1.39 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';
2import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
3import * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs';
5 * Configuration properties of an Event Bus event
6 *
7 * Cannot extend TargetBaseProps. Retry policy is not supported for Event bus targets.
8 */
9export interface EventBusProps {
10 /**
11 * Role to be used to publish the event
12 *
13 * @default a new role is created.
14 */
15 readonly role?: iam.IRole;
16 /**
17 * The SQS queue to be used as deadLetterQueue.
18 * Check out the [considerations for using a dead-letter queue](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/rule-dlq.html#dlq-considerations).
19 *
20 * The events not successfully delivered are automatically retried for a specified period of time,
21 * depending on the retry policy of the target.
22 * If an event is not delivered before all retry attempts are exhausted, it will be sent to the dead letter queue.
23 *
24 * @default - no dead-letter queue
25 */
26 readonly deadLetterQueue?: sqs.IQueue;
29 * Notify an existing Event Bus of an event
30 */
31export declare class EventBus implements events.IRuleTarget {
32 private readonly eventBus;
33 private readonly props;
34 constructor(eventBus: events.IEventBus, props?: EventBusProps);
35 bind(rule: events.IRule, _id?: string): events.RuleTargetConfig;
36 private putEventStatement;