690 kBJSONView Raw
2 "version": "2",
3 "toolVersion": "1.71.0",
4 "snippets": {
5 "59de3f29276699716966954464d5d541f50ecc96424793d9e62a92a9253649ff": {
6 "translations": {
7 "python": {
8 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild",
9 "version": "2"
10 },
11 "csharp": {
12 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;",
13 "version": "1"
14 },
15 "java": {
16 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;",
17 "version": "1"
18 },
19 "go": {
20 "source": "import codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"",
21 "version": "1"
22 },
23 "$": {
24 "source": "import * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';",
25 "version": "0"
26 }
27 },
28 "location": {
29 "api": {
30 "api": "moduleReadme",
31 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
32 },
33 "field": {
34 "field": "markdown",
35 "line": 33
36 }
37 },
38 "didCompile": true,
39 "fqnsReferenced": [],
40 "fullSource": "import * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';",
41 "syntaxKindCounter": {
42 "10": 1,
43 "75": 1,
44 "254": 1,
45 "255": 1,
46 "256": 1,
47 "290": 1
48 },
49 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
50 },
51 "3970ad5bd47707446409ba245638da5596c2b45f360633ea7af617726920f3bb": {
52 "translations": {
53 "python": {
54 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"echo \\\"Hello, CodeBuild!\\\"\"\n ]\n }\n }\n })\n)",
55 "version": "2"
56 },
57 "csharp": {
58 "source": "new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"echo \\\"Hello, CodeBuild!\\\"\" }\n } }\n } }\n })\n});",
59 "version": "1"
60 },
61 "java": {
62 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"echo \\\"Hello, CodeBuild!\\\"\"))))))\n .build();",
63 "version": "1"
64 },
65 "go": {
66 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"echo \\\"Hello, CodeBuild!\\\"\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
67 "version": "1"
68 },
69 "$": {
70 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: [\n 'echo \"Hello, CodeBuild!\"',\n ],\n },\n },\n }),\n});",
71 "version": "0"
72 }
73 },
74 "location": {
75 "api": {
76 "api": "moduleReadme",
77 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
78 },
79 "field": {
80 "field": "markdown",
81 "line": 52
82 }
83 },
84 "didCompile": true,
85 "fqnsReferenced": [
86 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
87 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
88 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
89 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
90 "constructs.Construct"
91 ],
92 "fullSource": "import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codebuild from '../lib';\n\nclass TestStack extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n /// !show\n new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: [\n 'echo \"Hello, CodeBuild!\"',\n ],\n },\n },\n }),\n });\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new cdk.App();\n\nnew TestStack(app, 'codebuild-default-project');\n\napp.synth();\n",
93 "syntaxKindCounter": {
94 "10": 3,
95 "75": 10,
96 "104": 1,
97 "192": 1,
98 "193": 4,
99 "194": 3,
100 "196": 1,
101 "197": 1,
102 "226": 1,
103 "281": 5
104 },
105 "fqnsFingerprint": "a73371b2f00a6b23bb0a5d791c6ad2258b58724b6bfd99b19ca6f58d0151e9e0"
106 },
107 "5d79ef20e7ffe45d90b05d1de72bb6bb228a9a5c4db298c44179a59a2fb323c4": {
108 "translations": {
109 "python": {
110 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit\n\n\nrepository = codecommit.Repository(self, \"MyRepo\", repository_name=\"foo\")\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"MyFirstCodeCommitProject\",\n source=codebuild.Source.code_commit(repository=repository)\n)",
111 "version": "2"
112 },
113 "csharp": {
114 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeCommit;\n\n\nRepository repository = new Repository(this, \"MyRepo\", new RepositoryProps { RepositoryName = \"foo\" });\nnew Project(this, \"MyFirstCodeCommitProject\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = Source.CodeCommit(new CodeCommitSourceProps { Repository = repository })\n});",
115 "version": "1"
116 },
117 "java": {
118 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.codecommit.*;\n\n\nRepository repository = Repository.Builder.create(this, \"MyRepo\").repositoryName(\"foo\").build();\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"MyFirstCodeCommitProject\")\n .source(Source.codeCommit(CodeCommitSourceProps.builder().repository(repository).build()))\n .build();",
119 "version": "1"
120 },
121 "go": {
122 "source": "import codecommit \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodecommit\"\n\n\nrepository := codecommit.NewRepository(this, jsii.String(\"MyRepo\"), &repositoryProps{\n\trepositoryName: jsii.String(\"foo\"),\n})\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyFirstCodeCommitProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: codebuild.source.codeCommit(&codeCommitSourceProps{\n\t\trepository: repository,\n\t}),\n})",
123 "version": "1"
124 },
125 "$": {
126 "source": "import * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\n\nconst repository = new codecommit.Repository(this, 'MyRepo', { repositoryName: 'foo' });\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyFirstCodeCommitProject', {\n source: codebuild.Source.codeCommit({ repository }),\n});",
127 "version": "0"
128 }
129 },
130 "location": {
131 "api": {
132 "api": "moduleReadme",
133 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
134 },
135 "field": {
136 "field": "markdown",
137 "line": 71
138 }
139 },
140 "didCompile": true,
141 "fqnsReferenced": [
142 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CodeCommitSourceProps",
143 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
144 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
145 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
146 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
147 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#codeCommit",
148 "@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit.IRepository",
149 "@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit.Repository",
150 "@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit.RepositoryProps",
151 "constructs.Construct"
152 ],
153 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst repository = new codecommit.Repository(this, 'MyRepo', { repositoryName: 'foo' });\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyFirstCodeCommitProject', {\n source: codebuild.Source.codeCommit({ repository }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
154 "syntaxKindCounter": {
155 "10": 4,
156 "75": 12,
157 "104": 2,
158 "193": 3,
159 "194": 4,
160 "196": 1,
161 "197": 2,
162 "225": 1,
163 "226": 1,
164 "242": 1,
165 "243": 1,
166 "254": 1,
167 "255": 1,
168 "256": 1,
169 "281": 2,
170 "282": 1,
171 "290": 1
172 },
173 "fqnsFingerprint": "2ef02bbaff7124ce260bd9f21f5b32a3666ebcbfbcd0fbf761e13054345bb68a"
174 },
175 "8187801863c4733be74d82111cdfad1bfbde8c5920dc2fa622ecc347337f2531": {
176 "translations": {
177 "python": {
178 "source": "bucket = s3.Bucket(self, \"MyBucket\")\n\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n source=codebuild.Source.s3(\n bucket=bucket,\n path=\"path/to/file.zip\"\n )\n)",
179 "version": "2"
180 },
181 "csharp": {
182 "source": "Bucket bucket = new Bucket(this, \"MyBucket\");\n\nnew Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = Source.S3(new S3SourceProps {\n Bucket = bucket,\n Path = \"path/to/file.zip\"\n })\n});",
183 "version": "1"
184 },
185 "java": {
186 "source": "Bucket bucket = new Bucket(this, \"MyBucket\");\n\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .source(Source.s3(S3SourceProps.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n .path(\"path/to/file.zip\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
187 "version": "1"
188 },
189 "go": {
190 "source": "bucket := s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"MyBucket\"))\n\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: codebuild.source.s3(&s3SourceProps{\n\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path/to/file.zip\"),\n\t}),\n})",
191 "version": "1"
192 },
193 "$": {
194 "source": "const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n source: codebuild.Source.s3({\n bucket: bucket,\n path: 'path/to/file.zip',\n }),\n});",
195 "version": "0"
196 }
197 },
198 "location": {
199 "api": {
200 "api": "moduleReadme",
201 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
202 },
203 "field": {
204 "field": "markdown",
205 "line": 84
206 }
207 },
208 "didCompile": true,
209 "fqnsReferenced": [
210 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
211 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
212 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
213 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3SourceProps",
214 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
215 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#s3",
216 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
217 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
218 "constructs.Construct"
219 ],
220 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n source: codebuild.Source.s3({\n bucket: bucket,\n path: 'path/to/file.zip',\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
221 "syntaxKindCounter": {
222 "10": 3,
223 "75": 12,
224 "104": 2,
225 "193": 2,
226 "194": 4,
227 "196": 1,
228 "197": 2,
229 "225": 1,
230 "226": 1,
231 "242": 1,
232 "243": 1,
233 "281": 3
234 },
235 "fqnsFingerprint": "89dcaa8acf6df97e222940b5690a2539dea48829517629426e92bdebc75d9edf"
236 },
237 "e2da1a73c78678cc6f5af77c56de51a4abccd13a5293e8e263bf7da2fb18ed2d": {
238 "translations": {
239 "python": {
240 "source": "git_hub_source = codebuild.Source.git_hub(\n owner=\"awslabs\",\n repo=\"aws-cdk\",\n webhook=True, # optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhook_triggers_batch_build=True, # optional, default is false\n webhook_filters=[\n codebuild.FilterGroup.in_event_of(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH).and_branch_is(\"master\").and_commit_message_is(\"the commit message\")\n ]\n)",
241 "version": "2"
242 },
243 "csharp": {
244 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.GitHub(new GitHubSourceProps {\n Owner = \"awslabs\",\n Repo = \"aws-cdk\",\n Webhook = true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n WebhookTriggersBatchBuild = true, // optional, default is false\n WebhookFilters = new [] { FilterGroup.InEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).AndBranchIs(\"master\").AndCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\") }\n});",
245 "version": "1"
246 },
247 "java": {
248 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.gitHub(GitHubSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"awslabs\")\n .repo(\"aws-cdk\")\n .webhook(true) // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n .webhookTriggersBatchBuild(true) // optional, default is false\n .webhookFilters(List.of(FilterGroup.inEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).andBranchIs(\"master\").andCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\")))\n .build());",
249 "version": "1"
250 },
251 "go": {
252 "source": "gitHubSource := codebuild.source.gitHub(&gitHubSourceProps{\n\towner: jsii.String(\"awslabs\"),\n\trepo: jsii.String(\"aws-cdk\"),\n\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n\twebhookTriggersBatchBuild: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default is false\n\twebhookFilters: []filterGroup{\n\t\tcodebuild.*filterGroup.inEventOf(codebuild.eventAction_PUSH).andBranchIs(jsii.String(\"master\")).andCommitMessageIs(jsii.String(\"the commit message\")),\n\t},\n})",
253 "version": "1"
254 },
255 "$": {
256 "source": "const gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});",
257 "version": "0"
258 }
259 },
260 "location": {
261 "api": {
262 "api": "moduleReadme",
263 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
264 },
265 "field": {
266 "field": "markdown",
267 "line": 102
268 }
269 },
270 "didCompile": true,
271 "fqnsReferenced": [
272 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction",
273 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction#PUSH",
274 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup",
275 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andBranchIs",
276 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andCommitMessageIs",
277 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#inEventOf",
278 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
279 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
280 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
281 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHub"
282 ],
283 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
284 "syntaxKindCounter": {
285 "10": 4,
286 "75": 17,
287 "106": 2,
288 "192": 1,
289 "193": 1,
290 "194": 8,
291 "196": 4,
292 "225": 1,
293 "242": 1,
294 "243": 1,
295 "281": 5
296 },
297 "fqnsFingerprint": "c2a469d3826f98e620b2706c312ec6addc6e37cc63d95f37daeb8c060a601a5a"
298 },
299 "472459439f1eb9ec3fe2c925771012d81b6316028d6f18953d33fa0ba0e005fa": {
300 "translations": {
301 "python": {
302 "source": "bb_source = codebuild.Source.bit_bucket(\n owner=\"owner\",\n repo=\"repo\"\n)",
303 "version": "2"
304 },
305 "csharp": {
306 "source": "ISource bbSource = Source.BitBucket(new BitBucketSourceProps {\n Owner = \"owner\",\n Repo = \"repo\"\n});",
307 "version": "1"
308 },
309 "java": {
310 "source": "ISource bbSource = Source.bitBucket(BitBucketSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"owner\")\n .repo(\"repo\")\n .build());",
311 "version": "1"
312 },
313 "go": {
314 "source": "bbSource := codebuild.source.bitBucket(&bitBucketSourceProps{\n\towner: jsii.String(\"owner\"),\n\trepo: jsii.String(\"repo\"),\n})",
315 "version": "1"
316 },
317 "$": {
318 "source": "const bbSource = codebuild.Source.bitBucket({\n owner: 'owner',\n repo: 'repo',\n});",
319 "version": "0"
320 }
321 },
322 "location": {
323 "api": {
324 "api": "moduleReadme",
325 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
326 },
327 "field": {
328 "field": "markdown",
329 "line": 129
330 }
331 },
332 "didCompile": true,
333 "fqnsReferenced": [
334 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
335 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
336 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
337 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#bitBucket"
338 ],
339 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst bbSource = codebuild.Source.bitBucket({\n owner: 'owner',\n repo: 'repo',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
340 "syntaxKindCounter": {
341 "10": 2,
342 "75": 6,
343 "193": 1,
344 "194": 2,
345 "196": 1,
346 "225": 1,
347 "242": 1,
348 "243": 1,
349 "281": 2
350 },
351 "fqnsFingerprint": "2d0e2f696e3c82d352a60da4a497a32ce5a141ce2c7bbec345bf80517bb37872"
352 },
353 "050d470b4e7dff1a04d98e73687df3fe6ef11f3a89c615aa368f19954ad6cba9": {
354 "translations": {
355 "python": {
356 "source": "git_hub_source = codebuild.Source.git_hub(\n owner=\"awslabs\",\n repo=\"aws-cdk\",\n fetch_submodules=True\n)",
357 "version": "2"
358 },
359 "csharp": {
360 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.GitHub(new GitHubSourceProps {\n Owner = \"awslabs\",\n Repo = \"aws-cdk\",\n FetchSubmodules = true\n});",
361 "version": "1"
362 },
363 "java": {
364 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.gitHub(GitHubSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"awslabs\")\n .repo(\"aws-cdk\")\n .fetchSubmodules(true)\n .build());",
365 "version": "1"
366 },
367 "go": {
368 "source": "gitHubSource := codebuild.source.gitHub(&gitHubSourceProps{\n\towner: jsii.String(\"awslabs\"),\n\trepo: jsii.String(\"aws-cdk\"),\n\tfetchSubmodules: jsii.Boolean(true),\n})",
369 "version": "1"
370 },
371 "$": {
372 "source": "const gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n fetchSubmodules: true,\n});",
373 "version": "0"
374 }
375 },
376 "location": {
377 "api": {
378 "api": "moduleReadme",
379 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
380 },
381 "field": {
382 "field": "markdown",
383 "line": 140
384 }
385 },
386 "didCompile": true,
387 "fqnsReferenced": [
388 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
389 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
390 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
391 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHub"
392 ],
393 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n fetchSubmodules: true,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
394 "syntaxKindCounter": {
395 "10": 2,
396 "75": 7,
397 "106": 1,
398 "193": 1,
399 "194": 2,
400 "196": 1,
401 "225": 1,
402 "242": 1,
403 "243": 1,
404 "281": 3
405 },
406 "fqnsFingerprint": "b46c48bbd23e9f4282a231b6e7d7ce4421135d5d196fcd81d956f4f695c81a9c"
407 },
408 "085bab3997a9782fe5d20d3896437ac8b3d8ecaeecc743c2f6569b035e0baca9": {
409 "translations": {
410 "python": {
411 "source": "# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n artifacts=codebuild.Artifacts.s3(\n bucket=bucket,\n include_build_id=False,\n package_zip=True,\n path=\"another/path\",\n identifier=\"AddArtifact1\"\n )\n)",
412 "version": "2"
413 },
414 "csharp": {
415 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n Artifacts = Artifacts.S3(new S3ArtifactsProps {\n Bucket = bucket,\n IncludeBuildId = false,\n PackageZip = true,\n Path = \"another/path\",\n Identifier = \"AddArtifact1\"\n })\n});",
416 "version": "1"
417 },
418 "java": {
419 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n .artifacts(Artifacts.s3(S3ArtifactsProps.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n .includeBuildId(false)\n .packageZip(true)\n .path(\"another/path\")\n .identifier(\"AddArtifact1\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
420 "version": "1"
421 },
422 "go": {
423 "source": "var bucket bucket\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\tartifacts: codebuild.artifacts.s3(&s3ArtifactsProps{\n\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\tincludeBuildId: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tpackageZip: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"another/path\"),\n\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"AddArtifact1\"),\n\t}),\n})",
424 "version": "1"
425 },
426 "$": {
427 "source": "declare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});",
428 "version": "0"
429 }
430 },
431 "location": {
432 "api": {
433 "api": "moduleReadme",
434 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
435 },
436 "field": {
437 "field": "markdown",
438 "line": 152
439 }
440 },
441 "didCompile": true,
442 "fqnsReferenced": [
443 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts",
444 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts#s3",
445 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
446 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
447 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IArtifacts",
448 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
449 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
450 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3ArtifactsProps",
451 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
452 "constructs.Construct"
453 ],
454 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
455 "syntaxKindCounter": {
456 "10": 4,
457 "75": 20,
458 "91": 1,
459 "104": 1,
460 "106": 1,
461 "130": 1,
462 "153": 1,
463 "169": 1,
464 "193": 3,
465 "194": 5,
466 "196": 2,
467 "197": 1,
468 "225": 2,
469 "242": 2,
470 "243": 2,
471 "281": 7,
472 "282": 1,
473 "290": 1
474 },
475 "fqnsFingerprint": "a7f9b2c9d1a2de404ef12ef3a658133451ab176f2c61e363f62e48261d155015"
476 },
477 "9ee1cc80c888172237de1bf978384fb3c090dbb8fb656f7ee27a2ee51207e075": {
478 "translations": {
479 "python": {
480 "source": "project = codebuild.PipelineProject(self, \"Project\")",
481 "version": "2"
482 },
483 "csharp": {
484 "source": "PipelineProject project = new PipelineProject(this, \"Project\", new PipelineProjectProps { });",
485 "version": "1"
486 },
487 "java": {
488 "source": "PipelineProject project = PipelineProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\").build();",
489 "version": "1"
490 },
491 "go": {
492 "source": "project := codebuild.NewPipelineProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &pipelineProjectProps{\n})",
493 "version": "1"
494 },
495 "$": {
496 "source": "const project = new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, 'Project', {\n // properties as above...\n})",
497 "version": "0"
498 }
499 },
500 "location": {
501 "api": {
502 "api": "moduleReadme",
503 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
504 },
505 "field": {
506 "field": "markdown",
507 "line": 186
508 }
509 },
510 "didCompile": true,
511 "fqnsReferenced": [
512 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProject",
513 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProjectProps",
514 "constructs.Construct"
515 ],
516 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst project = new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, 'Project', {\n // properties as above...\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
517 "syntaxKindCounter": {
518 "10": 1,
519 "75": 3,
520 "104": 1,
521 "193": 1,
522 "194": 1,
523 "197": 1,
524 "225": 1,
525 "242": 1,
526 "243": 1
527 },
528 "fqnsFingerprint": "c703df5aca356d7c361109210d1d591ab5b4c172ac6aea524e3d44256af571dc"
529 },
530 "c081d3235425908f1614a405543c91f4d49a9b98c80a24d50488156deea0bfac": {
531 "translations": {
532 "python": {
533 "source": "# my_caching_bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n source=codebuild.Source.bit_bucket(\n owner=\"awslabs\",\n repo=\"aws-cdk\"\n ),\n\n cache=codebuild.Cache.bucket(my_caching_bucket),\n\n # BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n # also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"...\"]\n }\n },\n \"cache\": {\n \"paths\": [\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"\n ]\n }\n })\n)",
534 "version": "2"
535 },
536 "csharp": {
537 "source": "Bucket myCachingBucket;\n\n\nnew Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = Source.BitBucket(new BitBucketSourceProps {\n Owner = \"awslabs\",\n Repo = \"aws-cdk\"\n }),\n\n Cache = Cache.Bucket(myCachingBucket),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"...\" }\n } }\n } },\n { \"cache\", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {\n { \"paths\", new [] { \"/root/cachedir/**/*\" } }\n } }\n })\n});",
538 "version": "1"
539 },
540 "java": {
541 "source": "Bucket myCachingBucket;\n\n\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .source(Source.bitBucket(BitBucketSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"awslabs\")\n .repo(\"aws-cdk\")\n .build()))\n\n .cache(Cache.bucket(myCachingBucket))\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"...\"))),\n \"cache\", Map.of(\n \"paths\", List.of(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\")))))\n .build();",
542 "version": "1"
543 },
544 "go": {
545 "source": "var myCachingBucket bucket\n\n\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: codebuild.source.bitBucket(&bitBucketSourceProps{\n\t\towner: jsii.String(\"awslabs\"),\n\t\trepo: jsii.String(\"aws-cdk\"),\n\t}),\n\n\tcache: codebuild.cache.bucket(myCachingBucket),\n\n\t// BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n\t// also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"...\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"cache\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"paths\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
546 "version": "1"
547 },
548 "$": {
549 "source": "declare const myCachingBucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.bitBucket({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n }),\n\n cache: codebuild.Cache.bucket(myCachingBucket),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});",
550 "version": "0"
551 }
552 },
553 "location": {
554 "api": {
555 "api": "moduleReadme",
556 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
557 },
558 "field": {
559 "field": "markdown",
560 "line": 205
561 }
562 },
563 "didCompile": true,
564 "fqnsReferenced": [
565 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
566 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
567 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
568 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache",
569 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache#bucket",
570 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
571 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
572 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
573 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
574 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#bitBucket",
575 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
576 "constructs.Construct"
577 ],
578 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const myCachingBucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.bitBucket({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n }),\n\n cache: codebuild.Cache.bucket(myCachingBucket),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
579 "syntaxKindCounter": {
580 "10": 6,
581 "75": 26,
582 "104": 1,
583 "130": 1,
584 "153": 1,
585 "169": 1,
586 "192": 2,
587 "193": 6,
588 "194": 7,
589 "196": 3,
590 "197": 1,
591 "225": 1,
592 "226": 1,
593 "242": 1,
594 "243": 1,
595 "281": 11,
596 "290": 1
597 },
598 "fqnsFingerprint": "294b5a4d7943d39155baf9ccf010639a72f8f290f76ce2694fb17670afa88f15"
599 },
600 "49ba5fc28107f7c5b9111da310b960dafb8432ec94240e6fb1ace9f78a8e0f41": {
601 "translations": {
602 "python": {
603 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n source=codebuild.Source.git_hub_enterprise(\n https_clone_url=\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"\n ),\n\n # Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache=codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n # BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n # also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"...\"]\n }\n },\n \"cache\": {\n \"paths\": [\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"\n ]\n }\n })\n)",
604 "version": "2"
605 },
606 "csharp": {
607 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = Source.GitHubEnterprise(new GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps {\n HttpsCloneUrl = \"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n Cache = Cache.Local(LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"...\" }\n } }\n } },\n { \"cache\", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {\n { \"paths\", new [] { \"/root/cachedir/**/*\" } }\n } }\n })\n});",
608 "version": "1"
609 },
610 "java": {
611 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .source(Source.gitHubEnterprise(GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps.builder()\n .httpsCloneUrl(\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\")\n .build()))\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n .cache(Cache.local(LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM))\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"...\"))),\n \"cache\", Map.of(\n \"paths\", List.of(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\")))))\n .build();",
612 "version": "1"
613 },
614 "go": {
615 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: codebuild.source.gitHubEnterprise(&gitHubEnterpriseSourceProps{\n\t\thttpsCloneUrl: jsii.String(\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"),\n\t}),\n\n\t// Enable Docker AND custom caching\n\tcache: codebuild.cache.local(codebuild.localCacheMode_DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.*localCacheMode_CUSTOM),\n\n\t// BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n\t// also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"...\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"cache\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"paths\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
616 "version": "1"
617 },
618 "$": {
619 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.gitHubEnterprise({\n httpsCloneUrl: 'https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo',\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache: codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});",
620 "version": "0"
621 }
622 },
623 "location": {
624 "api": {
625 "api": "moduleReadme",
626 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
627 },
628 "field": {
629 "field": "markdown",
630 "line": 252
631 }
632 },
633 "didCompile": true,
634 "fqnsReferenced": [
635 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
636 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
637 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache",
638 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache#local",
639 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps",
640 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
641 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode",
642 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode#CUSTOM",
643 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode#DOCKER_LAYER",
644 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
645 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
646 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
647 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHubEnterprise",
648 "constructs.Construct"
649 ],
650 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.gitHubEnterprise({\n httpsCloneUrl: 'https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo',\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache: codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
651 "syntaxKindCounter": {
652 "10": 5,
653 "75": 27,
654 "104": 1,
655 "192": 2,
656 "193": 6,
657 "194": 11,
658 "196": 3,
659 "197": 1,
660 "226": 1,
661 "281": 10
662 },
663 "fqnsFingerprint": "121cf8be73f3f175a7b1ca5213da4ef5f8fb8b8928e3a05cbb1f39bcd86108b1"
664 },
665 "2fde47a725abd4b31e5e7b55933be824ea191a7ff58774802cb539b3f5fc63f1": {
666 "translations": {
667 "python": {
668 "source": "# ecr_repository: ecr.Repository\n\n\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.from_ecr_repository(ecr_repository, \"v1.0\", codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n # optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate(\n bucket=s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(self, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"),\n object_key=\"path/to/cert.pem\"\n )\n )\n)",
669 "version": "2"
670 },
671 "csharp": {
672 "source": "Repository ecrRepository;\n\n\nnew Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = WindowsBuildImage.FromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\", WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n Certificate = new BuildEnvironmentCertificate {\n Bucket = Bucket.FromBucketName(this, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"),\n ObjectKey = \"path/to/cert.pem\"\n }\n }\n});",
673 "version": "1"
674 },
675 "java": {
676 "source": "Repository ecrRepository;\n\n\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\", WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019))\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n .certificate(BuildEnvironmentCertificate.builder()\n .bucket(Bucket.fromBucketName(this, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"))\n .objectKey(\"path/to/cert.pem\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
677 "version": "1"
678 },
679 "go": {
680 "source": "var ecrRepository repository\n\n\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tenvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tbuildImage: codebuild.windowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, jsii.String(\"v1.0\"), codebuild.windowsImageType_SERVER_2019),\n\t\t// optional certificate to include in the build image\n\t\tcertificate: &buildEnvironmentCertificate{\n\t\t\tbucket: s3.bucket.fromBucketName(this, jsii.String(\"Bucket\"), jsii.String(\"my-bucket\")),\n\t\t\tobjectKey: jsii.String(\"path/to/cert.pem\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
681 "version": "1"
682 },
683 "$": {
684 "source": "declare const ecrRepository: ecr.Repository;\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0', codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate: {\n bucket: s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'Bucket', 'my-bucket'),\n objectKey: 'path/to/cert.pem',\n },\n },\n // ...\n})",
685 "version": "0"
686 }
687 },
688 "location": {
689 "api": {
690 "api": "moduleReadme",
691 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
692 },
693 "field": {
694 "field": "markdown",
695 "line": 326
696 }
697 },
698 "didCompile": true,
699 "fqnsReferenced": [
700 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
701 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate",
702 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
703 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
704 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
705 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage",
706 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage#fromEcrRepository",
707 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType",
708 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType#SERVER_2019",
709 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecr.IRepository",
710 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
711 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket#fromBucketName",
712 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
713 "constructs.Construct"
714 ],
715 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const ecrRepository: ecr.Repository;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0', codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate: {\n bucket: s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'Bucket', 'my-bucket'),\n objectKey: 'path/to/cert.pem',\n },\n },\n // ...\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
716 "syntaxKindCounter": {
717 "10": 5,
718 "75": 20,
719 "104": 2,
720 "130": 1,
721 "153": 1,
722 "169": 1,
723 "193": 3,
724 "194": 7,
725 "196": 2,
726 "197": 1,
727 "225": 1,
728 "226": 1,
729 "242": 1,
730 "243": 1,
731 "281": 5,
732 "290": 1
733 },
734 "fqnsFingerprint": "e9fc8581f117316d74b81bb421fb239bd0d74ea3797ce9eac9428532ead62c42"
735 },
736 "06821509fd03f9107ebbb67c99e6a3ddddafacd047771212a5b941ef1fd59d48": {
737 "translations": {
738 "python": {
739 "source": "environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.from_asset(self, \"MyImage\",\n directory=path.join(__dirname, \"demo-image\")\n )\n)",
740 "version": "2"
741 },
742 "csharp": {
743 "source": "Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = LinuxBuildImage.FromAsset(this, \"MyImage\", new DockerImageAssetProps {\n Directory = Join(__dirname, \"demo-image\")\n })\n}",
744 "version": "1"
745 },
746 "java": {
747 "source": ".environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, \"MyImage\", DockerImageAssetProps.builder()\n .directory(join(__dirname, \"demo-image\"))\n .build()))\n .build())\n.build();",
748 "version": "1"
749 },
750 "go": {
751 "source": "environment: &buildEnvironment{\n\tbuildImage: codebuild.linuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, jsii.String(\"MyImage\"), &dockerImageAssetProps{\n\t\tdirectory: path.join(__dirname, jsii.String(\"demo-image\")),\n\t}),\n},",
752 "version": "1"
753 },
754 "$": {
755 "source": "environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, 'MyImage', {\n directory: path.join(__dirname, 'demo-image'),\n }),\n},",
756 "version": "0"
757 }
758 },
759 "location": {
760 "api": {
761 "api": "moduleReadme",
762 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
763 },
764 "field": {
765 "field": "markdown",
766 "line": 344
767 }
768 },
769 "didCompile": true,
770 "fqnsReferenced": [
771 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
772 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
773 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
774 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage",
775 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage#fromAsset",
776 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecr-assets.DockerImageAssetProps",
777 "constructs.Construct"
778 ],
779 "fullSource": "import * as path from 'path';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codebuild from '../lib';\n\nclass TestStack extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['ls'],\n },\n },\n }),\n grantReportGroupPermissions: false,\n /// !show\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, 'MyImage', {\n directory: path.join(__dirname, 'demo-image'),\n }),\n },\n /// !hide\n });\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new cdk.App();\n\nnew TestStack(app, 'test-codebuild-docker-asset');\n\napp.synth();\n",
780 "syntaxKindCounter": {
781 "10": 2,
782 "75": 9,
783 "104": 1,
784 "193": 2,
785 "194": 3,
786 "196": 2,
787 "281": 3
788 },
789 "fqnsFingerprint": "8b8c73cd39f7eb6aef9c3bf555d470e224f9d7811c71b45409b6acd9b23301e5"
790 },
791 "e57c6d976be31743cd46e9669624bbbd14740e4c68e0fe43bc23801cbdefbd96": {
792 "translations": {
793 "python": {
794 "source": "environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.from_ecr_repository(ecr_repository, \"v1.0\")\n)",
795 "version": "2"
796 },
797 "csharp": {
798 "source": "Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = LinuxBuildImage.FromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\")\n}",
799 "version": "1"
800 },
801 "java": {
802 "source": ".environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(LinuxBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\"))\n .build())\n.build();",
803 "version": "1"
804 },
805 "go": {
806 "source": "environment: &buildEnvironment{\n\tbuildImage: codebuild.linuxBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, jsii.String(\"v1.0\")),\n},",
807 "version": "1"
808 },
809 "$": {
810 "source": "environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0'),\n},",
811 "version": "0"
812 }
813 },
814 "location": {
815 "api": {
816 "api": "moduleReadme",
817 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
818 },
819 "field": {
820 "field": "markdown",
821 "line": 354
822 }
823 },
824 "didCompile": true,
825 "fqnsReferenced": [
826 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
827 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
828 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
829 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage",
830 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage#fromEcrRepository",
831 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecr.IRepository"
832 ],
833 "fullSource": "import * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codebuild from '../lib';\n\nclass TestStack extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n const ecrRepository = new ecr.Repository(this, 'MyRepo');\n\n new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['ls'],\n },\n },\n }),\n grantReportGroupPermissions: false,\n /// !show\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0'),\n },\n /// !hide\n });\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new cdk.App();\n\nnew TestStack(app, 'test-codebuild-docker-asset');\n\napp.synth();\n",
834 "syntaxKindCounter": {
835 "10": 1,
836 "75": 6,
837 "193": 1,
838 "194": 2,
839 "196": 1,
840 "281": 2
841 },
842 "fqnsFingerprint": "3db0cc1ff7c5d3d7ae5fef807c10ace941d2825511a1624ccd7873acc916d02d"
843 },
844 "d1afbafd1cc338ff445fddd0059e5a8d247c54859ca21811bf512d0a788b530c": {
845 "translations": {
846 "python": {
847 "source": "environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.from_docker_registry(\"my-registry/my-repo\",\n secrets_manager_credentials=secrets\n )\n)",
848 "version": "2"
849 },
850 "csharp": {
851 "source": "Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = LinuxBuildImage.FromDockerRegistry(\"my-registry/my-repo\", new DockerImageOptions {\n SecretsManagerCredentials = secrets\n })\n}",
852 "version": "1"
853 },
854 "java": {
855 "source": ".environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry(\"my-registry/my-repo\", DockerImageOptions.builder()\n .secretsManagerCredentials(secrets)\n .build()))\n .build())\n.build();",
856 "version": "1"
857 },
858 "go": {
859 "source": "environment: &buildEnvironment{\n\tbuildImage: codebuild.linuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry(jsii.String(\"my-registry/my-repo\"), &dockerImageOptions{\n\t\tsecretsManagerCredentials: secrets,\n\t}),\n},",
860 "version": "1"
861 },
862 "$": {
863 "source": "environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry('my-registry/my-repo', {\n secretsManagerCredentials: secrets,\n }),\n},",
864 "version": "0"
865 }
866 },
867 "location": {
868 "api": {
869 "api": "moduleReadme",
870 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
871 },
872 "field": {
873 "field": "markdown",
874 "line": 362
875 }
876 },
877 "didCompile": true,
878 "fqnsReferenced": [
879 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
880 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
881 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.DockerImageOptions",
882 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
883 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage",
884 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage#fromDockerRegistry",
885 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.ISecret"
886 ],
887 "fullSource": "import * as secretsmanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codebuild from '../lib';\n\nclass TestStack extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n const secrets = secretsmanager.Secret.fromSecretCompleteArn(this, 'MySecrets',\n `arn:aws:secretsmanager:${this.region}:${this.account}:secret:my-secrets-123456`);\n\n new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['ls'],\n },\n },\n }),\n grantReportGroupPermissions: false,\n /// !show\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry('my-registry/my-repo', {\n secretsManagerCredentials: secrets,\n }),\n },\n /// !hide\n });\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new cdk.App();\n\nnew TestStack(app, 'test-codebuild-docker-asset');\n\napp.synth();\n",
888 "syntaxKindCounter": {
889 "10": 1,
890 "75": 7,
891 "193": 2,
892 "194": 2,
893 "196": 1,
894 "281": 3
895 },
896 "fqnsFingerprint": "522fa95c4ff9f5bb6f5c393b2910b1b8352a7419d1aca434ffe6440e1bbc7924"
897 },
898 "3f255c63368b24d3bcbd2d199834fd4c949a237fb6dde82c5561a8aeed3c8130": {
899 "translations": {
900 "python": {
901 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE\n )\n)",
902 "version": "2"
903 },
904 "csharp": {
905 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE\n }\n});",
906 "version": "1"
907 },
908 "java": {
909 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE)\n .build())\n .build();",
910 "version": "1"
911 },
912 "go": {
913 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tenvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tbuildImage: codebuild.linuxGpuBuildImage_DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE(),\n\t},\n})",
914 "version": "1"
915 },
916 "$": {
917 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE,\n },\n // ...\n})",
918 "version": "0"
919 }
920 },
921 "location": {
922 "api": {
923 "api": "moduleReadme",
924 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
925 },
926 "field": {
927 "field": "markdown",
928 "line": 376
929 }
930 },
931 "didCompile": true,
932 "fqnsReferenced": [
933 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
934 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
935 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage",
936 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage#DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE",
937 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
938 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
939 "constructs.Construct"
940 ],
941 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE,\n },\n // ...\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
942 "syntaxKindCounter": {
943 "10": 1,
944 "75": 7,
945 "104": 1,
946 "193": 2,
947 "194": 3,
948 "197": 1,
949 "226": 1,
950 "281": 2
951 },
952 "fqnsFingerprint": "4dd5e7ca9c0192df33545fdd4be3ff211fbdd57e51f26d5b99c313c0587f27a4"
953 },
954 "833eff6ac33a175bd6707454a69471a1e43cc98a0e1b684b7cba4b7cc4126a52": {
955 "translations": {
956 "python": {
957 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.aws_deep_learning_containers_image(\"tensorflow-inference\", \"2.1.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu18.04\", \"123456789012\")\n )\n)",
958 "version": "2"
959 },
960 "csharp": {
961 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = LinuxGpuBuildImage.AwsDeepLearningContainersImage(\"tensorflow-inference\", \"2.1.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu18.04\", \"123456789012\")\n }\n});",
962 "version": "1"
963 },
964 "java": {
965 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(LinuxGpuBuildImage.awsDeepLearningContainersImage(\"tensorflow-inference\", \"2.1.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu18.04\", \"123456789012\"))\n .build())\n .build();",
966 "version": "1"
967 },
968 "go": {
969 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tenvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tbuildImage: codebuild.linuxGpuBuildImage.awsDeepLearningContainersImage(jsii.String(\"tensorflow-inference\"), jsii.String(\"2.1.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu18.04\"), jsii.String(\"123456789012\")),\n\t},\n})",
970 "version": "1"
971 },
972 "$": {
973 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.awsDeepLearningContainersImage(\n 'tensorflow-inference', '2.1.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu18.04', '123456789012'),\n },\n // ...\n})",
974 "version": "0"
975 }
976 },
977 "location": {
978 "api": {
979 "api": "moduleReadme",
980 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
981 },
982 "field": {
983 "field": "markdown",
984 "line": 394
985 }
986 },
987 "didCompile": true,
988 "fqnsReferenced": [
989 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
990 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
991 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage",
992 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage#awsDeepLearningContainersImage",
993 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
994 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
995 "constructs.Construct"
996 ],
997 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.awsDeepLearningContainersImage(\n 'tensorflow-inference', '2.1.0-gpu-py36-cu101-ubuntu18.04', '123456789012'),\n },\n // ...\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
998 "syntaxKindCounter": {
999 "10": 4,
1000 "75": 7,
1001 "104": 1,
1002 "193": 2,
1003 "194": 3,
1004 "196": 1,
1005 "197": 1,
1006 "226": 1,
1007 "281": 2
1008 },
1009 "fqnsFingerprint": "6768b651ba22b9924c53073cc8a799bf57a400e12dbf7b12d7e56c34fc796eab"
1010 },
1011 "163a307da121f9d7cb4f6c31d5f2f1ac24e6d31c4cc09e5dda11c934bc553b33": {
1012 "translations": {
1013 "python": {
1014 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n logging=codebuild.LoggingOptions(\n cloud_watch=codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions(\n log_group=logs.LogGroup(self, \"MyLogGroup\")\n )\n )\n)",
1015 "version": "2"
1016 },
1017 "csharp": {
1018 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Logging = new LoggingOptions {\n CloudWatch = new CloudWatchLoggingOptions {\n LogGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"MyLogGroup\")\n }\n }\n});",
1019 "version": "1"
1020 },
1021 "java": {
1022 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .logging(LoggingOptions.builder()\n .cloudWatch(CloudWatchLoggingOptions.builder()\n .logGroup(new LogGroup(this, \"MyLogGroup\"))\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
1023 "version": "1"
1024 },
1025 "go": {
1026 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tlogging: &loggingOptions{\n\t\tcloudWatch: &cloudWatchLoggingOptions{\n\t\t\tlogGroup: logs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyLogGroup\")),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
1027 "version": "1"
1028 },
1029 "$": {
1030 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n cloudWatch: {\n logGroup: new logs.LogGroup(this, `MyLogGroup`),\n }\n },\n})",
1031 "version": "0"
1032 }
1033 },
1034 "location": {
1035 "api": {
1036 "api": "moduleReadme",
1037 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1038 },
1039 "field": {
1040 "field": "markdown",
1041 "line": 414
1042 }
1043 },
1044 "didCompile": true,
1045 "fqnsReferenced": [
1046 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions",
1047 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LoggingOptions",
1048 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1049 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1050 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
1051 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
1052 "constructs.Construct"
1053 ],
1054 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n cloudWatch: {\n logGroup: new logs.LogGroup(this, `MyLogGroup`),\n }\n },\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1055 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1056 "10": 1,
1057 "14": 1,
1058 "75": 7,
1059 "104": 2,
1060 "193": 3,
1061 "194": 2,
1062 "197": 2,
1063 "226": 1,
1064 "281": 3
1065 },
1066 "fqnsFingerprint": "55f49e6ae9cc8d3b0abd54606108f0a2eae818f41a40851c5f49f6d3c8382a38"
1067 },
1068 "736f0029ef7cfa66bc584036a3b38aa5d9a6d70341cf8b03b53ed1c149268030": {
1069 "translations": {
1070 "python": {
1071 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n logging=codebuild.LoggingOptions(\n s3=codebuild.S3LoggingOptions(\n bucket=s3.Bucket(self, \"LogBucket\")\n )\n )\n)",
1072 "version": "2"
1073 },
1074 "csharp": {
1075 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Logging = new LoggingOptions {\n S3 = new S3LoggingOptions {\n Bucket = new Bucket(this, \"LogBucket\")\n }\n }\n});",
1076 "version": "1"
1077 },
1078 "java": {
1079 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .logging(LoggingOptions.builder()\n .s3(S3LoggingOptions.builder()\n .bucket(new Bucket(this, \"LogBucket\"))\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
1080 "version": "1"
1081 },
1082 "go": {
1083 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tlogging: &loggingOptions{\n\t\ts3: &s3LoggingOptions{\n\t\t\tbucket: s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"LogBucket\")),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
1084 "version": "1"
1085 },
1086 "$": {
1087 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n s3: {\n bucket: new s3.Bucket(this, `LogBucket`)\n }\n },\n})",
1088 "version": "0"
1089 }
1090 },
1091 "location": {
1092 "api": {
1093 "api": "moduleReadme",
1094 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1095 },
1096 "field": {
1097 "field": "markdown",
1098 "line": 426
1099 }
1100 },
1101 "didCompile": true,
1102 "fqnsReferenced": [
1103 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LoggingOptions",
1104 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1105 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1106 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3LoggingOptions",
1107 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
1108 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
1109 "constructs.Construct"
1110 ],
1111 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n s3: {\n bucket: new s3.Bucket(this, `LogBucket`)\n }\n },\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1112 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1113 "10": 1,
1114 "14": 1,
1115 "75": 7,
1116 "104": 2,
1117 "193": 3,
1118 "194": 2,
1119 "197": 2,
1120 "226": 1,
1121 "281": 3
1122 },
1123 "fqnsFingerprint": "476eb9b8c029d124f3d5d3336152b150f28701841b7736062367df83623088d5"
1124 },
1125 "d411d130a5b4901592d76f497d6357da07f1adfd2808907d36d55f7f131313d3": {
1126 "translations": {
1127 "python": {
1128 "source": "codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(self, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\",\n access_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-token\")\n)",
1129 "version": "2"
1130 },
1131 "csharp": {
1132 "source": "new GitHubSourceCredentials(this, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\", new GitHubSourceCredentialsProps {\n AccessToken = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-token\")\n});",
1133 "version": "1"
1134 },
1135 "java": {
1136 "source": "GitHubSourceCredentials.Builder.create(this, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\")\n .accessToken(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-token\"))\n .build();",
1137 "version": "1"
1138 },
1139 "go": {
1140 "source": "codebuild.NewGitHubSourceCredentials(this, jsii.String(\"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\"), &gitHubSourceCredentialsProps{\n\taccessToken: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-token\")),\n})",
1141 "version": "1"
1142 },
1143 "$": {
1144 "source": "new codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildGitHubCreds', {\n accessToken: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-token'),\n});\n// GitHub Enterprise is almost the same,\n// except the class is called GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials",
1145 "version": "0"
1146 }
1147 },
1148 "location": {
1149 "api": {
1150 "api": "moduleReadme",
1151 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1152 },
1153 "field": {
1154 "field": "markdown",
1155 "line": 441
1156 }
1157 },
1158 "didCompile": true,
1159 "fqnsReferenced": [
1160 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials",
1161 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentialsProps",
1162 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
1163 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue#secretsManager",
1164 "constructs.Construct"
1165 ],
1166 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildGitHubCreds', {\n accessToken: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-token'),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1167 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1168 "10": 2,
1169 "75": 5,
1170 "104": 1,
1171 "193": 1,
1172 "194": 2,
1173 "196": 1,
1174 "197": 1,
1175 "226": 1,
1176 "281": 1
1177 },
1178 "fqnsFingerprint": "1611aef17684e608cc765342f45defcf0adf0b65f42274481b2a7eb92e9869da"
1179 },
1180 "f6adcbe526fd67c217a995246719eec8325f47a0c4d17e7a664257c2a1ed94a0": {
1181 "translations": {
1182 "python": {
1183 "source": "codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(self, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\",\n username=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", json_field=\"username\"),\n password=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", json_field=\"password\")\n)",
1184 "version": "2"
1185 },
1186 "csharp": {
1187 "source": "new BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\", new BitBucketSourceCredentialsProps {\n Username = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", new SecretsManagerSecretOptions { JsonField = \"username\" }),\n Password = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", new SecretsManagerSecretOptions { JsonField = \"password\" })\n});",
1188 "version": "1"
1189 },
1190 "java": {
1191 "source": "BitBucketSourceCredentials.Builder.create(this, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\")\n .username(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", SecretsManagerSecretOptions.builder().jsonField(\"username\").build()))\n .password(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", SecretsManagerSecretOptions.builder().jsonField(\"password\").build()))\n .build();",
1192 "version": "1"
1193 },
1194 "go": {
1195 "source": "codebuild.NewBitBucketSourceCredentials(this, jsii.String(\"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\"), &bitBucketSourceCredentialsProps{\n\tusername: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-bitbucket-creds\"), &secretsManagerSecretOptions{\n\t\tjsonField: jsii.String(\"username\"),\n\t}),\n\tpassword: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-bitbucket-creds\"), &secretsManagerSecretOptions{\n\t\tjsonField: jsii.String(\"password\"),\n\t}),\n})",
1196 "version": "1"
1197 },
1198 "$": {
1199 "source": "new codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildBitBucketCreds', {\n username: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'username' }),\n password: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'password' }),\n});",
1200 "version": "0"
1201 }
1202 },
1203 "location": {
1204 "api": {
1205 "api": "moduleReadme",
1206 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1207 },
1208 "field": {
1209 "field": "markdown",
1210 "line": 451
1211 }
1212 },
1213 "didCompile": true,
1214 "fqnsReferenced": [
1215 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials",
1216 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentialsProps",
1217 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
1218 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue#secretsManager",
1219 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretsManagerSecretOptions",
1220 "constructs.Construct"
1221 ],
1222 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildBitBucketCreds', {\n username: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'username' }),\n password: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'password' }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1223 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1224 "10": 5,
1225 "75": 10,
1226 "104": 1,
1227 "193": 3,
1228 "194": 3,
1229 "196": 2,
1230 "197": 1,
1231 "226": 1,
1232 "281": 4
1233 },
1234 "fqnsFingerprint": "fc7b0084a07026aa3a40fec4a1a09127297eb75d3345227ffed8d96d8f08bd90"
1235 },
1236 "cba200dd9eb0e992c71e49b7ad86c6496cef63542e6a889d50808b6aa64412f0": {
1237 "translations": {
1238 "python": {
1239 "source": "project = codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n # ...\n \"reports\": {\n \"my_report\": {\n \"files\": \"**/*\",\n \"base-directory\": \"build/test-results\"\n }\n }\n })\n)",
1240 "version": "2"
1241 },
1242 "csharp": {
1243 "source": "Project project = new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n // ...\n { \"reports\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> {\n { \"myReport\", new Struct {\n Files = \"**/*\",\n Base-directory = \"build/test-results\"\n } }\n } }\n })\n});",
1244 "version": "1"
1245 },
1246 "java": {
1247 "source": "Project project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n // ...\n \"reports\", Map.of(\n \"myReport\", Map.of(\n \"files\", \"**/*\",\n \"base-directory\", \"build/test-results\")))))\n .build();",
1248 "version": "1"
1249 },
1250 "go": {
1251 "source": "project := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t// ...\n\t\t\"reports\": map[string]map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\"myReport\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"files\": jsii.String(\"**/*\"),\n\t\t\t\t\"base-directory\": jsii.String(\"build/test-results\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
1252 "version": "1"
1253 },
1254 "$": {
1255 "source": "const project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n // ...\n reports: {\n myReport: {\n files: '**/*',\n 'base-directory': 'build/test-results',\n },\n },\n }),\n});",
1256 "version": "0"
1257 }
1258 },
1259 "location": {
1260 "api": {
1261 "api": "moduleReadme",
1262 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1263 },
1264 "field": {
1265 "field": "markdown",
1266 "line": 471
1267 }
1268 },
1269 "didCompile": true,
1270 "fqnsReferenced": [
1271 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
1272 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
1273 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1274 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1275 "constructs.Construct"
1276 ],
1277 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n // ...\n reports: {\n myReport: {\n files: '**/*',\n 'base-directory': 'build/test-results',\n },\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1278 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1279 "10": 4,
1280 "75": 10,
1281 "104": 1,
1282 "193": 4,
1283 "194": 3,
1284 "196": 1,
1285 "197": 1,
1286 "225": 1,
1287 "242": 1,
1288 "243": 1,
1289 "281": 5
1290 },
1291 "fqnsFingerprint": "a73371b2f00a6b23bb0a5d791c6ad2258b58724b6bfd99b19ca6f58d0151e9e0"
1292 },
1293 "81547318bd3357e78b52a37cafe918a84b941e1073d1454ebfa2cba51b1b0138": {
1294 "translations": {
1295 "python": {
1296 "source": "# source: codebuild.Source\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n source=source,\n grant_report_group_permissions=False\n)",
1297 "version": "2"
1298 },
1299 "csharp": {
1300 "source": "Source source;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = source,\n GrantReportGroupPermissions = false\n});",
1301 "version": "1"
1302 },
1303 "java": {
1304 "source": "Source source;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .source(source)\n .grantReportGroupPermissions(false)\n .build();",
1305 "version": "1"
1306 },
1307 "go": {
1308 "source": "var source source\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: source,\n\tgrantReportGroupPermissions: jsii.Boolean(false),\n})",
1309 "version": "1"
1310 },
1311 "$": {
1312 "source": "declare const source: codebuild.Source;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source,\n grantReportGroupPermissions: false,\n});",
1313 "version": "0"
1314 }
1315 },
1316 "location": {
1317 "api": {
1318 "api": "moduleReadme",
1319 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1320 },
1321 "field": {
1322 "field": "markdown",
1323 "line": 493
1324 }
1325 },
1326 "didCompile": true,
1327 "fqnsReferenced": [
1328 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
1329 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1330 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1331 "constructs.Construct"
1332 ],
