248 kBJSONView Raw
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6 "translations": {
7 "python": {
8 "source": "# Configure log group for short retention\nlog_group = LogGroup(stack, \"LogGroup\",\n retention=RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK\n)# Configure log group for infinite retention\nlog_group = LogGroup(stack, \"LogGroup\",\n retention=Infinity\n)",
9 "version": "2"
10 },
11 "csharp": {
12 "source": "// Configure log group for short retention\nLogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(stack, \"LogGroup\", new LogGroupProps {\n Retention = RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK\n});// Configure log group for infinite retention\nLogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(stack, \"LogGroup\", new LogGroupProps {\n Retention = Infinity\n});",
13 "version": "1"
14 },
15 "java": {
16 "source": "// Configure log group for short retention\nLogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Builder.create(stack, \"LogGroup\")\n .retention(RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK)\n .build();// Configure log group for infinite retention\nLogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Builder.create(stack, \"LogGroup\")\n .retention(Infinity)\n .build();",
17 "version": "1"
18 },
19 "go": {
20 "source": "// Configure log group for short retention\nlogGroup := lib.NewLogGroup(stack, jsii.String(\"LogGroup\"), &logGroupProps{\n\tretention: *lib.RetentionDays_ONE_WEEK,\n})// Configure log group for infinite retention\nlogGroup := lib.NewLogGroup(stack, jsii.String(\"LogGroup\"), &logGroupProps{\n\tretention: infinity,\n})",
21 "version": "1"
22 },
23 "$": {
24 "source": "// Configure log group for short retention\nconst logGroup = new LogGroup(stack, 'LogGroup', {\n retention: RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK,\n});\n// Configure log group for infinite retention\nconst logGroup = new LogGroup(stack, 'LogGroup', {\n retention: Infinity,\n});",
25 "version": "0"
26 }
27 },
28 "location": {
29 "api": {
30 "api": "moduleReadme",
31 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
32 },
33 "field": {
34 "field": "markdown",
35 "line": 35
36 }
37 },
38 "didCompile": true,
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40 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
41 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroupProps",
42 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays",
43 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays#ONE_WEEK",
44 "constructs.Construct"
45 ],
46 "fullSource": "import { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { LogGroup, RetentionDays } from '../lib';\n\nconst stack = new Stack();\n\nfunction shortLogGroup() {\n /// !show\n // Configure log group for short retention\n const logGroup = new LogGroup(stack, 'LogGroup', {\n retention: RetentionDays.ONE_WEEK,\n });\n /// !hide\n return logGroup;\n}\n\nfunction infiniteLogGroup() {\n /// !show\n // Configure log group for infinite retention\n const logGroup = new LogGroup(stack, 'LogGroup', {\n retention: Infinity,\n });\n /// !hide\n return logGroup;\n}\n\n//\n\nArray.isArray(shortLogGroup);\nArray.isArray(infiniteLogGroup);\n",
47 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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49 "75": 11,
50 "193": 2,
51 "194": 1,
52 "197": 2,
53 "225": 2,
54 "242": 2,
55 "243": 2,
56 "281": 2
57 },
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60 "985b5df53091f5f49370710f19c29eb310deb4093e54070a97f1e242623ad2ee": {
61 "translations": {
62 "python": {
63 "source": "log_group = logs.LogGroup(self, \"LogGroup\")\nlog_group.add_to_resource_policy(iam.PolicyStatement(\n actions=[\"logs:CreateLogStream\", \"logs:PutLogEvents\"],\n principals=[iam.ServicePrincipal(\"es.amazonaws.com\")],\n resources=[log_group.log_group_arn]\n))",
64 "version": "2"
65 },
66 "csharp": {
67 "source": "LogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"LogGroup\");\nlogGroup.AddToResourcePolicy(new PolicyStatement(new PolicyStatementProps {\n Actions = new [] { \"logs:CreateLogStream\", \"logs:PutLogEvents\" },\n Principals = new [] { new ServicePrincipal(\"es.amazonaws.com\") },\n Resources = new [] { logGroup.LogGroupArn }\n}));",
68 "version": "1"
69 },
70 "java": {
71 "source": "LogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"LogGroup\");\nlogGroup.addToResourcePolicy(PolicyStatement.Builder.create()\n .actions(List.of(\"logs:CreateLogStream\", \"logs:PutLogEvents\"))\n .principals(List.of(new ServicePrincipal(\"es.amazonaws.com\")))\n .resources(List.of(logGroup.getLogGroupArn()))\n .build());",
