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205 "markdown": "# Amazon EventBridge Construct Library\n<!--BEGIN STABILITY BANNER-->\n\n---\n\n![cfn-resources: Stable](https://img.shields.io/badge/cfn--resources-stable-success.svg?style=for-the-badge)\n\n![cdk-constructs: Stable](https://img.shields.io/badge/cdk--constructs-stable-success.svg?style=for-the-badge)\n\n---\n\n<!--END STABILITY BANNER-->\n\nAmazon EventBridge delivers a near real-time stream of system events that\ndescribe changes in AWS resources. For example, an AWS CodePipeline emits the\n[State\nChange](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/event-types.html#codepipeline-event-type)\nevent when the pipeline changes its state.\n\n* __Events__: An event indicates a change in your AWS environment. AWS resources\n can generate events when their state changes. For example, Amazon EC2\n generates an event when the state of an EC2 instance changes from pending to\n running, and Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling generates events when it launches or\n terminates instances. AWS CloudTrail publishes events when you make API calls.\n You can generate custom application-level events and publish them to\n EventBridge. You can also set up scheduled events that are generated on\n a periodic basis. For a list of services that generate events, and sample\n events from each service, see [EventBridge Event Examples From Each\n Supported\n Service](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/event-types.html).\n* __Targets__: A target processes events. Targets can include Amazon EC2\n instances, AWS Lambda functions, Kinesis streams, Amazon ECS tasks, Step\n Functions state machines, Amazon SNS topics, Amazon SQS queues, Amazon CloudWatch LogGroups, and built-in\n targets. A target receives events in JSON format.\n* __Rules__: A rule matches incoming events and routes them to targets for\n processing. A single rule can route to multiple targets, all of which are\n processed in parallel. Rules are not processed in a particular order. This\n enables different parts of an organization to look for and process the events\n that are of interest to them. A rule can customize the JSON sent to the\n target, by passing only certain parts or by overwriting it with a constant.\n* __EventBuses__: An event bus can receive events from your own custom applications\n or it can receive events from applications and services created by AWS SaaS partners.\n See [Creating an Event Bus](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/create-event-bus.html).\n\n## Rule\n\nThe `Rule` construct defines an EventBridge rule which monitors an\nevent based on an [event\npattern](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/filtering-examples-structure.html)\nand invoke __event targets__ when the pattern is matched against a triggered\nevent. Event targets are objects that implement the `IRuleTarget` interface.\n\nNormally, you will use one of the `source.onXxx(name[, target[, options]]) ->\nRule` methods on the event source to define an event rule associated with\nthe specific activity. You can targets either via props, or add targets using\n`rule.addTarget`.\n\nFor example, to define an rule that triggers a CodeBuild project build when a\ncommit is pushed to the \"master\" branch of a CodeCommit repository:\n\n```ts\ndeclare const repo: codecommit.Repository;\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n\nconst onCommitRule = repo.onCommit('OnCommit', {\n target: new targets.CodeBuildProject(project),\n branches: ['master']\n});\n```\n\nYou can add additional targets, with optional [input\ntransformer](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_InputTransformer.html)\nusing `eventRule.addTarget(target[, input])`. For example, we can add a SNS\ntopic target which formats a human-readable message for the commit.\n\nFor example, this adds an SNS topic as a target:\n\n```ts\ndeclare const onCommitRule: events.Rule;\ndeclare const topic: sns.Topic;\n\nonCommitRule.addTarget(new targets.SnsTopic(topic, {\n message: events.RuleTargetInput.fromText(\n `A commit was pushed to the repository ${codecommit.ReferenceEvent.repositoryName} on branch ${codecommit.ReferenceEvent.referenceName}`\n )\n}));\n```\n\nOr using an Object:\n\n```ts\ndeclare const onCommitRule: events.Rule;\ndeclare const topic: sns.Topic;\n\nonCommitRule.addTarget(new targets.SnsTopic(topic, {\n message: events.RuleTargetInput.fromObject(\n {\n DataType: `custom_${events.EventField.fromPath('$.detail-type')}`\n }\n )\n}));\n```\n\n## Scheduling\n\nYou can configure a Rule to run on a schedule (cron or rate).\nRate must be specified in minutes, hours or days.\n\nThe following example runs a task every day at 4am:\n\n```ts fixture=basic\nimport { Rule, Schedule } from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nimport { EcsTask } from '@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets';\nimport { Cluster, TaskDefinition } from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecs';\nimport { Role } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const cluster: Cluster;\ndeclare const taskDefinition: TaskDefinition;\ndeclare const role: Role;\n\nconst ecsTaskTarget = new EcsTask({ cluster, taskDefinition, role });\n\nnew Rule(this, 'ScheduleRule', {\n schedule: Schedule.cron({ minute: '0', hour: '4' }),\n targets: [ecsTaskTarget],\n});\n```\n\nIf you want to specify Fargate platform version, set `platformVersion` in EcsTask's props like the following example:\n\n```ts\ndeclare const cluster: ecs.Cluster;\ndeclare const taskDefinition: ecs.TaskDefinition;\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\n\nconst platformVersion = ecs.FargatePlatformVersion.VERSION1_4;\nconst ecsTaskTarget = new targets.EcsTask({ cluster, taskDefinition, role, platformVersion });\n```\n\n## Event Targets\n\nThe `@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets` module includes classes that implement the `IRuleTarget`\ninterface for various AWS services.\n\nThe following targets are supported:\n\n* `targets.CodeBuildProject`: Start an AWS CodeBuild build\n* `targets.CodePipeline`: Start an AWS CodePipeline pipeline execution\n* `targets.EcsTask`: Start a task on an Amazon ECS cluster\n* `targets.LambdaFunction`: Invoke an AWS Lambda function\n* `targets.SnsTopic`: Publish into an SNS topic\n* `targets.SqsQueue`: Send a message to an Amazon SQS Queue\n* `targets.SfnStateMachine`: Trigger an AWS Step Functions state machine\n* `targets.BatchJob`: Queue an AWS Batch Job\n* `targets.AwsApi`: Make an AWS API call\n* `targets.ApiGateway`: Invoke an AWS API Gateway\n* `targets.ApiDestination`: Make an call to an external destination\n\n### Cross-account and cross-region targets\n\nIt's possible to have the source of the event and a target in separate AWS accounts and regions:\n\n```ts nofixture\nimport { App, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codebuild from '@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild';\nimport * as codecommit from '@aws-cdk/aws-codecommit';\nimport * as targets from '@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets';\n\nconst app = new App();\n\nconst account1 = '11111111111';\nconst account2 = '22222222222';\n\nconst stack1 = new Stack(app, 'Stack1', { env: { account: account1, region: 'us-west-1' } });\nconst repo = new codecommit.Repository(stack1, 'Repository', {\n repositoryName: 'myrepository',\n});\n\nconst stack2 = new Stack(app, 'Stack2', { env: { account: account2, region: 'us-east-1' } });\nconst project = new codebuild.Project(stack2, 'Project', {\n // ...\n});\n\nrepo.onCommit('OnCommit', {\n target: new targets.CodeBuildProject(project),\n});\n```\n\nIn this situation, the CDK will wire the 2 accounts together:\n\n* It will generate a rule in the source stack with the event bus of the target account as the target\n* It will generate a rule in the target stack, with the provided target\n* It will generate a separate stack that gives the source account permissions to publish events\n to the event bus of the target account in the given region,\n and make sure its deployed before the source stack\n\nFor more information, see the\n[AWS documentation on cross-account events](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-cross-account-event-delivery.html).\n\n## Archiving\n\nIt is possible to archive all or some events sent to an event bus. It is then possible to [replay these events](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-archive-and-replay-events-with-amazon-eventbridge/).\n\n```ts\nconst bus = new events.EventBus(this, 'bus', {\n eventBusName: 'MyCustomEventBus'\n});\n\nbus.archive('MyArchive', {\n archiveName: 'MyCustomEventBusArchive',\n description: 'MyCustomerEventBus Archive',\n eventPattern: {\n account: [Stack.of(this).account],\n },\n retention: Duration.days(365),\n});\n```\n\n## Granting PutEvents to an existing EventBus\n\nTo import an existing EventBus into your CDK application, use `EventBus.fromEventBusArn`, `EventBus.fromEventBusAttributes`\nor `EventBus.fromEventBusName` factory method.\n\nThen, you can use the `grantPutEventsTo` method to grant `event:PutEvents` to the eventBus.\n\n```ts\ndeclare const lambdaFunction: lambda.Function;\n\nconst eventBus = events.EventBus.fromEventBusArn(this, 'ImportedEventBus', 'arn:aws:events:us-east-1:111111111:event-bus/my-event-bus');\n\n// now you can just call methods on the eventbus\neventBus.grantPutEventsTo(lambdaFunction);\n```\n"
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239 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ApiDestination": {
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248 "summary": "Define an EventBridge Api Destination.",
249 "example": "const connection = new events.Connection(this, 'Connection', {\n authorization: events.Authorization.apiKey('x-api-key', SecretValue.secretsManager('ApiSecretName')),\n description: 'Connection with API Key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst destination = new events.ApiDestination(this, 'Destination', {\n connection,\n endpoint: 'https://example.com',\n description: 'Calling example.com with API key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.rate(cdk.Duration.minutes(1)),\n targets: [new targets.ApiDestination(destination)],\n});"
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306 "type": {
307 "primitive": "string"
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310 {
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329 {
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332 "summary": "The Connection to associate with Api Destination."
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352 "summary": "The event API Destination properties.",
353 "example": "const connection = new events.Connection(this, 'Connection', {\n authorization: events.Authorization.apiKey('x-api-key', SecretValue.secretsManager('ApiSecretName')),\n description: 'Connection with API Key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst destination = new events.ApiDestination(this, 'Destination', {\n connection,\n endpoint: 'https://example.com',\n description: 'Calling example.com with API key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.rate(cdk.Duration.minutes(1)),\n targets: [new targets.ApiDestination(destination)],\n});",
354 "custom": {
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362 "line": 9
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364 "name": "ApiDestinationProps",
365 "properties": [
366 {
367 "abstract": true,
368 "docs": {
369 "stability": "stable",
370 "summary": "The ARN of the connection to use for the API destination."
371 },
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374 "filename": "lib/api-destination.ts",
375 "line": 26
376 },
377 "name": "connection",
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379 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection"
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382 {
383 "abstract": true,
384 "docs": {
385 "stability": "stable",
386 "summary": "The URL to the HTTP invocation endpoint for the API destination.."
387 },
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393 "name": "endpoint",
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400 "docs": {
401 "default": "- A unique name will be generated",
402 "stability": "stable",
403 "summary": "The name for the API destination."
404 },
405 "immutable": true,
406 "locationInModule": {
407 "filename": "lib/api-destination.ts",
408 "line": 14
409 },
410 "name": "apiDestinationName",
411 "optional": true,
412 "type": {
413 "primitive": "string"
414 }
415 },
416 {
417 "abstract": true,
418 "docs": {
419 "default": "- none",
420 "stability": "stable",
421 "summary": "A description for the API destination."
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426 "line": 21
427 },
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429 "optional": true,
430 "type": {
431 "primitive": "string"
432 }
433 },
434 {
435 "abstract": true,
436 "docs": {
437 "default": "HttpMethod.POST",
438 "stability": "stable",
439 "summary": "The method to use for the request to the HTTP invocation endpoint."
440 },
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443 "filename": "lib/api-destination.ts",
444 "line": 38
445 },
446 "name": "httpMethod",
447 "optional": true,
448 "type": {
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450 }
451 },
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455 "default": "- Not rate limited",
456 "stability": "stable",
457 "summary": "The maximum number of requests per second to send to the HTTP invocation endpoint."
458 },
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460 "locationInModule": {
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462 "line": 45
463 },
464 "name": "rateLimitPerSecond",
465 "optional": true,
466 "type": {
467 "primitive": "number"
468 }
469 }
470 ],
471 "symbolId": "lib/api-destination:ApiDestinationProps"
472 },
473 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Archive": {
474 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
475 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.Resource",
476 "docs": {
477 "custom": {
478 "resource": "AWS::Events::Archive",
479 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
480 },
481 "stability": "stable",
482 "summary": "Define an EventBridge Archive.",
483 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const detail: any;\ndeclare const eventBus: events.EventBus;\nconst archive = new events.Archive(this, 'MyArchive', {\n eventPattern: {\n account: ['account'],\n detail: {\n detailKey: detail,\n },\n detailType: ['detailType'],\n id: ['id'],\n region: ['region'],\n resources: ['resources'],\n source: ['source'],\n time: ['time'],\n version: ['version'],\n },\n sourceEventBus: eventBus,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n archiveName: 'archiveName',\n description: 'description',\n retention: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n});"
484 },
485 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Archive",
486 "initializer": {
487 "docs": {
488 "stability": "stable"
489 },
490 "locationInModule": {
491 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
492 "line": 64
493 },
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495 {
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497 "type": {
498 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
499 }
500 },
501 {
502 "name": "id",
503 "type": {
504 "primitive": "string"
505 }
506 },
507 {
508 "name": "props",
509 "type": {
510 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ArchiveProps"
511 }
512 }
513 ]
514 },
515 "kind": "class",
516 "locationInModule": {
517 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
518 "line": 51
519 },
520 "name": "Archive",
521 "properties": [
522 {
523 "docs": {
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526 },
527 "stability": "stable",
528 "summary": "The ARN of the archive created."
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532 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
533 "line": 62
534 },
535 "name": "archiveArn",
536 "type": {
537 "primitive": "string"
538 }
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540 {
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542 "custom": {
543 "attribute": "true"
544 },
545 "stability": "stable",
546 "summary": "The archive name."
547 },
548 "immutable": true,
549 "locationInModule": {
550 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
551 "line": 56
552 },
553 "name": "archiveName",
554 "type": {
555 "primitive": "string"
556 }
557 }
558 ],
559 "symbolId": "lib/archive:Archive"
560 },
561 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ArchiveProps": {
562 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
563 "datatype": true,
564 "docs": {
565 "stability": "stable",
566 "summary": "The event archive properties.",
567 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const detail: any;\ndeclare const eventBus: events.EventBus;\nconst archiveProps: events.ArchiveProps = {\n eventPattern: {\n account: ['account'],\n detail: {\n detailKey: detail,\n },\n detailType: ['detailType'],\n id: ['id'],\n region: ['region'],\n resources: ['resources'],\n source: ['source'],\n time: ['time'],\n version: ['version'],\n },\n sourceEventBus: eventBus,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n archiveName: 'archiveName',\n description: 'description',\n retention: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n};",
568 "custom": {
569 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
570 }
571 },
572 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ArchiveProps",
573 "interfaces": [
574 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.BaseArchiveProps"
575 ],
576 "kind": "interface",
577 "locationInModule": {
578 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
579 "line": 39
580 },
581 "name": "ArchiveProps",
582 "properties": [
583 {
584 "abstract": true,
585 "docs": {
586 "stability": "stable",
587 "summary": "The event source associated with the archive."
588 },
589 "immutable": true,
590 "locationInModule": {
591 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
592 "line": 43
593 },
594 "name": "sourceEventBus",
595 "type": {
596 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus"
597 }
598 }
599 ],
600 "symbolId": "lib/archive:ArchiveProps"
601 },
602 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Authorization": {
603 "abstract": true,
604 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
605 "docs": {
606 "stability": "stable",
607 "summary": "Authorization type for an API Destination Connection.",
608 "example": "const connection = new events.Connection(this, 'Connection', {\n authorization: events.Authorization.apiKey('x-api-key', SecretValue.secretsManager('ApiSecretName')),\n description: 'Connection with API Key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst destination = new events.ApiDestination(this, 'Destination', {\n connection,\n endpoint: 'https://example.com',\n description: 'Calling example.com with API key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.rate(cdk.Duration.minutes(1)),\n targets: [new targets.ApiDestination(destination)],\n});",
609 "custom": {
610 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
611 }
612 },
613 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Authorization",
614 "initializer": {
615 "docs": {
616 "stability": "stable"
617 }
618 },
619 "kind": "class",
620 "locationInModule": {
621 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
622 "line": 55
623 },
624 "methods": [
625 {
626 "docs": {
627 "remarks": "API key authorization has two components: an API key name and an API key value.\nWhat these are depends on the target of your connection.",
628 "stability": "stable",
629 "summary": "Use API key authorization."
630 },
631 "locationInModule": {
632 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
633 "line": 62
634 },
635 "name": "apiKey",
636 "parameters": [
637 {
638 "name": "apiKeyName",
639 "type": {
640 "primitive": "string"
641 }
642 },
643 {
644 "name": "apiKeyValue",
645 "type": {
646 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue"
647 }
648 }
649 ],
650 "returns": {
651 "type": {
652 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Authorization"
653 }
654 },
655 "static": true
656 },
657 {
658 "docs": {
659 "stability": "stable",
660 "summary": "Use username and password authorization."
661 },
662 "locationInModule": {
663 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
664 "line": 81
665 },
666 "name": "basic",
667 "parameters": [
668 {
669 "name": "username",
670 "type": {
671 "primitive": "string"
672 }
673 },
674 {
675 "name": "password",
676 "type": {
677 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue"
678 }
679 }
680 ],
681 "returns": {
682 "type": {
683 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Authorization"
684 }
685 },
686 "static": true
687 },
688 {
689 "docs": {
690 "stability": "stable",
691 "summary": "Use OAuth authorization."
692 },
693 "locationInModule": {
694 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
695 "line": 100
696 },
697 "name": "oauth",
698 "parameters": [
699 {
700 "name": "props",
701 "type": {
702 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.OAuthAuthorizationProps"
703 }
704 }
705 ],
706 "returns": {
707 "type": {
708 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Authorization"
709 }
710 },
711 "static": true
712 }
713 ],
714 "name": "Authorization",
715 "symbolId": "lib/connection:Authorization"
716 },
717 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.BaseArchiveProps": {
718 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
719 "datatype": true,
720 "docs": {
721 "stability": "stable",
722 "summary": "The event archive base properties.",
723 "example": "const bus = new events.EventBus(this, 'bus', {\n eventBusName: 'MyCustomEventBus'\n});\n\nbus.archive('MyArchive', {\n archiveName: 'MyCustomEventBusArchive',\n description: 'MyCustomerEventBus Archive',\n eventPattern: {\n account: [Stack.of(this).account],\n },\n retention: Duration.days(365),\n});",
724 "custom": {
725 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
726 }
727 },
728 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.BaseArchiveProps",
729 "kind": "interface",
730 "locationInModule": {
731 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
732 "line": 11
733 },
734 "name": "BaseArchiveProps",
735 "properties": [
736 {
737 "abstract": true,
738 "docs": {
739 "stability": "stable",
740 "summary": "An event pattern to use to filter events sent to the archive."
741 },
742 "immutable": true,
743 "locationInModule": {
744 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
745 "line": 27
746 },
747 "name": "eventPattern",
748 "type": {
749 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventPattern"
750 }
751 },
752 {
753 "abstract": true,
754 "docs": {
755 "default": "- Automatically generated",
756 "stability": "stable",
757 "summary": "The name of the archive."
758 },
759 "immutable": true,
760 "locationInModule": {
761 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
762 "line": 17
763 },
764 "name": "archiveName",
765 "optional": true,
766 "type": {
767 "primitive": "string"
768 }
769 },
770 {
771 "abstract": true,
772 "docs": {
773 "default": "- none",
774 "stability": "stable",
775 "summary": "A description for the archive."
776 },
777 "immutable": true,
778 "locationInModule": {
779 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
780 "line": 23
781 },
782 "name": "description",
783 "optional": true,
784 "type": {
785 "primitive": "string"
786 }
787 },
788 {
789 "abstract": true,
790 "docs": {
791 "default": "- Infinite",
792 "remarks": "Default value is 0. If set to 0, events are retained indefinitely.",
793 "stability": "stable",
794 "summary": "The number of days to retain events for."
795 },
796 "immutable": true,
797 "locationInModule": {
798 "filename": "lib/archive.ts",
799 "line": 32
800 },
801 "name": "retention",
802 "optional": true,
803 "type": {
804 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Duration"
805 }
806 }
807 ],
808 "symbolId": "lib/archive:BaseArchiveProps"
809 },
810 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnApiDestination": {
811 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
812 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
813 "docs": {
814 "custom": {
815 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Events::ApiDestination",
816 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html",
817 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
818 },
819 "remarks": "Creates an API destination, which is an HTTP invocation endpoint configured as a target for events.\n\nWhen using ApiDesinations with OAuth authentication we recommend these best practices:\n\n- Create a secret in Secrets Manager with your OAuth credentials.\n- Reference that secret in your CloudFormation template for `AWS::Events::Connection` using CloudFormation dynamic reference syntax. For more information, see [Secrets Manager secrets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/dynamic-references.html#dynamic-references-secretsmanager) .\n\nWhen the Connection resource is created the secret will be passed to EventBridge and stored in the customer account using “Service Linked Secrets,” effectively creating two secrets. This will minimize the cost because the original secret is only accessed when a CloudFormation template is created or updated, not every time an event is sent to the ApiDestination. The secret stored in the customer account by EventBridge is the one used for each event sent to the ApiDestination and AWS is responsible for the fees.\n\n> The secret stored in the customer account by EventBridge can’t be updated directly, only when a CloudFormation template is updated.\n\nFor examples of CloudFormation templates that use secrets, see [Examples](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#aws-resource-events-connection--examples) .",
820 "stability": "external",
821 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Events::ApiDestination`.",
822 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst cfnApiDestination = new events.CfnApiDestination(this, 'MyCfnApiDestination', {\n connectionArn: 'connectionArn',\n httpMethod: 'httpMethod',\n invocationEndpoint: 'invocationEndpoint',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n invocationRateLimitPerSecond: 123,\n name: 'name',\n});"
823 },
824 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnApiDestination",
825 "initializer": {
826 "docs": {
827 "stability": "external",
828 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Events::ApiDestination`."
829 },
830 "locationInModule": {
831 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
832 "line": 228
833 },
834 "parameters": [
835 {
836 "docs": {
837 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
838 },
839 "name": "scope",
840 "type": {
841 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
842 }
843 },
844 {
845 "docs": {
846 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
847 },
848 "name": "id",
849 "type": {
850 "primitive": "string"
851 }
852 },
853 {
854 "docs": {
855 "summary": "- resource properties."
856 },
857 "name": "props",
858 "type": {
859 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnApiDestinationProps"
860 }
861 }
862 ]
863 },
864 "interfaces": [
865 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
866 ],
867 "kind": "class",
868 "locationInModule": {
869 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
870 "line": 148
871 },
872 "methods": [
873 {
874 "docs": {
875 "stability": "external",
876 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
877 },
878 "locationInModule": {
879 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
880 "line": 249
881 },
882 "name": "inspect",
883 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
884 "parameters": [
885 {
886 "docs": {
887 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
888 },
889 "name": "inspector",
890 "type": {
891 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
892 }
893 }
894 ]
895 },
896 {
897 "docs": {
898 "stability": "external"
899 },
900 "locationInModule": {
901 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
902 "line": 265
903 },
904 "name": "renderProperties",
905 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
906 "parameters": [
907 {
908 "name": "props",
909 "type": {
910 "collection": {
911 "elementtype": {
912 "primitive": "any"
913 },
914 "kind": "map"
915 }
916 }
917 }
918 ],
919 "protected": true,
920 "returns": {
921 "type": {
922 "collection": {
923 "elementtype": {
924 "primitive": "any"
925 },
926 "kind": "map"
927 }
928 }
929 }
930 }
931 ],
932 "name": "CfnApiDestination",
933 "properties": [
934 {
935 "const": true,
936 "docs": {
937 "stability": "external",
938 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
939 },
940 "immutable": true,
941 "locationInModule": {
942 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
943 "line": 152
944 },
946 "static": true,
947 "type": {
948 "primitive": "string"
949 }
950 },
951 {
952 "docs": {
953 "custom": {
954 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
955 },
956 "stability": "external",
957 "summary": "The ARN of the API destination that was created by the request."
958 },
959 "immutable": true,
960 "locationInModule": {
961 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
962 "line": 177
963 },
964 "name": "attrArn",
965 "type": {
966 "primitive": "string"
967 }
968 },
969 {
970 "docs": {
971 "stability": "external"
972 },
973 "immutable": true,
974 "locationInModule": {
975 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
976 "line": 254
977 },
978 "name": "cfnProperties",
979 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
980 "protected": true,
981 "type": {
982 "collection": {
983 "elementtype": {
984 "primitive": "any"
985 },
986 "kind": "map"
987 }
988 }
989 },
990 {
991 "docs": {
992 "custom": {
993 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-connectionarn"
994 },
995 "remarks": "The destination endpoint must support the authorization type specified for the connection.",
996 "stability": "external",
997 "summary": "The ARN of the connection to use for the API destination."
998 },
999 "locationInModule": {
1000 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1001 "line": 184
1002 },
1003 "name": "connectionArn",
1004 "type": {
1005 "primitive": "string"
1006 }
1007 },
1008 {
1009 "docs": {
1010 "custom": {
1011 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-httpmethod"
1012 },
1013 "stability": "external",
1014 "summary": "The method to use for the request to the HTTP invocation endpoint."
1015 },
1016 "locationInModule": {
1017 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1018 "line": 191
1019 },
1020 "name": "httpMethod",
1021 "type": {
1022 "primitive": "string"
1023 }
1024 },
1025 {
1026 "docs": {
1027 "custom": {
1028 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-invocationendpoint"
1029 },
1030 "stability": "external",
1031 "summary": "The URL to the HTTP invocation endpoint for the API destination."
1032 },
1033 "locationInModule": {
1034 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1035 "line": 198
1036 },
1037 "name": "invocationEndpoint",
1038 "type": {
1039 "primitive": "string"
1040 }
1041 },
1042 {
1043 "docs": {
1044 "custom": {
1045 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-description"
1046 },
1047 "stability": "external",
1048 "summary": "A description for the API destination to create."
1049 },
1050 "locationInModule": {
1051 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1052 "line": 205
1053 },
1054 "name": "description",
1055 "optional": true,
1056 "type": {
1057 "primitive": "string"
1058 }
1059 },
1060 {
1061 "docs": {
1062 "custom": {
1063 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-invocationratelimitpersecond"
1064 },
1065 "stability": "external",
1066 "summary": "The maximum number of requests per second to send to the HTTP invocation endpoint."
1067 },
1068 "locationInModule": {
1069 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1070 "line": 212
1071 },
1072 "name": "invocationRateLimitPerSecond",
1073 "optional": true,
1074 "type": {
1075 "primitive": "number"
1076 }
1077 },
1078 {
1079 "docs": {
1080 "custom": {
1081 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-name"
1082 },
1083 "stability": "external",
1084 "summary": "The name for the API destination to create."
1085 },
1086 "locationInModule": {
1087 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1088 "line": 219
1089 },
1090 "name": "name",
1091 "optional": true,
1092 "type": {
1093 "primitive": "string"
1094 }
1095 }
1096 ],
1097 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnApiDestination"
1098 },
1099 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnApiDestinationProps": {
1100 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
1101 "datatype": true,
1102 "docs": {
1103 "custom": {
1104 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html",
1105 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1106 },
1107 "stability": "external",
1108 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnApiDestination`.",
1109 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst cfnApiDestinationProps: events.CfnApiDestinationProps = {\n connectionArn: 'connectionArn',\n httpMethod: 'httpMethod',\n invocationEndpoint: 'invocationEndpoint',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n invocationRateLimitPerSecond: 123,\n name: 'name',\n};"
1110 },
1111 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnApiDestinationProps",
1112 "kind": "interface",
1113 "locationInModule": {
1114 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1115 "line": 19
1116 },
1117 "name": "CfnApiDestinationProps",
1118 "properties": [
1119 {
1120 "abstract": true,
1121 "docs": {
1122 "custom": {
1123 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-connectionarn"
1124 },
1125 "remarks": "The destination endpoint must support the authorization type specified for the connection.",
1126 "stability": "external",
1127 "summary": "The ARN of the connection to use for the API destination."
1128 },
1129 "immutable": true,
1130 "locationInModule": {
1131 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1132 "line": 26
1133 },
1134 "name": "connectionArn",
1135 "type": {
1136 "primitive": "string"
1137 }
1138 },
1139 {
1140 "abstract": true,
1141 "docs": {
1142 "custom": {
1143 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-httpmethod"
1144 },
1145 "stability": "external",
1146 "summary": "The method to use for the request to the HTTP invocation endpoint."
1147 },
1148 "immutable": true,
1149 "locationInModule": {
1150 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1151 "line": 33
1152 },
1153 "name": "httpMethod",
1154 "type": {
1155 "primitive": "string"
1156 }
1157 },
1158 {
1159 "abstract": true,
1160 "docs": {
1161 "custom": {
1162 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-invocationendpoint"
1163 },
1164 "stability": "external",
1165 "summary": "The URL to the HTTP invocation endpoint for the API destination."
1166 },
1167 "immutable": true,
1168 "locationInModule": {
1169 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1170 "line": 40
1171 },
1172 "name": "invocationEndpoint",
1173 "type": {
1174 "primitive": "string"
1175 }
1176 },
1177 {
1178 "abstract": true,
1179 "docs": {
1180 "custom": {
1181 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-description"
1182 },
1183 "stability": "external",
1184 "summary": "A description for the API destination to create."
1185 },
1186 "immutable": true,
1187 "locationInModule": {
1188 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1189 "line": 47
1190 },
1191 "name": "description",
1192 "optional": true,
1193 "type": {
1194 "primitive": "string"
1195 }
1196 },
1197 {
1198 "abstract": true,
1199 "docs": {
1200 "custom": {
1201 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-invocationratelimitpersecond"
1202 },
1203 "stability": "external",
1204 "summary": "The maximum number of requests per second to send to the HTTP invocation endpoint."
1205 },
1206 "immutable": true,
1207 "locationInModule": {
1208 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1209 "line": 54
1210 },
1211 "name": "invocationRateLimitPerSecond",
1212 "optional": true,
1213 "type": {
1214 "primitive": "number"
1215 }
1216 },
1217 {
1218 "abstract": true,
1219 "docs": {
1220 "custom": {
1221 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-apidestination.html#cfn-events-apidestination-name"
1222 },
1223 "stability": "external",
1224 "summary": "The name for the API destination to create."
1225 },
1226 "immutable": true,
1227 "locationInModule": {
1228 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1229 "line": 61
1230 },
1231 "name": "name",
1232 "optional": true,
1233 "type": {
1234 "primitive": "string"
1235 }
1236 }
1237 ],
1238 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnApiDestinationProps"
1239 },
1240 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnArchive": {
1241 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
1242 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1243 "docs": {
1244 "custom": {
1245 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Events::Archive",
1246 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html",
1247 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1248 },
1249 "remarks": "Creates an archive of events with the specified settings. When you create an archive, incoming events might not immediately start being sent to the archive. Allow a short period of time for changes to take effect. If you do not specify a pattern to filter events sent to the archive, all events are sent to the archive except replayed events. Replayed events are not sent to an archive.",
1250 "stability": "external",
1251 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Events::Archive`.",
1252 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\n\ndeclare const eventPattern: any;\nconst cfnArchive = new events.CfnArchive(this, 'MyCfnArchive', {\n sourceArn: 'sourceArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n archiveName: 'archiveName',\n description: 'description',\n eventPattern: eventPattern,\n retentionDays: 123,\n});"
1253 },
1254 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnArchive",
1255 "initializer": {
1256 "docs": {
1257 "stability": "external",
1258 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Events::Archive`."
1259 },
1260 "locationInModule": {
1261 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1262 "line": 463
1263 },
1264 "parameters": [
1265 {
1266 "docs": {
1267 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
1268 },
1269 "name": "scope",
1270 "type": {
1271 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1272 }
1273 },
1274 {
1275 "docs": {
1276 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
1277 },
1278 "name": "id",
1279 "type": {
1280 "primitive": "string"
1281 }
1282 },
1283 {
1284 "docs": {
1285 "summary": "- resource properties."
1286 },
1287 "name": "props",
1288 "type": {
1289 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnArchiveProps"
1290 }
1291 }
1292 ]
1293 },
1294 "interfaces": [
1295 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
1296 ],
1297 "kind": "class",
1298 "locationInModule": {
1299 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1300 "line": 384
1301 },
1302 "methods": [
1303 {
1304 "docs": {
1305 "stability": "external",
1306 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
1307 },
1308 "locationInModule": {
1309 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1310 "line": 482
1311 },
1312 "name": "inspect",
1313 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
1314 "parameters": [
1315 {
1316 "docs": {
1317 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
1318 },
1319 "name": "inspector",
1320 "type": {
1321 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
1322 }
1323 }
1324 ]
1325 },
1326 {
1327 "docs": {
1328 "stability": "external"
1329 },
1330 "locationInModule": {
1331 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1332 "line": 497
1333 },
1334 "name": "renderProperties",
1335 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1336 "parameters": [
1337 {
1338 "name": "props",
1339 "type": {
1340 "collection": {
1341 "elementtype": {
1342 "primitive": "any"
1343 },
1344 "kind": "map"
1345 }
1346 }
1347 }
1348 ],
1349 "protected": true,
1350 "returns": {
1351 "type": {
1352 "collection": {
1353 "elementtype": {
1354 "primitive": "any"
1355 },
1356 "kind": "map"
1357 }
1358 }
1359 }
1360 }
1361 ],
1362 "name": "CfnArchive",
1363 "properties": [
1364 {
1365 "const": true,
1366 "docs": {
1367 "stability": "external",
1368 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
1369 },
1370 "immutable": true,
1371 "locationInModule": {
1372 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1373 "line": 388
1374 },
1375 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
1376 "static": true,
1377 "type": {
1378 "primitive": "string"
1379 }
1380 },
1381 {
1382 "docs": {
1383 "custom": {
1384 "cloudformationAttribute": "ArchiveName"
1385 },
1386 "stability": "external",
1387 "summary": "The archive name."
1388 },
1389 "immutable": true,
1390 "locationInModule": {
1391 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1392 "line": 413
1393 },
1394 "name": "attrArchiveName",
1395 "type": {
1396 "primitive": "string"
1397 }
1398 },
1399 {
1400 "docs": {
1401 "custom": {
1402 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
1403 },
1404 "stability": "external",
1405 "summary": "The ARN of the archive created."
1406 },
1407 "immutable": true,
1408 "locationInModule": {
1409 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1410 "line": 419
1411 },
1412 "name": "attrArn",
1413 "type": {
1414 "primitive": "string"
1415 }
1416 },
1417 {
1418 "docs": {
1419 "stability": "external"
1420 },
1421 "immutable": true,
1422 "locationInModule": {
1423 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1424 "line": 487
1425 },
1426 "name": "cfnProperties",
1427 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1428 "protected": true,
1429 "type": {
1430 "collection": {
1431 "elementtype": {
1432 "primitive": "any"
1433 },
1434 "kind": "map"
1435 }
1436 }
1437 },
1438 {
1439 "docs": {
1440 "custom": {
1441 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-eventpattern"
1442 },
1443 "stability": "external",
1444 "summary": "An event pattern to use to filter events sent to the archive."
1445 },
1446 "locationInModule": {
1447 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1448 "line": 447
1449 },
1450 "name": "eventPattern",
1451 "type": {
1452 "primitive": "any"
1453 }
1454 },
1455 {
1456 "docs": {
1457 "custom": {
1458 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-sourcearn"
1459 },
1460 "stability": "external",
1461 "summary": "The ARN of the event bus that sends events to the archive."
1462 },
1463 "locationInModule": {
1464 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1465 "line": 426
1466 },
1467 "name": "sourceArn",
1468 "type": {
1469 "primitive": "string"
1470 }
1471 },
1472 {
1473 "docs": {
1474 "custom": {
1475 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-archivename"
1476 },
1477 "stability": "external",
1478 "summary": "The name for the archive to create."
1479 },
1480 "locationInModule": {
1481 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1482 "line": 433
1483 },
1484 "name": "archiveName",
1485 "optional": true,
1486 "type": {
1487 "primitive": "string"
1488 }
1489 },
1490 {
1491 "docs": {
1492 "custom": {
1493 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-description"
1494 },
1495 "stability": "external",
1496 "summary": "A description for the archive."
1497 },
1498 "locationInModule": {
1499 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1500 "line": 440
1501 },
1502 "name": "description",
1503 "optional": true,
1504 "type": {
1505 "primitive": "string"
1506 }
1507 },
1508 {
1509 "docs": {
1510 "custom": {
1511 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-retentiondays"
1512 },
1513 "remarks": "Default value is 0. If set to 0, events are retained indefinitely",
1514 "stability": "external",
1515 "summary": "The number of days to retain events for."
1516 },
1517 "locationInModule": {
1518 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1519 "line": 454
1520 },
1521 "name": "retentionDays",
1522 "optional": true,
1523 "type": {
1524 "primitive": "number"
1525 }
1526 }
1527 ],
1528 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnArchive"
1529 },
1530 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnArchiveProps": {
1531 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
1532 "datatype": true,
1533 "docs": {
1534 "custom": {
1535 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html",
1536 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1537 },
1538 "stability": "external",
1539 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnArchive`.",
1540 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\n\ndeclare const eventPattern: any;\nconst cfnArchiveProps: events.CfnArchiveProps = {\n sourceArn: 'sourceArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n archiveName: 'archiveName',\n description: 'description',\n eventPattern: eventPattern,\n retentionDays: 123,\n};"
1541 },
1542 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnArchiveProps",
1543 "kind": "interface",
1544 "locationInModule": {
1545 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1546 "line": 278
1547 },
1548 "name": "CfnArchiveProps",
1549 "properties": [
1550 {
1551 "abstract": true,
1552 "docs": {
1553 "custom": {
1554 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-sourcearn"
1555 },
1556 "stability": "external",
1557 "summary": "The ARN of the event bus that sends events to the archive."
1558 },
1559 "immutable": true,
1560 "locationInModule": {
1561 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1562 "line": 285
1563 },
1564 "name": "sourceArn",
1565 "type": {
1566 "primitive": "string"
1567 }
1568 },
1569 {
1570 "abstract": true,
1571 "docs": {
1572 "custom": {
1573 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-archivename"
1574 },
1575 "stability": "external",
1576 "summary": "The name for the archive to create."