1333 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const source: codebuild.Source;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source,\n grantReportGroupPermissions: false,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1334 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1335 "10": 1,
1336 "75": 8,
1337 "91": 1,
1338 "104": 1,
1339 "130": 1,
1340 "153": 1,
1341 "169": 1,
1342 "193": 1,
1343 "194": 1,
1344 "197": 1,
1345 "225": 2,
1346 "242": 2,
1347 "243": 2,
1348 "281": 1,
1349 "282": 1,
1350 "290": 1
1351 },
1352 "fqnsFingerprint": "1b2187f700c99943c945e0d62387a4f95f6e5d64ddf7c4de5b43bac0563fac3e"
1353 },
1354 "f537b87fb19b5980a2103d9913b54390545ea623899ba2941ebac2c5dd57605c": {
1355 "translations": {
1356 "python": {
1357 "source": "# source: codebuild.Source\n\n\n# create a new ReportGroup\nreport_group = codebuild.ReportGroup(self, \"ReportGroup\")\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n source=source,\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n # ...\n \"reports\": {\n \"report_group.report_group_arn\": {\n \"files\": \"**/*\",\n \"base-directory\": \"build/test-results\"\n }\n }\n })\n)",
1358 "version": "2"
1359 },
1360 "csharp": {
1361 "source": "Source source;\n\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nReportGroup reportGroup = new ReportGroup(this, \"ReportGroup\");\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = source,\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n // ...\n { \"reports\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> {\n { reportGroup.ReportGroupArn, new Struct {\n Files = \"**/*\",\n Base-directory = \"build/test-results\"\n } }\n } }\n })\n});",
1362 "version": "1"
1363 },
1364 "java": {
1365 "source": "Source source;\n\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nReportGroup reportGroup = new ReportGroup(this, \"ReportGroup\");\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .source(source)\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n // ...\n \"reports\", Map.of(\n reportGroup.getReportGroupArn(), Map.of(\n \"files\", \"**/*\",\n \"base-directory\", \"build/test-results\")))))\n .build();",
1366 "version": "1"
1367 },
1368 "go": {
1369 "source": "var source source\n\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nreportGroup := codebuild.NewReportGroup(this, jsii.String(\"ReportGroup\"))\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: source,\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t// ...\n\t\t\"reports\": map[string]map[string]*string{\n\t\t\treportGroup.reportGroupArn: map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"files\": jsii.String(\"**/*\"),\n\t\t\t\t\"base-directory\": jsii.String(\"build/test-results\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
1370 "version": "1"
1371 },
1372 "$": {
1373 "source": "declare const source: codebuild.Source;\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nconst reportGroup = new codebuild.ReportGroup(this, 'ReportGroup');\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source,\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n // ...\n reports: {\n [reportGroup.reportGroupArn]: {\n files: '**/*',\n 'base-directory': 'build/test-results',\n },\n },\n }),\n});",
1374 "version": "0"
1375 }
1376 },
1377 "location": {
1378 "api": {
1379 "api": "moduleReadme",
1380 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1381 },
1382 "field": {
1383 "field": "markdown",
1384 "line": 505
1385 }
1386 },
1387 "didCompile": true,
1388 "fqnsReferenced": [
1389 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
1390 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
1391 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
1392 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1393 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1394 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ReportGroup",
1395 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ReportGroup#reportGroupArn",
1396 "constructs.Construct"
1397 ],
1398 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const source: codebuild.Source;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nconst reportGroup = new codebuild.ReportGroup(this, 'ReportGroup');\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source,\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n // ...\n reports: {\n [reportGroup.reportGroupArn]: {\n files: '**/*',\n 'base-directory': 'build/test-results',\n },\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1399 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1400 "10": 5,
1401 "75": 18,
1402 "104": 2,
1403 "130": 1,
1404 "153": 1,
1405 "154": 1,
1406 "169": 1,
1407 "193": 4,
1408 "194": 5,
1409 "196": 1,
1410 "197": 2,
1411 "225": 3,
1412 "242": 3,
1413 "243": 3,
1414 "281": 5,
1415 "282": 1,
1416 "290": 1
1417 },
1418 "fqnsFingerprint": "6fc73ab5caec18f16fb7153e7b9092013fb602d30c8dd6d0efb4298d68101f81"
1419 },
1420 "2ee1c7e1f3c1a77aac68711b946df53e22d080e0da2bf4463a9a84fa0f82b66a": {
1421 "translations": {
1422 "python": {
1423 "source": "# project: codebuild.Project\n# report_group: codebuild.ReportGroup\n\n\nreport_group.grant_write(project)",
1424 "version": "2"
1425 },
1426 "csharp": {
1427 "source": "Project project;\nReportGroup reportGroup;\n\n\nreportGroup.GrantWrite(project);",
1428 "version": "1"
1429 },
1430 "java": {
1431 "source": "Project project;\nReportGroup reportGroup;\n\n\nreportGroup.grantWrite(project);",
1432 "version": "1"
1433 },
1434 "go": {
1435 "source": "var project project\nvar reportGroup reportGroup\n\n\nreportGroup.grantWrite(project)",
1436 "version": "1"
1437 },
1438 "$": {
1439 "source": "declare const project: codebuild.Project;\ndeclare const reportGroup: codebuild.ReportGroup;\n\nreportGroup.grantWrite(project);",
1440 "version": "0"
1441 }
1442 },
1443 "location": {
1444 "api": {
1445 "api": "moduleReadme",
1446 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1447 },
1448 "field": {
1449 "field": "markdown",
1450 "line": 527
1451 }
1452 },
1453 "didCompile": true,
1454 "fqnsReferenced": [
1455 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
1456 ],
1457 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\ndeclare const reportGroup: codebuild.ReportGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nreportGroup.grantWrite(project);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1458 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1459 "75": 9,
1460 "130": 2,
1461 "153": 2,
1462 "169": 2,
1463 "194": 1,
1464 "196": 1,
1465 "225": 2,
1466 "226": 1,
1467 "242": 2,
1468 "243": 2,
1469 "290": 1
1470 },
1471 "fqnsFingerprint": "1323b60ab94a88d4cf4c7c846ab0af5927a24713050028234cb9426c28ace47b"
1472 },
1473 "04a525ba5e65d544d0e149f4a81a425d5520b317ab51095d98b612e377acb280": {
1474 "translations": {
1475 "python": {
1476 "source": "# start build when a commit is pushed\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit\nimport aws_cdk.aws_events_targets as targets\n\n# code_commit_repository: codecommit.Repository\n# project: codebuild.Project\n\n\ncode_commit_repository.on_commit(\"OnCommit\",\n target=targets.CodeBuildProject(project)\n)",
1477 "version": "2"
1478 },
1479 "csharp": {
1480 "source": "// start build when a commit is pushed\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeCommit;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Events.Targets;\n\nRepository codeCommitRepository;\nProject project;\n\n\ncodeCommitRepository.OnCommit(\"OnCommit\", new OnCommitOptions {\n Target = new CodeBuildProject(project)\n});",
1481 "version": "1"
1482 },
1483 "java": {
1484 "source": "// start build when a commit is pushed\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codecommit.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.events.targets.*;\n\nRepository codeCommitRepository;\nProject project;\n\n\ncodeCommitRepository.onCommit(\"OnCommit\", OnCommitOptions.builder()\n .target(new CodeBuildProject(project))\n .build());",
1485 "version": "1"
1486 },
1487 "go": {
1488 "source": "// start build when a commit is pushed\nimport codecommit \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodecommit\"\nimport targets \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawseventstargets\"\n\nvar codeCommitRepository repository\nvar project project\n\n\ncodeCommitRepository.onCommit(jsii.String(\"OnCommit\"), &onCommitOptions{\n\ttarget: targets.NewCodeBuildProject(project),\n})",
1489 "version": "1"
1490 },
1491 "$": {
1492 "source": "// start build when a commit is pushed\nimport * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\nimport * as targets from '@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets';\n\ndeclare const codeCommitRepository: codecommit.Repository;\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n\ncodeCommitRepository.onCommit('OnCommit', {\n target: new targets.CodeBuildProject(project),\n});",
1493 "version": "0"
1494 }
1495 },
1496 "location": {
1497 "api": {
1498 "api": "moduleReadme",
1499 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1500 },
1501 "field": {
1502 "field": "markdown",
1503 "line": 547
1504 }
1505 },
1506 "didCompile": true,
1507 "fqnsReferenced": [
1508 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IProject",
1509 "@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit.OnCommitOptions",
1510 "@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets.CodeBuildProject",
1511 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRuleTarget"
1512 ],
1513 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// start build when a commit is pushed\nimport * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\nimport * as targets from '@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets';\n\ndeclare const codeCommitRepository: codecommit.Repository;\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ncodeCommitRepository.onCommit('OnCommit', {\n target: new targets.CodeBuildProject(project),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1514 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1515 "10": 3,
1516 "75": 14,
1517 "130": 2,
1518 "153": 2,
1519 "169": 2,
1520 "193": 1,
1521 "194": 2,
1522 "196": 1,
1523 "197": 1,
1524 "225": 2,
1525 "226": 1,
1526 "242": 2,
1527 "243": 2,
1528 "254": 2,
1529 "255": 2,
1530 "256": 2,
1531 "281": 1,
1532 "290": 1
1533 },
1534 "fqnsFingerprint": "1517222f3f2569077998fabeedd301c5f350bd4c0728144a68582a70bf97853f"
1535 },
1536 "f4a4e7d1ef4ed8abd44f7f87802fc4831ca1f3e92c694a028c560c27f708564d": {
1537 "translations": {
1538 "python": {
1539 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_events_targets as targets\n# fn: lambda.Function\n# project: codebuild.Project\n\n\nrule = project.on_state_change(\"BuildStateChange\",\n target=targets.LambdaFunction(fn)\n)",
1540 "version": "2"
1541 },
1542 "csharp": {
1543 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Events.Targets;\nFunction fn;\nProject project;\n\n\nRule rule = project.OnStateChange(\"BuildStateChange\", new OnEventOptions {\n Target = new LambdaFunction(fn)\n});",
1544 "version": "1"
1545 },
1546 "java": {
1547 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.events.targets.*;\nFunction fn;\nProject project;\n\n\nRule rule = project.onStateChange(\"BuildStateChange\", OnEventOptions.builder()\n .target(new LambdaFunction(fn))\n .build());",
1548 "version": "1"
1549 },
1550 "go": {
1551 "source": "import targets \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawseventstargets\"\nvar fn function\nvar project project\n\n\nrule := project.onStateChange(jsii.String(\"BuildStateChange\"), &onEventOptions{\n\ttarget: targets.NewLambdaFunction(fn),\n})",
1552 "version": "1"
1553 },
1554 "$": {
1555 "source": "import * as targets from '@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets';\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n\nconst rule = project.onStateChange('BuildStateChange', {\n target: new targets.LambdaFunction(fn)\n});",
1556 "version": "0"
1557 }
1558 },
1559 "location": {
1560 "api": {
1561 "api": "moduleReadme",
1562 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1563 },
1564 "field": {
1565 "field": "markdown",
1566 "line": 565
1567 }
1568 },
1569 "didCompile": true,
1570 "fqnsReferenced": [
1571 "@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets.LambdaFunction",
1572 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRuleTarget",
1573 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.OnEventOptions",
1574 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Rule",
1575 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
1576 ],
1577 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as targets from '@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets';\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst rule = project.onStateChange('BuildStateChange', {\n target: new targets.LambdaFunction(fn)\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1578 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1579 "10": 2,
1580 "75": 14,
1581 "130": 2,
1582 "153": 2,
1583 "169": 2,
1584 "193": 1,
1585 "194": 2,
1586 "196": 1,
1587 "197": 1,
1588 "225": 3,
1589 "242": 3,
1590 "243": 3,
1591 "254": 1,
1592 "255": 1,
1593 "256": 1,
1594 "281": 1,
1595 "290": 1
1596 },
1597 "fqnsFingerprint": "37b69d45ef7974bc7bf8528794f1c02f20d950bd3560ba5fa536f5863449382e"
1598 },
1599 "8c011e77ea0214c9491ac66ffee9b433aed38dcfa390f3788fe395438fe2985d": {
1600 "translations": {
1601 "python": {
1602 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_chatbot as chatbot\n\n# project: codebuild.Project\n\n\ntarget = chatbot.SlackChannelConfiguration(self, \"MySlackChannel\",\n slack_channel_configuration_name=\"YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME\",\n slack_workspace_id=\"YOUR_SLACK_WORKSPACE_ID\",\n slack_channel_id=\"YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID\"\n)\n\nrule = project.notify_on_build_succeeded(\"NotifyOnBuildSucceeded\", target)",
1603 "version": "2"
1604 },
1605 "csharp": {
1606 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Chatbot;\n\nProject project;\n\n\nSlackChannelConfiguration target = new SlackChannelConfiguration(this, \"MySlackChannel\", new SlackChannelConfigurationProps {\n SlackChannelConfigurationName = \"YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME\",\n SlackWorkspaceId = \"YOUR_SLACK_WORKSPACE_ID\",\n SlackChannelId = \"YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID\"\n});\n\nINotificationRule rule = project.NotifyOnBuildSucceeded(\"NotifyOnBuildSucceeded\", target);",
1607 "version": "1"
1608 },
1609 "java": {
1610 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.chatbot.*;\n\nProject project;\n\n\nSlackChannelConfiguration target = SlackChannelConfiguration.Builder.create(this, \"MySlackChannel\")\n .slackChannelConfigurationName(\"YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME\")\n .slackWorkspaceId(\"YOUR_SLACK_WORKSPACE_ID\")\n .slackChannelId(\"YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID\")\n .build();\n\nINotificationRule rule = project.notifyOnBuildSucceeded(\"NotifyOnBuildSucceeded\", target);",
1611 "version": "1"
1612 },
1613 "go": {
1614 "source": "import chatbot \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawschatbot\"\n\nvar project project\n\n\ntarget := chatbot.NewSlackChannelConfiguration(this, jsii.String(\"MySlackChannel\"), &slackChannelConfigurationProps{\n\tslackChannelConfigurationName: jsii.String(\"YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME\"),\n\tslackWorkspaceId: jsii.String(\"YOUR_SLACK_WORKSPACE_ID\"),\n\tslackChannelId: jsii.String(\"YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID\"),\n})\n\nrule := project.notifyOnBuildSucceeded(jsii.String(\"NotifyOnBuildSucceeded\"), target)",
1615 "version": "1"
1616 },
1617 "$": {
1618 "source": "import * as chatbot from '@aws-cdk/aws-chatbot';\n\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n\nconst target = new chatbot.SlackChannelConfiguration(this, 'MySlackChannel', {\n slackChannelConfigurationName: 'YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME',\n slackWorkspaceId: 'YOUR_SLACK_WORKSPACE_ID',\n slackChannelId: 'YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID',\n});\n\nconst rule = project.notifyOnBuildSucceeded('NotifyOnBuildSucceeded', target);",
1619 "version": "0"
1620 }
1621 },
1622 "location": {
1623 "api": {
1624 "api": "moduleReadme",
1625 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1626 },
1627 "field": {
1628 "field": "markdown",
1629 "line": 580
1630 }
1631 },
1632 "didCompile": true,
1633 "fqnsReferenced": [
1634 "@aws-cdk/aws-chatbot.SlackChannelConfiguration",
1635 "@aws-cdk/aws-chatbot.SlackChannelConfigurationProps",
1636 "@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications.INotificationRule",
1637 "@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications.INotificationRuleTarget",
1638 "constructs.Construct"
1639 ],
1640 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as chatbot from '@aws-cdk/aws-chatbot';\n\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst target = new chatbot.SlackChannelConfiguration(this, 'MySlackChannel', {\n slackChannelConfigurationName: 'YOUR_CHANNEL_NAME',\n slackWorkspaceId: 'YOUR_SLACK_WORKSPACE_ID',\n slackChannelId: 'YOUR_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID',\n});\n\nconst rule = project.notifyOnBuildSucceeded('NotifyOnBuildSucceeded', target);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1641 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1642 "10": 6,
1643 "75": 14,
1644 "104": 1,
1645 "130": 1,
1646 "153": 1,
1647 "169": 1,
1648 "193": 1,
1649 "194": 2,
1650 "196": 1,
1651 "197": 1,
1652 "225": 3,
1653 "242": 3,
1654 "243": 3,
1655 "254": 1,
1656 "255": 1,
1657 "256": 1,
1658 "281": 3,
1659 "290": 1
1660 },
1661 "fqnsFingerprint": "bd5fd4764ac2c329f4154692c056824a75a031816023195cd8394a5f45785701"
1662 },
1663 "b745341d13424305a35d2de64aee7a8b1d9bb7da284ba24c771a3c45dc89b41d": {
1664 "translations": {
1665 "python": {
1666 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit\n# repo: codecommit.Repository\n# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n secondary_sources=[\n codebuild.Source.code_commit(\n identifier=\"source2\",\n repository=repo\n )\n ],\n secondary_artifacts=[\n codebuild.Artifacts.s3(\n identifier=\"artifact2\",\n bucket=bucket,\n path=\"some/path\",\n name=\"file.zip\"\n )\n ]\n)",
1667 "version": "2"
1668 },
1669 "csharp": {
1670 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeCommit;\nRepository repo;\nBucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n SecondarySources = new [] { Source.CodeCommit(new CodeCommitSourceProps {\n Identifier = \"source2\",\n Repository = repo\n }) },\n SecondaryArtifacts = new [] { Artifacts.S3(new S3ArtifactsProps {\n Identifier = \"artifact2\",\n Bucket = bucket,\n Path = \"some/path\",\n Name = \"file.zip\"\n }) }\n});",
1671 "version": "1"
1672 },
1673 "java": {
1674 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.codecommit.*;\nRepository repo;\nBucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .secondarySources(List.of(Source.codeCommit(CodeCommitSourceProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"source2\")\n .repository(repo)\n .build())))\n .secondaryArtifacts(List.of(Artifacts.s3(S3ArtifactsProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"artifact2\")\n .bucket(bucket)\n .path(\"some/path\")\n .name(\"file.zip\")\n .build())))\n .build();",
1675 "version": "1"
1676 },
1677 "go": {
1678 "source": "import codecommit \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodecommit\"\nvar repo repository\nvar bucket bucket\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tsecondarySources: []iSource{\n\t\tcodebuild.source.codeCommit(&codeCommitSourceProps{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"source2\"),\n\t\t\trepository: repo,\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n\tsecondaryArtifacts: []iArtifacts{\n\t\tcodebuild.artifacts.s3(&s3ArtifactsProps{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"artifact2\"),\n\t\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"some/path\"),\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"file.zip\"),\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})",
1679 "version": "1"
1680 },
1681 "$": {
1682 "source": "import * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\ndeclare const repo: codecommit.Repository;\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n secondarySources: [\n codebuild.Source.codeCommit({\n identifier: 'source2',\n repository: repo,\n }),\n ],\n secondaryArtifacts: [\n codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n identifier: 'artifact2',\n bucket: bucket,\n path: 'some/path',\n name: 'file.zip',\n }),\n ],\n // ...\n});",
1683 "version": "0"
1684 }
1685 },
1686 "location": {
1687 "api": {
1688 "api": "moduleReadme",
1689 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1690 },
1691 "field": {
1692 "field": "markdown",
1693 "line": 599
1694 }
1695 },
1696 "didCompile": true,
1697 "fqnsReferenced": [
1698 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts",
1699 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts#s3",
1700 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CodeCommitSourceProps",
1701 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1702 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1703 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3ArtifactsProps",
1704 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
1705 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#codeCommit",
1706 "@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit.IRepository",
1707 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
1708 "constructs.Construct"
1709 ],
1710 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\ndeclare const repo: codecommit.Repository;\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n secondarySources: [\n codebuild.Source.codeCommit({\n identifier: 'source2',\n repository: repo,\n }),\n ],\n secondaryArtifacts: [\n codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n identifier: 'artifact2',\n bucket: bucket,\n path: 'some/path',\n name: 'file.zip',\n }),\n ],\n // ...\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1711 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1712 "10": 6,
1713 "75": 26,
1714 "104": 1,
1715 "130": 2,
1716 "153": 2,
1717 "169": 2,
1718 "192": 2,
1719 "193": 3,
1720 "194": 5,
1721 "196": 2,
1722 "197": 1,
1723 "225": 3,
1724 "242": 3,
1725 "243": 3,
1726 "254": 1,
1727 "255": 1,
1728 "256": 1,
1729 "281": 8,
1730 "290": 1
1731 },
1732 "fqnsFingerprint": "c2f213084c897b63cebb3940f4af8e40eea3b0b257cdda90658f5fe55b2a26df"
1733 },
1734 "c2572beccfc7b923471a8200c7564cec0a713c4454429f0a4287e243dd6b05d1": {
1735 "translations": {
1736 "python": {
1737 "source": "project = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n # secondary sources and artifacts as above...\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2\", \"touch output2.txt\"\n ]\n }\n },\n \"artifacts\": {\n \"secondary-artifacts\": {\n \"artifact2\": {\n \"base-directory\": \"$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2\",\n \"files\": [\"output2.txt\"\n ]\n }\n }\n }\n })\n)",
1738 "version": "2"
1739 },
1740 "csharp": {
1741 "source": "Project project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n // secondary sources and artifacts as above...\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2\", \"touch output2.txt\" }\n } }\n } },\n { \"artifacts\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, IDictionary<string, object>>> {\n { \"secondary-artifacts\", new Struct {\n Artifact2 = new Struct {\n Base-directory = \"$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2\",\n Files = new [] { \"output2.txt\" }\n }\n } }\n } }\n })\n});",
1742 "version": "1"
1743 },
1744 "java": {
1745 "source": "Project project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n // secondary sources and artifacts as above...\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2\", \"touch output2.txt\"))),\n \"artifacts\", Map.of(\n \"secondary-artifacts\", Map.of(\n \"artifact2\", Map.of(\n \"base-directory\", \"$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2\",\n \"files\", List.of(\"output2.txt\")))))))\n .build();",
1746 "version": "1"
1747 },
1748 "go": {
1749 "source": "project := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\t// secondary sources and artifacts as above...\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"touch output2.txt\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"artifacts\": map[string]map[string]map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\"secondary-artifacts\": map[string]map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t\"artifact2\": map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t\t\"base-directory\": jsii.String(\"$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t\"files\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"output2.txt\"),\n\t\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
1750 "version": "1"
1751 },
1752 "$": {
1753 "source": "const project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n // secondary sources and artifacts as above...\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: [\n 'cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2',\n 'touch output2.txt',\n ],\n },\n },\n artifacts: {\n 'secondary-artifacts': {\n 'artifact2': {\n 'base-directory': '$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2',\n 'files': [\n 'output2.txt',\n ],\n },\n },\n },\n }),\n});",
1754 "version": "0"
1755 }
1756 },
1757 "location": {
1758 "api": {
1759 "api": "moduleReadme",
1760 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1761 },
1762 "field": {
1763 "field": "markdown",
1764 "line": 636
1765 }
1766 },
1767 "didCompile": true,
1768 "fqnsReferenced": [
1769 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
1770 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
1771 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1772 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1773 "constructs.Construct"
1774 ],
1775 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n // secondary sources and artifacts as above...\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: [\n 'cd $CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2',\n 'touch output2.txt',\n ],\n },\n },\n artifacts: {\n 'secondary-artifacts': {\n 'artifact2': {\n 'base-directory': '$CODEBUILD_SRC_DIR_source2',\n 'files': [\n 'output2.txt',\n ],\n },\n },\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1776 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1777 "10": 10,
1778 "75": 12,
1779 "104": 1,
1780 "192": 2,
1781 "193": 7,
1782 "194": 3,
1783 "196": 1,
1784 "197": 1,
1785 "225": 1,
1786 "242": 1,
1787 "243": 1,
1788 "281": 10
1789 },
1790 "fqnsFingerprint": "a73371b2f00a6b23bb0a5d791c6ad2258b58724b6bfd99b19ca6f58d0151e9e0"
1791 },
1792 "a07d3a675edcd24b3a0e8da92b80eac50dc094ddf39c6e1ce256522305f26fc0": {
1793 "translations": {
1794 "python": {
1795 "source": "# load_balancer: elbv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer\n\n\nvpc = ec2.Vpc(self, \"MyVPC\")\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n vpc=vpc,\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({})\n)\n\nproject.connections.allow_to(load_balancer, ec2.Port.tcp(443))",
1796 "version": "2"
1797 },
1798 "csharp": {
1799 "source": "ApplicationLoadBalancer loadBalancer;\n\n\nVpc vpc = new Vpc(this, \"MyVPC\");\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n Vpc = vpc,\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> { })\n});\n\nproject.Connections.AllowTo(loadBalancer, Port.Tcp(443));",
1800 "version": "1"
1801 },
1802 "java": {
1803 "source": "ApplicationLoadBalancer loadBalancer;\n\n\nVpc vpc = new Vpc(this, \"MyVPC\");\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .vpc(vpc)\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of()))\n .build();\n\nproject.connections.allowTo(loadBalancer, Port.tcp(443));",
1804 "version": "1"
1805 },
1806 "go": {
1807 "source": "var loadBalancer applicationLoadBalancer\n\n\nvpc := ec2.NewVpc(this, jsii.String(\"MyVPC\"))\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tvpc: vpc,\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t}),\n})\n\nproject.connections.allowTo(loadBalancer, ec2.port.tcp(jsii.Number(443)))",
1808 "version": "1"
1809 },
1810 "$": {
1811 "source": "declare const loadBalancer: elbv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer;\n\nconst vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'MyVPC');\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n vpc: vpc,\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n // ...\n }),\n});\n\nproject.connections.allowTo(loadBalancer, ec2.Port.tcp(443));",
1812 "version": "0"
1813 }
1814 },
1815 "location": {
1816 "api": {
1817 "api": "moduleReadme",
1818 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1819 },
1820 "field": {
1821 "field": "markdown",
1822 "line": 694
1823 }
1824 },
1825 "didCompile": true,
1826 "fqnsReferenced": [
1827 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
1828 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
1829 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1830 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1831 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Connections#allowTo",
1832 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IConnectable",
1833 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc",
1834 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Port",
1835 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Port#tcp",
1836 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Vpc",
1837 "constructs.Construct"
1838 ],
1839 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const loadBalancer: elbv2.ApplicationLoadBalancer;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'MyVPC');\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n vpc: vpc,\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n // ...\n }),\n});\n\nproject.connections.allowTo(loadBalancer, ec2.Port.tcp(443));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1840 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1841 "8": 1,
1842 "10": 2,
1843 "75": 22,
1844 "104": 2,
1845 "130": 1,
1846 "153": 1,
1847 "169": 1,
1848 "193": 2,
1849 "194": 8,
1850 "196": 3,
1851 "197": 2,
1852 "225": 3,
1853 "226": 1,
1854 "242": 3,
1855 "243": 3,
1856 "281": 2,
1857 "290": 1
1858 },
1859 "fqnsFingerprint": "dd490b5c9a60610151fc1d4d746fd0ed6892078aba6520100ec4c933813bd3eb"
1860 },
1861 "d4d9387c7776d058afd51fa2dd6a33b5085d4ed8d7eb2bfe7f183775aca46936": {
1862 "translations": {
1863 "python": {
1864 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n file_system_locations=[\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs(\n identifier=\"myidentifier2\",\n location=\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mount_point=\"/media\",\n mount_options=\"opts\"\n )\n ]\n)",
1865 "version": "2"
1866 },
1867 "csharp": {
1868 "source": "new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n FileSystemLocations = new [] { FileSystemLocation.Efs(new EfsFileSystemLocationProps {\n Identifier = \"myidentifier2\",\n Location = \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n MountPoint = \"/media\",\n MountOptions = \"opts\"\n }) }\n});",
1869 "version": "1"
1870 },
1871 "java": {
1872 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n .fileSystemLocations(List.of(FileSystemLocation.efs(EfsFileSystemLocationProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"myidentifier2\")\n .location(\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\")\n .mountPoint(\"/media\")\n .mountOptions(\"opts\")\n .build())))\n .build();",
1873 "version": "1"
1874 },
1875 "go": {
1876 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\tfileSystemLocations: []iFileSystemLocation{\n\t\tcodebuild.fileSystemLocation.efs(&efsFileSystemLocationProps{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"myidentifier2\"),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\"),\n\t\t\tmountPoint: jsii.String(\"/media\"),\n\t\t\tmountOptions: jsii.String(\"opts\"),\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})",
1877 "version": "1"
1878 },
1879 "$": {
1880 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n fileSystemLocations: [\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs({\n identifier: \"myidentifier2\",\n location: \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mountPoint: \"/media\",\n mountOptions: \"opts\"\n })\n ]\n});",
1881 "version": "0"
1882 }
1883 },
1884 "location": {
1885 "api": {
1886 "api": "moduleReadme",
1887 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1888 },
1889 "field": {
1890 "field": "markdown",
1891 "line": 718
1892 }
1893 },
1894 "didCompile": true,
1895 "fqnsReferenced": [
1896 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
1897 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
1898 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EfsFileSystemLocationProps",
1899 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemLocation",
1900 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemLocation#efs",
1901 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1902 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1903 "constructs.Construct"
1904 ],
1905 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n fileSystemLocations: [\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs({\n identifier: \"myidentifier2\",\n location: \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mountPoint: \"/media\",\n mountOptions: \"opts\"\n })\n ]\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1906 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1907 "10": 6,
1908 "75": 15,
1909 "104": 1,
1910 "192": 1,
1911 "193": 3,
1912 "194": 5,
1913 "196": 2,
1914 "197": 1,
1915 "226": 1,
1916 "281": 7
1917 },
1918 "fqnsFingerprint": "530cbae66ff0a92312ad12ae6c86439d966ae28812cf0ec77410e2eb6055dc28"
1919 },
1920 "84efef45c8e3ccf3d367228ccca1c0f7190039137d7966cea1adc2e59850c14e": {
1921 "translations": {
1922 "python": {
1923 "source": "# source: codebuild.Source\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\", source=source)\n\nif project.enable_batch_builds():\n print(\"Batch builds were enabled\")",
1924 "version": "2"
1925 },
1926 "csharp": {
1927 "source": "Source source;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps { Source = source });\n\nif (project.EnableBatchBuilds())\n{\n Console.WriteLine(\"Batch builds were enabled\");\n}",
1928 "version": "1"
1929 },
1930 "java": {
1931 "source": "Source source;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\").source(source).build();\n\nif (project.enableBatchBuilds()) {\n System.out.println(\"Batch builds were enabled\");\n}",
1932 "version": "1"
1933 },
1934 "go": {
1935 "source": "var source source\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: source,\n})\n\nif project.enableBatchBuilds() {\n\tfmt.Println(\"Batch builds were enabled\")\n}",
1936 "version": "1"
1937 },
1938 "$": {
1939 "source": "declare const source: codebuild.Source;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', { source, });\n\nif (project.enableBatchBuilds()) {\n console.log('Batch builds were enabled');\n}",
1940 "version": "0"
1941 }
1942 },
1943 "location": {
1944 "api": {
1945 "api": "moduleReadme",
1946 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
1947 },
1948 "field": {
1949 "field": "markdown",
1950 "line": 745
1951 }
1952 },
1953 "didCompile": true,
1954 "fqnsReferenced": [
1955 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
1956 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
1957 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project#enableBatchBuilds",
1958 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
1959 "constructs.Construct"
1960 ],
1961 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const source: codebuild.Source;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', { source, });\n\nif (project.enableBatchBuilds()) {\n console.log('Batch builds were enabled');\n}\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1962 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1963 "10": 2,
1964 "75": 11,
1965 "104": 1,
1966 "130": 1,
1967 "153": 1,
1968 "169": 1,
1969 "193": 1,
1970 "194": 3,
1971 "196": 2,
1972 "197": 1,
1973 "223": 1,
1974 "225": 2,
1975 "226": 1,
1976 "227": 1,
1977 "242": 2,
1978 "243": 2,
1979 "282": 1,
1980 "290": 1
1981 },
1982 "fqnsFingerprint": "4ddac2dfad63d1912890fd3a0b29b7c8f2ceb013dc8baa01a182d61a15773a1f"
1983 },
1984 "f69eaf8ad81bb214d4ad3090f768ad86f23d09cca3aa9be2a81398f4f3483e02": {
1985 "translations": {
1986 "python": {
1987 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n timeout=Duration.minutes(90)\n)",
1988 "version": "2"
1989 },
1990 "csharp": {
1991 "source": "new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n Timeout = Duration.Minutes(90)\n});",
1992 "version": "1"
1993 },
1994 "java": {
1995 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .timeout(Duration.minutes(90))\n .build();",
1996 "version": "1"
1997 },
1998 "go": {
1999 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\ttimeout: *awscdkcore.Duration.minutes(jsii.Number(90)),\n})",
2000 "version": "1"
2001 },
2002 "$": {
2003 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n timeout: Duration.minutes(90)\n});",
2004 "version": "0"
2005 }
2006 },
2007 "location": {
2008 "api": {
2009 "api": "moduleReadme",
2010 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
2011 },
2012 "field": {
2013 "field": "markdown",
2014 "line": 762
2015 }
2016 },
2017 "didCompile": true,
2018 "fqnsReferenced": [
2019 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
2020 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
2021 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
2022 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes",
2023 "constructs.Construct"
2024 ],
2025 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n timeout: Duration.minutes(90)\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2026 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2027 "8": 1,
2028 "10": 1,
2029 "75": 5,
2030 "104": 1,
2031 "193": 1,
2032 "194": 2,
2033 "196": 1,
2034 "197": 1,
2035 "226": 1,
2036 "281": 1
2037 },
2038 "fqnsFingerprint": "680d365acdb600b82c7e8dda299cb6adf462fb9079cd6f5434de880ea1920fff"
2039 },
2040 "70aaab82e5c2f22abf413efbc6ebc9192a4d8b333735f9db16b7bcb71d8fa06b": {
2041 "translations": {
2042 "python": {
2043 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n queued_timeout=Duration.minutes(30)\n)",
2044 "version": "2"
2045 },
2046 "csharp": {
2047 "source": "new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n QueuedTimeout = Duration.Minutes(30)\n});",
2048 "version": "1"
2049 },
2050 "java": {
2051 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .queuedTimeout(Duration.minutes(30))\n .build();",
2052 "version": "1"
2053 },
2054 "go": {
2055 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tqueuedTimeout: *awscdkcore.Duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n})",
2056 "version": "1"
2057 },
2058 "$": {
2059 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n queuedTimeout: Duration.minutes(30)\n});",
2060 "version": "0"
2061 }
2062 },
2063 "location": {
2064 "api": {
2065 "api": "moduleReadme",
2066 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
2067 },
2068 "field": {
2069 "field": "markdown",
2070 "line": 773
2071 }
2072 },
2073 "didCompile": true,
2074 "fqnsReferenced": [
2075 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
2076 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
2077 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
2078 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes",
2079 "constructs.Construct"
2080 ],
2081 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n queuedTimeout: Duration.minutes(30)\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2082 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2083 "8": 1,
2084 "10": 1,
2085 "75": 5,
2086 "104": 1,
2087 "193": 1,
2088 "194": 2,
2089 "196": 1,
2090 "197": 1,
2091 "226": 1,
2092 "281": 1
2093 },
2094 "fqnsFingerprint": "680d365acdb600b82c7e8dda299cb6adf462fb9079cd6f5434de880ea1920fff"
2095 },
2096 "a2ed46d800d2e4f9861f0f2cedac3a02cd2ba6a2ea69a3de891db1b40b0a5eb6": {
2097 "translations": {
2098 "python": {
2099 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n concurrent_build_limit=1\n)",
2100 "version": "2"
2101 },
2102 "csharp": {
2103 "source": "new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n ConcurrentBuildLimit = 1\n});",
2104 "version": "1"
2105 },
2106 "java": {
2107 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .concurrentBuildLimit(1)\n .build();",
2108 "version": "1"
2109 },
2110 "go": {
2111 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tconcurrentBuildLimit: jsii.Number(1),\n})",
2112 "version": "1"
2113 },
2114 "$": {
2115 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n concurrentBuildLimit: 1\n});",
2116 "version": "0"
2117 }
2118 },
2119 "location": {
2120 "api": {
2121 "api": "moduleReadme",
2122 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild"
2123 },
2124 "field": {
2125 "field": "markdown",
2126 "line": 785
2127 }
2128 },
2129 "didCompile": true,
2130 "fqnsReferenced": [
2131 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
2132 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
2133 "constructs.Construct"
2134 ],
2135 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n concurrentBuildLimit: 1\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2136 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2137 "8": 1,
2138 "10": 1,
2139 "75": 3,
2140 "104": 1,
2141 "193": 1,
2142 "194": 1,
2143 "197": 1,
2144 "226": 1,
2145 "281": 1
2146 },
2147 "fqnsFingerprint": "c411bcef2d52639ec569959bdd36d5f4b23f3ca2cb8250cb67f6750cfa888b53"
2148 },
2149 "36eedea6217d174af1419c798bc1214efac26819ac83f983d3b175cd990aa02f": {
2150 "translations": {
2151 "python": {
2152 "source": "# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n artifacts=codebuild.Artifacts.s3(\n bucket=bucket,\n include_build_id=False,\n package_zip=True,\n path=\"another/path\",\n identifier=\"AddArtifact1\"\n )\n)",
2153 "version": "2"
2154 },
2155 "csharp": {
2156 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n Artifacts = Artifacts.S3(new S3ArtifactsProps {\n Bucket = bucket,\n IncludeBuildId = false,\n PackageZip = true,\n Path = \"another/path\",\n Identifier = \"AddArtifact1\"\n })\n});",
2157 "version": "1"
2158 },
2159 "java": {
2160 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n .artifacts(Artifacts.s3(S3ArtifactsProps.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n .includeBuildId(false)\n .packageZip(true)\n .path(\"another/path\")\n .identifier(\"AddArtifact1\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
2161 "version": "1"
2162 },
2163 "go": {
2164 "source": "var bucket bucket\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\tartifacts: codebuild.artifacts.s3(&s3ArtifactsProps{\n\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\tincludeBuildId: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tpackageZip: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"another/path\"),\n\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"AddArtifact1\"),\n\t}),\n})",
2165 "version": "1"
2166 },
2167 "$": {
2168 "source": "declare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});",
2169 "version": "0"
2170 }
2171 },
2172 "location": {
2173 "api": {
2174 "api": "type",
2175 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts"
2176 },
2177 "field": {
2178 "field": "example"
2179 }
2180 },
2181 "didCompile": true,
2182 "fqnsReferenced": [
2183 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts",
2184 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts#s3",
2185 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
2186 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
2187 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IArtifacts",
2188 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
2189 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
2190 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3ArtifactsProps",
2191 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
2192 "constructs.Construct"
2193 ],
2194 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2195 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2196 "10": 4,
2197 "75": 20,
2198 "91": 1,
2199 "104": 1,
2200 "106": 1,
2201 "130": 1,
2202 "153": 1,
2203 "169": 1,
2204 "193": 3,
2205 "194": 5,
2206 "196": 2,
2207 "197": 1,
2208 "225": 2,
2209 "242": 2,
2210 "243": 2,
2211 "281": 7,
2212 "282": 1,
2213 "290": 1
2214 },
2215 "fqnsFingerprint": "a7f9b2c9d1a2de404ef12ef3a658133451ab176f2c61e363f62e48261d155015"
2216 },
2217 "93d7db2973b924fa62cc6302db6d568ff546c9c895264a28c389ae940b92bc39": {
2218 "translations": {
2219 "python": {
2220 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nartifacts_config = codebuild.ArtifactsConfig(\n artifacts_property=codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n artifact_identifier=\"artifactIdentifier\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\",\n name=\"name\",\n namespace_type=\"namespaceType\",\n override_artifact_name=False,\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n )\n)",
2221 "version": "2"
2222 },
2223 "csharp": {
2224 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nArtifactsConfig artifactsConfig = new ArtifactsConfig {\n ArtifactsProperty = new ArtifactsProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ArtifactIdentifier = \"artifactIdentifier\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n Name = \"name\",\n NamespaceType = \"namespaceType\",\n OverrideArtifactName = false,\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n }\n};",
2225 "version": "1"
2226 },
2227 "java": {
2228 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nArtifactsConfig artifactsConfig = ArtifactsConfig.builder()\n .artifactsProperty(ArtifactsProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .artifactIdentifier(\"artifactIdentifier\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .name(\"name\")\n .namespaceType(\"namespaceType\")\n .overrideArtifactName(false)\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build())\n .build();",
2229 "version": "1"
2230 },
2231 "go": {
2232 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nartifactsConfig := &artifactsConfig{\n\tartifactsProperty: &artifactsProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tartifactIdentifier: jsii.String(\"artifactIdentifier\"),\n\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\tnamespaceType: jsii.String(\"namespaceType\"),\n\t\toverrideArtifactName: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\t},\n}",
2233 "version": "1"
2234 },
2235 "$": {
2236 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst artifactsConfig: codebuild.ArtifactsConfig = {\n artifactsProperty: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n};",
2237 "version": "0"
2238 }
2239 },
2240 "location": {
2241 "api": {
2242 "api": "type",
2243 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ArtifactsConfig"
2244 },
2245 "field": {
2246 "field": "example"
2247 }
2248 },
2249 "didCompile": true,
2250 "fqnsReferenced": [
2251 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ArtifactsConfig",
2252 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty"
2253 ],
2254 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst artifactsConfig: codebuild.ArtifactsConfig = {\n artifactsProperty: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2255 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2256 "10": 8,
2257 "75": 14,
2258 "91": 2,
2259 "153": 1,
2260 "169": 1,
2261 "193": 2,
2262 "225": 1,
2263 "242": 1,
2264 "243": 1,
2265 "254": 1,
2266 "255": 1,
2267 "256": 1,
2268 "281": 10,
2269 "290": 1
2270 },
2271 "fqnsFingerprint": "f21b52c9b03b2184ebd23be8b09726db0ec1afad392d31b52e58270a895d3916"
2272 },
2273 "fec888d12b9efda769b3df8b32adc84b00e4148f0df029e303ddbec25d4bc3b9": {
2274 "translations": {
2275 "python": {
2276 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nartifacts_props = codebuild.ArtifactsProps(\n identifier=\"identifier\"\n)",
2277 "version": "2"
2278 },
2279 "csharp": {
2280 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nArtifactsProps artifactsProps = new ArtifactsProps {\n Identifier = \"identifier\"\n};",
2281 "version": "1"
2282 },
2283 "java": {
2284 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nArtifactsProps artifactsProps = ArtifactsProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"identifier\")\n .build();",
2285 "version": "1"
2286 },
2287 "go": {
2288 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nartifactsProps := &artifactsProps{\n\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"identifier\"),\n}",
2289 "version": "1"
2290 },
2291 "$": {
2292 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst artifactsProps: codebuild.ArtifactsProps = {\n identifier: 'identifier',\n};",
2293 "version": "0"
2294 }
2295 },
2296 "location": {
2297 "api": {
2298 "api": "type",
2299 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ArtifactsProps"
2300 },
2301 "field": {
2302 "field": "example"
2303 }
2304 },
2305 "didCompile": true,
2306 "fqnsReferenced": [
2307 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ArtifactsProps"
2308 ],
2309 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst artifactsProps: codebuild.ArtifactsProps = {\n identifier: 'identifier',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2310 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2311 "10": 2,
2312 "75": 5,
2313 "153": 1,
2314 "169": 1,
2315 "193": 1,
2316 "225": 1,
2317 "242": 1,
2318 "243": 1,
2319 "254": 1,
2320 "255": 1,
2321 "256": 1,
2322 "281": 1,
2323 "290": 1
2324 },
2325 "fqnsFingerprint": "3936cb4f753102cac21122d28cb91a6af57b41a5b408c6763aaa8e53026dd05f"
2326 },
2327 "75769773ae643d12883fb8b24046342004a16436df4d9afee60de7806b78cb1d": {
2328 "translations": {
2329 "python": {
2330 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# role: iam.Role\n\nbatch_build_config = codebuild.BatchBuildConfig(\n role=role\n)",
2331 "version": "2"
2332 },
2333 "csharp": {
2334 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nRole role;\n\nBatchBuildConfig batchBuildConfig = new BatchBuildConfig {\n Role = role\n};",
2335 "version": "1"
2336 },
2337 "java": {
2338 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nRole role;\n\nBatchBuildConfig batchBuildConfig = BatchBuildConfig.builder()\n .role(role)\n .build();",
2339 "version": "1"
2340 },
2341 "go": {
2342 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar role role\n\nbatchBuildConfig := &batchBuildConfig{\n\trole: role,\n}",
2343 "version": "1"
2344 },
2345 "$": {
2346 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\nconst batchBuildConfig: codebuild.BatchBuildConfig = {\n role: role,\n};",
2347 "version": "0"
2348 }
2349 },
2350 "location": {
2351 "api": {
2352 "api": "type",
2353 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BatchBuildConfig"
2354 },
2355 "field": {
2356 "field": "example"
2357 }
2358 },
2359 "didCompile": true,
2360 "fqnsReferenced": [
2361 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BatchBuildConfig",
2362 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
2363 ],
2364 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst batchBuildConfig: codebuild.BatchBuildConfig = {\n role: role,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2365 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2366 "10": 2,
2367 "75": 10,
2368 "130": 1,
2369 "153": 2,
2370 "169": 2,
2371 "193": 1,
2372 "225": 2,
2373 "242": 2,
2374 "243": 2,
2375 "254": 2,
2376 "255": 2,
2377 "256": 2,
2378 "281": 1,
2379 "290": 1
2380 },
2381 "fqnsFingerprint": "6ca0920f3549c987552ed326e5fc0682dd9751d8382db3552b02ef2b0a29c140"
2382 },
2383 "a848681d4e68721fb6bca30013f76876a44fceac1743880f8896cff8ad51563e": {
2384 "translations": {
2385 "python": {
2386 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\nimport aws_cdk.aws_s3 as s3\n\n# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\nbind_to_code_pipeline_options = codebuild.BindToCodePipelineOptions(\n artifact_bucket=bucket\n)",
2387 "version": "2"
2388 },
2389 "csharp": {
2390 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3;\n\nBucket bucket;\n\nBindToCodePipelineOptions bindToCodePipelineOptions = new BindToCodePipelineOptions {\n ArtifactBucket = bucket\n};",
2391 "version": "1"
2392 },
2393 "java": {
2394 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.s3.*;\n\nBucket bucket;\n\nBindToCodePipelineOptions bindToCodePipelineOptions = BindToCodePipelineOptions.builder()\n .artifactBucket(bucket)\n .build();",
2395 "version": "1"
2396 },
2397 "go": {
2398 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\nimport s3 \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawss3\"\n\nvar bucket bucket\n\nbindToCodePipelineOptions := &bindToCodePipelineOptions{\n\tartifactBucket: bucket,\n}",
2399 "version": "1"
2400 },
2401 "$": {
2402 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\n\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\nconst bindToCodePipelineOptions: codebuild.BindToCodePipelineOptions = {\n artifactBucket: bucket,\n};",
2403 "version": "0"
2404 }
2405 },
2406 "location": {
2407 "api": {
2408 "api": "type",
2409 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BindToCodePipelineOptions"
2410 },
2411 "field": {
2412 "field": "example"
2413 }
2414 },
2415 "didCompile": true,
2416 "fqnsReferenced": [
2417 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BindToCodePipelineOptions",
2418 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket"
2419 ],
2420 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\n\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst bindToCodePipelineOptions: codebuild.BindToCodePipelineOptions = {\n artifactBucket: bucket,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2421 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2422 "10": 2,
2423 "75": 10,
2424 "130": 1,
2425 "153": 2,
2426 "169": 2,
2427 "193": 1,
2428 "225": 2,
2429 "242": 2,
2430 "243": 2,
2431 "254": 2,
2432 "255": 2,
2433 "256": 2,
2434 "281": 1,
2435 "290": 1
2436 },
2437 "fqnsFingerprint": "5d10f22577b6923dab4b2bee82bf00fe7ffbcc290de48fe1d537f942c804e98c"
2438 },
2439 "74a20c38a4d56164a5e46818b7bc2bc1ad5b1e095114cdde8cf1969b1b0b8bb5": {
2440 "translations": {
2441 "python": {
2442 "source": "codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(self, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\",\n username=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", json_field=\"username\"),\n password=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", json_field=\"password\")\n)",
2443 "version": "2"
2444 },
2445 "csharp": {
2446 "source": "new BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\", new BitBucketSourceCredentialsProps {\n Username = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", new SecretsManagerSecretOptions { JsonField = \"username\" }),\n Password = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", new SecretsManagerSecretOptions { JsonField = \"password\" })\n});",
2447 "version": "1"
2448 },
2449 "java": {
2450 "source": "BitBucketSourceCredentials.Builder.create(this, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\")\n .username(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", SecretsManagerSecretOptions.builder().jsonField(\"username\").build()))\n .password(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", SecretsManagerSecretOptions.builder().jsonField(\"password\").build()))\n .build();",
2451 "version": "1"
2452 },
2453 "go": {
2454 "source": "codebuild.NewBitBucketSourceCredentials(this, jsii.String(\"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\"), &bitBucketSourceCredentialsProps{\n\tusername: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-bitbucket-creds\"), &secretsManagerSecretOptions{\n\t\tjsonField: jsii.String(\"username\"),\n\t}),\n\tpassword: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-bitbucket-creds\"), &secretsManagerSecretOptions{\n\t\tjsonField: jsii.String(\"password\"),\n\t}),\n})",
2455 "version": "1"
2456 },
2457 "$": {
2458 "source": "new codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildBitBucketCreds', {\n username: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'username' }),\n password: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'password' }),\n});",
2459 "version": "0"
2460 }
2461 },
2462 "location": {
2463 "api": {
2464 "api": "type",
2465 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials"
2466 },
2467 "field": {
2468 "field": "example"
2469 }
2470 },
2471 "didCompile": true,
2472 "fqnsReferenced": [
2473 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials",
2474 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentialsProps",
2475 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
2476 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue#secretsManager",
2477 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretsManagerSecretOptions",
2478 "constructs.Construct"
2479 ],
2480 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildBitBucketCreds', {\n username: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'username' }),\n password: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'password' }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2481 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2482 "10": 5,
2483 "75": 10,
2484 "104": 1,
2485 "193": 3,
2486 "194": 3,
2487 "196": 2,
2488 "197": 1,
2489 "226": 1,
2490 "281": 4
2491 },
2492 "fqnsFingerprint": "fc7b0084a07026aa3a40fec4a1a09127297eb75d3345227ffed8d96d8f08bd90"
2493 },
2494 "98c452bf9c64ba2f221d78bd78045b7d7f8237c7470f03b3dbb41cf577875b11": {
2495 "translations": {
2496 "python": {
2497 "source": "codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(self, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\",\n username=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", json_field=\"username\"),\n password=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", json_field=\"password\")\n)",
2498 "version": "2"
2499 },
2500 "csharp": {
2501 "source": "new BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\", new BitBucketSourceCredentialsProps {\n Username = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", new SecretsManagerSecretOptions { JsonField = \"username\" }),\n Password = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", new SecretsManagerSecretOptions { JsonField = \"password\" })\n});",
2502 "version": "1"
2503 },
2504 "java": {
2505 "source": "BitBucketSourceCredentials.Builder.create(this, \"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\")\n .username(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", SecretsManagerSecretOptions.builder().jsonField(\"username\").build()))\n .password(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-bitbucket-creds\", SecretsManagerSecretOptions.builder().jsonField(\"password\").build()))\n .build();",
2506 "version": "1"
2507 },
2508 "go": {
2509 "source": "codebuild.NewBitBucketSourceCredentials(this, jsii.String(\"CodeBuildBitBucketCreds\"), &bitBucketSourceCredentialsProps{\n\tusername: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-bitbucket-creds\"), &secretsManagerSecretOptions{\n\t\tjsonField: jsii.String(\"username\"),\n\t}),\n\tpassword: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-bitbucket-creds\"), &secretsManagerSecretOptions{\n\t\tjsonField: jsii.String(\"password\"),\n\t}),\n})",
2510 "version": "1"
2511 },
2512 "$": {
2513 "source": "new codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildBitBucketCreds', {\n username: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'username' }),\n password: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'password' }),\n});",
2514 "version": "0"
2515 }
2516 },
2517 "location": {
2518 "api": {
2519 "api": "type",
2520 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentialsProps"
2521 },
2522 "field": {
2523 "field": "example"
2524 }
2525 },
2526 "didCompile": true,
2527 "fqnsReferenced": [
2528 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials",
2529 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentialsProps",
2530 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
2531 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue#secretsManager",
2532 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretsManagerSecretOptions",
2533 "constructs.Construct"
2534 ],
2535 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.BitBucketSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildBitBucketCreds', {\n username: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'username' }),\n password: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-bitbucket-creds', { jsonField: 'password' }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2536 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2537 "10": 5,
2538 "75": 10,
2539 "104": 1,
2540 "193": 3,
2541 "194": 3,
2542 "196": 2,
2543 "197": 1,
2544 "226": 1,
2545 "281": 4
2546 },
2547 "fqnsFingerprint": "fc7b0084a07026aa3a40fec4a1a09127297eb75d3345227ffed8d96d8f08bd90"
2548 },
2549 "5a9f49b2527e750da70e7261d5d95a32fad5d4ff6320cb504ac68b4da4d1297a": {
2550 "translations": {
2551 "python": {
2552 "source": "bb_source = codebuild.Source.bit_bucket(\n owner=\"owner\",\n repo=\"repo\"\n)",
2553 "version": "2"
2554 },
2555 "csharp": {
2556 "source": "ISource bbSource = Source.BitBucket(new BitBucketSourceProps {\n Owner = \"owner\",\n Repo = \"repo\"\n});",
2557 "version": "1"
2558 },
2559 "java": {
2560 "source": "ISource bbSource = Source.bitBucket(BitBucketSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"owner\")\n .repo(\"repo\")\n .build());",
2561 "version": "1"
2562 },
2563 "go": {
2564 "source": "bbSource := codebuild.source.bitBucket(&bitBucketSourceProps{\n\towner: jsii.String(\"owner\"),\n\trepo: jsii.String(\"repo\"),\n})",
2565 "version": "1"
2566 },
2567 "$": {
2568 "source": "const bbSource = codebuild.Source.bitBucket({\n owner: 'owner',\n repo: 'repo',\n});",
2569 "version": "0"
2570 }
2571 },
2572 "location": {
2573 "api": {
2574 "api": "type",
2575 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps"
2576 },
2577 "field": {
2578 "field": "example"