72 "version": "1"
73 },
74 "go": {
75 "source": "logGroup := logs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"LogGroup\"))\nlogGroup.addToResourcePolicy(iam.NewPolicyStatement(&policyStatementProps{\n\tactions: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"logs:CreateLogStream\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"logs:PutLogEvents\"),\n\t},\n\tprincipals: []iPrincipal{\n\t\tiam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"es.amazonaws.com\")),\n\t},\n\tresources: []*string{\n\t\tlogGroup.logGroupArn,\n\t},\n}))",
76 "version": "1"
77 },
78 "$": {
79 "source": "const logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup');\nlogGroup.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['logs:CreateLogStream', 'logs:PutLogEvents'],\n principals: [new iam.ServicePrincipal('es.amazonaws.com')],\n resources: [logGroup.logGroupArn],\n}));",
80 "version": "0"
81 }
82 },
83 "location": {
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85 "api": "moduleReadme",
86 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
87 },
88 "field": {
89 "field": "markdown",
90 "line": 65
91 }
92 },
93 "didCompile": true,
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95 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatement",
96 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.PolicyStatementProps",
97 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
98 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
99 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup#logGroupArn",
100 "constructs.Construct"
101 ],
102 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup');\nlogGroup.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({\n actions: ['logs:CreateLogStream', 'logs:PutLogEvents'],\n principals: [new iam.ServicePrincipal('es.amazonaws.com')],\n resources: [logGroup.logGroupArn],\n}));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
103 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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105 "75": 14,
106 "104": 1,
107 "192": 3,
108 "193": 1,
109 "194": 5,
110 "196": 1,
111 "197": 3,
112 "225": 1,
113 "226": 1,
114 "242": 1,
115 "243": 1,
116 "281": 3
117 },
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120 "3a8fcdb50dbc930d42a30acced3c4886f44813645c1eeaaa3ac4ad6674a201bf": {
121 "translations": {
122 "python": {
123 "source": "log_group = logs.LogGroup(self, \"LogGroup\")\nlog_group.grant_write(iam.ServicePrincipal(\"es.amazonaws.com\"))",
124 "version": "2"
125 },
126 "csharp": {
127 "source": "LogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"LogGroup\");\nlogGroup.GrantWrite(new ServicePrincipal(\"es.amazonaws.com\"));",
128 "version": "1"
129 },
130 "java": {
131 "source": "LogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"LogGroup\");\nlogGroup.grantWrite(new ServicePrincipal(\"es.amazonaws.com\"));",
132 "version": "1"
133 },
134 "go": {
135 "source": "logGroup := logs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"LogGroup\"))\nlogGroup.grantWrite(iam.NewServicePrincipal(jsii.String(\"es.amazonaws.com\")))",
136 "version": "1"
137 },
138 "$": {
139 "source": "const logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup');\nlogGroup.grantWrite(new iam.ServicePrincipal('es.amazonaws.com'));",
140 "version": "0"
141 }
142 },
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145 "api": "moduleReadme",
146 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
147 },
148 "field": {
149 "field": "markdown",
150 "line": 76
151 }
152 },
153 "didCompile": true,
154 "fqnsReferenced": [
155 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IGrantable",
156 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.ServicePrincipal",
157 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
158 "constructs.Construct"
159 ],
160 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nconst logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup');\nlogGroup.grantWrite(new iam.ServicePrincipal('es.amazonaws.com'));\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
161 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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163 "75": 7,
164 "104": 1,
165 "194": 3,
166 "196": 1,
167 "197": 2,
168 "225": 1,
169 "226": 1,
170 "242": 1,
171 "243": 1
172 },