1577 },
1578 "immutable": true,
1579 "locationInModule": {
1580 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1581 "line": 292
1582 },
1583 "name": "archiveName",
1584 "optional": true,
1585 "type": {
1586 "primitive": "string"
1587 }
1588 },
1589 {
1590 "abstract": true,
1591 "docs": {
1592 "custom": {
1593 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-description"
1594 },
1595 "stability": "external",
1596 "summary": "A description for the archive."
1597 },
1598 "immutable": true,
1599 "locationInModule": {
1600 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1601 "line": 299
1602 },
1603 "name": "description",
1604 "optional": true,
1605 "type": {
1606 "primitive": "string"
1607 }
1608 },
1609 {
1610 "abstract": true,
1611 "docs": {
1612 "custom": {
1613 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-eventpattern"
1614 },
1615 "stability": "external",
1616 "summary": "An event pattern to use to filter events sent to the archive."
1617 },
1618 "immutable": true,
1619 "locationInModule": {
1620 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1621 "line": 306
1622 },
1623 "name": "eventPattern",
1624 "optional": true,
1625 "type": {
1626 "primitive": "any"
1627 }
1628 },
1629 {
1630 "abstract": true,
1631 "docs": {
1632 "custom": {
1633 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-archive.html#cfn-events-archive-retentiondays"
1634 },
1635 "remarks": "Default value is 0. If set to 0, events are retained indefinitely",
1636 "stability": "external",
1637 "summary": "The number of days to retain events for."
1638 },
1639 "immutable": true,
1640 "locationInModule": {
1641 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1642 "line": 313
1643 },
1644 "name": "retentionDays",
1645 "optional": true,
1646 "type": {
1647 "primitive": "number"
1648 }
1649 }
1650 ],
1651 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnArchiveProps"
1652 },
1653 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection": {
1654 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
1655 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1656 "docs": {
1657 "custom": {
1658 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Events::Connection",
1659 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html",
1660 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1661 },
1662 "remarks": "Creates a connection. A connection defines the authorization type and credentials to use for authorization with an API destination HTTP endpoint.",
1663 "stability": "external",
1664 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Events::Connection`.",
1665 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst cfnConnection = new events.CfnConnection(this, 'MyCfnConnection', {\n authorizationType: 'authorizationType',\n authParameters: {\n apiKeyAuthParameters: {\n apiKeyName: 'apiKeyName',\n apiKeyValue: 'apiKeyValue',\n },\n basicAuthParameters: {\n password: 'password',\n username: 'username',\n },\n invocationHttpParameters: {\n bodyParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n headerParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n queryStringParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n },\n oAuthParameters: {\n authorizationEndpoint: 'authorizationEndpoint',\n clientParameters: {\n clientId: 'clientId',\n clientSecret: 'clientSecret',\n },\n httpMethod: 'httpMethod',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n oAuthHttpParameters: {\n bodyParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n headerParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n queryStringParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n },\n },\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n name: 'name',\n});"
1666 },
1667 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection",
1668 "initializer": {
1669 "docs": {
1670 "stability": "external",
1671 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Events::Connection`."
1672 },
1673 "locationInModule": {
1674 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1675 "line": 683
1676 },
1677 "parameters": [
1678 {
1679 "docs": {
1680 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
1681 },
1682 "name": "scope",
1683 "type": {
1684 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1685 }
1686 },
1687 {
1688 "docs": {
1689 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
1690 },
1691 "name": "id",
1692 "type": {
1693 "primitive": "string"
1694 }
1695 },
1696 {
1697 "docs": {
1698 "summary": "- resource properties."
1699 },
1700 "name": "props",
1701 "type": {
1702 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnectionProps"
1703 }
1704 }
1705 ]
1706 },
1707 "interfaces": [
1708 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
1709 ],
1710 "kind": "class",
1711 "locationInModule": {
1712 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1713 "line": 609
1714 },
1715 "methods": [
1716 {
1717 "docs": {
1718 "stability": "external",
1719 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
1720 },
1721 "locationInModule": {
1722 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1723 "line": 702
1724 },
1725 "name": "inspect",
1726 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
1727 "parameters": [
1728 {
1729 "docs": {
1730 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
1731 },
1732 "name": "inspector",
1733 "type": {
1734 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
1735 }
1736 }
1737 ]
1738 },
1739 {
1740 "docs": {
1741 "stability": "external"
1742 },
1743 "locationInModule": {
1744 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1745 "line": 716
1746 },
1747 "name": "renderProperties",
1748 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1749 "parameters": [
1750 {
1751 "name": "props",
1752 "type": {
1753 "collection": {
1754 "elementtype": {
1755 "primitive": "any"
1756 },
1757 "kind": "map"
1758 }
1759 }
1760 }
1761 ],
1762 "protected": true,
1763 "returns": {
1764 "type": {
1765 "collection": {
1766 "elementtype": {
1767 "primitive": "any"
1768 },
1769 "kind": "map"
1770 }
1771 }
1772 }
1773 }
1774 ],
1775 "name": "CfnConnection",
1776 "properties": [
1777 {
1778 "const": true,
1779 "docs": {
1780 "stability": "external",
1781 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
1782 },
1783 "immutable": true,
1784 "locationInModule": {
1785 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1786 "line": 613
1787 },
1788 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
1789 "static": true,
1790 "type": {
1791 "primitive": "string"
1792 }
1793 },
1794 {
1795 "docs": {
1796 "custom": {
1797 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
1798 },
1799 "stability": "external",
1800 "summary": "The ARN of the connection that was created by the request."
1801 },
1802 "immutable": true,
1803 "locationInModule": {
1804 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1805 "line": 638
1806 },
1807 "name": "attrArn",
1808 "type": {
1809 "primitive": "string"
1810 }
1811 },
1812 {
1813 "docs": {
1814 "custom": {
1815 "cloudformationAttribute": "SecretArn"
1816 },
1817 "stability": "external",
1818 "summary": "The ARN for the secret created for the connection."
1819 },
1820 "immutable": true,
1821 "locationInModule": {
1822 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1823 "line": 644
1824 },
1825 "name": "attrSecretArn",
1826 "type": {
1827 "primitive": "string"
1828 }
1829 },
1830 {
1831 "docs": {
1832 "stability": "external"
1833 },
1834 "immutable": true,
1835 "locationInModule": {
1836 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1837 "line": 707
1838 },
1839 "name": "cfnProperties",
1840 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1841 "protected": true,
1842 "type": {
1843 "collection": {
1844 "elementtype": {
1845 "primitive": "any"
1846 },
1847 "kind": "map"
1848 }
1849 }
1850 },
1851 {
1852 "docs": {
1853 "custom": {
1854 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#cfn-events-connection-authorizationtype"
1855 },
1856 "remarks": "> OAUTH tokens are refreshed when a 401 or 407 response is returned.",
1857 "stability": "external",
1858 "summary": "The type of authorization to use for the connection."
1859 },
1860 "locationInModule": {
1861 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1862 "line": 653
1863 },
1864 "name": "authorizationType",
1865 "type": {
1866 "primitive": "string"
1867 }
1868 },
1869 {
1870 "docs": {
1871 "custom": {
1872 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#cfn-events-connection-authparameters"
1873 },
1874 "stability": "external",
1875 "summary": "A `CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters` object that contains the authorization parameters to use to authorize with the endpoint."
1876 },
1877 "locationInModule": {
1878 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1879 "line": 660
1880 },
1881 "name": "authParameters",
1882 "type": {
1883 "union": {
1884 "types": [
1885 {
1886 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1887 },
1888 {
1889 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.AuthParametersProperty"
1890 }
1891 ]
1892 }
1893 }
1894 },
1895 {
1896 "docs": {
1897 "custom": {
1898 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#cfn-events-connection-description"
1899 },
1900 "stability": "external",
1901 "summary": "A description for the connection to create."
1902 },
1903 "locationInModule": {
1904 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1905 "line": 667
1906 },
1907 "name": "description",
1908 "optional": true,
1909 "type": {
1910 "primitive": "string"
1911 }
1912 },
1913 {
1914 "docs": {
1915 "custom": {
1916 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#cfn-events-connection-name"
1917 },
1918 "stability": "external",
1919 "summary": "The name for the connection to create."
1920 },
1921 "locationInModule": {
1922 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1923 "line": 674
1924 },
1925 "name": "name",
1926 "optional": true,
1927 "type": {
1928 "primitive": "string"
1929 }
1930 }
1931 ],
1932 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnection"
1933 },
1934 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ApiKeyAuthParametersProperty": {
1935 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
1936 "datatype": true,
1937 "docs": {
1938 "custom": {
1939 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-apikeyauthparameters.html",
1940 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
1941 },
1942 "stability": "external",
1943 "summary": "Contains the API key authorization parameters for the connection.",
1944 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst apiKeyAuthParametersProperty: events.CfnConnection.ApiKeyAuthParametersProperty = {\n apiKeyName: 'apiKeyName',\n apiKeyValue: 'apiKeyValue',\n};"
1945 },
1946 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ApiKeyAuthParametersProperty",
1947 "kind": "interface",
1948 "locationInModule": {
1949 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1950 "line": 730
1951 },
1952 "name": "ApiKeyAuthParametersProperty",
1953 "namespace": "CfnConnection",
1954 "properties": [
1955 {
1956 "abstract": true,
1957 "docs": {
1958 "custom": {
1959 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-apikeyauthparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-apikeyauthparameters-apikeyname"
1960 },
1961 "stability": "external",
1962 "summary": "The name of the API key to use for authorization."
1963 },
1964 "immutable": true,
1965 "locationInModule": {
1966 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1967 "line": 736
1968 },
1969 "name": "apiKeyName",
1970 "type": {
1971 "primitive": "string"
1972 }
1973 },
1974 {
1975 "abstract": true,
1976 "docs": {
1977 "custom": {
1978 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-apikeyauthparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-apikeyauthparameters-apikeyvalue"
1979 },
1980 "stability": "external",
1981 "summary": "The value for the API key to use for authorization."
1982 },
1983 "immutable": true,
1984 "locationInModule": {
1985 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
1986 "line": 742
1987 },
1988 "name": "apiKeyValue",
1989 "type": {
1990 "primitive": "string"
1991 }
1992 }
1993 ],
1994 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnection.ApiKeyAuthParametersProperty"
1995 },
1996 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.AuthParametersProperty": {
1997 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
1998 "datatype": true,
1999 "docs": {
2000 "custom": {
2001 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-authparameters.html",
2002 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2003 },
2004 "stability": "external",
2005 "summary": "Contains the authorization parameters to use for the connection.",
2006 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst authParametersProperty: events.CfnConnection.AuthParametersProperty = {\n apiKeyAuthParameters: {\n apiKeyName: 'apiKeyName',\n apiKeyValue: 'apiKeyValue',\n },\n basicAuthParameters: {\n password: 'password',\n username: 'username',\n },\n invocationHttpParameters: {\n bodyParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n headerParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n queryStringParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n },\n oAuthParameters: {\n authorizationEndpoint: 'authorizationEndpoint',\n clientParameters: {\n clientId: 'clientId',\n clientSecret: 'clientSecret',\n },\n httpMethod: 'httpMethod',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n oAuthHttpParameters: {\n bodyParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n headerParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n queryStringParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n },\n },\n};"
2007 },
2008 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.AuthParametersProperty",
2009 "kind": "interface",
2010 "locationInModule": {
2011 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2012 "line": 808
2013 },
2014 "name": "AuthParametersProperty",
2015 "namespace": "CfnConnection",
2016 "properties": [
2017 {
2018 "abstract": true,
2019 "docs": {
2020 "custom": {
2021 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-authparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-authparameters-apikeyauthparameters"
2022 },
2023 "stability": "external",
2024 "summary": "The API Key parameters to use for authorization."
2025 },
2026 "immutable": true,
2027 "locationInModule": {
2028 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2029 "line": 814
2030 },
2031 "name": "apiKeyAuthParameters",
2032 "optional": true,
2033 "type": {
2034 "union": {
2035 "types": [
2036 {
2037 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2038 },
2039 {
2040 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ApiKeyAuthParametersProperty"
2041 }
2042 ]
2043 }
2044 }
2045 },
2046 {
2047 "abstract": true,
2048 "docs": {
2049 "custom": {
2050 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-authparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-authparameters-basicauthparameters"
2051 },
2052 "stability": "external",
2053 "summary": "The authorization parameters for Basic authorization."
2054 },
2055 "immutable": true,
2056 "locationInModule": {
2057 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2058 "line": 820
2059 },
2060 "name": "basicAuthParameters",
2061 "optional": true,
2062 "type": {
2063 "union": {
2064 "types": [
2065 {
2066 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2067 },
2068 {
2069 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.BasicAuthParametersProperty"
2070 }
2071 ]
2072 }
2073 }
2074 },
2075 {
2076 "abstract": true,
2077 "docs": {
2078 "custom": {
2079 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-authparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-authparameters-invocationhttpparameters"
2080 },
2081 "stability": "external",
2082 "summary": "Additional parameters for the connection that are passed through with every invocation to the HTTP endpoint."
2083 },
2084 "immutable": true,
2085 "locationInModule": {
2086 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2087 "line": 826
2088 },
2089 "name": "invocationHttpParameters",
2090 "optional": true,
2091 "type": {
2092 "union": {
2093 "types": [
2094 {
2095 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2096 },
2097 {
2098 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ConnectionHttpParametersProperty"
2099 }
2100 ]
2101 }
2102 }
2103 },
2104 {
2105 "abstract": true,
2106 "docs": {
2107 "custom": {
2108 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-authparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-authparameters-oauthparameters"
2109 },
2110 "stability": "external",
2111 "summary": "The OAuth parameters to use for authorization."
2112 },
2113 "immutable": true,
2114 "locationInModule": {
2115 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2116 "line": 832
2117 },
2118 "name": "oAuthParameters",
2119 "optional": true,
2120 "type": {
2121 "union": {
2122 "types": [
2123 {
2124 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2125 },
2126 {
2127 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.OAuthParametersProperty"
2128 }
2129 ]
2130 }
2131 }
2132 }
2133 ],
2134 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnection.AuthParametersProperty"
2135 },
2136 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.BasicAuthParametersProperty": {
2137 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
2138 "datatype": true,
2139 "docs": {
2140 "custom": {
2141 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-basicauthparameters.html",
2142 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2143 },
2144 "stability": "external",
2145 "summary": "Contains the Basic authorization parameters for the connection.",
2146 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst basicAuthParametersProperty: events.CfnConnection.BasicAuthParametersProperty = {\n password: 'password',\n username: 'username',\n};"
2147 },
2148 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.BasicAuthParametersProperty",
2149 "kind": "interface",
2150 "locationInModule": {
2151 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2152 "line": 902
2153 },
2154 "name": "BasicAuthParametersProperty",
2155 "namespace": "CfnConnection",
2156 "properties": [
2157 {
2158 "abstract": true,
2159 "docs": {
2160 "custom": {
2161 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-basicauthparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-basicauthparameters-password"
2162 },
2163 "stability": "external",
2164 "summary": "The password associated with the user name to use for Basic authorization."
2165 },
2166 "immutable": true,
2167 "locationInModule": {
2168 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2169 "line": 908
2170 },
2171 "name": "password",
2172 "type": {
2173 "primitive": "string"
2174 }
2175 },
2176 {
2177 "abstract": true,
2178 "docs": {
2179 "custom": {
2180 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-basicauthparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-basicauthparameters-username"
2181 },
2182 "stability": "external",
2183 "summary": "The user name to use for Basic authorization."
2184 },
2185 "immutable": true,
2186 "locationInModule": {
2187 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2188 "line": 914
2189 },
2190 "name": "username",
2191 "type": {
2192 "primitive": "string"
2193 }
2194 }
2195 ],
2196 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnection.BasicAuthParametersProperty"
2197 },
2198 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ClientParametersProperty": {
2199 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
2200 "datatype": true,
2201 "docs": {
2202 "custom": {
2203 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-clientparameters.html",
2204 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2205 },
2206 "stability": "external",
2207 "summary": "Contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.",
2208 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst clientParametersProperty: events.CfnConnection.ClientParametersProperty = {\n clientId: 'clientId',\n clientSecret: 'clientSecret',\n};"
2209 },
2210 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ClientParametersProperty",
2211 "kind": "interface",
2212 "locationInModule": {
2213 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2214 "line": 980
2215 },
2216 "name": "ClientParametersProperty",
2217 "namespace": "CfnConnection",
2218 "properties": [
2219 {
2220 "abstract": true,
2221 "docs": {
2222 "custom": {
2223 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-clientparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-clientparameters-clientid"
2224 },
2225 "stability": "external",
2226 "summary": "The client ID to use for OAuth authorization."
2227 },
2228 "immutable": true,
2229 "locationInModule": {
2230 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2231 "line": 986
2232 },
2233 "name": "clientId",
2234 "type": {
2235 "primitive": "string"
2236 }
2237 },
2238 {
2239 "abstract": true,
2240 "docs": {
2241 "custom": {
2242 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-clientparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-clientparameters-clientsecret"
2243 },
2244 "stability": "external",
2245 "summary": "The client secret assciated with the client ID to use for OAuth authorization."
2246 },
2247 "immutable": true,
2248 "locationInModule": {
2249 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2250 "line": 992
2251 },
2252 "name": "clientSecret",
2253 "type": {
2254 "primitive": "string"
2255 }
2256 }
2257 ],
2258 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnection.ClientParametersProperty"
2259 },
2260 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ConnectionHttpParametersProperty": {
2261 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
2262 "datatype": true,
2263 "docs": {
2264 "custom": {
2265 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-connectionhttpparameters.html",
2266 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2267 },
2268 "stability": "external",
2269 "summary": "Contains additional parameters for the connection.",
2270 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst connectionHttpParametersProperty: events.CfnConnection.ConnectionHttpParametersProperty = {\n bodyParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n headerParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n queryStringParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n};"
2271 },
2272 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ConnectionHttpParametersProperty",
2273 "kind": "interface",
2274 "locationInModule": {
2275 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2276 "line": 1058
2277 },
2278 "name": "ConnectionHttpParametersProperty",
2279 "namespace": "CfnConnection",
2280 "properties": [
2281 {
2282 "abstract": true,
2283 "docs": {
2284 "custom": {
2285 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-connectionhttpparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-connectionhttpparameters-bodyparameters"
2286 },
2287 "stability": "external",
2288 "summary": "Contains additional body string parameters for the connection."
2289 },
2290 "immutable": true,
2291 "locationInModule": {
2292 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2293 "line": 1064
2294 },
2295 "name": "bodyParameters",
2296 "optional": true,
2297 "type": {
2298 "union": {
2299 "types": [
2300 {
2301 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2302 },
2303 {
2304 "collection": {
2305 "elementtype": {
2306 "union": {
2307 "types": [
2308 {
2309 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2310 },
2311 {
2312 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ParameterProperty"
2313 }
2314 ]
2315 }
2316 },
2317 "kind": "array"
2318 }
2319 }
2320 ]
2321 }
2322 }
2323 },
2324 {
2325 "abstract": true,
2326 "docs": {
2327 "custom": {
2328 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-connectionhttpparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-connectionhttpparameters-headerparameters"
2329 },
2330 "stability": "external",
2331 "summary": "Contains additional header parameters for the connection."
2332 },
2333 "immutable": true,
2334 "locationInModule": {
2335 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2336 "line": 1070
2337 },
2338 "name": "headerParameters",
2339 "optional": true,
2340 "type": {
2341 "union": {
2342 "types": [
2343 {
2344 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2345 },
2346 {
2347 "collection": {
2348 "elementtype": {
2349 "union": {
2350 "types": [
2351 {
2352 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2353 },
2354 {
2355 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ParameterProperty"
2356 }
2357 ]
2358 }
2359 },
2360 "kind": "array"
2361 }
2362 }
2363 ]
2364 }
2365 }
2366 },
2367 {
2368 "abstract": true,
2369 "docs": {
2370 "custom": {
2371 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-connectionhttpparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-connectionhttpparameters-querystringparameters"
2372 },
2373 "stability": "external",
2374 "summary": "Contains additional query string parameters for the connection."
2375 },
2376 "immutable": true,
2377 "locationInModule": {
2378 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2379 "line": 1076
2380 },
2381 "name": "queryStringParameters",
2382 "optional": true,
2383 "type": {
2384 "union": {
2385 "types": [
2386 {
2387 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2388 },
2389 {
2390 "collection": {
2391 "elementtype": {
2392 "union": {
2393 "types": [
2394 {
2395 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2396 },
2397 {
2398 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ParameterProperty"
2399 }
2400 ]
2401 }
2402 },
2403 "kind": "array"
2404 }
2405 }
2406 ]
2407 }
2408 }
2409 }
2410 ],
2411 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnection.ConnectionHttpParametersProperty"
2412 },
2413 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.OAuthParametersProperty": {
2414 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
2415 "datatype": true,
2416 "docs": {
2417 "custom": {
2418 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-oauthparameters.html",
2419 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2420 },
2421 "stability": "external",
2422 "summary": "Contains the OAuth authorization parameters to use for the connection.",
2423 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst oAuthParametersProperty: events.CfnConnection.OAuthParametersProperty = {\n authorizationEndpoint: 'authorizationEndpoint',\n clientParameters: {\n clientId: 'clientId',\n clientSecret: 'clientSecret',\n },\n httpMethod: 'httpMethod',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n oAuthHttpParameters: {\n bodyParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n headerParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n queryStringParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n },\n};"
2424 },
2425 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.OAuthParametersProperty",
2426 "kind": "interface",
2427 "locationInModule": {
2428 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2429 "line": 1143
2430 },
2431 "name": "OAuthParametersProperty",
2432 "namespace": "CfnConnection",
2433 "properties": [
2434 {
2435 "abstract": true,
2436 "docs": {
2437 "custom": {
2438 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-oauthparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-oauthparameters-authorizationendpoint"
2439 },
2440 "stability": "external",
2441 "summary": "The URL to the authorization endpoint when OAuth is specified as the authorization type."
2442 },
2443 "immutable": true,
2444 "locationInModule": {
2445 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2446 "line": 1149
2447 },
2448 "name": "authorizationEndpoint",
2449 "type": {
2450 "primitive": "string"
2451 }
2452 },
2453 {
2454 "abstract": true,
2455 "docs": {
2456 "custom": {
2457 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-oauthparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-oauthparameters-clientparameters"
2458 },
2459 "stability": "external",
2460 "summary": "A `CreateConnectionOAuthClientRequestParameters` object that contains the client parameters for OAuth authorization."
2461 },
2462 "immutable": true,
2463 "locationInModule": {
2464 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2465 "line": 1155
2466 },
2467 "name": "clientParameters",
2468 "type": {
2469 "union": {
2470 "types": [
2471 {
2472 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2473 },
2474 {
2475 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ClientParametersProperty"
2476 }
2477 ]
2478 }
2479 }
2480 },
2481 {
2482 "abstract": true,
2483 "docs": {
2484 "custom": {
2485 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-oauthparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-oauthparameters-httpmethod"
2486 },
2487 "stability": "external",
2488 "summary": "The method to use for the authorization request."
2489 },
2490 "immutable": true,
2491 "locationInModule": {
2492 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2493 "line": 1161
2494 },
2495 "name": "httpMethod",
2496 "type": {
2497 "primitive": "string"
2498 }
2499 },
2500 {
2501 "abstract": true,
2502 "docs": {
2503 "custom": {
2504 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-oauthparameters.html#cfn-events-connection-oauthparameters-oauthhttpparameters"
2505 },
2506 "stability": "external",
2507 "summary": "A `ConnectionHttpParameters` object that contains details about the additional parameters to use for the connection."
2508 },
2509 "immutable": true,
2510 "locationInModule": {
2511 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2512 "line": 1167
2513 },
2514 "name": "oAuthHttpParameters",
2515 "optional": true,
2516 "type": {
2517 "union": {
2518 "types": [
2519 {
2520 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2521 },
2522 {
2523 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ConnectionHttpParametersProperty"
2524 }
2525 ]
2526 }
2527 }
2528 }
2529 ],
2530 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnection.OAuthParametersProperty"
2531 },
2532 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ParameterProperty": {
2533 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
2534 "datatype": true,
2535 "docs": {
2536 "custom": {
2537 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-parameter.html",
2538 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2539 },
2540 "remarks": "You can include up to 100 additional query string parameters per request. Each additional parameter counts towards the event payload size, which cannot exceed 64 KB.",
2541 "stability": "external",
2542 "summary": "Additional query string parameter for the connection.",
2543 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst parameterProperty: events.CfnConnection.ParameterProperty = {\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n};"
2544 },
2545 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.ParameterProperty",
2546 "kind": "interface",
2547 "locationInModule": {
2548 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2549 "line": 1240
2550 },
2551 "name": "ParameterProperty",
2552 "namespace": "CfnConnection",
2553 "properties": [
2554 {
2555 "abstract": true,
2556 "docs": {
2557 "custom": {
2558 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-parameter.html#cfn-events-connection-parameter-key"
2559 },
2560 "stability": "external",
2561 "summary": "The key for a query string parameter."
2562 },
2563 "immutable": true,
2564 "locationInModule": {
2565 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2566 "line": 1252
2567 },
2568 "name": "key",
2569 "type": {
2570 "primitive": "string"
2571 }
2572 },
2573 {
2574 "abstract": true,
2575 "docs": {
2576 "custom": {
2577 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-parameter.html#cfn-events-connection-parameter-value"
2578 },
2579 "stability": "external",
2580 "summary": "The value associated with the key for the query string parameter."
2581 },
2582 "immutable": true,
2583 "locationInModule": {
2584 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2585 "line": 1258
2586 },
2587 "name": "value",
2588 "type": {
2589 "primitive": "string"
2590 }
2591 },
2592 {
2593 "abstract": true,
2594 "docs": {
2595 "custom": {
2596 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-connection-parameter.html#cfn-events-connection-parameter-isvaluesecret"
2597 },
2598 "stability": "external",
2599 "summary": "Specifies whether the value is secret."
2600 },
2601 "immutable": true,
2602 "locationInModule": {
2603 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2604 "line": 1246
2605 },
2606 "name": "isValueSecret",
2607 "optional": true,
2608 "type": {
2609 "union": {
2610 "types": [
2611 {
2612 "primitive": "boolean"
2613 },
2614 {
2615 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2616 }
2617 ]
2618 }
2619 }
2620 }
2621 ],
2622 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnection.ParameterProperty"
2623 },
2624 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnectionProps": {
2625 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
2626 "datatype": true,
2627 "docs": {
2628 "custom": {
2629 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html",
2630 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2631 },
2632 "stability": "external",
2633 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnConnection`.",
2634 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst cfnConnectionProps: events.CfnConnectionProps = {\n authorizationType: 'authorizationType',\n authParameters: {\n apiKeyAuthParameters: {\n apiKeyName: 'apiKeyName',\n apiKeyValue: 'apiKeyValue',\n },\n basicAuthParameters: {\n password: 'password',\n username: 'username',\n },\n invocationHttpParameters: {\n bodyParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n headerParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n queryStringParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n },\n oAuthParameters: {\n authorizationEndpoint: 'authorizationEndpoint',\n clientParameters: {\n clientId: 'clientId',\n clientSecret: 'clientSecret',\n },\n httpMethod: 'httpMethod',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n oAuthHttpParameters: {\n bodyParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n headerParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n queryStringParameters: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n isValueSecret: false,\n }],\n },\n },\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n name: 'name',\n};"
2635 },
2636 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnectionProps",
2637 "kind": "interface",
2638 "locationInModule": {
2639 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2640 "line": 510
2641 },
2642 "name": "CfnConnectionProps",
2643 "properties": [
2644 {
2645 "abstract": true,
2646 "docs": {
2647 "custom": {
2648 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#cfn-events-connection-authorizationtype"
2649 },
2650 "remarks": "> OAUTH tokens are refreshed when a 401 or 407 response is returned.",
2651 "stability": "external",
2652 "summary": "The type of authorization to use for the connection."
2653 },
2654 "immutable": true,
2655 "locationInModule": {
2656 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2657 "line": 519
2658 },
2659 "name": "authorizationType",
2660 "type": {
2661 "primitive": "string"
2662 }
2663 },
2664 {
2665 "abstract": true,
2666 "docs": {
2667 "custom": {
2668 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#cfn-events-connection-authparameters"
2669 },
2670 "stability": "external",
2671 "summary": "A `CreateConnectionAuthRequestParameters` object that contains the authorization parameters to use to authorize with the endpoint."
2672 },
2673 "immutable": true,
2674 "locationInModule": {
2675 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2676 "line": 526
2677 },
2678 "name": "authParameters",
2679 "type": {
2680 "union": {
2681 "types": [
2682 {
2683 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2684 },
2685 {
2686 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnConnection.AuthParametersProperty"
2687 }
2688 ]
2689 }
2690 }
2691 },
2692 {
2693 "abstract": true,
2694 "docs": {
2695 "custom": {
2696 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#cfn-events-connection-description"
2697 },
2698 "stability": "external",
2699 "summary": "A description for the connection to create."
2700 },
2701 "immutable": true,
2702 "locationInModule": {
2703 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2704 "line": 533
2705 },
2706 "name": "description",
2707 "optional": true,
2708 "type": {
2709 "primitive": "string"
2710 }
2711 },
2712 {
2713 "abstract": true,
2714 "docs": {
2715 "custom": {
2716 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-connection.html#cfn-events-connection-name"
2717 },
2718 "stability": "external",
2719 "summary": "The name for the connection to create."
2720 },
2721 "immutable": true,
2722 "locationInModule": {
2723 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2724 "line": 540
2725 },
2726 "name": "name",
2727 "optional": true,
2728 "type": {
2729 "primitive": "string"
2730 }
2731 }
2732 ],
2733 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnConnectionProps"
2734 },
2735 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint": {
2736 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
2737 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2738 "docs": {
2739 "custom": {
2740 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Events::Endpoint",
2741 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html",
2742 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
2743 },
2744 "remarks": "A global endpoint used to improve your application's availability by making it regional-fault tolerant. For more information about global endpoints, see [Making applications Regional-fault tolerant with global endpoints and event replication](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-global-endpoints.html) in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.",
2745 "stability": "external",
2746 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Events::Endpoint`.",
2747 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst cfnEndpoint = new events.CfnEndpoint(this, 'MyCfnEndpoint', {\n eventBuses: [{\n eventBusArn: 'eventBusArn',\n }],\n name: 'name',\n routingConfig: {\n failoverConfig: {\n primary: {\n healthCheck: 'healthCheck',\n },\n secondary: {\n route: 'route',\n },\n },\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n replicationConfig: {\n state: 'state',\n },\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n});"
2748 },
2749 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint",
2750 "initializer": {
2751 "docs": {
2752 "stability": "external",
2753 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Events::Endpoint`."
2754 },
2755 "locationInModule": {
2756 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2757 "line": 1552
2758 },
2759 "parameters": [
2760 {
2761 "docs": {
2762 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
2763 },
2764 "name": "scope",
2765 "type": {
2766 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2767 }
2768 },
2769 {
2770 "docs": {
2771 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
2772 },
2773 "name": "id",
2774 "type": {
2775 "primitive": "string"
2776 }
2777 },
2778 {
2779 "docs": {
2780 "summary": "- resource properties."
2781 },
2782 "name": "props",
2783 "type": {
2784 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpointProps"
2785 }
2786 }
2787 ]
2788 },
2789 "interfaces": [
2790 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
2791 ],
2792 "kind": "class",
2793 "locationInModule": {
2794 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2795 "line": 1446
2796 },
2797 "methods": [
2798 {
2799 "docs": {
2800 "stability": "external",
2801 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
2802 },
2803 "locationInModule": {
2804 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2805 "line": 1577
2806 },
2807 "name": "inspect",
2808 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
2809 "parameters": [
2810 {
2811 "docs": {
2812 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
2813 },
2814 "name": "inspector",
2815 "type": {
2816 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
2817 }
2818 }
2819 ]
2820 },
2821 {
2822 "docs": {
2823 "stability": "external"
2824 },
2825 "locationInModule": {
2826 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2827 "line": 1593
2828 },
2829 "name": "renderProperties",
2830 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2831 "parameters": [
2832 {
2833 "name": "props",
2834 "type": {
2835 "collection": {
2836 "elementtype": {
2837 "primitive": "any"
2838 },
2839 "kind": "map"
2840 }
2841 }
2842 }
2843 ],
2844 "protected": true,
2845 "returns": {
2846 "type": {
2847 "collection": {
2848 "elementtype": {
2849 "primitive": "any"
2850 },
2851 "kind": "map"
2852 }
2853 }
2854 }
2855 }
2856 ],
2857 "name": "CfnEndpoint",
2858 "properties": [
2859 {
2860 "const": true,
2861 "docs": {
2862 "stability": "external",
2863 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
2864 },
2865 "immutable": true,
2866 "locationInModule": {
2867 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2868 "line": 1450
2869 },
2870 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
2871 "static": true,
2872 "type": {
2873 "primitive": "string"
2874 }
2875 },
2876 {
2877 "docs": {
2878 "custom": {
2879 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
2880 },
2881 "stability": "external",
2882 "summary": "The ARN of the endpoint."
2883 },
2884 "immutable": true,
2885 "locationInModule": {
2886 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2887 "line": 1475
2888 },
2889 "name": "attrArn",
2890 "type": {
2891 "primitive": "string"
2892 }
2893 },
2894 {
2895 "docs": {
2896 "custom": {
2897 "cloudformationAttribute": "EndpointId"
2898 },
2899 "stability": "external",
2900 "summary": "The ID of the endpoint."
2901 },
2902 "immutable": true,
2903 "locationInModule": {
2904 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2905 "line": 1481
2906 },
2907 "name": "attrEndpointId",
2908 "type": {
2909 "primitive": "string"
2910 }
2911 },
2912 {
2913 "docs": {
2914 "custom": {
2915 "cloudformationAttribute": "EndpointUrl"
2916 },
2917 "stability": "external",
2918 "summary": "The URL of the endpoint."
2919 },
2920 "immutable": true,
2921 "locationInModule": {
2922 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2923 "line": 1487
2924 },
2925 "name": "attrEndpointUrl",
2926 "type": {
2927 "primitive": "string"
2928 }
2929 },
2930 {
2931 "docs": {
2932 "custom": {
2933 "cloudformationAttribute": "State"
2934 },
2935 "stability": "external",
2936 "summary": "The current state of the endpoint."
2937 },
2938 "immutable": true,
2939 "locationInModule": {
2940 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2941 "line": 1493
2942 },
2943 "name": "attrState",
2944 "type": {
2945 "primitive": "string"
2946 }
2947 },
2948 {
2949 "docs": {
2950 "custom": {
2951 "cloudformationAttribute": "StateReason"
2952 },
2953 "stability": "external",
2954 "summary": "The reason the endpoint is in its current state."
2955 },
2956 "immutable": true,
2957 "locationInModule": {
2958 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2959 "line": 1499
2960 },
2961 "name": "attrStateReason",
2962 "type": {
2963 "primitive": "string"
2964 }
2965 },
2966 {
2967 "docs": {
2968 "stability": "external"
2969 },
2970 "immutable": true,
2971 "locationInModule": {
2972 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2973 "line": 1582
2974 },
2975 "name": "cfnProperties",
2976 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2977 "protected": true,
2978 "type": {
2979 "collection": {
2980 "elementtype": {
2981 "primitive": "any"
2982 },
2983 "kind": "map"
2984 }
2985 }
2986 },
2987 {
2988 "docs": {
2989 "custom": {
2990 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-eventbuses"
2991 },
2992 "remarks": "*Exactly* : `2`",
2993 "stability": "external",
2994 "summary": "The event buses being used by the endpoint."
2995 },
2996 "locationInModule": {
2997 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
2998 "line": 1508
2999 },
3000 "name": "eventBuses",
3001 "type": {
3002 "union": {
3003 "types": [
3004 {
3005 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3006 },
3007 {
3008 "collection": {
3009 "elementtype": {
3010 "union": {
3011 "types": [
3012 {
3013 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3014 },
3015 {
3016 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.EndpointEventBusProperty"
3017 }
3018 ]
3019 }
3020 },
3021 "kind": "array"
3022 }
3023 }
3024 ]
3025 }
3026 }
3027 },
3028 {
3029 "docs": {
3030 "custom": {
3031 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-name"
3032 },
3033 "stability": "external",
3034 "summary": "The name of the endpoint."
3035 },
3036 "locationInModule": {
3037 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3038 "line": 1515
3039 },
3040 "name": "name",
3041 "type": {
3042 "primitive": "string"
3043 }
3044 },
3045 {
3046 "docs": {
3047 "custom": {
3048 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-routingconfig"
3049 },
3050 "stability": "external",
3051 "summary": "The routing configuration of the endpoint."
3052 },
3053 "locationInModule": {
3054 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3055 "line": 1522
3056 },
3057 "name": "routingConfig",
3058 "type": {
3059 "union": {
3060 "types": [
3061 {
3062 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3063 },
3064 {
3065 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.RoutingConfigProperty"
3066 }
3067 ]
3068 }
3069 }
3070 },
3071 {
3072 "docs": {
3073 "custom": {
3074 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-description"
3075 },
3076 "stability": "external",
3077 "summary": "A description for the endpoint."
3078 },
3079 "locationInModule": {
3080 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3081 "line": 1529
3082 },
3083 "name": "description",
3084 "optional": true,
3085 "type": {
3086 "primitive": "string"
3087 }
3088 },
3089 {
3090 "docs": {
3091 "custom": {
3092 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-replicationconfig"
3093 },
3094 "remarks": "The default state is `ENABLED` which means you must supply a `RoleArn` . If you don't have a `RoleArn` or you don't want event replication enabled, set the state to `DISABLED` .",
3095 "stability": "external",
3096 "summary": "Whether event replication was enabled or disabled for this endpoint."
3097 },
3098 "locationInModule": {
3099 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3100 "line": 1536
3101 },
3102 "name": "replicationConfig",
3103 "optional": true,
3104 "type": {
3105 "union": {
3106 "types": [
3107 {
3108 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3109 },
3110 {
3111 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.ReplicationConfigProperty"
3112 }
3113 ]
3114 }
3115 }
3116 },
3117 {
3118 "docs": {
3119 "custom": {
3120 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-rolearn"
3121 },
3122 "stability": "external",
3123 "summary": "The ARN of the role used by event replication for the endpoint."