2579 }
2580 },
2581 "didCompile": true,
2582 "fqnsReferenced": [
2583 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
2584 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
2585 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
2586 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#bitBucket"
2587 ],
2588 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst bbSource = codebuild.Source.bitBucket({\n owner: 'owner',\n repo: 'repo',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2589 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2590 "10": 2,
2591 "75": 6,
2592 "193": 1,
2593 "194": 2,
2594 "196": 1,
2595 "225": 1,
2596 "242": 1,
2597 "243": 1,
2598 "281": 2
2599 },
2600 "fqnsFingerprint": "2d0e2f696e3c82d352a60da4a497a32ce5a141ce2c7bbec345bf80517bb37872"
2601 },
2602 "62f962f4ccef0389e69bd90eb89aab0dc4b1e8c2291f90fa6e461713643363c7": {
2603 "translations": {
2604 "python": {
2605 "source": "\"awslabs\"",
2606 "version": "2"
2607 },
2608 "csharp": {
2609 "source": "\"awslabs\";",
2610 "version": "1"
2611 },
2612 "java": {
2613 "source": "\"awslabs\";",
2614 "version": "1"
2615 },
2616 "go": {
2617 "source": "\"awslabs\"",
2618 "version": "1"
2619 },
2620 "$": {
2621 "source": "'awslabs'",
2622 "version": "0"
2623 }
2624 },
2625 "location": {
2626 "api": {
2627 "api": "member",
2628 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
2629 "memberName": "owner"
2630 },
2631 "field": {
2632 "field": "example"
2633 }
2634 },
2635 "didCompile": true,
2636 "fqnsReferenced": [],
2637 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'awslabs'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2638 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2639 "10": 1,
2640 "226": 1
2641 },
2642 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
2643 },
2644 "7eb1938d4f55ac9346ea67b8831c2609fe3559830953c0f2c23ccd83ed1db0b2": {
2645 "translations": {
2646 "python": {
2647 "source": "\"aws-cdk\"",
2648 "version": "2"
2649 },
2650 "csharp": {
2651 "source": "\"aws-cdk\";",
2652 "version": "1"
2653 },
2654 "java": {
2655 "source": "\"aws-cdk\";",
2656 "version": "1"
2657 },
2658 "go": {
2659 "source": "\"aws-cdk\"",
2660 "version": "1"
2661 },
2662 "$": {
2663 "source": "'aws-cdk'",
2664 "version": "0"
2665 }
2666 },
2667 "location": {
2668 "api": {
2669 "api": "member",
2670 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
2671 "memberName": "repo"
2672 },
2673 "field": {
2674 "field": "example"
2675 }
2676 },
2677 "didCompile": true,
2678 "fqnsReferenced": [],
2679 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'aws-cdk'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2680 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2681 "10": 1,
2682 "226": 1
2683 },
2684 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
2685 },
2686 "c300fb2cb9185abc00d7b80fc1587c147178bae66ce4041587d618e71d0c8d51": {
2687 "translations": {
2688 "python": {
2689 "source": "\"mybranch\"",
2690 "version": "2"
2691 },
2692 "csharp": {
2693 "source": "\"mybranch\";",
2694 "version": "1"
2695 },
2696 "java": {
2697 "source": "\"mybranch\";",
2698 "version": "1"
2699 },
2700 "go": {
2701 "source": "\"mybranch\"",
2702 "version": "1"
2703 },
2704 "$": {
2705 "source": "'mybranch'",
2706 "version": "0"
2707 }
2708 },
2709 "location": {
2710 "api": {
2711 "api": "member",
2712 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
2713 "memberName": "branchOrRef"
2714 },
2715 "field": {
2716 "field": "example"
2717 }
2718 },
2719 "didCompile": true,
2720 "fqnsReferenced": [],
2721 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'mybranch'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2722 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2723 "10": 1,
2724 "226": 1
2725 },
2726 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
2727 },
2728 "2c62a1a4c878848745704a1fe656ad1e57c807507735443796397d518ab65e50": {
2729 "translations": {
2730 "python": {
2731 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
2732 "version": "2"
2733 },
2734 "csharp": {
2735 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\";",
2736 "version": "1"
2737 },
2738 "java": {
2739 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\";",
2740 "version": "1"
2741 },
2742 "go": {
2743 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
2744 "version": "1"
2745 },
2746 "$": {
2747 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
2748 "version": "0"
2749 }
2750 },
2751 "location": {
2752 "api": {
2753 "api": "member",
2754 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
2755 "memberName": "buildStatusName"
2756 },
2757 "field": {
2758 "field": "example"
2759 }
2760 },
2761 "didCompile": true,
2762 "fqnsReferenced": [],
2763 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2764 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2765 "10": 1,
2766 "226": 1
2767 },
2768 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
2769 },
2770 "9e7326c41d78d4f83f0cc90ad9092fee37837a6a62c474ec35ada5d862c8438f": {
2771 "translations": {
2772 "python": {
2773 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
2774 "version": "2"
2775 },
2776 "csharp": {
2777 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\";",
2778 "version": "1"
2779 },
2780 "java": {
2781 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\";",
2782 "version": "1"
2783 },
2784 "go": {
2785 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
2786 "version": "1"
2787 },
2788 "$": {
2789 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
2790 "version": "0"
2791 }
2792 },
2793 "location": {
2794 "api": {
2795 "api": "member",
2796 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
2797 "memberName": "buildStatusUrl"
2798 },
2799 "field": {
2800 "field": "example"
2801 }
2802 },
2803 "didCompile": true,
2804 "fqnsReferenced": [],
2805 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2806 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2807 "10": 1,
2808 "226": 1
2809 },
2810 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
2811 },
2812 "8a4f8ac9e76dc3495b1b8df2479a82e315b0a9cd9f1722a8eba3f0f5e9a18c3b": {
2813 "translations": {
2814 "python": {
2815 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nbucket_cache_options = codebuild.BucketCacheOptions(\n prefix=\"prefix\"\n)",
2816 "version": "2"
2817 },
2818 "csharp": {
2819 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nBucketCacheOptions bucketCacheOptions = new BucketCacheOptions {\n Prefix = \"prefix\"\n};",
2820 "version": "1"
2821 },
2822 "java": {
2823 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nBucketCacheOptions bucketCacheOptions = BucketCacheOptions.builder()\n .prefix(\"prefix\")\n .build();",
2824 "version": "1"
2825 },
2826 "go": {
2827 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nbucketCacheOptions := &bucketCacheOptions{\n\tprefix: jsii.String(\"prefix\"),\n}",
2828 "version": "1"
2829 },
2830 "$": {
2831 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst bucketCacheOptions: codebuild.BucketCacheOptions = {\n prefix: 'prefix',\n};",
2832 "version": "0"
2833 }
2834 },
2835 "location": {
2836 "api": {
2837 "api": "type",
2838 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BucketCacheOptions"
2839 },
2840 "field": {
2841 "field": "example"
2842 }
2843 },
2844 "didCompile": true,
2845 "fqnsReferenced": [
2846 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BucketCacheOptions"
2847 ],
2848 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst bucketCacheOptions: codebuild.BucketCacheOptions = {\n prefix: 'prefix',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2849 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2850 "10": 2,
2851 "75": 5,
2852 "153": 1,
2853 "169": 1,
2854 "193": 1,
2855 "225": 1,
2856 "242": 1,
2857 "243": 1,
2858 "254": 1,
2859 "255": 1,
2860 "256": 1,
2861 "281": 1,
2862 "290": 1
2863 },
2864 "fqnsFingerprint": "e6fe5712fcfc491f67682550e9a5e5075e2957910914a5e10fd9968f76693c9c"
2865 },
2866 "185de20d5f964f29bc2d60fae288557e4bd7be97a2dfd0b35e541c78ba29ae37": {
2867 "translations": {
2868 "python": {
2869 "source": "# vpc: ec2.Vpc\n# my_security_group: ec2.SecurityGroup\n\npipelines.CodePipeline(self, \"Pipeline\",\n # Standard CodePipeline properties\n synth=pipelines.ShellStep(\"Synth\",\n input=pipelines.CodePipelineSource.connection(\"my-org/my-app\", \"main\",\n connection_arn=\"arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41\"\n ),\n commands=[\"npm ci\", \"npm run build\", \"npx cdk synth\"\n ]\n ),\n\n # Defaults for all CodeBuild projects\n code_build_defaults=pipelines.CodeBuildOptions(\n # Prepend commands and configuration to all projects\n partial_build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n\n # Control the build environment\n build_environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n compute_type=codebuild.ComputeType.LARGE\n ),\n\n # Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n vpc=vpc,\n subnet_selection=ec2.SubnetSelection(subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT),\n security_groups=[my_security_group],\n\n # Additional policy statements for the execution role\n role_policy=[\n iam.PolicyStatement()\n ]\n ),\n\n synth_code_build_defaults=pipelines.CodeBuildOptions(),\n asset_publishing_code_build_defaults=pipelines.CodeBuildOptions(),\n self_mutation_code_build_defaults=pipelines.CodeBuildOptions()\n)",
2870 "version": "2"
2871 },
2872 "csharp": {
2873 "source": "Vpc vpc;\nSecurityGroup mySecurityGroup;\n\nnew CodePipeline(this, \"Pipeline\", new CodePipelineProps {\n // Standard CodePipeline properties\n Synth = new ShellStep(\"Synth\", new ShellStepProps {\n Input = CodePipelineSource.Connection(\"my-org/my-app\", \"main\", new ConnectionSourceOptions {\n ConnectionArn = \"arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41\"\n }),\n Commands = new [] { \"npm ci\", \"npm run build\", \"npx cdk synth\" }\n }),\n\n // Defaults for all CodeBuild projects\n CodeBuildDefaults = new CodeBuildOptions {\n // Prepend commands and configuration to all projects\n PartialBuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n\n // Control the build environment\n BuildEnvironment = new BuildEnvironment {\n ComputeType = ComputeType.LARGE\n },\n\n // Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n Vpc = vpc,\n SubnetSelection = new SubnetSelection { SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT },\n SecurityGroups = new [] { mySecurityGroup },\n\n // Additional policy statements for the execution role\n RolePolicy = new [] {\n new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { }) }\n },\n\n SynthCodeBuildDefaults = new CodeBuildOptions { },\n AssetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults = new CodeBuildOptions { },\n SelfMutationCodeBuildDefaults = new CodeBuildOptions { }\n});",
2874 "version": "1"
2875 },
2876 "java": {
2877 "source": "Vpc vpc;\nSecurityGroup mySecurityGroup;\n\nCodePipeline.Builder.create(this, \"Pipeline\")\n // Standard CodePipeline properties\n .synth(ShellStep.Builder.create(\"Synth\")\n .input(CodePipelineSource.connection(\"my-org/my-app\", \"main\", ConnectionSourceOptions.builder()\n .connectionArn(\"arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41\")\n .build()))\n .commands(List.of(\"npm ci\", \"npm run build\", \"npx cdk synth\"))\n .build())\n\n // Defaults for all CodeBuild projects\n .codeBuildDefaults(CodeBuildOptions.builder()\n // Prepend commands and configuration to all projects\n .partialBuildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n\n // Control the build environment\n .buildEnvironment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .computeType(ComputeType.LARGE)\n .build())\n\n // Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n .vpc(vpc)\n .subnetSelection(SubnetSelection.builder().subnetType(SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT).build())\n .securityGroups(List.of(mySecurityGroup))\n\n // Additional policy statements for the execution role\n .rolePolicy(List.of(\n PolicyStatement.Builder.create().build()))\n .build())\n\n .synthCodeBuildDefaults(CodeBuildOptions.builder().build())\n .assetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults(CodeBuildOptions.builder().build())\n .selfMutationCodeBuildDefaults(CodeBuildOptions.builder().build())\n .build();",
2878 "version": "1"
2879 },
2880 "go": {
2881 "source": "var vpc vpc\nvar mySecurityGroup securityGroup\n\npipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String(\"Pipeline\"), &codePipelineProps{\n\t// Standard CodePipeline properties\n\tsynth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String(\"Synth\"), &shellStepProps{\n\t\tinput: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String(\"my-org/my-app\"), jsii.String(\"main\"), &connectionSourceOptions{\n\t\t\tconnectionArn: jsii.String(\"arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41\"),\n\t\t}),\n\t\tcommands: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"npm ci\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"npm run build\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"npx cdk synth\"),\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n\n\t// Defaults for all CodeBuild projects\n\tcodeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{\n\t\t// Prepend commands and configuration to all projects\n\t\tpartialBuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t}),\n\n\t\t// Control the build environment\n\t\tbuildEnvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\t\tcomputeType: codebuild.computeType_LARGE,\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t// Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n\t\tvpc: vpc,\n\t\tsubnetSelection: &subnetSelection{\n\t\t\tsubnetType: ec2.subnetType_PRIVATE_WITH_NAT,\n\t\t},\n\t\tsecurityGroups: []iSecurityGroup{\n\t\t\tmySecurityGroup,\n\t\t},\n\n\t\t// Additional policy statements for the execution role\n\t\trolePolicy: []policyStatement{\n\t\t\tiam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t\t\t}),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\n\tsynthCodeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{\n\t},\n\tassetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{\n\t},\n\tselfMutationCodeBuildDefaults: &codeBuildOptions{\n\t},\n})",
2882 "version": "1"
2883 },
2884 "$": {
2885 "source": "declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\ndeclare const mySecurityGroup: ec2.SecurityGroup;\nnew pipelines.CodePipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n // Standard CodePipeline properties\n synth: new pipelines.ShellStep('Synth', {\n input: pipelines.CodePipelineSource.connection('my-org/my-app', 'main', {\n connectionArn: 'arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41', // Created using the AWS console * });',\n }),\n commands: [\n 'npm ci',\n 'npm run build',\n 'npx cdk synth',\n ],\n }),\n\n // Defaults for all CodeBuild projects\n codeBuildDefaults: {\n // Prepend commands and configuration to all projects\n partialBuildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n // ...\n }),\n\n // Control the build environment\n buildEnvironment: {\n computeType: codebuild.ComputeType.LARGE,\n },\n\n // Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n vpc: vpc,\n subnetSelection: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT },\n securityGroups: [mySecurityGroup],\n\n // Additional policy statements for the execution role\n rolePolicy: [\n new iam.PolicyStatement({ /* ... */ }),\n ],\n },\n\n synthCodeBuildDefaults: { /* ... */ },\n assetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults: { /* ... */ },\n selfMutationCodeBuildDefaults: { /* ... */ },\n});",
2886 "version": "0"
2887 }
2888 },
2889 "location": {
2890 "api": {
2891 "api": "type",
2892 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment"
2893 },
2894 "field": {
2895 "field": "example"
2896 }
2897 },
2898 "didCompile": true,
2899 "fqnsReferenced": [
2900 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
2901 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
2902 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
2903 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ComputeType",
2904 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ComputeType#LARGE",
2905 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc",
2906 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetSelection",
2907 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetType",
2908 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetType#PRIVATE_WITH_NAT",
2909 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
2910 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
2911 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodeBuildOptions",
2912 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodePipeline",
2913 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodePipelineProps",
2914 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodePipelineSource",
2915 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodePipelineSource#connection",
2916 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.ConnectionSourceOptions",
2917 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.IFileSetProducer",
2918 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.ShellStep",
2919 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.ShellStepProps",
2920 "constructs.Construct"
2921 ],
2922 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\ndeclare const mySecurityGroup: ec2.SecurityGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CfnOutput, Duration, Stage, Stack, StackProps, StageProps } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');\nimport codepipeline = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline');\nimport cpactions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions');\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport codecommit = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit');\nimport dynamodb = require('@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb');\nimport ecr = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ecr');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport pipelines = require('@aws-cdk/pipelines');\nimport secretsmanager = require('@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager');\nimport sns = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sns');\nimport subscriptions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sns-subscriptions');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\n\nclass MyApplicationStage extends Stage {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StageProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n }\n}\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nnew pipelines.CodePipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n // Standard CodePipeline properties\n synth: new pipelines.ShellStep('Synth', {\n input: pipelines.CodePipelineSource.connection('my-org/my-app', 'main', {\n connectionArn: 'arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41', // Created using the AWS console * });',\n }),\n commands: [\n 'npm ci',\n 'npm run build',\n 'npx cdk synth',\n ],\n }),\n\n // Defaults for all CodeBuild projects\n codeBuildDefaults: {\n // Prepend commands and configuration to all projects\n partialBuildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n // ...\n }),\n\n // Control the build environment\n buildEnvironment: {\n computeType: codebuild.ComputeType.LARGE,\n },\n\n // Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n vpc: vpc,\n subnetSelection: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT },\n securityGroups: [mySecurityGroup],\n\n // Additional policy statements for the execution role\n rolePolicy: [\n new iam.PolicyStatement({ /* ... */ }),\n ],\n },\n\n synthCodeBuildDefaults: { /* ... */ },\n assetPublishingCodeBuildDefaults: { /* ... */ },\n selfMutationCodeBuildDefaults: { /* ... */ },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2923 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2924 "10": 9,
2925 "75": 43,
2926 "104": 1,
2927 "130": 2,
2928 "153": 2,
2929 "169": 2,
2930 "192": 3,
2931 "193": 11,
2932 "194": 11,
2933 "196": 2,
2934 "197": 3,
2935 "225": 2,
2936 "226": 1,
2937 "242": 2,
2938 "243": 2,
2939 "281": 17,
2940 "290": 1
2941 },
2942 "fqnsFingerprint": "28c2eebe68f32c48c93eedee5c296357e5cf8c09ab1ba066dee4abe2172be64b"
2943 },
2944 "d1fb29a93b3425657dfce4f7de7e253c630e86b5137438dfa358d732948d2bd6": {
2945 "translations": {
2946 "python": {
2947 "source": "# ecr_repository: ecr.Repository\n\n\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.from_ecr_repository(ecr_repository, \"v1.0\", codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n # optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate(\n bucket=s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(self, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"),\n object_key=\"path/to/cert.pem\"\n )\n )\n)",
2948 "version": "2"
2949 },
2950 "csharp": {
2951 "source": "Repository ecrRepository;\n\n\nnew Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = WindowsBuildImage.FromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\", WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n Certificate = new BuildEnvironmentCertificate {\n Bucket = Bucket.FromBucketName(this, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"),\n ObjectKey = \"path/to/cert.pem\"\n }\n }\n});",
2952 "version": "1"
2953 },
2954 "java": {
2955 "source": "Repository ecrRepository;\n\n\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\", WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019))\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n .certificate(BuildEnvironmentCertificate.builder()\n .bucket(Bucket.fromBucketName(this, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"))\n .objectKey(\"path/to/cert.pem\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
2956 "version": "1"
2957 },
2958 "go": {
2959 "source": "var ecrRepository repository\n\n\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tenvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tbuildImage: codebuild.windowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, jsii.String(\"v1.0\"), codebuild.windowsImageType_SERVER_2019),\n\t\t// optional certificate to include in the build image\n\t\tcertificate: &buildEnvironmentCertificate{\n\t\t\tbucket: s3.bucket.fromBucketName(this, jsii.String(\"Bucket\"), jsii.String(\"my-bucket\")),\n\t\t\tobjectKey: jsii.String(\"path/to/cert.pem\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
2960 "version": "1"
2961 },
2962 "$": {
2963 "source": "declare const ecrRepository: ecr.Repository;\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0', codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate: {\n bucket: s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'Bucket', 'my-bucket'),\n objectKey: 'path/to/cert.pem',\n },\n },\n // ...\n})",
2964 "version": "0"
2965 }
2966 },
2967 "location": {
2968 "api": {
2969 "api": "type",
2970 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate"
2971 },
2972 "field": {
2973 "field": "example"
2974 }
2975 },
2976 "didCompile": true,
2977 "fqnsReferenced": [
2978 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
2979 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate",
2980 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
2981 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
2982 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
2983 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage",
2984 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage#fromEcrRepository",
2985 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType",
2986 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType#SERVER_2019",
2987 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecr.IRepository",
2988 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
2989 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket#fromBucketName",
2990 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
2991 "constructs.Construct"
2992 ],
2993 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const ecrRepository: ecr.Repository;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0', codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate: {\n bucket: s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'Bucket', 'my-bucket'),\n objectKey: 'path/to/cert.pem',\n },\n },\n // ...\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2994 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2995 "10": 5,
2996 "75": 20,
2997 "104": 2,
2998 "130": 1,
2999 "153": 1,
3000 "169": 1,
3001 "193": 3,
3002 "194": 7,
3003 "196": 2,
3004 "197": 1,
3005 "225": 1,
3006 "226": 1,
3007 "242": 1,
3008 "243": 1,
3009 "281": 5,
3010 "290": 1
3011 },
3012 "fqnsFingerprint": "e9fc8581f117316d74b81bb421fb239bd0d74ea3797ce9eac9428532ead62c42"
3013 },
3014 "417e6f273ce8fa87b27ceacd4ddc2465561b86eaf1a81ed63ace1e1c5990e94e": {
3015 "translations": {
3016 "python": {
3017 "source": "# later:\n# project: codebuild.PipelineProject\nsource_output = codepipeline.Artifact()\nbuild_action = codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction(\n action_name=\"Build1\",\n input=source_output,\n project=codebuild.PipelineProject(self, \"Project\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"env\": {\n \"exported-variables\": [\"MY_VAR\"\n ]\n },\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": \"export MY_VAR=\\\"some value\\\"\"\n }\n }\n })\n ),\n variables_namespace=\"MyNamespace\"\n)\ncodepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction(\n action_name=\"CodeBuild\",\n project=project,\n input=source_output,\n environment_variables={\n \"MyVar\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable(\n value=build_action.variable(\"MY_VAR\")\n )\n }\n)",
3018 "version": "2"
3019 },
3020 "csharp": {
3021 "source": "// later:\nPipelineProject project;\nArtifact sourceOutput = new Artifact();\nCodeBuildAction buildAction = new CodeBuildAction(new CodeBuildActionProps {\n ActionName = \"Build1\",\n Input = sourceOutput,\n Project = new PipelineProject(this, \"Project\", new PipelineProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"env\", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {\n { \"exported-variables\", new [] { \"MY_VAR\" } }\n } },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = \"export MY_VAR=\\\"some value\\\"\"\n } }\n } }\n })\n }),\n VariablesNamespace = \"MyNamespace\"\n});\nnew CodeBuildAction(new CodeBuildActionProps {\n ActionName = \"CodeBuild\",\n Project = project,\n Input = sourceOutput,\n EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, BuildEnvironmentVariable> {\n { \"MyVar\", new BuildEnvironmentVariable {\n Value = buildAction.Variable(\"MY_VAR\")\n } }\n }\n});",
3022 "version": "1"
3023 },
3024 "java": {
3025 "source": "// later:\nPipelineProject project;\nArtifact sourceOutput = new Artifact();\nCodeBuildAction buildAction = CodeBuildAction.Builder.create()\n .actionName(\"Build1\")\n .input(sourceOutput)\n .project(PipelineProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"env\", Map.of(\n \"exported-variables\", List.of(\"MY_VAR\")),\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", \"export MY_VAR=\\\"some value\\\"\")))))\n .build())\n .variablesNamespace(\"MyNamespace\")\n .build();\nCodeBuildAction.Builder.create()\n .actionName(\"CodeBuild\")\n .project(project)\n .input(sourceOutput)\n .environmentVariables(Map.of(\n \"MyVar\", BuildEnvironmentVariable.builder()\n .value(buildAction.variable(\"MY_VAR\"))\n .build()))\n .build();",
3026 "version": "1"
3027 },
3028 "go": {
3029 "source": "// later:\nvar project pipelineProject\nsourceOutput := codepipeline.NewArtifact()\nbuildAction := codepipeline_actions.NewCodeBuildAction(&codeBuildActionProps{\n\tactionName: jsii.String(\"Build1\"),\n\tinput: sourceOutput,\n\tproject: codebuild.NewPipelineProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &pipelineProjectProps{\n\t\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\t\"env\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"exported-variables\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"MY_VAR\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"build\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\t\"commands\": jsii.String(\"export MY_VAR=\\\"some value\\\"\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t}),\n\tvariablesNamespace: jsii.String(\"MyNamespace\"),\n})\ncodepipeline_actions.NewCodeBuildAction(&codeBuildActionProps{\n\tactionName: jsii.String(\"CodeBuild\"),\n\tproject: project,\n\tinput: sourceOutput,\n\tenvironmentVariables: map[string]buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\"MyVar\": &buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\t\"value\": buildAction.variable(jsii.String(\"MY_VAR\")),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
3030 "version": "1"
3031 },
3032 "$": {
3033 "source": "const sourceOutput = new codepipeline.Artifact();\nconst buildAction = new codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'Build1',\n input: sourceOutput,\n project: new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, 'Project', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n env: {\n 'exported-variables': [\n 'MY_VAR',\n ],\n },\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: 'export MY_VAR=\"some value\"',\n },\n },\n }),\n }),\n variablesNamespace: 'MyNamespace', // optional - by default, a name will be generated for you\n});\n\n// later:\ndeclare const project: codebuild.PipelineProject;\nnew codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'CodeBuild',\n project,\n input: sourceOutput,\n environmentVariables: {\n MyVar: {\n value: buildAction.variable('MY_VAR'),\n },\n },\n});",
3034 "version": "0"
3035 }
3036 },
3037 "location": {
3038 "api": {
3039 "api": "type",
3040 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable"
3041 },
3042 "field": {
3043 "field": "example"
3044 }
3045 },
3046 "didCompile": true,
3047 "fqnsReferenced": [
3048 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable",
3049 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
3050 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
3051 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IProject",
3052 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProject",
3053 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProjectProps",
3054 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildAction",
3055 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildAction#variable",
3056 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildActionProps",
3057 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.Artifact",
3058 "constructs.Construct"
3059 ],
3060 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// later:\ndeclare const project: codebuild.PipelineProject;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Arn, Construct, Duration, SecretValue, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport codedeploy = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy');\nimport codepipeline = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline');\nimport codepipeline_actions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions');\nimport codecommit = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst sourceOutput = new codepipeline.Artifact();\nconst buildAction = new codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'Build1',\n input: sourceOutput,\n project: new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, 'Project', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n env: {\n 'exported-variables': [\n 'MY_VAR',\n ],\n },\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: 'export MY_VAR=\"some value\"',\n },\n },\n }),\n }),\n variablesNamespace: 'MyNamespace', // optional - by default, a name will be generated for you\n});\nnew codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'CodeBuild',\n project,\n input: sourceOutput,\n environmentVariables: {\n MyVar: {\n value: buildAction.variable('MY_VAR'),\n },\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
3061 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3062 "10": 9,
3063 "75": 36,
3064 "104": 1,
3065 "130": 1,
3066 "153": 1,
3067 "169": 1,
3068 "192": 1,
3069 "193": 9,
3070 "194": 7,
3071 "196": 2,
3072 "197": 4,
3073 "225": 3,
3074 "226": 1,
3075 "242": 3,
3076 "243": 3,
3077 "281": 16,
3078 "282": 1,
3079 "290": 1
3080 },
3081 "fqnsFingerprint": "6fe7618e5c5c2da765e96aa002122aa1a175fd579050aa65f007353c91eddf64"
3082 },
3083 "0a0a3f5623acc3438226dc4afa5cada0b31dcb71a415c9acc25b7d8d7ed71612": {
3084 "translations": {
3085 "python": {
3086 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\n\ncodebuild_project = codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n project_name=\"MyTestProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"echo \\\"Hello, CodeBuild!\\\"\"\n ]\n }\n }\n })\n)\n\ntask = tasks.CodeBuildStartBuild(self, \"Task\",\n project=codebuild_project,\n integration_pattern=sfn.IntegrationPattern.RUN_JOB,\n environment_variables_override={\n \"ZONE\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable(\n type=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT,\n value=sfn.JsonPath.string_at(\"$.envVariables.zone\")\n )\n }\n)",
3087 "version": "2"
3088 },
3089 "csharp": {
3090 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\n\nProject codebuildProject = new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n ProjectName = \"MyTestProject\",\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"echo \\\"Hello, CodeBuild!\\\"\" }\n } }\n } }\n })\n});\n\nCodeBuildStartBuild task = new CodeBuildStartBuild(this, \"Task\", new CodeBuildStartBuildProps {\n Project = codebuildProject,\n IntegrationPattern = IntegrationPattern.RUN_JOB,\n EnvironmentVariablesOverride = new Dictionary<string, BuildEnvironmentVariable> {\n { \"ZONE\", new BuildEnvironmentVariable {\n Type = BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT,\n Value = JsonPath.StringAt(\"$.envVariables.zone\")\n } }\n }\n});",
3091 "version": "1"
3092 },
3093 "java": {
3094 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\n\nProject codebuildProject = Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .projectName(\"MyTestProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"echo \\\"Hello, CodeBuild!\\\"\"))))))\n .build();\n\nCodeBuildStartBuild task = CodeBuildStartBuild.Builder.create(this, \"Task\")\n .project(codebuildProject)\n .integrationPattern(IntegrationPattern.RUN_JOB)\n .environmentVariablesOverride(Map.of(\n \"ZONE\", BuildEnvironmentVariable.builder()\n .type(BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT)\n .value(JsonPath.stringAt(\"$.envVariables.zone\"))\n .build()))\n .build();",
3095 "version": "1"
3096 },
3097 "go": {
3098 "source": "import codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\n\ncodebuildProject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tprojectName: jsii.String(\"MyTestProject\"),\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"echo \\\"Hello, CodeBuild!\\\"\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})\n\ntask := tasks.NewCodeBuildStartBuild(this, jsii.String(\"Task\"), &codeBuildStartBuildProps{\n\tproject: codebuildProject,\n\tintegrationPattern: sfn.integrationPattern_RUN_JOB,\n\tenvironmentVariablesOverride: map[string]buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\"ZONE\": &buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\t\"type\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType_PLAINTEXT,\n\t\t\t\"value\": sfn.JsonPath.stringAt(jsii.String(\"$.envVariables.zone\")),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
3099 "version": "1"
3100 },
3101 "$": {
3102 "source": "import * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n\nconst codebuildProject = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n projectName: 'MyTestProject',\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: [\n 'echo \"Hello, CodeBuild!\"',\n ],\n },\n },\n }),\n});\n\nconst task = new tasks.CodeBuildStartBuild(this, 'Task', {\n project: codebuildProject,\n integrationPattern: sfn.IntegrationPattern.RUN_JOB,\n environmentVariablesOverride: {\n ZONE: {\n type: codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT,\n value: sfn.JsonPath.stringAt('$.envVariables.zone'),\n },\n },\n});",
3103 "version": "0"
3104 }
3105 },
3106 "location": {
3107 "api": {
3108 "api": "type",
3109 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType"
3110 },
3111 "field": {
3112 "field": "example"
3113 }
3114 },
3115 "didCompile": true,
3116 "fqnsReferenced": [
3117 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable",
3118 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType",
3119 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType#PLAINTEXT",
3120 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
3121 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
3122 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IProject",
3123 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
3124 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
3125 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.CodeBuildStartBuild",
3126 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.CodeBuildStartBuildProps",
3127 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions.IntegrationPattern",
3128 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions.IntegrationPattern#RUN_JOB",
3129 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions.JsonPath",
3130 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions.JsonPath#stringAt",
3131 "constructs.Construct"
3132 ],
3133 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Duration, RemovalPolicy, Size, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\nimport * as ecs from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as sfn from '@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs';\nimport * as tasks from '@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst codebuildProject = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n projectName: 'MyTestProject',\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: [\n 'echo \"Hello, CodeBuild!\"',\n ],\n },\n },\n }),\n});\n\nconst task = new tasks.CodeBuildStartBuild(this, 'Task', {\n project: codebuildProject,\n integrationPattern: sfn.IntegrationPattern.RUN_JOB,\n environmentVariablesOverride: {\n ZONE: {\n type: codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT,\n value: sfn.JsonPath.stringAt('$.envVariables.zone'),\n },\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
3134 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3135 "10": 7,
3136 "75": 32,
3137 "104": 2,
3138 "192": 1,
3139 "193": 7,
3140 "194": 10,
3141 "196": 2,
3142 "197": 2,
3143 "225": 2,
3144 "242": 2,
3145 "243": 2,
3146 "254": 1,
3147 "255": 1,
3148 "256": 1,
3149 "281": 12,
3150 "290": 1
3151 },
3152 "fqnsFingerprint": "5e6f035ef8b9170bfcdd0fc98a54001449ea894a49b194bce8bec66c122968f4"
3153 },
3154 "1da696c55320d0ade46f67ff44fe87c925db75c3a9b8c5220dcc43e51775c1f6": {
3155 "translations": {
3156 "python": {
3157 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nbuild_image_bind_options = codebuild.BuildImageBindOptions()",
3158 "version": "2"
3159 },
3160 "csharp": {
3161 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nBuildImageBindOptions buildImageBindOptions = new BuildImageBindOptions { };",
3162 "version": "1"
3163 },
3164 "java": {
3165 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nBuildImageBindOptions buildImageBindOptions = BuildImageBindOptions.builder().build();",
3166 "version": "1"
3167 },
3168 "go": {
3169 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nbuildImageBindOptions := &buildImageBindOptions{\n}",
3170 "version": "1"
3171 },
3172 "$": {
3173 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst buildImageBindOptions: codebuild.BuildImageBindOptions = { };",
3174 "version": "0"
3175 }
3176 },
3177 "location": {
3178 "api": {
3179 "api": "type",
3180 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildImageBindOptions"
3181 },
3182 "field": {
3183 "field": "example"
3184 }
3185 },
3186 "didCompile": true,
3187 "fqnsReferenced": [
3188 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildImageBindOptions"
3189 ],
3190 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst buildImageBindOptions: codebuild.BuildImageBindOptions = { };\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3191 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3192 "10": 1,
3193 "75": 4,
3194 "153": 1,
3195 "169": 1,
3196 "193": 1,
3197 "225": 1,
3198 "242": 1,
3199 "243": 1,
3200 "254": 1,
3201 "255": 1,
3202 "256": 1,
3203 "290": 1
3204 },
3205 "fqnsFingerprint": "40901ed7b69388c8080ac800bdf528f362e8d6a749caa1c90fe4ba0f941fbbf3"
3206 },
3207 "54b471d45f1328b92a8a9ac518d3611f1d791f06a7bd1be028f225f85b7a815b": {
3208 "translations": {
3209 "python": {
3210 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nbuild_image_config = codebuild.BuildImageConfig()",
3211 "version": "2"
3212 },
3213 "csharp": {
3214 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nBuildImageConfig buildImageConfig = new BuildImageConfig { };",
3215 "version": "1"
3216 },
3217 "java": {
3218 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nBuildImageConfig buildImageConfig = BuildImageConfig.builder().build();",
3219 "version": "1"
3220 },
3221 "go": {
3222 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nbuildImageConfig := &buildImageConfig{\n}",
3223 "version": "1"
3224 },
3225 "$": {
3226 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst buildImageConfig: codebuild.BuildImageConfig = { };",
3227 "version": "0"
3228 }
3229 },
3230 "location": {
3231 "api": {
3232 "api": "type",
3233 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildImageConfig"
3234 },
3235 "field": {
3236 "field": "example"
3237 }
3238 },
3239 "didCompile": true,
3240 "fqnsReferenced": [
3241 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildImageConfig"
3242 ],
3243 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst buildImageConfig: codebuild.BuildImageConfig = { };\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3244 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3245 "10": 1,
3246 "75": 4,
3247 "153": 1,
3248 "169": 1,
3249 "193": 1,
3250 "225": 1,
3251 "242": 1,
3252 "243": 1,
3253 "254": 1,
3254 "255": 1,
3255 "256": 1,
3256 "290": 1
3257 },
3258 "fqnsFingerprint": "951c4dacd1cf8fb5c7e537f6e2433b1103c9383028f6a55f8079f5b70bf0064d"
3259 },
3260 "e83bd0ff1b37490bcfc493934b211d43b530bd81c763a4c9e4150a91b04ae7a6": {
3261 "translations": {
3262 "python": {
3263 "source": "# later:\n# project: codebuild.PipelineProject\nsource_output = codepipeline.Artifact()\nbuild_action = codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction(\n action_name=\"Build1\",\n input=source_output,\n project=codebuild.PipelineProject(self, \"Project\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"env\": {\n \"exported-variables\": [\"MY_VAR\"\n ]\n },\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": \"export MY_VAR=\\\"some value\\\"\"\n }\n }\n })\n ),\n variables_namespace=\"MyNamespace\"\n)\ncodepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction(\n action_name=\"CodeBuild\",\n project=project,\n input=source_output,\n environment_variables={\n \"MyVar\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable(\n value=build_action.variable(\"MY_VAR\")\n )\n }\n)",
3264 "version": "2"
3265 },
3266 "csharp": {
3267 "source": "// later:\nPipelineProject project;\nArtifact sourceOutput = new Artifact();\nCodeBuildAction buildAction = new CodeBuildAction(new CodeBuildActionProps {\n ActionName = \"Build1\",\n Input = sourceOutput,\n Project = new PipelineProject(this, \"Project\", new PipelineProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"env\", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {\n { \"exported-variables\", new [] { \"MY_VAR\" } }\n } },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = \"export MY_VAR=\\\"some value\\\"\"\n } }\n } }\n })\n }),\n VariablesNamespace = \"MyNamespace\"\n});\nnew CodeBuildAction(new CodeBuildActionProps {\n ActionName = \"CodeBuild\",\n Project = project,\n Input = sourceOutput,\n EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, BuildEnvironmentVariable> {\n { \"MyVar\", new BuildEnvironmentVariable {\n Value = buildAction.Variable(\"MY_VAR\")\n } }\n }\n});",
3268 "version": "1"
3269 },
3270 "java": {
3271 "source": "// later:\nPipelineProject project;\nArtifact sourceOutput = new Artifact();\nCodeBuildAction buildAction = CodeBuildAction.Builder.create()\n .actionName(\"Build1\")\n .input(sourceOutput)\n .project(PipelineProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"env\", Map.of(\n \"exported-variables\", List.of(\"MY_VAR\")),\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", \"export MY_VAR=\\\"some value\\\"\")))))\n .build())\n .variablesNamespace(\"MyNamespace\")\n .build();\nCodeBuildAction.Builder.create()\n .actionName(\"CodeBuild\")\n .project(project)\n .input(sourceOutput)\n .environmentVariables(Map.of(\n \"MyVar\", BuildEnvironmentVariable.builder()\n .value(buildAction.variable(\"MY_VAR\"))\n .build()))\n .build();",
3272 "version": "1"
3273 },
3274 "go": {
3275 "source": "// later:\nvar project pipelineProject\nsourceOutput := codepipeline.NewArtifact()\nbuildAction := codepipeline_actions.NewCodeBuildAction(&codeBuildActionProps{\n\tactionName: jsii.String(\"Build1\"),\n\tinput: sourceOutput,\n\tproject: codebuild.NewPipelineProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &pipelineProjectProps{\n\t\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\t\"env\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"exported-variables\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"MY_VAR\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"build\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\t\"commands\": jsii.String(\"export MY_VAR=\\\"some value\\\"\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t}),\n\tvariablesNamespace: jsii.String(\"MyNamespace\"),\n})\ncodepipeline_actions.NewCodeBuildAction(&codeBuildActionProps{\n\tactionName: jsii.String(\"CodeBuild\"),\n\tproject: project,\n\tinput: sourceOutput,\n\tenvironmentVariables: map[string]buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\"MyVar\": &buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\t\"value\": buildAction.variable(jsii.String(\"MY_VAR\")),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
3276 "version": "1"
3277 },
3278 "$": {
3279 "source": "const sourceOutput = new codepipeline.Artifact();\nconst buildAction = new codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'Build1',\n input: sourceOutput,\n project: new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, 'Project', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n env: {\n 'exported-variables': [\n 'MY_VAR',\n ],\n },\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: 'export MY_VAR=\"some value\"',\n },\n },\n }),\n }),\n variablesNamespace: 'MyNamespace', // optional - by default, a name will be generated for you\n});\n\n// later:\ndeclare const project: codebuild.PipelineProject;\nnew codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'CodeBuild',\n project,\n input: sourceOutput,\n environmentVariables: {\n MyVar: {\n value: buildAction.variable('MY_VAR'),\n },\n },\n});",
3280 "version": "0"
3281 }
3282 },
3283 "location": {
3284 "api": {
3285 "api": "type",
3286 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec"
3287 },
3288 "field": {
3289 "field": "example"
3290 }
3291 },
3292 "didCompile": true,
3293 "fqnsReferenced": [
3294 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable",
3295 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
3296 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
3297 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IProject",
3298 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProject",
3299 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProjectProps",
3300 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildAction",
3301 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildAction#variable",
3302 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildActionProps",
3303 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.Artifact",
3304 "constructs.Construct"
3305 ],
3306 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// later:\ndeclare const project: codebuild.PipelineProject;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Arn, Construct, Duration, SecretValue, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport codedeploy = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy');\nimport codepipeline = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline');\nimport codepipeline_actions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions');\nimport codecommit = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst sourceOutput = new codepipeline.Artifact();\nconst buildAction = new codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'Build1',\n input: sourceOutput,\n project: new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, 'Project', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n env: {\n 'exported-variables': [\n 'MY_VAR',\n ],\n },\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: 'export MY_VAR=\"some value\"',\n },\n },\n }),\n }),\n variablesNamespace: 'MyNamespace', // optional - by default, a name will be generated for you\n});\nnew codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'CodeBuild',\n project,\n input: sourceOutput,\n environmentVariables: {\n MyVar: {\n value: buildAction.variable('MY_VAR'),\n },\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
3307 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3308 "10": 9,
3309 "75": 36,
3310 "104": 1,
3311 "130": 1,
3312 "153": 1,
3313 "169": 1,
3314 "192": 1,
3315 "193": 9,
3316 "194": 7,
3317 "196": 2,
3318 "197": 4,
3319 "225": 3,
3320 "226": 1,
3321 "242": 3,
3322 "243": 3,
3323 "281": 16,
3324 "282": 1,
3325 "290": 1
3326 },
3327 "fqnsFingerprint": "6fe7618e5c5c2da765e96aa002122aa1a175fd579050aa65f007353c91eddf64"
3328 },
3329 "b4c5b3d24caf5fc844bf3e20a8a5c136501dbde4798ae52c9364d454f1ffc08c": {
3330 "translations": {
3331 "python": {
3332 "source": "# my_caching_bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n source=codebuild.Source.bit_bucket(\n owner=\"awslabs\",\n repo=\"aws-cdk\"\n ),\n\n cache=codebuild.Cache.bucket(my_caching_bucket),\n\n # BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n # also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"...\"]\n }\n },\n \"cache\": {\n \"paths\": [\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"\n ]\n }\n })\n)",
3333 "version": "2"
3334 },
3335 "csharp": {
3336 "source": "Bucket myCachingBucket;\n\n\nnew Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = Source.BitBucket(new BitBucketSourceProps {\n Owner = \"awslabs\",\n Repo = \"aws-cdk\"\n }),\n\n Cache = Cache.Bucket(myCachingBucket),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"...\" }\n } }\n } },\n { \"cache\", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {\n { \"paths\", new [] { \"/root/cachedir/**/*\" } }\n } }\n })\n});",
3337 "version": "1"
3338 },
3339 "java": {
3340 "source": "Bucket myCachingBucket;\n\n\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .source(Source.bitBucket(BitBucketSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"awslabs\")\n .repo(\"aws-cdk\")\n .build()))\n\n .cache(Cache.bucket(myCachingBucket))\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"...\"))),\n \"cache\", Map.of(\n \"paths\", List.of(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\")))))\n .build();",
3341 "version": "1"
3342 },
3343 "go": {
3344 "source": "var myCachingBucket bucket\n\n\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: codebuild.source.bitBucket(&bitBucketSourceProps{\n\t\towner: jsii.String(\"awslabs\"),\n\t\trepo: jsii.String(\"aws-cdk\"),\n\t}),\n\n\tcache: codebuild.cache.bucket(myCachingBucket),\n\n\t// BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n\t// also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"...\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"cache\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"paths\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
3345 "version": "1"
3346 },
3347 "$": {
3348 "source": "declare const myCachingBucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.bitBucket({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n }),\n\n cache: codebuild.Cache.bucket(myCachingBucket),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});",
3349 "version": "0"
3350 }
3351 },
3352 "location": {
3353 "api": {
3354 "api": "type",
3355 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache"
3356 },
3357 "field": {
3358 "field": "example"
3359 }
3360 },
3361 "didCompile": true,
3362 "fqnsReferenced": [
3363 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BitBucketSourceProps",
3364 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
3365 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
3366 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache",
3367 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache#bucket",
3368 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
3369 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
3370 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
3371 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
3372 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#bitBucket",
3373 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
3374 "constructs.Construct"
3375 ],
3376 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const myCachingBucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.bitBucket({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n }),\n\n cache: codebuild.Cache.bucket(myCachingBucket),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for S3 caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
3377 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3378 "10": 6,
3379 "75": 26,
3380 "104": 1,
3381 "130": 1,
3382 "153": 1,
3383 "169": 1,
3384 "192": 2,
3385 "193": 6,
3386 "194": 7,
3387 "196": 3,
3388 "197": 1,
3389 "225": 1,
3390 "226": 1,
3391 "242": 1,
3392 "243": 1,
3393 "281": 11,
3394 "290": 1
3395 },
3396 "fqnsFingerprint": "294b5a4d7943d39155baf9ccf010639a72f8f290f76ce2694fb17670afa88f15"
3397 },
3398 "925725e423f81c884346a9bffe6307a7b72e096e427bccf73453f224a48b9e43": {
3399 "translations": {
3400 "python": {
3401 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ncfn_project = codebuild.CfnProject(self, \"MyCfnProject\",\n artifacts=codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n artifact_identifier=\"artifactIdentifier\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\",\n name=\"name\",\n namespace_type=\"namespaceType\",\n override_artifact_name=False,\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n ),\n environment=codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentProperty(\n compute_type=\"computeType\",\n image=\"image\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n certificate=\"certificate\",\n environment_variables=[codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n type=\"type\"\n )],\n image_pull_credentials_type=\"imagePullCredentialsType\",\n privileged_mode=False,\n registry_credential=codebuild.CfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty(\n credential=\"credential\",\n credential_provider=\"credentialProvider\"\n )\n ),\n service_role=\"serviceRole\",\n source=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n auth=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource=\"resource\"\n ),\n build_spec=\"buildSpec\",\n build_status_config=codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty(\n context=\"context\",\n target_url=\"targetUrl\"\n ),\n git_clone_depth=123,\n git_submodules_config=codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty(\n fetch_submodules=False\n ),\n insecure_ssl=False,\n location=\"location\",\n report_build_status=False,\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\"\n ),\n\n # the properties below are optional\n badge_enabled=False,\n build_batch_config=codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty(\n batch_report_mode=\"batchReportMode\",\n combine_artifacts=False,\n restrictions=codebuild.CfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty(\n compute_types_allowed=[\"computeTypesAllowed\"],\n maximum_builds_allowed=123\n ),\n service_role=\"serviceRole\",\n timeout_in_mins=123\n ),\n cache=codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n location=\"location\",\n modes=[\"modes\"]\n ),\n concurrent_build_limit=123,\n description=\"description\",\n encryption_key=\"encryptionKey\",\n file_system_locations=[codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty(\n identifier=\"identifier\",\n location=\"location\",\n mount_point=\"mountPoint\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n mount_options=\"mountOptions\"\n )],\n logs_config=codebuild.CfnProject.LogsConfigProperty(\n cloud_watch_logs=codebuild.CfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty(\n status=\"status\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n stream_name=\"streamName\"\n ),\n s3_logs=codebuild.CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty(\n status=\"status\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\"\n )\n ),\n name=\"name\",\n queued_timeout_in_minutes=123,\n resource_access_role=\"resourceAccessRole\",\n secondary_artifacts=[codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n artifact_identifier=\"artifactIdentifier\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\",\n name=\"name\",\n namespace_type=\"namespaceType\",\n override_artifact_name=False,\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n )],\n secondary_sources=[codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n auth=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource=\"resource\"\n ),\n build_spec=\"buildSpec\",\n build_status_config=codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty(\n context=\"context\",\n target_url=\"targetUrl\"\n ),\n git_clone_depth=123,\n git_submodules_config=codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty(\n fetch_submodules=False\n ),\n insecure_ssl=False,\n location=\"location\",\n report_build_status=False,\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\"\n )],\n secondary_source_versions=[codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectSourceVersionProperty(\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n source_version=\"sourceVersion\"\n )],\n source_version=\"sourceVersion\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n timeout_in_minutes=123,\n triggers=codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty(\n build_type=\"buildType\",\n filter_groups=[[codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty(\n pattern=\"pattern\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n exclude_matched_pattern=False\n )]],\n webhook=False\n ),\n visibility=\"visibility\",\n vpc_config=codebuild.CfnProject.VpcConfigProperty(\n security_group_ids=[\"securityGroupIds\"],\n subnets=[\"subnets\"],\n vpc_id=\"vpcId\"\n )\n)",
3402 "version": "2"
3403 },
3404 "csharp": {
3405 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nCfnProject cfnProject = new CfnProject(this, \"MyCfnProject\", new CfnProjectProps {\n Artifacts = new ArtifactsProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ArtifactIdentifier = \"artifactIdentifier\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n Name = \"name\",\n NamespaceType = \"namespaceType\",\n OverrideArtifactName = false,\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n },\n Environment = new EnvironmentProperty {\n ComputeType = \"computeType\",\n Image = \"image\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Certificate = \"certificate\",\n EnvironmentVariables = new [] { new EnvironmentVariableProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Type = \"type\"\n } },\n ImagePullCredentialsType = \"imagePullCredentialsType\",\n PrivilegedMode = false,\n RegistryCredential = new RegistryCredentialProperty {\n Credential = \"credential\",\n CredentialProvider = \"credentialProvider\"\n }\n },\n ServiceRole = \"serviceRole\",\n Source = new SourceProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Auth = new SourceAuthProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Resource = \"resource\"\n },\n BuildSpec = \"buildSpec\",\n BuildStatusConfig = new BuildStatusConfigProperty {\n Context = \"context\",\n TargetUrl = \"targetUrl\"\n },\n GitCloneDepth = 123,\n GitSubmodulesConfig = new GitSubmodulesConfigProperty {\n FetchSubmodules = false\n },\n InsecureSsl = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n ReportBuildStatus = false,\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\"\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n BadgeEnabled = false,\n BuildBatchConfig = new ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty {\n BatchReportMode = \"batchReportMode\",\n CombineArtifacts = false,\n Restrictions = new BatchRestrictionsProperty {\n ComputeTypesAllowed = new [] { \"computeTypesAllowed\" },\n MaximumBuildsAllowed = 123\n },\n ServiceRole = \"serviceRole\",\n TimeoutInMins = 123\n },\n Cache = new ProjectCacheProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Location = \"location\",\n Modes = new [] { \"modes\" }\n },\n ConcurrentBuildLimit = 123,\n Description = \"description\",\n EncryptionKey = \"encryptionKey\",\n FileSystemLocations = new [] { new ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty {\n Identifier = \"identifier\",\n Location = \"location\",\n MountPoint = \"mountPoint\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n MountOptions = \"mountOptions\"\n } },\n LogsConfig = new LogsConfigProperty {\n CloudWatchLogs = new CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty {\n Status = \"status\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n StreamName = \"streamName\"\n },\n S3Logs = new S3LogsConfigProperty {\n Status = \"status\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\"\n }\n },\n Name = \"name\",\n QueuedTimeoutInMinutes = 123,\n ResourceAccessRole = \"resourceAccessRole\",\n SecondaryArtifacts = new [] { new ArtifactsProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ArtifactIdentifier = \"artifactIdentifier\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n Name = \"name\",\n NamespaceType = \"namespaceType\",\n OverrideArtifactName = false,\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n } },\n SecondarySources = new [] { new SourceProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Auth = new SourceAuthProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Resource = \"resource\"\n },\n BuildSpec = \"buildSpec\",\n BuildStatusConfig = new BuildStatusConfigProperty {\n Context = \"context\",\n TargetUrl = \"targetUrl\"\n },\n GitCloneDepth = 123,\n GitSubmodulesConfig = new GitSubmodulesConfigProperty {\n FetchSubmodules = false\n },\n InsecureSsl = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n ReportBuildStatus = false,\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\"\n } },\n SecondarySourceVersions = new [] { new ProjectSourceVersionProperty {\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n SourceVersion = \"sourceVersion\"\n } },\n SourceVersion = \"sourceVersion\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n TimeoutInMinutes = 123,\n Triggers = new ProjectTriggersProperty {\n BuildType = \"buildType\",\n FilterGroups = new [] { new [] { new WebhookFilterProperty {\n Pattern = \"pattern\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExcludeMatchedPattern = false\n } } },\n Webhook = false\n },\n Visibility = \"visibility\",\n VpcConfig = new VpcConfigProperty {\n SecurityGroupIds = new [] { \"securityGroupIds\" },\n Subnets = new [] { \"subnets\" },\n VpcId = \"vpcId\"\n }\n});",
