17.1 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as notifications from '@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications';
2import * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';
3import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
4import * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';
5import { IResource } from '@aws-cdk/core';
6import { Artifact } from './artifact';
7import { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';
8export declare enum ActionCategory {
9 SOURCE = "Source",
10 BUILD = "Build",
11 TEST = "Test",
12 APPROVAL = "Approval",
13 DEPLOY = "Deploy",
14 INVOKE = "Invoke"
17 * Specifies the constraints on the number of input and output
18 * artifacts an action can have.
19 *
20 * The constraints for each action type are documented on the
21 * {@link https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/reference-pipeline-structure.html Pipeline Structure Reference} page.
22 */
23export interface ActionArtifactBounds {
24 readonly minInputs: number;
25 readonly maxInputs: number;
26 readonly minOutputs: number;
27 readonly maxOutputs: number;
30 * The CodePipeline variables that are global,
31 * not bound to a specific action.
32 * This class defines a bunch of static fields that represent the different variables.
33 * These can be used can be used in any action configuration.
34 */
35export declare class GlobalVariables {
36 /** The identifier of the current pipeline execution. */
37 static readonly executionId = "#{codepipeline.PipelineExecutionId}";
39export interface ActionProperties {
40 readonly actionName: string;
41 readonly role?: iam.IRole;
42 /**
43 * The AWS region the given Action resides in.
44 * Note that a cross-region Pipeline requires replication buckets to function correctly.
45 * You can provide their names with the {@link PipelineProps#crossRegionReplicationBuckets} property.
46 * If you don't, the CodePipeline Construct will create new Stacks in your CDK app containing those buckets,
47 * that you will need to `cdk deploy` before deploying the main, Pipeline-containing Stack.
48 *
49 * @default the Action resides in the same region as the Pipeline
50 */
51 readonly region?: string;
52 /**
53 * The account the Action is supposed to live in.
54 * For Actions backed by resources,
55 * this is inferred from the Stack {@link resource} is part of.
56 * However, some Actions, like the CloudFormation ones,
57 * are not backed by any resource, and they still might want to be cross-account.
58 * In general, a concrete Action class should specify either {@link resource},
59 * or {@link account} - but not both.
60 */
61 readonly account?: string;
62 /**
63 * The optional resource that is backing this Action.
64 * This is used for automatically handling Actions backed by
65 * resources from a different account and/or region.
66 */
67 readonly resource?: IResource;
68 /**
69 * The category of the action.
70 * The category defines which action type the owner
71 * (the entity that performs the action) performs.
72 */
73 readonly category: ActionCategory;
74 /**
75 * The service provider that the action calls.
76 */
77 readonly provider: string;
78 readonly owner?: string;
79 readonly version?: string;
80 /**
81 * The order in which AWS CodePipeline runs this action.
82 * For more information, see the AWS CodePipeline User Guide.
83 *
84 * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/reference-pipeline-structure.html#action-requirements
85 */
86 readonly runOrder?: number;
87 readonly artifactBounds: ActionArtifactBounds;
88 readonly inputs?: Artifact[];
89 readonly outputs?: Artifact[];
90 /**
91 * The name of the namespace to use for variables emitted by this action.
92 *
93 * @default - a name will be generated, based on the stage and action names
94 */
95 readonly variablesNamespace?: string;
97export interface ActionBindOptions {
98 readonly role: iam.IRole;
99 readonly bucket: s3.IBucket;
101export interface ActionConfig {
102 readonly configuration?: any;
105 * Additional options to pass to the notification rule.
106 */
107export interface PipelineNotifyOnOptions extends notifications.NotificationRuleOptions {
108 /**
109 * A list of event types associated with this notification rule for CodePipeline Pipeline.
110 * For a complete list of event types and IDs, see Notification concepts in the Developer Tools Console User Guide.
111 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dtconsole/latest/userguide/concepts.html#concepts-api
112 */
113 readonly events: PipelineNotificationEvents[];
116 * A Pipeline Action.
117 * If you want to implement this interface,
118 * consider extending the {@link Action} class,
119 * which contains some common logic.
120 */
121export interface IAction {
122 /**
123 * The simple properties of the Action,
124 * like its Owner, name, etc.
125 * Note that this accessor will be called before the {@link bind} callback.
126 */
127 readonly actionProperties: ActionProperties;
128 /**
129 * The callback invoked when this Action is added to a Pipeline.
130 *
131 * @param scope the Construct tree scope the Action can use if it needs to create any resources
132 * @param stage the {@link IStage} this Action is being added to
133 * @param options additional options the Action can use,
134 * like the artifact Bucket of the pipeline it's being added to
135 */
136 bind(scope: Construct, stage: IStage, options: ActionBindOptions): ActionConfig;
137 /**
138 * Creates an Event that will be triggered whenever the state of this Action changes.
139 *
140 * @param name the name to use for the new Event
141 * @param target the optional target for the Event
142 * @param options additional options that can be used to customize the created Event
143 */
144 onStateChange(name: string, target?: events.IRuleTarget, options?: events.RuleProps): events.Rule;
147 * The abstract view of an AWS CodePipeline as required and used by Actions.
