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540 "markdown": "## AWS Lambda Construct Library\n<!--BEGIN STABILITY BANNER-->\n---\n\n![cfn-resources: Stable](https://img.shields.io/badge/cfn--resources-stable-success.svg?style=for-the-badge)\n\n![cdk-constructs: Stable](https://img.shields.io/badge/cdk--constructs-stable-success.svg?style=for-the-badge)\n\n---\n<!--END STABILITY BANNER-->\n\nThis construct library allows you to define AWS Lambda Functions.\n\n```ts\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as path from 'path';\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'lambda-handler')),\n});\n```\n\n### Handler Code\n\nThe `lambda.Code` class includes static convenience methods for various types of\nruntime code.\n\n * `lambda.Code.fromBucket(bucket, key[, objectVersion])` - specify an S3 object\n that contains the archive of your runtime code.\n * `lambda.Code.fromInline(code)` - inline the handle code as a string. This is\n limited to supported runtimes and the code cannot exceed 4KiB.\n * `lambda.Code.fromAsset(path)` - specify a directory or a .zip file in the local\n filesystem which will be zipped and uploaded to S3 before deployment. See also\n [bundling asset code](#Bundling-Asset-Code).\n\nThe following example shows how to define a Python function and deploy the code\nfrom the local directory `my-lambda-handler` to it:\n\n```ts lit=test/integ.assets.lit.ts\nnew lambda.Function(this, 'MyLambda', {\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'my-lambda-handler')),\n handler: 'index.main',\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_6,\n});\n```\n\nWhen deploying a stack that contains this code, the directory will be zip\narchived and then uploaded to an S3 bucket, then the exact location of the S3\nobjects will be passed when the stack is deployed.\n\nDuring synthesis, the CDK expects to find a directory on disk at the asset\ndirectory specified. Note that we are referencing the asset directory relatively\nto our CDK project directory. This is especially important when we want to share\nthis construct through a library. Different programming languages will have\ndifferent techniques for bundling resources into libraries.\n\n### Execution Role\n\nLambda functions assume an IAM role during execution. In CDK by default, Lambda\nfunctions will use an autogenerated Role if one is not provided.\n\nThe autogenerated Role is automatically given permissions to execute the Lambda\nfunction. To reference the autogenerated Role:\n\n```ts\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'lambda-handler')),\n\nfn.role // the Role\n```\n\nYou can also provide your own IAM role. Provided IAM roles will not automatically\nbe given permissions to execute the Lambda function. To provide a role and grant\nit appropriate permissions:\n\n```ts\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'lambda-handler')),\n role: myRole // user-provided role\n});\n\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole\"));\nmyRole.addManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.fromAwsManagedPolicyName(\"service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole\")); // only required if your function lives in a VPC\n```\n\n### Versions and Aliases\n\nYou can use\n[versions](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-versions.html)\nto manage the deployment of your AWS Lambda functions. For example, you can\npublish a new version of a function for beta testing without affecting users of\nthe stable production version.\n\nThe function version includes the following information:\n\n- The function code and all associated dependencies.\n- The Lambda runtime that executes the function.\n- All of the function settings, including the environment variables.\n- A unique Amazon Resource Name (ARN) to identify this version of the function.\n\nYou can define one or more\n[aliases](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/configuration-aliases.html)\nfor your AWS Lambda function. A Lambda alias is like a pointer to a specific\nLambda function version. Users can access the function version using the alias\nARN.\n\nThe `fn.currentVersion` property can be used to obtain a `lambda.Version`\nresource that represents the AWS Lambda function defined in your application.\nAny change to your function's code or configuration will result in the creation\nof a new version resource. You can specify options for this version through the\n`currentVersionOptions` property.\n\n> The `currentVersion` property is only supported when your AWS Lambda function\n> uses either `lambda.Code.fromAsset` or `lambda.Code.fromInline`. Other types\n> of code providers (such as `lambda.Code.fromBucket`) require that you define a\n> `lambda.Version` resource directly since the CDK is unable to determine if\n> their contents had changed.\n\nThe `version.addAlias()` method can be used to define an AWS Lambda alias that\npoints to a specific version.\n\nThe following example defines an alias named `live` which will always point to a\nversion that represents the function as defined in your CDK app. When you change\nyour lambda code or configuration, a new resource will be created. You can\nspecify options for the current version through the `currentVersionOptions`\nproperty.\n\n```ts\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n currentVersionOptions: {\n removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.RETAIN, // retain old versions\n retryAttempts: 1 // async retry attempts\n }\n});\n\nfn.currentVersion.addAlias('live');\n```\n\n> NOTE: The `fn.latestVersion` property returns a `lambda.IVersion` which\n> represents the `$LATEST` pseudo-version. Most AWS services require a specific\n> AWS Lambda version, and won't allow you to use `$LATEST`. Therefore, you would\n> normally want to use `lambda.currentVersion`.\n\n### Layers\n\nThe `lambda.LayerVersion` class can be used to define Lambda layers and manage\ngranting permissions to other AWS accounts or organizations.\n\n```ts lit=test/integ.layer-version.lit.ts\nconst layer = new lambda.LayerVersion(stack, 'MyLayer', {\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'layer-code')),\n compatibleRuntimes: [lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X],\n license: 'Apache-2.0',\n description: 'A layer to test the L2 construct',\n});\n\n// To grant usage by other AWS accounts\nlayer.addPermission('remote-account-grant', { accountId: awsAccountId });\n\n// To grant usage to all accounts in some AWS Ogranization\n// layer.grantUsage({ accountId: '*', organizationId });\n\nnew lambda.Function(stack, 'MyLayeredLambda', {\n code: new lambda.InlineCode('foo'),\n handler: 'index.handler',\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n layers: [layer],\n});\n```\n\n### Event Rule Target\n\nYou can use an AWS Lambda function as a target for an Amazon CloudWatch event\nrule:\n\n```ts\nimport * as targets from '@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets';\nrule.addTarget(new targets.LambdaFunction(myFunction));\n```\n\n### Event Sources\n\nAWS Lambda supports a [variety of event sources](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/invoking-lambda-function.html).\n\nIn most cases, it is possible to trigger a function as a result of an event by\nusing one of the `add<Event>Notification` methods on the source construct. For\nexample, the `s3.Bucket` construct has an `onEvent` method which can be used to\ntrigger a Lambda when an event, such as PutObject occurs on an S3 bucket.\n\nAn alternative way to add event sources to a function is to use `function.addEventSource(source)`.\nThis method accepts an `IEventSource` object. The module __@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources__\nincludes classes for the various event sources supported by AWS Lambda.\n\nFor example, the following code adds an SQS queue as an event source for a function:\n\n```ts\nimport { SqsEventSource } from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources';\nfn.addEventSource(new SqsEventSource(queue));\n```\n\nThe following code adds an S3 bucket notification as an event source:\n\n```ts\nimport { S3EventSource } from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources';\nfn.addEventSource(new S3EventSource(bucket, {\n events: [ s3.EventType.OBJECT_CREATED, s3.EventType.OBJECT_DELETED ],\n filters: [ { prefix: 'subdir/' } ] // optional\n}));\n```\n\nSee the documentation for the __@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources__ module for more details.\n\n### Lambda with DLQ\n\nA dead-letter queue can be automatically created for a Lambda function by\nsetting the `deadLetterQueueEnabled: true` configuration.\n\n```ts\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromInline('exports.handler = function(event, ctx, cb) { return cb(null, \"hi\"); }'),\n deadLetterQueueEnabled: true\n});\n```\n\nIt is also possible to provide a dead-letter queue instead of getting a new queue created:\n\n```ts\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs';\n\nconst dlq = new sqs.Queue(this, 'DLQ');\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromInline('exports.handler = function(event, ctx, cb) { return cb(null, \"hi\"); }'),\n deadLetterQueue: dlq\n});\n```\n\nSee [the AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/dlq.html)\nto learn more about AWS Lambdas and DLQs.\n\n### Lambda with X-Ray Tracing\n\n```ts\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromInline('exports.handler = function(event, ctx, cb) { return cb(null, \"hi\"); }'),\n tracing: lambda.Tracing.ACTIVE\n});\n```\n\nSee [the AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/lambda-x-ray.html)\nto learn more about AWS Lambda's X-Ray support.\n\n### Lambda with Profiling\n\n```ts\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromInline('exports.handler = function(event, ctx, cb) { return cb(null, \"hi\"); }'),\n profiling: true\n});\n```\n\nSee [the AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/latest/profiler-ug/setting-up-lambda.html)\nto learn more about AWS Lambda's Profiling support.\n\n### Lambda with Reserved Concurrent Executions\n\n```ts\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyFunction', {\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n code: lambda.Code.fromInline('exports.handler = function(event, ctx, cb) { return cb(null, \"hi\"); }'),\n reservedConcurrentExecutions: 100\n});\n```\n\nSee [the AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/concurrent-executions.html)\nmanaging concurrency.\n\n### AutoScaling\n\nYou can use Application AutoScaling to automatically configure the provisioned concurrency for your functions. AutoScaling can be set to track utilization or be based on a schedule. To configure AutoScaling on a function alias:\n\n```ts\nconst alias = new lambda.Alias(stack, 'Alias', {\n aliasName: 'prod',\n version,\n});\n\n// Create AutoScaling target\nconst as = alias.addAutoScaling({ maxCapacity: 50 })\n\n// Configure Target Tracking\nas.scaleOnUtilization({\n utilizationTarget: 0.5,\n});\n\n// Configure Scheduled Scaling\nas.scaleOnSchedule('ScaleUpInTheMorning', {\n schedule: appscaling.Schedule.cron({ hour: '8', minute: '0'}),\n minCapacity: 20,\n});\n```\n\n```ts lit=test/integ.autoscaling.lit.ts\nimport * as appscaling from '@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as lambda from '../lib';\n\n/**\n* Stack verification steps:\n* aws application-autoscaling describe-scalable-targets --service-namespace lambda --resource-ids function:<function name>:prod\n* has a minCapacity of 3 and maxCapacity of 50\n*/\nclass TestStack extends cdk.Stack {\n constructor(scope: cdk.App, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n const fn = new lambda.Function(this, 'MyLambda', {\n code: new lambda.InlineCode('exports.handler = async () => {\\nconsole.log(\\'hello world\\');\\n};'),\n handler: 'index.handler',\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,\n });\n\n const version = fn.addVersion('1', undefined, 'integ-test');\n\n const alias = new lambda.Alias(this, 'Alias', {\n aliasName: 'prod',\n version,\n });\n\n const scalingTarget = alias.addAutoScaling({ minCapacity: 3, maxCapacity: 50 });\n\n scalingTarget.scaleOnUtilization({\n utilizationTarget: 0.5,\n });\n\n scalingTarget.scaleOnSchedule('ScaleUpInTheMorning', {\n schedule: appscaling.Schedule.cron({ hour: '8', minute: '0' }),\n minCapacity: 20,\n });\n\n scalingTarget.scaleOnSchedule('ScaleDownAtNight', {\n schedule: appscaling.Schedule.cron({ hour: '20', minute: '0' }),\n maxCapacity: 20,\n });\n\n new cdk.CfnOutput(this, 'FunctionName', {\n value: fn.functionName,\n });\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new cdk.App();\n\nnew TestStack(app, 'aws-lambda-autoscaling');\n\napp.synth();\n```\n\nSee [the AWS documentation](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/invocation-scaling.html) on autoscaling lambda functions.\n\n### Log Group\n\nLambda functions automatically create a log group with the name `/aws/lambda/<function-name>` upon first execution with\nlog data set to never expire.\n\nThe `logRetention` property can be used to set a different expiration period.\n\nIt is possible to obtain the function's log group as a `logs.ILogGroup` by calling the `logGroup` property of the\n`Function` construct.\n\nBy default, CDK uses the AWS SDK retry options when creating a log group. The `logRetentionRetryOptions` property\nallows you to customize the maximum number of retries and base backoff duration.\n\n*Note* that, if either `logRetention` is set or `logGroup` property is called, a [CloudFormation custom\nresource](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cfn-customresource.html) is added\nto the stack that pre-creates the log group as part of the stack deployment, if it already doesn't exist, and sets the\ncorrect log retention period (never expire, by default).\n\n*Further note* that, if the log group already exists and the `logRetention` is not set, the custom resource will reset\nthe log retention to never expire even if it was configured with a different value.\n\n### FileSystem Access\n\nYou can configure a function to mount an Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) to a\ndirectory in your runtime environment with the `filesystem` property. To access Amazon EFS\nfrom lambda function, the Amazon EFS access point will be required.\n\nThe following sample allows the lambda function to mount the Amazon EFS access point to `/mnt/msg` in the runtime environment and access the filesystem with the POSIX identity defined in `posixUser`.\n\n```ts\n// create a new Amazon EFS filesystem\nconst fileSystem = new efs.FileSystem(stack, 'Efs', { vpc });\n\n// create a new access point from the filesystem\nconst accessPoint = fileSystem.addAccessPoint('AccessPoint', {\n // set /export/lambda as the root of the access point\n path: '/export/lambda',\n // as /export/lambda does not exist in a new efs filesystem, the efs will create the directory with the following createAcl\n createAcl: {\n ownerUid: '1001',\n ownerGid: '1001',\n permissions: '750',\n },\n // enforce the POSIX identity so lambda function will access with this identity\n posixUser: {\n uid: '1001',\n gid: '1001',\n },\n});\n\nconst fn = new lambda.Function(stack, 'MyLambda', {\n code,\n handler,\n runtime,\n vpc,\n // mount the access point to /mnt/msg in the lambda runtime enironment\n filesystem: lambda.FileSystem.fromEfsAccessPoint(accessPoint, '/mnt/msg'),\n});\n```\n\n\n### Singleton Function\n\nThe `SingletonFunction` construct is a way to guarantee that a lambda function will be guaranteed to be part of the stack,\nonce and only once, irrespective of how many times the construct is declared to be part of the stack. This is guaranteed\nas long as the `uuid` property and the optional `lambdaPurpose` property stay the same whenever they're declared into the\nstack.\n\nA typical use case of this function is when a higher level construct needs to declare a Lambda function as part of it but\nneeds to guarantee that the function is declared once. However, a user of this higher level construct can declare it any\nnumber of times and with different properties. Using `SingletonFunction` here with a fixed `uuid` will guarantee this.\n\nFor example, the `LogRetention` construct requires only one single lambda function for all different log groups whose\nretention it seeks to manage.\n\n### Bundling Asset Code\nWhen using `lambda.Code.fromAsset(path)` it is possible to bundle the code by running a\ncommand in a Docker container. The asset path will be mounted at `/asset-input`. The\nDocker container is responsible for putting content at `/asset-output`. The content at\n`/asset-output` will be zipped and used as Lambda code.\n\nExample with Python:\n```ts\nnew lambda.Function(this, 'Function', {\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset(path.join(__dirname, 'my-python-handler'), {\n bundling: {\n image: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_6.bundlingDockerImage,\n command: [\n 'bash', '-c', `\n pip install -r requirements.txt -t /asset-output &&\n cp -au . /asset-output\n `,\n ],\n },\n }),\n runtime: lambda.Runtime.PYTHON_3_6,\n handler: 'index.handler',\n});\n```\nRuntimes expose a `bundlingDockerImage` property that points to the [AWS SAM](https://github.com/awslabs/aws-sam-cli) build image.\n\nUse `cdk.BundlingDockerImage.fromRegistry(image)` to use an existing image or\n`cdk.BundlingDockerImage.fromAsset(path)` to build a specific image:\n\n```ts\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\nnew lambda.Function(this, 'Function', {\n code: lambda.Code.fromAsset('/path/to/handler', {\n bundling: {\n image: cdk.BundlingDockerImage.fromAsset('/path/to/dir/with/DockerFile', {\n buildArgs: {\n ARG1: 'value1',\n },\n }),\n command: ['my', 'cool', 'command'],\n },\n }),\n // ...\n});\n```\n\n### Language-specific APIs\nLanguage-specific higher level constructs are provided in separate modules:\n\n* Node.js: [`@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs`](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/tree/master/packages/%40aws-cdk/aws-lambda-nodejs)\n* Python: [`@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-python`](https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/tree/master/packages/%40aws-cdk/aws-lambda-python)\n"
541 },
542 "repository": {
543 "directory": "packages/@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
544 "type": "git",
545 "url": "https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk.git"
546 },
547 "schema": "jsii/0.10.0",
548 "targets": {
549 "dotnet": {
550 "assemblyOriginatorKeyFile": "../../key.snk",
551 "iconUrl": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/aws/aws-cdk/master/logo/default-256-dark.png",
552 "namespace": "Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda",
553 "packageId": "Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lambda",
554 "signAssembly": true
555 },
556 "java": {
557 "maven": {
558 "artifactId": "lambda",
559 "groupId": "software.amazon.awscdk"
560 },
561 "package": "software.amazon.awscdk.services.lambda"
562 },
563 "js": {
564 "npm": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda"
565 },
566 "python": {
567 "distName": "aws-cdk.aws-lambda",
568 "module": "aws_cdk.aws_lambda"
569 }
570 },
571 "types": {
572 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Alias": {
573 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
574 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.QualifiedFunctionBase",
575 "docs": {
576 "stability": "stable",
577 "summary": "A new alias to a particular version of a Lambda function."
578 },
579 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Alias",
580 "initializer": {
581 "docs": {
582 "stability": "stable"
583 },
584 "locationInModule": {
585 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
586 "line": 139
587 },
588 "parameters": [
589 {
590 "name": "scope",
591 "type": {
592 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
593 }
594 },
595 {
596 "name": "id",
597 "type": {
598 "primitive": "string"
599 }
600 },
601 {
602 "name": "props",
603 "type": {
604 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasProps"
605 }
606 }
607 ]
608 },
609 "interfaces": [
610 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IAlias"
611 ],
612 "kind": "class",
613 "locationInModule": {
614 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
615 "line": 89
616 },
617 "methods": [
618 {
619 "docs": {
620 "stability": "stable"
621 },
622 "locationInModule": {
623 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
624 "line": 90
625 },
626 "name": "fromAliasAttributes",
627 "parameters": [
628 {
629 "name": "scope",
630 "type": {
631 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
632 }
633 },
634 {
635 "name": "id",
636 "type": {
637 "primitive": "string"
638 }
639 },
640 {
641 "name": "attrs",
642 "type": {
643 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasAttributes"
644 }
645 }
646 ],
647 "returns": {
648 "type": {
649 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IAlias"
650 }
651 },
652 "static": true
653 },
654 {
655 "docs": {
656 "remarks": "Returns a scalable attribute that can call\n`scaleOnUtilization()` and `scaleOnSchedule()`.",
657 "stability": "stable",
658 "summary": "Configure provisioned concurrency autoscaling on a function alias."
659 },
660 "locationInModule": {
661 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
662 "line": 218
663 },
664 "name": "addAutoScaling",
665 "parameters": [
666 {
667 "docs": {
668 "summary": "Autoscaling options."
669 },
670 "name": "options",
671 "type": {
672 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AutoScalingOptions"
673 }
674 }
675 ],
676 "returns": {
677 "type": {
678 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IScalableFunctionAttribute"
679 }
680 }
681 },
682 {
683 "docs": {
684 "stability": "stable",
685 "summary": "Return the given named metric for this Function."
686 },
687 "locationInModule": {
688 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
689 "line": 198
690 },
691 "name": "metric",
692 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
693 "parameters": [
694 {
695 "name": "metricName",
696 "type": {
697 "primitive": "string"
698 }
699 },
700 {
701 "name": "props",
702 "optional": true,
703 "type": {
704 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
705 }
706 }
707 ],
708 "returns": {
709 "type": {
710 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
711 }
712 }
713 }
714 ],
715 "name": "Alias",
716 "properties": [
717 {
718 "docs": {
719 "custom": {
720 "attribute": "true"
721 },
722 "stability": "stable",
723 "summary": "Name of this alias."
724 },
725 "immutable": true,
726 "locationInModule": {
727 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
728 "line": 111
729 },
730 "name": "aliasName",
731 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IAlias",
732 "type": {
733 "primitive": "string"
734 }
735 },
736 {
737 "docs": {
738 "remarks": "True for new Lambdas, false for imported Lambdas (they might live in different accounts).",
739 "stability": "stable",
740 "summary": "Whether the addPermission() call adds any permissions."
741 },
742 "immutable": true,
743 "locationInModule": {
744 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
745 "line": 134
746 },
747 "name": "canCreatePermissions",
748 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
749 "protected": true,
750 "type": {
751 "primitive": "boolean"
752 }
753 },
754 {
755 "docs": {
756 "remarks": "Used to be able to use Alias in place of a regular Lambda. Lambda accepts\nARNs everywhere it accepts function names.",
757 "stability": "stable",
758 "summary": "ARN of this alias."
759 },
760 "immutable": true,
761 "locationInModule": {
762 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
763 "line": 130
764 },
765 "name": "functionArn",
766 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
767 "type": {
768 "primitive": "string"
769 }
770 },
771 {
772 "docs": {
773 "remarks": "Used to be able to use Alias in place of a regular Lambda. Lambda accepts\nARNs everywhere it accepts function names.",
774 "stability": "stable",
775 "summary": "ARN of this alias."
776 },
777 "immutable": true,
778 "locationInModule": {
779 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
780 "line": 118
781 },
782 "name": "functionName",
783 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
784 "type": {
785 "primitive": "string"
786 }
787 },
788 {
789 "docs": {
790 "stability": "stable",
791 "summary": "The principal this Lambda Function is running as."
792 },
793 "immutable": true,
794 "locationInModule": {
795 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
796 "line": 190
797 },
798 "name": "grantPrincipal",
799 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
800 "type": {
801 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal"
802 }
803 },
804 {
805 "docs": {
806 "stability": "stable"
807 },
808 "immutable": true,
809 "locationInModule": {
810 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
811 "line": 120
812 },
813 "name": "lambda",
814 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.QualifiedFunctionBase",
815 "type": {
816 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
817 }
818 },
819 {
820 "docs": {
821 "remarks": "A qualifier is the identifier that's appended to a version or alias ARN.",
822 "stability": "stable",
823 "summary": "The qualifier of the version or alias of this function."
824 },
825 "immutable": true,
826 "locationInModule": {
827 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
828 "line": 132
829 },
830 "name": "qualifier",
831 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.QualifiedFunctionBase",
832 "protected": true,
833 "type": {
834 "primitive": "string"
835 }
836 },
837 {
838 "docs": {
839 "stability": "stable",
840 "summary": "The underlying Lambda function version."
841 },
842 "immutable": true,
843 "locationInModule": {
844 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
845 "line": 122
846 },
847 "name": "version",
848 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IAlias",
849 "type": {
850 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
851 }
852 },
853 {
854 "docs": {
855 "remarks": "Undefined if the function was imported without a role.",
856 "stability": "stable",
857 "summary": "The IAM role associated with this function."
858 },
859 "immutable": true,
860 "locationInModule": {
861 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
862 "line": 194
863 },
864 "name": "role",
865 "optional": true,
866 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
867 "type": {
868 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
869 }
870 }
871 ]
872 },
873 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasAttributes": {
874 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
875 "datatype": true,
876 "docs": {
877 "stability": "stable"
878 },
879 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasAttributes",
880 "kind": "interface",
881 "locationInModule": {
882 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
883 "line": 81
884 },
885 "name": "AliasAttributes",
886 "properties": [
887 {
888 "abstract": true,
889 "docs": {
890 "stability": "stable"
891 },
892 "immutable": true,
893 "locationInModule": {
894 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
895 "line": 82
896 },
897 "name": "aliasName",
898 "type": {
899 "primitive": "string"
900 }
901 },
902 {
903 "abstract": true,
904 "docs": {
905 "stability": "stable"
906 },
907 "immutable": true,
908 "locationInModule": {
909 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
910 "line": 83
911 },
912 "name": "aliasVersion",
913 "type": {
914 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
915 }
916 }
917 ]
918 },
919 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasOptions": {
920 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
921 "datatype": true,
922 "docs": {
923 "stability": "stable",
924 "summary": "Options for `lambda.Alias`."
925 },
926 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasOptions",
927 "interfaces": [
928 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions"
929 ],
930 "kind": "interface",
931 "locationInModule": {
932 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
933 "line": 29
934 },
935 "name": "AliasOptions",
936 "properties": [
937 {
938 "abstract": true,
939 "docs": {
940 "default": "No additional versions",
941 "remarks": "Individual additional version weights specified here should add up to\n(less than) one. All remaining weight is routed to the default\nversion.\n\nFor example, the config is\n\n version: \"1\"\n additionalVersions: [{ version: \"2\", weight: 0.05 }]\n\nThen 5% of traffic will be routed to function version 2, while\nthe remaining 95% of traffic will be routed to function version 1.",
942 "stability": "stable",
943 "summary": "Additional versions with individual weights this alias points to."
944 },
945 "immutable": true,
946 "locationInModule": {
947 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
948 "line": 54
949 },
950 "name": "additionalVersions",
951 "optional": true,
952 "type": {
953 "collection": {
954 "elementtype": {
955 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionWeight"
956 },
957 "kind": "array"
958 }
959 }
960 },
961 {
962 "abstract": true,
963 "docs": {
964 "default": "No description",
965 "stability": "stable",
966 "summary": "Description for the alias."
967 },
968 "immutable": true,
969 "locationInModule": {
970 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
971 "line": 35
972 },
973 "name": "description",
974 "optional": true,
975 "type": {
976 "primitive": "string"
977 }
978 },
979 {
980 "abstract": true,
981 "docs": {
982 "default": "No provisioned concurrency",
983 "stability": "stable",
984 "summary": "Specifies a provisioned concurrency configuration for a function's alias."
985 },
986 "immutable": true,
987 "locationInModule": {
988 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
989 "line": 61
990 },
991 "name": "provisionedConcurrentExecutions",
992 "optional": true,
993 "type": {
994 "primitive": "number"
995 }
996 }
997 ]
998 },
999 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasProps": {
1000 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1001 "datatype": true,
1002 "docs": {
1003 "stability": "stable",
1004 "summary": "Properties for a new Lambda alias."
1005 },
1006 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasProps",
1007 "interfaces": [
1008 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasOptions"
1009 ],
1010 "kind": "interface",
1011 "locationInModule": {
1012 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
1013 "line": 67
1014 },
1015 "name": "AliasProps",
1016 "properties": [
1017 {
1018 "abstract": true,
1019 "docs": {
1020 "stability": "stable",
1021 "summary": "Name of this alias."
1022 },
1023 "immutable": true,
1024 "locationInModule": {
1025 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
1026 "line": 71
1027 },
1028 "name": "aliasName",
1029 "type": {
1030 "primitive": "string"
1031 }
1032 },
1033 {
1034 "abstract": true,
1035 "docs": {
1036 "remarks": "Use lambda.addVersion() to obtain a new lambda version to refer to.",
1037 "stability": "stable",
1038 "summary": "Function version this alias refers to."
1039 },
1040 "immutable": true,
1041 "locationInModule": {
1042 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
1043 "line": 78
1044 },
1045 "name": "version",
1046 "type": {
1047 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
1048 }
1049 }
1050 ]
1051 },
1052 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AssetCode": {
1053 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1054 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
1055 "docs": {
1056 "stability": "stable",
1057 "summary": "Lambda code from a local directory."
1058 },
1059 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AssetCode",
1060 "initializer": {
1061 "docs": {
1062 "stability": "stable"
1063 },
1064 "locationInModule": {
1065 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
1066 "line": 173
1067 },
1068 "parameters": [
1069 {
1070 "docs": {
1071 "summary": "The path to the asset file or directory."
1072 },
1073 "name": "path",
1074 "type": {
1075 "primitive": "string"
1076 }
1077 },
1078 {
1079 "name": "options",
1080 "optional": true,
1081 "type": {
1082 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-s3-assets.AssetOptions"
1083 }
1084 }
1085 ]
1086 },
1087 "kind": "class",
1088 "locationInModule": {
1089 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
1090 "line": 166
1091 },
1092 "methods": [
1093 {
1094 "docs": {
1095 "stability": "stable",
1096 "summary": "Called when the lambda or layer is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack, add resources and have fun."
1097 },
1098 "locationInModule": {
1099 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
1100 "line": 177
1101 },
1102 "name": "bind",
1103 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
1104 "parameters": [
1105 {
1106 "name": "scope",
1107 "type": {
1108 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1109 }
1110 }
1111 ],
1112 "returns": {
1113 "type": {
1114 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CodeConfig"
1115 }
1116 }
1117 },
1118 {
1119 "docs": {
1120 "remarks": "Specifically it's required to allow assets to add\nmetadata for tooling like SAM CLI to be able to find their origins.",
1121 "stability": "stable",
1122 "summary": "Called after the CFN function resource has been created to allow the code class to bind to it."
1123 },
1124 "locationInModule": {
1125 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
1126 "line": 198
1127 },
1128 "name": "bindToResource",
1129 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
1130 "parameters": [
1131 {
1132 "name": "resource",
1133 "type": {
1134 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource"
1135 }
1136 },
1137 {
1138 "name": "options",
1139 "optional": true,
1140 "type": {
1141 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ResourceBindOptions"
1142 }
1143 }
1144 ]
1145 }
1146 ],
1147 "name": "AssetCode",
1148 "properties": [
1149 {
1150 "docs": {
1151 "stability": "stable",
1152 "summary": "Determines whether this Code is inline code or not."
1153 },
1154 "immutable": true,
1155 "locationInModule": {
1156 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
1157 "line": 167
1158 },
1159 "name": "isInline",
1160 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
1161 "type": {
1162 "primitive": "boolean"
1163 }
1164 },
1165 {
1166 "docs": {
1167 "stability": "stable",
1168 "summary": "The path to the asset file or directory."
1169 },
1170 "immutable": true,
1171 "locationInModule": {
1172 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
1173 "line": 173
1174 },
1175 "name": "path",
1176 "type": {
1177 "primitive": "string"
1178 }
1179 }
1180 ]
1181 },
1182 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AutoScalingOptions": {
1183 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1184 "datatype": true,
1185 "docs": {
1186 "stability": "stable",
1187 "summary": "Properties for enabling Lambda autoscaling."
1188 },
1189 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AutoScalingOptions",
1190 "kind": "interface",
1191 "locationInModule": {
1192 "filename": "lib/scalable-attribute-api.ts",
1193 "line": 34
1194 },
1195 "name": "AutoScalingOptions",
1196 "properties": [
1197 {
1198 "abstract": true,
1199 "docs": {
1200 "stability": "stable",
1201 "summary": "Maximum capacity to scale to."
1202 },
1203 "immutable": true,
1204 "locationInModule": {
1205 "filename": "lib/scalable-attribute-api.ts",
1206 "line": 45
1207 },
1208 "name": "maxCapacity",
1209 "type": {
1210 "primitive": "number"
1211 }
1212 },
1213 {
1214 "abstract": true,
1215 "docs": {
1216 "default": "1",
1217 "stability": "stable",
1218 "summary": "Minimum capacity to scale to."
1219 },
1220 "immutable": true,
1221 "locationInModule": {
1222 "filename": "lib/scalable-attribute-api.ts",
1223 "line": 40
1224 },
1225 "name": "minCapacity",
1226 "optional": true,
1227 "type": {
1228 "primitive": "number"
1229 }
1230 }
1231 ]
1232 },
1233 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias": {
1234 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1235 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1236 "docs": {
1237 "custom": {
1238 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Lambda::Alias"
1239 },
1240 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html",
1241 "stability": "external",
1242 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Lambda::Alias`."
1243 },
1244 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias",
1245 "initializer": {
1246 "docs": {
1247 "stability": "external",
1248 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Lambda::Alias`."
1249 },
1250 "locationInModule": {
1251 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1252 "line": 184
1253 },
1254 "parameters": [
1255 {
1256 "docs": {
1257 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
1258 },
1259 "name": "scope",
1260 "type": {
1261 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1262 }
1263 },
1264 {
1265 "docs": {
1266 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
1267 },
1268 "name": "id",
1269 "type": {
1270 "primitive": "string"
1271 }
1272 },
1273 {
1274 "docs": {
1275 "summary": "- resource properties."
1276 },
1277 "name": "props",
1278 "type": {
1279 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAliasProps"
1280 }
1281 }
1282 ]
1283 },
1284 "interfaces": [
1285 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
1286 ],
1287 "kind": "class",
1288 "locationInModule": {
1289 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1290 "line": 119
1291 },
1292 "methods": [
1293 {
1294 "docs": {
1295 "stability": "experimental",
1296 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
1297 },
1298 "locationInModule": {
1299 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1300 "line": 205
1301 },
1302 "name": "inspect",
1303 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
1304 "parameters": [
1305 {
1306 "docs": {
1307 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
1308 },
1309 "name": "inspector",
1310 "type": {
1311 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
1312 }
1313 }
1314 ]
1315 },
1316 {
1317 "docs": {
1318 "stability": "external"
1319 },
1320 "locationInModule": {
1321 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1322 "line": 220
1323 },
1324 "name": "renderProperties",
1325 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1326 "parameters": [
1327 {
1328 "name": "props",
1329 "type": {
1330 "collection": {
1331 "elementtype": {
1332 "primitive": "any"
1333 },
1334 "kind": "map"
1335 }
1336 }
1337 }
1338 ],
1339 "protected": true,
1340 "returns": {
1341 "type": {
1342 "collection": {
1343 "elementtype": {
1344 "primitive": "any"
1345 },
1346 "kind": "map"
1347 }
1348 }
1349 }
1350 }
1351 ],
1352 "name": "CfnAlias",
1353 "properties": [
1354 {
1355 "const": true,
1356 "docs": {
1357 "stability": "external",
1358 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
1359 },
1360 "immutable": true,
1361 "locationInModule": {
1362 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1363 "line": 123
1364 },
1365 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
1366 "static": true,
1367 "type": {
1368 "primitive": "string"
1369 }
1370 },
1371 {
1372 "docs": {
1373 "stability": "external"
1374 },
1375 "immutable": true,
1376 "locationInModule": {
1377 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1378 "line": 210
1379 },
1380 "name": "cfnProperties",
1381 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1382 "protected": true,
1383 "type": {
1384 "collection": {
1385 "elementtype": {
1386 "primitive": "any"
1387 },
1388 "kind": "map"
1389 }
1390 }
1391 },
1392 {
1393 "docs": {
1394 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-functionname",
1395 "stability": "external",
1396 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.FunctionName`."
1397 },
1398 "locationInModule": {
1399 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1400 "line": 145
1401 },
1402 "name": "functionName",
1403 "type": {
1404 "primitive": "string"
1405 }
1406 },
1407 {
1408 "docs": {
1409 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-functionversion",
1410 "stability": "external",
1411 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.FunctionVersion`."
1412 },
1413 "locationInModule": {
1414 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1415 "line": 151
1416 },
1417 "name": "functionVersion",
1418 "type": {
1419 "primitive": "string"
1420 }
1421 },
1422 {
1423 "docs": {
1424 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-name",
1425 "stability": "external",
1426 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.Name`."
1427 },
1428 "locationInModule": {
1429 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1430 "line": 157
1431 },
1432 "name": "name",
1433 "type": {
1434 "primitive": "string"
1435 }
1436 },
1437 {
1438 "docs": {
1439 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-description",
1440 "stability": "external",
1441 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.Description`."
1442 },
1443 "locationInModule": {
1444 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1445 "line": 163
1446 },
1447 "name": "description",
1448 "optional": true,
1449 "type": {
1450 "primitive": "string"
1451 }
1452 },
1453 {
1454 "docs": {
1455 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-provisionedconcurrencyconfig",
1456 "stability": "external",
1457 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig`."
1458 },
1459 "locationInModule": {
1460 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1461 "line": 169
1462 },
1463 "name": "provisionedConcurrencyConfig",
1464 "optional": true,
1465 "type": {
1466 "union": {
1467 "types": [
1468 {
1469 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1470 },
1471 {
1472 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty"
1473 }
1474 ]
1475 }
1476 }
1477 },
1478 {
1479 "docs": {
1480 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-routingconfig",
1481 "stability": "external",
1482 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.RoutingConfig`."
1483 },
1484 "locationInModule": {
1485 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1486 "line": 175
1487 },
1488 "name": "routingConfig",
1489 "optional": true,
1490 "type": {
1491 "union": {
1492 "types": [
1493 {
1494 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1495 },
1496 {
1497 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.AliasRoutingConfigurationProperty"
1498 }
1499 ]
1500 }
1501 }
1502 }
1503 ]
1504 },
1505 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.AliasRoutingConfigurationProperty": {
1506 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1507 "datatype": true,
1508 "docs": {
1509 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-alias-aliasroutingconfiguration.html",
1510 "stability": "external"
1511 },
1512 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.AliasRoutingConfigurationProperty",
1513 "kind": "interface",
1514 "locationInModule": {
1515 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1516 "line": 230
1517 },
1518 "name": "AliasRoutingConfigurationProperty",
1519 "namespace": "CfnAlias",
1520 "properties": [
1521 {
1522 "abstract": true,
1523 "docs": {
1524 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-alias-aliasroutingconfiguration.html#cfn-lambda-alias-aliasroutingconfiguration-additionalversionweights",
1525 "stability": "external",
1526 "summary": "`CfnAlias.AliasRoutingConfigurationProperty.AdditionalVersionWeights`."