3124 },
3125 "locationInModule": {
3126 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3127 "line": 1543
3128 },
3129 "name": "roleArn",
3130 "optional": true,
3131 "type": {
3132 "primitive": "string"
3133 }
3134 }
3135 ],
3136 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEndpoint"
3137 },
3138 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.EndpointEventBusProperty": {
3139 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3140 "datatype": true,
3141 "docs": {
3142 "custom": {
3143 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-endpointeventbus.html",
3144 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3145 },
3146 "stability": "external",
3147 "summary": "The event buses the endpoint is associated with.",
3148 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst endpointEventBusProperty: events.CfnEndpoint.EndpointEventBusProperty = {\n eventBusArn: 'eventBusArn',\n};"
3149 },
3150 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.EndpointEventBusProperty",
3151 "kind": "interface",
3152 "locationInModule": {
3153 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3154 "line": 1607
3155 },
3156 "name": "EndpointEventBusProperty",
3157 "namespace": "CfnEndpoint",
3158 "properties": [
3159 {
3160 "abstract": true,
3161 "docs": {
3162 "custom": {
3163 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-endpointeventbus.html#cfn-events-endpoint-endpointeventbus-eventbusarn"
3164 },
3165 "stability": "external",
3166 "summary": "The ARN of the event bus the endpoint is associated with."
3167 },
3168 "immutable": true,
3169 "locationInModule": {
3170 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3171 "line": 1613
3172 },
3173 "name": "eventBusArn",
3174 "type": {
3175 "primitive": "string"
3176 }
3177 }
3178 ],
3179 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEndpoint.EndpointEventBusProperty"
3180 },
3181 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.FailoverConfigProperty": {
3182 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3183 "datatype": true,
3184 "docs": {
3185 "custom": {
3186 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-failoverconfig.html",
3187 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3188 },
3189 "remarks": "This includes what triggers failover and what happens when it's triggered.",
3190 "stability": "external",
3191 "summary": "The failover configuration for an endpoint.",
3192 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst failoverConfigProperty: events.CfnEndpoint.FailoverConfigProperty = {\n primary: {\n healthCheck: 'healthCheck',\n },\n secondary: {\n route: 'route',\n },\n};"
3193 },
3194 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.FailoverConfigProperty",
3195 "kind": "interface",
3196 "locationInModule": {
3197 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3198 "line": 1675
3199 },
3200 "name": "FailoverConfigProperty",
3201 "namespace": "CfnEndpoint",
3202 "properties": [
3203 {
3204 "abstract": true,
3205 "docs": {
3206 "custom": {
3207 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-failoverconfig.html#cfn-events-endpoint-failoverconfig-primary"
3208 },
3209 "stability": "external",
3210 "summary": "The main Region of the endpoint."
3211 },
3212 "immutable": true,
3213 "locationInModule": {
3214 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3215 "line": 1681
3216 },
3217 "name": "primary",
3218 "type": {
3219 "union": {
3220 "types": [
3221 {
3222 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3223 },
3224 {
3225 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.PrimaryProperty"
3226 }
3227 ]
3228 }
3229 }
3230 },
3231 {
3232 "abstract": true,
3233 "docs": {
3234 "custom": {
3235 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-failoverconfig.html#cfn-events-endpoint-failoverconfig-secondary"
3236 },
3237 "stability": "external",
3238 "summary": "The Region that events are routed to when failover is triggered or event replication is enabled."
3239 },
3240 "immutable": true,
3241 "locationInModule": {
3242 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3243 "line": 1687
3244 },
3245 "name": "secondary",
3246 "type": {
3247 "union": {
3248 "types": [
3249 {
3250 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3251 },
3252 {
3253 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.SecondaryProperty"
3254 }
3255 ]
3256 }
3257 }
3258 }
3259 ],
3260 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEndpoint.FailoverConfigProperty"
3261 },
3262 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.PrimaryProperty": {
3263 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3264 "datatype": true,
3265 "docs": {
3266 "custom": {
3267 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-primary.html",
3268 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3269 },
3270 "stability": "external",
3271 "summary": "The primary Region of the endpoint.",
3272 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst primaryProperty: events.CfnEndpoint.PrimaryProperty = {\n healthCheck: 'healthCheck',\n};"
3273 },
3274 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.PrimaryProperty",
3275 "kind": "interface",
3276 "locationInModule": {
3277 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3278 "line": 1753
3279 },
3280 "name": "PrimaryProperty",
3281 "namespace": "CfnEndpoint",
3282 "properties": [
3283 {
3284 "abstract": true,
3285 "docs": {
3286 "custom": {
3287 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-primary.html#cfn-events-endpoint-primary-healthcheck"
3288 },
3289 "stability": "external",
3290 "summary": "The ARN of the health check used by the endpoint to determine whether failover is triggered."
3291 },
3292 "immutable": true,
3293 "locationInModule": {
3294 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3295 "line": 1759
3296 },
3297 "name": "healthCheck",
3298 "type": {
3299 "primitive": "string"
3300 }
3301 }
3302 ],
3303 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEndpoint.PrimaryProperty"
3304 },
3305 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.ReplicationConfigProperty": {
3306 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3307 "datatype": true,
3308 "docs": {
3309 "custom": {
3310 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-replicationconfig.html",
3311 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3312 },
3313 "stability": "external",
3314 "summary": "Endpoints can replicate all events to the secondary Region.",
3315 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst replicationConfigProperty: events.CfnEndpoint.ReplicationConfigProperty = {\n state: 'state',\n};"
3316 },
3317 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.ReplicationConfigProperty",
3318 "kind": "interface",
3319 "locationInModule": {
3320 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3321 "line": 1821
3322 },
3323 "name": "ReplicationConfigProperty",
3324 "namespace": "CfnEndpoint",
3325 "properties": [
3326 {
3327 "abstract": true,
3328 "docs": {
3329 "custom": {
3330 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-replicationconfig.html#cfn-events-endpoint-replicationconfig-state"
3331 },
3332 "stability": "external",
3333 "summary": "The state of event replication."
3334 },
3335 "immutable": true,
3336 "locationInModule": {
3337 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3338 "line": 1827
3339 },
3340 "name": "state",
3341 "type": {
3342 "primitive": "string"
3343 }
3344 }
3345 ],
3346 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEndpoint.ReplicationConfigProperty"
3347 },
3348 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.RoutingConfigProperty": {
3349 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3350 "datatype": true,
3351 "docs": {
3352 "custom": {
3353 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-routingconfig.html",
3354 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3355 },
3356 "stability": "external",
3357 "summary": "The routing configuration of the endpoint.",
3358 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst routingConfigProperty: events.CfnEndpoint.RoutingConfigProperty = {\n failoverConfig: {\n primary: {\n healthCheck: 'healthCheck',\n },\n secondary: {\n route: 'route',\n },\n },\n};"
3359 },
3360 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.RoutingConfigProperty",
3361 "kind": "interface",
3362 "locationInModule": {
3363 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3364 "line": 1889
3365 },
3366 "name": "RoutingConfigProperty",
3367 "namespace": "CfnEndpoint",
3368 "properties": [
3369 {
3370 "abstract": true,
3371 "docs": {
3372 "custom": {
3373 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-routingconfig.html#cfn-events-endpoint-routingconfig-failoverconfig"
3374 },
3375 "remarks": "This includes what triggers failover and what happens when it's triggered.",
3376 "stability": "external",
3377 "summary": "The failover configuration for an endpoint."
3378 },
3379 "immutable": true,
3380 "locationInModule": {
3381 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3382 "line": 1895
3383 },
3384 "name": "failoverConfig",
3385 "type": {
3386 "union": {
3387 "types": [
3388 {
3389 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3390 },
3391 {
3392 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.FailoverConfigProperty"
3393 }
3394 ]
3395 }
3396 }
3397 }
3398 ],
3399 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEndpoint.RoutingConfigProperty"
3400 },
3401 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.SecondaryProperty": {
3402 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3403 "datatype": true,
3404 "docs": {
3405 "custom": {
3406 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-secondary.html",
3407 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3408 },
3409 "stability": "external",
3410 "summary": "The secondary Region that processes events when failover is triggered or replication is enabled.",
3411 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst secondaryProperty: events.CfnEndpoint.SecondaryProperty = {\n route: 'route',\n};"
3412 },
3413 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.SecondaryProperty",
3414 "kind": "interface",
3415 "locationInModule": {
3416 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3417 "line": 1957
3418 },
3419 "name": "SecondaryProperty",
3420 "namespace": "CfnEndpoint",
3421 "properties": [
3422 {
3423 "abstract": true,
3424 "docs": {
3425 "custom": {
3426 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-endpoint-secondary.html#cfn-events-endpoint-secondary-route"
3427 },
3428 "stability": "external",
3429 "summary": "Defines the secondary Region."
3430 },
3431 "immutable": true,
3432 "locationInModule": {
3433 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3434 "line": 1963
3435 },
3436 "name": "route",
3437 "type": {
3438 "primitive": "string"
3439 }
3440 }
3441 ],
3442 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEndpoint.SecondaryProperty"
3443 },
3444 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpointProps": {
3445 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3446 "datatype": true,
3447 "docs": {
3448 "custom": {
3449 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html",
3450 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3451 },
3452 "stability": "external",
3453 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnEndpoint`.",
3454 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst cfnEndpointProps: events.CfnEndpointProps = {\n eventBuses: [{\n eventBusArn: 'eventBusArn',\n }],\n name: 'name',\n routingConfig: {\n failoverConfig: {\n primary: {\n healthCheck: 'healthCheck',\n },\n secondary: {\n route: 'route',\n },\n },\n },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n replicationConfig: {\n state: 'state',\n },\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n};"
3455 },
3456 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpointProps",
3457 "kind": "interface",
3458 "locationInModule": {
3459 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3460 "line": 1326
3461 },
3462 "name": "CfnEndpointProps",
3463 "properties": [
3464 {
3465 "abstract": true,
3466 "docs": {
3467 "custom": {
3468 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-eventbuses"
3469 },
3470 "remarks": "*Exactly* : `2`",
3471 "stability": "external",
3472 "summary": "The event buses being used by the endpoint."
3473 },
3474 "immutable": true,
3475 "locationInModule": {
3476 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3477 "line": 1335
3478 },
3479 "name": "eventBuses",
3480 "type": {
3481 "union": {
3482 "types": [
3483 {
3484 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3485 },
3486 {
3487 "collection": {
3488 "elementtype": {
3489 "union": {
3490 "types": [
3491 {
3492 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3493 },
3494 {
3495 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.EndpointEventBusProperty"
3496 }
3497 ]
3498 }
3499 },
3500 "kind": "array"
3501 }
3502 }
3503 ]
3504 }
3505 }
3506 },
3507 {
3508 "abstract": true,
3509 "docs": {
3510 "custom": {
3511 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-name"
3512 },
3513 "stability": "external",
3514 "summary": "The name of the endpoint."
3515 },
3516 "immutable": true,
3517 "locationInModule": {
3518 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3519 "line": 1342
3520 },
3521 "name": "name",
3522 "type": {
3523 "primitive": "string"
3524 }
3525 },
3526 {
3527 "abstract": true,
3528 "docs": {
3529 "custom": {
3530 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-routingconfig"
3531 },
3532 "stability": "external",
3533 "summary": "The routing configuration of the endpoint."
3534 },
3535 "immutable": true,
3536 "locationInModule": {
3537 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3538 "line": 1349
3539 },
3540 "name": "routingConfig",
3541 "type": {
3542 "union": {
3543 "types": [
3544 {
3545 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3546 },
3547 {
3548 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.RoutingConfigProperty"
3549 }
3550 ]
3551 }
3552 }
3553 },
3554 {
3555 "abstract": true,
3556 "docs": {
3557 "custom": {
3558 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-description"
3559 },
3560 "stability": "external",
3561 "summary": "A description for the endpoint."
3562 },
3563 "immutable": true,
3564 "locationInModule": {
3565 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3566 "line": 1356
3567 },
3568 "name": "description",
3569 "optional": true,
3570 "type": {
3571 "primitive": "string"
3572 }
3573 },
3574 {
3575 "abstract": true,
3576 "docs": {
3577 "custom": {
3578 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-replicationconfig"
3579 },
3580 "remarks": "The default state is `ENABLED` which means you must supply a `RoleArn` . If you don't have a `RoleArn` or you don't want event replication enabled, set the state to `DISABLED` .",
3581 "stability": "external",
3582 "summary": "Whether event replication was enabled or disabled for this endpoint."
3583 },
3584 "immutable": true,
3585 "locationInModule": {
3586 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3587 "line": 1363
3588 },
3589 "name": "replicationConfig",
3590 "optional": true,
3591 "type": {
3592 "union": {
3593 "types": [
3594 {
3595 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3596 },
3597 {
3598 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEndpoint.ReplicationConfigProperty"
3599 }
3600 ]
3601 }
3602 }
3603 },
3604 {
3605 "abstract": true,
3606 "docs": {
3607 "custom": {
3608 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-endpoint.html#cfn-events-endpoint-rolearn"
3609 },
3610 "stability": "external",
3611 "summary": "The ARN of the role used by event replication for the endpoint."
3612 },
3613 "immutable": true,
3614 "locationInModule": {
3615 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3616 "line": 1370
3617 },
3618 "name": "roleArn",
3619 "optional": true,
3620 "type": {
3621 "primitive": "string"
3622 }
3623 }
3624 ],
3625 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEndpointProps"
3626 },
3627 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBus": {
3628 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3629 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
3630 "docs": {
3631 "custom": {
3632 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Events::EventBus",
3633 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html",
3634 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3635 },
3636 "remarks": "Creates a new event bus within your account. This can be a custom event bus which you can use to receive events from your custom applications and services, or it can be a partner event bus which can be matched to a partner event source.",
3637 "stability": "external",
3638 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Events::EventBus`.",
3639 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst cfnEventBus = new events.CfnEventBus(this, 'MyCfnEventBus', {\n name: 'name',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n eventSourceName: 'eventSourceName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});"
3640 },
3641 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBus",
3642 "initializer": {
3643 "docs": {
3644 "stability": "external",
3645 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Events::EventBus`."
3646 },
3647 "locationInModule": {
3648 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3649 "line": 2189
3650 },
3651 "parameters": [
3652 {
3653 "docs": {
3654 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
3655 },
3656 "name": "scope",
3657 "type": {
3658 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3659 }
3660 },
3661 {
3662 "docs": {
3663 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
3664 },
3665 "name": "id",
3666 "type": {
3667 "primitive": "string"
3668 }
3669 },
3670 {
3671 "docs": {
3672 "summary": "- resource properties."
3673 },
3674 "name": "props",
3675 "type": {
3676 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusProps"
3677 }
3678 }
3679 ]
3680 },
3681 "interfaces": [
3682 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
3683 ],
3684 "kind": "class",
3685 "locationInModule": {
3686 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3687 "line": 2114
3688 },
3689 "methods": [
3690 {
3691 "docs": {
3692 "stability": "external",
3693 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
3694 },
3695 "locationInModule": {
3696 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3697 "line": 2207
3698 },
3699 "name": "inspect",
3700 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
3701 "parameters": [
3702 {
3703 "docs": {
3704 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
3705 },
3706 "name": "inspector",
3707 "type": {
3708 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
3709 }
3710 }
3711 ]
3712 },
3713 {
3714 "docs": {
3715 "stability": "external"
3716 },
3717 "locationInModule": {
3718 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3719 "line": 2220
3720 },
3721 "name": "renderProperties",
3722 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
3723 "parameters": [
3724 {
3725 "name": "props",
3726 "type": {
3727 "collection": {
3728 "elementtype": {
3729 "primitive": "any"
3730 },
3731 "kind": "map"
3732 }
3733 }
3734 }
3735 ],
3736 "protected": true,
3737 "returns": {
3738 "type": {
3739 "collection": {
3740 "elementtype": {
3741 "primitive": "any"
3742 },
3743 "kind": "map"
3744 }
3745 }
3746 }
3747 }
3748 ],
3749 "name": "CfnEventBus",
3750 "properties": [
3751 {
3752 "const": true,
3753 "docs": {
3754 "stability": "external",
3755 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
3756 },
3757 "immutable": true,
3758 "locationInModule": {
3759 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3760 "line": 2118
3761 },
3762 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
3763 "static": true,
3764 "type": {
3765 "primitive": "string"
3766 }
3767 },
3768 {
3769 "docs": {
3770 "custom": {
3771 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
3772 },
3773 "stability": "external",
3774 "summary": "The ARN of the event bus, such as `arn:aws:events:us-east-2:123456789012:event-bus/aws.partner/PartnerName/acct1/repo1` ."
3775 },
3776 "immutable": true,
3777 "locationInModule": {
3778 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3779 "line": 2143
3780 },
3781 "name": "attrArn",
3782 "type": {
3783 "primitive": "string"
3784 }
3785 },
3786 {
3787 "docs": {
3788 "custom": {
3789 "cloudformationAttribute": "Name"
3790 },
3791 "stability": "external",
3792 "summary": "The name of the event bus, such as `PartnerName/acct1/repo1` ."
3793 },
3794 "immutable": true,
3795 "locationInModule": {
3796 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3797 "line": 2149
3798 },
3799 "name": "attrName",
3800 "type": {
3801 "primitive": "string"
3802 }
3803 },
3804 {
3805 "docs": {
3806 "custom": {
3807 "cloudformationAttribute": "Policy"
3808 },
3809 "stability": "external",
3810 "summary": "The policy for the event bus in JSON form."
3811 },
3812 "immutable": true,
3813 "locationInModule": {
3814 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3815 "line": 2155
3816 },
3817 "name": "attrPolicy",
3818 "type": {
3819 "primitive": "string"
3820 }
3821 },
3822 {
3823 "docs": {
3824 "stability": "external"
3825 },
3826 "immutable": true,
3827 "locationInModule": {
3828 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3829 "line": 2212
3830 },
3831 "name": "cfnProperties",
3832 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
3833 "protected": true,
3834 "type": {
3835 "collection": {
3836 "elementtype": {
3837 "primitive": "any"
3838 },
3839 "kind": "map"
3840 }
3841 }
3842 },
3843 {
3844 "docs": {
3845 "custom": {
3846 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-name"
3847 },
3848 "remarks": "Custom event bus names can't contain the `/` character, but you can use the `/` character in partner event bus names. In addition, for partner event buses, the name must exactly match the name of the partner event source that this event bus is matched to.\n\nYou can't use the name `default` for a custom event bus, as this name is already used for your account's default event bus.",
3849 "stability": "external",
3850 "summary": "The name of the new event bus."
3851 },
3852 "locationInModule": {
3853 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3854 "line": 2166
3855 },
3856 "name": "name",
3857 "type": {
3858 "primitive": "string"
3859 }
3860 },
3861 {
3862 "docs": {
3863 "custom": {
3864 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-eventsourcename"
3865 },
3866 "stability": "external",
3867 "summary": "If you are creating a partner event bus, this specifies the partner event source that the new event bus will be matched with."
3868 },
3869 "locationInModule": {
3870 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3871 "line": 2173
3872 },
3873 "name": "eventSourceName",
3874 "optional": true,
3875 "type": {
3876 "primitive": "string"
3877 }
3878 },
3879 {
3880 "docs": {
3881 "custom": {
3882 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-tags"
3883 },
3884 "stability": "external",
3885 "summary": "Tags to associate with the event bus."
3886 },
3887 "locationInModule": {
3888 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3889 "line": 2180
3890 },
3891 "name": "tags",
3892 "optional": true,
3893 "type": {
3894 "collection": {
3895 "elementtype": {
3896 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBus.TagEntryProperty"
3897 },
3898 "kind": "array"
3899 }
3900 }
3901 }
3902 ],
3903 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEventBus"
3904 },
3905 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBus.TagEntryProperty": {
3906 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3907 "datatype": true,
3908 "docs": {
3909 "custom": {
3910 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-eventbus-tagentry.html",
3911 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3912 },
3913 "remarks": "In EventBridge, rules and event buses support tagging.",
3914 "stability": "external",
3915 "summary": "A key-value pair associated with an AWS resource.",
3916 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst tagEntryProperty: events.CfnEventBus.TagEntryProperty = {\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n};"
3917 },
3918 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBus.TagEntryProperty",
3919 "kind": "interface",
3920 "locationInModule": {
3921 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3922 "line": 2234
3923 },
3924 "name": "TagEntryProperty",
3925 "namespace": "CfnEventBus",
3926 "properties": [
3927 {
3928 "abstract": true,
3929 "docs": {
3930 "custom": {
3931 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-eventbus-tagentry.html#cfn-events-eventbus-tagentry-key"
3932 },
3933 "remarks": "The combination of tag keys and values can help you organize and categorize your resources.",
3934 "stability": "external",
3935 "summary": "A string you can use to assign a value."
3936 },
3937 "immutable": true,
3938 "locationInModule": {
3939 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3940 "line": 2240
3941 },
3942 "name": "key",
3943 "type": {
3944 "primitive": "string"
3945 }
3946 },
3947 {
3948 "abstract": true,
3949 "docs": {
3950 "custom": {
3951 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-eventbus-tagentry.html#cfn-events-eventbus-tagentry-value"
3952 },
3953 "stability": "external",
3954 "summary": "The value for the specified tag key."
3955 },
3956 "immutable": true,
3957 "locationInModule": {
3958 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3959 "line": 2246
3960 },
3961 "name": "value",
3962 "type": {
3963 "primitive": "string"
3964 }
3965 }
3966 ],
3967 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEventBus.TagEntryProperty"
3968 },
3969 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicy": {
3970 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
3971 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
3972 "docs": {
3973 "custom": {
3974 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy",
3975 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html",
3976 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
3977 },
3978 "remarks": "Running `PutPermission` permits the specified AWS account or AWS organization to put events to the specified *event bus* . Amazon EventBridge (CloudWatch Events) rules in your account are triggered by these events arriving to an event bus in your account.\n\nFor another account to send events to your account, that external account must have an EventBridge rule with your account's event bus as a target.\n\nTo enable multiple AWS accounts to put events to your event bus, run `PutPermission` once for each of these accounts. Or, if all the accounts are members of the same AWS organization, you can run `PutPermission` once specifying `Principal` as \"*\" and specifying the AWS organization ID in `Condition` , to grant permissions to all accounts in that organization.\n\nIf you grant permissions using an organization, then accounts in that organization must specify a `RoleArn` with proper permissions when they use `PutTarget` to add your account's event bus as a target. For more information, see [Sending and Receiving Events Between AWS Accounts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-cross-account-event-delivery.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* .\n\nThe permission policy on the event bus cannot exceed 10 KB in size.",
3979 "stability": "external",
3980 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy`.",
3981 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\n\ndeclare const statement: any;\nconst cfnEventBusPolicy = new events.CfnEventBusPolicy(this, 'MyCfnEventBusPolicy', {\n statementId: 'statementId',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n action: 'action',\n condition: {\n key: 'key',\n type: 'type',\n value: 'value',\n },\n eventBusName: 'eventBusName',\n principal: 'principal',\n statement: statement,\n});"
3982 },
3983 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicy",
3984 "initializer": {
3985 "docs": {
3986 "stability": "external",
3987 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Events::EventBusPolicy`."
3988 },
3989 "locationInModule": {
3990 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
3991 "line": 2525
3992 },
3993 "parameters": [
3994 {
3995 "docs": {
3996 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
3997 },
3998 "name": "scope",
3999 "type": {
4000 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
4001 }
4002 },
4003 {
4004 "docs": {
4005 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
4006 },
4007 "name": "id",
4008 "type": {
4009 "primitive": "string"
4010 }
4011 },
4012 {
4013 "docs": {
4014 "summary": "- resource properties."
4015 },
4016 "name": "props",
4017 "type": {
4018 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicyProps"
4019 }
4020 }
4021 ]
4022 },
4023 "interfaces": [
4024 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
4025 ],
4026 "kind": "class",
4027 "locationInModule": {
4028 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4029 "line": 2443
4030 },
4031 "methods": [
4032 {
4033 "docs": {
4034 "stability": "external",
4035 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
4036 },
4037 "locationInModule": {
4038 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4039 "line": 2543
4040 },
4041 "name": "inspect",
4042 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
4043 "parameters": [
4044 {
4045 "docs": {
4046 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
4047 },
4048 "name": "inspector",
4049 "type": {
4050 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
4051 }
4052 }
4053 ]
4054 },
4055 {
4056 "docs": {
4057 "stability": "external"
4058 },
4059 "locationInModule": {
4060 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4061 "line": 2559
4062 },
4063 "name": "renderProperties",
4064 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4065 "parameters": [
4066 {
4067 "name": "props",
4068 "type": {
4069 "collection": {
4070 "elementtype": {
4071 "primitive": "any"
4072 },
4073 "kind": "map"
4074 }
4075 }
4076 }
4077 ],
4078 "protected": true,
4079 "returns": {
4080 "type": {
4081 "collection": {
4082 "elementtype": {
4083 "primitive": "any"
4084 },
4085 "kind": "map"
4086 }
4087 }
4088 }
4089 }
4090 ],
4091 "name": "CfnEventBusPolicy",
4092 "properties": [
4093 {
4094 "const": true,
4095 "docs": {
4096 "stability": "external",
4097 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
4098 },
4099 "immutable": true,
4100 "locationInModule": {
4101 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4102 "line": 2447
4103 },
4104 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
4105 "static": true,
4106 "type": {
4107 "primitive": "string"
4108 }
4109 },
4110 {
4111 "docs": {
4112 "stability": "external"
4113 },
4114 "immutable": true,
4115 "locationInModule": {
4116 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4117 "line": 2548
4118 },
4119 "name": "cfnProperties",
4120 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4121 "protected": true,
4122 "type": {
4123 "collection": {
4124 "elementtype": {
4125 "primitive": "any"
4126 },
4127 "kind": "map"
4128 }
4129 }
4130 },
4131 {
4132 "docs": {
4133 "custom": {
4134 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-statement"
4135 },
4136 "remarks": "You can include a `Policy` parameter in the request instead of using the `StatementId` , `Action` , `Principal` , or `Condition` parameters.",
4137 "stability": "external",
4138 "summary": "A JSON string that describes the permission policy statement."
4139 },
4140 "locationInModule": {
4141 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4142 "line": 2516
4143 },
4144 "name": "statement",
4145 "type": {
4146 "primitive": "any"
4147 }
4148 },
4149 {
4150 "docs": {
4151 "custom": {
4152 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-statementid"
4153 },
4154 "remarks": "If you later want to revoke the permission for this external account, specify this `StatementId` when you run [RemovePermission](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_RemovePermission.html) .\n\n> Each `StatementId` must be unique.",
4155 "stability": "external",
4156 "summary": "An identifier string for the external account that you are granting permissions to."
4157 },
4158 "locationInModule": {
4159 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4160 "line": 2475
4161 },
4162 "name": "statementId",
4163 "type": {
4164 "primitive": "string"
4165 }
4166 },
4167 {
4168 "docs": {
4169 "custom": {
4170 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-action"
4171 },
4172 "stability": "external",
4173 "summary": "The action that you are enabling the other account to perform."
4174 },
4175 "locationInModule": {
4176 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4177 "line": 2482
4178 },
4179 "name": "action",
4180 "optional": true,
4181 "type": {
4182 "primitive": "string"
4183 }
4184 },
4185 {
4186 "docs": {
4187 "custom": {
4188 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-condition"
4189 },
4190 "remarks": "For more information about AWS Organizations, see [What Is AWS Organizations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_introduction.html) in the *AWS Organizations User Guide* .\n\nIf you specify `Condition` with an AWS organization ID, and specify \"*\" as the value for `Principal` , you grant permission to all the accounts in the named organization.\n\nThe `Condition` is a JSON string which must contain `Type` , `Key` , and `Value` fields.",
4191 "stability": "external",
4192 "summary": "This parameter enables you to limit the permission to accounts that fulfill a certain condition, such as being a member of a certain AWS organization."
4193 },
4194 "locationInModule": {
4195 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4196 "line": 2493
4197 },
4198 "name": "condition",
4199 "optional": true,
4200 "type": {
4201 "union": {
4202 "types": [
4203 {
4204 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4205 },
4206 {
4207 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicy.ConditionProperty"
4208 }
4209 ]
4210 }
4211 }
4212 },
4213 {
4214 "docs": {
4215 "custom": {
4216 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-eventbusname"
4217 },
4218 "remarks": "If you omit this, the default event bus is used.",
4219 "stability": "external",
4220 "summary": "The name of the event bus associated with the rule."
4221 },
4222 "locationInModule": {
4223 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4224 "line": 2500
4225 },
4226 "name": "eventBusName",
4227 "optional": true,
4228 "type": {
4229 "primitive": "string"
4230 }
4231 },
4232 {
4233 "docs": {
4234 "custom": {
4235 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-principal"
4236 },
4237 "remarks": "Specify \"*\" to permit any account to put events to your default event bus.\n\nIf you specify \"*\" without specifying `Condition` , avoid creating rules that may match undesirable events. To create more secure rules, make sure that the event pattern for each rule contains an `account` field with a specific account ID from which to receive events. Rules with an account field do not match any events sent from other accounts.",
4238 "stability": "external",
4239 "summary": "The 12-digit AWS account ID that you are permitting to put events to your default event bus."
4240 },
4241 "locationInModule": {
4242 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4243 "line": 2509
4244 },
4245 "name": "principal",
4246 "optional": true,
4247 "type": {
4248 "primitive": "string"
4249 }
4250 }
4251 ],
4252 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEventBusPolicy"
4253 },
4254 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicy.ConditionProperty": {
4255 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
4256 "datatype": true,
4257 "docs": {
4258 "custom": {
4259 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-eventbuspolicy-condition.html",
4260 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
4261 },
4262 "remarks": "Currently, the only supported condition is membership in a certain AWS organization. The string must contain `Type` , `Key` , and `Value` fields. The `Value` field specifies the ID of the AWS organization. Following is an example value for `Condition` :\n\n`'{\"Type\" : \"StringEquals\", \"Key\": \"aws:PrincipalOrgID\", \"Value\": \"o-1234567890\"}'`",
4263 "stability": "external",
4264 "summary": "A JSON string which you can use to limit the event bus permissions you are granting to only accounts that fulfill the condition.",
4265 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst conditionProperty: events.CfnEventBusPolicy.ConditionProperty = {\n key: 'key',\n type: 'type',\n value: 'value',\n};"
4266 },
4267 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicy.ConditionProperty",
4268 "kind": "interface",
4269 "locationInModule": {
4270 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4271 "line": 2575
4272 },
4273 "name": "ConditionProperty",
4274 "namespace": "CfnEventBusPolicy",
4275 "properties": [
4276 {
4277 "abstract": true,
4278 "docs": {
4279 "custom": {
4280 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-eventbuspolicy-condition.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-condition-key"
4281 },
4282 "remarks": "Currently the only supported key is `aws:PrincipalOrgID` .",
4283 "stability": "external",
4284 "summary": "Specifies the key for the condition."
4285 },
4286 "immutable": true,
4287 "locationInModule": {
4288 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4289 "line": 2581
4290 },
4291 "name": "key",
4292 "optional": true,
4293 "type": {
4294 "primitive": "string"
4295 }
4296 },
4297 {
4298 "abstract": true,
4299 "docs": {
4300 "custom": {
4301 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-eventbuspolicy-condition.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-condition-type"
4302 },
4303 "remarks": "Currently the only supported value is `StringEquals` .",
4304 "stability": "external",
4305 "summary": "Specifies the type of condition."
4306 },
4307 "immutable": true,
4308 "locationInModule": {
4309 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4310 "line": 2587
4311 },
4312 "name": "type",
4313 "optional": true,
4314 "type": {
4315 "primitive": "string"
4316 }
4317 },
4318 {
4319 "abstract": true,
4320 "docs": {
4321 "custom": {
4322 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-eventbuspolicy-condition.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-condition-value"
4323 },
4324 "remarks": "Currently, this must be the ID of the organization.",
4325 "stability": "external",
4326 "summary": "Specifies the value for the key."
4327 },
4328 "immutable": true,
4329 "locationInModule": {
4330 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4331 "line": 2593
4332 },
4333 "name": "value",
4334 "optional": true,
4335 "type": {
4336 "primitive": "string"
4337 }
4338 }
4339 ],
4340 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEventBusPolicy.ConditionProperty"
4341 },
4342 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicyProps": {
4343 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
4344 "datatype": true,
4345 "docs": {
4346 "custom": {
4347 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html",
4348 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
4349 },
4350 "stability": "external",
4351 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnEventBusPolicy`.",
4352 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\n\ndeclare const statement: any;\nconst cfnEventBusPolicyProps: events.CfnEventBusPolicyProps = {\n statementId: 'statementId',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n action: 'action',\n condition: {\n key: 'key',\n type: 'type',\n value: 'value',\n },\n eventBusName: 'eventBusName',\n principal: 'principal',\n statement: statement,\n};"
4353 },
4354 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicyProps",
4355 "kind": "interface",
4356 "locationInModule": {
4357 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4358 "line": 2311
4359 },
4360 "name": "CfnEventBusPolicyProps",
4361 "properties": [
4362 {
4363 "abstract": true,
4364 "docs": {
4365 "custom": {
4366 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-statementid"
4367 },
4368 "remarks": "If you later want to revoke the permission for this external account, specify this `StatementId` when you run [RemovePermission](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_RemovePermission.html) .\n\n> Each `StatementId` must be unique.",
4369 "stability": "external",
4370 "summary": "An identifier string for the external account that you are granting permissions to."
4371 },
4372 "immutable": true,
4373 "locationInModule": {
4374 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4375 "line": 2320
4376 },
4377 "name": "statementId",
4378 "type": {
4379 "primitive": "string"
4380 }
4381 },
4382 {
4383 "abstract": true,
4384 "docs": {
4385 "custom": {
4386 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-action"
4387 },
4388 "stability": "external",
4389 "summary": "The action that you are enabling the other account to perform."
4390 },
4391 "immutable": true,
4392 "locationInModule": {
4393 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4394 "line": 2327
4395 },
4396 "name": "action",
4397 "optional": true,
4398 "type": {
4399 "primitive": "string"
4400 }
4401 },
4402 {
4403 "abstract": true,
4404 "docs": {
4405 "custom": {
4406 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-condition"
4407 },
4408 "remarks": "For more information about AWS Organizations, see [What Is AWS Organizations](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/organizations/latest/userguide/orgs_introduction.html) in the *AWS Organizations User Guide* .\n\nIf you specify `Condition` with an AWS organization ID, and specify \"*\" as the value for `Principal` , you grant permission to all the accounts in the named organization.\n\nThe `Condition` is a JSON string which must contain `Type` , `Key` , and `Value` fields.",
4409 "stability": "external",
4410 "summary": "This parameter enables you to limit the permission to accounts that fulfill a certain condition, such as being a member of a certain AWS organization."
4411 },
4412 "immutable": true,
4413 "locationInModule": {
4414 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4415 "line": 2338
4416 },
4417 "name": "condition",
4418 "optional": true,
4419 "type": {
4420 "union": {
4421 "types": [
4422 {
4423 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4424 },
4425 {
4426 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusPolicy.ConditionProperty"
4427 }
4428 ]
4429 }
4430 }
4431 },
4432 {
4433 "abstract": true,
4434 "docs": {
4435 "custom": {
4436 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-eventbusname"
4437 },
4438 "remarks": "If you omit this, the default event bus is used.",
4439 "stability": "external",
4440 "summary": "The name of the event bus associated with the rule."
4441 },
4442 "immutable": true,
4443 "locationInModule": {
4444 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4445 "line": 2345
4446 },
4447 "name": "eventBusName",
4448 "optional": true,
4449 "type": {
4450 "primitive": "string"
4451 }
4452 },
4453 {
4454 "abstract": true,
4455 "docs": {
4456 "custom": {
4457 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-principal"
4458 },
4459 "remarks": "Specify \"*\" to permit any account to put events to your default event bus.\n\nIf you specify \"*\" without specifying `Condition` , avoid creating rules that may match undesirable events. To create more secure rules, make sure that the event pattern for each rule contains an `account` field with a specific account ID from which to receive events. Rules with an account field do not match any events sent from other accounts.",
4460 "stability": "external",
4461 "summary": "The 12-digit AWS account ID that you are permitting to put events to your default event bus."
4462 },
4463 "immutable": true,
4464 "locationInModule": {
4465 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4466 "line": 2354
4467 },
4468 "name": "principal",
4469 "optional": true,
4470 "type": {
4471 "primitive": "string"
4472 }
4473 },
4474 {
4475 "abstract": true,
4476 "docs": {
4477 "custom": {
4478 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbuspolicy.html#cfn-events-eventbuspolicy-statement"
4479 },
4480 "remarks": "You can include a `Policy` parameter in the request instead of using the `StatementId` , `Action` , `Principal` , or `Condition` parameters.",
4481 "stability": "external",
4482 "summary": "A JSON string that describes the permission policy statement."
4483 },
4484 "immutable": true,
4485 "locationInModule": {
4486 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4487 "line": 2361
4488 },
4489 "name": "statement",
4490 "optional": true,
4491 "type": {
4492 "primitive": "any"
4493 }
4494 }
4495 ],
4496 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEventBusPolicyProps"
4497 },
4498 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusProps": {
4499 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
4500 "datatype": true,
4501 "docs": {
4502 "custom": {
4503 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html",
4504 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
4505 },
4506 "stability": "external",
4507 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnEventBus`.",
4508 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst cfnEventBusProps: events.CfnEventBusProps = {\n name: 'name',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n eventSourceName: 'eventSourceName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};"
4509 },
4510 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBusProps",
4511 "kind": "interface",
4512 "locationInModule": {
4513 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4514 "line": 2024
4515 },
4516 "name": "CfnEventBusProps",
4517 "properties": [
4518 {
4519 "abstract": true,
4520 "docs": {
4521 "custom": {
4522 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-name"
4523 },
4524 "remarks": "Custom event bus names can't contain the `/` character, but you can use the `/` character in partner event bus names. In addition, for partner event buses, the name must exactly match the name of the partner event source that this event bus is matched to.\n\nYou can't use the name `default` for a custom event bus, as this name is already used for your account's default event bus.",
4525 "stability": "external",
4526 "summary": "The name of the new event bus."
