5.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core';
2import { Construct } from 'constructs';
3import { IEventBus } from './event-bus';
4import { EventPattern } from './event-pattern';
5import { IRule } from './rule-ref';
6import { Schedule } from './schedule';
7import { IRuleTarget } from './target';
9 * Properties for defining an EventBridge Rule
10 */
11export interface RuleProps {
12 /**
13 * A description of the rule's purpose.
14 *
15 * @default - No description.
16 */
17 readonly description?: string;
18 /**
19 * A name for the rule.
20 *
21 * @default - AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID
22 * for the rule name. For more information, see Name Type.
23 */
24 readonly ruleName?: string;
25 /**
26 * Indicates whether the rule is enabled.
27 *
28 * @default true
29 */
30 readonly enabled?: boolean;
31 /**
32 * The schedule or rate (frequency) that determines when EventBridge
33 * runs the rule. For more information, see Schedule Expression Syntax for
34 * Rules in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.
35 *
36 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/scheduled-events.html
37 *
38 * You must specify this property, the `eventPattern` property, or both.
39 *
40 * @default - None.
41 */
42 readonly schedule?: Schedule;
43 /**
44 * Describes which events EventBridge routes to the specified target.
45 * These routed events are matched events. For more information, see Events
46 * and Event Patterns in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.
47 *
48 * @see
49 * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-and-event-patterns.html
50 *
51 * You must specify this property (either via props or via
52 * `addEventPattern`), the `scheduleExpression` property, or both. The
53 * method `addEventPattern` can be used to add filter values to the event
54 * pattern.
55 *
56 * @default - None.
57 */
58 readonly eventPattern?: EventPattern;
59 /**
60 * Targets to invoke when this rule matches an event.
61 *
62 * Input will be the full matched event. If you wish to specify custom
63 * target input, use `addTarget(target[, inputOptions])`.
64 *
65 * @default - No targets.
66 */
67 readonly targets?: IRuleTarget[];
68 /**
69 * The event bus to associate with this rule.
70 *
71 * @default - The default event bus.
72 */
73 readonly eventBus?: IEventBus;
76 * Defines an EventBridge Rule in this stack.
77 *
78 * @resource AWS::Events::Rule
79 */
80export declare class Rule extends Resource implements IRule {
81 /**
82 * Import an existing EventBridge Rule provided an ARN
83 *
84 * @param scope The parent creating construct (usually `this`).
85 * @param id The construct's name.
86 * @param eventRuleArn Event Rule ARN (i.e. arn:aws:events:<region>:<account-id>:rule/MyScheduledRule).
87 */
88 static fromEventRuleArn(scope: Construct, id: string, eventRuleArn: string): IRule;
89 readonly ruleArn: string;
90 readonly ruleName: string;
91 private readonly targets;
92 private readonly eventPattern;
93 private readonly scheduleExpression?;
94 private readonly description?;
95 /** Set to keep track of what target accounts and regions we've already created event buses for */
96 private readonly _xEnvTargetsAdded;
97 constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: RuleProps);
98 /**
99 * Adds a target to the rule. The abstract class RuleTarget can be extended to define new
100 * targets.
101 *
102 * No-op if target is undefined.
103 */
104 addTarget(target?: IRuleTarget): void;
105 /**
106 * Adds an event pattern filter to this rule. If a pattern was already specified,
107 * these values are merged into the existing pattern.
108 *
109 * For example, if the rule already contains the pattern:
110 *
111 * {
112 * "resources": [ "r1" ],
113 * "detail": {
114 * "hello": [ 1 ]
115 * }
116 * }
117 *
118 * And `addEventPattern` is called with the pattern:
119 *
120 * {
121 * "resources": [ "r2" ],
122 * "detail": {
123 * "foo": [ "bar" ]
124 * }
125 * }
126 *
127 * The resulting event pattern will be:
128 *
129 * {
130 * "resources": [ "r1", "r2" ],
131 * "detail": {
132 * "hello": [ 1 ],
133 * "foo": [ "bar" ]
134 * }
135 * }
136 *
137 */
138 addEventPattern(eventPattern?: EventPattern): void;
139 /**
140 * Not private only to be overrideen in CopyRule.
141 *
142 * @internal
143 */
144 _renderEventPattern(): any;
145 protected validate(): string[];
146 private renderTargets;
147 /**
148 * Make sure we add the target environments event bus as a target, and the target has permissions set up to receive our events
149 *
150 * For cross-account rules, uses a support stack to set up a policy on the target event bus.
151 */
152 private ensureXEnvTargetEventBus;
153 /**
154 * Return the scope where the mirror rule should be created for x-env event targets
155 *
156 * This is the target resource's containing stack if it shares the same region (owned
157 * resources), or should be a fresh support stack for imported resources.
158 *
159 * We don't implement the second yet, as I have to think long and hard on whether we
160 * can reuse the existing support stack or not, and I don't have time for that right now.
161 */
162 private obtainMirrorRuleScope;
163 /**
164 * Obtain the Role for the EventBridge event
165 *
166 * If a role already exists, it will be returned. This ensures that if multiple
167 * events have the same target, they will share a role.
168 * @internal
169 */
170 private crossRegionPutEventsRole;