1.82 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Resource } from '@aws-cdk/core';
2import { Construct } from 'constructs';
3import { Grant } from '../grant';
4import { IManagedPolicy } from '../managed-policy';
5import { Policy } from '../policy';
6import { PolicyStatement } from '../policy-statement';
7import { AddToPrincipalPolicyResult, IPrincipal } from '../principals';
8import { IRole } from '../role';
10 * An immutable wrapper around an IRole
11 *
12 * This wrapper ignores all mutating operations, like attaching policies or
13 * adding policy statements.
14 *
15 * Useful in cases where you want to turn off CDK's automatic permissions
16 * management, and instead have full control over all permissions.
17 *
18 * Note: if you want to ignore all mutations for an externally defined role
19 * which was imported into the CDK with {@link Role.fromRoleArn}, you don't have to use this class -
20 * simply pass the property mutable = false when calling {@link Role.fromRoleArn}.
21 */
22export declare class ImmutableRole extends Resource implements IRole {
23 private readonly role;
24 private readonly addGrantsToResources;
25 readonly assumeRoleAction: string;
26 readonly policyFragment: import("../principals").PrincipalPolicyFragment;
27 readonly grantPrincipal: this;
28 readonly principalAccount: string | undefined;
29 readonly roleArn: string;
30 readonly roleName: string;
31 readonly stack: import("@aws-cdk/core").Stack;
32 constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, role: IRole, addGrantsToResources: boolean);
33 attachInlinePolicy(_policy: Policy): void;
34 addManagedPolicy(_policy: IManagedPolicy): void;
35 addToPolicy(statement: PolicyStatement): boolean;
36 addToPrincipalPolicy(_statement: PolicyStatement): AddToPrincipalPolicyResult;
37 grant(grantee: IPrincipal, ...actions: string[]): Grant;
38 grantPassRole(grantee: IPrincipal): Grant;