173 "fqnsFingerprint": "48e7f4e9810861fa2a1a9f8b3d9398ffb212ce4ef066c971a87a54ad573df845"
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175 "9c70243a96fbdfb055298a91d88726d122e04fb5da04e12e8b74d35bf4d683e6": {
176 "translations": {
177 "python": {
178 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_kms as kms\n\n\nlogs.LogGroup(self, \"LogGroup\",\n encryption_key=kms.Key(self, \"Key\")\n)",
179 "version": "2"
180 },
181 "csharp": {
182 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.KMS;\n\n\nnew LogGroup(this, \"LogGroup\", new LogGroupProps {\n EncryptionKey = new Key(this, \"Key\")\n});",
183 "version": "1"
184 },
185 "java": {
186 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.kms.*;\n\n\nLogGroup.Builder.create(this, \"LogGroup\")\n .encryptionKey(new Key(this, \"Key\"))\n .build();",
187 "version": "1"
188 },
189 "go": {
190 "source": "import kms \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawskms\"\n\n\nlogs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"LogGroup\"), &logGroupProps{\n\tencryptionKey: kms.NewKey(this, jsii.String(\"Key\")),\n})",
191 "version": "1"
192 },
193 "$": {
194 "source": "import * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\n\nnew logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup', {\n encryptionKey: new kms.Key(this, 'Key'),\n});",
195 "version": "0"
196 }
197 },
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199 "api": {
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202 },
203 "field": {
204 "field": "markdown",
205 "line": 95
206 }
207 },
208 "didCompile": true,
209 "fqnsReferenced": [
210 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.IKey",
211 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.Key",
212 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
213 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroupProps",
214 "constructs.Construct"
215 ],
216 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup', {\n encryptionKey: new kms.Key(this, 'Key'),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
217 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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219 "75": 6,
220 "104": 2,
221 "193": 1,
222 "194": 2,
223 "197": 2,
224 "226": 1,
225 "254": 1,
226 "255": 1,
227 "256": 1,
228 "281": 1,
229 "290": 1
230 },
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232 },
233 "cb2571c517166398accdd86db72c8d603ddfb40d3a126c7614414fbf43206a77": {
234 "translations": {
235 "python": {
236 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_logs_destinations as destinations\n# fn: lambda.Function\n# log_group: logs.LogGroup\n\n\nlogs.SubscriptionFilter(self, \"Subscription\",\n log_group=log_group,\n destination=destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filter_pattern=logs.FilterPattern.all_terms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\")\n)",
237 "version": "2"
238 },
239 "csharp": {
240 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs.Destinations;\nFunction fn;\nLogGroup logGroup;\n\n\nnew SubscriptionFilter(this, \"Subscription\", new SubscriptionFilterProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n Destination = new LambdaDestination(fn),\n FilterPattern = FilterPattern.AllTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\")\n});",
241 "version": "1"
242 },
243 "java": {
244 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.destinations.*;\nFunction fn;\nLogGroup logGroup;\n\n\nSubscriptionFilter.Builder.create(this, \"Subscription\")\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .destination(new LambdaDestination(fn))\n .filterPattern(FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"))\n .build();",
245 "version": "1"
246 },
247 "go": {
248 "source": "import destinations \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogsdestinations\"\nvar fn function\nvar logGroup logGroup\n\n\nlogs.NewSubscriptionFilter(this, jsii.String(\"Subscription\"), &subscriptionFilterProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\tdestination: destinations.NewLambdaDestination(fn),\n\tfilterPattern: logs.filterPattern.allTerms(jsii.String(\"ERROR\"), jsii.String(\"MainThread\")),\n})",
249 "version": "1"
250 },
251 "$": {
252 "source": "import * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations';\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n\nnew logs.SubscriptionFilter(this, 'Subscription', {\n logGroup,\n destination: new destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"),\n});",
