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1export interface BaseLogDriverProps {
2 /**
3 * By default, Docker uses the first 12 characters of the container ID to tag
4 * log messages. Refer to the log tag option documentation for customizing the
5 * log tag format.
6 *
7 * @default - The first 12 characters of the container ID
8 */
9 readonly tag?: string;
10 /**
11 * The labels option takes an array of keys. If there is collision
12 * between label and env keys, the value of the env takes precedence. Adds additional
13 * fields to the extra attributes of a logging message.
14 *
15 * @default - No labels
16 */
17 readonly labels?: string[];
18 /**
19 * The env option takes an array of keys. If there is collision between
20 * label and env keys, the value of the env takes precedence. Adds additional fields
21 * to the extra attributes of a logging message.
22 *
23 * @default - No env
24 */
25 readonly env?: string[];
26 /**
27 * The env-regex option is similar to and compatible with env. Its value is a regular
28 * expression to match logging-related environment variables. It is used for advanced
29 * log tag options.
30 *
31 * @default - No envRegex
32 */
33 readonly envRegex?: string;