148 * It extends {@link events.IRuleTarget},
149 * so this interface can be used as a Target for CloudWatch Events.
150 */
151export interface IPipeline extends IResource, notifications.INotificationRuleSource {
152 /**
153 * The name of the Pipeline.
154 *
155 * @attribute
156 */
157 readonly pipelineName: string;
158 /**
159 * The ARN of the Pipeline.
160 *
161 * @attribute
162 */
163 readonly pipelineArn: string;
164 /**
165 * Define an event rule triggered by this CodePipeline.
166 *
167 * @param id Identifier for this event handler.
168 * @param options Additional options to pass to the event rule.
169 */
170 onEvent(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule;
171 /**
172 * Define an event rule triggered by the "CodePipeline Pipeline Execution
173 * State Change" event emitted from this pipeline.
174 *
175 * @param id Identifier for this event handler.
176 * @param options Additional options to pass to the event rule.
177 */
178 onStateChange(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule;
179 /**
180 * Defines a CodeStar notification rule triggered when the pipeline
181 * events emitted by you specified, it very similar to `onEvent` API.
182 *
183 * You can also use the methods `notifyOnExecutionStateChange`, `notifyOnAnyStageStateChange`,
184 * `notifyOnAnyActionStateChange` and `notifyOnAnyManualApprovalStateChange`
185 * to define rules for these specific event emitted.
186 *
187 * @param id The id of the CodeStar notification rule
188 * @param target The target to register for the CodeStar Notifications destination.
189 * @param options Customization options for CodeStar notification rule
190 * @returns CodeStar notification rule associated with this build project.
191 */
192 notifyOn(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options: PipelineNotifyOnOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
193 /**
194 * Define an notification rule triggered by the set of the "Pipeline execution" events emitted from this pipeline.
195 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dtconsole/latest/userguide/concepts.html#events-ref-pipeline
196 *
197 * @param id Identifier for this notification handler.
198 * @param target The target to register for the CodeStar Notifications destination.
199 * @param options Additional options to pass to the notification rule.
200 */
201 notifyOnExecutionStateChange(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
202 /**
203 * Define an notification rule triggered by the set of the "Stage execution" events emitted from this pipeline.
204 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dtconsole/latest/userguide/concepts.html#events-ref-pipeline
205 *
206 * @param id Identifier for this notification handler.
207 * @param target The target to register for the CodeStar Notifications destination.
208 * @param options Additional options to pass to the notification rule.
209 */
210 notifyOnAnyStageStateChange(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
211 /**
212 * Define an notification rule triggered by the set of the "Action execution" events emitted from this pipeline.
213 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dtconsole/latest/userguide/concepts.html#events-ref-pipeline
214 *
215 * @param id Identifier for this notification handler.
216 * @param target The target to register for the CodeStar Notifications destination.
217 * @param options Additional options to pass to the notification rule.
218 */
219 notifyOnAnyActionStateChange(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
220 /**
221 * Define an notification rule triggered by the set of the "Manual approval" events emitted from this pipeline.
222 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dtconsole/latest/userguide/concepts.html#events-ref-pipeline
223 *
224 * @param id Identifier for this notification handler.
225 * @param target The target to register for the CodeStar Notifications destination.
226 * @param options Additional options to pass to the notification rule.
227 */
228 notifyOnAnyManualApprovalStateChange(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
231 * The abstract interface of a Pipeline Stage that is used by Actions.
232 */
233export interface IStage {
234 /**
235 * The physical, human-readable name of this Pipeline Stage.
236 */
237 readonly stageName: string;
238 readonly pipeline: IPipeline;
239 /**
240 * The actions belonging to this stage.
241 */
242 readonly actions: IAction[];
243 addAction(action: IAction): void;
244 onStateChange(name: string, target?: events.IRuleTarget, options?: events.RuleProps): events.Rule;
247 * Common properties shared by all Actions.
248 */
249export interface CommonActionProps {
250 /**
251 * The physical, human-readable name of the Action.
252 * Note that Action names must be unique within a single Stage.
253 */
254 readonly actionName: string;
255 /**
256 * The runOrder property for this Action.
257 * RunOrder determines the relative order in which multiple Actions in the same Stage execute.
258 *
259 * @default 1
260 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/reference-pipeline-structure.html
261 */
262 readonly runOrder?: number;
263 /**
264 * The name of the namespace to use for variables emitted by this action.
265 *
266 * @default - a name will be generated, based on the stage and action names,
267 * if any of the action's variables were referenced - otherwise,
268 * no namespace will be set
269 */
270 readonly variablesNamespace?: string;
273 * Common properties shared by all Actions whose {@link ActionProperties.owner} field is 'AWS'
274 * (or unset, as 'AWS' is the default).
275 */
276export interface CommonAwsActionProps extends CommonActionProps {
277 /**
278 * The Role in which context's this Action will be executing in.
279 * The Pipeline's Role will assume this Role
280 * (the required permissions for that will be granted automatically)
281 * right before executing this Action.