3406 "version": "1"
3407 },
3408 "java": {
3409 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nCfnProject cfnProject = CfnProject.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnProject\")\n .artifacts(ArtifactsProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .artifactIdentifier(\"artifactIdentifier\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .name(\"name\")\n .namespaceType(\"namespaceType\")\n .overrideArtifactName(false)\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build())\n .environment(EnvironmentProperty.builder()\n .computeType(\"computeType\")\n .image(\"image\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .certificate(\"certificate\")\n .environmentVariables(List.of(EnvironmentVariableProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .type(\"type\")\n .build()))\n .imagePullCredentialsType(\"imagePullCredentialsType\")\n .privilegedMode(false)\n .registryCredential(RegistryCredentialProperty.builder()\n .credential(\"credential\")\n .credentialProvider(\"credentialProvider\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .serviceRole(\"serviceRole\")\n .source(SourceProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .auth(SourceAuthProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resource(\"resource\")\n .build())\n .buildSpec(\"buildSpec\")\n .buildStatusConfig(BuildStatusConfigProperty.builder()\n .context(\"context\")\n .targetUrl(\"targetUrl\")\n .build())\n .gitCloneDepth(123)\n .gitSubmodulesConfig(GitSubmodulesConfigProperty.builder()\n .fetchSubmodules(false)\n .build())\n .insecureSsl(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .reportBuildStatus(false)\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n .build())\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .badgeEnabled(false)\n .buildBatchConfig(ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty.builder()\n .batchReportMode(\"batchReportMode\")\n .combineArtifacts(false)\n .restrictions(BatchRestrictionsProperty.builder()\n .computeTypesAllowed(List.of(\"computeTypesAllowed\"))\n .maximumBuildsAllowed(123)\n .build())\n .serviceRole(\"serviceRole\")\n .timeoutInMins(123)\n .build())\n .cache(ProjectCacheProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .location(\"location\")\n .modes(List.of(\"modes\"))\n .build())\n .concurrentBuildLimit(123)\n .description(\"description\")\n .encryptionKey(\"encryptionKey\")\n .fileSystemLocations(List.of(ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty.builder()\n .identifier(\"identifier\")\n .location(\"location\")\n .mountPoint(\"mountPoint\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .mountOptions(\"mountOptions\")\n .build()))\n .logsConfig(LogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .cloudWatchLogs(CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .status(\"status\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .streamName(\"streamName\")\n .build())\n .s3Logs(S3LogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .status(\"status\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .name(\"name\")\n .queuedTimeoutInMinutes(123)\n .resourceAccessRole(\"resourceAccessRole\")\n .secondaryArtifacts(List.of(ArtifactsProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .artifactIdentifier(\"artifactIdentifier\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .name(\"name\")\n .namespaceType(\"namespaceType\")\n .overrideArtifactName(false)\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build()))\n .secondarySources(List.of(SourceProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .auth(SourceAuthProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resource(\"resource\")\n .build())\n .buildSpec(\"buildSpec\")\n .buildStatusConfig(BuildStatusConfigProperty.builder()\n .context(\"context\")\n .targetUrl(\"targetUrl\")\n .build())\n .gitCloneDepth(123)\n .gitSubmodulesConfig(GitSubmodulesConfigProperty.builder()\n .fetchSubmodules(false)\n .build())\n .insecureSsl(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .reportBuildStatus(false)\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n .build()))\n .secondarySourceVersions(List.of(ProjectSourceVersionProperty.builder()\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .sourceVersion(\"sourceVersion\")\n .build()))\n .sourceVersion(\"sourceVersion\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .timeoutInMinutes(123)\n .triggers(ProjectTriggersProperty.builder()\n .buildType(\"buildType\")\n .filterGroups(List.of(List.of(WebhookFilterProperty.builder()\n .pattern(\"pattern\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .excludeMatchedPattern(false)\n .build())))\n .webhook(false)\n .build())\n .visibility(\"visibility\")\n .vpcConfig(VpcConfigProperty.builder()\n .securityGroupIds(List.of(\"securityGroupIds\"))\n .subnets(List.of(\"subnets\"))\n .vpcId(\"vpcId\")\n .build())\n .build();",
3410 "version": "1"
3411 },
3412 "go": {
3413 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ncfnProject := codebuild.NewCfnProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnProject\"), &cfnProjectProps{\n\tartifacts: &artifactsProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tartifactIdentifier: jsii.String(\"artifactIdentifier\"),\n\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\tnamespaceType: jsii.String(\"namespaceType\"),\n\t\toverrideArtifactName: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\t},\n\tenvironment: &environmentProperty{\n\t\tcomputeType: jsii.String(\"computeType\"),\n\t\timage: jsii.String(\"image\"),\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tcertificate: jsii.String(\"certificate\"),\n\t\tenvironmentVariables: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&environmentVariableProperty{\n\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\timagePullCredentialsType: jsii.String(\"imagePullCredentialsType\"),\n\t\tprivilegedMode: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tregistryCredential: &registryCredentialProperty{\n\t\t\tcredential: jsii.String(\"credential\"),\n\t\t\tcredentialProvider: jsii.String(\"credentialProvider\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tserviceRole: jsii.String(\"serviceRole\"),\n\tsource: &sourceProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tauth: &sourceAuthProperty{\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tresource: jsii.String(\"resource\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tbuildSpec: jsii.String(\"buildSpec\"),\n\t\tbuildStatusConfig: &buildStatusConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tcontext: jsii.String(\"context\"),\n\t\t\ttargetUrl: jsii.String(\"targetUrl\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tgitCloneDepth: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tgitSubmodulesConfig: &gitSubmodulesConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tfetchSubmodules: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t},\n\t\tinsecureSsl: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\treportBuildStatus: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tbadgeEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tbuildBatchConfig: &projectBuildBatchConfigProperty{\n\t\tbatchReportMode: jsii.String(\"batchReportMode\"),\n\t\tcombineArtifacts: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\trestrictions: &batchRestrictionsProperty{\n\t\t\tcomputeTypesAllowed: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"computeTypesAllowed\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tmaximumBuildsAllowed: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t},\n\t\tserviceRole: jsii.String(\"serviceRole\"),\n\t\ttimeoutInMins: jsii.Number(123),\n\t},\n\tcache: &projectCacheProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\tmodes: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"modes\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tconcurrentBuildLimit: jsii.Number(123),\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tencryptionKey: jsii.String(\"encryptionKey\"),\n\tfileSystemLocations: []interface{}{\n\t\t&projectFileSystemLocationProperty{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"identifier\"),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\t\tmountPoint: jsii.String(\"mountPoint\"),\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tmountOptions: jsii.String(\"mountOptions\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tlogsConfig: &logsConfigProperty{\n\t\tcloudWatchLogs: &cloudWatchLogsConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\t\t\tstreamName: jsii.String(\"streamName\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\ts3Logs: &s3LogsConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tqueuedTimeoutInMinutes: jsii.Number(123),\n\tresourceAccessRole: jsii.String(\"resourceAccessRole\"),\n\tsecondaryArtifacts: []interface{}{\n\t\t&artifactsProperty{\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tartifactIdentifier: jsii.String(\"artifactIdentifier\"),\n\t\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tnamespaceType: jsii.String(\"namespaceType\"),\n\t\t\toverrideArtifactName: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\t\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tsecondarySources: []interface{}{\n\t\t&sourceProperty{\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tauth: &sourceAuthProperty{\n\t\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\tresource: jsii.String(\"resource\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tbuildSpec: jsii.String(\"buildSpec\"),\n\t\t\tbuildStatusConfig: &buildStatusConfigProperty{\n\t\t\t\tcontext: jsii.String(\"context\"),\n\t\t\t\ttargetUrl: jsii.String(\"targetUrl\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tgitCloneDepth: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\tgitSubmodulesConfig: &gitSubmodulesConfigProperty{\n\t\t\t\tfetchSubmodules: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tinsecureSsl: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\t\treportBuildStatus: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tsecondarySourceVersions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&projectSourceVersionProperty{\n\t\t\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tsourceVersion: jsii.String(\"sourceVersion\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tsourceVersion: jsii.String(\"sourceVersion\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttimeoutInMinutes: jsii.Number(123),\n\ttriggers: &projectTriggersProperty{\n\t\tbuildType: jsii.String(\"buildType\"),\n\t\tfilterGroups: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t[]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&webhookFilterProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tpattern: jsii.String(\"pattern\"),\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\texcludeMatchedPattern: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tvisibility: jsii.String(\"visibility\"),\n\tvpcConfig: &vpcConfigProperty{\n\t\tsecurityGroupIds: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"securityGroupIds\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tsubnets: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"subnets\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tvpcId: jsii.String(\"vpcId\"),\n\t},\n})",
3414 "version": "1"
3415 },
3416 "$": {
3417 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst cfnProject = new codebuild.CfnProject(this, 'MyCfnProject', {\n artifacts: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n environment: {\n computeType: 'computeType',\n image: 'image',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n certificate: 'certificate',\n environmentVariables: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: 'type',\n }],\n imagePullCredentialsType: 'imagePullCredentialsType',\n privilegedMode: false,\n registryCredential: {\n credential: 'credential',\n credentialProvider: 'credentialProvider',\n },\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n source: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n badgeEnabled: false,\n buildBatchConfig: {\n batchReportMode: 'batchReportMode',\n combineArtifacts: false,\n restrictions: {\n computeTypesAllowed: ['computeTypesAllowed'],\n maximumBuildsAllowed: 123,\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n timeoutInMins: 123,\n },\n cache: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n location: 'location',\n modes: ['modes'],\n },\n concurrentBuildLimit: 123,\n description: 'description',\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n fileSystemLocations: [{\n identifier: 'identifier',\n location: 'location',\n mountPoint: 'mountPoint',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n mountOptions: 'mountOptions',\n }],\n logsConfig: {\n cloudWatchLogs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groupName: 'groupName',\n streamName: 'streamName',\n },\n s3Logs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n },\n },\n name: 'name',\n queuedTimeoutInMinutes: 123,\n resourceAccessRole: 'resourceAccessRole',\n secondaryArtifacts: [{\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n }],\n secondarySources: [{\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n }],\n secondarySourceVersions: [{\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n }],\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n timeoutInMinutes: 123,\n triggers: {\n buildType: 'buildType',\n filterGroups: [[{\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n }]],\n webhook: false,\n },\n visibility: 'visibility',\n vpcConfig: {\n securityGroupIds: ['securityGroupIds'],\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n vpcId: 'vpcId',\n },\n});",
3418 "version": "0"
3419 }
3420 },
3421 "location": {
3422 "api": {
3423 "api": "type",
3424 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject"
3425 },
3426 "field": {
3427 "field": "example"
3428 }
3429 },
3430 "didCompile": true,
3431 "fqnsReferenced": [
3432 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject",
3433 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProjectProps",
3434 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3435 ],
3436 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnProject = new codebuild.CfnProject(this, 'MyCfnProject', {\n artifacts: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n environment: {\n computeType: 'computeType',\n image: 'image',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n certificate: 'certificate',\n environmentVariables: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: 'type',\n }],\n imagePullCredentialsType: 'imagePullCredentialsType',\n privilegedMode: false,\n registryCredential: {\n credential: 'credential',\n credentialProvider: 'credentialProvider',\n },\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n source: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n badgeEnabled: false,\n buildBatchConfig: {\n batchReportMode: 'batchReportMode',\n combineArtifacts: false,\n restrictions: {\n computeTypesAllowed: ['computeTypesAllowed'],\n maximumBuildsAllowed: 123,\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n timeoutInMins: 123,\n },\n cache: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n location: 'location',\n modes: ['modes'],\n },\n concurrentBuildLimit: 123,\n description: 'description',\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n fileSystemLocations: [{\n identifier: 'identifier',\n location: 'location',\n mountPoint: 'mountPoint',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n mountOptions: 'mountOptions',\n }],\n logsConfig: {\n cloudWatchLogs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groupName: 'groupName',\n streamName: 'streamName',\n },\n s3Logs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n },\n },\n name: 'name',\n queuedTimeoutInMinutes: 123,\n resourceAccessRole: 'resourceAccessRole',\n secondaryArtifacts: [{\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n }],\n secondarySources: [{\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n }],\n secondarySourceVersions: [{\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n }],\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n timeoutInMinutes: 123,\n triggers: {\n buildType: 'buildType',\n filterGroups: [[{\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n }]],\n webhook: false,\n },\n visibility: 'visibility',\n vpcConfig: {\n securityGroupIds: ['securityGroupIds'],\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n vpcId: 'vpcId',\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3437 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3438 "8": 7,
3439 "10": 75,
3440 "75": 125,
3441 "91": 16,
3442 "104": 1,
3443 "192": 12,
3444 "193": 26,
3445 "194": 1,
3446 "197": 1,
3447 "225": 1,
3448 "242": 1,
3449 "243": 1,
3450 "254": 1,
3451 "255": 1,
3452 "256": 1,
3453 "281": 121,
3454 "290": 1
3455 },
3456 "fqnsFingerprint": "ab7a29a6066910873d35be23e1e543c15d39ed9ee796aca0c4df3c732d89774c"
3457 },
3458 "e89ae5b05141a74600930b581f032abd4b0e0936451e4dd709a95b7f2af2b95d": {
3459 "translations": {
3460 "python": {
3461 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nartifacts_property = codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n artifact_identifier=\"artifactIdentifier\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\",\n name=\"name\",\n namespace_type=\"namespaceType\",\n override_artifact_name=False,\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n)",
3462 "version": "2"
3463 },
3464 "csharp": {
3465 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nArtifactsProperty artifactsProperty = new ArtifactsProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ArtifactIdentifier = \"artifactIdentifier\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n Name = \"name\",\n NamespaceType = \"namespaceType\",\n OverrideArtifactName = false,\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n};",
3466 "version": "1"
3467 },
3468 "java": {
3469 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nArtifactsProperty artifactsProperty = ArtifactsProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .artifactIdentifier(\"artifactIdentifier\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .name(\"name\")\n .namespaceType(\"namespaceType\")\n .overrideArtifactName(false)\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build();",
3470 "version": "1"
3471 },
3472 "go": {
3473 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nartifactsProperty := &artifactsProperty{\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tartifactIdentifier: jsii.String(\"artifactIdentifier\"),\n\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tnamespaceType: jsii.String(\"namespaceType\"),\n\toverrideArtifactName: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n}",
3474 "version": "1"
3475 },
3476 "$": {
3477 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst artifactsProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty = {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n};",
3478 "version": "0"
3479 }
3480 },
3481 "location": {
3482 "api": {
3483 "api": "type",
3484 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty"
3485 },
3486 "field": {
3487 "field": "example"
3488 }
3489 },
3490 "didCompile": true,
3491 "fqnsReferenced": [
3492 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty"
3493 ],
3494 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst artifactsProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty = {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3495 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3496 "10": 8,
3497 "75": 14,
3498 "91": 2,
3499 "153": 2,
3500 "169": 1,
3501 "193": 1,
3502 "225": 1,
3503 "242": 1,
3504 "243": 1,
3505 "254": 1,
3506 "255": 1,
3507 "256": 1,
3508 "281": 9,
3509 "290": 1
3510 },
3511 "fqnsFingerprint": "390e86da65e244c30be97bb1914ecc2395eef1ca4ee03e52129557505b446fa5"
3512 },
3513 "e7246e462ba5525710427ebe76424a50c88c37f0730d4a291cc1af90839fa087": {
3514 "translations": {
3515 "python": {
3516 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nbatch_restrictions_property = codebuild.CfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty(\n compute_types_allowed=[\"computeTypesAllowed\"],\n maximum_builds_allowed=123\n)",
3517 "version": "2"
3518 },
3519 "csharp": {
3520 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nBatchRestrictionsProperty batchRestrictionsProperty = new BatchRestrictionsProperty {\n ComputeTypesAllowed = new [] { \"computeTypesAllowed\" },\n MaximumBuildsAllowed = 123\n};",
3521 "version": "1"
3522 },
3523 "java": {
3524 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nBatchRestrictionsProperty batchRestrictionsProperty = BatchRestrictionsProperty.builder()\n .computeTypesAllowed(List.of(\"computeTypesAllowed\"))\n .maximumBuildsAllowed(123)\n .build();",
3525 "version": "1"
3526 },
3527 "go": {
3528 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nbatchRestrictionsProperty := &batchRestrictionsProperty{\n\tcomputeTypesAllowed: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"computeTypesAllowed\"),\n\t},\n\tmaximumBuildsAllowed: jsii.Number(123),\n}",
3529 "version": "1"
3530 },
3531 "$": {
3532 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst batchRestrictionsProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty = {\n computeTypesAllowed: ['computeTypesAllowed'],\n maximumBuildsAllowed: 123,\n};",
3533 "version": "0"
3534 }
3535 },
3536 "location": {
3537 "api": {
3538 "api": "type",
3539 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty"
3540 },
3541 "field": {
3542 "field": "example"
3543 }
3544 },
3545 "didCompile": true,
3546 "fqnsReferenced": [
3547 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty"
3548 ],
3549 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst batchRestrictionsProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty = {\n computeTypesAllowed: ['computeTypesAllowed'],\n maximumBuildsAllowed: 123,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3550 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3551 "8": 1,
3552 "10": 2,
3553 "75": 7,
3554 "153": 2,
3555 "169": 1,
3556 "192": 1,
3557 "193": 1,
3558 "225": 1,
3559 "242": 1,
3560 "243": 1,
3561 "254": 1,
3562 "255": 1,
3563 "256": 1,
3564 "281": 2,
3565 "290": 1
3566 },
3567 "fqnsFingerprint": "9492c3f53a1142d6f5ba3bff2b4e0d64d83333c12cc36990e3f8ffd84854d942"
3568 },
3569 "8ad8819b5296ef594b5259364260d7c9f76dcf2aa68f81d07b6e54d3db1555fa": {
3570 "translations": {
3571 "python": {
3572 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nbuild_status_config_property = codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty(\n context=\"context\",\n target_url=\"targetUrl\"\n)",
3573 "version": "2"
3574 },
3575 "csharp": {
3576 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nBuildStatusConfigProperty buildStatusConfigProperty = new BuildStatusConfigProperty {\n Context = \"context\",\n TargetUrl = \"targetUrl\"\n};",
3577 "version": "1"
3578 },
3579 "java": {
3580 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nBuildStatusConfigProperty buildStatusConfigProperty = BuildStatusConfigProperty.builder()\n .context(\"context\")\n .targetUrl(\"targetUrl\")\n .build();",
3581 "version": "1"
3582 },
3583 "go": {
3584 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nbuildStatusConfigProperty := &buildStatusConfigProperty{\n\tcontext: jsii.String(\"context\"),\n\ttargetUrl: jsii.String(\"targetUrl\"),\n}",
3585 "version": "1"
3586 },
3587 "$": {
3588 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst buildStatusConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty = {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n};",
3589 "version": "0"
3590 }
3591 },
3592 "location": {
3593 "api": {
3594 "api": "type",
3595 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty"
3596 },
3597 "field": {
3598 "field": "example"
3599 }
3600 },
3601 "didCompile": true,
3602 "fqnsReferenced": [
3603 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty"
3604 ],
3605 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst buildStatusConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty = {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3606 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3607 "10": 3,
3608 "75": 7,
3609 "153": 2,
3610 "169": 1,
3611 "193": 1,
3612 "225": 1,
3613 "242": 1,
3614 "243": 1,
3615 "254": 1,
3616 "255": 1,
3617 "256": 1,
3618 "281": 2,
3619 "290": 1
3620 },
3621 "fqnsFingerprint": "a7c488a79b373af0280ae0fde929e3ab9319b72de8bebb59139c90d9ce6b9ed3"
3622 },
3623 "ce93f6a3a8a7bce65a975ba2b97ba90379d46e7b48fabd88e8a2487bd3abe58d": {
3624 "translations": {
3625 "python": {
3626 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ncloud_watch_logs_config_property = codebuild.CfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty(\n status=\"status\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n stream_name=\"streamName\"\n)",
3627 "version": "2"
3628 },
3629 "csharp": {
3630 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nCloudWatchLogsConfigProperty cloudWatchLogsConfigProperty = new CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty {\n Status = \"status\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n StreamName = \"streamName\"\n};",
3631 "version": "1"
3632 },
3633 "java": {
3634 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nCloudWatchLogsConfigProperty cloudWatchLogsConfigProperty = CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .status(\"status\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .streamName(\"streamName\")\n .build();",
3635 "version": "1"
3636 },
3637 "go": {
3638 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ncloudWatchLogsConfigProperty := &cloudWatchLogsConfigProperty{\n\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\tstreamName: jsii.String(\"streamName\"),\n}",
3639 "version": "1"
3640 },
3641 "$": {
3642 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst cloudWatchLogsConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty = {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groupName: 'groupName',\n streamName: 'streamName',\n};",
3643 "version": "0"
3644 }
3645 },
3646 "location": {
3647 "api": {
3648 "api": "type",
3649 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty"
3650 },
3651 "field": {
3652 "field": "example"
3653 }
3654 },
3655 "didCompile": true,
3656 "fqnsReferenced": [
3657 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty"
3658 ],
3659 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cloudWatchLogsConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty = {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groupName: 'groupName',\n streamName: 'streamName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3660 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3661 "10": 4,
3662 "75": 8,
3663 "153": 2,
3664 "169": 1,
3665 "193": 1,
3666 "225": 1,
3667 "242": 1,
3668 "243": 1,
3669 "254": 1,
3670 "255": 1,
3671 "256": 1,
3672 "281": 3,
3673 "290": 1
3674 },
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3676 },
3677 "ef8afb3307c596b2ff5ac4feb7e396a757dd0e4efc6bb7815a1c492d65361b76": {
3678 "translations": {
3679 "python": {
3680 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nenvironment_property = codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentProperty(\n compute_type=\"computeType\",\n image=\"image\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n certificate=\"certificate\",\n environment_variables=[codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n type=\"type\"\n )],\n image_pull_credentials_type=\"imagePullCredentialsType\",\n privileged_mode=False,\n registry_credential=codebuild.CfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty(\n credential=\"credential\",\n credential_provider=\"credentialProvider\"\n )\n)",
3681 "version": "2"
3682 },
3683 "csharp": {
3684 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nEnvironmentProperty environmentProperty = new EnvironmentProperty {\n ComputeType = \"computeType\",\n Image = \"image\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Certificate = \"certificate\",\n EnvironmentVariables = new [] { new EnvironmentVariableProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Type = \"type\"\n } },\n ImagePullCredentialsType = \"imagePullCredentialsType\",\n PrivilegedMode = false,\n RegistryCredential = new RegistryCredentialProperty {\n Credential = \"credential\",\n CredentialProvider = \"credentialProvider\"\n }\n};",
3685 "version": "1"
3686 },
3687 "java": {
3688 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nEnvironmentProperty environmentProperty = EnvironmentProperty.builder()\n .computeType(\"computeType\")\n .image(\"image\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .certificate(\"certificate\")\n .environmentVariables(List.of(EnvironmentVariableProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .type(\"type\")\n .build()))\n .imagePullCredentialsType(\"imagePullCredentialsType\")\n .privilegedMode(false)\n .registryCredential(RegistryCredentialProperty.builder()\n .credential(\"credential\")\n .credentialProvider(\"credentialProvider\")\n .build())\n .build();",
3689 "version": "1"
3690 },
3691 "go": {
3692 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nenvironmentProperty := &environmentProperty{\n\tcomputeType: jsii.String(\"computeType\"),\n\timage: jsii.String(\"image\"),\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tcertificate: jsii.String(\"certificate\"),\n\tenvironmentVariables: []interface{}{\n\t\t&environmentVariableProperty{\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\timagePullCredentialsType: jsii.String(\"imagePullCredentialsType\"),\n\tprivilegedMode: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tregistryCredential: &registryCredentialProperty{\n\t\tcredential: jsii.String(\"credential\"),\n\t\tcredentialProvider: jsii.String(\"credentialProvider\"),\n\t},\n}",
3693 "version": "1"
3694 },
3695 "$": {
3696 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst environmentProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentProperty = {\n computeType: 'computeType',\n image: 'image',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n certificate: 'certificate',\n environmentVariables: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: 'type',\n }],\n imagePullCredentialsType: 'imagePullCredentialsType',\n privilegedMode: false,\n registryCredential: {\n credential: 'credential',\n credentialProvider: 'credentialProvider',\n },\n};",
3697 "version": "0"
3698 }
3699 },
3700 "location": {
3701 "api": {
3702 "api": "type",
3703 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentProperty"
3704 },
3705 "field": {
3706 "field": "example"
3707 }
3708 },
3709 "didCompile": true,
3710 "fqnsReferenced": [
3711 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentProperty"
3712 ],
3713 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst environmentProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentProperty = {\n computeType: 'computeType',\n image: 'image',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n certificate: 'certificate',\n environmentVariables: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: 'type',\n }],\n imagePullCredentialsType: 'imagePullCredentialsType',\n privilegedMode: false,\n registryCredential: {\n credential: 'credential',\n credentialProvider: 'credentialProvider',\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3714 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3715 "10": 11,
3716 "75": 18,
3717 "91": 1,
3718 "153": 2,
3719 "169": 1,
3720 "192": 1,
3721 "193": 3,
3722 "225": 1,
3723 "242": 1,
3724 "243": 1,
3725 "254": 1,
3726 "255": 1,
3727 "256": 1,
3728 "281": 13,
3729 "290": 1
3730 },
3731 "fqnsFingerprint": "86220b264d3bb777c01b1a550d071f9a87f0db3b8f0c2d54fa21e9203bd7ce81"
3732 },
3733 "2609a0fdc5210b593f19e6783077c2d246558791ca5b1b9409590f80ac230e58": {
3734 "translations": {
3735 "python": {
3736 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nenvironment_variable_property = codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n type=\"type\"\n)",
3737 "version": "2"
3738 },
3739 "csharp": {
3740 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nEnvironmentVariableProperty environmentVariableProperty = new EnvironmentVariableProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Type = \"type\"\n};",
3741 "version": "1"
3742 },
3743 "java": {
3744 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nEnvironmentVariableProperty environmentVariableProperty = EnvironmentVariableProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .type(\"type\")\n .build();",
3745 "version": "1"
3746 },
3747 "go": {
3748 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nenvironmentVariableProperty := &environmentVariableProperty{\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n}",
3749 "version": "1"
3750 },
3751 "$": {
3752 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst environmentVariableProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty = {\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: 'type',\n};",
3753 "version": "0"
3754 }
3755 },
3756 "location": {
3757 "api": {
3758 "api": "type",
3759 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty"
3760 },
3761 "field": {
3762 "field": "example"
3763 }
3764 },
3765 "didCompile": true,
3766 "fqnsReferenced": [
3767 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty"
3768 ],
3769 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst environmentVariableProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty = {\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: 'type',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3770 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3771 "10": 4,
3772 "75": 8,
3773 "153": 2,
3774 "169": 1,
3775 "193": 1,
3776 "225": 1,
3777 "242": 1,
3778 "243": 1,
3779 "254": 1,
3780 "255": 1,
3781 "256": 1,
3782 "281": 3,
3783 "290": 1
3784 },
3785 "fqnsFingerprint": "e673aa2f18f442d8f41dac1a87c1a2df03783825fb151ff69db713e84440514f"
3786 },
3787 "60776dea1ea8d2d018d0b6470bbb6d341311f7eb99dcb4e3271541bdb1e2cecb": {
3788 "translations": {
3789 "python": {
3790 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ngit_submodules_config_property = codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty(\n fetch_submodules=False\n)",
3791 "version": "2"
3792 },
3793 "csharp": {
3794 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nGitSubmodulesConfigProperty gitSubmodulesConfigProperty = new GitSubmodulesConfigProperty {\n FetchSubmodules = false\n};",
3795 "version": "1"
3796 },
3797 "java": {
3798 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nGitSubmodulesConfigProperty gitSubmodulesConfigProperty = GitSubmodulesConfigProperty.builder()\n .fetchSubmodules(false)\n .build();",
3799 "version": "1"
3800 },
3801 "go": {
3802 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ngitSubmodulesConfigProperty := &gitSubmodulesConfigProperty{\n\tfetchSubmodules: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
3803 "version": "1"
3804 },
3805 "$": {
3806 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst gitSubmodulesConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty = {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n};",
3807 "version": "0"
3808 }
3809 },
3810 "location": {
3811 "api": {
3812 "api": "type",
3813 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty"
3814 },
3815 "field": {
3816 "field": "example"
3817 }
3818 },
3819 "didCompile": true,
3820 "fqnsReferenced": [
3821 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty"
3822 ],
3823 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst gitSubmodulesConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty = {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3824 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3825 "10": 1,
3826 "75": 6,
3827 "91": 1,
3828 "153": 2,
3829 "169": 1,
3830 "193": 1,
3831 "225": 1,
3832 "242": 1,
3833 "243": 1,
3834 "254": 1,
3835 "255": 1,
3836 "256": 1,
3837 "281": 1,
3838 "290": 1
3839 },
3840 "fqnsFingerprint": "97621e00d27ae2b06f4af61892127bad1c0827b3f22a82bfe60353a9dcc65edd"
3841 },
3842 "c441435527a4e70f2785eed2a19a7637824fe8f0c5b62dc4c584e4bd3d038d3d": {
3843 "translations": {
3844 "python": {
3845 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nlogs_config_property = codebuild.CfnProject.LogsConfigProperty(\n cloud_watch_logs=codebuild.CfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty(\n status=\"status\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n stream_name=\"streamName\"\n ),\n s3_logs=codebuild.CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty(\n status=\"status\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\"\n )\n)",
3846 "version": "2"
3847 },
3848 "csharp": {
3849 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nLogsConfigProperty logsConfigProperty = new LogsConfigProperty {\n CloudWatchLogs = new CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty {\n Status = \"status\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n StreamName = \"streamName\"\n },\n S3Logs = new S3LogsConfigProperty {\n Status = \"status\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\"\n }\n};",
3850 "version": "1"
3851 },
3852 "java": {
3853 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nLogsConfigProperty logsConfigProperty = LogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .cloudWatchLogs(CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .status(\"status\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .streamName(\"streamName\")\n .build())\n .s3Logs(S3LogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .status(\"status\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .build())\n .build();",
3854 "version": "1"
3855 },
3856 "go": {
3857 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nlogsConfigProperty := &logsConfigProperty{\n\tcloudWatchLogs: &cloudWatchLogsConfigProperty{\n\t\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\t\tstreamName: jsii.String(\"streamName\"),\n\t},\n\ts3Logs: &s3LogsConfigProperty{\n\t\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t},\n}",
3858 "version": "1"
3859 },
3860 "$": {
3861 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst logsConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.LogsConfigProperty = {\n cloudWatchLogs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groupName: 'groupName',\n streamName: 'streamName',\n },\n s3Logs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n },\n};",
3862 "version": "0"
3863 }
3864 },
3865 "location": {
3866 "api": {
3867 "api": "type",
3868 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.LogsConfigProperty"
3869 },
3870 "field": {
3871 "field": "example"
3872 }
3873 },
3874 "didCompile": true,
3875 "fqnsReferenced": [
3876 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.LogsConfigProperty"
3877 ],
3878 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst logsConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.LogsConfigProperty = {\n cloudWatchLogs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groupName: 'groupName',\n streamName: 'streamName',\n },\n s3Logs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3879 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3880 "10": 6,
3881 "75": 13,
3882 "91": 1,
3883 "153": 2,
3884 "169": 1,
3885 "193": 3,
3886 "225": 1,
3887 "242": 1,
3888 "243": 1,
3889 "254": 1,
3890 "255": 1,
3891 "256": 1,
3892 "281": 8,
3893 "290": 1
3894 },
3895 "fqnsFingerprint": "6054306219729d4576cbbcdcaf8fbf4651ab00a5c637f553a8a9f0f2ef34f2cf"
3896 },
3897 "d194fd6d492c4a199bd721c0ca03780693961ab001321ede34d96530e6b7824d": {
3898 "translations": {
3899 "python": {
3900 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nproject_build_batch_config_property = codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty(\n batch_report_mode=\"batchReportMode\",\n combine_artifacts=False,\n restrictions=codebuild.CfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty(\n compute_types_allowed=[\"computeTypesAllowed\"],\n maximum_builds_allowed=123\n ),\n service_role=\"serviceRole\",\n timeout_in_mins=123\n)",
3901 "version": "2"
3902 },
3903 "csharp": {
3904 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty projectBuildBatchConfigProperty = new ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty {\n BatchReportMode = \"batchReportMode\",\n CombineArtifacts = false,\n Restrictions = new BatchRestrictionsProperty {\n ComputeTypesAllowed = new [] { \"computeTypesAllowed\" },\n MaximumBuildsAllowed = 123\n },\n ServiceRole = \"serviceRole\",\n TimeoutInMins = 123\n};",
3905 "version": "1"
3906 },
3907 "java": {
3908 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty projectBuildBatchConfigProperty = ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty.builder()\n .batchReportMode(\"batchReportMode\")\n .combineArtifacts(false)\n .restrictions(BatchRestrictionsProperty.builder()\n .computeTypesAllowed(List.of(\"computeTypesAllowed\"))\n .maximumBuildsAllowed(123)\n .build())\n .serviceRole(\"serviceRole\")\n .timeoutInMins(123)\n .build();",
3909 "version": "1"
3910 },
3911 "go": {
3912 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nprojectBuildBatchConfigProperty := &projectBuildBatchConfigProperty{\n\tbatchReportMode: jsii.String(\"batchReportMode\"),\n\tcombineArtifacts: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\trestrictions: &batchRestrictionsProperty{\n\t\tcomputeTypesAllowed: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"computeTypesAllowed\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tmaximumBuildsAllowed: jsii.Number(123),\n\t},\n\tserviceRole: jsii.String(\"serviceRole\"),\n\ttimeoutInMins: jsii.Number(123),\n}",
3913 "version": "1"
3914 },
3915 "$": {
3916 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst projectBuildBatchConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty = {\n batchReportMode: 'batchReportMode',\n combineArtifacts: false,\n restrictions: {\n computeTypesAllowed: ['computeTypesAllowed'],\n maximumBuildsAllowed: 123,\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n timeoutInMins: 123,\n};",
3917 "version": "0"
3918 }
3919 },
3920 "location": {
3921 "api": {
3922 "api": "type",
3923 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty"
3924 },
3925 "field": {
3926 "field": "example"
3927 }
3928 },
3929 "didCompile": true,
3930 "fqnsReferenced": [
3931 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty"
3932 ],
3933 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst projectBuildBatchConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty = {\n batchReportMode: 'batchReportMode',\n combineArtifacts: false,\n restrictions: {\n computeTypesAllowed: ['computeTypesAllowed'],\n maximumBuildsAllowed: 123,\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n timeoutInMins: 123,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3934 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3935 "8": 2,
3936 "10": 4,
3937 "75": 12,
3938 "91": 1,
3939 "153": 2,
3940 "169": 1,
3941 "192": 1,
3942 "193": 2,
3943 "225": 1,
3944 "242": 1,
3945 "243": 1,
3946 "254": 1,
3947 "255": 1,
3948 "256": 1,
3949 "281": 7,
3950 "290": 1
3951 },
3952 "fqnsFingerprint": "24fbd5c6b5d68865bcc6d1a29038b59129aacc65a5908f8149e40ee734ac7585"
3953 },
3954 "7a0194c609d436126dc0388035e95f472ff4e3884b0fd2d03fc5cdab84939853": {
3955 "translations": {
3956 "python": {
3957 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nproject_cache_property = codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n location=\"location\",\n modes=[\"modes\"]\n)",
3958 "version": "2"
3959 },
3960 "csharp": {
3961 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nProjectCacheProperty projectCacheProperty = new ProjectCacheProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Location = \"location\",\n Modes = new [] { \"modes\" }\n};",
3962 "version": "1"
3963 },
3964 "java": {
3965 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nProjectCacheProperty projectCacheProperty = ProjectCacheProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .location(\"location\")\n .modes(List.of(\"modes\"))\n .build();",
3966 "version": "1"
3967 },
3968 "go": {
3969 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nprojectCacheProperty := &projectCacheProperty{\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\tmodes: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"modes\"),\n\t},\n}",
3970 "version": "1"
3971 },
3972 "$": {
3973 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst projectCacheProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty = {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n location: 'location',\n modes: ['modes'],\n};",
3974 "version": "0"
3975 }
3976 },
3977 "location": {
3978 "api": {
3979 "api": "type",
3980 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty"
3981 },
3982 "field": {
3983 "field": "example"
3984 }
3985 },
3986 "didCompile": true,
3987 "fqnsReferenced": [
3988 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty"
3989 ],
3990 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst projectCacheProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty = {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n location: 'location',\n modes: ['modes'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3991 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3992 "10": 4,
3993 "75": 8,
3994 "153": 2,
3995 "169": 1,
3996 "192": 1,
3997 "193": 1,
3998 "225": 1,
3999 "242": 1,
4000 "243": 1,
4001 "254": 1,
4002 "255": 1,
4003 "256": 1,
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4005 "290": 1
4006 },
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4008 },
4009 "3e060901a3c90ea7020e1b31ce0174f30202bf4669b0530e6414c27086496282": {
4010 "translations": {
4011 "python": {
4012 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nproject_file_system_location_property = codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty(\n identifier=\"identifier\",\n location=\"location\",\n mount_point=\"mountPoint\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n mount_options=\"mountOptions\"\n)",
4013 "version": "2"
4014 },
4015 "csharp": {
4016 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nProjectFileSystemLocationProperty projectFileSystemLocationProperty = new ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty {\n Identifier = \"identifier\",\n Location = \"location\",\n MountPoint = \"mountPoint\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n MountOptions = \"mountOptions\"\n};",
4017 "version": "1"
4018 },
4019 "java": {
4020 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nProjectFileSystemLocationProperty projectFileSystemLocationProperty = ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty.builder()\n .identifier(\"identifier\")\n .location(\"location\")\n .mountPoint(\"mountPoint\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .mountOptions(\"mountOptions\")\n .build();",
4021 "version": "1"
4022 },
4023 "go": {
4024 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nprojectFileSystemLocationProperty := &projectFileSystemLocationProperty{\n\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"identifier\"),\n\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\tmountPoint: jsii.String(\"mountPoint\"),\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tmountOptions: jsii.String(\"mountOptions\"),\n}",
4025 "version": "1"
4026 },
4027 "$": {
4028 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst projectFileSystemLocationProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty = {\n identifier: 'identifier',\n location: 'location',\n mountPoint: 'mountPoint',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n mountOptions: 'mountOptions',\n};",
4029 "version": "0"
4030 }
4031 },
4032 "location": {
4033 "api": {
4034 "api": "type",
4035 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty"
4036 },
4037 "field": {
4038 "field": "example"
4039 }
4040 },
4041 "didCompile": true,
4042 "fqnsReferenced": [
4043 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty"
4044 ],
4045 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst projectFileSystemLocationProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty = {\n identifier: 'identifier',\n location: 'location',\n mountPoint: 'mountPoint',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n mountOptions: 'mountOptions',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4046 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4047 "10": 6,
4048 "75": 10,
4049 "153": 2,
4050 "169": 1,
4051 "193": 1,
4052 "225": 1,
4053 "242": 1,
4054 "243": 1,
4055 "254": 1,
4056 "255": 1,
4057 "256": 1,
4058 "281": 5,
4059 "290": 1
4060 },
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4062 },
4063 "3a117fb001367cb41ce4fa19db476d9f35ef983b93fcc7b3717aebc1a6c39ec0": {
4064 "translations": {
4065 "python": {
4066 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nproject_source_version_property = codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectSourceVersionProperty(\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n source_version=\"sourceVersion\"\n)",
4067 "version": "2"
4068 },
4069 "csharp": {
4070 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nProjectSourceVersionProperty projectSourceVersionProperty = new ProjectSourceVersionProperty {\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n SourceVersion = \"sourceVersion\"\n};",
4071 "version": "1"
4072 },
4073 "java": {
4074 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nProjectSourceVersionProperty projectSourceVersionProperty = ProjectSourceVersionProperty.builder()\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .sourceVersion(\"sourceVersion\")\n .build();",
4075 "version": "1"
4076 },
4077 "go": {
4078 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nprojectSourceVersionProperty := &projectSourceVersionProperty{\n\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tsourceVersion: jsii.String(\"sourceVersion\"),\n}",
4079 "version": "1"
4080 },
4081 "$": {
4082 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst projectSourceVersionProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectSourceVersionProperty = {\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n};",
4083 "version": "0"
4084 }
4085 },
4086 "location": {
4087 "api": {
4088 "api": "type",
4089 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectSourceVersionProperty"
4090 },
4091 "field": {
4092 "field": "example"
4093 }
4094 },
4095 "didCompile": true,
4096 "fqnsReferenced": [
4097 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectSourceVersionProperty"
4098 ],
4099 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst projectSourceVersionProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectSourceVersionProperty = {\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4100 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4101 "10": 3,
4102 "75": 7,
4103 "153": 2,
4104 "169": 1,
4105 "193": 1,
4106 "225": 1,
4107 "242": 1,
4108 "243": 1,
4109 "254": 1,
4110 "255": 1,
4111 "256": 1,
4112 "281": 2,
4113 "290": 1
4114 },
4115 "fqnsFingerprint": "2da9e785f6a7df2b2afc6b5ff1f3b0b67b24ca36e096d09bf7a31c2d9c7c3500"
4116 },
4117 "75aef29da250c3cc87d3b2971fe0cc3bb6cf8f6f03867e138ef36e6db4d5727e": {
4118 "translations": {
4119 "python": {
4120 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nproject_triggers_property = codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty(\n build_type=\"buildType\",\n filter_groups=[[codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty(\n pattern=\"pattern\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n exclude_matched_pattern=False\n )]],\n webhook=False\n)",
4121 "version": "2"
4122 },
4123 "csharp": {
4124 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nProjectTriggersProperty projectTriggersProperty = new ProjectTriggersProperty {\n BuildType = \"buildType\",\n FilterGroups = new [] { new [] { new WebhookFilterProperty {\n Pattern = \"pattern\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExcludeMatchedPattern = false\n } } },\n Webhook = false\n};",
4125 "version": "1"
4126 },
4127 "java": {
4128 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nProjectTriggersProperty projectTriggersProperty = ProjectTriggersProperty.builder()\n .buildType(\"buildType\")\n .filterGroups(List.of(List.of(WebhookFilterProperty.builder()\n .pattern(\"pattern\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .excludeMatchedPattern(false)\n .build())))\n .webhook(false)\n .build();",
4129 "version": "1"
4130 },
4131 "go": {
4132 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nprojectTriggersProperty := &projectTriggersProperty{\n\tbuildType: jsii.String(\"buildType\"),\n\tfilterGroups: []interface{}{\n\t\t[]interface{}{\n\t\t\t&webhookFilterProperty{\n\t\t\t\tpattern: jsii.String(\"pattern\"),\n\t\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\texcludeMatchedPattern: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
4133 "version": "1"
4134 },
4135 "$": {
4136 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst projectTriggersProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty = {\n buildType: 'buildType',\n filterGroups: [[{\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n }]],\n webhook: false,\n};",
4137 "version": "0"
4138 }
4139 },
4140 "location": {
4141 "api": {
4142 "api": "type",
4143 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty"
4144 },
4145 "field": {
4146 "field": "example"
4147 }
4148 },
4149 "didCompile": true,
4150 "fqnsReferenced": [
4151 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty"
4152 ],
4153 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst projectTriggersProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty = {\n buildType: 'buildType',\n filterGroups: [[{\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n }]],\n webhook: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
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4155 "10": 4,
4156 "75": 11,
4157 "91": 2,
4158 "153": 2,
4159 "169": 1,
4160 "192": 2,
4161 "193": 2,
4162 "225": 1,
4163 "242": 1,
4164 "243": 1,
4165 "254": 1,
4166 "255": 1,
4167 "256": 1,
4168 "281": 6,
4169 "290": 1
4170 },
4171 "fqnsFingerprint": "9210fc019459a29dc035e5e4b9cf724c0f4615d36a2b05000c7428a1aeb072e9"
4172 },
4173 "d29235eda1aba93618ce1aac1da854b386bb4d08e1812b7fa63f0509d9c33427": {
4174 "translations": {
4175 "python": {
4176 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nregistry_credential_property = codebuild.CfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty(\n credential=\"credential\",\n credential_provider=\"credentialProvider\"\n)",
4177 "version": "2"
4178 },
4179 "csharp": {
4180 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nRegistryCredentialProperty registryCredentialProperty = new RegistryCredentialProperty {\n Credential = \"credential\",\n CredentialProvider = \"credentialProvider\"\n};",
4181 "version": "1"
4182 },
4183 "java": {
4184 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nRegistryCredentialProperty registryCredentialProperty = RegistryCredentialProperty.builder()\n .credential(\"credential\")\n .credentialProvider(\"credentialProvider\")\n .build();",
4185 "version": "1"
4186 },
4187 "go": {
4188 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nregistryCredentialProperty := &registryCredentialProperty{\n\tcredential: jsii.String(\"credential\"),\n\tcredentialProvider: jsii.String(\"credentialProvider\"),\n}",
4189 "version": "1"
4190 },
4191 "$": {
4192 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst registryCredentialProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty = {\n credential: 'credential',\n credentialProvider: 'credentialProvider',\n};",
4193 "version": "0"
4194 }
4195 },
4196 "location": {
4197 "api": {
4198 "api": "type",
4199 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty"
4200 },
4201 "field": {
4202 "field": "example"
4203 }
4204 },
4205 "didCompile": true,
4206 "fqnsReferenced": [
4207 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty"
4208 ],
4209 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst registryCredentialProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty = {\n credential: 'credential',\n credentialProvider: 'credentialProvider',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4210 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4211 "10": 3,
4212 "75": 7,
4213 "153": 2,
4214 "169": 1,
4215 "193": 1,
4216 "225": 1,
4217 "242": 1,
4218 "243": 1,
4219 "254": 1,
4220 "255": 1,
4221 "256": 1,
4222 "281": 2,
4223 "290": 1
4224 },
4225 "fqnsFingerprint": "8beb92f78dfaf4fcd8f93d443e727960bb5e640fcbf45089a155b19452444c51"
4226 },
4227 "560327c21e4c3f6c0e81141dfec9c9843fd7aa17c62bcdcffb8b58e4be4e224a": {
4228 "translations": {
4229 "python": {
4230 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ns3_logs_config_property = codebuild.CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty(\n status=\"status\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\"\n)",
4231 "version": "2"
4232 },
4233 "csharp": {
4234 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nS3LogsConfigProperty s3LogsConfigProperty = new S3LogsConfigProperty {\n Status = \"status\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\"\n};",
4235 "version": "1"
4236 },
4237 "java": {
4238 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nS3LogsConfigProperty s3LogsConfigProperty = S3LogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .status(\"status\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .build();",
4239 "version": "1"
4240 },
4241 "go": {
4242 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ns3LogsConfigProperty := &s3LogsConfigProperty{\n\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n}",
4243 "version": "1"
4244 },
4245 "$": {
4246 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst s3LogsConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty = {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n};",
4247 "version": "0"
4248 }
4249 },
4250 "location": {
4251 "api": {
4252 "api": "type",
4253 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty"
4254 },
4255 "field": {
4256 "field": "example"
4257 }
4258 },
4259 "didCompile": true,
4260 "fqnsReferenced": [
4261 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty"
4262 ],
4263 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst s3LogsConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty = {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4264 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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4266 "75": 8,
4267 "91": 1,
4268 "153": 2,
4269 "169": 1,
4270 "193": 1,
4271 "225": 1,
4272 "242": 1,
4273 "243": 1,
4274 "254": 1,
4275 "255": 1,
4276 "256": 1,
4277 "281": 3,
4278 "290": 1
4279 },
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4282 "86d5683222442b513382c7fa7cf557806dce29937a13dc3207d39880478d88d2": {
4283 "translations": {
4284 "python": {
4285 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nsource_auth_property = codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource=\"resource\"\n)",
4286 "version": "2"
4287 },
4288 "csharp": {
4289 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nSourceAuthProperty sourceAuthProperty = new SourceAuthProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Resource = \"resource\"\n};",
4290 "version": "1"
4291 },
4292 "java": {
4293 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nSourceAuthProperty sourceAuthProperty = SourceAuthProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resource(\"resource\")\n .build();",
4294 "version": "1"
4295 },
4296 "go": {
4297 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nsourceAuthProperty := &sourceAuthProperty{\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tresource: jsii.String(\"resource\"),\n}",
4298 "version": "1"
4299 },
4300 "$": {
4301 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst sourceAuthProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty = {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n};",
4302 "version": "0"
4303 }
4304 },
4305 "location": {
4306 "api": {
4307 "api": "type",
4308 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty"
4309 },
4310 "field": {
4311 "field": "example"
4312 }
4313 },
4314 "didCompile": true,
4315 "fqnsReferenced": [
4316 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty"
4317 ],
4318 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst sourceAuthProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty = {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4319 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4320 "10": 3,