1527 },
1528 "immutable": true,
1529 "locationInModule": {
1530 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1531 "line": 235
1532 },
1533 "name": "additionalVersionWeights",
1534 "type": {
1535 "union": {
1536 "types": [
1537 {
1538 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1539 },
1540 {
1541 "collection": {
1542 "elementtype": {
1543 "union": {
1544 "types": [
1545 {
1546 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1547 },
1548 {
1549 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.VersionWeightProperty"
1550 }
1551 ]
1552 }
1553 },
1554 "kind": "array"
1555 }
1556 }
1557 ]
1558 }
1559 }
1560 }
1561 ]
1562 },
1563 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty": {
1564 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1565 "datatype": true,
1566 "docs": {
1567 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-alias-provisionedconcurrencyconfiguration.html",
1568 "stability": "external"
1569 },
1570 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty",
1571 "kind": "interface",
1572 "locationInModule": {
1573 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1574 "line": 286
1575 },
1576 "name": "ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty",
1577 "namespace": "CfnAlias",
1578 "properties": [
1579 {
1580 "abstract": true,
1581 "docs": {
1582 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-alias-provisionedconcurrencyconfiguration.html#cfn-lambda-alias-provisionedconcurrencyconfiguration-provisionedconcurrentexecutions",
1583 "stability": "external",
1584 "summary": "`CfnAlias.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty.ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions`."
1585 },
1586 "immutable": true,
1587 "locationInModule": {
1588 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1589 "line": 291
1590 },
1591 "name": "provisionedConcurrentExecutions",
1592 "type": {
1593 "primitive": "number"
1594 }
1595 }
1596 ]
1597 },
1598 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.VersionWeightProperty": {
1599 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1600 "datatype": true,
1601 "docs": {
1602 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-alias-versionweight.html",
1603 "stability": "external"
1604 },
1605 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.VersionWeightProperty",
1606 "kind": "interface",
1607 "locationInModule": {
1608 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1609 "line": 342
1610 },
1611 "name": "VersionWeightProperty",
1612 "namespace": "CfnAlias",
1613 "properties": [
1614 {
1615 "abstract": true,
1616 "docs": {
1617 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-alias-versionweight.html#cfn-lambda-alias-versionweight-functionversion",
1618 "stability": "external",
1619 "summary": "`CfnAlias.VersionWeightProperty.FunctionVersion`."
1620 },
1621 "immutable": true,
1622 "locationInModule": {
1623 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1624 "line": 347
1625 },
1626 "name": "functionVersion",
1627 "type": {
1628 "primitive": "string"
1629 }
1630 },
1631 {
1632 "abstract": true,
1633 "docs": {
1634 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-alias-versionweight.html#cfn-lambda-alias-versionweight-functionweight",
1635 "stability": "external",
1636 "summary": "`CfnAlias.VersionWeightProperty.FunctionWeight`."
1637 },
1638 "immutable": true,
1639 "locationInModule": {
1640 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1641 "line": 352
1642 },
1643 "name": "functionWeight",
1644 "type": {
1645 "primitive": "number"
1646 }
1647 }
1648 ]
1649 },
1650 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAliasProps": {
1651 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1652 "datatype": true,
1653 "docs": {
1654 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html",
1655 "stability": "external",
1656 "summary": "Properties for defining a `AWS::Lambda::Alias`."
1657 },
1658 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAliasProps",
1659 "kind": "interface",
1660 "locationInModule": {
1661 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1662 "line": 17
1663 },
1664 "name": "CfnAliasProps",
1665 "properties": [
1666 {
1667 "abstract": true,
1668 "docs": {
1669 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-functionname",
1670 "stability": "external",
1671 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.FunctionName`."
1672 },
1673 "immutable": true,
1674 "locationInModule": {
1675 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1676 "line": 23
1677 },
1678 "name": "functionName",
1679 "type": {
1680 "primitive": "string"
1681 }
1682 },
1683 {
1684 "abstract": true,
1685 "docs": {
1686 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-functionversion",
1687 "stability": "external",
1688 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.FunctionVersion`."
1689 },
1690 "immutable": true,
1691 "locationInModule": {
1692 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1693 "line": 29
1694 },
1695 "name": "functionVersion",
1696 "type": {
1697 "primitive": "string"
1698 }
1699 },
1700 {
1701 "abstract": true,
1702 "docs": {
1703 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-name",
1704 "stability": "external",
1705 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.Name`."
1706 },
1707 "immutable": true,
1708 "locationInModule": {
1709 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1710 "line": 35
1711 },
1712 "name": "name",
1713 "type": {
1714 "primitive": "string"
1715 }
1716 },
1717 {
1718 "abstract": true,
1719 "docs": {
1720 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-description",
1721 "stability": "external",
1722 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.Description`."
1723 },
1724 "immutable": true,
1725 "locationInModule": {
1726 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1727 "line": 41
1728 },
1729 "name": "description",
1730 "optional": true,
1731 "type": {
1732 "primitive": "string"
1733 }
1734 },
1735 {
1736 "abstract": true,
1737 "docs": {
1738 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-provisionedconcurrencyconfig",
1739 "stability": "external",
1740 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig`."
1741 },
1742 "immutable": true,
1743 "locationInModule": {
1744 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1745 "line": 47
1746 },
1747 "name": "provisionedConcurrencyConfig",
1748 "optional": true,
1749 "type": {
1750 "union": {
1751 "types": [
1752 {
1753 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1754 },
1755 {
1756 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty"
1757 }
1758 ]
1759 }
1760 }
1761 },
1762 {
1763 "abstract": true,
1764 "docs": {
1765 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-alias.html#cfn-lambda-alias-routingconfig",
1766 "stability": "external",
1767 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Alias.RoutingConfig`."
1768 },
1769 "immutable": true,
1770 "locationInModule": {
1771 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1772 "line": 53
1773 },
1774 "name": "routingConfig",
1775 "optional": true,
1776 "type": {
1777 "union": {
1778 "types": [
1779 {
1780 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1781 },
1782 {
1783 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnAlias.AliasRoutingConfigurationProperty"
1784 }
1785 ]
1786 }
1787 }
1788 }
1789 ]
1790 },
1791 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig": {
1792 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
1793 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1794 "docs": {
1795 "custom": {
1796 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig"
1797 },
1798 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html",
1799 "stability": "external",
1800 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig`."
1801 },
1802 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig",
1803 "initializer": {
1804 "docs": {
1805 "stability": "external",
1806 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig`."
1807 },
1808 "locationInModule": {
1809 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1810 "line": 559
1811 },
1812 "parameters": [
1813 {
1814 "docs": {
1815 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
1816 },
1817 "name": "scope",
1818 "type": {
1819 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1820 }
1821 },
1822 {
1823 "docs": {
1824 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
1825 },
1826 "name": "id",
1827 "type": {
1828 "primitive": "string"
1829 }
1830 },
1831 {
1832 "docs": {
1833 "summary": "- resource properties."
1834 },
1835 "name": "props",
1836 "type": {
1837 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfigProps"
1838 }
1839 }
1840 ]
1841 },
1842 "interfaces": [
1843 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
1844 ],
1845 "kind": "class",
1846 "locationInModule": {
1847 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1848 "line": 500
1849 },
1850 "methods": [
1851 {
1852 "docs": {
1853 "stability": "experimental",
1854 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
1855 },
1856 "locationInModule": {
1857 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1858 "line": 578
1859 },
1860 "name": "inspect",
1861 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
1862 "parameters": [
1863 {
1864 "docs": {
1865 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
1866 },
1867 "name": "inspector",
1868 "type": {
1869 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
1870 }
1871 }
1872 ]
1873 },
1874 {
1875 "docs": {
1876 "stability": "external"
1877 },
1878 "locationInModule": {
1879 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1880 "line": 592
1881 },
1882 "name": "renderProperties",
1883 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1884 "parameters": [
1885 {
1886 "name": "props",
1887 "type": {
1888 "collection": {
1889 "elementtype": {
1890 "primitive": "any"
1891 },
1892 "kind": "map"
1893 }
1894 }
1895 }
1896 ],
1897 "protected": true,
1898 "returns": {
1899 "type": {
1900 "collection": {
1901 "elementtype": {
1902 "primitive": "any"
1903 },
1904 "kind": "map"
1905 }
1906 }
1907 }
1908 }
1909 ],
1910 "name": "CfnEventInvokeConfig",
1911 "properties": [
1912 {
1913 "const": true,
1914 "docs": {
1915 "stability": "external",
1916 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
1917 },
1918 "immutable": true,
1919 "locationInModule": {
1920 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1921 "line": 504
1922 },
1923 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
1924 "static": true,
1925 "type": {
1926 "primitive": "string"
1927 }
1928 },
1929 {
1930 "docs": {
1931 "stability": "external"
1932 },
1933 "immutable": true,
1934 "locationInModule": {
1935 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1936 "line": 583
1937 },
1938 "name": "cfnProperties",
1939 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
1940 "protected": true,
1941 "type": {
1942 "collection": {
1943 "elementtype": {
1944 "primitive": "any"
1945 },
1946 "kind": "map"
1947 }
1948 }
1949 },
1950 {
1951 "docs": {
1952 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-functionname",
1953 "stability": "external",
1954 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.FunctionName`."
1955 },
1956 "locationInModule": {
1957 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1958 "line": 526
1959 },
1960 "name": "functionName",
1961 "type": {
1962 "primitive": "string"
1963 }
1964 },
1965 {
1966 "docs": {
1967 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-qualifier",
1968 "stability": "external",
1969 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.Qualifier`."
1970 },
1971 "locationInModule": {
1972 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1973 "line": 532
1974 },
1975 "name": "qualifier",
1976 "type": {
1977 "primitive": "string"
1978 }
1979 },
1980 {
1981 "docs": {
1982 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig",
1983 "stability": "external",
1984 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.DestinationConfig`."
1985 },
1986 "locationInModule": {
1987 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
1988 "line": 538
1989 },
1990 "name": "destinationConfig",
1991 "optional": true,
1992 "type": {
1993 "union": {
1994 "types": [
1995 {
1996 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
1997 },
1998 {
1999 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.DestinationConfigProperty"
2000 }
2001 ]
2002 }
2003 }
2004 },
2005 {
2006 "docs": {
2007 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-maximumeventageinseconds",
2008 "stability": "external",
2009 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.MaximumEventAgeInSeconds`."
2010 },
2011 "locationInModule": {
2012 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2013 "line": 544
2014 },
2015 "name": "maximumEventAgeInSeconds",
2016 "optional": true,
2017 "type": {
2018 "primitive": "number"
2019 }
2020 },
2021 {
2022 "docs": {
2023 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-maximumretryattempts",
2024 "stability": "external",
2025 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.MaximumRetryAttempts`."
2026 },
2027 "locationInModule": {
2028 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2029 "line": 550
2030 },
2031 "name": "maximumRetryAttempts",
2032 "optional": true,
2033 "type": {
2034 "primitive": "number"
2035 }
2036 }
2037 ]
2038 },
2039 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.DestinationConfigProperty": {
2040 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2041 "datatype": true,
2042 "docs": {
2043 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig.html",
2044 "stability": "external"
2045 },
2046 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.DestinationConfigProperty",
2047 "kind": "interface",
2048 "locationInModule": {
2049 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2050 "line": 602
2051 },
2052 "name": "DestinationConfigProperty",
2053 "namespace": "CfnEventInvokeConfig",
2054 "properties": [
2055 {
2056 "abstract": true,
2057 "docs": {
2058 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig-onfailure",
2059 "stability": "external",
2060 "summary": "`CfnEventInvokeConfig.DestinationConfigProperty.OnFailure`."
2061 },
2062 "immutable": true,
2063 "locationInModule": {
2064 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2065 "line": 607
2066 },
2067 "name": "onFailure",
2068 "optional": true,
2069 "type": {
2070 "union": {
2071 "types": [
2072 {
2073 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2074 },
2075 {
2076 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.OnFailureProperty"
2077 }
2078 ]
2079 }
2080 }
2081 },
2082 {
2083 "abstract": true,
2084 "docs": {
2085 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig-onsuccess",
2086 "stability": "external",
2087 "summary": "`CfnEventInvokeConfig.DestinationConfigProperty.OnSuccess`."
2088 },
2089 "immutable": true,
2090 "locationInModule": {
2091 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2092 "line": 612
2093 },
2094 "name": "onSuccess",
2095 "optional": true,
2096 "type": {
2097 "union": {
2098 "types": [
2099 {
2100 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2101 },
2102 {
2103 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.OnSuccessProperty"
2104 }
2105 ]
2106 }
2107 }
2108 }
2109 ]
2110 },
2111 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.OnFailureProperty": {
2112 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2113 "datatype": true,
2114 "docs": {
2115 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig-onfailure.html",
2116 "stability": "external"
2117 },
2118 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.OnFailureProperty",
2119 "kind": "interface",
2120 "locationInModule": {
2121 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2122 "line": 665
2123 },
2124 "name": "OnFailureProperty",
2125 "namespace": "CfnEventInvokeConfig",
2126 "properties": [
2127 {
2128 "abstract": true,
2129 "docs": {
2130 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig-onfailure.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig-onfailure-destination",
2131 "stability": "external",
2132 "summary": "`CfnEventInvokeConfig.OnFailureProperty.Destination`."
2133 },
2134 "immutable": true,
2135 "locationInModule": {
2136 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2137 "line": 670
2138 },
2139 "name": "destination",
2140 "type": {
2141 "primitive": "string"
2142 }
2143 }
2144 ]
2145 },
2146 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.OnSuccessProperty": {
2147 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2148 "datatype": true,
2149 "docs": {
2150 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig-onsuccess.html",
2151 "stability": "external"
2152 },
2153 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.OnSuccessProperty",
2154 "kind": "interface",
2155 "locationInModule": {
2156 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2157 "line": 721
2158 },
2159 "name": "OnSuccessProperty",
2160 "namespace": "CfnEventInvokeConfig",
2161 "properties": [
2162 {
2163 "abstract": true,
2164 "docs": {
2165 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig-onsuccess.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig-onsuccess-destination",
2166 "stability": "external",
2167 "summary": "`CfnEventInvokeConfig.OnSuccessProperty.Destination`."
2168 },
2169 "immutable": true,
2170 "locationInModule": {
2171 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2172 "line": 726
2173 },
2174 "name": "destination",
2175 "type": {
2176 "primitive": "string"
2177 }
2178 }
2179 ]
2180 },
2181 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfigProps": {
2182 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2183 "datatype": true,
2184 "docs": {
2185 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html",
2186 "stability": "external",
2187 "summary": "Properties for defining a `AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig`."
2188 },
2189 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfigProps",
2190 "kind": "interface",
2191 "locationInModule": {
2192 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2193 "line": 408
2194 },
2195 "name": "CfnEventInvokeConfigProps",
2196 "properties": [
2197 {
2198 "abstract": true,
2199 "docs": {
2200 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-functionname",
2201 "stability": "external",
2202 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.FunctionName`."
2203 },
2204 "immutable": true,
2205 "locationInModule": {
2206 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2207 "line": 414
2208 },
2209 "name": "functionName",
2210 "type": {
2211 "primitive": "string"
2212 }
2213 },
2214 {
2215 "abstract": true,
2216 "docs": {
2217 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-qualifier",
2218 "stability": "external",
2219 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.Qualifier`."
2220 },
2221 "immutable": true,
2222 "locationInModule": {
2223 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2224 "line": 420
2225 },
2226 "name": "qualifier",
2227 "type": {
2228 "primitive": "string"
2229 }
2230 },
2231 {
2232 "abstract": true,
2233 "docs": {
2234 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-destinationconfig",
2235 "stability": "external",
2236 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.DestinationConfig`."
2237 },
2238 "immutable": true,
2239 "locationInModule": {
2240 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2241 "line": 426
2242 },
2243 "name": "destinationConfig",
2244 "optional": true,
2245 "type": {
2246 "union": {
2247 "types": [
2248 {
2249 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2250 },
2251 {
2252 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventInvokeConfig.DestinationConfigProperty"
2253 }
2254 ]
2255 }
2256 }
2257 },
2258 {
2259 "abstract": true,
2260 "docs": {
2261 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-maximumeventageinseconds",
2262 "stability": "external",
2263 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.MaximumEventAgeInSeconds`."
2264 },
2265 "immutable": true,
2266 "locationInModule": {
2267 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2268 "line": 432
2269 },
2270 "name": "maximumEventAgeInSeconds",
2271 "optional": true,
2272 "type": {
2273 "primitive": "number"
2274 }
2275 },
2276 {
2277 "abstract": true,
2278 "docs": {
2279 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventinvokeconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventinvokeconfig-maximumretryattempts",
2280 "stability": "external",
2281 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventInvokeConfig.MaximumRetryAttempts`."
2282 },
2283 "immutable": true,
2284 "locationInModule": {
2285 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2286 "line": 438
2287 },
2288 "name": "maximumRetryAttempts",
2289 "optional": true,
2290 "type": {
2291 "primitive": "number"
2292 }
2293 }
2294 ]
2295 },
2296 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping": {
2297 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2298 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2299 "docs": {
2300 "custom": {
2301 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping"
2302 },
2303 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html",
2304 "stability": "external",
2305 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping`."
2306 },
2307 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping",
2308 "initializer": {
2309 "docs": {
2310 "stability": "external",
2311 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping`."
2312 },
2313 "locationInModule": {
2314 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2315 "line": 1019
2316 },
2317 "parameters": [
2318 {
2319 "docs": {
2320 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
2321 },
2322 "name": "scope",
2323 "type": {
2324 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
2325 }
2326 },
2327 {
2328 "docs": {
2329 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
2330 },
2331 "name": "id",
2332 "type": {
2333 "primitive": "string"
2334 }
2335 },
2336 {
2337 "docs": {
2338 "summary": "- resource properties."
2339 },
2340 "name": "props",
2341 "type": {
2342 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMappingProps"
2343 }
2344 }
2345 ]
2346 },
2347 "interfaces": [
2348 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
2349 ],
2350 "kind": "class",
2351 "locationInModule": {
2352 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2353 "line": 924
2354 },
2355 "methods": [
2356 {
2357 "docs": {
2358 "stability": "experimental",
2359 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
2360 },
2361 "locationInModule": {
2362 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2363 "line": 1044
2364 },
2365 "name": "inspect",
2366 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
2367 "parameters": [
2368 {
2369 "docs": {
2370 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
2371 },
2372 "name": "inspector",
2373 "type": {
2374 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
2375 }
2376 }
2377 ]
2378 },
2379 {
2380 "docs": {
2381 "stability": "external"
2382 },
2383 "locationInModule": {
2384 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2385 "line": 1064
2386 },
2387 "name": "renderProperties",
2388 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2389 "parameters": [
2390 {
2391 "name": "props",
2392 "type": {
2393 "collection": {
2394 "elementtype": {
2395 "primitive": "any"
2396 },
2397 "kind": "map"
2398 }
2399 }
2400 }
2401 ],
2402 "protected": true,
2403 "returns": {
2404 "type": {
2405 "collection": {
2406 "elementtype": {
2407 "primitive": "any"
2408 },
2409 "kind": "map"
2410 }
2411 }
2412 }
2413 }
2414 ],
2415 "name": "CfnEventSourceMapping",
2416 "properties": [
2417 {
2418 "const": true,
2419 "docs": {
2420 "stability": "external",
2421 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
2422 },
2423 "immutable": true,
2424 "locationInModule": {
2425 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2426 "line": 928
2427 },
2428 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
2429 "static": true,
2430 "type": {
2431 "primitive": "string"
2432 }
2433 },
2434 {
2435 "docs": {
2436 "stability": "external"
2437 },
2438 "immutable": true,
2439 "locationInModule": {
2440 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2441 "line": 1049
2442 },
2443 "name": "cfnProperties",
2444 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2445 "protected": true,
2446 "type": {
2447 "collection": {
2448 "elementtype": {
2449 "primitive": "any"
2450 },
2451 "kind": "map"
2452 }
2453 }
2454 },
2455 {
2456 "docs": {
2457 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-eventsourcearn",
2458 "stability": "external",
2459 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.EventSourceArn`."
2460 },
2461 "locationInModule": {
2462 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2463 "line": 950
2464 },
2465 "name": "eventSourceArn",
2466 "type": {
2467 "primitive": "string"
2468 }
2469 },
2470 {
2471 "docs": {
2472 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-functionname",
2473 "stability": "external",
2474 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.FunctionName`."
2475 },
2476 "locationInModule": {
2477 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2478 "line": 956
2479 },
2480 "name": "functionName",
2481 "type": {
2482 "primitive": "string"
2483 }
2484 },
2485 {
2486 "docs": {
2487 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-batchsize",
2488 "stability": "external",
2489 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.BatchSize`."
2490 },
2491 "locationInModule": {
2492 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2493 "line": 962
2494 },
2495 "name": "batchSize",
2496 "optional": true,
2497 "type": {
2498 "primitive": "number"
2499 }
2500 },
2501 {
2502 "docs": {
2503 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-bisectbatchonfunctionerror",
2504 "stability": "external",
2505 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.BisectBatchOnFunctionError`."
2506 },
2507 "locationInModule": {
2508 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2509 "line": 968
2510 },
2511 "name": "bisectBatchOnFunctionError",
2512 "optional": true,
2513 "type": {
2514 "union": {
2515 "types": [
2516 {
2517 "primitive": "boolean"
2518 },
2519 {
2520 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2521 }
2522 ]
2523 }
2524 }
2525 },
2526 {
2527 "docs": {
2528 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-destinationconfig",
2529 "stability": "external",
2530 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.DestinationConfig`."
2531 },
2532 "locationInModule": {
2533 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2534 "line": 974
2535 },
2536 "name": "destinationConfig",
2537 "optional": true,
2538 "type": {
2539 "union": {
2540 "types": [
2541 {
2542 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2543 },
2544 {
2545 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping.DestinationConfigProperty"
2546 }
2547 ]
2548 }
2549 }
2550 },
2551 {
2552 "docs": {
2553 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-enabled",
2554 "stability": "external",
2555 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.Enabled`."
2556 },
2557 "locationInModule": {
2558 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2559 "line": 980
2560 },
2561 "name": "enabled",
2562 "optional": true,
2563 "type": {
2564 "union": {
2565 "types": [
2566 {
2567 "primitive": "boolean"
2568 },
2569 {
2570 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2571 }
2572 ]
2573 }
2574 }
2575 },
2576 {
2577 "docs": {
2578 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-maximumbatchingwindowinseconds",
2579 "stability": "external",
2580 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds`."
2581 },
2582 "locationInModule": {
2583 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2584 "line": 986
2585 },
2586 "name": "maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds",
2587 "optional": true,
2588 "type": {
2589 "primitive": "number"
2590 }
2591 },
2592 {
2593 "docs": {
2594 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-maximumrecordageinseconds",
2595 "stability": "external",
2596 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds`."
2597 },
2598 "locationInModule": {
2599 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2600 "line": 992
2601 },
2602 "name": "maximumRecordAgeInSeconds",
2603 "optional": true,
2604 "type": {
2605 "primitive": "number"
2606 }
2607 },
2608 {
2609 "docs": {
2610 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-maximumretryattempts",
2611 "stability": "external",
2612 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.MaximumRetryAttempts`."
2613 },
2614 "locationInModule": {
2615 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2616 "line": 998
2617 },
2618 "name": "maximumRetryAttempts",
2619 "optional": true,
2620 "type": {
2621 "primitive": "number"
2622 }
2623 },
2624 {
2625 "docs": {
2626 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-parallelizationfactor",
2627 "stability": "external",
2628 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.ParallelizationFactor`."
2629 },
2630 "locationInModule": {
2631 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2632 "line": 1004
2633 },
2634 "name": "parallelizationFactor",
2635 "optional": true,
2636 "type": {
2637 "primitive": "number"
2638 }
2639 },
2640 {
2641 "docs": {
2642 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-startingposition",
2643 "stability": "external",
2644 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.StartingPosition`."
2645 },
2646 "locationInModule": {
2647 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2648 "line": 1010
2649 },
2650 "name": "startingPosition",
2651 "optional": true,
2652 "type": {
2653 "primitive": "string"
2654 }
2655 }
2656 ]
2657 },
2658 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping.DestinationConfigProperty": {
2659 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2660 "datatype": true,
2661 "docs": {
2662 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventsourcemapping-destinationconfig.html",
2663 "stability": "external"
2664 },
2665 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping.DestinationConfigProperty",
2666 "kind": "interface",
2667 "locationInModule": {
2668 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2669 "line": 1074
2670 },
2671 "name": "DestinationConfigProperty",
2672 "namespace": "CfnEventSourceMapping",
2673 "properties": [
2674 {
2675 "abstract": true,
2676 "docs": {
2677 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventsourcemapping-destinationconfig.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-destinationconfig-onfailure",
2678 "stability": "external",
2679 "summary": "`CfnEventSourceMapping.DestinationConfigProperty.OnFailure`."
2680 },
2681 "immutable": true,
2682 "locationInModule": {
2683 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2684 "line": 1079
2685 },
2686 "name": "onFailure",
2687 "type": {
2688 "union": {
2689 "types": [
2690 {
2691 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2692 },
2693 {
2694 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping.OnFailureProperty"
2695 }
2696 ]
2697 }
2698 }
2699 }
2700 ]
2701 },
2702 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping.OnFailureProperty": {
2703 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2704 "datatype": true,
2705 "docs": {
2706 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventsourcemapping-onfailure.html",
2707 "stability": "external"
2708 },
2709 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping.OnFailureProperty",
2710 "kind": "interface",
2711 "locationInModule": {
2712 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2713 "line": 1130
2714 },
2715 "name": "OnFailureProperty",
2716 "namespace": "CfnEventSourceMapping",
2717 "properties": [
2718 {
2719 "abstract": true,
2720 "docs": {
2721 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-eventsourcemapping-onfailure.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-onfailure-destination",
2722 "stability": "external",
2723 "summary": "`CfnEventSourceMapping.OnFailureProperty.Destination`."
2724 },
2725 "immutable": true,
2726 "locationInModule": {
2727 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2728 "line": 1135
2729 },
2730 "name": "destination",
2731 "type": {
2732 "primitive": "string"
2733 }
2734 }
2735 ]
2736 },
2737 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMappingProps": {
2738 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2739 "datatype": true,
2740 "docs": {
2741 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html",
2742 "stability": "external",
2743 "summary": "Properties for defining a `AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping`."
2744 },
2745 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMappingProps",
2746 "kind": "interface",
2747 "locationInModule": {
2748 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2749 "line": 778
2750 },
2751 "name": "CfnEventSourceMappingProps",
2752 "properties": [
2753 {
2754 "abstract": true,
2755 "docs": {
2756 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-eventsourcearn",
2757 "stability": "external",
2758 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.EventSourceArn`."
2759 },
2760 "immutable": true,
2761 "locationInModule": {
2762 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2763 "line": 784
2764 },
2765 "name": "eventSourceArn",
2766 "type": {
2767 "primitive": "string"
2768 }
2769 },
2770 {
2771 "abstract": true,
2772 "docs": {
2773 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-functionname",
2774 "stability": "external",
2775 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.FunctionName`."
2776 },
2777 "immutable": true,
2778 "locationInModule": {
2779 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2780 "line": 790
2781 },
2782 "name": "functionName",
2783 "type": {
2784 "primitive": "string"
2785 }
2786 },
2787 {
2788 "abstract": true,
2789 "docs": {
2790 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-batchsize",
2791 "stability": "external",
2792 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.BatchSize`."
2793 },
2794 "immutable": true,
2795 "locationInModule": {
2796 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2797 "line": 796
2798 },
2799 "name": "batchSize",
2800 "optional": true,
2801 "type": {
2802 "primitive": "number"
2803 }
2804 },
2805 {
2806 "abstract": true,
2807 "docs": {
2808 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-bisectbatchonfunctionerror",
2809 "stability": "external",
2810 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.BisectBatchOnFunctionError`."
2811 },
2812 "immutable": true,
2813 "locationInModule": {
2814 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2815 "line": 802
2816 },
2817 "name": "bisectBatchOnFunctionError",
2818 "optional": true,
2819 "type": {
2820 "union": {
2821 "types": [
2822 {
2823 "primitive": "boolean"
2824 },
2825 {
2826 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2827 }
2828 ]
2829 }
2830 }
2831 },
2832 {
2833 "abstract": true,
2834 "docs": {
2835 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-destinationconfig",
2836 "stability": "external",
2837 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.DestinationConfig`."
2838 },
2839 "immutable": true,
2840 "locationInModule": {
2841 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2842 "line": 808
2843 },
2844 "name": "destinationConfig",
2845 "optional": true,
2846 "type": {
2847 "union": {
2848 "types": [
2849 {
2850 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2851 },
2852 {
2853 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnEventSourceMapping.DestinationConfigProperty"
2854 }
2855 ]
2856 }
2857 }
2858 },
2859 {
2860 "abstract": true,
2861 "docs": {
2862 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-enabled",
2863 "stability": "external",
2864 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.Enabled`."
2865 },
2866 "immutable": true,
2867 "locationInModule": {
2868 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2869 "line": 814
2870 },
2871 "name": "enabled",
2872 "optional": true,
2873 "type": {
2874 "union": {
2875 "types": [
2876 {
2877 "primitive": "boolean"
2878 },
2879 {
2880 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
2881 }
2882 ]
2883 }
2884 }
2885 },
2886 {
2887 "abstract": true,
2888 "docs": {
2889 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-maximumbatchingwindowinseconds",
2890 "stability": "external",
2891 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.MaximumBatchingWindowInSeconds`."
2892 },
2893 "immutable": true,
2894 "locationInModule": {
2895 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2896 "line": 820
2897 },
2898 "name": "maximumBatchingWindowInSeconds",
2899 "optional": true,
2900 "type": {
2901 "primitive": "number"
2902 }
2903 },
2904 {
2905 "abstract": true,
2906 "docs": {
2907 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-maximumrecordageinseconds",
2908 "stability": "external",
2909 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.MaximumRecordAgeInSeconds`."
2910 },
2911 "immutable": true,
2912 "locationInModule": {
2913 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2914 "line": 826
2915 },
2916 "name": "maximumRecordAgeInSeconds",
2917 "optional": true,
2918 "type": {
2919 "primitive": "number"
2920 }
2921 },
2922 {
2923 "abstract": true,
2924 "docs": {
2925 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-maximumretryattempts",
2926 "stability": "external",
2927 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.MaximumRetryAttempts`."
2928 },
2929 "immutable": true,
2930 "locationInModule": {
2931 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2932 "line": 832
2933 },
2934 "name": "maximumRetryAttempts",
2935 "optional": true,
2936 "type": {
2937 "primitive": "number"
2938 }
2939 },
2940 {
2941 "abstract": true,
2942 "docs": {
2943 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-parallelizationfactor",
2944 "stability": "external",
2945 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.ParallelizationFactor`."
2946 },
2947 "immutable": true,
2948 "locationInModule": {
2949 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2950 "line": 838
2951 },
2952 "name": "parallelizationFactor",
2953 "optional": true,
2954 "type": {
2955 "primitive": "number"
2956 }
2957 },
2958 {
2959 "abstract": true,
2960 "docs": {
2961 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-eventsourcemapping.html#cfn-lambda-eventsourcemapping-startingposition",
2962 "stability": "external",
2963 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping.StartingPosition`."
2964 },
2965 "immutable": true,
2966 "locationInModule": {
2967 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2968 "line": 844
2969 },
2970 "name": "startingPosition",
2971 "optional": true,
2972 "type": {
2973 "primitive": "string"
2974 }
2975 }
2976 ]
2977 },
2978 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction": {
2979 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
2980 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
2981 "docs": {
2982 "custom": {
2983 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Lambda::Function"
2984 },
2985 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html",
2986 "stability": "external",
2987 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Lambda::Function`."
2988 },
2989 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction",
2990 "initializer": {
2991 "docs": {
2992 "stability": "external",
2993 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Lambda::Function`."
2994 },
2995 "locationInModule": {
2996 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
2997 "line": 1525
2998 },
2999 "parameters": [
3000 {
3001 "docs": {
3002 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
3003 },
3004 "name": "scope",
3005 "type": {
3006 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
3007 }
3008 },
3009 {
3010 "docs": {
3011 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
3012 },
3013 "name": "id",
3014 "type": {
3015 "primitive": "string"
3016 }
3017 },
3018 {
3019 "docs": {
3020 "summary": "- resource properties."
3021 },
3022 "name": "props",
3023 "type": {
3024 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunctionProps"
3025 }
3026 }
3027 ]
3028 },
3029 "interfaces": [
3030 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
3031 ],
3032 "kind": "class",
3033 "locationInModule": {
3034 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3035 "line": 1389
3036 },
3037 "methods": [
3038 {
3039 "docs": {
3040 "stability": "experimental",
3041 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
3042 },
3043 "locationInModule": {
3044 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3045 "line": 1559
3046 },
3047 "name": "inspect",
3048 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
3049 "parameters": [
3050 {
3051 "docs": {
3052 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
3053 },
3054 "name": "inspector",
3055 "type": {
3056 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
3057 }
3058 }
3059 ]
3060 },
3061 {
3062 "docs": {
3063 "stability": "external"
3064 },
3065 "locationInModule": {
3066 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3067 "line": 1585
3068 },
3069 "name": "renderProperties",
3070 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
3071 "parameters": [
3072 {
3073 "name": "props",
3074 "type": {
3075 "collection": {
3076 "elementtype": {
3077 "primitive": "any"
3078 },
3079 "kind": "map"
3080 }
3081 }
3082 }
3083 ],
3084 "protected": true,
3085 "returns": {
3086 "type": {
3087 "collection": {
3088 "elementtype": {
3089 "primitive": "any"
3090 },
3091 "kind": "map"
3092 }
3093 }
3094 }
3095 }
3096 ],
3097 "name": "CfnFunction",
3098 "properties": [
3099 {
3100 "const": true,
3101 "docs": {
3102 "stability": "external",
3103 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
3104 },
3105 "immutable": true,
3106 "locationInModule": {
3107 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3108 "line": 1393
3109 },
3110 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
3111 "static": true,
3112 "type": {
3113 "primitive": "string"
3114 }
3115 },
3116 {
3117 "docs": {
3118 "custom": {
3119 "cloudformationAttribute": "Arn"
3120 },
3121 "stability": "external"
3122 },
3123 "immutable": true,
3124 "locationInModule": {
3125 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3126 "line": 1414
3127 },
3128 "name": "attrArn",
3129 "type": {
3130 "primitive": "string"
3131 }
3132 },
3133 {
3134 "docs": {
3135 "stability": "external"
3136 },
3137 "immutable": true,
3138 "locationInModule": {
3139 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3140 "line": 1564
3141 },
3142 "name": "cfnProperties",
3143 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
3144 "protected": true,
3145 "type": {
3146 "collection": {
3147 "elementtype": {
3148 "primitive": "any"
3149 },
3150 "kind": "map"
3151 }
3152 }
3153 },
3154 {
3155 "docs": {
3156 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-tags",
3157 "stability": "external",
3158 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Tags`."
3159 },
3160 "immutable": true,
3161 "locationInModule": {
3162 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3163 "line": 1498
3164 },
3165 "name": "tags",
3166 "type": {
3167 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TagManager"
3168 }
3169 },
3170 {
3171 "docs": {
3172 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-code",
3173 "stability": "external",
3174 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Code`."
3175 },
3176 "locationInModule": {
3177 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3178 "line": 1420
3179 },
3180 "name": "code",
3181 "type": {
3182 "union": {
3183 "types": [
3184 {
3185 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.CodeProperty"
3186 },
3187 {
3188 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3189 }
3190 ]
3191 }
3192 }
3193 },
3194 {
3195 "docs": {
3196 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-handler",
3197 "stability": "external",
3198 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Handler`."
3199 },
3200 "locationInModule": {
3201 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3202 "line": 1426
3203 },
3204 "name": "handler",
3205 "type": {
3206 "primitive": "string"
3207 }
3208 },
3209 {
3210 "docs": {
3211 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-role",
3212 "stability": "external",
3213 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Role`."
3214 },
3215 "locationInModule": {
3216 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3217 "line": 1432
3218 },
3219 "name": "role",
3220 "type": {
3221 "primitive": "string"
3222 }
3223 },
3224 {
3225 "docs": {
3226 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-runtime",
3227 "stability": "external",
3228 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Runtime`."