253 "version": "0"
254 }
255 },
256 "location": {
257 "api": {
258 "api": "moduleReadme",
259 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
260 },
261 "field": {
262 "field": "markdown",
263 "line": 119
264 }
265 },
266 "didCompile": true,
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268 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
269 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations.LambdaDestination",
270 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
271 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#allTerms",
272 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
273 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
274 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogSubscriptionDestination",
275 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilter",
276 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilterProps",
277 "constructs.Construct"
278 ],
279 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations';\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew logs.SubscriptionFilter(this, 'Subscription', {\n logGroup,\n destination: new destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
280 "syntaxKindCounter": {
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282 "75": 18,
283 "104": 1,
284 "130": 2,
285 "153": 2,
286 "169": 2,
287 "193": 1,
288 "194": 4,
289 "196": 1,
290 "197": 2,
291 "225": 2,
292 "226": 1,
293 "242": 2,
294 "243": 2,
295 "254": 1,
296 "255": 1,
297 "256": 1,
298 "281": 2,
299 "282": 1,
300 "290": 1
301 },
302 "fqnsFingerprint": "c4976cece6cd33aa4c017d9630d31206fe2b4af8c139af7663f6f9b4d5f47ddb"
303 },
304 "3e4f9df91c64586fbd3c7276422a7f18175545ca8825131b1a272f7de1dd4abd": {
305 "translations": {
306 "python": {
307 "source": "MetricFilter(self, \"MetricFilter\",\n log_group=log_group,\n metric_namespace=\"MyApp\",\n metric_name=\"Latency\",\n filter_pattern=FilterPattern.exists(\"$.latency\"),\n metric_value=\"$.latency\"\n)",
308 "version": "2"
309 },
310 "csharp": {
311 "source": "new MetricFilter(this, \"MetricFilter\", new MetricFilterProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n MetricNamespace = \"MyApp\",\n MetricName = \"Latency\",\n FilterPattern = FilterPattern.Exists(\"$.latency\"),\n MetricValue = \"$.latency\"\n});",
312 "version": "1"
313 },
314 "java": {
315 "source": "MetricFilter.Builder.create(this, \"MetricFilter\")\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .metricNamespace(\"MyApp\")\n .metricName(\"Latency\")\n .filterPattern(FilterPattern.exists(\"$.latency\"))\n .metricValue(\"$.latency\")\n .build();",
316 "version": "1"
317 },
318 "go": {
319 "source": "lib.NewMetricFilter(this, jsii.String(\"MetricFilter\"), &metricFilterProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\tmetricNamespace: jsii.String(\"MyApp\"),\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"Latency\"),\n\tfilterPattern: *lib.FilterPattern.exists(jsii.String(\"$.latency\")),\n\tmetricValue: jsii.String(\"$.latency\"),\n})",
320 "version": "1"
321 },
322 "$": {
323 "source": "new MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {\n logGroup,\n metricNamespace: 'MyApp',\n metricName: 'Latency',\n filterPattern: FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),\n metricValue: '$.latency',\n});",
324 "version": "0"
325 }
326 },
327 "location": {
328 "api": {
329 "api": "moduleReadme",
330 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
331 },
332 "field": {
333 "field": "markdown",
334 "line": 143
335 }
336 },
337 "didCompile": true,
338 "fqnsReferenced": [
339 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#exists",
340 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
341 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
342 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilter",
343 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilterProps",
344 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy",
345 "constructs.Construct"
346 ],
347 "fullSource": "import { App, RemovalPolicy, Stack, StackProps } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { FilterPattern, LogGroup, MetricFilter } from '../lib';\n\nclass MetricFilterIntegStack extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: App, id: string, props?: StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n const logGroup = new LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup', {\n removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n });\n\n /// !show\n new MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {\n logGroup,\n metricNamespace: 'MyApp',\n metricName: 'Latency',\n filterPattern: FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),\n metricValue: '$.latency',\n });\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new App();\nnew MetricFilterIntegStack(app, 'aws-cdk-metricfilter-integ');\napp.synth();\n",