4321 "75": 7,
4322 "153": 2,
4323 "169": 1,
4324 "193": 1,
4325 "225": 1,
4326 "242": 1,
4327 "243": 1,
4328 "254": 1,
4329 "255": 1,
4330 "256": 1,
4331 "281": 2,
4332 "290": 1
4333 },
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4335 },
4336 "d37e9ec50108827b294a64d465fb4e3a892a73b784246a9b53351c34d11eac83": {
4337 "translations": {
4338 "python": {
4339 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nsource_property = codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n auth=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource=\"resource\"\n ),\n build_spec=\"buildSpec\",\n build_status_config=codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty(\n context=\"context\",\n target_url=\"targetUrl\"\n ),\n git_clone_depth=123,\n git_submodules_config=codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty(\n fetch_submodules=False\n ),\n insecure_ssl=False,\n location=\"location\",\n report_build_status=False,\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\"\n)",
4340 "version": "2"
4341 },
4342 "csharp": {
4343 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nSourceProperty sourceProperty = new SourceProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Auth = new SourceAuthProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Resource = \"resource\"\n },\n BuildSpec = \"buildSpec\",\n BuildStatusConfig = new BuildStatusConfigProperty {\n Context = \"context\",\n TargetUrl = \"targetUrl\"\n },\n GitCloneDepth = 123,\n GitSubmodulesConfig = new GitSubmodulesConfigProperty {\n FetchSubmodules = false\n },\n InsecureSsl = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n ReportBuildStatus = false,\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\"\n};",
4344 "version": "1"
4345 },
4346 "java": {
4347 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nSourceProperty sourceProperty = SourceProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .auth(SourceAuthProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resource(\"resource\")\n .build())\n .buildSpec(\"buildSpec\")\n .buildStatusConfig(BuildStatusConfigProperty.builder()\n .context(\"context\")\n .targetUrl(\"targetUrl\")\n .build())\n .gitCloneDepth(123)\n .gitSubmodulesConfig(GitSubmodulesConfigProperty.builder()\n .fetchSubmodules(false)\n .build())\n .insecureSsl(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .reportBuildStatus(false)\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n .build();",
4348 "version": "1"
4349 },
4350 "go": {
4351 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nsourceProperty := &sourceProperty{\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tauth: &sourceAuthProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tresource: jsii.String(\"resource\"),\n\t},\n\tbuildSpec: jsii.String(\"buildSpec\"),\n\tbuildStatusConfig: &buildStatusConfigProperty{\n\t\tcontext: jsii.String(\"context\"),\n\t\ttargetUrl: jsii.String(\"targetUrl\"),\n\t},\n\tgitCloneDepth: jsii.Number(123),\n\tgitSubmodulesConfig: &gitSubmodulesConfigProperty{\n\t\tfetchSubmodules: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tinsecureSsl: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\treportBuildStatus: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n}",
4352 "version": "1"
4353 },
4354 "$": {
4355 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst sourceProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty = {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n};",
4356 "version": "0"
4357 }
4358 },
4359 "location": {
4360 "api": {
4361 "api": "type",
4362 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty"
4363 },
4364 "field": {
4365 "field": "example"
4366 }
4367 },
4368 "didCompile": true,
4369 "fqnsReferenced": [
4370 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty"
4371 ],
4372 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst sourceProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty = {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4373 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4374 "8": 1,
4375 "10": 9,
4376 "75": 20,
4377 "91": 3,
4378 "153": 2,
4379 "169": 1,
4380 "193": 4,
4381 "225": 1,
4382 "242": 1,
4383 "243": 1,
4384 "254": 1,
4385 "255": 1,
4386 "256": 1,
4387 "281": 15,
4388 "290": 1
4389 },
4390 "fqnsFingerprint": "fb93eca1e2ec822cdab5bf790cd4fc729aa5ccba3c289a6824bfe285f3ff2171"
4391 },
4392 "73589aaaf11698da9f2cf03e55112ed420536f92072edd4b23adb8c93dd4fa44": {
4393 "translations": {
4394 "python": {
4395 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nvpc_config_property = codebuild.CfnProject.VpcConfigProperty(\n security_group_ids=[\"securityGroupIds\"],\n subnets=[\"subnets\"],\n vpc_id=\"vpcId\"\n)",
4396 "version": "2"
4397 },
4398 "csharp": {
4399 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nVpcConfigProperty vpcConfigProperty = new VpcConfigProperty {\n SecurityGroupIds = new [] { \"securityGroupIds\" },\n Subnets = new [] { \"subnets\" },\n VpcId = \"vpcId\"\n};",
4400 "version": "1"
4401 },
4402 "java": {
4403 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nVpcConfigProperty vpcConfigProperty = VpcConfigProperty.builder()\n .securityGroupIds(List.of(\"securityGroupIds\"))\n .subnets(List.of(\"subnets\"))\n .vpcId(\"vpcId\")\n .build();",
4404 "version": "1"
4405 },
4406 "go": {
4407 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nvpcConfigProperty := &vpcConfigProperty{\n\tsecurityGroupIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"securityGroupIds\"),\n\t},\n\tsubnets: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"subnets\"),\n\t},\n\tvpcId: jsii.String(\"vpcId\"),\n}",
4408 "version": "1"
4409 },
4410 "$": {
4411 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst vpcConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.VpcConfigProperty = {\n securityGroupIds: ['securityGroupIds'],\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n vpcId: 'vpcId',\n};",
4412 "version": "0"
4413 }
4414 },
4415 "location": {
4416 "api": {
4417 "api": "type",
4418 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.VpcConfigProperty"
4419 },
4420 "field": {
4421 "field": "example"
4422 }
4423 },
4424 "didCompile": true,
4425 "fqnsReferenced": [
4426 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.VpcConfigProperty"
4427 ],
4428 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst vpcConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.VpcConfigProperty = {\n securityGroupIds: ['securityGroupIds'],\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n vpcId: 'vpcId',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4429 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4430 "10": 4,
4431 "75": 8,
4432 "153": 2,
4433 "169": 1,
4434 "192": 2,
4435 "193": 1,
4436 "225": 1,
4437 "242": 1,
4438 "243": 1,
4439 "254": 1,
4440 "255": 1,
4441 "256": 1,
4442 "281": 3,
4443 "290": 1
4444 },
4445 "fqnsFingerprint": "575502af6c26a09ec364aa5c7178109d964b0605d6483ac6dcbcf4d213b0325c"
4446 },
4447 "046ec6fc810fde2601ed1c8b4807720776cc5351f6de839b3f215c95dd05a31b": {
4448 "translations": {
4449 "python": {
4450 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nwebhook_filter_property = codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty(\n pattern=\"pattern\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n exclude_matched_pattern=False\n)",
4451 "version": "2"
4452 },
4453 "csharp": {
4454 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nWebhookFilterProperty webhookFilterProperty = new WebhookFilterProperty {\n Pattern = \"pattern\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExcludeMatchedPattern = false\n};",
4455 "version": "1"
4456 },
4457 "java": {
4458 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nWebhookFilterProperty webhookFilterProperty = WebhookFilterProperty.builder()\n .pattern(\"pattern\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .excludeMatchedPattern(false)\n .build();",
4459 "version": "1"
4460 },
4461 "go": {
4462 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nwebhookFilterProperty := &webhookFilterProperty{\n\tpattern: jsii.String(\"pattern\"),\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\texcludeMatchedPattern: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
4463 "version": "1"
4464 },
4465 "$": {
4466 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst webhookFilterProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty = {\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n};",
4467 "version": "0"
4468 }
4469 },
4470 "location": {
4471 "api": {
4472 "api": "type",
4473 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty"
4474 },
4475 "field": {
4476 "field": "example"
4477 }
4478 },
4479 "didCompile": true,
4480 "fqnsReferenced": [
4481 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty"
4482 ],
4483 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst webhookFilterProperty: codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty = {\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4484 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4485 "10": 3,
4486 "75": 8,
4487 "91": 1,
4488 "153": 2,
4489 "169": 1,
4490 "193": 1,
4491 "225": 1,
4492 "242": 1,
4493 "243": 1,
4494 "254": 1,
4495 "255": 1,
4496 "256": 1,
4497 "281": 3,
4498 "290": 1
4499 },
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4501 },
4502 "9fd90e2bdcbdb39a4189bed9e74bc44309c0ddf98e9f4e06af6942f8e876539c": {
4503 "translations": {
4504 "python": {
4505 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ncfn_project_props = codebuild.CfnProjectProps(\n artifacts=codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n artifact_identifier=\"artifactIdentifier\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\",\n name=\"name\",\n namespace_type=\"namespaceType\",\n override_artifact_name=False,\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n ),\n environment=codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentProperty(\n compute_type=\"computeType\",\n image=\"image\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n certificate=\"certificate\",\n environment_variables=[codebuild.CfnProject.EnvironmentVariableProperty(\n name=\"name\",\n value=\"value\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n type=\"type\"\n )],\n image_pull_credentials_type=\"imagePullCredentialsType\",\n privileged_mode=False,\n registry_credential=codebuild.CfnProject.RegistryCredentialProperty(\n credential=\"credential\",\n credential_provider=\"credentialProvider\"\n )\n ),\n service_role=\"serviceRole\",\n source=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n auth=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource=\"resource\"\n ),\n build_spec=\"buildSpec\",\n build_status_config=codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty(\n context=\"context\",\n target_url=\"targetUrl\"\n ),\n git_clone_depth=123,\n git_submodules_config=codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty(\n fetch_submodules=False\n ),\n insecure_ssl=False,\n location=\"location\",\n report_build_status=False,\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\"\n ),\n\n # the properties below are optional\n badge_enabled=False,\n build_batch_config=codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty(\n batch_report_mode=\"batchReportMode\",\n combine_artifacts=False,\n restrictions=codebuild.CfnProject.BatchRestrictionsProperty(\n compute_types_allowed=[\"computeTypesAllowed\"],\n maximum_builds_allowed=123\n ),\n service_role=\"serviceRole\",\n timeout_in_mins=123\n ),\n cache=codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectCacheProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n location=\"location\",\n modes=[\"modes\"]\n ),\n concurrent_build_limit=123,\n description=\"description\",\n encryption_key=\"encryptionKey\",\n file_system_locations=[codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty(\n identifier=\"identifier\",\n location=\"location\",\n mount_point=\"mountPoint\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n mount_options=\"mountOptions\"\n )],\n logs_config=codebuild.CfnProject.LogsConfigProperty(\n cloud_watch_logs=codebuild.CfnProject.CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty(\n status=\"status\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n stream_name=\"streamName\"\n ),\n s3_logs=codebuild.CfnProject.S3LogsConfigProperty(\n status=\"status\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\"\n )\n ),\n name=\"name\",\n queued_timeout_in_minutes=123,\n resource_access_role=\"resourceAccessRole\",\n secondary_artifacts=[codebuild.CfnProject.ArtifactsProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n artifact_identifier=\"artifactIdentifier\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n location=\"location\",\n name=\"name\",\n namespace_type=\"namespaceType\",\n override_artifact_name=False,\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n )],\n secondary_sources=[codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n auth=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource=\"resource\"\n ),\n build_spec=\"buildSpec\",\n build_status_config=codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty(\n context=\"context\",\n target_url=\"targetUrl\"\n ),\n git_clone_depth=123,\n git_submodules_config=codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty(\n fetch_submodules=False\n ),\n insecure_ssl=False,\n location=\"location\",\n report_build_status=False,\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\"\n )],\n secondary_source_versions=[codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectSourceVersionProperty(\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n source_version=\"sourceVersion\"\n )],\n source_version=\"sourceVersion\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n timeout_in_minutes=123,\n triggers=codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty(\n build_type=\"buildType\",\n filter_groups=[[codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty(\n pattern=\"pattern\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n exclude_matched_pattern=False\n )]],\n webhook=False\n ),\n visibility=\"visibility\",\n vpc_config=codebuild.CfnProject.VpcConfigProperty(\n security_group_ids=[\"securityGroupIds\"],\n subnets=[\"subnets\"],\n vpc_id=\"vpcId\"\n )\n)",
4506 "version": "2"
4507 },
4508 "csharp": {
4509 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nCfnProjectProps cfnProjectProps = new CfnProjectProps {\n Artifacts = new ArtifactsProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ArtifactIdentifier = \"artifactIdentifier\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n Name = \"name\",\n NamespaceType = \"namespaceType\",\n OverrideArtifactName = false,\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n },\n Environment = new EnvironmentProperty {\n ComputeType = \"computeType\",\n Image = \"image\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Certificate = \"certificate\",\n EnvironmentVariables = new [] { new EnvironmentVariableProperty {\n Name = \"name\",\n Value = \"value\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Type = \"type\"\n } },\n ImagePullCredentialsType = \"imagePullCredentialsType\",\n PrivilegedMode = false,\n RegistryCredential = new RegistryCredentialProperty {\n Credential = \"credential\",\n CredentialProvider = \"credentialProvider\"\n }\n },\n ServiceRole = \"serviceRole\",\n Source = new SourceProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Auth = new SourceAuthProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Resource = \"resource\"\n },\n BuildSpec = \"buildSpec\",\n BuildStatusConfig = new BuildStatusConfigProperty {\n Context = \"context\",\n TargetUrl = \"targetUrl\"\n },\n GitCloneDepth = 123,\n GitSubmodulesConfig = new GitSubmodulesConfigProperty {\n FetchSubmodules = false\n },\n InsecureSsl = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n ReportBuildStatus = false,\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\"\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n BadgeEnabled = false,\n BuildBatchConfig = new ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty {\n BatchReportMode = \"batchReportMode\",\n CombineArtifacts = false,\n Restrictions = new BatchRestrictionsProperty {\n ComputeTypesAllowed = new [] { \"computeTypesAllowed\" },\n MaximumBuildsAllowed = 123\n },\n ServiceRole = \"serviceRole\",\n TimeoutInMins = 123\n },\n Cache = new ProjectCacheProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Location = \"location\",\n Modes = new [] { \"modes\" }\n },\n ConcurrentBuildLimit = 123,\n Description = \"description\",\n EncryptionKey = \"encryptionKey\",\n FileSystemLocations = new [] { new ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty {\n Identifier = \"identifier\",\n Location = \"location\",\n MountPoint = \"mountPoint\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n MountOptions = \"mountOptions\"\n } },\n LogsConfig = new LogsConfigProperty {\n CloudWatchLogs = new CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty {\n Status = \"status\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n StreamName = \"streamName\"\n },\n S3Logs = new S3LogsConfigProperty {\n Status = \"status\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\"\n }\n },\n Name = \"name\",\n QueuedTimeoutInMinutes = 123,\n ResourceAccessRole = \"resourceAccessRole\",\n SecondaryArtifacts = new [] { new ArtifactsProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ArtifactIdentifier = \"artifactIdentifier\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n Name = \"name\",\n NamespaceType = \"namespaceType\",\n OverrideArtifactName = false,\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n } },\n SecondarySources = new [] { new SourceProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Auth = new SourceAuthProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Resource = \"resource\"\n },\n BuildSpec = \"buildSpec\",\n BuildStatusConfig = new BuildStatusConfigProperty {\n Context = \"context\",\n TargetUrl = \"targetUrl\"\n },\n GitCloneDepth = 123,\n GitSubmodulesConfig = new GitSubmodulesConfigProperty {\n FetchSubmodules = false\n },\n InsecureSsl = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n ReportBuildStatus = false,\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\"\n } },\n SecondarySourceVersions = new [] { new ProjectSourceVersionProperty {\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n SourceVersion = \"sourceVersion\"\n } },\n SourceVersion = \"sourceVersion\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n TimeoutInMinutes = 123,\n Triggers = new ProjectTriggersProperty {\n BuildType = \"buildType\",\n FilterGroups = new [] { new [] { new WebhookFilterProperty {\n Pattern = \"pattern\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExcludeMatchedPattern = false\n } } },\n Webhook = false\n },\n Visibility = \"visibility\",\n VpcConfig = new VpcConfigProperty {\n SecurityGroupIds = new [] { \"securityGroupIds\" },\n Subnets = new [] { \"subnets\" },\n VpcId = \"vpcId\"\n }\n};",
4510 "version": "1"
4511 },
4512 "java": {
4513 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nCfnProjectProps cfnProjectProps = CfnProjectProps.builder()\n .artifacts(ArtifactsProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .artifactIdentifier(\"artifactIdentifier\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .name(\"name\")\n .namespaceType(\"namespaceType\")\n .overrideArtifactName(false)\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build())\n .environment(EnvironmentProperty.builder()\n .computeType(\"computeType\")\n .image(\"image\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .certificate(\"certificate\")\n .environmentVariables(List.of(EnvironmentVariableProperty.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .value(\"value\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .type(\"type\")\n .build()))\n .imagePullCredentialsType(\"imagePullCredentialsType\")\n .privilegedMode(false)\n .registryCredential(RegistryCredentialProperty.builder()\n .credential(\"credential\")\n .credentialProvider(\"credentialProvider\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .serviceRole(\"serviceRole\")\n .source(SourceProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .auth(SourceAuthProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resource(\"resource\")\n .build())\n .buildSpec(\"buildSpec\")\n .buildStatusConfig(BuildStatusConfigProperty.builder()\n .context(\"context\")\n .targetUrl(\"targetUrl\")\n .build())\n .gitCloneDepth(123)\n .gitSubmodulesConfig(GitSubmodulesConfigProperty.builder()\n .fetchSubmodules(false)\n .build())\n .insecureSsl(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .reportBuildStatus(false)\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n .build())\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .badgeEnabled(false)\n .buildBatchConfig(ProjectBuildBatchConfigProperty.builder()\n .batchReportMode(\"batchReportMode\")\n .combineArtifacts(false)\n .restrictions(BatchRestrictionsProperty.builder()\n .computeTypesAllowed(List.of(\"computeTypesAllowed\"))\n .maximumBuildsAllowed(123)\n .build())\n .serviceRole(\"serviceRole\")\n .timeoutInMins(123)\n .build())\n .cache(ProjectCacheProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .location(\"location\")\n .modes(List.of(\"modes\"))\n .build())\n .concurrentBuildLimit(123)\n .description(\"description\")\n .encryptionKey(\"encryptionKey\")\n .fileSystemLocations(List.of(ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty.builder()\n .identifier(\"identifier\")\n .location(\"location\")\n .mountPoint(\"mountPoint\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .mountOptions(\"mountOptions\")\n .build()))\n .logsConfig(LogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .cloudWatchLogs(CloudWatchLogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .status(\"status\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .streamName(\"streamName\")\n .build())\n .s3Logs(S3LogsConfigProperty.builder()\n .status(\"status\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .name(\"name\")\n .queuedTimeoutInMinutes(123)\n .resourceAccessRole(\"resourceAccessRole\")\n .secondaryArtifacts(List.of(ArtifactsProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .artifactIdentifier(\"artifactIdentifier\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .name(\"name\")\n .namespaceType(\"namespaceType\")\n .overrideArtifactName(false)\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build()))\n .secondarySources(List.of(SourceProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .auth(SourceAuthProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resource(\"resource\")\n .build())\n .buildSpec(\"buildSpec\")\n .buildStatusConfig(BuildStatusConfigProperty.builder()\n .context(\"context\")\n .targetUrl(\"targetUrl\")\n .build())\n .gitCloneDepth(123)\n .gitSubmodulesConfig(GitSubmodulesConfigProperty.builder()\n .fetchSubmodules(false)\n .build())\n .insecureSsl(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .reportBuildStatus(false)\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n .build()))\n .secondarySourceVersions(List.of(ProjectSourceVersionProperty.builder()\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .sourceVersion(\"sourceVersion\")\n .build()))\n .sourceVersion(\"sourceVersion\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .timeoutInMinutes(123)\n .triggers(ProjectTriggersProperty.builder()\n .buildType(\"buildType\")\n .filterGroups(List.of(List.of(WebhookFilterProperty.builder()\n .pattern(\"pattern\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .excludeMatchedPattern(false)\n .build())))\n .webhook(false)\n .build())\n .visibility(\"visibility\")\n .vpcConfig(VpcConfigProperty.builder()\n .securityGroupIds(List.of(\"securityGroupIds\"))\n .subnets(List.of(\"subnets\"))\n .vpcId(\"vpcId\")\n .build())\n .build();",
4514 "version": "1"
4515 },
4516 "go": {
4517 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ncfnProjectProps := &cfnProjectProps{\n\tartifacts: &artifactsProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tartifactIdentifier: jsii.String(\"artifactIdentifier\"),\n\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\tnamespaceType: jsii.String(\"namespaceType\"),\n\t\toverrideArtifactName: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\t},\n\tenvironment: &environmentProperty{\n\t\tcomputeType: jsii.String(\"computeType\"),\n\t\timage: jsii.String(\"image\"),\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tcertificate: jsii.String(\"certificate\"),\n\t\tenvironmentVariables: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t&environmentVariableProperty{\n\t\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\timagePullCredentialsType: jsii.String(\"imagePullCredentialsType\"),\n\t\tprivilegedMode: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tregistryCredential: &registryCredentialProperty{\n\t\t\tcredential: jsii.String(\"credential\"),\n\t\t\tcredentialProvider: jsii.String(\"credentialProvider\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tserviceRole: jsii.String(\"serviceRole\"),\n\tsource: &sourceProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tauth: &sourceAuthProperty{\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tresource: jsii.String(\"resource\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tbuildSpec: jsii.String(\"buildSpec\"),\n\t\tbuildStatusConfig: &buildStatusConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tcontext: jsii.String(\"context\"),\n\t\t\ttargetUrl: jsii.String(\"targetUrl\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tgitCloneDepth: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tgitSubmodulesConfig: &gitSubmodulesConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tfetchSubmodules: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t},\n\t\tinsecureSsl: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\treportBuildStatus: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tbadgeEnabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tbuildBatchConfig: &projectBuildBatchConfigProperty{\n\t\tbatchReportMode: jsii.String(\"batchReportMode\"),\n\t\tcombineArtifacts: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\trestrictions: &batchRestrictionsProperty{\n\t\t\tcomputeTypesAllowed: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"computeTypesAllowed\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tmaximumBuildsAllowed: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t},\n\t\tserviceRole: jsii.String(\"serviceRole\"),\n\t\ttimeoutInMins: jsii.Number(123),\n\t},\n\tcache: &projectCacheProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\tmodes: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"modes\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tconcurrentBuildLimit: jsii.Number(123),\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tencryptionKey: jsii.String(\"encryptionKey\"),\n\tfileSystemLocations: []interface{}{\n\t\t&projectFileSystemLocationProperty{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"identifier\"),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\t\tmountPoint: jsii.String(\"mountPoint\"),\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tmountOptions: jsii.String(\"mountOptions\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tlogsConfig: &logsConfigProperty{\n\t\tcloudWatchLogs: &cloudWatchLogsConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\t\t\tstreamName: jsii.String(\"streamName\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\ts3Logs: &s3LogsConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tqueuedTimeoutInMinutes: jsii.Number(123),\n\tresourceAccessRole: jsii.String(\"resourceAccessRole\"),\n\tsecondaryArtifacts: []interface{}{\n\t\t&artifactsProperty{\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tartifactIdentifier: jsii.String(\"artifactIdentifier\"),\n\t\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\t\t\tnamespaceType: jsii.String(\"namespaceType\"),\n\t\t\toverrideArtifactName: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\t\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tsecondarySources: []interface{}{\n\t\t&sourceProperty{\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tauth: &sourceAuthProperty{\n\t\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\tresource: jsii.String(\"resource\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tbuildSpec: jsii.String(\"buildSpec\"),\n\t\t\tbuildStatusConfig: &buildStatusConfigProperty{\n\t\t\t\tcontext: jsii.String(\"context\"),\n\t\t\t\ttargetUrl: jsii.String(\"targetUrl\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tgitCloneDepth: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\tgitSubmodulesConfig: &gitSubmodulesConfigProperty{\n\t\t\t\tfetchSubmodules: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tinsecureSsl: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\t\treportBuildStatus: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tsecondarySourceVersions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&projectSourceVersionProperty{\n\t\t\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tsourceVersion: jsii.String(\"sourceVersion\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tsourceVersion: jsii.String(\"sourceVersion\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttimeoutInMinutes: jsii.Number(123),\n\ttriggers: &projectTriggersProperty{\n\t\tbuildType: jsii.String(\"buildType\"),\n\t\tfilterGroups: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t[]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&webhookFilterProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tpattern: jsii.String(\"pattern\"),\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\texcludeMatchedPattern: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tvisibility: jsii.String(\"visibility\"),\n\tvpcConfig: &vpcConfigProperty{\n\t\tsecurityGroupIds: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"securityGroupIds\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tsubnets: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"subnets\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tvpcId: jsii.String(\"vpcId\"),\n\t},\n}",
4518 "version": "1"
4519 },
4520 "$": {
4521 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst cfnProjectProps: codebuild.CfnProjectProps = {\n artifacts: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n environment: {\n computeType: 'computeType',\n image: 'image',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n certificate: 'certificate',\n environmentVariables: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: 'type',\n }],\n imagePullCredentialsType: 'imagePullCredentialsType',\n privilegedMode: false,\n registryCredential: {\n credential: 'credential',\n credentialProvider: 'credentialProvider',\n },\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n source: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n badgeEnabled: false,\n buildBatchConfig: {\n batchReportMode: 'batchReportMode',\n combineArtifacts: false,\n restrictions: {\n computeTypesAllowed: ['computeTypesAllowed'],\n maximumBuildsAllowed: 123,\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n timeoutInMins: 123,\n },\n cache: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n location: 'location',\n modes: ['modes'],\n },\n concurrentBuildLimit: 123,\n description: 'description',\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n fileSystemLocations: [{\n identifier: 'identifier',\n location: 'location',\n mountPoint: 'mountPoint',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n mountOptions: 'mountOptions',\n }],\n logsConfig: {\n cloudWatchLogs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groupName: 'groupName',\n streamName: 'streamName',\n },\n s3Logs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n },\n },\n name: 'name',\n queuedTimeoutInMinutes: 123,\n resourceAccessRole: 'resourceAccessRole',\n secondaryArtifacts: [{\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n }],\n secondarySources: [{\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n }],\n secondarySourceVersions: [{\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n }],\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n timeoutInMinutes: 123,\n triggers: {\n buildType: 'buildType',\n filterGroups: [[{\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n }]],\n webhook: false,\n },\n visibility: 'visibility',\n vpcConfig: {\n securityGroupIds: ['securityGroupIds'],\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n vpcId: 'vpcId',\n },\n};",
4522 "version": "0"
4523 }
4524 },
4525 "location": {
4526 "api": {
4527 "api": "type",
4528 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProjectProps"
4529 },
4530 "field": {
4531 "field": "example"
4532 }
4533 },
4534 "didCompile": true,
4535 "fqnsReferenced": [
4536 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProjectProps"
4537 ],
4538 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnProjectProps: codebuild.CfnProjectProps = {\n artifacts: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n environment: {\n computeType: 'computeType',\n image: 'image',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n certificate: 'certificate',\n environmentVariables: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: 'type',\n }],\n imagePullCredentialsType: 'imagePullCredentialsType',\n privilegedMode: false,\n registryCredential: {\n credential: 'credential',\n credentialProvider: 'credentialProvider',\n },\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n source: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n badgeEnabled: false,\n buildBatchConfig: {\n batchReportMode: 'batchReportMode',\n combineArtifacts: false,\n restrictions: {\n computeTypesAllowed: ['computeTypesAllowed'],\n maximumBuildsAllowed: 123,\n },\n serviceRole: 'serviceRole',\n timeoutInMins: 123,\n },\n cache: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n location: 'location',\n modes: ['modes'],\n },\n concurrentBuildLimit: 123,\n description: 'description',\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n fileSystemLocations: [{\n identifier: 'identifier',\n location: 'location',\n mountPoint: 'mountPoint',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n mountOptions: 'mountOptions',\n }],\n logsConfig: {\n cloudWatchLogs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groupName: 'groupName',\n streamName: 'streamName',\n },\n s3Logs: {\n status: 'status',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n },\n },\n name: 'name',\n queuedTimeoutInMinutes: 123,\n resourceAccessRole: 'resourceAccessRole',\n secondaryArtifacts: [{\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n artifactIdentifier: 'artifactIdentifier',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n location: 'location',\n name: 'name',\n namespaceType: 'namespaceType',\n overrideArtifactName: false,\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n }],\n secondarySources: [{\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n }],\n secondarySourceVersions: [{\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n }],\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n timeoutInMinutes: 123,\n triggers: {\n buildType: 'buildType',\n filterGroups: [[{\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n }]],\n webhook: false,\n },\n visibility: 'visibility',\n vpcConfig: {\n securityGroupIds: ['securityGroupIds'],\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n vpcId: 'vpcId',\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4539 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4540 "8": 7,
4541 "10": 74,
4542 "75": 125,
4543 "91": 16,
4544 "153": 1,
4545 "169": 1,
4546 "192": 12,
4547 "193": 26,
4548 "225": 1,
4549 "242": 1,
4550 "243": 1,
4551 "254": 1,
4552 "255": 1,
4553 "256": 1,
4554 "281": 121,
4555 "290": 1
4556 },
4557 "fqnsFingerprint": "8bc480701d780158f7a8c312fafc97b6c8b9a031a2a9784c9c82ee60a54a4bcc"
4558 },
4559 "5b1c2f5e01ace15aa01c99d5989717c648035b49d082ceb46031b2aa47d22ffe": {
4560 "translations": {
4561 "python": {
4562 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ncfn_report_group = codebuild.CfnReportGroup(self, \"MyCfnReportGroup\",\n export_config=codebuild.CfnReportGroup.ReportExportConfigProperty(\n export_config_type=\"exportConfigType\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n s3_destination=codebuild.CfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty(\n bucket=\"bucket\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n bucket_owner=\"bucketOwner\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n encryption_key=\"encryptionKey\",\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n )\n ),\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n delete_reports=False,\n name=\"name\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
4563 "version": "2"
4564 },
4565 "csharp": {
4566 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nCfnReportGroup cfnReportGroup = new CfnReportGroup(this, \"MyCfnReportGroup\", new CfnReportGroupProps {\n ExportConfig = new ReportExportConfigProperty {\n ExportConfigType = \"exportConfigType\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n S3Destination = new S3ReportExportConfigProperty {\n Bucket = \"bucket\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n BucketOwner = \"bucketOwner\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n EncryptionKey = \"encryptionKey\",\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n }\n },\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DeleteReports = false,\n Name = \"name\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n});",
4567 "version": "1"
4568 },
4569 "java": {
4570 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nCfnReportGroup cfnReportGroup = CfnReportGroup.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnReportGroup\")\n .exportConfig(ReportExportConfigProperty.builder()\n .exportConfigType(\"exportConfigType\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .s3Destination(S3ReportExportConfigProperty.builder()\n .bucket(\"bucket\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .bucketOwner(\"bucketOwner\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .encryptionKey(\"encryptionKey\")\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .deleteReports(false)\n .name(\"name\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
4571 "version": "1"
4572 },
4573 "go": {
4574 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ncfnReportGroup := codebuild.NewCfnReportGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnReportGroup\"), &cfnReportGroupProps{\n\texportConfig: &reportExportConfigProperty{\n\t\texportConfigType: jsii.String(\"exportConfigType\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\ts3Destination: &s3ReportExportConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tbucket: jsii.String(\"bucket\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tbucketOwner: jsii.String(\"bucketOwner\"),\n\t\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tencryptionKey: jsii.String(\"encryptionKey\"),\n\t\t\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\t\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdeleteReports: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
4575 "version": "1"
4576 },
4577 "$": {
4578 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst cfnReportGroup = new codebuild.CfnReportGroup(this, 'MyCfnReportGroup', {\n exportConfig: {\n exportConfigType: 'exportConfigType',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n s3Destination: {\n bucket: 'bucket',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bucketOwner: 'bucketOwner',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n },\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n deleteReports: false,\n name: 'name',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});",
4579 "version": "0"
4580 }
4581 },
4582 "location": {
4583 "api": {
4584 "api": "type",
4585 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroup"
4586 },
4587 "field": {
4588 "field": "example"
4589 }
4590 },
4591 "didCompile": true,
4592 "fqnsReferenced": [
4593 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroup",
4594 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroupProps",
4595 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
4596 ],
4597 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnReportGroup = new codebuild.CfnReportGroup(this, 'MyCfnReportGroup', {\n exportConfig: {\n exportConfigType: 'exportConfigType',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n s3Destination: {\n bucket: 'bucket',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bucketOwner: 'bucketOwner',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n },\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n deleteReports: false,\n name: 'name',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4598 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4599 "10": 12,
4600 "75": 19,
4601 "91": 2,
4602 "104": 1,
4603 "192": 1,
4604 "193": 4,
4605 "194": 1,
4606 "197": 1,
4607 "225": 1,
4608 "242": 1,
4609 "243": 1,
4610 "254": 1,
4611 "255": 1,
4612 "256": 1,
4613 "281": 15,
4614 "290": 1
4615 },
4616 "fqnsFingerprint": "37ef05031424c461033d6af6e1df139b0eaf6d4f875eb12ff244cfa9c9549807"
4617 },
4618 "b747393e587b5b49224657b0c01ad29036a5dbee5797d0067f9d61241c2015f0": {
4619 "translations": {
4620 "python": {
4621 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nreport_export_config_property = codebuild.CfnReportGroup.ReportExportConfigProperty(\n export_config_type=\"exportConfigType\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n s3_destination=codebuild.CfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty(\n bucket=\"bucket\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n bucket_owner=\"bucketOwner\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n encryption_key=\"encryptionKey\",\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n )\n)",
4622 "version": "2"
4623 },
4624 "csharp": {
4625 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nReportExportConfigProperty reportExportConfigProperty = new ReportExportConfigProperty {\n ExportConfigType = \"exportConfigType\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n S3Destination = new S3ReportExportConfigProperty {\n Bucket = \"bucket\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n BucketOwner = \"bucketOwner\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n EncryptionKey = \"encryptionKey\",\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n }\n};",
4626 "version": "1"
4627 },
4628 "java": {
4629 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nReportExportConfigProperty reportExportConfigProperty = ReportExportConfigProperty.builder()\n .exportConfigType(\"exportConfigType\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .s3Destination(S3ReportExportConfigProperty.builder()\n .bucket(\"bucket\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .bucketOwner(\"bucketOwner\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .encryptionKey(\"encryptionKey\")\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build())\n .build();",
4630 "version": "1"
4631 },
4632 "go": {
4633 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nreportExportConfigProperty := &reportExportConfigProperty{\n\texportConfigType: jsii.String(\"exportConfigType\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\ts3Destination: &s3ReportExportConfigProperty{\n\t\tbucket: jsii.String(\"bucket\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tbucketOwner: jsii.String(\"bucketOwner\"),\n\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tencryptionKey: jsii.String(\"encryptionKey\"),\n\t\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\t},\n}",
4634 "version": "1"
4635 },
4636 "$": {
4637 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst reportExportConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnReportGroup.ReportExportConfigProperty = {\n exportConfigType: 'exportConfigType',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n s3Destination: {\n bucket: 'bucket',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bucketOwner: 'bucketOwner',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n};",
4638 "version": "0"
4639 }
4640 },
4641 "location": {
4642 "api": {
4643 "api": "type",
4644 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroup.ReportExportConfigProperty"
4645 },
4646 "field": {
4647 "field": "example"
4648 }
4649 },
4650 "didCompile": true,
4651 "fqnsReferenced": [
4652 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroup.ReportExportConfigProperty"
4653 ],
4654 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst reportExportConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnReportGroup.ReportExportConfigProperty = {\n exportConfigType: 'exportConfigType',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n s3Destination: {\n bucket: 'bucket',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bucketOwner: 'bucketOwner',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4655 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4656 "10": 7,
4657 "75": 13,
4658 "91": 1,
4659 "153": 2,
4660 "169": 1,
4661 "193": 2,
4662 "225": 1,
4663 "242": 1,
4664 "243": 1,
4665 "254": 1,
4666 "255": 1,
4667 "256": 1,
4668 "281": 8,
4669 "290": 1
4670 },
4671 "fqnsFingerprint": "cb16c278bda9330f2208f7c200b29f0ac7feea27146d27fd7170de5c169ea24d"
4672 },
4673 "0862a7ce9c26ce83a91c04cf70bb0d80fb0af6fd6243075dab34712133ebf768": {
4674 "translations": {
4675 "python": {
4676 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ns3_report_export_config_property = codebuild.CfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty(\n bucket=\"bucket\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n bucket_owner=\"bucketOwner\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n encryption_key=\"encryptionKey\",\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n)",
4677 "version": "2"
4678 },
4679 "csharp": {
4680 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nS3ReportExportConfigProperty s3ReportExportConfigProperty = new S3ReportExportConfigProperty {\n Bucket = \"bucket\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n BucketOwner = \"bucketOwner\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n EncryptionKey = \"encryptionKey\",\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n};",
4681 "version": "1"
4682 },
4683 "java": {
4684 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nS3ReportExportConfigProperty s3ReportExportConfigProperty = S3ReportExportConfigProperty.builder()\n .bucket(\"bucket\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .bucketOwner(\"bucketOwner\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .encryptionKey(\"encryptionKey\")\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build();",
4685 "version": "1"
4686 },
4687 "go": {
4688 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ns3ReportExportConfigProperty := &s3ReportExportConfigProperty{\n\tbucket: jsii.String(\"bucket\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tbucketOwner: jsii.String(\"bucketOwner\"),\n\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tencryptionKey: jsii.String(\"encryptionKey\"),\n\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n}",
4689 "version": "1"
4690 },
4691 "$": {
4692 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst s3ReportExportConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty = {\n bucket: 'bucket',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bucketOwner: 'bucketOwner',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n};",
4693 "version": "0"
4694 }
4695 },
4696 "location": {
4697 "api": {
4698 "api": "type",
4699 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty"
4700 },
4701 "field": {
4702 "field": "example"
4703 }
4704 },
4705 "didCompile": true,
4706 "fqnsReferenced": [
4707 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty"
4708 ],
4709 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst s3ReportExportConfigProperty: codebuild.CfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty = {\n bucket: 'bucket',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bucketOwner: 'bucketOwner',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4710 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4711 "10": 6,
4712 "75": 11,
4713 "91": 1,
4714 "153": 2,
4715 "169": 1,
4716 "193": 1,
4717 "225": 1,
4718 "242": 1,
4719 "243": 1,
4720 "254": 1,
4721 "255": 1,
4722 "256": 1,
4723 "281": 6,
4724 "290": 1
4725 },
4726 "fqnsFingerprint": "7ff1feb408bd2e4800cb8759d9ec08851fefe5f3c74b29b0bf9c37f9a23472b0"
4727 },
4728 "481c07f88d336e35555f6e8e22ca65b712a87af0ddb47970b8df0dcc371679cb": {
4729 "translations": {
4730 "python": {
4731 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ncfn_report_group_props = codebuild.CfnReportGroupProps(\n export_config=codebuild.CfnReportGroup.ReportExportConfigProperty(\n export_config_type=\"exportConfigType\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n s3_destination=codebuild.CfnReportGroup.S3ReportExportConfigProperty(\n bucket=\"bucket\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n bucket_owner=\"bucketOwner\",\n encryption_disabled=False,\n encryption_key=\"encryptionKey\",\n packaging=\"packaging\",\n path=\"path\"\n )\n ),\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n delete_reports=False,\n name=\"name\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
4732 "version": "2"
4733 },
4734 "csharp": {
4735 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nCfnReportGroupProps cfnReportGroupProps = new CfnReportGroupProps {\n ExportConfig = new ReportExportConfigProperty {\n ExportConfigType = \"exportConfigType\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n S3Destination = new S3ReportExportConfigProperty {\n Bucket = \"bucket\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n BucketOwner = \"bucketOwner\",\n EncryptionDisabled = false,\n EncryptionKey = \"encryptionKey\",\n Packaging = \"packaging\",\n Path = \"path\"\n }\n },\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DeleteReports = false,\n Name = \"name\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n};",
4736 "version": "1"
4737 },
4738 "java": {
4739 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nCfnReportGroupProps cfnReportGroupProps = CfnReportGroupProps.builder()\n .exportConfig(ReportExportConfigProperty.builder()\n .exportConfigType(\"exportConfigType\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .s3Destination(S3ReportExportConfigProperty.builder()\n .bucket(\"bucket\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .bucketOwner(\"bucketOwner\")\n .encryptionDisabled(false)\n .encryptionKey(\"encryptionKey\")\n .packaging(\"packaging\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .deleteReports(false)\n .name(\"name\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
4740 "version": "1"
4741 },
4742 "go": {
4743 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ncfnReportGroupProps := &cfnReportGroupProps{\n\texportConfig: &reportExportConfigProperty{\n\t\texportConfigType: jsii.String(\"exportConfigType\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\ts3Destination: &s3ReportExportConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tbucket: jsii.String(\"bucket\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tbucketOwner: jsii.String(\"bucketOwner\"),\n\t\t\tencryptionDisabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tencryptionKey: jsii.String(\"encryptionKey\"),\n\t\t\tpackaging: jsii.String(\"packaging\"),\n\t\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdeleteReports: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
4744 "version": "1"
4745 },
4746 "$": {
4747 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst cfnReportGroupProps: codebuild.CfnReportGroupProps = {\n exportConfig: {\n exportConfigType: 'exportConfigType',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n s3Destination: {\n bucket: 'bucket',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bucketOwner: 'bucketOwner',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n },\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n deleteReports: false,\n name: 'name',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};",
4748 "version": "0"
4749 }
4750 },
4751 "location": {
4752 "api": {
4753 "api": "type",
4754 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroupProps"
4755 },
4756 "field": {
4757 "field": "example"
4758 }
4759 },
4760 "didCompile": true,
4761 "fqnsReferenced": [
4762 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnReportGroupProps"
4763 ],
4764 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnReportGroupProps: codebuild.CfnReportGroupProps = {\n exportConfig: {\n exportConfigType: 'exportConfigType',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n s3Destination: {\n bucket: 'bucket',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bucketOwner: 'bucketOwner',\n encryptionDisabled: false,\n encryptionKey: 'encryptionKey',\n packaging: 'packaging',\n path: 'path',\n },\n },\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n deleteReports: false,\n name: 'name',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4765 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4766 "10": 11,
4767 "75": 19,
4768 "91": 2,
4769 "153": 1,
4770 "169": 1,
4771 "192": 1,
4772 "193": 4,
4773 "225": 1,
4774 "242": 1,
4775 "243": 1,
4776 "254": 1,
4777 "255": 1,
4778 "256": 1,
4779 "281": 15,
4780 "290": 1
4781 },
4782 "fqnsFingerprint": "cbc8015c64e92153e3811bece0cdefcdf966a9981b926f22dc7e84ef23cfc2bb"
4783 },
4784 "00ecd4caf2a88d073a1264a53cb4547556707fe32e3adb0fb5a94a4fb4b0a8ff": {
4785 "translations": {
4786 "python": {
4787 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ncfn_source_credential = codebuild.CfnSourceCredential(self, \"MyCfnSourceCredential\",\n auth_type=\"authType\",\n server_type=\"serverType\",\n token=\"token\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n username=\"username\"\n)",
4788 "version": "2"
4789 },
4790 "csharp": {
4791 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nCfnSourceCredential cfnSourceCredential = new CfnSourceCredential(this, \"MyCfnSourceCredential\", new CfnSourceCredentialProps {\n AuthType = \"authType\",\n ServerType = \"serverType\",\n Token = \"token\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Username = \"username\"\n});",
4792 "version": "1"
4793 },
4794 "java": {
4795 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nCfnSourceCredential cfnSourceCredential = CfnSourceCredential.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnSourceCredential\")\n .authType(\"authType\")\n .serverType(\"serverType\")\n .token(\"token\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .username(\"username\")\n .build();",
4796 "version": "1"
4797 },
4798 "go": {
4799 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ncfnSourceCredential := codebuild.NewCfnSourceCredential(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnSourceCredential\"), &cfnSourceCredentialProps{\n\tauthType: jsii.String(\"authType\"),\n\tserverType: jsii.String(\"serverType\"),\n\ttoken: jsii.String(\"token\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tusername: jsii.String(\"username\"),\n})",
4800 "version": "1"
4801 },
4802 "$": {
4803 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst cfnSourceCredential = new codebuild.CfnSourceCredential(this, 'MyCfnSourceCredential', {\n authType: 'authType',\n serverType: 'serverType',\n token: 'token',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n username: 'username',\n});",
4804 "version": "0"
4805 }
4806 },
4807 "location": {
4808 "api": {
4809 "api": "type",
4810 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnSourceCredential"
4811 },
4812 "field": {
4813 "field": "example"
4814 }
4815 },
4816 "didCompile": true,
4817 "fqnsReferenced": [
4818 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnSourceCredential",
4819 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnSourceCredentialProps",
4820 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
4821 ],
4822 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnSourceCredential = new codebuild.CfnSourceCredential(this, 'MyCfnSourceCredential', {\n authType: 'authType',\n serverType: 'serverType',\n token: 'token',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n username: 'username',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4823 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4824 "10": 6,
4825 "75": 8,
4826 "104": 1,
4827 "193": 1,
4828 "194": 1,
4829 "197": 1,
4830 "225": 1,
4831 "242": 1,
4832 "243": 1,
4833 "254": 1,
4834 "255": 1,
4835 "256": 1,
4836 "281": 4,
4837 "290": 1
4838 },
4839 "fqnsFingerprint": "2f2cc61d90628f3fa118569fc76898dda6fbb6afd360c872cebd98b28ba9f840"
4840 },
4841 "fd66a79b2a44a98cb6cb8e4b72c4379cda8675d8076c78bd09abcca85db13fcf": {
4842 "translations": {
4843 "python": {
4844 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\ncfn_source_credential_props = codebuild.CfnSourceCredentialProps(\n auth_type=\"authType\",\n server_type=\"serverType\",\n token=\"token\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n username=\"username\"\n)",
4845 "version": "2"
4846 },
4847 "csharp": {
4848 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nCfnSourceCredentialProps cfnSourceCredentialProps = new CfnSourceCredentialProps {\n AuthType = \"authType\",\n ServerType = \"serverType\",\n Token = \"token\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Username = \"username\"\n};",
4849 "version": "1"
4850 },
4851 "java": {
4852 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nCfnSourceCredentialProps cfnSourceCredentialProps = CfnSourceCredentialProps.builder()\n .authType(\"authType\")\n .serverType(\"serverType\")\n .token(\"token\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .username(\"username\")\n .build();",
4853 "version": "1"
4854 },
4855 "go": {
4856 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\ncfnSourceCredentialProps := &cfnSourceCredentialProps{\n\tauthType: jsii.String(\"authType\"),\n\tserverType: jsii.String(\"serverType\"),\n\ttoken: jsii.String(\"token\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tusername: jsii.String(\"username\"),\n}",
4857 "version": "1"
4858 },
4859 "$": {
4860 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst cfnSourceCredentialProps: codebuild.CfnSourceCredentialProps = {\n authType: 'authType',\n serverType: 'serverType',\n token: 'token',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n username: 'username',\n};",
4861 "version": "0"
4862 }
4863 },
4864 "location": {
4865 "api": {
4866 "api": "type",
4867 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnSourceCredentialProps"
4868 },
4869 "field": {
4870 "field": "example"
4871 }
4872 },
4873 "didCompile": true,
4874 "fqnsReferenced": [
4875 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnSourceCredentialProps"
4876 ],
4877 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnSourceCredentialProps: codebuild.CfnSourceCredentialProps = {\n authType: 'authType',\n serverType: 'serverType',\n token: 'token',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n username: 'username',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4878 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4879 "10": 5,
4880 "75": 8,
4881 "153": 1,
4882 "169": 1,
4883 "193": 1,
4884 "225": 1,
4885 "242": 1,
4886 "243": 1,
4887 "254": 1,
4888 "255": 1,
4889 "256": 1,
4890 "281": 4,
4891 "290": 1
4892 },
4893 "fqnsFingerprint": "bc721d2c12c761ca4bf74cce8703be5e3008595a390533c4f516384589d8e9e8"
4894 },
4895 "86fb495089074b6da289bcd5def47cc70077c65aae568d5e4a48dfb7455536c2": {
4896 "translations": {
4897 "python": {
4898 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n logging=codebuild.LoggingOptions(\n cloud_watch=codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions(\n log_group=logs.LogGroup(self, \"MyLogGroup\")\n )\n )\n)",
4899 "version": "2"
4900 },
4901 "csharp": {
4902 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Logging = new LoggingOptions {\n CloudWatch = new CloudWatchLoggingOptions {\n LogGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"MyLogGroup\")\n }\n }\n});",
4903 "version": "1"
4904 },
4905 "java": {
4906 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .logging(LoggingOptions.builder()\n .cloudWatch(CloudWatchLoggingOptions.builder()\n .logGroup(new LogGroup(this, \"MyLogGroup\"))\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
4907 "version": "1"
4908 },
4909 "go": {
4910 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tlogging: &loggingOptions{\n\t\tcloudWatch: &cloudWatchLoggingOptions{\n\t\t\tlogGroup: logs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyLogGroup\")),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
4911 "version": "1"
4912 },
4913 "$": {
4914 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n cloudWatch: {\n logGroup: new logs.LogGroup(this, `MyLogGroup`),\n }\n },\n})",
4915 "version": "0"
4916 }
4917 },
4918 "location": {
4919 "api": {
4920 "api": "type",
4921 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions"
4922 },
4923 "field": {
4924 "field": "example"
4925 }
4926 },
4927 "didCompile": true,
4928 "fqnsReferenced": [
4929 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions",
4930 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LoggingOptions",
4931 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
4932 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
4933 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
4934 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
4935 "constructs.Construct"
4936 ],
4937 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n cloudWatch: {\n logGroup: new logs.LogGroup(this, `MyLogGroup`),\n }\n },\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
4938 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4939 "10": 1,
4940 "14": 1,
4941 "75": 7,
4942 "104": 2,
4943 "193": 3,
4944 "194": 2,
4945 "197": 2,
4946 "226": 1,
4947 "281": 3
4948 },
4949 "fqnsFingerprint": "55f49e6ae9cc8d3b0abd54606108f0a2eae818f41a40851c5f49f6d3c8382a38"
4950 },
4951 "22c08f9e98db04a9b7924599a024ba73bf17c74c393456121bc3915e6ad277bd": {