3229 },
3230 "locationInModule": {
3231 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3232 "line": 1438
3233 },
3234 "name": "runtime",
3235 "type": {
3236 "primitive": "string"
3237 }
3238 },
3239 {
3240 "docs": {
3241 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-deadletterconfig",
3242 "stability": "external",
3243 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.DeadLetterConfig`."
3244 },
3245 "locationInModule": {
3246 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3247 "line": 1444
3248 },
3249 "name": "deadLetterConfig",
3250 "optional": true,
3251 "type": {
3252 "union": {
3253 "types": [
3254 {
3255 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3256 },
3257 {
3258 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.DeadLetterConfigProperty"
3259 }
3260 ]
3261 }
3262 }
3263 },
3264 {
3265 "docs": {
3266 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-description",
3267 "stability": "external",
3268 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Description`."
3269 },
3270 "locationInModule": {
3271 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3272 "line": 1450
3273 },
3274 "name": "description",
3275 "optional": true,
3276 "type": {
3277 "primitive": "string"
3278 }
3279 },
3280 {
3281 "docs": {
3282 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-environment",
3283 "stability": "external",
3284 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Environment`."
3285 },
3286 "locationInModule": {
3287 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3288 "line": 1456
3289 },
3290 "name": "environment",
3291 "optional": true,
3292 "type": {
3293 "union": {
3294 "types": [
3295 {
3296 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3297 },
3298 {
3299 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.EnvironmentProperty"
3300 }
3301 ]
3302 }
3303 }
3304 },
3305 {
3306 "docs": {
3307 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-filesystemconfigs",
3308 "stability": "external",
3309 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.FileSystemConfigs`."
3310 },
3311 "locationInModule": {
3312 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3313 "line": 1462
3314 },
3315 "name": "fileSystemConfigs",
3316 "optional": true,
3317 "type": {
3318 "union": {
3319 "types": [
3320 {
3321 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3322 },
3323 {
3324 "collection": {
3325 "elementtype": {
3326 "union": {
3327 "types": [
3328 {
3329 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3330 },
3331 {
3332 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.FileSystemConfigProperty"
3333 }
3334 ]
3335 }
3336 },
3337 "kind": "array"
3338 }
3339 }
3340 ]
3341 }
3342 }
3343 },
3344 {
3345 "docs": {
3346 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-functionname",
3347 "stability": "external",
3348 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.FunctionName`."
3349 },
3350 "locationInModule": {
3351 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3352 "line": 1468
3353 },
3354 "name": "functionName",
3355 "optional": true,
3356 "type": {
3357 "primitive": "string"
3358 }
3359 },
3360 {
3361 "docs": {
3362 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-kmskeyarn",
3363 "stability": "external",
3364 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.KmsKeyArn`."
3365 },
3366 "locationInModule": {
3367 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3368 "line": 1474
3369 },
3370 "name": "kmsKeyArn",
3371 "optional": true,
3372 "type": {
3373 "primitive": "string"
3374 }
3375 },
3376 {
3377 "docs": {
3378 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-layers",
3379 "stability": "external",
3380 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Layers`."
3381 },
3382 "locationInModule": {
3383 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3384 "line": 1480
3385 },
3386 "name": "layers",
3387 "optional": true,
3388 "type": {
3389 "collection": {
3390 "elementtype": {
3391 "primitive": "string"
3392 },
3393 "kind": "array"
3394 }
3395 }
3396 },
3397 {
3398 "docs": {
3399 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-memorysize",
3400 "stability": "external",
3401 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.MemorySize`."
3402 },
3403 "locationInModule": {
3404 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3405 "line": 1486
3406 },
3407 "name": "memorySize",
3408 "optional": true,
3409 "type": {
3410 "primitive": "number"
3411 }
3412 },
3413 {
3414 "docs": {
3415 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-reservedconcurrentexecutions",
3416 "stability": "external",
3417 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.ReservedConcurrentExecutions`."
3418 },
3419 "locationInModule": {
3420 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3421 "line": 1492
3422 },
3423 "name": "reservedConcurrentExecutions",
3424 "optional": true,
3425 "type": {
3426 "primitive": "number"
3427 }
3428 },
3429 {
3430 "docs": {
3431 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-timeout",
3432 "stability": "external",
3433 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Timeout`."
3434 },
3435 "locationInModule": {
3436 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3437 "line": 1504
3438 },
3439 "name": "timeout",
3440 "optional": true,
3441 "type": {
3442 "primitive": "number"
3443 }
3444 },
3445 {
3446 "docs": {
3447 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-tracingconfig",
3448 "stability": "external",
3449 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.TracingConfig`."
3450 },
3451 "locationInModule": {
3452 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3453 "line": 1510
3454 },
3455 "name": "tracingConfig",
3456 "optional": true,
3457 "type": {
3458 "union": {
3459 "types": [
3460 {
3461 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3462 },
3463 {
3464 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.TracingConfigProperty"
3465 }
3466 ]
3467 }
3468 }
3469 },
3470 {
3471 "docs": {
3472 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-vpcconfig",
3473 "stability": "external",
3474 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.VpcConfig`."
3475 },
3476 "locationInModule": {
3477 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3478 "line": 1516
3479 },
3480 "name": "vpcConfig",
3481 "optional": true,
3482 "type": {
3483 "union": {
3484 "types": [
3485 {
3486 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3487 },
3488 {
3489 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty"
3490 }
3491 ]
3492 }
3493 }
3494 }
3495 ]
3496 },
3497 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.CodeProperty": {
3498 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
3499 "datatype": true,
3500 "docs": {
3501 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html",
3502 "stability": "external"
3503 },
3504 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.CodeProperty",
3505 "kind": "interface",
3506 "locationInModule": {
3507 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3508 "line": 1595
3509 },
3510 "name": "CodeProperty",
3511 "namespace": "CfnFunction",
3512 "properties": [
3513 {
3514 "abstract": true,
3515 "docs": {
3516 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-s3bucket",
3517 "stability": "external",
3518 "summary": "`CfnFunction.CodeProperty.S3Bucket`."
3519 },
3520 "immutable": true,
3521 "locationInModule": {
3522 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3523 "line": 1600
3524 },
3525 "name": "s3Bucket",
3526 "optional": true,
3527 "type": {
3528 "primitive": "string"
3529 }
3530 },
3531 {
3532 "abstract": true,
3533 "docs": {
3534 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-s3key",
3535 "stability": "external",
3536 "summary": "`CfnFunction.CodeProperty.S3Key`."
3537 },
3538 "immutable": true,
3539 "locationInModule": {
3540 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3541 "line": 1605
3542 },
3543 "name": "s3Key",
3544 "optional": true,
3545 "type": {
3546 "primitive": "string"
3547 }
3548 },
3549 {
3550 "abstract": true,
3551 "docs": {
3552 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-s3objectversion",
3553 "stability": "external",
3554 "summary": "`CfnFunction.CodeProperty.S3ObjectVersion`."
3555 },
3556 "immutable": true,
3557 "locationInModule": {
3558 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3559 "line": 1610
3560 },
3561 "name": "s3ObjectVersion",
3562 "optional": true,
3563 "type": {
3564 "primitive": "string"
3565 }
3566 },
3567 {
3568 "abstract": true,
3569 "docs": {
3570 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-code.html#cfn-lambda-function-code-zipfile",
3571 "stability": "external",
3572 "summary": "`CfnFunction.CodeProperty.ZipFile`."
3573 },
3574 "immutable": true,
3575 "locationInModule": {
3576 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3577 "line": 1615
3578 },
3579 "name": "zipFile",
3580 "optional": true,
3581 "type": {
3582 "primitive": "string"
3583 }
3584 }
3585 ]
3586 },
3587 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.DeadLetterConfigProperty": {
3588 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
3589 "datatype": true,
3590 "docs": {
3591 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-deadletterconfig.html",
3592 "stability": "external"
3593 },
3594 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.DeadLetterConfigProperty",
3595 "kind": "interface",
3596 "locationInModule": {
3597 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3598 "line": 1674
3599 },
3600 "name": "DeadLetterConfigProperty",
3601 "namespace": "CfnFunction",
3602 "properties": [
3603 {
3604 "abstract": true,
3605 "docs": {
3606 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-deadletterconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-deadletterconfig-targetarn",
3607 "stability": "external",
3608 "summary": "`CfnFunction.DeadLetterConfigProperty.TargetArn`."
3609 },
3610 "immutable": true,
3611 "locationInModule": {
3612 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3613 "line": 1679
3614 },
3615 "name": "targetArn",
3616 "optional": true,
3617 "type": {
3618 "primitive": "string"
3619 }
3620 }
3621 ]
3622 },
3623 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.EnvironmentProperty": {
3624 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
3625 "datatype": true,
3626 "docs": {
3627 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-environment.html",
3628 "stability": "external"
3629 },
3630 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.EnvironmentProperty",
3631 "kind": "interface",
3632 "locationInModule": {
3633 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3634 "line": 1729
3635 },
3636 "name": "EnvironmentProperty",
3637 "namespace": "CfnFunction",
3638 "properties": [
3639 {
3640 "abstract": true,
3641 "docs": {
3642 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-environment.html#cfn-lambda-function-environment-variables",
3643 "stability": "external",
3644 "summary": "`CfnFunction.EnvironmentProperty.Variables`."
3645 },
3646 "immutable": true,
3647 "locationInModule": {
3648 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3649 "line": 1734
3650 },
3651 "name": "variables",
3652 "optional": true,
3653 "type": {
3654 "union": {
3655 "types": [
3656 {
3657 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3658 },
3659 {
3660 "collection": {
3661 "elementtype": {
3662 "primitive": "string"
3663 },
3664 "kind": "map"
3665 }
3666 }
3667 ]
3668 }
3669 }
3670 }
3671 ]
3672 },
3673 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.FileSystemConfigProperty": {
3674 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
3675 "datatype": true,
3676 "docs": {
3677 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-filesystemconfig.html",
3678 "stability": "external"
3679 },
3680 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.FileSystemConfigProperty",
3681 "kind": "interface",
3682 "locationInModule": {
3683 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3684 "line": 1784
3685 },
3686 "name": "FileSystemConfigProperty",
3687 "namespace": "CfnFunction",
3688 "properties": [
3689 {
3690 "abstract": true,
3691 "docs": {
3692 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-filesystemconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-filesystemconfig-arn",
3693 "stability": "external",
3694 "summary": "`CfnFunction.FileSystemConfigProperty.Arn`."
3695 },
3696 "immutable": true,
3697 "locationInModule": {
3698 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3699 "line": 1789
3700 },
3701 "name": "arn",
3702 "type": {
3703 "primitive": "string"
3704 }
3705 },
3706 {
3707 "abstract": true,
3708 "docs": {
3709 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-filesystemconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-filesystemconfig-localmountpath",
3710 "stability": "external",
3711 "summary": "`CfnFunction.FileSystemConfigProperty.LocalMountPath`."
3712 },
3713 "immutable": true,
3714 "locationInModule": {
3715 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3716 "line": 1794
3717 },
3718 "name": "localMountPath",
3719 "type": {
3720 "primitive": "string"
3721 }
3722 }
3723 ]
3724 },
3725 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.TracingConfigProperty": {
3726 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
3727 "datatype": true,
3728 "docs": {
3729 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-tracingconfig.html",
3730 "stability": "external"
3731 },
3732 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.TracingConfigProperty",
3733 "kind": "interface",
3734 "locationInModule": {
3735 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3736 "line": 1849
3737 },
3738 "name": "TracingConfigProperty",
3739 "namespace": "CfnFunction",
3740 "properties": [
3741 {
3742 "abstract": true,
3743 "docs": {
3744 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-tracingconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-tracingconfig-mode",
3745 "stability": "external",
3746 "summary": "`CfnFunction.TracingConfigProperty.Mode`."
3747 },
3748 "immutable": true,
3749 "locationInModule": {
3750 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3751 "line": 1854
3752 },
3753 "name": "mode",
3754 "optional": true,
3755 "type": {
3756 "primitive": "string"
3757 }
3758 }
3759 ]
3760 },
3761 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty": {
3762 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
3763 "datatype": true,
3764 "docs": {
3765 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-vpcconfig.html",
3766 "stability": "external"
3767 },
3768 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty",
3769 "kind": "interface",
3770 "locationInModule": {
3771 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3772 "line": 1904
3773 },
3774 "name": "VpcConfigProperty",
3775 "namespace": "CfnFunction",
3776 "properties": [
3777 {
3778 "abstract": true,
3779 "docs": {
3780 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-vpcconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-vpcconfig-securitygroupids",
3781 "stability": "external",
3782 "summary": "`CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty.SecurityGroupIds`."
3783 },
3784 "immutable": true,
3785 "locationInModule": {
3786 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3787 "line": 1909
3788 },
3789 "name": "securityGroupIds",
3790 "type": {
3791 "collection": {
3792 "elementtype": {
3793 "primitive": "string"
3794 },
3795 "kind": "array"
3796 }
3797 }
3798 },
3799 {
3800 "abstract": true,
3801 "docs": {
3802 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-function-vpcconfig.html#cfn-lambda-function-vpcconfig-subnetids",
3803 "stability": "external",
3804 "summary": "`CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty.SubnetIds`."
3805 },
3806 "immutable": true,
3807 "locationInModule": {
3808 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3809 "line": 1914
3810 },
3811 "name": "subnetIds",
3812 "type": {
3813 "collection": {
3814 "elementtype": {
3815 "primitive": "string"
3816 },
3817 "kind": "array"
3818 }
3819 }
3820 }
3821 ]
3822 },
3823 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunctionProps": {
3824 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
3825 "datatype": true,
3826 "docs": {
3827 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html",
3828 "stability": "external",
3829 "summary": "Properties for defining a `AWS::Lambda::Function`."
3830 },
3831 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunctionProps",
3832 "kind": "interface",
3833 "locationInModule": {
3834 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3835 "line": 1187
3836 },
3837 "name": "CfnFunctionProps",
3838 "properties": [
3839 {
3840 "abstract": true,
3841 "docs": {
3842 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-code",
3843 "stability": "external",
3844 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Code`."
3845 },
3846 "immutable": true,
3847 "locationInModule": {
3848 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3849 "line": 1193
3850 },
3851 "name": "code",
3852 "type": {
3853 "union": {
3854 "types": [
3855 {
3856 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.CodeProperty"
3857 },
3858 {
3859 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3860 }
3861 ]
3862 }
3863 }
3864 },
3865 {
3866 "abstract": true,
3867 "docs": {
3868 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-handler",
3869 "stability": "external",
3870 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Handler`."
3871 },
3872 "immutable": true,
3873 "locationInModule": {
3874 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3875 "line": 1199
3876 },
3877 "name": "handler",
3878 "type": {
3879 "primitive": "string"
3880 }
3881 },
3882 {
3883 "abstract": true,
3884 "docs": {
3885 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-role",
3886 "stability": "external",
3887 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Role`."
3888 },
3889 "immutable": true,
3890 "locationInModule": {
3891 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3892 "line": 1205
3893 },
3894 "name": "role",
3895 "type": {
3896 "primitive": "string"
3897 }
3898 },
3899 {
3900 "abstract": true,
3901 "docs": {
3902 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-runtime",
3903 "stability": "external",
3904 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Runtime`."
3905 },
3906 "immutable": true,
3907 "locationInModule": {
3908 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3909 "line": 1211
3910 },
3911 "name": "runtime",
3912 "type": {
3913 "primitive": "string"
3914 }
3915 },
3916 {
3917 "abstract": true,
3918 "docs": {
3919 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-deadletterconfig",
3920 "stability": "external",
3921 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.DeadLetterConfig`."
3922 },
3923 "immutable": true,
3924 "locationInModule": {
3925 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3926 "line": 1217
3927 },
3928 "name": "deadLetterConfig",
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3930 "type": {
3931 "union": {
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3933 {
3934 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3935 },
3936 {
3937 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.DeadLetterConfigProperty"
3938 }
3939 ]
3940 }
3941 }
3942 },
3943 {
3944 "abstract": true,
3945 "docs": {
3946 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-description",
3947 "stability": "external",
3948 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Description`."
3949 },
3950 "immutable": true,
3951 "locationInModule": {
3952 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3953 "line": 1223
3954 },
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3956 "optional": true,
3957 "type": {
3958 "primitive": "string"
3959 }
3960 },
3961 {
3962 "abstract": true,
3963 "docs": {
3964 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-environment",
3965 "stability": "external",
3966 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Environment`."
3967 },
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3969 "locationInModule": {
3970 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3971 "line": 1229
3972 },
3973 "name": "environment",
3974 "optional": true,
3975 "type": {
3976 "union": {
3977 "types": [
3978 {
3979 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
3980 },
3981 {
3982 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.EnvironmentProperty"
3983 }
3984 ]
3985 }
3986 }
3987 },
3988 {
3989 "abstract": true,
3990 "docs": {
3991 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-filesystemconfigs",
3992 "stability": "external",
3993 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.FileSystemConfigs`."
3994 },
3995 "immutable": true,
3996 "locationInModule": {
3997 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
3998 "line": 1235
3999 },
4000 "name": "fileSystemConfigs",
4001 "optional": true,
4002 "type": {
4003 "union": {
4004 "types": [
4005 {
4006 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4007 },
4008 {
4009 "collection": {
4010 "elementtype": {
4011 "union": {
4012 "types": [
4013 {
4014 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4015 },
4016 {
4017 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.FileSystemConfigProperty"
4018 }
4019 ]
4020 }
4021 },
4022 "kind": "array"
4023 }
4024 }
4025 ]
4026 }
4027 }
4028 },
4029 {
4030 "abstract": true,
4031 "docs": {
4032 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-functionname",
4033 "stability": "external",
4034 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.FunctionName`."
4035 },
4036 "immutable": true,
4037 "locationInModule": {
4038 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4039 "line": 1241
4040 },
4041 "name": "functionName",
4042 "optional": true,
4043 "type": {
4044 "primitive": "string"
4045 }
4046 },
4047 {
4048 "abstract": true,
4049 "docs": {
4050 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-kmskeyarn",
4051 "stability": "external",
4052 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.KmsKeyArn`."
4053 },
4054 "immutable": true,
4055 "locationInModule": {
4056 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4057 "line": 1247
4058 },
4059 "name": "kmsKeyArn",
4060 "optional": true,
4061 "type": {
4062 "primitive": "string"
4063 }
4064 },
4065 {
4066 "abstract": true,
4067 "docs": {
4068 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-layers",
4069 "stability": "external",
4070 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Layers`."
4071 },
4072 "immutable": true,
4073 "locationInModule": {
4074 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4075 "line": 1253
4076 },
4077 "name": "layers",
4078 "optional": true,
4079 "type": {
4080 "collection": {
4081 "elementtype": {
4082 "primitive": "string"
4083 },
4084 "kind": "array"
4085 }
4086 }
4087 },
4088 {
4089 "abstract": true,
4090 "docs": {
4091 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-memorysize",
4092 "stability": "external",
4093 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.MemorySize`."
4094 },
4095 "immutable": true,
4096 "locationInModule": {
4097 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4098 "line": 1259
4099 },
4100 "name": "memorySize",
4101 "optional": true,
4102 "type": {
4103 "primitive": "number"
4104 }
4105 },
4106 {
4107 "abstract": true,
4108 "docs": {
4109 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-reservedconcurrentexecutions",
4110 "stability": "external",
4111 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.ReservedConcurrentExecutions`."
4112 },
4113 "immutable": true,
4114 "locationInModule": {
4115 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4116 "line": 1265
4117 },
4118 "name": "reservedConcurrentExecutions",
4119 "optional": true,
4120 "type": {
4121 "primitive": "number"
4122 }
4123 },
4124 {
4125 "abstract": true,
4126 "docs": {
4127 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-tags",
4128 "stability": "external",
4129 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Tags`."
4130 },
4131 "immutable": true,
4132 "locationInModule": {
4133 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4134 "line": 1271
4135 },
4136 "name": "tags",
4137 "optional": true,
4138 "type": {
4139 "collection": {
4140 "elementtype": {
4141 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnTag"
4142 },
4143 "kind": "array"
4144 }
4145 }
4146 },
4147 {
4148 "abstract": true,
4149 "docs": {
4150 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-timeout",
4151 "stability": "external",
4152 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.Timeout`."
4153 },
4154 "immutable": true,
4155 "locationInModule": {
4156 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4157 "line": 1277
4158 },
4159 "name": "timeout",
4160 "optional": true,
4161 "type": {
4162 "primitive": "number"
4163 }
4164 },
4165 {
4166 "abstract": true,
4167 "docs": {
4168 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-tracingconfig",
4169 "stability": "external",
4170 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.TracingConfig`."
4171 },
4172 "immutable": true,
4173 "locationInModule": {
4174 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4175 "line": 1283
4176 },
4177 "name": "tracingConfig",
4178 "optional": true,
4179 "type": {
4180 "union": {
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4182 {
4183 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4184 },
4185 {
4186 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.TracingConfigProperty"
4187 }
4188 ]
4189 }
4190 }
4191 },
4192 {
4193 "abstract": true,
4194 "docs": {
4195 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-function.html#cfn-lambda-function-vpcconfig",
4196 "stability": "external",
4197 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Function.VpcConfig`."
4198 },
4199 "immutable": true,
4200 "locationInModule": {
4201 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4202 "line": 1289
4203 },
4204 "name": "vpcConfig",
4205 "optional": true,
4206 "type": {
4207 "union": {
4208 "types": [
4209 {
4210 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4211 },
4212 {
4213 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnFunction.VpcConfigProperty"
4214 }
4215 ]
4216 }
4217 }
4218 }
4219 ]
4220 },
4221 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersion": {
4222 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
4223 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4224 "docs": {
4225 "custom": {
4226 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion"
4227 },
4228 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html",
4229 "stability": "external",
4230 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion`."
4231 },
4232 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersion",
4233 "initializer": {
4234 "docs": {
4235 "stability": "external",
4236 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion`."
4237 },
4238 "locationInModule": {
4239 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4240 "line": 2120
4241 },
4242 "parameters": [
4243 {
4244 "docs": {
4245 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
4246 },
4247 "name": "scope",
4248 "type": {
4249 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
4250 }
4251 },
4252 {
4253 "docs": {
4254 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
4255 },
4256 "name": "id",
4257 "type": {
4258 "primitive": "string"
4259 }
4260 },
4261 {
4262 "docs": {
4263 "summary": "- resource properties."
4264 },
4265 "name": "props",
4266 "type": {
4267 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersionProps"
4268 }
4269 }
4270 ]
4271 },
4272 "interfaces": [
4273 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
4274 ],
4275 "kind": "class",
4276 "locationInModule": {
4277 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4278 "line": 2061
4279 },
4280 "methods": [
4281 {
4282 "docs": {
4283 "stability": "experimental",
4284 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
4285 },
4286 "locationInModule": {
4287 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4288 "line": 2138
4289 },
4290 "name": "inspect",
4291 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
4292 "parameters": [
4293 {
4294 "docs": {
4295 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
4296 },
4297 "name": "inspector",
4298 "type": {
4299 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
4300 }
4301 }
4302 ]
4303 },
4304 {
4305 "docs": {
4306 "stability": "external"
4307 },
4308 "locationInModule": {
4309 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4310 "line": 2152
4311 },
4312 "name": "renderProperties",
4313 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4314 "parameters": [
4315 {
4316 "name": "props",
4317 "type": {
4318 "collection": {
4319 "elementtype": {
4320 "primitive": "any"
4321 },
4322 "kind": "map"
4323 }
4324 }
4325 }
4326 ],
4327 "protected": true,
4328 "returns": {
4329 "type": {
4330 "collection": {
4331 "elementtype": {
4332 "primitive": "any"
4333 },
4334 "kind": "map"
4335 }
4336 }
4337 }
4338 }
4339 ],
4340 "name": "CfnLayerVersion",
4341 "properties": [
4342 {
4343 "const": true,
4344 "docs": {
4345 "stability": "external",
4346 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
4347 },
4348 "immutable": true,
4349 "locationInModule": {
4350 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4351 "line": 2065
4352 },
4353 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
4354 "static": true,
4355 "type": {
4356 "primitive": "string"
4357 }
4358 },
4359 {
4360 "docs": {
4361 "stability": "external"
4362 },
4363 "immutable": true,
4364 "locationInModule": {
4365 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4366 "line": 2143
4367 },
4368 "name": "cfnProperties",
4369 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4370 "protected": true,
4371 "type": {
4372 "collection": {
4373 "elementtype": {
4374 "primitive": "any"
4375 },
4376 "kind": "map"
4377 }
4378 }
4379 },
4380 {
4381 "docs": {
4382 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-content",
4383 "stability": "external",
4384 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.Content`."
4385 },
4386 "locationInModule": {
4387 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4388 "line": 2087
4389 },
4390 "name": "content",
4391 "type": {
4392 "union": {
4393 "types": [
4394 {
4395 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4396 },
4397 {
4398 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersion.ContentProperty"
4399 }
4400 ]
4401 }
4402 }
4403 },
4404 {
4405 "docs": {
4406 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-compatibleruntimes",
4407 "stability": "external",
4408 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.CompatibleRuntimes`."
4409 },
4410 "locationInModule": {
4411 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4412 "line": 2093
4413 },
4414 "name": "compatibleRuntimes",
4415 "optional": true,
4416 "type": {
4417 "collection": {
4418 "elementtype": {
4419 "primitive": "string"
4420 },
4421 "kind": "array"
4422 }
4423 }
4424 },
4425 {
4426 "docs": {
4427 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-description",
4428 "stability": "external",
4429 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.Description`."
4430 },
4431 "locationInModule": {
4432 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4433 "line": 2099
4434 },
4435 "name": "description",
4436 "optional": true,
4437 "type": {
4438 "primitive": "string"
4439 }
4440 },
4441 {
4442 "docs": {
4443 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-layername",
4444 "stability": "external",
4445 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.LayerName`."
4446 },
4447 "locationInModule": {
4448 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4449 "line": 2105
4450 },
4451 "name": "layerName",
4452 "optional": true,
4453 "type": {
4454 "primitive": "string"
4455 }
4456 },
4457 {
4458 "docs": {
4459 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-licenseinfo",
4460 "stability": "external",
4461 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.LicenseInfo`."
4462 },
4463 "locationInModule": {
4464 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4465 "line": 2111
4466 },
4467 "name": "licenseInfo",
4468 "optional": true,
4469 "type": {
4470 "primitive": "string"
4471 }
4472 }
4473 ]
4474 },
4475 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersion.ContentProperty": {
4476 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
4477 "datatype": true,
4478 "docs": {
4479 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-layerversion-content.html",
4480 "stability": "external"
4481 },
4482 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersion.ContentProperty",
4483 "kind": "interface",
4484 "locationInModule": {
4485 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4486 "line": 2162
4487 },
4488 "name": "ContentProperty",
4489 "namespace": "CfnLayerVersion",
4490 "properties": [
4491 {
4492 "abstract": true,
4493 "docs": {
4494 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-layerversion-content.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-content-s3bucket",
4495 "stability": "external",
4496 "summary": "`CfnLayerVersion.ContentProperty.S3Bucket`."
4497 },
4498 "immutable": true,
4499 "locationInModule": {
4500 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4501 "line": 2167
4502 },
4503 "name": "s3Bucket",
4504 "type": {
4505 "primitive": "string"
4506 }
4507 },
4508 {
4509 "abstract": true,
4510 "docs": {
4511 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-layerversion-content.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-content-s3key",
4512 "stability": "external",
4513 "summary": "`CfnLayerVersion.ContentProperty.S3Key`."
4514 },
4515 "immutable": true,
4516 "locationInModule": {
4517 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4518 "line": 2172
4519 },
4520 "name": "s3Key",
4521 "type": {
4522 "primitive": "string"
4523 }
4524 },
4525 {
4526 "abstract": true,
4527 "docs": {
4528 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-layerversion-content.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-content-s3objectversion",
4529 "stability": "external",
4530 "summary": "`CfnLayerVersion.ContentProperty.S3ObjectVersion`."
4531 },
4532 "immutable": true,
4533 "locationInModule": {
4534 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4535 "line": 2177
4536 },
4537 "name": "s3ObjectVersion",
4538 "optional": true,
4539 "type": {
4540 "primitive": "string"
4541 }
4542 }
4543 ]
4544 },
4545 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersionPermission": {
4546 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
4547 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4548 "docs": {
4549 "custom": {
4550 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission"
4551 },
4552 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html",
4553 "stability": "external",
4554 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission`."
4555 },
4556 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersionPermission",
4557 "initializer": {
4558 "docs": {
4559 "stability": "external",
4560 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission`."
4561 },
4562 "locationInModule": {
4563 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4564 "line": 2373
4565 },
4566 "parameters": [
4567 {
4568 "docs": {
4569 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
4570 },
4571 "name": "scope",
4572 "type": {
4573 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
4574 }
4575 },
4576 {
4577 "docs": {
4578 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
4579 },
4580 "name": "id",
4581 "type": {
4582 "primitive": "string"
4583 }
4584 },
4585 {
4586 "docs": {
4587 "summary": "- resource properties."
4588 },
4589 "name": "props",
4590 "type": {
4591 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersionPermissionProps"
4592 }
4593 }
4594 ]
4595 },
4596 "interfaces": [
4597 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
4598 ],
4599 "kind": "class",
4600 "locationInModule": {
4601 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4602 "line": 2320
4603 },
4604 "methods": [
4605 {
4606 "docs": {
4607 "stability": "experimental",
4608 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
4609 },
4610 "locationInModule": {
4611 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4612 "line": 2392
4613 },
4614 "name": "inspect",
4615 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
4616 "parameters": [
4617 {
4618 "docs": {
4619 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
4620 },
4621 "name": "inspector",
4622 "type": {
4623 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
4624 }
4625 }
4626 ]
4627 },
4628 {
4629 "docs": {
4630 "stability": "external"
4631 },
4632 "locationInModule": {
4633 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4634 "line": 2405
4635 },
4636 "name": "renderProperties",
4637 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4638 "parameters": [
4639 {
4640 "name": "props",
4641 "type": {
4642 "collection": {
4643 "elementtype": {
4644 "primitive": "any"
4645 },
4646 "kind": "map"
4647 }
4648 }
4649 }
4650 ],
4651 "protected": true,
4652 "returns": {
4653 "type": {
4654 "collection": {
4655 "elementtype": {
4656 "primitive": "any"
4657 },
4658 "kind": "map"
4659 }
4660 }
4661 }
4662 }
4663 ],
4664 "name": "CfnLayerVersionPermission",
4665 "properties": [
4666 {
4667 "const": true,
4668 "docs": {
4669 "stability": "external",
4670 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
4671 },
4672 "immutable": true,
4673 "locationInModule": {
4674 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4675 "line": 2324
4676 },
4677 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
4678 "static": true,
4679 "type": {
4680 "primitive": "string"
4681 }
4682 },
4683 {
4684 "docs": {
4685 "stability": "external"
4686 },
4687 "immutable": true,
4688 "locationInModule": {
4689 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4690 "line": 2397
4691 },
4692 "name": "cfnProperties",
4693 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
4694 "protected": true,
4695 "type": {
4696 "collection": {
4697 "elementtype": {
4698 "primitive": "any"
4699 },
4700 "kind": "map"
4701 }
4702 }
4703 },
4704 {
4705 "docs": {
4706 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html#cfn-lambda-layerversionpermission-action",
4707 "stability": "external",
4708 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.Action`."
4709 },
4710 "locationInModule": {
4711 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4712 "line": 2346
4713 },
4714 "name": "action",
4715 "type": {
4716 "primitive": "string"
4717 }
4718 },
4719 {
4720 "docs": {
4721 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html#cfn-lambda-layerversionpermission-layerversionarn",
4722 "stability": "external",
4723 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.LayerVersionArn`."
4724 },
4725 "locationInModule": {
4726 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4727 "line": 2352
4728 },
4729 "name": "layerVersionArn",
4730 "type": {
4731 "primitive": "string"
4732 }
4733 },
4734 {
4735 "docs": {
4736 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html#cfn-lambda-layerversionpermission-principal",
4737 "stability": "external",
4738 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.Principal`."
4739 },
4740 "locationInModule": {
4741 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4742 "line": 2358
4743 },
4744 "name": "principal",
4745 "type": {
4746 "primitive": "string"
4747 }
4748 },
4749 {
4750 "docs": {
4751 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html#cfn-lambda-layerversionpermission-organizationid",
4752 "stability": "external",
4753 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.OrganizationId`."
4754 },
4755 "locationInModule": {
4756 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4757 "line": 2364
4758 },
4759 "name": "organizationId",
4760 "optional": true,
4761 "type": {
4762 "primitive": "string"
4763 }
4764 }
4765 ]
4766 },
4767 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersionPermissionProps": {
4768 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
4769 "datatype": true,
4770 "docs": {
4771 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html",
4772 "stability": "external",
4773 "summary": "Properties for defining a `AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission`."
4774 },
4775 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersionPermissionProps",
4776 "kind": "interface",
4777 "locationInModule": {
4778 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4779 "line": 2236
4780 },
4781 "name": "CfnLayerVersionPermissionProps",
4782 "properties": [
4783 {
4784 "abstract": true,
4785 "docs": {
4786 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html#cfn-lambda-layerversionpermission-action",
4787 "stability": "external",
4788 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.Action`."
4789 },
4790 "immutable": true,
4791 "locationInModule": {
4792 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4793 "line": 2242
4794 },
4795 "name": "action",
4796 "type": {
4797 "primitive": "string"
4798 }
4799 },
4800 {
4801 "abstract": true,
4802 "docs": {
4803 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html#cfn-lambda-layerversionpermission-layerversionarn",
4804 "stability": "external",
4805 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.LayerVersionArn`."
4806 },
4807 "immutable": true,
4808 "locationInModule": {
4809 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4810 "line": 2248
4811 },
4812 "name": "layerVersionArn",
4813 "type": {
4814 "primitive": "string"
4815 }
4816 },
4817 {
4818 "abstract": true,
4819 "docs": {
4820 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html#cfn-lambda-layerversionpermission-principal",
4821 "stability": "external",
4822 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.Principal`."
4823 },
4824 "immutable": true,
4825 "locationInModule": {
4826 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4827 "line": 2254
4828 },
4829 "name": "principal",
4830 "type": {
4831 "primitive": "string"
4832 }
4833 },
4834 {
4835 "abstract": true,
4836 "docs": {
4837 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversionpermission.html#cfn-lambda-layerversionpermission-organizationid",
4838 "stability": "external",
4839 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersionPermission.OrganizationId`."
4840 },
4841 "immutable": true,
4842 "locationInModule": {
4843 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4844 "line": 2260
4845 },
4846 "name": "organizationId",
4847 "optional": true,
4848 "type": {
4849 "primitive": "string"
4850 }
4851 }
4852 ]
4853 },
4854 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersionProps": {
4855 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
4856 "datatype": true,
4857 "docs": {
4858 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html",
4859 "stability": "external",
4860 "summary": "Properties for defining a `AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion`."
4861 },
4862 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersionProps",
4863 "kind": "interface",
4864 "locationInModule": {
4865 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4866 "line": 1970
4867 },
4868 "name": "CfnLayerVersionProps",
4869 "properties": [
4870 {
4871 "abstract": true,
4872 "docs": {
4873 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-content",
4874 "stability": "external",
4875 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.Content`."
4876 },
4877 "immutable": true,
4878 "locationInModule": {
4879 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4880 "line": 1976
4881 },
4882 "name": "content",
4883 "type": {
4884 "union": {
4885 "types": [
4886 {
4887 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
4888 },
4889 {
4890 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnLayerVersion.ContentProperty"
4891 }
4892 ]
4893 }
4894 }
4895 },
4896 {
4897 "abstract": true,
4898 "docs": {
4899 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-compatibleruntimes",
4900 "stability": "external",
4901 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.CompatibleRuntimes`."
4902 },
4903 "immutable": true,
4904 "locationInModule": {
4905 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4906 "line": 1982
4907 },
4908 "name": "compatibleRuntimes",
4909 "optional": true,
4910 "type": {
4911 "collection": {
4912 "elementtype": {
4913 "primitive": "string"
4914 },
4915 "kind": "array"
4916 }
4917 }
4918 },
4919 {
4920 "abstract": true,
4921 "docs": {
4922 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-description",
4923 "stability": "external",
4924 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.Description`."
4925 },
4926 "immutable": true,
4927 "locationInModule": {
4928 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4929 "line": 1988
4930 },
4931 "name": "description",
4932 "optional": true,
4933 "type": {
4934 "primitive": "string"
4935 }
4936 },
4937 {
4938 "abstract": true,
4939 "docs": {
4940 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-layername",
4941 "stability": "external",
4942 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.LayerName`."
