513 kBJSONView Raw
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4 "snippets": {
5 "edabba41c5da9d9ee34bd56c11f3da159cc14f27a29dc722a4daf6cacd2c1050": {
6 "translations": {
7 "python": {
8 "source": "role = Role(self, \"MyRole\",\n assumed_by=ServicePrincipal(\"sns.amazonaws.com\")\n)\n\nrole.add_to_policy(PolicyStatement(\n resources=[\"*\"],\n actions=[\"lambda:InvokeFunction\"]\n))",
9 "version": "2"
10 },
11 "csharp": {
12 "source": "Role role = new Role(this, \"MyRole\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal(\"sns.amazonaws.com\")\n});\n\nrole.AddToPolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Resources = new [] { \"*\" },\n Actions = new [] { \"lambda:InvokeFunction\" }\n}));",
13 "version": "1"
14 },
15 "java": {
16 "source": "Role role = Role.Builder.create(this, \"MyRole\")\n .assumedBy(new ServicePrincipal(\"sns.amazonaws.com\"))\n .build();\n\nrole.addToPolicy(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .resources(List.of(\"*\"))\n .actions(List.of(\"lambda:InvokeFunction\"))\n .build());",
17 "version": "1"
18 },
19 "go": {
20 "source": "role := lib.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"MyRole\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: *lib.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"sns.amazonaws.com\")),\n})\n\nrole.addToPolicy(lib.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t},\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"lambda:InvokeFunction\"),\n\t},\n}))",
21 "version": "1"
22 },
23 "$": {
24 "source": " const role = new Role(this, 'MyRole', {\n assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal('sns.amazonaws.com'),\n });\n\n role.addToPolicy(new PolicyStatement({\n resources: ['*'],\n actions: ['lambda:InvokeFunction'],\n }));",
25 "version": "0"
26 }
27 },
28 "location": {
29 "api": {
30 "api": "moduleReadme",
31 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
32 },
33 "field": {
34 "field": "markdown",
35 "line": 17
36 }
37 },
38 "didCompile": true,
39 "fqnsReferenced": [
40 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
41 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
42 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
43 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
44 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role#addToPolicy",
45 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
46 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
47 "constructs.Construct"
48 ],
49 "fullSource": "import * as constructs from 'constructs';\nimport { PolicyStatement, Role, ServicePrincipal } from '../lib';\n\n// keep this import separate from other imports to reduce chance for merge conflicts with v2-main\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-imports, import/order\nimport { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\nexport class ExampleConstruct extends Construct {\n constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n /// !show\n const role = new Role(this, 'MyRole', {\n assumedBy: new ServicePrincipal('sns.amazonaws.com'),\n });\n\n role.addToPolicy(new PolicyStatement({\n resources: ['*'],\n actions: ['lambda:InvokeFunction'],\n }));\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n",
50 "syntaxKindCounter": {
51 "10": 4,
52 "75": 9,
53 "104": 1,
54 "192": 2,
55 "193": 2,
56 "194": 1,
57 "196": 1,
58 "197": 3,
59 "225": 1,
60 "226": 1,
61 "242": 1,
62 "243": 1,
63 "281": 3
64 },
65 "fqnsFingerprint": "0097c36abcca2062ce3cb3a933268aaa973fe9cd2127ae577355c4ede846bd6a"
66 },
67 "38b37167723c4421f6f32a6cf5cb2af49ff47a60c0dcf3998015418ae0fc2a95": {
68 "translations": {
69 "python": {
70 "source": "user = User(self, \"MyUser\", password=cdk.SecretValue.unsafe_plain_text(\"1234\"))\ngroup = Group(self, \"MyGroup\")\n\npolicy = Policy(self, \"MyPolicy\")\npolicy.attach_to_user(user)\ngroup.attach_inline_policy(policy)",
71 "version": "2"
72 },
73 "csharp": {
74 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\", new UserProps { Password = SecretValue.UnsafePlainText(\"1234\") });\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\");\n\nPolicy policy = new Policy(this, \"MyPolicy\");\npolicy.AttachToUser(user);\ngroup.AttachInlinePolicy(policy);",
75 "version": "1"
76 },
77 "java": {
78 "source": "User user = User.Builder.create(this, \"MyUser\").password(SecretValue.unsafePlainText(\"1234\")).build();\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\");\n\nPolicy policy = new Policy(this, \"MyPolicy\");\npolicy.attachToUser(user);\ngroup.attachInlinePolicy(policy);",
79 "version": "1"
80 },
81 "go": {
82 "source": "user := lib.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyUser\"), &userProps{\n\tpassword: cdk.secretValue.unsafePlainText(jsii.String(\"1234\")),\n})\ngroup := lib.NewGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyGroup\"))\n\npolicy := lib.NewPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyPolicy\"))\npolicy.attachToUser(user)\ngroup.attachInlinePolicy(policy)",
83 "version": "1"
84 },
85 "$": {
86 "source": " const user = new User(this, 'MyUser', { password: cdk.SecretValue.unsafePlainText('1234') });\n const group = new Group(this, 'MyGroup');\n\n const policy = new Policy(this, 'MyPolicy');\n policy.attachToUser(user);\n group.attachInlinePolicy(policy);",
87 "version": "0"
88 }
89 },
90 "location": {
91 "api": {
92 "api": "moduleReadme",
93 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
94 },
95 "field": {
96 "field": "markdown",
97 "line": 31
98 }
99 },
100 "didCompile": true,
101 "fqnsReferenced": [
102 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
103 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
104 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy",
105 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy#attachToUser",
106 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
107 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UserProps",
108 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
109 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue#unsafePlainText",
110 "constructs.Construct"
111 ],
112 "fullSource": "import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as constructs from 'constructs';\nimport { Group, Policy, User } from '../lib';\n\n// keep this import separate from other imports to reduce chance for merge conflicts with v2-main\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-imports, import/order\nimport { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\nexport class ExampleConstruct extends Construct {\n constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n /// !show\n const user = new User(this, 'MyUser', { password: cdk.SecretValue.unsafePlainText('1234') });\n const group = new Group(this, 'MyGroup');\n\n const policy = new Policy(this, 'MyPolicy');\n policy.attachToUser(user);\n group.attachInlinePolicy(policy);\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n",
113 "syntaxKindCounter": {
114 "10": 4,
115 "75": 16,
116 "104": 3,
117 "193": 1,
118 "194": 4,
119 "196": 3,
120 "197": 3,
121 "225": 3,
122 "226": 2,
123 "242": 3,
124 "243": 3,
125 "281": 1
126 },
127 "fqnsFingerprint": "13df7914459f4f8453db458eb281a08de7f32eb1d09e32f8cbdba51b7b8e92aa"
128 },
129 "fd41528b3cbd6b346e84f9eee59ae90ac0a3d9192aab58a04930b1ba8572c469": {
130 "translations": {
131 "python": {
132 "source": "group = Group(self, \"MyGroup\")\ngroup.add_managed_policy(ManagedPolicy.from_aws_managed_policy_name(\"AdministratorAccess\"))",
133 "version": "2"
134 },
135 "csharp": {
136 "source": "Group group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\");\ngroup.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"AdministratorAccess\"));",
137 "version": "1"
138 },
139 "java": {
140 "source": "Group group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\");\ngroup.addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"AdministratorAccess\"));",
141 "version": "1"
142 },
143 "go": {
144 "source": "group := lib.NewGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyGroup\"))\ngroup.addManagedPolicy(lib.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(jsii.String(\"AdministratorAccess\")))",
145 "version": "1"
146 },
147 "$": {
148 "source": "const group = new Group(this, 'MyGroup');\ngroup.addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName('AdministratorAccess'));",
149 "version": "0"
150 }
151 },
152 "location": {
153 "api": {
154 "api": "moduleReadme",
155 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
156 },
157 "field": {
158 "field": "markdown",
159 "line": 42
160 }
161 },
162 "didCompile": true,
163 "fqnsReferenced": [
164 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
165 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group#addManagedPolicy",
166 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IManagedPolicy",
167 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy#fromAwsManagedPolicyName",
168 "constructs.Construct"
169 ],
170 "fullSource": "import * as constructs from 'constructs';\nimport { Group, ManagedPolicy } from '../lib';\n\n// keep this import separate from other imports to reduce chance for merge conflicts with v2-main\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-imports, import/order\nimport { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\nexport class ExampleConstruct extends Construct {\n constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n /// !show\n const group = new Group(this, 'MyGroup');\n group.addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName('AdministratorAccess'));\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n",
171 "syntaxKindCounter": {
172 "10": 2,
173 "75": 6,
174 "104": 1,
175 "194": 2,
176 "196": 2,
177 "197": 1,
178 "225": 1,
179 "226": 1,
180 "242": 1,
181 "243": 1
182 },
183 "fqnsFingerprint": "8cdbdfa4f1a0061979f1817be54bc9fda291cb5876955acbd179be2deb29b9f1"
184 },
185 "53fe6253cd9d35289ebc06b836e7a1a91e19da4c47eb8fb38cb71d6a6c99d5f3": {
186 "translations": {
187 "python": {
188 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n# table: dynamodb.Table\n\n\ntable.grant_write_data(fn)",
189 "version": "2"
190 },
191 "csharp": {
192 "source": "Function fn;\nTable table;\n\n\ntable.GrantWriteData(fn);",
193 "version": "1"
194 },
195 "java": {
196 "source": "Function fn;\nTable table;\n\n\ntable.grantWriteData(fn);",
197 "version": "1"
198 },
199 "go": {
200 "source": "var fn function\nvar table table\n\n\ntable.grantWriteData(fn)",
201 "version": "1"
202 },
203 "$": {
204 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const table: dynamodb.Table;\n\ntable.grantWriteData(fn);",
205 "version": "0"
206 }
207 },
208 "location": {
209 "api": {
210 "api": "moduleReadme",
211 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
212 },
213 "field": {
214 "field": "markdown",
215 "line": 51
216 }
217 },
218 "didCompile": true,
219 "fqnsReferenced": [
220 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
221 ],
222 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const table: dynamodb.Table;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ntable.grantWriteData(fn);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
223 "syntaxKindCounter": {
224 "75": 9,
225 "130": 2,
226 "153": 2,
227 "169": 2,
228 "194": 1,
229 "196": 1,
230 "225": 2,
231 "226": 1,
232 "242": 2,
233 "243": 2,
234 "290": 1
235 },
236 "fqnsFingerprint": "1323b60ab94a88d4cf4c7c846ab0af5927a24713050028234cb9426c28ace47b"
237 },
238 "7808076bfee1b7971cc05930d4cebf8507933ada771a07e618c45d2a7dcf081f": {
239 "translations": {
240 "python": {
241 "source": "# fn: lambda.Function\n# table: dynamodb.Table\n\n\ntable.grant(fn, \"dynamodb:PutItem\")",
242 "version": "2"
243 },
244 "csharp": {
245 "source": "Function fn;\nTable table;\n\n\ntable.Grant(fn, \"dynamodb:PutItem\");",
246 "version": "1"
247 },
248 "java": {
249 "source": "Function fn;\nTable table;\n\n\ntable.grant(fn, \"dynamodb:PutItem\");",
250 "version": "1"
251 },
252 "go": {
253 "source": "var fn function\nvar table table\n\n\ntable.grant(fn, jsii.String(\"dynamodb:PutItem\"))",
254 "version": "1"
255 },
256 "$": {
257 "source": "declare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const table: dynamodb.Table;\n\ntable.grant(fn, 'dynamodb:PutItem');",
258 "version": "0"
259 }
260 },
261 "location": {
262 "api": {
263 "api": "moduleReadme",
264 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
265 },
266 "field": {
267 "field": "markdown",
268 "line": 60
269 }
270 },
271 "didCompile": true,
272 "fqnsReferenced": [
273 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
274 ],
275 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const table: dynamodb.Table;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\ntable.grant(fn, 'dynamodb:PutItem');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
276 "syntaxKindCounter": {
277 "10": 1,
278 "75": 9,
279 "130": 2,
280 "153": 2,
281 "169": 2,
282 "194": 1,
283 "196": 1,
284 "225": 2,
285 "226": 1,
286 "242": 2,
287 "243": 2,
288 "290": 1
289 },
290 "fqnsFingerprint": "1323b60ab94a88d4cf4c7c846ab0af5927a24713050028234cb9426c28ace47b"
291 },
292 "1afb0ac33880703dd032b083bc9d22bacd2581ea5480e33204c5f6689bad8cef": {
293 "translations": {
294 "python": {
295 "source": "role = iam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.ServicePrincipal(\"codepipeline.amazonaws.com\"),\n # custom description if desired\n description=\"This is a custom role...\"\n)\n\ncodepipeline.Pipeline(self, \"Pipeline\",\n # Give the Pipeline an immutable view of the Role\n role=role.without_policy_updates()\n)\n\n# You now have to manage the Role policies yourself\nrole.add_to_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[],\n resources=[]\n))",
296 "version": "2"
297 },
298 "csharp": {
299 "source": "Role role = new Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal(\"codepipeline.amazonaws.com\"),\n // custom description if desired\n Description = \"This is a custom role...\"\n});\n\nnew Pipeline(this, \"Pipeline\", new PipelineProps {\n // Give the Pipeline an immutable view of the Role\n Role = role.WithoutPolicyUpdates()\n});\n\n// You now have to manage the Role policies yourself\nrole.AddToPolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { },\n Resources = new [] { }\n}));",
300 "version": "1"
301 },
302 "java": {
303 "source": "Role role = Role.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new ServicePrincipal(\"codepipeline.amazonaws.com\"))\n // custom description if desired\n .description(\"This is a custom role...\")\n .build();\n\nPipeline.Builder.create(this, \"Pipeline\")\n // Give the Pipeline an immutable view of the Role\n .role(role.withoutPolicyUpdates())\n .build();\n\n// You now have to manage the Role policies yourself\nrole.addToPolicy(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of())\n .resources(List.of())\n .build());",
304 "version": "1"
305 },
306 "go": {
307 "source": "role := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"codepipeline.amazonaws.com\")),\n\t// custom description if desired\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"This is a custom role...\"),\n})\n\ncodepipeline.NewPipeline(this, jsii.String(\"Pipeline\"), &pipelineProps{\n\t// Give the Pipeline an immutable view of the Role\n\trole: role.withoutPolicyUpdates(),\n})\n\n// You now have to manage the Role policies yourself\nrole.addToPolicy(iam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t},\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t},\n}))",
308 "version": "1"
309 },
310 "$": {
311 "source": "const role = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('codepipeline.amazonaws.com'),\n // custom description if desired\n description: 'This is a custom role...',\n});\n\nnew codepipeline.Pipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n // Give the Pipeline an immutable view of the Role\n role: role.withoutPolicyUpdates(),\n});\n\n// You now have to manage the Role policies yourself\nrole.addToPolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [/* whatever actions you want */],\n resources: [/* whatever resources you intend to touch */],\n}));",
312 "version": "0"
313 }
314 },
315 "location": {
316 "api": {
317 "api": "moduleReadme",
318 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
319 },
320 "field": {
321 "field": "markdown",
322 "line": 108
323 }
324 },
325 "didCompile": true,
326 "fqnsReferenced": [
327 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.Pipeline",
328 "@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline.PipelineProps",
329 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
330 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
331 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
332 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
333 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
334 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role#addToPolicy",
335 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role#withoutPolicyUpdates",
336 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
337 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
338 "constructs.Construct"
339 ],
340 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst role = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('codepipeline.amazonaws.com'),\n // custom description if desired\n description: 'This is a custom role...',\n});\n\nnew codepipeline.Pipeline(this, 'Pipeline', {\n // Give the Pipeline an immutable view of the Role\n role: role.withoutPolicyUpdates(),\n});\n\n// You now have to manage the Role policies yourself\nrole.addToPolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [/* whatever actions you want */],\n resources: [/* whatever resources you intend to touch */],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
341 "syntaxKindCounter": {
342 "10": 4,
343 "75": 18,
344 "104": 2,
345 "192": 2,
346 "193": 3,
347 "194": 6,
348 "196": 2,
349 "197": 4,
350 "225": 1,
351 "226": 2,
352 "242": 1,
353 "243": 1,
354 "281": 5
355 },
356 "fqnsFingerprint": "a5b1c3cfed5b10e83fe8c93baf71034d4933828a59e0f11361f35c6ceb4646c1"
357 },
358 "57f2aeb5a6ff0f3a68f45b3e37b6dcdc14ab44f9b3e7ab398a2cf91333033eba": {
359 "translations": {
360 "python": {
361 "source": "role = iam.Role.from_role_arn(self, \"Role\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole\",\n # Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n # policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n # modified as part of the deployment.\n mutable=False\n)",
362 "version": "2"
363 },
364 "csharp": {
365 "source": "IRole role = Role.FromRoleArn(this, \"Role\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole\", new FromRoleArnOptions {\n // Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n // policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n // modified as part of the deployment.\n Mutable = false\n});",
366 "version": "1"
367 },
368 "java": {
369 "source": "IRole role = Role.fromRoleArn(this, \"Role\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole\", FromRoleArnOptions.builder()\n // Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n // policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n // modified as part of the deployment.\n .mutable(false)\n .build());",
370 "version": "1"
371 },
372 "go": {
373 "source": "role := iam.role.fromRoleArn(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole\"), &fromRoleArnOptions{\n\t// Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n\t// policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n\t// modified as part of the deployment.\n\tmutable: jsii.Boolean(false),\n})",
374 "version": "1"
375 },
376 "$": {
377 "source": "const role = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(this, 'Role', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole', {\n // Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n // policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n // modified as part of the deployment.\n mutable: false,\n});",
378 "version": "0"
379 }
380 },
381 "location": {
382 "api": {
383 "api": "moduleReadme",
384 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
385 },
386 "field": {
387 "field": "markdown",
388 "line": 133
389 }
390 },
391 "didCompile": true,
392 "fqnsReferenced": [
393 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.FromRoleArnOptions",
394 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
395 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
396 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role#fromRoleArn",
397 "constructs.Construct"
398 ],
399 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst role = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(this, 'Role', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole', {\n // Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n // policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n // modified as part of the deployment.\n mutable: false,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
400 "syntaxKindCounter": {
401 "10": 2,
402 "75": 5,
403 "91": 1,
404 "104": 1,
405 "193": 1,
406 "194": 2,
407 "196": 1,
408 "225": 1,
409 "242": 1,
410 "243": 1,
411 "281": 1
412 },
413 "fqnsFingerprint": "d59ead6b111c144ce48ba250d04b67747510348aae95424e9fc5531d081fc7e7"
414 },
415 "30dbf807e3c41b86a361ec7acaa98d45dfca7cef387e09f959c509d44336d21f": {
416 "translations": {
417 "python": {
418 "source": "role = iam.Role(self, \"MyRole\",\n assumed_by=iam.AccountPrincipal(\"123456789012\"),\n external_ids=[\"SUPPLY-ME\"]\n)",
419 "version": "2"
420 },
421 "csharp": {
422 "source": "Role role = new Role(this, \"MyRole\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new AccountPrincipal(\"123456789012\"),\n ExternalIds = new [] { \"SUPPLY-ME\" }\n});",
423 "version": "1"
424 },
425 "java": {
426 "source": "Role role = Role.Builder.create(this, \"MyRole\")\n .assumedBy(new AccountPrincipal(\"123456789012\"))\n .externalIds(List.of(\"SUPPLY-ME\"))\n .build();",
427 "version": "1"
428 },
429 "go": {
430 "source": "role := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"MyRole\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewAccountPrincipal(jsii.String(\"123456789012\")),\n\texternalIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"SUPPLY-ME\"),\n\t},\n})",
431 "version": "1"
432 },
433 "$": {
434 "source": "const role = new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {\n assumedBy: new iam.AccountPrincipal('123456789012'),\n externalIds: ['SUPPLY-ME'],\n});",
435 "version": "0"
436 }
437 },
438 "location": {
439 "api": {
440 "api": "moduleReadme",
441 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
442 },
443 "field": {
444 "field": "markdown",
445 "line": 148
446 }
447 },
448 "didCompile": true,
449 "fqnsReferenced": [
450 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountPrincipal",
451 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
452 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
453 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
454 "constructs.Construct"
455 ],
456 "fullSource": "import * as constructs from 'constructs';\nimport * as iam from '../lib';\n\n// keep this import separate from other imports to reduce chance for merge conflicts with v2-main\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-imports, import/order\nimport { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\nexport class ExampleConstruct extends Construct {\n constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n /// !show\n const role = new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {\n assumedBy: new iam.AccountPrincipal('123456789012'),\n externalIds: ['SUPPLY-ME'],\n });\n /// !hide\n\n Array.isArray(role);\n }\n}\n",
457 "syntaxKindCounter": {
458 "10": 3,
459 "75": 7,
460 "104": 1,
461 "192": 1,
462 "193": 1,
463 "194": 2,
464 "197": 2,
465 "225": 1,
466 "242": 1,
467 "243": 1,
468 "281": 2
469 },
470 "fqnsFingerprint": "1f8de24a0f27120fb3c9d517cd1c2e8e30670095fbfcd13299b8be26aaa36f71"
471 },
472 "fe5f92331f4a13ffac2fc300e8ef04d1348da847f50affdd14853f4495ca127f": {
473 "translations": {
474 "python": {
475 "source": "statement = iam.PolicyStatement()\nstatement.add_service_principal(\"cloudwatch.amazonaws.com\")\nstatement.add_service_principal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\")\nstatement.add_arn_principal(\"arn:aws:boom:boom\")",
476 "version": "2"
477 },
478 "csharp": {
479 "source": "PolicyStatement statement = new PolicyStatement();\nstatement.AddServicePrincipal(\"cloudwatch.amazonaws.com\");\nstatement.AddServicePrincipal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\");\nstatement.AddArnPrincipal(\"arn:aws:boom:boom\");",
480 "version": "1"
481 },
482 "java": {
483 "source": "PolicyStatement statement = new PolicyStatement();\nstatement.addServicePrincipal(\"cloudwatch.amazonaws.com\");\nstatement.addServicePrincipal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\");\nstatement.addArnPrincipal(\"arn:aws:boom:boom\");",
484 "version": "1"
485 },
486 "go": {
487 "source": "statement := iam.NewPolicyStatement()\nstatement.addServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"cloudwatch.amazonaws.com\"))\nstatement.addServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"))\nstatement.addArnPrincipal(jsii.String(\"arn:aws:boom:boom\"))",
488 "version": "1"
489 },
490 "$": {
491 "source": "const statement = new iam.PolicyStatement();\nstatement.addServicePrincipal('cloudwatch.amazonaws.com');\nstatement.addServicePrincipal('ec2.amazonaws.com');\nstatement.addArnPrincipal('arn:aws:boom:boom');",
492 "version": "0"
493 }
494 },
495 "location": {
496 "api": {
497 "api": "moduleReadme",
498 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
499 },
500 "field": {
501 "field": "markdown",
502 "line": 188
503 }
504 },
505 "didCompile": true,
506 "fqnsReferenced": [
507 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
508 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement#addArnPrincipal",
509 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement#addServicePrincipal"
510 ],
511 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst statement = new iam.PolicyStatement();\nstatement.addServicePrincipal('cloudwatch.amazonaws.com');\nstatement.addServicePrincipal('ec2.amazonaws.com');\nstatement.addArnPrincipal('arn:aws:boom:boom');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
512 "syntaxKindCounter": {
513 "10": 3,
514 "75": 9,
515 "194": 4,
516 "196": 3,
517 "197": 1,
518 "225": 1,
519 "226": 3,
520 "242": 1,
521 "243": 1
522 },
523 "fqnsFingerprint": "bb83b5ba714e8224519798a9b185ced6a3767f71b29aaf07e3381cb76da4a20b"
524 },
525 "93ab0d764e7e4d09aa521f42b8805b64417e055a8ad032f8cf6cdea622d1020b": {
526 "translations": {
527 "python": {
528 "source": "role = iam.Role(self, \"MyRole\",\n assumed_by=iam.CompositePrincipal(\n iam.ServicePrincipal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"),\n iam.AccountPrincipal(\"1818188181818187272\"))\n)",
529 "version": "2"
530 },
531 "csharp": {
532 "source": "Role role = new Role(this, \"MyRole\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new CompositePrincipal(\n new ServicePrincipal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"),\n new AccountPrincipal(\"1818188181818187272\"))\n});",
533 "version": "1"
534 },
535 "java": {
536 "source": "Role role = Role.Builder.create(this, \"MyRole\")\n .assumedBy(new CompositePrincipal(\n new ServicePrincipal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"),\n new AccountPrincipal(\"1818188181818187272\")))\n .build();",
537 "version": "1"
538 },
539 "go": {
540 "source": "role := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"MyRole\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewCompositePrincipal(\n\tiam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\")),\n\tiam.NewAccountPrincipal(jsii.String(\"1818188181818187272\"))),\n})",
541 "version": "1"
542 },
543 "$": {
544 "source": "const role = new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {\n assumedBy: new iam.CompositePrincipal(\n new iam.ServicePrincipal('ec2.amazonaws.com'),\n new iam.AccountPrincipal('1818188181818187272')\n ),\n});",
545 "version": "0"
546 }
547 },
548 "location": {
549 "api": {
550 "api": "moduleReadme",
551 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
552 },
553 "field": {
554 "field": "markdown",
555 "line": 208
556 }
557 },
558 "didCompile": true,
559 "fqnsReferenced": [
560 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountPrincipal",
561 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CompositePrincipal",
562 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
563 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
564 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
565 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
566 "constructs.Construct"
567 ],
568 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst role = new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {\n assumedBy: new iam.CompositePrincipal(\n new iam.ServicePrincipal('ec2.amazonaws.com'),\n new iam.AccountPrincipal('1818188181818187272')\n ),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
569 "syntaxKindCounter": {
570 "10": 3,
571 "75": 10,
572 "104": 1,
573 "193": 1,
574 "194": 4,
575 "197": 4,
576 "225": 1,
577 "242": 1,
578 "243": 1,
579 "281": 1
580 },
581 "fqnsFingerprint": "812186ece47a914ecb7375bfaa4f63f69d0ca69652d78f2087c589de45b4c2af"
582 },
583 "d6447173e9537c5ebbcdf340d784ef18d92896f6badf647a84c615e69a62def5": {
584 "translations": {
585 "python": {
586 "source": "principal = iam.AccountPrincipal(\"123456789000\").with_conditions({\"StringEquals\": {\"foo\": \"baz\"}})",
587 "version": "2"
588 },
589 "csharp": {
590 "source": "PrincipalBase principal = new AccountPrincipal(\"123456789000\").WithConditions(new Dictionary<string, object> { { \"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"foo\", \"baz\" } } } });",
591 "version": "1"
592 },
593 "java": {
594 "source": "PrincipalBase principal = new AccountPrincipal(\"123456789000\").withConditions(Map.of(\"StringEquals\", Map.of(\"foo\", \"baz\")));",
595 "version": "1"
596 },
597 "go": {
598 "source": "principal := iam.NewAccountPrincipal(jsii.String(\"123456789000\")).withConditions(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"StringEquals\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"foo\": jsii.String(\"baz\"),\n\t},\n})",
599 "version": "1"
600 },
601 "$": {
602 "source": "const principal = new iam.AccountPrincipal('123456789000')\n .withConditions({ StringEquals: { foo: \"baz\" } });",
603 "version": "0"
604 }
605 },
606 "location": {
607 "api": {
608 "api": "moduleReadme",
609 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
610 },
611 "field": {
612 "field": "markdown",
613 "line": 222
614 }
615 },
616 "didCompile": true,
617 "fqnsReferenced": [
618 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountPrincipal",
619 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalBase",
620 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalBase#withConditions"
621 ],
622 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst principal = new iam.AccountPrincipal('123456789000')\n .withConditions({ StringEquals: { foo: \"baz\" } });\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
623 "syntaxKindCounter": {
624 "10": 2,
625 "75": 6,
626 "193": 2,
627 "194": 2,
628 "196": 1,
629 "197": 1,
630 "225": 1,
631 "242": 1,
632 "243": 1,
633 "281": 2
634 },
635 "fqnsFingerprint": "2a37a90d9f8e931c307f96e44c72002ff817d01b6514d941d8f8b198ea821a64"
636 },
637 "e0255902d0378c5663752bf93e948274242709921bad9ce9e29da3b5ff37c609": {
638 "translations": {
639 "python": {
640 "source": "principal = iam.WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", {\n \"StringEquals\": {\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\": \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"},\n \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\": {\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\": \"unauthenticated\"}\n})",
641 "version": "2"
642 },
643 "csharp": {
644 "source": "WebIdentityPrincipal principal = new WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\", \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\" } } },\n { \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\", \"unauthenticated\" } } }\n});",
645 "version": "1"
646 },
647 "java": {
648 "source": "WebIdentityPrincipal principal = new WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", Map.of(\n \"StringEquals\", Map.of(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\", \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"),\n \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\", Map.of(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\", \"unauthenticated\")));",
649 "version": "1"
650 },
651 "go": {
652 "source": "principal := iam.NewWebIdentityPrincipal(jsii.String(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\"), map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"StringEquals\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\": jsii.String(\"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"),\n\t},\n\t\"ForAnyValue:StringLike\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\": jsii.String(\"unauthenticated\"),\n\t},\n})",
653 "version": "1"
654 },
655 "$": {
656 "source": "const principal = new iam.WebIdentityPrincipal('cognito-identity.amazonaws.com', {\n 'StringEquals': { 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud': 'us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456' },\n 'ForAnyValue:StringLike': {'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr': 'unauthenticated' },\n});",
657 "version": "0"
658 }
659 },
660 "location": {
661 "api": {
662 "api": "moduleReadme",
663 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
664 },
665 "field": {
666 "field": "markdown",
667 "line": 235
668 }
669 },
670 "didCompile": true,
671 "fqnsReferenced": [
672 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.WebIdentityPrincipal"
673 ],
674 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst principal = new iam.WebIdentityPrincipal('cognito-identity.amazonaws.com', {\n 'StringEquals': { 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud': 'us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456' },\n 'ForAnyValue:StringLike': {'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr': 'unauthenticated' },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
675 "syntaxKindCounter": {
676 "10": 7,
677 "75": 3,
678 "193": 3,
679 "194": 1,
680 "197": 1,
681 "225": 1,
682 "242": 1,
683 "243": 1,
684 "281": 4
685 },
686 "fqnsFingerprint": "0857ec53373f955628da1d4d15055069bd91dcc25d733a59366b3b0fe1b4eb40"
687 },
688 "799b98faca27f0d0360bf07646c6fef5ee7de16f94ff453ffe7176e2f97dc5b5": {
689 "translations": {
690 "python": {
691 "source": "iam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", {\n \"StringEquals\": {\n \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\": \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"\n },\n \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\": {\n \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\": \"unauthenticated\"\n }\n }).with_session_tags()\n)",
692 "version": "2"
693 },
694 "csharp": {
695 "source": "new Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\", \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\" }\n } },\n { \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\", new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\", \"unauthenticated\" }\n } }\n }).WithSessionTags()\n});",
696 "version": "1"
697 },
698 "java": {
699 "source": "Role.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", Map.of(\n \"StringEquals\", Map.of(\n \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\", \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"),\n \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\", Map.of(\n \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\", \"unauthenticated\"))).withSessionTags())\n .build();",
700 "version": "1"
701 },
702 "go": {
703 "source": "iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewWebIdentityPrincipal(jsii.String(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\"), map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"StringEquals\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\": jsii.String(\"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\t\"ForAnyValue:StringLike\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\": jsii.String(\"unauthenticated\"),\n\t\t},\n\t}).withSessionTags(),\n})",
704 "version": "1"
705 },
706 "$": {
707 "source": "new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.WebIdentityPrincipal('cognito-identity.amazonaws.com', {\n 'StringEquals': {\n 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud': 'us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456',\n },\n 'ForAnyValue:StringLike': {\n 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr': 'unauthenticated',\n },\n }).withSessionTags(),\n});",
708 "version": "0"
709 }
710 },
711 "location": {
712 "api": {
713 "api": "moduleReadme",
714 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
715 },
716 "field": {
717 "field": "markdown",
718 "line": 247
719 }
720 },
721 "didCompile": true,
722 "fqnsReferenced": [
723 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
724 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalBase#withSessionTags",
725 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
726 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
727 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.WebIdentityPrincipal",
728 "constructs.Construct"
729 ],
730 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.WebIdentityPrincipal('cognito-identity.amazonaws.com', {\n 'StringEquals': {\n 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud': 'us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456',\n },\n 'ForAnyValue:StringLike': {\n 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr': 'unauthenticated',\n },\n }).withSessionTags(),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
731 "syntaxKindCounter": {
732 "10": 8,
733 "75": 6,
734 "104": 1,
735 "193": 4,
736 "194": 3,
737 "196": 1,
738 "197": 2,
739 "226": 1,
740 "281": 5
741 },
742 "fqnsFingerprint": "66b3594d5969c3e7928dc9e3aaa2a7bc28f631e5507275444b6604bb12b4d7d8"
743 },
744 "5c214b1ace9c8a2d60cde42f5501251b159b85c9d3b8fcd3c38efab493d39657": {
745 "translations": {
746 "python": {
747 "source": "policy_document = {\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [{\n \"Sid\": \"FirstStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\"iam:ChangePassword\"],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }, {\n \"Sid\": \"SecondStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }, {\n \"Sid\": \"ThirdStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\"s3:List*\", \"s3:Get*\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\", \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"\n ],\n \"Condition\": {\"Bool\": {\"aws:_multi_factor_auth_present\": \"true\"}}\n }\n ]\n}\n\ncustom_policy_document = iam.PolicyDocument.from_json(policy_document)\n\n# You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n# or inline Policy.\nnew_managed_policy = iam.ManagedPolicy(self, \"MyNewManagedPolicy\",\n document=custom_policy_document\n)\nnew_policy = iam.Policy(self, \"MyNewPolicy\",\n document=custom_policy_document\n)",
748 "version": "2"
749 },
750 "csharp": {
751 "source": "IDictionary<string, object> policyDocument = new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"Version\", \"2012-10-17\" },\n { \"Statement\", new [] { new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"Sid\", \"FirstStatement\" },\n { \"Effect\", \"Allow\" },\n { \"Action\", new [] { \"iam:ChangePassword\" } },\n { \"Resource\", \"*\" }\n }, new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"Sid\", \"SecondStatement\" },\n { \"Effect\", \"Allow\" },\n { \"Action\", \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\" },\n { \"Resource\", \"*\" }\n }, new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"Sid\", \"ThirdStatement\" },\n { \"Effect\", \"Allow\" },\n { \"Action\", new [] { \"s3:List*\", \"s3:Get*\" } },\n { \"Resource\", new [] { \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\", \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\" } },\n { \"Condition\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> { { \"Bool\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\", \"true\" } } } } }\n } } }\n};\n\nPolicyDocument customPolicyDocument = PolicyDocument.FromJson(policyDocument);\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nManagedPolicy newManagedPolicy = new ManagedPolicy(this, \"MyNewManagedPolicy\", new ManagedPolicyProps {\n Document = customPolicyDocument\n});\nPolicy newPolicy = new Policy(this, \"MyNewPolicy\", new PolicyProps {\n Document = customPolicyDocument\n});",
752 "version": "1"
753 },
754 "java": {
755 "source": "Map<String, Object> policyDocument = Map.of(\n \"Version\", \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\", List.of(Map.of(\n \"Sid\", \"FirstStatement\",\n \"Effect\", \"Allow\",\n \"Action\", List.of(\"iam:ChangePassword\"),\n \"Resource\", \"*\"), Map.of(\n \"Sid\", \"SecondStatement\",\n \"Effect\", \"Allow\",\n \"Action\", \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\n \"Resource\", \"*\"), Map.of(\n \"Sid\", \"ThirdStatement\",\n \"Effect\", \"Allow\",\n \"Action\", List.of(\"s3:List*\", \"s3:Get*\"),\n \"Resource\", List.of(\"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\", \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"),\n \"Condition\", Map.of(\"Bool\", Map.of(\"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\", \"true\")))));\n\nPolicyDocument customPolicyDocument = PolicyDocument.fromJson(policyDocument);\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nManagedPolicy newManagedPolicy = ManagedPolicy.Builder.create(this, \"MyNewManagedPolicy\")\n .document(customPolicyDocument)\n .build();\nPolicy newPolicy = Policy.Builder.create(this, \"MyNewPolicy\")\n .document(customPolicyDocument)\n .build();",
756 "version": "1"
757 },
758 "go": {
759 "source": "policyDocument := map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"Version\": jsii.String(\"2012-10-17\"),\n\t\"Statement\": []interface{}{\n\t\tmap[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\"Sid\": jsii.String(\"FirstStatement\"),\n\t\t\t\"Effect\": jsii.String(\"Allow\"),\n\t\t\t\"Action\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"iam:ChangePassword\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\"Resource\": jsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tmap[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\"Sid\": jsii.String(\"SecondStatement\"),\n\t\t\t\"Effect\": jsii.String(\"Allow\"),\n\t\t\t\"Action\": jsii.String(\"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\"),\n\t\t\t\"Resource\": jsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tmap[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\"Sid\": jsii.String(\"ThirdStatement\"),\n\t\t\t\"Effect\": jsii.String(\"Allow\"),\n\t\t\t\"Action\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"s3:List*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"s3:Get*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\"Resource\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\"Condition\": map[string]map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"Bool\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\t\"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\": jsii.String(\"true\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}\n\ncustomPolicyDocument := iam.policyDocument.fromJson(policyDocument)\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nnewManagedPolicy := iam.NewManagedPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyNewManagedPolicy\"), &managedPolicyProps{\n\tdocument: customPolicyDocument,\n})\nnewPolicy := iam.NewPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyNewPolicy\"), &policyProps{\n\tdocument: customPolicyDocument,\n})",
760 "version": "1"
761 },
762 "$": {
763 "source": "const policyDocument = {\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Sid\": \"FirstStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\"iam:ChangePassword\"],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n },\n {\n \"Sid\": \"SecondStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n },\n {\n \"Sid\": \"ThirdStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"s3:List*\",\n \"s3:Get*\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\n \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\",\n \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"\n ],\n \"Condition\": {\"Bool\": {\"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\": \"true\"}}\n }\n ]\n};\n\nconst customPolicyDocument = iam.PolicyDocument.fromJson(policyDocument);\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nconst newManagedPolicy = new iam.ManagedPolicy(this, 'MyNewManagedPolicy', {\n document: customPolicyDocument,\n});\nconst newPolicy = new iam.Policy(this, 'MyNewPolicy', {\n document: customPolicyDocument,\n});",
764 "version": "0"
765 }
766 },
767 "location": {
768 "api": {
769 "api": "moduleReadme",
770 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
771 },
772 "field": {
773 "field": "markdown",
774 "line": 265
775 }
776 },
777 "didCompile": true,
778 "fqnsReferenced": [
779 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy",
780 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicyProps",
781 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy",
782 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument",
783 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument#fromJson",
784 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyProps",
785 "constructs.Construct"
786 ],
787 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst policyDocument = {\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Sid\": \"FirstStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\"iam:ChangePassword\"],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n },\n {\n \"Sid\": \"SecondStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n },\n {\n \"Sid\": \"ThirdStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"s3:List*\",\n \"s3:Get*\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\n \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\",\n \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"\n ],\n \"Condition\": {\"Bool\": {\"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\": \"true\"}}\n }\n ]\n};\n\nconst customPolicyDocument = iam.PolicyDocument.fromJson(policyDocument);\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nconst newManagedPolicy = new iam.ManagedPolicy(this, 'MyNewManagedPolicy', {\n document: customPolicyDocument,\n});\nconst newPolicy = new iam.Policy(this, 'MyNewPolicy', {\n document: customPolicyDocument,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
788 "syntaxKindCounter": {
789 "10": 35,
790 "75": 16,
791 "104": 2,
792 "192": 4,
793 "193": 8,
794 "194": 4,
795 "196": 1,
796 "197": 2,
797 "225": 4,
798 "242": 4,
799 "243": 4,
800 "281": 19
801 },
802 "fqnsFingerprint": "e8fb9a7a30f64f5caaed1825f7d4b0778ca110aca7444d91662fd345f74b0d7f"
803 },
804 "0c9953cbe048ca635c01a235449f1f0a40abc671afa69c5155dcd933ac01ef47": {
805 "translations": {
806 "python": {
807 "source": "# Directly apply the boundary to a Role you create\n# role: iam.Role\n\n# Apply the boundary to an Role that was implicitly created for you\n# fn: lambda.Function\n\n# Remove a Permissions Boundary that is inherited, for example from the Stack level\n# custom_resource: CustomResource\n# This imports an existing policy.\nboundary = iam.ManagedPolicy.from_managed_policy_arn(self, \"Boundary\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/boundary\")\n\n# This creates a new boundary\nboundary2 = iam.ManagedPolicy(self, \"Boundary2\",\n statements=[\n iam.PolicyStatement(\n effect=iam.Effect.DENY,\n actions=[\"iam:*\"],\n resources=[\"*\"]\n )\n ]\n)\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(role).apply(boundary)\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(fn).apply(boundary)\n\n# Apply the boundary to all Roles in a stack\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(self).apply(boundary)\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(custom_resource).clear()",
808 "version": "2"
809 },
810 "csharp": {
811 "source": "// Directly apply the boundary to a Role you create\nRole role;\n\n// Apply the boundary to an Role that was implicitly created for you\nFunction fn;\n\n// Remove a Permissions Boundary that is inherited, for example from the Stack level\nCustomResource customResource;\n// This imports an existing policy.\nIManagedPolicy boundary = ManagedPolicy.FromManagedPolicyArn(this, \"Boundary\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/boundary\");\n\n// This creates a new boundary\nManagedPolicy boundary2 = new ManagedPolicy(this, \"Boundary2\", new ManagedPolicyProps {\n Statements = new [] {\n new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Effect = Effect.DENY,\n Actions = new [] { \"iam:*\" },\n Resources = new [] { \"*\" }\n }) }\n});\nPermissionsBoundary.Of(role).Apply(boundary);\nPermissionsBoundary.Of(fn).Apply(boundary);\n\n// Apply the boundary to all Roles in a stack\nPermissionsBoundary.Of(this).Apply(boundary);\nPermissionsBoundary.Of(customResource).Clear();",
812 "version": "1"
813 },
814 "java": {
815 "source": "// Directly apply the boundary to a Role you create\nRole role;\n\n// Apply the boundary to an Role that was implicitly created for you\nFunction fn;\n\n// Remove a Permissions Boundary that is inherited, for example from the Stack level\nCustomResource customResource;\n// This imports an existing policy.\nIManagedPolicy boundary = ManagedPolicy.fromManagedPolicyArn(this, \"Boundary\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/boundary\");\n\n// This creates a new boundary\nManagedPolicy boundary2 = ManagedPolicy.Builder.create(this, \"Boundary2\")\n .statements(List.of(\n PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .effect(Effect.DENY)\n .actions(List.of(\"iam:*\"))\n .resources(List.of(\"*\"))\n .build()))\n .build();\nPermissionsBoundary.of(role).apply(boundary);\nPermissionsBoundary.of(fn).apply(boundary);\n\n// Apply the boundary to all Roles in a stack\nPermissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(boundary);\nPermissionsBoundary.of(customResource).clear();",
816 "version": "1"
817 },
818 "go": {
819 "source": "// Directly apply the boundary to a Role you create\nvar role role\n\n// Apply the boundary to an Role that was implicitly created for you\nvar fn function\n\n// Remove a Permissions Boundary that is inherited, for example from the Stack level\nvar customResource customResource\n// This imports an existing policy.\nboundary := iam.managedPolicy.fromManagedPolicyArn(this, jsii.String(\"Boundary\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/boundary\"))\n\n// This creates a new boundary\nboundary2 := iam.NewManagedPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"Boundary2\"), &managedPolicyProps{\n\tstatements: []policyStatement{\n\t\tiam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t\t\teffect: iam.effect_DENY,\n\t\t\tactions: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"iam:*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tresources: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})\niam.permissionsBoundary.of(role).apply(boundary)\niam.permissionsBoundary.of(fn).apply(boundary)\n\n// Apply the boundary to all Roles in a stack\niam.permissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(boundary)\niam.permissionsBoundary.of(customResource).clear()",