4952 "translations": {
4953 "python": {
4954 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_codecommit as codecommit\n# repo: codecommit.Repository\n# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n secondary_sources=[\n codebuild.Source.code_commit(\n identifier=\"source2\",\n repository=repo\n )\n ],\n secondary_artifacts=[\n codebuild.Artifacts.s3(\n identifier=\"artifact2\",\n bucket=bucket,\n path=\"some/path\",\n name=\"file.zip\"\n )\n ]\n)",
4955 "version": "2"
4956 },
4957 "csharp": {
4958 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeCommit;\nRepository repo;\nBucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n SecondarySources = new [] { Source.CodeCommit(new CodeCommitSourceProps {\n Identifier = \"source2\",\n Repository = repo\n }) },\n SecondaryArtifacts = new [] { Artifacts.S3(new S3ArtifactsProps {\n Identifier = \"artifact2\",\n Bucket = bucket,\n Path = \"some/path\",\n Name = \"file.zip\"\n }) }\n});",
4959 "version": "1"
4960 },
4961 "java": {
4962 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.codecommit.*;\nRepository repo;\nBucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .secondarySources(List.of(Source.codeCommit(CodeCommitSourceProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"source2\")\n .repository(repo)\n .build())))\n .secondaryArtifacts(List.of(Artifacts.s3(S3ArtifactsProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"artifact2\")\n .bucket(bucket)\n .path(\"some/path\")\n .name(\"file.zip\")\n .build())))\n .build();",
4963 "version": "1"
4964 },
4965 "go": {
4966 "source": "import codecommit \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodecommit\"\nvar repo repository\nvar bucket bucket\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tsecondarySources: []iSource{\n\t\tcodebuild.source.codeCommit(&codeCommitSourceProps{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"source2\"),\n\t\t\trepository: repo,\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n\tsecondaryArtifacts: []iArtifacts{\n\t\tcodebuild.artifacts.s3(&s3ArtifactsProps{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"artifact2\"),\n\t\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"some/path\"),\n\t\t\tname: jsii.String(\"file.zip\"),\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})",
4967 "version": "1"
4968 },
4969 "$": {
4970 "source": "import * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\ndeclare const repo: codecommit.Repository;\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n secondarySources: [\n codebuild.Source.codeCommit({\n identifier: 'source2',\n repository: repo,\n }),\n ],\n secondaryArtifacts: [\n codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n identifier: 'artifact2',\n bucket: bucket,\n path: 'some/path',\n name: 'file.zip',\n }),\n ],\n // ...\n});",
4971 "version": "0"
4972 }
4973 },
4974 "location": {
4975 "api": {
4976 "api": "type",
4977 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CodeCommitSourceProps"
4978 },
4979 "field": {
4980 "field": "example"
4981 }
4982 },
4983 "didCompile": true,
4984 "fqnsReferenced": [
4985 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts",
4986 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts#s3",
4987 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CodeCommitSourceProps",
4988 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
4989 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
4990 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3ArtifactsProps",
4991 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
4992 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#codeCommit",
4993 "@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit.IRepository",
4994 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
4995 "constructs.Construct"
4996 ],
4997 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\ndeclare const repo: codecommit.Repository;\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n secondarySources: [\n codebuild.Source.codeCommit({\n identifier: 'source2',\n repository: repo,\n }),\n ],\n secondaryArtifacts: [\n codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n identifier: 'artifact2',\n bucket: bucket,\n path: 'some/path',\n name: 'file.zip',\n }),\n ],\n // ...\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
4998 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4999 "10": 6,
5000 "75": 26,
5001 "104": 1,
5002 "130": 2,
5003 "153": 2,
5004 "169": 2,
5005 "192": 2,
5006 "193": 3,
5007 "194": 5,
5008 "196": 2,
5009 "197": 1,
5010 "225": 3,
5011 "242": 3,
5012 "243": 3,
5013 "254": 1,
5014 "255": 1,
5015 "256": 1,
5016 "281": 8,
5017 "290": 1
5018 },
5019 "fqnsFingerprint": "c2f213084c897b63cebb3940f4af8e40eea3b0b257cdda90658f5fe55b2a26df"
5020 },
5021 "630b45a60f0c51f1bd4bd2cb73c6ccb4dc7c0fc25b0d59b45cea8993e03d1ce3": {
5022 "translations": {
5023 "python": {
5024 "source": "\"mybranch\"",
5025 "version": "2"
5026 },
5027 "csharp": {
5028 "source": "\"mybranch\";",
5029 "version": "1"
5030 },
5031 "java": {
5032 "source": "\"mybranch\";",
5033 "version": "1"
5034 },
5035 "go": {
5036 "source": "\"mybranch\"",
5037 "version": "1"
5038 },
5039 "$": {
5040 "source": "'mybranch'",
5041 "version": "0"
5042 }
5043 },
5044 "location": {
5045 "api": {
5046 "api": "member",
5047 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CodeCommitSourceProps",
5048 "memberName": "branchOrRef"
5049 },
5050 "field": {
5051 "field": "example"
5052 }
5053 },
5054 "didCompile": true,
5055 "fqnsReferenced": [],
5056 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'mybranch'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5057 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5058 "10": 1,
5059 "226": 1
5060 },
5061 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
5062 },
5063 "fb8b8490a16d205d53ef5334f069c70b21b82b520b897dd5ec11e449923d8341": {
5064 "translations": {
5065 "python": {
5066 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\nimport aws_cdk.aws_ec2 as ec2\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.aws_kms as kms\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\nimport aws_cdk.aws_s3 as s3\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# bucket: s3.Bucket\n# build_image: codebuild.IBuildImage\n# build_spec: codebuild.BuildSpec\n# cache: codebuild.Cache\n# file_system_location: codebuild.IFileSystemLocation\n# key: kms.Key\n# log_group: logs.LogGroup\n# role: iam.Role\n# security_group: ec2.SecurityGroup\n# subnet: ec2.Subnet\n# subnet_filter: ec2.SubnetFilter\n# value: Any\n# vpc: ec2.Vpc\n\ncommon_project_props = codebuild.CommonProjectProps(\n allow_all_outbound=False,\n badge=False,\n build_spec=build_spec,\n cache=cache,\n check_secrets_in_plain_text_env_variables=False,\n concurrent_build_limit=123,\n description=\"description\",\n encryption_key=key,\n environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=build_image,\n certificate=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate(\n bucket=bucket,\n object_key=\"objectKey\"\n ),\n compute_type=codebuild.ComputeType.SMALL,\n environment_variables={\n \"environment_variables_key\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable(\n value=value,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n type=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT\n )\n },\n privileged=False\n ),\n environment_variables={\n \"environment_variables_key\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable(\n value=value,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n type=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT\n )\n },\n file_system_locations=[file_system_location],\n grant_report_group_permissions=False,\n logging=codebuild.LoggingOptions(\n cloud_watch=codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions(\n enabled=False,\n log_group=log_group,\n prefix=\"prefix\"\n ),\n s3=codebuild.S3LoggingOptions(\n bucket=bucket,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n enabled=False,\n encrypted=False,\n prefix=\"prefix\"\n )\n ),\n project_name=\"projectName\",\n queued_timeout=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n role=role,\n security_groups=[security_group],\n subnet_selection=ec2.SubnetSelection(\n availability_zones=[\"availabilityZones\"],\n one_per_az=False,\n subnet_filters=[subnet_filter],\n subnet_group_name=\"subnetGroupName\",\n subnet_name=\"subnetName\",\n subnets=[subnet],\n subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED\n ),\n timeout=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n vpc=vpc\n)",
5067 "version": "2"
5068 },
5069 "csharp": {
5070 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.EC2;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.KMS;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nBucket bucket;\nIBuildImage buildImage;\nBuildSpec buildSpec;\nCache cache;\nIFileSystemLocation fileSystemLocation;\nKey key;\nLogGroup logGroup;\nRole role;\nSecurityGroup securityGroup;\nSubnet subnet;\nSubnetFilter subnetFilter;\nvar value;\nVpc vpc;\nCommonProjectProps commonProjectProps = new CommonProjectProps {\n AllowAllOutbound = false,\n Badge = false,\n BuildSpec = buildSpec,\n Cache = cache,\n CheckSecretsInPlainTextEnvVariables = false,\n ConcurrentBuildLimit = 123,\n Description = \"description\",\n EncryptionKey = key,\n Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = buildImage,\n Certificate = new BuildEnvironmentCertificate {\n Bucket = bucket,\n ObjectKey = \"objectKey\"\n },\n ComputeType = ComputeType.SMALL,\n EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, BuildEnvironmentVariable> {\n { \"environmentVariablesKey\", new BuildEnvironmentVariable {\n Value = value,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Type = BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT\n } }\n },\n Privileged = false\n },\n EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, BuildEnvironmentVariable> {\n { \"environmentVariablesKey\", new BuildEnvironmentVariable {\n Value = value,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Type = BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT\n } }\n },\n FileSystemLocations = new [] { fileSystemLocation },\n GrantReportGroupPermissions = false,\n Logging = new LoggingOptions {\n CloudWatch = new CloudWatchLoggingOptions {\n Enabled = false,\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n Prefix = \"prefix\"\n },\n S3 = new S3LoggingOptions {\n Bucket = bucket,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Enabled = false,\n Encrypted = false,\n Prefix = \"prefix\"\n }\n },\n ProjectName = \"projectName\",\n QueuedTimeout = Duration.Minutes(30),\n Role = role,\n SecurityGroups = new [] { securityGroup },\n SubnetSelection = new SubnetSelection {\n AvailabilityZones = new [] { \"availabilityZones\" },\n OnePerAz = false,\n SubnetFilters = new [] { subnetFilter },\n SubnetGroupName = \"subnetGroupName\",\n SubnetName = \"subnetName\",\n Subnets = new [] { subnet },\n SubnetType = SubnetType.ISOLATED\n },\n Timeout = Duration.Minutes(30),\n Vpc = vpc\n};",
5071 "version": "1"
5072 },
5073 "java": {
5074 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.ec2.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.kms.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.s3.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nBucket bucket;\nIBuildImage buildImage;\nBuildSpec buildSpec;\nCache cache;\nIFileSystemLocation fileSystemLocation;\nKey key;\nLogGroup logGroup;\nRole role;\nSecurityGroup securityGroup;\nSubnet subnet;\nSubnetFilter subnetFilter;\nObject value;\nVpc vpc;\n\nCommonProjectProps commonProjectProps = CommonProjectProps.builder()\n .allowAllOutbound(false)\n .badge(false)\n .buildSpec(buildSpec)\n .cache(cache)\n .checkSecretsInPlainTextEnvVariables(false)\n .concurrentBuildLimit(123)\n .description(\"description\")\n .encryptionKey(key)\n .environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(buildImage)\n .certificate(BuildEnvironmentCertificate.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n .objectKey(\"objectKey\")\n .build())\n .computeType(ComputeType.SMALL)\n .environmentVariables(Map.of(\n \"environmentVariablesKey\", BuildEnvironmentVariable.builder()\n .value(value)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .type(BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT)\n .build()))\n .privileged(false)\n .build())\n .environmentVariables(Map.of(\n \"environmentVariablesKey\", BuildEnvironmentVariable.builder()\n .value(value)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .type(BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT)\n .build()))\n .fileSystemLocations(List.of(fileSystemLocation))\n .grantReportGroupPermissions(false)\n .logging(LoggingOptions.builder()\n .cloudWatch(CloudWatchLoggingOptions.builder()\n .enabled(false)\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .prefix(\"prefix\")\n .build())\n .s3(S3LoggingOptions.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .enabled(false)\n .encrypted(false)\n .prefix(\"prefix\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .projectName(\"projectName\")\n .queuedTimeout(Duration.minutes(30))\n .role(role)\n .securityGroups(List.of(securityGroup))\n .subnetSelection(SubnetSelection.builder()\n .availabilityZones(List.of(\"availabilityZones\"))\n .onePerAz(false)\n .subnetFilters(List.of(subnetFilter))\n .subnetGroupName(\"subnetGroupName\")\n .subnetName(\"subnetName\")\n .subnets(List.of(subnet))\n .subnetType(SubnetType.ISOLATED)\n .build())\n .timeout(Duration.minutes(30))\n .vpc(vpc)\n .build();",
5075 "version": "1"
5076 },
5077 "go": {
5078 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\nimport ec2 \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsec2\"\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport kms \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawskms\"\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\nimport s3 \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawss3\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar bucket bucket\nvar buildImage iBuildImage\nvar buildSpec buildSpec\nvar cache cache\nvar fileSystemLocation iFileSystemLocation\nvar key key\nvar logGroup logGroup\nvar role role\nvar securityGroup securityGroup\nvar subnet subnet\nvar subnetFilter subnetFilter\nvar value interface{}\nvar vpc vpc\n\ncommonProjectProps := &commonProjectProps{\n\tallowAllOutbound: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tbadge: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tbuildSpec: buildSpec,\n\tcache: cache,\n\tcheckSecretsInPlainTextEnvVariables: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tconcurrentBuildLimit: jsii.Number(123),\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tencryptionKey: key,\n\tenvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tbuildImage: buildImage,\n\t\tcertificate: &buildEnvironmentCertificate{\n\t\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\t\tobjectKey: jsii.String(\"objectKey\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tcomputeType: codebuild.computeType_SMALL,\n\t\tenvironmentVariables: map[string]buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\t\"environmentVariablesKey\": &buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\t\t\"value\": value,\n\n\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\"type\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType_PLAINTEXT,\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\tprivileged: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tenvironmentVariables: map[string]*buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\"environmentVariablesKey\": &buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\t\"value\": value,\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\"type\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType_PLAINTEXT,\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tfileSystemLocations: []*iFileSystemLocation{\n\t\tfileSystemLocation,\n\t},\n\tgrantReportGroupPermissions: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tlogging: &loggingOptions{\n\t\tcloudWatch: &cloudWatchLoggingOptions{\n\t\t\tenabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\t\t\tprefix: jsii.String(\"prefix\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\ts3: &s3LoggingOptions{\n\t\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tenabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tencrypted: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\tprefix: jsii.String(\"prefix\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tprojectName: jsii.String(\"projectName\"),\n\tqueuedTimeout: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\trole: role,\n\tsecurityGroups: []iSecurityGroup{\n\t\tsecurityGroup,\n\t},\n\tsubnetSelection: &subnetSelection{\n\t\tavailabilityZones: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"availabilityZones\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tonePerAz: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tsubnetFilters: []*subnetFilter{\n\t\t\tsubnetFilter,\n\t\t},\n\t\tsubnetGroupName: jsii.String(\"subnetGroupName\"),\n\t\tsubnetName: jsii.String(\"subnetName\"),\n\t\tsubnets: []iSubnet{\n\t\t\tsubnet,\n\t\t},\n\t\tsubnetType: ec2.subnetType_ISOLATED,\n\t},\n\ttimeout: cdk.*duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\tvpc: vpc,\n}",
5079 "version": "1"
5080 },
5081 "$": {
5082 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\ndeclare const buildImage: codebuild.IBuildImage;\ndeclare const buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec;\ndeclare const cache: codebuild.Cache;\ndeclare const fileSystemLocation: codebuild.IFileSystemLocation;\ndeclare const key: kms.Key;\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\ndeclare const securityGroup: ec2.SecurityGroup;\ndeclare const subnet: ec2.Subnet;\ndeclare const subnetFilter: ec2.SubnetFilter;\ndeclare const value: any;\ndeclare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\nconst commonProjectProps: codebuild.CommonProjectProps = {\n allowAllOutbound: false,\n badge: false,\n buildSpec: buildSpec,\n cache: cache,\n checkSecretsInPlainTextEnvVariables: false,\n concurrentBuildLimit: 123,\n description: 'description',\n encryptionKey: key,\n environment: {\n buildImage: buildImage,\n certificate: {\n bucket: bucket,\n objectKey: 'objectKey',\n },\n computeType: codebuild.ComputeType.SMALL,\n environmentVariables: {\n environmentVariablesKey: {\n value: value,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT,\n },\n },\n privileged: false,\n },\n environmentVariables: {\n environmentVariablesKey: {\n value: value,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT,\n },\n },\n fileSystemLocations: [fileSystemLocation],\n grantReportGroupPermissions: false,\n logging: {\n cloudWatch: {\n enabled: false,\n logGroup: logGroup,\n prefix: 'prefix',\n },\n s3: {\n bucket: bucket,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n enabled: false,\n encrypted: false,\n prefix: 'prefix',\n },\n },\n projectName: 'projectName',\n queuedTimeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n role: role,\n securityGroups: [securityGroup],\n subnetSelection: {\n availabilityZones: ['availabilityZones'],\n onePerAz: false,\n subnetFilters: [subnetFilter],\n subnetGroupName: 'subnetGroupName',\n subnetName: 'subnetName',\n subnets: [subnet],\n subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED,\n },\n timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n vpc: vpc,\n};",
5083 "version": "0"
5084 }
5085 },
5086 "location": {
5087 "api": {
5088 "api": "type",
5089 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CommonProjectProps"
5090 },
5091 "field": {
5092 "field": "example"
5093 }
5094 },
5095 "didCompile": true,
5096 "fqnsReferenced": [
5097 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
5098 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate",
5099 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable",
5100 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType",
5101 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType#PLAINTEXT",
5102 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
5103 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache",
5104 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions",
5105 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CommonProjectProps",
5106 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ComputeType",
5107 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ComputeType#SMALL",
5108 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
5109 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LoggingOptions",
5110 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3LoggingOptions",
5111 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc",
5112 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetSelection",
5113 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetType",
5114 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetType#ISOLATED",
5115 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
5116 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.IKey",
5117 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
5118 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
5119 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
5120 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
5121 ],
5122 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\ndeclare const buildImage: codebuild.IBuildImage;\ndeclare const buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec;\ndeclare const cache: codebuild.Cache;\ndeclare const fileSystemLocation: codebuild.IFileSystemLocation;\ndeclare const key: kms.Key;\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\ndeclare const securityGroup: ec2.SecurityGroup;\ndeclare const subnet: ec2.Subnet;\ndeclare const subnetFilter: ec2.SubnetFilter;\ndeclare const value: any;\ndeclare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst commonProjectProps: codebuild.CommonProjectProps = {\n allowAllOutbound: false,\n badge: false,\n buildSpec: buildSpec,\n cache: cache,\n checkSecretsInPlainTextEnvVariables: false,\n concurrentBuildLimit: 123,\n description: 'description',\n encryptionKey: key,\n environment: {\n buildImage: buildImage,\n certificate: {\n bucket: bucket,\n objectKey: 'objectKey',\n },\n computeType: codebuild.ComputeType.SMALL,\n environmentVariables: {\n environmentVariablesKey: {\n value: value,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT,\n },\n },\n privileged: false,\n },\n environmentVariables: {\n environmentVariablesKey: {\n value: value,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n type: codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariableType.PLAINTEXT,\n },\n },\n fileSystemLocations: [fileSystemLocation],\n grantReportGroupPermissions: false,\n logging: {\n cloudWatch: {\n enabled: false,\n logGroup: logGroup,\n prefix: 'prefix',\n },\n s3: {\n bucket: bucket,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n enabled: false,\n encrypted: false,\n prefix: 'prefix',\n },\n },\n projectName: 'projectName',\n queuedTimeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n role: role,\n securityGroups: [securityGroup],\n subnetSelection: {\n availabilityZones: ['availabilityZones'],\n onePerAz: false,\n subnetFilters: [subnetFilter],\n subnetGroupName: 'subnetGroupName',\n subnetName: 'subnetName',\n subnets: [subnet],\n subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.ISOLATED,\n },\n timeout: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n vpc: vpc,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5123 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5124 "8": 3,
5125 "10": 15,
5126 "75": 129,
5127 "91": 9,
5128 "125": 1,
5129 "130": 13,
5130 "153": 13,
5131 "169": 13,
5132 "192": 5,
5133 "193": 11,
5134 "194": 12,
5135 "196": 2,
5136 "225": 14,
5137 "242": 14,
5138 "243": 14,
5139 "254": 7,
5140 "255": 7,
5141 "256": 7,
5142 "281": 49,
5143 "290": 1
5144 },
5145 "fqnsFingerprint": "da23ee0eb1f7c6839f70c7dfdf3f1888735cb35ac9aa41184a46d8f6f3d3f520"
5146 },
5147 "312b91665fe5c5f3412333de076cbcc80a99d37dac7ecb8007fa58131ceec4b2": {
5148 "translations": {
5149 "python": {
5150 "source": "# vpc: ec2.Vpc\n# my_security_group: ec2.SecurityGroup\n\npipelines.CodeBuildStep(\"Synth\",\n # ...standard ShellStep props...\n commands=[],\n env={},\n\n # If you are using a CodeBuildStep explicitly, set the 'cdk.out' directory\n # to be the synth step's output.\n primary_output_directory=\"cdk.out\",\n\n # Control the name of the project\n project_name=\"MyProject\",\n\n # Control parts of the BuildSpec other than the regular 'build' and 'install' commands\n partial_build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n\n # Control the build environment\n build_environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n compute_type=codebuild.ComputeType.LARGE\n ),\n timeout=Duration.minutes(90),\n\n # Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n vpc=vpc,\n subnet_selection=ec2.SubnetSelection(subnet_type=ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT),\n security_groups=[my_security_group],\n\n # Additional policy statements for the execution role\n role_policy_statements=[\n iam.PolicyStatement()\n ]\n)",
5151 "version": "2"
5152 },
5153 "csharp": {
5154 "source": "Vpc vpc;\nSecurityGroup mySecurityGroup;\n\nnew CodeBuildStep(\"Synth\", new CodeBuildStepProps {\n // ...standard ShellStep props...\n Commands = new [] { },\n Env = new Dictionary<string, object> { },\n\n // If you are using a CodeBuildStep explicitly, set the 'cdk.out' directory\n // to be the synth step's output.\n PrimaryOutputDirectory = \"cdk.out\",\n\n // Control the name of the project\n ProjectName = \"MyProject\",\n\n // Control parts of the BuildSpec other than the regular 'build' and 'install' commands\n PartialBuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n\n // Control the build environment\n BuildEnvironment = new BuildEnvironment {\n ComputeType = ComputeType.LARGE\n },\n Timeout = Duration.Minutes(90),\n\n // Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n Vpc = vpc,\n SubnetSelection = new SubnetSelection { SubnetType = SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT },\n SecurityGroups = new [] { mySecurityGroup },\n\n // Additional policy statements for the execution role\n RolePolicyStatements = new [] {\n new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { }) }\n});",
5155 "version": "1"
5156 },
5157 "java": {
5158 "source": "Vpc vpc;\nSecurityGroup mySecurityGroup;\n\nCodeBuildStep.Builder.create(\"Synth\")\n // ...standard ShellStep props...\n .commands(List.of())\n .env(Map.of())\n\n // If you are using a CodeBuildStep explicitly, set the 'cdk.out' directory\n // to be the synth step's output.\n .primaryOutputDirectory(\"cdk.out\")\n\n // Control the name of the project\n .projectName(\"MyProject\")\n\n // Control parts of the BuildSpec other than the regular 'build' and 'install' commands\n .partialBuildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n\n // Control the build environment\n .buildEnvironment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .computeType(ComputeType.LARGE)\n .build())\n .timeout(Duration.minutes(90))\n\n // Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n .vpc(vpc)\n .subnetSelection(SubnetSelection.builder().subnetType(SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT).build())\n .securityGroups(List.of(mySecurityGroup))\n\n // Additional policy statements for the execution role\n .rolePolicyStatements(List.of(\n PolicyStatement.Builder.create().build()))\n .build();",
5159 "version": "1"
5160 },
5161 "go": {
5162 "source": "var vpc vpc\nvar mySecurityGroup securityGroup\n\npipelines.NewCodeBuildStep(jsii.String(\"Synth\"), &codeBuildStepProps{\n\t// ...standard ShellStep props...\n\tcommands: []*string{\n\t},\n\tenv: map[string]interface{}{\n\t},\n\n\t// If you are using a CodeBuildStep explicitly, set the 'cdk.out' directory\n\t// to be the synth step's output.\n\tprimaryOutputDirectory: jsii.String(\"cdk.out\"),\n\n\t// Control the name of the project\n\tprojectName: jsii.String(\"MyProject\"),\n\n\t// Control parts of the BuildSpec other than the regular 'build' and 'install' commands\n\tpartialBuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\n\t// Control the build environment\n\tbuildEnvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tcomputeType: codebuild.computeType_LARGE,\n\t},\n\ttimeout: *awscdkcore.Duration.minutes(jsii.Number(90)),\n\n\t// Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n\tvpc: vpc,\n\tsubnetSelection: &subnetSelection{\n\t\tsubnetType: ec2.subnetType_PRIVATE_WITH_NAT,\n\t},\n\tsecurityGroups: []iSecurityGroup{\n\t\tmySecurityGroup,\n\t},\n\n\t// Additional policy statements for the execution role\n\trolePolicyStatements: []policyStatement{\n\t\tiam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})",
5163 "version": "1"
5164 },
5165 "$": {
5166 "source": "declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\ndeclare const mySecurityGroup: ec2.SecurityGroup;\nnew pipelines.CodeBuildStep('Synth', {\n // ...standard ShellStep props...\n commands: [/* ... */],\n env: { /* ... */ },\n\n // If you are using a CodeBuildStep explicitly, set the 'cdk.out' directory\n // to be the synth step's output.\n primaryOutputDirectory: 'cdk.out',\n\n // Control the name of the project\n projectName: 'MyProject',\n\n // Control parts of the BuildSpec other than the regular 'build' and 'install' commands\n partialBuildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n // ...\n }),\n\n // Control the build environment\n buildEnvironment: {\n computeType: codebuild.ComputeType.LARGE,\n },\n timeout: Duration.minutes(90),\n\n // Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n vpc: vpc,\n subnetSelection: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT },\n securityGroups: [mySecurityGroup],\n\n // Additional policy statements for the execution role\n rolePolicyStatements: [\n new iam.PolicyStatement({ /* ... */ }),\n ],\n});",
5167 "version": "0"
5168 }
5169 },
5170 "location": {
5171 "api": {
5172 "api": "type",
5173 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ComputeType"
5174 },
5175 "field": {
5176 "field": "example"
5177 }
5178 },
5179 "didCompile": true,
5180 "fqnsReferenced": [
5181 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
5182 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
5183 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
5184 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ComputeType",
5185 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ComputeType#LARGE",
5186 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc",
5187 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetSelection",
5188 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetType",
5189 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetType#PRIVATE_WITH_NAT",
5190 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5191 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
5192 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
5193 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes",
5194 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodeBuildStep",
5195 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodeBuildStepProps"
5196 ],
5197 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\ndeclare const mySecurityGroup: ec2.SecurityGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CfnOutput, Duration, Stage, Stack, StackProps, StageProps } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');\nimport codepipeline = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline');\nimport cpactions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions');\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport codecommit = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit');\nimport dynamodb = require('@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb');\nimport ecr = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ecr');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport pipelines = require('@aws-cdk/pipelines');\nimport secretsmanager = require('@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager');\nimport sns = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sns');\nimport subscriptions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sns-subscriptions');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\n\nclass MyApplicationStage extends Stage {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StageProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n }\n}\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nnew pipelines.CodeBuildStep('Synth', {\n // ...standard ShellStep props...\n commands: [/* ... */],\n env: { /* ... */ },\n\n // If you are using a CodeBuildStep explicitly, set the 'cdk.out' directory\n // to be the synth step's output.\n primaryOutputDirectory: 'cdk.out',\n\n // Control the name of the project\n projectName: 'MyProject',\n\n // Control parts of the BuildSpec other than the regular 'build' and 'install' commands\n partialBuildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n // ...\n }),\n\n // Control the build environment\n buildEnvironment: {\n computeType: codebuild.ComputeType.LARGE,\n },\n timeout: Duration.minutes(90),\n\n // Control Elastic Network Interface creation\n vpc: vpc,\n subnetSelection: { subnetType: ec2.SubnetType.PRIVATE_WITH_NAT },\n securityGroups: [mySecurityGroup],\n\n // Additional policy statements for the execution role\n rolePolicyStatements: [\n new iam.PolicyStatement({ /* ... */ }),\n ],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5198 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5199 "8": 1,
5200 "10": 4,
5201 "75": 37,
5202 "130": 2,
5203 "153": 2,
5204 "169": 2,
5205 "192": 3,
5206 "193": 6,
5207 "194": 9,
5208 "196": 2,
5209 "197": 2,
5210 "225": 2,
5211 "226": 1,
5212 "242": 2,
5213 "243": 2,
5214 "281": 14,
5215 "290": 1
5216 },
5217 "fqnsFingerprint": "7949a25c5ec5ba64568ca3c84ed28712ee2d2d42b9e897d133b91cb65fc62e16"
5218 },
5219 "18acf8b4e5f782f066a01fb40d5f45a8e42eccd355e783bc9ee182e92dc78d6f": {
5220 "translations": {
5221 "python": {
5222 "source": "environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.from_docker_registry(\"my-registry/my-repo\",\n secrets_manager_credentials=secrets\n )\n)",
5223 "version": "2"
5224 },
5225 "csharp": {
5226 "source": "Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = LinuxBuildImage.FromDockerRegistry(\"my-registry/my-repo\", new DockerImageOptions {\n SecretsManagerCredentials = secrets\n })\n}",
5227 "version": "1"
5228 },
5229 "java": {
5230 "source": ".environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry(\"my-registry/my-repo\", DockerImageOptions.builder()\n .secretsManagerCredentials(secrets)\n .build()))\n .build())\n.build();",
5231 "version": "1"
5232 },
5233 "go": {
5234 "source": "environment: &buildEnvironment{\n\tbuildImage: codebuild.linuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry(jsii.String(\"my-registry/my-repo\"), &dockerImageOptions{\n\t\tsecretsManagerCredentials: secrets,\n\t}),\n},",
5235 "version": "1"
5236 },
5237 "$": {
5238 "source": "environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry('my-registry/my-repo', {\n secretsManagerCredentials: secrets,\n }),\n},",
5239 "version": "0"
5240 }
5241 },
5242 "location": {
5243 "api": {
5244 "api": "type",
5245 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.DockerImageOptions"
5246 },
5247 "field": {
5248 "field": "example"
5249 }
5250 },
5251 "didCompile": true,
5252 "fqnsReferenced": [
5253 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
5254 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
5255 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.DockerImageOptions",
5256 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
5257 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage",
5258 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage#fromDockerRegistry",
5259 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.ISecret"
5260 ],
5261 "fullSource": "import * as secretsmanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codebuild from '../lib';\n\nclass TestStack extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n const secrets = secretsmanager.Secret.fromSecretCompleteArn(this, 'MySecrets',\n `arn:aws:secretsmanager:${this.region}:${this.account}:secret:my-secrets-123456`);\n\n new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['ls'],\n },\n },\n }),\n grantReportGroupPermissions: false,\n /// !show\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromDockerRegistry('my-registry/my-repo', {\n secretsManagerCredentials: secrets,\n }),\n },\n /// !hide\n });\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new cdk.App();\n\nnew TestStack(app, 'test-codebuild-docker-asset');\n\napp.synth();\n",
5262 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5263 "10": 1,
5264 "75": 7,
5265 "193": 2,
5266 "194": 2,
5267 "196": 1,
5268 "281": 3
5269 },
5270 "fqnsFingerprint": "522fa95c4ff9f5bb6f5c393b2910b1b8352a7419d1aca434ffe6440e1bbc7924"
5271 },
5272 "2884707b14332cb4216e0a18e50519097333598d159a2328243278e67e7904ae": {
5273 "translations": {
5274 "python": {
5275 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n file_system_locations=[\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs(\n identifier=\"myidentifier2\",\n location=\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mount_point=\"/media\",\n mount_options=\"opts\"\n )\n ]\n)",
5276 "version": "2"
5277 },
5278 "csharp": {
5279 "source": "new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n FileSystemLocations = new [] { FileSystemLocation.Efs(new EfsFileSystemLocationProps {\n Identifier = \"myidentifier2\",\n Location = \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n MountPoint = \"/media\",\n MountOptions = \"opts\"\n }) }\n});",
5280 "version": "1"
5281 },
5282 "java": {
5283 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n .fileSystemLocations(List.of(FileSystemLocation.efs(EfsFileSystemLocationProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"myidentifier2\")\n .location(\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\")\n .mountPoint(\"/media\")\n .mountOptions(\"opts\")\n .build())))\n .build();",
5284 "version": "1"
5285 },
5286 "go": {
5287 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\tfileSystemLocations: []iFileSystemLocation{\n\t\tcodebuild.fileSystemLocation.efs(&efsFileSystemLocationProps{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"myidentifier2\"),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\"),\n\t\t\tmountPoint: jsii.String(\"/media\"),\n\t\t\tmountOptions: jsii.String(\"opts\"),\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})",
5288 "version": "1"
5289 },
5290 "$": {
5291 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n fileSystemLocations: [\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs({\n identifier: \"myidentifier2\",\n location: \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mountPoint: \"/media\",\n mountOptions: \"opts\"\n })\n ]\n});",
5292 "version": "0"
5293 }
5294 },
5295 "location": {
5296 "api": {
5297 "api": "type",
5298 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EfsFileSystemLocationProps"
5299 },
5300 "field": {
5301 "field": "example"
5302 }
5303 },
5304 "didCompile": true,
5305 "fqnsReferenced": [
5306 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
5307 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
5308 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EfsFileSystemLocationProps",
5309 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemLocation",
5310 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemLocation#efs",
5311 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
5312 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
5313 "constructs.Construct"
5314 ],
5315 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n fileSystemLocations: [\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs({\n identifier: \"myidentifier2\",\n location: \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mountPoint: \"/media\",\n mountOptions: \"opts\"\n })\n ]\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5316 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5317 "10": 6,
5318 "75": 15,
5319 "104": 1,
5320 "192": 1,
5321 "193": 3,
5322 "194": 5,
5323 "196": 2,
5324 "197": 1,
5325 "226": 1,
5326 "281": 7
5327 },
5328 "fqnsFingerprint": "530cbae66ff0a92312ad12ae6c86439d966ae28812cf0ec77410e2eb6055dc28"
5329 },
5330 "5777b8becfb33de861c6ca35cd8474622936784493a2a10f009397f053d69c10": {
5331 "translations": {
5332 "python": {
5333 "source": "git_hub_source = codebuild.Source.git_hub(\n owner=\"awslabs\",\n repo=\"aws-cdk\",\n webhook=True, # optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhook_triggers_batch_build=True, # optional, default is false\n webhook_filters=[\n codebuild.FilterGroup.in_event_of(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH).and_branch_is(\"master\").and_commit_message_is(\"the commit message\")\n ]\n)",
5334 "version": "2"
5335 },
5336 "csharp": {
5337 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.GitHub(new GitHubSourceProps {\n Owner = \"awslabs\",\n Repo = \"aws-cdk\",\n Webhook = true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n WebhookTriggersBatchBuild = true, // optional, default is false\n WebhookFilters = new [] { FilterGroup.InEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).AndBranchIs(\"master\").AndCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\") }\n});",
5338 "version": "1"
5339 },
5340 "java": {
5341 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.gitHub(GitHubSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"awslabs\")\n .repo(\"aws-cdk\")\n .webhook(true) // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n .webhookTriggersBatchBuild(true) // optional, default is false\n .webhookFilters(List.of(FilterGroup.inEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).andBranchIs(\"master\").andCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\")))\n .build());",
5342 "version": "1"
5343 },
5344 "go": {
5345 "source": "gitHubSource := codebuild.source.gitHub(&gitHubSourceProps{\n\towner: jsii.String(\"awslabs\"),\n\trepo: jsii.String(\"aws-cdk\"),\n\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n\twebhookTriggersBatchBuild: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default is false\n\twebhookFilters: []filterGroup{\n\t\tcodebuild.*filterGroup.inEventOf(codebuild.eventAction_PUSH).andBranchIs(jsii.String(\"master\")).andCommitMessageIs(jsii.String(\"the commit message\")),\n\t},\n})",
5346 "version": "1"
5347 },
5348 "$": {
5349 "source": "const gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});",
5350 "version": "0"
5351 }
5352 },
5353 "location": {
5354 "api": {
5355 "api": "type",
5356 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction"
5357 },
5358 "field": {
5359 "field": "example"
5360 }
5361 },
5362 "didCompile": true,
5363 "fqnsReferenced": [
5364 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction",
5365 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction#PUSH",
5366 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup",
5367 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andBranchIs",
5368 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andCommitMessageIs",
5369 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#inEventOf",
5370 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
5371 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
5372 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
5373 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHub"
5374 ],
5375 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5376 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5377 "10": 4,
5378 "75": 17,
5379 "106": 2,
5380 "192": 1,
5381 "193": 1,
5382 "194": 8,
5383 "196": 4,
5384 "225": 1,
5385 "242": 1,
5386 "243": 1,
5387 "281": 5
5388 },
5389 "fqnsFingerprint": "c2a469d3826f98e620b2706c312ec6addc6e37cc63d95f37daeb8c060a601a5a"
5390 },
5391 "7545771402ae21c234b356db001f464e3d156c3f5466531f384d5a47642684bd": {
5392 "translations": {
5393 "python": {
5394 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nfile_system_config = codebuild.FileSystemConfig(\n location=codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty(\n identifier=\"identifier\",\n location=\"location\",\n mount_point=\"mountPoint\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n mount_options=\"mountOptions\"\n )\n)",
5395 "version": "2"
5396 },
5397 "csharp": {
5398 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nFileSystemConfig fileSystemConfig = new FileSystemConfig {\n Location = new ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty {\n Identifier = \"identifier\",\n Location = \"location\",\n MountPoint = \"mountPoint\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n MountOptions = \"mountOptions\"\n }\n};",
5399 "version": "1"
5400 },
5401 "java": {
5402 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nFileSystemConfig fileSystemConfig = FileSystemConfig.builder()\n .location(ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty.builder()\n .identifier(\"identifier\")\n .location(\"location\")\n .mountPoint(\"mountPoint\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .mountOptions(\"mountOptions\")\n .build())\n .build();",
5403 "version": "1"
5404 },
5405 "go": {
5406 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nfileSystemConfig := &fileSystemConfig{\n\tlocation: &projectFileSystemLocationProperty{\n\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"identifier\"),\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\tmountPoint: jsii.String(\"mountPoint\"),\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tmountOptions: jsii.String(\"mountOptions\"),\n\t},\n}",
5407 "version": "1"
5408 },
5409 "$": {
5410 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst fileSystemConfig: codebuild.FileSystemConfig = {\n location: {\n identifier: 'identifier',\n location: 'location',\n mountPoint: 'mountPoint',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n mountOptions: 'mountOptions',\n },\n};",
5411 "version": "0"
5412 }
5413 },
5414 "location": {
5415 "api": {
5416 "api": "type",
5417 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemConfig"
5418 },
5419 "field": {
5420 "field": "example"
5421 }
5422 },
5423 "didCompile": true,
5424 "fqnsReferenced": [
5425 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectFileSystemLocationProperty",
5426 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemConfig"
5427 ],
5428 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst fileSystemConfig: codebuild.FileSystemConfig = {\n location: {\n identifier: 'identifier',\n location: 'location',\n mountPoint: 'mountPoint',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n mountOptions: 'mountOptions',\n },\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5429 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5430 "10": 6,
5431 "75": 10,
5432 "153": 1,
5433 "169": 1,
5434 "193": 2,
5435 "225": 1,
5436 "242": 1,
5437 "243": 1,
5438 "254": 1,
5439 "255": 1,
5440 "256": 1,
5441 "281": 6,
5442 "290": 1
5443 },
5444 "fqnsFingerprint": "4e4e316f657460e5035e55598a47fb6bc858a1cd5f45c7de721e82d337d5b3ed"
5445 },
5446 "ca9bebe35945dfb5fbb90230d0ce25deec911036a8ebf74daf5a48a3798ae57c": {
5447 "translations": {
5448 "python": {
5449 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n file_system_locations=[\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs(\n identifier=\"myidentifier2\",\n location=\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mount_point=\"/media\",\n mount_options=\"opts\"\n )\n ]\n)",
5450 "version": "2"
5451 },
5452 "csharp": {
5453 "source": "new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n FileSystemLocations = new [] { FileSystemLocation.Efs(new EfsFileSystemLocationProps {\n Identifier = \"myidentifier2\",\n Location = \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n MountPoint = \"/media\",\n MountOptions = \"opts\"\n }) }\n});",
5454 "version": "1"
5455 },
5456 "java": {
5457 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n .fileSystemLocations(List.of(FileSystemLocation.efs(EfsFileSystemLocationProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"myidentifier2\")\n .location(\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\")\n .mountPoint(\"/media\")\n .mountOptions(\"opts\")\n .build())))\n .build();",
5458 "version": "1"
5459 },
5460 "go": {
5461 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\tfileSystemLocations: []iFileSystemLocation{\n\t\tcodebuild.fileSystemLocation.efs(&efsFileSystemLocationProps{\n\t\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"myidentifier2\"),\n\t\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\"),\n\t\t\tmountPoint: jsii.String(\"/media\"),\n\t\t\tmountOptions: jsii.String(\"opts\"),\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})",
5462 "version": "1"
5463 },
5464 "$": {
5465 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n fileSystemLocations: [\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs({\n identifier: \"myidentifier2\",\n location: \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mountPoint: \"/media\",\n mountOptions: \"opts\"\n })\n ]\n});",
5466 "version": "0"
5467 }
5468 },
5469 "location": {
5470 "api": {
5471 "api": "type",
5472 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemLocation"
5473 },
5474 "field": {
5475 "field": "example"
5476 }
5477 },
5478 "didCompile": true,
5479 "fqnsReferenced": [
5480 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
5481 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
5482 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EfsFileSystemLocationProps",
5483 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemLocation",
5484 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FileSystemLocation#efs",
5485 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
5486 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
5487 "constructs.Construct"
5488 ],
5489 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n fileSystemLocations: [\n codebuild.FileSystemLocation.efs({\n identifier: \"myidentifier2\",\n location: \"myclodation.mydnsroot.com:/loc\",\n mountPoint: \"/media\",\n mountOptions: \"opts\"\n })\n ]\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5490 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5491 "10": 6,
5492 "75": 15,
5493 "104": 1,
5494 "192": 1,
5495 "193": 3,
5496 "194": 5,
5497 "196": 2,
5498 "197": 1,
5499 "226": 1,
5500 "281": 7
5501 },
5502 "fqnsFingerprint": "530cbae66ff0a92312ad12ae6c86439d966ae28812cf0ec77410e2eb6055dc28"
5503 },
5504 "96360de23965e68479554fd5985a0a4ddf971b4880ac5f4843aa54f1baebb0bc": {
5505 "translations": {
5506 "python": {
5507 "source": "git_hub_source = codebuild.Source.git_hub(\n owner=\"awslabs\",\n repo=\"aws-cdk\",\n webhook=True, # optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhook_triggers_batch_build=True, # optional, default is false\n webhook_filters=[\n codebuild.FilterGroup.in_event_of(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH).and_branch_is(\"master\").and_commit_message_is(\"the commit message\")\n ]\n)",
5508 "version": "2"
5509 },
5510 "csharp": {
5511 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.GitHub(new GitHubSourceProps {\n Owner = \"awslabs\",\n Repo = \"aws-cdk\",\n Webhook = true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n WebhookTriggersBatchBuild = true, // optional, default is false\n WebhookFilters = new [] { FilterGroup.InEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).AndBranchIs(\"master\").AndCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\") }\n});",
5512 "version": "1"
5513 },
5514 "java": {
5515 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.gitHub(GitHubSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"awslabs\")\n .repo(\"aws-cdk\")\n .webhook(true) // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n .webhookTriggersBatchBuild(true) // optional, default is false\n .webhookFilters(List.of(FilterGroup.inEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).andBranchIs(\"master\").andCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\")))\n .build());",
5516 "version": "1"
5517 },
5518 "go": {
5519 "source": "gitHubSource := codebuild.source.gitHub(&gitHubSourceProps{\n\towner: jsii.String(\"awslabs\"),\n\trepo: jsii.String(\"aws-cdk\"),\n\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n\twebhookTriggersBatchBuild: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default is false\n\twebhookFilters: []filterGroup{\n\t\tcodebuild.*filterGroup.inEventOf(codebuild.eventAction_PUSH).andBranchIs(jsii.String(\"master\")).andCommitMessageIs(jsii.String(\"the commit message\")),\n\t},\n})",
5520 "version": "1"
5521 },
5522 "$": {
5523 "source": "const gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});",
5524 "version": "0"
5525 }
5526 },
5527 "location": {
5528 "api": {
5529 "api": "type",
5530 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup"
5531 },
5532 "field": {
5533 "field": "example"
5534 }
5535 },
5536 "didCompile": true,
5537 "fqnsReferenced": [
5538 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction",
5539 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction#PUSH",
5540 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup",
5541 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andBranchIs",
5542 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andCommitMessageIs",
5543 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#inEventOf",
5544 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
5545 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
5546 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
5547 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHub"
5548 ],
5549 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5550 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5551 "10": 4,
5552 "75": 17,
5553 "106": 2,
5554 "192": 1,
5555 "193": 1,
5556 "194": 8,
5557 "196": 4,
5558 "225": 1,
5559 "242": 1,
5560 "243": 1,
5561 "281": 5
5562 },
5563 "fqnsFingerprint": "c2a469d3826f98e620b2706c312ec6addc6e37cc63d95f37daeb8c060a601a5a"
5564 },
5565 "a6b70c9e346961e2b697a9d7b6e12a096c592bab8d1771c2bd7882b4f2956bd4": {
5566 "translations": {
5567 "python": {
5568 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# secret_value: cdk.SecretValue\n\ngit_hub_enterprise_source_credentials = codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials(self, \"MyGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials\",\n access_token=secret_value\n)",
5569 "version": "2"
5570 },
5571 "csharp": {
5572 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nSecretValue secretValue;\nGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials = new GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials(this, \"MyGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials\", new GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps {\n AccessToken = secretValue\n});",
5573 "version": "1"
5574 },
5575 "java": {
5576 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nSecretValue secretValue;\n\nGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials = GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials.Builder.create(this, \"MyGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials\")\n .accessToken(secretValue)\n .build();",
5577 "version": "1"
5578 },
5579 "go": {
5580 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar secretValue secretValue\n\ngitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials := codebuild.NewGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials(this, jsii.String(\"MyGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials\"), &gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps{\n\taccessToken: secretValue,\n})",
5581 "version": "1"
5582 },
5583 "$": {
5584 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const secretValue: cdk.SecretValue;\nconst gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials = new codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials(this, 'MyGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials', {\n accessToken: secretValue,\n});",
5585 "version": "0"
5586 }
5587 },
5588 "location": {
5589 "api": {
5590 "api": "type",
5591 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials"
5592 },
5593 "field": {
5594 "field": "example"
5595 }
5596 },
5597 "didCompile": true,
5598 "fqnsReferenced": [
5599 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials",
5600 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps",
5601 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
5602 "constructs.Construct"
5603 ],
5604 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const secretValue: cdk.SecretValue;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials = new codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials(this, 'MyGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials', {\n accessToken: secretValue,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5605 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5606 "10": 3,
5607 "75": 10,
5608 "104": 1,
5609 "130": 1,
5610 "153": 1,
5611 "169": 1,
5612 "193": 1,
5613 "194": 1,
5614 "197": 1,
5615 "225": 2,
5616 "242": 2,
5617 "243": 2,
5618 "254": 2,
5619 "255": 2,
5620 "256": 2,
5621 "281": 1,
5622 "290": 1
5623 },
5624 "fqnsFingerprint": "c6e6987817bb617e09b44ea88bee5f8c161cb4143cd836f1fc387ad4f995e0c8"
5625 },
5626 "4fbdf32dece3ce7e411ceb64e7736180768f3b6338b00ec26d26f2f774d1e8aa": {
5627 "translations": {
5628 "python": {
5629 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# secret_value: cdk.SecretValue\n\ngit_hub_enterprise_source_credentials_props = codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps(\n access_token=secret_value\n)",
5630 "version": "2"
5631 },
5632 "csharp": {
5633 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nSecretValue secretValue;\nGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps = new GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps {\n AccessToken = secretValue\n};",
5634 "version": "1"
5635 },
5636 "java": {
5637 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nSecretValue secretValue;\n\nGitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps = GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps.builder()\n .accessToken(secretValue)\n .build();",
5638 "version": "1"
5639 },
5640 "go": {
5641 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar secretValue secretValue\n\ngitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps := &gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps{\n\taccessToken: secretValue,\n}",
5642 "version": "1"
5643 },
5644 "$": {
5645 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const secretValue: cdk.SecretValue;\nconst gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps: codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps = {\n accessToken: secretValue,\n};",
5646 "version": "0"
5647 }
5648 },
5649 "location": {
5650 "api": {
5651 "api": "type",
5652 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps"
5653 },
5654 "field": {
5655 "field": "example"
5656 }
5657 },
5658 "didCompile": true,
5659 "fqnsReferenced": [
5660 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps",
5661 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue"
5662 ],
5663 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const secretValue: cdk.SecretValue;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst gitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps: codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentialsProps = {\n accessToken: secretValue,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5664 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5665 "10": 2,
5666 "75": 10,
5667 "130": 1,
5668 "153": 2,
5669 "169": 2,
5670 "193": 1,
5671 "225": 2,
5672 "242": 2,
5673 "243": 2,
5674 "254": 2,
5675 "255": 2,
5676 "256": 2,
5677 "281": 1,
5678 "290": 1
5679 },
5680 "fqnsFingerprint": "53b2dced8a5d16fe550922eaca38e8b43d5b658d8385343d16528c5fe2d512a9"
5681 },
5682 "ed143761e6d8d84888af4bd53e1ee6758eebf11ec7db83a10fac8eb95f0bf98d": {
5683 "translations": {
5684 "python": {
5685 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n source=codebuild.Source.git_hub_enterprise(\n https_clone_url=\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"\n ),\n\n # Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache=codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n # BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n # also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"...\"]\n }\n },\n \"cache\": {\n \"paths\": [\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"\n ]\n }\n })\n)",
5686 "version": "2"
5687 },
5688 "csharp": {
5689 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = Source.GitHubEnterprise(new GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps {\n HttpsCloneUrl = \"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n Cache = Cache.Local(LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"...\" }\n } }\n } },\n { \"cache\", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {\n { \"paths\", new [] { \"/root/cachedir/**/*\" } }\n } }\n })\n});",
5690 "version": "1"
5691 },
5692 "java": {
5693 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .source(Source.gitHubEnterprise(GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps.builder()\n .httpsCloneUrl(\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\")\n .build()))\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n .cache(Cache.local(LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM))\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"...\"))),\n \"cache\", Map.of(\n \"paths\", List.of(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\")))))\n .build();",
5694 "version": "1"
5695 },
5696 "go": {