4943 },
4944 "immutable": true,
4945 "locationInModule": {
4946 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4947 "line": 1994
4948 },
4949 "name": "layerName",
4950 "optional": true,
4951 "type": {
4952 "primitive": "string"
4953 }
4954 },
4955 {
4956 "abstract": true,
4957 "docs": {
4958 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-layerversion.html#cfn-lambda-layerversion-licenseinfo",
4959 "stability": "external",
4960 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::LayerVersion.LicenseInfo`."
4961 },
4962 "immutable": true,
4963 "locationInModule": {
4964 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
4965 "line": 2000
4966 },
4967 "name": "licenseInfo",
4968 "optional": true,
4969 "type": {
4970 "primitive": "string"
4971 }
4972 }
4973 ]
4974 },
4975 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCode": {
4976 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
4977 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
4978 "docs": {
4979 "remarks": "Useful when you don't have access to the code of your Lambda from your CDK code, so you can't use Assets,\nand you want to deploy the Lambda in a CodePipeline, using CloudFormation Actions -\nyou can fill the parameters using the {@link #assign} method.",
4980 "stability": "stable",
4981 "summary": "Lambda code defined using 2 CloudFormation parameters."
4982 },
4983 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCode",
4984 "initializer": {
4985 "docs": {
4986 "stability": "stable"
4987 },
4988 "locationInModule": {
4989 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
4990 "line": 253
4991 },
4992 "parameters": [
4993 {
4994 "name": "props",
4995 "optional": true,
4996 "type": {
4997 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCodeProps"
4998 }
4999 }
5000 ]
5001 },
5002 "kind": "class",
5003 "locationInModule": {
5004 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5005 "line": 248
5006 },
5007 "methods": [
5008 {
5009 "docs": {
5010 "remarks": "It returns a map with 2 keys that correspond to the names of the parameters defined in this Lambda code,\nand as values it contains the appropriate expressions pointing at the provided S3 location\n(most likely, obtained from a CodePipeline Artifact by calling the `artifact.s3Location` method).\nThe result should be provided to the CloudFormation Action\nthat is deploying the Stack that the Lambda with this code is part of,\nin the `parameterOverrides` property.",
5011 "stability": "stable",
5012 "summary": "Create a parameters map from this instance's CloudFormation parameters."
5013 },
5014 "locationInModule": {
5015 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5016 "line": 293
5017 },
5018 "name": "assign",
5019 "parameters": [
5020 {
5021 "docs": {
5022 "summary": "the location of the object in S3 that represents the Lambda code."
5023 },
5024 "name": "location",
5025 "type": {
5026 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Location"
5027 }
5028 }
5029 ],
5030 "returns": {
5031 "type": {
5032 "collection": {
5033 "elementtype": {
5034 "primitive": "any"
5035 },
5036 "kind": "map"
5037 }
5038 }
5039 }
5040 },
5041 {
5042 "docs": {
5043 "stability": "stable",
5044 "summary": "Called when the lambda or layer is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack, add resources and have fun."
5045 },
5046 "locationInModule": {
5047 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5048 "line": 260
5049 },
5050 "name": "bind",
5051 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
5052 "parameters": [
5053 {
5054 "name": "scope",
5055 "type": {
5056 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
5057 }
5058 }
5059 ],
5060 "returns": {
5061 "type": {
5062 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CodeConfig"
5063 }
5064 }
5065 }
5066 ],
5067 "name": "CfnParametersCode",
5068 "properties": [
5069 {
5070 "docs": {
5071 "stability": "stable"
5072 },
5073 "immutable": true,
5074 "locationInModule": {
5075 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5076 "line": 300
5077 },
5078 "name": "bucketNameParam",
5079 "type": {
5080 "primitive": "string"
5081 }
5082 },
5083 {
5084 "docs": {
5085 "stability": "stable",
5086 "summary": "Determines whether this Code is inline code or not."
5087 },
5088 "immutable": true,
5089 "locationInModule": {
5090 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5091 "line": 249
5092 },
5093 "name": "isInline",
5094 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
5095 "type": {
5096 "primitive": "boolean"
5097 }
5098 },
5099 {
5100 "docs": {
5101 "stability": "stable"
5102 },
5103 "immutable": true,
5104 "locationInModule": {
5105 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5106 "line": 308
5107 },
5108 "name": "objectKeyParam",
5109 "type": {
5110 "primitive": "string"
5111 }
5112 }
5113 ]
5114 },
5115 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCodeProps": {
5116 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
5117 "datatype": true,
5118 "docs": {
5119 "stability": "stable",
5120 "summary": "Construction properties for {@link CfnParametersCode}."
5121 },
5122 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCodeProps",
5123 "kind": "interface",
5124 "locationInModule": {
5125 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5126 "line": 222
5127 },
5128 "name": "CfnParametersCodeProps",
5129 "properties": [
5130 {
5131 "abstract": true,
5132 "docs": {
5133 "default": "a new parameter will be created",
5134 "remarks": "Must be of type 'String'.",
5135 "stability": "stable",
5136 "summary": "The CloudFormation parameter that represents the name of the S3 Bucket where the Lambda code will be located in."
5137 },
5138 "immutable": true,
5139 "locationInModule": {
5140 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5141 "line": 230
5142 },
5143 "name": "bucketNameParam",
5144 "optional": true,
5145 "type": {
5146 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnParameter"
5147 }
5148 },
5149 {
5150 "abstract": true,
5151 "docs": {
5152 "default": "a new parameter will be created",
5153 "remarks": "Must be of type 'String'.",
5154 "stability": "stable",
5155 "summary": "The CloudFormation parameter that represents the path inside the S3 Bucket where the Lambda code will be located at."
5156 },
5157 "immutable": true,
5158 "locationInModule": {
5159 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5160 "line": 239
5161 },
5162 "name": "objectKeyParam",
5163 "optional": true,
5164 "type": {
5165 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnParameter"
5166 }
5167 }
5168 ]
5169 },
5170 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnPermission": {
5171 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
5172 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
5173 "docs": {
5174 "custom": {
5175 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Lambda::Permission"
5176 },
5177 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html",
5178 "stability": "external",
5179 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Lambda::Permission`."
5180 },
5181 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnPermission",
5182 "initializer": {
5183 "docs": {
5184 "stability": "external",
5185 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Lambda::Permission`."
5186 },
5187 "locationInModule": {
5188 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5189 "line": 2583
5190 },
5191 "parameters": [
5192 {
5193 "docs": {
5194 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
5195 },
5196 "name": "scope",
5197 "type": {
5198 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
5199 }
5200 },
5201 {
5202 "docs": {
5203 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
5204 },
5205 "name": "id",
5206 "type": {
5207 "primitive": "string"
5208 }
5209 },
5210 {
5211 "docs": {
5212 "summary": "- resource properties."
5213 },
5214 "name": "props",
5215 "type": {
5216 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnPermissionProps"
5217 }
5218 }
5219 ]
5220 },
5221 "interfaces": [
5222 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
5223 ],
5224 "kind": "class",
5225 "locationInModule": {
5226 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5227 "line": 2518
5228 },
5229 "methods": [
5230 {
5231 "docs": {
5232 "stability": "experimental",
5233 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
5234 },
5235 "locationInModule": {
5236 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5237 "line": 2604
5238 },
5239 "name": "inspect",
5240 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
5241 "parameters": [
5242 {
5243 "docs": {
5244 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
5245 },
5246 "name": "inspector",
5247 "type": {
5248 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
5249 }
5250 }
5251 ]
5252 },
5253 {
5254 "docs": {
5255 "stability": "external"
5256 },
5257 "locationInModule": {
5258 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5259 "line": 2619
5260 },
5261 "name": "renderProperties",
5262 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
5263 "parameters": [
5264 {
5265 "name": "props",
5266 "type": {
5267 "collection": {
5268 "elementtype": {
5269 "primitive": "any"
5270 },
5271 "kind": "map"
5272 }
5273 }
5274 }
5275 ],
5276 "protected": true,
5277 "returns": {
5278 "type": {
5279 "collection": {
5280 "elementtype": {
5281 "primitive": "any"
5282 },
5283 "kind": "map"
5284 }
5285 }
5286 }
5287 }
5288 ],
5289 "name": "CfnPermission",
5290 "properties": [
5291 {
5292 "const": true,
5293 "docs": {
5294 "stability": "external",
5295 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
5296 },
5297 "immutable": true,
5298 "locationInModule": {
5299 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5300 "line": 2522
5301 },
5302 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
5303 "static": true,
5304 "type": {
5305 "primitive": "string"
5306 }
5307 },
5308 {
5309 "docs": {
5310 "stability": "external"
5311 },
5312 "immutable": true,
5313 "locationInModule": {
5314 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5315 "line": 2609
5316 },
5317 "name": "cfnProperties",
5318 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
5319 "protected": true,
5320 "type": {
5321 "collection": {
5322 "elementtype": {
5323 "primitive": "any"
5324 },
5325 "kind": "map"
5326 }
5327 }
5328 },
5329 {
5330 "docs": {
5331 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-action",
5332 "stability": "external",
5333 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.Action`."
5334 },
5335 "locationInModule": {
5336 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5337 "line": 2544
5338 },
5339 "name": "action",
5340 "type": {
5341 "primitive": "string"
5342 }
5343 },
5344 {
5345 "docs": {
5346 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-functionname",
5347 "stability": "external",
5348 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.FunctionName`."
5349 },
5350 "locationInModule": {
5351 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5352 "line": 2550
5353 },
5354 "name": "functionName",
5355 "type": {
5356 "primitive": "string"
5357 }
5358 },
5359 {
5360 "docs": {
5361 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-principal",
5362 "stability": "external",
5363 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.Principal`."
5364 },
5365 "locationInModule": {
5366 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5367 "line": 2556
5368 },
5369 "name": "principal",
5370 "type": {
5371 "primitive": "string"
5372 }
5373 },
5374 {
5375 "docs": {
5376 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-eventsourcetoken",
5377 "stability": "external",
5378 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.EventSourceToken`."
5379 },
5380 "locationInModule": {
5381 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5382 "line": 2562
5383 },
5384 "name": "eventSourceToken",
5385 "optional": true,
5386 "type": {
5387 "primitive": "string"
5388 }
5389 },
5390 {
5391 "docs": {
5392 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-sourceaccount",
5393 "stability": "external",
5394 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.SourceAccount`."
5395 },
5396 "locationInModule": {
5397 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5398 "line": 2568
5399 },
5400 "name": "sourceAccount",
5401 "optional": true,
5402 "type": {
5403 "primitive": "string"
5404 }
5405 },
5406 {
5407 "docs": {
5408 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-sourcearn",
5409 "stability": "external",
5410 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.SourceArn`."
5411 },
5412 "locationInModule": {
5413 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5414 "line": 2574
5415 },
5416 "name": "sourceArn",
5417 "optional": true,
5418 "type": {
5419 "primitive": "string"
5420 }
5421 }
5422 ]
5423 },
5424 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnPermissionProps": {
5425 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
5426 "datatype": true,
5427 "docs": {
5428 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html",
5429 "stability": "external",
5430 "summary": "Properties for defining a `AWS::Lambda::Permission`."
5431 },
5432 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnPermissionProps",
5433 "kind": "interface",
5434 "locationInModule": {
5435 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5436 "line": 2416
5437 },
5438 "name": "CfnPermissionProps",
5439 "properties": [
5440 {
5441 "abstract": true,
5442 "docs": {
5443 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-action",
5444 "stability": "external",
5445 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.Action`."
5446 },
5447 "immutable": true,
5448 "locationInModule": {
5449 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5450 "line": 2422
5451 },
5452 "name": "action",
5453 "type": {
5454 "primitive": "string"
5455 }
5456 },
5457 {
5458 "abstract": true,
5459 "docs": {
5460 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-functionname",
5461 "stability": "external",
5462 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.FunctionName`."
5463 },
5464 "immutable": true,
5465 "locationInModule": {
5466 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5467 "line": 2428
5468 },
5469 "name": "functionName",
5470 "type": {
5471 "primitive": "string"
5472 }
5473 },
5474 {
5475 "abstract": true,
5476 "docs": {
5477 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-principal",
5478 "stability": "external",
5479 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.Principal`."
5480 },
5481 "immutable": true,
5482 "locationInModule": {
5483 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5484 "line": 2434
5485 },
5486 "name": "principal",
5487 "type": {
5488 "primitive": "string"
5489 }
5490 },
5491 {
5492 "abstract": true,
5493 "docs": {
5494 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-eventsourcetoken",
5495 "stability": "external",
5496 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.EventSourceToken`."
5497 },
5498 "immutable": true,
5499 "locationInModule": {
5500 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5501 "line": 2440
5502 },
5503 "name": "eventSourceToken",
5504 "optional": true,
5505 "type": {
5506 "primitive": "string"
5507 }
5508 },
5509 {
5510 "abstract": true,
5511 "docs": {
5512 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-sourceaccount",
5513 "stability": "external",
5514 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.SourceAccount`."
5515 },
5516 "immutable": true,
5517 "locationInModule": {
5518 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5519 "line": 2446
5520 },
5521 "name": "sourceAccount",
5522 "optional": true,
5523 "type": {
5524 "primitive": "string"
5525 }
5526 },
5527 {
5528 "abstract": true,
5529 "docs": {
5530 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-permission.html#cfn-lambda-permission-sourcearn",
5531 "stability": "external",
5532 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Permission.SourceArn`."
5533 },
5534 "immutable": true,
5535 "locationInModule": {
5536 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5537 "line": 2452
5538 },
5539 "name": "sourceArn",
5540 "optional": true,
5541 "type": {
5542 "primitive": "string"
5543 }
5544 }
5545 ]
5546 },
5547 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersion": {
5548 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
5549 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
5550 "docs": {
5551 "custom": {
5552 "cloudformationResource": "AWS::Lambda::Version"
5553 },
5554 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html",
5555 "stability": "external",
5556 "summary": "A CloudFormation `AWS::Lambda::Version`."
5557 },
5558 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersion",
5559 "initializer": {
5560 "docs": {
5561 "stability": "external",
5562 "summary": "Create a new `AWS::Lambda::Version`."
5563 },
5564 "locationInModule": {
5565 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5566 "line": 2770
5567 },
5568 "parameters": [
5569 {
5570 "docs": {
5571 "summary": "- scope in which this resource is defined."
5572 },
5573 "name": "scope",
5574 "type": {
5575 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
5576 }
5577 },
5578 {
5579 "docs": {
5580 "summary": "- scoped id of the resource."
5581 },
5582 "name": "id",
5583 "type": {
5584 "primitive": "string"
5585 }
5586 },
5587 {
5588 "docs": {
5589 "summary": "- resource properties."
5590 },
5591 "name": "props",
5592 "type": {
5593 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersionProps"
5594 }
5595 }
5596 ]
5597 },
5598 "interfaces": [
5599 "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable"
5600 ],
5601 "kind": "class",
5602 "locationInModule": {
5603 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5604 "line": 2712
5605 },
5606 "methods": [
5607 {
5608 "docs": {
5609 "stability": "experimental",
5610 "summary": "Examines the CloudFormation resource and discloses attributes."
5611 },
5612 "locationInModule": {
5613 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5614 "line": 2788
5615 },
5616 "name": "inspect",
5617 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.IInspectable",
5618 "parameters": [
5619 {
5620 "docs": {
5621 "summary": "- tree inspector to collect and process attributes."
5622 },
5623 "name": "inspector",
5624 "type": {
5625 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.TreeInspector"
5626 }
5627 }
5628 ]
5629 },
5630 {
5631 "docs": {
5632 "stability": "external"
5633 },
5634 "locationInModule": {
5635 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5636 "line": 2801
5637 },
5638 "name": "renderProperties",
5639 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
5640 "parameters": [
5641 {
5642 "name": "props",
5643 "type": {
5644 "collection": {
5645 "elementtype": {
5646 "primitive": "any"
5647 },
5648 "kind": "map"
5649 }
5650 }
5651 }
5652 ],
5653 "protected": true,
5654 "returns": {
5655 "type": {
5656 "collection": {
5657 "elementtype": {
5658 "primitive": "any"
5659 },
5660 "kind": "map"
5661 }
5662 }
5663 }
5664 }
5665 ],
5666 "name": "CfnVersion",
5667 "properties": [
5668 {
5669 "const": true,
5670 "docs": {
5671 "stability": "external",
5672 "summary": "The CloudFormation resource type name for this resource class."
5673 },
5674 "immutable": true,
5675 "locationInModule": {
5676 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5677 "line": 2716
5678 },
5679 "name": "CFN_RESOURCE_TYPE_NAME",
5680 "static": true,
5681 "type": {
5682 "primitive": "string"
5683 }
5684 },
5685 {
5686 "docs": {
5687 "custom": {
5688 "cloudformationAttribute": "Version"
5689 },
5690 "stability": "external"
5691 },
5692 "immutable": true,
5693 "locationInModule": {
5694 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5695 "line": 2737
5696 },
5697 "name": "attrVersion",
5698 "type": {
5699 "primitive": "string"
5700 }
5701 },
5702 {
5703 "docs": {
5704 "stability": "external"
5705 },
5706 "immutable": true,
5707 "locationInModule": {
5708 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5709 "line": 2793
5710 },
5711 "name": "cfnProperties",
5712 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource",
5713 "protected": true,
5714 "type": {
5715 "collection": {
5716 "elementtype": {
5717 "primitive": "any"
5718 },
5719 "kind": "map"
5720 }
5721 }
5722 },
5723 {
5724 "docs": {
5725 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html#cfn-lambda-version-functionname",
5726 "stability": "external",
5727 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Version.FunctionName`."
5728 },
5729 "locationInModule": {
5730 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5731 "line": 2743
5732 },
5733 "name": "functionName",
5734 "type": {
5735 "primitive": "string"
5736 }
5737 },
5738 {
5739 "docs": {
5740 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html#cfn-lambda-version-codesha256",
5741 "stability": "external",
5742 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Version.CodeSha256`."
5743 },
5744 "locationInModule": {
5745 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5746 "line": 2749
5747 },
5748 "name": "codeSha256",
5749 "optional": true,
5750 "type": {
5751 "primitive": "string"
5752 }
5753 },
5754 {
5755 "docs": {
5756 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html#cfn-lambda-version-description",
5757 "stability": "external",
5758 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Version.Description`."
5759 },
5760 "locationInModule": {
5761 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5762 "line": 2755
5763 },
5764 "name": "description",
5765 "optional": true,
5766 "type": {
5767 "primitive": "string"
5768 }
5769 },
5770 {
5771 "docs": {
5772 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html#cfn-lambda-version-provisionedconcurrencyconfig",
5773 "stability": "external",
5774 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Version.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig`."
5775 },
5776 "locationInModule": {
5777 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5778 "line": 2761
5779 },
5780 "name": "provisionedConcurrencyConfig",
5781 "optional": true,
5782 "type": {
5783 "union": {
5784 "types": [
5785 {
5786 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5787 },
5788 {
5789 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersion.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty"
5790 }
5791 ]
5792 }
5793 }
5794 }
5795 ]
5796 },
5797 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersion.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty": {
5798 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
5799 "datatype": true,
5800 "docs": {
5801 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-version-provisionedconcurrencyconfiguration.html",
5802 "stability": "external"
5803 },
5804 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersion.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty",
5805 "kind": "interface",
5806 "locationInModule": {
5807 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5808 "line": 2811
5809 },
5810 "name": "ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty",
5811 "namespace": "CfnVersion",
5812 "properties": [
5813 {
5814 "abstract": true,
5815 "docs": {
5816 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-properties-lambda-version-provisionedconcurrencyconfiguration.html#cfn-lambda-version-provisionedconcurrencyconfiguration-provisionedconcurrentexecutions",
5817 "stability": "external",
5818 "summary": "`CfnVersion.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty.ProvisionedConcurrentExecutions`."
5819 },
5820 "immutable": true,
5821 "locationInModule": {
5822 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5823 "line": 2816
5824 },
5825 "name": "provisionedConcurrentExecutions",
5826 "type": {
5827 "primitive": "number"
5828 }
5829 }
5830 ]
5831 },
5832 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersionProps": {
5833 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
5834 "datatype": true,
5835 "docs": {
5836 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html",
5837 "stability": "external",
5838 "summary": "Properties for defining a `AWS::Lambda::Version`."
5839 },
5840 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersionProps",
5841 "kind": "interface",
5842 "locationInModule": {
5843 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5844 "line": 2630
5845 },
5846 "name": "CfnVersionProps",
5847 "properties": [
5848 {
5849 "abstract": true,
5850 "docs": {
5851 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html#cfn-lambda-version-functionname",
5852 "stability": "external",
5853 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Version.FunctionName`."
5854 },
5855 "immutable": true,
5856 "locationInModule": {
5857 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5858 "line": 2636
5859 },
5860 "name": "functionName",
5861 "type": {
5862 "primitive": "string"
5863 }
5864 },
5865 {
5866 "abstract": true,
5867 "docs": {
5868 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html#cfn-lambda-version-codesha256",
5869 "stability": "external",
5870 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Version.CodeSha256`."
5871 },
5872 "immutable": true,
5873 "locationInModule": {
5874 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5875 "line": 2642
5876 },
5877 "name": "codeSha256",
5878 "optional": true,
5879 "type": {
5880 "primitive": "string"
5881 }
5882 },
5883 {
5884 "abstract": true,
5885 "docs": {
5886 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html#cfn-lambda-version-description",
5887 "stability": "external",
5888 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Version.Description`."
5889 },
5890 "immutable": true,
5891 "locationInModule": {
5892 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5893 "line": 2648
5894 },
5895 "name": "description",
5896 "optional": true,
5897 "type": {
5898 "primitive": "string"
5899 }
5900 },
5901 {
5902 "abstract": true,
5903 "docs": {
5904 "see": "http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-lambda-version.html#cfn-lambda-version-provisionedconcurrencyconfig",
5905 "stability": "external",
5906 "summary": "`AWS::Lambda::Version.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig`."
5907 },
5908 "immutable": true,
5909 "locationInModule": {
5910 "filename": "lib/lambda.generated.ts",
5911 "line": 2654
5912 },
5913 "name": "provisionedConcurrencyConfig",
5914 "optional": true,
5915 "type": {
5916 "union": {
5917 "types": [
5918 {
5919 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IResolvable"
5920 },
5921 {
5922 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnVersion.ProvisionedConcurrencyConfigurationProperty"
5923 }
5924 ]
5925 }
5926 }
5927 }
5928 ]
5929 },
5930 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code": {
5931 "abstract": true,
5932 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
5933 "docs": {
5934 "stability": "stable"
5935 },
5936 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
5937 "initializer": {
5938 "docs": {
5939 "stability": "stable"
5940 }
5941 },
5942 "kind": "class",
5943 "locationInModule": {
5944 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5945 "line": 5
5946 },
5947 "methods": [
5948 {
5949 "docs": {
5950 "deprecated": "use `fromAsset`",
5951 "stability": "deprecated"
5952 },
5953 "locationInModule": {
5954 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5955 "line": 50
5956 },
5957 "name": "asset",
5958 "parameters": [
5959 {
5960 "name": "path",
5961 "type": {
5962 "primitive": "string"
5963 }
5964 }
5965 ],
5966 "returns": {
5967 "type": {
5968 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AssetCode"
5969 }
5970 },
5971 "static": true
5972 },
5973 {
5974 "docs": {
5975 "deprecated": "use `fromBucket`",
5976 "stability": "deprecated"
5977 },
5978 "locationInModule": {
5979 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
5980 "line": 19
5981 },
5982 "name": "bucket",
5983 "parameters": [
5984 {
5985 "name": "bucket",
5986 "type": {
5987 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket"
5988 }
5989 },
5990 {
5991 "name": "key",
5992 "type": {
5993 "primitive": "string"
5994 }
5995 },
5996 {
5997 "name": "objectVersion",
5998 "optional": true,
5999 "type": {
6000 "primitive": "string"
6001 }
6002 }
6003 ],
6004 "returns": {
6005 "type": {
6006 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.S3Code"
6007 }
6008 },
6009 "static": true
6010 },
6011 {
6012 "docs": {
6013 "deprecated": "use `fromCfnParameters`",
6014 "stability": "deprecated"
6015 },
6016 "locationInModule": {
6017 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6018 "line": 67
6019 },
6020 "name": "cfnParameters",
6021 "parameters": [
6022 {
6023 "name": "props",
6024 "optional": true,
6025 "type": {
6026 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCodeProps"
6027 }
6028 }
6029 ],
6030 "returns": {
6031 "type": {
6032 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCode"
6033 }
6034 },
6035 "static": true
6036 },
6037 {
6038 "docs": {
6039 "stability": "stable",
6040 "summary": "Loads the function code from a local disk path."
6041 },
6042 "locationInModule": {
6043 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6044 "line": 43
6045 },
6046 "name": "fromAsset",
6047 "parameters": [
6048 {
6049 "docs": {
6050 "summary": "Either a directory with the Lambda code bundle or a .zip file."
6051 },
6052 "name": "path",
6053 "type": {
6054 "primitive": "string"
6055 }
6056 },
6057 {
6058 "name": "options",
6059 "optional": true,
6060 "type": {
6061 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-s3-assets.AssetOptions"
6062 }
6063 }
6064 ],
6065 "returns": {
6066 "type": {
6067 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AssetCode"
6068 }
6069 },
6070 "static": true
6071 },
6072 {
6073 "docs": {
6074 "returns": "`LambdaS3Code` associated with the specified S3 object.",
6075 "stability": "stable"
6076 },
6077 "locationInModule": {
6078 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6079 "line": 12
6080 },
6081 "name": "fromBucket",
6082 "parameters": [
6083 {
6084 "docs": {
6085 "summary": "The S3 bucket."
6086 },
6087 "name": "bucket",
6088 "type": {
6089 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket"
6090 }
6091 },
6092 {
6093 "docs": {
6094 "summary": "The object key."
6095 },
6096 "name": "key",
6097 "type": {
6098 "primitive": "string"
6099 }
6100 },
6101 {
6102 "docs": {
6103 "summary": "Optional S3 object version."
6104 },
6105 "name": "objectVersion",
6106 "optional": true,
6107 "type": {
6108 "primitive": "string"
6109 }
6110 }
6111 ],
6112 "returns": {
6113 "type": {
6114 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.S3Code"
6115 }
6116 },
6117 "static": true
6118 },
6119 {
6120 "docs": {
6121 "returns": "a new instance of `CfnParametersCode`",
6122 "stability": "stable",
6123 "summary": "Creates a new Lambda source defined using CloudFormation parameters."
6124 },
6125 "locationInModule": {
6126 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6127 "line": 60
6128 },
6129 "name": "fromCfnParameters",
6130 "parameters": [
6131 {
6132 "docs": {
6133 "summary": "optional construction properties of {@link CfnParametersCode}."
6134 },
6135 "name": "props",
6136 "optional": true,
6137 "type": {
6138 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCodeProps"
6139 }
6140 }
6141 ],
6142 "returns": {
6143 "type": {
6144 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CfnParametersCode"
6145 }
6146 },
6147 "static": true
6148 },
6149 {
6150 "docs": {
6151 "returns": "`LambdaInlineCode` with inline code.",
6152 "stability": "stable"
6153 },
6154 "locationInModule": {
6155 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6156 "line": 27
6157 },
6158 "name": "fromInline",
6159 "parameters": [
6160 {
6161 "docs": {
6162 "summary": "The actual handler code (limited to 4KiB)."
6163 },
6164 "name": "code",
6165 "type": {
6166 "primitive": "string"
6167 }
6168 }
6169 ],
6170 "returns": {
6171 "type": {
6172 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.InlineCode"
6173 }
6174 },
6175 "static": true
6176 },
6177 {
6178 "docs": {
6179 "deprecated": "use `fromInline`",
6180 "stability": "deprecated"
6181 },
6182 "locationInModule": {
6183 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6184 "line": 34
6185 },
6186 "name": "inline",
6187 "parameters": [
6188 {
6189 "name": "code",
6190 "type": {
6191 "primitive": "string"
6192 }
6193 }
6194 ],
6195 "returns": {
6196 "type": {
6197 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.InlineCode"
6198 }
6199 },
6200 "static": true
6201 },
6202 {
6203 "abstract": true,
6204 "docs": {
6205 "stability": "stable",
6206 "summary": "Called when the lambda or layer is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack, add resources and have fun."
6207 },
6208 "locationInModule": {
6209 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6210 "line": 86
6211 },
6212 "name": "bind",
6213 "parameters": [
6214 {
6215 "docs": {
6216 "remarks": "Don't be smart about trying to down-cast or\nassume it's initialized. You may just use it as a construct scope.",
6217 "summary": "The binding scope."
6218 },
6219 "name": "scope",
6220 "type": {
6221 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
6222 }
6223 }
6224 ],
6225 "returns": {
6226 "type": {
6227 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CodeConfig"
6228 }
6229 }
6230 },
6231 {
6232 "docs": {
6233 "remarks": "Specifically it's required to allow assets to add\nmetadata for tooling like SAM CLI to be able to find their origins.",
6234 "stability": "stable",
6235 "summary": "Called after the CFN function resource has been created to allow the code class to bind to it."
6236 },
6237 "locationInModule": {
6238 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6239 "line": 93
6240 },
6241 "name": "bindToResource",
6242 "parameters": [
6243 {
6244 "name": "_resource",
6245 "type": {
6246 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.CfnResource"
6247 }
6248 },
6249 {
6250 "name": "_options",
6251 "optional": true,
6252 "type": {
6253 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ResourceBindOptions"
6254 }
6255 }
6256 ]
6257 }
6258 ],
6259 "name": "Code",
6260 "properties": [
6261 {
6262 "abstract": true,
6263 "docs": {
6264 "deprecated": "this value is ignored since inline is now determined based on the\nthe `inlineCode` field of `CodeConfig` returned from `bind()`.",
6265 "stability": "deprecated",
6266 "summary": "Determines whether this Code is inline code or not."
6267 },
6268 "immutable": true,
6269 "locationInModule": {
6270 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6271 "line": 77
6272 },
6273 "name": "isInline",
6274 "type": {
6275 "primitive": "boolean"
6276 }
6277 }
6278 ]
6279 },
6280 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CodeConfig": {
6281 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6282 "datatype": true,
6283 "docs": {
6284 "stability": "stable"
6285 },
6286 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CodeConfig",
6287 "kind": "interface",
6288 "locationInModule": {
6289 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6290 "line": 98
6291 },
6292 "name": "CodeConfig",
6293 "properties": [
6294 {
6295 "abstract": true,
6296 "docs": {
6297 "stability": "stable",
6298 "summary": "Inline code (mutually exclusive with `s3Location`)."
6299 },
6300 "immutable": true,
6301 "locationInModule": {
6302 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6303 "line": 107
6304 },
6305 "name": "inlineCode",
6306 "optional": true,
6307 "type": {
6308 "primitive": "string"
6309 }
6310 },
6311 {
6312 "abstract": true,
6313 "docs": {
6314 "stability": "stable",
6315 "summary": "The location of the code in S3 (mutually exclusive with `inlineCode`)."
6316 },
6317 "immutable": true,
6318 "locationInModule": {
6319 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
6320 "line": 102
6321 },
6322 "name": "s3Location",
6323 "optional": true,
6324 "type": {
6325 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Location"
6326 }
6327 }
6328 ]
6329 },
6330 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationConfig": {
6331 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6332 "datatype": true,
6333 "docs": {
6334 "stability": "stable",
6335 "summary": "A destination configuration."
6336 },
6337 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationConfig",
6338 "kind": "interface",
6339 "locationInModule": {
6340 "filename": "lib/destination.ts",
6341 "line": 7
6342 },
6343 "name": "DestinationConfig",
6344 "properties": [
6345 {
6346 "abstract": true,
6347 "docs": {
6348 "stability": "stable",
6349 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination resource."
6350 },
6351 "immutable": true,
6352 "locationInModule": {
6353 "filename": "lib/destination.ts",
6354 "line": 11
6355 },
6356 "name": "destination",
6357 "type": {
6358 "primitive": "string"
6359 }
6360 }
6361 ]
6362 },
6363 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationOptions": {
6364 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6365 "datatype": true,
6366 "docs": {
6367 "stability": "stable",
6368 "summary": "Options when binding a destination to a function."
6369 },
6370 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationOptions",
6371 "kind": "interface",
6372 "locationInModule": {
6373 "filename": "lib/destination.ts",
6374 "line": 32
6375 },
6376 "name": "DestinationOptions",
6377 "properties": [
6378 {
6379 "abstract": true,
6380 "docs": {
6381 "stability": "stable",
6382 "summary": "The destination type."
6383 },
6384 "immutable": true,
6385 "locationInModule": {
6386 "filename": "lib/destination.ts",
6387 "line": 36
6388 },
6389 "name": "type",
6390 "type": {
6391 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationType"
6392 }
6393 }
6394 ]
6395 },
6396 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationType": {
6397 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6398 "docs": {
6399 "stability": "stable",
6400 "summary": "The type of destination."
6401 },
6402 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationType",
6403 "kind": "enum",
6404 "locationInModule": {
6405 "filename": "lib/destination.ts",
6406 "line": 17
6407 },
6408 "members": [
6409 {
6410 "docs": {
6411 "stability": "stable",
6412 "summary": "Failure."
6413 },
6414 "name": "FAILURE"
6415 },
6416 {
6417 "docs": {
6418 "stability": "stable",
6419 "summary": "Success."
6420 },
6421 "name": "SUCCESS"
6422 }
6423 ],
6424 "name": "DestinationType"
6425 },
6426 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DlqDestinationConfig": {
6427 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6428 "datatype": true,
6429 "docs": {
6430 "stability": "stable",
6431 "summary": "A destination configuration."
6432 },
6433 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DlqDestinationConfig",
6434 "kind": "interface",
6435 "locationInModule": {
6436 "filename": "lib/dlq.ts",
6437 "line": 7
6438 },
6439 "name": "DlqDestinationConfig",
6440 "properties": [
6441 {
6442 "abstract": true,
6443 "docs": {
6444 "stability": "stable",
6445 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination resource."
6446 },
6447 "immutable": true,
6448 "locationInModule": {
6449 "filename": "lib/dlq.ts",
6450 "line": 11
6451 },
6452 "name": "destination",
6453 "type": {
6454 "primitive": "string"
6455 }
6456 }
6457 ]
6458 },
6459 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EnvironmentOptions": {
6460 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6461 "datatype": true,
6462 "docs": {
6463 "stability": "stable",
6464 "summary": "Environment variables options."
6465 },
6466 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EnvironmentOptions",
6467 "kind": "interface",
6468 "locationInModule": {
6469 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
6470 "line": 931
6471 },
6472 "name": "EnvironmentOptions",
6473 "properties": [
6474 {
6475 "abstract": true,
6476 "docs": {
6477 "custom": {
6478 "Edge": "will throw"
6479 },
6480 "default": "false - using the function in Lambda",
6481 "remarks": "If not set, an error will be thrown.",
6482 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/lambda-requirements-limits.html#lambda-requirements-lambda-function-configuration",
6483 "stability": "stable",
6484 "summary": "When used in Lambda@Edge via edgeArn() API, these environment variables will be removed."
6485 },
6486 "immutable": true,
6487 "locationInModule": {
6488 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
6489 "line": 939
6490 },
6491 "name": "removeInEdge",
6492 "optional": true,
6493 "type": {
6494 "primitive": "boolean"
6495 }
6496 }
6497 ]
6498 },
6499 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfig": {
6500 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6501 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.Resource",
6502 "docs": {
6503 "remarks": "By default, Lambda retries an asynchronous invocation twice if the function\nreturns an error. It retains events in a queue for up to six hours. When an\nevent fails all processing attempts or stays in the asynchronous invocation\nqueue for too long, Lambda discards it.",
6504 "stability": "stable",
6505 "summary": "Configure options for asynchronous invocation on a version or an alias."
6506 },
6507 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfig",
6508 "initializer": {
6509 "docs": {
6510 "stability": "stable"
6511 },
6512 "locationInModule": {
6513 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6514 "line": 72
6515 },
6516 "parameters": [
6517 {
6518 "name": "scope",
6519 "type": {
6520 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
6521 }
6522 },
6523 {
6524 "name": "id",
6525 "type": {
6526 "primitive": "string"
6527 }
6528 },
6529 {
6530 "name": "props",
6531 "type": {
6532 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigProps"
6533 }
6534 }
6535 ]
6536 },
6537 "kind": "class",
6538 "locationInModule": {
6539 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6540 "line": 71
6541 },
6542 "name": "EventInvokeConfig"
6543 },
6544 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions": {
6545 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6546 "datatype": true,
6547 "docs": {
6548 "stability": "stable",
6549 "summary": "Options to add an EventInvokeConfig to a function."