820 "version": "1"
821 },
822 "$": {
823 "source": "// This imports an existing policy.\nconst boundary = iam.ManagedPolicy.fromManagedPolicyArn(this, 'Boundary', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/boundary');\n\n// This creates a new boundary\nconst boundary2 = new iam.ManagedPolicy(this, 'Boundary2', {\n statements: [\n new iam.PolicyStatement({\n effect: iam.Effect.DENY,\n actions: ['iam:*'],\n resources: ['*'],\n }),\n ],\n});\n\n// Directly apply the boundary to a Role you create\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(role).apply(boundary);\n\n// Apply the boundary to an Role that was implicitly created for you\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(fn).apply(boundary);\n\n// Apply the boundary to all Roles in a stack\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(boundary);\n\n// Remove a Permissions Boundary that is inherited, for example from the Stack level\ndeclare const customResource: CustomResource;\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(customResource).clear();",
824 "version": "0"
825 }
826 },
827 "location": {
828 "api": {
829 "api": "moduleReadme",
830 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
831 },
832 "field": {
833 "field": "markdown",
834 "line": 325
835 }
836 },
837 "didCompile": true,
838 "fqnsReferenced": [
839 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Effect",
840 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Effect#DENY",
841 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IManagedPolicy",
842 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy",
843 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy#fromManagedPolicyArn",
844 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicyProps",
845 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary",
846 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#apply",
847 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#clear",
848 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#of",
849 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
850 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
851 "constructs.Construct",
852 "constructs.IConstruct"
853 ],
854 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Directly apply the boundary to a Role you create\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\n\n// Apply the boundary to an Role that was implicitly created for you\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\n\n// Remove a Permissions Boundary that is inherited, for example from the Stack level\ndeclare const customResource: CustomResource;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// This imports an existing policy.\nconst boundary = iam.ManagedPolicy.fromManagedPolicyArn(this, 'Boundary', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:policy/boundary');\n\n// This creates a new boundary\nconst boundary2 = new iam.ManagedPolicy(this, 'Boundary2', {\n statements: [\n new iam.PolicyStatement({\n effect: iam.Effect.DENY,\n actions: ['iam:*'],\n resources: ['*'],\n }),\n ],\n});\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(role).apply(boundary);\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(fn).apply(boundary);\n\n// Apply the boundary to all Roles in a stack\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(boundary);\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(customResource).clear();\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
855 "syntaxKindCounter": {
856 "10": 5,
857 "75": 46,
858 "104": 3,
859 "130": 3,
860 "153": 2,
861 "169": 3,
862 "192": 3,
863 "193": 2,
864 "194": 18,
865 "196": 9,
866 "197": 2,
867 "225": 5,
868 "226": 4,
869 "242": 5,
870 "243": 5,
871 "281": 4,
872 "290": 1
873 },
874 "fqnsFingerprint": "8278b255ab76af67cc2c8b75b451e686c388a56a0d9851ba0039d5aea8c76e46"
875 },
876 "628dff1205f906fa270c69f16ae34e109d9f9da5e6345f717ce9f6af8995aafc": {
877 "translations": {
878 "python": {
879 "source": "provider = iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(self, \"MyProvider\",\n url=\"https://openid/connect\",\n client_ids=[\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"]\n)",
880 "version": "2"
881 },
882 "csharp": {
883 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = new OpenIdConnectProvider(this, \"MyProvider\", new OpenIdConnectProviderProps {\n Url = \"https://openid/connect\",\n ClientIds = new [] { \"myclient1\", \"myclient2\" }\n});",
884 "version": "1"
885 },
886 "java": {
887 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = OpenIdConnectProvider.Builder.create(this, \"MyProvider\")\n .url(\"https://openid/connect\")\n .clientIds(List.of(\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"))\n .build();",
888 "version": "1"
889 },
890 "go": {
891 "source": "provider := iam.NewOpenIdConnectProvider(this, jsii.String(\"MyProvider\"), &openIdConnectProviderProps{\n\turl: jsii.String(\"https://openid/connect\"),\n\tclientIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient1\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient2\"),\n\t},\n})",
892 "version": "1"
893 },
894 "$": {
895 "source": "const provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});",
896 "version": "0"
897 }
898 },
899 "location": {
900 "api": {
901 "api": "moduleReadme",
902 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
903 },
904 "field": {
905 "field": "markdown",
906 "line": 376
907 }
908 },
909 "didCompile": true,
910 "fqnsReferenced": [
911 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProvider",
912 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProviderProps",
913 "constructs.Construct"
914 ],
915 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
916 "syntaxKindCounter": {
917 "10": 4,
918 "75": 5,
919 "104": 1,
920 "192": 1,
921 "193": 1,
922 "194": 1,
923 "197": 1,
924 "225": 1,
925 "242": 1,
926 "243": 1,
927 "281": 2
928 },
929 "fqnsFingerprint": "05c05218c81b81045455149d9e7e30ee418ed82d418f083dc0605297fb7e08f9"
930 },
931 "43e12444450a7b42e702d7ce8866ab15bcdd5c78d4a1a2831894fc22d0e08532": {
932 "translations": {
933 "python": {
934 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_cognito as cognito\n\n# my_provider: iam.OpenIdConnectProvider\n\ncognito.CfnIdentityPool(self, \"IdentityPool\",\n open_id_connect_provider_arns=[my_provider.open_id_connect_provider_arn],\n # And the other properties for your identity pool\n allow_unauthenticated_identities=False\n)",
935 "version": "2"
936 },
937 "csharp": {
938 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Cognito;\n\nOpenIdConnectProvider myProvider;\n\nnew CfnIdentityPool(this, \"IdentityPool\", new CfnIdentityPoolProps {\n OpenIdConnectProviderArns = new [] { myProvider.OpenIdConnectProviderArn },\n // And the other properties for your identity pool\n AllowUnauthenticatedIdentities = false\n});",
939 "version": "1"
940 },
941 "java": {
942 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.cognito.*;\n\nOpenIdConnectProvider myProvider;\n\nCfnIdentityPool.Builder.create(this, \"IdentityPool\")\n .openIdConnectProviderArns(List.of(myProvider.getOpenIdConnectProviderArn()))\n // And the other properties for your identity pool\n .allowUnauthenticatedIdentities(false)\n .build();",
943 "version": "1"
944 },
945 "go": {
946 "source": "import cognito \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawscognito\"\n\nvar myProvider openIdConnectProvider\n\ncognito.NewCfnIdentityPool(this, jsii.String(\"IdentityPool\"), &cfnIdentityPoolProps{\n\topenIdConnectProviderArns: []*string{\n\t\tmyProvider.openIdConnectProviderArn,\n\t},\n\t// And the other properties for your identity pool\n\tallowUnauthenticatedIdentities: jsii.Boolean(false),\n})",
947 "version": "1"
948 },
949 "$": {
950 "source": "import * as cognito from '@aws-cdk/aws-cognito';\n\ndeclare const myProvider: iam.OpenIdConnectProvider;\nnew cognito.CfnIdentityPool(this, 'IdentityPool', {\n openIdConnectProviderArns: [myProvider.openIdConnectProviderArn],\n // And the other properties for your identity pool\n allowUnauthenticatedIdentities: false,\n});",
951 "version": "0"
952 }
953 },
954 "location": {
955 "api": {
956 "api": "moduleReadme",
957 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
958 },
959 "field": {
960 "field": "markdown",
961 "line": 394
962 }
963 },
964 "didCompile": true,
965 "fqnsReferenced": [
966 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.CfnIdentityPool",
967 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.CfnIdentityPoolProps",
968 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProvider#openIdConnectProviderArn",
969 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
970 ],
971 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as cognito from '@aws-cdk/aws-cognito';\n\ndeclare const myProvider: iam.OpenIdConnectProvider;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nnew cognito.CfnIdentityPool(this, 'IdentityPool', {\n openIdConnectProviderArns: [myProvider.openIdConnectProviderArn],\n // And the other properties for your identity pool\n allowUnauthenticatedIdentities: false,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
972 "syntaxKindCounter": {
973 "10": 2,
974 "75": 10,
975 "91": 1,
976 "104": 1,
977 "130": 1,
978 "153": 1,
979 "169": 1,
980 "192": 1,
981 "193": 1,
982 "194": 2,
983 "197": 1,
984 "225": 1,
985 "226": 1,
986 "242": 1,
987 "243": 1,
988 "254": 1,
989 "255": 1,
990 "256": 1,
991 "281": 2,
992 "290": 1
993 },
994 "fqnsFingerprint": "93c1918b1194eb4865620aa976992bea87c692318059076e4fe312a912a2e1bd"
995 },
996 "3bf35e7c632d4ad0c69b30b25ddb739f76443899c57c1c9d192b365ba766ffa6": {
997 "translations": {
998 "python": {
999 "source": "provider = iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(self, \"MyProvider\",\n url=\"https://openid/connect\",\n client_ids=[\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"]\n)\nprincipal = iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider)",
1000 "version": "2"
1001 },
1002 "csharp": {
1003 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = new OpenIdConnectProvider(this, \"MyProvider\", new OpenIdConnectProviderProps {\n Url = \"https://openid/connect\",\n ClientIds = new [] { \"myclient1\", \"myclient2\" }\n});\nOpenIdConnectPrincipal principal = new OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider);",
1004 "version": "1"
1005 },
1006 "java": {
1007 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = OpenIdConnectProvider.Builder.create(this, \"MyProvider\")\n .url(\"https://openid/connect\")\n .clientIds(List.of(\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"))\n .build();\nOpenIdConnectPrincipal principal = new OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider);",
1008 "version": "1"
1009 },
1010 "go": {
1011 "source": "provider := iam.NewOpenIdConnectProvider(this, jsii.String(\"MyProvider\"), &openIdConnectProviderProps{\n\turl: jsii.String(\"https://openid/connect\"),\n\tclientIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient1\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient2\"),\n\t},\n})\nprincipal := iam.NewOpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider)",
1012 "version": "1"
1013 },
1014 "$": {
1015 "source": "const provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});\nconst principal = new iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider);",
1016 "version": "0"
1017 }
1018 },
1019 "location": {
1020 "api": {
1021 "api": "moduleReadme",
1022 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1023 },
1024 "field": {
1025 "field": "markdown",
1026 "line": 407
1027 }
1028 },
1029 "didCompile": true,
1030 "fqnsReferenced": [
1031 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IOpenIdConnectProvider",
1032 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal",
1033 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProvider",
1034 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProviderProps",
1035 "constructs.Construct"
1036 ],
1037 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});\nconst principal = new iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1038 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1039 "10": 4,
1040 "75": 9,
1041 "104": 1,
1042 "192": 1,
1043 "193": 1,
1044 "194": 2,
1045 "197": 2,
1046 "225": 2,
1047 "242": 2,
1048 "243": 2,
1049 "281": 2
1050 },
1051 "fqnsFingerprint": "9bbff54525eee74c0b476136dadf4cafb3724c97951d651a58d7a8ab6208f851"
1052 },
1053 "dcd18efa8e0a447e0ae88b3dfbb92fc68fd8502f438a1c439e31f9ef27995777": {
1054 "translations": {
1055 "python": {
1056 "source": "iam.SamlProvider(self, \"Provider\",\n metadata_document=iam.SamlMetadataDocument.from_file(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n)",
1057 "version": "2"
1058 },
1059 "csharp": {
1060 "source": "new SamlProvider(this, \"Provider\", new SamlProviderProps {\n MetadataDocument = SamlMetadataDocument.FromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n});",
1061 "version": "1"
1062 },
1063 "java": {
1064 "source": "SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, \"Provider\")\n .metadataDocument(SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\"))\n .build();",
1065 "version": "1"
1066 },
1067 "go": {
1068 "source": "iam.NewSamlProvider(this, jsii.String(\"Provider\"), &samlProviderProps{\n\tmetadataDocument: iam.samlMetadataDocument.fromFile(jsii.String(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")),\n})",
1069 "version": "1"
1070 },
1071 "$": {
1072 "source": "new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});",
1073 "version": "0"
1074 }
1075 },
1076 "location": {
1077 "api": {
1078 "api": "moduleReadme",
1079 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1080 },
1081 "field": {
1082 "field": "markdown",
1083 "line": 425
1084 }
1085 },
1086 "didCompile": true,
1087 "fqnsReferenced": [
1088 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument",
1089 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument#fromFile",
1090 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider",
1091 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps",
1092 "constructs.Construct"
1093 ],
1094 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1095 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1096 "10": 2,
1097 "75": 6,
1098 "104": 1,
1099 "193": 1,
1100 "194": 3,
1101 "196": 1,
1102 "197": 1,
1103 "226": 1,
1104 "281": 1
1105 },
1106 "fqnsFingerprint": "9c2c6cc8f96569cb68ed38f257780060361487416ff5108a748f600915ae7174"
1107 },
1108 "ab94f5eb27eb8e0dd6e227403616989519421fd5f09a012f684215ced7fd4b7f": {
1109 "translations": {
1110 "python": {
1111 "source": "provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, \"Provider\",\n metadata_document=iam.SamlMetadataDocument.from_file(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n)\nprincipal = iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n \"StringEquals\": {\n \"SAML:iss\": \"issuer\"\n }\n})",
1112 "version": "2"
1113 },
1114 "csharp": {
1115 "source": "SamlProvider provider = new SamlProvider(this, \"Provider\", new SamlProviderProps {\n MetadataDocument = SamlMetadataDocument.FromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n});\nSamlPrincipal principal = new SamlPrincipal(provider, new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"SAML:iss\", \"issuer\" }\n } }\n});",
1116 "version": "1"
1117 },
1118 "java": {
1119 "source": "SamlProvider provider = SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, \"Provider\")\n .metadataDocument(SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\"))\n .build();\nSamlPrincipal principal = new SamlPrincipal(provider, Map.of(\n \"StringEquals\", Map.of(\n \"SAML:iss\", \"issuer\")));",
1120 "version": "1"
1121 },
1122 "go": {
1123 "source": "provider := iam.NewSamlProvider(this, jsii.String(\"Provider\"), &samlProviderProps{\n\tmetadataDocument: iam.samlMetadataDocument.fromFile(jsii.String(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")),\n})\nprincipal := iam.NewSamlPrincipal(provider, map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"StringEquals\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"SAML:iss\": jsii.String(\"issuer\"),\n\t},\n})",
1124 "version": "1"
1125 },
1126 "$": {
1127 "source": "const provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nconst principal = new iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n StringEquals: {\n 'SAML:iss': 'issuer',\n },\n});",
1128 "version": "0"
1129 }
1130 },
1131 "location": {
1132 "api": {
1133 "api": "moduleReadme",
1134 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1135 },
1136 "field": {
1137 "field": "markdown",
1138 "line": 433
1139 }
1140 },
1141 "didCompile": true,
1142 "fqnsReferenced": [
1143 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ISamlProvider",
1144 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument",
1145 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument#fromFile",
1146 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlPrincipal",
1147 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider",
1148 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps",
1149 "constructs.Construct"
1150 ],
1151 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nconst principal = new iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n StringEquals: {\n 'SAML:iss': 'issuer',\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1152 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1153 "10": 4,
1154 "75": 12,
1155 "104": 1,
1156 "193": 3,
1157 "194": 4,
1158 "196": 1,
1159 "197": 2,
1160 "225": 2,
1161 "242": 2,
1162 "243": 2,
1163 "281": 3
1164 },
1165 "fqnsFingerprint": "cdec2d83ffe1e24eeb5fb76b3c5af0ce6d66d0d92971599029ab1fb7f8eaec95"
1166 },
1167 "38c78441b2e23d2cf244836dff43cf6b60b7f18f46a393202af1c2865ff27d45": {
1168 "translations": {
1169 "python": {
1170 "source": "provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, \"Provider\",\n metadata_document=iam.SamlMetadataDocument.from_file(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n)\niam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider)\n)",
1171 "version": "2"
1172 },
1173 "csharp": {
1174 "source": "SamlProvider provider = new SamlProvider(this, \"Provider\", new SamlProviderProps {\n MetadataDocument = SamlMetadataDocument.FromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n});\nnew Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider)\n});",
1175 "version": "1"
1176 },
1177 "java": {
1178 "source": "SamlProvider provider = SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, \"Provider\")\n .metadataDocument(SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\"))\n .build();\nRole.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider))\n .build();",
1179 "version": "1"
1180 },
1181 "go": {
1182 "source": "provider := iam.NewSamlProvider(this, jsii.String(\"Provider\"), &samlProviderProps{\n\tmetadataDocument: iam.samlMetadataDocument.fromFile(jsii.String(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")),\n})\niam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewSamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n})",
1183 "version": "1"
1184 },
1185 "$": {
1186 "source": "const provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n});",
1187 "version": "0"
1188 }
1189 },
1190 "location": {
1191 "api": {
1192 "api": "moduleReadme",
1193 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1194 },
1195 "field": {
1196 "field": "markdown",
1197 "line": 447
1198 }
1199 },
1200 "didCompile": true,
1201 "fqnsReferenced": [
1202 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
1203 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ISamlProvider",
1204 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
1205 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
1206 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlConsolePrincipal",
1207 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument",
1208 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument#fromFile",
1209 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider",
1210 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps",
1211 "constructs.Construct"
1212 ],
1213 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1214 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1215 "10": 3,
1216 "75": 13,
1217 "104": 2,
1218 "193": 2,
1219 "194": 5,
1220 "196": 1,
1221 "197": 3,
1222 "225": 1,
1223 "226": 1,
1224 "242": 1,
1225 "243": 1,
1226 "281": 2
1227 },
1228 "fqnsFingerprint": "d4029b4631f3c0ea567e8f3d59888b23fe8bfac0f63be5f6e2f112e47412bd9c"
1229 },
1230 "de0439b0be45d01db3e288ad1d247098b2db883afb42e39720c121ff26753e20": {
1231 "translations": {
1232 "python": {
1233 "source": "user = iam.User(self, \"MyUser\")",
1234 "version": "2"
1235 },
1236 "csharp": {
1237 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\");",
1238 "version": "1"
1239 },
1240 "java": {
1241 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\");",
1242 "version": "1"
1243 },
1244 "go": {
1245 "source": "user := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyUser\"))",
1246 "version": "1"
1247 },
1248 "$": {
1249 "source": "const user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser');",
1250 "version": "0"
1251 }
1252 },
1253 "location": {
1254 "api": {
1255 "api": "moduleReadme",
1256 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1257 },
1258 "field": {
1259 "field": "markdown",
1260 "line": 460
1261 }
1262 },
1263 "didCompile": true,
1264 "fqnsReferenced": [
1265 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1266 "constructs.Construct"
1267 ],
1268 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1269 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1270 "10": 1,
1271 "75": 3,
1272 "104": 1,
1273 "194": 1,
1274 "197": 1,
1275 "225": 1,
1276 "242": 1,
1277 "243": 1
1278 },
1279 "fqnsFingerprint": "8d12a90616523adba80e0e795f5795b714a31fafaf2ada921103521dd1ddbb5b"
1280 },
1281 "44d09e89c2a14c92b8b375afcee53468bcfc388be7c81f5860f46ac89e2729f4": {
1282 "translations": {
1283 "python": {
1284 "source": "user = iam.User.from_user_name(self, \"MyImportedUserByName\", \"johnsmith\")",
1285 "version": "2"
1286 },
1287 "csharp": {
1288 "source": "IUser user = User.FromUserName(this, \"MyImportedUserByName\", \"johnsmith\");",
1289 "version": "1"
1290 },
1291 "java": {
1292 "source": "IUser user = User.fromUserName(this, \"MyImportedUserByName\", \"johnsmith\");",
1293 "version": "1"
1294 },
1295 "go": {
1296 "source": "user := iam.user.fromUserName(this, jsii.String(\"MyImportedUserByName\"), jsii.String(\"johnsmith\"))",
1297 "version": "1"
1298 },
1299 "$": {
1300 "source": "const user = iam.User.fromUserName(this, 'MyImportedUserByName', 'johnsmith');",
1301 "version": "0"
1302 }
1303 },
1304 "location": {
1305 "api": {
1306 "api": "moduleReadme",
1307 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1308 },
1309 "field": {
1310 "field": "markdown",
1311 "line": 466
1312 }
1313 },
1314 "didCompile": true,
1315 "fqnsReferenced": [
1316 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
1317 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1318 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User#fromUserName",
1319 "constructs.Construct"
1320 ],
1321 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = iam.User.fromUserName(this, 'MyImportedUserByName', 'johnsmith');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1322 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1323 "10": 2,
1324 "75": 4,
1325 "104": 1,
1326 "194": 2,
1327 "196": 1,
1328 "225": 1,
1329 "242": 1,
1330 "243": 1
1331 },
1332 "fqnsFingerprint": "5cb22a991a7f4174dccd7a44f56515fdd183929c52aeff3390ff3bab9ecb4365"
1333 },
1334 "797205faa0d454d06b5c8d5f6e41ed50dd579a15867c87f6a3b35a5c79b0cd06": {
1335 "translations": {
1336 "python": {
1337 "source": "user = iam.User.from_user_arn(self, \"MyImportedUserByArn\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\")",
1338 "version": "2"
1339 },
1340 "csharp": {
1341 "source": "IUser user = User.FromUserArn(this, \"MyImportedUserByArn\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\");",
1342 "version": "1"
1343 },
1344 "java": {
1345 "source": "IUser user = User.fromUserArn(this, \"MyImportedUserByArn\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\");",
1346 "version": "1"
1347 },
1348 "go": {
1349 "source": "user := iam.user.fromUserArn(this, jsii.String(\"MyImportedUserByArn\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\"))",
1350 "version": "1"
1351 },
1352 "$": {
1353 "source": "const user = iam.User.fromUserArn(this, 'MyImportedUserByArn', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith');",
1354 "version": "0"
1355 }
1356 },
1357 "location": {
1358 "api": {
1359 "api": "moduleReadme",
1360 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1361 },
1362 "field": {
1363 "field": "markdown",
1364 "line": 472
1365 }
1366 },
1367 "didCompile": true,
1368 "fqnsReferenced": [
1369 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
1370 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1371 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User#fromUserArn",
1372 "constructs.Construct"
1373 ],
1374 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = iam.User.fromUserArn(this, 'MyImportedUserByArn', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1375 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1376 "10": 2,
1377 "75": 4,
1378 "104": 1,
1379 "194": 2,
1380 "196": 1,
1381 "225": 1,
1382 "242": 1,
1383 "243": 1
1384 },
1385 "fqnsFingerprint": "fbdf8eb7350ef384226cceeccaaa46a4c55271ba5b214394a9355b5d77ff45c5"
1386 },
1387 "f46aa7bcee4fe5727bca293ad38fcddbb23268144ffabe7284b46c31f08765ef": {
1388 "translations": {
1389 "python": {
1390 "source": "user = iam.User.from_user_attributes(self, \"MyImportedUserByAttributes\",\n user_arn=\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\"\n)",
1391 "version": "2"
1392 },
1393 "csharp": {
1394 "source": "IUser user = User.FromUserAttributes(this, \"MyImportedUserByAttributes\", new UserAttributes {\n UserArn = \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\"\n});",
1395 "version": "1"
1396 },
1397 "java": {
1398 "source": "IUser user = User.fromUserAttributes(this, \"MyImportedUserByAttributes\", UserAttributes.builder()\n .userArn(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\")\n .build());",
1399 "version": "1"
1400 },
1401 "go": {
1402 "source": "user := iam.user.fromUserAttributes(this, jsii.String(\"MyImportedUserByAttributes\"), &userAttributes{\n\tuserArn: jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\"),\n})",
1403 "version": "1"
1404 },
1405 "$": {
1406 "source": "const user = iam.User.fromUserAttributes(this, 'MyImportedUserByAttributes', {\n userArn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith',\n});",
1407 "version": "0"
1408 }
1409 },
1410 "location": {
1411 "api": {
1412 "api": "moduleReadme",
1413 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1414 },
1415 "field": {
1416 "field": "markdown",
1417 "line": 478
1418 }
1419 },
1420 "didCompile": true,
1421 "fqnsReferenced": [
1422 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
1423 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1424 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User#fromUserAttributes",
1425 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UserAttributes",
1426 "constructs.Construct"
1427 ],
1428 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = iam.User.fromUserAttributes(this, 'MyImportedUserByAttributes', {\n userArn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1429 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1430 "10": 2,
1431 "75": 5,
1432 "104": 1,
1433 "193": 1,
1434 "194": 2,
1435 "196": 1,
1436 "225": 1,
1437 "242": 1,
1438 "243": 1,
1439 "281": 1
1440 },
1441 "fqnsFingerprint": "fc2a539de134f0f4cd74d4fbddd10b44362ee1660dd9b7109c5d0bc74810c030"
1442 },
1443 "9acc7a025c871f9fec7f160154b08dd5582877f3a472630262c8eb5c30bf4342": {
1444 "translations": {
1445 "python": {
1446 "source": "user = iam.User(self, \"MyUser\")\naccess_key = iam.AccessKey(self, \"MyAccessKey\", user=user)",
1447 "version": "2"
1448 },
1449 "csharp": {
1450 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\");\nAccessKey accessKey = new AccessKey(this, \"MyAccessKey\", new AccessKeyProps { User = user });",
1451 "version": "1"
1452 },
1453 "java": {
1454 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\");\nAccessKey accessKey = AccessKey.Builder.create(this, \"MyAccessKey\").user(user).build();",
1455 "version": "1"
1456 },
1457 "go": {
1458 "source": "user := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyUser\"))\naccessKey := iam.NewAccessKey(this, jsii.String(\"MyAccessKey\"), &accessKeyProps{\n\tuser: user,\n})",
1459 "version": "1"
1460 },
1461 "$": {
1462 "source": "const user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser');\nconst accessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'MyAccessKey', { user: user });",
1463 "version": "0"
1464 }
1465 },
1466 "location": {
1467 "api": {
1468 "api": "moduleReadme",
1469 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1470 },
1471 "field": {
1472 "field": "markdown",
1473 "line": 489
1474 }
1475 },
1476 "didCompile": true,
1477 "fqnsReferenced": [
1478 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKey",
1479 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKeyProps",
1480 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
1481 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1482 "constructs.Construct"
1483 ],
1484 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser');\nconst accessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'MyAccessKey', { user: user });\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1485 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1486 "10": 2,
1487 "75": 8,
1488 "104": 2,
1489 "193": 1,
1490 "194": 2,
1491 "197": 2,
1492 "225": 2,
1493 "242": 2,
1494 "243": 2,
1495 "281": 1
1496 },
1497 "fqnsFingerprint": "f715f9be8f5d6dd302aad93f79c54705fc3e28c0533d9df19426cf6828cfbbc4"
1498 },
1499 "3ff5054fdb0c10ff352b8a33dbeba9cf36b3d5f3ff8bd27c35195787c2e4983e": {
1500 "translations": {
1501 "python": {
1502 "source": "user = iam.User(self, \"MyUser\")\naccess_key = iam.AccessKey(self, \"MyAccessKey\", user=user, serial=1)",
1503 "version": "2"
1504 },
1505 "csharp": {
1506 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\");\nAccessKey accessKey = new AccessKey(this, \"MyAccessKey\", new AccessKeyProps { User = user, Serial = 1 });",
1507 "version": "1"
1508 },
1509 "java": {
1510 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\");\nAccessKey accessKey = AccessKey.Builder.create(this, \"MyAccessKey\").user(user).serial(1).build();",
1511 "version": "1"
1512 },
1513 "go": {
1514 "source": "user := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyUser\"))\naccessKey := iam.NewAccessKey(this, jsii.String(\"MyAccessKey\"), &accessKeyProps{\n\tuser: user,\n\tserial: jsii.Number(1),\n})",
1515 "version": "1"
1516 },
1517 "$": {
1518 "source": "const user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser');\nconst accessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'MyAccessKey', { user: user, serial: 1 });",
1519 "version": "0"
1520 }
1521 },
1522 "location": {
1523 "api": {
1524 "api": "moduleReadme",
1525 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1526 },
1527 "field": {
1528 "field": "markdown",
1529 "line": 497
1530 }
1531 },
1532 "didCompile": true,
1533 "fqnsReferenced": [
1534 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKey",
1535 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKeyProps",
1536 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
1537 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1538 "constructs.Construct"
1539 ],
1540 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser');\nconst accessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'MyAccessKey', { user: user, serial: 1 });\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1541 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1542 "8": 1,
1543 "10": 2,
1544 "75": 9,
1545 "104": 2,
1546 "193": 1,
1547 "194": 2,
1548 "197": 2,
1549 "225": 2,
1550 "242": 2,
1551 "243": 2,
1552 "281": 2
1553 },
1554 "fqnsFingerprint": "f715f9be8f5d6dd302aad93f79c54705fc3e28c0533d9df19426cf6828cfbbc4"
1555 },
1556 "32d365b787746cdead9b335a3cf2a1c19ad3282dca80af7e7d20f903f904e879": {
1557 "translations": {
1558 "python": {
1559 "source": "group = iam.Group(self, \"MyGroup\")",
1560 "version": "2"
1561 },
1562 "csharp": {
1563 "source": "Group group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\");",
1564 "version": "1"
1565 },
1566 "java": {
1567 "source": "Group group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\");",
1568 "version": "1"
1569 },
1570 "go": {
1571 "source": "group := iam.NewGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyGroup\"))",
1572 "version": "1"
1573 },
1574 "$": {
1575 "source": "const group = new iam.Group(this, 'MyGroup');",
1576 "version": "0"
1577 }
1578 },
1579 "location": {
1580 "api": {
1581 "api": "moduleReadme",
1582 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1583 },
1584 "field": {
1585 "field": "markdown",
1586 "line": 509
1587 }
1588 },
1589 "didCompile": true,
1590 "fqnsReferenced": [
1591 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
1592 "constructs.Construct"
1593 ],
1594 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst group = new iam.Group(this, 'MyGroup');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1595 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1596 "10": 1,
1597 "75": 3,
1598 "104": 1,
1599 "194": 1,
1600 "197": 1,
1601 "225": 1,
1602 "242": 1,
1603 "243": 1
1604 },
1605 "fqnsFingerprint": "5493d0408549d3ffe5cdfeb26ff71e7ffc402bf714883ff7acc38e00ab2092e9"
1606 },
1607 "c30dd91a2b2422ad8b27a95b9b6c8e9694088d11c10dc34c23c4f9b768c17c40": {
1608 "translations": {
1609 "python": {
1610 "source": "group = iam.Group.from_group_arn(self, \"MyImportedGroupByArn\", \"arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name\")",
1611 "version": "2"
1612 },
1613 "csharp": {
1614 "source": "IGroup group = Group.FromGroupArn(this, \"MyImportedGroupByArn\", \"arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name\");",
1615 "version": "1"
1616 },
1617 "java": {
1618 "source": "IGroup group = Group.fromGroupArn(this, \"MyImportedGroupByArn\", \"arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name\");",
1619 "version": "1"
1620 },
1621 "go": {
1622 "source": "group := iam.group.fromGroupArn(this, jsii.String(\"MyImportedGroupByArn\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name\"))",
1623 "version": "1"
1624 },
1625 "$": {
1626 "source": "const group = iam.Group.fromGroupArn(this, 'MyImportedGroupByArn', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');",
1627 "version": "0"
1628 }
1629 },
1630 "location": {
1631 "api": {
1632 "api": "moduleReadme",
1633 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1634 },
1635 "field": {
1636 "field": "markdown",
1637 "line": 515
1638 }
1639 },
1640 "didCompile": true,
1641 "fqnsReferenced": [
1642 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
1643 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group#fromGroupArn",
1644 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGroup",
1645 "constructs.Construct"
1646 ],
1647 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst group = iam.Group.fromGroupArn(this, 'MyImportedGroupByArn', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1648 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1649 "10": 2,
1650 "75": 4,
1651 "104": 1,
1652 "194": 2,
1653 "196": 1,
1654 "225": 1,
1655 "242": 1,
1656 "243": 1
1657 },
1658 "fqnsFingerprint": "c14df51cccd9342f4fd3df2421026f9f84d3abeb32b9258b7a2ef9400d23ae55"
1659 },
1660 "0bc3f69cd3dea0bc02e9dc3cbcbe16ea9fc60d56dd205212e5beeace49b784a6": {
1661 "translations": {
1662 "python": {
1663 "source": "group = iam.Group.from_group_name(self, \"MyImportedGroupByName\", \"group-name\")",
1664 "version": "2"
1665 },
1666 "csharp": {
1667 "source": "IGroup group = Group.FromGroupName(this, \"MyImportedGroupByName\", \"group-name\");",
1668 "version": "1"
1669 },
1670 "java": {
1671 "source": "IGroup group = Group.fromGroupName(this, \"MyImportedGroupByName\", \"group-name\");",
1672 "version": "1"
1673 },
1674 "go": {
1675 "source": "group := iam.group.fromGroupName(this, jsii.String(\"MyImportedGroupByName\"), jsii.String(\"group-name\"))",
1676 "version": "1"
1677 },
1678 "$": {
1679 "source": "const group = iam.Group.fromGroupName(this, 'MyImportedGroupByName', 'group-name');",
1680 "version": "0"
1681 }
1682 },
1683 "location": {
1684 "api": {
1685 "api": "moduleReadme",
1686 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1687 },
1688 "field": {
1689 "field": "markdown",
1690 "line": 521
1691 }
1692 },
1693 "didCompile": true,
1694 "fqnsReferenced": [
1695 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
1696 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group#fromGroupName",
1697 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGroup",
1698 "constructs.Construct"
1699 ],
1700 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst group = iam.Group.fromGroupName(this, 'MyImportedGroupByName', 'group-name');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1701 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1702 "10": 2,
1703 "75": 4,
1704 "104": 1,
1705 "194": 2,
1706 "196": 1,
1707 "225": 1,
1708 "242": 1,
1709 "243": 1
1710 },
1711 "fqnsFingerprint": "5b729392ab4ac14a218ec612088b88bf6b361ea282e09202ee3dc97bd4aef5b9"
1712 },
1713 "1c90c513609a9dccd1784297864552057d22136768e7832dd8b685cd44e6e77c": {
1714 "translations": {
1715 "python": {
1716 "source": "user = iam.User(self, \"MyUser\") # or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\ngroup = iam.Group(self, \"MyGroup\") # or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.add_to_group(group)\n# or\ngroup.add_user(user)",
1717 "version": "2"
1718 },
1719 "csharp": {
1720 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\"); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\"); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.AddToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.AddUser(user);",
1721 "version": "1"
1722 },
1723 "java": {
1724 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\"); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\"); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);",
1725 "version": "1"
1726 },
1727 "go": {
1728 "source": "user := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyUser\")) // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\ngroup := iam.NewGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyGroup\")) // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group)\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user)",
1729 "version": "1"
1730 },
1731 "$": {
1732 "source": "const user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser'); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nconst group = new iam.Group(this, 'MyGroup'); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);",
1733 "version": "0"
1734 }
1735 },
1736 "location": {
1737 "api": {
1738 "api": "moduleReadme",
1739 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam"
1740 },
1741 "field": {
1742 "field": "markdown",
1743 "line": 527
1744 }
1745 },
1746 "didCompile": true,
1747 "fqnsReferenced": [
1748 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
1749 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGroup",
1750 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
1751 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1752 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User#addToGroup",
1753 "constructs.Construct"
1754 ],
1755 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser'); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nconst group = new iam.Group(this, 'MyGroup'); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1756 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1757 "10": 2,
1758 "75": 12,
1759 "104": 2,
1760 "194": 4,
1761 "196": 2,
1762 "197": 2,
1763 "225": 2,
1764 "226": 2,
1765 "242": 2,
1766 "243": 2
1767 },
1768 "fqnsFingerprint": "4b551b1b326b6c22fceca09e2e88f31eb72a9dae7e0ea9153196cebb9a3affde"
1769 },
1770 "5d1a0c2d8a4eec57a236053cd1767e2048baab3c1313b96b37cd5241b939143b": {
1771 "translations": {
1772 "python": {
1773 "source": "# Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nuser = iam.User(self, \"User\")\naccess_key = iam.AccessKey(self, \"AccessKey\", user=user)\nsecret_value = secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1.from_token(access_key.secret_access_key.to_string())\nsecretsmanager.Secret(self, \"Secret\",\n secret_string_beta1=secret_value\n)",
1774 "version": "2"
1775 },
1776 "csharp": {
1777 "source": "// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nUser user = new User(this, \"User\");\nAccessKey accessKey = new AccessKey(this, \"AccessKey\", new AccessKeyProps { User = user });\nSecretStringValueBeta1 secretValue = SecretStringValueBeta1.FromToken(accessKey.SecretAccessKey.ToString());\nnew Secret(this, \"Secret\", new SecretProps {\n SecretStringBeta1 = secretValue\n});",
1778 "version": "1"
1779 },
1780 "java": {
1781 "source": "// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nUser user = new User(this, \"User\");\nAccessKey accessKey = AccessKey.Builder.create(this, \"AccessKey\").user(user).build();\nSecretStringValueBeta1 secretValue = SecretStringValueBeta1.fromToken(accessKey.secretAccessKey.toString());\nSecret.Builder.create(this, \"Secret\")\n .secretStringBeta1(secretValue)\n .build();",
1782 "version": "1"
1783 },
1784 "go": {
1785 "source": "// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nuser := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"User\"))\naccessKey := iam.NewAccessKey(this, jsii.String(\"AccessKey\"), &accessKeyProps{\n\tuser: user,\n})\nsecretValue := secretsmanager.secretStringValueBeta1.fromToken(accessKey.secretAccessKey.toString())\nsecretsmanager.NewSecret(this, jsii.String(\"Secret\"), &secretProps{\n\tsecretStringBeta1: secretValue,\n})",
1786 "version": "1"
1787 },
1788 "$": {
1789 "source": "// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'User');\nconst accessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'AccessKey', { user });\nconst secretValue = secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1.fromToken(accessKey.secretAccessKey.toString());\nnew secretsmanager.Secret(this, 'Secret', {\n secretStringBeta1: secretValue,\n});",
1790 "version": "0"
1791 }
1792 },
1793 "location": {
1794 "api": {
1795 "api": "type",
1796 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKey"
1797 },
1798 "field": {
1799 "field": "example"
1800 }
1801 },
1802 "didCompile": true,
1803 "fqnsReferenced": [
1804 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKey",
1805 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKey#secretAccessKey",
1806 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKeyProps",
1807 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
1808 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1809 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.Secret",
1810 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.SecretProps",
1811 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1",
1812 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1#fromToken",
1813 "@aws-cdk/core.Intrinsic#toString",
1814 "constructs.Construct"
1815 ],
1816 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core'; \nimport * as secretsmanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack { \n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'User');\nconst accessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'AccessKey', { user });\nconst secretValue = secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1.fromToken(accessKey.secretAccessKey.toString());\nnew secretsmanager.Secret(this, 'Secret', {\n secretStringBeta1: secretValue,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}",
1817 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1818 "10": 3,
1819 "75": 18,
1820 "104": 3,
1821 "193": 2,
1822 "194": 7,
1823 "196": 2,
1824 "197": 3,
1825 "225": 3,
1826 "226": 1,
1827 "242": 3,
1828 "243": 3,
1829 "281": 1,
1830 "282": 1
1831 },
1832 "fqnsFingerprint": "3f45b79171ec0158fe2803f033d08f03cf4199647d110a6f4c80b2bec16f9d49"
1833 },
1834 "fa675cb8590a9a42a315e5995bdfa0ddff7cce2b4cefd6f6c4de95461204e44d": {
1835 "translations": {
1836 "python": {
1837 "source": "# Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nuser = iam.User(self, \"User\")\naccess_key = iam.AccessKey(self, \"AccessKey\", user=user)\nsecret_value = secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1.from_token(access_key.secret_access_key.to_string())\nsecretsmanager.Secret(self, \"Secret\",\n secret_string_beta1=secret_value\n)",
1838 "version": "2"
1839 },
1840 "csharp": {
1841 "source": "// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nUser user = new User(this, \"User\");\nAccessKey accessKey = new AccessKey(this, \"AccessKey\", new AccessKeyProps { User = user });\nSecretStringValueBeta1 secretValue = SecretStringValueBeta1.FromToken(accessKey.SecretAccessKey.ToString());\nnew Secret(this, \"Secret\", new SecretProps {\n SecretStringBeta1 = secretValue\n});",
1842 "version": "1"
1843 },
1844 "java": {
1845 "source": "// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nUser user = new User(this, \"User\");\nAccessKey accessKey = AccessKey.Builder.create(this, \"AccessKey\").user(user).build();\nSecretStringValueBeta1 secretValue = SecretStringValueBeta1.fromToken(accessKey.secretAccessKey.toString());\nSecret.Builder.create(this, \"Secret\")\n .secretStringBeta1(secretValue)\n .build();",
1846 "version": "1"
1847 },
1848 "go": {
1849 "source": "// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nuser := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"User\"))\naccessKey := iam.NewAccessKey(this, jsii.String(\"AccessKey\"), &accessKeyProps{\n\tuser: user,\n})\nsecretValue := secretsmanager.secretStringValueBeta1.fromToken(accessKey.secretAccessKey.toString())\nsecretsmanager.NewSecret(this, jsii.String(\"Secret\"), &secretProps{\n\tsecretStringBeta1: secretValue,\n})",
1850 "version": "1"
1851 },
1852 "$": {
1853 "source": "// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'User');\nconst accessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'AccessKey', { user });\nconst secretValue = secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1.fromToken(accessKey.secretAccessKey.toString());\nnew secretsmanager.Secret(this, 'Secret', {\n secretStringBeta1: secretValue,\n});",
1854 "version": "0"
1855 }
1856 },
1857 "location": {
1858 "api": {
1859 "api": "type",
1860 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKeyProps"
1861 },
1862 "field": {
1863 "field": "example"
1864 }
1865 },
1866 "didCompile": true,
1867 "fqnsReferenced": [
1868 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKey",
1869 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKey#secretAccessKey",
1870 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccessKeyProps",
1871 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
1872 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
1873 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.Secret",
1874 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.SecretProps",
1875 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1",
1876 "@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1#fromToken",
1877 "@aws-cdk/core.Intrinsic#toString",
1878 "constructs.Construct"
1879 ],
1880 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core'; \nimport * as secretsmanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack { \n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Creates a new IAM user, access and secret keys, and stores the secret access key in a Secret.\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'User');\nconst accessKey = new iam.AccessKey(this, 'AccessKey', { user });\nconst secretValue = secretsmanager.SecretStringValueBeta1.fromToken(accessKey.secretAccessKey.toString());\nnew secretsmanager.Secret(this, 'Secret', {\n secretStringBeta1: secretValue,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}",
1881 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1882 "10": 3,
1883 "75": 18,
1884 "104": 3,
1885 "193": 2,
1886 "194": 7,
1887 "196": 2,
1888 "197": 3,
1889 "225": 3,
1890 "226": 1,
1891 "242": 3,
1892 "243": 3,
1893 "281": 1,
1894 "282": 1
1895 },
1896 "fqnsFingerprint": "3f45b79171ec0158fe2803f033d08f03cf4199647d110a6f4c80b2bec16f9d49"
1897 },
1898 "f5907fa69b557d38f3d0b7eb471108a8ae826eeda4a75c0ab96544a277d25d92": {
1899 "translations": {
1900 "python": {
1901 "source": "cluster = neptune.DatabaseCluster(self, \"Cluster\",\n vpc=vpc,\n instance_type=neptune.InstanceType.R5_LARGE,\n iam_authentication=True\n)\nrole = iam.Role(self, \"DBRole\", assumed_by=iam.AccountPrincipal(self.account))\ncluster.grant_connect(role)",
1902 "version": "2"
1903 },
1904 "csharp": {
1905 "source": "DatabaseCluster cluster = new DatabaseCluster(this, \"Cluster\", new DatabaseClusterProps {\n Vpc = vpc,\n InstanceType = InstanceType.R5_LARGE,\n IamAuthentication = true\n});\nRole role = new Role(this, \"DBRole\", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new AccountPrincipal(Account) });\ncluster.GrantConnect(role);",
1906 "version": "1"
1907 },
1908 "java": {
1909 "source": "DatabaseCluster cluster = DatabaseCluster.Builder.create(this, \"Cluster\")\n .vpc(vpc)\n .instanceType(InstanceType.R5_LARGE)\n .iamAuthentication(true)\n .build();\nRole role = Role.Builder.create(this, \"DBRole\").assumedBy(new AccountPrincipal(this.account)).build();\ncluster.grantConnect(role);",
1910 "version": "1"
1911 },
1912 "go": {
1913 "source": "cluster := neptune.NewDatabaseCluster(this, jsii.String(\"Cluster\"), &databaseClusterProps{\n\tvpc: vpc,\n\tinstanceType: neptune.instanceType_R5_LARGE(),\n\tiamAuthentication: jsii.Boolean(true),\n})\nrole := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"DBRole\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewAccountPrincipal(this.account),\n})\ncluster.grantConnect(role)",
1914 "version": "1"
1915 },
1916 "$": {
1917 "source": "const cluster = new neptune.DatabaseCluster(this, 'Cluster', {\n vpc,\n instanceType: neptune.InstanceType.R5_LARGE,\n iamAuthentication: true, // Optional - will be automatically set if you call grantConnect().\n});\nconst role = new iam.Role(this, 'DBRole', { assumedBy: new iam.AccountPrincipal(this.account) });\ncluster.grantConnect(role); // Grant the role connection access to the DB.",
1918 "version": "0"
1919 }
1920 },
1921 "location": {
1922 "api": {
1923 "api": "type",
1924 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountPrincipal"
1925 },
1926 "field": {
1927 "field": "example"
1928 }
1929 },
1930 "didCompile": true,
1931 "fqnsReferenced": [
1932 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc",
1933 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountPrincipal",
1934 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
1935 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
1936 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
1937 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
1938 "@aws-cdk/aws-neptune.DatabaseCluster",
1939 "@aws-cdk/aws-neptune.DatabaseClusterBase#grantConnect",
1940 "@aws-cdk/aws-neptune.DatabaseClusterProps",
1941 "@aws-cdk/aws-neptune.InstanceType",
1942 "@aws-cdk/aws-neptune.InstanceType#R5_LARGE",
1943 "@aws-cdk/core.Stack#account",