4527 },
4528 "immutable": true,
4529 "locationInModule": {
4530 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4531 "line": 2035
4532 },
4533 "name": "name",
4534 "type": {
4535 "primitive": "string"
4536 }
4537 },
4538 {
4539 "abstract": true,
4540 "docs": {
4541 "custom": {
4542 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-eventsourcename"
4543 },
4544 "stability": "external",
4545 "summary": "If you are creating a partner event bus, this specifies the partner event source that the new event bus will be matched with."
4546 },
4547 "immutable": true,
4548 "locationInModule": {
4549 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4550 "line": 2042
4551 },
4552 "name": "eventSourceName",
4553 "optional": true,
4554 "type": {
4555 "primitive": "string"
4556 }
4557 },
4558 {
4559 "abstract": true,
4560 "docs": {
4561 "custom": {
4562 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-tags"
4563 },
4564 "stability": "external",
4565 "summary": "Tags to associate with the event bus."
4566 },
4567 "immutable": true,
4568 "locationInModule": {
4569 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4570 "line": 2049
4571 },
4572 "name": "tags",
4573 "optional": true,
4574 "type": {
4575 "collection": {
4576 "elementtype": {
4577 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnEventBus.TagEntryProperty"
4578 },
4579 "kind": "array"
4580 }
4581 }
4582 }
4583 ],
4584 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnEventBusProps"
4585 },
4586 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule": {
4587 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
4588 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4589 "docs": {
4590 "custom": {
4591 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Events::Rule",
4592 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html",
4593 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
4594 },
4595 "remarks": "Creates or updates the specified rule. Rules are enabled by default, or based on value of the state. You can disable a rule using [DisableRule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_DisableRule.html) .\n\nA single rule watches for events from a single event bus. Events generated by AWS services go to your account's default event bus. Events generated by SaaS partner services or applications go to the matching partner event bus. If you have custom applications or services, you can specify whether their events go to your default event bus or a custom event bus that you have created. For more information, see [CreateEventBus](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_CreateEventBus.html) .\n\nIf you are updating an existing rule, the rule is replaced with what you specify in this `PutRule` command. If you omit arguments in `PutRule` , the old values for those arguments are not kept. Instead, they are replaced with null values.\n\nWhen you create or update a rule, incoming events might not immediately start matching to new or updated rules. Allow a short period of time for changes to take effect.\n\nA rule must contain at least an EventPattern or ScheduleExpression. Rules with EventPatterns are triggered when a matching event is observed. Rules with ScheduleExpressions self-trigger based on the given schedule. A rule can have both an EventPattern and a ScheduleExpression, in which case the rule triggers on matching events as well as on a schedule.\n\nMost services in AWS treat : or / as the same character in Amazon Resource Names (ARNs). However, EventBridge uses an exact match in event patterns and rules. Be sure to use the correct ARN characters when creating event patterns so that they match the ARN syntax in the event you want to match.\n\nIn EventBridge, it is possible to create rules that lead to infinite loops, where a rule is fired repeatedly. For example, a rule might detect that ACLs have changed on an S3 bucket, and trigger software to change them to the desired state. If the rule is not written carefully, the subsequent change to the ACLs fires the rule again, creating an infinite loop.\n\nTo prevent this, write the rules so that the triggered actions do not re-fire the same rule. For example, your rule could fire only if ACLs are found to be in a bad state, instead of after any change.\n\nAn infinite loop can quickly cause higher than expected charges. We recommend that you use budgeting, which alerts you when charges exceed your specified limit. For more information, see [Managing Your Costs with Budgets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/awsaccountbilling/latest/aboutv2/budgets-managing-costs.html) .",
4596 "stability": "external",
4597 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Events::Rule`.",
4598 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\n\ndeclare const eventPattern: any;\nconst cfnRule = new events.CfnRule(this, 'MyCfnRule', /* all optional props */ {\n description: 'description',\n eventBusName: 'eventBusName',\n eventPattern: eventPattern,\n name: 'name',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n scheduleExpression: 'scheduleExpression',\n state: 'state',\n targets: [{\n arn: 'arn',\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n batchParameters: {\n jobDefinition: 'jobDefinition',\n jobName: 'jobName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n arrayProperties: {\n size: 123,\n },\n retryStrategy: {\n attempts: 123,\n },\n },\n deadLetterConfig: {\n arn: 'arn',\n },\n ecsParameters: {\n taskDefinitionArn: 'taskDefinitionArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n capacityProviderStrategy: [{\n capacityProvider: 'capacityProvider',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n base: 123,\n weight: 123,\n }],\n enableEcsManagedTags: false,\n enableExecuteCommand: false,\n group: 'group',\n launchType: 'launchType',\n networkConfiguration: {\n awsVpcConfiguration: {\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',\n securityGroups: ['securityGroups'],\n },\n },\n placementConstraints: [{\n expression: 'expression',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n placementStrategies: [{\n field: 'field',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n platformVersion: 'platformVersion',\n propagateTags: 'propagateTags',\n referenceId: 'referenceId',\n tagList: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n taskCount: 123,\n },\n httpParameters: {\n headerParameters: {\n headerParametersKey: 'headerParameters',\n },\n pathParameterValues: ['pathParameterValues'],\n queryStringParameters: {\n queryStringParametersKey: 'queryStringParameters',\n },\n },\n input: 'input',\n inputPath: 'inputPath',\n inputTransformer: {\n inputTemplate: 'inputTemplate',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n inputPathsMap: {\n inputPathsMapKey: 'inputPathsMap',\n },\n },\n kinesisParameters: {\n partitionKeyPath: 'partitionKeyPath',\n },\n redshiftDataParameters: {\n database: 'database',\n sql: 'sql',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dbUser: 'dbUser',\n secretManagerArn: 'secretManagerArn',\n statementName: 'statementName',\n withEvent: false,\n },\n retryPolicy: {\n maximumEventAgeInSeconds: 123,\n maximumRetryAttempts: 123,\n },\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n runCommandParameters: {\n runCommandTargets: [{\n key: 'key',\n values: ['values'],\n }],\n },\n sageMakerPipelineParameters: {\n pipelineParameterList: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n sqsParameters: {\n messageGroupId: 'messageGroupId',\n },\n }],\n});"
4599 },
4600 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule",
4601 "initializer": {
4602 "docs": {
4603 "stability": "external",
4604 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Events::Rule`."
4605 },
4606 "locationInModule": {
4607 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4608 "line": 3032
4609 },
4610 "parameters": [
4611 {
4612 "docs": {
4613 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
4614 },
4615 "name": "scope",
4616 "type": {
4617 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
4618 }
4619 },
4620 {
4621 "docs": {
4622 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
4623 },
4624 "name": "id",
4625 "type": {
4626 "primitive": "string"
4627 }
4628 },
4629 {
4630 "docs": {
4631 "summary": "- resource properties."
4632 },
4633 "name": "props",
4634 "optional": true,
4635 "type": {
4636 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRuleProps"
4637 }
4638 }
4639 ]
4640 },
4641 "interfaces": [
4642 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
4643 ],
4644 "kind": "class",
4645 "locationInModule": {
4646 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4647 "line": 2874
4648 },
4649 "methods": [
4650 {
4651 "docs": {
4652 "stability": "external",
4653 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
4654 },
4655 "locationInModule": {
4656 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4657 "line": 3052
4658 },
4659 "name": "inspect",
4660 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
4661 "parameters": [
4662 {
4663 "docs": {
4664 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
4665 },
4666 "name": "inspector",
4667 "type": {
4668 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
4669 }
4670 }
4671 ]
4672 },
4673 {
4674 "docs": {
4675 "stability": "external"
4676 },
4677 "locationInModule": {
4678 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4679 "line": 3070
4680 },
4681 "name": "renderProperties",
4682 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4683 "parameters": [
4684 {
4685 "name": "props",
4686 "type": {
4687 "collection": {
4688 "elementtype": {
4689 "primitive": "any"
4690 },
4691 "kind": "map"
4692 }
4693 }
4694 }
4695 ],
4696 "protected": true,
4697 "returns": {
4698 "type": {
4699 "collection": {
4700 "elementtype": {
4701 "primitive": "any"
4702 },
4703 "kind": "map"
4704 }
4705 }
4706 }
4707 }
4708 ],
4709 "name": "CfnRule",
4710 "properties": [
4711 {
4712 "const": true,
4713 "docs": {
4714 "stability": "external",
4715 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
4716 },
4717 "immutable": true,
4718 "locationInModule": {
4719 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4720 "line": 2878
4721 },
4722 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
4723 "static": true,
4724 "type": {
4725 "primitive": "string"
4726 }
4727 },
4728 {
4729 "docs": {
4730 "custom": {
4731 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
4732 },
4733 "stability": "external",
4734 "summary": "The ARN of the rule, such as `arn:aws:events:us-east-2:123456789012:rule/example` ."
4735 },
4736 "immutable": true,
4737 "locationInModule": {
4738 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4739 "line": 2903
4740 },
4741 "name": "attrArn",
4742 "type": {
4743 "primitive": "string"
4744 }
4745 },
4746 {
4747 "docs": {
4748 "stability": "external"
4749 },
4750 "immutable": true,
4751 "locationInModule": {
4752 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4753 "line": 3057
4754 },
4755 "name": "cfnProperties",
4756 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4757 "protected": true,
4758 "type": {
4759 "collection": {
4760 "elementtype": {
4761 "primitive": "any"
4762 },
4763 "kind": "map"
4764 }
4765 }
4766 },
4767 {
4768 "docs": {
4769 "custom": {
4770 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-eventpattern"
4771 },
4772 "remarks": "For more information, see [Events and Event Patterns](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-and-event-patterns.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* .",
4773 "stability": "external",
4774 "summary": "The event pattern of the rule."
4775 },
4776 "locationInModule": {
4777 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4778 "line": 2924
4779 },
4780 "name": "eventPattern",
4781 "type": {
4782 "primitive": "any"
4783 }
4784 },
4785 {
4786 "docs": {
4787 "custom": {
4788 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-description"
4789 },
4790 "stability": "external",
4791 "summary": "The description of the rule."
4792 },
4793 "locationInModule": {
4794 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4795 "line": 2910
4796 },
4797 "name": "description",
4798 "optional": true,
4799 "type": {
4800 "primitive": "string"
4801 }
4802 },
4803 {
4804 "docs": {
4805 "custom": {
4806 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-eventbusname"
4807 },
4808 "remarks": "If you omit this, the default event bus is used.",
4809 "stability": "external",
4810 "summary": "The name or ARN of the event bus associated with the rule."
4811 },
4812 "locationInModule": {
4813 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4814 "line": 2917
4815 },
4816 "name": "eventBusName",
4817 "optional": true,
4818 "type": {
4819 "primitive": "string"
4820 }
4821 },
4822 {
4823 "docs": {
4824 "custom": {
4825 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-name"
4826 },
4827 "stability": "external",
4828 "summary": "The name of the rule."
4829 },
4830 "locationInModule": {
4831 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4832 "line": 2931
4833 },
4834 "name": "name",
4835 "optional": true,
4836 "type": {
4837 "primitive": "string"
4838 }
4839 },
4840 {
4841 "docs": {
4842 "custom": {
4843 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-rolearn"
4844 },
4845 "remarks": "If you're setting an event bus in another account as the target and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, you must specify a `RoleArn` with proper permissions in the `Target` structure, instead of here in this parameter.",
4846 "stability": "external",
4847 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that is used for target invocation."
4848 },
4849 "locationInModule": {
4850 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4851 "line": 2940
4852 },
4853 "name": "roleArn",
4854 "optional": true,
4855 "type": {
4856 "primitive": "string"
4857 }
4858 },
4859 {
4860 "docs": {
4861 "custom": {
4862 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-scheduleexpression"
4863 },
4864 "remarks": "For example, \"cron(0 20 * * ? *)\", \"rate(5 minutes)\". For more information, see [Creating an Amazon EventBridge rule that runs on a schedule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-create-rule-schedule.html) .",
4865 "stability": "external",
4866 "summary": "The scheduling expression."
4867 },
4868 "locationInModule": {
4869 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4870 "line": 2947
4871 },
4872 "name": "scheduleExpression",
4873 "optional": true,
4874 "type": {
4875 "primitive": "string"
4876 }
4877 },
4878 {
4879 "docs": {
4880 "custom": {
4881 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-state"
4882 },
4883 "stability": "external",
4884 "summary": "The state of the rule."
4885 },
4886 "locationInModule": {
4887 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4888 "line": 2954
4889 },
4890 "name": "state",
4891 "optional": true,
4892 "type": {
4893 "primitive": "string"
4894 }
4895 },
4896 {
4897 "docs": {
4898 "custom": {
4899 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-targets"
4900 },
4901 "remarks": "Targets are the resources that are invoked when a rule is triggered.\n\n> Each rule can have up to five (5) targets associated with it at one time.\n\nYou can configure the following as targets for Events:\n\n- [API destination](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-api-destinations.html)\n- [API Gateway](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-api-gateway-target.html)\n- Batch job queue\n- CloudWatch group\n- CodeBuild project\n- CodePipeline\n- EC2 `CreateSnapshot` API call\n- EC2 Image Builder\n- EC2 `RebootInstances` API call\n- EC2 `StopInstances` API call\n- EC2 `TerminateInstances` API call\n- ECS task\n- [Event bus in a different account or Region](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-cross-account.html)\n- [Event bus in the same account and Region](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-bus-to-bus.html)\n- Firehose delivery stream\n- Glue workflow\n- [Incident Manager response plan](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//incident-manager/latest/userguide/incident-creation.html#incident-tracking-auto-eventbridge)\n- Inspector assessment template\n- Kinesis stream\n- Lambda function\n- Redshift cluster\n- SageMaker Pipeline\n- SNS topic\n- SQS queue\n- Step Functions state machine\n- Systems Manager Automation\n- Systems Manager OpsItem\n- Systems Manager Run Command\n\nCreating rules with built-in targets is supported only in the AWS Management Console . The built-in targets are `EC2 CreateSnapshot API call` , `EC2 RebootInstances API call` , `EC2 StopInstances API call` , and `EC2 TerminateInstances API call` .\n\nFor some target types, `PutTargets` provides target-specific parameters. If the target is a Kinesis data stream, you can optionally specify which shard the event goes to by using the `KinesisParameters` argument. To invoke a command on multiple EC2 instances with one rule, you can use the `RunCommandParameters` field.\n\nTo be able to make API calls against the resources that you own, Amazon EventBridge needs the appropriate permissions. For AWS Lambda and Amazon SNS resources, EventBridge relies on resource-based policies. For EC2 instances, Kinesis Data Streams, AWS Step Functions state machines and API Gateway APIs, EventBridge relies on IAM roles that you specify in the `RoleARN` argument in `PutTargets` . For more information, see [Authentication and Access Control](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-eventbridge.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* .\n\nIf another AWS account is in the same region and has granted you permission (using `PutPermission` ), you can send events to that account. Set that account's event bus as a target of the rules in your account. To send the matched events to the other account, specify that account's event bus as the `Arn` value when you run `PutTargets` . If your account sends events to another account, your account is charged for each sent event. Each event sent to another account is charged as a custom event. The account receiving the event is not charged. For more information, see [Amazon EventBridge Pricing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/pricing/) .\n\n> `Input` , `InputPath` , and `InputTransformer` are not available with `PutTarget` if the target is an event bus of a different AWS account.\n\nIf you are setting the event bus of another account as the target, and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, then you must specify a `RoleArn` with proper permissions in the `Target` structure. For more information, see [Sending and Receiving Events Between AWS Accounts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-cross-account-event-delivery.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* .\n\nFor more information about enabling cross-account events, see [PutPermission](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_PutPermission.html) .\n\n*Input* , *InputPath* , and *InputTransformer* are mutually exclusive and optional parameters of a target. When a rule is triggered due to a matched event:\n\n- If none of the following arguments are specified for a target, then the entire event is passed to the target in JSON format (unless the target is Amazon EC2 Run Command or Amazon ECS task, in which case nothing from the event is passed to the target).\n- If *Input* is specified in the form of valid JSON, then the matched event is overridden with this constant.\n- If *InputPath* is specified in the form of JSONPath (for example, `$.detail` ), then only the part of the event specified in the path is passed to the target (for example, only the detail part of the event is passed).\n- If *InputTransformer* is specified, then one or more specified JSONPaths are extracted from the event and used as values in a template that you specify as the input to the target.\n\nWhen you specify `InputPath` or `InputTransformer` , you must use JSON dot notation, not bracket notation.\n\nWhen you add targets to a rule and the associated rule triggers soon after, new or updated targets might not be immediately invoked. Allow a short period of time for changes to take effect.\n\nThis action can partially fail if too many requests are made at the same time. If that happens, `FailedEntryCount` is non-zero in the response and each entry in `FailedEntries` provides the ID of the failed target and the error code.",
4902 "stability": "external",
4903 "summary": "Adds the specified targets to the specified rule, or updates the targets if they are already associated with the rule."
4904 },
4905 "locationInModule": {
4906 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4907 "line": 3023
4908 },
4909 "name": "targets",
4910 "optional": true,
4911 "type": {
4912 "union": {
4913 "types": [
4914 {
4915 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4916 },
4917 {
4918 "collection": {
4919 "elementtype": {
4920 "union": {
4921 "types": [
4922 {
4923 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4924 },
4925 {
4926 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.TargetProperty"
4927 }
4928 ]
4929 }
4930 },
4931 "kind": "array"
4932 }
4933 }
4934 ]
4935 }
4936 }
4937 }
4938 ],
4939 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule"
4940 },
4941 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.AwsVpcConfigurationProperty": {
4942 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
4943 "datatype": true,
4944 "docs": {
4945 "custom": {
4946 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-awsvpcconfiguration.html",
4947 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
4948 },
4949 "remarks": "This structure is relevant only for ECS tasks that use the `awsvpc` network mode.",
4950 "stability": "external",
4951 "summary": "This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used.",
4952 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst awsVpcConfigurationProperty: events.CfnRule.AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = {\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',\n securityGroups: ['securityGroups'],\n};"
4953 },
4954 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.AwsVpcConfigurationProperty",
4955 "kind": "interface",
4956 "locationInModule": {
4957 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4958 "line": 3084
4959 },
4960 "name": "AwsVpcConfigurationProperty",
4961 "namespace": "CfnRule",
4962 "properties": [
4963 {
4964 "abstract": true,
4965 "docs": {
4966 "custom": {
4967 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-awsvpcconfiguration.html#cfn-events-rule-awsvpcconfiguration-subnets"
4968 },
4969 "remarks": "These subnets must all be in the same VPC. You can specify as many as 16 subnets.",
4970 "stability": "external",
4971 "summary": "Specifies the subnets associated with the task."
4972 },
4973 "immutable": true,
4974 "locationInModule": {
4975 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
4976 "line": 3102
4977 },
4978 "name": "subnets",
4979 "type": {
4980 "collection": {
4981 "elementtype": {
4982 "primitive": "string"
4983 },
4984 "kind": "array"
4985 }
4986 }
4987 },
4988 {
4989 "abstract": true,
4990 "docs": {
4991 "custom": {
4992 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-awsvpcconfiguration.html#cfn-events-rule-awsvpcconfiguration-assignpublicip"
4993 },
4994 "remarks": "You can specify `ENABLED` only when `LaunchType` in `EcsParameters` is set to `FARGATE` .",
4995 "stability": "external",
4996 "summary": "Specifies whether the task's elastic network interface receives a public IP address."
4997 },
4998 "immutable": true,
4999 "locationInModule": {
5000 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5001 "line": 3090
5002 },
5003 "name": "assignPublicIp",
5004 "optional": true,
5005 "type": {
5006 "primitive": "string"
5007 }
5008 },
5009 {
5010 "abstract": true,
5011 "docs": {
5012 "custom": {
5013 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-awsvpcconfiguration.html#cfn-events-rule-awsvpcconfiguration-securitygroups"
5014 },
5015 "remarks": "These security groups must all be in the same VPC. You can specify as many as five security groups. If you do not specify a security group, the default security group for the VPC is used.",
5016 "stability": "external",
5017 "summary": "Specifies the security groups associated with the task."
5018 },
5019 "immutable": true,
5020 "locationInModule": {
5021 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5022 "line": 3096
5023 },
5024 "name": "securityGroups",
5025 "optional": true,
5026 "type": {
5027 "collection": {
5028 "elementtype": {
5029 "primitive": "string"
5030 },
5031 "kind": "array"
5032 }
5033 }
5034 }
5035 ],
5036 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.AwsVpcConfigurationProperty"
5037 },
5038 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchArrayPropertiesProperty": {
5039 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
5040 "datatype": true,
5041 "docs": {
5042 "custom": {
5043 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batcharrayproperties.html",
5044 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
5045 },
5046 "remarks": "The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an AWS Batch job.",
5047 "stability": "external",
5048 "summary": "The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array.",
5049 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst batchArrayPropertiesProperty: events.CfnRule.BatchArrayPropertiesProperty = {\n size: 123,\n};"
5050 },
5051 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchArrayPropertiesProperty",
5052 "kind": "interface",
5053 "locationInModule": {
5054 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5055 "line": 3170
5056 },
5057 "name": "BatchArrayPropertiesProperty",
5058 "namespace": "CfnRule",
5059 "properties": [
5060 {
5061 "abstract": true,
5062 "docs": {
5063 "custom": {
5064 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batcharrayproperties.html#cfn-events-rule-batcharrayproperties-size"
5065 },
5066 "remarks": "Valid values are integers between 2 and 10,000.",
5067 "stability": "external",
5068 "summary": "The size of the array, if this is an array batch job."
5069 },
5070 "immutable": true,
5071 "locationInModule": {
5072 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5073 "line": 3176
5074 },
5075 "name": "size",
5076 "optional": true,
5077 "type": {
5078 "primitive": "number"
5079 }
5080 }
5081 ],
5082 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.BatchArrayPropertiesProperty"
5083 },
5084 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchParametersProperty": {
5085 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
5086 "datatype": true,
5087 "docs": {
5088 "custom": {
5089 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batchparameters.html",
5090 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
5091 },
5092 "stability": "external",
5093 "summary": "The custom parameters to be used when the target is an AWS Batch job.",
5094 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst batchParametersProperty: events.CfnRule.BatchParametersProperty = {\n jobDefinition: 'jobDefinition',\n jobName: 'jobName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n arrayProperties: {\n size: 123,\n },\n retryStrategy: {\n attempts: 123,\n },\n};"
5095 },
5096 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchParametersProperty",
5097 "kind": "interface",
5098 "locationInModule": {
5099 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5100 "line": 3237
5101 },
5102 "name": "BatchParametersProperty",
5103 "namespace": "CfnRule",
5104 "properties": [
5105 {
5106 "abstract": true,
5107 "docs": {
5108 "custom": {
5109 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batchparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-batchparameters-jobdefinition"
5110 },
5111 "remarks": "This job definition must already exist.",
5112 "stability": "external",
5113 "summary": "The ARN or name of the job definition to use if the event target is an AWS Batch job."
5114 },
5115 "immutable": true,
5116 "locationInModule": {
5117 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5118 "line": 3249
5119 },
5120 "name": "jobDefinition",
5121 "type": {
5122 "primitive": "string"
5123 }
5124 },
5125 {
5126 "abstract": true,
5127 "docs": {
5128 "custom": {
5129 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batchparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-batchparameters-jobname"
5130 },
5131 "stability": "external",
5132 "summary": "The name to use for this execution of the job, if the target is an AWS Batch job."
5133 },
5134 "immutable": true,
5135 "locationInModule": {
5136 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5137 "line": 3255
5138 },
5139 "name": "jobName",
5140 "type": {
5141 "primitive": "string"
5142 }
5143 },
5144 {
5145 "abstract": true,
5146 "docs": {
5147 "custom": {
5148 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batchparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-batchparameters-arrayproperties"
5149 },
5150 "remarks": "The array size can be between 2 and 10,000. If you specify array properties for a job, it becomes an array job. This parameter is used only if the target is an AWS Batch job.",
5151 "stability": "external",
5152 "summary": "The array properties for the submitted job, such as the size of the array."
5153 },
5154 "immutable": true,
5155 "locationInModule": {
5156 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5157 "line": 3243
5158 },
5159 "name": "arrayProperties",
5160 "optional": true,
5161 "type": {
5162 "union": {
5163 "types": [
5164 {
5165 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5166 },
5167 {
5168 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchArrayPropertiesProperty"
5169 }
5170 ]
5171 }
5172 }
5173 },
5174 {
5175 "abstract": true,
5176 "docs": {
5177 "custom": {
5178 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batchparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-batchparameters-retrystrategy"
5179 },
5180 "remarks": "The retry strategy is the number of times to retry the failed job execution. Valid values are 1–10. When you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.",
5181 "stability": "external",
5182 "summary": "The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an AWS Batch job."
5183 },
5184 "immutable": true,
5185 "locationInModule": {
5186 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5187 "line": 3261
5188 },
5189 "name": "retryStrategy",
5190 "optional": true,
5191 "type": {
5192 "union": {
5193 "types": [
5194 {
5195 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5196 },
5197 {
5198 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchRetryStrategyProperty"
5199 }
5200 ]
5201 }
5202 }
5203 }
5204 ],
5205 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.BatchParametersProperty"
5206 },
5207 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchRetryStrategyProperty": {
5208 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
5209 "datatype": true,
5210 "docs": {
5211 "custom": {
5212 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batchretrystrategy.html",
5213 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
5214 },
5215 "remarks": "If you specify a retry strategy here, it overrides the retry strategy defined in the job definition.",
5216 "stability": "external",
5217 "summary": "The retry strategy to use for failed jobs, if the target is an AWS Batch job.",
5218 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst batchRetryStrategyProperty: events.CfnRule.BatchRetryStrategyProperty = {\n attempts: 123,\n};"
5219 },
5220 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchRetryStrategyProperty",
5221 "kind": "interface",
5222 "locationInModule": {
5223 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5224 "line": 3333
5225 },
5226 "name": "BatchRetryStrategyProperty",
5227 "namespace": "CfnRule",
5228 "properties": [
5229 {
5230 "abstract": true,
5231 "docs": {
5232 "custom": {
5233 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-batchretrystrategy.html#cfn-events-rule-batchretrystrategy-attempts"
5234 },
5235 "remarks": "Valid values are 1–10.",
5236 "stability": "external",
5237 "summary": "The number of times to attempt to retry, if the job fails."
5238 },
5239 "immutable": true,
5240 "locationInModule": {
5241 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5242 "line": 3339
5243 },
5244 "name": "attempts",
5245 "optional": true,
5246 "type": {
5247 "primitive": "number"
5248 }
5249 }
5250 ],
5251 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.BatchRetryStrategyProperty"
5252 },
5253 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty": {
5254 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
5255 "datatype": true,
5256 "docs": {
5257 "custom": {
5258 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-capacityproviderstrategyitem.html",
5259 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
5260 },
5261 "remarks": "To learn more, see [CapacityProviderStrategyItem](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_CapacityProviderStrategyItem.html) in the Amazon ECS API Reference.",
5262 "stability": "external",
5263 "summary": "The details of a capacity provider strategy.",
5264 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst capacityProviderStrategyItemProperty: events.CfnRule.CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty = {\n capacityProvider: 'capacityProvider',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n base: 123,\n weight: 123,\n};"
5265 },
5266 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty",
5267 "kind": "interface",
5268 "locationInModule": {
5269 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5270 "line": 3400
5271 },
5272 "name": "CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty",
5273 "namespace": "CfnRule",
5274 "properties": [
5275 {
5276 "abstract": true,
5277 "docs": {
5278 "custom": {
5279 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-capacityproviderstrategyitem.html#cfn-events-rule-capacityproviderstrategyitem-capacityprovider"
5280 },
5281 "stability": "external",
5282 "summary": "The short name of the capacity provider."
5283 },
5284 "immutable": true,
5285 "locationInModule": {
5286 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5287 "line": 3412
5288 },
5289 "name": "capacityProvider",
5290 "type": {
5291 "primitive": "string"
5292 }
5293 },
5294 {
5295 "abstract": true,
5296 "docs": {
5297 "custom": {
5298 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-capacityproviderstrategyitem.html#cfn-events-rule-capacityproviderstrategyitem-base"
5299 },
5300 "remarks": "Only one capacity provider in a capacity provider strategy can have a base defined. If no value is specified, the default value of 0 is used.",
5301 "stability": "external",
5302 "summary": "The base value designates how many tasks, at a minimum, to run on the specified capacity provider."
5303 },
5304 "immutable": true,
5305 "locationInModule": {
5306 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5307 "line": 3406
5308 },
5309 "name": "base",
5310 "optional": true,
5311 "type": {
5312 "primitive": "number"
5313 }
5314 },
5315 {
5316 "abstract": true,
5317 "docs": {
5318 "custom": {
5319 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-capacityproviderstrategyitem.html#cfn-events-rule-capacityproviderstrategyitem-weight"
5320 },
5321 "remarks": "The weight value is taken into consideration after the base value, if defined, is satisfied.",
5322 "stability": "external",
5323 "summary": "The weight value designates the relative percentage of the total number of tasks launched that should use the specified capacity provider."
5324 },
5325 "immutable": true,
5326 "locationInModule": {
5327 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5328 "line": 3418
5329 },
5330 "name": "weight",
5331 "optional": true,
5332 "type": {
5333 "primitive": "number"
5334 }
5335 }
5336 ],
5337 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty"
5338 },
5339 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.DeadLetterConfigProperty": {
5340 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
5341 "datatype": true,
5342 "docs": {
5343 "custom": {
5344 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-deadletterconfig.html",
5345 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
5346 },
5347 "stability": "external",
5348 "summary": "A `DeadLetterConfig` object that contains information about a dead-letter queue configuration.",
5349 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst deadLetterConfigProperty: events.CfnRule.DeadLetterConfigProperty = {\n arn: 'arn',\n};"
5350 },
5351 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.DeadLetterConfigProperty",
5352 "kind": "interface",
5353 "locationInModule": {
5354 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5355 "line": 3486
5356 },
5357 "name": "DeadLetterConfigProperty",
5358 "namespace": "CfnRule",
5359 "properties": [
5360 {
5361 "abstract": true,
5362 "docs": {
5363 "custom": {
5364 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-deadletterconfig.html#cfn-events-rule-deadletterconfig-arn"
5365 },
5366 "stability": "external",
5367 "summary": "The ARN of the SQS queue specified as the target for the dead-letter queue."
5368 },
5369 "immutable": true,
5370 "locationInModule": {
5371 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5372 "line": 3492
5373 },
5374 "name": "arn",
5375 "optional": true,
5376 "type": {
5377 "primitive": "string"
5378 }
5379 }
5380 ],
5381 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.DeadLetterConfigProperty"
5382 },
5383 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.EcsParametersProperty": {
5384 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
5385 "datatype": true,
5386 "docs": {
5387 "custom": {
5388 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html",
5389 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
5390 },
5391 "stability": "external",
5392 "summary": "The custom parameters to be used when the target is an Amazon ECS task.",
5393 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst ecsParametersProperty: events.CfnRule.EcsParametersProperty = {\n taskDefinitionArn: 'taskDefinitionArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n capacityProviderStrategy: [{\n capacityProvider: 'capacityProvider',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n base: 123,\n weight: 123,\n }],\n enableEcsManagedTags: false,\n enableExecuteCommand: false,\n group: 'group',\n launchType: 'launchType',\n networkConfiguration: {\n awsVpcConfiguration: {\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',\n securityGroups: ['securityGroups'],\n },\n },\n placementConstraints: [{\n expression: 'expression',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n placementStrategies: [{\n field: 'field',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n platformVersion: 'platformVersion',\n propagateTags: 'propagateTags',\n referenceId: 'referenceId',\n tagList: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n taskCount: 123,\n};"
5394 },
5395 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.EcsParametersProperty",
5396 "kind": "interface",
5397 "locationInModule": {
5398 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5399 "line": 3553
5400 },
5401 "name": "EcsParametersProperty",
5402 "namespace": "CfnRule",
5403 "properties": [
5404 {
5405 "abstract": true,
5406 "docs": {
5407 "custom": {
5408 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-taskdefinitionarn"
5409 },
5410 "stability": "external",
5411 "summary": "The ARN of the task definition to use if the event target is an Amazon ECS task."
5412 },
5413 "immutable": true,
5414 "locationInModule": {
5415 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5416 "line": 3643
5417 },
5418 "name": "taskDefinitionArn",
5419 "type": {
5420 "primitive": "string"
5421 }
5422 },
5423 {
5424 "abstract": true,
5425 "docs": {
5426 "custom": {
5427 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-capacityproviderstrategy"
5428 },
5429 "remarks": "If a `capacityProviderStrategy` is specified, the `launchType` parameter must be omitted. If no `capacityProviderStrategy` or launchType is specified, the `defaultCapacityProviderStrategy` for the cluster is used.",
5430 "stability": "external",
5431 "summary": "The capacity provider strategy to use for the task."
5432 },
5433 "immutable": true,
5434 "locationInModule": {
5435 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5436 "line": 3561
5437 },
5438 "name": "capacityProviderStrategy",
5439 "optional": true,
5440 "type": {
5441 "union": {
5442 "types": [
5443 {
5444 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5445 },
5446 {
5447 "collection": {
5448 "elementtype": {
5449 "union": {
5450 "types": [
5451 {
5452 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5453 },
5454 {
5455 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.CapacityProviderStrategyItemProperty"
5456 }
5457 ]
5458 }
5459 },
5460 "kind": "array"
5461 }
5462 }
5463 ]
5464 }
5465 }
5466 },
5467 {
5468 "abstract": true,
5469 "docs": {
5470 "custom": {
5471 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-enableecsmanagedtags"
5472 },
5473 "remarks": "For more information, see [Tagging Your Amazon ECS Resources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/ecs-using-tags.html) in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.",
5474 "stability": "external",
5475 "summary": "Specifies whether to enable Amazon ECS managed tags for the task."
5476 },
5477 "immutable": true,
5478 "locationInModule": {
5479 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5480 "line": 3567
5481 },
5482 "name": "enableEcsManagedTags",
5483 "optional": true,
5484 "type": {
5485 "union": {
5486 "types": [
5487 {
5488 "primitive": "boolean"
5489 },
5490 {
5491 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5492 }
5493 ]
5494 }
5495 }
5496 },
5497 {
5498 "abstract": true,
5499 "docs": {
5500 "custom": {
5501 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-enableexecutecommand"
5502 },
5503 "remarks": "If true, this enables execute command functionality on all containers in the task.",
5504 "stability": "external",
5505 "summary": "Whether or not to enable the execute command functionality for the containers in this task."
5506 },
5507 "immutable": true,
5508 "locationInModule": {
5509 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5510 "line": 3573
5511 },
5512 "name": "enableExecuteCommand",
5513 "optional": true,
5514 "type": {
5515 "union": {
5516 "types": [
5517 {
5518 "primitive": "boolean"
5519 },
5520 {
5521 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5522 }
5523 ]
5524 }
5525 }
5526 },
5527 {
5528 "abstract": true,
5529 "docs": {
5530 "custom": {
5531 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-group"
5532 },
5533 "remarks": "The maximum length is 255 characters.",
5534 "stability": "external",
5535 "summary": "Specifies an ECS task group for the task."
5536 },
5537 "immutable": true,
5538 "locationInModule": {
5539 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5540 "line": 3579
5541 },
5542 "name": "group",
5543 "optional": true,
5544 "type": {
5545 "primitive": "string"
5546 }
5547 },
5548 {
5549 "abstract": true,
5550 "docs": {
5551 "custom": {
5552 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-launchtype"
5553 },
5554 "remarks": "The launch type that you specify here must match one of the launch type (compatibilities) of the target task. The `FARGATE` value is supported only in the Regions where AWS Fargate with Amazon ECS is supported. For more information, see [AWS Fargate on Amazon ECS](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/AWS-Fargate.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide* .",
5555 "stability": "external",
5556 "summary": "Specifies the launch type on which your task is running."
5557 },
5558 "immutable": true,
5559 "locationInModule": {
5560 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5561 "line": 3585
5562 },
5563 "name": "launchType",
5564 "optional": true,
5565 "type": {
5566 "primitive": "string"
5567 }
5568 },
5569 {
5570 "abstract": true,
5571 "docs": {
5572 "custom": {
5573 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-networkconfiguration"
5574 },
5575 "remarks": "This structure specifies the VPC subnets and security groups associated with the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used. This structure is required if `LaunchType` is `FARGATE` because the `awsvpc` mode is required for Fargate tasks.\n\nIf you specify `NetworkConfiguration` when the target ECS task does not use the `awsvpc` network mode, the task fails.",
5576 "stability": "external",
5577 "summary": "Use this structure if the Amazon ECS task uses the `awsvpc` network mode."
5578 },
5579 "immutable": true,
5580 "locationInModule": {
5581 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5582 "line": 3593
5583 },
5584 "name": "networkConfiguration",
5585 "optional": true,
5586 "type": {
5587 "union": {
5588 "types": [
5589 {
5590 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5591 },
5592 {
5593 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.NetworkConfigurationProperty"
5594 }
5595 ]
5596 }
5597 }
5598 },
5599 {
5600 "abstract": true,
5601 "docs": {
5602 "custom": {
5603 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-placementconstraints"
5604 },
5605 "remarks": "You can specify up to 10 constraints per task (including constraints in the task definition and those specified at runtime).",
5606 "stability": "external",
5607 "summary": "An array of placement constraint objects to use for the task."
5608 },
5609 "immutable": true,
5610 "locationInModule": {
5611 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5612 "line": 3599
5613 },
5614 "name": "placementConstraints",
5615 "optional": true,
5616 "type": {
5617 "union": {
5618 "types": [
5619 {
5620 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5621 },
5622 {
5623 "collection": {
5624 "elementtype": {
5625 "union": {
5626 "types": [
5627 {
5628 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5629 },
5630 {
5631 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.PlacementConstraintProperty"
5632 }
5633 ]
5634 }
5635 },
5636 "kind": "array"
5637 }
5638 }
5639 ]
5640 }
5641 }
5642 },
5643 {
5644 "abstract": true,
5645 "docs": {
5646 "custom": {
5647 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-placementstrategies"
5648 },
5649 "remarks": "You can specify a maximum of five strategy rules per task.",
5650 "stability": "external",
5651 "summary": "The placement strategy objects to use for the task."