6550 },
6551 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions",
6552 "kind": "interface",
6553 "locationInModule": {
6554 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6555 "line": 9
6556 },
6557 "name": "EventInvokeConfigOptions",
6558 "properties": [
6559 {
6560 "abstract": true,
6561 "docs": {
6562 "default": "Duration.hours(6)",
6563 "remarks": "Minimum: 60 seconds\nMaximum: 6 hours",
6564 "stability": "stable",
6565 "summary": "The maximum age of a request that Lambda sends to a function for processing."
6566 },
6567 "immutable": true,
6568 "locationInModule": {
6569 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6570 "line": 33
6571 },
6572 "name": "maxEventAge",
6573 "optional": true,
6574 "type": {
6575 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Duration"
6576 }
6577 },
6578 {
6579 "abstract": true,
6580 "docs": {
6581 "default": "- no destination",
6582 "stability": "stable",
6583 "summary": "The destination for failed invocations."
6584 },
6585 "immutable": true,
6586 "locationInModule": {
6587 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6588 "line": 15
6589 },
6590 "name": "onFailure",
6591 "optional": true,
6592 "type": {
6593 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IDestination"
6594 }
6595 },
6596 {
6597 "abstract": true,
6598 "docs": {
6599 "default": "- no destination",
6600 "stability": "stable",
6601 "summary": "The destination for successful invocations."
6602 },
6603 "immutable": true,
6604 "locationInModule": {
6605 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6606 "line": 22
6607 },
6608 "name": "onSuccess",
6609 "optional": true,
6610 "type": {
6611 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IDestination"
6612 }
6613 },
6614 {
6615 "abstract": true,
6616 "docs": {
6617 "default": "2",
6618 "remarks": "Minimum: 0\nMaximum: 2",
6619 "stability": "stable",
6620 "summary": "The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error."
6621 },
6622 "immutable": true,
6623 "locationInModule": {
6624 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6625 "line": 43
6626 },
6627 "name": "retryAttempts",
6628 "optional": true,
6629 "type": {
6630 "primitive": "number"
6631 }
6632 }
6633 ]
6634 },
6635 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigProps": {
6636 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6637 "datatype": true,
6638 "docs": {
6639 "stability": "stable",
6640 "summary": "Properties for an EventInvokeConfig."
6641 },
6642 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigProps",
6643 "interfaces": [
6644 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions"
6645 ],
6646 "kind": "interface",
6647 "locationInModule": {
6648 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6649 "line": 49
6650 },
6651 "name": "EventInvokeConfigProps",
6652 "properties": [
6653 {
6654 "abstract": true,
6655 "docs": {
6656 "stability": "stable",
6657 "summary": "The Lambda function."
6658 },
6659 "immutable": true,
6660 "locationInModule": {
6661 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6662 "line": 53
6663 },
6664 "name": "function",
6665 "type": {
6666 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
6667 }
6668 },
6669 {
6670 "abstract": true,
6671 "docs": {
6672 "default": "- latest version",
6673 "stability": "stable",
6674 "summary": "The qualifier."
6675 },
6676 "immutable": true,
6677 "locationInModule": {
6678 "filename": "lib/event-invoke-config.ts",
6679 "line": 60
6680 },
6681 "name": "qualifier",
6682 "optional": true,
6683 "type": {
6684 "primitive": "string"
6685 }
6686 }
6687 ]
6688 },
6689 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMapping": {
6690 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6691 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.Resource",
6692 "docs": {
6693 "remarks": "Usually, you won't need to define the mapping yourself. This will usually be done by\nevent sources. For example, to add an SQS event source to a function:\n\n import { SqsEventSource } from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources';\n lambda.addEventSource(new SqsEventSource(sqs));\n\nThe `SqsEventSource` class will automatically create the mapping, and will also\nmodify the Lambda's execution role so it can consume messages from the queue.",
6694 "stability": "stable",
6695 "summary": "Defines a Lambda EventSourceMapping resource."
6696 },
6697 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMapping",
6698 "initializer": {
6699 "docs": {
6700 "stability": "stable"
6701 },
6702 "locationInModule": {
6703 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6704 "line": 144
6705 },
6706 "parameters": [
6707 {
6708 "name": "scope",
6709 "type": {
6710 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
6711 }
6712 },
6713 {
6714 "name": "id",
6715 "type": {
6716 "primitive": "string"
6717 }
6718 },
6719 {
6720 "name": "props",
6721 "type": {
6722 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMappingProps"
6723 }
6724 }
6725 ]
6726 },
6727 "interfaces": [
6728 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceMapping"
6729 ],
6730 "kind": "class",
6731 "locationInModule": {
6732 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6733 "line": 130
6734 },
6735 "methods": [
6736 {
6737 "docs": {
6738 "stability": "stable",
6739 "summary": "Import an event source into this stack from its event source id."
6740 },
6741 "locationInModule": {
6742 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6743 "line": 135
6744 },
6745 "name": "fromEventSourceMappingId",
6746 "parameters": [
6747 {
6748 "name": "scope",
6749 "type": {
6750 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
6751 }
6752 },
6753 {
6754 "name": "id",
6755 "type": {
6756 "primitive": "string"
6757 }
6758 },
6759 {
6760 "name": "eventSourceMappingId",
6761 "type": {
6762 "primitive": "string"
6763 }
6764 }
6765 ],
6766 "returns": {
6767 "type": {
6768 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceMapping"
6769 }
6770 },
6771 "static": true
6772 }
6773 ],
6774 "name": "EventSourceMapping",
6775 "properties": [
6776 {
6777 "docs": {
6778 "stability": "stable",
6779 "summary": "The identifier for this EventSourceMapping."
6780 },
6781 "immutable": true,
6782 "locationInModule": {
6783 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6784 "line": 142
6785 },
6786 "name": "eventSourceMappingId",
6787 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceMapping",
6788 "type": {
6789 "primitive": "string"
6790 }
6791 }
6792 ]
6793 },
6794 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMappingOptions": {
6795 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6796 "datatype": true,
6797 "docs": {
6798 "stability": "stable"
6799 },
6800 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMappingOptions",
6801 "kind": "interface",
6802 "locationInModule": {
6803 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6804 "line": 6
6805 },
6806 "name": "EventSourceMappingOptions",
6807 "properties": [
6808 {
6809 "abstract": true,
6810 "docs": {
6811 "remarks": "Any record added to\nthis stream can invoke the Lambda function.",
6812 "stability": "stable",
6813 "summary": "The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the event source."
6814 },
6815 "immutable": true,
6816 "locationInModule": {
6817 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6818 "line": 11
6819 },
6820 "name": "eventSourceArn",
6821 "type": {
6822 "primitive": "string"
6823 }
6824 },
6825 {
6826 "abstract": true,
6827 "docs": {
6828 "default": "- Amazon Kinesis and Amazon DynamoDB is 100 records.\nBoth the default and maximum for Amazon SQS are 10 messages.",
6829 "remarks": "Your function receives an\nevent with all the retrieved records.\n\nValid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 10000.",
6830 "stability": "stable",
6831 "summary": "The largest number of records that AWS Lambda will retrieve from your event source at the time of invoking your function."
6832 },
6833 "immutable": true,
6834 "locationInModule": {
6835 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6836 "line": 23
6837 },
6838 "name": "batchSize",
6839 "optional": true,
6840 "type": {
6841 "primitive": "number"
6842 }
6843 },
6844 {
6845 "abstract": true,
6846 "docs": {
6847 "default": "false",
6848 "stability": "stable",
6849 "summary": "If the function returns an error, split the batch in two and retry."
6850 },
6851 "immutable": true,
6852 "locationInModule": {
6853 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6854 "line": 30
6855 },
6856 "name": "bisectBatchOnError",
6857 "optional": true,
6858 "type": {
6859 "primitive": "boolean"
6860 }
6861 },
6862 {
6863 "abstract": true,
6864 "docs": {
6865 "default": "true",
6866 "stability": "stable",
6867 "summary": "Set to false to disable the event source upon creation."
6868 },
6869 "immutable": true,
6870 "locationInModule": {
6871 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6872 "line": 44
6873 },
6874 "name": "enabled",
6875 "optional": true,
6876 "type": {
6877 "primitive": "boolean"
6878 }
6879 },
6880 {
6881 "abstract": true,
6882 "docs": {
6883 "default": "Duration.seconds(0)",
6884 "remarks": "Maximum of Duration.minutes(5)",
6885 "stability": "stable",
6886 "summary": "The maximum amount of time to gather records before invoking the function."
6887 },
6888 "immutable": true,
6889 "locationInModule": {
6890 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6891 "line": 62
6892 },
6893 "name": "maxBatchingWindow",
6894 "optional": true,
6895 "type": {
6896 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Duration"
6897 }
6898 },
6899 {
6900 "abstract": true,
6901 "docs": {
6902 "default": "Duration.days(7)",
6903 "remarks": "Valid Range:\n* Minimum value of 60 seconds\n* Maximum value of 7 days",
6904 "stability": "stable",
6905 "summary": "The maximum age of a record that Lambda sends to a function for processing."
6906 },
6907 "immutable": true,
6908 "locationInModule": {
6909 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6910 "line": 72
6911 },
6912 "name": "maxRecordAge",
6913 "optional": true,
6914 "type": {
6915 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Duration"
6916 }
6917 },
6918 {
6919 "abstract": true,
6920 "docs": {
6921 "default": "discarded records are ignored",
6922 "stability": "stable",
6923 "summary": "An Amazon SQS queue or Amazon SNS topic destination for discarded records."
6924 },
6925 "immutable": true,
6926 "locationInModule": {
6927 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6928 "line": 37
6929 },
6930 "name": "onFailure",
6931 "optional": true,
6932 "type": {
6933 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceDlq"
6934 }
6935 },
6936 {
6937 "abstract": true,
6938 "docs": {
6939 "default": "1",
6940 "remarks": "Valid Range:\n* Minimum value of 1\n* Maximum value of 10",
6941 "stability": "stable",
6942 "summary": "The number of batches to process from each shard concurrently."
6943 },
6944 "immutable": true,
6945 "locationInModule": {
6946 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6947 "line": 93
6948 },
6949 "name": "parallelizationFactor",
6950 "optional": true,
6951 "type": {
6952 "primitive": "number"
6953 }
6954 },
6955 {
6956 "abstract": true,
6957 "docs": {
6958 "default": "10000",
6959 "remarks": "Valid Range:\n* Minimum value of 0\n* Maximum value of 10000",
6960 "stability": "stable",
6961 "summary": "The maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error."
6962 },
6963 "immutable": true,
6964 "locationInModule": {
6965 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6966 "line": 83
6967 },
6968 "name": "retryAttempts",
6969 "optional": true,
6970 "type": {
6971 "primitive": "number"
6972 }
6973 },
6974 {
6975 "abstract": true,
6976 "docs": {
6977 "default": "- Required for Amazon Kinesis and Amazon DynamoDB Streams sources.",
6978 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kinesis/latest/APIReference/API_GetShardIterator.html#Kinesis-GetShardIterator-request-ShardIteratorType",
6979 "stability": "stable",
6980 "summary": "The position in the DynamoDB or Kinesis stream where AWS Lambda should start reading."
6981 },
6982 "immutable": true,
6983 "locationInModule": {
6984 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
6985 "line": 54
6986 },
6987 "name": "startingPosition",
6988 "optional": true,
6989 "type": {
6990 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.StartingPosition"
6991 }
6992 }
6993 ]
6994 },
6995 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMappingProps": {
6996 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
6997 "datatype": true,
6998 "docs": {
6999 "stability": "stable",
7000 "summary": "Properties for declaring a new event source mapping."
7001 },
7002 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMappingProps",
7003 "interfaces": [
7004 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMappingOptions"
7005 ],
7006 "kind": "interface",
7007 "locationInModule": {
7008 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
7009 "line": 99
7010 },
7011 "name": "EventSourceMappingProps",
7012 "properties": [
7013 {
7014 "abstract": true,
7015 "docs": {
7016 "stability": "stable",
7017 "summary": "The target AWS Lambda function."
7018 },
7019 "immutable": true,
7020 "locationInModule": {
7021 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
7022 "line": 103
7023 },
7024 "name": "target",
7025 "type": {
7026 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
7027 }
7028 }
7029 ]
7030 },
7031 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FileSystem": {
7032 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
7033 "docs": {
7034 "stability": "experimental",
7035 "summary": "Represents the filesystem for the Lambda function."
7036 },
7037 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FileSystem",
7038 "initializer": {
7039 "docs": {
7040 "stability": "experimental"
7041 },
7042 "locationInModule": {
7043 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7044 "line": 84
7045 },
7046 "parameters": [
7047 {
7048 "docs": {
7049 "summary": "the FileSystem configurations for the Lambda function."
7050 },
7051 "name": "config",
7052 "type": {
7053 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FileSystemConfig"
7054 }
7055 }
7056 ],
7057 "protected": true
7058 },
7059 "kind": "class",
7060 "locationInModule": {
7061 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7062 "line": 47
7063 },
7064 "methods": [
7065 {
7066 "docs": {
7067 "stability": "experimental",
7068 "summary": "mount the filesystem from Amazon EFS."
7069 },
7070 "locationInModule": {
7071 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7072 "line": 53
7073 },
7074 "name": "fromEfsAccessPoint",
7075 "parameters": [
7076 {
7077 "docs": {
7078 "summary": "the Amazon EFS access point."
7079 },
7080 "name": "ap",
7081 "type": {
7082 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-efs.AccessPoint"
7083 }
7084 },
7085 {
7086 "docs": {
7087 "summary": "the target path in the lambda runtime environment."
7088 },
7089 "name": "mountPath",
7090 "type": {
7091 "primitive": "string"
7092 }
7093 }
7094 ],
7095 "returns": {
7096 "type": {
7097 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FileSystem"
7098 }
7099 },
7100 "static": true
7101 }
7102 ],
7103 "name": "FileSystem",
7104 "properties": [
7105 {
7106 "docs": {
7107 "stability": "experimental",
7108 "summary": "the FileSystem configurations for the Lambda function."
7109 },
7110 "immutable": true,
7111 "locationInModule": {
7112 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7113 "line": 84
7114 },
7115 "name": "config",
7116 "type": {
7117 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FileSystemConfig"
7118 }
7119 }
7120 ]
7121 },
7122 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FileSystemConfig": {
7123 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
7124 "datatype": true,
7125 "docs": {
7126 "stability": "experimental",
7127 "summary": "FileSystem configurations for the Lambda function."
7128 },
7129 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FileSystemConfig",
7130 "kind": "interface",
7131 "locationInModule": {
7132 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7133 "line": 10
7134 },
7135 "name": "FileSystemConfig",
7136 "properties": [
7137 {
7138 "abstract": true,
7139 "docs": {
7140 "stability": "experimental",
7141 "summary": "ARN of the access point."
7142 },
7143 "immutable": true,
7144 "locationInModule": {
7145 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7146 "line": 19
7147 },
7148 "name": "arn",
7149 "type": {
7150 "primitive": "string"
7151 }
7152 },
7153 {
7154 "abstract": true,
7155 "docs": {
7156 "stability": "experimental",
7157 "summary": "mount path in the lambda runtime environment."
7158 },
7159 "immutable": true,
7160 "locationInModule": {
7161 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7162 "line": 14
7163 },
7164 "name": "localMountPath",
7165 "type": {
7166 "primitive": "string"
7167 }
7168 },
7169 {
7170 "abstract": true,
7171 "docs": {
7172 "default": "- no connections required to add extra ingress rules for Lambda function",
7173 "stability": "experimental",
7174 "summary": "connections object used to allow ingress traffic from lambda function."
7175 },
7176 "immutable": true,
7177 "locationInModule": {
7178 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7179 "line": 33
7180 },
7181 "name": "connections",
7182 "optional": true,
7183 "type": {
7184 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Connections"
7185 }
7186 },
7187 {
7188 "abstract": true,
7189 "docs": {
7190 "default": "- no dependency",
7191 "stability": "experimental",
7192 "summary": "array of IDependable that lambda function depends on."
7193 },
7194 "immutable": true,
7195 "locationInModule": {
7196 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7197 "line": 26
7198 },
7199 "name": "dependency",
7200 "optional": true,
7201 "type": {
7202 "collection": {
7203 "elementtype": {
7204 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IDependable"
7205 },
7206 "kind": "array"
7207 }
7208 }
7209 },
7210 {
7211 "abstract": true,
7212 "docs": {
7213 "default": "- no additional policies required",
7214 "stability": "experimental",
7215 "summary": "additional IAM policies required for the lambda function."
7216 },
7217 "immutable": true,
7218 "locationInModule": {
7219 "filename": "lib/filesystem.ts",
7220 "line": 40
7221 },
7222 "name": "policies",
7223 "optional": true,
7224 "type": {
7225 "collection": {
7226 "elementtype": {
7227 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement"
7228 },
7229 "kind": "array"
7230 }
7231 }
7232 }
7233 ]
7234 },
7235 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function": {
7236 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
7237 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
7238 "docs": {
7239 "remarks": "The supplied file is subject to the 4096 bytes limit of being embedded in a\nCloudFormation template.\n\nThe construct includes an associated role with the lambda.\n\nThis construct does not yet reproduce all features from the underlying resource\nlibrary.",
7240 "stability": "stable",
7241 "summary": "Deploys a file from from inside the construct library as a function."
7242 },
7243 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function",
7244 "initializer": {
7245 "docs": {
7246 "stability": "stable"
7247 },
7248 "locationInModule": {
7249 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7250 "line": 523
7251 },
7252 "parameters": [
7253 {
7254 "name": "scope",
7255 "type": {
7256 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
7257 }
7258 },
7259 {
7260 "name": "id",
7261 "type": {
7262 "primitive": "string"
7263 }
7264 },
7265 {
7266 "name": "props",
7267 "type": {
7268 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionProps"
7269 }
7270 }
7271 ]
7272 },
7273 "kind": "class",
7274 "locationInModule": {
7275 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7276 "line": 324
7277 },
7278 "methods": [
7279 {
7280 "docs": {
7281 "stability": "stable"
7282 },
7283 "locationInModule": {
7284 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7285 "line": 361
7286 },
7287 "name": "fromFunctionArn",
7288 "parameters": [
7289 {
7290 "name": "scope",
7291 "type": {
7292 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
7293 }
7294 },
7295 {
7296 "name": "id",
7297 "type": {
7298 "primitive": "string"
7299 }
7300 },
7301 {
7302 "name": "functionArn",
7303 "type": {
7304 "primitive": "string"
7305 }
7306 }
7307 ],
7308 "returns": {
7309 "type": {
7310 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
7311 }
7312 },
7313 "static": true
7314 },
7315 {
7316 "docs": {
7317 "stability": "stable",
7318 "summary": "Creates a Lambda function object which represents a function not defined within this stack."
7319 },
7320 "locationInModule": {
7321 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7322 "line": 373
7323 },
7324 "name": "fromFunctionAttributes",
7325 "parameters": [
7326 {
7327 "docs": {
7328 "summary": "The parent construct."
7329 },
7330 "name": "scope",
7331 "type": {
7332 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
7333 }
7334 },
7335 {
7336 "docs": {
7337 "summary": "The name of the lambda construct."
7338 },
7339 "name": "id",
7340 "type": {
7341 "primitive": "string"
7342 }
7343 },
7344 {
7345 "docs": {
7346 "summary": "the attributes of the function to import."
7347 },
7348 "name": "attrs",
7349 "type": {
7350 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionAttributes"
7351 }
7352 }
7353 ],
7354 "returns": {
7355 "type": {
7356 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
7357 }
7358 },
7359 "static": true
7360 },
7361 {
7362 "docs": {
7363 "stability": "stable",
7364 "summary": "Return the given named metric for this Lambda."
7365 },
7366 "locationInModule": {
7367 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7368 "line": 410
7369 },
7370 "name": "metricAll",
7371 "parameters": [
7372 {
7373 "name": "metricName",
7374 "type": {
7375 "primitive": "string"
7376 }
7377 },
7378 {
7379 "name": "props",
7380 "optional": true,
7381 "type": {
7382 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
7383 }
7384 }
7385 ],
7386 "returns": {
7387 "type": {
7388 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
7389 }
7390 },
7391 "static": true
7392 },
7393 {
7394 "docs": {
7395 "default": "max over 5 minutes",
7396 "stability": "stable",
7397 "summary": "Metric for the number of concurrent executions across all Lambdas."
7398 },
7399 "locationInModule": {
7400 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7401 "line": 458
7402 },
7403 "name": "metricAllConcurrentExecutions",
7404 "parameters": [
7405 {
7406 "name": "props",
7407 "optional": true,
7408 "type": {
7409 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
7410 }
7411 }
7412 ],
7413 "returns": {
7414 "type": {
7415 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
7416 }
7417 },
7418 "static": true
7419 },
7420 {
7421 "docs": {
7422 "default": "average over 5 minutes",
7423 "stability": "stable",
7424 "summary": "Metric for the Duration executing all Lambdas."
7425 },
7426 "locationInModule": {
7427 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7428 "line": 431
7429 },
7430 "name": "metricAllDuration",
7431 "parameters": [
7432 {
7433 "name": "props",
7434 "optional": true,
7435 "type": {
7436 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
7437 }
7438 }
7439 ],
7440 "returns": {
7441 "type": {
7442 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
7443 }
7444 },
7445 "static": true
7446 },
7447 {
7448 "docs": {
7449 "default": "sum over 5 minutes",
7450 "stability": "stable",
7451 "summary": "Metric for the number of Errors executing all Lambdas."
7452 },
7453 "locationInModule": {
7454 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7455 "line": 422
7456 },
7457 "name": "metricAllErrors",
7458 "parameters": [
7459 {
7460 "name": "props",
7461 "optional": true,
7462 "type": {
7463 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
7464 }
7465 }
7466 ],
7467 "returns": {
7468 "type": {
7469 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
7470 }
7471 },
7472 "static": true
7473 },
7474 {
7475 "docs": {
7476 "default": "sum over 5 minutes",
7477 "stability": "stable",
7478 "summary": "Metric for the number of invocations of all Lambdas."
7479 },
7480 "locationInModule": {
7481 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7482 "line": 440
7483 },
7484 "name": "metricAllInvocations",
7485 "parameters": [
7486 {
7487 "name": "props",
7488 "optional": true,
7489 "type": {
7490 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
7491 }
7492 }
7493 ],
7494 "returns": {
7495 "type": {
7496 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
7497 }
7498 },
7499 "static": true
7500 },
7501 {
7502 "docs": {
7503 "default": "sum over 5 minutes",
7504 "stability": "stable",
7505 "summary": "Metric for the number of throttled invocations of all Lambdas."
7506 },
7507 "locationInModule": {
7508 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7509 "line": 449
7510 },
7511 "name": "metricAllThrottles",
7512 "parameters": [
7513 {
7514 "name": "props",
7515 "optional": true,
7516 "type": {
7517 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
7518 }
7519 }
7520 ],
7521 "returns": {
7522 "type": {
7523 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
7524 }
7525 },
7526 "static": true
7527 },
7528 {
7529 "docs": {
7530 "default": "max over 5 minutes",
7531 "stability": "stable",
7532 "summary": "Metric for the number of unreserved concurrent executions across all Lambdas."
7533 },
7534 "locationInModule": {
7535 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7536 "line": 473
7537 },
7538 "name": "metricAllUnreservedConcurrentExecutions",
7539 "parameters": [
7540 {
7541 "name": "props",
7542 "optional": true,
7543 "type": {
7544 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
7545 }
7546 }
7547 ],
7548 "returns": {
7549 "type": {
7550 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
7551 }
7552 },
7553 "static": true
7554 },
7555 {
7556 "docs": {
7557 "remarks": "If this is a ref to a Lambda function, this operation results in a no-op.",
7558 "stability": "stable",
7559 "summary": "Adds an environment variable to this Lambda function."
7560 },
7561 "locationInModule": {
7562 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7563 "line": 683
7564 },
7565 "name": "addEnvironment",
7566 "parameters": [
7567 {
7568 "docs": {
7569 "summary": "The environment variable key."
7570 },
7571 "name": "key",
7572 "type": {
7573 "primitive": "string"
7574 }
7575 },
7576 {
7577 "docs": {
7578 "summary": "The environment variable's value."
7579 },
7580 "name": "value",
7581 "type": {
7582 "primitive": "string"
7583 }
7584 },
7585 {
7586 "docs": {
7587 "summary": "Environment variable options."
7588 },
7589 "name": "options",
7590 "optional": true,
7591 "type": {
7592 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EnvironmentOptions"
7593 }
7594 }
7595 ],
7596 "returns": {
7597 "type": {
7598 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Function"
7599 }
7600 }
7601 },
7602 {
7603 "docs": {
7604 "custom": {
7605 "throws": "if there are already 5 layers on this function, or the layer is incompatible with this function's runtime."
7606 },
7607 "stability": "stable",
7608 "summary": "Adds one or more Lambda Layers to this Lambda function."
7609 },
7610 "locationInModule": {
7611 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7612 "line": 695
7613 },
7614 "name": "addLayers",
7615 "parameters": [
7616 {
7617 "docs": {
7618 "summary": "the layers to be added."
7619 },
7620 "name": "layers",
7621 "type": {
7622 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion"
7623 },
7624 "variadic": true
7625 }
7626 ],
7627 "variadic": true
7628 },
7629 {
7630 "docs": {
7631 "deprecated": "This method will create an AWS::Lambda::Version resource which\nsnapshots the AWS Lambda function *at the time of its creation* and it\nwon't get updated when the function changes. Instead, use\n`this.currentVersion` to obtain a reference to a version resource that gets\nautomatically recreated when the function configuration (or code) changes.",
7632 "remarks": "If you want to deploy through CloudFormation and use aliases, you need to\nadd a new version (with a new name) to your Lambda every time you want to\ndeploy an update. An alias can then refer to the newly created Version.\n\nAll versions should have distinct names, and you should not delete versions\nas long as your Alias needs to refer to them.",
7633 "returns": "A new Version object.",
7634 "stability": "deprecated",
7635 "summary": "Add a new version for this Lambda."
7636 },
7637 "locationInModule": {
7638 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7639 "line": 734
7640 },
7641 "name": "addVersion",
7642 "parameters": [
7643 {
7644 "docs": {
7645 "summary": "A unique name for this version."
7646 },
7647 "name": "name",
7648 "type": {
7649 "primitive": "string"
7650 }
7651 },
7652 {
7653 "docs": {
7654 "summary": "The SHA-256 hash of the most recently deployed Lambda source code, or omit to skip validation."
7655 },
7656 "name": "codeSha256",
7657 "optional": true,
7658 "type": {
7659 "primitive": "string"
7660 }
7661 },
7662 {
7663 "docs": {
7664 "summary": "A description for this version."
7665 },
7666 "name": "description",
7667 "optional": true,
7668 "type": {
7669 "primitive": "string"
7670 }
7671 },
7672 {
7673 "docs": {
7674 "summary": "A provisioned concurrency configuration for a function's version."
7675 },
7676 "name": "provisionedExecutions",
7677 "optional": true,
7678 "type": {
7679 "primitive": "number"
7680 }
7681 },
7682 {
7683 "docs": {
7684 "summary": "configuration for this version when it is invoked asynchronously."
7685 },
7686 "name": "asyncInvokeConfig",
7687 "optional": true,
7688 "type": {
7689 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions"
7690 }
7691 }
7692 ],
7693 "returns": {
7694 "type": {
7695 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Version"
7696 }
7697 }
7698 }
7699 ],
7700 "name": "Function",
7701 "properties": [
7702 {
7703 "docs": {
7704 "remarks": "True for new Lambdas, false for imported Lambdas (they might live in different accounts).",
7705 "stability": "stable",
7706 "summary": "Whether the addPermission() call adds any permissions."
7707 },
7708 "immutable": true,
7709 "locationInModule": {
7710 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7711 "line": 509
7712 },
7713 "name": "canCreatePermissions",
7714 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
7715 "protected": true,
7716 "type": {
7717 "primitive": "boolean"
7718 }
7719 },
7720 {
7721 "docs": {
7722 "remarks": "You can specify options for this version using the `currentVersionOptions`\nprop when initializing the `lambda.Function`.",
7723 "stability": "stable",
7724 "summary": "Returns a `lambda.Version` which represents the current version of this Lambda function. A new version will be created every time the function's configuration changes."
7725 },
7726 "immutable": true,
7727 "locationInModule": {
7728 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7729 "line": 334
7730 },
7731 "name": "currentVersion",
7732 "type": {
7733 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Version"
7734 }
7735 },
7736 {
7737 "docs": {
7738 "stability": "stable",
7739 "summary": "ARN of this function."
7740 },
7741 "immutable": true,
7742 "locationInModule": {
7743 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7744 "line": 485
7745 },
7746 "name": "functionArn",
7747 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
7748 "type": {
7749 "primitive": "string"
7750 }
7751 },
7752 {
7753 "docs": {
7754 "stability": "stable",
7755 "summary": "Name of this function."
7756 },
7757 "immutable": true,
7758 "locationInModule": {
7759 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7760 "line": 480
7761 },
7762 "name": "functionName",
7763 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
7764 "type": {
7765 "primitive": "string"
7766 }
7767 },
7768 {
7769 "docs": {
7770 "stability": "stable",
7771 "summary": "The principal this Lambda Function is running as."
7772 },
7773 "immutable": true,
7774 "locationInModule": {
7775 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7776 "line": 500
7777 },
7778 "name": "grantPrincipal",
7779 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
7780 "type": {
7781 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal"
7782 }
7783 },
7784 {
7785 "docs": {
7786 "remarks": "If either `logRetention` is set or this property is called, a CloudFormation custom resource is added to the stack that\npre-creates the log group as part of the stack deployment, if it already doesn't exist, and sets the correct log retention\nperiod (never expire, by default).\n\nFurther, if the log group already exists and the `logRetention` is not set, the custom resource will reset the log retention\nto never expire even if it was configured with a different value.",
7787 "stability": "stable",
7788 "summary": "The LogGroup where the Lambda function's logs are made available."
7789 },
7790 "immutable": true,
7791 "locationInModule": {
7792 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7793 "line": 760
7794 },
7795 "name": "logGroup",
7796 "type": {
7797 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup"
7798 }
7799 },
7800 {
7801 "docs": {
7802 "stability": "stable",
7803 "summary": "The construct node where permissions are attached."
7804 },
7805 "immutable": true,
7806 "locationInModule": {
7807 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7808 "line": 507
7809 },
7810 "name": "permissionsNode",
7811 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
7812 "type": {
7813 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.ConstructNode"
7814 }
7815 },
7816 {
7817 "docs": {
7818 "stability": "stable",
7819 "summary": "The runtime configured for this lambda."
7820 },
7821 "immutable": true,
7822 "locationInModule": {
7823 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7824 "line": 495
7825 },
7826 "name": "runtime",
7827 "type": {
7828 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
7829 }
7830 },
7831 {
7832 "docs": {
7833 "stability": "stable",
7834 "summary": "The DLQ associated with this Lambda Function (this is an optional attribute)."
7835 },
7836 "immutable": true,
7837 "locationInModule": {
7838 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7839 "line": 505
7840 },
7841 "name": "deadLetterQueue",
7842 "optional": true,
7843 "type": {
7844 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-sqs.IQueue"
7845 }
7846 },
7847 {
7848 "docs": {
7849 "stability": "stable",
7850 "summary": "Execution role associated with this function."
7851 },
7852 "immutable": true,
7853 "locationInModule": {
7854 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
7855 "line": 490
7856 },
7857 "name": "role",
7858 "optional": true,
7859 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
7860 "type": {
7861 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
7862 }
7863 }
7864 ]
7865 },
7866 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionAttributes": {
7867 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
7868 "datatype": true,
7869 "docs": {
7870 "stability": "stable",
7871 "summary": "Represents a Lambda function defined outside of this stack."
7872 },
7873 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionAttributes",
7874 "kind": "interface",
7875 "locationInModule": {
7876 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
7877 "line": 120
7878 },
7879 "name": "FunctionAttributes",
7880 "properties": [
7881 {
7882 "abstract": true,
7883 "docs": {
7884 "remarks": "Format: arn:<partition>:lambda:<region>:<account-id>:function:<function-name>",
7885 "stability": "stable",
7886 "summary": "The ARN of the Lambda function."
7887 },
7888 "immutable": true,
7889 "locationInModule": {
7890 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
7891 "line": 126
7892 },
7893 "name": "functionArn",
7894 "type": {
7895 "primitive": "string"
7896 }
7897 },
7898 {
7899 "abstract": true,
7900 "docs": {
7901 "remarks": "If the role is not specified, any role-related operations will no-op.",
7902 "stability": "stable",
7903 "summary": "The IAM execution role associated with this function."
7904 },
7905 "immutable": true,
7906 "locationInModule": {
7907 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
7908 "line": 133
7909 },
7910 "name": "role",
7911 "optional": true,
7912 "type": {
7913 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
7914 }
7915 },
7916 {
7917 "abstract": true,
7918 "docs": {
7919 "remarks": "This needs to be given in order to support allowing connections\nto this Lambda.",
7920 "stability": "stable",
7921 "summary": "The security group of this Lambda, if in a VPC."
7922 },
7923 "immutable": true,
7924 "locationInModule": {
7925 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
7926 "line": 151
7927 },
7928 "name": "securityGroup",
7929 "optional": true,
7930 "type": {
7931 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.ISecurityGroup"
7932 }
7933 },
7934 {
7935 "abstract": true,
7936 "docs": {
7937 "deprecated": "use `securityGroup` instead",
7938 "remarks": "This needs to be given in order to support allowing connections\nto this Lambda.",
7939 "stability": "deprecated",
7940 "summary": "Id of the security group of this Lambda, if in a VPC."
7941 },
7942 "immutable": true,
7943 "locationInModule": {
7944 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
7945 "line": 143
7946 },
7947 "name": "securityGroupId",
7948 "optional": true,
7949 "type": {
7950 "primitive": "string"
7951 }
7952 }
7953 ]
7954 },
7955 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase": {
7956 "abstract": true,
7957 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
7958 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.Resource",
7959 "docs": {
7960 "stability": "stable"
7961 },
7962 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
7963 "initializer": {
7964 "docs": {
7965 "stability": "stable"
7966 },
7967 "locationInModule": {
7968 "filename": "lib/resource.ts",
7969 "line": 110
7970 },
7971 "parameters": [
7972 {
7973 "name": "scope",
7974 "type": {
7975 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
7976 }
7977 },
7978 {
7979 "name": "id",
7980 "type": {
7981 "primitive": "string"
7982 }
7983 },
7984 {
7985 "name": "props",
7986 "optional": true,
7987 "type": {
7988 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.ResourceProps"
7989 }
7990 }
7991 ]
7992 },
7993 "interfaces": [
7994 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
7995 ],
7996 "kind": "class",
7997 "locationInModule": {
7998 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
7999 "line": 154
8000 },
8001 "methods": [
8002 {
8003 "docs": {
8004 "remarks": "Event sources are implemented in the @aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources module.\n\nThe following example adds an SQS Queue as an event source:\n\n import { SqsEventSource } from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda-event-sources';\n myFunction.addEventSource(new SqsEventSource(myQueue));",
8005 "stability": "stable",
8006 "summary": "Adds an event source to this function."
8007 },
8008 "locationInModule": {
8009 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8010 "line": 325
8011 },
8012 "name": "addEventSource",
8013 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8014 "parameters": [
8015 {
8016 "docs": {
8017 "summary": "The event source to bind to this function."
8018 },
8019 "name": "source",
8020 "type": {
8021 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSource"
8022 }
8023 }
8024 ]
8025 },
8026 {
8027 "docs": {
8028 "stability": "stable",
8029 "summary": "Adds an event source that maps to this AWS Lambda function."
8030 },
8031 "locationInModule": {
8032 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8033 "line": 270
8034 },
8035 "name": "addEventSourceMapping",
8036 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8037 "parameters": [
8038 {
8039 "name": "id",
8040 "type": {
8041 "primitive": "string"
8042 }
8043 },
8044 {
8045 "name": "options",
8046 "type": {
8047 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMappingOptions"
8048 }
8049 }
8050 ],
8051 "returns": {
8052 "type": {
8053 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMapping"
8054 }
8055 }
8056 },
8057 {
8058 "docs": {
8059 "see": "Permission for details.",
8060 "stability": "stable",
8061 "summary": "Adds a permission to the Lambda resource policy."
8062 },
8063 "locationInModule": {
8064 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8065 "line": 210
8066 },
8067 "name": "addPermission",
8068 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8069 "parameters": [
8070 {
8071 "docs": {
8072 "summary": "The id ƒor the permission construct."
8073 },
8074 "name": "id",
8075 "type": {
8076 "primitive": "string"
8077 }
8078 },
8079 {
8080 "docs": {
8081 "summary": "The permission to grant to this Lambda function."