1944 "constructs.Construct"
1945 ],
1946 "fullSource": "import { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\nimport * as neptune from '@aws-cdk/aws-neptune';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'VPC', { maxAzs: 2 });\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst cluster = new neptune.DatabaseCluster(this, 'Cluster', {\n vpc,\n instanceType: neptune.InstanceType.R5_LARGE,\n iamAuthentication: true, // Optional - will be automatically set if you call grantConnect().\n});\nconst role = new iam.Role(this, 'DBRole', { assumedBy: new iam.AccountPrincipal(this.account) });\ncluster.grantConnect(role);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}",
1947 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1948 "10": 2,
1949 "75": 19,
1950 "104": 3,
1951 "106": 1,
1952 "193": 2,
1953 "194": 7,
1954 "196": 1,
1955 "197": 3,
1956 "225": 2,
1957 "226": 1,
1958 "242": 2,
1959 "243": 2,
1960 "281": 3,
1961 "282": 1
1962 },
1963 "fqnsFingerprint": "13c068a3e97caaa4f9df9fd8862e0c73dec0980735d9e6b7a4bdecf91edb2aa4"
1964 },
1965 "3d3ceb9082e5e860e7209b679e38493fa1dc30d94048d7f72ff3c6d389ab9a01": {
1966 "translations": {
1967 "python": {
1968 "source": "bucket = s3.Bucket(self, \"MyBucket\")\nresult = bucket.add_to_resource_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"s3:GetObject\"],\n resources=[bucket.arn_for_objects(\"file.txt\")],\n principals=[iam.AccountRootPrincipal()]\n))",
1969 "version": "2"
1970 },
1971 "csharp": {
1972 "source": "Bucket bucket = new Bucket(this, \"MyBucket\");\nAddToResourcePolicyResult result = bucket.AddToResourcePolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"s3:GetObject\" },\n Resources = new [] { bucket.ArnForObjects(\"file.txt\") },\n Principals = new [] { new AccountRootPrincipal() }\n}));",
1973 "version": "1"
1974 },
1975 "java": {
1976 "source": "Bucket bucket = new Bucket(this, \"MyBucket\");\nAddToResourcePolicyResult result = bucket.addToResourcePolicy(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"s3:GetObject\"))\n .resources(List.of(bucket.arnForObjects(\"file.txt\")))\n .principals(List.of(new AccountRootPrincipal()))\n .build());",
1977 "version": "1"
1978 },
1979 "go": {
1980 "source": "bucket := s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"MyBucket\"))\nresult := bucket.addToResourcePolicy(iam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"s3:GetObject\"),\n\t},\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\tbucket.arnForObjects(jsii.String(\"file.txt\")),\n\t},\n\tprincipals: []iPrincipal{\n\t\tiam.NewAccountRootPrincipal(),\n\t},\n}))",
1981 "version": "1"
1982 },
1983 "$": {
1984 "source": "const bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');\nconst result = bucket.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['s3:GetObject'],\n resources: [bucket.arnForObjects('file.txt')],\n principals: [new iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n}));",
1985 "version": "0"
1986 }
1987 },
1988 "location": {
1989 "api": {
1990 "api": "type",
1991 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountRootPrincipal"
1992 },
1993 "field": {
1994 "field": "example"
1995 }
1996 },
1997 "didCompile": true,
1998 "fqnsReferenced": [
1999 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountRootPrincipal",
2000 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AddToResourcePolicyResult",
2001 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
2002 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
2003 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
2004 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.BucketBase#addToResourcePolicy",
2005 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.BucketBase#arnForObjects",
2006 "constructs.Construct"
2007 ],
2008 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\nimport kms = require('@aws-cdk/aws-kms');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport s3n = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3-notifications');\nimport sns = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sns');\nimport sqs = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sqs');\nimport assert = require('assert');\n\nclass Fixture extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst bucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'MyBucket');\nconst result = bucket.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['s3:GetObject'],\n resources: [bucket.arnForObjects('file.txt')],\n principals: [new iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2009 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2010 "10": 3,
2011 "75": 15,
2012 "104": 1,
2013 "192": 3,
2014 "193": 1,
2015 "194": 5,
2016 "196": 2,
2017 "197": 3,
2018 "225": 2,
2019 "242": 2,
2020 "243": 2,
2021 "281": 3
2022 },
2023 "fqnsFingerprint": "a778d8abc0cdf1955ecbc04cd4faad86b519c612100f15c96cdd0d83c9c6436e"
2024 },
2025 "ac984c4f10fd031f6a22d2a53a7eea263105bc58e7d3764b3561eb85f97510f8": {
2026 "translations": {
2027 "python": {
2028 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# dependable: cdk.IDependable\n\nadd_to_principal_policy_result = iam.AddToPrincipalPolicyResult(\n statement_added=False,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n policy_dependable=dependable\n)",
2029 "version": "2"
2030 },
2031 "csharp": {
2032 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nIDependable dependable;\nAddToPrincipalPolicyResult addToPrincipalPolicyResult = new AddToPrincipalPolicyResult {\n StatementAdded = false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n PolicyDependable = dependable\n};",
2033 "version": "1"
2034 },
2035 "java": {
2036 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nIDependable dependable;\n\nAddToPrincipalPolicyResult addToPrincipalPolicyResult = AddToPrincipalPolicyResult.builder()\n .statementAdded(false)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .policyDependable(dependable)\n .build();",
2037 "version": "1"
2038 },
2039 "go": {
2040 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar dependable iDependable\n\naddToPrincipalPolicyResult := &addToPrincipalPolicyResult{\n\tstatementAdded: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tpolicyDependable: dependable,\n}",
2041 "version": "1"
2042 },
2043 "$": {
2044 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const dependable: cdk.IDependable;\nconst addToPrincipalPolicyResult: iam.AddToPrincipalPolicyResult = {\n statementAdded: false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n policyDependable: dependable,\n};",
2045 "version": "0"
2046 }
2047 },
2048 "location": {
2049 "api": {
2050 "api": "type",
2051 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AddToPrincipalPolicyResult"
2052 },
2053 "field": {
2054 "field": "example"
2055 }
2056 },
2057 "didCompile": true,
2058 "fqnsReferenced": [
2059 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AddToPrincipalPolicyResult",
2060 "@aws-cdk/core.IDependable"
2061 ],
2062 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const dependable: cdk.IDependable;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst addToPrincipalPolicyResult: iam.AddToPrincipalPolicyResult = {\n statementAdded: false,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n policyDependable: dependable,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2063 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2064 "10": 2,
2065 "75": 11,
2066 "91": 1,
2067 "130": 1,
2068 "153": 2,
2069 "169": 2,
2070 "193": 1,
2071 "225": 2,
2072 "242": 2,
2073 "243": 2,
2074 "254": 2,
2075 "255": 2,
2076 "256": 2,
2077 "281": 2,
2078 "290": 1
2079 },
2080 "fqnsFingerprint": "12e85fd706399845a081c89b98c16b28dcd0e843be408c8e2a435fa954e84d8b"
2081 },
2082 "92f8f6080e8554809a372707d2c75b8f8442b5a430984c1565d3ad812a24285c": {
2083 "translations": {
2084 "python": {
2085 "source": "bucket = s3.Bucket.from_bucket_name(self, \"existingBucket\", \"bucket-name\")\n\n# No policy statement will be added to the resource\nresult = bucket.add_to_resource_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"s3:GetObject\"],\n resources=[bucket.arn_for_objects(\"file.txt\")],\n principals=[iam.AccountRootPrincipal()]\n))",
2086 "version": "2"
2087 },
2088 "csharp": {
2089 "source": "IBucket bucket = Bucket.FromBucketName(this, \"existingBucket\", \"bucket-name\");\n\n// No policy statement will be added to the resource\nAddToResourcePolicyResult result = bucket.AddToResourcePolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"s3:GetObject\" },\n Resources = new [] { bucket.ArnForObjects(\"file.txt\") },\n Principals = new [] { new AccountRootPrincipal() }\n}));",
2090 "version": "1"
2091 },
2092 "java": {
2093 "source": "IBucket bucket = Bucket.fromBucketName(this, \"existingBucket\", \"bucket-name\");\n\n// No policy statement will be added to the resource\nAddToResourcePolicyResult result = bucket.addToResourcePolicy(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"s3:GetObject\"))\n .resources(List.of(bucket.arnForObjects(\"file.txt\")))\n .principals(List.of(new AccountRootPrincipal()))\n .build());",
2094 "version": "1"
2095 },
2096 "go": {
2097 "source": "bucket := s3.bucket.fromBucketName(this, jsii.String(\"existingBucket\"), jsii.String(\"bucket-name\"))\n\n// No policy statement will be added to the resource\nresult := bucket.addToResourcePolicy(iam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"s3:GetObject\"),\n\t},\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\tbucket.arnForObjects(jsii.String(\"file.txt\")),\n\t},\n\tprincipals: []iPrincipal{\n\t\tiam.NewAccountRootPrincipal(),\n\t},\n}))",
2098 "version": "1"
2099 },
2100 "$": {
2101 "source": "const bucket = s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'existingBucket', 'bucket-name');\n\n// No policy statement will be added to the resource\nconst result = bucket.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['s3:GetObject'],\n resources: [bucket.arnForObjects('file.txt')],\n principals: [new iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n}));",
2102 "version": "0"
2103 }
2104 },
2105 "location": {
2106 "api": {
2107 "api": "type",
2108 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AddToResourcePolicyResult"
2109 },
2110 "field": {
2111 "field": "example"
2112 }
2113 },
2114 "didCompile": true,
2115 "fqnsReferenced": [
2116 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountRootPrincipal",
2117 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AddToResourcePolicyResult",
2118 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
2119 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
2120 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
2121 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket#fromBucketName",
2122 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
2123 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket#addToResourcePolicy",
2124 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket#arnForObjects",
2125 "constructs.Construct"
2126 ],
2127 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\nimport kms = require('@aws-cdk/aws-kms');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport s3n = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3-notifications');\nimport sns = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sns');\nimport sqs = require('@aws-cdk/aws-sqs');\nimport assert = require('assert');\n\nclass Fixture extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst bucket = s3.Bucket.fromBucketName(this, 'existingBucket', 'bucket-name');\n\n// No policy statement will be added to the resource\nconst result = bucket.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['s3:GetObject'],\n resources: [bucket.arnForObjects('file.txt')],\n principals: [new iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2128 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2129 "10": 4,
2130 "75": 16,
2131 "104": 1,
2132 "192": 3,
2133 "193": 1,
2134 "194": 6,
2135 "196": 3,
2136 "197": 2,
2137 "225": 2,
2138 "242": 2,
2139 "243": 2,
2140 "281": 3
2141 },
2142 "fqnsFingerprint": "4a22b3abdaec767737dad35503037c1a6ef123d7fc35b711b17563e160f46580"
2143 },
2144 "f11292a9a3f2076c471c889145e135aea2323a8e903c4629aea97e2810563e96": {
2145 "translations": {
2146 "python": {
2147 "source": "topic = sns.Topic(self, \"Topic\")\ntopic_policy = sns.TopicPolicy(self, \"TopicPolicy\",\n topics=[topic]\n)\n\ntopic_policy.document.add_statements(iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"sns:Subscribe\"],\n principals=[iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n resources=[topic.topic_arn]\n))",
2148 "version": "2"
2149 },
2150 "csharp": {
2151 "source": "Topic topic = new Topic(this, \"Topic\");\nTopicPolicy topicPolicy = new TopicPolicy(this, \"TopicPolicy\", new TopicPolicyProps {\n Topics = new [] { topic }\n});\n\ntopicPolicy.Document.AddStatements(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"sns:Subscribe\" },\n Principals = new [] { new AnyPrincipal() },\n Resources = new [] { topic.TopicArn }\n}));",
2152 "version": "1"
2153 },
2154 "java": {
2155 "source": "Topic topic = new Topic(this, \"Topic\");\nTopicPolicy topicPolicy = TopicPolicy.Builder.create(this, \"TopicPolicy\")\n .topics(List.of(topic))\n .build();\n\ntopicPolicy.document.addStatements(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"sns:Subscribe\"))\n .principals(List.of(new AnyPrincipal()))\n .resources(List.of(topic.getTopicArn()))\n .build());",
2156 "version": "1"
2157 },
2158 "go": {
2159 "source": "topic := sns.NewTopic(this, jsii.String(\"Topic\"))\ntopicPolicy := sns.NewTopicPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"TopicPolicy\"), &topicPolicyProps{\n\ttopics: []iTopic{\n\t\ttopic,\n\t},\n})\n\ntopicPolicy.document.addStatements(iam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"sns:Subscribe\"),\n\t},\n\tprincipals: []iPrincipal{\n\t\tiam.NewAnyPrincipal(),\n\t},\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\ttopic.topicArn,\n\t},\n}))",
2160 "version": "1"
2161 },
2162 "$": {
2163 "source": "const topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'Topic');\nconst topicPolicy = new sns.TopicPolicy(this, 'TopicPolicy', {\n topics: [topic],\n});\n\ntopicPolicy.document.addStatements(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [\"sns:Subscribe\"],\n principals: [new iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n resources: [topic.topicArn],\n}));",
2164 "version": "0"
2165 }
2166 },
2167 "location": {
2168 "api": {
2169 "api": "type",
2170 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AnyPrincipal"
2171 },
2172 "field": {
2173 "field": "example"
2174 }
2175 },
2176 "didCompile": true,
2177 "fqnsReferenced": [
2178 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AnyPrincipal",
2179 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument#addStatements",
2180 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
2181 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
2182 "@aws-cdk/aws-sns.Topic",
2183 "@aws-cdk/aws-sns.Topic#topicArn",
2184 "@aws-cdk/aws-sns.TopicPolicy",
2185 "@aws-cdk/aws-sns.TopicPolicy#document",
2186 "@aws-cdk/aws-sns.TopicPolicyProps",
2187 "constructs.Construct"
2188 ],
2189 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs';\nimport * as subscriptions from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns-subscriptions';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst topic = new sns.Topic(this, 'Topic');\nconst topicPolicy = new sns.TopicPolicy(this, 'TopicPolicy', {\n topics: [topic],\n});\n\ntopicPolicy.document.addStatements(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [\"sns:Subscribe\"],\n principals: [new iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n resources: [topic.topicArn],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2190 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2191 "10": 3,
2192 "75": 20,
2193 "104": 2,
2194 "192": 4,
2195 "193": 2,
2196 "194": 7,
2197 "196": 1,
2198 "197": 4,
2199 "225": 2,
2200 "226": 1,
2201 "242": 2,
2202 "243": 2,
2203 "281": 4
2204 },
2205 "fqnsFingerprint": "65af37bccb6a0832b946357f9d68912dd1f4e51f6b657f47f25621cebe5f13ec"
2206 },
2207 "705c3f3bd0152b40c2faf0b4ea9a7769e319e95b324a7c6b8bce306e3e99c605": {
2208 "translations": {
2209 "python": {
2210 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\nanyone = iam.Anyone()",
2211 "version": "2"
2212 },
2213 "csharp": {
2214 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nAnyone anyone = new Anyone();",
2215 "version": "1"
2216 },
2217 "java": {
2218 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nAnyone anyone = new Anyone();",
2219 "version": "1"
2220 },
2221 "go": {
2222 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nanyone := iam.NewAnyone()",
2223 "version": "1"
2224 },
2225 "$": {
2226 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst anyone = new iam.Anyone();",
2227 "version": "0"
2228 }
2229 },
2230 "location": {
2231 "api": {
2232 "api": "type",
2233 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Anyone"
2234 },
2235 "field": {
2236 "field": "example"
2237 }
2238 },
2239 "didCompile": true,
2240 "fqnsReferenced": [
2241 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Anyone"
2242 ],
2243 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst anyone = new iam.Anyone();\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2244 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2245 "10": 1,
2246 "75": 4,
2247 "194": 1,
2248 "197": 1,
2249 "225": 1,
2250 "242": 1,
2251 "243": 1,
2252 "254": 1,
2253 "255": 1,
2254 "256": 1,
2255 "290": 1
2256 },
2257 "fqnsFingerprint": "28cc8d879eddd4e39ead9bb92240648c2e35fd5765132dc1259a2afdae00f3f2"
2258 },
2259 "923fff3d8558f3eaaddcfa70206a010821f424edad1821d2bb0581c7306baa4a": {
2260 "translations": {
2261 "python": {
2262 "source": "# network_load_balancer1: elbv2.NetworkLoadBalancer\n# network_load_balancer2: elbv2.NetworkLoadBalancer\n\n\nec2.VpcEndpointService(self, \"EndpointService\",\n vpc_endpoint_service_load_balancers=[network_load_balancer1, network_load_balancer2],\n acceptance_required=True,\n allowed_principals=[iam.ArnPrincipal(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root\")]\n)",
2263 "version": "2"
2264 },
2265 "csharp": {
2266 "source": "NetworkLoadBalancer networkLoadBalancer1;\nNetworkLoadBalancer networkLoadBalancer2;\n\n\nnew VpcEndpointService(this, \"EndpointService\", new VpcEndpointServiceProps {\n VpcEndpointServiceLoadBalancers = new [] { networkLoadBalancer1, networkLoadBalancer2 },\n AcceptanceRequired = true,\n AllowedPrincipals = new [] { new ArnPrincipal(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root\") }\n});",
2267 "version": "1"
2268 },
2269 "java": {
2270 "source": "NetworkLoadBalancer networkLoadBalancer1;\nNetworkLoadBalancer networkLoadBalancer2;\n\n\nVpcEndpointService.Builder.create(this, \"EndpointService\")\n .vpcEndpointServiceLoadBalancers(List.of(networkLoadBalancer1, networkLoadBalancer2))\n .acceptanceRequired(true)\n .allowedPrincipals(List.of(new ArnPrincipal(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root\")))\n .build();",
2271 "version": "1"
2272 },
2273 "go": {
2274 "source": "var networkLoadBalancer1 networkLoadBalancer\nvar networkLoadBalancer2 networkLoadBalancer\n\n\nec2.NewVpcEndpointService(this, jsii.String(\"EndpointService\"), &vpcEndpointServiceProps{\n\tvpcEndpointServiceLoadBalancers: []iVpcEndpointServiceLoadBalancer{\n\t\tnetworkLoadBalancer1,\n\t\tnetworkLoadBalancer2,\n\t},\n\tacceptanceRequired: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\tallowedPrincipals: []arnPrincipal{\n\t\tiam.NewArnPrincipal(jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root\")),\n\t},\n})",
2275 "version": "1"
2276 },
2277 "$": {
2278 "source": "declare const networkLoadBalancer1: elbv2.NetworkLoadBalancer;\ndeclare const networkLoadBalancer2: elbv2.NetworkLoadBalancer;\n\nnew ec2.VpcEndpointService(this, 'EndpointService', {\n vpcEndpointServiceLoadBalancers: [networkLoadBalancer1, networkLoadBalancer2],\n acceptanceRequired: true,\n allowedPrincipals: [new iam.ArnPrincipal('arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root')]\n});",
2279 "version": "0"
2280 }
2281 },
2282 "location": {
2283 "api": {
2284 "api": "type",
2285 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ArnPrincipal"
2286 },
2287 "field": {
2288 "field": "example"
2289 }
2290 },
2291 "didCompile": true,
2292 "fqnsReferenced": [
2293 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.VpcEndpointService",
2294 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.VpcEndpointServiceProps",
2295 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ArnPrincipal",
2296 "constructs.Construct"
2297 ],
2298 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const networkLoadBalancer1: elbv2.NetworkLoadBalancer;\ndeclare const networkLoadBalancer2: elbv2.NetworkLoadBalancer;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Aspects, Construct, Duration, Fn, Size, Stack, StackProps } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport logs = require('@aws-cdk/aws-logs');\nimport ssm = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ssm');\nimport autoscaling = require('@aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling');\nimport elbv2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2');\nimport rds = require('@aws-cdk/aws-rds');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew ec2.VpcEndpointService(this, 'EndpointService', {\n vpcEndpointServiceLoadBalancers: [networkLoadBalancer1, networkLoadBalancer2],\n acceptanceRequired: true,\n allowedPrincipals: [new iam.ArnPrincipal('arn:aws:iam::123456789012:root')]\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2299 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2300 "10": 2,
2301 "75": 15,
2302 "104": 1,
2303 "106": 1,
2304 "130": 2,
2305 "153": 2,
2306 "169": 2,
2307 "192": 2,
2308 "193": 1,
2309 "194": 2,
2310 "197": 2,
2311 "225": 2,
2312 "226": 1,
2313 "242": 2,
2314 "243": 2,
2315 "281": 3,
2316 "290": 1
2317 },
2318 "fqnsFingerprint": "bd02394de110b9b58206765188c3b8621a0d6fda2c92c6c3c9c9a77626966f95"
2319 },
2320 "e9963537f4d2f20407186ba35efb0116ff570beacd61fbdeb255fce2ac58e5f5": {
2321 "translations": {
2322 "python": {
2323 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncanonical_user_principal = iam.CanonicalUserPrincipal(\"canonicalUserId\")",
2324 "version": "2"
2325 },
2326 "csharp": {
2327 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCanonicalUserPrincipal canonicalUserPrincipal = new CanonicalUserPrincipal(\"canonicalUserId\");",
2328 "version": "1"
2329 },
2330 "java": {
2331 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCanonicalUserPrincipal canonicalUserPrincipal = new CanonicalUserPrincipal(\"canonicalUserId\");",
2332 "version": "1"
2333 },
2334 "go": {
2335 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncanonicalUserPrincipal := iam.NewCanonicalUserPrincipal(jsii.String(\"canonicalUserId\"))",
2336 "version": "1"
2337 },
2338 "$": {
2339 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst canonicalUserPrincipal = new iam.CanonicalUserPrincipal('canonicalUserId');",
2340 "version": "0"
2341 }
2342 },
2343 "location": {
2344 "api": {
2345 "api": "type",
2346 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CanonicalUserPrincipal"
2347 },
2348 "field": {
2349 "field": "example"
2350 }
2351 },
2352 "didCompile": true,
2353 "fqnsReferenced": [
2354 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CanonicalUserPrincipal"
2355 ],
2356 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst canonicalUserPrincipal = new iam.CanonicalUserPrincipal('canonicalUserId');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2357 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2358 "10": 2,
2359 "75": 4,
2360 "194": 1,
2361 "197": 1,
2362 "225": 1,
2363 "242": 1,
2364 "243": 1,
2365 "254": 1,
2366 "255": 1,
2367 "256": 1,
2368 "290": 1
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2371 },
2372 "6295d4278936d208ba1426c307582cd9d2737bbd66acfa0cbea83d8d261299c5": {
2373 "translations": {
2374 "python": {
2375 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_access_key = iam.CfnAccessKey(self, \"MyCfnAccessKey\",\n user_name=\"userName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n serial=123,\n status=\"status\"\n)",
2376 "version": "2"
2377 },
2378 "csharp": {
2379 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnAccessKey cfnAccessKey = new CfnAccessKey(this, \"MyCfnAccessKey\", new CfnAccessKeyProps {\n UserName = \"userName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Serial = 123,\n Status = \"status\"\n});",
2380 "version": "1"
2381 },
2382 "java": {
2383 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnAccessKey cfnAccessKey = CfnAccessKey.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnAccessKey\")\n .userName(\"userName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .serial(123)\n .status(\"status\")\n .build();",
2384 "version": "1"
2385 },
2386 "go": {
2387 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnAccessKey := iam.NewCfnAccessKey(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnAccessKey\"), &cfnAccessKeyProps{\n\tuserName: jsii.String(\"userName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tserial: jsii.Number(123),\n\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n})",
2388 "version": "1"
2389 },
2390 "$": {
2391 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnAccessKey = new iam.CfnAccessKey(this, 'MyCfnAccessKey', {\n userName: 'userName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n serial: 123,\n status: 'status',\n});",
2392 "version": "0"
2393 }
2394 },
2395 "location": {
2396 "api": {
2397 "api": "type",
2398 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnAccessKey"
2399 },
2400 "field": {
2401 "field": "example"
2402 }
2403 },
2404 "didCompile": true,
2405 "fqnsReferenced": [
2406 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnAccessKey",
2407 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnAccessKeyProps",
2408 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2409 ],
2410 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnAccessKey = new iam.CfnAccessKey(this, 'MyCfnAccessKey', {\n userName: 'userName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n serial: 123,\n status: 'status',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2411 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2412 "8": 1,
2413 "10": 4,
2414 "75": 7,
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2416 "193": 1,
2417 "194": 1,
2418 "197": 1,
2419 "225": 1,
2420 "242": 1,
2421 "243": 1,
2422 "254": 1,
2423 "255": 1,
2424 "256": 1,
2425 "281": 3,
2426 "290": 1
2427 },
2428 "fqnsFingerprint": "8bc1597bc140e7dab56ff7ed967e13ef2fc528260dc3d4087ae17109b25a2261"
2429 },
2430 "e46e5d597a04b2ba031d1d6cb0473d004982d76befcd7134f40a378f537373d8": {
2431 "translations": {
2432 "python": {
2433 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_access_key_props = iam.CfnAccessKeyProps(\n user_name=\"userName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n serial=123,\n status=\"status\"\n)",
2434 "version": "2"
2435 },
2436 "csharp": {
2437 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnAccessKeyProps cfnAccessKeyProps = new CfnAccessKeyProps {\n UserName = \"userName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Serial = 123,\n Status = \"status\"\n};",
2438 "version": "1"
2439 },
2440 "java": {
2441 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnAccessKeyProps cfnAccessKeyProps = CfnAccessKeyProps.builder()\n .userName(\"userName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .serial(123)\n .status(\"status\")\n .build();",
2442 "version": "1"
2443 },
2444 "go": {
2445 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnAccessKeyProps := &cfnAccessKeyProps{\n\tuserName: jsii.String(\"userName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tserial: jsii.Number(123),\n\tstatus: jsii.String(\"status\"),\n}",
2446 "version": "1"
2447 },
2448 "$": {
2449 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnAccessKeyProps: iam.CfnAccessKeyProps = {\n userName: 'userName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n serial: 123,\n status: 'status',\n};",
2450 "version": "0"
2451 }
2452 },
2453 "location": {
2454 "api": {
2455 "api": "type",
2456 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnAccessKeyProps"
2457 },
2458 "field": {
2459 "field": "example"
2460 }
2461 },
2462 "didCompile": true,
2463 "fqnsReferenced": [
2464 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnAccessKeyProps"
2465 ],
2466 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnAccessKeyProps: iam.CfnAccessKeyProps = {\n userName: 'userName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n serial: 123,\n status: 'status',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2467 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2468 "8": 1,
2469 "10": 3,
2470 "75": 7,
2471 "153": 1,
2472 "169": 1,
2473 "193": 1,
2474 "225": 1,
2475 "242": 1,
2476 "243": 1,
2477 "254": 1,
2478 "255": 1,
2479 "256": 1,
2480 "281": 3,
2481 "290": 1
2482 },
2483 "fqnsFingerprint": "2ccf90967a2b833f4816bf58e72a3259d34620022406ccc0bf1156f881540c0c"
2484 },
2485 "836c917aa87541ef552d6a2d9509419ed2765c2c9f2b236a57c73340dcf8a498": {
2486 "translations": {
2487 "python": {
2488 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_group = iam.CfnGroup(self, \"MyCfnGroup\",\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n managed_policy_arns=[\"managedPolicyArns\"],\n path=\"path\",\n policies=[iam.CfnGroup.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n )]\n)",
2489 "version": "2"
2490 },
2491 "csharp": {
2492 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnGroup cfnGroup = new CfnGroup(this, \"MyCfnGroup\", new CfnGroupProps {\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n ManagedPolicyArns = new [] { \"managedPolicyArns\" },\n Path = \"path\",\n Policies = new [] { new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n } }\n});",
2493 "version": "1"
2494 },
2495 "java": {
2496 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnGroup cfnGroup = CfnGroup.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnGroup\")\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .managedPolicyArns(List.of(\"managedPolicyArns\"))\n .path(\"path\")\n .policies(List.of(PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
2497 "version": "1"
2498 },
2499 "go": {
2500 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnGroup := iam.NewCfnGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnGroup\"), &cfnGroupProps{\n\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\tmanagedPolicyArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"managedPolicyArns\"),\n\t},\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tpolicies: []interface{}{\n\t\t&policyProperty{\n\t\t\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\t\t\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
2501 "version": "1"
2502 },
2503 "$": {
2504 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnGroup = new iam.CfnGroup(this, 'MyCfnGroup', /* all optional props */ {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n path: 'path',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n});",
2505 "version": "0"
2506 }
2507 },
2508 "location": {
2509 "api": {
2510 "api": "type",
2511 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnGroup"
2512 },
2513 "field": {
2514 "field": "example"
2515 }
2516 },
2517 "didCompile": true,
2518 "fqnsReferenced": [
2519 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnGroup",
2520 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnGroupProps",
2521 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2522 ],
2523 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnGroup = new iam.CfnGroup(this, 'MyCfnGroup', /* all optional props */ {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n path: 'path',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2524 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2525 "10": 6,
2526 "75": 12,
2527 "104": 1,
2528 "125": 1,
2529 "130": 1,
2530 "192": 2,
2531 "193": 2,
2532 "194": 1,
2533 "197": 1,
2534 "225": 2,
2535 "242": 2,
2536 "243": 2,
2537 "254": 1,
2538 "255": 1,
2539 "256": 1,
2540 "281": 6,
2541 "290": 1
2542 },
2543 "fqnsFingerprint": "4b93bc69dac16313fb9cdd6ad7a794b36cbd92486046cbb5bb54069c84cdc704"
2544 },
2545 "d500287d1a152c047f213e7b96275fc04b95c04ea60f6cfa83295cacd7196c18": {
2546 "translations": {
2547 "python": {
2548 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\npolicy_property = iam.CfnGroup.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n)",
2549 "version": "2"
2550 },
2551 "csharp": {
2552 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nPolicyProperty policyProperty = new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n};",
2553 "version": "1"
2554 },
2555 "java": {
2556 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nPolicyProperty policyProperty = PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build();",
2557 "version": "1"
2558 },
2559 "go": {
2560 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\npolicyProperty := &policyProperty{\n\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n}",
2561 "version": "1"
2562 },
2563 "$": {
2564 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst policyProperty: iam.CfnGroup.PolicyProperty = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n};",
2565 "version": "0"
2566 }
2567 },
2568 "location": {
2569 "api": {
2570 "api": "type",
2571 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnGroup.PolicyProperty"
2572 },
2573 "field": {
2574 "field": "example"
2575 }
2576 },
2577 "didCompile": true,
2578 "fqnsReferenced": [
2579 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnGroup.PolicyProperty"
2580 ],
2581 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst policyProperty: iam.CfnGroup.PolicyProperty = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2582 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2583 "10": 2,
2584 "75": 9,
2585 "125": 1,
2586 "130": 1,
2587 "153": 2,
2588 "169": 1,
2589 "193": 1,
2590 "225": 2,
2591 "242": 2,
2592 "243": 2,
2593 "254": 1,
2594 "255": 1,
2595 "256": 1,
2596 "281": 2,
2597 "290": 1
2598 },
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2602 "translations": {
2603 "python": {
2604 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_group_props = iam.CfnGroupProps(\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n managed_policy_arns=[\"managedPolicyArns\"],\n path=\"path\",\n policies=[iam.CfnGroup.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n )]\n)",
2605 "version": "2"
2606 },
2607 "csharp": {
2608 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnGroupProps cfnGroupProps = new CfnGroupProps {\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n ManagedPolicyArns = new [] { \"managedPolicyArns\" },\n Path = \"path\",\n Policies = new [] { new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n } }\n};",
2609 "version": "1"
2610 },
2611 "java": {
2612 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnGroupProps cfnGroupProps = CfnGroupProps.builder()\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .managedPolicyArns(List.of(\"managedPolicyArns\"))\n .path(\"path\")\n .policies(List.of(PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
2613 "version": "1"
2614 },
2615 "go": {
2616 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnGroupProps := &cfnGroupProps{\n\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\tmanagedPolicyArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"managedPolicyArns\"),\n\t},\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tpolicies: []interface{}{\n\t\t&policyProperty{\n\t\t\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\t\t\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
2617 "version": "1"
2618 },
2619 "$": {
2620 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnGroupProps: iam.CfnGroupProps = {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n path: 'path',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n};",
2621 "version": "0"
2622 }
2623 },
2624 "location": {
2625 "api": {
2626 "api": "type",
2627 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnGroupProps"
2628 },
2629 "field": {
2630 "field": "example"
2631 }
2632 },
2633 "didCompile": true,
2634 "fqnsReferenced": [
2635 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnGroupProps"
2636 ],
2637 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnGroupProps: iam.CfnGroupProps = {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n path: 'path',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2638 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2639 "10": 5,
2640 "75": 12,
2641 "125": 1,
2642 "130": 1,
2643 "153": 1,
2644 "169": 1,
2645 "192": 2,
2646 "193": 2,
2647 "225": 2,
2648 "242": 2,
2649 "243": 2,
2650 "254": 1,
2651 "255": 1,
2652 "256": 1,
2653 "281": 6,
2654 "290": 1
2655 },
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2657 },
2658 "2c9e18092d183af7be0c8e2702e00311fb432cb0c2e855bf96bc10e03df1f311": {
2659 "translations": {
2660 "python": {
2661 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_instance_profile = iam.CfnInstanceProfile(self, \"MyCfnInstanceProfile\",\n roles=[\"roles\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n instance_profile_name=\"instanceProfileName\",\n path=\"path\"\n)",
2662 "version": "2"
2663 },
2664 "csharp": {
2665 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnInstanceProfile cfnInstanceProfile = new CfnInstanceProfile(this, \"MyCfnInstanceProfile\", new CfnInstanceProfileProps {\n Roles = new [] { \"roles\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n InstanceProfileName = \"instanceProfileName\",\n Path = \"path\"\n});",
2666 "version": "1"
2667 },
2668 "java": {
2669 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnInstanceProfile cfnInstanceProfile = CfnInstanceProfile.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnInstanceProfile\")\n .roles(List.of(\"roles\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .instanceProfileName(\"instanceProfileName\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build();",
2670 "version": "1"
2671 },
2672 "go": {
2673 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnInstanceProfile := iam.NewCfnInstanceProfile(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnInstanceProfile\"), &cfnInstanceProfileProps{\n\troles: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"roles\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tinstanceProfileName: jsii.String(\"instanceProfileName\"),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n})",
2674 "version": "1"
2675 },
2676 "$": {
2677 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnInstanceProfile = new iam.CfnInstanceProfile(this, 'MyCfnInstanceProfile', {\n roles: ['roles'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n instanceProfileName: 'instanceProfileName',\n path: 'path',\n});",
2678 "version": "0"
2679 }
2680 },
2681 "location": {
2682 "api": {
2683 "api": "type",
2684 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnInstanceProfile"
2685 },
2686 "field": {
2687 "field": "example"
2688 }
2689 },
2690 "didCompile": true,
2691 "fqnsReferenced": [
2692 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnInstanceProfile",
2693 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnInstanceProfileProps",
2694 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2695 ],
2696 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnInstanceProfile = new iam.CfnInstanceProfile(this, 'MyCfnInstanceProfile', {\n roles: ['roles'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n instanceProfileName: 'instanceProfileName',\n path: 'path',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2697 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2698 "10": 5,
2699 "75": 7,
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2709 "255": 1,
2710 "256": 1,
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2712 "290": 1
2713 },
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2715 },
2716 "f322f29e2c26c5fe8d4193321351e2c6e92fa05d6a734646e9c52459b081ad81": {
2717 "translations": {
2718 "python": {
2719 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_instance_profile_props = iam.CfnInstanceProfileProps(\n roles=[\"roles\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n instance_profile_name=\"instanceProfileName\",\n path=\"path\"\n)",
2720 "version": "2"
2721 },
2722 "csharp": {
2723 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnInstanceProfileProps cfnInstanceProfileProps = new CfnInstanceProfileProps {\n Roles = new [] { \"roles\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n InstanceProfileName = \"instanceProfileName\",\n Path = \"path\"\n};",
2724 "version": "1"
2725 },
2726 "java": {
2727 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnInstanceProfileProps cfnInstanceProfileProps = CfnInstanceProfileProps.builder()\n .roles(List.of(\"roles\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .instanceProfileName(\"instanceProfileName\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .build();",
2728 "version": "1"
2729 },
2730 "go": {
2731 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnInstanceProfileProps := &cfnInstanceProfileProps{\n\troles: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"roles\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tinstanceProfileName: jsii.String(\"instanceProfileName\"),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n}",
2732 "version": "1"
2733 },
2734 "$": {
2735 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnInstanceProfileProps: iam.CfnInstanceProfileProps = {\n roles: ['roles'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n instanceProfileName: 'instanceProfileName',\n path: 'path',\n};",
2736 "version": "0"
2737 }
2738 },
2739 "location": {
2740 "api": {
2741 "api": "type",
2742 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnInstanceProfileProps"
2743 },
2744 "field": {
2745 "field": "example"
2746 }
2747 },
2748 "didCompile": true,
2749 "fqnsReferenced": [
2750 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnInstanceProfileProps"
2751 ],
2752 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnInstanceProfileProps: iam.CfnInstanceProfileProps = {\n roles: ['roles'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n instanceProfileName: 'instanceProfileName',\n path: 'path',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2753 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2754 "10": 4,
2755 "75": 7,
2756 "153": 1,
2757 "169": 1,
2758 "192": 1,
2759 "193": 1,
2760 "225": 1,
2761 "242": 1,
2762 "243": 1,
2763 "254": 1,
2764 "255": 1,
2765 "256": 1,
2766 "281": 3,
2767 "290": 1
2768 },
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2770 },
2771 "a65042bda11f96598aac54fd77f1c165bb7398bda466bead72cccff6ef9f8212": {
2772 "translations": {
2773 "python": {
2774 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_managed_policy = iam.CfnManagedPolicy(self, \"MyCfnManagedPolicy\",\n policy_document=policy_document,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n description=\"description\",\n groups=[\"groups\"],\n managed_policy_name=\"managedPolicyName\",\n path=\"path\",\n roles=[\"roles\"],\n users=[\"users\"]\n)",
2775 "version": "2"
2776 },
2777 "csharp": {
2778 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnManagedPolicy cfnManagedPolicy = new CfnManagedPolicy(this, \"MyCfnManagedPolicy\", new CfnManagedPolicyProps {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Description = \"description\",\n Groups = new [] { \"groups\" },\n ManagedPolicyName = \"managedPolicyName\",\n Path = \"path\",\n Roles = new [] { \"roles\" },\n Users = new [] { \"users\" }\n});",
2779 "version": "1"
2780 },
2781 "java": {
2782 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnManagedPolicy cfnManagedPolicy = CfnManagedPolicy.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnManagedPolicy\")\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .description(\"description\")\n .groups(List.of(\"groups\"))\n .managedPolicyName(\"managedPolicyName\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .roles(List.of(\"roles\"))\n .users(List.of(\"users\"))\n .build();",
2783 "version": "1"
2784 },
2785 "go": {
2786 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnManagedPolicy := iam.NewCfnManagedPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnManagedPolicy\"), &cfnManagedPolicyProps{\n\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tgroups: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"groups\"),\n\t},\n\tmanagedPolicyName: jsii.String(\"managedPolicyName\"),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\troles: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"roles\"),\n\t},\n\tusers: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"users\"),\n\t},\n})",
2787 "version": "1"
2788 },
2789 "$": {
2790 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnManagedPolicy = new iam.CfnManagedPolicy(this, 'MyCfnManagedPolicy', {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n groups: ['groups'],\n managedPolicyName: 'managedPolicyName',\n path: 'path',\n roles: ['roles'],\n users: ['users'],\n});",
2791 "version": "0"
2792 }
2793 },
2794 "location": {
2795 "api": {
2796 "api": "type",
2797 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnManagedPolicy"
2798 },
2799 "field": {
2800 "field": "example"
2801 }
2802 },
2803 "didCompile": true,
2804 "fqnsReferenced": [
2805 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnManagedPolicy",
2806 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnManagedPolicyProps",
2807 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2808 ],
2809 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnManagedPolicy = new iam.CfnManagedPolicy(this, 'MyCfnManagedPolicy', {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n groups: ['groups'],\n managedPolicyName: 'managedPolicyName',\n path: 'path',\n roles: ['roles'],\n users: ['users'],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2810 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2811 "10": 8,
2812 "75": 13,
2813 "104": 1,
2814 "125": 1,
2815 "130": 1,
2816 "192": 3,
2817 "193": 1,
2818 "194": 1,
2819 "197": 1,
2820 "225": 2,
2821 "242": 2,
2822 "243": 2,
2823 "254": 1,
2824 "255": 1,
2825 "256": 1,
2826 "281": 7,
2827 "290": 1
2828 },
2829 "fqnsFingerprint": "6f83b8507f3ef07dc17cb65b047e71f8ca305d64e7380abee49faa5c945dec0a"
2830 },
2831 "a196ac881c0b58ffe672508524e03b18a58fa8d770b04b8970ca4d4cac457750": {
2832 "translations": {
2833 "python": {
2834 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_managed_policy_props = iam.CfnManagedPolicyProps(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n description=\"description\",\n groups=[\"groups\"],\n managed_policy_name=\"managedPolicyName\",\n path=\"path\",\n roles=[\"roles\"],\n users=[\"users\"]\n)",
2835 "version": "2"
2836 },
2837 "csharp": {
2838 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnManagedPolicyProps cfnManagedPolicyProps = new CfnManagedPolicyProps {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Description = \"description\",\n Groups = new [] { \"groups\" },\n ManagedPolicyName = \"managedPolicyName\",\n Path = \"path\",\n Roles = new [] { \"roles\" },\n Users = new [] { \"users\" }\n};",
2839 "version": "1"
2840 },
2841 "java": {
2842 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnManagedPolicyProps cfnManagedPolicyProps = CfnManagedPolicyProps.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .description(\"description\")\n .groups(List.of(\"groups\"))\n .managedPolicyName(\"managedPolicyName\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .roles(List.of(\"roles\"))\n .users(List.of(\"users\"))\n .build();",
2843 "version": "1"
2844 },
2845 "go": {
2846 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnManagedPolicyProps := &cfnManagedPolicyProps{\n\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tgroups: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"groups\"),\n\t},\n\tmanagedPolicyName: jsii.String(\"managedPolicyName\"),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\troles: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"roles\"),\n\t},\n\tusers: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"users\"),\n\t},\n}",
2847 "version": "1"
2848 },
2849 "$": {
2850 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnManagedPolicyProps: iam.CfnManagedPolicyProps = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n groups: ['groups'],\n managedPolicyName: 'managedPolicyName',\n path: 'path',\n roles: ['roles'],\n users: ['users'],\n};",
2851 "version": "0"
2852 }
2853 },
2854 "location": {
2855 "api": {
2856 "api": "type",
2857 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnManagedPolicyProps"
2858 },
2859 "field": {
2860 "field": "example"
2861 }
2862 },
2863 "didCompile": true,
2864 "fqnsReferenced": [
2865 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnManagedPolicyProps"
2866 ],
2867 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnManagedPolicyProps: iam.CfnManagedPolicyProps = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n groups: ['groups'],\n managedPolicyName: 'managedPolicyName',\n path: 'path',\n roles: ['roles'],\n users: ['users'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2868 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2869 "10": 7,
2870 "75": 13,
2871 "125": 1,
2872 "130": 1,
2873 "153": 1,
2874 "169": 1,
2875 "192": 3,
2876 "193": 1,
2877 "225": 2,
2878 "242": 2,
2879 "243": 2,
2880 "254": 1,
2881 "255": 1,
2882 "256": 1,
2883 "281": 7,
2884 "290": 1
2885 },
2886 "fqnsFingerprint": "9c01cf5187615a63736d60d4ccd1ba00107c52ee48cf08a2d8a2ed178ac8aff5"
2887 },
2888 "c699e23772c5e27e542e1313bee8000571fafea4da79da9cde7d34bb9cfd3118": {
2889 "translations": {
2890 "python": {
2891 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_oIDCProvider = iam.CfnOIDCProvider(self, \"MyCfnOIDCProvider\",\n thumbprint_list=[\"thumbprintList\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n client_id_list=[\"clientIdList\"],\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n url=\"url\"\n)",
2892 "version": "2"
2893 },
2894 "csharp": {
2895 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnOIDCProvider cfnOIDCProvider = new CfnOIDCProvider(this, \"MyCfnOIDCProvider\", new CfnOIDCProviderProps {\n ThumbprintList = new [] { \"thumbprintList\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ClientIdList = new [] { \"clientIdList\" },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n Url = \"url\"\n});",
2896 "version": "1"
2897 },
2898 "java": {
2899 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnOIDCProvider cfnOIDCProvider = CfnOIDCProvider.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnOIDCProvider\")\n .thumbprintList(List.of(\"thumbprintList\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .clientIdList(List.of(\"clientIdList\"))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .url(\"url\")\n .build();",
2900 "version": "1"
2901 },
2902 "go": {
2903 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnOIDCProvider := iam.NewCfnOIDCProvider(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnOIDCProvider\"), &cfnOIDCProviderProps{\n\tthumbprintList: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"thumbprintList\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tclientIdList: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"clientIdList\"),\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\turl: jsii.String(\"url\"),\n})",
2904 "version": "1"