348 "syntaxKindCounter": {
349 "10": 5,
350 "75": 8,
351 "104": 1,
352 "193": 1,
353 "194": 1,
354 "196": 1,
355 "197": 1,
356 "226": 1,
357 "281": 4,
358 "282": 1
359 },
360 "fqnsFingerprint": "807e3d39d26baa68827a53009916a79dec3f6b9f4702e11808620a18b25dfd53"
361 },
362 "1055fce4065d6d23483cf42bc5062f7f6ec193d23f877f2a10dfede07e71b759": {
363 "translations": {
364 "python": {
365 "source": "# log_group: logs.LogGroup\n\nlog_group.extract_metric(\"$.jsonField\", \"Namespace\", \"MetricName\")",
366 "version": "2"
367 },
368 "csharp": {
369 "source": "LogGroup logGroup;\n\nlogGroup.ExtractMetric(\"$.jsonField\", \"Namespace\", \"MetricName\");",
370 "version": "1"
371 },
372 "java": {
373 "source": "LogGroup logGroup;\n\nlogGroup.extractMetric(\"$.jsonField\", \"Namespace\", \"MetricName\");",
374 "version": "1"
375 },
376 "go": {
377 "source": "var logGroup logGroup\n\nlogGroup.extractMetric(jsii.String(\"$.jsonField\"), jsii.String(\"Namespace\"), jsii.String(\"MetricName\"))",
378 "version": "1"
379 },
380 "$": {
381 "source": "declare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\nlogGroup.extractMetric('$.jsonField', 'Namespace', 'MetricName');",
382 "version": "0"
383 }
384 },
385 "location": {
386 "api": {
387 "api": "moduleReadme",
388 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
389 },
390 "field": {
391 "field": "markdown",
392 "line": 159
393 }
394 },
395 "didCompile": true,
396 "fqnsReferenced": [],
397 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nlogGroup.extractMetric('$.jsonField', 'Namespace', 'MetricName');\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
398 "syntaxKindCounter": {
399 "10": 3,
400 "75": 5,
401 "130": 1,
402 "153": 1,
403 "169": 1,
404 "194": 1,
405 "196": 1,
406 "225": 1,
407 "226": 1,
408 "242": 1,
409 "243": 1,
410 "290": 1
411 },
412 "fqnsFingerprint": "e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855"
413 },
414 "286b56ff6fb84fcebe253f25a5a40c01e231a07aa6faf248597c5ab7243f1f6a": {
415 "translations": {
416 "python": {
417 "source": "# log_group: logs.LogGroup\n\nmf = logs.MetricFilter(self, \"MetricFilter\",\n log_group=log_group,\n metric_namespace=\"MyApp\",\n metric_name=\"Latency\",\n filter_pattern=logs.FilterPattern.exists(\"$.latency\"),\n metric_value=\"$.latency\"\n)\n\n# expose a metric from the metric filter\nmetric = mf.metric()\n\n# you can use the metric to create a new alarm\ncloudwatch.Alarm(self, \"alarm from metric filter\",\n metric=metric,\n threshold=100,\n evaluation_periods=2\n)",
418 "version": "2"
419 },
420 "csharp": {
421 "source": "LogGroup logGroup;\n\nMetricFilter mf = new MetricFilter(this, \"MetricFilter\", new MetricFilterProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n MetricNamespace = \"MyApp\",\n MetricName = \"Latency\",\n FilterPattern = FilterPattern.Exists(\"$.latency\"),\n MetricValue = \"$.latency\"\n});\n\n//expose a metric from the metric filter\nMetric metric = mf.Metric();\n\n//you can use the metric to create a new alarm\n//you can use the metric to create a new alarm\nnew Alarm(this, \"alarm from metric filter\", new AlarmProps {\n Metric = metric,\n Threshold = 100,\n EvaluationPeriods = 2\n});",
422 "version": "1"
423 },
424 "java": {
425 "source": "LogGroup logGroup;\n\nMetricFilter mf = MetricFilter.Builder.create(this, \"MetricFilter\")\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .metricNamespace(\"MyApp\")\n .metricName(\"Latency\")\n .filterPattern(FilterPattern.exists(\"$.latency\"))\n .metricValue(\"$.latency\")\n .build();\n\n//expose a metric from the metric filter\nMetric metric = mf.metric();\n\n//you can use the metric to create a new alarm\n//you can use the metric to create a new alarm\nAlarm.Builder.create(this, \"alarm from metric filter\")\n .metric(metric)\n .threshold(100)\n .evaluationPeriods(2)\n .build();",
426 "version": "1"
427 },
428 "go": {