8082 },
8083 "name": "permission",
8084 "type": {
8085 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Permission"
8086 }
8087 }
8088 ]
8089 },
8090 {
8091 "docs": {
8092 "stability": "stable",
8093 "summary": "Adds a statement to the IAM role assumed by the instance."
8094 },
8095 "locationInModule": {
8096 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8097 "line": 233
8098 },
8099 "name": "addToRolePolicy",
8100 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8101 "parameters": [
8102 {
8103 "name": "statement",
8104 "type": {
8105 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement"
8106 }
8107 }
8108 ]
8109 },
8110 {
8111 "docs": {
8112 "stability": "stable",
8113 "summary": "Configures options for asynchronous invocation."
8114 },
8115 "locationInModule": {
8116 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8117 "line": 329
8118 },
8119 "name": "configureAsyncInvoke",
8120 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8121 "parameters": [
8122 {
8123 "name": "options",
8124 "type": {
8125 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions"
8126 }
8127 }
8128 ]
8129 },
8130 {
8131 "docs": {
8132 "stability": "stable",
8133 "summary": "Grant the given identity permissions to invoke this Lambda."
8134 },
8135 "locationInModule": {
8136 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8137 "line": 280
8138 },
8139 "name": "grantInvoke",
8140 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8141 "parameters": [
8142 {
8143 "name": "grantee",
8144 "type": {
8145 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
8146 }
8147 }
8148 ],
8149 "returns": {
8150 "type": {
8151 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant"
8152 }
8153 }
8154 },
8155 {
8156 "docs": {
8157 "stability": "stable",
8158 "summary": "Return the given named metric for this Function."
8159 },
8160 "locationInModule": {
8161 "filename": "lib/lambda-augmentations.generated.ts",
8162 "line": 41
8163 },
8164 "name": "metric",
8165 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8166 "parameters": [
8167 {
8168 "name": "metricName",
8169 "type": {
8170 "primitive": "string"
8171 }
8172 },
8173 {
8174 "name": "props",
8175 "optional": true,
8176 "type": {
8177 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
8178 }
8179 }
8180 ],
8181 "returns": {
8182 "type": {
8183 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
8184 }
8185 }
8186 },
8187 {
8188 "docs": {
8189 "remarks": "Average over 5 minutes",
8190 "stability": "stable",
8191 "summary": "How long execution of this Lambda takes."
8192 },
8193 "locationInModule": {
8194 "filename": "lib/lambda-augmentations.generated.ts",
8195 "line": 65
8196 },
8197 "name": "metricDuration",
8198 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8199 "parameters": [
8200 {
8201 "name": "props",
8202 "optional": true,
8203 "type": {
8204 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
8205 }
8206 }
8207 ],
8208 "returns": {
8209 "type": {
8210 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
8211 }
8212 }
8213 },
8214 {
8215 "docs": {
8216 "remarks": "Sum over 5 minutes",
8217 "stability": "stable",
8218 "summary": "How many invocations of this Lambda fail."
8219 },
8220 "locationInModule": {
8221 "filename": "lib/lambda-augmentations.generated.ts",
8222 "line": 59
8223 },
8224 "name": "metricErrors",
8225 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8226 "parameters": [
8227 {
8228 "name": "props",
8229 "optional": true,
8230 "type": {
8231 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
8232 }
8233 }
8234 ],
8235 "returns": {
8236 "type": {
8237 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
8238 }
8239 }
8240 },
8241 {
8242 "docs": {
8243 "remarks": "Sum over 5 minutes",
8244 "stability": "stable",
8245 "summary": "How often this Lambda is invoked."
8246 },
8247 "locationInModule": {
8248 "filename": "lib/lambda-augmentations.generated.ts",
8249 "line": 53
8250 },
8251 "name": "metricInvocations",
8252 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8253 "parameters": [
8254 {
8255 "name": "props",
8256 "optional": true,
8257 "type": {
8258 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
8259 }
8260 }
8261 ],
8262 "returns": {
8263 "type": {
8264 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
8265 }
8266 }
8267 },
8268 {
8269 "docs": {
8270 "remarks": "Sum over 5 minutes",
8271 "stability": "stable",
8272 "summary": "How often this Lambda is throttled."
8273 },
8274 "locationInModule": {
8275 "filename": "lib/lambda-augmentations.generated.ts",
8276 "line": 47
8277 },
8278 "name": "metricThrottles",
8279 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8280 "parameters": [
8281 {
8282 "name": "props",
8283 "optional": true,
8284 "type": {
8285 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
8286 }
8287 }
8288 ],
8289 "returns": {
8290 "type": {
8291 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
8292 }
8293 }
8294 }
8295 ],
8296 "name": "FunctionBase",
8297 "properties": [
8298 {
8299 "abstract": true,
8300 "docs": {
8301 "remarks": "True for new Lambdas, false for imported Lambdas (they might live in different accounts).",
8302 "stability": "stable",
8303 "summary": "Whether the addPermission() call adds any permissions."
8304 },
8305 "immutable": true,
8306 "locationInModule": {
8307 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8308 "line": 187
8309 },
8310 "name": "canCreatePermissions",
8311 "protected": true,
8312 "type": {
8313 "primitive": "boolean"
8314 }
8315 },
8316 {
8317 "docs": {
8318 "remarks": "Will fail if not a VPC-enabled Lambda Function",
8319 "stability": "stable",
8320 "summary": "Access the Connections object."
8321 },
8322 "immutable": true,
8323 "locationInModule": {
8324 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8325 "line": 246
8326 },
8327 "name": "connections",
8328 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IConnectable",
8329 "type": {
8330 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.Connections"
8331 }
8332 },
8333 {
8334 "abstract": true,
8335 "docs": {
8336 "stability": "stable",
8337 "summary": "The ARN fo the function."
8338 },
8339 "immutable": true,
8340 "locationInModule": {
8341 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8342 "line": 168
8343 },
8344 "name": "functionArn",
8345 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8346 "type": {
8347 "primitive": "string"
8348 }
8349 },
8350 {
8351 "abstract": true,
8352 "docs": {
8353 "stability": "stable",
8354 "summary": "The name of the function."
8355 },
8356 "immutable": true,
8357 "locationInModule": {
8358 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8359 "line": 163
8360 },
8361 "name": "functionName",
8362 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8363 "type": {
8364 "primitive": "string"
8365 }
8366 },
8367 {
8368 "abstract": true,
8369 "docs": {
8370 "stability": "stable",
8371 "summary": "The principal this Lambda Function is running as."
8372 },
8373 "immutable": true,
8374 "locationInModule": {
8375 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8376 "line": 158
8377 },
8378 "name": "grantPrincipal",
8379 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
8380 "type": {
8381 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal"
8382 }
8383 },
8384 {
8385 "docs": {
8386 "remarks": "If this is is `false`, trying to access the `connections` object will fail.",
8387 "stability": "stable",
8388 "summary": "Whether or not this Lambda function was bound to a VPC."
8389 },
8390 "immutable": true,
8391 "locationInModule": {
8392 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8393 "line": 266
8394 },
8395 "name": "isBoundToVpc",
8396 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8397 "type": {
8398 "primitive": "boolean"
8399 }
8400 },
8401 {
8402 "docs": {
8403 "remarks": "Note that this is reference to a non-specific AWS Lambda version, which\nmeans the function this version refers to can return different results in\ndifferent invocations.\n\nTo obtain a reference to an explicit version which references the current\nfunction configuration, use `lambdaFunction.currentVersion` instead.",
8404 "stability": "stable",
8405 "summary": "The `$LATEST` version of this function."
8406 },
8407 "immutable": true,
8408 "locationInModule": {
8409 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8410 "line": 254
8411 },
8412 "name": "latestVersion",
8413 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8414 "type": {
8415 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
8416 }
8417 },
8418 {
8419 "abstract": true,
8420 "docs": {
8421 "stability": "stable",
8422 "summary": "The construct node where permissions are attached."
8423 },
8424 "immutable": true,
8425 "locationInModule": {
8426 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8427 "line": 180
8428 },
8429 "name": "permissionsNode",
8430 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8431 "type": {
8432 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.ConstructNode"
8433 }
8434 },
8435 {
8436 "abstract": true,
8437 "docs": {
8438 "remarks": "Undefined if the function was imported without a role.",
8439 "stability": "stable",
8440 "summary": "The IAM role associated with this function."
8441 },
8442 "immutable": true,
8443 "locationInModule": {
8444 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
8445 "line": 175
8446 },
8447 "name": "role",
8448 "optional": true,
8449 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
8450 "type": {
8451 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
8452 }
8453 }
8454 ]
8455 },
8456 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionOptions": {
8457 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
8458 "datatype": true,
8459 "docs": {
8460 "stability": "stable",
8461 "summary": "Non runtime options."
8462 },
8463 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionOptions",
8464 "interfaces": [
8465 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions"
8466 ],
8467 "kind": "interface",
8468 "locationInModule": {
8469 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8470 "line": 43
8471 },
8472 "name": "FunctionOptions",
8473 "properties": [
8474 {
8475 "abstract": true,
8476 "docs": {
8477 "default": "true",
8478 "remarks": "If set to false, you must individually add traffic rules to allow the\nLambda to connect to network targets.",
8479 "stability": "stable",
8480 "summary": "Whether to allow the Lambda to send all network traffic."
8481 },
8482 "immutable": true,
8483 "locationInModule": {
8484 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8485 "line": 170
8486 },
8487 "name": "allowAllOutbound",
8488 "optional": true,
8489 "type": {
8490 "primitive": "boolean"
8491 }
8492 },
8493 {
8494 "abstract": true,
8495 "docs": {
8496 "default": "- default options as described in `VersionOptions`",
8497 "stability": "stable",
8498 "summary": "Options for the `lambda.Version` resource automatically created by the `fn.currentVersion` method."
8499 },
8500 "immutable": true,
8501 "locationInModule": {
8502 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8503 "line": 266
8504 },
8505 "name": "currentVersionOptions",
8506 "optional": true,
8507 "type": {
8508 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionOptions"
8509 }
8510 },
8511 {
8512 "abstract": true,
8513 "docs": {
8514 "default": "- SQS queue with 14 day retention period if `deadLetterQueueEnabled` is `true`",
8515 "stability": "stable",
8516 "summary": "The SQS queue to use if DLQ is enabled."
8517 },
8518 "immutable": true,
8519 "locationInModule": {
8520 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8521 "line": 185
8522 },
8523 "name": "deadLetterQueue",
8524 "optional": true,
8525 "type": {
8526 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-sqs.IQueue"
8527 }
8528 },
8529 {
8530 "abstract": true,
8531 "docs": {
8532 "default": "- false unless `deadLetterQueue` is set, which implies DLQ is enabled.",
8533 "remarks": "If `deadLetterQueue` is undefined,\nan SQS queue with default options will be defined for your Function.",
8534 "stability": "stable",
8535 "summary": "Enabled DLQ."
8536 },
8537 "immutable": true,
8538 "locationInModule": {
8539 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8540 "line": 178
8541 },
8542 "name": "deadLetterQueueEnabled",
8543 "optional": true,
8544 "type": {
8545 "primitive": "boolean"
8546 }
8547 },
8548 {
8549 "abstract": true,
8550 "docs": {
8551 "default": "- No description.",
8552 "stability": "stable",
8553 "summary": "A description of the function."
8554 },
8555 "immutable": true,
8556 "locationInModule": {
8557 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8558 "line": 49
8559 },
8560 "name": "description",
8561 "optional": true,
8562 "type": {
8563 "primitive": "string"
8564 }
8565 },
8566 {
8567 "abstract": true,
8568 "docs": {
8569 "default": "- No environment variables.",
8570 "remarks": "Use environment variables to apply configuration changes, such\nas test and production environment configurations, without changing your\nLambda function source code.",
8571 "stability": "stable",
8572 "summary": "Key-value pairs that Lambda caches and makes available for your Lambda functions."
8573 },
8574 "immutable": true,
8575 "locationInModule": {
8576 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8577 "line": 68
8578 },
8579 "name": "environment",
8580 "optional": true,
8581 "type": {
8582 "collection": {
8583 "elementtype": {
8584 "primitive": "string"
8585 },
8586 "kind": "map"
8587 }
8588 }
8589 },
8590 {
8591 "abstract": true,
8592 "docs": {
8593 "default": "- No event sources.",
8594 "remarks": "You can also add event sources using `addEventSource`.",
8595 "stability": "stable",
8596 "summary": "Event sources for this function."
8597 },
8598 "immutable": true,
8599 "locationInModule": {
8600 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8601 "line": 234
8602 },
8603 "name": "events",
8604 "optional": true,
8605 "type": {
8606 "collection": {
8607 "elementtype": {
8608 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSource"
8609 },
8610 "kind": "array"
8611 }
8612 }
8613 },
8614 {
8615 "abstract": true,
8616 "docs": {
8617 "default": "- AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that\nID for the function's name. For more information, see Name Type.",
8618 "stability": "stable",
8619 "summary": "A name for the function."
8620 },
8621 "immutable": true,
8622 "locationInModule": {
8623 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8624 "line": 76
8625 },
8626 "name": "functionName",
8627 "optional": true,
8628 "type": {
8629 "primitive": "string"
8630 }
8631 },
8632 {
8633 "abstract": true,
8634 "docs": {
8635 "default": "- No policy statements are added to the created Lambda role.",
8636 "remarks": "You can call `addToRolePolicy` to the created lambda to add statements post creation.",
8637 "stability": "stable",
8638 "summary": "Initial policy statements to add to the created Lambda Role."
8639 },
8640 "immutable": true,
8641 "locationInModule": {
8642 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8643 "line": 95
8644 },
8645 "name": "initialPolicy",
8646 "optional": true,
8647 "type": {
8648 "collection": {
8649 "elementtype": {
8650 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement"
8651 },
8652 "kind": "array"
8653 }
8654 }
8655 },
8656 {
8657 "abstract": true,
8658 "docs": {
8659 "default": "- No layers.",
8660 "remarks": "You can configure your Lambda function to pull in\nadditional code during initialization in the form of layers. Layers are packages of libraries or other dependencies\nthat can be used by mulitple functions.",
8661 "stability": "stable",
8662 "summary": "A list of layers to add to the function's execution environment."
8663 },
8664 "immutable": true,
8665 "locationInModule": {
8666 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8667 "line": 217
8668 },
8669 "name": "layers",
8670 "optional": true,
8671 "type": {
8672 "collection": {
8673 "elementtype": {
8674 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion"
8675 },
8676 "kind": "array"
8677 }
8678 }
8679 },
8680 {
8681 "abstract": true,
8682 "docs": {
8683 "default": "logs.RetentionDays.INFINITE",
8684 "remarks": "When updating\nthis property, unsetting it doesn't remove the log retention policy. To\nremove the retention policy, set the value to `INFINITE`.",
8685 "stability": "stable",
8686 "summary": "The number of days log events are kept in CloudWatch Logs."
8687 },
8688 "immutable": true,
8689 "locationInModule": {
8690 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8691 "line": 243
8692 },
8693 "name": "logRetention",
8694 "optional": true,
8695 "type": {
8696 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays"
8697 }
8698 },
8699 {
8700 "abstract": true,
8701 "docs": {
8702 "default": "- Default AWS SDK retry options.",
8703 "remarks": "These options control the retry policy when interacting with CloudWatch APIs.",
8704 "stability": "stable",
8705 "summary": "When log retention is specified, a custom resource attempts to create the CloudWatch log group."
8706 },
8707 "immutable": true,
8708 "locationInModule": {
8709 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8710 "line": 259
8711 },
8712 "name": "logRetentionRetryOptions",
8713 "optional": true,
8714 "type": {
8715 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LogRetentionRetryOptions"
8716 }
8717 },
8718 {
8719 "abstract": true,
8720 "docs": {
8721 "default": "- A new role is created.",
8722 "stability": "stable",
8723 "summary": "The IAM role for the Lambda function associated with the custom resource that sets the retention policy."
8724 },
8725 "immutable": true,
8726 "locationInModule": {
8727 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8728 "line": 251
8729 },
8730 "name": "logRetentionRole",
8731 "optional": true,
8732 "type": {
8733 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
8734 }
8735 },
8736 {
8737 "abstract": true,
8738 "docs": {
8739 "default": "128",
8740 "remarks": "Lambda uses this value to proportionally allocate the amount of CPU\npower. For more information, see Resource Model in the AWS Lambda\nDeveloper Guide.",
8741 "stability": "stable",
8742 "summary": "The amount of memory, in MB, that is allocated to your Lambda function."
8743 },
8744 "immutable": true,
8745 "locationInModule": {
8746 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8747 "line": 86
8748 },
8749 "name": "memorySize",
8750 "optional": true,
8751 "type": {
8752 "primitive": "number"
8753 }
8754 },
8755 {
8756 "abstract": true,
8757 "docs": {
8758 "default": "- No profiling.",
8759 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/latest/profiler-ug/setting-up-lambda.html",
8760 "stability": "stable",
8761 "summary": "Enable profiling."
8762 },
8763 "immutable": true,
8764 "locationInModule": {
8765 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8766 "line": 200
8767 },
8768 "name": "profiling",
8769 "optional": true,
8770 "type": {
8771 "primitive": "boolean"
8772 }
8773 },
8774 {
8775 "abstract": true,
8776 "docs": {
8777 "default": "- A new profiling group will be created if `profiling` is set.",
8778 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codeguru/latest/profiler-ug/setting-up-lambda.html",
8779 "stability": "stable",
8780 "summary": "Profiling Group."
8781 },
8782 "immutable": true,
8783 "locationInModule": {
8784 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8785 "line": 208
8786 },
8787 "name": "profilingGroup",
8788 "optional": true,
8789 "type": {
8790 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-codeguruprofiler.IProfilingGroup"
8791 }
8792 },
8793 {
8794 "abstract": true,
8795 "docs": {
8796 "default": "- No specific limit - account limit.",
8797 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/concurrent-executions.html",
8798 "stability": "stable",
8799 "summary": "The maximum of concurrent executions you want to reserve for the function."
8800 },
8801 "immutable": true,
8802 "locationInModule": {
8803 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8804 "line": 225
8805 },
8806 "name": "reservedConcurrentExecutions",
8807 "optional": true,
8808 "type": {
8809 "primitive": "number"
8810 }
8811 },
8812 {
8813 "abstract": true,
8814 "docs": {
8815 "default": "- A unique role will be generated for this lambda function.\nBoth supplied and generated roles can always be changed by calling `addToRolePolicy`.",
8816 "remarks": "This is the role that will be assumed by the function upon execution.\nIt controls the permissions that the function will have. The Role must\nbe assumable by the 'lambda.amazonaws.com' service principal.\n\nThe default Role automatically has permissions granted for Lambda execution. If you\nprovide a Role, you must add the relevant AWS managed policies yourself.\n\nThe relevant managed policies are \"service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole\" and\n\"service-role/AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole\".",
8817 "stability": "stable",
8818 "summary": "Lambda execution role."
8819 },
8820 "immutable": true,
8821 "locationInModule": {
8822 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8823 "line": 113
8824 },
8825 "name": "role",
8826 "optional": true,
8827 "type": {
8828 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
8829 }
8830 },
8831 {
8832 "abstract": true,
8833 "docs": {
8834 "default": "- If the function is placed within a VPC and a security group is\nnot specified, either by this or securityGroups prop, a dedicated security\ngroup will be created for this function.",
8835 "deprecated": "- This property is deprecated, use securityGroups instead",
8836 "remarks": "Only used if 'vpc' is supplied.\n\nUse securityGroups property instead.\nFunction constructor will throw an error if both are specified.",
8837 "stability": "deprecated",
8838 "summary": "What security group to associate with the Lambda's network interfaces. This property is being deprecated, consider using securityGroups instead."
8839 },
8840 "immutable": true,
8841 "locationInModule": {
8842 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8843 "line": 149
8844 },
8845 "name": "securityGroup",
8846 "optional": true,
8847 "type": {
8848 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.ISecurityGroup"
8849 }
8850 },
8851 {
8852 "abstract": true,
8853 "docs": {
8854 "default": "- If the function is placed within a VPC and a security group is\nnot specified, either by this or securityGroup prop, a dedicated security\ngroup will be created for this function.",
8855 "remarks": "Only used if 'vpc' is supplied.",
8856 "stability": "stable",
8857 "summary": "The list of security groups to associate with the Lambda's network interfaces."
8858 },
8859 "immutable": true,
8860 "locationInModule": {
8861 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8862 "line": 160
8863 },
8864 "name": "securityGroups",
8865 "optional": true,
8866 "type": {
8867 "collection": {
8868 "elementtype": {
8869 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.ISecurityGroup"
8870 },
8871 "kind": "array"
8872 }
8873 }
8874 },
8875 {
8876 "abstract": true,
8877 "docs": {
8878 "default": "Duration.seconds(3)",
8879 "remarks": "Because the execution time affects cost, set this value\nbased on the function's expected execution time.",
8880 "stability": "stable",
8881 "summary": "The function execution time (in seconds) after which Lambda terminates the function."
8882 },
8883 "immutable": true,
8884 "locationInModule": {
8885 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8886 "line": 58
8887 },
8888 "name": "timeout",
8889 "optional": true,
8890 "type": {
8891 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Duration"
8892 }
8893 },
8894 {
8895 "abstract": true,
8896 "docs": {
8897 "default": "Tracing.Disabled",
8898 "stability": "stable",
8899 "summary": "Enable AWS X-Ray Tracing for Lambda Function."
8900 },
8901 "immutable": true,
8902 "locationInModule": {
8903 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8904 "line": 192
8905 },
8906 "name": "tracing",
8907 "optional": true,
8908 "type": {
8909 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Tracing"
8910 }
8911 },
8912 {
8913 "abstract": true,
8914 "docs": {
8915 "default": "- Function is not placed within a VPC.",
8916 "remarks": "Specify this if the Lambda function needs to access resources in a VPC.",
8917 "stability": "stable",
8918 "summary": "VPC network to place Lambda network interfaces."
8919 },
8920 "immutable": true,
8921 "locationInModule": {
8922 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8923 "line": 122
8924 },
8925 "name": "vpc",
8926 "optional": true,
8927 "type": {
8928 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc"
8929 }
8930 },
8931 {
8932 "abstract": true,
8933 "docs": {
8934 "default": "- the Vpc default strategy if not specified",
8935 "remarks": "Only used if 'vpc' is supplied. Note: internet access for Lambdas\nrequires a NAT gateway, so picking Public subnets is not allowed.",
8936 "stability": "stable",
8937 "summary": "Where to place the network interfaces within the VPC."
8938 },
8939 "immutable": true,
8940 "locationInModule": {
8941 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8942 "line": 132
8943 },
8944 "name": "vpcSubnets",
8945 "optional": true,
8946 "type": {
8947 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.SubnetSelection"
8948 }
8949 }
8950 ]
8951 },
8952 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionProps": {
8953 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
8954 "datatype": true,
8955 "docs": {
8956 "stability": "stable"
8957 },
8958 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionProps",
8959 "interfaces": [
8960 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionOptions"
8961 ],
8962 "kind": "interface",
8963 "locationInModule": {
8964 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8965 "line": 269
8966 },
8967 "name": "FunctionProps",
8968 "properties": [
8969 {
8970 "abstract": true,
8971 "docs": {
8972 "remarks": "You can point to a file in an\nAmazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket or specify your source\ncode as inline text.",
8973 "stability": "stable",
8974 "summary": "The source code of your Lambda function."
8975 },
8976 "immutable": true,
8977 "locationInModule": {
8978 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8979 "line": 282
8980 },
8981 "name": "code",
8982 "type": {
8983 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code"
8984 }
8985 },
8986 {
8987 "abstract": true,
8988 "docs": {
8989 "remarks": "The format includes the file name. It can also include\nnamespaces and other qualifiers, depending on the runtime.\nFor more information, see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/gettingstarted-features.html#gettingstarted-features-programmingmodel.\n\nNOTE: If you specify your source code as inline text by specifying the\nZipFile property within the Code property, specify index.function_name as\nthe handler.",
8990 "stability": "stable",
8991 "summary": "The name of the method within your code that Lambda calls to execute your function."
8992 },
8993 "immutable": true,
8994 "locationInModule": {
8995 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
8996 "line": 294
8997 },
8998 "name": "handler",
8999 "type": {
9000 "primitive": "string"
9001 }
9002 },
9003 {
9004 "abstract": true,
9005 "docs": {
9006 "remarks": "For valid values, see the Runtime property in the AWS Lambda Developer\nGuide.",
9007 "stability": "stable",
9008 "summary": "The runtime environment for the Lambda function that you are uploading."
9009 },
9010 "immutable": true,
9011 "locationInModule": {
9012 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
9013 "line": 275
9014 },
9015 "name": "runtime",
9016 "type": {
9017 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
9018 }
9019 },
9020 {
9021 "abstract": true,
9022 "docs": {
9023 "default": "false",
9024 "remarks": "Use this property to acknowledge this limitation and still place the function in a public subnet.",
9025 "see": "https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52992085/why-cant-an-aws-lambda-function-inside-a-public-subnet-in-a-vpc-connect-to-the/52994841#52994841",
9026 "stability": "stable",
9027 "summary": "Lambda Functions in a public subnet can NOT access the internet."
9028 },
9029 "immutable": true,
9030 "locationInModule": {
9031 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
9032 "line": 310
9033 },
9034 "name": "allowPublicSubnet",
9035 "optional": true,
9036 "type": {
9037 "primitive": "boolean"
9038 }
9039 },
9040 {
9041 "abstract": true,
9042 "docs": {
9043 "default": "- will not mount any filesystem",
9044 "stability": "stable",
9045 "summary": "The filesystem configuration for the lambda function."
9046 },
9047 "immutable": true,
9048 "locationInModule": {
9049 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
9050 "line": 301
9051 },
9052 "name": "filesystem",
9053 "optional": true,
9054 "type": {
9055 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FileSystem"
9056 }
9057 }
9058 ]
9059 },
9060 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IAlias": {
9061 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9062 "docs": {
9063 "stability": "stable"
9064 },
9065 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IAlias",
9066 "interfaces": [
9067 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
9068 ],
9069 "kind": "interface",
9070 "locationInModule": {
9071 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
9072 "line": 12
9073 },
9074 "name": "IAlias",
9075 "properties": [
9076 {
9077 "abstract": true,
9078 "docs": {
9079 "custom": {
9080 "attribute": "true"
9081 },
9082 "stability": "stable",
9083 "summary": "Name of this alias."
9084 },
9085 "immutable": true,
9086 "locationInModule": {
9087 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
9088 "line": 18
9089 },
9090 "name": "aliasName",
9091 "type": {
9092 "primitive": "string"
9093 }
9094 },
9095 {
9096 "abstract": true,
9097 "docs": {
9098 "stability": "stable",
9099 "summary": "The underlying Lambda function version."
9100 },
9101 "immutable": true,
9102 "locationInModule": {
9103 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
9104 "line": 23
9105 },
9106 "name": "version",
9107 "type": {
9108 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
9109 }
9110 }
9111 ]
9112 },
9113 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IDestination": {
9114 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9115 "docs": {
9116 "stability": "stable",
9117 "summary": "A Lambda destination."
9118 },
9119 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IDestination",
9120 "kind": "interface",
9121 "locationInModule": {
9122 "filename": "lib/destination.ts",
9123 "line": 42
9124 },
9125 "methods": [
9126 {
9127 "abstract": true,
9128 "docs": {
9129 "stability": "stable",
9130 "summary": "Binds this destination to the Lambda function."
9131 },
9132 "locationInModule": {
9133 "filename": "lib/destination.ts",
9134 "line": 46
9135 },
9136 "name": "bind",
9137 "parameters": [
9138 {
9139 "name": "scope",
9140 "type": {
9141 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
9142 }
9143 },
9144 {
9145 "name": "fn",
9146 "type": {
9147 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
9148 }
9149 },
9150 {
9151 "name": "options",
9152 "optional": true,
9153 "type": {
9154 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationOptions"
9155 }
9156 }
9157 ],
9158 "returns": {
9159 "type": {
9160 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DestinationConfig"
9161 }
9162 }
9163 }
9164 ],
9165 "name": "IDestination"
9166 },
9167 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSource": {
9168 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9169 "docs": {
9170 "stability": "stable",
9171 "summary": "An abstract class which represents an AWS Lambda event source."
9172 },
9173 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSource",
9174 "kind": "interface",
9175 "locationInModule": {
9176 "filename": "lib/event-source.ts",
9177 "line": 6
9178 },
9179 "methods": [
9180 {
9181 "abstract": true,
9182 "docs": {
9183 "stability": "stable",
9184 "summary": "Called by `lambda.addEventSource` to allow the event source to bind to this function."
9185 },
9186 "locationInModule": {
9187 "filename": "lib/event-source.ts",
9188 "line": 13
9189 },
9190 "name": "bind",
9191 "parameters": [
9192 {
9193 "docs": {
9194 "summary": "That lambda function to bind to."
9195 },
9196 "name": "target",
9197 "type": {
9198 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
9199 }
9200 }
9201 ]
9202 }
9203 ],
9204 "name": "IEventSource"
9205 },
9206 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceDlq": {
9207 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9208 "docs": {
9209 "stability": "stable",
9210 "summary": "A DLQ for an event source."
9211 },
9212 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceDlq",
9213 "kind": "interface",
9214 "locationInModule": {
9215 "filename": "lib/dlq.ts",
9216 "line": 17
9217 },
9218 "methods": [
9219 {
9220 "abstract": true,
9221 "docs": {
9222 "stability": "stable",
9223 "summary": "Returns the DLQ destination config of the DLQ."
9224 },
9225 "locationInModule": {
9226 "filename": "lib/dlq.ts",
9227 "line": 21
9228 },
9229 "name": "bind",
9230 "parameters": [
9231 {
9232 "name": "target",
9233 "type": {
9234 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceMapping"
9235 }
9236 },
9237 {
9238 "name": "targetHandler",
9239 "type": {
9240 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
9241 }
9242 }
9243 ],
9244 "returns": {
9245 "type": {
9246 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.DlqDestinationConfig"
9247 }
9248 }
9249 }
9250 ],
9251 "name": "IEventSourceDlq"
9252 },
9253 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceMapping": {
9254 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9255 "docs": {
9256 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/invocation-eventsourcemapping.html",
9257 "stability": "stable",
9258 "summary": "Represents an event source mapping for a lambda function."
9259 },
9260 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSourceMapping",
9261 "interfaces": [
9262 "@aws-cdk/core.IResource"
9263 ],
9264 "kind": "interface",
9265 "locationInModule": {
9266 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
9267 "line": 110
9268 },
9269 "name": "IEventSourceMapping",
9270 "properties": [
9271 {
9272 "abstract": true,
9273 "docs": {
9274 "custom": {
9275 "attribute": "true"
9276 },
9277 "stability": "stable",
9278 "summary": "The identifier for this EventSourceMapping."
9279 },
9280 "immutable": true,
9281 "locationInModule": {
9282 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
9283 "line": 115
9284 },
9285 "name": "eventSourceMappingId",
9286 "type": {
9287 "primitive": "string"
9288 }
9289 }
9290 ]
9291 },
9292 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction": {
9293 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9294 "docs": {
9295 "stability": "stable"
9296 },
9297 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
9298 "interfaces": [
9299 "@aws-cdk/core.IResource",
9300 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IConnectable",
9301 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
9302 ],
9303 "kind": "interface",
9304 "locationInModule": {
9305 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9306 "line": 14
9307 },
9308 "methods": [
9309 {
9310 "abstract": true,
9311 "docs": {
9312 "stability": "stable"
9313 },
9314 "locationInModule": {
9315 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9316 "line": 109
9317 },
9318 "name": "addEventSource",
9319 "parameters": [
9320 {
9321 "name": "source",
9322 "type": {
9323 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IEventSource"
9324 }
9325 }
9326 ]
9327 },
9328 {
9329 "abstract": true,
9330 "docs": {
9331 "stability": "stable",
9332 "summary": "Adds an event source that maps to this AWS Lambda function."
9333 },
9334 "locationInModule": {
9335 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9336 "line": 64
9337 },
9338 "name": "addEventSourceMapping",
9339 "parameters": [
9340 {
9341 "docs": {
9342 "summary": "construct ID."
9343 },
9344 "name": "id",
9345 "type": {
9346 "primitive": "string"
9347 }
9348 },
9349 {
9350 "docs": {
9351 "summary": "mapping options."
9352 },
9353 "name": "options",
9354 "type": {
9355 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMappingOptions"
9356 }
9357 }
9358 ],
9359 "returns": {
9360 "type": {
9361 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventSourceMapping"
9362 }
9363 }
9364 },
9365 {
9366 "abstract": true,
9367 "docs": {
9368 "see": "Permission for details.",
9369 "stability": "stable",
9370 "summary": "Adds a permission to the Lambda resource policy."
9371 },
9372 "locationInModule": {
9373 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9374 "line": 71
9375 },
9376 "name": "addPermission",
9377 "parameters": [
9378 {
9379 "docs": {
9380 "summary": "The id ƒor the permission construct."
9381 },
9382 "name": "id",
9383 "type": {
9384 "primitive": "string"
9385 }
9386 },
9387 {
9388 "docs": {
9389 "summary": "The permission to grant to this Lambda function."
9390 },
9391 "name": "permission",
9392 "type": {
9393 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Permission"
9394 }
9395 }
9396 ]
9397 },
9398 {
9399 "abstract": true,
9400 "docs": {
9401 "stability": "stable",
9402 "summary": "Adds a statement to the IAM role assumed by the instance."
9403 },
9404 "locationInModule": {
9405 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9406 "line": 76
9407 },
9408 "name": "addToRolePolicy",
9409 "parameters": [
9410 {
9411 "name": "statement",
9412 "type": {
9413 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement"
9414 }
9415 }
9416 ]
9417 },
9418 {
9419 "abstract": true,
9420 "docs": {
9421 "stability": "stable",
9422 "summary": "Configures options for asynchronous invocation."
9423 },
9424 "locationInModule": {
9425 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9426 "line": 114
9427 },
9428 "name": "configureAsyncInvoke",
9429 "parameters": [
9430 {
9431 "name": "options",
9432 "type": {
9433 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions"
9434 }
9435 }
9436 ]
9437 },
9438 {
9439 "abstract": true,
9440 "docs": {
9441 "stability": "stable",
9442 "summary": "Grant the given identity permissions to invoke this Lambda."
9443 },
9444 "locationInModule": {
9445 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9446 "line": 81
9447 },
9448 "name": "grantInvoke",
9449 "parameters": [
9450 {
9451 "name": "identity",
9452 "type": {
9453 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable"
9454 }
9455 }
9456 ],
9457 "returns": {
9458 "type": {
9459 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.Grant"
9460 }
9461 }
9462 },
9463 {
9464 "abstract": true,
9465 "docs": {
9466 "stability": "stable",
9467 "summary": "Return the given named metric for this Lambda Return the given named metric for this Function."
9468 },
9469 "locationInModule": {
9470 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9471 "line": 86
9472 },
9473 "name": "metric",
9474 "parameters": [
9475 {
9476 "name": "metricName",
9477 "type": {
9478 "primitive": "string"
9479 }
9480 },
9481 {
9482 "name": "props",
9483 "optional": true,
9484 "type": {
9485 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
9486 }
9487 }
9488 ],
9489 "returns": {
9490 "type": {
9491 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
9492 }
9493 }
9494 },
9495 {
9496 "abstract": true,
9497 "docs": {
9498 "default": "average over 5 minutes",
9499 "remarks": "Average over 5 minutes",
9500 "stability": "stable",
9501 "summary": "Metric for the Duration of this Lambda How long execution of this Lambda takes."
9502 },
9503 "locationInModule": {
9504 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9505 "line": 93
9506 },
9507 "name": "metricDuration",
9508 "parameters": [
9509 {
9510 "name": "props",
9511 "optional": true,
9512 "type": {
9513 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
9514 }
9515 }
9516 ],
9517 "returns": {
9518 "type": {
9519 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
9520 }
9521 }
9522 },
9523 {
9524 "abstract": true,
9525 "docs": {
9526 "remarks": "Sum over 5 minutes",
9527 "stability": "stable",
9528 "summary": "How many invocations of this Lambda fail."
9529 },
9530 "locationInModule": {
9531 "filename": "lib/lambda-augmentations.generated.ts",
9532 "line": 29
9533 },
9534 "name": "metricErrors",
9535 "parameters": [
9536 {
9537 "name": "props",
9538 "optional": true,
9539 "type": {
9540 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
9541 }
9542 }
9543 ],
9544 "returns": {
9545 "type": {
9546 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
9547 }
9548 }
9549 },
9550 {
9551 "abstract": true,
9552 "docs": {
9553 "default": "sum over 5 minutes",
9554 "remarks": "Sum over 5 minutes",
9555 "stability": "stable",
9556 "summary": "Metric for the number of invocations of this Lambda How often this Lambda is invoked."