2905 },
2906 "$": {
2907 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnOIDCProvider = new iam.CfnOIDCProvider(this, 'MyCfnOIDCProvider', {\n thumbprintList: ['thumbprintList'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n clientIdList: ['clientIdList'],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n url: 'url',\n});",
2908 "version": "0"
2909 }
2910 },
2911 "location": {
2912 "api": {
2913 "api": "type",
2914 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnOIDCProvider"
2915 },
2916 "field": {
2917 "field": "example"
2918 }
2919 },
2920 "didCompile": true,
2921 "fqnsReferenced": [
2922 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnOIDCProvider",
2923 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnOIDCProviderProps",
2924 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2925 ],
2926 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnOIDCProvider = new iam.CfnOIDCProvider(this, 'MyCfnOIDCProvider', {\n thumbprintList: ['thumbprintList'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n clientIdList: ['clientIdList'],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n url: 'url',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2927 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2928 "10": 7,
2929 "75": 10,
2930 "104": 1,
2931 "192": 3,
2932 "193": 2,
2933 "194": 1,
2934 "197": 1,
2935 "225": 1,
2936 "242": 1,
2937 "243": 1,
2938 "254": 1,
2939 "255": 1,
2940 "256": 1,
2941 "281": 6,
2942 "290": 1
2943 },
2944 "fqnsFingerprint": "917ea61c4331e535e93c4a0a79bd4b3cb5b19f75d2cbb14ab5e325da721811a2"
2945 },
2946 "f4ee7ad1907fa0fd4e749d995cc4bd28b6c1e150733f753f90a5e435a57cf492": {
2947 "translations": {
2948 "python": {
2949 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_oIDCProvider_props = iam.CfnOIDCProviderProps(\n thumbprint_list=[\"thumbprintList\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n client_id_list=[\"clientIdList\"],\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n url=\"url\"\n)",
2950 "version": "2"
2951 },
2952 "csharp": {
2953 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnOIDCProviderProps cfnOIDCProviderProps = new CfnOIDCProviderProps {\n ThumbprintList = new [] { \"thumbprintList\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ClientIdList = new [] { \"clientIdList\" },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n Url = \"url\"\n};",
2954 "version": "1"
2955 },
2956 "java": {
2957 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnOIDCProviderProps cfnOIDCProviderProps = CfnOIDCProviderProps.builder()\n .thumbprintList(List.of(\"thumbprintList\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .clientIdList(List.of(\"clientIdList\"))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .url(\"url\")\n .build();",
2958 "version": "1"
2959 },
2960 "go": {
2961 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnOIDCProviderProps := &cfnOIDCProviderProps{\n\tthumbprintList: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"thumbprintList\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tclientIdList: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"clientIdList\"),\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\turl: jsii.String(\"url\"),\n}",
2962 "version": "1"
2963 },
2964 "$": {
2965 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnOIDCProviderProps: iam.CfnOIDCProviderProps = {\n thumbprintList: ['thumbprintList'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n clientIdList: ['clientIdList'],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n url: 'url',\n};",
2966 "version": "0"
2967 }
2968 },
2969 "location": {
2970 "api": {
2971 "api": "type",
2972 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnOIDCProviderProps"
2973 },
2974 "field": {
2975 "field": "example"
2976 }
2977 },
2978 "didCompile": true,
2979 "fqnsReferenced": [
2980 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnOIDCProviderProps"
2981 ],
2982 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnOIDCProviderProps: iam.CfnOIDCProviderProps = {\n thumbprintList: ['thumbprintList'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n clientIdList: ['clientIdList'],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n url: 'url',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2983 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2984 "10": 6,
2985 "75": 10,
2986 "153": 1,
2987 "169": 1,
2988 "192": 3,
2989 "193": 2,
2990 "225": 1,
2991 "242": 1,
2992 "243": 1,
2993 "254": 1,
2994 "255": 1,
2995 "256": 1,
2996 "281": 6,
2997 "290": 1
2998 },
2999 "fqnsFingerprint": "69b5eee7b119fc892e7343d5d35b326407651efe919f3a19bfef59f2a2b13b34"
3000 },
3001 "5ea0e7e4cd51a7354463db0f98395f4414fc7aabe49b2369d48c54aedf27427b": {
3002 "translations": {
3003 "python": {
3004 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_policy = iam.CfnPolicy(self, \"MyCfnPolicy\",\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n groups=[\"groups\"],\n roles=[\"roles\"],\n users=[\"users\"]\n)",
3005 "version": "2"
3006 },
3007 "csharp": {
3008 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnPolicy cfnPolicy = new CfnPolicy(this, \"MyCfnPolicy\", new CfnPolicyProps {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Groups = new [] { \"groups\" },\n Roles = new [] { \"roles\" },\n Users = new [] { \"users\" }\n});",
3009 "version": "1"
3010 },
3011 "java": {
3012 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnPolicy cfnPolicy = CfnPolicy.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnPolicy\")\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .groups(List.of(\"groups\"))\n .roles(List.of(\"roles\"))\n .users(List.of(\"users\"))\n .build();",
3013 "version": "1"
3014 },
3015 "go": {
3016 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnPolicy := iam.NewCfnPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnPolicy\"), &cfnPolicyProps{\n\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tgroups: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"groups\"),\n\t},\n\troles: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"roles\"),\n\t},\n\tusers: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"users\"),\n\t},\n})",
3017 "version": "1"
3018 },
3019 "$": {
3020 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnPolicy = new iam.CfnPolicy(this, 'MyCfnPolicy', {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groups: ['groups'],\n roles: ['roles'],\n users: ['users'],\n});",
3021 "version": "0"
3022 }
3023 },
3024 "location": {
3025 "api": {
3026 "api": "type",
3027 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnPolicy"
3028 },
3029 "field": {
3030 "field": "example"
3031 }
3032 },
3033 "didCompile": true,
3034 "fqnsReferenced": [
3035 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnPolicy",
3036 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnPolicyProps",
3037 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3038 ],
3039 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnPolicy = new iam.CfnPolicy(this, 'MyCfnPolicy', {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groups: ['groups'],\n roles: ['roles'],\n users: ['users'],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3040 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3041 "10": 6,
3042 "75": 11,
3043 "104": 1,
3044 "125": 1,
3045 "130": 1,
3046 "192": 3,
3047 "193": 1,
3048 "194": 1,
3049 "197": 1,
3050 "225": 2,
3051 "242": 2,
3052 "243": 2,
3053 "254": 1,
3054 "255": 1,
3055 "256": 1,
3056 "281": 5,
3057 "290": 1
3058 },
3059 "fqnsFingerprint": "188e107fdd68e3a2bd20abbb437ee4ea4ee9e85fa055595ee730dbbc974e8231"
3060 },
3061 "5333b208d05e04d3f5f17bf98252e282e439f27cbd0c6ca92c90fe1d690d9f35": {
3062 "translations": {
3063 "python": {
3064 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_policy_props = iam.CfnPolicyProps(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n groups=[\"groups\"],\n roles=[\"roles\"],\n users=[\"users\"]\n)",
3065 "version": "2"
3066 },
3067 "csharp": {
3068 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnPolicyProps cfnPolicyProps = new CfnPolicyProps {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Groups = new [] { \"groups\" },\n Roles = new [] { \"roles\" },\n Users = new [] { \"users\" }\n};",
3069 "version": "1"
3070 },
3071 "java": {
3072 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnPolicyProps cfnPolicyProps = CfnPolicyProps.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .groups(List.of(\"groups\"))\n .roles(List.of(\"roles\"))\n .users(List.of(\"users\"))\n .build();",
3073 "version": "1"
3074 },
3075 "go": {
3076 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnPolicyProps := &cfnPolicyProps{\n\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tgroups: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"groups\"),\n\t},\n\troles: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"roles\"),\n\t},\n\tusers: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"users\"),\n\t},\n}",
3077 "version": "1"
3078 },
3079 "$": {
3080 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnPolicyProps: iam.CfnPolicyProps = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groups: ['groups'],\n roles: ['roles'],\n users: ['users'],\n};",
3081 "version": "0"
3082 }
3083 },
3084 "location": {
3085 "api": {
3086 "api": "type",
3087 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnPolicyProps"
3088 },
3089 "field": {
3090 "field": "example"
3091 }
3092 },
3093 "didCompile": true,
3094 "fqnsReferenced": [
3095 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnPolicyProps"
3096 ],
3097 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnPolicyProps: iam.CfnPolicyProps = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n groups: ['groups'],\n roles: ['roles'],\n users: ['users'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3098 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3099 "10": 5,
3100 "75": 11,
3101 "125": 1,
3102 "130": 1,
3103 "153": 1,
3104 "169": 1,
3105 "192": 3,
3106 "193": 1,
3107 "225": 2,
3108 "242": 2,
3109 "243": 2,
3110 "254": 1,
3111 "255": 1,
3112 "256": 1,
3113 "281": 5,
3114 "290": 1
3115 },
3116 "fqnsFingerprint": "5f211b1c1be2369fb800de64051aea2e1f1bb3cea82f3ba4a19fb666b383893a"
3117 },
3118 "d29703d1bef1277b54d64138bec56b96f46219d121a3b73d0a6daff0bd647b58": {
3119 "translations": {
3120 "python": {
3121 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# assume_role_policy_document: Any\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_role = iam.CfnRole(self, \"MyCfnRole\",\n assume_role_policy_document=assume_role_policy_document,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n description=\"description\",\n managed_policy_arns=[\"managedPolicyArns\"],\n max_session_duration=123,\n path=\"path\",\n permissions_boundary=\"permissionsBoundary\",\n policies=[iam.CfnRole.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n )],\n role_name=\"roleName\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3122 "version": "2"
3123 },
3124 "csharp": {
3125 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar assumeRolePolicyDocument;\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnRole cfnRole = new CfnRole(this, \"MyCfnRole\", new CfnRoleProps {\n AssumeRolePolicyDocument = assumeRolePolicyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Description = \"description\",\n ManagedPolicyArns = new [] { \"managedPolicyArns\" },\n MaxSessionDuration = 123,\n Path = \"path\",\n PermissionsBoundary = \"permissionsBoundary\",\n Policies = new [] { new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n } },\n RoleName = \"roleName\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n});",
3126 "version": "1"
3127 },
3128 "java": {
3129 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject assumeRolePolicyDocument;\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnRole cfnRole = CfnRole.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnRole\")\n .assumeRolePolicyDocument(assumeRolePolicyDocument)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .description(\"description\")\n .managedPolicyArns(List.of(\"managedPolicyArns\"))\n .maxSessionDuration(123)\n .path(\"path\")\n .permissionsBoundary(\"permissionsBoundary\")\n .policies(List.of(PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build()))\n .roleName(\"roleName\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3130 "version": "1"
3131 },
3132 "go": {
3133 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar assumeRolePolicyDocument interface{}\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnRole := iam.NewCfnRole(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnRole\"), &cfnRoleProps{\n\tassumeRolePolicyDocument: assumeRolePolicyDocument,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tmanagedPolicyArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"managedPolicyArns\"),\n\t},\n\tmaxSessionDuration: jsii.Number(123),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tpermissionsBoundary: jsii.String(\"permissionsBoundary\"),\n\tpolicies: []interface{}{\n\t\t&policyProperty{\n\t\t\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\t\t\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\troleName: jsii.String(\"roleName\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
3134 "version": "1"
3135 },
3136 "$": {
3137 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const assumeRolePolicyDocument: any;\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnRole = new iam.CfnRole(this, 'MyCfnRole', {\n assumeRolePolicyDocument: assumeRolePolicyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n maxSessionDuration: 123,\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: 'permissionsBoundary',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n roleName: 'roleName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});",
3138 "version": "0"
3139 }
3140 },
3141 "location": {
3142 "api": {
3143 "api": "type",
3144 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnRole"
3145 },
3146 "field": {
3147 "field": "example"
3148 }
3149 },
3150 "didCompile": true,
3151 "fqnsReferenced": [
3152 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnRole",
3153 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnRoleProps",
3154 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3155 ],
3156 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const assumeRolePolicyDocument: any;\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnRole = new iam.CfnRole(this, 'MyCfnRole', {\n assumeRolePolicyDocument: assumeRolePolicyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n maxSessionDuration: 123,\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: 'permissionsBoundary',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n roleName: 'roleName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3157 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3158 "8": 1,
3159 "10": 10,
3160 "75": 21,
3161 "104": 1,
3162 "125": 2,
3163 "130": 2,
3164 "192": 3,
3165 "193": 3,
3166 "194": 1,
3167 "197": 1,
3168 "225": 3,
3169 "242": 3,
3170 "243": 3,
3171 "254": 1,
3172 "255": 1,
3173 "256": 1,
3174 "281": 13,
3175 "290": 1
3176 },
3177 "fqnsFingerprint": "924fb5a722f9d765ec8fc96e094de347a5810946572bd9051423edb41206dadc"
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3179 "60bd70d3ebff62e3f2c80c68a6ca3e13672ea5a4dd26b6a5aeea1f191b188edd": {
3180 "translations": {
3181 "python": {
3182 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\npolicy_property = iam.CfnRole.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n)",
3183 "version": "2"
3184 },
3185 "csharp": {
3186 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nPolicyProperty policyProperty = new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n};",
3187 "version": "1"
3188 },
3189 "java": {
3190 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nPolicyProperty policyProperty = PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build();",
3191 "version": "1"
3192 },
3193 "go": {
3194 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\npolicyProperty := &policyProperty{\n\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n}",
3195 "version": "1"
3196 },
3197 "$": {
3198 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst policyProperty: iam.CfnRole.PolicyProperty = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n};",
3199 "version": "0"
3200 }
3201 },
3202 "location": {
3203 "api": {
3204 "api": "type",
3205 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnRole.PolicyProperty"
3206 },
3207 "field": {
3208 "field": "example"
3209 }
3210 },
3211 "didCompile": true,
3212 "fqnsReferenced": [
3213 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnRole.PolicyProperty"
3214 ],
3215 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst policyProperty: iam.CfnRole.PolicyProperty = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3216 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3217 "10": 2,
3218 "75": 9,
3219 "125": 1,
3220 "130": 1,
3221 "153": 2,
3222 "169": 1,
3223 "193": 1,
3224 "225": 2,
3225 "242": 2,
3226 "243": 2,
3227 "254": 1,
3228 "255": 1,
3229 "256": 1,
3230 "281": 2,
3231 "290": 1
3232 },
3233 "fqnsFingerprint": "6716b16769a1d4aab7ad5f0ab2750c0ab10bf5463829e78051bd8687d717813f"
3234 },
3235 "3301862f66b8a4fe11205fa54379c427068977dd567f4e3dc32abaae40f8fde0": {
3236 "translations": {
3237 "python": {
3238 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# assume_role_policy_document: Any\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_role_props = iam.CfnRoleProps(\n assume_role_policy_document=assume_role_policy_document,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n description=\"description\",\n managed_policy_arns=[\"managedPolicyArns\"],\n max_session_duration=123,\n path=\"path\",\n permissions_boundary=\"permissionsBoundary\",\n policies=[iam.CfnRole.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n )],\n role_name=\"roleName\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3239 "version": "2"
3240 },
3241 "csharp": {
3242 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar assumeRolePolicyDocument;\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnRoleProps cfnRoleProps = new CfnRoleProps {\n AssumeRolePolicyDocument = assumeRolePolicyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Description = \"description\",\n ManagedPolicyArns = new [] { \"managedPolicyArns\" },\n MaxSessionDuration = 123,\n Path = \"path\",\n PermissionsBoundary = \"permissionsBoundary\",\n Policies = new [] { new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n } },\n RoleName = \"roleName\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n};",
3243 "version": "1"
3244 },
3245 "java": {
3246 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject assumeRolePolicyDocument;\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnRoleProps cfnRoleProps = CfnRoleProps.builder()\n .assumeRolePolicyDocument(assumeRolePolicyDocument)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .description(\"description\")\n .managedPolicyArns(List.of(\"managedPolicyArns\"))\n .maxSessionDuration(123)\n .path(\"path\")\n .permissionsBoundary(\"permissionsBoundary\")\n .policies(List.of(PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build()))\n .roleName(\"roleName\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3247 "version": "1"
3248 },
3249 "go": {
3250 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar assumeRolePolicyDocument interface{}\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnRoleProps := &cfnRoleProps{\n\tassumeRolePolicyDocument: assumeRolePolicyDocument,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\tmanagedPolicyArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"managedPolicyArns\"),\n\t},\n\tmaxSessionDuration: jsii.Number(123),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tpermissionsBoundary: jsii.String(\"permissionsBoundary\"),\n\tpolicies: []interface{}{\n\t\t&policyProperty{\n\t\t\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\t\t\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\troleName: jsii.String(\"roleName\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
3251 "version": "1"
3252 },
3253 "$": {
3254 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const assumeRolePolicyDocument: any;\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnRoleProps: iam.CfnRoleProps = {\n assumeRolePolicyDocument: assumeRolePolicyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n maxSessionDuration: 123,\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: 'permissionsBoundary',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n roleName: 'roleName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};",
3255 "version": "0"
3256 }
3257 },
3258 "location": {
3259 "api": {
3260 "api": "type",
3261 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnRoleProps"
3262 },
3263 "field": {
3264 "field": "example"
3265 }
3266 },
3267 "didCompile": true,
3268 "fqnsReferenced": [
3269 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnRoleProps"
3270 ],
3271 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const assumeRolePolicyDocument: any;\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnRoleProps: iam.CfnRoleProps = {\n assumeRolePolicyDocument: assumeRolePolicyDocument,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n maxSessionDuration: 123,\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: 'permissionsBoundary',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n roleName: 'roleName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3272 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3273 "8": 1,
3274 "10": 9,
3275 "75": 21,
3276 "125": 2,
3277 "130": 2,
3278 "153": 1,
3279 "169": 1,
3280 "192": 3,
3281 "193": 3,
3282 "225": 3,
3283 "242": 3,
3284 "243": 3,
3285 "254": 1,
3286 "255": 1,
3287 "256": 1,
3288 "281": 13,
3289 "290": 1
3290 },
3291 "fqnsFingerprint": "29b7d9a193165d4e34caa3d67010c7fabfca2f81edb36e839eb7075df541f86a"
3292 },
3293 "f4e1e5b48da3e4a3b8a10987067d4021597b3d079672e08ea6bd77bd7cfb2793": {
3294 "translations": {
3295 "python": {
3296 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_sAMLProvider = iam.CfnSAMLProvider(self, \"MyCfnSAMLProvider\",\n saml_metadata_document=\"samlMetadataDocument\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n name=\"name\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3297 "version": "2"
3298 },
3299 "csharp": {
3300 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnSAMLProvider cfnSAMLProvider = new CfnSAMLProvider(this, \"MyCfnSAMLProvider\", new CfnSAMLProviderProps {\n SamlMetadataDocument = \"samlMetadataDocument\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Name = \"name\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n});",
3301 "version": "1"
3302 },
3303 "java": {
3304 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnSAMLProvider cfnSAMLProvider = CfnSAMLProvider.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnSAMLProvider\")\n .samlMetadataDocument(\"samlMetadataDocument\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .name(\"name\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3305 "version": "1"
3306 },
3307 "go": {
3308 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnSAMLProvider := iam.NewCfnSAMLProvider(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnSAMLProvider\"), &cfnSAMLProviderProps{\n\tsamlMetadataDocument: jsii.String(\"samlMetadataDocument\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
3309 "version": "1"
3310 },
3311 "$": {
3312 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnSAMLProvider = new iam.CfnSAMLProvider(this, 'MyCfnSAMLProvider', {\n samlMetadataDocument: 'samlMetadataDocument',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n name: 'name',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});",
3313 "version": "0"
3314 }
3315 },
3316 "location": {
3317 "api": {
3318 "api": "type",
3319 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnSAMLProvider"
3320 },
3321 "field": {
3322 "field": "example"
3323 }
3324 },
3325 "didCompile": true,
3326 "fqnsReferenced": [
3327 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnSAMLProvider",
3328 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnSAMLProviderProps",
3329 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3330 ],
3331 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnSAMLProvider = new iam.CfnSAMLProvider(this, 'MyCfnSAMLProvider', {\n samlMetadataDocument: 'samlMetadataDocument',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n name: 'name',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3332 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3333 "10": 6,
3334 "75": 9,
3335 "104": 1,
3336 "192": 1,
3337 "193": 2,
3338 "194": 1,
3339 "197": 1,
3340 "225": 1,
3341 "242": 1,
3342 "243": 1,
3343 "254": 1,
3344 "255": 1,
3345 "256": 1,
3346 "281": 5,
3347 "290": 1
3348 },
3349 "fqnsFingerprint": "a9fe3d15fdaf987c29604ce7c4ced822b3c54e17178953340fafa7487e7a4236"
3350 },
3351 "674428ba593f958669d767954be99c007eeb44cd93783c39481f574b92b6125f": {
3352 "translations": {
3353 "python": {
3354 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_sAMLProvider_props = iam.CfnSAMLProviderProps(\n saml_metadata_document=\"samlMetadataDocument\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n name=\"name\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3355 "version": "2"
3356 },
3357 "csharp": {
3358 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnSAMLProviderProps cfnSAMLProviderProps = new CfnSAMLProviderProps {\n SamlMetadataDocument = \"samlMetadataDocument\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Name = \"name\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n};",
3359 "version": "1"
3360 },
3361 "java": {
3362 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnSAMLProviderProps cfnSAMLProviderProps = CfnSAMLProviderProps.builder()\n .samlMetadataDocument(\"samlMetadataDocument\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .name(\"name\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3363 "version": "1"
3364 },
3365 "go": {
3366 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnSAMLProviderProps := &cfnSAMLProviderProps{\n\tsamlMetadataDocument: jsii.String(\"samlMetadataDocument\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
3367 "version": "1"
3368 },
3369 "$": {
3370 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnSAMLProviderProps: iam.CfnSAMLProviderProps = {\n samlMetadataDocument: 'samlMetadataDocument',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n name: 'name',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};",
3371 "version": "0"
3372 }
3373 },
3374 "location": {
3375 "api": {
3376 "api": "type",
3377 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnSAMLProviderProps"
3378 },
3379 "field": {
3380 "field": "example"
3381 }
3382 },
3383 "didCompile": true,
3384 "fqnsReferenced": [
3385 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnSAMLProviderProps"
3386 ],
3387 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnSAMLProviderProps: iam.CfnSAMLProviderProps = {\n samlMetadataDocument: 'samlMetadataDocument',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n name: 'name',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3388 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3389 "10": 5,
3390 "75": 9,
3391 "153": 1,
3392 "169": 1,
3393 "192": 1,
3394 "193": 2,
3395 "225": 1,
3396 "242": 1,
3397 "243": 1,
3398 "254": 1,
3399 "255": 1,
3400 "256": 1,
3401 "281": 5,
3402 "290": 1
3403 },
3404 "fqnsFingerprint": "3bb3eead2cf256d159eca3f146b68e4499d3896bfd69c4d44ba9ea2c904dae2b"
3405 },
3406 "f500bd169bc1b9d38d75fefa545b58ca2dddb667908c8eec9301cda145d0395e": {
3407 "translations": {
3408 "python": {
3409 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_server_certificate = iam.CfnServerCertificate(self, \"MyCfnServerCertificate\",\n certificate_body=\"certificateBody\",\n certificate_chain=\"certificateChain\",\n path=\"path\",\n private_key=\"privateKey\",\n server_certificate_name=\"serverCertificateName\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3410 "version": "2"
3411 },
3412 "csharp": {
3413 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnServerCertificate cfnServerCertificate = new CfnServerCertificate(this, \"MyCfnServerCertificate\", new CfnServerCertificateProps {\n CertificateBody = \"certificateBody\",\n CertificateChain = \"certificateChain\",\n Path = \"path\",\n PrivateKey = \"privateKey\",\n ServerCertificateName = \"serverCertificateName\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n});",
3414 "version": "1"
3415 },
3416 "java": {
3417 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnServerCertificate cfnServerCertificate = CfnServerCertificate.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnServerCertificate\")\n .certificateBody(\"certificateBody\")\n .certificateChain(\"certificateChain\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .privateKey(\"privateKey\")\n .serverCertificateName(\"serverCertificateName\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3418 "version": "1"
3419 },
3420 "go": {
3421 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnServerCertificate := iam.NewCfnServerCertificate(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnServerCertificate\"), &cfnServerCertificateProps{\n\tcertificateBody: jsii.String(\"certificateBody\"),\n\tcertificateChain: jsii.String(\"certificateChain\"),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tprivateKey: jsii.String(\"privateKey\"),\n\tserverCertificateName: jsii.String(\"serverCertificateName\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
3422 "version": "1"
3423 },
3424 "$": {
3425 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnServerCertificate = new iam.CfnServerCertificate(this, 'MyCfnServerCertificate', /* all optional props */ {\n certificateBody: 'certificateBody',\n certificateChain: 'certificateChain',\n path: 'path',\n privateKey: 'privateKey',\n serverCertificateName: 'serverCertificateName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});",
3426 "version": "0"
3427 }
3428 },
3429 "location": {
3430 "api": {
3431 "api": "type",
3432 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServerCertificate"
3433 },
3434 "field": {
3435 "field": "example"
3436 }
3437 },
3438 "didCompile": true,
3439 "fqnsReferenced": [
3440 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServerCertificate",
3441 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServerCertificateProps",
3442 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3443 ],
3444 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnServerCertificate = new iam.CfnServerCertificate(this, 'MyCfnServerCertificate', /* all optional props */ {\n certificateBody: 'certificateBody',\n certificateChain: 'certificateChain',\n path: 'path',\n privateKey: 'privateKey',\n serverCertificateName: 'serverCertificateName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3445 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3446 "10": 9,
3447 "75": 12,
3448 "104": 1,
3449 "192": 1,
3450 "193": 2,
3451 "194": 1,
3452 "197": 1,
3453 "225": 1,
3454 "242": 1,
3455 "243": 1,
3456 "254": 1,
3457 "255": 1,
3458 "256": 1,
3459 "281": 8,
3460 "290": 1
3461 },
3462 "fqnsFingerprint": "22e8341748bd1d5e9291fa699f94ba84dd94f34a8275a3caa24518d9ed9c1bd5"
3463 },
3464 "f27e7b85c5e2db09e94e0fa89d3418765cfc37a7601f5e0a76c093005afa941d": {
3465 "translations": {
3466 "python": {
3467 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_server_certificate_props = iam.CfnServerCertificateProps(\n certificate_body=\"certificateBody\",\n certificate_chain=\"certificateChain\",\n path=\"path\",\n private_key=\"privateKey\",\n server_certificate_name=\"serverCertificateName\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
3468 "version": "2"
3469 },
3470 "csharp": {
3471 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnServerCertificateProps cfnServerCertificateProps = new CfnServerCertificateProps {\n CertificateBody = \"certificateBody\",\n CertificateChain = \"certificateChain\",\n Path = \"path\",\n PrivateKey = \"privateKey\",\n ServerCertificateName = \"serverCertificateName\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n};",
3472 "version": "1"
3473 },
3474 "java": {
3475 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnServerCertificateProps cfnServerCertificateProps = CfnServerCertificateProps.builder()\n .certificateBody(\"certificateBody\")\n .certificateChain(\"certificateChain\")\n .path(\"path\")\n .privateKey(\"privateKey\")\n .serverCertificateName(\"serverCertificateName\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
3476 "version": "1"
3477 },
3478 "go": {
3479 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnServerCertificateProps := &cfnServerCertificateProps{\n\tcertificateBody: jsii.String(\"certificateBody\"),\n\tcertificateChain: jsii.String(\"certificateChain\"),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tprivateKey: jsii.String(\"privateKey\"),\n\tserverCertificateName: jsii.String(\"serverCertificateName\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
3480 "version": "1"
3481 },
3482 "$": {
3483 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnServerCertificateProps: iam.CfnServerCertificateProps = {\n certificateBody: 'certificateBody',\n certificateChain: 'certificateChain',\n path: 'path',\n privateKey: 'privateKey',\n serverCertificateName: 'serverCertificateName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};",
3484 "version": "0"
3485 }
3486 },
3487 "location": {
3488 "api": {
3489 "api": "type",
3490 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServerCertificateProps"
3491 },
3492 "field": {
3493 "field": "example"
3494 }
3495 },
3496 "didCompile": true,
3497 "fqnsReferenced": [
3498 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServerCertificateProps"
3499 ],
3500 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnServerCertificateProps: iam.CfnServerCertificateProps = {\n certificateBody: 'certificateBody',\n certificateChain: 'certificateChain',\n path: 'path',\n privateKey: 'privateKey',\n serverCertificateName: 'serverCertificateName',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3501 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3502 "10": 8,
3503 "75": 12,
3504 "153": 1,
3505 "169": 1,
3506 "192": 1,
3507 "193": 2,
3508 "225": 1,
3509 "242": 1,
3510 "243": 1,
3511 "254": 1,
3512 "255": 1,
3513 "256": 1,
3514 "281": 8,
3515 "290": 1
3516 },
3517 "fqnsFingerprint": "aee0b290c110e9ed4f50e4218a1c024daaa7986e275a2958461edb8377a7f915"
3518 },
3519 "9df87eaf4c3b1c5d1143ffd058a76e1a32119eaf70ebdf23cc2df20fad2ca459": {
3520 "translations": {
3521 "python": {
3522 "source": "slr = iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole(self, \"ElasticSLR\",\n aws_service_name=\"es.amazonaws.com\"\n)",
3523 "version": "2"
3524 },
3525 "csharp": {
3526 "source": "CfnServiceLinkedRole slr = new CfnServiceLinkedRole(this, \"ElasticSLR\", new CfnServiceLinkedRoleProps {\n AwsServiceName = \"es.amazonaws.com\"\n});",
3527 "version": "1"
3528 },
3529 "java": {
3530 "source": "CfnServiceLinkedRole slr = CfnServiceLinkedRole.Builder.create(this, \"ElasticSLR\")\n .awsServiceName(\"es.amazonaws.com\")\n .build();",
3531 "version": "1"
3532 },
3533 "go": {
3534 "source": "slr := iam.NewCfnServiceLinkedRole(this, jsii.String(\"ElasticSLR\"), &cfnServiceLinkedRoleProps{\n\tawsServiceName: jsii.String(\"es.amazonaws.com\"),\n})",
3535 "version": "1"
3536 },
3537 "$": {
3538 "source": "const slr = new iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole(this, 'ElasticSLR', {\n awsServiceName: 'es.amazonaws.com',\n});",
3539 "version": "0"
3540 }
3541 },
3542 "location": {
3543 "api": {
3544 "api": "type",
3545 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole"
3546 },
3547 "field": {
3548 "field": "example"
3549 }
3550 },
3551 "didCompile": true,
3552 "fqnsReferenced": [
3553 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole",
3554 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServiceLinkedRoleProps",
3555 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3556 ],
3557 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { RemovalPolicy, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core'; \nimport * as es from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticsearch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack { \n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst slr = new iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole(this, 'ElasticSLR', {\n awsServiceName: 'es.amazonaws.com',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
3558 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3559 "10": 2,
3560 "75": 4,
3561 "104": 1,
3562 "193": 1,
3563 "194": 1,
3564 "197": 1,
3565 "225": 1,
3566 "242": 1,
3567 "243": 1,
3568 "281": 1
3569 },
3570 "fqnsFingerprint": "6180e6715b98dc4c5671e9278fa77925c150afafb6e11021fb1410db628d5cf4"
3571 },
3572 "ec2300269c21f21cf5cbc4967204dde4db88930c4e9efcf944fd77c3b575985f": {
3573 "translations": {
3574 "python": {
3575 "source": "slr = iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole(self, \"ElasticSLR\",\n aws_service_name=\"es.amazonaws.com\"\n)",
3576 "version": "2"
3577 },
3578 "csharp": {
3579 "source": "CfnServiceLinkedRole slr = new CfnServiceLinkedRole(this, \"ElasticSLR\", new CfnServiceLinkedRoleProps {\n AwsServiceName = \"es.amazonaws.com\"\n});",
3580 "version": "1"
3581 },
3582 "java": {
3583 "source": "CfnServiceLinkedRole slr = CfnServiceLinkedRole.Builder.create(this, \"ElasticSLR\")\n .awsServiceName(\"es.amazonaws.com\")\n .build();",
3584 "version": "1"
3585 },
3586 "go": {
3587 "source": "slr := iam.NewCfnServiceLinkedRole(this, jsii.String(\"ElasticSLR\"), &cfnServiceLinkedRoleProps{\n\tawsServiceName: jsii.String(\"es.amazonaws.com\"),\n})",
3588 "version": "1"
3589 },
3590 "$": {
3591 "source": "const slr = new iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole(this, 'ElasticSLR', {\n awsServiceName: 'es.amazonaws.com',\n});",
3592 "version": "0"
3593 }
3594 },
3595 "location": {
3596 "api": {
3597 "api": "type",
3598 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServiceLinkedRoleProps"
3599 },
3600 "field": {
3601 "field": "example"
3602 }
3603 },
3604 "didCompile": true,
3605 "fqnsReferenced": [
3606 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole",
3607 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnServiceLinkedRoleProps",
3608 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3609 ],
3610 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { RemovalPolicy, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core'; \nimport * as es from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticsearch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack { \n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst slr = new iam.CfnServiceLinkedRole(this, 'ElasticSLR', {\n awsServiceName: 'es.amazonaws.com',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
3611 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3612 "10": 2,
3613 "75": 4,
3614 "104": 1,
3615 "193": 1,
3616 "194": 1,
3617 "197": 1,
3618 "225": 1,
3619 "242": 1,
3620 "243": 1,
3621 "281": 1
3622 },
3623 "fqnsFingerprint": "6180e6715b98dc4c5671e9278fa77925c150afafb6e11021fb1410db628d5cf4"
3624 },
3625 "bfd73c2dbdf4c5c560d98984124d89ac4c36c9b6f7cd7e7aecad86f00bcb4900": {
3626 "translations": {
3627 "python": {
3628 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_user = iam.CfnUser(self, \"MyCfnUser\",\n groups=[\"groups\"],\n login_profile=iam.CfnUser.LoginProfileProperty(\n password=\"password\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n password_reset_required=False\n ),\n managed_policy_arns=[\"managedPolicyArns\"],\n path=\"path\",\n permissions_boundary=\"permissionsBoundary\",\n policies=[iam.CfnUser.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n )],\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n user_name=\"userName\"\n)",
3629 "version": "2"
3630 },
3631 "csharp": {
3632 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnUser cfnUser = new CfnUser(this, \"MyCfnUser\", new CfnUserProps {\n Groups = new [] { \"groups\" },\n LoginProfile = new LoginProfileProperty {\n Password = \"password\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n PasswordResetRequired = false\n },\n ManagedPolicyArns = new [] { \"managedPolicyArns\" },\n Path = \"path\",\n PermissionsBoundary = \"permissionsBoundary\",\n Policies = new [] { new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n } },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n UserName = \"userName\"\n});",
3633 "version": "1"
3634 },
3635 "java": {
3636 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnUser cfnUser = CfnUser.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnUser\")\n .groups(List.of(\"groups\"))\n .loginProfile(LoginProfileProperty.builder()\n .password(\"password\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .passwordResetRequired(false)\n .build())\n .managedPolicyArns(List.of(\"managedPolicyArns\"))\n .path(\"path\")\n .permissionsBoundary(\"permissionsBoundary\")\n .policies(List.of(PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build()))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .userName(\"userName\")\n .build();",
3637 "version": "1"
3638 },
3639 "go": {
3640 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnUser := iam.NewCfnUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnUser\"), &cfnUserProps{\n\tgroups: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"groups\"),\n\t},\n\tloginProfile: &loginProfileProperty{\n\t\tpassword: jsii.String(\"password\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tpasswordResetRequired: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tmanagedPolicyArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"managedPolicyArns\"),\n\t},\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tpermissionsBoundary: jsii.String(\"permissionsBoundary\"),\n\tpolicies: []interface{}{\n\t\t&policyProperty{\n\t\t\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\t\t\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tuserName: jsii.String(\"userName\"),\n})",
3641 "version": "1"
3642 },
3643 "$": {
3644 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnUser = new iam.CfnUser(this, 'MyCfnUser', /* all optional props */ {\n groups: ['groups'],\n loginProfile: {\n password: 'password',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n passwordResetRequired: false,\n },\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: 'permissionsBoundary',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n userName: 'userName',\n});",
3645 "version": "0"
3646 }
3647 },
3648 "location": {
3649 "api": {
3650 "api": "type",
3651 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUser"
3652 },
3653 "field": {
3654 "field": "example"
3655 }
3656 },
3657 "didCompile": true,
3658 "fqnsReferenced": [
3659 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUser",
3660 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUserProps",
3661 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3662 ],
3663 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnUser = new iam.CfnUser(this, 'MyCfnUser', /* all optional props */ {\n groups: ['groups'],\n loginProfile: {\n password: 'password',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n passwordResetRequired: false,\n },\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: 'permissionsBoundary',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n userName: 'userName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3664 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3665 "10": 11,
3666 "75": 20,
3667 "91": 1,
3668 "104": 1,
3669 "125": 1,
3670 "130": 1,
3671 "192": 4,
3672 "193": 4,
3673 "194": 1,
3674 "197": 1,
3675 "225": 2,
3676 "242": 2,
3677 "243": 2,
3678 "254": 1,
3679 "255": 1,
3680 "256": 1,
3681 "281": 14,
3682 "290": 1
3683 },
3684 "fqnsFingerprint": "fd26a5864485943db67ea7d0bf7ac51ae4f983b1fcf0346214ffd00020a35a7b"
3685 },
3686 "e90fc2fd9c347035873c5f6a10afb7abea8e8b0313f6d7fa370391e8de2d020f": {
3687 "translations": {
3688 "python": {
3689 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\nlogin_profile_property = iam.CfnUser.LoginProfileProperty(\n password=\"password\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n password_reset_required=False\n)",
3690 "version": "2"
3691 },
3692 "csharp": {
3693 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nLoginProfileProperty loginProfileProperty = new LoginProfileProperty {\n Password = \"password\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n PasswordResetRequired = false\n};",
3694 "version": "1"
3695 },
3696 "java": {
3697 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nLoginProfileProperty loginProfileProperty = LoginProfileProperty.builder()\n .password(\"password\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .passwordResetRequired(false)\n .build();",
3698 "version": "1"
3699 },
3700 "go": {
3701 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nloginProfileProperty := &loginProfileProperty{\n\tpassword: jsii.String(\"password\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tpasswordResetRequired: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
3702 "version": "1"
3703 },
3704 "$": {
3705 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst loginProfileProperty: iam.CfnUser.LoginProfileProperty = {\n password: 'password',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n passwordResetRequired: false,\n};",
3706 "version": "0"
3707 }
3708 },
3709 "location": {
3710 "api": {
3711 "api": "type",
3712 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUser.LoginProfileProperty"
3713 },
3714 "field": {
3715 "field": "example"
3716 }
3717 },
3718 "didCompile": true,
3719 "fqnsReferenced": [
3720 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUser.LoginProfileProperty"
3721 ],
3722 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst loginProfileProperty: iam.CfnUser.LoginProfileProperty = {\n password: 'password',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n passwordResetRequired: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3723 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3724 "10": 2,
3725 "75": 7,
3726 "91": 1,
3727 "153": 2,
3728 "169": 1,
3729 "193": 1,
3730 "225": 1,
3731 "242": 1,
3732 "243": 1,
3733 "254": 1,
3734 "255": 1,
3735 "256": 1,
3736 "281": 2,
3737 "290": 1
3738 },
3739 "fqnsFingerprint": "eaae99089b80f2da9a844a0efd949035b0c9e4b93994a7d541dfc9ea5fd03052"
3740 },
3741 "7a511304b6c3352b32ac0a0b154073386c2d875589f3d3815e15f93428191bcb": {
3742 "translations": {
3743 "python": {
3744 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\npolicy_property = iam.CfnUser.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n)",
3745 "version": "2"
3746 },
3747 "csharp": {
3748 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nPolicyProperty policyProperty = new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n};",
3749 "version": "1"
3750 },
3751 "java": {
3752 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nPolicyProperty policyProperty = PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build();",
3753 "version": "1"
3754 },
3755 "go": {
3756 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\npolicyProperty := &policyProperty{\n\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n}",
3757 "version": "1"
3758 },
3759 "$": {
3760 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst policyProperty: iam.CfnUser.PolicyProperty = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n};",
3761 "version": "0"
3762 }
3763 },
3764 "location": {
3765 "api": {
3766 "api": "type",
3767 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUser.PolicyProperty"
3768 },
3769 "field": {
3770 "field": "example"
3771 }
3772 },
3773 "didCompile": true,
3774 "fqnsReferenced": [
3775 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUser.PolicyProperty"
3776 ],
3777 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst policyProperty: iam.CfnUser.PolicyProperty = {\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3778 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3779 "10": 2,
3780 "75": 9,
3781 "125": 1,
3782 "130": 1,
3783 "153": 2,
3784 "169": 1,
3785 "193": 1,
3786 "225": 2,
3787 "242": 2,
3788 "243": 2,
3789 "254": 1,
3790 "255": 1,
3791 "256": 1,
3792 "281": 2,
3793 "290": 1
3794 },
3795 "fqnsFingerprint": "ed648784663251999e86451863c3e8fdf4c239824a33f7618333e5f0c9a9aed1"
3796 },
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3798 "translations": {
3799 "python": {
3800 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# policy_document: Any\n\ncfn_user_props = iam.CfnUserProps(\n groups=[\"groups\"],\n login_profile=iam.CfnUser.LoginProfileProperty(\n password=\"password\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n password_reset_required=False\n ),\n managed_policy_arns=[\"managedPolicyArns\"],\n path=\"path\",\n permissions_boundary=\"permissionsBoundary\",\n policies=[iam.CfnUser.PolicyProperty(\n policy_document=policy_document,\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n )],\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n user_name=\"userName\"\n)",
3801 "version": "2"
3802 },
3803 "csharp": {
3804 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar policyDocument;\n\nCfnUserProps cfnUserProps = new CfnUserProps {\n Groups = new [] { \"groups\" },\n LoginProfile = new LoginProfileProperty {\n Password = \"password\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n PasswordResetRequired = false\n },\n ManagedPolicyArns = new [] { \"managedPolicyArns\" },\n Path = \"path\",\n PermissionsBoundary = \"permissionsBoundary\",\n Policies = new [] { new PolicyProperty {\n PolicyDocument = policyDocument,\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n } },\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n UserName = \"userName\"\n};",
3805 "version": "1"
3806 },
3807 "java": {
3808 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject policyDocument;\n\nCfnUserProps cfnUserProps = CfnUserProps.builder()\n .groups(List.of(\"groups\"))\n .loginProfile(LoginProfileProperty.builder()\n .password(\"password\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .passwordResetRequired(false)\n .build())\n .managedPolicyArns(List.of(\"managedPolicyArns\"))\n .path(\"path\")\n .permissionsBoundary(\"permissionsBoundary\")\n .policies(List.of(PolicyProperty.builder()\n .policyDocument(policyDocument)\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build()))\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .userName(\"userName\")\n .build();",
3809 "version": "1"
3810 },
3811 "go": {
3812 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar policyDocument interface{}\n\ncfnUserProps := &cfnUserProps{\n\tgroups: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"groups\"),\n\t},\n\tloginProfile: &loginProfileProperty{\n\t\tpassword: jsii.String(\"password\"),\n\n\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\tpasswordResetRequired: jsii.Boolean(false),\n\t},\n\tmanagedPolicyArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"managedPolicyArns\"),\n\t},\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tpermissionsBoundary: jsii.String(\"permissionsBoundary\"),\n\tpolicies: []interface{}{\n\t\t&policyProperty{\n\t\t\tpolicyDocument: policyDocument,\n\t\t\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tuserName: jsii.String(\"userName\"),\n}",
3813 "version": "1"
3814 },
3815 "$": {
