
32 | export declare abstract class AlarmBase extends Resource implements IAlarm {
33 | /**
34 | * @attribute
35 | */
36 | abstract readonly alarmArn: string;
37 | abstract readonly alarmName: string;
38 | protected alarmActionArns?: string[];
39 | protected insufficientDataActionArns?: string[];
40 | protected okActionArns?: string[];
41 | /**
42 | * AlarmRule indicating ALARM state for Alarm.
43 | */
44 | renderAlarmRule(): string;
45 | /**
46 | * Trigger this action if the alarm fires
47 | *
48 | * Typically the ARN of an SNS topic or ARN of an AutoScaling policy.
49 | */
50 | addAlarmAction(...actions: IAlarmAction[]): void;
51 | /**
52 | * Trigger this action if there is insufficient data to evaluate the alarm
53 | *
54 | * Typically the ARN of an SNS topic or ARN of an AutoScaling policy.
55 | */
56 | addInsufficientDataAction(...actions: IAlarmAction[]): void;
57 | /**
58 | * Trigger this action if the alarm returns from breaching state into ok state
59 | *
60 | * Typically the ARN of an SNS topic or ARN of an AutoScaling policy.
61 | */
62 | addOkAction(...actions: IAlarmAction[]): void;
63 | }