429 "source": "var logGroup logGroup\n\nmf := logs.NewMetricFilter(this, jsii.String(\"MetricFilter\"), &metricFilterProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\tmetricNamespace: jsii.String(\"MyApp\"),\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"Latency\"),\n\tfilterPattern: logs.filterPattern.exists(jsii.String(\"$.latency\")),\n\tmetricValue: jsii.String(\"$.latency\"),\n})\n\n//expose a metric from the metric filter\nmetric := mf.metric()\n\n//you can use the metric to create a new alarm\n//you can use the metric to create a new alarm\ncloudwatch.NewAlarm(this, jsii.String(\"alarm from metric filter\"), &alarmProps{\n\tmetric: metric,\n\tthreshold: jsii.Number(100),\n\tevaluationPeriods: jsii.Number(2),\n})",
430 "version": "1"
431 },
432 "$": {
433 "source": "declare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\nconst mf = new logs.MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {\n logGroup,\n metricNamespace: 'MyApp',\n metricName: 'Latency',\n filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),\n metricValue: '$.latency',\n});\n\n//expose a metric from the metric filter\nconst metric = mf.metric();\n\n//you can use the metric to create a new alarm\nnew cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'alarm from metric filter', {\n metric,\n threshold: 100,\n evaluationPeriods: 2,\n});",
434 "version": "0"
435 }
436 },
437 "location": {
438 "api": {
439 "api": "moduleReadme",
440 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
441 },
442 "field": {
443 "field": "markdown",
444 "line": 173
445 }
446 },
447 "didCompile": true,
448 "fqnsReferenced": [
449 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Alarm",
450 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.AlarmProps",
451 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.IMetric",
452 "@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch.Metric",
453 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
454 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#exists",
455 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
456 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
457 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilter",
458 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilter#metric",
459 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilterProps",
460 "constructs.Construct"
461 ],
462 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst mf = new logs.MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {\n logGroup,\n metricNamespace: 'MyApp',\n metricName: 'Latency',\n filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),\n metricValue: '$.latency',\n});\n\n//expose a metric from the metric filter\nconst metric = mf.metric();\n\n//you can use the metric to create a new alarm\nnew cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'alarm from metric filter', {\n metric,\n threshold: 100,\n evaluationPeriods: 2,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
463 "syntaxKindCounter": {
464 "8": 2,
465 "10": 6,
466 "75": 22,
467 "104": 2,
468 "130": 1,
469 "153": 1,
470 "169": 1,
471 "193": 2,
472 "194": 5,
473 "196": 2,
474 "197": 2,
475 "225": 3,
476 "226": 1,
477 "242": 3,
478 "243": 3,
479 "281": 6,
480 "282": 2,
481 "290": 1
482 },
483 "fqnsFingerprint": "c805c89afc1528b053ce31578f556bff9dd03bddcca45e561d1d5326a11e286c"
484 },
485 "64e5b1c64c310e339119a8a76813d51249bad4471d11ec5074de3eb68096986b": {
486 "translations": {
487 "python": {
488 "source": "# Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\npattern1 = logs.FilterPattern.all_terms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\")\n\n# Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n# both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\npattern2 = logs.FilterPattern.any_term_group([\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"], [\"WARN\", \"Deadlock\"])",
489 "version": "2"
490 },
491 "csharp": {
492 "source": "// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\nIFilterPattern pattern1 = FilterPattern.AllTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\");\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\nIFilterPattern pattern2 = FilterPattern.AnyTermGroup(new [] { \"ERROR\", \"MainThread\" }, new [] { \"WARN\", \"Deadlock\" });",
493 "version": "1"
494 },
495 "java": {
496 "source": "// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\nIFilterPattern pattern1 = FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\");\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\nIFilterPattern pattern2 = FilterPattern.anyTermGroup(List.of(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"), List.of(\"WARN\", \"Deadlock\"));",
497 "version": "1"
498 },
499 "go": {