3816 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\nconst cfnUserProps: iam.CfnUserProps = {\n groups: ['groups'],\n loginProfile: {\n password: 'password',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n passwordResetRequired: false,\n },\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: 'permissionsBoundary',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n userName: 'userName',\n};",
3817 "version": "0"
3818 }
3819 },
3820 "location": {
3821 "api": {
3822 "api": "type",
3823 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUserProps"
3824 },
3825 "field": {
3826 "field": "example"
3827 }
3828 },
3829 "didCompile": true,
3830 "fqnsReferenced": [
3831 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUserProps"
3832 ],
3833 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const policyDocument: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnUserProps: iam.CfnUserProps = {\n groups: ['groups'],\n loginProfile: {\n password: 'password',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n passwordResetRequired: false,\n },\n managedPolicyArns: ['managedPolicyArns'],\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: 'permissionsBoundary',\n policies: [{\n policyDocument: policyDocument,\n policyName: 'policyName',\n }],\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n userName: 'userName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3834 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3835 "10": 10,
3836 "75": 20,
3837 "91": 1,
3838 "125": 1,
3839 "130": 1,
3840 "153": 1,
3841 "169": 1,
3842 "192": 4,
3843 "193": 4,
3844 "225": 2,
3845 "242": 2,
3846 "243": 2,
3847 "254": 1,
3848 "255": 1,
3849 "256": 1,
3850 "281": 14,
3851 "290": 1
3852 },
3853 "fqnsFingerprint": "d2fde249cef81418664985a20bc2e3dafffe8477d712205eeb17661ca1980a3a"
3854 },
3855 "ecc91ad8d9dd8c5e5a97da4756842ba10d3e66adfd8d860bb33710208dfa11a2": {
3856 "translations": {
3857 "python": {
3858 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_user_to_group_addition = iam.CfnUserToGroupAddition(self, \"MyCfnUserToGroupAddition\",\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n users=[\"users\"]\n)",
3859 "version": "2"
3860 },
3861 "csharp": {
3862 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnUserToGroupAddition cfnUserToGroupAddition = new CfnUserToGroupAddition(this, \"MyCfnUserToGroupAddition\", new CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps {\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n Users = new [] { \"users\" }\n});",
3863 "version": "1"
3864 },
3865 "java": {
3866 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnUserToGroupAddition cfnUserToGroupAddition = CfnUserToGroupAddition.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnUserToGroupAddition\")\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .users(List.of(\"users\"))\n .build();",
3867 "version": "1"
3868 },
3869 "go": {
3870 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnUserToGroupAddition := iam.NewCfnUserToGroupAddition(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnUserToGroupAddition\"), &cfnUserToGroupAdditionProps{\n\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\tusers: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"users\"),\n\t},\n})",
3871 "version": "1"
3872 },
3873 "$": {
3874 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnUserToGroupAddition = new iam.CfnUserToGroupAddition(this, 'MyCfnUserToGroupAddition', {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n users: ['users'],\n});",
3875 "version": "0"
3876 }
3877 },
3878 "location": {
3879 "api": {
3880 "api": "type",
3881 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUserToGroupAddition"
3882 },
3883 "field": {
3884 "field": "example"
3885 }
3886 },
3887 "didCompile": true,
3888 "fqnsReferenced": [
3889 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUserToGroupAddition",
3890 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps",
3891 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3892 ],
3893 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnUserToGroupAddition = new iam.CfnUserToGroupAddition(this, 'MyCfnUserToGroupAddition', {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n users: ['users'],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3894 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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3896 "75": 6,
3897 "104": 1,
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3899 "193": 1,
3900 "194": 1,
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3902 "225": 1,
3903 "242": 1,
3904 "243": 1,
3905 "254": 1,
3906 "255": 1,
3907 "256": 1,
3908 "281": 2,
3909 "290": 1
3910 },
3911 "fqnsFingerprint": "680b22495d6e034e72f2fcbe6a6347eb70351cec54022bbcdfc58716f0f42958"
3912 },
3913 "200d8cc30ce76131f63e636adaf615df336a1ec940d7c9eb3a80ca5cfa2ac5dc": {
3914 "translations": {
3915 "python": {
3916 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_user_to_group_addition_props = iam.CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps(\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n users=[\"users\"]\n)",
3917 "version": "2"
3918 },
3919 "csharp": {
3920 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnUserToGroupAdditionProps cfnUserToGroupAdditionProps = new CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps {\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n Users = new [] { \"users\" }\n};",
3921 "version": "1"
3922 },
3923 "java": {
3924 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnUserToGroupAdditionProps cfnUserToGroupAdditionProps = CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps.builder()\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .users(List.of(\"users\"))\n .build();",
3925 "version": "1"
3926 },
3927 "go": {
3928 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnUserToGroupAdditionProps := &cfnUserToGroupAdditionProps{\n\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\tusers: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"users\"),\n\t},\n}",
3929 "version": "1"
3930 },
3931 "$": {
3932 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnUserToGroupAdditionProps: iam.CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps = {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n users: ['users'],\n};",
3933 "version": "0"
3934 }
3935 },
3936 "location": {
3937 "api": {
3938 "api": "type",
3939 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps"
3940 },
3941 "field": {
3942 "field": "example"
3943 }
3944 },
3945 "didCompile": true,
3946 "fqnsReferenced": [
3947 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps"
3948 ],
3949 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnUserToGroupAdditionProps: iam.CfnUserToGroupAdditionProps = {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n users: ['users'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3950 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3951 "10": 3,
3952 "75": 6,
3953 "153": 1,
3954 "169": 1,
3955 "192": 1,
3956 "193": 1,
3957 "225": 1,
3958 "242": 1,
3959 "243": 1,
3960 "254": 1,
3961 "255": 1,
3962 "256": 1,
3963 "281": 2,
3964 "290": 1
3965 },
3966 "fqnsFingerprint": "0b5c455734f0afbbccab5dc20cd5ead16545e53422e34421e3cbf221605286eb"
3967 },
3968 "aad1d70b036a4d72885c3dbde4030d30ce88cd18c28793443052764222daa0e6": {
3969 "translations": {
3970 "python": {
3971 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_virtual_mFADevice = iam.CfnVirtualMFADevice(self, \"MyCfnVirtualMFADevice\",\n users=[\"users\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n path=\"path\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n virtual_mfa_device_name=\"virtualMfaDeviceName\"\n)",
3972 "version": "2"
3973 },
3974 "csharp": {
3975 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnVirtualMFADevice cfnVirtualMFADevice = new CfnVirtualMFADevice(this, \"MyCfnVirtualMFADevice\", new CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps {\n Users = new [] { \"users\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Path = \"path\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n VirtualMfaDeviceName = \"virtualMfaDeviceName\"\n});",
3976 "version": "1"
3977 },
3978 "java": {
3979 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnVirtualMFADevice cfnVirtualMFADevice = CfnVirtualMFADevice.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnVirtualMFADevice\")\n .users(List.of(\"users\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .path(\"path\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .virtualMfaDeviceName(\"virtualMfaDeviceName\")\n .build();",
3980 "version": "1"
3981 },
3982 "go": {
3983 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnVirtualMFADevice := iam.NewCfnVirtualMFADevice(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnVirtualMFADevice\"), &cfnVirtualMFADeviceProps{\n\tusers: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"users\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tvirtualMfaDeviceName: jsii.String(\"virtualMfaDeviceName\"),\n})",
3984 "version": "1"
3985 },
3986 "$": {
3987 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnVirtualMFADevice = new iam.CfnVirtualMFADevice(this, 'MyCfnVirtualMFADevice', {\n users: ['users'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n path: 'path',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n virtualMfaDeviceName: 'virtualMfaDeviceName',\n});",
3988 "version": "0"
3989 }
3990 },
3991 "location": {
3992 "api": {
3993 "api": "type",
3994 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnVirtualMFADevice"
3995 },
3996 "field": {
3997 "field": "example"
3998 }
3999 },
4000 "didCompile": true,
4001 "fqnsReferenced": [
4002 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnVirtualMFADevice",
4003 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps",
4004 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
4005 ],
4006 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnVirtualMFADevice = new iam.CfnVirtualMFADevice(this, 'MyCfnVirtualMFADevice', {\n users: ['users'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n path: 'path',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n virtualMfaDeviceName: 'virtualMfaDeviceName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4007 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4008 "10": 7,
4009 "75": 10,
4010 "104": 1,
4011 "192": 2,
4012 "193": 2,
4013 "194": 1,
4014 "197": 1,
4015 "225": 1,
4016 "242": 1,
4017 "243": 1,
4018 "254": 1,
4019 "255": 1,
4020 "256": 1,
4021 "281": 6,
4022 "290": 1
4023 },
4024 "fqnsFingerprint": "b3eafc879f9420fdbe0280c8d26a859c46d005390b018a5dfac98b8b82e08a19"
4025 },
4026 "4f08a8e1e7766bb785aecbd0c603e6d0c8824945ac87b04c5b2f97b1d57bff7b": {
4027 "translations": {
4028 "python": {
4029 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncfn_virtual_mFADevice_props = iam.CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps(\n users=[\"users\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n path=\"path\",\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n virtual_mfa_device_name=\"virtualMfaDeviceName\"\n)",
4030 "version": "2"
4031 },
4032 "csharp": {
4033 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nCfnVirtualMFADeviceProps cfnVirtualMFADeviceProps = new CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps {\n Users = new [] { \"users\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Path = \"path\",\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n VirtualMfaDeviceName = \"virtualMfaDeviceName\"\n};",
4034 "version": "1"
4035 },
4036 "java": {
4037 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nCfnVirtualMFADeviceProps cfnVirtualMFADeviceProps = CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps.builder()\n .users(List.of(\"users\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .path(\"path\")\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .virtualMfaDeviceName(\"virtualMfaDeviceName\")\n .build();",
4038 "version": "1"
4039 },
4040 "go": {
4041 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncfnVirtualMFADeviceProps := &cfnVirtualMFADeviceProps{\n\tusers: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"users\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tvirtualMfaDeviceName: jsii.String(\"virtualMfaDeviceName\"),\n}",
4042 "version": "1"
4043 },
4044 "$": {
4045 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst cfnVirtualMFADeviceProps: iam.CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps = {\n users: ['users'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n path: 'path',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n virtualMfaDeviceName: 'virtualMfaDeviceName',\n};",
4046 "version": "0"
4047 }
4048 },
4049 "location": {
4050 "api": {
4051 "api": "type",
4052 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps"
4053 },
4054 "field": {
4055 "field": "example"
4056 }
4057 },
4058 "didCompile": true,
4059 "fqnsReferenced": [
4060 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps"
4061 ],
4062 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnVirtualMFADeviceProps: iam.CfnVirtualMFADeviceProps = {\n users: ['users'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n path: 'path',\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n virtualMfaDeviceName: 'virtualMfaDeviceName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4063 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4064 "10": 6,
4065 "75": 10,
4066 "153": 1,
4067 "169": 1,
4068 "192": 2,
4069 "193": 2,
4070 "225": 1,
4071 "242": 1,
4072 "243": 1,
4073 "254": 1,
4074 "255": 1,
4075 "256": 1,
4076 "281": 6,
4077 "290": 1
4078 },
4079 "fqnsFingerprint": "1771dbca8e167555578a88ba816da2780769419b33bdad212eecc4ddaab5f897"
4080 },
4081 "e8a06707e4af3132a13988f552b3b9e081db89ebaaa52807bd8b06cd3fe3e8ef": {
4082 "translations": {
4083 "python": {
4084 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# grantable: iam.IGrantable\n\ncommon_grant_options = iam.CommonGrantOptions(\n actions=[\"actions\"],\n grantee=grantable,\n resource_arns=[\"resourceArns\"]\n)",
4085 "version": "2"
4086 },
4087 "csharp": {
4088 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nIGrantable grantable;\n\nCommonGrantOptions commonGrantOptions = new CommonGrantOptions {\n Actions = new [] { \"actions\" },\n Grantee = grantable,\n ResourceArns = new [] { \"resourceArns\" }\n};",
4089 "version": "1"
4090 },
4091 "java": {
4092 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nIGrantable grantable;\n\nCommonGrantOptions commonGrantOptions = CommonGrantOptions.builder()\n .actions(List.of(\"actions\"))\n .grantee(grantable)\n .resourceArns(List.of(\"resourceArns\"))\n .build();",
4093 "version": "1"
4094 },
4095 "go": {
4096 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar grantable iGrantable\n\ncommonGrantOptions := &commonGrantOptions{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"actions\"),\n\t},\n\tgrantee: grantable,\n\tresourceArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"resourceArns\"),\n\t},\n}",
4097 "version": "1"
4098 },
4099 "$": {
4100 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const grantable: iam.IGrantable;\nconst commonGrantOptions: iam.CommonGrantOptions = {\n actions: ['actions'],\n grantee: grantable,\n resourceArns: ['resourceArns'],\n};",
4101 "version": "0"
4102 }
4103 },
4104 "location": {
4105 "api": {
4106 "api": "type",
4107 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CommonGrantOptions"
4108 },
4109 "field": {
4110 "field": "example"
4111 }
4112 },
4113 "didCompile": true,
4114 "fqnsReferenced": [
4115 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CommonGrantOptions",
4116 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
4117 ],
4118 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const grantable: iam.IGrantable;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst commonGrantOptions: iam.CommonGrantOptions = {\n actions: ['actions'],\n grantee: grantable,\n resourceArns: ['resourceArns'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4119 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4120 "10": 3,
4121 "75": 11,
4122 "130": 1,
4123 "153": 2,
4124 "169": 2,
4125 "192": 2,
4126 "193": 1,
4127 "225": 2,
4128 "242": 2,
4129 "243": 2,
4130 "254": 1,
4131 "255": 1,
4132 "256": 1,
4133 "281": 3,
4134 "290": 1
4135 },
4136 "fqnsFingerprint": "7a02c9a25cf2f4939de78551a719962d7f798f4e03e7e04ef6787831adbaa150"
4137 },
4138 "f8ea93a2546936a9fd31a6d1c5fc7515ba2cfa36fd4632747ee685d9d6bcbe25": {
4139 "translations": {
4140 "python": {
4141 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\ncomparable_principal = iam.ComparablePrincipal()",
4142 "version": "2"
4143 },
4144 "csharp": {
4145 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nComparablePrincipal comparablePrincipal = new ComparablePrincipal();",
4146 "version": "1"
4147 },
4148 "java": {
4149 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nComparablePrincipal comparablePrincipal = new ComparablePrincipal();",
4150 "version": "1"
4151 },
4152 "go": {
4153 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\ncomparablePrincipal := iam.NewComparablePrincipal()",
4154 "version": "1"
4155 },
4156 "$": {
4157 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst comparablePrincipal = new iam.ComparablePrincipal();",
4158 "version": "0"
4159 }
4160 },
4161 "location": {
4162 "api": {
4163 "api": "type",
4164 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ComparablePrincipal"
4165 },
4166 "field": {
4167 "field": "example"
4168 }
4169 },
4170 "didCompile": true,
4171 "fqnsReferenced": [
4172 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ComparablePrincipal"
4173 ],
4174 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst comparablePrincipal = new iam.ComparablePrincipal();\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4175 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4176 "10": 1,
4177 "75": 4,
4178 "194": 1,
4179 "197": 1,
4180 "225": 1,
4181 "242": 1,
4182 "243": 1,
4183 "254": 1,
4184 "255": 1,
4185 "256": 1,
4186 "290": 1
4187 },
4188 "fqnsFingerprint": "2f0e9c1a061fde8f32ec0189be76bde889289f25cbcafb4738b326de1a9e20c8"
4189 },
4190 "8fa5d3a9c530df7b8d21e7d61b09348385ae5fbd45e3435afa86cd2e4b0219ec": {
4191 "translations": {
4192 "python": {
4193 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# dependable: cdk.IDependable\n\ncomposite_dependable = iam.CompositeDependable(dependable)",
4194 "version": "2"
4195 },
4196 "csharp": {
4197 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nIDependable dependable;\nCompositeDependable compositeDependable = new CompositeDependable(dependable);",
4198 "version": "1"
4199 },
4200 "java": {
4201 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nIDependable dependable;\n\nCompositeDependable compositeDependable = new CompositeDependable(dependable);",
4202 "version": "1"
4203 },
4204 "go": {
4205 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar dependable iDependable\n\ncompositeDependable := iam.NewCompositeDependable(dependable)",
4206 "version": "1"
4207 },
4208 "$": {
4209 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const dependable: cdk.IDependable;\nconst compositeDependable = new iam.CompositeDependable(dependable);",
4210 "version": "0"
4211 }
4212 },
4213 "location": {
4214 "api": {
4215 "api": "type",
4216 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CompositeDependable"
4217 },
4218 "field": {
4219 "field": "example"
4220 }
4221 },
4222 "didCompile": true,
4223 "fqnsReferenced": [
4224 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CompositeDependable",
4225 "@aws-cdk/core.IDependable"
4226 ],
4227 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const dependable: cdk.IDependable;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst compositeDependable = new iam.CompositeDependable(dependable);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4228 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4229 "10": 2,
4230 "75": 9,
4231 "130": 1,
4232 "153": 1,
4233 "169": 1,
4234 "194": 1,
4235 "197": 1,
4236 "225": 2,
4237 "242": 2,
4238 "243": 2,
4239 "254": 2,
4240 "255": 2,
4241 "256": 2,
4242 "290": 1
4243 },
4244 "fqnsFingerprint": "44882fcd6d92309ded2135c05fadbb52f8fffcb4f5a33bc5c32ce8191ec98a25"
4245 },
4246 "c473ecf8777a9001f626453de09a2c03acdfd0f568a7221699034ff87b89295e": {
4247 "translations": {
4248 "python": {
4249 "source": "role = iam.Role(self, \"MyRole\",\n assumed_by=iam.CompositePrincipal(\n iam.ServicePrincipal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"),\n iam.AccountPrincipal(\"1818188181818187272\"))\n)",
4250 "version": "2"
4251 },
4252 "csharp": {
4253 "source": "Role role = new Role(this, \"MyRole\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new CompositePrincipal(\n new ServicePrincipal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"),\n new AccountPrincipal(\"1818188181818187272\"))\n});",
4254 "version": "1"
4255 },
4256 "java": {
4257 "source": "Role role = Role.Builder.create(this, \"MyRole\")\n .assumedBy(new CompositePrincipal(\n new ServicePrincipal(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"),\n new AccountPrincipal(\"1818188181818187272\")))\n .build();",
4258 "version": "1"
4259 },
4260 "go": {
4261 "source": "role := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"MyRole\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewCompositePrincipal(\n\tiam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\")),\n\tiam.NewAccountPrincipal(jsii.String(\"1818188181818187272\"))),\n})",
4262 "version": "1"
4263 },
4264 "$": {
4265 "source": "const role = new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {\n assumedBy: new iam.CompositePrincipal(\n new iam.ServicePrincipal('ec2.amazonaws.com'),\n new iam.AccountPrincipal('1818188181818187272')\n ),\n});",
4266 "version": "0"
4267 }
4268 },
4269 "location": {
4270 "api": {
4271 "api": "type",
4272 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CompositePrincipal"
4273 },
4274 "field": {
4275 "field": "example"
4276 }
4277 },
4278 "didCompile": true,
4279 "fqnsReferenced": [
4280 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountPrincipal",
4281 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.CompositePrincipal",
4282 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
4283 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
4284 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
4285 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
4286 "constructs.Construct"
4287 ],
4288 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst role = new iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', {\n assumedBy: new iam.CompositePrincipal(\n new iam.ServicePrincipal('ec2.amazonaws.com'),\n new iam.AccountPrincipal('1818188181818187272')\n ),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
4289 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4290 "10": 3,
4291 "75": 10,
4292 "104": 1,
4293 "193": 1,
4294 "194": 4,
4295 "197": 4,
4296 "225": 1,
4297 "242": 1,
4298 "243": 1,
4299 "281": 1
4300 },
4301 "fqnsFingerprint": "812186ece47a914ecb7375bfaa4f63f69d0ca69652d78f2087c589de45b4c2af"
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4303 "d4b078f795ba7479a034f85afca4ccc5361dc5498c01baf5b37014191a960516": {
4304 "translations": {
4305 "python": {
4306 "source": "# books: apigateway.Resource\n# iam_user: iam.User\n\n\nget_books = books.add_method(\"GET\", apigateway.HttpIntegration(\"http://amazon.com\"),\n authorization_type=apigateway.AuthorizationType.IAM\n)\n\niam_user.attach_inline_policy(iam.Policy(self, \"AllowBooks\",\n statements=[\n iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"execute-api:Invoke\"],\n effect=iam.Effect.ALLOW,\n resources=[get_books.method_arn]\n )\n ]\n))",
4307 "version": "2"
4308 },
4309 "csharp": {
4310 "source": "Resource books;\nUser iamUser;\n\n\nMethod getBooks = books.AddMethod(\"GET\", new HttpIntegration(\"http://amazon.com\"), new MethodOptions {\n AuthorizationType = AuthorizationType.IAM\n});\n\niamUser.AttachInlinePolicy(new Policy(this, \"AllowBooks\", new PolicyProps {\n Statements = new [] {\n new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"execute-api:Invoke\" },\n Effect = Effect.ALLOW,\n Resources = new [] { getBooks.MethodArn }\n }) }\n}));",
4311 "version": "1"
4312 },
4313 "java": {
4314 "source": "Resource books;\nUser iamUser;\n\n\nMethod getBooks = books.addMethod(\"GET\", new HttpIntegration(\"http://amazon.com\"), MethodOptions.builder()\n .authorizationType(AuthorizationType.IAM)\n .build());\n\niamUser.attachInlinePolicy(Policy.Builder.create(this, \"AllowBooks\")\n .statements(List.of(\n PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"execute-api:Invoke\"))\n .effect(Effect.ALLOW)\n .resources(List.of(getBooks.getMethodArn()))\n .build()))\n .build());",
4315 "version": "1"
4316 },
4317 "go": {
4318 "source": "var books resource\nvar iamUser user\n\n\ngetBooks := books.addMethod(jsii.String(\"GET\"), apigateway.NewHttpIntegration(jsii.String(\"http://amazon.com\")), &methodOptions{\n\tauthorizationType: apigateway.authorizationType_IAM,\n})\n\niamUser.attachInlinePolicy(iam.NewPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"AllowBooks\"), &policyProps{\n\tstatements: []policyStatement{\n\t\tiam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t\t\tactions: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"execute-api:Invoke\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\teffect: iam.effect_ALLOW,\n\t\t\tresources: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tgetBooks.methodArn,\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n}))",
4319 "version": "1"
4320 },
4321 "$": {
4322 "source": "declare const books: apigateway.Resource;\ndeclare const iamUser: iam.User;\n\nconst getBooks = books.addMethod('GET', new apigateway.HttpIntegration('http://amazon.com'), {\n authorizationType: apigateway.AuthorizationType.IAM\n});\n\niamUser.attachInlinePolicy(new iam.Policy(this, 'AllowBooks', {\n statements: [\n new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [ 'execute-api:Invoke' ],\n effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,\n resources: [ getBooks.methodArn ]\n })\n ]\n}))",
4323 "version": "0"
4324 }
4325 },
4326 "location": {
4327 "api": {
4328 "api": "type",
4329 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Effect"
4330 },
4331 "field": {
4332 "field": "example"
4333 }
4334 },
4335 "didCompile": true,
4336 "fqnsReferenced": [
4337 "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway.AuthorizationType",
4338 "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway.AuthorizationType#IAM",
4339 "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway.HttpIntegration",
4340 "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway.Integration",
4341 "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway.Method",
4342 "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway.MethodOptions",
4343 "@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway.ResourceBase#addMethod",
4344 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Effect",
4345 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Effect#ALLOW",
4346 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy",
4347 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyProps",
4348 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
4349 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
4350 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User#attachInlinePolicy",
4351 "constructs.Construct"
4352 ],
4353 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const books: apigateway.Resource;\ndeclare const iamUser: iam.User;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport apigateway = require('@aws-cdk/aws-apigateway');\nimport cognito = require('@aws-cdk/aws-cognito');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport logs = require('@aws-cdk/aws-logs');\nimport stepfunctions = require('@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst getBooks = books.addMethod('GET', new apigateway.HttpIntegration('http://amazon.com'), {\n authorizationType: apigateway.AuthorizationType.IAM\n});\n\niamUser.attachInlinePolicy(new iam.Policy(this, 'AllowBooks', {\n statements: [\n new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [ 'execute-api:Invoke' ],\n effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,\n resources: [ getBooks.methodArn ]\n })\n ]\n}))\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
4354 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4355 "10": 4,
4356 "75": 30,
4357 "104": 1,
4358 "130": 2,
4359 "153": 2,
4360 "169": 2,
4361 "192": 3,
4362 "193": 3,
4363 "194": 10,
4364 "196": 2,
4365 "197": 3,
4366 "225": 3,
4367 "226": 1,
4368 "242": 3,
4369 "243": 3,
4370 "281": 5,
4371 "290": 1
4372 },
4373 "fqnsFingerprint": "66bb686f7e2bde5b2589e488bd1061a359abe74ce311dd15a9bbed906599cbf6"
4374 },
4375 "355d2161d72557c745af65019fc3b482483644c9e7236a9586fc62fe526e44d7": {
4376 "translations": {
4377 "python": {
4378 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# conditions: Any\n\nfederated_principal = iam.FederatedPrincipal(\"federated\", {\n \"conditions_key\": conditions\n}, \"assumeRoleAction\")",
4379 "version": "2"
4380 },
4381 "csharp": {
4382 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar conditions;\n\nFederatedPrincipal federatedPrincipal = new FederatedPrincipal(\"federated\", new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"conditionsKey\", conditions }\n}, \"assumeRoleAction\");",
4383 "version": "1"
4384 },
4385 "java": {
4386 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject conditions;\n\nFederatedPrincipal federatedPrincipal = new FederatedPrincipal(\"federated\", Map.of(\n \"conditionsKey\", conditions), \"assumeRoleAction\");",
4387 "version": "1"
4388 },
4389 "go": {
4390 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar conditions interface{}\n\nfederatedPrincipal := iam.NewFederatedPrincipal(jsii.String(\"federated\"), map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"conditionsKey\": conditions,\n}, jsii.String(\"assumeRoleAction\"))",
4391 "version": "1"
4392 },
4393 "$": {
4394 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const conditions: any;\nconst federatedPrincipal = new iam.FederatedPrincipal('federated', {\n conditionsKey: conditions,\n}, /* all optional props */ 'assumeRoleAction');",
4395 "version": "0"
4396 }
4397 },
4398 "location": {
4399 "api": {
4400 "api": "type",
4401 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.FederatedPrincipal"
4402 },
4403 "field": {
4404 "field": "example"
4405 }
4406 },
4407 "didCompile": true,
4408 "fqnsReferenced": [
4409 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.FederatedPrincipal"
4410 ],
4411 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const conditions: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst federatedPrincipal = new iam.FederatedPrincipal('federated', {\n conditionsKey: conditions,\n}, /* all optional props */ 'assumeRoleAction');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4412 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4413 "10": 3,
4414 "75": 7,
4415 "125": 1,
4416 "130": 1,
4417 "193": 1,
4418 "194": 1,
4419 "197": 1,
4420 "225": 2,
4421 "242": 2,
4422 "243": 2,
4423 "254": 1,
4424 "255": 1,
4425 "256": 1,
4426 "281": 1,
4427 "290": 1
4428 },
4429 "fqnsFingerprint": "fe02e5dd5fc5108f52b2c6ce2a22259f037623c7e9d1120b2743521c8c043174"
4430 },
4431 "d05bf2948294d2983efc44621bbf7cf39a98fd215b8b3579710abc83baf25a65": {
4432 "translations": {
4433 "python": {
4434 "source": "role = iam.Role.from_role_arn(self, \"Role\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole\",\n # Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n # policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n # modified as part of the deployment.\n mutable=False\n)",
4435 "version": "2"
4436 },
4437 "csharp": {
4438 "source": "IRole role = Role.FromRoleArn(this, \"Role\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole\", new FromRoleArnOptions {\n // Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n // policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n // modified as part of the deployment.\n Mutable = false\n});",
4439 "version": "1"
4440 },
4441 "java": {
4442 "source": "IRole role = Role.fromRoleArn(this, \"Role\", \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole\", FromRoleArnOptions.builder()\n // Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n // policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n // modified as part of the deployment.\n .mutable(false)\n .build());",
4443 "version": "1"
4444 },
4445 "go": {
4446 "source": "role := iam.role.fromRoleArn(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole\"), &fromRoleArnOptions{\n\t// Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n\t// policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n\t// modified as part of the deployment.\n\tmutable: jsii.Boolean(false),\n})",
4447 "version": "1"
4448 },
4449 "$": {
4450 "source": "const role = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(this, 'Role', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole', {\n // Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n // policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n // modified as part of the deployment.\n mutable: false,\n});",
4451 "version": "0"
4452 }
4453 },
4454 "location": {
4455 "api": {
4456 "api": "type",
4457 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.FromRoleArnOptions"
4458 },
4459 "field": {
4460 "field": "example"
4461 }
4462 },
4463 "didCompile": true,
4464 "fqnsReferenced": [
4465 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.FromRoleArnOptions",
4466 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
4467 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
4468 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role#fromRoleArn",
4469 "constructs.Construct"
4470 ],
4471 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst role = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(this, 'Role', 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/MyExistingRole', {\n // Set 'mutable' to 'false' to use the role as-is and prevent adding new\n // policies to it. The default is 'true', which means the role may be\n // modified as part of the deployment.\n mutable: false,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
4472 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4473 "10": 2,
4474 "75": 5,
4475 "91": 1,
4476 "104": 1,
4477 "193": 1,
4478 "194": 2,
4479 "196": 1,
4480 "225": 1,
4481 "242": 1,
4482 "243": 1,
4483 "281": 1
4484 },
4485 "fqnsFingerprint": "d59ead6b111c144ce48ba250d04b67747510348aae95424e9fc5531d081fc7e7"
4486 },
4487 "782d9612e680e20e0a9fb4f4a7f9550d4907aeaba4459d22247ebaad530c7bde": {
4488 "translations": {
4489 "python": {
4490 "source": "# instance: ec2.Instance\n# volume: ec2.Volume\n\n\nattach_grant = volume.grant_attach_volume_by_resource_tag(instance.grant_principal, [instance])\ndetach_grant = volume.grant_detach_volume_by_resource_tag(instance.grant_principal, [instance])",
4491 "version": "2"
4492 },
4493 "csharp": {
4494 "source": "Instance instance;\nVolume volume;\n\n\nGrant attachGrant = volume.GrantAttachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.GrantPrincipal, new [] { instance });\nGrant detachGrant = volume.GrantDetachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.GrantPrincipal, new [] { instance });",
4495 "version": "1"
4496 },
4497 "java": {
4498 "source": "Instance instance;\nVolume volume;\n\n\nGrant attachGrant = volume.grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.getGrantPrincipal(), List.of(instance));\nGrant detachGrant = volume.grantDetachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.getGrantPrincipal(), List.of(instance));",
4499 "version": "1"
4500 },
4501 "go": {
4502 "source": "var instance instance\nvar volume volume\n\n\nattachGrant := volume.grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.grantPrincipal, []construct{\n\tinstance,\n})\ndetachGrant := volume.grantDetachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.grantPrincipal, []construct{\n\tinstance,\n})",
4503 "version": "1"
4504 },
4505 "$": {
4506 "source": "declare const instance: ec2.Instance;\ndeclare const volume: ec2.Volume;\n\nconst attachGrant = volume.grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.grantPrincipal, [instance]);\nconst detachGrant = volume.grantDetachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.grantPrincipal, [instance]);",
4507 "version": "0"
4508 }
4509 },
4510 "location": {
4511 "api": {
4512 "api": "type",
4513 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant"
4514 },
4515 "field": {
4516 "field": "example"
4517 }
4518 },
4519 "didCompile": true,
4520 "fqnsReferenced": [
4521 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Instance#grantPrincipal",
4522 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant",
4523 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
4524 ],
4525 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const instance: ec2.Instance;\ndeclare const volume: ec2.Volume;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Aspects, Construct, Duration, Fn, Size, Stack, StackProps } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport logs = require('@aws-cdk/aws-logs');\nimport ssm = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ssm');\nimport autoscaling = require('@aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling');\nimport elbv2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2');\nimport rds = require('@aws-cdk/aws-rds');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst attachGrant = volume.grantAttachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.grantPrincipal, [instance]);\nconst detachGrant = volume.grantDetachVolumeByResourceTag(instance.grantPrincipal, [instance]);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
4526 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4527 "75": 18,
4528 "130": 2,
4529 "153": 2,
4530 "169": 2,
4531 "192": 2,
4532 "194": 4,
4533 "196": 2,
4534 "225": 4,
4535 "242": 4,
4536 "243": 4,
4537 "290": 1
4538 },
4539 "fqnsFingerprint": "86c81c772ee105c855b02d98bc2fdc8d4b177c4d6827edada8d8fada63bfb51f"
4540 },
4541 "5b63b48507f493bfdbdc8bd870c7eccf22fe7e76bddc6657d9cf68bc0a823a2a": {
4542 "translations": {
4543 "python": {
4544 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# grantable: iam.IGrantable\n# principal: iam.IPrincipal\n# resource_with_policy: iam.IResourceWithPolicy\n\ngrant_on_principal_and_resource_options = iam.GrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions(\n actions=[\"actions\"],\n grantee=grantable,\n resource=resource_with_policy,\n resource_arns=[\"resourceArns\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource_policy_principal=principal,\n resource_self_arns=[\"resourceSelfArns\"]\n)",
4545 "version": "2"
4546 },
4547 "csharp": {
4548 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nIGrantable grantable;\nIPrincipal principal;\nIResourceWithPolicy resourceWithPolicy;\n\nGrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions grantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions = new GrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions {\n Actions = new [] { \"actions\" },\n Grantee = grantable,\n Resource = resourceWithPolicy,\n ResourceArns = new [] { \"resourceArns\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ResourcePolicyPrincipal = principal,\n ResourceSelfArns = new [] { \"resourceSelfArns\" }\n};",
4549 "version": "1"
4550 },
4551 "java": {
4552 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nIGrantable grantable;\nIPrincipal principal;\nIResourceWithPolicy resourceWithPolicy;\n\nGrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions grantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions = GrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions.builder()\n .actions(List.of(\"actions\"))\n .grantee(grantable)\n .resource(resourceWithPolicy)\n .resourceArns(List.of(\"resourceArns\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resourcePolicyPrincipal(principal)\n .resourceSelfArns(List.of(\"resourceSelfArns\"))\n .build();",
4553 "version": "1"
4554 },
4555 "go": {
4556 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar grantable iGrantable\nvar principal iPrincipal\nvar resourceWithPolicy iResourceWithPolicy\n\ngrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions := &grantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"actions\"),\n\t},\n\tgrantee: grantable,\n\tresource: resourceWithPolicy,\n\tresourceArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"resourceArns\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tresourcePolicyPrincipal: principal,\n\tresourceSelfArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"resourceSelfArns\"),\n\t},\n}",
4557 "version": "1"
4558 },
4559 "$": {
4560 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const grantable: iam.IGrantable;\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\ndeclare const resourceWithPolicy: iam.IResourceWithPolicy;\nconst grantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions: iam.GrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions = {\n actions: ['actions'],\n grantee: grantable,\n resource: resourceWithPolicy,\n resourceArns: ['resourceArns'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resourcePolicyPrincipal: principal,\n resourceSelfArns: ['resourceSelfArns'],\n};",
4561 "version": "0"
4562 }
4563 },
4564 "location": {
4565 "api": {
4566 "api": "type",
4567 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.GrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions"
4568 },
4569 "field": {
4570 "field": "example"
4571 }
4572 },
4573 "didCompile": true,
4574 "fqnsReferenced": [
4575 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.GrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions",
4576 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
4577 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
4578 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IResourceWithPolicy"
4579 ],
4580 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const grantable: iam.IGrantable;\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\ndeclare const resourceWithPolicy: iam.IResourceWithPolicy;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst grantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions: iam.GrantOnPrincipalAndResourceOptions = {\n actions: ['actions'],\n grantee: grantable,\n resource: resourceWithPolicy,\n resourceArns: ['resourceArns'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resourcePolicyPrincipal: principal,\n resourceSelfArns: ['resourceSelfArns'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4581 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4582 "10": 4,
4583 "75": 22,
4584 "130": 3,
4585 "153": 4,
4586 "169": 4,
4587 "192": 3,
4588 "193": 1,
4589 "225": 4,
4590 "242": 4,
4591 "243": 4,
4592 "254": 1,
4593 "255": 1,
4594 "256": 1,
4595 "281": 6,
4596 "290": 1
4597 },
4598 "fqnsFingerprint": "104513870bed23c797737253d331cb36bb3de41820a3aae14aad4aee733764d6"
4599 },
4600 "db66c1bcf17ff2afe87ce35bb4f69604fc0f5567171da1ac83332192c29b4b50": {
4601 "translations": {
4602 "python": {
4603 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# construct: cdk.Construct\n# grantable: iam.IGrantable\n\ngrant_on_principal_options = iam.GrantOnPrincipalOptions(\n actions=[\"actions\"],\n grantee=grantable,\n resource_arns=[\"resourceArns\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n scope=construct\n)",
4604 "version": "2"
4605 },
4606 "csharp": {
4607 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nConstruct construct;\nIGrantable grantable;\nGrantOnPrincipalOptions grantOnPrincipalOptions = new GrantOnPrincipalOptions {\n Actions = new [] { \"actions\" },\n Grantee = grantable,\n ResourceArns = new [] { \"resourceArns\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Scope = construct\n};",
4608 "version": "1"
4609 },
4610 "java": {
4611 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nConstruct construct;\nIGrantable grantable;\n\nGrantOnPrincipalOptions grantOnPrincipalOptions = GrantOnPrincipalOptions.builder()\n .actions(List.of(\"actions\"))\n .grantee(grantable)\n .resourceArns(List.of(\"resourceArns\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .scope(construct)\n .build();",
4612 "version": "1"
4613 },
4614 "go": {
4615 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar construct construct\nvar grantable iGrantable\n\ngrantOnPrincipalOptions := &grantOnPrincipalOptions{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"actions\"),\n\t},\n\tgrantee: grantable,\n\tresourceArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"resourceArns\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tscope: construct,\n}",
4616 "version": "1"
4617 },
4618 "$": {
4619 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const construct: cdk.Construct;\ndeclare const grantable: iam.IGrantable;\nconst grantOnPrincipalOptions: iam.GrantOnPrincipalOptions = {\n actions: ['actions'],\n grantee: grantable,\n resourceArns: ['resourceArns'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n scope: construct,\n};",
4620 "version": "0"
4621 }
4622 },
4623 "location": {
4624 "api": {
4625 "api": "type",
4626 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.GrantOnPrincipalOptions"
4627 },
4628 "field": {
4629 "field": "example"
4630 }
4631 },
4632 "didCompile": true,
4633 "fqnsReferenced": [
4634 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.GrantOnPrincipalOptions",
4635 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
4636 "@aws-cdk/core.IConstruct"
4637 ],
4638 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const construct: cdk.Construct;\ndeclare const grantable: iam.IGrantable;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst grantOnPrincipalOptions: iam.GrantOnPrincipalOptions = {\n actions: ['actions'],\n grantee: grantable,\n resourceArns: ['resourceArns'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n scope: construct,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4639 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4640 "10": 4,
4641 "75": 17,
4642 "130": 2,
4643 "153": 3,
4644 "169": 3,
4645 "192": 2,
4646 "193": 1,
4647 "225": 3,
4648 "242": 3,
4649 "243": 3,
4650 "254": 2,
4651 "255": 2,
4652 "256": 2,
4653 "281": 4,
4654 "290": 1
4655 },
4656 "fqnsFingerprint": "cb5ebc17b950cc6469f17abbaa3117ae363cb3df8dc165f76f557e544caf2755"
4657 },
4658 "e89fae8971c5beb234c6912e28afb20d1628340acf778fb5845978021fc48949": {
4659 "translations": {
4660 "python": {
4661 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# grantable: iam.IGrantable\n# resource_with_policy: iam.IResourceWithPolicy\n\ngrant_with_resource_options = iam.GrantWithResourceOptions(\n actions=[\"actions\"],\n grantee=grantable,\n resource=resource_with_policy,\n resource_arns=[\"resourceArns\"],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n resource_self_arns=[\"resourceSelfArns\"]\n)",
4662 "version": "2"
4663 },
4664 "csharp": {
4665 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nIGrantable grantable;\nIResourceWithPolicy resourceWithPolicy;\n\nGrantWithResourceOptions grantWithResourceOptions = new GrantWithResourceOptions {\n Actions = new [] { \"actions\" },\n Grantee = grantable,\n Resource = resourceWithPolicy,\n ResourceArns = new [] { \"resourceArns\" },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n ResourceSelfArns = new [] { \"resourceSelfArns\" }\n};",
4666 "version": "1"
4667 },
4668 "java": {
4669 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nIGrantable grantable;\nIResourceWithPolicy resourceWithPolicy;\n\nGrantWithResourceOptions grantWithResourceOptions = GrantWithResourceOptions.builder()\n .actions(List.of(\"actions\"))\n .grantee(grantable)\n .resource(resourceWithPolicy)\n .resourceArns(List.of(\"resourceArns\"))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .resourceSelfArns(List.of(\"resourceSelfArns\"))\n .build();",
4670 "version": "1"
4671 },
4672 "go": {
4673 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar grantable iGrantable\nvar resourceWithPolicy iResourceWithPolicy\n\ngrantWithResourceOptions := &grantWithResourceOptions{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"actions\"),\n\t},\n\tgrantee: grantable,\n\tresource: resourceWithPolicy,\n\tresourceArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"resourceArns\"),\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tresourceSelfArns: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"resourceSelfArns\"),\n\t},\n}",
4674 "version": "1"
4675 },
4676 "$": {
4677 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const grantable: iam.IGrantable;\ndeclare const resourceWithPolicy: iam.IResourceWithPolicy;\nconst grantWithResourceOptions: iam.GrantWithResourceOptions = {\n actions: ['actions'],\n grantee: grantable,\n resource: resourceWithPolicy,\n resourceArns: ['resourceArns'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resourceSelfArns: ['resourceSelfArns'],\n};",
4678 "version": "0"
4679 }
4680 },
4681 "location": {
4682 "api": {
4683 "api": "type",
4684 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.GrantWithResourceOptions"
4685 },
4686 "field": {
4687 "field": "example"
4688 }
4689 },
4690 "didCompile": true,
4691 "fqnsReferenced": [
4692 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.GrantWithResourceOptions",
4693 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
4694 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IResourceWithPolicy"
4695 ],
4696 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const grantable: iam.IGrantable;\ndeclare const resourceWithPolicy: iam.IResourceWithPolicy;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst grantWithResourceOptions: iam.GrantWithResourceOptions = {\n actions: ['actions'],\n grantee: grantable,\n resource: resourceWithPolicy,\n resourceArns: ['resourceArns'],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n resourceSelfArns: ['resourceSelfArns'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4697 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4698 "10": 4,
4699 "75": 17,
4700 "130": 2,
4701 "153": 3,
4702 "169": 3,
4703 "192": 3,
4704 "193": 1,
4705 "225": 3,
4706 "242": 3,
4707 "243": 3,
4708 "254": 1,
4709 "255": 1,
4710 "256": 1,
4711 "281": 5,
4712 "290": 1
4713 },
4714 "fqnsFingerprint": "4df4d0e293cc948c0bf4a0edaec8aa8a7f2793b80b183d4900b43c78d5ec0724"
4715 },
4716 "c56e25bbff6744468fedce7771dcf3285e7b51cba10ff5fc8b07691a2da1a256": {
4717 "translations": {
4718 "python": {
4719 "source": "user = iam.User(self, \"MyUser\") # or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\ngroup = iam.Group(self, \"MyGroup\") # or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.add_to_group(group)\n# or\ngroup.add_user(user)",
4720 "version": "2"
4721 },
4722 "csharp": {
4723 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\"); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\"); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.AddToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.AddUser(user);",
4724 "version": "1"
4725 },
4726 "java": {
4727 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\"); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\"); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);",
4728 "version": "1"
4729 },
4730 "go": {
4731 "source": "user := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyUser\")) // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\ngroup := iam.NewGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyGroup\")) // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group)\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user)",
