12.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as notifications from '@aws-cdk/aws-codestarnotifications';
2import * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';
3import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
4import * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';
5import { Resource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';
6import { Construct } from 'constructs';
7import { IAction, IPipeline, IStage, PipelineNotifyOnOptions } from './action';
8import { FullActionDescriptor } from './private/full-action-descriptor';
9import { Stage } from './private/stage';
11 * Allows you to control where to place a new Stage when it's added to the Pipeline.
12 * Note that you can provide only one of the below properties -
13 * specifying more than one will result in a validation error.
14 *
15 * @see #rightBefore
16 * @see #justAfter
17 */
18export interface StagePlacement {
19 /**
20 * Inserts the new Stage as a parent of the given Stage
21 * (changing its current parent Stage, if it had one).
22 */
23 readonly rightBefore?: IStage;
24 /**
25 * Inserts the new Stage as a child of the given Stage
26 * (changing its current child Stage, if it had one).
27 */
28 readonly justAfter?: IStage;
31 * Construction properties of a Pipeline Stage.
32 */
33export interface StageProps {
34 /**
35 * The physical, human-readable name to assign to this Pipeline Stage.
36 */
37 readonly stageName: string;
38 /**
39 * The list of Actions to create this Stage with.
40 * You can always add more Actions later by calling {@link IStage#addAction}.
41 */
42 readonly actions?: IAction[];
43 /**
44 * Whether to enable transition to this stage.
45 *
46 * @default true
47 */
48 readonly transitionToEnabled?: boolean;
49 /**
50 * The reason for disabling transition to this stage. Only applicable
51 * if `transitionToEnabled` is set to `false`.
52 *
53 * @default 'Transition disabled'
54 */
55 readonly transitionDisabledReason?: string;
57export interface StageOptions extends StageProps {
58 readonly placement?: StagePlacement;
60export interface PipelineProps {
61 /**
62 * The S3 bucket used by this Pipeline to store artifacts.
63 *
64 * @default - A new S3 bucket will be created.
65 */
66 readonly artifactBucket?: s3.IBucket;
67 /**
68 * The IAM role to be assumed by this Pipeline.
69 *
70 * @default a new IAM role will be created.
71 */
72 readonly role?: iam.IRole;
73 /**
74 * Indicates whether to rerun the AWS CodePipeline pipeline after you update it.
75 *
76 * @default false
77 */
78 readonly restartExecutionOnUpdate?: boolean;
79 /**
80 * Name of the pipeline.
81 *
82 * @default - AWS CloudFormation generates an ID and uses that for the pipeline name.
83 */
84 readonly pipelineName?: string;
85 /**
86 * A map of region to S3 bucket name used for cross-region CodePipeline.
87 * For every Action that you specify targeting a different region than the Pipeline itself,
88 * if you don't provide an explicit Bucket for that region using this property,
89 * the construct will automatically create a Stack containing an S3 Bucket in that region.
90 *
91 * @default - None.
92 */
93 readonly crossRegionReplicationBuckets?: {
94 [region: string]: s3.IBucket;
95 };
96 /**
97 * The list of Stages, in order,
98 * to create this Pipeline with.
99 * You can always add more Stages later by calling {@link Pipeline#addStage}.
100 *
101 * @default - None.
102 */
103 readonly stages?: StageProps[];
104 /**
105 * Create KMS keys for cross-account deployments.
106 *
107 * This controls whether the pipeline is enabled for cross-account deployments.
108 *
109 * By default cross-account deployments are enabled, but this feature requires
110 * that KMS Customer Master Keys are created which have a cost of $1/month.
111 *
112 * If you do not need cross-account deployments, you can set this to `false` to
113 * not create those keys and save on that cost (the artifact bucket will be
114 * encrypted with an AWS-managed key). However, cross-account deployments will
115 * no longer be possible.
116 *
117 * @default true
118 */
119 readonly crossAccountKeys?: boolean;
120 /**
121 * Enable KMS key rotation for the generated KMS keys.
122 *
123 * By default KMS key rotation is disabled, but will add an additional $1/month
124 * for each year the key exists when enabled.
125 *
126 * @default - false (key rotation is disabled)
127 */
128 readonly enableKeyRotation?: boolean;
129 /**
130 * Reuse the same cross region support stack for all pipelines in the App.
131 *
132 * @default - true (Use the same support stack for all pipelines in App)
133 */
134 readonly reuseCrossRegionSupportStacks?: boolean;
136declare abstract class PipelineBase extends Resource implements IPipeline {
137 abstract readonly pipelineName: string;
138 abstract readonly pipelineArn: string;
139 /**
140 * Defines an event rule triggered by this CodePipeline.
141 *
142 * @param id Identifier for this event handler.
143 * @param options Additional options to pass to the event rule.
144 */
145 onEvent(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule;
146 /**
147 * Defines an event rule triggered by the "CodePipeline Pipeline Execution
148 * State Change" event emitted from this pipeline.
149 *
150 * @param id Identifier for this event handler.
151 * @param options Additional options to pass to the event rule.
152 */
153 onStateChange(id: string, options?: events.OnEventOptions): events.Rule;
154 bindAsNotificationRuleSource(_scope: Construct): notifications.NotificationRuleSourceConfig;
155 notifyOn(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options: PipelineNotifyOnOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
156 notifyOnExecutionStateChange(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
157 notifyOnAnyStageStateChange(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
158 notifyOnAnyActionStateChange(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
159 notifyOnAnyManualApprovalStateChange(id: string, target: notifications.INotificationRuleTarget, options?: notifications.NotificationRuleOptions): notifications.INotificationRule;
162 * An AWS CodePipeline pipeline with its associated IAM role and S3 bucket.