9557 },
9558 "locationInModule": {
9559 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9560 "line": 100
9561 },
9562 "name": "metricInvocations",
9563 "parameters": [
9564 {
9565 "name": "props",
9566 "optional": true,
9567 "type": {
9568 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
9569 }
9570 }
9571 ],
9572 "returns": {
9573 "type": {
9574 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
9575 }
9576 }
9577 },
9578 {
9579 "abstract": true,
9580 "docs": {
9581 "default": "sum over 5 minutes",
9582 "remarks": "Sum over 5 minutes",
9583 "stability": "stable",
9584 "summary": "Metric for the number of throttled invocations of this Lambda How often this Lambda is throttled."
9585 },
9586 "locationInModule": {
9587 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9588 "line": 107
9589 },
9590 "name": "metricThrottles",
9591 "parameters": [
9592 {
9593 "name": "props",
9594 "optional": true,
9595 "type": {
9596 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
9597 }
9598 }
9599 ],
9600 "returns": {
9601 "type": {
9602 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
9603 }
9604 }
9605 }
9606 ],
9607 "name": "IFunction",
9608 "properties": [
9609 {
9610 "abstract": true,
9611 "docs": {
9612 "custom": {
9613 "attribute": "true"
9614 },
9615 "stability": "stable",
9616 "summary": "The ARN fo the function."
9617 },
9618 "immutable": true,
9619 "locationInModule": {
9620 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9621 "line": 28
9622 },
9623 "name": "functionArn",
9624 "type": {
9625 "primitive": "string"
9626 }
9627 },
9628 {
9629 "abstract": true,
9630 "docs": {
9631 "custom": {
9632 "attribute": "true"
9633 },
9634 "stability": "stable",
9635 "summary": "The name of the function."
9636 },
9637 "immutable": true,
9638 "locationInModule": {
9639 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9640 "line": 21
9641 },
9642 "name": "functionName",
9643 "type": {
9644 "primitive": "string"
9645 }
9646 },
9647 {
9648 "abstract": true,
9649 "docs": {
9650 "remarks": "If this is is `false`, trying to access the `connections` object will fail.",
9651 "stability": "stable",
9652 "summary": "Whether or not this Lambda function was bound to a VPC."
9653 },
9654 "immutable": true,
9655 "locationInModule": {
9656 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9657 "line": 40
9658 },
9659 "name": "isBoundToVpc",
9660 "type": {
9661 "primitive": "boolean"
9662 }
9663 },
9664 {
9665 "abstract": true,
9666 "docs": {
9667 "remarks": "Note that this is reference to a non-specific AWS Lambda version, which\nmeans the function this version refers to can return different results in\ndifferent invocations.\n\nTo obtain a reference to an explicit version which references the current\nfunction configuration, use `lambdaFunction.currentVersion` instead.",
9668 "stability": "stable",
9669 "summary": "The `$LATEST` version of this function."
9670 },
9671 "immutable": true,
9672 "locationInModule": {
9673 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9674 "line": 52
9675 },
9676 "name": "latestVersion",
9677 "type": {
9678 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
9679 }
9680 },
9681 {
9682 "abstract": true,
9683 "docs": {
9684 "stability": "stable",
9685 "summary": "The construct node where permissions are attached."
9686 },
9687 "immutable": true,
9688 "locationInModule": {
9689 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9690 "line": 57
9691 },
9692 "name": "permissionsNode",
9693 "type": {
9694 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.ConstructNode"
9695 }
9696 },
9697 {
9698 "abstract": true,
9699 "docs": {
9700 "stability": "stable",
9701 "summary": "The IAM role associated with this function."
9702 },
9703 "immutable": true,
9704 "locationInModule": {
9705 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
9706 "line": 33
9707 },
9708 "name": "role",
9709 "optional": true,
9710 "type": {
9711 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
9712 }
9713 }
9714 ]
9715 },
9716 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion": {
9717 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9718 "docs": {
9719 "stability": "stable"
9720 },
9721 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion",
9722 "interfaces": [
9723 "@aws-cdk/core.IResource"
9724 ],
9725 "kind": "interface",
9726 "locationInModule": {
9727 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
9728 "line": 43
9729 },
9730 "methods": [
9731 {
9732 "abstract": true,
9733 "docs": {
9734 "remarks": "Usage within\nthe same account where the layer is defined is always allowed and does not\nrequire calling this method. Note that the principal that creates the\nLambda function using the layer (for example, a CloudFormation changeset\nexecution role) also needs to have the ``lambda:GetLayerVersion``\npermission on the layer version.",
9735 "stability": "stable",
9736 "summary": "Add permission for this layer version to specific entities."
9737 },
9738 "locationInModule": {
9739 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
9740 "line": 68
9741 },
9742 "name": "addPermission",
9743 "parameters": [
9744 {
9745 "docs": {
9746 "summary": "the ID of the grant in the construct tree."
9747 },
9748 "name": "id",
9749 "type": {
9750 "primitive": "string"
9751 }
9752 },
9753 {
9754 "docs": {
9755 "summary": "the identification of the grantee."
9756 },
9757 "name": "permission",
9758 "type": {
9759 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionPermission"
9760 }
9761 }
9762 ]
9763 }
9764 ],
9765 "name": "ILayerVersion",
9766 "properties": [
9767 {
9768 "abstract": true,
9769 "docs": {
9770 "custom": {
9771 "attribute": "true"
9772 },
9773 "stability": "stable",
9774 "summary": "The ARN of the Lambda Layer version that this Layer defines."
9775 },
9776 "immutable": true,
9777 "locationInModule": {
9778 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
9779 "line": 48
9780 },
9781 "name": "layerVersionArn",
9782 "type": {
9783 "primitive": "string"
9784 }
9785 },
9786 {
9787 "abstract": true,
9788 "docs": {
9789 "default": "Runtime.All",
9790 "stability": "stable",
9791 "summary": "The runtimes compatible with this Layer."
9792 },
9793 "immutable": true,
9794 "locationInModule": {
9795 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
9796 "line": 55
9797 },
9798 "name": "compatibleRuntimes",
9799 "optional": true,
9800 "type": {
9801 "collection": {
9802 "elementtype": {
9803 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
9804 },
9805 "kind": "array"
9806 }
9807 }
9808 }
9809 ]
9810 },
9811 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IScalableFunctionAttribute": {
9812 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9813 "docs": {
9814 "stability": "stable",
9815 "summary": "Interface for scalable attributes."
9816 },
9817 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IScalableFunctionAttribute",
9818 "interfaces": [
9819 "@aws-cdk/core.IConstruct"
9820 ],
9821 "kind": "interface",
9822 "locationInModule": {
9823 "filename": "lib/scalable-attribute-api.ts",
9824 "line": 8
9825 },
9826 "methods": [
9827 {
9828 "abstract": true,
9829 "docs": {
9830 "stability": "stable",
9831 "summary": "Scale out or in based on schedule."
9832 },
9833 "locationInModule": {
9834 "filename": "lib/scalable-attribute-api.ts",
9835 "line": 18
9836 },
9837 "name": "scaleOnSchedule",
9838 "parameters": [
9839 {
9840 "name": "id",
9841 "type": {
9842 "primitive": "string"
9843 }
9844 },
9845 {
9846 "name": "actions",
9847 "type": {
9848 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling.ScalingSchedule"
9849 }
9850 }
9851 ]
9852 },
9853 {
9854 "abstract": true,
9855 "docs": {
9856 "remarks": "The utilization is tracked by the\nLambdaProvisionedConcurrencyUtilization metric, emitted by lambda. See:\nhttps://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/monitoring-metrics.html#monitoring-metrics-concurrency",
9857 "stability": "stable",
9858 "summary": "Scale out or in to keep utilization at a given level."
9859 },
9860 "locationInModule": {
9861 "filename": "lib/scalable-attribute-api.ts",
9862 "line": 14
9863 },
9864 "name": "scaleOnUtilization",
9865 "parameters": [
9866 {
9867 "name": "options",
9868 "type": {
9869 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.UtilizationScalingOptions"
9870 }
9871 }
9872 ]
9873 }
9874 ],
9875 "name": "IScalableFunctionAttribute"
9876 },
9877 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion": {
9878 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9879 "docs": {
9880 "stability": "stable"
9881 },
9882 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion",
9883 "interfaces": [
9884 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
9885 ],
9886 "kind": "interface",
9887 "locationInModule": {
9888 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
9889 "line": 10
9890 },
9891 "methods": [
9892 {
9893 "abstract": true,
9894 "docs": {
9895 "stability": "stable",
9896 "summary": "Defines an alias for this version."
9897 },
9898 "locationInModule": {
9899 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
9900 "line": 32
9901 },
9902 "name": "addAlias",
9903 "parameters": [
9904 {
9905 "docs": {
9906 "summary": "The name of the alias."
9907 },
9908 "name": "aliasName",
9909 "type": {
9910 "primitive": "string"
9911 }
9912 },
9913 {
9914 "docs": {
9915 "summary": "Alias options."
9916 },
9917 "name": "options",
9918 "optional": true,
9919 "type": {
9920 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasOptions"
9921 }
9922 }
9923 ],
9924 "returns": {
9925 "type": {
9926 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Alias"
9927 }
9928 }
9929 }
9930 ],
9931 "name": "IVersion",
9932 "properties": [
9933 {
9934 "abstract": true,
9935 "docs": {
9936 "stability": "stable",
9937 "summary": "The ARN of the version for Lambda@Edge."
9938 },
9939 "immutable": true,
9940 "locationInModule": {
9941 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
9942 "line": 25
9943 },
9944 "name": "edgeArn",
9945 "type": {
9946 "primitive": "string"
9947 }
9948 },
9949 {
9950 "abstract": true,
9951 "docs": {
9952 "stability": "stable",
9953 "summary": "The underlying AWS Lambda function."
9954 },
9955 "immutable": true,
9956 "locationInModule": {
9957 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
9958 "line": 20
9959 },
9960 "name": "lambda",
9961 "type": {
9962 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
9963 }
9964 },
9965 {
9966 "abstract": true,
9967 "docs": {
9968 "custom": {
9969 "attribute": "true"
9970 },
9971 "stability": "stable",
9972 "summary": "The most recently deployed version of this function."
9973 },
9974 "immutable": true,
9975 "locationInModule": {
9976 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
9977 "line": 15
9978 },
9979 "name": "version",
9980 "type": {
9981 "primitive": "string"
9982 }
9983 }
9984 ]
9985 },
9986 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.InlineCode": {
9987 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
9988 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
9989 "docs": {
9990 "stability": "stable",
9991 "summary": "Lambda code from an inline string (limited to 4KiB)."
9992 },
9993 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.InlineCode",
9994 "initializer": {
9995 "docs": {
9996 "stability": "stable"
9997 },
9998 "locationInModule": {
9999 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
10000 "line": 144
10001 },
10002 "parameters": [
10003 {
10004 "name": "code",
10005 "type": {
10006 "primitive": "string"
10007 }
10008 }
10009 ]
10010 },
10011 "kind": "class",
10012 "locationInModule": {
10013 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
10014 "line": 141
10015 },
10016 "methods": [
10017 {
10018 "docs": {
10019 "stability": "stable",
10020 "summary": "Called when the lambda or layer is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack, add resources and have fun."
10021 },
10022 "locationInModule": {
10023 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
10024 "line": 156
10025 },
10026 "name": "bind",
10027 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
10028 "parameters": [
10029 {
10030 "name": "_scope",
10031 "type": {
10032 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
10033 }
10034 }
10035 ],
10036 "returns": {
10037 "type": {
10038 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CodeConfig"
10039 }
10040 }
10041 }
10042 ],
10043 "name": "InlineCode",
10044 "properties": [
10045 {
10046 "docs": {
10047 "stability": "stable",
10048 "summary": "Determines whether this Code is inline code or not."
10049 },
10050 "immutable": true,
10051 "locationInModule": {
10052 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
10053 "line": 142
10054 },
10055 "name": "isInline",
10056 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
10057 "type": {
10058 "primitive": "boolean"
10059 }
10060 }
10061 ]
10062 },
10063 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LambdaRuntimeProps": {
10064 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10065 "datatype": true,
10066 "docs": {
10067 "stability": "stable"
10068 },
10069 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LambdaRuntimeProps",
10070 "kind": "interface",
10071 "locationInModule": {
10072 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
10073 "line": 3
10074 },
10075 "name": "LambdaRuntimeProps",
10076 "properties": [
10077 {
10078 "abstract": true,
10079 "docs": {
10080 "default": "- the latest docker image \"amazon/aws-sam-cli-build-image-<runtime>\" from https://hub.docker.com/u/amazon",
10081 "stability": "stable",
10082 "summary": "The Docker image name to be used for bundling in this runtime."
10083 },
10084 "immutable": true,
10085 "locationInModule": {
10086 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
10087 "line": 14
10088 },
10089 "name": "bundlingDockerImage",
10090 "optional": true,
10091 "type": {
10092 "primitive": "string"
10093 }
10094 },
10095 {
10096 "abstract": true,
10097 "docs": {
10098 "default": "false",
10099 "stability": "stable",
10100 "summary": "Whether the ``ZipFile`` (aka inline code) property can be used with this runtime."
10101 },
10102 "immutable": true,
10103 "locationInModule": {
10104 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
10105 "line": 8
10106 },
10107 "name": "supportsInlineCode",
10108 "optional": true,
10109 "type": {
10110 "primitive": "boolean"
10111 }
10112 }
10113 ]
10114 },
10115 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersion": {
10116 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10117 "base": "@aws-cdk/core.Resource",
10118 "docs": {
10119 "stability": "stable",
10120 "summary": "Defines a new Lambda Layer version."
10121 },
10122 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersion",
10123 "initializer": {
10124 "docs": {
10125 "stability": "stable"
10126 },
10127 "locationInModule": {
10128 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10129 "line": 163
10130 },
10131 "parameters": [
10132 {
10133 "name": "scope",
10134 "type": {
10135 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
10136 }
10137 },
10138 {
10139 "name": "id",
10140 "type": {
10141 "primitive": "string"
10142 }
10143 },
10144 {
10145 "name": "props",
10146 "type": {
10147 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionProps"
10148 }
10149 }
10150 ]
10151 },
10152 "interfaces": [
10153 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion"
10154 ],
10155 "kind": "class",
10156 "locationInModule": {
10157 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10158 "line": 128
10159 },
10160 "methods": [
10161 {
10162 "docs": {
10163 "remarks": "Assumes it is compatible with all Lambda runtimes.",
10164 "stability": "stable",
10165 "summary": "Imports a layer version by ARN."
10166 },
10167 "locationInModule": {
10168 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10169 "line": 133
10170 },
10171 "name": "fromLayerVersionArn",
10172 "parameters": [
10173 {
10174 "name": "scope",
10175 "type": {
10176 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
10177 }
10178 },
10179 {
10180 "name": "id",
10181 "type": {
10182 "primitive": "string"
10183 }
10184 },
10185 {
10186 "name": "layerVersionArn",
10187 "type": {
10188 "primitive": "string"
10189 }
10190 }
10191 ],
10192 "returns": {
10193 "type": {
10194 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion"
10195 }
10196 },
10197 "static": true
10198 },
10199 {
10200 "docs": {
10201 "stability": "stable",
10202 "summary": "Imports a Layer that has been defined externally."
10203 },
10204 "locationInModule": {
10205 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10206 "line": 147
10207 },
10208 "name": "fromLayerVersionAttributes",
10209 "parameters": [
10210 {
10211 "docs": {
10212 "summary": "the parent Construct that will use the imported layer."
10213 },
10214 "name": "scope",
10215 "type": {
10216 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
10217 }
10218 },
10219 {
10220 "docs": {
10221 "summary": "the id of the imported layer in the construct tree."
10222 },
10223 "name": "id",
10224 "type": {
10225 "primitive": "string"
10226 }
10227 },
10228 {
10229 "docs": {
10230 "summary": "the properties of the imported layer."
10231 },
10232 "name": "attrs",
10233 "type": {
10234 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionAttributes"
10235 }
10236 }
10237 ],
10238 "returns": {
10239 "type": {
10240 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion"
10241 }
10242 },
10243 "static": true
10244 },
10245 {
10246 "docs": {
10247 "remarks": "Usage within\nthe same account where the layer is defined is always allowed and does not\nrequire calling this method. Note that the principal that creates the\nLambda function using the layer (for example, a CloudFormation changeset\nexecution role) also needs to have the ``lambda:GetLayerVersion``\npermission on the layer version.",
10248 "stability": "stable",
10249 "summary": "Add permission for this layer version to specific entities."
10250 },
10251 "locationInModule": {
10252 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10253 "line": 78
10254 },
10255 "name": "addPermission",
10256 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion",
10257 "parameters": [
10258 {
10259 "name": "id",
10260 "type": {
10261 "primitive": "string"
10262 }
10263 },
10264 {
10265 "name": "permission",
10266 "type": {
10267 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionPermission"
10268 }
10269 }
10270 ]
10271 }
10272 ],
10273 "name": "LayerVersion",
10274 "properties": [
10275 {
10276 "docs": {
10277 "stability": "stable",
10278 "summary": "The ARN of the Lambda Layer version that this Layer defines."
10279 },
10280 "immutable": true,
10281 "locationInModule": {
10282 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10283 "line": 160
10284 },
10285 "name": "layerVersionArn",
10286 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion",
10287 "type": {
10288 "primitive": "string"
10289 }
10290 },
10291 {
10292 "docs": {
10293 "stability": "stable",
10294 "summary": "The runtimes compatible with this Layer."
10295 },
10296 "immutable": true,
10297 "locationInModule": {
10298 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10299 "line": 161
10300 },
10301 "name": "compatibleRuntimes",
10302 "optional": true,
10303 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ILayerVersion",
10304 "type": {
10305 "collection": {
10306 "elementtype": {
10307 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
10308 },
10309 "kind": "array"
10310 }
10311 }
10312 }
10313 ]
10314 },
10315 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionAttributes": {
10316 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10317 "datatype": true,
10318 "docs": {
10319 "stability": "stable",
10320 "summary": "Properties necessary to import a LayerVersion."
10321 },
10322 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionAttributes",
10323 "kind": "interface",
10324 "locationInModule": {
10325 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10326 "line": 113
10327 },
10328 "name": "LayerVersionAttributes",
10329 "properties": [
10330 {
10331 "abstract": true,
10332 "docs": {
10333 "stability": "stable",
10334 "summary": "The ARN of the LayerVersion."
10335 },
10336 "immutable": true,
10337 "locationInModule": {
10338 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10339 "line": 117
10340 },
10341 "name": "layerVersionArn",
10342 "type": {
10343 "primitive": "string"
10344 }
10345 },
10346 {
10347 "abstract": true,
10348 "docs": {
10349 "stability": "stable",
10350 "summary": "The list of compatible runtimes with this Layer."
10351 },
10352 "immutable": true,
10353 "locationInModule": {
10354 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10355 "line": 122
10356 },
10357 "name": "compatibleRuntimes",
10358 "optional": true,
10359 "type": {
10360 "collection": {
10361 "elementtype": {
10362 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
10363 },
10364 "kind": "array"
10365 }
10366 }
10367 }
10368 ]
10369 },
10370 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionPermission": {
10371 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10372 "datatype": true,
10373 "docs": {
10374 "stability": "stable",
10375 "summary": "Identification of an account (or organization) that is allowed to access a Lambda Layer Version."
10376 },
10377 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionPermission",
10378 "kind": "interface",
10379 "locationInModule": {
10380 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10381 "line": 95
10382 },
10383 "name": "LayerVersionPermission",
10384 "properties": [
10385 {
10386 "abstract": true,
10387 "docs": {
10388 "remarks": "The wild-card ``'*'`` can be\nused to grant access to \"any\" account (or any account in an organization when ``organizationId`` is specified).",
10389 "stability": "stable",
10390 "summary": "The AWS Account id of the account that is authorized to use a Lambda Layer Version."
10391 },
10392 "immutable": true,
10393 "locationInModule": {
10394 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10395 "line": 100
10396 },
10397 "name": "accountId",
10398 "type": {
10399 "primitive": "string"
10400 }
10401 },
10402 {
10403 "abstract": true,
10404 "docs": {
10405 "remarks": "Can only be specified if ``accountId`` is ``'*'``",
10406 "stability": "stable",
10407 "summary": "The ID of the AWS Organization to hwich the grant is restricted."
10408 },
10409 "immutable": true,
10410 "locationInModule": {
10411 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10412 "line": 107
10413 },
10414 "name": "organizationId",
10415 "optional": true,
10416 "type": {
10417 "primitive": "string"
10418 }
10419 }
10420 ]
10421 },
10422 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionProps": {
10423 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10424 "datatype": true,
10425 "docs": {
10426 "stability": "stable"
10427 },
10428 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LayerVersionProps",
10429 "kind": "interface",
10430 "locationInModule": {
10431 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10432 "line": 6
10433 },
10434 "name": "LayerVersionProps",
10435 "properties": [
10436 {
10437 "abstract": true,
10438 "docs": {
10439 "remarks": "Using `Code.fromInline` is not supported.",
10440 "stability": "stable",
10441 "summary": "The content of this Layer."
10442 },
10443 "immutable": true,
10444 "locationInModule": {
10445 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10446 "line": 19
10447 },
10448 "name": "code",
10449 "type": {
10450 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code"
10451 }
10452 },
10453 {
10454 "abstract": true,
10455 "docs": {
10456 "default": "- All runtimes are supported.",
10457 "stability": "stable",
10458 "summary": "The runtimes compatible with this Layer."
10459 },
10460 "immutable": true,
10461 "locationInModule": {
10462 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10463 "line": 12
10464 },
10465 "name": "compatibleRuntimes",
10466 "optional": true,
10467 "type": {
10468 "collection": {
10469 "elementtype": {
10470 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
10471 },
10472 "kind": "array"
10473 }
10474 }
10475 },
10476 {
10477 "abstract": true,
10478 "docs": {
10479 "default": "- No description.",
10480 "stability": "stable",
10481 "summary": "The description the this Lambda Layer."
10482 },
10483 "immutable": true,
10484 "locationInModule": {
10485 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10486 "line": 26
10487 },
10488 "name": "description",
10489 "optional": true,
10490 "type": {
10491 "primitive": "string"
10492 }
10493 },
10494 {
10495 "abstract": true,
10496 "docs": {
10497 "default": "- A name will be generated.",
10498 "stability": "stable",
10499 "summary": "The name of the layer."
10500 },
10501 "immutable": true,
10502 "locationInModule": {
10503 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10504 "line": 40
10505 },
10506 "name": "layerVersionName",
10507 "optional": true,
10508 "type": {
10509 "primitive": "string"
10510 }
10511 },
10512 {
10513 "abstract": true,
10514 "docs": {
10515 "default": "- No license information will be recorded.",
10516 "stability": "stable",
10517 "summary": "The SPDX licence identifier or URL to the license file for this layer."
10518 },
10519 "immutable": true,
10520 "locationInModule": {
10521 "filename": "lib/layers.ts",
10522 "line": 33
10523 },
10524 "name": "license",
10525 "optional": true,
10526 "type": {
10527 "primitive": "string"
10528 }
10529 }
10530 ]
10531 },
10532 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LogRetention": {
10533 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10534 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetention",
10535 "docs": {
10536 "custom": {
10537 "aws-cdk": "/aws-logs' instead"
10538 },
10539 "deprecated": "use `LogRetention` from '",
10540 "remarks": "The log group is created if it doesn't already exist. The policy\nis removed when `retentionDays` is `undefined` or equal to `Infinity`.",
10541 "stability": "deprecated",
10542 "summary": "Creates a custom resource to control the retention policy of a CloudWatch Logs log group."
10543 },
10544 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LogRetention",
10545 "initializer": {
10546 "docs": {
10547 "stability": "deprecated"
10548 },
10549 "locationInModule": {
10550 "filename": "lib/log-retention.ts",
10551 "line": 28
10552 },
10553 "parameters": [
10554 {
10555 "name": "scope",
10556 "type": {
10557 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
10558 }
10559 },
10560 {
10561 "name": "id",
10562 "type": {
10563 "primitive": "string"
10564 }
10565 },
10566 {
10567 "name": "props",
10568 "type": {
10569 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LogRetentionProps"
10570 }
10571 }
10572 ]
10573 },
10574 "kind": "class",
10575 "locationInModule": {
10576 "filename": "lib/log-retention.ts",
10577 "line": 27
10578 },
10579 "name": "LogRetention"
10580 },
10581 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LogRetentionProps": {
10582 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10583 "datatype": true,
10584 "docs": {
10585 "custom": {
10586 "aws-cdk": "/aws-logs' instead"
10587 },
10588 "deprecated": "use `LogRetentionProps` from '",
10589 "stability": "deprecated",
10590 "summary": "Construction properties for a LogRetention."
10591 },
10592 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LogRetentionProps",
10593 "interfaces": [
10594 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionProps"
10595 ],
10596 "kind": "interface",
10597 "locationInModule": {
10598 "filename": "lib/log-retention.ts",
10599 "line": 17
10600 },
10601 "name": "LogRetentionProps"
10602 },
10603 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LogRetentionRetryOptions": {
10604 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10605 "datatype": true,
10606 "docs": {
10607 "custom": {
10608 "aws-cdk": "/aws-logs' instead"
10609 },
10610 "deprecated": "use `LogRetentionRetryOptions` from '",
10611 "stability": "deprecated",
10612 "summary": "Retry options for all AWS API calls."
10613 },
10614 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LogRetentionRetryOptions",
10615 "interfaces": [
10616 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions"
10617 ],
10618 "kind": "interface",
10619 "locationInModule": {
10620 "filename": "lib/log-retention.ts",
10621 "line": 9
10622 },
10623 "name": "LogRetentionRetryOptions"
10624 },
10625 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Permission": {
10626 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10627 "datatype": true,
10628 "docs": {
10629 "stability": "stable",
10630 "summary": "Represents a permission statement that can be added to a Lambda's resource policy via the `addToResourcePolicy` method."
10631 },
10632 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Permission",
10633 "kind": "interface",
10634 "locationInModule": {
10635 "filename": "lib/permission.ts",
10636 "line": 8
10637 },
10638 "name": "Permission",
10639 "properties": [
10640 {
10641 "abstract": true,
10642 "docs": {
10643 "remarks": "This entity can be any valid AWS service principal, such as\ns3.amazonaws.com or sns.amazonaws.com, or, if you are granting\ncross-account permission, an AWS account ID. For example, you might want\nto allow a custom application in another AWS account to push events to\nLambda by invoking your function.\n\nThe principal can be either an AccountPrincipal or a ServicePrincipal.",
10644 "stability": "stable",
10645 "summary": "The entity for which you are granting permission to invoke the Lambda function."
10646 },
10647 "immutable": true,
10648 "locationInModule": {
10649 "filename": "lib/permission.ts",
10650 "line": 38
10651 },
10652 "name": "principal",
10653 "type": {
10654 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal"
10655 }
10656 },
10657 {
10658 "abstract": true,
10659 "docs": {
10660 "default": "'lambda:InvokeFunction'",
10661 "remarks": "For example,\nyou can specify lambda:CreateFunction to specify a certain action, or use\na wildcard (``lambda:*``) to grant permission to all Lambda actions. For a\nlist of actions, see Actions and Condition Context Keys for AWS Lambda in\nthe IAM User Guide.",
10662 "stability": "stable",
10663 "summary": "The Lambda actions that you want to allow in this statement."
10664 },
10665 "immutable": true,
10666 "locationInModule": {
10667 "filename": "lib/permission.ts",
10668 "line": 18
10669 },
10670 "name": "action",
10671 "optional": true,
10672 "type": {
10673 "primitive": "string"
10674 }
10675 },
10676 {
10677 "abstract": true,
10678 "docs": {
10679 "default": "The caller would not need to present a token.",
10680 "stability": "stable",
10681 "summary": "A unique token that must be supplied by the principal invoking the function."
10682 },
10683 "immutable": true,
10684 "locationInModule": {
10685 "filename": "lib/permission.ts",
10686 "line": 26
10687 },
10688 "name": "eventSourceToken",
10689 "optional": true,
10690 "type": {
10691 "primitive": "string"
10692 }
10693 },
10694 {
10695 "abstract": true,
10696 "docs": {
10697 "default": "- The instance of lambda.IFunction",
10698 "remarks": "The default is\nthe Lambda function construct itself, but this would need to be different\nin cases such as cross-stack references where the Permissions would need\nto sit closer to the consumer of this permission (i.e., the caller).",
10699 "stability": "stable",
10700 "summary": "The scope to which the permission constructs be attached."
10701 },
10702 "immutable": true,
10703 "locationInModule": {
10704 "filename": "lib/permission.ts",
10705 "line": 48
10706 },
10707 "name": "scope",
10708 "optional": true,
10709 "type": {
10710 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
10711 }
10712 },
10713 {
10714 "abstract": true,
10715 "docs": {
10716 "remarks": "For example, if\nyou specify an S3 bucket in the SourceArn property, this value is the\nbucket owner's account ID. You can use this property to ensure that all\nsource principals are owned by a specific account.",
10717 "stability": "stable",
10718 "summary": "The AWS account ID (without hyphens) of the source owner."
10719 },
10720 "immutable": true,
10721 "locationInModule": {
10722 "filename": "lib/permission.ts",
10723 "line": 56
10724 },
10725 "name": "sourceAccount",
10726 "optional": true,
10727 "type": {
10728 "primitive": "string"
10729 }
10730 },
10731 {
10732 "abstract": true,
10733 "docs": {
10734 "remarks": "When granting\nAmazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) permission to invoke your\nfunction, specify this property with the bucket ARN as its value. This\nensures that events generated only from the specified bucket, not just\nany bucket from any AWS account that creates a mapping to your function,\ncan invoke the function.",
10735 "stability": "stable",
10736 "summary": "The ARN of a resource that is invoking your function."
10737 },
10738 "immutable": true,
10739 "locationInModule": {
10740 "filename": "lib/permission.ts",
10741 "line": 66
10742 },
10743 "name": "sourceArn",
10744 "optional": true,
10745 "type": {
10746 "primitive": "string"
10747 }
10748 }
10749 ]
10750 },
10751 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.QualifiedFunctionBase": {
10752 "abstract": true,
10753 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10754 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
10755 "docs": {
10756 "stability": "stable"
10757 },
10758 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.QualifiedFunctionBase",
10759 "initializer": {
10760 "docs": {
10761 "stability": "stable"
10762 },
10763 "locationInModule": {
10764 "filename": "lib/resource.ts",
10765 "line": 110
10766 },
10767 "parameters": [
10768 {
10769 "name": "scope",
10770 "type": {
10771 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
10772 }
10773 },
10774 {
10775 "name": "id",
10776 "type": {
10777 "primitive": "string"
10778 }
10779 },
10780 {
10781 "name": "props",
10782 "optional": true,
10783 "type": {
10784 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.ResourceProps"
10785 }
10786 }
10787 ]
10788 },
10789 "kind": "class",
10790 "locationInModule": {
10791 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
10792 "line": 372
10793 },
10794 "methods": [
10795 {
10796 "docs": {
10797 "stability": "stable",
10798 "summary": "Configures options for asynchronous invocation."
10799 },
10800 "locationInModule": {
10801 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
10802 "line": 388
10803 },
10804 "name": "configureAsyncInvoke",
10805 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
10806 "parameters": [
10807 {
10808 "name": "options",
10809 "type": {
10810 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions"
10811 }
10812 }
10813 ]
10814 }
10815 ],
10816 "name": "QualifiedFunctionBase",
10817 "properties": [
10818 {
10819 "abstract": true,
10820 "docs": {
10821 "stability": "stable"
10822 },
10823 "immutable": true,
10824 "locationInModule": {
10825 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
10826 "line": 373
10827 },
10828 "name": "lambda",
10829 "type": {
10830 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
10831 }
10832 },
10833 {
10834 "docs": {
10835 "remarks": "Note that this is reference to a non-specific AWS Lambda version, which\nmeans the function this version refers to can return different results in\ndifferent invocations.\n\nTo obtain a reference to an explicit version which references the current\nfunction configuration, use `lambdaFunction.currentVersion` instead.",
10836 "stability": "stable",
10837 "summary": "The `$LATEST` version of this function."
10838 },
10839 "immutable": true,
10840 "locationInModule": {
10841 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
10842 "line": 384
10843 },
10844 "name": "latestVersion",
10845 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
10846 "type": {
10847 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
10848 }
10849 },
10850 {
10851 "docs": {
10852 "stability": "stable",
10853 "summary": "The construct node where permissions are attached."
10854 },
10855 "immutable": true,
10856 "locationInModule": {
10857 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
10858 "line": 375
10859 },
10860 "name": "permissionsNode",
10861 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
10862 "type": {
10863 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.ConstructNode"
10864 }
10865 },
10866 {
10867 "abstract": true,
10868 "docs": {
10869 "remarks": "A qualifier is the identifier that's appended to a version or alias ARN.",
10870 "see": "https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/API_GetFunctionConfiguration.html#API_GetFunctionConfiguration_RequestParameters",
10871 "stability": "stable",
10872 "summary": "The qualifier of the version or alias of this function."
10873 },
10874 "immutable": true,
10875 "locationInModule": {
10876 "filename": "lib/function-base.ts",
10877 "line": 382
10878 },
10879 "name": "qualifier",
10880 "protected": true,
10881 "type": {
10882 "primitive": "string"
10883 }
10884 }
10885 ]
10886 },
10887 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ResourceBindOptions": {
10888 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10889 "datatype": true,
10890 "docs": {
10891 "stability": "stable"
10892 },
10893 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.ResourceBindOptions",
10894 "kind": "interface",
10895 "locationInModule": {
10896 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
10897 "line": 210
10898 },
10899 "name": "ResourceBindOptions",
10900 "properties": [
10901 {
10902 "abstract": true,
10903 "docs": {
10904 "default": "Code",
10905 "see": "https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/issues/1432",
10906 "stability": "stable",
10907 "summary": "The name of the CloudFormation property to annotate with asset metadata."
10908 },
10909 "immutable": true,
10910 "locationInModule": {
10911 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
10912 "line": 216
10913 },
10914 "name": "resourceProperty",
10915 "optional": true,
10916 "type": {
10917 "primitive": "string"
10918 }
10919 }
10920 ]
10921 },
10922 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime": {
10923 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
10924 "docs": {
10925 "remarks": "If you need to use a runtime name that doesn't exist as a static member, you\ncan instantiate a `Runtime` object, e.g: `new Runtime('nodejs99.99')`.",
10926 "stability": "stable",
10927 "summary": "Lambda function runtime environment."
10928 },
10929 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime",
10930 "initializer": {
10931 "docs": {
10932 "stability": "stable"
10933 },
10934 "locationInModule": {
10935 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
10936 "line": 176
10937 },
10938 "parameters": [
10939 {
10940 "name": "name",
10941 "type": {
10942 "primitive": "string"
10943 }
10944 },
10945 {
10946 "name": "family",
10947 "optional": true,
10948 "type": {
10949 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.RuntimeFamily"
10950 }
10951 },
10952 {
10953 "name": "props",
10954 "optional": true,
10955 "type": {
10956 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.LambdaRuntimeProps"
10957 }
10958 }
10959 ]
10960 },
10961 "kind": "class",
10962 "locationInModule": {
10963 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
10964 "line": 33
10965 },
10966 "methods": [
10967 {
10968 "docs": {
10969 "stability": "stable"
10970 },
10971 "locationInModule": {
10972 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
10973 "line": 190
10974 },
10975 "name": "runtimeEquals",
10976 "parameters": [
10977 {
10978 "name": "other",
10979 "type": {
10980 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
10981 }
10982 }
10983 ],
10984 "returns": {
10985 "type": {
10986 "primitive": "boolean"
10987 }
10988 }
10989 },
10990 {
10991 "docs": {
10992 "stability": "stable"
10993 },
10994 "locationInModule": {
10995 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
10996 "line": 186
10997 },
10998 "name": "toString",
10999 "returns": {
11000 "type": {
11001 "primitive": "string"
11002 }
11003 }
11004 }
11005 ],
11006 "name": "Runtime",
11007 "properties": [
11008 {
11009 "const": true,
11010 "docs": {
11011 "stability": "stable",
11012 "summary": "A list of all known `Runtime`'s."
11013 },
11014 "immutable": true,
11015 "locationInModule": {
11016 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11017 "line": 35
11018 },
11019 "name": "ALL",
11020 "static": true,
11021 "type": {
11022 "collection": {
11023 "elementtype": {
11024 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11025 },
11026 "kind": "array"
11027 }
11028 }
11029 },
11030 {
11031 "const": true,
11032 "docs": {
11033 "deprecated": "Use {@link DOTNET_CORE_2_1}",
11034 "stability": "deprecated",
11035 "summary": "The .NET Core 1.0 runtime (dotnetcore1.0)."