5697 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: codebuild.source.gitHubEnterprise(&gitHubEnterpriseSourceProps{\n\t\thttpsCloneUrl: jsii.String(\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"),\n\t}),\n\n\t// Enable Docker AND custom caching\n\tcache: codebuild.cache.local(codebuild.localCacheMode_DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.*localCacheMode_CUSTOM),\n\n\t// BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n\t// also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"...\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"cache\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"paths\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
5698 "version": "1"
5699 },
5700 "$": {
5701 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.gitHubEnterprise({\n httpsCloneUrl: 'https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo',\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache: codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});",
5702 "version": "0"
5703 }
5704 },
5705 "location": {
5706 "api": {
5707 "api": "type",
5708 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps"
5709 },
5710 "field": {
5711 "field": "example"
5712 }
5713 },
5714 "didCompile": true,
5715 "fqnsReferenced": [
5716 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
5717 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
5718 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache",
5719 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache#local",
5720 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps",
5721 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
5722 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode",
5723 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode#CUSTOM",
5724 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode#DOCKER_LAYER",
5725 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
5726 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
5727 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
5728 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHubEnterprise",
5729 "constructs.Construct"
5730 ],
5731 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.gitHubEnterprise({\n httpsCloneUrl: 'https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo',\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache: codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5732 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5733 "10": 5,
5734 "75": 27,
5735 "104": 1,
5736 "192": 2,
5737 "193": 6,
5738 "194": 11,
5739 "196": 3,
5740 "197": 1,
5741 "226": 1,
5742 "281": 10
5743 },
5744 "fqnsFingerprint": "121cf8be73f3f175a7b1ca5213da4ef5f8fb8b8928e3a05cbb1f39bcd86108b1"
5745 },
5746 "09b71c3bd2b9a88f6d645ea70552fdfb3d5713a4275da75849d914c84b3dcc44": {
5747 "translations": {
5748 "python": {
5749 "source": "\"mybranch\"",
5750 "version": "2"
5751 },
5752 "csharp": {
5753 "source": "\"mybranch\";",
5754 "version": "1"
5755 },
5756 "java": {
5757 "source": "\"mybranch\";",
5758 "version": "1"
5759 },
5760 "go": {
5761 "source": "\"mybranch\"",
5762 "version": "1"
5763 },
5764 "$": {
5765 "source": "'mybranch'",
5766 "version": "0"
5767 }
5768 },
5769 "location": {
5770 "api": {
5771 "api": "member",
5772 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps",
5773 "memberName": "branchOrRef"
5774 },
5775 "field": {
5776 "field": "example"
5777 }
5778 },
5779 "didCompile": true,
5780 "fqnsReferenced": [],
5781 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'mybranch'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5782 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5783 "10": 1,
5784 "226": 1
5785 },
5786 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
5787 },
5788 "9049bf305664af3ccad32cf2453da7d0084a5000fd530caa85034b7f9ee930a3": {
5789 "translations": {
5790 "python": {
5791 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
5792 "version": "2"
5793 },
5794 "csharp": {
5795 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\";",
5796 "version": "1"
5797 },
5798 "java": {
5799 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\";",
5800 "version": "1"
5801 },
5802 "go": {
5803 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
5804 "version": "1"
5805 },
5806 "$": {
5807 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
5808 "version": "0"
5809 }
5810 },
5811 "location": {
5812 "api": {
5813 "api": "member",
5814 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps",
5815 "memberName": "buildStatusContext"
5816 },
5817 "field": {
5818 "field": "example"
5819 }
5820 },
5821 "didCompile": true,
5822 "fqnsReferenced": [],
5823 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5824 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5825 "10": 1,
5826 "226": 1
5827 },
5828 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
5829 },
5830 "11bf8a3fbcf626ab86cf338a62204de435105b4ea8d9967947813f26ecf35075": {
5831 "translations": {
5832 "python": {
5833 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
5834 "version": "2"
5835 },
5836 "csharp": {
5837 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\";",
5838 "version": "1"
5839 },
5840 "java": {
5841 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\";",
5842 "version": "1"
5843 },
5844 "go": {
5845 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
5846 "version": "1"
5847 },
5848 "$": {
5849 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
5850 "version": "0"
5851 }
5852 },
5853 "location": {
5854 "api": {
5855 "api": "member",
5856 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps",
5857 "memberName": "buildStatusUrl"
5858 },
5859 "field": {
5860 "field": "example"
5861 }
5862 },
5863 "didCompile": true,
5864 "fqnsReferenced": [],
5865 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5866 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5867 "10": 1,
5868 "226": 1
5869 },
5870 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
5871 },
5872 "200ace3c239c5438fe8693860b91dd66bda2d4bc766844a876b8fef26c90ab08": {
5873 "translations": {
5874 "python": {
5875 "source": "codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(self, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\",\n access_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-token\")\n)",
5876 "version": "2"
5877 },
5878 "csharp": {
5879 "source": "new GitHubSourceCredentials(this, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\", new GitHubSourceCredentialsProps {\n AccessToken = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-token\")\n});",
5880 "version": "1"
5881 },
5882 "java": {
5883 "source": "GitHubSourceCredentials.Builder.create(this, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\")\n .accessToken(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-token\"))\n .build();",
5884 "version": "1"
5885 },
5886 "go": {
5887 "source": "codebuild.NewGitHubSourceCredentials(this, jsii.String(\"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\"), &gitHubSourceCredentialsProps{\n\taccessToken: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-token\")),\n})",
5888 "version": "1"
5889 },
5890 "$": {
5891 "source": "new codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildGitHubCreds', {\n accessToken: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-token'),\n});\n// GitHub Enterprise is almost the same,\n// except the class is called GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials",
5892 "version": "0"
5893 }
5894 },
5895 "location": {
5896 "api": {
5897 "api": "type",
5898 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials"
5899 },
5900 "field": {
5901 "field": "example"
5902 }
5903 },
5904 "didCompile": true,
5905 "fqnsReferenced": [
5906 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials",
5907 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentialsProps",
5908 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
5909 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue#secretsManager",
5910 "constructs.Construct"
5911 ],
5912 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildGitHubCreds', {\n accessToken: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-token'),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5913 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5914 "10": 2,
5915 "75": 5,
5916 "104": 1,
5917 "193": 1,
5918 "194": 2,
5919 "196": 1,
5920 "197": 1,
5921 "226": 1,
5922 "281": 1
5923 },
5924 "fqnsFingerprint": "1611aef17684e608cc765342f45defcf0adf0b65f42274481b2a7eb92e9869da"
5925 },
5926 "3080fca91a720582aadbe4b43f83262942bb6a84d7a7f366e001992059a25888": {
5927 "translations": {
5928 "python": {
5929 "source": "codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(self, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\",\n access_token=SecretValue.secrets_manager(\"my-token\")\n)",
5930 "version": "2"
5931 },
5932 "csharp": {
5933 "source": "new GitHubSourceCredentials(this, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\", new GitHubSourceCredentialsProps {\n AccessToken = SecretValue.SecretsManager(\"my-token\")\n});",
5934 "version": "1"
5935 },
5936 "java": {
5937 "source": "GitHubSourceCredentials.Builder.create(this, \"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\")\n .accessToken(SecretValue.secretsManager(\"my-token\"))\n .build();",
5938 "version": "1"
5939 },
5940 "go": {
5941 "source": "codebuild.NewGitHubSourceCredentials(this, jsii.String(\"CodeBuildGitHubCreds\"), &gitHubSourceCredentialsProps{\n\taccessToken: *awscdkcore.SecretValue.secretsManager(jsii.String(\"my-token\")),\n})",
5942 "version": "1"
5943 },
5944 "$": {
5945 "source": "new codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildGitHubCreds', {\n accessToken: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-token'),\n});\n// GitHub Enterprise is almost the same,\n// except the class is called GitHubEnterpriseSourceCredentials",
5946 "version": "0"
5947 }
5948 },
5949 "location": {
5950 "api": {
5951 "api": "type",
5952 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentialsProps"
5953 },
5954 "field": {
5955 "field": "example"
5956 }
5957 },
5958 "didCompile": true,
5959 "fqnsReferenced": [
5960 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials",
5961 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentialsProps",
5962 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
5963 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue#secretsManager",
5964 "constructs.Construct"
5965 ],
5966 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.GitHubSourceCredentials(this, 'CodeBuildGitHubCreds', {\n accessToken: SecretValue.secretsManager('my-token'),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5967 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5968 "10": 2,
5969 "75": 5,
5970 "104": 1,
5971 "193": 1,
5972 "194": 2,
5973 "196": 1,
5974 "197": 1,
5975 "226": 1,
5976 "281": 1
5977 },
5978 "fqnsFingerprint": "1611aef17684e608cc765342f45defcf0adf0b65f42274481b2a7eb92e9869da"
5979 },
5980 "89bdc44abe7e98788b883256a2dd65582c56a502ba6a3f9ba4bd1f991e4a420a": {
5981 "translations": {
5982 "python": {
5983 "source": "git_hub_source = codebuild.Source.git_hub(\n owner=\"awslabs\",\n repo=\"aws-cdk\",\n webhook=True, # optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhook_triggers_batch_build=True, # optional, default is false\n webhook_filters=[\n codebuild.FilterGroup.in_event_of(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH).and_branch_is(\"master\").and_commit_message_is(\"the commit message\")\n ]\n)",
5984 "version": "2"
5985 },
5986 "csharp": {
5987 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.GitHub(new GitHubSourceProps {\n Owner = \"awslabs\",\n Repo = \"aws-cdk\",\n Webhook = true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n WebhookTriggersBatchBuild = true, // optional, default is false\n WebhookFilters = new [] { FilterGroup.InEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).AndBranchIs(\"master\").AndCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\") }\n});",
5988 "version": "1"
5989 },
5990 "java": {
5991 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.gitHub(GitHubSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"awslabs\")\n .repo(\"aws-cdk\")\n .webhook(true) // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n .webhookTriggersBatchBuild(true) // optional, default is false\n .webhookFilters(List.of(FilterGroup.inEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).andBranchIs(\"master\").andCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\")))\n .build());",
5992 "version": "1"
5993 },
5994 "go": {
5995 "source": "gitHubSource := codebuild.source.gitHub(&gitHubSourceProps{\n\towner: jsii.String(\"awslabs\"),\n\trepo: jsii.String(\"aws-cdk\"),\n\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n\twebhookTriggersBatchBuild: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default is false\n\twebhookFilters: []filterGroup{\n\t\tcodebuild.*filterGroup.inEventOf(codebuild.eventAction_PUSH).andBranchIs(jsii.String(\"master\")).andCommitMessageIs(jsii.String(\"the commit message\")),\n\t},\n})",
5996 "version": "1"
5997 },
5998 "$": {
5999 "source": "const gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});",
6000 "version": "0"
6001 }
6002 },
6003 "location": {
6004 "api": {
6005 "api": "type",
6006 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps"
6007 },
6008 "field": {
6009 "field": "example"
6010 }
6011 },
6012 "didCompile": true,
6013 "fqnsReferenced": [
6014 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction",
6015 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction#PUSH",
6016 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup",
6017 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andBranchIs",
6018 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andCommitMessageIs",
6019 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#inEventOf",
6020 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
6021 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
6022 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
6023 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHub"
6024 ],
6025 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6026 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6027 "10": 4,
6028 "75": 17,
6029 "106": 2,
6030 "192": 1,
6031 "193": 1,
6032 "194": 8,
6033 "196": 4,
6034 "225": 1,
6035 "242": 1,
6036 "243": 1,
6037 "281": 5
6038 },
6039 "fqnsFingerprint": "c2a469d3826f98e620b2706c312ec6addc6e37cc63d95f37daeb8c060a601a5a"
6040 },
6041 "a15d3be37f55c41466cc4f559696c801ff1965c9ce61a88e15b318c60415b219": {
6042 "translations": {
6043 "python": {
6044 "source": "\"awslabs\"",
6045 "version": "2"
6046 },
6047 "csharp": {
6048 "source": "\"awslabs\";",
6049 "version": "1"
6050 },
6051 "java": {
6052 "source": "\"awslabs\";",
6053 "version": "1"
6054 },
6055 "go": {
6056 "source": "\"awslabs\"",
6057 "version": "1"
6058 },
6059 "$": {
6060 "source": "'awslabs'",
6061 "version": "0"
6062 }
6063 },
6064 "location": {
6065 "api": {
6066 "api": "member",
6067 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
6068 "memberName": "owner"
6069 },
6070 "field": {
6071 "field": "example"
6072 }
6073 },
6074 "didCompile": true,
6075 "fqnsReferenced": [],
6076 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'awslabs'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6077 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6078 "10": 1,
6079 "226": 1
6080 },
6081 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
6082 },
6083 "c327722c61aab900cfec6c01cf2e971ad96d1096be15c59ba6e5508483325afa": {
6084 "translations": {
6085 "python": {
6086 "source": "\"aws-cdk\"",
6087 "version": "2"
6088 },
6089 "csharp": {
6090 "source": "\"aws-cdk\";",
6091 "version": "1"
6092 },
6093 "java": {
6094 "source": "\"aws-cdk\";",
6095 "version": "1"
6096 },
6097 "go": {
6098 "source": "\"aws-cdk\"",
6099 "version": "1"
6100 },
6101 "$": {
6102 "source": "'aws-cdk'",
6103 "version": "0"
6104 }
6105 },
6106 "location": {
6107 "api": {
6108 "api": "member",
6109 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
6110 "memberName": "repo"
6111 },
6112 "field": {
6113 "field": "example"
6114 }
6115 },
6116 "didCompile": true,
6117 "fqnsReferenced": [],
6118 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'aws-cdk'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6119 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6120 "10": 1,
6121 "226": 1
6122 },
6123 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
6124 },
6125 "1f576f6e52e44b7129bda7fd4b9aca7a5d28a4685866ce526af4d8ce5bd96548": {
6126 "translations": {
6127 "python": {
6128 "source": "\"mybranch\"",
6129 "version": "2"
6130 },
6131 "csharp": {
6132 "source": "\"mybranch\";",
6133 "version": "1"
6134 },
6135 "java": {
6136 "source": "\"mybranch\";",
6137 "version": "1"
6138 },
6139 "go": {
6140 "source": "\"mybranch\"",
6141 "version": "1"
6142 },
6143 "$": {
6144 "source": "'mybranch'",
6145 "version": "0"
6146 }
6147 },
6148 "location": {
6149 "api": {
6150 "api": "member",
6151 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
6152 "memberName": "branchOrRef"
6153 },
6154 "field": {
6155 "field": "example"
6156 }
6157 },
6158 "didCompile": true,
6159 "fqnsReferenced": [],
6160 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'mybranch'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6161 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6162 "10": 1,
6163 "226": 1
6164 },
6165 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
6166 },
6167 "7ad691bc29c1e40e5cb3befb057330385a7168699fd9f850e694a4fde776cf87": {
6168 "translations": {
6169 "python": {
6170 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
6171 "version": "2"
6172 },
6173 "csharp": {
6174 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\";",
6175 "version": "1"
6176 },
6177 "java": {
6178 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\";",
6179 "version": "1"
6180 },
6181 "go": {
6182 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
6183 "version": "1"
6184 },
6185 "$": {
6186 "source": "\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"",
6187 "version": "0"
6188 }
6189 },
6190 "location": {
6191 "api": {
6192 "api": "member",
6193 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
6194 "memberName": "buildStatusContext"
6195 },
6196 "field": {
6197 "field": "example"
6198 }
6199 },
6200 "didCompile": true,
6201 "fqnsReferenced": [],
6202 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\"My build #$CODEBUILD_BUILD_NUMBER\"\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6203 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6204 "10": 1,
6205 "226": 1
6206 },
6207 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
6208 },
6209 "64761523bd61bac3671902e8cf4b960f9438a88b0799c40c107ffb0d318a3f70": {
6210 "translations": {
6211 "python": {
6212 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
6213 "version": "2"
6214 },
6215 "csharp": {
6216 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\";",
6217 "version": "1"
6218 },
6219 "java": {
6220 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\";",
6221 "version": "1"
6222 },
6223 "go": {
6224 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
6225 "version": "1"
6226 },
6227 "$": {
6228 "source": "\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"",
6229 "version": "0"
6230 }
6231 },
6232 "location": {
6233 "api": {
6234 "api": "member",
6235 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
6236 "memberName": "buildStatusUrl"
6237 },
6238 "field": {
6239 "field": "example"
6240 }
6241 },
6242 "didCompile": true,
6243 "fqnsReferenced": [],
6244 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\"$CODEBUILD_PUBLIC_BUILD_URL\"\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6245 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6246 "10": 1,
6247 "226": 1
6248 },
6249 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
6250 },
6251 "bc0bcf4bab3b9dfdecd42d0c8363116f0340609a3d895303a026858680703a32": {
6252 "translations": {
6253 "python": {
6254 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nlinux_arm_build_image = codebuild.LinuxArmBuildImage.from_code_build_image_id(\"id\")",
6255 "version": "2"
6256 },
6257 "csharp": {
6258 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nIBuildImage linuxArmBuildImage = LinuxArmBuildImage.FromCodeBuildImageId(\"id\");",
6259 "version": "1"
6260 },
6261 "java": {
6262 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nIBuildImage linuxArmBuildImage = LinuxArmBuildImage.fromCodeBuildImageId(\"id\");",
6263 "version": "1"
6264 },
6265 "go": {
6266 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nlinuxArmBuildImage := codebuild.linuxArmBuildImage.fromCodeBuildImageId(jsii.String(\"id\"))",
6267 "version": "1"
6268 },
6269 "$": {
6270 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst linuxArmBuildImage = codebuild.LinuxArmBuildImage.fromCodeBuildImageId('id');",
6271 "version": "0"
6272 }
6273 },
6274 "location": {
6275 "api": {
6276 "api": "type",
6277 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxArmBuildImage"
6278 },
6279 "field": {
6280 "field": "example"
6281 }
6282 },
6283 "didCompile": true,
6284 "fqnsReferenced": [
6285 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
6286 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxArmBuildImage",
6287 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxArmBuildImage#fromCodeBuildImageId"
6288 ],
6289 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst linuxArmBuildImage = codebuild.LinuxArmBuildImage.fromCodeBuildImageId('id');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6290 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6291 "10": 2,
6292 "75": 5,
6293 "194": 2,
6294 "196": 1,
6295 "225": 1,
6296 "242": 1,
6297 "243": 1,
6298 "254": 1,
6299 "255": 1,
6300 "256": 1,
6301 "290": 1
6302 },
6303 "fqnsFingerprint": "5d9b9745c24950e8d56487c565352802011484fc734c473879ad4e29051a24fa"
6304 },
6305 "7633099e38b59e85ab43da224bdb0bd943b2b09a6a953bb8a35f89b4a47a0d1a": {
6306 "translations": {
6307 "python": {
6308 "source": "\"aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:1.0\"",
6309 "version": "2"
6310 },
6311 "csharp": {
6312 "source": "\"aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:1.0\";",
6313 "version": "1"
6314 },
6315 "java": {
6316 "source": "\"aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:1.0\";",
6317 "version": "1"
6318 },
6319 "go": {
6320 "source": "\"aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:1.0\"",
6321 "version": "1"
6322 },
6323 "$": {
6324 "source": "'aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:1.0'",
6325 "version": "0"
6326 }
6327 },
6328 "location": {
6329 "api": {
6330 "api": "member",
6331 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxArmBuildImage",
6332 "memberName": "fromCodeBuildImageId"
6333 },
6334 "field": {
6335 "field": "example"
6336 }
6337 },
6338 "didCompile": true,
6339 "fqnsReferenced": [],
6340 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-aarch64-standard:1.0'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6341 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6342 "10": 1,
6343 "226": 1
6344 },
6345 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
6346 },
6347 "9825227c4276b22dcac0360fcf34bd1f50278d874009fab73a5e608957f503dc": {
6348 "translations": {
6349 "python": {
6350 "source": "pipeline = pipelines.CodePipeline(self, \"Pipeline\",\n synth=pipelines.ShellStep(\"Synth\",\n input=pipelines.CodePipelineSource.connection(\"my-org/my-app\", \"main\",\n connection_arn=\"arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41\"\n ),\n commands=[\"npm ci\", \"npm run build\", \"npx cdk synth\"]\n ),\n\n # Turn this on because the pipeline uses Docker image assets\n docker_enabled_for_self_mutation=True\n)\n\npipeline.add_wave(\"MyWave\",\n post=[\n pipelines.CodeBuildStep(\"RunApproval\",\n commands=[\"command-from-image\"],\n build_environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n # The user of a Docker image asset in the pipeline requires turning on\n # 'dockerEnabledForSelfMutation'.\n build_image=codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.from_asset(self, \"Image\",\n directory=\"./docker-image\"\n )\n )\n )\n ]\n)",
6351 "version": "2"
6352 },
6353 "csharp": {
6354 "source": "CodePipeline pipeline = new CodePipeline(this, \"Pipeline\", new CodePipelineProps {\n Synth = new ShellStep(\"Synth\", new ShellStepProps {\n Input = CodePipelineSource.Connection(\"my-org/my-app\", \"main\", new ConnectionSourceOptions {\n ConnectionArn = \"arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41\"\n }),\n Commands = new [] { \"npm ci\", \"npm run build\", \"npx cdk synth\" }\n }),\n\n // Turn this on because the pipeline uses Docker image assets\n DockerEnabledForSelfMutation = true\n});\n\npipeline.AddWave(\"MyWave\", new WaveOptions {\n Post = new [] {\n new CodeBuildStep(\"RunApproval\", new CodeBuildStepProps {\n Commands = new [] { \"command-from-image\" },\n BuildEnvironment = new BuildEnvironment {\n // The user of a Docker image asset in the pipeline requires turning on\n // 'dockerEnabledForSelfMutation'.\n BuildImage = LinuxBuildImage.FromAsset(this, \"Image\", new DockerImageAssetProps {\n Directory = \"./docker-image\"\n })\n }\n }) }\n});",
6355 "version": "1"
6356 },
6357 "java": {
6358 "source": "CodePipeline pipeline = CodePipeline.Builder.create(this, \"Pipeline\")\n .synth(ShellStep.Builder.create(\"Synth\")\n .input(CodePipelineSource.connection(\"my-org/my-app\", \"main\", ConnectionSourceOptions.builder()\n .connectionArn(\"arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41\")\n .build()))\n .commands(List.of(\"npm ci\", \"npm run build\", \"npx cdk synth\"))\n .build())\n\n // Turn this on because the pipeline uses Docker image assets\n .dockerEnabledForSelfMutation(true)\n .build();\n\npipeline.addWave(\"MyWave\", WaveOptions.builder()\n .post(List.of(\n CodeBuildStep.Builder.create(\"RunApproval\")\n .commands(List.of(\"command-from-image\"))\n .buildEnvironment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n // The user of a Docker image asset in the pipeline requires turning on\n // 'dockerEnabledForSelfMutation'.\n .buildImage(LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, \"Image\", DockerImageAssetProps.builder()\n .directory(\"./docker-image\")\n .build()))\n .build())\n .build()))\n .build());",
6359 "version": "1"
6360 },
6361 "go": {
6362 "source": "pipeline := pipelines.NewCodePipeline(this, jsii.String(\"Pipeline\"), &codePipelineProps{\n\tsynth: pipelines.NewShellStep(jsii.String(\"Synth\"), &shellStepProps{\n\t\tinput: pipelines.codePipelineSource.connection(jsii.String(\"my-org/my-app\"), jsii.String(\"main\"), &connectionSourceOptions{\n\t\t\tconnectionArn: jsii.String(\"arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41\"),\n\t\t}),\n\t\tcommands: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"npm ci\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"npm run build\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"npx cdk synth\"),\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n\n\t// Turn this on because the pipeline uses Docker image assets\n\tdockerEnabledForSelfMutation: jsii.Boolean(true),\n})\n\npipeline.addWave(jsii.String(\"MyWave\"), &waveOptions{\n\tpost: []step{\n\t\tpipelines.NewCodeBuildStep(jsii.String(\"RunApproval\"), &codeBuildStepProps{\n\t\t\tcommands: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"command-from-image\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tbuildEnvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\t\t\t// The user of a Docker image asset in the pipeline requires turning on\n\t\t\t\t// 'dockerEnabledForSelfMutation'.\n\t\t\t\tbuildImage: codebuild.linuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, jsii.String(\"Image\"), &dockerImageAssetProps{\n\t\t\t\t\tdirectory: jsii.String(\"./docker-image\"),\n\t\t\t\t}),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})",
6363 "version": "1"
6364 },
6365 "$": {
6366 "source": "const pipeline = new pipelines.CodePipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n synth: new pipelines.ShellStep('Synth', {\n input: pipelines.CodePipelineSource.connection('my-org/my-app', 'main', {\n connectionArn: 'arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41', // Created using the AWS console * });',\n }),\n commands: ['npm ci','npm run build','npx cdk synth'],\n }),\n\n // Turn this on because the pipeline uses Docker image assets\n dockerEnabledForSelfMutation: true,\n});\n\npipeline.addWave('MyWave', {\n post: [\n new pipelines.CodeBuildStep('RunApproval', {\n commands: ['command-from-image'],\n buildEnvironment: {\n // The user of a Docker image asset in the pipeline requires turning on\n // 'dockerEnabledForSelfMutation'.\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, 'Image', {\n directory: './docker-image',\n }),\n },\n }),\n ],\n});",
6367 "version": "0"
6368 }
6369 },
6370 "location": {
6371 "api": {
6372 "api": "type",
6373 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage"
6374 },
6375 "field": {
6376 "field": "example"
6377 }
6378 },
6379 "didCompile": true,
6380 "fqnsReferenced": [
6381 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
6382 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
6383 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage",
6384 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage#fromAsset",
6385 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecr-assets.DockerImageAssetProps",
6386 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodeBuildStep",
6387 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodeBuildStepProps",
6388 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodePipeline",
6389 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodePipelineProps",
6390 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodePipelineSource",
6391 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.CodePipelineSource#connection",
6392 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.ConnectionSourceOptions",
6393 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.IFileSetProducer",
6394 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.PipelineBase#addWave",
6395 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.ShellStep",
6396 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.ShellStepProps",
6397 "@aws-cdk/pipelines.WaveOptions",
6398 "constructs.Construct"
6399 ],
6400 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CfnOutput, Duration, Stage, Stack, StackProps, StageProps } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');\nimport codepipeline = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline');\nimport cpactions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions');\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport codecommit = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit');\nimport dynamodb = require('@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb');\nimport ecr = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ecr');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport pipelines = require('@aws-cdk/pipelines');\nimport secretsmanager = require('@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager');\nimport sns = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sns');\nimport subscriptions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sns-subscriptions');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\n\nclass MyApplicationStage extends Stage {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StageProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n }\n}\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst pipeline = new pipelines.CodePipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n synth: new pipelines.ShellStep('Synth', {\n input: pipelines.CodePipelineSource.connection('my-org/my-app', 'main', {\n connectionArn: 'arn:aws:codestar-connections:us-east-1:222222222222:connection/7d2469ff-514a-4e4f-9003-5ca4a43cdc41', // Created using the AWS console * });',\n }),\n commands: ['npm ci','npm run build','npx cdk synth'],\n }),\n\n // Turn this on because the pipeline uses Docker image assets\n dockerEnabledForSelfMutation: true,\n});\n\npipeline.addWave('MyWave', {\n post: [\n new pipelines.CodeBuildStep('RunApproval', {\n commands: ['command-from-image'],\n buildEnvironment: {\n // The user of a Docker image asset in the pipeline requires turning on\n // 'dockerEnabledForSelfMutation'.\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxBuildImage.fromAsset(this, 'Image', {\n directory: './docker-image',\n }),\n },\n }),\n ],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6401 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6402 "10": 13,
6403 "75": 25,
6404 "104": 2,
6405 "106": 1,
6406 "192": 3,
6407 "193": 7,
6408 "194": 8,
6409 "196": 3,
6410 "197": 3,
6411 "225": 1,
6412 "226": 1,
6413 "242": 1,
6414 "243": 1,
6415 "281": 10
6416 },
6417 "fqnsFingerprint": "f854a3b015394613a469016254184bdf1ccfa2a266604cac9739682d29d298e3"
6418 },
6419 "626080556d4abd8d1763413ad515e08d9cba67ef7b7f678f2e4b52deb983c3c3": {
6420 "translations": {
6421 "python": {
6422 "source": "\"aws/codebuild/standard:4.0\"",
6423 "version": "2"
6424 },
6425 "csharp": {
6426 "source": "\"aws/codebuild/standard:4.0\";",
6427 "version": "1"
6428 },
6429 "java": {
6430 "source": "\"aws/codebuild/standard:4.0\";",
6431 "version": "1"
6432 },
6433 "go": {
6434 "source": "\"aws/codebuild/standard:4.0\"",
6435 "version": "1"
6436 },
6437 "$": {
6438 "source": "'aws/codebuild/standard:4.0'",
6439 "version": "0"
6440 }
6441 },
6442 "location": {
6443 "api": {
6444 "api": "member",
6445 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxBuildImage",
6446 "memberName": "fromCodeBuildImageId"
6447 },
6448 "field": {
6449 "field": "example"
6450 }
6451 },
6452 "didCompile": true,
6453 "fqnsReferenced": [],
6454 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n'aws/codebuild/standard:4.0'\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6455 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6456 "10": 1,
6457 "226": 1
6458 },
6459 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
6460 },
6461 "7071c4e2c7719bb499bfab37e78b8d236b37bf36778e192b35d54d3be6f93e06": {
6462 "translations": {
6463 "python": {
6464 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE\n )\n)",
6465 "version": "2"
6466 },
6467 "csharp": {
6468 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE\n }\n});",
6469 "version": "1"
6470 },
6471 "java": {
6472 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE)\n .build())\n .build();",
6473 "version": "1"
6474 },
6475 "go": {
6476 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tenvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tbuildImage: codebuild.linuxGpuBuildImage_DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE(),\n\t},\n})",
6477 "version": "1"
6478 },
6479 "$": {
6480 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE,\n },\n // ...\n})",
6481 "version": "0"
6482 }
6483 },
6484 "location": {
6485 "api": {
6486 "api": "type",
6487 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage"
6488 },
6489 "field": {
6490 "field": "example"
6491 }
6492 },
6493 "didCompile": true,
6494 "fqnsReferenced": [
6495 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
6496 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
6497 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage",
6498 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage#DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE",
6499 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
6500 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
6501 "constructs.Construct"
6502 ],
6503 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.LinuxGpuBuildImage.DLC_TENSORFLOW_2_1_0_INFERENCE,\n },\n // ...\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6504 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6505 "10": 1,
6506 "75": 7,
6507 "104": 1,
6508 "193": 2,
6509 "194": 3,
6510 "197": 1,
6511 "226": 1,
6512 "281": 2
6513 },
6514 "fqnsFingerprint": "4dd5e7ca9c0192df33545fdd4be3ff211fbdd57e51f26d5b99c313c0587f27a4"
6515 },
6516 "2d590b961e78355682c91488c194a03a1bed0b38f18234c609a5d81cee2ced87": {
6517 "translations": {
6518 "python": {
6519 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n source=codebuild.Source.git_hub_enterprise(\n https_clone_url=\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"\n ),\n\n # Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache=codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n # BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n # also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"...\"]\n }\n },\n \"cache\": {\n \"paths\": [\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"\n ]\n }\n })\n)",
6520 "version": "2"
6521 },
6522 "csharp": {
6523 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = Source.GitHubEnterprise(new GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps {\n HttpsCloneUrl = \"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n Cache = Cache.Local(LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"...\" }\n } }\n } },\n { \"cache\", new Dictionary<string, string[]> {\n { \"paths\", new [] { \"/root/cachedir/**/*\" } }\n } }\n })\n});",
6524 "version": "1"
6525 },
6526 "java": {
6527 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .source(Source.gitHubEnterprise(GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps.builder()\n .httpsCloneUrl(\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\")\n .build()))\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n .cache(Cache.local(LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM))\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"...\"))),\n \"cache\", Map.of(\n \"paths\", List.of(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\")))))\n .build();",
6528 "version": "1"
6529 },
6530 "go": {
6531 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: codebuild.source.gitHubEnterprise(&gitHubEnterpriseSourceProps{\n\t\thttpsCloneUrl: jsii.String(\"https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo\"),\n\t}),\n\n\t// Enable Docker AND custom caching\n\tcache: codebuild.cache.local(codebuild.localCacheMode_DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.*localCacheMode_CUSTOM),\n\n\t// BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n\t// also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"...\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"cache\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"paths\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"/root/cachedir/**/*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
6532 "version": "1"
6533 },
6534 "$": {
6535 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.gitHubEnterprise({\n httpsCloneUrl: 'https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo',\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache: codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});",
6536 "version": "0"
6537 }
6538 },
6539 "location": {
6540 "api": {
6541 "api": "type",
6542 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode"
6543 },
6544 "field": {
6545 "field": "example"
6546 }
6547 },
6548 "didCompile": true,
6549 "fqnsReferenced": [
6550 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
6551 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
6552 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache",
6553 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Cache#local",
6554 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubEnterpriseSourceProps",
6555 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
6556 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode",
6557 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode#CUSTOM",
6558 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LocalCacheMode#DOCKER_LAYER",
6559 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
6560 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
6561 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
6562 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHubEnterprise",
6563 "constructs.Construct"
6564 ],
6565 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source: codebuild.Source.gitHubEnterprise({\n httpsCloneUrl: 'https://my-github-enterprise.com/owner/repo',\n }),\n\n // Enable Docker AND custom caching\n cache: codebuild.Cache.local(codebuild.LocalCacheMode.DOCKER_LAYER, codebuild.LocalCacheMode.CUSTOM),\n\n // BuildSpec with a 'cache' section necessary for 'CUSTOM' caching. This can\n // also come from 'buildspec.yml' in your source.\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands: ['...'],\n },\n },\n cache: {\n paths: [\n // The '**/*' is required to indicate all files in this directory\n '/root/cachedir/**/*',\n ],\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6566 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6567 "10": 5,
6568 "75": 27,
6569 "104": 1,
6570 "192": 2,
6571 "193": 6,
6572 "194": 11,
6573 "196": 3,
6574 "197": 1,
6575 "226": 1,
6576 "281": 10
6577 },
6578 "fqnsFingerprint": "121cf8be73f3f175a7b1ca5213da4ef5f8fb8b8928e3a05cbb1f39bcd86108b1"
6579 },
6580 "3e30c10e7c7b1d84d10caa9b0e6248e0815982654679f70ee25fc44909de69bc": {
6581 "translations": {
6582 "python": {
6583 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n logging=codebuild.LoggingOptions(\n cloud_watch=codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions(\n log_group=logs.LogGroup(self, \"MyLogGroup\")\n )\n )\n)",
6584 "version": "2"
6585 },
6586 "csharp": {
6587 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Logging = new LoggingOptions {\n CloudWatch = new CloudWatchLoggingOptions {\n LogGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"MyLogGroup\")\n }\n }\n});",
6588 "version": "1"
6589 },
6590 "java": {
6591 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .logging(LoggingOptions.builder()\n .cloudWatch(CloudWatchLoggingOptions.builder()\n .logGroup(new LogGroup(this, \"MyLogGroup\"))\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
6592 "version": "1"
6593 },
6594 "go": {
6595 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tlogging: &loggingOptions{\n\t\tcloudWatch: &cloudWatchLoggingOptions{\n\t\t\tlogGroup: logs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyLogGroup\")),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
6596 "version": "1"
6597 },
6598 "$": {
6599 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n cloudWatch: {\n logGroup: new logs.LogGroup(this, `MyLogGroup`),\n }\n },\n})",
6600 "version": "0"
6601 }
6602 },
6603 "location": {
6604 "api": {
6605 "api": "type",
6606 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LoggingOptions"
6607 },
6608 "field": {
6609 "field": "example"
6610 }
6611 },
6612 "didCompile": true,
6613 "fqnsReferenced": [
6614 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CloudWatchLoggingOptions",
6615 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LoggingOptions",
6616 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
6617 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
6618 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
6619 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
6620 "constructs.Construct"
6621 ],
6622 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n cloudWatch: {\n logGroup: new logs.LogGroup(this, `MyLogGroup`),\n }\n },\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6623 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6624 "10": 1,
6625 "14": 1,
6626 "75": 7,
6627 "104": 2,
6628 "193": 3,
6629 "194": 2,
6630 "197": 2,
6631 "226": 1,
6632 "281": 3
6633 },
6634 "fqnsFingerprint": "55f49e6ae9cc8d3b0abd54606108f0a2eae818f41a40851c5f49f6d3c8382a38"
6635 },
6636 "bcdc90c261155ee4c696ad209e01cc21178a3a27798250604049bb86e9268ca4": {
6637 "translations": {
6638 "python": {
6639 "source": "# Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudfront as cloudfront\n# distribution: cloudfront.Distribution\n\n\n# Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\ninvalidate_build_project = codebuild.PipelineProject(self, \"InvalidateProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \\\"/*\\\"\"\n ]\n }\n }\n }),\n environment_variables={\n \"CLOUDFRONT_ID\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable(value=distribution.distribution_id)\n }\n)\n\n# Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\ndistribution_arn = f\"arn:aws:cloudfront::{this.account}:distribution/{distribution.distributionId}\"\ninvalidate_build_project.add_to_role_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(\n resources=[distribution_arn],\n actions=[\"cloudfront:CreateInvalidation\"\n ]\n))\n\n# Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\ndeploy_bucket = s3.Bucket(self, \"DeployBucket\")\ndeploy_input = codepipeline.Artifact()\ncodepipeline.Pipeline(self, \"Pipeline\",\n stages=[codepipeline.StageProps(\n stage_name=\"Deploy\",\n actions=[\n codepipeline_actions.S3DeployAction(\n action_name=\"S3Deploy\",\n bucket=deploy_bucket,\n input=deploy_input,\n run_order=1\n ),\n codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction(\n action_name=\"InvalidateCache\",\n project=invalidate_build_project,\n input=deploy_input,\n run_order=2\n )\n ]\n )\n ]\n)",
6640 "version": "2"
6641 },
6642 "csharp": {
6643 "source": "// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFront;\nDistribution distribution;\n\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\nPipelineProject invalidateBuildProject = new PipelineProject(this, \"InvalidateProject\", new PipelineProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \\\"/*\\\"\" }\n } }\n } }\n }),\n EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, BuildEnvironmentVariable> {\n { \"CLOUDFRONT_ID\", new BuildEnvironmentVariable { Value = distribution.DistributionId } }\n }\n});\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\nstring distributionArn = $\"arn:aws:cloudfront::{this.account}:distribution/{distribution.distributionId}\";\ninvalidateBuildProject.AddToRolePolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Resources = new [] { distributionArn },\n Actions = new [] { \"cloudfront:CreateInvalidation\" }\n}));\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\nBucket deployBucket = new Bucket(this, \"DeployBucket\");\nArtifact deployInput = new Artifact();\nnew Pipeline(this, \"Pipeline\", new PipelineProps {\n Stages = new [] { new StageProps {\n StageName = \"Deploy\",\n Actions = new [] {\n new S3DeployAction(new S3DeployActionProps {\n ActionName = \"S3Deploy\",\n Bucket = deployBucket,\n Input = deployInput,\n RunOrder = 1\n }),\n new CodeBuildAction(new CodeBuildActionProps {\n ActionName = \"InvalidateCache\",\n Project = invalidateBuildProject,\n Input = deployInput,\n RunOrder = 2\n }) }\n } }\n});",
6644 "version": "1"
6645 },
6646 "java": {
6647 "source": "// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudfront.*;\nDistribution distribution;\n\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\nPipelineProject invalidateBuildProject = PipelineProject.Builder.create(this, \"InvalidateProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \\\"/*\\\"\"))))))\n .environmentVariables(Map.of(\n \"CLOUDFRONT_ID\", BuildEnvironmentVariable.builder().value(distribution.getDistributionId()).build()))\n .build();\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\nString distributionArn = String.format(\"arn:aws:cloudfront::%s:distribution/%s\", this.account, distribution.getDistributionId());\ninvalidateBuildProject.addToRolePolicy(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .resources(List.of(distributionArn))\n .actions(List.of(\"cloudfront:CreateInvalidation\"))\n .build());\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\nBucket deployBucket = new Bucket(this, \"DeployBucket\");\nArtifact deployInput = new Artifact();\nPipeline.Builder.create(this, \"Pipeline\")\n .stages(List.of(StageProps.builder()\n .stageName(\"Deploy\")\n .actions(List.of(\n S3DeployAction.Builder.create()\n .actionName(\"S3Deploy\")\n .bucket(deployBucket)\n .input(deployInput)\n .runOrder(1)\n .build(),\n CodeBuildAction.Builder.create()\n .actionName(\"InvalidateCache\")\n .project(invalidateBuildProject)\n .input(deployInput)\n .runOrder(2)\n .build()))\n .build()))\n .build();",
6648 "version": "1"
6649 },
6650 "go": {
6651 "source": "// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport cloudfront \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudfront\"\nvar distribution distribution\n\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\ninvalidateBuildProject := codebuild.NewPipelineProject(this, jsii.String(\"InvalidateProject\"), &pipelineProjectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \\\"/*\\\"\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n\tenvironmentVariables: map[string]buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\"CLOUDFRONT_ID\": &buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\t\"value\": distribution.distributionId,\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\ndistributionArn := fmt.Sprintf(\"arn:aws:cloudfront::%v:distribution/%v\", this.account, distribution.distributionId)\ninvalidateBuildProject.addToRolePolicy(iam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\tdistributionArn,\n\t},\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"cloudfront:CreateInvalidation\"),\n\t},\n}))\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\ndeployBucket := s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"DeployBucket\"))\ndeployInput := codepipeline.NewArtifact()\ncodepipeline.NewPipeline(this, jsii.String(\"Pipeline\"), &pipelineProps{\n\tstages: []stageProps{\n\t\t&stageProps{\n\t\t\tstageName: jsii.String(\"Deploy\"),\n\t\t\tactions: []iAction{\n\t\t\t\tcodepipeline_actions.NewS3DeployAction(&s3DeployActionProps{\n\t\t\t\t\tactionName: jsii.String(\"S3Deploy\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tbucket: deployBucket,\n\t\t\t\t\tinput: deployInput,\n\t\t\t\t\trunOrder: jsii.Number(1),\n\t\t\t\t}),\n\t\t\t\tcodepipeline_actions.NewCodeBuildAction(&codeBuildActionProps{\n\t\t\t\t\tactionName: jsii.String(\"InvalidateCache\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tproject: invalidateBuildProject,\n\t\t\t\t\tinput: deployInput,\n\t\t\t\t\trunOrder: jsii.Number(2),\n\t\t\t\t}),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
6652 "version": "1"
6653 },
6654 "$": {
6655 "source": "// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport * as cloudfront from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront';\ndeclare const distribution: cloudfront.Distribution;\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\nconst invalidateBuildProject = new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, `InvalidateProject`, {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands:[\n 'aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \"/*\"',\n // Choose whatever files or paths you'd like, or all files as specified here\n ],\n },\n },\n }),\n environmentVariables: {\n CLOUDFRONT_ID: { value: distribution.distributionId },\n },\n});\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\nconst distributionArn = `arn:aws:cloudfront::${this.account}:distribution/${distribution.distributionId}`;\ninvalidateBuildProject.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n resources: [distributionArn],\n actions: [\n 'cloudfront:CreateInvalidation',\n ],\n}));\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\nconst deployBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'DeployBucket');\nconst deployInput = new codepipeline.Artifact();\nnew codepipeline.Pipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n stages: [\n // ...\n {\n stageName: 'Deploy',\n actions: [\n new codepipeline_actions.S3DeployAction({\n actionName: 'S3Deploy',\n bucket: deployBucket,\n input: deployInput,\n runOrder: 1,\n }),\n new codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'InvalidateCache',\n project: invalidateBuildProject,\n input: deployInput,\n runOrder: 2,\n }),\n ],\n },\n ],\n});",
6656 "version": "0"
6657 }
6658 },
6659 "location": {
6660 "api": {
6661 "api": "type",
6662 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProject"
6663 },
6664 "field": {
6665 "field": "example"
6666 }
6667 },
6668 "didCompile": true,
6669 "fqnsReferenced": [
6670 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront.Distribution#distributionId",
6671 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable",
6672 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
6673 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
6674 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IProject",
6675 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProject",
6676 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProjectProps",
6677 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildAction",
6678 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildActionProps",
6679 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.S3DeployAction",
6680 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.S3DeployActionProps",
6681 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.Artifact",
6682 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.Pipeline",
6683 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.PipelineProps",
6684 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
6685 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
6686 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
6687 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
6688 "constructs.Construct"
6689 ],
6690 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport * as cloudfront from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront';\ndeclare const distribution: cloudfront.Distribution;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Arn, Construct, Duration, SecretValue, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport codedeploy = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy');\nimport codepipeline = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline');\nimport codepipeline_actions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions');\nimport codecommit = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\nconst invalidateBuildProject = new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, `InvalidateProject`, {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands:[\n 'aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \"/*\"',\n // Choose whatever files or paths you'd like, or all files as specified here\n ],\n },\n },\n }),\n environmentVariables: {\n CLOUDFRONT_ID: { value: distribution.distributionId },\n },\n});\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\nconst distributionArn = `arn:aws:cloudfront::${this.account}:distribution/${distribution.distributionId}`;\ninvalidateBuildProject.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n resources: [distributionArn],\n actions: [\n 'cloudfront:CreateInvalidation',\n ],\n}));\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\nconst deployBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'DeployBucket');\nconst deployInput = new codepipeline.Artifact();\nnew codepipeline.Pipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n stages: [\n // ...\n {\n stageName: 'Deploy',\n actions: [\n new codepipeline_actions.S3DeployAction({\n actionName: 'S3Deploy',\n bucket: deployBucket,\n input: deployInput,\n runOrder: 1,\n }),\n new codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'InvalidateCache',\n project: invalidateBuildProject,\n input: deployInput,\n runOrder: 2,\n }),\n ],\n },\n ],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6691 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6692 "8": 2,
6693 "10": 9,
6694 "14": 1,
6695 "15": 1,
6696 "16": 1,
6697 "17": 1,
6698 "75": 58,
6699 "104": 4,
6700 "130": 1,
6701 "153": 1,
6702 "169": 1,
6703 "192": 5,
6704 "193": 11,
6705 "194": 13,
6706 "196": 2,
6707 "197": 7,
6708 "211": 1,
6709 "221": 2,
6710 "225": 5,
6711 "226": 2,
6712 "242": 5,
6713 "243": 5,
6714 "254": 1,
6715 "255": 1,
6716 "256": 1,
6717 "281": 21,
6718 "290": 1
6719 },
6720 "fqnsFingerprint": "7b790fa8c9be4bfecbc5f97c9549fb680a732aaea52c0dab8b8cc96f370c762f"
6721 },
6722 "fe67243d1fd6c692f5fca71bcdb30809f7b21aebb073e2e4f3ed41180c0b5f96": {
6723 "translations": {
6724 "python": {
6725 "source": "# Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport aws_cdk.aws_cloudfront as cloudfront\n# distribution: cloudfront.Distribution\n\n\n# Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\ninvalidate_build_project = codebuild.PipelineProject(self, \"InvalidateProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\",\n \"phases\": {\n \"build\": {\n \"commands\": [\"aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \\\"/*\\\"\"\n ]\n }\n }\n }),\n environment_variables={\n \"CLOUDFRONT_ID\": codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable(value=distribution.distribution_id)\n }\n)\n\n# Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\ndistribution_arn = f\"arn:aws:cloudfront::{this.account}:distribution/{distribution.distributionId}\"\ninvalidate_build_project.add_to_role_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(\n resources=[distribution_arn],\n actions=[\"cloudfront:CreateInvalidation\"\n ]\n))\n\n# Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\ndeploy_bucket = s3.Bucket(self, \"DeployBucket\")\ndeploy_input = codepipeline.Artifact()\ncodepipeline.Pipeline(self, \"Pipeline\",\n stages=[codepipeline.StageProps(\n stage_name=\"Deploy\",\n actions=[\n codepipeline_actions.S3DeployAction(\n action_name=\"S3Deploy\",\n bucket=deploy_bucket,\n input=deploy_input,\n run_order=1\n ),\n codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction(\n action_name=\"InvalidateCache\",\n project=invalidate_build_project,\n input=deploy_input,\n run_order=2\n )\n ]\n )\n ]\n)",
6726 "version": "2"
6727 },
6728 "csharp": {
6729 "source": "// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CloudFront;\nDistribution distribution;\n\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\nPipelineProject invalidateBuildProject = new PipelineProject(this, \"InvalidateProject\", new PipelineProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" },\n { \"phases\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string[]>> {\n { \"build\", new Struct {\n Commands = new [] { \"aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \\\"/*\\\"\" }\n } }\n } }\n }),\n EnvironmentVariables = new Dictionary<string, BuildEnvironmentVariable> {\n { \"CLOUDFRONT_ID\", new BuildEnvironmentVariable { Value = distribution.DistributionId } }\n }\n});\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\nstring distributionArn = $\"arn:aws:cloudfront::{this.account}:distribution/{distribution.distributionId}\";\ninvalidateBuildProject.AddToRolePolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Resources = new [] { distributionArn },\n Actions = new [] { \"cloudfront:CreateInvalidation\" }\n}));\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\nBucket deployBucket = new Bucket(this, \"DeployBucket\");\nArtifact deployInput = new Artifact();\nnew Pipeline(this, \"Pipeline\", new PipelineProps {\n Stages = new [] { new StageProps {\n StageName = \"Deploy\",\n Actions = new [] {\n new S3DeployAction(new S3DeployActionProps {\n ActionName = \"S3Deploy\",\n Bucket = deployBucket,\n Input = deployInput,\n RunOrder = 1\n }),\n new CodeBuildAction(new CodeBuildActionProps {\n ActionName = \"InvalidateCache\",\n Project = invalidateBuildProject,\n Input = deployInput,\n RunOrder = 2\n }) }\n } }\n});",
6730 "version": "1"
6731 },
6732 "java": {
6733 "source": "// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.cloudfront.*;\nDistribution distribution;\n\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\nPipelineProject invalidateBuildProject = PipelineProject.Builder.create(this, \"InvalidateProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\",\n \"phases\", Map.of(\n \"build\", Map.of(\n \"commands\", List.of(\"aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \\\"/*\\\"\"))))))\n .environmentVariables(Map.of(\n \"CLOUDFRONT_ID\", BuildEnvironmentVariable.builder().value(distribution.getDistributionId()).build()))\n .build();\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\nString distributionArn = String.format(\"arn:aws:cloudfront::%s:distribution/%s\", this.account, distribution.getDistributionId());\ninvalidateBuildProject.addToRolePolicy(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .resources(List.of(distributionArn))\n .actions(List.of(\"cloudfront:CreateInvalidation\"))\n .build());\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\nBucket deployBucket = new Bucket(this, \"DeployBucket\");\nArtifact deployInput = new Artifact();\nPipeline.Builder.create(this, \"Pipeline\")\n .stages(List.of(StageProps.builder()\n .stageName(\"Deploy\")\n .actions(List.of(\n S3DeployAction.Builder.create()\n .actionName(\"S3Deploy\")\n .bucket(deployBucket)\n .input(deployInput)\n .runOrder(1)\n .build(),\n CodeBuildAction.Builder.create()\n .actionName(\"InvalidateCache\")\n .project(invalidateBuildProject)\n .input(deployInput)\n .runOrder(2)\n .build()))\n .build()))\n .build();",
6734 "version": "1"
6735 },
6736 "go": {
6737 "source": "// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport cloudfront \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscloudfront\"\nvar distribution distribution\n\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\ninvalidateBuildProject := codebuild.NewPipelineProject(this, jsii.String(\"InvalidateProject\"), &pipelineProjectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t\t\"phases\": map[string]map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\"build\": map[string][]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"commands\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \\\"/*\\\"\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n\tenvironmentVariables: map[string]buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\"CLOUDFRONT_ID\": &buildEnvironmentVariable{\n\t\t\t\"value\": distribution.distributionId,\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\ndistributionArn := fmt.Sprintf(\"arn:aws:cloudfront::%v:distribution/%v\", this.account, distribution.distributionId)\ninvalidateBuildProject.addToRolePolicy(iam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\tdistributionArn,\n\t},\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"cloudfront:CreateInvalidation\"),\n\t},\n}))\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\ndeployBucket := s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"DeployBucket\"))\ndeployInput := codepipeline.NewArtifact()\ncodepipeline.NewPipeline(this, jsii.String(\"Pipeline\"), &pipelineProps{\n\tstages: []stageProps{\n\t\t&stageProps{\n\t\t\tstageName: jsii.String(\"Deploy\"),\n\t\t\tactions: []iAction{\n\t\t\t\tcodepipeline_actions.NewS3DeployAction(&s3DeployActionProps{\n\t\t\t\t\tactionName: jsii.String(\"S3Deploy\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tbucket: deployBucket,\n\t\t\t\t\tinput: deployInput,\n\t\t\t\t\trunOrder: jsii.Number(1),\n\t\t\t\t}),\n\t\t\t\tcodepipeline_actions.NewCodeBuildAction(&codeBuildActionProps{\n\t\t\t\t\tactionName: jsii.String(\"InvalidateCache\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tproject: invalidateBuildProject,\n\t\t\t\t\tinput: deployInput,\n\t\t\t\t\trunOrder: jsii.Number(2),\n\t\t\t\t}),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