500 "source": "// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\npattern1 := logs.filterPattern.allTerms(jsii.String(\"ERROR\"), jsii.String(\"MainThread\"))\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\npattern2 := logs.filterPattern.anyTermGroup([]*string{\n\tjsii.String(\"ERROR\"),\n\tjsii.String(\"MainThread\"),\n}, []*string{\n\tjsii.String(\"WARN\"),\n\tjsii.String(\"Deadlock\"),\n})",
501 "version": "1"
502 },
503 "$": {
504 "source": "// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\nconst pattern1 = logs.FilterPattern.allTerms('ERROR', 'MainThread');\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\nconst pattern2 = logs.FilterPattern.anyTermGroup(\n ['ERROR', 'MainThread'],\n ['WARN', 'Deadlock'],\n);",
505 "version": "0"
506 }
507 },
508 "location": {
509 "api": {
510 "api": "moduleReadme",
511 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
512 },
513 "field": {
514 "field": "markdown",
515 "line": 229
516 }
517 },
518 "didCompile": true,
519 "fqnsReferenced": [
520 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
521 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#allTerms",
522 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#anyTermGroup",
523 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern"
524 ],
525 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\nconst pattern1 = logs.FilterPattern.allTerms('ERROR', 'MainThread');\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\nconst pattern2 = logs.FilterPattern.anyTermGroup(\n ['ERROR', 'MainThread'],\n ['WARN', 'Deadlock'],\n);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
526 "syntaxKindCounter": {
527 "10": 6,
528 "75": 8,
529 "192": 2,
530 "194": 4,
531 "196": 2,
532 "225": 2,
533 "242": 2,
534 "243": 2
535 },
536 "fqnsFingerprint": "5ddcc4251313dda0663580d6112e97f9bddb899c9a72ed783f1c1793d4cb1345"
537 },
538 "5addc27a506797aac2c8825b92273f2c3a8c4e6a249763f9550a313229f0f2b5": {
539 "translations": {
540 "python": {
541 "source": "# Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n# \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n# than 1000.\npattern = logs.FilterPattern.all(\n logs.FilterPattern.string_value(\"$.component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\"),\n logs.FilterPattern.any(\n logs.FilterPattern.boolean_value(\"$.error\", True),\n logs.FilterPattern.number_value(\"$.latency\", \">\", 1000)))",
542 "version": "2"
543 },
544 "csharp": {
545 "source": "// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\nJsonPattern pattern = FilterPattern.All(FilterPattern.StringValue(\"$.component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\"), FilterPattern.Any(FilterPattern.BooleanValue(\"$.error\", true), FilterPattern.NumberValue(\"$.latency\", \">\", 1000)));",
546 "version": "1"
547 },
548 "java": {
549 "source": "// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\nJsonPattern pattern = FilterPattern.all(FilterPattern.stringValue(\"$.component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\"), FilterPattern.any(FilterPattern.booleanValue(\"$.error\", true), FilterPattern.numberValue(\"$.latency\", \">\", 1000)));",
550 "version": "1"
551 },
552 "go": {
553 "source": "// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\npattern := logs.filterPattern.all(logs.filterPattern.stringValue(jsii.String(\"$.component\"), jsii.String(\"=\"), jsii.String(\"HttpServer\")), logs.filterPattern.any(logs.filterPattern.booleanValue(jsii.String(\"$.error\"), jsii.Boolean(true)), logs.filterPattern.numberValue(jsii.String(\"$.latency\"), jsii.String(\">\"), jsii.Number(1000))))",
554 "version": "1"
555 },
556 "$": {
557 "source": "// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\nconst pattern = logs.FilterPattern.all(\n logs.FilterPattern.stringValue('$.component', '=', 'HttpServer'),\n logs.FilterPattern.any(\n logs.FilterPattern.booleanValue('$.error', true),\n logs.FilterPattern.numberValue('$.latency', '>', 1000),\n ),\n);",
558 "version": "0"
559 }
560 },
561 "location": {
562 "api": {
563 "api": "moduleReadme",
564 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
565 },
566 "field": {
567 "field": "markdown",
568 "line": 277
569 }
570 },
571 "didCompile": true,
572 "fqnsReferenced": [
573 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
574 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#all",
575 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#any",
576 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#booleanValue",