163 *
164 * @example
165 * // create a pipeline
166 * import * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';
167 *
168 * const pipeline = new codepipeline.Pipeline(this, 'Pipeline');
169 *
170 * // add a stage
171 * const sourceStage = pipeline.addStage({ stageName: 'Source' });
172 *
173 * // add a source action to the stage
174 * declare const repo: codecommit.Repository;
175 * declare const sourceArtifact: codepipeline.Artifact;
176 * sourceStage.addAction(new codepipeline_actions.CodeCommitSourceAction({
177 * actionName: 'Source',
178 * output: sourceArtifact,
179 * repository: repo,
180 * }));
181 *
182 * // ... add more stages
183 */
184export declare class Pipeline extends PipelineBase {
185 /**
186 * Import a pipeline into this app.
187 *
188 * @param scope the scope into which to import this pipeline
189 * @param id the logical ID of the returned pipeline construct
190 * @param pipelineArn The ARN of the pipeline (e.g. `arn:aws:codepipeline:us-east-1:123456789012:MyDemoPipeline`)
191 */
192 static fromPipelineArn(scope: Construct, id: string, pipelineArn: string): IPipeline;
193 /**
194 * The IAM role AWS CodePipeline will use to perform actions or assume roles for actions with
195 * a more specific IAM role.
196 */
197 readonly role: iam.IRole;
198 /**
199 * ARN of this pipeline
200 */
201 readonly pipelineArn: string;
202 /**
203 * The name of the pipeline
204 */
205 readonly pipelineName: string;
206 /**
207 * The version of the pipeline
208 *
209 * @attribute
210 */
211 readonly pipelineVersion: string;
212 /**
213 * Bucket used to store output artifacts
214 */
215 readonly artifactBucket: s3.IBucket;
216 private readonly _stages;
217 private readonly crossRegionBucketsPassed;
218 private readonly _crossRegionSupport;
219 private readonly _crossAccountSupport;
220 private readonly crossAccountKeys;
221 private readonly enableKeyRotation?;
222 private readonly reuseCrossRegionSupportStacks;
223 constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: PipelineProps);
224 /**
225 * Creates a new Stage, and adds it to this Pipeline.
226 *
227 * @param props the creation properties of the new Stage
228 * @returns the newly created Stage
229 */
230 addStage(props: StageOptions): IStage;
231 /**
232 * Adds a statement to the pipeline role.
233 */
234 addToRolePolicy(statement: iam.PolicyStatement): void;
235 /**
236 * Get the number of Stages in this Pipeline.
237 */
238 get stageCount(): number;
239 /**
240 * Returns the stages that comprise the pipeline.
241 *
242 * **Note**: the returned array is a defensive copy,
243 * so adding elements to it has no effect.
244 * Instead, use the {@link addStage} method if you want to add more stages
245 * to the pipeline.
246 */
247 get stages(): IStage[];
248 /**
249 * Access one of the pipeline's stages by stage name
250 */
251 stage(stageName: string): IStage;
252 /**
253 * Returns all of the {@link CrossRegionSupportStack}s that were generated automatically
254 * when dealing with Actions that reside in a different region than the Pipeline itself.
255 *
256 */
257 get crossRegionSupport(): {
258 [region: string]: CrossRegionSupport;
259 };
260 /** @internal */
261 _attachActionToPipeline(stage: Stage, action: IAction, actionScope: Construct): FullActionDescriptor;
262 /**
263 * Validate the pipeline structure
264 *
265 * Validation happens according to the rules documented at
266 *
267 * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codepipeline/latest/userguide/reference-pipeline-structure.html#pipeline-requirements
268 * @override
269 */
270 protected validate(): string[];
271 private ensureReplicationResourcesExistFor;
272 /**
273 * Get or create the cross-region support construct for the given action
274 */
275 private obtainCrossRegionSupportFor;
276 private createSupportResourcesForRegion;
277 private getCrossRegionSupportSynthesizer;
278 private generateNameForDefaultBucketKeyAlias;
279 /**
280 * Gets the role used for this action,
281 * including handling the case when the action is supposed to be cross-account.
282 *
283 * @param stage the stage the action belongs to
284 * @param action the action to return/create a role for
285 * @param actionScope the scope, unique to the action, to create new resources in
286 */
287 private getRoleForAction;
288 private getRoleFromActionPropsOrGenerateIfCrossAccount;
289 /**
290 * Returns the Stack this Action belongs to if this is a cross-account Action.
291 * If this Action is not cross-account (i.e., it lives in the same account as the Pipeline),
292 * it returns undefined.
293 *
294 * @param action the Action to return the Stack for
295 */
296 private getOtherStackIfActionIsCrossAccount;
297 private isAwsOwned;
298 private getArtifactBucketFromProps;
299 private calculateInsertIndexFromPlacement;
300 private findStageIndex;
301 private validateSourceActionLocations;
302 private validateHasStages;
303 private validateStages;
304 private validateArtifacts;
305 private renderArtifactStoresProperty;
306 private renderArtifactStoreProperty;
307 private renderPrimaryArtifactStore;
308 private renderArtifactStore;
309 private get crossRegion();
310 private renderStages;
311 private renderDisabledTransitions;
312 private requireRegion;
313 private supportScope;
316 * An interface representing resources generated in order to support
317 * the cross-region capabilities of CodePipeline.
318 * You get instances of this interface from the {@link Pipeline#crossRegionSupport} property.
319 *
320 */
321export interface CrossRegionSupport {
322 /**
323 * The Stack that has been created to house the replication Bucket
324 * required for this region.
325 */
326 readonly stack: Stack;
327 /**
328 * The replication Bucket used by CodePipeline to operate in this region.
329 * Belongs to {@link stack}.
330 */
331 readonly replicationBucket: s3.IBucket;
333export {};