11036 },
11037 "immutable": true,
11038 "locationInModule": {
11039 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11040 "line": 110
11041 },
11042 "name": "DOTNET_CORE_1",
11043 "static": true,
11044 "type": {
11045 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11046 }
11047 },
11048 {
11049 "const": true,
11050 "docs": {
11051 "deprecated": "Use {@link DOTNET_CORE_2_1}",
11052 "stability": "deprecated",
11053 "summary": "The .NET Core 2.0 runtime (dotnetcore2.0)."
11054 },
11055 "immutable": true,
11056 "locationInModule": {
11057 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11058 "line": 117
11059 },
11060 "name": "DOTNET_CORE_2",
11061 "static": true,
11062 "type": {
11063 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11064 }
11065 },
11066 {
11067 "const": true,
11068 "docs": {
11069 "stability": "stable",
11070 "summary": "The .NET Core 2.1 runtime (dotnetcore2.1)."
11071 },
11072 "immutable": true,
11073 "locationInModule": {
11074 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11075 "line": 122
11076 },
11077 "name": "DOTNET_CORE_2_1",
11078 "static": true,
11079 "type": {
11080 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11081 }
11082 },
11083 {
11084 "const": true,
11085 "docs": {
11086 "stability": "stable",
11087 "summary": "The .NET Core 3.1 runtime (dotnetcore3.1)."
11088 },
11089 "immutable": true,
11090 "locationInModule": {
11091 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11092 "line": 129
11093 },
11094 "name": "DOTNET_CORE_3_1",
11095 "static": true,
11096 "type": {
11097 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11098 }
11099 },
11100 {
11101 "const": true,
11102 "docs": {
11103 "stability": "stable",
11104 "summary": "The Go 1.x runtime (go1.x)."
11105 },
11106 "immutable": true,
11107 "locationInModule": {
11108 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11109 "line": 136
11110 },
11111 "name": "GO_1_X",
11112 "static": true,
11113 "type": {
11114 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11115 }
11116 },
11117 {
11118 "const": true,
11119 "docs": {
11120 "stability": "stable",
11121 "summary": "The Java 11 runtime (java11)."
11122 },
11123 "immutable": true,
11124 "locationInModule": {
11125 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11126 "line": 103
11127 },
11128 "name": "JAVA_11",
11129 "static": true,
11130 "type": {
11131 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11132 }
11133 },
11134 {
11135 "const": true,
11136 "docs": {
11137 "stability": "stable",
11138 "summary": "The Java 8 runtime (java8)."
11139 },
11140 "immutable": true,
11141 "locationInModule": {
11142 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11143 "line": 98
11144 },
11145 "name": "JAVA_8",
11146 "static": true,
11147 "type": {
11148 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11149 }
11150 },
11151 {
11152 "const": true,
11153 "docs": {
11154 "deprecated": "Use {@link NODEJS_10_X}",
11155 "stability": "deprecated",
11156 "summary": "The NodeJS runtime (nodejs)."
11157 },
11158 "immutable": true,
11159 "locationInModule": {
11160 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11161 "line": 42
11162 },
11163 "name": "NODEJS",
11164 "static": true,
11165 "type": {
11166 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11167 }
11168 },
11169 {
11170 "const": true,
11171 "docs": {
11172 "stability": "stable",
11173 "summary": "The NodeJS 10.x runtime (nodejs10.x)."
11174 },
11175 "immutable": true,
11176 "locationInModule": {
11177 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11178 "line": 68
11179 },
11180 "name": "NODEJS_10_X",
11181 "static": true,
11182 "type": {
11183 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11184 }
11185 },
11186 {
11187 "const": true,
11188 "docs": {
11189 "stability": "stable",
11190 "summary": "The NodeJS 12.x runtime (nodejs12.x)."
11191 },
11192 "immutable": true,
11193 "locationInModule": {
11194 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11195 "line": 73
11196 },
11197 "name": "NODEJS_12_X",
11198 "static": true,
11199 "type": {
11200 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11201 }
11202 },
11203 {
11204 "const": true,
11205 "docs": {
11206 "deprecated": "Use {@link NODEJS_10_X}",
11207 "stability": "deprecated",
11208 "summary": "The NodeJS 4.3 runtime (nodejs4.3)."
11209 },
11210 "immutable": true,
11211 "locationInModule": {
11212 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11213 "line": 49
11214 },
11215 "name": "NODEJS_4_3",
11216 "static": true,
11217 "type": {
11218 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11219 }
11220 },
11221 {
11222 "const": true,
11223 "docs": {
11224 "deprecated": "Use {@link NODEJS_10_X}",
11225 "stability": "deprecated",
11226 "summary": "The NodeJS 6.10 runtime (nodejs6.10)."
11227 },
11228 "immutable": true,
11229 "locationInModule": {
11230 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11231 "line": 56
11232 },
11233 "name": "NODEJS_6_10",
11234 "static": true,
11235 "type": {
11236 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11237 }
11238 },
11239 {
11240 "const": true,
11241 "docs": {
11242 "deprecated": "Use {@link NODEJS_10_X}",
11243 "stability": "deprecated",
11244 "summary": "The NodeJS 8.10 runtime (nodejs8.10)."
11245 },
11246 "immutable": true,
11247 "locationInModule": {
11248 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11249 "line": 63
11250 },
11251 "name": "NODEJS_8_10",
11252 "static": true,
11253 "type": {
11254 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11255 }
11256 },
11257 {
11258 "const": true,
11259 "docs": {
11260 "stability": "stable",
11261 "summary": "The custom provided runtime (provided)."
11262 },
11263 "immutable": true,
11264 "locationInModule": {
11265 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11266 "line": 153
11267 },
11268 "name": "PROVIDED",
11269 "static": true,
11270 "type": {
11271 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11272 }
11273 },
11274 {
11275 "const": true,
11276 "docs": {
11277 "stability": "stable",
11278 "summary": "The Python 2.7 runtime (python2.7)."
11279 },
11280 "immutable": true,
11281 "locationInModule": {
11282 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11283 "line": 78
11284 },
11285 "name": "PYTHON_2_7",
11286 "static": true,
11287 "type": {
11288 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11289 }
11290 },
11291 {
11292 "const": true,
11293 "docs": {
11294 "stability": "stable",
11295 "summary": "The Python 3.6 runtime (python3.6)."
11296 },
11297 "immutable": true,
11298 "locationInModule": {
11299 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11300 "line": 83
11301 },
11302 "name": "PYTHON_3_6",
11303 "static": true,
11304 "type": {
11305 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11306 }
11307 },
11308 {
11309 "const": true,
11310 "docs": {
11311 "stability": "stable",
11312 "summary": "The Python 3.7 runtime (python3.7)."
11313 },
11314 "immutable": true,
11315 "locationInModule": {
11316 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11317 "line": 88
11318 },
11319 "name": "PYTHON_3_7",
11320 "static": true,
11321 "type": {
11322 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11323 }
11324 },
11325 {
11326 "const": true,
11327 "docs": {
11328 "stability": "stable",
11329 "summary": "The Python 3.8 runtime (python3.8)."
11330 },
11331 "immutable": true,
11332 "locationInModule": {
11333 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11334 "line": 93
11335 },
11336 "name": "PYTHON_3_8",
11337 "static": true,
11338 "type": {
11339 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11340 }
11341 },
11342 {
11343 "const": true,
11344 "docs": {
11345 "stability": "stable",
11346 "summary": "The Ruby 2.5 runtime (ruby2.5)."
11347 },
11348 "immutable": true,
11349 "locationInModule": {
11350 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11351 "line": 143
11352 },
11353 "name": "RUBY_2_5",
11354 "static": true,
11355 "type": {
11356 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11357 }
11358 },
11359 {
11360 "const": true,
11361 "docs": {
11362 "stability": "stable",
11363 "summary": "The Ruby 2.7 runtime (ruby2.7)."
11364 },
11365 "immutable": true,
11366 "locationInModule": {
11367 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11368 "line": 148
11369 },
11370 "name": "RUBY_2_7",
11371 "static": true,
11372 "type": {
11373 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Runtime"
11374 }
11375 },
11376 {
11377 "docs": {
11378 "stability": "stable",
11379 "summary": "The bundling Docker image for this runtime."
11380 },
11381 "immutable": true,
11382 "locationInModule": {
11383 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11384 "line": 174
11385 },
11386 "name": "bundlingDockerImage",
11387 "type": {
11388 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.BundlingDockerImage"
11389 }
11390 },
11391 {
11392 "docs": {
11393 "stability": "stable",
11394 "summary": "The name of this runtime, as expected by the Lambda resource."
11395 },
11396 "immutable": true,
11397 "locationInModule": {
11398 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11399 "line": 158
11400 },
11401 "name": "name",
11402 "type": {
11403 "primitive": "string"
11404 }
11405 },
11406 {
11407 "docs": {
11408 "stability": "stable",
11409 "summary": "Whether the ``ZipFile`` (aka inline code) property can be used with this runtime."
11410 },
11411 "immutable": true,
11412 "locationInModule": {
11413 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11414 "line": 164
11415 },
11416 "name": "supportsInlineCode",
11417 "type": {
11418 "primitive": "boolean"
11419 }
11420 },
11421 {
11422 "docs": {
11423 "stability": "stable",
11424 "summary": "The runtime family."
11425 },
11426 "immutable": true,
11427 "locationInModule": {
11428 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11429 "line": 169
11430 },
11431 "name": "family",
11432 "optional": true,
11433 "type": {
11434 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.RuntimeFamily"
11435 }
11436 }
11437 ]
11438 },
11439 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.RuntimeFamily": {
11440 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
11441 "docs": {
11442 "stability": "stable"
11443 },
11444 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.RuntimeFamily",
11445 "kind": "enum",
11446 "locationInModule": {
11447 "filename": "lib/runtime.ts",
11448 "line": 17
11449 },
11450 "members": [
11451 {
11452 "docs": {
11453 "stability": "stable"
11454 },
11455 "name": "NODEJS"
11456 },
11457 {
11458 "docs": {
11459 "stability": "stable"
11460 },
11461 "name": "JAVA"
11462 },
11463 {
11464 "docs": {
11465 "stability": "stable"
11466 },
11467 "name": "PYTHON"
11468 },
11469 {
11470 "docs": {
11471 "stability": "stable"
11472 },
11473 "name": "DOTNET_CORE"
11474 },
11475 {
11476 "docs": {
11477 "stability": "stable"
11478 },
11479 "name": "GO"
11480 },
11481 {
11482 "docs": {
11483 "stability": "stable"
11484 },
11485 "name": "RUBY"
11486 },
11487 {
11488 "docs": {
11489 "stability": "stable"
11490 },
11491 "name": "OTHER"
11492 }
11493 ],
11494 "name": "RuntimeFamily"
11495 },
11496 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.S3Code": {
11497 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
11498 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
11499 "docs": {
11500 "stability": "stable",
11501 "summary": "Lambda code from an S3 archive."
11502 },
11503 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.S3Code",
11504 "initializer": {
11505 "docs": {
11506 "stability": "stable"
11507 },
11508 "locationInModule": {
11509 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
11510 "line": 117
11511 },
11512 "parameters": [
11513 {
11514 "name": "bucket",
11515 "type": {
11516 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket"
11517 }
11518 },
11519 {
11520 "name": "key",
11521 "type": {
11522 "primitive": "string"
11523 }
11524 },
11525 {
11526 "name": "objectVersion",
11527 "optional": true,
11528 "type": {
11529 "primitive": "string"
11530 }
11531 }
11532 ]
11533 },
11534 "kind": "class",
11535 "locationInModule": {
11536 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
11537 "line": 113
11538 },
11539 "methods": [
11540 {
11541 "docs": {
11542 "stability": "stable",
11543 "summary": "Called when the lambda or layer is initialized to allow this object to bind to the stack, add resources and have fun."
11544 },
11545 "locationInModule": {
11546 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
11547 "line": 127
11548 },
11549 "name": "bind",
11550 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
11551 "parameters": [
11552 {
11553 "name": "_scope",
11554 "type": {
11555 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
11556 }
11557 }
11558 ],
11559 "returns": {
11560 "type": {
11561 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.CodeConfig"
11562 }
11563 }
11564 }
11565 ],
11566 "name": "S3Code",
11567 "properties": [
11568 {
11569 "docs": {
11570 "stability": "stable",
11571 "summary": "Determines whether this Code is inline code or not."
11572 },
11573 "immutable": true,
11574 "locationInModule": {
11575 "filename": "lib/code.ts",
11576 "line": 114
11577 },
11578 "name": "isInline",
11579 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Code",
11580 "type": {
11581 "primitive": "boolean"
11582 }
11583 }
11584 ]
11585 },
11586 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.SingletonFunction": {
11587 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
11588 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
11589 "docs": {
11590 "custom": {
11591 "resource": "AWS::Lambda::Function"
11592 },
11593 "remarks": "This construct is a way to guarantee that the lambda function will be guaranteed to be part of the stack,\nonce and only once, irrespective of how many times the construct is declared to be part of the stack.\nThis is guaranteed as long as the `uuid` property and the optional `lambdaPurpose` property stay the same\nwhenever they're declared into the stack.",
11594 "stability": "stable",
11595 "summary": "A Lambda that will only ever be added to a stack once."
11596 },
11597 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.SingletonFunction",
11598 "initializer": {
11599 "docs": {
11600 "stability": "stable"
11601 },
11602 "locationInModule": {
11603 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11604 "line": 51
11605 },
11606 "parameters": [
11607 {
11608 "name": "scope",
11609 "type": {
11610 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
11611 }
11612 },
11613 {
11614 "name": "id",
11615 "type": {
11616 "primitive": "string"
11617 }
11618 },
11619 {
11620 "name": "props",
11621 "type": {
11622 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.SingletonFunctionProps"
11623 }
11624 }
11625 ]
11626 },
11627 "kind": "class",
11628 "locationInModule": {
11629 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11630 "line": 42
11631 },
11632 "methods": [
11633 {
11634 "docs": {
11635 "stability": "stable",
11636 "summary": "Using node.addDependency() does not work on this method as the underlying lambda function is modeled as a singleton across the stack. Use this method instead to declare dependencies."
11637 },
11638 "locationInModule": {
11639 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11640 "line": 85
11641 },
11642 "name": "addDependency",
11643 "parameters": [
11644 {
11645 "name": "up",
11646 "type": {
11647 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IDependable"
11648 },
11649 "variadic": true
11650 }
11651 ],
11652 "variadic": true
11653 },
11654 {
11655 "docs": {
11656 "stability": "stable",
11657 "summary": "Adds a permission to the Lambda resource policy."
11658 },
11659 "locationInModule": {
11660 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11661 "line": 77
11662 },
11663 "name": "addPermission",
11664 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
11665 "parameters": [
11666 {
11667 "name": "name",
11668 "type": {
11669 "primitive": "string"
11670 }
11671 },
11672 {
11673 "name": "permission",
11674 "type": {
11675 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Permission"
11676 }
11677 }
11678 ]
11679 },
11680 {
11681 "docs": {
11682 "stability": "stable",
11683 "summary": "The SingletonFunction construct cannot be added as a dependency of another construct using node.addDependency(). Use this method instead to declare this as a dependency of another construct."
11684 },
11685 "locationInModule": {
11686 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11687 "line": 93
11688 },
11689 "name": "dependOn",
11690 "parameters": [
11691 {
11692 "name": "down",
11693 "type": {
11694 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.IConstruct"
11695 }
11696 }
11697 ]
11698 }
11699 ],
11700 "name": "SingletonFunction",
11701 "properties": [
11702 {
11703 "docs": {
11704 "remarks": "True for new Lambdas, false for imported Lambdas (they might live in different accounts).",
11705 "stability": "stable",
11706 "summary": "Whether the addPermission() call adds any permissions."
11707 },
11708 "immutable": true,
11709 "locationInModule": {
11710 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11711 "line": 48
11712 },
11713 "name": "canCreatePermissions",
11714 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
11715 "protected": true,
11716 "type": {
11717 "primitive": "boolean"
11718 }
11719 },
11720 {
11721 "docs": {
11722 "remarks": "You can specify options for this version using the `currentVersionOptions`\nprop when initializing the `lambda.SingletonFunction`.",
11723 "stability": "stable",
11724 "summary": "Returns a `lambda.Version` which represents the current version of this singleton Lambda function. A new version will be created every time the function's configuration changes."
11725 },
11726 "immutable": true,
11727 "locationInModule": {
11728 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11729 "line": 73
11730 },
11731 "name": "currentVersion",
11732 "type": {
11733 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Version"
11734 }
11735 },
11736 {
11737 "docs": {
11738 "stability": "stable",
11739 "summary": "The ARN fo the function."
11740 },
11741 "immutable": true,
11742 "locationInModule": {
11743 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11744 "line": 45
11745 },
11746 "name": "functionArn",
11747 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
11748 "type": {
11749 "primitive": "string"
11750 }
11751 },
11752 {
11753 "docs": {
11754 "stability": "stable",
11755 "summary": "The name of the function."
11756 },
11757 "immutable": true,
11758 "locationInModule": {
11759 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11760 "line": 44
11761 },
11762 "name": "functionName",
11763 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
11764 "type": {
11765 "primitive": "string"
11766 }
11767 },
11768 {
11769 "docs": {
11770 "stability": "stable",
11771 "summary": "The principal this Lambda Function is running as."
11772 },
11773 "immutable": true,
11774 "locationInModule": {
11775 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11776 "line": 43
11777 },
11778 "name": "grantPrincipal",
11779 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
11780 "type": {
11781 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal"
11782 }
11783 },
11784 {
11785 "docs": {
11786 "stability": "stable",
11787 "summary": "The construct node where permissions are attached."
11788 },
11789 "immutable": true,
11790 "locationInModule": {
11791 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11792 "line": 47
11793 },
11794 "name": "permissionsNode",
11795 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
11796 "type": {
11797 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.ConstructNode"
11798 }
11799 },
11800 {
11801 "docs": {
11802 "remarks": "Undefined if the function was imported without a role.",
11803 "stability": "stable",
11804 "summary": "The IAM role associated with this function."
11805 },
11806 "immutable": true,
11807 "locationInModule": {
11808 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11809 "line": 46
11810 },
11811 "name": "role",
11812 "optional": true,
11813 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
11814 "type": {
11815 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
11816 }
11817 }
11818 ]
11819 },
11820 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.SingletonFunctionProps": {
11821 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
11822 "datatype": true,
11823 "docs": {
11824 "stability": "stable",
11825 "summary": "Properties for a newly created singleton Lambda."
11826 },
11827 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.SingletonFunctionProps",
11828 "interfaces": [
11829 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionProps"
11830 ],
11831 "kind": "interface",
11832 "locationInModule": {
11833 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11834 "line": 11
11835 },
11836 "name": "SingletonFunctionProps",
11837 "properties": [
11838 {
11839 "abstract": true,
11840 "docs": {
11841 "remarks": "The identifier should be unique across all custom resource providers.\nWe recommend generating a UUID per provider.",
11842 "stability": "stable",
11843 "summary": "A unique identifier to identify this lambda."
11844 },
11845 "immutable": true,
11846 "locationInModule": {
11847 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11848 "line": 18
11849 },
11850 "name": "uuid",
11851 "type": {
11852 "primitive": "string"
11853 }
11854 },
11855 {
11856 "abstract": true,
11857 "docs": {
11858 "default": "SingletonLambda",
11859 "remarks": "If the Lambda does not have a physical name, this string will be\nreflected its generated name. The combination of lambdaPurpose\nand uuid must be unique.",
11860 "stability": "stable",
11861 "summary": "A descriptive name for the purpose of this Lambda."
11862 },
11863 "immutable": true,
11864 "locationInModule": {
11865 "filename": "lib/singleton-lambda.ts",
11866 "line": 29
11867 },
11868 "name": "lambdaPurpose",
11869 "optional": true,
11870 "type": {
11871 "primitive": "string"
11872 }
11873 }
11874 ]
11875 },
11876 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.StartingPosition": {
11877 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
11878 "docs": {
11879 "stability": "stable",
11880 "summary": "The position in the DynamoDB or Kinesis stream where AWS Lambda should start reading."
11881 },
11882 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.StartingPosition",
11883 "kind": "enum",
11884 "locationInModule": {
11885 "filename": "lib/event-source-mapping.ts",
11886 "line": 197
11887 },
11888 "members": [
11889 {
11890 "docs": {
11891 "stability": "stable",
11892 "summary": "Start reading at the last untrimmed record in the shard in the system, which is the oldest data record in the shard."
11893 },
11894 "name": "TRIM_HORIZON"
11895 },
11896 {
11897 "docs": {
11898 "stability": "stable",
11899 "summary": "Start reading just after the most recent record in the shard, so that you always read the most recent data in the shard."
11900 },
11901 "name": "LATEST"
11902 }
11903 ],
11904 "name": "StartingPosition"
11905 },
11906 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Tracing": {
11907 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
11908 "docs": {
11909 "stability": "stable",
11910 "summary": "X-Ray Tracing Modes (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/API_TracingConfig.html)."
11911 },
11912 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Tracing",
11913 "kind": "enum",
11914 "locationInModule": {
11915 "filename": "lib/function.ts",
11916 "line": 23
11917 },
11918 "members": [
11919 {
11920 "docs": {
11921 "remarks": "If no tracing header is received, Lambda will call X-Ray for a tracing decision.",
11922 "stability": "stable",
11923 "summary": "Lambda will respect any tracing header it receives from an upstream service."
11924 },
11925 "name": "ACTIVE"
11926 },
11927 {
11928 "docs": {
11929 "stability": "stable",
11930 "summary": "Lambda will only trace the request from an upstream service if it contains a tracing header with \"sampled=1\"."
11931 },
11932 "name": "PASS_THROUGH"
11933 },
11934 {
11935 "docs": {
11936 "stability": "stable",
11937 "summary": "Lambda will not trace any request."
11938 },
11939 "name": "DISABLED"
11940 }
11941 ],
11942 "name": "Tracing"
11943 },
11944 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.UtilizationScalingOptions": {
11945 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
11946 "datatype": true,
11947 "docs": {
11948 "stability": "stable",
11949 "summary": "Options for enabling Lambda utilization tracking."
11950 },
11951 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.UtilizationScalingOptions",
11952 "interfaces": [
11953 "@aws-cdk/aws-applicationautoscaling.BaseTargetTrackingProps"
11954 ],
11955 "kind": "interface",
11956 "locationInModule": {
11957 "filename": "lib/scalable-attribute-api.ts",
11958 "line": 24
11959 },
11960 "name": "UtilizationScalingOptions",
11961 "properties": [
11962 {
11963 "abstract": true,
11964 "docs": {
11965 "remarks": "For example, .5 indicates that 50 percent of allocated provisioned concurrency is in use.",
11966 "stability": "stable",
11967 "summary": "Utilization target for the attribute."
11968 },
11969 "immutable": true,
11970 "locationInModule": {
11971 "filename": "lib/scalable-attribute-api.ts",
11972 "line": 28
11973 },
11974 "name": "utilizationTarget",
11975 "type": {
11976 "primitive": "number"
11977 }
11978 }
11979 ]
11980 },
11981 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Version": {
11982 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
11983 "base": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.QualifiedFunctionBase",
11984 "docs": {
11985 "remarks": "This object exists to--at deploy time--query the \"then-current\" version of\nthe Lambda function that it refers to. This Version object can then be\nused in `Alias` to refer to a particular deployment of a Lambda.\n\nThis means that for every new update you deploy to your Lambda (using the\nCDK and Aliases), you must always create a new Version object. In\nparticular, it must have a different name, so that a new resource is\ncreated.\n\nIf you want to ensure that you're associating the right version with\nthe right deployment, specify the `codeSha256` property while\ncreating the `Version.",
11986 "stability": "stable",
11987 "summary": "A single newly-deployed version of a Lambda function."
11988 },
11989 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Version",
11990 "initializer": {
11991 "docs": {
11992 "stability": "stable"
11993 },
11994 "locationInModule": {
11995 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
11996 "line": 181
11997 },
11998 "parameters": [
11999 {
12000 "name": "scope",
12001 "type": {
12002 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
12003 }
12004 },
12005 {
12006 "name": "id",
12007 "type": {
12008 "primitive": "string"
12009 }
12010 },
12011 {
12012 "name": "props",
12013 "type": {
12014 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionProps"
12015 }
12016 }
12017 ]
12018 },
12019 "interfaces": [
12020 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
12021 ],
12022 "kind": "class",
12023 "locationInModule": {
12024 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12025 "line": 109
12026 },
12027 "methods": [
12028 {
12029 "docs": {
12030 "stability": "stable",
12031 "summary": "Construct a Version object from a Version ARN."
12032 },
12033 "locationInModule": {
12034 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12035 "line": 118
12036 },
12037 "name": "fromVersionArn",
12038 "parameters": [
12039 {
12040 "docs": {
12041 "summary": "The cdk scope creating this resource."
12042 },
12043 "name": "scope",
12044 "type": {
12045 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
12046 }
12047 },
12048 {
12049 "docs": {
12050 "summary": "The cdk id of this resource."
12051 },
12052 "name": "id",
12053 "type": {
12054 "primitive": "string"
12055 }
12056 },
12057 {
12058 "docs": {
12059 "summary": "The version ARN to create this version from."
12060 },
12061 "name": "versionArn",
12062 "type": {
12063 "primitive": "string"
12064 }
12065 }
12066 ],
12067 "returns": {
12068 "type": {
12069 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
12070 }
12071 },
12072 "static": true
12073 },
12074 {
12075 "docs": {
12076 "stability": "stable"
12077 },
12078 "locationInModule": {
12079 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12080 "line": 147
12081 },
12082 "name": "fromVersionAttributes",
12083 "parameters": [
12084 {
12085 "name": "scope",
12086 "type": {
12087 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
12088 }
12089 },
12090 {
12091 "name": "id",
12092 "type": {
12093 "primitive": "string"
12094 }
12095 },
12096 {
12097 "name": "attrs",
12098 "type": {
12099 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionAttributes"
12100 }
12101 }
12102 ],
12103 "returns": {
12104 "type": {
12105 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
12106 }
12107 },
12108 "static": true
12109 },
12110 {
12111 "docs": {
12112 "stability": "stable",
12113 "summary": "Defines an alias for this version."
12114 },
12115 "locationInModule": {
12116 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12117 "line": 241
12118 },
12119 "name": "addAlias",
12120 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion",
12121 "parameters": [
12122 {
12123 "docs": {
12124 "summary": "The name of the alias (e.g. \"live\")."
12125 },
12126 "name": "aliasName",
12127 "type": {
12128 "primitive": "string"
12129 }
12130 },
12131 {
12132 "docs": {
12133 "summary": "Alias options."
12134 },
12135 "name": "options",
12136 "optional": true,
12137 "type": {
12138 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.AliasOptions"
12139 }
12140 }
12141 ],
12142 "returns": {
12143 "type": {
12144 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.Alias"
12145 }
12146 }
12147 },
12148 {
12149 "docs": {
12150 "stability": "stable",
12151 "summary": "Return the given named metric for this Function."
12152 },
12153 "locationInModule": {
12154 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12155 "line": 222
12156 },
12157 "name": "metric",
12158 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
12159 "parameters": [
12160 {
12161 "name": "metricName",
12162 "type": {
12163 "primitive": "string"
12164 }
12165 },
12166 {
12167 "name": "props",
12168 "optional": true,
12169 "type": {
12170 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.MetricOptions"
12171 }
12172 }
12173 ],
12174 "returns": {
12175 "type": {
12176 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric"
12177 }
12178 }
12179 }
12180 ],
12181 "name": "Version",
12182 "properties": [
12183 {
12184 "docs": {
12185 "remarks": "True for new Lambdas, false for imported Lambdas (they might live in different accounts).",
12186 "stability": "stable",
12187 "summary": "Whether the addPermission() call adds any permissions."
12188 },
12189 "immutable": true,
12190 "locationInModule": {
12191 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12192 "line": 179
12193 },
12194 "name": "canCreatePermissions",
12195 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.FunctionBase",
12196 "protected": true,
12197 "type": {
12198 "primitive": "boolean"
12199 }
12200 },
12201 {
12202 "docs": {
12203 "stability": "stable",
12204 "summary": "The ARN of the version for Lambda@Edge."
12205 },
12206 "immutable": true,
12207 "locationInModule": {
12208 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12209 "line": 245
12210 },
12211 "name": "edgeArn",
12212 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion",
12213 "type": {
12214 "primitive": "string"
12215 }
12216 },
12217 {
12218 "docs": {
12219 "stability": "stable",
12220 "summary": "The ARN fo the function."
12221 },
12222 "immutable": true,
12223 "locationInModule": {
12224 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12225 "line": 175
12226 },
12227 "name": "functionArn",
12228 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
12229 "type": {
12230 "primitive": "string"
12231 }
12232 },
12233 {
12234 "docs": {
12235 "stability": "stable",
12236 "summary": "The name of the function."
12237 },
12238 "immutable": true,
12239 "locationInModule": {
12240 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12241 "line": 176
12242 },
12243 "name": "functionName",
12244 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
12245 "type": {
12246 "primitive": "string"
12247 }
12248 },
12249 {
12250 "docs": {
12251 "stability": "stable",
12252 "summary": "The principal this Lambda Function is running as."
12253 },
12254 "immutable": true,
12255 "locationInModule": {
12256 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12257 "line": 214
12258 },
12259 "name": "grantPrincipal",
12260 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
12261 "type": {
12262 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IPrincipal"
12263 }
12264 },
12265 {
12266 "docs": {
12267 "stability": "stable",
12268 "summary": "The underlying AWS Lambda function."
12269 },
12270 "immutable": true,
12271 "locationInModule": {
12272 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12273 "line": 174
12274 },
12275 "name": "lambda",
12276 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion",
12277 "type": {
12278 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
12279 }
12280 },
12281 {
12282 "docs": {
12283 "remarks": "A qualifier is the identifier that's appended to a version or alias ARN.",
12284 "stability": "stable",
12285 "summary": "The qualifier of the version or alias of this function."
12286 },
12287 "immutable": true,
12288 "locationInModule": {
12289 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12290 "line": 178
12291 },
12292 "name": "qualifier",
12293 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.QualifiedFunctionBase",
12294 "protected": true,
12295 "type": {
12296 "primitive": "string"
12297 }
12298 },
12299 {
12300 "docs": {
12301 "stability": "stable",
12302 "summary": "The most recently deployed version of this function."
12303 },
12304 "immutable": true,
12305 "locationInModule": {
12306 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12307 "line": 173
12308 },
12309 "name": "version",
12310 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion",
12311 "type": {
12312 "primitive": "string"
12313 }
12314 },
12315 {
12316 "docs": {
12317 "remarks": "Undefined if the function was imported without a role.",
12318 "stability": "stable",
12319 "summary": "The IAM role associated with this function."
12320 },
12321 "immutable": true,
12322 "locationInModule": {
12323 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12324 "line": 218
12325 },
12326 "name": "role",
12327 "optional": true,
12328 "overrides": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
12329 "type": {
12330 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole"
12331 }
12332 }
12333 ]
12334 },
12335 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionAttributes": {
12336 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
12337 "datatype": true,
12338 "docs": {
12339 "stability": "stable"
12340 },
12341 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionAttributes",
12342 "kind": "interface",
12343 "locationInModule": {
12344 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12345 "line": 81
12346 },
12347 "name": "VersionAttributes",
12348 "properties": [
12349 {
12350 "abstract": true,
12351 "docs": {
12352 "stability": "stable",
12353 "summary": "The lambda function."
12354 },
12355 "immutable": true,
12356 "locationInModule": {
12357 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12358 "line": 90
12359 },
12360 "name": "lambda",
12361 "type": {
12362 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
12363 }
12364 },
12365 {
12366 "abstract": true,
12367 "docs": {
12368 "stability": "stable",
12369 "summary": "The version."
12370 },
12371 "immutable": true,
12372 "locationInModule": {
12373 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12374 "line": 85
12375 },
12376 "name": "version",
12377 "type": {
12378 "primitive": "string"
12379 }
12380 }
12381 ]
12382 },
12383 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionOptions": {
12384 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
12385 "datatype": true,
12386 "docs": {
12387 "stability": "stable",
12388 "summary": "Options for `lambda.Version`."
12389 },
12390 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionOptions",
12391 "interfaces": [
12392 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.EventInvokeConfigOptions"
12393 ],
12394 "kind": "interface",
12395 "locationInModule": {
12396 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12397 "line": 38
12398 },
12399 "name": "VersionOptions",
12400 "properties": [
12401 {
12402 "abstract": true,
12403 "docs": {
12404 "default": "No validation is performed",
12405 "remarks": "Specify to validate that you're deploying the right version.",
12406 "stability": "stable",
12407 "summary": "SHA256 of the version of the Lambda source code."
12408 },
12409 "immutable": true,
12410 "locationInModule": {
12411 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12412 "line": 46
12413 },
12414 "name": "codeSha256",
12415 "optional": true,
12416 "type": {
12417 "primitive": "string"
12418 }
12419 },
12420 {
12421 "abstract": true,
12422 "docs": {
12423 "default": "Description of the Lambda",
12424 "stability": "stable",
12425 "summary": "Description of the version."
12426 },
12427 "immutable": true,
12428 "locationInModule": {
12429 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12430 "line": 53
12431 },
12432 "name": "description",
12433 "optional": true,
12434 "type": {
12435 "primitive": "string"
12436 }
12437 },
12438 {
12439 "abstract": true,
12440 "docs": {
12441 "default": "No provisioned concurrency",
12442 "stability": "stable",
12443 "summary": "Specifies a provisioned concurrency configuration for a function's version."
12444 },
12445 "immutable": true,
12446 "locationInModule": {
12447 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12448 "line": 60
12449 },
12450 "name": "provisionedConcurrentExecutions",
12451 "optional": true,
12452 "type": {
12453 "primitive": "number"
12454 }
12455 },
12456 {
12457 "abstract": true,
12458 "docs": {
12459 "default": "RemovalPolicy.DESTROY",
12460 "stability": "stable",
12461 "summary": "Whether to retain old versions of this function when a new version is created."
12462 },
12463 "immutable": true,
12464 "locationInModule": {
12465 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12466 "line": 68
12467 },
12468 "name": "removalPolicy",
12469 "optional": true,
12470 "type": {
12471 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy"
12472 }
12473 }
12474 ]
12475 },
12476 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionProps": {
12477 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
12478 "datatype": true,
12479 "docs": {
12480 "stability": "stable",
12481 "summary": "Properties for a new Lambda version."
12482 },
12483 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionProps",
12484 "interfaces": [
12485 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionOptions"
12486 ],
12487 "kind": "interface",
12488 "locationInModule": {
12489 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12490 "line": 74
12491 },
12492 "name": "VersionProps",
12493 "properties": [
12494 {
12495 "abstract": true,
12496 "docs": {
12497 "stability": "stable",
12498 "summary": "Function to get the value of."
12499 },
12500 "immutable": true,
12501 "locationInModule": {
12502 "filename": "lib/lambda-version.ts",
12503 "line": 78
12504 },
12505 "name": "lambda",
12506 "type": {
12507 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction"
12508 }
12509 }
12510 ]
12511 },
12512 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionWeight": {
12513 "assembly": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda",
12514 "datatype": true,
12515 "docs": {
12516 "stability": "stable",
12517 "summary": "A version/weight pair for routing traffic to Lambda functions."
12518 },
12519 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.VersionWeight",
12520 "kind": "interface",
12521 "locationInModule": {
12522 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
12523 "line": 289
12524 },
12525 "name": "VersionWeight",
12526 "properties": [
12527 {
12528 "abstract": true,
12529 "docs": {
12530 "stability": "stable",
12531 "summary": "The version to route traffic to."
12532 },
12533 "immutable": true,
12534 "locationInModule": {
12535 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
12536 "line": 293
12537 },
12538 "name": "version",
12539 "type": {
12540 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IVersion"
12541 }
12542 },
12543 {
12544 "abstract": true,
12545 "docs": {
12546 "stability": "stable",
12547 "summary": "How much weight to assign to this version (0..1)."
12548 },
12549 "immutable": true,
12550 "locationInModule": {
12551 "filename": "lib/alias.ts",
12552 "line": 298
12553 },
12554 "name": "weight",
12555 "type": {
12556 "primitive": "number"
12557 }
12558 }
12559 ]
12560 }
12561 },
12562 "version": "1.61.0",
12563 "fingerprint": "i+6m4YtX4uaOSZupx/OD1rxY3x5DzbeQOtSqLYin6a0="