5652 },
5653 "immutable": true,
5654 "locationInModule": {
5655 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5656 "line": 3605
5657 },
5658 "name": "placementStrategies",
5659 "optional": true,
5660 "type": {
5661 "union": {
5662 "types": [
5663 {
5664 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5665 },
5666 {
5667 "collection": {
5668 "elementtype": {
5669 "union": {
5670 "types": [
5671 {
5672 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5673 },
5674 {
5675 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.PlacementStrategyProperty"
5676 }
5677 ]
5678 }
5679 },
5680 "kind": "array"
5681 }
5682 }
5683 ]
5684 }
5685 }
5686 },
5687 {
5688 "abstract": true,
5689 "docs": {
5690 "custom": {
5691 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-platformversion"
5692 },
5693 "remarks": "Specify only the numeric portion of the platform version, such as `1.1.0` .\n\nThis structure is used only if `LaunchType` is `FARGATE` . For more information about valid platform versions, see [AWS Fargate Platform Versions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/platform_versions.html) in the *Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide* .",
5694 "stability": "external",
5695 "summary": "Specifies the platform version for the task."
5696 },
5697 "immutable": true,
5698 "locationInModule": {
5699 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5700 "line": 3613
5701 },
5702 "name": "platformVersion",
5703 "optional": true,
5704 "type": {
5705 "primitive": "string"
5706 }
5707 },
5708 {
5709 "abstract": true,
5710 "docs": {
5711 "custom": {
5712 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-propagatetags"
5713 },
5714 "remarks": "If no value is specified, the tags are not propagated. Tags can only be propagated to the task during task creation. To add tags to a task after task creation, use the TagResource API action.",
5715 "stability": "external",
5716 "summary": "Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the task definition to the task."
5717 },
5718 "immutable": true,
5719 "locationInModule": {
5720 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5721 "line": 3619
5722 },
5723 "name": "propagateTags",
5724 "optional": true,
5725 "type": {
5726 "primitive": "string"
5727 }
5728 },
5729 {
5730 "abstract": true,
5731 "docs": {
5732 "custom": {
5733 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-referenceid"
5734 },
5735 "stability": "external",
5736 "summary": "The reference ID to use for the task."
5737 },
5738 "immutable": true,
5739 "locationInModule": {
5740 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5741 "line": 3625
5742 },
5743 "name": "referenceId",
5744 "optional": true,
5745 "type": {
5746 "primitive": "string"
5747 }
5748 },
5749 {
5750 "abstract": true,
5751 "docs": {
5752 "custom": {
5753 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-taglist"
5754 },
5755 "remarks": "Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you define. To learn more, see [RunTask](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/APIReference/API_RunTask.html#ECS-RunTask-request-tags) in the Amazon ECS API Reference.",
5756 "stability": "external",
5757 "summary": "The metadata that you apply to the task to help you categorize and organize them."
5758 },
5759 "immutable": true,
5760 "locationInModule": {
5761 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5762 "line": 3631
5763 },
5764 "name": "tagList",
5765 "optional": true,
5766 "type": {
5767 "union": {
5768 "types": [
5769 {
5770 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5771 },
5772 {
5773 "collection": {
5774 "elementtype": {
5775 "union": {
5776 "types": [
5777 {
5778 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5779 },
5780 {
5781 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnTag"
5782 }
5783 ]
5784 }
5785 },
5786 "kind": "array"
5787 }
5788 }
5789 ]
5790 }
5791 }
5792 },
5793 {
5794 "abstract": true,
5795 "docs": {
5796 "custom": {
5797 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-ecsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-ecsparameters-taskcount"
5798 },
5799 "remarks": "The default is 1.",
5800 "stability": "external",
5801 "summary": "The number of tasks to create based on `TaskDefinition` ."
5802 },
5803 "immutable": true,
5804 "locationInModule": {
5805 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5806 "line": 3637
5807 },
5808 "name": "taskCount",
5809 "optional": true,
5810 "type": {
5811 "primitive": "number"
5812 }
5813 }
5814 ],
5815 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.EcsParametersProperty"
5816 },
5817 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.HttpParametersProperty": {
5818 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
5819 "datatype": true,
5820 "docs": {
5821 "custom": {
5822 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-httpparameters.html",
5823 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
5824 },
5825 "remarks": "In the latter case, these are merged with any InvocationParameters specified on the Connection, with any values from the Connection taking precedence.",
5826 "stability": "external",
5827 "summary": "These are custom parameter to be used when the target is an API Gateway APIs or EventBridge ApiDestinations.",
5828 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst httpParametersProperty: events.CfnRule.HttpParametersProperty = {\n headerParameters: {\n headerParametersKey: 'headerParameters',\n },\n pathParameterValues: ['pathParameterValues'],\n queryStringParameters: {\n queryStringParametersKey: 'queryStringParameters',\n },\n};"
5829 },
5830 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.HttpParametersProperty",
5831 "kind": "interface",
5832 "locationInModule": {
5833 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5834 "line": 3744
5835 },
5836 "name": "HttpParametersProperty",
5837 "namespace": "CfnRule",
5838 "properties": [
5839 {
5840 "abstract": true,
5841 "docs": {
5842 "custom": {
5843 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-httpparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-httpparameters-headerparameters"
5844 },
5845 "stability": "external",
5846 "summary": "The headers that need to be sent as part of request invoking the API Gateway API or EventBridge ApiDestination."
5847 },
5848 "immutable": true,
5849 "locationInModule": {
5850 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5851 "line": 3750
5852 },
5853 "name": "headerParameters",
5854 "optional": true,
5855 "type": {
5856 "union": {
5857 "types": [
5858 {
5859 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5860 },
5861 {
5862 "collection": {
5863 "elementtype": {
5864 "primitive": "string"
5865 },
5866 "kind": "map"
5867 }
5868 }
5869 ]
5870 }
5871 }
5872 },
5873 {
5874 "abstract": true,
5875 "docs": {
5876 "custom": {
5877 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-httpparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-httpparameters-pathparametervalues"
5878 },
5879 "stability": "external",
5880 "summary": "The path parameter values to be used to populate API Gateway API or EventBridge ApiDestination path wildcards (\"*\")."
5881 },
5882 "immutable": true,
5883 "locationInModule": {
5884 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5885 "line": 3756
5886 },
5887 "name": "pathParameterValues",
5888 "optional": true,
5889 "type": {
5890 "collection": {
5891 "elementtype": {
5892 "primitive": "string"
5893 },
5894 "kind": "array"
5895 }
5896 }
5897 },
5898 {
5899 "abstract": true,
5900 "docs": {
5901 "custom": {
5902 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-httpparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-httpparameters-querystringparameters"
5903 },
5904 "stability": "external",
5905 "summary": "The query string keys/values that need to be sent as part of request invoking the API Gateway API or EventBridge ApiDestination."
5906 },
5907 "immutable": true,
5908 "locationInModule": {
5909 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5910 "line": 3762
5911 },
5912 "name": "queryStringParameters",
5913 "optional": true,
5914 "type": {
5915 "union": {
5916 "types": [
5917 {
5918 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5919 },
5920 {
5921 "collection": {
5922 "elementtype": {
5923 "primitive": "string"
5924 },
5925 "kind": "map"
5926 }
5927 }
5928 ]
5929 }
5930 }
5931 }
5932 ],
5933 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.HttpParametersProperty"
5934 },
5935 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.InputTransformerProperty": {
5936 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
5937 "datatype": true,
5938 "docs": {
5939 "custom": {
5940 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-inputtransformer.html",
5941 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
5942 },
5943 "stability": "external",
5944 "summary": "Contains the parameters needed for you to provide custom input to a target based on one or more pieces of data extracted from the event.",
5945 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst inputTransformerProperty: events.CfnRule.InputTransformerProperty = {\n inputTemplate: 'inputTemplate',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n inputPathsMap: {\n inputPathsMapKey: 'inputPathsMap',\n },\n};"
5946 },
5947 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.InputTransformerProperty",
5948 "kind": "interface",
5949 "locationInModule": {
5950 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5951 "line": 3829
5952 },
5953 "name": "InputTransformerProperty",
5954 "namespace": "CfnRule",
5955 "properties": [
5956 {
5957 "abstract": true,
5958 "docs": {
5959 "custom": {
5960 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-inputtransformer.html#cfn-events-rule-inputtransformer-inputtemplate"
5961 },
5962 "remarks": "Enclose each `InputPathsMaps` value in brackets: < *value* >\n\nIf `InputTemplate` is a JSON object (surrounded by curly braces), the following restrictions apply:\n\n- The placeholder cannot be used as an object key.\n\nThe following example shows the syntax for using `InputPathsMap` and `InputTemplate` .\n\n`\"InputTransformer\":`\n\n`{`\n\n`\"InputPathsMap\": {\"instance\": \"$.detail.instance\",\"status\": \"$.detail.status\"},`\n\n`\"InputTemplate\": \"<instance> is in state <status>\"`\n\n`}`\n\nTo have the `InputTemplate` include quote marks within a JSON string, escape each quote marks with a slash, as in the following example:\n\n`\"InputTransformer\":`\n\n`{`\n\n`\"InputPathsMap\": {\"instance\": \"$.detail.instance\",\"status\": \"$.detail.status\"},`\n\n`\"InputTemplate\": \"<instance> is in state \\\"<status>\\\"\"`\n\n`}`\n\nThe `InputTemplate` can also be valid JSON with varibles in quotes or out, as in the following example:\n\n`\"InputTransformer\":`\n\n`{`\n\n`\"InputPathsMap\": {\"instance\": \"$.detail.instance\",\"status\": \"$.detail.status\"},`\n\n`\"InputTemplate\": '{\"myInstance\": <instance>,\"myStatus\": \"<instance> is in state \\\"<status>\\\"\"}'`\n\n`}`",
5963 "stability": "external",
5964 "summary": "Input template where you specify placeholders that will be filled with the values of the keys from `InputPathsMap` to customize the data sent to the target."
5965 },
5966 "immutable": true,
5967 "locationInModule": {
5968 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5969 "line": 3885
5970 },
5971 "name": "inputTemplate",
5972 "type": {
5973 "primitive": "string"
5974 }
5975 },
5976 {
5977 "abstract": true,
5978 "docs": {
5979 "custom": {
5980 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-inputtransformer.html#cfn-events-rule-inputtransformer-inputpathsmap"
5981 },
5982 "remarks": "You can then insert these in the template in `InputTemplate` to produce the output you want to be sent to the target.\n\n`InputPathsMap` is an array key-value pairs, where each value is a valid JSON path. You can have as many as 100 key-value pairs. You must use JSON dot notation, not bracket notation.\n\nThe keys cannot start with \" AWS .\"",
5983 "stability": "external",
5984 "summary": "Map of JSON paths to be extracted from the event."
5985 },
5986 "immutable": true,
5987 "locationInModule": {
5988 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
5989 "line": 3839
5990 },
5991 "name": "inputPathsMap",
5992 "optional": true,
5993 "type": {
5994 "union": {
5995 "types": [
5996 {
5997 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5998 },
5999 {
6000 "collection": {
6001 "elementtype": {
6002 "primitive": "string"
6003 },
6004 "kind": "map"
6005 }
6006 }
6007 ]
6008 }
6009 }
6010 }
6011 ],
6012 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.InputTransformerProperty"
6013 },
6014 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.KinesisParametersProperty": {
6015 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6016 "datatype": true,
6017 "docs": {
6018 "custom": {
6019 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-kinesisparameters.html",
6020 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6021 },
6022 "remarks": "If you do not include this parameter, the default is to use the `eventId` as the partition key.",
6023 "stability": "external",
6024 "summary": "This object enables you to specify a JSON path to extract from the event and use as the partition key for the Amazon Kinesis data stream, so that you can control the shard to which the event goes.",
6025 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst kinesisParametersProperty: events.CfnRule.KinesisParametersProperty = {\n partitionKeyPath: 'partitionKeyPath',\n};"
6026 },
6027 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.KinesisParametersProperty",
6028 "kind": "interface",
6029 "locationInModule": {
6030 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6031 "line": 3950
6032 },
6033 "name": "KinesisParametersProperty",
6034 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6035 "properties": [
6036 {
6037 "abstract": true,
6038 "docs": {
6039 "custom": {
6040 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-kinesisparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-kinesisparameters-partitionkeypath"
6041 },
6042 "remarks": "For more information, see [Amazon Kinesis Streams Key Concepts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/streams/latest/dev/key-concepts.html#partition-key) in the *Amazon Kinesis Streams Developer Guide* .",
6043 "stability": "external",
6044 "summary": "The JSON path to be extracted from the event and used as the partition key."
6045 },
6046 "immutable": true,
6047 "locationInModule": {
6048 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6049 "line": 3956
6050 },
6051 "name": "partitionKeyPath",
6052 "type": {
6053 "primitive": "string"
6054 }
6055 }
6056 ],
6057 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.KinesisParametersProperty"
6058 },
6059 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.NetworkConfigurationProperty": {
6060 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6061 "datatype": true,
6062 "docs": {
6063 "custom": {
6064 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-networkconfiguration.html",
6065 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6066 },
6067 "stability": "external",
6068 "summary": "This structure specifies the network configuration for an ECS task.",
6069 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst networkConfigurationProperty: events.CfnRule.NetworkConfigurationProperty = {\n awsVpcConfiguration: {\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',\n securityGroups: ['securityGroups'],\n },\n};"
6070 },
6071 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.NetworkConfigurationProperty",
6072 "kind": "interface",
6073 "locationInModule": {
6074 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6075 "line": 4018
6076 },
6077 "name": "NetworkConfigurationProperty",
6078 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6079 "properties": [
6080 {
6081 "abstract": true,
6082 "docs": {
6083 "custom": {
6084 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-networkconfiguration.html#cfn-events-rule-networkconfiguration-awsvpcconfiguration"
6085 },
6086 "remarks": "This structure is relevant only for ECS tasks that use the `awsvpc` network mode.",
6087 "stability": "external",
6088 "summary": "Use this structure to specify the VPC subnets and security groups for the task, and whether a public IP address is to be used."
6089 },
6090 "immutable": true,
6091 "locationInModule": {
6092 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6093 "line": 4024
6094 },
6095 "name": "awsVpcConfiguration",
6096 "optional": true,
6097 "type": {
6098 "union": {
6099 "types": [
6100 {
6101 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6102 },
6103 {
6104 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.AwsVpcConfigurationProperty"
6105 }
6106 ]
6107 }
6108 }
6109 }
6110 ],
6111 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.NetworkConfigurationProperty"
6112 },
6113 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.PlacementConstraintProperty": {
6114 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6115 "datatype": true,
6116 "docs": {
6117 "custom": {
6118 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-placementconstraint.html",
6119 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6120 },
6121 "remarks": "To learn more, see [Task Placement Constraints](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task-placement-constraints.html) in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.",
6122 "stability": "external",
6123 "summary": "An object representing a constraint on task placement.",
6124 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst placementConstraintProperty: events.CfnRule.PlacementConstraintProperty = {\n expression: 'expression',\n type: 'type',\n};"
6125 },
6126 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.PlacementConstraintProperty",
6127 "kind": "interface",
6128 "locationInModule": {
6129 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6130 "line": 4085
6131 },
6132 "name": "PlacementConstraintProperty",
6133 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6134 "properties": [
6135 {
6136 "abstract": true,
6137 "docs": {
6138 "custom": {
6139 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-placementconstraint.html#cfn-events-rule-placementconstraint-expression"
6140 },
6141 "remarks": "You cannot specify an expression if the constraint type is `distinctInstance` . To learn more, see [Cluster Query Language](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/cluster-query-language.html) in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Developer Guide.",
6142 "stability": "external",
6143 "summary": "A cluster query language expression to apply to the constraint."
6144 },
6145 "immutable": true,
6146 "locationInModule": {
6147 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6148 "line": 4091
6149 },
6150 "name": "expression",
6151 "optional": true,
6152 "type": {
6153 "primitive": "string"
6154 }
6155 },
6156 {
6157 "abstract": true,
6158 "docs": {
6159 "custom": {
6160 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-placementconstraint.html#cfn-events-rule-placementconstraint-type"
6161 },
6162 "remarks": "Use distinctInstance to ensure that each task in a particular group is running on a different container instance. Use memberOf to restrict the selection to a group of valid candidates.",
6163 "stability": "external",
6164 "summary": "The type of constraint."
6165 },
6166 "immutable": true,
6167 "locationInModule": {
6168 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6169 "line": 4097
6170 },
6171 "name": "type",
6172 "optional": true,
6173 "type": {
6174 "primitive": "string"
6175 }
6176 }
6177 ],
6178 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.PlacementConstraintProperty"
6179 },
6180 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.PlacementStrategyProperty": {
6181 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6182 "datatype": true,
6183 "docs": {
6184 "custom": {
6185 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-placementstrategy.html",
6186 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6187 },
6188 "remarks": "To learn more, see [Task Placement Strategies](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task-placement-strategies.html) in the Amazon Elastic Container Service Service Developer Guide.",
6189 "stability": "external",
6190 "summary": "The task placement strategy for a task or service.",
6191 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst placementStrategyProperty: events.CfnRule.PlacementStrategyProperty = {\n field: 'field',\n type: 'type',\n};"
6192 },
6193 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.PlacementStrategyProperty",
6194 "kind": "interface",
6195 "locationInModule": {
6196 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6197 "line": 4161
6198 },
6199 "name": "PlacementStrategyProperty",
6200 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6201 "properties": [
6202 {
6203 "abstract": true,
6204 "docs": {
6205 "custom": {
6206 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-placementstrategy.html#cfn-events-rule-placementstrategy-field"
6207 },
6208 "remarks": "For the spread placement strategy, valid values are instanceId (or host, which has the same effect), or any platform or custom attribute that is applied to a container instance, such as attribute:ecs.availability-zone. For the binpack placement strategy, valid values are cpu and memory. For the random placement strategy, this field is not used.",
6209 "stability": "external",
6210 "summary": "The field to apply the placement strategy against."
6211 },
6212 "immutable": true,
6213 "locationInModule": {
6214 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6215 "line": 4167
6216 },
6217 "name": "field",
6218 "optional": true,
6219 "type": {
6220 "primitive": "string"
6221 }
6222 },
6223 {
6224 "abstract": true,
6225 "docs": {
6226 "custom": {
6227 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-placementstrategy.html#cfn-events-rule-placementstrategy-type"
6228 },
6229 "remarks": "The random placement strategy randomly places tasks on available candidates. The spread placement strategy spreads placement across available candidates evenly based on the field parameter. The binpack strategy places tasks on available candidates that have the least available amount of the resource that is specified with the field parameter. For example, if you binpack on memory, a task is placed on the instance with the least amount of remaining memory (but still enough to run the task).",
6230 "stability": "external",
6231 "summary": "The type of placement strategy."
6232 },
6233 "immutable": true,
6234 "locationInModule": {
6235 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6236 "line": 4173
6237 },
6238 "name": "type",
6239 "optional": true,
6240 "type": {
6241 "primitive": "string"
6242 }
6243 }
6244 ],
6245 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.PlacementStrategyProperty"
6246 },
6247 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RedshiftDataParametersProperty": {
6248 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6249 "datatype": true,
6250 "docs": {
6251 "custom": {
6252 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters.html",
6253 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6254 },
6255 "stability": "external",
6256 "summary": "These are custom parameters to be used when the target is a Amazon Redshift cluster to invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API ExecuteStatement based on EventBridge events.",
6257 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst redshiftDataParametersProperty: events.CfnRule.RedshiftDataParametersProperty = {\n database: 'database',\n sql: 'sql',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dbUser: 'dbUser',\n secretManagerArn: 'secretManagerArn',\n statementName: 'statementName',\n withEvent: false,\n};"
6258 },
6259 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RedshiftDataParametersProperty",
6260 "kind": "interface",
6261 "locationInModule": {
6262 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6263 "line": 4237
6264 },
6265 "name": "RedshiftDataParametersProperty",
6266 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6267 "properties": [
6268 {
6269 "abstract": true,
6270 "docs": {
6271 "custom": {
6272 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters-database"
6273 },
6274 "remarks": "Required when authenticating using temporary credentials.",
6275 "stability": "external",
6276 "summary": "The name of the database."
6277 },
6278 "immutable": true,
6279 "locationInModule": {
6280 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6281 "line": 4243
6282 },
6283 "name": "database",
6284 "type": {
6285 "primitive": "string"
6286 }
6287 },
6288 {
6289 "abstract": true,
6290 "docs": {
6291 "custom": {
6292 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters-sql"
6293 },
6294 "stability": "external",
6295 "summary": "The SQL statement text to run."
6296 },
6297 "immutable": true,
6298 "locationInModule": {
6299 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6300 "line": 4261
6301 },
6302 "name": "sql",
6303 "type": {
6304 "primitive": "string"
6305 }
6306 },
6307 {
6308 "abstract": true,
6309 "docs": {
6310 "custom": {
6311 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters-dbuser"
6312 },
6313 "remarks": "Required when authenticating using temporary credentials.",
6314 "stability": "external",
6315 "summary": "The database user name."
6316 },
6317 "immutable": true,
6318 "locationInModule": {
6319 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6320 "line": 4249
6321 },
6322 "name": "dbUser",
6323 "optional": true,
6324 "type": {
6325 "primitive": "string"
6326 }
6327 },
6328 {
6329 "abstract": true,
6330 "docs": {
6331 "custom": {
6332 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters-secretmanagerarn"
6333 },
6334 "remarks": "Required when authenticating using AWS Secrets Manager.",
6335 "stability": "external",
6336 "summary": "The name or ARN of the secret that enables access to the database."
6337 },
6338 "immutable": true,
6339 "locationInModule": {
6340 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6341 "line": 4255
6342 },
6343 "name": "secretManagerArn",
6344 "optional": true,
6345 "type": {
6346 "primitive": "string"
6347 }
6348 },
6349 {
6350 "abstract": true,
6351 "docs": {
6352 "custom": {
6353 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters-statementname"
6354 },
6355 "remarks": "You can name the SQL statement when you create it to identify the query.",
6356 "stability": "external",
6357 "summary": "The name of the SQL statement."
6358 },
6359 "immutable": true,
6360 "locationInModule": {
6361 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6362 "line": 4267
6363 },
6364 "name": "statementName",
6365 "optional": true,
6366 "type": {
6367 "primitive": "string"
6368 }
6369 },
6370 {
6371 "abstract": true,
6372 "docs": {
6373 "custom": {
6374 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-redshiftdataparameters-withevent"
6375 },
6376 "stability": "external",
6377 "summary": "Indicates whether to send an event back to EventBridge after the SQL statement runs."
6378 },
6379 "immutable": true,
6380 "locationInModule": {
6381 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6382 "line": 4273
6383 },
6384 "name": "withEvent",
6385 "optional": true,
6386 "type": {
6387 "union": {
6388 "types": [
6389 {
6390 "primitive": "boolean"
6391 },
6392 {
6393 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6394 }
6395 ]
6396 }
6397 }
6398 }
6399 ],
6400 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.RedshiftDataParametersProperty"
6401 },
6402 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RetryPolicyProperty": {
6403 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6404 "datatype": true,
6405 "docs": {
6406 "custom": {
6407 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-retrypolicy.html",
6408 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6409 },
6410 "stability": "external",
6411 "summary": "A `RetryPolicy` object that includes information about the retry policy settings.",
6412 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst retryPolicyProperty: events.CfnRule.RetryPolicyProperty = {\n maximumEventAgeInSeconds: 123,\n maximumRetryAttempts: 123,\n};"
6413 },
6414 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RetryPolicyProperty",
6415 "kind": "interface",
6416 "locationInModule": {
6417 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6418 "line": 4351
6419 },
6420 "name": "RetryPolicyProperty",
6421 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6422 "properties": [
6423 {
6424 "abstract": true,
6425 "docs": {
6426 "custom": {
6427 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-retrypolicy.html#cfn-events-rule-retrypolicy-maximumeventageinseconds"
6428 },
6429 "stability": "external",
6430 "summary": "The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to continue to make retry attempts."
6431 },
6432 "immutable": true,
6433 "locationInModule": {
6434 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6435 "line": 4357
6436 },
6437 "name": "maximumEventAgeInSeconds",
6438 "optional": true,
6439 "type": {
6440 "primitive": "number"
6441 }
6442 },
6443 {
6444 "abstract": true,
6445 "docs": {
6446 "custom": {
6447 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-retrypolicy.html#cfn-events-rule-retrypolicy-maximumretryattempts"
6448 },
6449 "remarks": "Retry attempts continue until either the maximum number of attempts is made or until the duration of the `MaximumEventAgeInSeconds` is met.",
6450 "stability": "external",
6451 "summary": "The maximum number of retry attempts to make before the request fails."
6452 },
6453 "immutable": true,
6454 "locationInModule": {
6455 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6456 "line": 4363
6457 },
6458 "name": "maximumRetryAttempts",
6459 "optional": true,
6460 "type": {
6461 "primitive": "number"
6462 }
6463 }
6464 ],
6465 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.RetryPolicyProperty"
6466 },
6467 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RunCommandParametersProperty": {
6468 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6469 "datatype": true,
6470 "docs": {
6471 "custom": {
6472 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-runcommandparameters.html",
6473 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6474 },
6475 "stability": "external",
6476 "summary": "This parameter contains the criteria (either InstanceIds or a tag) used to specify which EC2 instances are to be sent the command.",
6477 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst runCommandParametersProperty: events.CfnRule.RunCommandParametersProperty = {\n runCommandTargets: [{\n key: 'key',\n values: ['values'],\n }],\n};"
6478 },
6479 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RunCommandParametersProperty",
6480 "kind": "interface",
6481 "locationInModule": {
6482 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6483 "line": 4427
6484 },
6485 "name": "RunCommandParametersProperty",
6486 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6487 "properties": [
6488 {
6489 "abstract": true,
6490 "docs": {
6491 "custom": {
6492 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-runcommandparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-runcommandparameters-runcommandtargets"
6493 },
6494 "stability": "external",
6495 "summary": "Currently, we support including only one RunCommandTarget block, which specifies either an array of InstanceIds or a tag."
6496 },
6497 "immutable": true,
6498 "locationInModule": {
6499 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6500 "line": 4433
6501 },
6502 "name": "runCommandTargets",
6503 "type": {
6504 "union": {
6505 "types": [
6506 {
6507 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6508 },
6509 {
6510 "collection": {
6511 "elementtype": {
6512 "union": {
6513 "types": [
6514 {
6515 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6516 },
6517 {
6518 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RunCommandTargetProperty"
6519 }
6520 ]
6521 }
6522 },
6523 "kind": "array"
6524 }
6525 }
6526 ]
6527 }
6528 }
6529 }
6530 ],
6531 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.RunCommandParametersProperty"
6532 },
6533 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RunCommandTargetProperty": {
6534 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6535 "datatype": true,
6536 "docs": {
6537 "custom": {
6538 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-runcommandtarget.html",
6539 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6540 },
6541 "remarks": "Each `RunCommandTarget` block can include only one key, but this key may specify multiple values.",
6542 "stability": "external",
6543 "summary": "Information about the EC2 instances that are to be sent the command, specified as key-value pairs.",
6544 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst runCommandTargetProperty: events.CfnRule.RunCommandTargetProperty = {\n key: 'key',\n values: ['values'],\n};"
6545 },
6546 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RunCommandTargetProperty",
6547 "kind": "interface",
6548 "locationInModule": {
6549 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6550 "line": 4495
6551 },
6552 "name": "RunCommandTargetProperty",
6553 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6554 "properties": [
6555 {
6556 "abstract": true,
6557 "docs": {
6558 "custom": {
6559 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-runcommandtarget.html#cfn-events-rule-runcommandtarget-key"
6560 },
6561 "stability": "external",
6562 "summary": "Can be either `tag:` *tag-key* or `InstanceIds` ."
6563 },
6564 "immutable": true,
6565 "locationInModule": {
6566 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6567 "line": 4501
6568 },
6569 "name": "key",
6570 "type": {
6571 "primitive": "string"
6572 }
6573 },
6574 {
6575 "abstract": true,
6576 "docs": {
6577 "custom": {
6578 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-runcommandtarget.html#cfn-events-rule-runcommandtarget-values"
6579 },
6580 "remarks": "If `Key` is `InstanceIds` , `Values` is a list of Amazon EC2 instance IDs.",
6581 "stability": "external",
6582 "summary": "If `Key` is `tag:` *tag-key* , `Values` is a list of tag values."
6583 },
6584 "immutable": true,
6585 "locationInModule": {
6586 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6587 "line": 4507
6588 },
6589 "name": "values",
6590 "type": {
6591 "collection": {
6592 "elementtype": {
6593 "primitive": "string"
6594 },
6595 "kind": "array"
6596 }
6597 }
6598 }
6599 ],
6600 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.RunCommandTargetProperty"
6601 },
6602 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty": {
6603 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6604 "datatype": true,
6605 "docs": {
6606 "custom": {
6607 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-sagemakerpipelineparameter.html",
6608 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6609 },
6610 "stability": "external",
6611 "summary": "Name/Value pair of a parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline.",
6612 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst sageMakerPipelineParameterProperty: events.CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty = {\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n};"
6613 },
6614 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty",
6615 "kind": "interface",
6616 "locationInModule": {
6617 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6618 "line": 4573
6619 },
6620 "name": "SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty",
6621 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6622 "properties": [
6623 {
6624 "abstract": true,
6625 "docs": {
6626 "custom": {
6627 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-sagemakerpipelineparameter.html#cfn-events-rule-sagemakerpipelineparameter-name"
6628 },
6629 "stability": "external",
6630 "summary": "Name of parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline."
6631 },
6632 "immutable": true,
6633 "locationInModule": {
6634 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6635 "line": 4579
6636 },
6637 "name": "name",
6638 "type": {
6639 "primitive": "string"
6640 }
6641 },
6642 {
6643 "abstract": true,
6644 "docs": {
6645 "custom": {
6646 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-sagemakerpipelineparameter.html#cfn-events-rule-sagemakerpipelineparameter-value"
6647 },
6648 "stability": "external",
6649 "summary": "Value of parameter to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline."
6650 },
6651 "immutable": true,
6652 "locationInModule": {
6653 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6654 "line": 4585
6655 },
6656 "name": "value",
6657 "type": {
6658 "primitive": "string"
6659 }
6660 }
6661 ],
6662 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty"
6663 },
6664 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty": {
6665 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6666 "datatype": true,
6667 "docs": {
6668 "custom": {
6669 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-sagemakerpipelineparameters.html",
6670 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6671 },
6672 "stability": "external",
6673 "summary": "These are custom parameters to use when the target is a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline that starts based on EventBridge events.",
6674 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst sageMakerPipelineParametersProperty: events.CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty = {\n pipelineParameterList: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};"
6675 },
6676 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty",
6677 "kind": "interface",
6678 "locationInModule": {
6679 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6680 "line": 4651
6681 },
6682 "name": "SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty",
6683 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6684 "properties": [
6685 {
6686 "abstract": true,
6687 "docs": {
6688 "custom": {
6689 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-sagemakerpipelineparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-sagemakerpipelineparameters-pipelineparameterlist"
6690 },
6691 "stability": "external",
6692 "summary": "List of Parameter names and values for SageMaker Model Building Pipeline execution."
6693 },
6694 "immutable": true,
6695 "locationInModule": {
6696 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6697 "line": 4657
6698 },
6699 "name": "pipelineParameterList",
6700 "optional": true,
6701 "type": {
6702 "union": {
6703 "types": [
6704 {
6705 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6706 },
6707 {
6708 "collection": {
6709 "elementtype": {
6710 "union": {
6711 "types": [
6712 {
6713 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6714 },
6715 {
6716 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParameterProperty"
6717 }
6718 ]
6719 }
6720 },
6721 "kind": "array"
6722 }
6723 }
6724 ]
6725 }
6726 }
6727 }
6728 ],
6729 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty"
6730 },
6731 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SqsParametersProperty": {
6732 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6733 "datatype": true,
6734 "docs": {
6735 "custom": {
6736 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-sqsparameters.html",
6737 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6738 },
6739 "stability": "external",
6740 "summary": "This structure includes the custom parameter to be used when the target is an SQS FIFO queue.",
6741 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst sqsParametersProperty: events.CfnRule.SqsParametersProperty = {\n messageGroupId: 'messageGroupId',\n};"
6742 },
6743 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SqsParametersProperty",
6744 "kind": "interface",
6745 "locationInModule": {
6746 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6747 "line": 4718
6748 },
6749 "name": "SqsParametersProperty",
6750 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6751 "properties": [
6752 {
6753 "abstract": true,
6754 "docs": {
6755 "custom": {
6756 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-sqsparameters.html#cfn-events-rule-sqsparameters-messagegroupid"
6757 },
6758 "stability": "external",
6759 "summary": "The FIFO message group ID to use as the target."
6760 },
6761 "immutable": true,
6762 "locationInModule": {
6763 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6764 "line": 4724
6765 },
6766 "name": "messageGroupId",
6767 "type": {
6768 "primitive": "string"
6769 }
6770 }
6771 ],
6772 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.SqsParametersProperty"
6773 },
6774 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.TagProperty": {
6775 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6776 "datatype": true,
6777 "docs": {
6778 "custom": {
6779 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-tag.html",
6780 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6781 },
6782 "remarks": "The tag will be propagated to ECS by EventBridge when starting an ECS task based on a matched event.\n\n> Currently, tags are only available when using ECS with EventBridge .",
6783 "stability": "external",
6784 "summary": "A key-value pair associated with an ECS Target of an EventBridge rule.",
6785 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst tagProperty: events.CfnRule.TagProperty = {\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n};"
6786 },
6787 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.TagProperty",
6788 "kind": "interface",
6789 "locationInModule": {
6790 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6791 "line": 4788
6792 },
6793 "name": "TagProperty",
6794 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6795 "properties": [
6796 {
6797 "abstract": true,
6798 "docs": {
6799 "custom": {
6800 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-tag.html#cfn-events-rule-tag-key"
6801 },
6802 "remarks": "The combination of tag keys and values can help you organize and categorize your resources.",
6803 "stability": "external",
6804 "summary": "A string you can use to assign a value."
6805 },
6806 "immutable": true,
6807 "locationInModule": {
6808 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6809 "line": 4794
6810 },
6811 "name": "key",
6812 "optional": true,
6813 "type": {
6814 "primitive": "string"
6815 }
6816 },
6817 {
6818 "abstract": true,
6819 "docs": {
6820 "custom": {
6821 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-tag.html#cfn-events-rule-tag-value"
6822 },
6823 "stability": "external",
6824 "summary": "The value for the specified tag key."
6825 },
6826 "immutable": true,
6827 "locationInModule": {
6828 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6829 "line": 4800
6830 },
6831 "name": "value",
6832 "optional": true,
6833 "type": {
6834 "primitive": "string"
6835 }
6836 }
6837 ],
6838 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.TagProperty"
6839 },
6840 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.TargetProperty": {
6841 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
6842 "datatype": true,
6843 "docs": {
6844 "custom": {
6845 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html",
6846 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
6847 },
6848 "remarks": "For a complete list of services and resources that can be set as a target, see [PutTargets](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_PutTargets.html) .\n\nIf you are setting the event bus of another account as the target, and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, then you must specify a `RoleArn` with proper permissions in the `Target` structure. For more information, see [Sending and Receiving Events Between AWS Accounts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-cross-account-event-delivery.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* .",
6849 "stability": "external",
6850 "summary": "Targets are the resources to be invoked when a rule is triggered.",
6851 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst targetProperty: events.CfnRule.TargetProperty = {\n arn: 'arn',\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n batchParameters: {\n jobDefinition: 'jobDefinition',\n jobName: 'jobName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n arrayProperties: {\n size: 123,\n },\n retryStrategy: {\n attempts: 123,\n },\n },\n deadLetterConfig: {\n arn: 'arn',\n },\n ecsParameters: {\n taskDefinitionArn: 'taskDefinitionArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n capacityProviderStrategy: [{\n capacityProvider: 'capacityProvider',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n base: 123,\n weight: 123,\n }],\n enableEcsManagedTags: false,\n enableExecuteCommand: false,\n group: 'group',\n launchType: 'launchType',\n networkConfiguration: {\n awsVpcConfiguration: {\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',\n securityGroups: ['securityGroups'],\n },\n },\n placementConstraints: [{\n expression: 'expression',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n placementStrategies: [{\n field: 'field',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n platformVersion: 'platformVersion',\n propagateTags: 'propagateTags',\n referenceId: 'referenceId',\n tagList: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n taskCount: 123,\n },\n httpParameters: {\n headerParameters: {\n headerParametersKey: 'headerParameters',\n },\n pathParameterValues: ['pathParameterValues'],\n queryStringParameters: {\n queryStringParametersKey: 'queryStringParameters',\n },\n },\n input: 'input',\n inputPath: 'inputPath',\n inputTransformer: {\n inputTemplate: 'inputTemplate',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n inputPathsMap: {\n inputPathsMapKey: 'inputPathsMap',\n },\n },\n kinesisParameters: {\n partitionKeyPath: 'partitionKeyPath',\n },\n redshiftDataParameters: {\n database: 'database',\n sql: 'sql',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dbUser: 'dbUser',\n secretManagerArn: 'secretManagerArn',\n statementName: 'statementName',\n withEvent: false,\n },\n retryPolicy: {\n maximumEventAgeInSeconds: 123,\n maximumRetryAttempts: 123,\n },\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n runCommandParameters: {\n runCommandTargets: [{\n key: 'key',\n values: ['values'],\n }],\n },\n sageMakerPipelineParameters: {\n pipelineParameterList: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n sqsParameters: {\n messageGroupId: 'messageGroupId',\n },\n};"
6852 },
6853 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.TargetProperty",
6854 "kind": "interface",
6855 "locationInModule": {
6856 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6857 "line": 4866
6858 },
6859 "name": "TargetProperty",
6860 "namespace": "CfnRule",
6861 "properties": [
6862 {
6863 "abstract": true,
6864 "docs": {
6865 "custom": {
6866 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-arn"
6867 },
6868 "stability": "external",
6869 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target."
