5.16 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { IPrincipal, IRole } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
2import { Resource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';
3import { Construct } from 'constructs';
4import { InstanceType } from '.';
5import { CloudFormationInit } from './cfn-init';
6import { Connections } from './connections';
7import { ApplyCloudFormationInitOptions, IInstance, Instance } from './instance';
8import { IMachineImage } from './machine-image';
9import { IPeer } from './peer';
10import { ISecurityGroup } from './security-group';
11import { BlockDevice } from './volume';
12import { IVpc, SubnetSelection } from './vpc';
14 * Properties of the bastion host
15 *
16 *
17 */
18export interface BastionHostLinuxProps {
19 /**
20 * In which AZ to place the instance within the VPC
21 *
22 * @default - Random zone.
23 */
24 readonly availabilityZone?: string;
25 /**
26 * VPC to launch the instance in.
27 */
28 readonly vpc: IVpc;
29 /**
30 * The name of the instance
31 *
32 * @default 'BastionHost'
33 */
34 readonly instanceName?: string;
35 /**
36 * Select the subnets to run the bastion host in.
37 * Set this to PUBLIC if you need to connect to this instance via the internet and cannot use SSM.
38 * You have to allow port 22 manually by using the connections field
39 *
40 * @default - private subnets of the supplied VPC
41 */
42 readonly subnetSelection?: SubnetSelection;
43 /**
44 * Security Group to assign to this instance
45 *
46 * @default - create new security group with no inbound and all outbound traffic allowed
47 */
48 readonly securityGroup?: ISecurityGroup;
49 /**
50 * Type of instance to launch
51 * @default 't3.nano'
52 */
53 readonly instanceType?: InstanceType;
54 /**
55 * The machine image to use, assumed to have SSM Agent preinstalled.
56 *
57 * @default - An Amazon Linux 2 image which is kept up-to-date automatically (the instance
58 * may be replaced on every deployment) and already has SSM Agent installed.
59 */
60 readonly machineImage?: IMachineImage;
61 /**
62 * Specifies how block devices are exposed to the instance. You can specify virtual devices and EBS volumes.
63 *
64 * Each instance that is launched has an associated root device volume,
65 * either an Amazon EBS volume or an instance store volume.
66 * You can use block device mappings to specify additional EBS volumes or
67 * instance store volumes to attach to an instance when it is launched.
68 *
69 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/block-device-mapping-concepts.html
70 *
71 * @default - Uses the block device mapping of the AMI
72 */
73 readonly blockDevices?: BlockDevice[];
74 /**
75 * Apply the given CloudFormation Init configuration to the instance at startup
76 *
77 * @default - no CloudFormation init
78 */
79 readonly init?: CloudFormationInit;
80 /**
81 * Use the given options for applying CloudFormation Init
82 *
83 * Describes the configsets to use and the timeout to wait
84 *
85 * @default - default options
86 */
87 readonly initOptions?: ApplyCloudFormationInitOptions;
88 /**
89 * Whether IMDSv2 should be required on this instance
90 *
91 * @default - false
92 */
93 readonly requireImdsv2?: boolean;
96 * This creates a linux bastion host you can use to connect to other instances or services in your VPC.
97 * The recommended way to connect to the bastion host is by using AWS Systems Manager Session Manager.
98 *
99 * The operating system is Amazon Linux 2 with the latest SSM agent installed
100 *
101 * You can also configure this bastion host to allow connections via SSH
102 *
103 *
104 * @resource AWS::EC2::Instance
105 */
106export declare class BastionHostLinux extends Resource implements IInstance {
107 readonly stack: Stack;
108 /**
109 * Allows specify security group connections for the instance.
110 */
111 readonly connections: Connections;
112 /**
113 * The IAM role assumed by the instance.
114 */
115 readonly role: IRole;
116 /**
117 * The principal to grant permissions to
118 */
119 readonly grantPrincipal: IPrincipal;
120 /**
121 * The underlying instance resource
122 */
123 readonly instance: Instance;
124 /**
125 * @attribute
126 */
127 readonly instanceId: string;
128 /**
129 * @attribute
130 */
131 readonly instanceAvailabilityZone: string;
132 /**
133 * @attribute
134 */
135 readonly instancePrivateDnsName: string;
136 /**
137 * @attribute
138 */
139 readonly instancePrivateIp: string;
140 /**
141 * @attribute
142 */
143 readonly instancePublicDnsName: string;
144 /**
145 * @attribute
146 */
147 readonly instancePublicIp: string;
148 constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: BastionHostLinuxProps);
149 /**
150 * Returns the AmazonLinuxCpuType corresponding to the given instance architecture
151 * @param architecture the instance architecture value to convert
152 */
153 private toAmazonLinuxCpuType;
154 /**
155 * Allow SSH access from the given peer or peers
156 *
157 * Necessary if you want to connect to the instance using ssh. If not
158 * called, you should use SSM Session Manager to connect to the instance.
159 */
160 allowSshAccessFrom(...peer: IPeer[]): void;