4732 "version": "1"
4733 },
4734 "$": {
4735 "source": "const user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser'); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nconst group = new iam.Group(this, 'MyGroup'); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);",
4736 "version": "0"
4737 }
4738 },
4739 "location": {
4740 "api": {
4741 "api": "type",
4742 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group"
4743 },
4744 "field": {
4745 "field": "example"
4746 }
4747 },
4748 "didCompile": true,
4749 "fqnsReferenced": [
4750 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
4751 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGroup",
4752 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
4753 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
4754 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User#addToGroup",
4755 "constructs.Construct"
4756 ],
4757 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser'); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nconst group = new iam.Group(this, 'MyGroup'); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
4758 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4759 "10": 2,
4760 "75": 12,
4761 "104": 2,
4762 "194": 4,
4763 "196": 2,
4764 "197": 2,
4765 "225": 2,
4766 "226": 2,
4767 "242": 2,
4768 "243": 2
4769 },
4770 "fqnsFingerprint": "4b551b1b326b6c22fceca09e2e88f31eb72a9dae7e0ea9153196cebb9a3affde"
4771 },
4772 "a74d4d0ebf5364ee72b1b7161a36fc273579aabdb28c91ace98cb4b3db0113f7": {
4773 "translations": {
4774 "python": {
4775 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# managed_policy: iam.ManagedPolicy\n\ngroup_props = iam.GroupProps(\n group_name=\"groupName\",\n managed_policies=[managed_policy],\n path=\"path\"\n)",
4776 "version": "2"
4777 },
4778 "csharp": {
4779 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nManagedPolicy managedPolicy;\n\nGroupProps groupProps = new GroupProps {\n GroupName = \"groupName\",\n ManagedPolicies = new [] { managedPolicy },\n Path = \"path\"\n};",
4780 "version": "1"
4781 },
4782 "java": {
4783 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nManagedPolicy managedPolicy;\n\nGroupProps groupProps = GroupProps.builder()\n .groupName(\"groupName\")\n .managedPolicies(List.of(managedPolicy))\n .path(\"path\")\n .build();",
4784 "version": "1"
4785 },
4786 "go": {
4787 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar managedPolicy managedPolicy\n\ngroupProps := &groupProps{\n\tgroupName: jsii.String(\"groupName\"),\n\tmanagedPolicies: []iManagedPolicy{\n\t\tmanagedPolicy,\n\t},\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n}",
4788 "version": "1"
4789 },
4790 "$": {
4791 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const managedPolicy: iam.ManagedPolicy;\nconst groupProps: iam.GroupProps = {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n managedPolicies: [managedPolicy],\n path: 'path',\n};",
4792 "version": "0"
4793 }
4794 },
4795 "location": {
4796 "api": {
4797 "api": "type",
4798 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.GroupProps"
4799 },
4800 "field": {
4801 "field": "example"
4802 }
4803 },
4804 "didCompile": true,
4805 "fqnsReferenced": [
4806 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.GroupProps"
4807 ],
4808 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const managedPolicy: iam.ManagedPolicy;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst groupProps: iam.GroupProps = {\n groupName: 'groupName',\n managedPolicies: [managedPolicy],\n path: 'path',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4809 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4810 "10": 3,
4811 "75": 11,
4812 "130": 1,
4813 "153": 2,
4814 "169": 2,
4815 "192": 1,
4816 "193": 1,
4817 "225": 2,
4818 "242": 2,
4819 "243": 2,
4820 "254": 1,
4821 "255": 1,
4822 "256": 1,
4823 "281": 3,
4824 "290": 1
4825 },
4826 "fqnsFingerprint": "b82e9a7ed5a7b831914a9aefd1cc955eac238897f046a27d9fff43584973aa41"
4827 },
4828 "76a3161a9bb8ff4859f7c01812f2bd72fe282efa38aa89b5d7f361a643f737a0": {
4829 "translations": {
4830 "python": {
4831 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# managed_policy: iam.ManagedPolicy\n# policy_document: iam.PolicyDocument\n# principal: iam.IPrincipal\n\nlazy_role = iam.LazyRole(self, \"MyLazyRole\",\n assumed_by=principal,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n description=\"description\",\n external_id=\"externalId\",\n external_ids=[\"externalIds\"],\n inline_policies={\n \"inline_policies_key\": policy_document\n },\n managed_policies=[managed_policy],\n max_session_duration=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n path=\"path\",\n permissions_boundary=managed_policy,\n role_name=\"roleName\"\n)",
4832 "version": "2"
4833 },
4834 "csharp": {
4835 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nManagedPolicy managedPolicy;\nPolicyDocument policyDocument;\nIPrincipal principal;\nLazyRole lazyRole = new LazyRole(this, \"MyLazyRole\", new LazyRoleProps {\n AssumedBy = principal,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Description = \"description\",\n ExternalId = \"externalId\",\n ExternalIds = new [] { \"externalIds\" },\n InlinePolicies = new Dictionary<string, PolicyDocument> {\n { \"inlinePoliciesKey\", policyDocument }\n },\n ManagedPolicies = new [] { managedPolicy },\n MaxSessionDuration = Duration.Minutes(30),\n Path = \"path\",\n PermissionsBoundary = managedPolicy,\n RoleName = \"roleName\"\n});",
4836 "version": "1"
4837 },
4838 "java": {
4839 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nManagedPolicy managedPolicy;\nPolicyDocument policyDocument;\nIPrincipal principal;\n\nLazyRole lazyRole = LazyRole.Builder.create(this, \"MyLazyRole\")\n .assumedBy(principal)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .description(\"description\")\n .externalId(\"externalId\")\n .externalIds(List.of(\"externalIds\"))\n .inlinePolicies(Map.of(\n \"inlinePoliciesKey\", policyDocument))\n .managedPolicies(List.of(managedPolicy))\n .maxSessionDuration(Duration.minutes(30))\n .path(\"path\")\n .permissionsBoundary(managedPolicy)\n .roleName(\"roleName\")\n .build();",
4840 "version": "1"
4841 },
4842 "go": {
4843 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar managedPolicy managedPolicy\nvar policyDocument policyDocument\nvar principal iPrincipal\n\nlazyRole := iam.NewLazyRole(this, jsii.String(\"MyLazyRole\"), &lazyRoleProps{\n\tassumedBy: principal,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\texternalId: jsii.String(\"externalId\"),\n\texternalIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"externalIds\"),\n\t},\n\tinlinePolicies: map[string]*policyDocument{\n\t\t\"inlinePoliciesKey\": policyDocument,\n\t},\n\tmanagedPolicies: []iManagedPolicy{\n\t\tmanagedPolicy,\n\t},\n\tmaxSessionDuration: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tpermissionsBoundary: managedPolicy,\n\troleName: jsii.String(\"roleName\"),\n})",
4844 "version": "1"
4845 },
4846 "$": {
4847 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const managedPolicy: iam.ManagedPolicy;\ndeclare const policyDocument: iam.PolicyDocument;\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\nconst lazyRole = new iam.LazyRole(this, 'MyLazyRole', {\n assumedBy: principal,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n externalId: 'externalId',\n externalIds: ['externalIds'],\n inlinePolicies: {\n inlinePoliciesKey: policyDocument,\n },\n managedPolicies: [managedPolicy],\n maxSessionDuration: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: managedPolicy,\n roleName: 'roleName',\n});",
4848 "version": "0"
4849 }
4850 },
4851 "location": {
4852 "api": {
4853 "api": "type",
4854 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.LazyRole"
4855 },
4856 "field": {
4857 "field": "example"
4858 }
4859 },
4860 "didCompile": true,
4861 "fqnsReferenced": [
4862 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IManagedPolicy",
4863 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
4864 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.LazyRole",
4865 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.LazyRoleProps",
4866 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument",
4867 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
4868 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes",
4869 "constructs.Construct"
4870 ],
4871 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const managedPolicy: iam.ManagedPolicy;\ndeclare const policyDocument: iam.PolicyDocument;\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst lazyRole = new iam.LazyRole(this, 'MyLazyRole', {\n assumedBy: principal,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n externalId: 'externalId',\n externalIds: ['externalIds'],\n inlinePolicies: {\n inlinePoliciesKey: policyDocument,\n },\n managedPolicies: [managedPolicy],\n maxSessionDuration: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: managedPolicy,\n roleName: 'roleName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4872 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4873 "8": 1,
4874 "10": 8,
4875 "75": 32,
4876 "104": 1,
4877 "130": 3,
4878 "153": 3,
4879 "169": 3,
4880 "192": 2,
4881 "193": 2,
4882 "194": 3,
4883 "196": 1,
4884 "197": 1,
4885 "225": 4,
4886 "242": 4,
4887 "243": 4,
4888 "254": 2,
4889 "255": 2,
4890 "256": 2,
4891 "281": 11,
4892 "290": 1
4893 },
4894 "fqnsFingerprint": "45e6d5ae899431ea7112730d740d4a964ad1ec8fc196fc38fdb0d6530f782e94"
4895 },
4896 "3be057b96b2c73282d6fb41caa3e990f96a764906dba6ce3ebc123ee43dfec1e": {
4897 "translations": {
4898 "python": {
4899 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# managed_policy: iam.ManagedPolicy\n# policy_document: iam.PolicyDocument\n# principal: iam.IPrincipal\n\nlazy_role_props = iam.LazyRoleProps(\n assumed_by=principal,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n description=\"description\",\n external_id=\"externalId\",\n external_ids=[\"externalIds\"],\n inline_policies={\n \"inline_policies_key\": policy_document\n },\n managed_policies=[managed_policy],\n max_session_duration=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n path=\"path\",\n permissions_boundary=managed_policy,\n role_name=\"roleName\"\n)",
4900 "version": "2"
4901 },
4902 "csharp": {
4903 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nManagedPolicy managedPolicy;\nPolicyDocument policyDocument;\nIPrincipal principal;\nLazyRoleProps lazyRoleProps = new LazyRoleProps {\n AssumedBy = principal,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Description = \"description\",\n ExternalId = \"externalId\",\n ExternalIds = new [] { \"externalIds\" },\n InlinePolicies = new Dictionary<string, PolicyDocument> {\n { \"inlinePoliciesKey\", policyDocument }\n },\n ManagedPolicies = new [] { managedPolicy },\n MaxSessionDuration = Duration.Minutes(30),\n Path = \"path\",\n PermissionsBoundary = managedPolicy,\n RoleName = \"roleName\"\n};",
4904 "version": "1"
4905 },
4906 "java": {
4907 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nManagedPolicy managedPolicy;\nPolicyDocument policyDocument;\nIPrincipal principal;\n\nLazyRoleProps lazyRoleProps = LazyRoleProps.builder()\n .assumedBy(principal)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .description(\"description\")\n .externalId(\"externalId\")\n .externalIds(List.of(\"externalIds\"))\n .inlinePolicies(Map.of(\n \"inlinePoliciesKey\", policyDocument))\n .managedPolicies(List.of(managedPolicy))\n .maxSessionDuration(Duration.minutes(30))\n .path(\"path\")\n .permissionsBoundary(managedPolicy)\n .roleName(\"roleName\")\n .build();",
4908 "version": "1"
4909 },
4910 "go": {
4911 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar managedPolicy managedPolicy\nvar policyDocument policyDocument\nvar principal iPrincipal\n\nlazyRoleProps := &lazyRoleProps{\n\tassumedBy: principal,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"description\"),\n\texternalId: jsii.String(\"externalId\"),\n\texternalIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"externalIds\"),\n\t},\n\tinlinePolicies: map[string]*policyDocument{\n\t\t\"inlinePoliciesKey\": policyDocument,\n\t},\n\tmanagedPolicies: []iManagedPolicy{\n\t\tmanagedPolicy,\n\t},\n\tmaxSessionDuration: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\tpath: jsii.String(\"path\"),\n\tpermissionsBoundary: managedPolicy,\n\troleName: jsii.String(\"roleName\"),\n}",
4912 "version": "1"
4913 },
4914 "$": {
4915 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const managedPolicy: iam.ManagedPolicy;\ndeclare const policyDocument: iam.PolicyDocument;\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\nconst lazyRoleProps: iam.LazyRoleProps = {\n assumedBy: principal,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n externalId: 'externalId',\n externalIds: ['externalIds'],\n inlinePolicies: {\n inlinePoliciesKey: policyDocument,\n },\n managedPolicies: [managedPolicy],\n maxSessionDuration: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: managedPolicy,\n roleName: 'roleName',\n};",
4916 "version": "0"
4917 }
4918 },
4919 "location": {
4920 "api": {
4921 "api": "type",
4922 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.LazyRoleProps"
4923 },
4924 "field": {
4925 "field": "example"
4926 }
4927 },
4928 "didCompile": true,
4929 "fqnsReferenced": [
4930 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IManagedPolicy",
4931 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
4932 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.LazyRoleProps",
4933 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument",
4934 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
4935 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
4936 ],
4937 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const managedPolicy: iam.ManagedPolicy;\ndeclare const policyDocument: iam.PolicyDocument;\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst lazyRoleProps: iam.LazyRoleProps = {\n assumedBy: principal,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n description: 'description',\n externalId: 'externalId',\n externalIds: ['externalIds'],\n inlinePolicies: {\n inlinePoliciesKey: policyDocument,\n },\n managedPolicies: [managedPolicy],\n maxSessionDuration: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n path: 'path',\n permissionsBoundary: managedPolicy,\n roleName: 'roleName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
4938 "syntaxKindCounter": {
4939 "8": 1,
4940 "10": 7,
4941 "75": 32,
4942 "130": 3,
4943 "153": 4,
4944 "169": 4,
4945 "192": 2,
4946 "193": 2,
4947 "194": 2,
4948 "196": 1,
4949 "225": 4,
4950 "242": 4,
4951 "243": 4,
4952 "254": 2,
4953 "255": 2,
4954 "256": 2,
4955 "281": 11,
4956 "290": 1
4957 },
4958 "fqnsFingerprint": "bed193c9519ef12d7a69c3565cc251d6dcd6ed1aa7614db57ec4f9f3b4bfd2ea"
4959 },
4960 "597ff8144b275ce74a6c4e2e6b1ba9b1321228792f26aaed988e568133ab9e45": {
4961 "translations": {
4962 "python": {
4963 "source": "my_role = iam.Role(self, \"My Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.ServicePrincipal(\"sns.amazonaws.com\")\n)\n\nfn = lambda_.Function(self, \"MyFunction\",\n runtime=lambda_.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,\n handler=\"index.handler\",\n code=lambda_.Code.from_asset(path.join(__dirname, \"lambda-handler\")),\n role=my_role\n)\n\nmy_role.add_managed_policy(iam.ManagedPolicy.from_aws_managed_policy_name(\"service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole\"))\nmy_role.add_managed_policy(iam.ManagedPolicy.from_aws_managed_policy_name(\"service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole\"))",
4964 "version": "2"
4965 },
4966 "csharp": {
4967 "source": "Role myRole = new Role(this, \"My Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal(\"sns.amazonaws.com\")\n});\n\nFunction fn = new Function(this, \"MyFunction\", new FunctionProps {\n Runtime = Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,\n Handler = \"index.handler\",\n Code = Code.FromAsset(Join(__dirname, \"lambda-handler\")),\n Role = myRole\n});\n\nmyRole.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole\"));\nmyRole.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole\"));",
4968 "version": "1"
4969 },
4970 "java": {
4971 "source": "Role myRole = Role.Builder.create(this, \"My Role\")\n .assumedBy(new ServicePrincipal(\"sns.amazonaws.com\"))\n .build();\n\nFunction fn = Function.Builder.create(this, \"MyFunction\")\n .runtime(Runtime.NODEJS_16_X)\n .handler(\"index.handler\")\n .code(Code.fromAsset(join(__dirname, \"lambda-handler\")))\n .role(myRole)\n .build();\n\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole\"));\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole\"));",
4972 "version": "1"
4973 },
4974 "go": {
4975 "source": "myRole := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"My Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"sns.amazonaws.com\")),\n})\n\nfn := lambda.NewFunction(this, jsii.String(\"MyFunction\"), &functionProps{\n\truntime: lambda.runtime_NODEJS_16_X(),\n\thandler: jsii.String(\"index.handler\"),\n\tcode: lambda.code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, jsii.String(\"lambda-handler\"))),\n\trole: myRole,\n})\n\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(iam.managedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(jsii.String(\"service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole\")))\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(iam.managedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(jsii.String(\"service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole\")))",
4976 "version": "1"
4977 },
4978 "$": {
4979 "source": "const myRole = new iam.Role(this, 'My Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('sns.amazonaws.com'),\n});\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'lambda-handler')),\n role: myRole, // user-provided role\n});\n\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(iam.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole\"));\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(iam.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole\")); // only required if your function lives in a VPC",
4980 "version": "0"
4981 }
4982 },
4983 "location": {
4984 "api": {
4985 "api": "type",
4986 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy"
4987 },
4988 "field": {
4989 "field": "example"
4990 }
4991 },
4992 "didCompile": true,
4993 "fqnsReferenced": [
4994 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IManagedPolicy",
4995 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
4996 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
4997 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy",
4998 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy#fromAwsManagedPolicyName",
4999 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
5000 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role#addManagedPolicy",
5001 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
5002 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
5003 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
5004 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code#fromAsset",
5005 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function",
5006 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionProps",
5007 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime",
5008 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime#NODEJS_16_X",
5009 "constructs.Construct"
5010 ],
5011 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport * as path from 'path';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Aspects, CfnOutput, DockerImage, Duration, RemovalPolicy, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport { LAMBDA_RECOGNIZE_VERSION_PROPS, LAMBDA_RECOGNIZE_LAYER_VERSION } from '@aws-cdk/cx-api';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst myRole = new iam.Role(this, 'My Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('sns.amazonaws.com'),\n});\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_16_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'lambda-handler')),\n role: myRole, // user-provided role\n});\n\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(iam.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole\"));\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(iam.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole\"));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5012 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5013 "10": 7,
5014 "75": 33,
5015 "104": 2,
5016 "193": 2,
5017 "194": 14,
5018 "196": 6,
5019 "197": 3,
5020 "225": 2,
5021 "226": 2,
5022 "242": 2,
5023 "243": 2,
5024 "281": 5
5025 },
5026 "fqnsFingerprint": "22bd7e746ffde29e2c102943ce93d57d46fd03d347549f8279be2becf43b16d1"
5027 },
5028 "c8e29824dcd43dfee04d20cbefa8d7b74b41d0cf915b704958888dc6f895fad8": {
5029 "translations": {
5030 "python": {
5031 "source": "policy_document = {\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [{\n \"Sid\": \"FirstStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\"iam:ChangePassword\"],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }, {\n \"Sid\": \"SecondStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n }, {\n \"Sid\": \"ThirdStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\"s3:List*\", \"s3:Get*\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\", \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"\n ],\n \"Condition\": {\"Bool\": {\"aws:_multi_factor_auth_present\": \"true\"}}\n }\n ]\n}\n\ncustom_policy_document = iam.PolicyDocument.from_json(policy_document)\n\n# You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n# or inline Policy.\nnew_managed_policy = iam.ManagedPolicy(self, \"MyNewManagedPolicy\",\n document=custom_policy_document\n)\nnew_policy = iam.Policy(self, \"MyNewPolicy\",\n document=custom_policy_document\n)",
5032 "version": "2"
5033 },
5034 "csharp": {
5035 "source": "IDictionary<string, object> policyDocument = new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"Version\", \"2012-10-17\" },\n { \"Statement\", new [] { new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"Sid\", \"FirstStatement\" },\n { \"Effect\", \"Allow\" },\n { \"Action\", new [] { \"iam:ChangePassword\" } },\n { \"Resource\", \"*\" }\n }, new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"Sid\", \"SecondStatement\" },\n { \"Effect\", \"Allow\" },\n { \"Action\", \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\" },\n { \"Resource\", \"*\" }\n }, new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"Sid\", \"ThirdStatement\" },\n { \"Effect\", \"Allow\" },\n { \"Action\", new [] { \"s3:List*\", \"s3:Get*\" } },\n { \"Resource\", new [] { \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\", \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\" } },\n { \"Condition\", new Dictionary<string, IDictionary<string, string>> { { \"Bool\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\", \"true\" } } } } }\n } } }\n};\n\nPolicyDocument customPolicyDocument = PolicyDocument.FromJson(policyDocument);\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nManagedPolicy newManagedPolicy = new ManagedPolicy(this, \"MyNewManagedPolicy\", new ManagedPolicyProps {\n Document = customPolicyDocument\n});\nPolicy newPolicy = new Policy(this, \"MyNewPolicy\", new PolicyProps {\n Document = customPolicyDocument\n});",
5036 "version": "1"
5037 },
5038 "java": {
5039 "source": "Map<String, Object> policyDocument = Map.of(\n \"Version\", \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\", List.of(Map.of(\n \"Sid\", \"FirstStatement\",\n \"Effect\", \"Allow\",\n \"Action\", List.of(\"iam:ChangePassword\"),\n \"Resource\", \"*\"), Map.of(\n \"Sid\", \"SecondStatement\",\n \"Effect\", \"Allow\",\n \"Action\", \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\n \"Resource\", \"*\"), Map.of(\n \"Sid\", \"ThirdStatement\",\n \"Effect\", \"Allow\",\n \"Action\", List.of(\"s3:List*\", \"s3:Get*\"),\n \"Resource\", List.of(\"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\", \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"),\n \"Condition\", Map.of(\"Bool\", Map.of(\"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\", \"true\")))));\n\nPolicyDocument customPolicyDocument = PolicyDocument.fromJson(policyDocument);\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nManagedPolicy newManagedPolicy = ManagedPolicy.Builder.create(this, \"MyNewManagedPolicy\")\n .document(customPolicyDocument)\n .build();\nPolicy newPolicy = Policy.Builder.create(this, \"MyNewPolicy\")\n .document(customPolicyDocument)\n .build();",
5040 "version": "1"
5041 },
5042 "go": {
5043 "source": "policyDocument := map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"Version\": jsii.String(\"2012-10-17\"),\n\t\"Statement\": []interface{}{\n\t\tmap[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\"Sid\": jsii.String(\"FirstStatement\"),\n\t\t\t\"Effect\": jsii.String(\"Allow\"),\n\t\t\t\"Action\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"iam:ChangePassword\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\"Resource\": jsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tmap[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\"Sid\": jsii.String(\"SecondStatement\"),\n\t\t\t\"Effect\": jsii.String(\"Allow\"),\n\t\t\t\"Action\": jsii.String(\"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\"),\n\t\t\t\"Resource\": jsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tmap[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\t\"Sid\": jsii.String(\"ThirdStatement\"),\n\t\t\t\"Effect\": jsii.String(\"Allow\"),\n\t\t\t\"Action\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"s3:List*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"s3:Get*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\"Resource\": []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t\"Condition\": map[string]map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\"Bool\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\t\t\t\"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\": jsii.String(\"true\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}\n\ncustomPolicyDocument := iam.policyDocument.fromJson(policyDocument)\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nnewManagedPolicy := iam.NewManagedPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyNewManagedPolicy\"), &managedPolicyProps{\n\tdocument: customPolicyDocument,\n})\nnewPolicy := iam.NewPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyNewPolicy\"), &policyProps{\n\tdocument: customPolicyDocument,\n})",
5044 "version": "1"
5045 },
5046 "$": {
5047 "source": "const policyDocument = {\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Sid\": \"FirstStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\"iam:ChangePassword\"],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n },\n {\n \"Sid\": \"SecondStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n },\n {\n \"Sid\": \"ThirdStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"s3:List*\",\n \"s3:Get*\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\n \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\",\n \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"\n ],\n \"Condition\": {\"Bool\": {\"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\": \"true\"}}\n }\n ]\n};\n\nconst customPolicyDocument = iam.PolicyDocument.fromJson(policyDocument);\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nconst newManagedPolicy = new iam.ManagedPolicy(this, 'MyNewManagedPolicy', {\n document: customPolicyDocument,\n});\nconst newPolicy = new iam.Policy(this, 'MyNewPolicy', {\n document: customPolicyDocument,\n});",
5048 "version": "0"
5049 }
5050 },
5051 "location": {
5052 "api": {
5053 "api": "type",
5054 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicyProps"
5055 },
5056 "field": {
5057 "field": "example"
5058 }
5059 },
5060 "didCompile": true,
5061 "fqnsReferenced": [
5062 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy",
5063 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicyProps",
5064 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy",
5065 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument",
5066 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument#fromJson",
5067 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyProps",
5068 "constructs.Construct"
5069 ],
5070 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst policyDocument = {\n \"Version\": \"2012-10-17\",\n \"Statement\": [\n {\n \"Sid\": \"FirstStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\"iam:ChangePassword\"],\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n },\n {\n \"Sid\": \"SecondStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": \"s3:ListAllMyBuckets\",\n \"Resource\": \"*\"\n },\n {\n \"Sid\": \"ThirdStatement\",\n \"Effect\": \"Allow\",\n \"Action\": [\n \"s3:List*\",\n \"s3:Get*\"\n ],\n \"Resource\": [\n \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data\",\n \"arn:aws:s3:::confidential-data/*\"\n ],\n \"Condition\": {\"Bool\": {\"aws:MultiFactorAuthPresent\": \"true\"}}\n }\n ]\n};\n\nconst customPolicyDocument = iam.PolicyDocument.fromJson(policyDocument);\n\n// You can pass this document as an initial document to a ManagedPolicy\n// or inline Policy.\nconst newManagedPolicy = new iam.ManagedPolicy(this, 'MyNewManagedPolicy', {\n document: customPolicyDocument,\n});\nconst newPolicy = new iam.Policy(this, 'MyNewPolicy', {\n document: customPolicyDocument,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5071 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5072 "10": 35,
5073 "75": 16,
5074 "104": 2,
5075 "192": 4,
5076 "193": 8,
5077 "194": 4,
5078 "196": 1,
5079 "197": 2,
5080 "225": 4,
5081 "242": 4,
5082 "243": 4,
5083 "281": 19
5084 },
5085 "fqnsFingerprint": "e8fb9a7a30f64f5caaed1825f7d4b0778ca110aca7444d91662fd345f74b0d7f"
5086 },
5087 "529e58dc2d792864dfb6aac887ca4e1ce16a502e9480fdc048105d60840ba86c": {
5088 "translations": {
5089 "python": {
5090 "source": "provider = iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(self, \"MyProvider\",\n url=\"https://openid/connect\",\n client_ids=[\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"]\n)\nprincipal = iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider)",
5091 "version": "2"
5092 },
5093 "csharp": {
5094 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = new OpenIdConnectProvider(this, \"MyProvider\", new OpenIdConnectProviderProps {\n Url = \"https://openid/connect\",\n ClientIds = new [] { \"myclient1\", \"myclient2\" }\n});\nOpenIdConnectPrincipal principal = new OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider);",
5095 "version": "1"
5096 },
5097 "java": {
5098 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = OpenIdConnectProvider.Builder.create(this, \"MyProvider\")\n .url(\"https://openid/connect\")\n .clientIds(List.of(\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"))\n .build();\nOpenIdConnectPrincipal principal = new OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider);",
5099 "version": "1"
5100 },
5101 "go": {
5102 "source": "provider := iam.NewOpenIdConnectProvider(this, jsii.String(\"MyProvider\"), &openIdConnectProviderProps{\n\turl: jsii.String(\"https://openid/connect\"),\n\tclientIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient1\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient2\"),\n\t},\n})\nprincipal := iam.NewOpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider)",
5103 "version": "1"
5104 },
5105 "$": {
5106 "source": "const provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});\nconst principal = new iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider);",
5107 "version": "0"
5108 }
5109 },
5110 "location": {
5111 "api": {
5112 "api": "type",
5113 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal"
5114 },
5115 "field": {
5116 "field": "example"
5117 }
5118 },
5119 "didCompile": true,
5120 "fqnsReferenced": [
5121 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IOpenIdConnectProvider",
5122 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal",
5123 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProvider",
5124 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProviderProps",
5125 "constructs.Construct"
5126 ],
5127 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});\nconst principal = new iam.OpenIdConnectPrincipal(provider);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5128 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5129 "10": 4,
5130 "75": 9,
5131 "104": 1,
5132 "192": 1,
5133 "193": 1,
5134 "194": 2,
5135 "197": 2,
5136 "225": 2,
5137 "242": 2,
5138 "243": 2,
5139 "281": 2
5140 },
5141 "fqnsFingerprint": "9bbff54525eee74c0b476136dadf4cafb3724c97951d651a58d7a8ab6208f851"
5142 },
5143 "aedfa318e4892e624bafcf2bd139b3e06cafd1d43585ba9093aafb46c91bf67a": {
5144 "translations": {
5145 "python": {
5146 "source": "provider = iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(self, \"MyProvider\",\n url=\"https://openid/connect\",\n client_ids=[\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"]\n)",
5147 "version": "2"
5148 },
5149 "csharp": {
5150 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = new OpenIdConnectProvider(this, \"MyProvider\", new OpenIdConnectProviderProps {\n Url = \"https://openid/connect\",\n ClientIds = new [] { \"myclient1\", \"myclient2\" }\n});",
5151 "version": "1"
5152 },
5153 "java": {
5154 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = OpenIdConnectProvider.Builder.create(this, \"MyProvider\")\n .url(\"https://openid/connect\")\n .clientIds(List.of(\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"))\n .build();",
5155 "version": "1"
5156 },
5157 "go": {
5158 "source": "provider := iam.NewOpenIdConnectProvider(this, jsii.String(\"MyProvider\"), &openIdConnectProviderProps{\n\turl: jsii.String(\"https://openid/connect\"),\n\tclientIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient1\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient2\"),\n\t},\n})",
5159 "version": "1"
5160 },
5161 "$": {
5162 "source": "const provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});",
5163 "version": "0"
5164 }
5165 },
5166 "location": {
5167 "api": {
5168 "api": "type",
5169 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProvider"
5170 },
5171 "field": {
5172 "field": "example"
5173 }
5174 },
5175 "didCompile": true,
5176 "fqnsReferenced": [
5177 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProvider",
5178 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProviderProps",
5179 "constructs.Construct"
5180 ],
5181 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5182 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5183 "10": 4,
5184 "75": 5,
5185 "104": 1,
5186 "192": 1,
5187 "193": 1,
5188 "194": 1,
5189 "197": 1,
5190 "225": 1,
5191 "242": 1,
5192 "243": 1,
5193 "281": 2
5194 },
5195 "fqnsFingerprint": "05c05218c81b81045455149d9e7e30ee418ed82d418f083dc0605297fb7e08f9"
5196 },
5197 "8a87ae3a5d6abe1154dac229e64807858bcceb625c47a2a0e00c21ca0014c3c5": {
5198 "translations": {
5199 "python": {
5200 "source": "provider = iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(self, \"MyProvider\",\n url=\"https://openid/connect\",\n client_ids=[\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"]\n)",
5201 "version": "2"
5202 },
5203 "csharp": {
5204 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = new OpenIdConnectProvider(this, \"MyProvider\", new OpenIdConnectProviderProps {\n Url = \"https://openid/connect\",\n ClientIds = new [] { \"myclient1\", \"myclient2\" }\n});",
5205 "version": "1"
5206 },
5207 "java": {
5208 "source": "OpenIdConnectProvider provider = OpenIdConnectProvider.Builder.create(this, \"MyProvider\")\n .url(\"https://openid/connect\")\n .clientIds(List.of(\"myclient1\", \"myclient2\"))\n .build();",
5209 "version": "1"
5210 },
5211 "go": {
5212 "source": "provider := iam.NewOpenIdConnectProvider(this, jsii.String(\"MyProvider\"), &openIdConnectProviderProps{\n\turl: jsii.String(\"https://openid/connect\"),\n\tclientIds: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient1\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"myclient2\"),\n\t},\n})",
5213 "version": "1"
5214 },
5215 "$": {
5216 "source": "const provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});",
5217 "version": "0"
5218 }
5219 },
5220 "location": {
5221 "api": {
5222 "api": "type",
5223 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProviderProps"
5224 },
5225 "field": {
5226 "field": "example"
5227 }
5228 },
5229 "didCompile": true,
5230 "fqnsReferenced": [
5231 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProvider",
5232 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OpenIdConnectProviderProps",
5233 "constructs.Construct"
5234 ],
5235 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.OpenIdConnectProvider(this, 'MyProvider', {\n url: 'https://openid/connect',\n clientIds: [ 'myclient1', 'myclient2' ],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5236 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5237 "10": 4,
5238 "75": 5,
5239 "104": 1,
5240 "192": 1,
5241 "193": 1,
5242 "194": 1,
5243 "197": 1,
5244 "225": 1,
5245 "242": 1,
5246 "243": 1,
5247 "281": 2
5248 },
5249 "fqnsFingerprint": "05c05218c81b81045455149d9e7e30ee418ed82d418f083dc0605297fb7e08f9"
5250 },
5251 "125d975003d76a3f61838c2504f640298ef090f31c726fa1a04f16ae43e66ccc": {
5252 "translations": {
5253 "python": {
5254 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\norganization_principal = iam.OrganizationPrincipal(\"organizationId\")",
5255 "version": "2"
5256 },
5257 "csharp": {
5258 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nOrganizationPrincipal organizationPrincipal = new OrganizationPrincipal(\"organizationId\");",
5259 "version": "1"
5260 },
5261 "java": {
5262 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nOrganizationPrincipal organizationPrincipal = new OrganizationPrincipal(\"organizationId\");",
5263 "version": "1"
5264 },
5265 "go": {
5266 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\norganizationPrincipal := iam.NewOrganizationPrincipal(jsii.String(\"organizationId\"))",
5267 "version": "1"
5268 },
5269 "$": {
5270 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst organizationPrincipal = new iam.OrganizationPrincipal('organizationId');",
5271 "version": "0"
5272 }
5273 },
5274 "location": {
5275 "api": {
5276 "api": "type",
5277 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OrganizationPrincipal"
5278 },
5279 "field": {
5280 "field": "example"
5281 }
5282 },
5283 "didCompile": true,
5284 "fqnsReferenced": [
5285 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.OrganizationPrincipal"
5286 ],
5287 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst organizationPrincipal = new iam.OrganizationPrincipal('organizationId');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
5288 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5289 "10": 2,
5290 "75": 4,
5291 "194": 1,
5292 "197": 1,
5293 "225": 1,
5294 "242": 1,
5295 "243": 1,
5296 "254": 1,
5297 "255": 1,
5298 "256": 1,
5299 "290": 1
5300 },
5301 "fqnsFingerprint": "9d1146777806d1a230478c7104358b034cb1a8c1fa922be0b99cdf328590e3b5"
5302 },
5303 "1ef3765d7b488b17ab991479cec1232482b68b58f98164b2ed458c376f747c41": {
5304 "translations": {
5305 "python": {
5306 "source": "policy = iam.ManagedPolicy.from_aws_managed_policy_name(\"ReadOnlyAccess\")\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(self).apply(policy)",
5307 "version": "2"
5308 },
5309 "csharp": {
5310 "source": "IManagedPolicy policy = ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"ReadOnlyAccess\");\nPermissionsBoundary.Of(this).Apply(policy);",
5311 "version": "1"
5312 },
5313 "java": {
5314 "source": "IManagedPolicy policy = ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"ReadOnlyAccess\");\nPermissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(policy);",
5315 "version": "1"
5316 },
5317 "go": {
5318 "source": "policy := iam.managedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(jsii.String(\"ReadOnlyAccess\"))\niam.permissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(policy)",
5319 "version": "1"
5320 },
5321 "$": {
5322 "source": "const policy = iam.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName('ReadOnlyAccess');\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(policy);",
5323 "version": "0"
5324 }
5325 },
5326 "location": {
5327 "api": {
5328 "api": "type",
5329 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary"
5330 },
5331 "field": {
5332 "field": "markdown",
5333 "line": 1
5334 }
5335 },
5336 "didCompile": true,
5337 "fqnsReferenced": [
5338 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IManagedPolicy",
5339 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy",
5340 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ManagedPolicy#fromAwsManagedPolicyName",
5341 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary",
5342 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#apply",
5343 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#of",
5344 "constructs.IConstruct"
5345 ],
5346 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst policy = iam.ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName('ReadOnlyAccess');\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(this).apply(policy);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5347 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5348 "10": 1,
5349 "75": 9,
5350 "104": 1,
5351 "194": 5,
5352 "196": 3,
5353 "225": 1,
5354 "226": 1,
5355 "242": 1,
5356 "243": 1
5357 },
5358 "fqnsFingerprint": "f2d2ad56e3c437f99303b7c3171a1a9d1782227946e9b13abe4fb4f25551b61e"
5359 },
5360 "d2c533b83d059c9109b8702cf95c5056ee60657f3006fbce9bd6a5a3e0426a73": {
5361 "translations": {
5362 "python": {
5363 "source": "# project: codebuild.Project\n\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(self, \"Boundary\"))",
5364 "version": "2"
5365 },
5366 "csharp": {
5367 "source": "Project project;\n\nPermissionsBoundary.Of(project).Apply(new UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, \"Boundary\"));",
5368 "version": "1"
5369 },
5370 "java": {
5371 "source": "Project project;\n\nPermissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(new UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, \"Boundary\"));",
5372 "version": "1"
5373 },
5374 "go": {
5375 "source": "var project project\n\niam.permissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(codebuild.NewUntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"Boundary\")))",
5376 "version": "1"
5377 },
5378 "$": {
5379 "source": "declare const project: codebuild.Project;\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(new codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, 'Boundary'));",
5380 "version": "0"
5381 }
5382 },
5383 "location": {
5384 "api": {
5385 "api": "type",
5386 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary"
5387 },
5388 "field": {
5389 "field": "example"
5390 }
5391 },
5392 "didCompile": true,
5393 "fqnsReferenced": [
5394 "@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy",
5395 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IManagedPolicy",
5396 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary",
5397 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#apply",
5398 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PermissionsBoundary#of",
5399 "constructs.Construct",
5400 "constructs.IConstruct"
5401 ],
5402 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const project: codebuild.Project;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack, Duration, SecretValue } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport codebuild = require('@aws-cdk/aws-codebuild');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as elbv2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2';\nimport * as ecr from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecr';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\niam.PermissionsBoundary.of(project).apply(new codebuild.UntrustedCodeBoundaryPolicy(this, 'Boundary'));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5403 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5404 "10": 1,
5405 "75": 10,
5406 "104": 1,
5407 "130": 1,
5408 "153": 1,
5409 "169": 1,
5410 "194": 4,
5411 "196": 2,
5412 "197": 1,
5413 "225": 1,
5414 "226": 1,
5415 "242": 1,
5416 "243": 1,
5417 "290": 1
5418 },
5419 "fqnsFingerprint": "76b4cd4470974cc0ac8b8c286a8d76d6f342d2cdce47790238a1fb8967abac0a"
5420 },
5421 "b0f6442fc1a869daa5f923de714aa3bcf2109d410fb77861ebabae594c6847ce": {
5422 "translations": {
5423 "python": {
5424 "source": "# post_auth_fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nuserpool = cognito.UserPool(self, \"myuserpool\",\n lambda_triggers=cognito.UserPoolTriggers(\n post_authentication=post_auth_fn\n )\n)\n\n# provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npost_auth_fn.role.attach_inline_policy(iam.Policy(self, \"userpool-policy\",\n statements=[iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool\"],\n resources=[userpool.user_pool_arn]\n )]\n))",
5425 "version": "2"
5426 },
5427 "csharp": {
5428 "source": "Function postAuthFn;\n\n\nUserPool userpool = new UserPool(this, \"myuserpool\", new UserPoolProps {\n LambdaTriggers = new UserPoolTriggers {\n PostAuthentication = postAuthFn\n }\n});\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.Role.AttachInlinePolicy(new Policy(this, \"userpool-policy\", new PolicyProps {\n Statements = new [] { new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool\" },\n Resources = new [] { userpool.UserPoolArn }\n }) }\n}));",
5429 "version": "1"
5430 },
5431 "java": {
5432 "source": "Function postAuthFn;\n\n\nUserPool userpool = UserPool.Builder.create(this, \"myuserpool\")\n .lambdaTriggers(UserPoolTriggers.builder()\n .postAuthentication(postAuthFn)\n .build())\n .build();\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.role.attachInlinePolicy(Policy.Builder.create(this, \"userpool-policy\")\n .statements(List.of(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool\"))\n .resources(List.of(userpool.getUserPoolArn()))\n .build()))\n .build());",
5433 "version": "1"
5434 },
5435 "go": {
5436 "source": "var postAuthFn function\n\n\nuserpool := cognito.NewUserPool(this, jsii.String(\"myuserpool\"), &userPoolProps{\n\tlambdaTriggers: &userPoolTriggers{\n\t\tpostAuthentication: postAuthFn,\n\t},\n})\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.role.attachInlinePolicy(iam.NewPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"userpool-policy\"), &policyProps{\n\tstatements: []policyStatement{\n\t\tiam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t\t\tactions: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tresources: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tuserpool.userPoolArn,\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n}))",
5437 "version": "1"
5438 },
5439 "$": {
5440 "source": "declare const postAuthFn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst userpool = new cognito.UserPool(this, 'myuserpool', {\n lambdaTriggers: {\n postAuthentication: postAuthFn,\n },\n});\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.role?.attachInlinePolicy(new iam.Policy(this, 'userpool-policy', {\n statements: [new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool'],\n resources: [userpool.userPoolArn],\n })],\n}));",
5441 "version": "0"
5442 }
5443 },
5444 "location": {
5445 "api": {
5446 "api": "type",
5447 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy"
5448 },
5449 "field": {
5450 "field": "example"
5451 }
5452 },
5453 "didCompile": true,
5454 "fqnsReferenced": [
5455 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.UserPool",
5456 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.UserPool#userPoolArn",
5457 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.UserPoolProps",
5458 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.UserPoolTriggers",
5459 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IIdentity#attachInlinePolicy",
5460 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy",
5461 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyProps",
5462 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5463 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
5464 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function#role",
5465 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
5466 "constructs.Construct"
5467 ],
5468 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const postAuthFn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport * as certificatemanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager';\nimport * as cognito from '@aws-cdk/aws-cognito';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as path from 'path';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst userpool = new cognito.UserPool(this, 'myuserpool', {\n lambdaTriggers: {\n postAuthentication: postAuthFn,\n },\n});\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.role?.attachInlinePolicy(new iam.Policy(this, 'userpool-policy', {\n statements: [new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool'],\n resources: [userpool.userPoolArn],\n })],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5469 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5470 "10": 3,
5471 "28": 1,
5472 "75": 21,
5473 "104": 2,
5474 "130": 1,
5475 "153": 1,
5476 "169": 1,
5477 "192": 3,
5478 "193": 4,
5479 "194": 6,
5480 "196": 1,
5481 "197": 3,
5482 "225": 2,
5483 "226": 1,
5484 "242": 2,
5485 "243": 2,
5486 "281": 5,
5487 "290": 1
5488 },
5489 "fqnsFingerprint": "642d307b83bed6e8e5585a61db334dbc8fdf835a74dcff9ca77a2415e7eb2aad"
5490 },
5491 "41a64d14395a27c1aba896dd8775d35033387788134490aa378250aefd62c508": {
5492 "translations": {
5493 "python": {
5494 "source": "my_trusted_admin_role = iam.Role.from_role_arn(self, \"TrustedRole\", \"arn:aws:iam:....\")\n# Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nmy_custom_policy = iam.PolicyDocument(\n statements=[iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"kms:Create*\", \"kms:Describe*\", \"kms:Enable*\", \"kms:List*\", \"kms:Put*\"\n ],\n principals=[iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n resources=[\"*\"]\n )]\n)\nkey = kms.Key(self, \"MyKey\",\n policy=my_custom_policy\n)",
5495 "version": "2"
5496 },
5497 "csharp": {
5498 "source": "IRole myTrustedAdminRole = Role.FromRoleArn(this, \"TrustedRole\", \"arn:aws:iam:....\");\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nPolicyDocument myCustomPolicy = new PolicyDocument(new PolicyDocumentProps {\n Statements = new [] { new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"kms:Create*\", \"kms:Describe*\", \"kms:Enable*\", \"kms:List*\", \"kms:Put*\" },\n Principals = new [] { new AccountRootPrincipal() },\n Resources = new [] { \"*\" }\n }) }\n});\nKey key = new Key(this, \"MyKey\", new KeyProps {\n Policy = myCustomPolicy\n});",
5499 "version": "1"
5500 },
5501 "java": {
5502 "source": "IRole myTrustedAdminRole = Role.fromRoleArn(this, \"TrustedRole\", \"arn:aws:iam:....\");\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nPolicyDocument myCustomPolicy = PolicyDocument.Builder.create()\n .statements(List.of(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"kms:Create*\", \"kms:Describe*\", \"kms:Enable*\", \"kms:List*\", \"kms:Put*\"))\n .principals(List.of(new AccountRootPrincipal()))\n .resources(List.of(\"*\"))\n .build()))\n .build();\nKey key = Key.Builder.create(this, \"MyKey\")\n .policy(myCustomPolicy)\n .build();",
5503 "version": "1"
5504 },
5505 "go": {