6870 },
6871 "immutable": true,
6872 "locationInModule": {
6873 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6874 "line": 4872
6875 },
6876 "name": "arn",
6877 "type": {
6878 "primitive": "string"
6879 }
6880 },
6881 {
6882 "abstract": true,
6883 "docs": {
6884 "custom": {
6885 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-id"
6886 },
6887 "remarks": "Use this ID to reference the target when updating the rule. We recommend using a memorable and unique string.",
6888 "stability": "external",
6889 "summary": "The ID of the target within the specified rule."
6890 },
6891 "immutable": true,
6892 "locationInModule": {
6893 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6894 "line": 4904
6895 },
6896 "name": "id",
6897 "type": {
6898 "primitive": "string"
6899 }
6900 },
6901 {
6902 "abstract": true,
6903 "docs": {
6904 "custom": {
6905 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-batchparameters"
6906 },
6907 "remarks": "For more information, see [Jobs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/batch/latest/userguide/jobs.html) in the *AWS Batch User Guide* .",
6908 "stability": "external",
6909 "summary": "If the event target is an AWS Batch job, this contains the job definition, job name, and other parameters."
6910 },
6911 "immutable": true,
6912 "locationInModule": {
6913 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6914 "line": 4878
6915 },
6916 "name": "batchParameters",
6917 "optional": true,
6918 "type": {
6919 "union": {
6920 "types": [
6921 {
6922 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6923 },
6924 {
6925 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchParametersProperty"
6926 }
6927 ]
6928 }
6929 }
6930 },
6931 {
6932 "abstract": true,
6933 "docs": {
6934 "custom": {
6935 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-deadletterconfig"
6936 },
6937 "stability": "external",
6938 "summary": "The `DeadLetterConfig` that defines the target queue to send dead-letter queue events to."
6939 },
6940 "immutable": true,
6941 "locationInModule": {
6942 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6943 "line": 4884
6944 },
6945 "name": "deadLetterConfig",
6946 "optional": true,
6947 "type": {
6948 "union": {
6949 "types": [
6950 {
6951 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6952 },
6953 {
6954 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.DeadLetterConfigProperty"
6955 }
6956 ]
6957 }
6958 }
6959 },
6960 {
6961 "abstract": true,
6962 "docs": {
6963 "custom": {
6964 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-ecsparameters"
6965 },
6966 "remarks": "For more information about Amazon ECS tasks, see [Task Definitions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonECS/latest/developerguide/task_defintions.html) in the *Amazon EC2 Container Service Developer Guide* .",
6967 "stability": "external",
6968 "summary": "Contains the Amazon ECS task definition and task count to be used, if the event target is an Amazon ECS task."
6969 },
6970 "immutable": true,
6971 "locationInModule": {
6972 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
6973 "line": 4890
6974 },
6975 "name": "ecsParameters",
6976 "optional": true,
6977 "type": {
6978 "union": {
6979 "types": [
6980 {
6981 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
6982 },
6983 {
6984 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.EcsParametersProperty"
6985 }
6986 ]
6987 }
6988 }
6989 },
6990 {
6991 "abstract": true,
6992 "docs": {
6993 "custom": {
6994 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-httpparameters"
6995 },
6996 "remarks": "If you specify an API Gateway API or EventBridge ApiDestination as a target, you can use this parameter to specify headers, path parameters, and query string keys/values as part of your target invoking request. If you're using ApiDestinations, the corresponding Connection can also have these values configured. In case of any conflicting keys, values from the Connection take precedence.",
6997 "stability": "external",
6998 "summary": "Contains the HTTP parameters to use when the target is a API Gateway endpoint or EventBridge ApiDestination."
6999 },
7000 "immutable": true,
7001 "locationInModule": {
7002 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7003 "line": 4898
7004 },
7005 "name": "httpParameters",
7006 "optional": true,
7007 "type": {
7008 "union": {
7009 "types": [
7010 {
7011 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7012 },
7013 {
7014 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.HttpParametersProperty"
7015 }
7016 ]
7017 }
7018 }
7019 },
7020 {
7021 "abstract": true,
7022 "docs": {
7023 "custom": {
7024 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-input"
7025 },
7026 "remarks": "In this case, nothing from the event itself is passed to the target. For more information, see [The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data Interchange Format](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7159.txt) .",
7027 "stability": "external",
7028 "summary": "Valid JSON text passed to the target."
7029 },
7030 "immutable": true,
7031 "locationInModule": {
7032 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7033 "line": 4910
7034 },
7035 "name": "input",
7036 "optional": true,
7037 "type": {
7038 "primitive": "string"
7039 }
7040 },
7041 {
7042 "abstract": true,
7043 "docs": {
7044 "custom": {
7045 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-inputpath"
7046 },
7047 "remarks": "You may use JSON dot notation or bracket notation. For more information about JSON paths, see [JSONPath](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/http://goessner.net/articles/JsonPath/) .",
7048 "stability": "external",
7049 "summary": "The value of the JSONPath that is used for extracting part of the matched event when passing it to the target."
7050 },
7051 "immutable": true,
7052 "locationInModule": {
7053 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7054 "line": 4916
7055 },
7056 "name": "inputPath",
7057 "optional": true,
7058 "type": {
7059 "primitive": "string"
7060 }
7061 },
7062 {
7063 "abstract": true,
7064 "docs": {
7065 "custom": {
7066 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-inputtransformer"
7067 },
7068 "remarks": "You can extract one or more key-value pairs from the event and then use that data to send customized input to the target.",
7069 "stability": "external",
7070 "summary": "Settings to enable you to provide custom input to a target based on certain event data."
7071 },
7072 "immutable": true,
7073 "locationInModule": {
7074 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7075 "line": 4922
7076 },
7077 "name": "inputTransformer",
7078 "optional": true,
7079 "type": {
7080 "union": {
7081 "types": [
7082 {
7083 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7084 },
7085 {
7086 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.InputTransformerProperty"
7087 }
7088 ]
7089 }
7090 }
7091 },
7092 {
7093 "abstract": true,
7094 "docs": {
7095 "custom": {
7096 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-kinesisparameters"
7097 },
7098 "remarks": "If you do not include this parameter, the default is to use the `eventId` as the partition key.",
7099 "stability": "external",
7100 "summary": "The custom parameter you can use to control the shard assignment, when the target is a Kinesis data stream."
7101 },
7102 "immutable": true,
7103 "locationInModule": {
7104 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7105 "line": 4928
7106 },
7107 "name": "kinesisParameters",
7108 "optional": true,
7109 "type": {
7110 "union": {
7111 "types": [
7112 {
7113 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7114 },
7115 {
7116 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.KinesisParametersProperty"
7117 }
7118 ]
7119 }
7120 }
7121 },
7122 {
7123 "abstract": true,
7124 "docs": {
7125 "custom": {
7126 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-redshiftdataparameters"
7127 },
7128 "remarks": "If you specify a Amazon Redshift Cluster as a Target, you can use this to specify parameters to invoke the Amazon Redshift Data API ExecuteStatement based on EventBridge events.",
7129 "stability": "external",
7130 "summary": "Contains the Amazon Redshift Data API parameters to use when the target is a Amazon Redshift cluster."
7131 },
7132 "immutable": true,
7133 "locationInModule": {
7134 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7135 "line": 4936
7136 },
7137 "name": "redshiftDataParameters",
7138 "optional": true,
7139 "type": {
7140 "union": {
7141 "types": [
7142 {
7143 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7144 },
7145 {
7146 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RedshiftDataParametersProperty"
7147 }
7148 ]
7149 }
7150 }
7151 },
7152 {
7153 "abstract": true,
7154 "docs": {
7155 "custom": {
7156 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-retrypolicy"
7157 },
7158 "stability": "external",
7159 "summary": "The `RetryPolicy` object that contains the retry policy configuration to use for the dead-letter queue."
7160 },
7161 "immutable": true,
7162 "locationInModule": {
7163 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7164 "line": 4942
7165 },
7166 "name": "retryPolicy",
7167 "optional": true,
7168 "type": {
7169 "union": {
7170 "types": [
7171 {
7172 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7173 },
7174 {
7175 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RetryPolicyProperty"
7176 }
7177 ]
7178 }
7179 }
7180 },
7181 {
7182 "abstract": true,
7183 "docs": {
7184 "custom": {
7185 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-rolearn"
7186 },
7187 "remarks": "If one rule triggers multiple targets, you can use a different IAM role for each target.",
7188 "stability": "external",
7189 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the IAM role to be used for this target when the rule is triggered."
7190 },
7191 "immutable": true,
7192 "locationInModule": {
7193 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7194 "line": 4948
7195 },
7196 "name": "roleArn",
7197 "optional": true,
7198 "type": {
7199 "primitive": "string"
7200 }
7201 },
7202 {
7203 "abstract": true,
7204 "docs": {
7205 "custom": {
7206 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-runcommandparameters"
7207 },
7208 "stability": "external",
7209 "summary": "Parameters used when you are using the rule to invoke Amazon EC2 Run Command."
7210 },
7211 "immutable": true,
7212 "locationInModule": {
7213 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7214 "line": 4954
7215 },
7216 "name": "runCommandParameters",
7217 "optional": true,
7218 "type": {
7219 "union": {
7220 "types": [
7221 {
7222 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7223 },
7224 {
7225 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RunCommandParametersProperty"
7226 }
7227 ]
7228 }
7229 }
7230 },
7231 {
7232 "abstract": true,
7233 "docs": {
7234 "custom": {
7235 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-sagemakerpipelineparameters"
7236 },
7237 "remarks": "If you specify a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline as a target, you can use this to specify parameters to start a pipeline execution based on EventBridge events.",
7238 "stability": "external",
7239 "summary": "Contains the SageMaker Model Building Pipeline parameters to start execution of a SageMaker Model Building Pipeline."
7240 },
7241 "immutable": true,
7242 "locationInModule": {
7243 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7244 "line": 4962
7245 },
7246 "name": "sageMakerPipelineParameters",
7247 "optional": true,
7248 "type": {
7249 "union": {
7250 "types": [
7251 {
7252 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7253 },
7254 {
7255 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SageMakerPipelineParametersProperty"
7256 }
7257 ]
7258 }
7259 }
7260 },
7261 {
7262 "abstract": true,
7263 "docs": {
7264 "custom": {
7265 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-events-rule-target.html#cfn-events-rule-target-sqsparameters"
7266 },
7267 "remarks": "If you specify an SQS FIFO queue as a target, the queue must have content-based deduplication enabled.",
7268 "stability": "external",
7269 "summary": "Contains the message group ID to use when the target is a FIFO queue."
7270 },
7271 "immutable": true,
7272 "locationInModule": {
7273 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7274 "line": 4970
7275 },
7276 "name": "sqsParameters",
7277 "optional": true,
7278 "type": {
7279 "union": {
7280 "types": [
7281 {
7282 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7283 },
7284 {
7285 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SqsParametersProperty"
7286 }
7287 ]
7288 }
7289 }
7290 }
7291 ],
7292 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRule.TargetProperty"
7293 },
7294 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRuleProps": {
7295 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
7296 "datatype": true,
7297 "docs": {
7298 "custom": {
7299 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html",
7300 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
7301 },
7302 "stability": "external",
7303 "summary": "Properties for defining a `CfnRule`.",
7304 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\n\ndeclare const eventPattern: any;\nconst cfnRuleProps: events.CfnRuleProps = {\n description: 'description',\n eventBusName: 'eventBusName',\n eventPattern: eventPattern,\n name: 'name',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n scheduleExpression: 'scheduleExpression',\n state: 'state',\n targets: [{\n arn: 'arn',\n id: 'id',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n batchParameters: {\n jobDefinition: 'jobDefinition',\n jobName: 'jobName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n arrayProperties: {\n size: 123,\n },\n retryStrategy: {\n attempts: 123,\n },\n },\n deadLetterConfig: {\n arn: 'arn',\n },\n ecsParameters: {\n taskDefinitionArn: 'taskDefinitionArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n capacityProviderStrategy: [{\n capacityProvider: 'capacityProvider',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n base: 123,\n weight: 123,\n }],\n enableEcsManagedTags: false,\n enableExecuteCommand: false,\n group: 'group',\n launchType: 'launchType',\n networkConfiguration: {\n awsVpcConfiguration: {\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',\n securityGroups: ['securityGroups'],\n },\n },\n placementConstraints: [{\n expression: 'expression',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n placementStrategies: [{\n field: 'field',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n platformVersion: 'platformVersion',\n propagateTags: 'propagateTags',\n referenceId: 'referenceId',\n tagList: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n taskCount: 123,\n },\n httpParameters: {\n headerParameters: {\n headerParametersKey: 'headerParameters',\n },\n pathParameterValues: ['pathParameterValues'],\n queryStringParameters: {\n queryStringParametersKey: 'queryStringParameters',\n },\n },\n input: 'input',\n inputPath: 'inputPath',\n inputTransformer: {\n inputTemplate: 'inputTemplate',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n inputPathsMap: {\n inputPathsMapKey: 'inputPathsMap',\n },\n },\n kinesisParameters: {\n partitionKeyPath: 'partitionKeyPath',\n },\n redshiftDataParameters: {\n database: 'database',\n sql: 'sql',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n dbUser: 'dbUser',\n secretManagerArn: 'secretManagerArn',\n statementName: 'statementName',\n withEvent: false,\n },\n retryPolicy: {\n maximumEventAgeInSeconds: 123,\n maximumRetryAttempts: 123,\n },\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n runCommandParameters: {\n runCommandTargets: [{\n key: 'key',\n values: ['values'],\n }],\n },\n sageMakerPipelineParameters: {\n pipelineParameterList: [{\n name: 'name',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n },\n sqsParameters: {\n messageGroupId: 'messageGroupId',\n },\n }],\n};"
7305 },
7306 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRuleProps",
7307 "kind": "interface",
7308 "locationInModule": {
7309 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7310 "line": 2659
7311 },
7312 "name": "CfnRuleProps",
7313 "properties": [
7314 {
7315 "abstract": true,
7316 "docs": {
7317 "custom": {
7318 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-description"
7319 },
7320 "stability": "external",
7321 "summary": "The description of the rule."
7322 },
7323 "immutable": true,
7324 "locationInModule": {
7325 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7326 "line": 2666
7327 },
7328 "name": "description",
7329 "optional": true,
7330 "type": {
7331 "primitive": "string"
7332 }
7333 },
7334 {
7335 "abstract": true,
7336 "docs": {
7337 "custom": {
7338 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-eventbusname"
7339 },
7340 "remarks": "If you omit this, the default event bus is used.",
7341 "stability": "external",
7342 "summary": "The name or ARN of the event bus associated with the rule."
7343 },
7344 "immutable": true,
7345 "locationInModule": {
7346 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7347 "line": 2673
7348 },
7349 "name": "eventBusName",
7350 "optional": true,
7351 "type": {
7352 "primitive": "string"
7353 }
7354 },
7355 {
7356 "abstract": true,
7357 "docs": {
7358 "custom": {
7359 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-eventpattern"
7360 },
7361 "remarks": "For more information, see [Events and Event Patterns](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-and-event-patterns.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* .",
7362 "stability": "external",
7363 "summary": "The event pattern of the rule."
7364 },
7365 "immutable": true,
7366 "locationInModule": {
7367 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7368 "line": 2680
7369 },
7370 "name": "eventPattern",
7371 "optional": true,
7372 "type": {
7373 "primitive": "any"
7374 }
7375 },
7376 {
7377 "abstract": true,
7378 "docs": {
7379 "custom": {
7380 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-name"
7381 },
7382 "stability": "external",
7383 "summary": "The name of the rule."
7384 },
7385 "immutable": true,
7386 "locationInModule": {
7387 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7388 "line": 2687
7389 },
7390 "name": "name",
7391 "optional": true,
7392 "type": {
7393 "primitive": "string"
7394 }
7395 },
7396 {
7397 "abstract": true,
7398 "docs": {
7399 "custom": {
7400 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-rolearn"
7401 },
7402 "remarks": "If you're setting an event bus in another account as the target and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, you must specify a `RoleArn` with proper permissions in the `Target` structure, instead of here in this parameter.",
7403 "stability": "external",
7404 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role that is used for target invocation."
7405 },
7406 "immutable": true,
7407 "locationInModule": {
7408 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7409 "line": 2696
7410 },
7411 "name": "roleArn",
7412 "optional": true,
7413 "type": {
7414 "primitive": "string"
7415 }
7416 },
7417 {
7418 "abstract": true,
7419 "docs": {
7420 "custom": {
7421 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-scheduleexpression"
7422 },
7423 "remarks": "For example, \"cron(0 20 * * ? *)\", \"rate(5 minutes)\". For more information, see [Creating an Amazon EventBridge rule that runs on a schedule](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-create-rule-schedule.html) .",
7424 "stability": "external",
7425 "summary": "The scheduling expression."
7426 },
7427 "immutable": true,
7428 "locationInModule": {
7429 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7430 "line": 2703
7431 },
7432 "name": "scheduleExpression",
7433 "optional": true,
7434 "type": {
7435 "primitive": "string"
7436 }
7437 },
7438 {
7439 "abstract": true,
7440 "docs": {
7441 "custom": {
7442 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-state"
7443 },
7444 "stability": "external",
7445 "summary": "The state of the rule."
7446 },
7447 "immutable": true,
7448 "locationInModule": {
7449 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7450 "line": 2710
7451 },
7452 "name": "state",
7453 "optional": true,
7454 "type": {
7455 "primitive": "string"
7456 }
7457 },
7458 {
7459 "abstract": true,
7460 "docs": {
7461 "custom": {
7462 "link": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-rule.html#cfn-events-rule-targets"
7463 },
7464 "remarks": "Targets are the resources that are invoked when a rule is triggered.\n\n> Each rule can have up to five (5) targets associated with it at one time.\n\nYou can configure the following as targets for Events:\n\n- [API destination](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-api-destinations.html)\n- [API Gateway](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-api-gateway-target.html)\n- Batch job queue\n- CloudWatch group\n- CodeBuild project\n- CodePipeline\n- EC2 `CreateSnapshot` API call\n- EC2 Image Builder\n- EC2 `RebootInstances` API call\n- EC2 `StopInstances` API call\n- EC2 `TerminateInstances` API call\n- ECS task\n- [Event bus in a different account or Region](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-cross-account.html)\n- [Event bus in the same account and Region](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eb-bus-to-bus.html)\n- Firehose delivery stream\n- Glue workflow\n- [Incident Manager response plan](https://docs.aws.amazon.com//incident-manager/latest/userguide/incident-creation.html#incident-tracking-auto-eventbridge)\n- Inspector assessment template\n- Kinesis stream\n- Lambda function\n- Redshift cluster\n- SageMaker Pipeline\n- SNS topic\n- SQS queue\n- Step Functions state machine\n- Systems Manager Automation\n- Systems Manager OpsItem\n- Systems Manager Run Command\n\nCreating rules with built-in targets is supported only in the AWS Management Console . The built-in targets are `EC2 CreateSnapshot API call` , `EC2 RebootInstances API call` , `EC2 StopInstances API call` , and `EC2 TerminateInstances API call` .\n\nFor some target types, `PutTargets` provides target-specific parameters. If the target is a Kinesis data stream, you can optionally specify which shard the event goes to by using the `KinesisParameters` argument. To invoke a command on multiple EC2 instances with one rule, you can use the `RunCommandParameters` field.\n\nTo be able to make API calls against the resources that you own, Amazon EventBridge needs the appropriate permissions. For AWS Lambda and Amazon SNS resources, EventBridge relies on resource-based policies. For EC2 instances, Kinesis Data Streams, AWS Step Functions state machines and API Gateway APIs, EventBridge relies on IAM roles that you specify in the `RoleARN` argument in `PutTargets` . For more information, see [Authentication and Access Control](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/auth-and-access-control-eventbridge.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* .\n\nIf another AWS account is in the same region and has granted you permission (using `PutPermission` ), you can send events to that account. Set that account's event bus as a target of the rules in your account. To send the matched events to the other account, specify that account's event bus as the `Arn` value when you run `PutTargets` . If your account sends events to another account, your account is charged for each sent event. Each event sent to another account is charged as a custom event. The account receiving the event is not charged. For more information, see [Amazon EventBridge Pricing](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/pricing/) .\n\n> `Input` , `InputPath` , and `InputTransformer` are not available with `PutTarget` if the target is an event bus of a different AWS account.\n\nIf you are setting the event bus of another account as the target, and that account granted permission to your account through an organization instead of directly by the account ID, then you must specify a `RoleArn` with proper permissions in the `Target` structure. For more information, see [Sending and Receiving Events Between AWS Accounts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-cross-account-event-delivery.html) in the *Amazon EventBridge User Guide* .\n\nFor more information about enabling cross-account events, see [PutPermission](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/APIReference/API_PutPermission.html) .\n\n*Input* , *InputPath* , and *InputTransformer* are mutually exclusive and optional parameters of a target. When a rule is triggered due to a matched event:\n\n- If none of the following arguments are specified for a target, then the entire event is passed to the target in JSON format (unless the target is Amazon EC2 Run Command or Amazon ECS task, in which case nothing from the event is passed to the target).\n- If *Input* is specified in the form of valid JSON, then the matched event is overridden with this constant.\n- If *InputPath* is specified in the form of JSONPath (for example, `$.detail` ), then only the part of the event specified in the path is passed to the target (for example, only the detail part of the event is passed).\n- If *InputTransformer* is specified, then one or more specified JSONPaths are extracted from the event and used as values in a template that you specify as the input to the target.\n\nWhen you specify `InputPath` or `InputTransformer` , you must use JSON dot notation, not bracket notation.\n\nWhen you add targets to a rule and the associated rule triggers soon after, new or updated targets might not be immediately invoked. Allow a short period of time for changes to take effect.\n\nThis action can partially fail if too many requests are made at the same time. If that happens, `FailedEntryCount` is non-zero in the response and each entry in `FailedEntries` provides the ID of the failed target and the error code.",
7465 "stability": "external",
7466 "summary": "Adds the specified targets to the specified rule, or updates the targets if they are already associated with the rule."
7467 },
7468 "immutable": true,
7469 "locationInModule": {
7470 "filename": "lib/events.generated.ts",
7471 "line": 2779
7472 },
7473 "name": "targets",
7474 "optional": true,
7475 "type": {
7476 "union": {
7477 "types": [
7478 {
7479 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7480 },
7481 {
7482 "collection": {
7483 "elementtype": {
7484 "union": {
7485 "types": [
7486 {
7487 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
7488 },
7489 {
7490 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.TargetProperty"
7491 }
7492 ]
7493 }
7494 },
7495 "kind": "array"
7496 }
7497 }
7498 ]
7499 }
7500 }
7501 }
7502 ],
7503 "symbolId": "lib/events.generated:CfnRuleProps"
7504 },
7505 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Connection": {
7506 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
7507 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.Resource",
7508 "docs": {
7509 "custom": {
7510 "resource": "AWS::Events::Connection",
7511 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
7512 },
7513 "stability": "stable",
7514 "summary": "Define an EventBridge Connection.",
7515 "example": "const connection = new events.Connection(this, 'Connection', {\n authorization: events.Authorization.apiKey('x-api-key', SecretValue.secretsManager('ApiSecretName')),\n description: 'Connection with API Key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst destination = new events.ApiDestination(this, 'Destination', {\n connection,\n endpoint: 'https://example.com',\n description: 'Calling example.com with API key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.rate(cdk.Duration.minutes(1)),\n targets: [new targets.ApiDestination(destination)],\n});"
7516 },
7517 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Connection",
7518 "initializer": {
7519 "docs": {
7520 "stability": "stable"
7521 },
7522 "locationInModule": {
7523 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7524 "line": 340
7525 },
7526 "parameters": [
7527 {
7528 "name": "scope",
7529 "type": {
7530 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
7531 }
7532 },
7533 {
7534 "name": "id",
7535 "type": {
7536 "primitive": "string"
7537 }
7538 },
7539 {
7540 "name": "props",
7541 "type": {
7542 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ConnectionProps"
7543 }
7544 }
7545 ]
7546 },
7547 "interfaces": [
7548 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection"
7549 ],
7550 "kind": "class",
7551 "locationInModule": {
7552 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7553 "line": 295
7554 },
7555 "methods": [
7556 {
7557 "docs": {
7558 "stability": "stable",
7559 "summary": "Import an existing connection resource."
7560 },
7561 "locationInModule": {
7562 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7563 "line": 318
7564 },
7565 "name": "fromConnectionAttributes",
7566 "parameters": [
7567 {
7568 "docs": {
7569 "summary": "Parent construct."
7570 },
7571 "name": "scope",
7572 "type": {
7573 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
7574 }
7575 },
7576 {
7577 "docs": {
7578 "summary": "Construct ID."
7579 },
7580 "name": "id",
7581 "type": {
7582 "primitive": "string"
7583 }
7584 },
7585 {
7586 "docs": {
7587 "summary": "Imported connection properties."
7588 },
7589 "name": "attrs",
7590 "type": {
7591 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ConnectionAttributes"
7592 }
7593 }
7594 ],
7595 "returns": {
7596 "type": {
7597 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection"
7598 }
7599 },
7600 "static": true
7601 },
7602 {
7603 "docs": {
7604 "stability": "stable",
7605 "summary": "Import an existing connection resource."
7606 },
7607 "locationInModule": {
7608 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7609 "line": 302
7610 },
7611 "name": "fromEventBusArn",
7612 "parameters": [
7613 {
7614 "docs": {
7615 "summary": "Parent construct."
7616 },
7617 "name": "scope",
7618 "type": {
7619 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
7620 }
7621 },
7622 {
7623 "docs": {
7624 "summary": "Construct ID."
7625 },
7626 "name": "id",
7627 "type": {
7628 "primitive": "string"
7629 }
7630 },
7631 {
7632 "docs": {
7633 "summary": "ARN of imported connection."
7634 },
7635 "name": "connectionArn",
7636 "type": {
7637 "primitive": "string"
7638 }
7639 },
7640 {
7641 "name": "connectionSecretArn",
7642 "type": {
7643 "primitive": "string"
7644 }
7645 }
7646 ],
7647 "returns": {
7648 "type": {
7649 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection"
7650 }
7651 },
7652 "static": true
7653 }
7654 ],
7655 "name": "Connection",
7656 "properties": [
7657 {
7658 "docs": {
7659 "custom": {
7660 "attribute": "true"
7661 },
7662 "stability": "stable",
7663 "summary": "The ARN of the connection created."
7664 },
7665 "immutable": true,
7666 "locationInModule": {
7667 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7668 "line": 332
7669 },
7670 "name": "connectionArn",
7671 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection",
7672 "type": {
7673 "primitive": "string"
7674 }
7675 },
7676 {
7677 "docs": {
7678 "custom": {
7679 "attribute": "true"
7680 },
7681 "stability": "stable",
7682 "summary": "The Name for the connection."
7683 },
7684 "immutable": true,
7685 "locationInModule": {
7686 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7687 "line": 326
7688 },
7689 "name": "connectionName",
7690 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection",
7691 "type": {
7692 "primitive": "string"
7693 }
7694 },
7695 {
7696 "docs": {
7697 "custom": {
7698 "attribute": "true"
7699 },
7700 "stability": "stable",
7701 "summary": "The ARN for the secret created for the connection."
7702 },
7703 "immutable": true,
7704 "locationInModule": {
7705 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7706 "line": 338
7707 },
7708 "name": "connectionSecretArn",
7709 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection",
7710 "type": {
7711 "primitive": "string"
7712 }
7713 }
7714 ],
7715 "symbolId": "lib/connection:Connection"
7716 },
7717 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ConnectionAttributes": {
7718 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
7719 "datatype": true,
7720 "docs": {
7721 "stability": "stable",
7722 "summary": "Interface with properties necessary to import a reusable Connection.",
7723 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst connectionAttributes: events.ConnectionAttributes = {\n connectionArn: 'connectionArn',\n connectionName: 'connectionName',\n connectionSecretArn: 'connectionSecretArn',\n};",
7724 "custom": {
7725 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
7726 }
7727 },
7728 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ConnectionAttributes",
7729 "kind": "interface",
7730 "locationInModule": {
7731 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7732 "line": 273
7733 },
7734 "name": "ConnectionAttributes",
7735 "properties": [
7736 {
7737 "abstract": true,
7738 "docs": {
7739 "stability": "stable",
7740 "summary": "The ARN of the connection created."
7741 },
7742 "immutable": true,
7743 "locationInModule": {
7744 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7745 "line": 282
7746 },
7747 "name": "connectionArn",
7748 "type": {
7749 "primitive": "string"
7750 }
7751 },
7752 {
7753 "abstract": true,
7754 "docs": {
7755 "stability": "stable",
7756 "summary": "The Name for the connection."
7757 },
7758 "immutable": true,
7759 "locationInModule": {
7760 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7761 "line": 277
7762 },
7763 "name": "connectionName",
7764 "type": {
7765 "primitive": "string"
7766 }
7767 },
7768 {
7769 "abstract": true,
7770 "docs": {
7771 "stability": "stable",
7772 "summary": "The ARN for the secret created for the connection."
7773 },
7774 "immutable": true,
7775 "locationInModule": {
7776 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7777 "line": 287
7778 },
7779 "name": "connectionSecretArn",
7780 "type": {
7781 "primitive": "string"
7782 }
7783 }
7784 ],
7785 "symbolId": "lib/connection:ConnectionAttributes"
7786 },
7787 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ConnectionProps": {
7788 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
7789 "datatype": true,
7790 "docs": {
7791 "remarks": "A connection defines the authorization type and credentials to use for authorization with an API destination HTTP endpoint.",
7792 "stability": "stable",
7793 "summary": "An API Destination Connection.",
7794 "example": "const connection = new events.Connection(this, 'Connection', {\n authorization: events.Authorization.apiKey('x-api-key', SecretValue.secretsManager('ApiSecretName')),\n description: 'Connection with API Key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst destination = new events.ApiDestination(this, 'Destination', {\n connection,\n endpoint: 'https://example.com',\n description: 'Calling example.com with API key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.rate(cdk.Duration.minutes(1)),\n targets: [new targets.ApiDestination(destination)],\n});",
7795 "custom": {
7796 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
7797 }
7798 },
7799 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.ConnectionProps",
7800 "kind": "interface",
7801 "locationInModule": {
7802 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7803 "line": 10
7804 },
7805 "name": "ConnectionProps",
7806 "properties": [
7807 {
7808 "abstract": true,
7809 "docs": {
7810 "stability": "stable",
7811 "summary": "The authorization type for the connection."
7812 },
7813 "immutable": true,
7814 "locationInModule": {
7815 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7816 "line": 28
7817 },
7818 "name": "authorization",
7819 "type": {
7820 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Authorization"
7821 }
7822 },
7823 {
7824 "abstract": true,
7825 "docs": {
7826 "default": "- No additional parameters",
7827 "stability": "stable",
7828 "summary": "Additional string parameters to add to the invocation bodies."
7829 },
7830 "immutable": true,
7831 "locationInModule": {
7832 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7833 "line": 35
7834 },
7835 "name": "bodyParameters",
7836 "optional": true,
7837 "type": {
7838 "collection": {
7839 "elementtype": {
7840 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter"
7841 },
7842 "kind": "map"
7843 }
7844 }
7845 },
7846 {
7847 "abstract": true,
7848 "docs": {
7849 "default": "- A name is automatically generated",
7850 "stability": "stable",
7851 "summary": "The name of the connection."
7852 },
7853 "immutable": true,
7854 "locationInModule": {
7855 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7856 "line": 16
7857 },
7858 "name": "connectionName",
7859 "optional": true,
7860 "type": {
7861 "primitive": "string"
7862 }
7863 },
7864 {
7865 "abstract": true,
7866 "docs": {
7867 "default": "- none",
7868 "stability": "stable",
7869 "summary": "The name of the connection."
7870 },
7871 "immutable": true,
7872 "locationInModule": {
7873 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7874 "line": 23
7875 },
7876 "name": "description",
7877 "optional": true,
7878 "type": {
7879 "primitive": "string"
7880 }
7881 },
7882 {
7883 "abstract": true,
7884 "docs": {
7885 "default": "- No additional parameters",
7886 "stability": "stable",
7887 "summary": "Additional string parameters to add to the invocation headers."
7888 },
7889 "immutable": true,
7890 "locationInModule": {
7891 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7892 "line": 42
7893 },
7894 "name": "headerParameters",
7895 "optional": true,
7896 "type": {
7897 "collection": {
7898 "elementtype": {
7899 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter"
7900 },
7901 "kind": "map"
7902 }
7903 }
7904 },
7905 {
7906 "abstract": true,
7907 "docs": {
7908 "default": "- No additional parameters",
7909 "stability": "stable",
7910 "summary": "Additional string parameters to add to the invocation query strings."
7911 },
7912 "immutable": true,
7913 "locationInModule": {
7914 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
7915 "line": 49
7916 },
7917 "name": "queryStringParameters",
7918 "optional": true,
7919 "type": {
7920 "collection": {
7921 "elementtype": {
7922 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter"
7923 },
7924 "kind": "map"
7925 }
7926 }
7927 }
7928 ],
7929 "symbolId": "lib/connection:ConnectionProps"
7930 },
7931 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CronOptions": {
7932 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
7933 "datatype": true,
7934 "docs": {
7935 "remarks": "All fields are strings so you can use complex expressions. Absence of\na field implies '*' or '?', whichever one is appropriate.",
7936 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/scheduled-events.html#cron-expressions",
7937 "stability": "stable",
7938 "summary": "Options to configure a cron expression.",
7939 "example": "import * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nimport * as targets from '@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets';\n\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Schedule Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.cron({ minute: '0', hour: '4' }),\n});\nrule.addTarget(new targets.LambdaFunction(fn));",
7940 "custom": {
7941 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
7942 }
7943 },
7944 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CronOptions",
7945 "kind": "interface",
7946 "locationInModule": {
7947 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
7948 "line": 91
7949 },
7950 "name": "CronOptions",
7951 "properties": [
7952 {
7953 "abstract": true,
7954 "docs": {
7955 "default": "- Every day of the month",
7956 "stability": "stable",
7957 "summary": "The day of the month to run this rule at."
7958 },
7959 "immutable": true,
7960 "locationInModule": {
7961 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
7962 "line": 111
7963 },
7964 "name": "day",
7965 "optional": true,
7966 "type": {
7967 "primitive": "string"
7968 }
7969 },
7970 {
7971 "abstract": true,
7972 "docs": {
7973 "default": "- Every hour",
7974 "stability": "stable",
7975 "summary": "The hour to run this rule at."
7976 },
7977 "immutable": true,
7978 "locationInModule": {
7979 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
7980 "line": 104
7981 },
7982 "name": "hour",
7983 "optional": true,
7984 "type": {
7985 "primitive": "string"
7986 }
7987 },
7988 {
7989 "abstract": true,
7990 "docs": {
7991 "default": "- Every minute",
7992 "stability": "stable",
7993 "summary": "The minute to run this rule at."
7994 },
7995 "immutable": true,
7996 "locationInModule": {
7997 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
7998 "line": 97
7999 },
8000 "name": "minute",
8001 "optional": true,
8002 "type": {
8003 "primitive": "string"
8004 }
8005 },
8006 {
8007 "abstract": true,
8008 "docs": {
8009 "default": "- Every month",
8010 "stability": "stable",
8011 "summary": "The month to run this rule at."
8012 },
8013 "immutable": true,
8014 "locationInModule": {
8015 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
8016 "line": 118
8017 },
8018 "name": "month",
8019 "optional": true,
8020 "type": {
8021 "primitive": "string"
8022 }
8023 },
8024 {
8025 "abstract": true,
8026 "docs": {
8027 "default": "- Any day of the week",
8028 "stability": "stable",
8029 "summary": "The day of the week to run this rule at."
8030 },
8031 "immutable": true,
8032 "locationInModule": {
8033 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
8034 "line": 132
8035 },
8036 "name": "weekDay",
8037 "optional": true,
8038 "type": {
8039 "primitive": "string"
8040 }
8041 },
8042 {
8043 "abstract": true,
8044 "docs": {
8045 "default": "- Every year",
8046 "stability": "stable",
8047 "summary": "The year to run this rule at."
8048 },
8049 "immutable": true,
8050 "locationInModule": {
8051 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
8052 "line": 125
8053 },
8054 "name": "year",
8055 "optional": true,
8056 "type": {
8057 "primitive": "string"
8058 }
8059 }
8060 ],
8061 "symbolId": "lib/schedule:CronOptions"
8062 },
8063 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventBus": {
8064 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
8065 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.Resource",
8066 "docs": {
8067 "custom": {
8068 "resource": "AWS::Events::EventBus",
8069 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
8070 },
8071 "stability": "stable",
8072 "summary": "Define an EventBridge EventBus.",
8073 "example": "const bus = new events.EventBus(this, 'bus', {\n eventBusName: 'MyCustomEventBus'\n});\n\nbus.archive('MyArchive', {\n archiveName: 'MyCustomEventBusArchive',\n description: 'MyCustomerEventBus Archive',\n eventPattern: {\n account: [Stack.of(this).account],\n },\n retention: Duration.days(365),\n});"
8074 },
8075 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventBus",
8076 "initializer": {
8077 "docs": {
8078 "stability": "stable"
8079 },
8080 "locationInModule": {
8081 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8082 "line": 310
8083 },
8084 "parameters": [
8085 {
8086 "name": "scope",
8087 "type": {
8088 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
8089 }
8090 },
8091 {
8092 "name": "id",
8093 "type": {
8094 "primitive": "string"
8095 }
8096 },
8097 {
8098 "name": "props",
8099 "optional": true,
8100 "type": {
8101 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventBusProps"
8102 }
8103 }
8104 ]
8105 },
8106 "interfaces": [
8107 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus"
8108 ],
8109 "kind": "class",
8110 "locationInModule": {
8111 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8112 "line": 163
8113 },
8114 "methods": [
8115 {
8116 "docs": {
8117 "stability": "stable",
8118 "summary": "Import an existing event bus resource."