282 * This Action will be passed into your {@link IAction.bind}
283 * method in the {@link ActionBindOptions.role} property.
284 *
285 * @default a new Role will be generated
286 */
287 readonly role?: iam.IRole;
290 * Low-level class for generic CodePipeline Actions implementing the {@link IAction} interface.
291 * Contains some common logic that can be re-used by all {@link IAction} implementations.
292 * If you're writing your own Action class,
293 * feel free to extend this class.
294 */
295export declare abstract class Action implements IAction {
296 /**
297 * This is a renamed version of the {@link IAction.actionProperties} property.
298 */
299 protected abstract readonly providedActionProperties: ActionProperties;
300 private __actionProperties?;
301 private __pipeline?;
302 private __stage?;
303 private __scope?;
304 private readonly _namespaceToken;
305 private _customerProvidedNamespace?;
306 private _actualNamespace?;
307 private _variableReferenced;
308 protected constructor();
309 get actionProperties(): ActionProperties;
310 bind(scope: Construct, stage: IStage, options: ActionBindOptions): ActionConfig;
311 onStateChange(name: string, target?: events.IRuleTarget, options?: events.RuleProps): events.Rule;
312 protected variableExpression(variableName: string): string;
313 /**
314 * This is a renamed version of the {@link IAction.bind} method.
315 */
316 protected abstract bound(scope: Construct, stage: IStage, options: ActionBindOptions): ActionConfig;
317 private get _pipeline();
318 private get _stage();
319 /**
320 * Retrieves the Construct scope of this Action.
321 * Only available after the Action has been added to a Stage,
322 * and that Stage to a Pipeline.
323 */
324 private get _scope();
327 * The list of event types for AWS Codepipeline Pipeline
328 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/dtconsole/latest/userguide/concepts.html#events-ref-pipeline
329 */
330export declare enum PipelineNotificationEvents {
331 /**
332 * Trigger notification when pipeline execution failed
333 */
334 PIPELINE_EXECUTION_FAILED = "codepipeline-pipeline-pipeline-execution-failed",
335 /**
336 * Trigger notification when pipeline execution canceled
337 */
338 PIPELINE_EXECUTION_CANCELED = "codepipeline-pipeline-pipeline-execution-canceled",
339 /**
340 * Trigger notification when pipeline execution started
341 */
342 PIPELINE_EXECUTION_STARTED = "codepipeline-pipeline-pipeline-execution-started",
343 /**
344 * Trigger notification when pipeline execution resumed
345 */
346 PIPELINE_EXECUTION_RESUMED = "codepipeline-pipeline-pipeline-execution-resumed",
347 /**
348 * Trigger notification when pipeline execution succeeded
349 */
350 PIPELINE_EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED = "codepipeline-pipeline-pipeline-execution-succeeded",
351 /**
352 * Trigger notification when pipeline execution superseded
353 */
354 PIPELINE_EXECUTION_SUPERSEDED = "codepipeline-pipeline-pipeline-execution-superseded",
355 /**
356 * Trigger notification when pipeline stage execution started
357 */
358 STAGE_EXECUTION_STARTED = "codepipeline-pipeline-stage-execution-started",
359 /**
360 * Trigger notification when pipeline stage execution succeeded
361 */
362 STAGE_EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED = "codepipeline-pipeline-stage-execution-succeeded",
363 /**
364 * Trigger notification when pipeline stage execution resumed
365 */
366 STAGE_EXECUTION_RESUMED = "codepipeline-pipeline-stage-execution-resumed",
367 /**
368 * Trigger notification when pipeline stage execution canceled
369 */
370 STAGE_EXECUTION_CANCELED = "codepipeline-pipeline-stage-execution-canceled",
371 /**
372 * Trigger notification when pipeline stage execution failed
373 */
374 STAGE_EXECUTION_FAILED = "codepipeline-pipeline-stage-execution-failed",
375 /**
376 * Trigger notification when pipeline action execution succeeded
377 */
378 ACTION_EXECUTION_SUCCEEDED = "codepipeline-pipeline-action-execution-succeeded",
379 /**
380 * Trigger notification when pipeline action execution failed
381 */
382 ACTION_EXECUTION_FAILED = "codepipeline-pipeline-action-execution-failed",
383 /**
384 * Trigger notification when pipeline action execution canceled
385 */
386 ACTION_EXECUTION_CANCELED = "codepipeline-pipeline-action-execution-canceled",
387 /**
388 * Trigger notification when pipeline action execution started
389 */
390 ACTION_EXECUTION_STARTED = "codepipeline-pipeline-action-execution-started",
391 /**
392 * Trigger notification when pipeline manual approval failed
393 */
394 MANUAL_APPROVAL_FAILED = "codepipeline-pipeline-manual-approval-failed",
395 /**
396 * Trigger notification when pipeline manual approval needed
397 */
398 MANUAL_APPROVAL_NEEDED = "codepipeline-pipeline-manual-approval-needed",
399 /**
400 * Trigger notification when pipeline manual approval succeeded
401 */
402 MANUAL_APPROVAL_SUCCEEDED = "codepipeline-pipeline-manual-approval-succeeded"