5506 "source": "myTrustedAdminRole := iam.role.fromRoleArn(this, jsii.String(\"TrustedRole\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam:....\"))\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nmyCustomPolicy := iam.NewPolicyDocument(&policyDocumentProps{\n\tstatements: []policyStatement{\n\t\tiam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t\t\tactions: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:Create*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:Describe*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:Enable*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:List*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:Put*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tprincipals: []iPrincipal{\n\t\t\t\tiam.NewAccountRootPrincipal(),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tresources: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})\nkey := kms.NewKey(this, jsii.String(\"MyKey\"), &keyProps{\n\tpolicy: myCustomPolicy,\n})",
5507 "version": "1"
5508 },
5509 "$": {
5510 "source": "const myTrustedAdminRole = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(this, 'TrustedRole', 'arn:aws:iam:....');\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nconst myCustomPolicy = new iam.PolicyDocument({\n statements: [new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [\n 'kms:Create*',\n 'kms:Describe*',\n 'kms:Enable*',\n 'kms:List*',\n 'kms:Put*',\n ],\n principals: [new iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n resources: ['*'],\n })],\n});\nconst key = new kms.Key(this, 'MyKey', {\n policy: myCustomPolicy,\n});",
5511 "version": "0"
5512 }
5513 },
5514 "location": {
5515 "api": {
5516 "api": "type",
5517 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument"
5518 },
5519 "field": {
5520 "field": "example"
5521 }
5522 },
5523 "didCompile": true,
5524 "fqnsReferenced": [
5525 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountRootPrincipal",
5526 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
5527 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument",
5528 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocumentProps",
5529 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5530 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
5531 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
5532 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role#fromRoleArn",
5533 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.Key",
5534 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.KeyProps",
5535 "constructs.Construct"
5536 ],
5537 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst myTrustedAdminRole = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(this, 'TrustedRole', 'arn:aws:iam:....');\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nconst myCustomPolicy = new iam.PolicyDocument({\n statements: [new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [\n 'kms:Create*',\n 'kms:Describe*',\n 'kms:Enable*',\n 'kms:List*',\n 'kms:Put*',\n ],\n principals: [new iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n resources: ['*'],\n })],\n});\nconst key = new kms.Key(this, 'MyKey', {\n policy: myCustomPolicy,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
5538 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5539 "10": 9,
5540 "75": 20,
5541 "104": 2,
5542 "192": 4,
5543 "193": 3,
5544 "194": 6,
5545 "196": 1,
5546 "197": 4,
5547 "225": 3,
5548 "242": 3,
5549 "243": 3,
5550 "281": 5
5551 },
5552 "fqnsFingerprint": "934404f881a4076b95e1653ee0ba8630dc2e38b336a690d4f27debcc1059e395"
5553 },
5554 "79a00eaac56f614851a477c4ac1590f9cb4db9607c8bedf7f0f569cd8c7dbef6": {
5555 "translations": {
5556 "python": {
5557 "source": "my_trusted_admin_role = iam.Role.from_role_arn(self, \"TrustedRole\", \"arn:aws:iam:....\")\n# Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nmy_custom_policy = iam.PolicyDocument(\n statements=[iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"kms:Create*\", \"kms:Describe*\", \"kms:Enable*\", \"kms:List*\", \"kms:Put*\"\n ],\n principals=[iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n resources=[\"*\"]\n )]\n)\nkey = kms.Key(self, \"MyKey\",\n policy=my_custom_policy\n)",
5558 "version": "2"
5559 },
5560 "csharp": {
5561 "source": "IRole myTrustedAdminRole = Role.FromRoleArn(this, \"TrustedRole\", \"arn:aws:iam:....\");\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nPolicyDocument myCustomPolicy = new PolicyDocument(new PolicyDocumentProps {\n Statements = new [] { new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"kms:Create*\", \"kms:Describe*\", \"kms:Enable*\", \"kms:List*\", \"kms:Put*\" },\n Principals = new [] { new AccountRootPrincipal() },\n Resources = new [] { \"*\" }\n }) }\n});\nKey key = new Key(this, \"MyKey\", new KeyProps {\n Policy = myCustomPolicy\n});",
5562 "version": "1"
5563 },
5564 "java": {
5565 "source": "IRole myTrustedAdminRole = Role.fromRoleArn(this, \"TrustedRole\", \"arn:aws:iam:....\");\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nPolicyDocument myCustomPolicy = PolicyDocument.Builder.create()\n .statements(List.of(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"kms:Create*\", \"kms:Describe*\", \"kms:Enable*\", \"kms:List*\", \"kms:Put*\"))\n .principals(List.of(new AccountRootPrincipal()))\n .resources(List.of(\"*\"))\n .build()))\n .build();\nKey key = Key.Builder.create(this, \"MyKey\")\n .policy(myCustomPolicy)\n .build();",
5566 "version": "1"
5567 },
5568 "go": {
5569 "source": "myTrustedAdminRole := iam.role.fromRoleArn(this, jsii.String(\"TrustedRole\"), jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam:....\"))\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nmyCustomPolicy := iam.NewPolicyDocument(&policyDocumentProps{\n\tstatements: []policyStatement{\n\t\tiam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t\t\tactions: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:Create*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:Describe*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:Enable*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:List*\"),\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"kms:Put*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tprincipals: []iPrincipal{\n\t\t\t\tiam.NewAccountRootPrincipal(),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tresources: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n})\nkey := kms.NewKey(this, jsii.String(\"MyKey\"), &keyProps{\n\tpolicy: myCustomPolicy,\n})",
5570 "version": "1"
5571 },
5572 "$": {
5573 "source": "const myTrustedAdminRole = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(this, 'TrustedRole', 'arn:aws:iam:....');\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nconst myCustomPolicy = new iam.PolicyDocument({\n statements: [new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [\n 'kms:Create*',\n 'kms:Describe*',\n 'kms:Enable*',\n 'kms:List*',\n 'kms:Put*',\n ],\n principals: [new iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n resources: ['*'],\n })],\n});\nconst key = new kms.Key(this, 'MyKey', {\n policy: myCustomPolicy,\n});",
5574 "version": "0"
5575 }
5576 },
5577 "location": {
5578 "api": {
5579 "api": "type",
5580 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocumentProps"
5581 },
5582 "field": {
5583 "field": "example"
5584 }
5585 },
5586 "didCompile": true,
5587 "fqnsReferenced": [
5588 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountRootPrincipal",
5589 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
5590 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocument",
5591 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyDocumentProps",
5592 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5593 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
5594 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
5595 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role#fromRoleArn",
5596 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.Key",
5597 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.KeyProps",
5598 "constructs.Construct"
5599 ],
5600 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst myTrustedAdminRole = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(this, 'TrustedRole', 'arn:aws:iam:....');\n// Creates a limited admin policy and assigns to the account root.\nconst myCustomPolicy = new iam.PolicyDocument({\n statements: [new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: [\n 'kms:Create*',\n 'kms:Describe*',\n 'kms:Enable*',\n 'kms:List*',\n 'kms:Put*',\n ],\n principals: [new iam.AccountRootPrincipal()],\n resources: ['*'],\n })],\n});\nconst key = new kms.Key(this, 'MyKey', {\n policy: myCustomPolicy,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
5601 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5602 "10": 9,
5603 "75": 20,
5604 "104": 2,
5605 "192": 4,
5606 "193": 3,
5607 "194": 6,
5608 "196": 1,
5609 "197": 4,
5610 "225": 3,
5611 "242": 3,
5612 "243": 3,
5613 "281": 5
5614 },
5615 "fqnsFingerprint": "934404f881a4076b95e1653ee0ba8630dc2e38b336a690d4f27debcc1059e395"
5616 },
5617 "9543f2177bea1d096c303b071eac6d465b37609f4cbc5fe58623bed069243843": {
5618 "translations": {
5619 "python": {
5620 "source": "# post_auth_fn: lambda.Function\n\n\nuserpool = cognito.UserPool(self, \"myuserpool\",\n lambda_triggers=cognito.UserPoolTriggers(\n post_authentication=post_auth_fn\n )\n)\n\n# provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npost_auth_fn.role.attach_inline_policy(iam.Policy(self, \"userpool-policy\",\n statements=[iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool\"],\n resources=[userpool.user_pool_arn]\n )]\n))",
5621 "version": "2"
5622 },
5623 "csharp": {
5624 "source": "Function postAuthFn;\n\n\nUserPool userpool = new UserPool(this, \"myuserpool\", new UserPoolProps {\n LambdaTriggers = new UserPoolTriggers {\n PostAuthentication = postAuthFn\n }\n});\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.Role.AttachInlinePolicy(new Policy(this, \"userpool-policy\", new PolicyProps {\n Statements = new [] { new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool\" },\n Resources = new [] { userpool.UserPoolArn }\n }) }\n}));",
5625 "version": "1"
5626 },
5627 "java": {
5628 "source": "Function postAuthFn;\n\n\nUserPool userpool = UserPool.Builder.create(this, \"myuserpool\")\n .lambdaTriggers(UserPoolTriggers.builder()\n .postAuthentication(postAuthFn)\n .build())\n .build();\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.role.attachInlinePolicy(Policy.Builder.create(this, \"userpool-policy\")\n .statements(List.of(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool\"))\n .resources(List.of(userpool.getUserPoolArn()))\n .build()))\n .build());",
5629 "version": "1"
5630 },
5631 "go": {
5632 "source": "var postAuthFn function\n\n\nuserpool := cognito.NewUserPool(this, jsii.String(\"myuserpool\"), &userPoolProps{\n\tlambdaTriggers: &userPoolTriggers{\n\t\tpostAuthentication: postAuthFn,\n\t},\n})\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.role.attachInlinePolicy(iam.NewPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"userpool-policy\"), &policyProps{\n\tstatements: []policyStatement{\n\t\tiam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t\t\tactions: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tjsii.String(\"cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool\"),\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tresources: []*string{\n\t\t\t\tuserpool.userPoolArn,\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t}),\n\t},\n}))",
5633 "version": "1"
5634 },
5635 "$": {
5636 "source": "declare const postAuthFn: lambda.Function;\n\nconst userpool = new cognito.UserPool(this, 'myuserpool', {\n lambdaTriggers: {\n postAuthentication: postAuthFn,\n },\n});\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.role?.attachInlinePolicy(new iam.Policy(this, 'userpool-policy', {\n statements: [new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool'],\n resources: [userpool.userPoolArn],\n })],\n}));",
5637 "version": "0"
5638 }
5639 },
5640 "location": {
5641 "api": {
5642 "api": "type",
5643 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyProps"
5644 },
5645 "field": {
5646 "field": "example"
5647 }
5648 },
5649 "didCompile": true,
5650 "fqnsReferenced": [
5651 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.UserPool",
5652 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.UserPool#userPoolArn",
5653 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.UserPoolProps",
5654 "@aws-cdk/aws-cognito.UserPoolTriggers",
5655 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IIdentity#attachInlinePolicy",
5656 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy",
5657 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyProps",
5658 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5659 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
5660 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function#role",
5661 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
5662 "constructs.Construct"
5663 ],
5664 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const postAuthFn: lambda.Function;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport * as certificatemanager from '@aws-cdk/aws-certificatemanager';\nimport * as cognito from '@aws-cdk/aws-cognito';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as path from 'path';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst userpool = new cognito.UserPool(this, 'myuserpool', {\n lambdaTriggers: {\n postAuthentication: postAuthFn,\n },\n});\n\n// provide permissions to describe the user pool scoped to the ARN the user pool\npostAuthFn.role?.attachInlinePolicy(new iam.Policy(this, 'userpool-policy', {\n statements: [new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['cognito-idp:DescribeUserPool'],\n resources: [userpool.userPoolArn],\n })],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5665 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5666 "10": 3,
5667 "28": 1,
5668 "75": 21,
5669 "104": 2,
5670 "130": 1,
5671 "153": 1,
5672 "169": 1,
5673 "192": 3,
5674 "193": 4,
5675 "194": 6,
5676 "196": 1,
5677 "197": 3,
5678 "225": 2,
5679 "226": 1,
5680 "242": 2,
5681 "243": 2,
5682 "281": 5,
5683 "290": 1
5684 },
5685 "fqnsFingerprint": "642d307b83bed6e8e5585a61db334dbc8fdf835a74dcff9ca77a2415e7eb2aad"
5686 },
5687 "661d3bde1a7741755f3c2de1ff3f6e65819f0ece4d0b7b4a2c2008af7d9f9e97": {
5688 "translations": {
5689 "python": {
5690 "source": "# Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\nvpc = ec2.Vpc(self, \"MyVpc\",\n gateway_endpoints={\n \"S3\": ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointOptions(\n service=ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3\n )\n }\n)\n\n# Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\ndynamo_db_endpoint = vpc.add_gateway_endpoint(\"DynamoDbEndpoint\",\n service=ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB\n)\n\n# This allows to customize the endpoint policy\ndynamo_db_endpoint.add_to_policy(\n iam.PolicyStatement( # Restrict to listing and describing tables\n principals=[iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n actions=[\"dynamodb:DescribeTable\", \"dynamodb:ListTables\"],\n resources=[\"*\"]))\n\n# Add an interface endpoint\nvpc.add_interface_endpoint(\"EcrDockerEndpoint\",\n service=ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER\n)",
5691 "version": "2"
5692 },
5693 "csharp": {
5694 "source": "// Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\nVpc vpc = new Vpc(this, \"MyVpc\", new VpcProps {\n GatewayEndpoints = new Dictionary<string, GatewayVpcEndpointOptions> {\n { \"S3\", new GatewayVpcEndpointOptions {\n Service = GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3\n } }\n }\n});\n\n// Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\nGatewayVpcEndpoint dynamoDbEndpoint = vpc.AddGatewayEndpoint(\"DynamoDbEndpoint\", new GatewayVpcEndpointOptions {\n Service = GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB\n});\n\n// This allows to customize the endpoint policy\ndynamoDbEndpoint.AddToPolicy(\nnew PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n Principals = new [] { new AnyPrincipal() },\n Actions = new [] { \"dynamodb:DescribeTable\", \"dynamodb:ListTables\" },\n Resources = new [] { \"*\" } }));\n\n// Add an interface endpoint\nvpc.AddInterfaceEndpoint(\"EcrDockerEndpoint\", new InterfaceVpcEndpointOptions {\n Service = InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER\n});",
5695 "version": "1"
5696 },
5697 "java": {
5698 "source": "// Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\nVpc vpc = Vpc.Builder.create(this, \"MyVpc\")\n .gatewayEndpoints(Map.of(\n \"S3\", GatewayVpcEndpointOptions.builder()\n .service(GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3)\n .build()))\n .build();\n\n// Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\nGatewayVpcEndpoint dynamoDbEndpoint = vpc.addGatewayEndpoint(\"DynamoDbEndpoint\", GatewayVpcEndpointOptions.builder()\n .service(GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB)\n .build());\n\n// This allows to customize the endpoint policy\ndynamoDbEndpoint.addToPolicy(\nPolicyStatement.Builder.create() // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n .principals(List.of(new AnyPrincipal()))\n .actions(List.of(\"dynamodb:DescribeTable\", \"dynamodb:ListTables\"))\n .resources(List.of(\"*\")).build());\n\n// Add an interface endpoint\nvpc.addInterfaceEndpoint(\"EcrDockerEndpoint\", InterfaceVpcEndpointOptions.builder()\n .service(InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER)\n .build());",
5699 "version": "1"
5700 },
5701 "go": {
5702 "source": "// Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\nvpc := ec2.NewVpc(this, jsii.String(\"MyVpc\"), &vpcProps{\n\tgatewayEndpoints: map[string]gatewayVpcEndpointOptions{\n\t\t\"S3\": &gatewayVpcEndpointOptions{\n\t\t\t\"service\": ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService_S3(),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})\n\n// Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\ndynamoDbEndpoint := vpc.addGatewayEndpoint(jsii.String(\"DynamoDbEndpoint\"), &gatewayVpcEndpointOptions{\n\tservice: ec2.gatewayVpcEndpointAwsService_DYNAMODB(),\n})\n\n// This allows to customize the endpoint policy\ndynamoDbEndpoint.addToPolicy(\niam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n\tprincipals: []iPrincipal{\n\t\tiam.NewAnyPrincipal(),\n\t},\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"dynamodb:DescribeTable\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"dynamodb:ListTables\"),\n\t},\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t},\n}))\n\n// Add an interface endpoint\nvpc.addInterfaceEndpoint(jsii.String(\"EcrDockerEndpoint\"), &interfaceVpcEndpointOptions{\n\tservice: ec2.interfaceVpcEndpointAwsService_ECR_DOCKER(),\n})",
5703 "version": "1"
5704 },
5705 "$": {
5706 "source": " // Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\n const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'MyVpc', {\n gatewayEndpoints: {\n S3: {\n service: ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3,\n },\n },\n });\n\n // Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\n const dynamoDbEndpoint = vpc.addGatewayEndpoint('DynamoDbEndpoint', {\n service: ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB,\n });\n\n // This allows to customize the endpoint policy\n dynamoDbEndpoint.addToPolicy(\n new iam.PolicyStatement({ // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n principals: [new iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n actions: ['dynamodb:DescribeTable', 'dynamodb:ListTables'],\n resources: ['*'],\n }));\n\n // Add an interface endpoint\n vpc.addInterfaceEndpoint('EcrDockerEndpoint', {\n service: ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER,\n\n // Uncomment the following to allow more fine-grained control over\n // who can access the endpoint via the '.connections' object.\n // open: false\n });",
5707 "version": "0"
5708 }
5709 },
5710 "location": {
5711 "api": {
5712 "api": "type",
5713 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement"
5714 },
5715 "field": {
5716 "field": "example"
5717 }
5718 },
5719 "didCompile": true,
5720 "fqnsReferenced": [
5721 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpoint",
5722 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService",
5723 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService#DYNAMODB",
5724 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService#S3",
5725 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointOptions",
5726 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IGatewayVpcEndpointService",
5727 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IInterfaceVpcEndpointService",
5728 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService",
5729 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService#ECR_DOCKER",
5730 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointOptions",
5731 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Vpc",
5732 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.VpcEndpoint#addToPolicy",
5733 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.VpcProps",
5734 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AnyPrincipal",
5735 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5736 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
5737 "constructs.Construct"
5738 ],
5739 "fullSource": "import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as ec2 from '../lib';\n\nconst app = new cdk.App();\n\nclass VpcEndpointStack extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n /// !show\n // Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\n const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'MyVpc', {\n gatewayEndpoints: {\n S3: {\n service: ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3,\n },\n },\n });\n\n // Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\n const dynamoDbEndpoint = vpc.addGatewayEndpoint('DynamoDbEndpoint', {\n service: ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB,\n });\n\n // This allows to customize the endpoint policy\n dynamoDbEndpoint.addToPolicy(\n new iam.PolicyStatement({ // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n principals: [new iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n actions: ['dynamodb:DescribeTable', 'dynamodb:ListTables'],\n resources: ['*'],\n }));\n\n // Add an interface endpoint\n vpc.addInterfaceEndpoint('EcrDockerEndpoint', {\n service: ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER,\n\n // Uncomment the following to allow more fine-grained control over\n // who can access the endpoint via the '.connections' object.\n // open: false\n });\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n\nnew VpcEndpointStack(app, 'aws-cdk-ec2-vpc-endpoint');\napp.synth();\n",
5740 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5741 "10": 6,
5742 "75": 31,
5743 "104": 1,
5744 "192": 3,
5745 "193": 6,
5746 "194": 12,
5747 "196": 3,
5748 "197": 3,
5749 "225": 2,
5750 "226": 2,
5751 "242": 2,
5752 "243": 2,
5753 "281": 8
5754 },
5755 "fqnsFingerprint": "59c7c673513a9a6d72db6488a9f7f428dc44b538e5bbcbf597027aa3691cf43f"
5756 },
5757 "63a6e8faad39663bd73677dbdb500c130b505c0ae7f43a464e2a59855c357046": {
5758 "translations": {
5759 "python": {
5760 "source": "# stmt: iam.PolicyStatement\n\n\nstmt.add_condition(\"StringEquals\", {\"aws:SomeField\": \"1\"})\nstmt.add_condition(\"StringEquals\", {\"aws:SomeField\": \"2\"})",
5761 "version": "2"
5762 },
5763 "csharp": {
5764 "source": "PolicyStatement stmt;\n\n\nstmt.AddCondition(\"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"aws:SomeField\", \"1\" } });\nstmt.AddCondition(\"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"aws:SomeField\", \"2\" } });",
5765 "version": "1"
5766 },
5767 "java": {
5768 "source": "PolicyStatement stmt;\n\n\nstmt.addCondition(\"StringEquals\", Map.of(\"aws:SomeField\", \"1\"));\nstmt.addCondition(\"StringEquals\", Map.of(\"aws:SomeField\", \"2\"));",
5769 "version": "1"
5770 },
5771 "go": {
5772 "source": "var stmt policyStatement\n\n\nstmt.addCondition(jsii.String(\"StringEquals\"), map[string]*string{\n\t\"aws:SomeField\": jsii.String(\"1\"),\n})\nstmt.addCondition(jsii.String(\"StringEquals\"), map[string]*string{\n\t\"aws:SomeField\": jsii.String(\"2\"),\n})",
5773 "version": "1"
5774 },
5775 "$": {
5776 "source": "declare const stmt: iam.PolicyStatement;\n\nstmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': '1' });\nstmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': '2' });",
5777 "version": "0"
5778 }
5779 },
5780 "location": {
5781 "api": {
5782 "api": "member",
5783 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5784 "memberName": "addCondition"
5785 },
5786 "field": {
5787 "field": "markdown",
5788 "line": 4
5789 }
5790 },
5791 "didCompile": true,
5792 "fqnsReferenced": [
5793 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement#addCondition"
5794 ],
5795 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const stmt: iam.PolicyStatement;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nstmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': '1' });\nstmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': '2' });\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5796 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5797 "10": 6,
5798 "75": 7,
5799 "130": 1,
5800 "153": 1,
5801 "169": 1,
5802 "193": 2,
5803 "194": 2,
5804 "196": 2,
5805 "225": 1,
5806 "226": 2,
5807 "242": 1,
5808 "243": 1,
5809 "281": 2,
5810 "290": 1
5811 },
5812 "fqnsFingerprint": "989689c8929cc03b434a7643751268d113911f1d3d88c58d254416f744492af6"
5813 },
5814 "b84710644fb020e5000419b47f9f20323c21f8eb7f48b25b26543eaa309e03da": {
5815 "translations": {
5816 "python": {
5817 "source": "# stmt: iam.PolicyStatement\n\n\nstmt.add_condition(\"StringEquals\", {\"aws:SomeField\": [\"1\", \"2\"]})",
5818 "version": "2"
5819 },
5820 "csharp": {
5821 "source": "PolicyStatement stmt;\n\n\nstmt.AddCondition(\"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string[]> { { \"aws:SomeField\", new [] { \"1\", \"2\" } } });",
5822 "version": "1"
5823 },
5824 "java": {
5825 "source": "PolicyStatement stmt;\n\n\nstmt.addCondition(\"StringEquals\", Map.of(\"aws:SomeField\", List.of(\"1\", \"2\")));",
5826 "version": "1"
5827 },
5828 "go": {
5829 "source": "var stmt policyStatement\n\n\nstmt.addCondition(jsii.String(\"StringEquals\"), map[string][]*string{\n\t\"aws:SomeField\": []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"1\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"2\"),\n\t},\n})",
5830 "version": "1"
5831 },
5832 "$": {
5833 "source": "declare const stmt: iam.PolicyStatement;\n\nstmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': ['1', '2'] });",
5834 "version": "0"
5835 }
5836 },
5837 "location": {
5838 "api": {
5839 "api": "member",
5840 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5841 "memberName": "addCondition"
5842 },
5843 "field": {
5844 "field": "markdown",
5845 "line": 16
5846 }
5847 },
5848 "didCompile": true,
5849 "fqnsReferenced": [
5850 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement#addCondition"
5851 ],
5852 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const stmt: iam.PolicyStatement;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nstmt.addCondition('StringEquals', { 'aws:SomeField': ['1', '2'] });\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5853 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5854 "10": 4,
5855 "75": 5,
5856 "130": 1,
5857 "153": 1,
5858 "169": 1,
5859 "192": 1,
5860 "193": 1,
5861 "194": 1,
5862 "196": 1,
5863 "225": 1,
5864 "226": 1,
5865 "242": 1,
5866 "243": 1,
5867 "281": 1,
5868 "290": 1
5869 },
5870 "fqnsFingerprint": "989689c8929cc03b434a7643751268d113911f1d3d88c58d254416f744492af6"
5871 },
5872 "ffe01c82dab988ff3424331a367ba4e93f2c39c3f1ef87dbc16063f2d23ae825": {
5873 "translations": {
5874 "python": {
5875 "source": "# Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\nvpc = ec2.Vpc(self, \"MyVpc\",\n gateway_endpoints={\n \"S3\": ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointOptions(\n service=ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3\n )\n }\n)\n\n# Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\ndynamo_db_endpoint = vpc.add_gateway_endpoint(\"DynamoDbEndpoint\",\n service=ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB\n)\n\n# This allows to customize the endpoint policy\ndynamo_db_endpoint.add_to_policy(\n iam.PolicyStatement( # Restrict to listing and describing tables\n principals=[iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n actions=[\"dynamodb:DescribeTable\", \"dynamodb:ListTables\"],\n resources=[\"*\"]))\n\n# Add an interface endpoint\nvpc.add_interface_endpoint(\"EcrDockerEndpoint\",\n service=ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER\n)",
5876 "version": "2"
5877 },
5878 "csharp": {
5879 "source": "// Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\nVpc vpc = new Vpc(this, \"MyVpc\", new VpcProps {\n GatewayEndpoints = new Dictionary<string, GatewayVpcEndpointOptions> {\n { \"S3\", new GatewayVpcEndpointOptions {\n Service = GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3\n } }\n }\n});\n\n// Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\nGatewayVpcEndpoint dynamoDbEndpoint = vpc.AddGatewayEndpoint(\"DynamoDbEndpoint\", new GatewayVpcEndpointOptions {\n Service = GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB\n});\n\n// This allows to customize the endpoint policy\ndynamoDbEndpoint.AddToPolicy(\nnew PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps { // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n Principals = new [] { new AnyPrincipal() },\n Actions = new [] { \"dynamodb:DescribeTable\", \"dynamodb:ListTables\" },\n Resources = new [] { \"*\" } }));\n\n// Add an interface endpoint\nvpc.AddInterfaceEndpoint(\"EcrDockerEndpoint\", new InterfaceVpcEndpointOptions {\n Service = InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER\n});",
5880 "version": "1"
5881 },
5882 "java": {
5883 "source": "// Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\nVpc vpc = Vpc.Builder.create(this, \"MyVpc\")\n .gatewayEndpoints(Map.of(\n \"S3\", GatewayVpcEndpointOptions.builder()\n .service(GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3)\n .build()))\n .build();\n\n// Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\nGatewayVpcEndpoint dynamoDbEndpoint = vpc.addGatewayEndpoint(\"DynamoDbEndpoint\", GatewayVpcEndpointOptions.builder()\n .service(GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB)\n .build());\n\n// This allows to customize the endpoint policy\ndynamoDbEndpoint.addToPolicy(\nPolicyStatement.Builder.create() // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n .principals(List.of(new AnyPrincipal()))\n .actions(List.of(\"dynamodb:DescribeTable\", \"dynamodb:ListTables\"))\n .resources(List.of(\"*\")).build());\n\n// Add an interface endpoint\nvpc.addInterfaceEndpoint(\"EcrDockerEndpoint\", InterfaceVpcEndpointOptions.builder()\n .service(InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER)\n .build());",
5884 "version": "1"
5885 },
5886 "go": {
5887 "source": "// Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\nvpc := ec2.NewVpc(this, jsii.String(\"MyVpc\"), &vpcProps{\n\tgatewayEndpoints: map[string]gatewayVpcEndpointOptions{\n\t\t\"S3\": &gatewayVpcEndpointOptions{\n\t\t\t\"service\": ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService_S3(),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})\n\n// Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\ndynamoDbEndpoint := vpc.addGatewayEndpoint(jsii.String(\"DynamoDbEndpoint\"), &gatewayVpcEndpointOptions{\n\tservice: ec2.gatewayVpcEndpointAwsService_DYNAMODB(),\n})\n\n// This allows to customize the endpoint policy\ndynamoDbEndpoint.addToPolicy(\niam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\t // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n\tprincipals: []iPrincipal{\n\t\tiam.NewAnyPrincipal(),\n\t},\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"dynamodb:DescribeTable\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"dynamodb:ListTables\"),\n\t},\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"*\"),\n\t},\n}))\n\n// Add an interface endpoint\nvpc.addInterfaceEndpoint(jsii.String(\"EcrDockerEndpoint\"), &interfaceVpcEndpointOptions{\n\tservice: ec2.interfaceVpcEndpointAwsService_ECR_DOCKER(),\n})",
5888 "version": "1"
5889 },
5890 "$": {
5891 "source": " // Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\n const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'MyVpc', {\n gatewayEndpoints: {\n S3: {\n service: ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3,\n },\n },\n });\n\n // Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\n const dynamoDbEndpoint = vpc.addGatewayEndpoint('DynamoDbEndpoint', {\n service: ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB,\n });\n\n // This allows to customize the endpoint policy\n dynamoDbEndpoint.addToPolicy(\n new iam.PolicyStatement({ // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n principals: [new iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n actions: ['dynamodb:DescribeTable', 'dynamodb:ListTables'],\n resources: ['*'],\n }));\n\n // Add an interface endpoint\n vpc.addInterfaceEndpoint('EcrDockerEndpoint', {\n service: ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER,\n\n // Uncomment the following to allow more fine-grained control over\n // who can access the endpoint via the '.connections' object.\n // open: false\n });",
5892 "version": "0"
5893 }
5894 },
5895 "location": {
5896 "api": {
5897 "api": "type",
5898 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps"
5899 },
5900 "field": {
5901 "field": "example"
5902 }
5903 },
5904 "didCompile": true,
5905 "fqnsReferenced": [
5906 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpoint",
5907 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService",
5908 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService#DYNAMODB",
5909 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService#S3",
5910 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointOptions",
5911 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IGatewayVpcEndpointService",
5912 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IInterfaceVpcEndpointService",
5913 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService",
5914 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService#ECR_DOCKER",
5915 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointOptions",
5916 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Vpc",
5917 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.VpcEndpoint#addToPolicy",
5918 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.VpcProps",
5919 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AnyPrincipal",
5920 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
5921 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
5922 "constructs.Construct"
5923 ],
5924 "fullSource": "import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as ec2 from '../lib';\n\nconst app = new cdk.App();\n\nclass VpcEndpointStack extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string, props?: cdk.StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n /// !show\n // Add gateway endpoints when creating the VPC\n const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(this, 'MyVpc', {\n gatewayEndpoints: {\n S3: {\n service: ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.S3,\n },\n },\n });\n\n // Alternatively gateway endpoints can be added on the VPC\n const dynamoDbEndpoint = vpc.addGatewayEndpoint('DynamoDbEndpoint', {\n service: ec2.GatewayVpcEndpointAwsService.DYNAMODB,\n });\n\n // This allows to customize the endpoint policy\n dynamoDbEndpoint.addToPolicy(\n new iam.PolicyStatement({ // Restrict to listing and describing tables\n principals: [new iam.AnyPrincipal()],\n actions: ['dynamodb:DescribeTable', 'dynamodb:ListTables'],\n resources: ['*'],\n }));\n\n // Add an interface endpoint\n vpc.addInterfaceEndpoint('EcrDockerEndpoint', {\n service: ec2.InterfaceVpcEndpointAwsService.ECR_DOCKER,\n\n // Uncomment the following to allow more fine-grained control over\n // who can access the endpoint via the '.connections' object.\n // open: false\n });\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n\nnew VpcEndpointStack(app, 'aws-cdk-ec2-vpc-endpoint');\napp.synth();\n",
5925 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5926 "10": 6,
5927 "75": 31,
5928 "104": 1,
5929 "192": 3,
5930 "193": 6,
5931 "194": 12,
5932 "196": 3,
5933 "197": 3,
5934 "225": 2,
5935 "226": 2,
5936 "242": 2,
5937 "243": 2,
5938 "281": 8
5939 },
5940 "fqnsFingerprint": "59c7c673513a9a6d72db6488a9f7f428dc44b538e5bbcbf597027aa3691cf43f"
5941 },
5942 "a39cd8c5324b60d69298977f49196dfbaac98245a811ca830b8329c74ef44258": {
5943 "translations": {
5944 "python": {
5945 "source": "tag_param = CfnParameter(self, \"TagName\")\n\nstring_equals = CfnJson(self, \"ConditionJson\",\n value={\n \"f\"aws:PrincipalTag/{tagParam.valueAsString}\"\": True\n }\n)\n\nprincipal = iam.AccountRootPrincipal().with_conditions({\n \"StringEquals\": string_equals\n})\n\niam.Role(self, \"MyRole\", assumed_by=principal)",
5946 "version": "2"
5947 },
5948 "csharp": {
5949 "source": "CfnParameter tagParam = new CfnParameter(this, \"TagName\");\n\nCfnJson stringEquals = new CfnJson(this, \"ConditionJson\", new CfnJsonProps {\n Value = new Dictionary<string, boolean> {\n { $\"aws:PrincipalTag/{tagParam.valueAsString}\", true }\n }\n});\n\nPrincipalBase principal = new AccountRootPrincipal().WithConditions(new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"StringEquals\", stringEquals }\n});\n\nnew Role(this, \"MyRole\", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = principal });",
5950 "version": "1"
5951 },
5952 "java": {
5953 "source": "CfnParameter tagParam = new CfnParameter(this, \"TagName\");\n\nCfnJson stringEquals = CfnJson.Builder.create(this, \"ConditionJson\")\n .value(Map.of(\n String.format(\"aws:PrincipalTag/%s\", tagParam.getValueAsString()), true))\n .build();\n\nPrincipalBase principal = new AccountRootPrincipal().withConditions(Map.of(\n \"StringEquals\", stringEquals));\n\nRole.Builder.create(this, \"MyRole\").assumedBy(principal).build();",
5954 "version": "1"
5955 },
5956 "go": {
5957 "source": "tagParam := awscdkcore.NewCfnParameter(this, jsii.String(\"TagName\"))\n\nstringEquals := awscdkcore.NewCfnJson(this, jsii.String(\"ConditionJson\"), &cfnJsonProps{\n\tvalue: map[string]*bool{\n\t\tfmt.Sprintf(\"aws:PrincipalTag/%v\", tagParam.valueAsString): jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t},\n})\n\nprincipal := iam.NewAccountRootPrincipal().withConditions(map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"StringEquals\": stringEquals,\n})\n\niam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"MyRole\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: principal,\n})",
5958 "version": "1"
5959 },
5960 "$": {
5961 "source": "const tagParam = new CfnParameter(this, 'TagName');\n\nconst stringEquals = new CfnJson(this, 'ConditionJson', {\n value: {\n [`aws:PrincipalTag/${tagParam.valueAsString}`]: true,\n },\n});\n\nconst principal = new iam.AccountRootPrincipal().withConditions({\n StringEquals: stringEquals,\n});\n\nnew iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', { assumedBy: principal });",
5962 "version": "0"
5963 }
5964 },
5965 "location": {
5966 "api": {
5967 "api": "type",
5968 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalBase"
5969 },
5970 "field": {
5971 "field": "example"
5972 }
5973 },
5974 "didCompile": true,
5975 "fqnsReferenced": [
5976 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.AccountRootPrincipal",
5977 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
5978 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalBase",
5979 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalBase#withConditions",
5980 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
5981 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
5982 "@aws-cdk/core.CfnJson",
5983 "@aws-cdk/core.CfnJsonProps",
5984 "@aws-cdk/core.CfnParameter",
5985 "constructs.Construct"
5986 ],
5987 "fullSource": "import * as cfn from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudformation';\nimport * as customresources from '@aws-cdk/custom-resources';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport {\n App,\n Aws,\n CfnCondition,\n CfnDynamicReference,\n CfnDynamicReferenceService,\n CfnInclude,\n CfnJson,\n CfnMapping,\n CfnOutput,\n CfnParameter,\n CfnResource,\n CfnResourceProps,\n ConcreteDependable,\n Construct,\n CustomResource,\n CustomResourceProvider,\n CustomResourceProviderRuntime,\n DefaultStackSynthesizer,\n DependableTrait,\n Duration,\n Fn,\n IConstruct,\n RemovalPolicy,\n SecretValue,\n Size,\n SizeRoundingBehavior,\n Stack,\n StackProps,\n Stage,\n Token,\n} from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const app: App;\ndeclare const arn: 'arn:partition:service:region:account-id:resource-id';\ndeclare const cfnResource: CfnResource;\ndeclare const construct: Construct;\ndeclare const constructA: Construct;\ndeclare const constructB: Construct;\ndeclare const constructC: Construct;\ndeclare const functionProps: lambda.FunctionProps;\ndeclare const isCompleteHandler: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const myBucket: s3.IBucket;\ndeclare const myFunction: lambda.IFunction;\ndeclare const myTopic: sns.ITopic;\ndeclare const onEventHandler: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const resourceProps: CfnResourceProps;\n\ndeclare class MyStack extends Stack {}\ndeclare class YourStack extends Stack {}\n\nclass StackThatProvidesABucket extends Stack {\n public readonly bucket!: s3.IBucket;\n}\n\ninterface StackThatExpectsABucketProps extends StackProps {\n readonly bucket: s3.IBucket;\n}\n\nclass StackThatExpectsABucket extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackThatExpectsABucketProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n }\n}\n\nclass fixture$construct extends Construct {\n public constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst tagParam = new CfnParameter(this, 'TagName');\n\nconst stringEquals = new CfnJson(this, 'ConditionJson', {\n value: {\n [`aws:PrincipalTag/${tagParam.valueAsString}`]: true,\n },\n});\n\nconst principal = new iam.AccountRootPrincipal().withConditions({\n StringEquals: stringEquals,\n});\n\nnew iam.Role(this, 'MyRole', { assumedBy: principal });\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
5988 "syntaxKindCounter": {
5989 "10": 3,
5990 "15": 1,
5991 "17": 1,
5992 "75": 17,
5993 "104": 3,
5994 "106": 1,
5995 "154": 1,
5996 "193": 4,
5997 "194": 4,
5998 "196": 1,
5999 "197": 4,
6000 "211": 1,
6001 "221": 1,
6002 "225": 3,
6003 "226": 1,
6004 "242": 3,
6005 "243": 3,
6006 "281": 4
6007 },
6008 "fqnsFingerprint": "a3751852f4f131902fa3d5f6efca469120442981827e2100b73bcfe04054e6e9"
6009 },
6010 "1eda3ceee35abf0d6ef9ff7274dbb484fb8558c947003704789e0890c2f45847": {
6011 "translations": {
6012 "python": {
6013 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# conditions: Any\n\nprincipal_policy_fragment = iam.PrincipalPolicyFragment({\n \"principal_json_key\": [\"principalJson\"]\n}, {\n \"conditions_key\": conditions\n})",
6014 "version": "2"
6015 },
6016 "csharp": {
6017 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar conditions;\n\nPrincipalPolicyFragment principalPolicyFragment = new PrincipalPolicyFragment(new Dictionary<string, string[]> {\n { \"principalJsonKey\", new [] { \"principalJson\" } }\n}, new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"conditionsKey\", conditions }\n});",
6018 "version": "1"
6019 },
6020 "java": {
6021 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject conditions;\n\nPrincipalPolicyFragment principalPolicyFragment = new PrincipalPolicyFragment(Map.of(\n \"principalJsonKey\", List.of(\"principalJson\")), Map.of(\n \"conditionsKey\", conditions));",
6022 "version": "1"
6023 },
6024 "go": {
6025 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar conditions interface{}\n\nprincipalPolicyFragment := iam.NewPrincipalPolicyFragment(map[string][]*string{\n\t\"principalJsonKey\": []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"principalJson\"),\n\t},\n}, map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"conditionsKey\": conditions,\n})",
6026 "version": "1"
6027 },
6028 "$": {
6029 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const conditions: any;\nconst principalPolicyFragment = new iam.PrincipalPolicyFragment({\n principalJsonKey: ['principalJson'],\n}, /* all optional props */ {\n conditionsKey: conditions,\n});",
6030 "version": "0"
6031 }
6032 },
6033 "location": {
6034 "api": {
6035 "api": "type",
6036 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalPolicyFragment"
6037 },
6038 "field": {
6039 "field": "example"
6040 }
6041 },
6042 "didCompile": true,
6043 "fqnsReferenced": [
6044 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalPolicyFragment"
6045 ],
6046 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const conditions: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst principalPolicyFragment = new iam.PrincipalPolicyFragment({\n principalJsonKey: ['principalJson'],\n}, /* all optional props */ {\n conditionsKey: conditions,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6047 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6048 "10": 2,
6049 "75": 8,
6050 "125": 1,
6051 "130": 1,
6052 "192": 1,
6053 "193": 2,
6054 "194": 1,
6055 "197": 1,
6056 "225": 2,
6057 "242": 2,
6058 "243": 2,
6059 "254": 1,
6060 "255": 1,
6061 "256": 1,
6062 "281": 2,
6063 "290": 1
6064 },
6065 "fqnsFingerprint": "e608dd10afdebf81d4b615f8a2ca8112c5680f8f729310fc3417126bd044e698"
6066 },
6067 "2b23c8714bd6cfed8a4473477802035934cf9e95a1e2950429c5153994aa8963": {
6068 "translations": {
6069 "python": {
6070 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# conditions: Any\n# principal: iam.IPrincipal\n\nprincipal_with_conditions = iam.PrincipalWithConditions(principal, {\n \"conditions_key\": conditions\n})",
6071 "version": "2"
6072 },
6073 "csharp": {
6074 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar conditions;\nIPrincipal principal;\n\nPrincipalWithConditions principalWithConditions = new PrincipalWithConditions(principal, new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"conditionsKey\", conditions }\n});",
6075 "version": "1"
6076 },
6077 "java": {
6078 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject conditions;\nIPrincipal principal;\n\nPrincipalWithConditions principalWithConditions = new PrincipalWithConditions(principal, Map.of(\n \"conditionsKey\", conditions));",
6079 "version": "1"
6080 },
6081 "go": {
6082 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar conditions interface{}\nvar principal iPrincipal\n\nprincipalWithConditions := iam.NewPrincipalWithConditions(principal, map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"conditionsKey\": conditions,\n})",
6083 "version": "1"
6084 },
6085 "$": {
6086 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const conditions: any;\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\nconst principalWithConditions = new iam.PrincipalWithConditions(principal, {\n conditionsKey: conditions,\n});",
6087 "version": "0"
6088 }
6089 },
6090 "location": {
6091 "api": {
6092 "api": "type",
6093 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalWithConditions"
6094 },
6095 "field": {
6096 "field": "example"
6097 }
6098 },
6099 "didCompile": true,
6100 "fqnsReferenced": [
6101 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
6102 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PrincipalWithConditions"
6103 ],
6104 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const conditions: any;\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst principalWithConditions = new iam.PrincipalWithConditions(principal, {\n conditionsKey: conditions,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6105 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6106 "10": 1,
6107 "75": 11,
6108 "125": 1,
6109 "130": 2,
6110 "153": 1,
6111 "169": 1,
6112 "193": 1,
6113 "194": 1,
6114 "197": 1,
6115 "225": 3,
6116 "242": 3,
6117 "243": 3,
6118 "254": 1,
6119 "255": 1,
6120 "256": 1,
6121 "281": 1,
6122 "290": 1
6123 },
6124 "fqnsFingerprint": "c0168b510788b343614cc4a4e2285d017800fb34ad557b9a6d209a1d4bebd5e8"
6125 },
6126 "49db63d3ddda6cc8a4ff2f2f34f153b73294f8debcfefb3ca5974790b5339556": {
6127 "translations": {
6128 "python": {
6129 "source": "lambda_role = iam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"),\n description=\"Example role...\"\n)\n\nstream = kinesis.Stream(self, \"MyEncryptedStream\",\n encryption=kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS\n)\n\n# give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grant_read(lambda_role)",
6130 "version": "2"
6131 },
6132 "csharp": {
6133 "source": "Role lambdaRole = new Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"),\n Description = \"Example role...\"\n});\n\nStream stream = new Stream(this, \"MyEncryptedStream\", new StreamProps {\n Encryption = StreamEncryption.KMS\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.GrantRead(lambdaRole);",
6134 "version": "1"
6135 },
6136 "java": {
6137 "source": "Role lambdaRole = Role.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"))\n .description(\"Example role...\")\n .build();\n\nStream stream = Stream.Builder.create(this, \"MyEncryptedStream\")\n .encryption(StreamEncryption.KMS)\n .build();\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);",
6138 "version": "1"
6139 },
6140 "go": {
6141 "source": "lambdaRole := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\")),\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"Example role...\"),\n})\n\nstream := kinesis.NewStream(this, jsii.String(\"MyEncryptedStream\"), &streamProps{\n\tencryption: kinesis.streamEncryption_KMS,\n})\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole)",
6142 "version": "1"
6143 },
6144 "$": {
6145 "source": "const lambdaRole = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('lambda.amazonaws.com'),\n description: 'Example role...',\n});\n\nconst stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'MyEncryptedStream', {\n encryption: kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS,\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);",
6146 "version": "0"
6147 }
6148 },
6149 "location": {
6150 "api": {
6151 "api": "type",
6152 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role"
6153 },
6154 "field": {
6155 "field": "example"
6156 }
6157 },
6158 "didCompile": true,
6159 "fqnsReferenced": [
6160 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
6161 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
6162 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
6163 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
6164 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
6165 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.Stream",
6166 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamEncryption",
6167 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamEncryption#KMS",
6168 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamProps",
6169 "constructs.Construct"
6170 ],