8119 },
8120 "locationInModule": {
8121 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8122 "line": 171
8123 },
8124 "name": "fromEventBusArn",
8125 "parameters": [
8126 {
8127 "docs": {
8128 "summary": "Parent construct."
8129 },
8130 "name": "scope",
8131 "type": {
8132 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
8133 }
8134 },
8135 {
8136 "docs": {
8137 "summary": "Construct ID."
8138 },
8139 "name": "id",
8140 "type": {
8141 "primitive": "string"
8142 }
8143 },
8144 {
8145 "docs": {
8146 "summary": "ARN of imported event bus."
8147 },
8148 "name": "eventBusArn",
8149 "type": {
8150 "primitive": "string"
8151 }
8152 }
8153 ],
8154 "returns": {
8155 "type": {
8156 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus"
8157 }
8158 },
8159 "static": true
8160 },
8161 {
8162 "docs": {
8163 "stability": "stable",
8164 "summary": "Import an existing event bus resource."
8165 },
8166 "locationInModule": {
8167 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8168 "line": 207
8169 },
8170 "name": "fromEventBusAttributes",
8171 "parameters": [
8172 {
8173 "docs": {
8174 "summary": "Parent construct."
8175 },
8176 "name": "scope",
8177 "type": {
8178 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
8179 }
8180 },
8181 {
8182 "docs": {
8183 "summary": "Construct ID."
8184 },
8185 "name": "id",
8186 "type": {
8187 "primitive": "string"
8188 }
8189 },
8190 {
8191 "docs": {
8192 "summary": "Imported event bus properties."
8193 },
8194 "name": "attrs",
8195 "type": {
8196 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventBusAttributes"
8197 }
8198 }
8199 ],
8200 "returns": {
8201 "type": {
8202 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus"
8203 }
8204 },
8205 "static": true
8206 },
8207 {
8208 "docs": {
8209 "stability": "stable",
8210 "summary": "Import an existing event bus resource."
8211 },
8212 "locationInModule": {
8213 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8214 "line": 187
8215 },
8216 "name": "fromEventBusName",
8217 "parameters": [
8218 {
8219 "docs": {
8220 "summary": "Parent construct."
8221 },
8222 "name": "scope",
8223 "type": {
8224 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
8225 }
8226 },
8227 {
8228 "docs": {
8229 "summary": "Construct ID."
8230 },
8231 "name": "id",
8232 "type": {
8233 "primitive": "string"
8234 }
8235 },
8236 {
8237 "docs": {
8238 "summary": "Name of imported event bus."
8239 },
8240 "name": "eventBusName",
8241 "type": {
8242 "primitive": "string"
8243 }
8244 }
8245 ],
8246 "returns": {
8247 "type": {
8248 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus"
8249 }
8250 },
8251 "static": true
8252 },
8253 {
8254 "docs": {
8255 "stability": "stable",
8256 "summary": "Permits an IAM Principal to send custom events to EventBridge so that they can be matched to rules."
8257 },
8258 "locationInModule": {
8259 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8260 "line": 234
8261 },
8262 "name": "grantAllPutEvents",
8263 "parameters": [
8264 {
8265 "docs": {
8266 "summary": "The principal (no-op if undefined)."
8267 },
8268 "name": "grantee",
8269 "type": {
8270 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
8271 }
8272 }
8273 ],
8274 "returns": {
8275 "type": {
8276 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant"
8277 }
8278 },
8279 "static": true
8280 },
8281 {
8282 "docs": {
8283 "deprecated": "use grantAllPutEvents instead",
8284 "stability": "deprecated",
8285 "summary": "Permits an IAM Principal to send custom events to EventBridge so that they can be matched to rules."
8286 },
8287 "locationInModule": {
8288 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8289 "line": 218
8290 },
8291 "name": "grantPutEvents",
8292 "parameters": [
8293 {
8294 "docs": {
8295 "summary": "The principal (no-op if undefined)."
8296 },
8297 "name": "grantee",
8298 "type": {
8299 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
8300 }
8301 }
8302 ],
8303 "returns": {
8304 "type": {
8305 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant"
8306 }
8307 },
8308 "static": true
8309 },
8310 {
8311 "docs": {
8312 "remarks": "When you create an archive, incoming events might not immediately start being sent to the archive.\nAllow a short period of time for changes to take effect.",
8313 "stability": "stable",
8314 "summary": "Create an EventBridge archive to send events to."
8315 },
8316 "locationInModule": {
8317 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8318 "line": 139
8319 },
8320 "name": "archive",
8321 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus",
8322 "parameters": [
8323 {
8324 "name": "id",
8325 "type": {
8326 "primitive": "string"
8327 }
8328 },
8329 {
8330 "name": "props",
8331 "type": {
8332 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.BaseArchiveProps"
8333 }
8334 }
8335 ],
8336 "returns": {
8337 "type": {
8338 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Archive"
8339 }
8340 }
8341 },
8342 {
8343 "docs": {
8344 "stability": "stable",
8345 "summary": "Grants an IAM Principal to send custom events to the eventBus so that they can be matched to rules."
8346 },
8347 "locationInModule": {
8348 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8349 "line": 149
8350 },
8351 "name": "grantPutEventsTo",
8352 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus",
8353 "parameters": [
8354 {
8355 "name": "grantee",
8356 "type": {
8357 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
8358 }
8359 }
8360 ],
8361 "returns": {
8362 "type": {
8363 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant"
8364 }
8365 }
8366 }
8367 ],
8368 "name": "EventBus",
8369 "properties": [
8370 {
8371 "docs": {
8372 "stability": "stable",
8373 "summary": "The ARN of the event bus, such as: arn:aws:events:us-east-2:123456789012:event-bus/aws.partner/PartnerName/acct1/repo1."
8374 },
8375 "immutable": true,
8376 "locationInModule": {
8377 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8378 "line": 298
8379 },
8380 "name": "eventBusArn",
8381 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus",
8382 "type": {
8383 "primitive": "string"
8384 }
8385 },
8386 {
8387 "docs": {
8388 "stability": "stable",
8389 "summary": "The physical ID of this event bus resource."
8390 },
8391 "immutable": true,
8392 "locationInModule": {
8393 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8394 "line": 292
8395 },
8396 "name": "eventBusName",
8397 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus",
8398 "type": {
8399 "primitive": "string"
8400 }
8401 },
8402 {
8403 "docs": {
8404 "stability": "stable",
8405 "summary": "The policy for the event bus in JSON form."
8406 },
8407 "immutable": true,
8408 "locationInModule": {
8409 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8410 "line": 303
8411 },
8412 "name": "eventBusPolicy",
8413 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus",
8414 "type": {
8415 "primitive": "string"
8416 }
8417 },
8418 {
8419 "docs": {
8420 "stability": "stable",
8421 "summary": "The name of the partner event source."
8422 },
8423 "immutable": true,
8424 "locationInModule": {
8425 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8426 "line": 308
8427 },
8428 "name": "eventSourceName",
8429 "optional": true,
8430 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus",
8431 "type": {
8432 "primitive": "string"
8433 }
8434 }
8435 ],
8436 "symbolId": "lib/event-bus:EventBus"
8437 },
8438 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventBusAttributes": {
8439 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
8440 "datatype": true,
8441 "docs": {
8442 "stability": "stable",
8443 "summary": "Interface with properties necessary to import a reusable EventBus.",
8444 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst eventBusAttributes: events.EventBusAttributes = {\n eventBusArn: 'eventBusArn',\n eventBusName: 'eventBusName',\n eventBusPolicy: 'eventBusPolicy',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n eventSourceName: 'eventSourceName',\n};",
8445 "custom": {
8446 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
8447 }
8448 },
8449 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventBusAttributes",
8450 "kind": "interface",
8451 "locationInModule": {
8452 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8453 "line": 86
8454 },
8455 "name": "EventBusAttributes",
8456 "properties": [
8457 {
8458 "abstract": true,
8459 "docs": {
8460 "custom": {
8461 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#Arn-fn::getatt"
8462 },
8463 "stability": "stable",
8464 "summary": "The ARN of this event bus resource."
8465 },
8466 "immutable": true,
8467 "locationInModule": {
8468 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8469 "line": 99
8470 },
8471 "name": "eventBusArn",
8472 "type": {
8473 "primitive": "string"
8474 }
8475 },
8476 {
8477 "abstract": true,
8478 "docs": {
8479 "custom": {
8480 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-name"
8481 },
8482 "stability": "stable",
8483 "summary": "The physical ID of this event bus resource."
8484 },
8485 "immutable": true,
8486 "locationInModule": {
8487 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8488 "line": 92
8489 },
8490 "name": "eventBusName",
8491 "type": {
8492 "primitive": "string"
8493 }
8494 },
8495 {
8496 "abstract": true,
8497 "docs": {
8498 "custom": {
8499 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#Policy-fn::getatt"
8500 },
8501 "stability": "stable",
8502 "summary": "The JSON policy of this event bus resource."
8503 },
8504 "immutable": true,
8505 "locationInModule": {
8506 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8507 "line": 106
8508 },
8509 "name": "eventBusPolicy",
8510 "type": {
8511 "primitive": "string"
8512 }
8513 },
8514 {
8515 "abstract": true,
8516 "docs": {
8517 "custom": {
8518 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-eventsourcename"
8519 },
8520 "default": "- no partner event source",
8521 "stability": "stable",
8522 "summary": "The partner event source to associate with this event bus resource."
8523 },
8524 "immutable": true,
8525 "locationInModule": {
8526 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8527 "line": 114
8528 },
8529 "name": "eventSourceName",
8530 "optional": true,
8531 "type": {
8532 "primitive": "string"
8533 }
8534 }
8535 ],
8536 "symbolId": "lib/event-bus:EventBusAttributes"
8537 },
8538 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventBusProps": {
8539 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
8540 "datatype": true,
8541 "docs": {
8542 "stability": "stable",
8543 "summary": "Properties to define an event bus.",
8544 "example": "const bus = new events.EventBus(this, 'bus', {\n eventBusName: 'MyCustomEventBus'\n});\n\nbus.archive('MyArchive', {\n archiveName: 'MyCustomEventBusArchive',\n description: 'MyCustomerEventBus Archive',\n eventPattern: {\n account: [Stack.of(this).account],\n },\n retention: Duration.days(365),\n});",
8545 "custom": {
8546 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
8547 }
8548 },
8549 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventBusProps",
8550 "kind": "interface",
8551 "locationInModule": {
8552 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8553 "line": 63
8554 },
8555 "name": "EventBusProps",
8556 "properties": [
8557 {
8558 "abstract": true,
8559 "docs": {
8560 "custom": {
8561 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-name"
8562 },
8563 "default": "- automatically generated name",
8564 "stability": "stable",
8565 "summary": "The name of the event bus you are creating Note: If 'eventSourceName' is passed in, you cannot set this."
8566 },
8567 "immutable": true,
8568 "locationInModule": {
8569 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8570 "line": 71
8571 },
8572 "name": "eventBusName",
8573 "optional": true,
8574 "type": {
8575 "primitive": "string"
8576 }
8577 },
8578 {
8579 "abstract": true,
8580 "docs": {
8581 "custom": {
8582 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-eventsourcename"
8583 },
8584 "default": "- no partner event source",
8585 "stability": "stable",
8586 "summary": "The partner event source to associate with this event bus resource Note: If 'eventBusName' is passed in, you cannot set this."
8587 },
8588 "immutable": true,
8589 "locationInModule": {
8590 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
8591 "line": 80
8592 },
8593 "name": "eventSourceName",
8594 "optional": true,
8595 "type": {
8596 "primitive": "string"
8597 }
8598 }
8599 ],
8600 "symbolId": "lib/event-bus:EventBusProps"
8601 },
8602 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventField": {
8603 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
8604 "docs": {
8605 "stability": "stable",
8606 "summary": "Represents a field in the event pattern."
8607 },
8608 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventField",
8609 "interfaces": [
8610 "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
8611 ],
8612 "kind": "class",
8613 "locationInModule": {
8614 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8615 "line": 242
8616 },
8617 "methods": [
8618 {
8619 "docs": {
8620 "stability": "stable",
8621 "summary": "Extract a custom JSON path from the event."
8622 },
8623 "locationInModule": {
8624 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8625 "line": 288
8626 },
8627 "name": "fromPath",
8628 "parameters": [
8629 {
8630 "name": "path",
8631 "type": {
8632 "primitive": "string"
8633 }
8634 }
8635 ],
8636 "returns": {
8637 "type": {
8638 "primitive": "string"
8639 }
8640 },
8641 "static": true
8642 },
8643 {
8644 "docs": {
8645 "stability": "stable",
8646 "summary": "Produce the Token's value at resolution time."
8647 },
8648 "locationInModule": {
8649 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8650 "line": 308
8651 },
8652 "name": "resolve",
8653 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable",
8654 "parameters": [
8655 {
8656 "name": "_ctx",
8657 "type": {
8658 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolveContext"
8659 }
8660 }
8661 ],
8662 "returns": {
8663 "type": {
8664 "primitive": "any"
8665 }
8666 }
8667 },
8668 {
8669 "docs": {
8670 "stability": "stable",
8671 "summary": "Convert the path to the field in the event pattern to JSON."
8672 },
8673 "locationInModule": {
8674 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8675 "line": 319
8676 },
8677 "name": "toJSON",
8678 "returns": {
8679 "type": {
8680 "primitive": "string"
8681 }
8682 }
8683 },
8684 {
8685 "docs": {
8686 "remarks": "Returns a reversible string representation.",
8687 "stability": "stable",
8688 "summary": "Return a string representation of this resolvable object."
8689 },
8690 "locationInModule": {
8691 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8692 "line": 312
8693 },
8694 "name": "toString",
8695 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable",
8696 "returns": {
8697 "type": {
8698 "primitive": "string"
8699 }
8700 }
8701 }
8702 ],
8703 "name": "EventField",
8704 "properties": [
8705 {
8706 "docs": {
8707 "stability": "stable",
8708 "summary": "Extract the account from the event."
8709 },
8710 "immutable": true,
8711 "locationInModule": {
8712 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8713 "line": 267
8714 },
8715 "name": "account",
8716 "static": true,
8717 "type": {
8718 "primitive": "string"
8719 }
8720 },
8721 {
8722 "docs": {
8723 "stability": "stable",
8724 "summary": "Extract the detail type from the event."
8725 },
8726 "immutable": true,
8727 "locationInModule": {
8728 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8729 "line": 253
8730 },
8731 "name": "detailType",
8732 "static": true,
8733 "type": {
8734 "primitive": "string"
8735 }
8736 },
8737 {
8738 "docs": {
8739 "stability": "stable",
8740 "summary": "Extract the event ID from the event."
8741 },
8742 "immutable": true,
8743 "locationInModule": {
8744 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8745 "line": 246
8746 },
8747 "name": "eventId",
8748 "static": true,
8749 "type": {
8750 "primitive": "string"
8751 }
8752 },
8753 {
8754 "docs": {
8755 "stability": "stable",
8756 "summary": "Extract the region from the event."
8757 },
8758 "immutable": true,
8759 "locationInModule": {
8760 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8761 "line": 281
8762 },
8763 "name": "region",
8764 "static": true,
8765 "type": {
8766 "primitive": "string"
8767 }
8768 },
8769 {
8770 "docs": {
8771 "stability": "stable",
8772 "summary": "Extract the source from the event."
8773 },
8774 "immutable": true,
8775 "locationInModule": {
8776 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8777 "line": 260
8778 },
8779 "name": "source",
8780 "static": true,
8781 "type": {
8782 "primitive": "string"
8783 }
8784 },
8785 {
8786 "docs": {
8787 "stability": "stable",
8788 "summary": "Extract the time from the event."
8789 },
8790 "immutable": true,
8791 "locationInModule": {
8792 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8793 "line": 274
8794 },
8795 "name": "time",
8796 "static": true,
8797 "type": {
8798 "primitive": "string"
8799 }
8800 },
8801 {
8802 "docs": {
8803 "remarks": "This may return an array with a single informational element indicating how\nto get this property populated, if it was skipped for performance reasons.",
8804 "stability": "stable",
8805 "summary": "The creation stack of this resolvable which will be appended to errors thrown during resolution."
8806 },
8807 "immutable": true,
8808 "locationInModule": {
8809 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8810 "line": 296
8811 },
8812 "name": "creationStack",
8813 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable",
8814 "type": {
8815 "collection": {
8816 "elementtype": {
8817 "primitive": "string"
8818 },
8819 "kind": "array"
8820 }
8821 }
8822 },
8823 {
8824 "docs": {
8825 "stability": "stable",
8826 "summary": "Human readable display hint about the event pattern."
8827 },
8828 "immutable": true,
8829 "locationInModule": {
8830 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8831 "line": 295
8832 },
8833 "name": "displayHint",
8834 "type": {
8835 "primitive": "string"
8836 }
8837 },
8838 {
8839 "docs": {
8840 "stability": "stable",
8841 "summary": "the path to a field in the event pattern."
8842 },
8843 "immutable": true,
8844 "locationInModule": {
8845 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
8846 "line": 302
8847 },
8848 "name": "path",
8849 "type": {
8850 "primitive": "string"
8851 }
8852 }
8853 ],
8854 "symbolId": "lib/input:EventField"
8855 },
8856 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventPattern": {
8857 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
8858 "datatype": true,
8859 "docs": {
8860 "remarks": "**Important**: this class can only be used with a `Rule` class. In particular,\ndo not use it with `CfnRule` class: your pattern will not be rendered\ncorrectly. In a `CfnRule` class, write the pattern as you normally would when\ndirectly writing CloudFormation.\n\nRules use event patterns to select events and route them to targets. A\npattern either matches an event or it doesn't. Event patterns are represented\nas JSON objects with a structure that is similar to that of events.\n\nIt is important to remember the following about event pattern matching:\n\n- For a pattern to match an event, the event must contain all the field names\n listed in the pattern. The field names must appear in the event with the\n same nesting structure.\n\n- Other fields of the event not mentioned in the pattern are ignored;\n effectively, there is a ``\"*\": \"*\"`` wildcard for fields not mentioned.\n\n- The matching is exact (character-by-character), without case-folding or any\n other string normalization.\n\n- The values being matched follow JSON rules: Strings enclosed in quotes,\n numbers, and the unquoted keywords true, false, and null.\n\n- Number matching is at the string representation level. For example, 300,\n 300.0, and 3.0e2 are not considered equal.",
8861 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/events/CloudWatchEventsandEventPatterns.html",
8862 "stability": "stable",
8863 "summary": "Events in Amazon CloudWatch Events are represented as JSON objects. For more information about JSON objects, see RFC 7159.",
8864 "example": "import * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunc', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_14_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromInline(`exports.handler = handler.toString()`),\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'rule', {\n eventPattern: {\n source: [\"aws.ec2\"],\n },\n});\n\nconst queue = new sqs.Queue(this, 'Queue');\n\nrule.addTarget(new targets.LambdaFunction(fn, {\n deadLetterQueue: queue, // Optional: add a dead letter queue\n maxEventAge: cdk.Duration.hours(2), // Optional: set the maxEventAge retry policy\n retryAttempts: 2, // Optional: set the max number of retry attempts\n}));",
8865 "custom": {
8866 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
8867 }
8868 },
8869 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventPattern",
8870 "kind": "interface",
8871 "locationInModule": {
8872 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
8873 "line": 34
8874 },
8875 "name": "EventPattern",
8876 "properties": [
8877 {
8878 "abstract": true,
8879 "docs": {
8880 "default": "- No filtering on account",
8881 "stability": "stable",
8882 "summary": "The 12-digit number identifying an AWS account."
8883 },
8884 "immutable": true,
8885 "locationInModule": {
8886 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
8887 "line": 80
8888 },
8889 "name": "account",
8890 "optional": true,
8891 "type": {
8892 "collection": {
8893 "elementtype": {
8894 "primitive": "string"
8895 },
8896 "kind": "array"
8897 }
8898 }
8899 },
8900 {
8901 "abstract": true,
8902 "docs": {
8903 "default": "- No filtering on detail",
8904 "stability": "stable",
8905 "summary": "A JSON object, whose content is at the discretion of the service originating the event."
8906 },
8907 "immutable": true,
8908 "locationInModule": {
8909 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
8910 "line": 119
8911 },
8912 "name": "detail",
8913 "optional": true,
8914 "type": {
8915 "collection": {
8916 "elementtype": {
8917 "primitive": "any"
8918 },
8919 "kind": "map"
8920 }
8921 }
8922 },
8923 {
8924 "abstract": true,
8925 "docs": {
8926 "default": "- No filtering on detail type",
8927 "remarks": "Represents the \"detail-type\" event field.",
8928 "stability": "stable",
8929 "summary": "Identifies, in combination with the source field, the fields and values that appear in the detail field."
8930 },
8931 "immutable": true,
8932 "locationInModule": {
8933 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
8934 "line": 58
8935 },
8936 "name": "detailType",
8937 "optional": true,
8938 "type": {
8939 "collection": {
8940 "elementtype": {
8941 "primitive": "string"
8942 },
8943 "kind": "array"
8944 }
8945 }
8946 },
8947 {
8948 "abstract": true,
8949 "docs": {
8950 "default": "- No filtering on id",
8951 "remarks": "This can be helpful in\ntracing events as they move through rules to targets, and are processed.",
8952 "stability": "stable",
8953 "summary": "A unique value is generated for every event."
8954 },
8955 "immutable": true,
8956 "locationInModule": {
8957 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
8958 "line": 48
8959 },
8960 "name": "id",
8961 "optional": true,
8962 "type": {
8963 "collection": {
8964 "elementtype": {
8965 "primitive": "string"
8966 },
8967 "kind": "array"
8968 }
8969 }
8970 },
8971 {
8972 "abstract": true,
8973 "docs": {
8974 "default": "- No filtering on region",
8975 "stability": "stable",
8976 "summary": "Identifies the AWS region where the event originated."
8977 },
8978 "immutable": true,
8979 "locationInModule": {
8980 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
8981 "line": 97
8982 },
8983 "name": "region",
8984 "optional": true,
8985 "type": {
8986 "collection": {
8987 "elementtype": {
8988 "primitive": "string"
8989 },
8990 "kind": "array"
8991 }
8992 }
8993 },
8994 {
8995 "abstract": true,
8996 "docs": {
8997 "default": "- No filtering on resource",
8998 "remarks": "Inclusion of these ARNs is at the discretion of the\nservice.\n\nFor example, Amazon EC2 instance state-changes include Amazon EC2\ninstance ARNs, Auto Scaling events include ARNs for both instances and\nAuto Scaling groups, but API calls with AWS CloudTrail do not include\nresource ARNs.",
8999 "stability": "stable",
9000 "summary": "This JSON array contains ARNs that identify resources that are involved in the event."
9001 },
9002 "immutable": true,
9003 "locationInModule": {
9004 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
9005 "line": 111
9006 },
9007 "name": "resources",
9008 "optional": true,
9009 "type": {
9010 "collection": {
9011 "elementtype": {
9012 "primitive": "string"
9013 },
9014 "kind": "array"
9015 }
9016 }
9017 },
9018 {
9019 "abstract": true,
9020 "docs": {
9021 "default": "- No filtering on source",
9022 "remarks": "All events sourced from\nwithin AWS begin with \"aws.\" Customer-generated events can have any value\nhere, as long as it doesn't begin with \"aws.\" We recommend the use of\nJava package-name style reverse domain-name strings.\n\nTo find the correct value for source for an AWS service, see the table in\nAWS Service Namespaces. For example, the source value for Amazon\nCloudFront is aws.cloudfront.",
9023 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/general/latest/gr/aws-arns-and-namespaces.html#genref-aws-service-namespaces",
9024 "stability": "stable",
9025 "summary": "Identifies the service that sourced the event."
9026 },
9027 "immutable": true,
9028 "locationInModule": {
9029 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
9030 "line": 73
9031 },
9032 "name": "source",
9033 "optional": true,
9034 "type": {
9035 "collection": {
9036 "elementtype": {
9037 "primitive": "string"
9038 },
9039 "kind": "array"
9040 }
9041 }
9042 },
9043 {
9044 "abstract": true,
9045 "docs": {
9046 "default": "- No filtering on time",
9047 "remarks": "If the event spans a time interval, the service might choose\nto report the start time, so this value can be noticeably before the time\nthe event is actually received.",
9048 "stability": "stable",
9049 "summary": "The event timestamp, which can be specified by the service originating the event."
9050 },
9051 "immutable": true,
9052 "locationInModule": {
9053 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
9054 "line": 90
9055 },
9056 "name": "time",
9057 "optional": true,
9058 "type": {
9059 "collection": {
9060 "elementtype": {
9061 "primitive": "string"
9062 },
9063 "kind": "array"
9064 }
9065 }
9066 },
9067 {
9068 "abstract": true,
9069 "docs": {
9070 "default": "- No filtering on version",
9071 "stability": "stable",
9072 "summary": "By default, this is set to 0 (zero) in all events."
9073 },
9074 "immutable": true,
9075 "locationInModule": {
9076 "filename": "lib/event-pattern.ts",
9077 "line": 40
9078 },
9079 "name": "version",
9080 "optional": true,
9081 "type": {
9082 "collection": {
9083 "elementtype": {
9084 "primitive": "string"
9085 },
9086 "kind": "array"
9087 }
9088 }
9089 }
9090 ],
9091 "symbolId": "lib/event-pattern:EventPattern"
9092 },
9093 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpMethod": {
9094 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9095 "docs": {
9096 "stability": "stable",
9097 "summary": "Supported HTTP operations."
9098 },
9099 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpMethod",
9100 "kind": "enum",
9101 "locationInModule": {
9102 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9103 "line": 389
9104 },
9105 "members": [
9106 {
9107 "docs": {
9108 "stability": "stable",
9109 "summary": "POST."
9110 },
9111 "name": "POST"
9112 },
9113 {
9114 "docs": {
9115 "stability": "stable",
9116 "summary": "GET."
9117 },
9118 "name": "GET"
9119 },
9120 {
9121 "docs": {
9122 "stability": "stable",
9123 "summary": "HEAD."
9124 },
9125 "name": "HEAD"
9126 },
9127 {
9128 "docs": {
9129 "stability": "stable",
9130 "summary": "OPTIONS."
9131 },
9132 "name": "OPTIONS"
9133 },
9134 {
9135 "docs": {
9136 "stability": "stable",
9137 "summary": "PUT."
9138 },
9139 "name": "PUT"
9140 },
9141 {
9142 "docs": {
9143 "stability": "stable",
9144 "summary": "PATCH."
9145 },
9146 "name": "PATCH"
9147 },
9148 {
9149 "docs": {
9150 "stability": "stable",
9151 "summary": "DELETE."
9152 },
9153 "name": "DELETE"
9154 }
9155 ],
9156 "name": "HttpMethod",
9157 "symbolId": "lib/connection:HttpMethod"
9158 },
9159 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter": {
9160 "abstract": true,
9161 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9162 "docs": {
9163 "stability": "stable",
9164 "summary": "An additional HTTP parameter to send along with the OAuth request.",
9165 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const secretValue: cdk.SecretValue;\nconst httpParameter = events.HttpParameter.fromSecret(secretValue);",
9166 "custom": {
9167 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
9168 }
9169 },
9170 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter",
9171 "initializer": {
9172 "docs": {
9173 "stability": "stable"
9174 }
9175 },
9176 "kind": "class",
9177 "locationInModule": {
9178 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9179 "line": 190
9180 },
9181 "methods": [
9182 {
9183 "docs": {
9184 "stability": "stable",
9185 "summary": "Make an OAuthParameter from a secret."
9186 },
9187 "locationInModule": {
9188 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9189 "line": 210
9190 },
9191 "name": "fromSecret",
9192 "parameters": [
9193 {
9194 "name": "value",
9195 "type": {
9196 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue"
9197 }
9198 }
9199 ],
9200 "returns": {
9201 "type": {
9202 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter"
9203 }
9204 },
9205 "static": true
9206 },
9207 {
9208 "docs": {
9209 "remarks": "The value is not treated as a secret.",
9210 "stability": "stable",
9211 "summary": "Make an OAuthParameter from a string value."
9212 },
9213 "locationInModule": {
9214 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9215 "line": 196
9216 },
9217 "name": "fromString",
9218 "parameters": [
9219 {
9220 "name": "value",
9221 "type": {
9222 "primitive": "string"
9223 }
9224 }
9225 ],
9226 "returns": {
9227 "type": {
9228 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter"
9229 }
9230 },
9231 "static": true
9232 }
9233 ],
9234 "name": "HttpParameter",
9235 "symbolId": "lib/connection:HttpParameter"
9236 },
9237 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IApiDestination": {
9238 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9239 "docs": {
9240 "stability": "stable",
9241 "summary": "Interface for API Destinations."
9242 },
9243 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IApiDestination",
9244 "interfaces": [
9245 "@aws-cdk/core.IResource"
9246 ],
9247 "kind": "interface",
9248 "locationInModule": {
9249 "filename": "lib/api-destination.ts",
9250 "line": 51
9251 },
9252 "name": "IApiDestination",
9253 "properties": [
9254 {
9255 "abstract": true,
9256 "docs": {
9257 "custom": {
9258 "attribute": "true"
9259 },
9260 "stability": "stable",
9261 "summary": "The ARN of the Api Destination created."
9262 },
9263 "immutable": true,
9264 "locationInModule": {
9265 "filename": "lib/api-destination.ts",
9266 "line": 62
9267 },
9268 "name": "apiDestinationArn",
9269 "type": {
9270 "primitive": "string"
9271 }
9272 },
9273 {
9274 "abstract": true,
9275 "docs": {
9276 "custom": {
9277 "attribute": "true"
9278 },
9279 "stability": "stable",
9280 "summary": "The Name of the Api Destination created."
9281 },
9282 "immutable": true,
9283 "locationInModule": {
9284 "filename": "lib/api-destination.ts",
9285 "line": 56
9286 },
9287 "name": "apiDestinationName",
9288 "type": {
9289 "primitive": "string"
9290 }
9291 }
9292 ],
9293 "symbolId": "lib/api-destination:IApiDestination"
9294 },
9295 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection": {
9296 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9297 "docs": {
9298 "stability": "stable",
9299 "summary": "Interface for EventBus Connections."
9300 },
9301 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IConnection",
9302 "interfaces": [
9303 "@aws-cdk/core.IResource"
9304 ],
9305 "kind": "interface",
9306 "locationInModule": {
9307 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9308 "line": 250
9309 },
9310 "name": "IConnection",
9311 "properties": [
9312 {
9313 "abstract": true,
9314 "docs": {
9315 "custom": {
9316 "attribute": "true"
9317 },
9318 "stability": "stable",
9319 "summary": "The ARN of the connection created."
9320 },
9321 "immutable": true,
9322 "locationInModule": {
9323 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9324 "line": 261
9325 },
9326 "name": "connectionArn",
9327 "type": {
9328 "primitive": "string"
9329 }
9330 },
9331 {
9332 "abstract": true,
9333 "docs": {
9334 "custom": {
9335 "attribute": "true"
9336 },
9337 "stability": "stable",
9338 "summary": "The Name for the connection."
9339 },
9340 "immutable": true,
9341 "locationInModule": {
9342 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9343 "line": 255
9344 },
9345 "name": "connectionName",
9346 "type": {
9347 "primitive": "string"
9348 }
9349 },
9350 {
9351 "abstract": true,
9352 "docs": {
9353 "custom": {
9354 "attribute": "true"
9355 },
9356 "stability": "stable",
9357 "summary": "The ARN for the secret created for the connection."
9358 },
9359 "immutable": true,
9360 "locationInModule": {
9361 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9362 "line": 267
9363 },
9364 "name": "connectionSecretArn",
9365 "type": {
9366 "primitive": "string"
9367 }
9368 }
9369 ],
9370 "symbolId": "lib/connection:IConnection"
9371 },
9372 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus": {
9373 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9374 "docs": {
9375 "stability": "stable",
9376 "summary": "Interface which all EventBus based classes MUST implement."
9377 },
9378 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus",
9379 "interfaces": [
9380 "@aws-cdk/core.IResource"
9381 ],
9382 "kind": "interface",
9383 "locationInModule": {
9384 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
9385 "line": 10
9386 },
9387 "methods": [
9388 {
9389 "abstract": true,
9390 "docs": {
9391 "remarks": "When you create an archive, incoming events might not immediately start being sent to the archive.\nAllow a short period of time for changes to take effect.",
9392 "stability": "stable",
9393 "summary": "Create an EventBridge archive to send events to."
9394 },
9395 "locationInModule": {
9396 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
9397 "line": 49
9398 },
9399 "name": "archive",
9400 "parameters": [
9401 {
9402 "name": "id",
9403 "type": {
9404 "primitive": "string"
9405 }
9406 },
9407 {
9408 "docs": {
9409 "summary": "Properties of the archive."
9410 },
9411 "name": "props",
9412 "type": {
9413 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.BaseArchiveProps"
9414 }
9415 }
9416 ],
9417 "returns": {
9418 "type": {
9419 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Archive"
9420 }
9421 }
9422 },
9423 {
9424 "abstract": true,
9425 "docs": {
9426 "stability": "stable",
9427 "summary": "Grants an IAM Principal to send custom events to the eventBus so that they can be matched to rules."
9428 },
9429 "locationInModule": {
9430 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
9431 "line": 57
9432 },
9433 "name": "grantPutEventsTo",
9434 "parameters": [
9435 {
9436 "docs": {
9437 "summary": "The principal (no-op if undefined)."
9438 },
9439 "name": "grantee",
9440 "type": {
9441 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
9442 }
9443 }
9444 ],
9445 "returns": {
9446 "type": {
9447 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant"
9448 }
9449 }
9450 }
9451 ],
9452 "name": "IEventBus",
9453 "properties": [
9454 {
9455 "abstract": true,
9456 "docs": {
9457 "custom": {
9458 "attribute": "true",
9459 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#Arn-fn::getatt"
9460 },
9461 "stability": "stable",
9462 "summary": "The ARN of this event bus resource."
9463 },
9464 "immutable": true,
9465 "locationInModule": {
9466 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
9467 "line": 25
9468 },
9469 "name": "eventBusArn",
9470 "type": {
9471 "primitive": "string"
9472 }
9473 },
9474 {
9475 "abstract": true,
9476 "docs": {
9477 "custom": {
9478 "attribute": "true",
9479 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-name"
9480 },
9481 "stability": "stable",
9482 "summary": "The physical ID of this event bus resource."
9483 },
9484 "immutable": true,
9485 "locationInModule": {
9486 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
9487 "line": 17
9488 },
9489 "name": "eventBusName",
9490 "type": {
9491 "primitive": "string"
9492 }
9493 },
9494 {
9495 "abstract": true,
9496 "docs": {
9497 "custom": {
9498 "attribute": "true",
9499 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#Policy-fn::getatt"
9500 },
9501 "stability": "stable",
9502 "summary": "The JSON policy of this event bus resource."
9503 },
9504 "immutable": true,
9505 "locationInModule": {
9506 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
9507 "line": 33
9508 },
9509 "name": "eventBusPolicy",
9510 "type": {
9511 "primitive": "string"
9512 }
9513 },
9514 {
9515 "abstract": true,
9516 "docs": {
9517 "custom": {
9518 "link": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-events-eventbus.html#cfn-events-eventbus-eventsourcename"
9519 },
9520 "stability": "stable",
9521 "summary": "The partner event source to associate with this event bus resource."
9522 },
9523 "immutable": true,
9524 "locationInModule": {
9525 "filename": "lib/event-bus.ts",
9526 "line": 40
9527 },
9528 "name": "eventSourceName",
9529 "optional": true,
9530 "type": {
9531 "primitive": "string"
9532 }
9533 }
9534 ],
9535 "symbolId": "lib/event-bus:IEventBus"
9536 },
9537 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRule": {
9538 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9539 "docs": {
9540 "stability": "stable",
9541 "summary": "Represents an EventBridge Rule."
9542 },
9543 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRule",
9544 "interfaces": [
9545 "@aws-cdk/core.IResource"
9546 ],
9547 "kind": "interface",
9548 "locationInModule": {
9549 "filename": "lib/rule-ref.ts",
9550 "line": 6
9551 },
9552 "name": "IRule",
9553 "properties": [
9554 {
9555 "abstract": true,
9556 "docs": {
9557 "custom": {
9558 "attribute": "true"
9559 },
9560 "stability": "stable",
9561 "summary": "The value of the event rule Amazon Resource Name (ARN), such as arn:aws:events:us-east-2:123456789012:rule/example."
9562 },
9563 "immutable": true,
9564 "locationInModule": {
9565 "filename": "lib/rule-ref.ts",
9566 "line": 13
9567 },
9568 "name": "ruleArn",
9569 "type": {
9570 "primitive": "string"
9571 }
9572 },
9573 {
9574 "abstract": true,
9575 "docs": {
9576 "custom": {
9577 "attribute": "true"
9578 },
9579 "stability": "stable",
9580 "summary": "The name event rule."
9581 },
9582 "immutable": true,
9583 "locationInModule": {
9584 "filename": "lib/rule-ref.ts",
9585 "line": 20
9586 },
9587 "name": "ruleName",
9588 "type": {
9589 "primitive": "string"
9590 }
9591 }
9592 ],
9593 "symbolId": "lib/rule-ref:IRule"
9594 },
9595 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRuleTarget": {
9596 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9597 "docs": {
9598 "stability": "stable",
9599 "summary": "An abstract target for EventRules."
9600 },
9601 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRuleTarget",
9602 "kind": "interface",
9603 "locationInModule": {
9604 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
9605 "line": 10
9606 },
9607 "methods": [
9608 {
9609 "abstract": true,
9610 "docs": {
9611 "remarks": "NOTE: Do not use the various `inputXxx` options. They can be set in a call to `addTarget`.",
9612 "stability": "stable",
9613 "summary": "Returns the rule target specification."
9614 },
9615 "locationInModule": {
9616 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
9617 "line": 18
9618 },
9619 "name": "bind",
9620 "parameters": [
9621 {
9622 "docs": {
9623 "summary": "The EventBridge Rule that would trigger this target."
9624 },
9625 "name": "rule",
9626 "type": {
9627 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRule"
9628 }
9629 },
9630 {
9631 "docs": {
9632 "summary": "The id of the target that will be attached to the rule."