6738 "version": "1"
6739 },
6740 "$": {
6741 "source": "// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport * as cloudfront from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront';\ndeclare const distribution: cloudfront.Distribution;\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\nconst invalidateBuildProject = new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, `InvalidateProject`, {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands:[\n 'aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \"/*\"',\n // Choose whatever files or paths you'd like, or all files as specified here\n ],\n },\n },\n }),\n environmentVariables: {\n CLOUDFRONT_ID: { value: distribution.distributionId },\n },\n});\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\nconst distributionArn = `arn:aws:cloudfront::${this.account}:distribution/${distribution.distributionId}`;\ninvalidateBuildProject.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n resources: [distributionArn],\n actions: [\n 'cloudfront:CreateInvalidation',\n ],\n}));\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\nconst deployBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'DeployBucket');\nconst deployInput = new codepipeline.Artifact();\nnew codepipeline.Pipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n stages: [\n // ...\n {\n stageName: 'Deploy',\n actions: [\n new codepipeline_actions.S3DeployAction({\n actionName: 'S3Deploy',\n bucket: deployBucket,\n input: deployInput,\n runOrder: 1,\n }),\n new codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'InvalidateCache',\n project: invalidateBuildProject,\n input: deployInput,\n runOrder: 2,\n }),\n ],\n },\n ],\n});",
6742 "version": "0"
6743 }
6744 },
6745 "location": {
6746 "api": {
6747 "api": "type",
6748 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProjectProps"
6749 },
6750 "field": {
6751 "field": "example"
6752 }
6753 },
6754 "didCompile": true,
6755 "fqnsReferenced": [
6756 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront.Distribution#distributionId",
6757 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentVariable",
6758 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
6759 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
6760 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IProject",
6761 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProject",
6762 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.PipelineProjectProps",
6763 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildAction",
6764 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.CodeBuildActionProps",
6765 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.S3DeployAction",
6766 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions.S3DeployActionProps",
6767 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.Artifact",
6768 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.Pipeline",
6769 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.PipelineProps",
6770 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
6771 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
6772 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
6773 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
6774 "constructs.Construct"
6775 ],
6776 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Create a Cloudfront Web Distribution\nimport * as cloudfront from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudfront';\ndeclare const distribution: cloudfront.Distribution;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Arn, Construct, Duration, SecretValue, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport codedeploy = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codedeploy');\nimport codepipeline = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline');\nimport codepipeline_actions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline-actions');\nimport codecommit = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Create the build project that will invalidate the cache\nconst invalidateBuildProject = new codebuild.PipelineProject(this, `InvalidateProject`, {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n phases: {\n build: {\n commands:[\n 'aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id ${CLOUDFRONT_ID} --paths \"/*\"',\n // Choose whatever files or paths you'd like, or all files as specified here\n ],\n },\n },\n }),\n environmentVariables: {\n CLOUDFRONT_ID: { value: distribution.distributionId },\n },\n});\n\n// Add Cloudfront invalidation permissions to the project\nconst distributionArn = `arn:aws:cloudfront::${this.account}:distribution/${distribution.distributionId}`;\ninvalidateBuildProject.addToRolePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n resources: [distributionArn],\n actions: [\n 'cloudfront:CreateInvalidation',\n ],\n}));\n\n// Create the pipeline (here only the S3 deploy and Invalidate cache build)\nconst deployBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'DeployBucket');\nconst deployInput = new codepipeline.Artifact();\nnew codepipeline.Pipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n stages: [\n // ...\n {\n stageName: 'Deploy',\n actions: [\n new codepipeline_actions.S3DeployAction({\n actionName: 'S3Deploy',\n bucket: deployBucket,\n input: deployInput,\n runOrder: 1,\n }),\n new codepipeline_actions.CodeBuildAction({\n actionName: 'InvalidateCache',\n project: invalidateBuildProject,\n input: deployInput,\n runOrder: 2,\n }),\n ],\n },\n ],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6777 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6778 "8": 2,
6779 "10": 9,
6780 "14": 1,
6781 "15": 1,
6782 "16": 1,
6783 "17": 1,
6784 "75": 58,
6785 "104": 4,
6786 "130": 1,
6787 "153": 1,
6788 "169": 1,
6789 "192": 5,
6790 "193": 11,
6791 "194": 13,
6792 "196": 2,
6793 "197": 7,
6794 "211": 1,
6795 "221": 2,
6796 "225": 5,
6797 "226": 2,
6798 "242": 5,
6799 "243": 5,
6800 "254": 1,
6801 "255": 1,
6802 "256": 1,
6803 "281": 21,
6804 "290": 1
6805 },
6806 "fqnsFingerprint": "7b790fa8c9be4bfecbc5f97c9549fb680a732aaea52c0dab8b8cc96f370c762f"
6807 },
6808 "40a75377090a436bbb91899554738126b0375c7cc3f21880126afd6ade2029f2": {
6809 "translations": {
6810 "python": {
6811 "source": "# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n artifacts=codebuild.Artifacts.s3(\n bucket=bucket,\n include_build_id=False,\n package_zip=True,\n path=\"another/path\",\n identifier=\"AddArtifact1\"\n )\n)",
6812 "version": "2"
6813 },
6814 "csharp": {
6815 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n Artifacts = Artifacts.S3(new S3ArtifactsProps {\n Bucket = bucket,\n IncludeBuildId = false,\n PackageZip = true,\n Path = \"another/path\",\n Identifier = \"AddArtifact1\"\n })\n});",
6816 "version": "1"
6817 },
6818 "java": {
6819 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n .artifacts(Artifacts.s3(S3ArtifactsProps.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n .includeBuildId(false)\n .packageZip(true)\n .path(\"another/path\")\n .identifier(\"AddArtifact1\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
6820 "version": "1"
6821 },
6822 "go": {
6823 "source": "var bucket bucket\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\tartifacts: codebuild.artifacts.s3(&s3ArtifactsProps{\n\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\tincludeBuildId: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tpackageZip: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"another/path\"),\n\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"AddArtifact1\"),\n\t}),\n})",
6824 "version": "1"
6825 },
6826 "$": {
6827 "source": "declare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});",
6828 "version": "0"
6829 }
6830 },
6831 "location": {
6832 "api": {
6833 "api": "type",
6834 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project"
6835 },
6836 "field": {
6837 "field": "example"
6838 }
6839 },
6840 "didCompile": true,
6841 "fqnsReferenced": [
6842 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts",
6843 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts#s3",
6844 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
6845 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
6846 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IArtifacts",
6847 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
6848 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
6849 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3ArtifactsProps",
6850 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
6851 "constructs.Construct"
6852 ],
6853 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6854 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6855 "10": 4,
6856 "75": 20,
6857 "91": 1,
6858 "104": 1,
6859 "106": 1,
6860 "130": 1,
6861 "153": 1,
6862 "169": 1,
6863 "193": 3,
6864 "194": 5,
6865 "196": 2,
6866 "197": 1,
6867 "225": 2,
6868 "242": 2,
6869 "243": 2,
6870 "281": 7,
6871 "282": 1,
6872 "290": 1
6873 },
6874 "fqnsFingerprint": "a7f9b2c9d1a2de404ef12ef3a658133451ab176f2c61e363f62e48261d155015"
6875 },
6876 "5a59d130f733e6e2f0a008233ceaad2371b3658715e976fef15ceb2a7da4b3c6": {
6877 "translations": {
6878 "python": {
6879 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codestarnotifications as codestarnotifications\n\nproject_notify_on_options = codebuild.ProjectNotifyOnOptions(\n events=[codebuild.ProjectNotificationEvents.BUILD_FAILED],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n detail_type=codestarnotifications.DetailType.BASIC,\n enabled=False,\n notification_rule_name=\"notificationRuleName\"\n)",
6880 "version": "2"
6881 },
6882 "csharp": {
6883 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeStarNotifications;\n\nProjectNotifyOnOptions projectNotifyOnOptions = new ProjectNotifyOnOptions {\n Events = new [] { ProjectNotificationEvents.BUILD_FAILED },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DetailType = DetailType.BASIC,\n Enabled = false,\n NotificationRuleName = \"notificationRuleName\"\n};",
6884 "version": "1"
6885 },
6886 "java": {
6887 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codestarnotifications.*;\n\nProjectNotifyOnOptions projectNotifyOnOptions = ProjectNotifyOnOptions.builder()\n .events(List.of(ProjectNotificationEvents.BUILD_FAILED))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .detailType(DetailType.BASIC)\n .enabled(false)\n .notificationRuleName(\"notificationRuleName\")\n .build();",
6888 "version": "1"
6889 },
6890 "go": {
6891 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\nimport codestarnotifications \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodestarnotifications\"\n\nprojectNotifyOnOptions := &projectNotifyOnOptions{\n\tevents: []projectNotificationEvents{\n\t\tcodebuild.*projectNotificationEvents_BUILD_FAILED,\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdetailType: codestarnotifications.detailType_BASIC,\n\tenabled: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\tnotificationRuleName: jsii.String(\"notificationRuleName\"),\n}",
6892 "version": "1"
6893 },
6894 "$": {
6895 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as codestarnotifications from '@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications';\nconst projectNotifyOnOptions: codebuild.ProjectNotifyOnOptions = {\n events: [codebuild.ProjectNotificationEvents.BUILD_FAILED],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n detailType: codestarnotifications.DetailType.BASIC,\n enabled: false,\n notificationRuleName: 'notificationRuleName',\n};",
6896 "version": "0"
6897 }
6898 },
6899 "location": {
6900 "api": {
6901 "api": "type",
6902 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectNotifyOnOptions"
6903 },
6904 "field": {
6905 "field": "example"
6906 }
6907 },
6908 "didCompile": true,
6909 "fqnsReferenced": [
6910 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectNotificationEvents",
6911 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectNotificationEvents#BUILD_FAILED",
6912 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectNotifyOnOptions",
6913 "@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications.DetailType",
6914 "@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications.DetailType#BASIC"
6915 ],
6916 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as codestarnotifications from '@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst projectNotifyOnOptions: codebuild.ProjectNotifyOnOptions = {\n events: [codebuild.ProjectNotificationEvents.BUILD_FAILED],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n detailType: codestarnotifications.DetailType.BASIC,\n enabled: false,\n notificationRuleName: 'notificationRuleName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6917 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6918 "10": 3,
6919 "75": 15,
6920 "91": 1,
6921 "153": 1,
6922 "169": 1,
6923 "192": 1,
6924 "193": 1,
6925 "194": 4,
6926 "225": 1,
6927 "242": 1,
6928 "243": 1,
6929 "254": 2,
6930 "255": 2,
6931 "256": 2,
6932 "281": 4,
6933 "290": 1
6934 },
6935 "fqnsFingerprint": "2e569d301999a6b5376150d4089d828380d1770a67078f01d55ead964b098256"
6936 },
6937 "41d3d3c017e451967a878e04156362cae86e4d1af9665bb7407873fa060caa54": {
6938 "translations": {
6939 "python": {
6940 "source": "# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n artifacts=codebuild.Artifacts.s3(\n bucket=bucket,\n include_build_id=False,\n package_zip=True,\n path=\"another/path\",\n identifier=\"AddArtifact1\"\n )\n)",
6941 "version": "2"
6942 },
6943 "csharp": {
6944 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n Artifacts = Artifacts.S3(new S3ArtifactsProps {\n Bucket = bucket,\n IncludeBuildId = false,\n PackageZip = true,\n Path = \"another/path\",\n Identifier = \"AddArtifact1\"\n })\n});",
6945 "version": "1"
6946 },
6947 "java": {
6948 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n .artifacts(Artifacts.s3(S3ArtifactsProps.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n .includeBuildId(false)\n .packageZip(true)\n .path(\"another/path\")\n .identifier(\"AddArtifact1\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
6949 "version": "1"
6950 },
6951 "go": {
6952 "source": "var bucket bucket\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\tartifacts: codebuild.artifacts.s3(&s3ArtifactsProps{\n\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\tincludeBuildId: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tpackageZip: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"another/path\"),\n\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"AddArtifact1\"),\n\t}),\n})",
6953 "version": "1"
6954 },
6955 "$": {
6956 "source": "declare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});",
6957 "version": "0"
6958 }
6959 },
6960 "location": {
6961 "api": {
6962 "api": "type",
6963 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps"
6964 },
6965 "field": {
6966 "field": "example"
6967 }
6968 },
6969 "didCompile": true,
6970 "fqnsReferenced": [
6971 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts",
6972 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts#s3",
6973 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
6974 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
6975 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IArtifacts",
6976 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
6977 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
6978 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3ArtifactsProps",
6979 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
6980 "constructs.Construct"
6981 ],
6982 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6983 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6984 "10": 4,
6985 "75": 20,
6986 "91": 1,
6987 "104": 1,
6988 "106": 1,
6989 "130": 1,
6990 "153": 1,
6991 "169": 1,
6992 "193": 3,
6993 "194": 5,
6994 "196": 2,
6995 "197": 1,
6996 "225": 2,
6997 "242": 2,
6998 "243": 2,
6999 "281": 7,
7000 "282": 1,
7001 "290": 1
7002 },
7003 "fqnsFingerprint": "a7f9b2c9d1a2de404ef12ef3a658133451ab176f2c61e363f62e48261d155015"
7004 },
7005 "939953e2f2ffb1ffc68312e08925d831b47f8b510bab928d0eedcf6803b4e3ba": {
7006 "translations": {
7007 "python": {
7008 "source": "# source: codebuild.Source\n\n\n# create a new ReportGroup\nreport_group = codebuild.ReportGroup(self, \"ReportGroup\")\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n source=source,\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n # ...\n \"reports\": {\n \"report_group.report_group_arn\": {\n \"files\": \"**/*\",\n \"base-directory\": \"build/test-results\"\n }\n }\n })\n)",
7009 "version": "2"
7010 },
7011 "csharp": {
7012 "source": "Source source;\n\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nReportGroup reportGroup = new ReportGroup(this, \"ReportGroup\");\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = source,\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n // ...\n { \"reports\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> {\n { reportGroup.ReportGroupArn, new Struct {\n Files = \"**/*\",\n Base-directory = \"build/test-results\"\n } }\n } }\n })\n});",
7013 "version": "1"
7014 },
7015 "java": {
7016 "source": "Source source;\n\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nReportGroup reportGroup = new ReportGroup(this, \"ReportGroup\");\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .source(source)\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n // ...\n \"reports\", Map.of(\n reportGroup.getReportGroupArn(), Map.of(\n \"files\", \"**/*\",\n \"base-directory\", \"build/test-results\")))))\n .build();",
7017 "version": "1"
7018 },
7019 "go": {
7020 "source": "var source source\n\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nreportGroup := codebuild.NewReportGroup(this, jsii.String(\"ReportGroup\"))\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: source,\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t// ...\n\t\t\"reports\": map[string]map[string]*string{\n\t\t\treportGroup.reportGroupArn: map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"files\": jsii.String(\"**/*\"),\n\t\t\t\t\"base-directory\": jsii.String(\"build/test-results\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t}),\n})",
7021 "version": "1"
7022 },
7023 "$": {
7024 "source": "declare const source: codebuild.Source;\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nconst reportGroup = new codebuild.ReportGroup(this, 'ReportGroup');\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source,\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n // ...\n reports: {\n [reportGroup.reportGroupArn]: {\n files: '**/*',\n 'base-directory': 'build/test-results',\n },\n },\n }),\n});",
7025 "version": "0"
7026 }
7027 },
7028 "location": {
7029 "api": {
7030 "api": "type",
7031 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ReportGroup"
7032 },
7033 "field": {
7034 "field": "example"
7035 }
7036 },
7037 "didCompile": true,
7038 "fqnsReferenced": [
7039 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
7040 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
7041 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
7042 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
7043 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
7044 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ReportGroup",
7045 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ReportGroup#reportGroupArn",
7046 "constructs.Construct"
7047 ],
7048 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const source: codebuild.Source;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// create a new ReportGroup\nconst reportGroup = new codebuild.ReportGroup(this, 'ReportGroup');\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n source,\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n // ...\n reports: {\n [reportGroup.reportGroupArn]: {\n files: '**/*',\n 'base-directory': 'build/test-results',\n },\n },\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7049 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7050 "10": 5,
7051 "75": 18,
7052 "104": 2,
7053 "130": 1,
7054 "153": 1,
7055 "154": 1,
7056 "169": 1,
7057 "193": 4,
7058 "194": 5,
7059 "196": 1,
7060 "197": 2,
7061 "225": 3,
7062 "242": 3,
7063 "243": 3,
7064 "281": 5,
7065 "282": 1,
7066 "290": 1
7067 },
7068 "fqnsFingerprint": "6fc73ab5caec18f16fb7153e7b9092013fb602d30c8dd6d0efb4298d68101f81"
7069 },
7070 "04778932811d8bda297de8f4e822acd8f39855c02f51bd8b356d10013769c911": {
7071 "translations": {
7072 "python": {
7073 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\nimport aws_cdk.aws_s3 as s3\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\nreport_group_props = codebuild.ReportGroupProps(\n export_bucket=bucket,\n removal_policy=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n report_group_name=\"reportGroupName\",\n zip_export=False\n)",
7074 "version": "2"
7075 },
7076 "csharp": {
7077 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nBucket bucket;\nReportGroupProps reportGroupProps = new ReportGroupProps {\n ExportBucket = bucket,\n RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n ReportGroupName = \"reportGroupName\",\n ZipExport = false\n};",
7078 "version": "1"
7079 },
7080 "java": {
7081 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.s3.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nBucket bucket;\n\nReportGroupProps reportGroupProps = ReportGroupProps.builder()\n .exportBucket(bucket)\n .removalPolicy(RemovalPolicy.DESTROY)\n .reportGroupName(\"reportGroupName\")\n .zipExport(false)\n .build();",
7082 "version": "1"
7083 },
7084 "go": {
7085 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\nimport s3 \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawss3\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar bucket bucket\n\nreportGroupProps := &reportGroupProps{\n\texportBucket: bucket,\n\tremovalPolicy: cdk.removalPolicy_DESTROY,\n\treportGroupName: jsii.String(\"reportGroupName\"),\n\tzipExport: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
7086 "version": "1"
7087 },
7088 "$": {
7089 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\nconst reportGroupProps: codebuild.ReportGroupProps = {\n exportBucket: bucket,\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n reportGroupName: 'reportGroupName',\n zipExport: false,\n};",
7090 "version": "0"
7091 }
7092 },
7093 "location": {
7094 "api": {
7095 "api": "type",
7096 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ReportGroupProps"
7097 },
7098 "field": {
7099 "field": "example"
7100 }
7101 },
7102 "didCompile": true,
7103 "fqnsReferenced": [
7104 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ReportGroupProps",
7105 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
7106 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy",
7107 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy#DESTROY"
7108 ],
7109 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst reportGroupProps: codebuild.ReportGroupProps = {\n exportBucket: bucket,\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n reportGroupName: 'reportGroupName',\n zipExport: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
7110 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7111 "10": 4,
7112 "75": 17,
7113 "91": 1,
7114 "130": 1,
7115 "153": 2,
7116 "169": 2,
7117 "193": 1,
7118 "194": 2,
7119 "225": 2,
7120 "242": 2,
7121 "243": 2,
7122 "254": 3,
7123 "255": 3,
7124 "256": 3,
7125 "281": 4,
7126 "290": 1
7127 },
7128 "fqnsFingerprint": "e34ff6b5ed7c20ea2f22f4aa1bcd0905886e89e911b47beca506d570598a8fcf"
7129 },
7130 "6428292198afbec28f5e8a455c9033f34f7a770a16a1667e8585e5a842948bc5": {
7131 "translations": {
7132 "python": {
7133 "source": "# bucket: s3.Bucket\n\n\nproject = codebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n build_spec=codebuild.BuildSpec.from_object({\n \"version\": \"0.2\"\n }),\n artifacts=codebuild.Artifacts.s3(\n bucket=bucket,\n include_build_id=False,\n package_zip=True,\n path=\"another/path\",\n identifier=\"AddArtifact1\"\n )\n)",
7134 "version": "2"
7135 },
7136 "csharp": {
7137 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = new Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n BuildSpec = BuildSpec.FromObject(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"version\", \"0.2\" }\n }),\n Artifacts = Artifacts.S3(new S3ArtifactsProps {\n Bucket = bucket,\n IncludeBuildId = false,\n PackageZip = true,\n Path = \"another/path\",\n Identifier = \"AddArtifact1\"\n })\n});",
7138 "version": "1"
7139 },
7140 "java": {
7141 "source": "Bucket bucket;\n\n\nProject project = Project.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .buildSpec(BuildSpec.fromObject(Map.of(\n \"version\", \"0.2\")))\n .artifacts(Artifacts.s3(S3ArtifactsProps.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n .includeBuildId(false)\n .packageZip(true)\n .path(\"another/path\")\n .identifier(\"AddArtifact1\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
7142 "version": "1"
7143 },
7144 "go": {
7145 "source": "var bucket bucket\n\n\nproject := codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tbuildSpec: codebuild.buildSpec.fromObject(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"version\": jsii.String(\"0.2\"),\n\t}),\n\tartifacts: codebuild.artifacts.s3(&s3ArtifactsProps{\n\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\tincludeBuildId: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tpackageZip: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"another/path\"),\n\t\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"AddArtifact1\"),\n\t}),\n})",
7146 "version": "1"
7147 },
7148 "$": {
7149 "source": "declare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});",
7150 "version": "0"
7151 }
7152 },
7153 "location": {
7154 "api": {
7155 "api": "type",
7156 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3ArtifactsProps"
7157 },
7158 "field": {
7159 "field": "example"
7160 }
7161 },
7162 "didCompile": true,
7163 "fqnsReferenced": [
7164 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts",
7165 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Artifacts#s3",
7166 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec",
7167 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildSpec#fromObject",
7168 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IArtifacts",
7169 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
7170 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
7171 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3ArtifactsProps",
7172 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
7173 "constructs.Construct"
7174 ],
7175 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const bucket: s3.Bucket;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n buildSpec: codebuild.BuildSpec.fromObject({\n version: '0.2',\n }),\n artifacts: codebuild.Artifacts.s3({\n bucket,\n includeBuildId: false,\n packageZip: true,\n path: 'another/path',\n identifier: 'AddArtifact1',\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7176 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7177 "10": 4,
7178 "75": 20,
7179 "91": 1,
7180 "104": 1,
7181 "106": 1,
7182 "130": 1,
7183 "153": 1,
7184 "169": 1,
7185 "193": 3,
7186 "194": 5,
7187 "196": 2,
7188 "197": 1,
7189 "225": 2,
7190 "242": 2,
7191 "243": 2,
7192 "281": 7,
7193 "282": 1,
7194 "290": 1
7195 },
7196 "fqnsFingerprint": "a7f9b2c9d1a2de404ef12ef3a658133451ab176f2c61e363f62e48261d155015"
7197 },
7198 "4be538ea75c1428ae9ea2380ca42c85c8741d74da1ec15cfce6c1bfa80417f8b": {
7199 "translations": {
7200 "python": {
7201 "source": "codebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n logging=codebuild.LoggingOptions(\n s3=codebuild.S3LoggingOptions(\n bucket=s3.Bucket(self, \"LogBucket\")\n )\n )\n)",
7202 "version": "2"
7203 },
7204 "csharp": {
7205 "source": "new Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Logging = new LoggingOptions {\n S3 = new S3LoggingOptions {\n Bucket = new Bucket(this, \"LogBucket\")\n }\n }\n});",
7206 "version": "1"
7207 },
7208 "java": {
7209 "source": "Project.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .logging(LoggingOptions.builder()\n .s3(S3LoggingOptions.builder()\n .bucket(new Bucket(this, \"LogBucket\"))\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
7210 "version": "1"
7211 },
7212 "go": {
7213 "source": "codebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tlogging: &loggingOptions{\n\t\ts3: &s3LoggingOptions{\n\t\t\tbucket: s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"LogBucket\")),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
7214 "version": "1"
7215 },
7216 "$": {
7217 "source": "new codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n s3: {\n bucket: new s3.Bucket(this, `LogBucket`)\n }\n },\n})",
7218 "version": "0"
7219 }
7220 },
7221 "location": {
7222 "api": {
7223 "api": "type",
7224 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3LoggingOptions"
7225 },
7226 "field": {
7227 "field": "example"
7228 }
7229 },
7230 "didCompile": true,
7231 "fqnsReferenced": [
7232 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.LoggingOptions",
7233 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
7234 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
7235 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3LoggingOptions",
7236 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
7237 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
7238 "constructs.Construct"
7239 ],
7240 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n logging: {\n s3: {\n bucket: new s3.Bucket(this, `LogBucket`)\n }\n },\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7241 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7242 "10": 1,
7243 "14": 1,
7244 "75": 7,
7245 "104": 2,
7246 "193": 3,
7247 "194": 2,
7248 "197": 2,
7249 "226": 1,
7250 "281": 3
7251 },
7252 "fqnsFingerprint": "476eb9b8c029d124f3d5d3336152b150f28701841b7736062367df83623088d5"
7253 },
7254 "f2ad5c99f0143e9b4eb842b779f78562469af045ccd611a2bb40a1cdc9c134e7": {
7255 "translations": {
7256 "python": {
7257 "source": "bucket = s3.Bucket(self, \"MyBucket\")\n\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"MyProject\",\n source=codebuild.Source.s3(\n bucket=bucket,\n path=\"path/to/file.zip\"\n )\n)",
7258 "version": "2"
7259 },
7260 "csharp": {
7261 "source": "Bucket bucket = new Bucket(this, \"MyBucket\");\n\nnew Project(this, \"MyProject\", new ProjectProps {\n Source = Source.S3(new S3SourceProps {\n Bucket = bucket,\n Path = \"path/to/file.zip\"\n })\n});",
7262 "version": "1"
7263 },
7264 "java": {
7265 "source": "Bucket bucket = new Bucket(this, \"MyBucket\");\n\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"MyProject\")\n .source(Source.s3(S3SourceProps.builder()\n .bucket(bucket)\n .path(\"path/to/file.zip\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
7266 "version": "1"
7267 },
7268 "go": {
7269 "source": "bucket := s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"MyBucket\"))\n\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"MyProject\"), &projectProps{\n\tsource: codebuild.source.s3(&s3SourceProps{\n\t\tbucket: bucket,\n\t\tpath: jsii.String(\"path/to/file.zip\"),\n\t}),\n})",
7270 "version": "1"
7271 },
7272 "$": {
7273 "source": "const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n source: codebuild.Source.s3({\n bucket: bucket,\n path: 'path/to/file.zip',\n }),\n});",
7274 "version": "0"
7275 }
7276 },
7277 "location": {
7278 "api": {
7279 "api": "type",
7280 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3SourceProps"
7281 },
7282 "field": {
7283 "field": "example"
7284 }
7285 },
7286 "didCompile": true,
7287 "fqnsReferenced": [
7288 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
7289 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
7290 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
7291 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.S3SourceProps",
7292 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
7293 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#s3",
7294 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
7295 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
7296 "constructs.Construct"
7297 ],
7298 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'MyProject', {\n source: codebuild.Source.s3({\n bucket: bucket,\n path: 'path/to/file.zip',\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7299 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7300 "10": 3,
7301 "75": 12,
7302 "104": 2,
7303 "193": 2,
7304 "194": 4,
7305 "196": 1,
7306 "197": 2,
7307 "225": 1,
7308 "226": 1,
7309 "242": 1,
7310 "243": 1,
7311 "281": 3
7312 },
7313 "fqnsFingerprint": "89dcaa8acf6df97e222940b5690a2539dea48829517629426e92bdebc75d9edf"
7314 },
7315 "89370d2ec947c944fb40f097910ba8136ff47ccebf874925ac4c2fe62be9b571": {
7316 "translations": {
7317 "python": {
7318 "source": "git_hub_source = codebuild.Source.git_hub(\n owner=\"awslabs\",\n repo=\"aws-cdk\",\n webhook=True, # optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhook_triggers_batch_build=True, # optional, default is false\n webhook_filters=[\n codebuild.FilterGroup.in_event_of(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH).and_branch_is(\"master\").and_commit_message_is(\"the commit message\")\n ]\n)",
7319 "version": "2"
7320 },
7321 "csharp": {
7322 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.GitHub(new GitHubSourceProps {\n Owner = \"awslabs\",\n Repo = \"aws-cdk\",\n Webhook = true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n WebhookTriggersBatchBuild = true, // optional, default is false\n WebhookFilters = new [] { FilterGroup.InEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).AndBranchIs(\"master\").AndCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\") }\n});",
7323 "version": "1"
7324 },
7325 "java": {
7326 "source": "ISource gitHubSource = Source.gitHub(GitHubSourceProps.builder()\n .owner(\"awslabs\")\n .repo(\"aws-cdk\")\n .webhook(true) // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n .webhookTriggersBatchBuild(true) // optional, default is false\n .webhookFilters(List.of(FilterGroup.inEventOf(EventAction.PUSH).andBranchIs(\"master\").andCommitMessageIs(\"the commit message\")))\n .build());",
7327 "version": "1"
7328 },
7329 "go": {
7330 "source": "gitHubSource := codebuild.source.gitHub(&gitHubSourceProps{\n\towner: jsii.String(\"awslabs\"),\n\trepo: jsii.String(\"aws-cdk\"),\n\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n\twebhookTriggersBatchBuild: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t // optional, default is false\n\twebhookFilters: []filterGroup{\n\t\tcodebuild.*filterGroup.inEventOf(codebuild.eventAction_PUSH).andBranchIs(jsii.String(\"master\")).andCommitMessageIs(jsii.String(\"the commit message\")),\n\t},\n})",
7331 "version": "1"
7332 },
7333 "$": {
7334 "source": "const gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});",
7335 "version": "0"
7336 }
7337 },
7338 "location": {
7339 "api": {
7340 "api": "type",
7341 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source"
7342 },
7343 "field": {
7344 "field": "example"
7345 }
7346 },
7347 "didCompile": true,
7348 "fqnsReferenced": [
7349 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction",
7350 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.EventAction#PUSH",
7351 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup",
7352 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andBranchIs",
7353 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#andCommitMessageIs",
7354 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.FilterGroup#inEventOf",
7355 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.GitHubSourceProps",
7356 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ISource",
7357 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source",
7358 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Source#gitHub"
7359 ],
7360 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst gitHubSource = codebuild.Source.gitHub({\n owner: 'awslabs',\n repo: 'aws-cdk',\n webhook: true, // optional, default: true if `webhookFilters` were provided, false otherwise\n webhookTriggersBatchBuild: true, // optional, default is false\n webhookFilters: [\n codebuild.FilterGroup\n .inEventOf(codebuild.EventAction.PUSH)\n .andBranchIs('master')\n .andCommitMessageIs('the commit message'),\n ], // optional, by default all pushes and Pull Requests will trigger a build\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7361 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7362 "10": 4,
7363 "75": 17,
7364 "106": 2,
7365 "192": 1,
7366 "193": 1,
7367 "194": 8,
7368 "196": 4,
7369 "225": 1,
7370 "242": 1,
7371 "243": 1,
7372 "281": 5
7373 },
7374 "fqnsFingerprint": "c2a469d3826f98e620b2706c312ec6addc6e37cc63d95f37daeb8c060a601a5a"
7375 },
7376 "e8360b99b52f3f82e33eeb63479415e3dc7a3a2e8505890c55ab41f862d6977e": {
7377 "translations": {
7378 "python": {
7379 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nsource_config = codebuild.SourceConfig(\n source_property=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n auth=codebuild.CfnProject.SourceAuthProperty(\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource=\"resource\"\n ),\n build_spec=\"buildSpec\",\n build_status_config=codebuild.CfnProject.BuildStatusConfigProperty(\n context=\"context\",\n target_url=\"targetUrl\"\n ),\n git_clone_depth=123,\n git_submodules_config=codebuild.CfnProject.GitSubmodulesConfigProperty(\n fetch_submodules=False\n ),\n insecure_ssl=False,\n location=\"location\",\n report_build_status=False,\n source_identifier=\"sourceIdentifier\"\n ),\n\n # the properties below are optional\n build_triggers=codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty(\n build_type=\"buildType\",\n filter_groups=[[codebuild.CfnProject.WebhookFilterProperty(\n pattern=\"pattern\",\n type=\"type\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n exclude_matched_pattern=False\n )]],\n webhook=False\n ),\n source_version=\"sourceVersion\"\n)",
7380 "version": "2"
7381 },
7382 "csharp": {
7383 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nSourceConfig sourceConfig = new SourceConfig {\n SourceProperty = new SourceProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Auth = new SourceAuthProperty {\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Resource = \"resource\"\n },\n BuildSpec = \"buildSpec\",\n BuildStatusConfig = new BuildStatusConfigProperty {\n Context = \"context\",\n TargetUrl = \"targetUrl\"\n },\n GitCloneDepth = 123,\n GitSubmodulesConfig = new GitSubmodulesConfigProperty {\n FetchSubmodules = false\n },\n InsecureSsl = false,\n Location = \"location\",\n ReportBuildStatus = false,\n SourceIdentifier = \"sourceIdentifier\"\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n BuildTriggers = new ProjectTriggersProperty {\n BuildType = \"buildType\",\n FilterGroups = new [] { new [] { new WebhookFilterProperty {\n Pattern = \"pattern\",\n Type = \"type\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ExcludeMatchedPattern = false\n } } },\n Webhook = false\n },\n SourceVersion = \"sourceVersion\"\n};",
7384 "version": "1"
7385 },
7386 "java": {
7387 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nSourceConfig sourceConfig = SourceConfig.builder()\n .sourceProperty(SourceProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .auth(SourceAuthProperty.builder()\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resource(\"resource\")\n .build())\n .buildSpec(\"buildSpec\")\n .buildStatusConfig(BuildStatusConfigProperty.builder()\n .context(\"context\")\n .targetUrl(\"targetUrl\")\n .build())\n .gitCloneDepth(123)\n .gitSubmodulesConfig(GitSubmodulesConfigProperty.builder()\n .fetchSubmodules(false)\n .build())\n .insecureSsl(false)\n .location(\"location\")\n .reportBuildStatus(false)\n .sourceIdentifier(\"sourceIdentifier\")\n .build())\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .buildTriggers(ProjectTriggersProperty.builder()\n .buildType(\"buildType\")\n .filterGroups(List.of(List.of(WebhookFilterProperty.builder()\n .pattern(\"pattern\")\n .type(\"type\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .excludeMatchedPattern(false)\n .build())))\n .webhook(false)\n .build())\n .sourceVersion(\"sourceVersion\")\n .build();",
7388 "version": "1"
7389 },
7390 "go": {
7391 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nsourceConfig := &sourceConfig{\n\tsourceProperty: &sourceProperty{\n\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tauth: &sourceAuthProperty{\n\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tresource: jsii.String(\"resource\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tbuildSpec: jsii.String(\"buildSpec\"),\n\t\tbuildStatusConfig: &buildStatusConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tcontext: jsii.String(\"context\"),\n\t\t\ttargetUrl: jsii.String(\"targetUrl\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tgitCloneDepth: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\tgitSubmodulesConfig: &gitSubmodulesConfigProperty{\n\t\t\tfetchSubmodules: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t},\n\t\tinsecureSsl: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tlocation: jsii.String(\"location\"),\n\t\treportBuildStatus: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\tsourceIdentifier: jsii.String(\"sourceIdentifier\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tbuildTriggers: &projectTriggersProperty{\n\t\tbuildType: jsii.String(\"buildType\"),\n\t\tfilterGroups: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t[]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&webhookFilterProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tpattern: jsii.String(\"pattern\"),\n\t\t\t\t\ttype: jsii.String(\"type\"),\n\n\t\t\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\t\t\texcludeMatchedPattern: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t\twebhook: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tsourceVersion: jsii.String(\"sourceVersion\"),\n}",
7392 "version": "1"
7393 },
7394 "$": {
7395 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst sourceConfig: codebuild.SourceConfig = {\n sourceProperty: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n buildTriggers: {\n buildType: 'buildType',\n filterGroups: [[{\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n }]],\n webhook: false,\n },\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n};",
7396 "version": "0"
7397 }
7398 },
7399 "location": {
7400 "api": {
7401 "api": "type",
7402 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.SourceConfig"
7403 },
7404 "field": {
7405 "field": "example"
7406 }
7407 },
7408 "didCompile": true,
7409 "fqnsReferenced": [
7410 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.ProjectTriggersProperty",
7411 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.CfnProject.SourceProperty",
7412 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.SourceConfig"
7413 ],
7414 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst sourceConfig: codebuild.SourceConfig = {\n sourceProperty: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n auth: {\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resource: 'resource',\n },\n buildSpec: 'buildSpec',\n buildStatusConfig: {\n context: 'context',\n targetUrl: 'targetUrl',\n },\n gitCloneDepth: 123,\n gitSubmodulesConfig: {\n fetchSubmodules: false,\n },\n insecureSsl: false,\n location: 'location',\n reportBuildStatus: false,\n sourceIdentifier: 'sourceIdentifier',\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n buildTriggers: {\n buildType: 'buildType',\n filterGroups: [[{\n pattern: 'pattern',\n type: 'type',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n excludeMatchedPattern: false,\n }]],\n webhook: false,\n },\n sourceVersion: 'sourceVersion',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
7415 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7416 "8": 1,
7417 "10": 13,
7418 "75": 28,
7419 "91": 5,
7420 "153": 1,
7421 "169": 1,
7422 "192": 2,
7423 "193": 7,
7424 "225": 1,
7425 "242": 1,
7426 "243": 1,
7427 "254": 1,
7428 "255": 1,
7429 "256": 1,
7430 "281": 24,
7431 "290": 1
7432 },
7433 "fqnsFingerprint": "af8edbf8b0b053a7b3ad67316a1aa692252192fd1e33ed597a49e963d355cdb6"
7434 },
7435 "e70ef809a6994d41a22ccd8239591625ba8cf52eac0ce8eb9745286611e850f8": {
7436 "translations": {
7437 "python": {
7438 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\n\nsource_props = codebuild.SourceProps(\n identifier=\"identifier\"\n)",
7439 "version": "2"
7440 },
7441 "csharp": {
7442 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\n\nSourceProps sourceProps = new SourceProps {\n Identifier = \"identifier\"\n};",
7443 "version": "1"
7444 },
7445 "java": {
7446 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\n\nSourceProps sourceProps = SourceProps.builder()\n .identifier(\"identifier\")\n .build();",
7447 "version": "1"
7448 },
7449 "go": {
7450 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\n\nsourceProps := &sourceProps{\n\tidentifier: jsii.String(\"identifier\"),\n}",
7451 "version": "1"
7452 },
7453 "$": {
7454 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nconst sourceProps: codebuild.SourceProps = {\n identifier: 'identifier',\n};",
7455 "version": "0"
7456 }
7457 },
7458 "location": {
7459 "api": {
7460 "api": "type",
7461 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.SourceProps"
7462 },
7463 "field": {
7464 "field": "example"
7465 }
7466 },
7467 "didCompile": true,
7468 "fqnsReferenced": [
7469 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.SourceProps"
7470 ],
7471 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst sourceProps: codebuild.SourceProps = {\n identifier: 'identifier',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
7472 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7473 "10": 2,
7474 "75": 5,
7475 "153": 1,
7476 "169": 1,
7477 "193": 1,
7478 "225": 1,
7479 "242": 1,
7480 "243": 1,
7481 "254": 1,
7482 "255": 1,
7483 "256": 1,
7484 "281": 1,
7485 "290": 1
7486 },
7487 "fqnsFingerprint": "95e189bcf46c5d89c3f6f6932299cc4dbe3575e4a07666cde47974bb33b47356"
7488 },
7489 "b89337cd317ad525ae7940d93d21103525a290ea94f4262febe86b26f471f412": {
7490 "translations": {
7491 "python": {
7492 "source": "# project: codebuild.Project\n\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(self, \"Boundary\"))",
7493 "version": "2"
7494 },
7495 "csharp": {
7496 "source": "Project project;\n\nPermissionsBoundary.Of(project).Apply(new UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, \"Boundary\"));",
7497 "version": "1"
7498 },
7499 "java": {
7500 "source": "Project project;\n\nPermissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(new UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, \"Boundary\"));",
7501 "version": "1"
7502 },
7503 "go": {
7504 "source": "var project project\n\niam.permissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(codebuild.NewUntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"Boundary\")))",
7505 "version": "1"
7506 },
7507 "$": {
7508 "source": "declare const project: codebuild.Project;\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(new codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, 'Boundary'));",
7509 "version": "0"
7510 }
7511 },
7512 "location": {
7513 "api": {
7514 "api": "type",
7515 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy"
7516 },
7517 "field": {
7518 "field": "example"
7519 }
7520 },
7521 "didCompile": true,
7522 "fqnsReferenced": [
7523 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy",
7524 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IManagedPolicy",
7525 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary",
7526 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#apply",
7527 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#of",
7528 "constructs.Construct",
7529 "constructs.IConstruct"
7530 ],
7531 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(new codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, 'Boundary'));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7532 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7533 "10": 1,
7534 "75": 10,
7535 "104": 1,
7536 "130": 1,
7537 "153": 1,
7538 "169": 1,
7539 "194": 4,
7540 "196": 2,
7541 "197": 1,
7542 "225": 1,
7543 "226": 1,
7544 "242": 1,
7545 "243": 1,
7546 "290": 1
7547 },
7548 "fqnsFingerprint": "76b4cd4470974cc0ac8b8c286a8d76d6f342d2cdce47790238a1fb8967abac0a"
7549 },
7550 "b72474b8b44f968fffebe1a7c0c50a309fdd56c1e2b4b068c9408183bc56b8ec": {
7551 "translations": {
7552 "python": {
7553 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_codebuild as codebuild\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_statement: iam.PolicyStatement\n\nuntrusted_code_boundary_policy_props = codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps(\n additional_statements=[policy_statement],\n managed_policy_name=\"managedPolicyName\"\n)",
7554 "version": "2"
7555 },
7556 "csharp": {
7557 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeBuild;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nPolicyStatement policyStatement;\n\nUntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps untrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps = new UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps {\n AdditionalStatements = new [] { policyStatement },\n ManagedPolicyName = \"managedPolicyName\"\n};",
7558 "version": "1"
7559 },
7560 "java": {
7561 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.codebuild.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nPolicyStatement policyStatement;\n\nUntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps untrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps = UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps.builder()\n .additionalStatements(List.of(policyStatement))\n .managedPolicyName(\"managedPolicyName\")\n .build();",
7562 "version": "1"
7563 },
7564 "go": {
7565 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport codebuild \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscodebuild\"\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyStatement policyStatement\n\nuntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps := &untrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps{\n\tadditionalStatements: []*policyStatement{\n\t\tpolicyStatement,\n\t},\n\tmanagedPolicyName: jsii.String(\"managedPolicyName\"),\n}",
7566 "version": "1"
7567 },
7568 "$": {
7569 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyStatement: iam.PolicyStatement;\nconst untrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps: codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps = {\n additionalStatements: [policyStatement],\n managedPolicyName: 'managedPolicyName',\n};",
7570 "version": "0"
7571 }
7572 },
7573 "location": {
7574 "api": {
7575 "api": "type",
7576 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps"
7577 },
7578 "field": {
7579 "field": "example"
7580 }
7581 },
7582 "didCompile": true,
7583 "fqnsReferenced": [
7584 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps"
7585 ],
7586 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyStatement: iam.PolicyStatement;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst untrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps: codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicyProps = {\n additionalStatements: [policyStatement],\n managedPolicyName: 'managedPolicyName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
7587 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7588 "10": 3,
7589 "75": 11,
7590 "130": 1,
7591 "153": 2,
7592 "169": 2,
7593 "192": 1,
7594 "193": 1,
7595 "225": 2,
7596 "242": 2,
7597 "243": 2,
7598 "254": 2,
7599 "255": 2,
7600 "256": 2,
7601 "281": 2,
7602 "290": 1
7603 },
7604 "fqnsFingerprint": "3c9356ed9f1f4c229915f361b72eba59487c54c09726e8bba050645b1cf6f820"
7605 },
7606 "a1f02cfc253beb6a8c7d21034bceced0fd0ec32d8cbcc6a993290fe9a1614892": {
7607 "translations": {
7608 "python": {
7609 "source": "# ecr_repository: ecr.Repository\n\n\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.from_ecr_repository(ecr_repository, \"v1.0\", codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n # optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate(\n bucket=s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(self, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"),\n object_key=\"path/to/cert.pem\"\n )\n )\n)",
7610 "version": "2"
7611 },
7612 "csharp": {
7613 "source": "Repository ecrRepository;\n\n\nnew Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = WindowsBuildImage.FromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\", WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n Certificate = new BuildEnvironmentCertificate {\n Bucket = Bucket.FromBucketName(this, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"),\n ObjectKey = \"path/to/cert.pem\"\n }\n }\n});",
7614 "version": "1"
7615 },
7616 "java": {
7617 "source": "Repository ecrRepository;\n\n\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\", WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019))\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n .certificate(BuildEnvironmentCertificate.builder()\n .bucket(Bucket.fromBucketName(this, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"))\n .objectKey(\"path/to/cert.pem\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
7618 "version": "1"
7619 },
7620 "go": {
7621 "source": "var ecrRepository repository\n\n\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tenvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tbuildImage: codebuild.windowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, jsii.String(\"v1.0\"), codebuild.windowsImageType_SERVER_2019),\n\t\t// optional certificate to include in the build image\n\t\tcertificate: &buildEnvironmentCertificate{\n\t\t\tbucket: s3.bucket.fromBucketName(this, jsii.String(\"Bucket\"), jsii.String(\"my-bucket\")),\n\t\t\tobjectKey: jsii.String(\"path/to/cert.pem\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
7622 "version": "1"
7623 },
7624 "$": {
7625 "source": "declare const ecrRepository: ecr.Repository;\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0', codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate: {\n bucket: s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'Bucket', 'my-bucket'),\n objectKey: 'path/to/cert.pem',\n },\n },\n // ...\n})",
7626 "version": "0"
7627 }
7628 },
7629 "location": {
7630 "api": {
7631 "api": "type",
7632 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage"
7633 },
7634 "field": {
7635 "field": "example"
7636 }
7637 },
7638 "didCompile": true,
7639 "fqnsReferenced": [
7640 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
7641 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate",
7642 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
7643 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
7644 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
7645 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage",
7646 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage#fromEcrRepository",
7647 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType",
7648 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType#SERVER_2019",
7649 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecr.IRepository",
7650 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
7651 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket#fromBucketName",
7652 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
7653 "constructs.Construct"
7654 ],
7655 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const ecrRepository: ecr.Repository;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0', codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate: {\n bucket: s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'Bucket', 'my-bucket'),\n objectKey: 'path/to/cert.pem',\n },\n },\n // ...\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7656 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7657 "10": 5,
7658 "75": 20,
7659 "104": 2,
7660 "130": 1,
7661 "153": 1,
7662 "169": 1,
7663 "193": 3,
7664 "194": 7,
7665 "196": 2,
7666 "197": 1,
7667 "225": 1,
7668 "226": 1,
7669 "242": 1,
7670 "243": 1,
7671 "281": 5,
7672 "290": 1
7673 },
7674 "fqnsFingerprint": "e9fc8581f117316d74b81bb421fb239bd0d74ea3797ce9eac9428532ead62c42"
7675 },
7676 "c2dc8c60a9e1614473ea8b65730dfc9dca1e369ee49e4be6d0e400516b6afcbc": {
7677 "translations": {
7678 "python": {
7679 "source": "# ecr_repository: ecr.Repository\n\n\ncodebuild.Project(self, \"Project\",\n environment=codebuild.BuildEnvironment(\n build_image=codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.from_ecr_repository(ecr_repository, \"v1.0\", codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n # optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate=codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate(\n bucket=s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(self, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"),\n object_key=\"path/to/cert.pem\"\n )\n )\n)",
7680 "version": "2"
7681 },
7682 "csharp": {
7683 "source": "Repository ecrRepository;\n\n\nnew Project(this, \"Project\", new ProjectProps {\n Environment = new BuildEnvironment {\n BuildImage = WindowsBuildImage.FromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\", WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n Certificate = new BuildEnvironmentCertificate {\n Bucket = Bucket.FromBucketName(this, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"),\n ObjectKey = \"path/to/cert.pem\"\n }\n }\n});",
7684 "version": "1"
7685 },
7686 "java": {
7687 "source": "Repository ecrRepository;\n\n\nProject.Builder.create(this, \"Project\")\n .environment(BuildEnvironment.builder()\n .buildImage(WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, \"v1.0\", WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019))\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n .certificate(BuildEnvironmentCertificate.builder()\n .bucket(Bucket.fromBucketName(this, \"Bucket\", \"my-bucket\"))\n .objectKey(\"path/to/cert.pem\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .build();",
7688 "version": "1"
7689 },
7690 "go": {
7691 "source": "var ecrRepository repository\n\n\ncodebuild.NewProject(this, jsii.String(\"Project\"), &projectProps{\n\tenvironment: &buildEnvironment{\n\t\tbuildImage: codebuild.windowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, jsii.String(\"v1.0\"), codebuild.windowsImageType_SERVER_2019),\n\t\t// optional certificate to include in the build image\n\t\tcertificate: &buildEnvironmentCertificate{\n\t\t\tbucket: s3.bucket.fromBucketName(this, jsii.String(\"Bucket\"), jsii.String(\"my-bucket\")),\n\t\t\tobjectKey: jsii.String(\"path/to/cert.pem\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
7692 "version": "1"
7693 },
7694 "$": {
7695 "source": "declare const ecrRepository: ecr.Repository;\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0', codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate: {\n bucket: s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'Bucket', 'my-bucket'),\n objectKey: 'path/to/cert.pem',\n },\n },\n // ...\n})",
7696 "version": "0"
7697 }
7698 },
7699 "location": {
7700 "api": {
7701 "api": "type",
7702 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType"
7703 },
7704 "field": {
7705 "field": "example"
7706 }
7707 },
7708 "didCompile": true,
7709 "fqnsReferenced": [
7710 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironment",
7711 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.BuildEnvironmentCertificate",
7712 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.IBuildImage",
7713 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.Project",
7714 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.ProjectProps",
7715 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage",
7716 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsBuildImage#fromEcrRepository",
7717 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType",
7718 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.WindowsImageType#SERVER_2019",
7719 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecr.IRepository",
7720 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
7721 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket#fromBucketName",
7722 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
7723 "constructs.Construct"
7724 ],
7725 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const ecrRepository: ecr.Repository;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew codebuild.Project(this, 'Project', {\n environment: {\n buildImage: codebuild.WindowsBuildImage.fromEcrRepository(ecrRepository, 'v1.0', codebuild.WindowsImageType.SERVER_2019),\n // optional certificate to include in the build image\n certificate: {\n bucket: s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'Bucket', 'my-bucket'),\n objectKey: 'path/to/cert.pem',\n },\n },\n // ...\n})\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7726 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7727 "10": 5,
7728 "75": 20,
7729 "104": 2,
7730 "130": 1,
7731 "153": 1,
7732 "169": 1,
7733 "193": 3,
7734 "194": 7,
7735 "196": 2,
7736 "197": 1,
7737 "225": 1,
7738 "226": 1,
7739 "242": 1,
7740 "243": 1,
7741 "281": 5,
7742 "290": 1
7743 },
7744 "fqnsFingerprint": "e9fc8581f117316d74b81bb421fb239bd0d74ea3797ce9eac9428532ead62c42"
7745 }
7746 }
\No newline at end of file