6171 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core'; \nimport * as kinesis from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack { \n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst lambdaRole = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('lambda.amazonaws.com'),\n description: 'Example role...',\n});\n\nconst stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'MyEncryptedStream', {\n encryption: kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS,\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}",
6172 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6173 "10": 4,
6174 "75": 17,
6175 "104": 2,
6176 "193": 2,
6177 "194": 6,
6178 "196": 1,
6179 "197": 3,
6180 "225": 2,
6181 "226": 1,
6182 "242": 2,
6183 "243": 2,
6184 "281": 3
6185 },
6186 "fqnsFingerprint": "f5ab6a25c376270d9d396897e126008b38fb32f0eaed07bc559785006831ef51"
6187 },
6188 "0d24ee6c0eb1dcab73dd195781bd69db5eef36f412b1639c55282375b4bf80f8": {
6189 "translations": {
6190 "python": {
6191 "source": "lambda_role = iam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"),\n description=\"Example role...\"\n)\n\nstream = kinesis.Stream(self, \"MyEncryptedStream\",\n encryption=kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS\n)\n\n# give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grant_read(lambda_role)",
6192 "version": "2"
6193 },
6194 "csharp": {
6195 "source": "Role lambdaRole = new Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"),\n Description = \"Example role...\"\n});\n\nStream stream = new Stream(this, \"MyEncryptedStream\", new StreamProps {\n Encryption = StreamEncryption.KMS\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.GrantRead(lambdaRole);",
6196 "version": "1"
6197 },
6198 "java": {
6199 "source": "Role lambdaRole = Role.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"))\n .description(\"Example role...\")\n .build();\n\nStream stream = Stream.Builder.create(this, \"MyEncryptedStream\")\n .encryption(StreamEncryption.KMS)\n .build();\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);",
6200 "version": "1"
6201 },
6202 "go": {
6203 "source": "lambdaRole := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\")),\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"Example role...\"),\n})\n\nstream := kinesis.NewStream(this, jsii.String(\"MyEncryptedStream\"), &streamProps{\n\tencryption: kinesis.streamEncryption_KMS,\n})\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole)",
6204 "version": "1"
6205 },
6206 "$": {
6207 "source": "const lambdaRole = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('lambda.amazonaws.com'),\n description: 'Example role...',\n});\n\nconst stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'MyEncryptedStream', {\n encryption: kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS,\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);",
6208 "version": "0"
6209 }
6210 },
6211 "location": {
6212 "api": {
6213 "api": "type",
6214 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps"
6215 },
6216 "field": {
6217 "field": "example"
6218 }
6219 },
6220 "didCompile": true,
6221 "fqnsReferenced": [
6222 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
6223 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
6224 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
6225 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
6226 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
6227 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.Stream",
6228 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamEncryption",
6229 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamEncryption#KMS",
6230 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamProps",
6231 "constructs.Construct"
6232 ],
6233 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core'; \nimport * as kinesis from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack { \n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst lambdaRole = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('lambda.amazonaws.com'),\n description: 'Example role...',\n});\n\nconst stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'MyEncryptedStream', {\n encryption: kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS,\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}",
6234 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6235 "10": 4,
6236 "75": 17,
6237 "104": 2,
6238 "193": 2,
6239 "194": 6,
6240 "196": 1,
6241 "197": 3,
6242 "225": 2,
6243 "226": 1,
6244 "242": 2,
6245 "243": 2,
6246 "281": 3
6247 },
6248 "fqnsFingerprint": "f5ab6a25c376270d9d396897e126008b38fb32f0eaed07bc559785006831ef51"
6249 },
6250 "5952db042452a4b9b587e0b4982ca00fbd021443108ff52347a5259262151140": {
6251 "translations": {
6252 "python": {
6253 "source": "provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, \"Provider\",\n metadata_document=iam.SamlMetadataDocument.from_file(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n)\niam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider)\n)",
6254 "version": "2"
6255 },
6256 "csharp": {
6257 "source": "SamlProvider provider = new SamlProvider(this, \"Provider\", new SamlProviderProps {\n MetadataDocument = SamlMetadataDocument.FromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n});\nnew Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider)\n});",
6258 "version": "1"
6259 },
6260 "java": {
6261 "source": "SamlProvider provider = SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, \"Provider\")\n .metadataDocument(SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\"))\n .build();\nRole.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider))\n .build();",
6262 "version": "1"
6263 },
6264 "go": {
6265 "source": "provider := iam.NewSamlProvider(this, jsii.String(\"Provider\"), &samlProviderProps{\n\tmetadataDocument: iam.samlMetadataDocument.fromFile(jsii.String(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")),\n})\niam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewSamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n})",
6266 "version": "1"
6267 },
6268 "$": {
6269 "source": "const provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n});",
6270 "version": "0"
6271 }
6272 },
6273 "location": {
6274 "api": {
6275 "api": "type",
6276 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlConsolePrincipal"
6277 },
6278 "field": {
6279 "field": "example"
6280 }
6281 },
6282 "didCompile": true,
6283 "fqnsReferenced": [
6284 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
6285 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ISamlProvider",
6286 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
6287 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
6288 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlConsolePrincipal",
6289 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument",
6290 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument#fromFile",
6291 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider",
6292 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps",
6293 "constructs.Construct"
6294 ],
6295 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6296 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6297 "10": 3,
6298 "75": 13,
6299 "104": 2,
6300 "193": 2,
6301 "194": 5,
6302 "196": 1,
6303 "197": 3,
6304 "225": 1,
6305 "226": 1,
6306 "242": 1,
6307 "243": 1,
6308 "281": 2
6309 },
6310 "fqnsFingerprint": "d4029b4631f3c0ea567e8f3d59888b23fe8bfac0f63be5f6e2f112e47412bd9c"
6311 },
6312 "a4fa1690e052b3ce79c48e94948ebd968add5c072305b967aa35f19beea7ee62": {
6313 "translations": {
6314 "python": {
6315 "source": "provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, \"Provider\",\n metadata_document=iam.SamlMetadataDocument.from_file(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n)\nprincipal = iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n \"StringEquals\": {\n \"SAML:iss\": \"issuer\"\n }\n})",
6316 "version": "2"
6317 },
6318 "csharp": {
6319 "source": "SamlProvider provider = new SamlProvider(this, \"Provider\", new SamlProviderProps {\n MetadataDocument = SamlMetadataDocument.FromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n});\nSamlPrincipal principal = new SamlPrincipal(provider, new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"SAML:iss\", \"issuer\" }\n } }\n});",
6320 "version": "1"
6321 },
6322 "java": {
6323 "source": "SamlProvider provider = SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, \"Provider\")\n .metadataDocument(SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\"))\n .build();\nSamlPrincipal principal = new SamlPrincipal(provider, Map.of(\n \"StringEquals\", Map.of(\n \"SAML:iss\", \"issuer\")));",
6324 "version": "1"
6325 },
6326 "go": {
6327 "source": "provider := iam.NewSamlProvider(this, jsii.String(\"Provider\"), &samlProviderProps{\n\tmetadataDocument: iam.samlMetadataDocument.fromFile(jsii.String(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")),\n})\nprincipal := iam.NewSamlPrincipal(provider, map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"StringEquals\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"SAML:iss\": jsii.String(\"issuer\"),\n\t},\n})",
6328 "version": "1"
6329 },
6330 "$": {
6331 "source": "const provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nconst principal = new iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n StringEquals: {\n 'SAML:iss': 'issuer',\n },\n});",
6332 "version": "0"
6333 }
6334 },
6335 "location": {
6336 "api": {
6337 "api": "type",
6338 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument"
6339 },
6340 "field": {
6341 "field": "example"
6342 }
6343 },
6344 "didCompile": true,
6345 "fqnsReferenced": [
6346 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ISamlProvider",
6347 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument",
6348 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument#fromFile",
6349 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlPrincipal",
6350 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider",
6351 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps",
6352 "constructs.Construct"
6353 ],
6354 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nconst principal = new iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n StringEquals: {\n 'SAML:iss': 'issuer',\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6355 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6356 "10": 4,
6357 "75": 12,
6358 "104": 1,
6359 "193": 3,
6360 "194": 4,
6361 "196": 1,
6362 "197": 2,
6363 "225": 2,
6364 "242": 2,
6365 "243": 2,
6366 "281": 3
6367 },
6368 "fqnsFingerprint": "cdec2d83ffe1e24eeb5fb76b3c5af0ce6d66d0d92971599029ab1fb7f8eaec95"
6369 },
6370 "3617b40647c75319a196b8ed88617f011d1bbc3b0e3855f19569a3f284564a45": {
6371 "translations": {
6372 "python": {
6373 "source": "provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, \"Provider\",\n metadata_document=iam.SamlMetadataDocument.from_file(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n)\nprincipal = iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n \"StringEquals\": {\n \"SAML:iss\": \"issuer\"\n }\n})",
6374 "version": "2"
6375 },
6376 "csharp": {
6377 "source": "SamlProvider provider = new SamlProvider(this, \"Provider\", new SamlProviderProps {\n MetadataDocument = SamlMetadataDocument.FromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n});\nSamlPrincipal principal = new SamlPrincipal(provider, new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> {\n { \"SAML:iss\", \"issuer\" }\n } }\n});",
6378 "version": "1"
6379 },
6380 "java": {
6381 "source": "SamlProvider provider = SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, \"Provider\")\n .metadataDocument(SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\"))\n .build();\nSamlPrincipal principal = new SamlPrincipal(provider, Map.of(\n \"StringEquals\", Map.of(\n \"SAML:iss\", \"issuer\")));",
6382 "version": "1"
6383 },
6384 "go": {
6385 "source": "provider := iam.NewSamlProvider(this, jsii.String(\"Provider\"), &samlProviderProps{\n\tmetadataDocument: iam.samlMetadataDocument.fromFile(jsii.String(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")),\n})\nprincipal := iam.NewSamlPrincipal(provider, map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"StringEquals\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"SAML:iss\": jsii.String(\"issuer\"),\n\t},\n})",
6386 "version": "1"
6387 },
6388 "$": {
6389 "source": "const provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nconst principal = new iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n StringEquals: {\n 'SAML:iss': 'issuer',\n },\n});",
6390 "version": "0"
6391 }
6392 },
6393 "location": {
6394 "api": {
6395 "api": "type",
6396 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlPrincipal"
6397 },
6398 "field": {
6399 "field": "example"
6400 }
6401 },
6402 "didCompile": true,
6403 "fqnsReferenced": [
6404 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ISamlProvider",
6405 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument",
6406 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument#fromFile",
6407 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlPrincipal",
6408 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider",
6409 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps",
6410 "constructs.Construct"
6411 ],
6412 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nconst principal = new iam.SamlPrincipal(provider, {\n StringEquals: {\n 'SAML:iss': 'issuer',\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6413 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6414 "10": 4,
6415 "75": 12,
6416 "104": 1,
6417 "193": 3,
6418 "194": 4,
6419 "196": 1,
6420 "197": 2,
6421 "225": 2,
6422 "242": 2,
6423 "243": 2,
6424 "281": 3
6425 },
6426 "fqnsFingerprint": "cdec2d83ffe1e24eeb5fb76b3c5af0ce6d66d0d92971599029ab1fb7f8eaec95"
6427 },
6428 "eab80f639ff3acf0b6247773007573c44708cfdbc337069c2fab584914683841": {
6429 "translations": {
6430 "python": {
6431 "source": "provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, \"Provider\",\n metadata_document=iam.SamlMetadataDocument.from_file(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n)\niam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider)\n)",
6432 "version": "2"
6433 },
6434 "csharp": {
6435 "source": "SamlProvider provider = new SamlProvider(this, \"Provider\", new SamlProviderProps {\n MetadataDocument = SamlMetadataDocument.FromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n});\nnew Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider)\n});",
6436 "version": "1"
6437 },
6438 "java": {
6439 "source": "SamlProvider provider = SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, \"Provider\")\n .metadataDocument(SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\"))\n .build();\nRole.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider))\n .build();",
6440 "version": "1"
6441 },
6442 "go": {
6443 "source": "provider := iam.NewSamlProvider(this, jsii.String(\"Provider\"), &samlProviderProps{\n\tmetadataDocument: iam.samlMetadataDocument.fromFile(jsii.String(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")),\n})\niam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewSamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n})",
6444 "version": "1"
6445 },
6446 "$": {
6447 "source": "const provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n});",
6448 "version": "0"
6449 }
6450 },
6451 "location": {
6452 "api": {
6453 "api": "type",
6454 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider"
6455 },
6456 "field": {
6457 "field": "example"
6458 }
6459 },
6460 "didCompile": true,
6461 "fqnsReferenced": [
6462 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
6463 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ISamlProvider",
6464 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
6465 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
6466 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlConsolePrincipal",
6467 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument",
6468 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument#fromFile",
6469 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider",
6470 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps",
6471 "constructs.Construct"
6472 ],
6473 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6474 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6475 "10": 3,
6476 "75": 13,
6477 "104": 2,
6478 "193": 2,
6479 "194": 5,
6480 "196": 1,
6481 "197": 3,
6482 "225": 1,
6483 "226": 1,
6484 "242": 1,
6485 "243": 1,
6486 "281": 2
6487 },
6488 "fqnsFingerprint": "d4029b4631f3c0ea567e8f3d59888b23fe8bfac0f63be5f6e2f112e47412bd9c"
6489 },
6490 "a69c3b1fd7da7ce81693c8c07104b687c2e28c24611452b7b97c40e11e64870a": {
6491 "translations": {
6492 "python": {
6493 "source": "provider = iam.SamlProvider(self, \"Provider\",\n metadata_document=iam.SamlMetadataDocument.from_file(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n)\niam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider)\n)",
6494 "version": "2"
6495 },
6496 "csharp": {
6497 "source": "SamlProvider provider = new SamlProvider(this, \"Provider\", new SamlProviderProps {\n MetadataDocument = SamlMetadataDocument.FromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")\n});\nnew Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider)\n});",
6498 "version": "1"
6499 },
6500 "java": {
6501 "source": "SamlProvider provider = SamlProvider.Builder.create(this, \"Provider\")\n .metadataDocument(SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\"))\n .build();\nRole.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new SamlConsolePrincipal(provider))\n .build();",
6502 "version": "1"
6503 },
6504 "go": {
6505 "source": "provider := iam.NewSamlProvider(this, jsii.String(\"Provider\"), &samlProviderProps{\n\tmetadataDocument: iam.samlMetadataDocument.fromFile(jsii.String(\"/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml\")),\n})\niam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewSamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n})",
6506 "version": "1"
6507 },
6508 "$": {
6509 "source": "const provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n});",
6510 "version": "0"
6511 }
6512 },
6513 "location": {
6514 "api": {
6515 "api": "type",
6516 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps"
6517 },
6518 "field": {
6519 "field": "example"
6520 }
6521 },
6522 "didCompile": true,
6523 "fqnsReferenced": [
6524 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
6525 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ISamlProvider",
6526 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
6527 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
6528 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlConsolePrincipal",
6529 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument",
6530 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlMetadataDocument#fromFile",
6531 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProvider",
6532 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SamlProviderProps",
6533 "constructs.Construct"
6534 ],
6535 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst provider = new iam.SamlProvider(this, 'Provider', {\n metadataDocument: iam.SamlMetadataDocument.fromFile('/path/to/saml-metadata-document.xml'),\n});\nnew iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.SamlConsolePrincipal(provider),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6536 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6537 "10": 3,
6538 "75": 13,
6539 "104": 2,
6540 "193": 2,
6541 "194": 5,
6542 "196": 1,
6543 "197": 3,
6544 "225": 1,
6545 "226": 1,
6546 "242": 1,
6547 "243": 1,
6548 "281": 2
6549 },
6550 "fqnsFingerprint": "d4029b4631f3c0ea567e8f3d59888b23fe8bfac0f63be5f6e2f112e47412bd9c"
6551 },
6552 "7ac132e0c8f14218f0cf203650d98f33f717946538d5ffae74f158abbac61339": {
6553 "translations": {
6554 "python": {
6555 "source": "lambda_role = iam.Role(self, \"Role\",\n assumed_by=iam.ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"),\n description=\"Example role...\"\n)\n\nstream = kinesis.Stream(self, \"MyEncryptedStream\",\n encryption=kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS\n)\n\n# give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grant_read(lambda_role)",
6556 "version": "2"
6557 },
6558 "csharp": {
6559 "source": "Role lambdaRole = new Role(this, \"Role\", new RoleProps {\n AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"),\n Description = \"Example role...\"\n});\n\nStream stream = new Stream(this, \"MyEncryptedStream\", new StreamProps {\n Encryption = StreamEncryption.KMS\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.GrantRead(lambdaRole);",
6560 "version": "1"
6561 },
6562 "java": {
6563 "source": "Role lambdaRole = Role.Builder.create(this, \"Role\")\n .assumedBy(new ServicePrincipal(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\"))\n .description(\"Example role...\")\n .build();\n\nStream stream = Stream.Builder.create(this, \"MyEncryptedStream\")\n .encryption(StreamEncryption.KMS)\n .build();\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);",
6564 "version": "1"
6565 },
6566 "go": {
6567 "source": "lambdaRole := iam.NewRole(this, jsii.String(\"Role\"), &roleProps{\n\tassumedBy: iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"lambda.amazonaws.com\")),\n\tdescription: jsii.String(\"Example role...\"),\n})\n\nstream := kinesis.NewStream(this, jsii.String(\"MyEncryptedStream\"), &streamProps{\n\tencryption: kinesis.streamEncryption_KMS,\n})\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole)",
6568 "version": "1"
6569 },
6570 "$": {
6571 "source": "const lambdaRole = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('lambda.amazonaws.com'),\n description: 'Example role...',\n});\n\nconst stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'MyEncryptedStream', {\n encryption: kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS,\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);",
6572 "version": "0"
6573 }
6574 },
6575 "location": {
6576 "api": {
6577 "api": "type",
6578 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal"
6579 },
6580 "field": {
6581 "field": "example"
6582 }
6583 },
6584 "didCompile": true,
6585 "fqnsReferenced": [
6586 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
6587 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
6588 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Role",
6589 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.RoleProps",
6590 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
6591 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.Stream",
6592 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamEncryption",
6593 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamEncryption#KMS",
6594 "@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis.StreamProps",
6595 "constructs.Construct"
6596 ],
6597 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Duration, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core'; \nimport * as kinesis from '@aws-cdk/aws-kinesis';\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack { \n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst lambdaRole = new iam.Role(this, 'Role', {\n assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal('lambda.amazonaws.com'),\n description: 'Example role...',\n});\n\nconst stream = new kinesis.Stream(this, 'MyEncryptedStream', {\n encryption: kinesis.StreamEncryption.KMS,\n});\n\n// give lambda permissions to read stream\nstream.grantRead(lambdaRole);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}",
6598 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6599 "10": 4,
6600 "75": 17,
6601 "104": 2,
6602 "193": 2,
6603 "194": 6,
6604 "196": 1,
6605 "197": 3,
6606 "225": 2,
6607 "226": 1,
6608 "242": 2,
6609 "243": 2,
6610 "281": 3
6611 },
6612 "fqnsFingerprint": "f5ab6a25c376270d9d396897e126008b38fb32f0eaed07bc559785006831ef51"
6613 },
6614 "c96e88d5ea2fb477008cddcb25489f7bd98fa144ebeea0246a58790bdfae8743": {
6615 "translations": {
6616 "python": {
6617 "source": "principal_name = iam.ServicePrincipal.service_principal_name(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\")",
6618 "version": "2"
6619 },
6620 "csharp": {
6621 "source": "string principalName = ServicePrincipal.ServicePrincipalName(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\");",
6622 "version": "1"
6623 },
6624 "java": {
6625 "source": "String principalName = ServicePrincipal.servicePrincipalName(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\");",
6626 "version": "1"
6627 },
6628 "go": {
6629 "source": "principalName := iam.servicePrincipal.servicePrincipalName(jsii.String(\"ec2.amazonaws.com\"))",
6630 "version": "1"
6631 },
6632 "$": {
6633 "source": "const principalName = iam.ServicePrincipal.servicePrincipalName('ec2.amazonaws.com');",
6634 "version": "0"
6635 }
6636 },
6637 "location": {
6638 "api": {
6639 "api": "member",
6640 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
6641 "memberName": "servicePrincipalName"
6642 },
6643 "field": {
6644 "field": "example"
6645 }
6646 },
6647 "didCompile": true,
6648 "fqnsReferenced": [
6649 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
6650 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal#servicePrincipalName"
6651 ],
6652 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst principalName = iam.ServicePrincipal.servicePrincipalName('ec2.amazonaws.com');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6653 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6654 "10": 1,
6655 "75": 4,
6656 "194": 2,
6657 "196": 1,
6658 "225": 1,
6659 "242": 1,
6660 "243": 1
6661 },
6662 "fqnsFingerprint": "12d4358649dd3a16698ac461b1512ae68bc284d1b71c2f7ea5e7696a3fd793dd"
6663 },
6664 "6e6d0eadaa8dfba737043bfd39bb9def63524d042477d26a1caa5b1917b49ebd": {
6665 "translations": {
6666 "python": {
6667 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# conditions: Any\n\nservice_principal_opts = iam.ServicePrincipalOpts(\n conditions={\n \"conditions_key\": conditions\n },\n region=\"region\"\n)",
6668 "version": "2"
6669 },
6670 "csharp": {
6671 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nvar conditions;\n\nServicePrincipalOpts servicePrincipalOpts = new ServicePrincipalOpts {\n Conditions = new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"conditionsKey\", conditions }\n },\n Region = \"region\"\n};",
6672 "version": "1"
6673 },
6674 "java": {
6675 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nObject conditions;\n\nServicePrincipalOpts servicePrincipalOpts = ServicePrincipalOpts.builder()\n .conditions(Map.of(\n \"conditionsKey\", conditions))\n .region(\"region\")\n .build();",
6676 "version": "1"
6677 },
6678 "go": {
6679 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar conditions interface{}\n\nservicePrincipalOpts := &servicePrincipalOpts{\n\tconditions: map[string]interface{}{\n\t\t\"conditionsKey\": conditions,\n\t},\n\tregion: jsii.String(\"region\"),\n}",
6680 "version": "1"
6681 },
6682 "$": {
6683 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const conditions: any;\nconst servicePrincipalOpts: iam.ServicePrincipalOpts = {\n conditions: {\n conditionsKey: conditions,\n },\n region: 'region',\n};",
6684 "version": "0"
6685 }
6686 },
6687 "location": {
6688 "api": {
6689 "api": "type",
6690 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipalOpts"
6691 },
6692 "field": {
6693 "field": "example"
6694 }
6695 },
6696 "didCompile": true,
6697 "fqnsReferenced": [
6698 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipalOpts"
6699 ],
6700 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const conditions: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst servicePrincipalOpts: iam.ServicePrincipalOpts = {\n conditions: {\n conditionsKey: conditions,\n },\n region: 'region',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6701 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6702 "10": 2,
6703 "75": 9,
6704 "125": 1,
6705 "130": 1,
6706 "153": 1,
6707 "169": 1,
6708 "193": 2,
6709 "225": 2,
6710 "242": 2,
6711 "243": 2,
6712 "254": 1,
6713 "255": 1,
6714 "256": 1,
6715 "281": 3,
6716 "290": 1
6717 },
6718 "fqnsFingerprint": "291cba2331481a698a2d8893899f980702d05d929d55221ddd6fd3229ec47d33"
6719 },
6720 "9cb38653654acc5ea31abdfce11927e9627d6cb11bf88b2c3298e02bd6a02dd1": {
6721 "translations": {
6722 "python": {
6723 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\n# principal: iam.IPrincipal\n\nsession_tags_principal = iam.SessionTagsPrincipal(principal)",
6724 "version": "2"
6725 },
6726 "csharp": {
6727 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nIPrincipal principal;\n\nSessionTagsPrincipal sessionTagsPrincipal = new SessionTagsPrincipal(principal);",
6728 "version": "1"
6729 },
6730 "java": {
6731 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nIPrincipal principal;\n\nSessionTagsPrincipal sessionTagsPrincipal = new SessionTagsPrincipal(principal);",
6732 "version": "1"
6733 },
6734 "go": {
6735 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nvar principal iPrincipal\n\nsessionTagsPrincipal := iam.NewSessionTagsPrincipal(principal)",
6736 "version": "1"
6737 },
6738 "$": {
6739 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\nconst sessionTagsPrincipal = new iam.SessionTagsPrincipal(principal);",
6740 "version": "0"
6741 }
6742 },
6743 "location": {
6744 "api": {
6745 "api": "type",
6746 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SessionTagsPrincipal"
6747 },
6748 "field": {
6749 "field": "example"
6750 }
6751 },
6752 "didCompile": true,
6753 "fqnsReferenced": [
6754 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal",
6755 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.SessionTagsPrincipal"
6756 ],
6757 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\ndeclare const principal: iam.IPrincipal;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst sessionTagsPrincipal = new iam.SessionTagsPrincipal(principal);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6758 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6759 "10": 1,
6760 "75": 8,
6761 "130": 1,
6762 "153": 1,
6763 "169": 1,
6764 "194": 1,
6765 "197": 1,
6766 "225": 2,
6767 "242": 2,
6768 "243": 2,
6769 "254": 1,
6770 "255": 1,
6771 "256": 1,
6772 "290": 1
6773 },
6774 "fqnsFingerprint": "4437e16cc6e137e55e1553e0b34935cb2c39d768ccddbf456c6e609e98efd6dd"
6775 },
6776 "3229f27fe6695ab3ce928ba92eac9d7509f1eca55a6047230ca33ba536bb74e7": {
6777 "translations": {
6778 "python": {
6779 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\nstar_principal = iam.StarPrincipal()",
6780 "version": "2"
6781 },
6782 "csharp": {
6783 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nStarPrincipal starPrincipal = new StarPrincipal();",
6784 "version": "1"
6785 },
6786 "java": {
6787 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nStarPrincipal starPrincipal = new StarPrincipal();",
6788 "version": "1"
6789 },
6790 "go": {
6791 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nstarPrincipal := iam.NewStarPrincipal()",
6792 "version": "1"
6793 },
6794 "$": {
6795 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst starPrincipal = new iam.StarPrincipal();",
6796 "version": "0"
6797 }
6798 },
6799 "location": {
6800 "api": {
6801 "api": "type",
6802 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.StarPrincipal"
6803 },
6804 "field": {
6805 "field": "example"
6806 }
6807 },
6808 "didCompile": true,
6809 "fqnsReferenced": [
6810 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.StarPrincipal"
6811 ],
6812 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst starPrincipal = new iam.StarPrincipal();\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6813 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6814 "10": 1,
6815 "75": 4,
6816 "194": 1,
6817 "197": 1,
6818 "225": 1,
6819 "242": 1,
6820 "243": 1,
6821 "254": 1,
6822 "255": 1,
6823 "256": 1,
6824 "290": 1
6825 },
6826 "fqnsFingerprint": "e8d36ec50b6aae6c6bcb5fd2e0c0d1e17b7f8415f6f5497ba7c93351dc67efee"
6827 },
6828 "5321d08a5adfabc36dae7d9d1b30977e3cd5c212d0d6439b20fdb0f67481e538": {
6829 "translations": {
6830 "python": {
6831 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport constructs as constructs\n\n# construct: constructs.Construct\n\nunknown_principal = iam.UnknownPrincipal(\n resource=construct\n)",
6832 "version": "2"
6833 },
6834 "csharp": {
6835 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Constructs;\n\nConstruct construct;\n\nUnknownPrincipal unknownPrincipal = new UnknownPrincipal(new UnknownPrincipalProps {\n Resource = construct\n});",
6836 "version": "1"
6837 },
6838 "java": {
6839 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.constructs.*;\n\nConstruct construct;\n\nUnknownPrincipal unknownPrincipal = UnknownPrincipal.Builder.create()\n .resource(construct)\n .build();",
6840 "version": "1"
6841 },
6842 "go": {
6843 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport constructs \"github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs\"\n\nvar construct construct\n\nunknownPrincipal := iam.NewUnknownPrincipal(&unknownPrincipalProps{\n\tresource: construct,\n})",
6844 "version": "1"
6845 },
6846 "$": {
6847 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as constructs from 'constructs';\n\ndeclare const construct: constructs.Construct;\nconst unknownPrincipal = new iam.UnknownPrincipal({\n resource: construct,\n});",
6848 "version": "0"
6849 }
6850 },
6851 "location": {
6852 "api": {
6853 "api": "type",
6854 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UnknownPrincipal"
6855 },
6856 "field": {
6857 "field": "example"
6858 }
6859 },
6860 "didCompile": true,
6861 "fqnsReferenced": [
6862 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UnknownPrincipal",
6863 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UnknownPrincipalProps",
6864 "constructs.IConstruct"
6865 ],
6866 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as constructs from 'constructs';\n\ndeclare const construct: constructs.Construct;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst unknownPrincipal = new iam.UnknownPrincipal({\n resource: construct,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6867 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6868 "10": 2,
6869 "75": 10,
6870 "130": 1,
6871 "153": 1,
6872 "169": 1,
6873 "193": 1,
6874 "194": 1,
6875 "197": 1,
6876 "225": 2,
6877 "242": 2,
6878 "243": 2,
6879 "254": 2,
6880 "255": 2,
6881 "256": 2,
6882 "281": 1,
6883 "290": 1
6884 },
6885 "fqnsFingerprint": "eb4fff5a45c3f6a4bf958222b77032af303b42fd6405522aa29e33dc1c29de42"
6886 },
6887 "7503ecd882e6d401382095d1ebfcf02a7da7a9aea6ec130810748b606fc641af": {
6888 "translations": {
6889 "python": {
6890 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport constructs as constructs\n\n# construct: constructs.Construct\n\nunknown_principal_props = iam.UnknownPrincipalProps(\n resource=construct\n)",
6891 "version": "2"
6892 },
6893 "csharp": {
6894 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Constructs;\n\nConstruct construct;\n\nUnknownPrincipalProps unknownPrincipalProps = new UnknownPrincipalProps {\n Resource = construct\n};",
6895 "version": "1"
6896 },
6897 "java": {
6898 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.constructs.*;\n\nConstruct construct;\n\nUnknownPrincipalProps unknownPrincipalProps = UnknownPrincipalProps.builder()\n .resource(construct)\n .build();",
6899 "version": "1"
6900 },
6901 "go": {
6902 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport constructs \"github.com/aws/constructs-go/constructs\"\n\nvar construct construct\n\nunknownPrincipalProps := &unknownPrincipalProps{\n\tresource: construct,\n}",
6903 "version": "1"
6904 },
6905 "$": {
6906 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as constructs from 'constructs';\n\ndeclare const construct: constructs.Construct;\nconst unknownPrincipalProps: iam.UnknownPrincipalProps = {\n resource: construct,\n};",
6907 "version": "0"
6908 }
6909 },
6910 "location": {
6911 "api": {
6912 "api": "type",
6913 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UnknownPrincipalProps"
6914 },
6915 "field": {
6916 "field": "example"
6917 }
6918 },
6919 "didCompile": true,
6920 "fqnsReferenced": [
6921 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UnknownPrincipalProps",
6922 "constructs.IConstruct"
6923 ],
6924 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as constructs from 'constructs';\n\ndeclare const construct: constructs.Construct;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst unknownPrincipalProps: iam.UnknownPrincipalProps = {\n resource: construct,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
6925 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6926 "10": 2,
6927 "75": 10,
6928 "130": 1,
6929 "153": 2,
6930 "169": 2,
6931 "193": 1,
6932 "225": 2,
6933 "242": 2,
6934 "243": 2,
6935 "254": 2,
6936 "255": 2,
6937 "256": 2,
6938 "281": 1,
6939 "290": 1
6940 },
6941 "fqnsFingerprint": "11aa57a9d7e7cae8d70eb79be694a6b0c901d9e35235e7be887d6e2eea00523c"
6942 },
6943 "b6d7f6c98a8fdf4247186afdeb42a3acef9225d766bc3dc302b31d146b365751": {
6944 "translations": {
6945 "python": {
6946 "source": "user = iam.User(self, \"MyUser\") # or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\ngroup = iam.Group(self, \"MyGroup\") # or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.add_to_group(group)\n# or\ngroup.add_user(user)",
6947 "version": "2"
6948 },
6949 "csharp": {
6950 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\"); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\"); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.AddToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.AddUser(user);",
6951 "version": "1"
6952 },
6953 "java": {
6954 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\"); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\"); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);",
6955 "version": "1"
6956 },
6957 "go": {
6958 "source": "user := iam.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyUser\")) // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\ngroup := iam.NewGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyGroup\")) // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group)\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user)",
6959 "version": "1"
6960 },
6961 "$": {
6962 "source": "const user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser'); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nconst group = new iam.Group(this, 'MyGroup'); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);",
6963 "version": "0"
6964 }
6965 },
6966 "location": {
6967 "api": {
6968 "api": "type",
6969 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User"
6970 },
6971 "field": {
6972 "field": "example"
6973 }
6974 },
6975 "didCompile": true,
6976 "fqnsReferenced": [
6977 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
6978 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGroup",
6979 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
6980 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
6981 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User#addToGroup",
6982 "constructs.Construct"
6983 ],
6984 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = new iam.User(this, 'MyUser'); // or User.fromUserName(stack, 'User', 'johnsmith');\nconst group = new iam.Group(this, 'MyGroup'); // or Group.fromGroupArn(stack, 'Group', 'arn:aws:iam::account-id:group/group-name');\n\nuser.addToGroup(group);\n// or\ngroup.addUser(user);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
6985 "syntaxKindCounter": {
6986 "10": 2,
6987 "75": 12,
6988 "104": 2,
6989 "194": 4,
6990 "196": 2,
6991 "197": 2,
6992 "225": 2,
6993 "226": 2,
6994 "242": 2,
6995 "243": 2
6996 },
6997 "fqnsFingerprint": "4b551b1b326b6c22fceca09e2e88f31eb72a9dae7e0ea9153196cebb9a3affde"
6998 },
6999 "e90f2a1af4abfea90ac28f3d752ee9e8f932d91bcbd5d4abfbf5e1b5ace31e68": {
7000 "translations": {
7001 "python": {
7002 "source": "user = iam.User.from_user_attributes(self, \"MyImportedUserByAttributes\",\n user_arn=\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\"\n)",
7003 "version": "2"
7004 },
7005 "csharp": {
7006 "source": "IUser user = User.FromUserAttributes(this, \"MyImportedUserByAttributes\", new UserAttributes {\n UserArn = \"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\"\n});",
7007 "version": "1"
7008 },
7009 "java": {
7010 "source": "IUser user = User.fromUserAttributes(this, \"MyImportedUserByAttributes\", UserAttributes.builder()\n .userArn(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\")\n .build());",
7011 "version": "1"
7012 },
7013 "go": {
7014 "source": "user := iam.user.fromUserAttributes(this, jsii.String(\"MyImportedUserByAttributes\"), &userAttributes{\n\tuserArn: jsii.String(\"arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith\"),\n})",
7015 "version": "1"
7016 },
7017 "$": {
7018 "source": "const user = iam.User.fromUserAttributes(this, 'MyImportedUserByAttributes', {\n userArn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith',\n});",
7019 "version": "0"
7020 }
7021 },
7022 "location": {
7023 "api": {
7024 "api": "type",
7025 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UserAttributes"
7026 },
7027 "field": {
7028 "field": "example"
7029 }
7030 },
7031 "didCompile": true,
7032 "fqnsReferenced": [
7033 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
7034 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
7035 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User#fromUserAttributes",
7036 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UserAttributes",
7037 "constructs.Construct"
7038 ],
7039 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst user = iam.User.fromUserAttributes(this, 'MyImportedUserByAttributes', {\n userArn: 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:user/johnsmith',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7040 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7041 "10": 2,
7042 "75": 5,
7043 "104": 1,
7044 "193": 1,
7045 "194": 2,
7046 "196": 1,
7047 "225": 1,
7048 "242": 1,
7049 "243": 1,
7050 "281": 1
7051 },
7052 "fqnsFingerprint": "fc2a539de134f0f4cd74d4fbddd10b44362ee1660dd9b7109c5d0bc74810c030"
7053 },
7054 "3bdb36557191c29ae7f00f987332f9441027771c9205a9ad3fdaaa392893a9cf": {
7055 "translations": {
7056 "python": {
7057 "source": "user = User(self, \"MyUser\", password=cdk.SecretValue.unsafe_plain_text(\"1234\"))\ngroup = Group(self, \"MyGroup\")\n\npolicy = Policy(self, \"MyPolicy\")\npolicy.attach_to_user(user)\ngroup.attach_inline_policy(policy)",
7058 "version": "2"
7059 },
7060 "csharp": {
7061 "source": "User user = new User(this, \"MyUser\", new UserProps { Password = SecretValue.UnsafePlainText(\"1234\") });\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\");\n\nPolicy policy = new Policy(this, \"MyPolicy\");\npolicy.AttachToUser(user);\ngroup.AttachInlinePolicy(policy);",
7062 "version": "1"
7063 },
7064 "java": {
7065 "source": "User user = User.Builder.create(this, \"MyUser\").password(SecretValue.unsafePlainText(\"1234\")).build();\nGroup group = new Group(this, \"MyGroup\");\n\nPolicy policy = new Policy(this, \"MyPolicy\");\npolicy.attachToUser(user);\ngroup.attachInlinePolicy(policy);",
7066 "version": "1"
7067 },
7068 "go": {
7069 "source": "user := lib.NewUser(this, jsii.String(\"MyUser\"), &userProps{\n\tpassword: cdk.secretValue.unsafePlainText(jsii.String(\"1234\")),\n})\ngroup := lib.NewGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyGroup\"))\n\npolicy := lib.NewPolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyPolicy\"))\npolicy.attachToUser(user)\ngroup.attachInlinePolicy(policy)",
7070 "version": "1"
7071 },
7072 "$": {
7073 "source": " const user = new User(this, 'MyUser', { password: cdk.SecretValue.unsafePlainText('1234') });\n const group = new Group(this, 'MyGroup');\n\n const policy = new Policy(this, 'MyPolicy');\n policy.attachToUser(user);\n group.attachInlinePolicy(policy);",
7074 "version": "0"
7075 }
7076 },
7077 "location": {
7078 "api": {
7079 "api": "type",
7080 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UserProps"
7081 },
7082 "field": {
7083 "field": "example"
7084 }
7085 },
7086 "didCompile": true,
7087 "fqnsReferenced": [
7088 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Group",
7089 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IUser",
7090 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy",
7091 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Policy#attachToUser",
7092 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.User",
7093 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.UserProps",
7094 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue",
7095 "@aws-cdk/core.SecretValue#unsafePlainText",
7096 "constructs.Construct"
7097 ],
7098 "fullSource": "import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as constructs from 'constructs';\nimport { Group, Policy, User } from '../lib';\n\n// keep this import separate from other imports to reduce chance for merge conflicts with v2-main\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-duplicate-imports, import/order\nimport { Construct } from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\nexport class ExampleConstruct extends Construct {\n constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n /// !show\n const user = new User(this, 'MyUser', { password: cdk.SecretValue.unsafePlainText('1234') });\n const group = new Group(this, 'MyGroup');\n\n const policy = new Policy(this, 'MyPolicy');\n policy.attachToUser(user);\n group.attachInlinePolicy(policy);\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n",
7099 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7100 "10": 4,
7101 "75": 16,
7102 "104": 3,
7103 "193": 1,
7104 "194": 4,
7105 "196": 3,
7106 "197": 3,
7107 "225": 3,
7108 "226": 2,
7109 "242": 3,
7110 "243": 3,
7111 "281": 1
7112 },
7113 "fqnsFingerprint": "13df7914459f4f8453db458eb281a08de7f32eb1d09e32f8cbdba51b7b8e92aa"
7114 },
7115 "3626a953cffefda7e4d4d20d7982db1c8aa1282ee4272597f45936cc0b34b8d0": {
7116 "translations": {
7117 "python": {
7118 "source": "principal = iam.WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", {\n \"StringEquals\": {\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\": \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"},\n \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\": {\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\": \"unauthenticated\"}\n})",
7119 "version": "2"
7120 },
7121 "csharp": {
7122 "source": "WebIdentityPrincipal principal = new WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", new Dictionary<string, object> {\n { \"StringEquals\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\", \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\" } } },\n { \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\", new Dictionary<string, string> { { \"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\", \"unauthenticated\" } } }\n});",
7123 "version": "1"
7124 },
7125 "java": {
7126 "source": "WebIdentityPrincipal principal = new WebIdentityPrincipal(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\", Map.of(\n \"StringEquals\", Map.of(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\", \"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"),\n \"ForAnyValue:StringLike\", Map.of(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\", \"unauthenticated\")));",
7127 "version": "1"
7128 },
7129 "go": {
7130 "source": "principal := iam.NewWebIdentityPrincipal(jsii.String(\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com\"), map[string]interface{}{\n\t\"StringEquals\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud\": jsii.String(\"us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456\"),\n\t},\n\t\"ForAnyValue:StringLike\": map[string]*string{\n\t\t\"cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr\": jsii.String(\"unauthenticated\"),\n\t},\n})",
7131 "version": "1"
7132 },
7133 "$": {
7134 "source": "const principal = new iam.WebIdentityPrincipal('cognito-identity.amazonaws.com', {\n 'StringEquals': { 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud': 'us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456' },\n 'ForAnyValue:StringLike': {'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr': 'unauthenticated' },\n});",
7135 "version": "0"
7136 }
7137 },
7138 "location": {
7139 "api": {
7140 "api": "type",
7141 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.WebIdentityPrincipal"
7142 },
7143 "field": {
7144 "field": "example"
7145 }
7146 },
7147 "didCompile": true,
7148 "fqnsReferenced": [
7149 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.WebIdentityPrincipal"
7150 ],
7151 "fullSource": "import { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { CustomResource, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as codepipeline from '@aws-cdk/aws-codepipeline';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst principal = new iam.WebIdentityPrincipal('cognito-identity.amazonaws.com', {\n 'StringEquals': { 'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:aud': 'us-east-2:12345678-abcd-abcd-abcd-123456' },\n 'ForAnyValue:StringLike': {'cognito-identity.amazonaws.com:amr': 'unauthenticated' },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
7152 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7153 "10": 7,
7154 "75": 3,
7155 "193": 3,
7156 "194": 1,
7157 "197": 1,
7158 "225": 1,
7159 "242": 1,
7160 "243": 1,
7161 "281": 4
7162 },
7163 "fqnsFingerprint": "0857ec53373f955628da1d4d15055069bd91dcc25d733a59366b3b0fe1b4eb40"
7164 },
7165 "fed506cb67536f7a7f4f0f3e19be5c1036b962ff7126c80b4aa2fa04491de355": {
7166 "translations": {
7167 "python": {
7168 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\n\nwithout_policy_updates_options = iam.WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions(\n add_grants_to_resources=False\n)",
7169 "version": "2"
7170 },
7171 "csharp": {
7172 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\n\nWithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions withoutPolicyUpdatesOptions = new WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions {\n AddGrantsToResources = false\n};",
7173 "version": "1"
7174 },
7175 "java": {
7176 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\n\nWithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions withoutPolicyUpdatesOptions = WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions.builder()\n .addGrantsToResources(false)\n .build();",
7177 "version": "1"
7178 },
7179 "go": {
7180 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\n\nwithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions := &withoutPolicyUpdatesOptions{\n\taddGrantsToResources: jsii.Boolean(false),\n}",
7181 "version": "1"
7182 },
7183 "$": {
7184 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nconst withoutPolicyUpdatesOptions: iam.WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions = {\n addGrantsToResources: false,\n};",
7185 "version": "0"
7186 }
7187 },
7188 "location": {
7189 "api": {
7190 "api": "type",
7191 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions"
7192 },
7193 "field": {
7194 "field": "example"
7195 }
7196 },
7197 "didCompile": true,
7198 "fqnsReferenced": [
7199 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions"
7200 ],
7201 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst withoutPolicyUpdatesOptions: iam.WithoutPolicyUpdatesOptions = {\n addGrantsToResources: false,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
7202 "syntaxKindCounter": {
7203 "10": 1,
7204 "75": 5,
7205 "91": 1,
7206 "153": 1,
7207 "169": 1,
7208 "193": 1,
7209 "225": 1,
7210 "242": 1,
7211 "243": 1,
7212 "254": 1,
7213 "255": 1,
7214 "256": 1,
7215 "281": 1,
7216 "290": 1
7217 },
7218 "fqnsFingerprint": "34e2aa4431ebfe66760b7aca21944f26f4017d25616d5647e36a9233b5297d85"
7219 }
7220 }