9633 },
9634 "name": "id",
9635 "optional": true,
9636 "type": {
9637 "primitive": "string"
9638 }
9639 }
9640 ],
9641 "returns": {
9642 "type": {
9643 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetConfig"
9644 }
9645 }
9646 }
9647 ],
9648 "name": "IRuleTarget",
9649 "symbolId": "lib/target:IRuleTarget"
9650 },
9651 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.OAuthAuthorizationProps": {
9652 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9653 "datatype": true,
9654 "docs": {
9655 "stability": "stable",
9656 "summary": "Properties for `Authorization.oauth()`.",
9657 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const httpParameter: events.HttpParameter;\ndeclare const secretValue: cdk.SecretValue;\nconst oAuthAuthorizationProps: events.OAuthAuthorizationProps = {\n authorizationEndpoint: 'authorizationEndpoint',\n clientId: 'clientId',\n clientSecret: secretValue,\n httpMethod: events.HttpMethod.POST,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n bodyParameters: {\n bodyParametersKey: httpParameter,\n },\n headerParameters: {\n headerParametersKey: httpParameter,\n },\n queryStringParameters: {\n queryStringParametersKey: httpParameter,\n },\n};",
9658 "custom": {
9659 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
9660 }
9661 },
9662 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.OAuthAuthorizationProps",
9663 "kind": "interface",
9664 "locationInModule": {
9665 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9666 "line": 141
9667 },
9668 "name": "OAuthAuthorizationProps",
9669 "properties": [
9670 {
9671 "abstract": true,
9672 "docs": {
9673 "stability": "stable",
9674 "summary": "The URL to the authorization endpoint."
9675 },
9676 "immutable": true,
9677 "locationInModule": {
9678 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9679 "line": 146
9680 },
9681 "name": "authorizationEndpoint",
9682 "type": {
9683 "primitive": "string"
9684 }
9685 },
9686 {
9687 "abstract": true,
9688 "docs": {
9689 "stability": "stable",
9690 "summary": "The client ID to use for OAuth authorization for the connection."
9691 },
9692 "immutable": true,
9693 "locationInModule": {
9694 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9695 "line": 158
9696 },
9697 "name": "clientId",
9698 "type": {
9699 "primitive": "string"
9700 }
9701 },
9702 {
9703 "abstract": true,
9704 "docs": {
9705 "stability": "stable",
9706 "summary": "The client secret associated with the client ID to use for OAuth authorization for the connection."
9707 },
9708 "immutable": true,
9709 "locationInModule": {
9710 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9711 "line": 163
9712 },
9713 "name": "clientSecret",
9714 "type": {
9715 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue"
9716 }
9717 },
9718 {
9719 "abstract": true,
9720 "docs": {
9721 "remarks": "(Can only choose POST, GET or PUT).",
9722 "stability": "stable",
9723 "summary": "The method to use for the authorization request."
9724 },
9725 "immutable": true,
9726 "locationInModule": {
9727 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9728 "line": 153
9729 },
9730 "name": "httpMethod",
9731 "type": {
9732 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpMethod"
9733 }
9734 },
9735 {
9736 "abstract": true,
9737 "docs": {
9738 "default": "- No additional parameters",
9739 "stability": "stable",
9740 "summary": "Additional string parameters to add to the OAuth request body."
9741 },
9742 "immutable": true,
9743 "locationInModule": {
9744 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9745 "line": 170
9746 },
9747 "name": "bodyParameters",
9748 "optional": true,
9749 "type": {
9750 "collection": {
9751 "elementtype": {
9752 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter"
9753 },
9754 "kind": "map"
9755 }
9756 }
9757 },
9758 {
9759 "abstract": true,
9760 "docs": {
9761 "default": "- No additional parameters",
9762 "stability": "stable",
9763 "summary": "Additional string parameters to add to the OAuth request header."
9764 },
9765 "immutable": true,
9766 "locationInModule": {
9767 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9768 "line": 177
9769 },
9770 "name": "headerParameters",
9771 "optional": true,
9772 "type": {
9773 "collection": {
9774 "elementtype": {
9775 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter"
9776 },
9777 "kind": "map"
9778 }
9779 }
9780 },
9781 {
9782 "abstract": true,
9783 "docs": {
9784 "default": "- No additional parameters",
9785 "stability": "stable",
9786 "summary": "Additional string parameters to add to the OAuth request query string."
9787 },
9788 "immutable": true,
9789 "locationInModule": {
9790 "filename": "lib/connection.ts",
9791 "line": 184
9792 },
9793 "name": "queryStringParameters",
9794 "optional": true,
9795 "type": {
9796 "collection": {
9797 "elementtype": {
9798 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.HttpParameter"
9799 },
9800 "kind": "map"
9801 }
9802 }
9803 }
9804 ],
9805 "symbolId": "lib/connection:OAuthAuthorizationProps"
9806 },
9807 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.OnEventOptions": {
9808 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9809 "datatype": true,
9810 "docs": {
9811 "stability": "stable",
9812 "summary": "Standard set of options for `onXxx` event handlers on construct.",
9813 "example": "// Lambda function containing logic that evaluates compliance with the rule.\nconst evalComplianceFn = new lambda.Function(this, 'CustomFunction', {\n code: lambda.AssetCode.fromInline('exports.handler = (event) => console.log(event);'),\n handler: 'index.handler',\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_14_X,\n});\n\n// A custom rule that runs on configuration changes of EC2 instances\nconst customRule = new config.CustomRule(this, 'Custom', {\n configurationChanges: true,\n lambdaFunction: evalComplianceFn,\n ruleScope: config.RuleScope.fromResource(config.ResourceType.EC2_INSTANCE),\n});\n\n// A rule to detect stack drifts\nconst driftRule = new config.CloudFormationStackDriftDetectionCheck(this, 'Drift');\n\n// Topic to which compliance notification events will be published\nconst complianceTopic = new sns.Topic(this, 'ComplianceTopic');\n\n// Send notification on compliance change events\ndriftRule.onComplianceChange('ComplianceChange', {\n target: new targets.SnsTopic(complianceTopic),\n});",
9814 "custom": {
9815 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
9816 }
9817 },
9818 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.OnEventOptions",
9819 "kind": "interface",
9820 "locationInModule": {
9821 "filename": "lib/on-event-options.ts",
9822 "line": 7
9823 },
9824 "name": "OnEventOptions",
9825 "properties": [
9826 {
9827 "abstract": true,
9828 "docs": {
9829 "default": "- No description",
9830 "stability": "stable",
9831 "summary": "A description of the rule's purpose."
9832 },
9833 "immutable": true,
9834 "locationInModule": {
9835 "filename": "lib/on-event-options.ts",
9836 "line": 20
9837 },
9838 "name": "description",
9839 "optional": true,
9840 "type": {
9841 "primitive": "string"
9842 }
9843 },
9844 {
9845 "abstract": true,
9846 "docs": {
9847 "default": "- No additional filtering based on an event pattern.",
9848 "remarks": "The method that generates the rule probably imposes some type of event\nfiltering. The filtering implied by what you pass here is added\non top of that filtering.",
9849 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-and-event-patterns.html",
9850 "stability": "stable",
9851 "summary": "Additional restrictions for the event to route to the specified target."
9852 },
9853 "immutable": true,
9854 "locationInModule": {
9855 "filename": "lib/on-event-options.ts",
9856 "line": 41
9857 },
9858 "name": "eventPattern",
9859 "optional": true,
9860 "type": {
9861 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventPattern"
9862 }
9863 },
9864 {
9865 "abstract": true,
9866 "docs": {
9867 "default": "AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID.",
9868 "stability": "stable",
9869 "summary": "A name for the rule."
9870 },
9871 "immutable": true,
9872 "locationInModule": {
9873 "filename": "lib/on-event-options.ts",
9874 "line": 27
9875 },
9876 "name": "ruleName",
9877 "optional": true,
9878 "type": {
9879 "primitive": "string"
9880 }
9881 },
9882 {
9883 "abstract": true,
9884 "docs": {
9885 "default": "- No target is added to the rule. Use `addTarget()` to add a target.",
9886 "stability": "stable",
9887 "summary": "The target to register for the event."
9888 },
9889 "immutable": true,
9890 "locationInModule": {
9891 "filename": "lib/on-event-options.ts",
9892 "line": 13
9893 },
9894 "name": "target",
9895 "optional": true,
9896 "type": {
9897 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRuleTarget"
9898 }
9899 }
9900 ],
9901 "symbolId": "lib/on-event-options:OnEventOptions"
9902 },
9903 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Rule": {
9904 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
9905 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.Resource",
9906 "docs": {
9907 "custom": {
9908 "resource": "AWS::Events::Rule",
9909 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
9910 },
9911 "stability": "stable",
9912 "summary": "Defines an EventBridge Rule in this stack.",
9913 "example": "import * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunc', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_14_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromInline(`exports.handler = handler.toString()`),\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'rule', {\n eventPattern: {\n source: [\"aws.ec2\"],\n },\n});\n\nconst queue = new sqs.Queue(this, 'Queue');\n\nrule.addTarget(new targets.LambdaFunction(fn, {\n deadLetterQueue: queue, // Optional: add a dead letter queue\n maxEventAge: cdk.Duration.hours(2), // Optional: set the maxEventAge retry policy\n retryAttempts: 2, // Optional: set the max number of retry attempts\n}));"
9914 },
9915 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Rule",
9916 "initializer": {
9917 "docs": {
9918 "stability": "stable"
9919 },
9920 "locationInModule": {
9921 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
9922 "line": 121
9923 },
9924 "parameters": [
9925 {
9926 "name": "scope",
9927 "type": {
9928 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
9929 }
9930 },
9931 {
9932 "name": "id",
9933 "type": {
9934 "primitive": "string"
9935 }
9936 },
9937 {
9938 "name": "props",
9939 "optional": true,
9940 "type": {
9941 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleProps"
9942 }
9943 }
9944 ]
9945 },
9946 "interfaces": [
9947 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRule"
9948 ],
9949 "kind": "class",
9950 "locationInModule": {
9951 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
9952 "line": 91
9953 },
9954 "methods": [
9955 {
9956 "docs": {
9957 "stability": "stable",
9958 "summary": "Import an existing EventBridge Rule provided an ARN."
9959 },
9960 "locationInModule": {
9961 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
9962 "line": 100
9963 },
9964 "name": "fromEventRuleArn",
9965 "parameters": [
9966 {
9967 "docs": {
9968 "summary": "The parent creating construct (usually `this`)."
9969 },
9970 "name": "scope",
9971 "type": {
9972 "fqn": "constructs.Construct"
9973 }
9974 },
9975 {
9976 "docs": {
9977 "summary": "The construct's name."
9978 },
9979 "name": "id",
9980 "type": {
9981 "primitive": "string"
9982 }
9983 },
9984 {
9985 "docs": {
9986 "summary": "Event Rule ARN (i.e. arn:aws:events:<region>:<account-id>:rule/MyScheduledRule)."
9987 },
9988 "name": "eventRuleArn",
9989 "type": {
9990 "primitive": "string"
9991 }
9992 }
9993 ],
9994 "returns": {
9995 "type": {
9996 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRule"
9997 }
9998 },
9999 "static": true
10000 },
10001 {
10002 "docs": {
10003 "remarks": "If a pattern was already specified,\nthese values are merged into the existing pattern.\n\nFor example, if the rule already contains the pattern:\n\n {\n \"resources\": [ \"r1\" ],\n \"detail\": {\n \"hello\": [ 1 ]\n }\n }\n\nAnd `addEventPattern` is called with the pattern:\n\n {\n \"resources\": [ \"r2\" ],\n \"detail\": {\n \"foo\": [ \"bar\" ]\n }\n }\n\nThe resulting event pattern will be:\n\n {\n \"resources\": [ \"r1\", \"r2\" ],\n \"detail\": {\n \"hello\": [ 1 ],\n \"foo\": [ \"bar\" ]\n }\n }",
10004 "stability": "stable",
10005 "summary": "Adds an event pattern filter to this rule."
10006 },
10007 "locationInModule": {
10008 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10009 "line": 308
10010 },
10011 "name": "addEventPattern",
10012 "parameters": [
10013 {
10014 "name": "eventPattern",
10015 "optional": true,
10016 "type": {
10017 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventPattern"
10018 }
10019 }
10020 ]
10021 },
10022 {
10023 "docs": {
10024 "remarks": "No-op if target is undefined.",
10025 "stability": "stable",
10026 "summary": "Adds a target to the rule. The abstract class RuleTarget can be extended to define new targets."
10027 },
10028 "locationInModule": {
10029 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10030 "line": 166
10031 },
10032 "name": "addTarget",
10033 "parameters": [
10034 {
10035 "name": "target",
10036 "optional": true,
10037 "type": {
10038 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRuleTarget"
10039 }
10040 }
10041 ]
10042 },
10043 {
10044 "docs": {
10045 "remarks": "This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform\nvalidation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.",
10046 "stability": "stable",
10047 "summary": "Validate the current construct."
10048 },
10049 "locationInModule": {
10050 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10051 "line": 324
10052 },
10053 "name": "validate",
10054 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct",
10055 "protected": true,
10056 "returns": {
10057 "type": {
10058 "collection": {
10059 "elementtype": {
10060 "primitive": "string"
10061 },
10062 "kind": "array"
10063 }
10064 }
10065 }
10066 }
10067 ],
10068 "name": "Rule",
10069 "properties": [
10070 {
10071 "docs": {
10072 "stability": "stable",
10073 "summary": "The value of the event rule Amazon Resource Name (ARN), such as arn:aws:events:us-east-2:123456789012:rule/example."
10074 },
10075 "immutable": true,
10076 "locationInModule": {
10077 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10078 "line": 110
10079 },
10080 "name": "ruleArn",
10081 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRule",
10082 "type": {
10083 "primitive": "string"
10084 }
10085 },
10086 {
10087 "docs": {
10088 "stability": "stable",
10089 "summary": "The name event rule."
10090 },
10091 "immutable": true,
10092 "locationInModule": {
10093 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10094 "line": 111
10095 },
10096 "name": "ruleName",
10097 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRule",
10098 "type": {
10099 "primitive": "string"
10100 }
10101 }
10102 ],
10103 "symbolId": "lib/rule:Rule"
10104 },
10105 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleProps": {
10106 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
10107 "datatype": true,
10108 "docs": {
10109 "stability": "stable",
10110 "summary": "Properties for defining an EventBridge Rule.",
10111 "example": "const connection = new events.Connection(this, 'Connection', {\n authorization: events.Authorization.apiKey('x-api-key', SecretValue.secretsManager('ApiSecretName')),\n description: 'Connection with API Key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst destination = new events.ApiDestination(this, 'Destination', {\n connection,\n endpoint: 'https://example.com',\n description: 'Calling example.com with API key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.rate(cdk.Duration.minutes(1)),\n targets: [new targets.ApiDestination(destination)],\n});",
10112 "custom": {
10113 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
10114 }
10115 },
10116 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleProps",
10117 "kind": "interface",
10118 "locationInModule": {
10119 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10120 "line": 15
10121 },
10122 "name": "RuleProps",
10123 "properties": [
10124 {
10125 "abstract": true,
10126 "docs": {
10127 "default": "- No description.",
10128 "stability": "stable",
10129 "summary": "A description of the rule's purpose."
10130 },
10131 "immutable": true,
10132 "locationInModule": {
10133 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10134 "line": 21
10135 },
10136 "name": "description",
10137 "optional": true,
10138 "type": {
10139 "primitive": "string"
10140 }
10141 },
10142 {
10143 "abstract": true,
10144 "docs": {
10145 "default": "true",
10146 "stability": "stable",
10147 "summary": "Indicates whether the rule is enabled."
10148 },
10149 "immutable": true,
10150 "locationInModule": {
10151 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10152 "line": 36
10153 },
10154 "name": "enabled",
10155 "optional": true,
10156 "type": {
10157 "primitive": "boolean"
10158 }
10159 },
10160 {
10161 "abstract": true,
10162 "docs": {
10163 "default": "- The default event bus.",
10164 "stability": "stable",
10165 "summary": "The event bus to associate with this rule."
10166 },
10167 "immutable": true,
10168 "locationInModule": {
10169 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10170 "line": 83
10171 },
10172 "name": "eventBus",
10173 "optional": true,
10174 "type": {
10175 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IEventBus"
10176 }
10177 },
10178 {
10179 "abstract": true,
10180 "docs": {
10181 "default": "- None.",
10182 "remarks": "These routed events are matched events. For more information, see Events\nand Event Patterns in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.",
10183 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-and-event-patterns.html\n\nYou must specify this property (either via props or via\n`addEventPattern`), the `scheduleExpression` property, or both. The\nmethod `addEventPattern` can be used to add filter values to the event\npattern.",
10184 "stability": "stable",
10185 "summary": "Describes which events EventBridge routes to the specified target."
10186 },
10187 "immutable": true,
10188 "locationInModule": {
10189 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10190 "line": 66
10191 },
10192 "name": "eventPattern",
10193 "optional": true,
10194 "type": {
10195 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.EventPattern"
10196 }
10197 },
10198 {
10199 "abstract": true,
10200 "docs": {
10201 "default": "- AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that ID\nfor the rule name. For more information, see Name Type.",
10202 "stability": "stable",
10203 "summary": "A name for the rule."
10204 },
10205 "immutable": true,
10206 "locationInModule": {
10207 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10208 "line": 29
10209 },
10210 "name": "ruleName",
10211 "optional": true,
10212 "type": {
10213 "primitive": "string"
10214 }
10215 },
10216 {
10217 "abstract": true,
10218 "docs": {
10219 "default": "- None.",
10220 "remarks": "For more information, see Schedule Expression Syntax for\nRules in the Amazon EventBridge User Guide.",
10221 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/scheduled-events.html\n\nYou must specify this property, the `eventPattern` property, or both.",
10222 "stability": "stable",
10223 "summary": "The schedule or rate (frequency) that determines when EventBridge runs the rule."
10224 },
10225 "immutable": true,
10226 "locationInModule": {
10227 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10228 "line": 49
10229 },
10230 "name": "schedule",
10231 "optional": true,
10232 "type": {
10233 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Schedule"
10234 }
10235 },
10236 {
10237 "abstract": true,
10238 "docs": {
10239 "default": "- No targets.",
10240 "remarks": "Input will be the full matched event. If you wish to specify custom\ntarget input, use `addTarget(target[, inputOptions])`.",
10241 "stability": "stable",
10242 "summary": "Targets to invoke when this rule matches an event."
10243 },
10244 "immutable": true,
10245 "locationInModule": {
10246 "filename": "lib/rule.ts",
10247 "line": 76
10248 },
10249 "name": "targets",
10250 "optional": true,
10251 "type": {
10252 "collection": {
10253 "elementtype": {
10254 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRuleTarget"
10255 },
10256 "kind": "array"
10257 }
10258 }
10259 }
10260 ],
10261 "symbolId": "lib/rule:RuleProps"
10262 },
10263 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetConfig": {
10264 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
10265 "datatype": true,
10266 "docs": {
10267 "stability": "stable",
10268 "summary": "Properties for an event rule target.",
10269 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const construct: cdk.Construct;\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\ndeclare const ruleTargetInput: events.RuleTargetInput;\nconst ruleTargetConfig: events.RuleTargetConfig = {\n arn: 'arn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n batchParameters: {\n jobDefinition: 'jobDefinition',\n jobName: 'jobName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n arrayProperties: {\n size: 123,\n },\n retryStrategy: {\n attempts: 123,\n },\n },\n deadLetterConfig: {\n arn: 'arn',\n },\n ecsParameters: {\n taskDefinitionArn: 'taskDefinitionArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n capacityProviderStrategy: [{\n capacityProvider: 'capacityProvider',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n base: 123,\n weight: 123,\n }],\n enableEcsManagedTags: false,\n enableExecuteCommand: false,\n group: 'group',\n launchType: 'launchType',\n networkConfiguration: {\n awsVpcConfiguration: {\n subnets: ['subnets'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',\n securityGroups: ['securityGroups'],\n },\n },\n placementConstraints: [{\n expression: 'expression',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n placementStrategies: [{\n field: 'field',\n type: 'type',\n }],\n platformVersion: 'platformVersion',\n propagateTags: 'propagateTags',\n referenceId: 'referenceId',\n tagList: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n taskCount: 123,\n },\n httpParameters: {\n headerParameters: {\n headerParametersKey: 'headerParameters',\n },\n pathParameterValues: ['pathParameterValues'],\n queryStringParameters: {\n queryStringParametersKey: 'queryStringParameters',\n },\n },\n id: 'id',\n input: ruleTargetInput,\n kinesisParameters: {\n partitionKeyPath: 'partitionKeyPath',\n },\n retryPolicy: {\n maximumEventAgeInSeconds: 123,\n maximumRetryAttempts: 123,\n },\n role: role,\n runCommandParameters: {\n runCommandTargets: [{\n key: 'key',\n values: ['values'],\n }],\n },\n sqsParameters: {\n messageGroupId: 'messageGroupId',\n },\n targetResource: construct,\n};",
10270 "custom": {
10271 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
10272 }
10273 },
10274 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetConfig",
10275 "kind": "interface",
10276 "locationInModule": {
10277 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10278 "line": 24
10279 },
10280 "name": "RuleTargetConfig",
10281 "properties": [
10282 {
10283 "abstract": true,
10284 "docs": {
10285 "stability": "stable",
10286 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the target."
10287 },
10288 "immutable": true,
10289 "locationInModule": {
10290 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10291 "line": 38
10292 },
10293 "name": "arn",
10294 "type": {
10295 "primitive": "string"
10296 }
10297 },
10298 {
10299 "abstract": true,
10300 "docs": {
10301 "default": "no parameters set",
10302 "stability": "stable",
10303 "summary": "Parameters used when the rule invokes Amazon AWS Batch Job/Queue."
10304 },
10305 "immutable": true,
10306 "locationInModule": {
10307 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10308 "line": 49
10309 },
10310 "name": "batchParameters",
10311 "optional": true,
10312 "type": {
10313 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.BatchParametersProperty"
10314 }
10315 },
10316 {
10317 "abstract": true,
10318 "docs": {
10319 "default": "no dead-letter queue set",
10320 "stability": "stable",
10321 "summary": "Contains information about a dead-letter queue configuration."
10322 },
10323 "immutable": true,
10324 "locationInModule": {
10325 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10326 "line": 55
10327 },
10328 "name": "deadLetterConfig",
10329 "optional": true,
10330 "type": {
10331 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.DeadLetterConfigProperty"
10332 }
10333 },
10334 {
10335 "abstract": true,
10336 "docs": {
10337 "stability": "stable",
10338 "summary": "The Amazon ECS task definition and task count to use, if the event target is an Amazon ECS task."
10339 },
10340 "immutable": true,
10341 "locationInModule": {
10342 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10343 "line": 67
10344 },
10345 "name": "ecsParameters",
10346 "optional": true,
10347 "type": {
10348 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.EcsParametersProperty"
10349 }
10350 },
10351 {
10352 "abstract": true,
10353 "docs": {
10354 "default": "- None",
10355 "stability": "stable",
10356 "summary": "Contains the HTTP parameters to use when the target is a API Gateway REST endpoint or EventBridge API destination."
10357 },
10358 "immutable": true,
10359 "locationInModule": {
10360 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10361 "line": 74
10362 },
10363 "name": "httpParameters",
10364 "optional": true,
10365 "type": {
10366 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.HttpParametersProperty"
10367 }
10368 },
10369 {
10370 "abstract": true,
10371 "docs": {
10372 "default": "- an auto-generated id",
10373 "deprecated": "no replacement. we will always use an autogenerated id.",
10374 "remarks": "Acceptable values\ninclude alphanumeric characters, periods (.), hyphens (-), and\nunderscores (_).",
10375 "stability": "deprecated",
10376 "summary": "A unique, user-defined identifier for the target."
10377 },
10378 "immutable": true,
10379 "locationInModule": {
10380 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10381 "line": 33
10382 },
10383 "name": "id",
10384 "optional": true,
10385 "type": {
10386 "primitive": "string"
10387 }
10388 },
10389 {
10390 "abstract": true,
10391 "docs": {
10392 "default": "the entire event",
10393 "stability": "stable",
10394 "summary": "What input to send to the event target."
10395 },
10396 "immutable": true,
10397 "locationInModule": {
10398 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10399 "line": 100
10400 },
10401 "name": "input",
10402 "optional": true,
10403 "type": {
10404 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInput"
10405 }
10406 },
10407 {
10408 "abstract": true,
10409 "docs": {
10410 "remarks": "If you don't include this parameter, eventId is used as the\npartition key.",
10411 "stability": "stable",
10412 "summary": "Settings that control shard assignment, when the target is a Kinesis stream."
10413 },
10414 "immutable": true,
10415 "locationInModule": {
10416 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10417 "line": 81
10418 },
10419 "name": "kinesisParameters",
10420 "optional": true,
10421 "type": {
10422 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.KinesisParametersProperty"
10423 }
10424 },
10425 {
10426 "abstract": true,
10427 "docs": {
10428 "default": "EventBridge default retry policy",
10429 "stability": "stable",
10430 "summary": "A RetryPolicy object that includes information about the retry policy settings."
10431 },
10432 "immutable": true,
10433 "locationInModule": {
10434 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10435 "line": 61
10436 },
10437 "name": "retryPolicy",
10438 "optional": true,
10439 "type": {
10440 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RetryPolicyProperty"
10441 }
10442 },
10443 {
10444 "abstract": true,
10445 "docs": {
10446 "stability": "stable",
10447 "summary": "Role to use to invoke this event target."
10448 },
10449 "immutable": true,
10450 "locationInModule": {
10451 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10452 "line": 43
10453 },
10454 "name": "role",
10455 "optional": true,
10456 "type": {
10457 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
10458 }
10459 },
10460 {
10461 "abstract": true,
10462 "docs": {
10463 "stability": "stable",
10464 "summary": "Parameters used when the rule invokes Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Run Command."
10465 },
10466 "immutable": true,
10467 "locationInModule": {
10468 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10469 "line": 87
10470 },
10471 "name": "runCommandParameters",
10472 "optional": true,
10473 "type": {
10474 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.RunCommandParametersProperty"
10475 }
10476 },
10477 {
10478 "abstract": true,
10479 "docs": {
10480 "stability": "stable",
10481 "summary": "Parameters used when the FIFO sqs queue is used an event target by the rule."
10482 },
10483 "immutable": true,
10484 "locationInModule": {
10485 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10486 "line": 93
10487 },
10488 "name": "sqsParameters",
10489 "optional": true,
10490 "type": {
10491 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CfnRule.SqsParametersProperty"
10492 }
10493 },
10494 {
10495 "abstract": true,
10496 "docs": {
10497 "default": "the target is not backed by any resource",
10498 "remarks": "This is the resource that will actually have some action performed on it when used as a target\n(for example, start a build for a CodeBuild project).\nWe need it to determine whether the rule belongs to a different account than the target -\nif so, we generate a more complex setup,\nincluding an additional stack containing the EventBusPolicy.",
10499 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eventbridge/latest/userguide/eventbridge-cross-account-event-delivery.html",
10500 "stability": "stable",
10501 "summary": "The resource that is backing this target."
10502 },
10503 "immutable": true,
10504 "locationInModule": {
10505 "filename": "lib/target.ts",
10506 "line": 113
10507 },
10508 "name": "targetResource",
10509 "optional": true,
10510 "type": {
10511 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IConstruct"
10512 }
10513 }
10514 ],
10515 "symbolId": "lib/target:RuleTargetConfig"
10516 },
10517 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInput": {
10518 "abstract": true,
10519 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
10520 "docs": {
10521 "stability": "stable",
10522 "summary": "The input to send to the event target.",
10523 "example": "import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as sfn from '@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions';\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.rate(cdk.Duration.minutes(1)),\n});\n\nconst dlq = new sqs.Queue(this, 'DeadLetterQueue');\n\nconst role = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('events.amazonaws.com'),\n});\nconst stateMachine = new sfn.StateMachine(this, 'SM', {\n definition: new sfn.Wait(this, 'Hello', { time: sfn.WaitTime.duration(cdk.Duration.seconds(10)) })\n});\n\nrule.addTarget(new targets.SfnStateMachine(stateMachine, {\n input: events.RuleTargetInput.fromObject({ SomeParam: 'SomeValue' }),\n deadLetterQueue: dlq,\n role: role\n}));",
10524 "custom": {
10525 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
10526 }
10527 },
10528 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInput",
10529 "initializer": {
10530 "docs": {
10531 "stability": "stable"
10532 },
10533 "locationInModule": {
10534 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10535 "line": 55
10536 }
10537 },
10538 "kind": "class",
10539 "locationInModule": {
10540 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10541 "line": 10
10542 },
10543 "methods": [
10544 {
10545 "docs": {
10546 "stability": "stable",
10547 "summary": "Take the event target input from a path in the event JSON."
10548 },
10549 "locationInModule": {
10550 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10551 "line": 51
10552 },
10553 "name": "fromEventPath",
10554 "parameters": [
10555 {
10556 "name": "path",
10557 "type": {
10558 "primitive": "string"
10559 }
10560 }
10561 ],
10562 "returns": {
10563 "type": {
10564 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInput"
10565 }
10566 },
10567 "static": true
10568 },
10569 {
10570 "docs": {
10571 "remarks": "This is only useful when passing to a target that does not\ntake a single argument.\n\nMay contain strings returned by `EventField.from()` to substitute in parts\nof the matched event.",
10572 "stability": "stable",
10573 "summary": "Pass text to the event target, splitting on newlines."
10574 },
10575 "locationInModule": {
10576 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10577 "line": 34
10578 },
10579 "name": "fromMultilineText",
10580 "parameters": [
10581 {
10582 "name": "text",
10583 "type": {
10584 "primitive": "string"
10585 }
10586 }
10587 ],
10588 "returns": {
10589 "type": {
10590 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInput"
10591 }
10592 },
10593 "static": true
10594 },
10595 {
10596 "docs": {
10597 "remarks": "May contain strings returned by `EventField.from()` to substitute in parts of the\nmatched event.",
10598 "stability": "stable",
10599 "summary": "Pass a JSON object to the event target."
10600 },
10601 "locationInModule": {
10602 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10603 "line": 44
10604 },
10605 "name": "fromObject",
10606 "parameters": [
10607 {
10608 "name": "obj",
10609 "type": {
10610 "primitive": "any"
10611 }
10612 }
10613 ],
10614 "returns": {
10615 "type": {
10616 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInput"
10617 }
10618 },
10619 "static": true
10620 },
10621 {
10622 "docs": {
10623 "remarks": "May contain strings returned by `EventField.from()` to substitute in parts of the\nmatched event.\n\nThe Rule Target input value will be a single string: the string you pass\nhere. Do not use this method to pass a complex value like a JSON object to\na Rule Target. Use `RuleTargetInput.fromObject()` instead.",
10624 "stability": "stable",
10625 "summary": "Pass text to the event target."
10626 },
10627 "locationInModule": {
10628 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10629 "line": 21
10630 },
10631 "name": "fromText",
10632 "parameters": [
10633 {
10634 "name": "text",
10635 "type": {
10636 "primitive": "string"
10637 }
10638 }
10639 ],
10640 "returns": {
10641 "type": {
10642 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInput"
10643 }
10644 },
10645 "static": true
10646 },
10647 {
10648 "abstract": true,
10649 "docs": {
10650 "stability": "stable",
10651 "summary": "Return the input properties for this input object."
10652 },
10653 "locationInModule": {
10654 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10655 "line": 61
10656 },
10657 "name": "bind",
10658 "parameters": [
10659 {
10660 "name": "rule",
10661 "type": {
10662 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.IRule"
10663 }
10664 }
10665 ],
10666 "returns": {
10667 "type": {
10668 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInputProperties"
10669 }
10670 }
10671 }
10672 ],
10673 "name": "RuleTargetInput",
10674 "symbolId": "lib/input:RuleTargetInput"
10675 },
10676 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInputProperties": {
10677 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
10678 "datatype": true,
10679 "docs": {
10680 "stability": "stable",
10681 "summary": "The input properties for an event target.",
10682 "example": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as events from '@aws-cdk/aws-events';\nconst ruleTargetInputProperties: events.RuleTargetInputProperties = {\n input: 'input',\n inputPath: 'inputPath',\n inputPathsMap: {\n inputPathsMapKey: 'inputPathsMap',\n },\n inputTemplate: 'inputTemplate',\n};",
10683 "custom": {
10684 "exampleMetadata": "fixture=_generated"
10685 }
10686 },
10687 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.RuleTargetInputProperties",
10688 "kind": "interface",
10689 "locationInModule": {
10690 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10691 "line": 67
10692 },
10693 "name": "RuleTargetInputProperties",
10694 "properties": [
10695 {
10696 "abstract": true,
10697 "docs": {
10698 "default": "- input for the event target. If the input contains a paths map\nvalues wil be extracted from event and inserted into the `inputTemplate`.",
10699 "stability": "stable",
10700 "summary": "Literal input to the target service (must be valid JSON)."
10701 },
10702 "immutable": true,
10703 "locationInModule": {
10704 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10705 "line": 74
10706 },
10707 "name": "input",
10708 "optional": true,
10709 "type": {
10710 "primitive": "string"
10711 }
10712 },
10713 {
10714 "abstract": true,
10715 "docs": {
10716 "default": "- None. The entire matched event is passed as input",
10717 "stability": "stable",
10718 "summary": "JsonPath to take input from the input event."
10719 },
10720 "immutable": true,
10721 "locationInModule": {
10722 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10723 "line": 81
10724 },
10725 "name": "inputPath",
10726 "optional": true,
10727 "type": {
10728 "primitive": "string"
10729 }
10730 },
10731 {
10732 "abstract": true,
10733 "docs": {
10734 "default": "- No values extracted from event.",
10735 "stability": "stable",
10736 "summary": "Paths map to extract values from event and insert into `inputTemplate`."
10737 },
10738 "immutable": true,
10739 "locationInModule": {
10740 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10741 "line": 95
10742 },
10743 "name": "inputPathsMap",
10744 "optional": true,
10745 "type": {
10746 "collection": {
10747 "elementtype": {
10748 "primitive": "string"
10749 },
10750 "kind": "map"
10751 }
10752 }
10753 },
10754 {
10755 "abstract": true,
10756 "docs": {
10757 "default": "- None.",
10758 "stability": "stable",
10759 "summary": "Input template to insert paths map into."
10760 },
10761 "immutable": true,
10762 "locationInModule": {
10763 "filename": "lib/input.ts",
10764 "line": 88
10765 },
10766 "name": "inputTemplate",
10767 "optional": true,
10768 "type": {
10769 "primitive": "string"
10770 }
10771 }
10772 ],
10773 "symbolId": "lib/input:RuleTargetInputProperties"
10774 },
10775 "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Schedule": {
10776 "abstract": true,
10777 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-events",
10778 "docs": {
10779 "stability": "stable",
10780 "summary": "Schedule for scheduled event rules.",
10781 "example": "const connection = new events.Connection(this, 'Connection', {\n authorization: events.Authorization.apiKey('x-api-key', SecretValue.secretsManager('ApiSecretName')),\n description: 'Connection with API Key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst destination = new events.ApiDestination(this, 'Destination', {\n connection,\n endpoint: 'https://example.com',\n description: 'Calling example.com with API key x-api-key',\n});\n\nconst rule = new events.Rule(this, 'Rule', {\n schedule: events.Schedule.rate(cdk.Duration.minutes(1)),\n targets: [new targets.ApiDestination(destination)],\n});",
10782 "custom": {
10783 "exampleMetadata": "infused"
10784 }
10785 },
10786 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Schedule",
10787 "initializer": {
10788 "docs": {
10789 "stability": "stable"
10790 },
10791 "locationInModule": {
10792 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
10793 "line": 74
10794 }
10795 },
10796 "kind": "class",
10797 "locationInModule": {
10798 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
10799 "line": 10
10800 },
10801 "methods": [
10802 {
10803 "docs": {
10804 "stability": "stable",
10805 "summary": "Create a schedule from a set of cron fields."
10806 },
10807 "locationInModule": {
10808 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
10809 "line": 44
10810 },
10811 "name": "cron",
10812 "parameters": [
10813 {
10814 "name": "options",
10815 "type": {
10816 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.CronOptions"
10817 }
10818 }
10819 ],
10820 "returns": {
10821 "type": {
10822 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Schedule"
10823 }
10824 },
10825 "static": true
10826 },
10827 {
10828 "docs": {
10829 "stability": "stable",
10830 "summary": "Construct a schedule from a literal schedule expression."
10831 },
10832 "locationInModule": {
10833 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
10834 "line": 16
10835 },
10836 "name": "expression",
10837 "parameters": [
10838 {
10839 "docs": {
10840 "remarks": "Must be in a format that EventBridge will recognize",
10841 "summary": "The expression to use."
10842 },
10843 "name": "expression",
10844 "type": {
10845 "primitive": "string"
10846 }
10847 }
10848 ],
10849 "returns": {
10850 "type": {
10851 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Schedule"
10852 }
10853 },
10854 "static": true
10855 },
10856 {
10857 "docs": {
10858 "stability": "stable",
10859 "summary": "Construct a schedule from an interval and a time unit."
10860 },
10861 "locationInModule": {
10862 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
10863 "line": 23
10864 },
10865 "name": "rate",
10866 "parameters": [
10867 {
10868 "name": "duration",
10869 "type": {
10870 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Duration"
10871 }
10872 }
10873 ],
10874 "returns": {
10875 "type": {
10876 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-events.Schedule"
10877 }
10878 },
10879 "static": true
10880 }
10881 ],
10882 "name": "Schedule",
10883 "properties": [
10884 {
10885 "abstract": true,
10886 "docs": {
10887 "stability": "stable",
10888 "summary": "Retrieve the expression for this schedule."
10889 },
10890 "immutable": true,
10891 "locationInModule": {
10892 "filename": "lib/schedule.ts",
10893 "line": 72
10894 },
10895 "name": "expressionString",
10896 "type": {
10897 "primitive": "string"
10898 }
10899 }
10900 ],
10901 "symbolId": "lib/schedule:Schedule"
10902 }
10903 },
10904 "version": "1.191.0",
10905 "fingerprint": "**********"
\No newline at end of file