577 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#numberValue",
578 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#stringValue",
579 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.JsonPattern"
580 ],
581 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\nconst pattern = logs.FilterPattern.all(\n logs.FilterPattern.stringValue('$.component', '=', 'HttpServer'),\n logs.FilterPattern.any(\n logs.FilterPattern.booleanValue('$.error', true),\n logs.FilterPattern.numberValue('$.latency', '>', 1000),\n ),\n);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
582 "syntaxKindCounter": {
583 "8": 1,
584 "10": 6,
585 "75": 16,
586 "106": 1,
587 "194": 10,
588 "196": 5,
589 "225": 1,
590 "242": 1,
591 "243": 1
592 },
593 "fqnsFingerprint": "376fef3a73421cf7caf246b30cb963333eece753706ca50895d7c6c968c15d82"
594 },
595 "1f4ef47e33b7a9dce036335150bdbab991d9e3002577933b44ebe9bc66776980": {
596 "translations": {
597 "python": {
598 "source": "# Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n# result code is not equal to 200.\npattern = logs.FilterPattern.space_delimited(\"time\", \"component\", \"...\", \"result_code\", \"latency\").where_string(\"component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\").where_number(\"result_code\", \"!=\", 200)",
599 "version": "2"
600 },
601 "csharp": {
602 "source": "// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\nSpaceDelimitedTextPattern pattern = FilterPattern.SpaceDelimited(\"time\", \"component\", \"...\", \"result_code\", \"latency\").WhereString(\"component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\").WhereNumber(\"result_code\", \"!=\", 200);",
603 "version": "1"
604 },
605 "java": {
606 "source": "// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\nSpaceDelimitedTextPattern pattern = FilterPattern.spaceDelimited(\"time\", \"component\", \"...\", \"result_code\", \"latency\").whereString(\"component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\").whereNumber(\"result_code\", \"!=\", 200);",
607 "version": "1"
608 },
609 "go": {
610 "source": "// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\npattern := logs.filterPattern.spaceDelimited(jsii.String(\"time\"), jsii.String(\"component\"), jsii.String(\"...\"), jsii.String(\"result_code\"), jsii.String(\"latency\")).whereString(jsii.String(\"component\"), jsii.String(\"=\"), jsii.String(\"HttpServer\")).whereNumber(jsii.String(\"result_code\"), jsii.String(\"!=\"), jsii.Number(200))",
611 "version": "1"
612 },
613 "$": {
614 "source": "// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\nconst pattern = logs.FilterPattern.spaceDelimited('time', 'component', '...', 'result_code', 'latency')\n .whereString('component', '=', 'HttpServer')\n .whereNumber('result_code', '!=', 200);",
615 "version": "0"
616 }
617 },
618 "location": {
619 "api": {
620 "api": "moduleReadme",
621 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
622 },
623 "field": {
624 "field": "markdown",
625 "line": 318
626 }
627 },
628 "didCompile": true,
629 "fqnsReferenced": [
630 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
631 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#spaceDelimited",
632 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SpaceDelimitedTextPattern",
633 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SpaceDelimitedTextPattern#whereNumber",
634 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SpaceDelimitedTextPattern#whereString"
635 ],
636 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\nconst pattern = logs.FilterPattern.spaceDelimited('time', 'component', '...', 'result_code', 'latency')\n .whereString('component', '=', 'HttpServer')\n .whereNumber('result_code', '!=', 200);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
637 "syntaxKindCounter": {
638 "8": 1,
639 "10": 10,
640 "75": 6,
641 "194": 4,
642 "196": 3,
643 "225": 1,
644 "242": 1,
645 "243": 1
646 },
647 "fqnsFingerprint": "21704a18ecdb7086d532c7467ee18fdfac540eb28f25941afb0687fc7d123836"
648 },
649 "ecef777a1e830ec741ffce6a33b9e4d4efde7978c586e58bf7f3b34e1ae837db": {
650 "translations": {
651 "python": {
652 "source": "logs.QueryDefinition(self, \"QueryDefinition\",\n query_definition_name=\"MyQuery\",\n query_string=logs.QueryString(\n fields=[\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"],\n sort=\"@timestamp desc\",\n limit=20\n )\n)",
653 "version": "2"
654 },
655 "csharp": {
656 "source": "new QueryDefinition(this, \"QueryDefinition\", new QueryDefinitionProps {\n QueryDefinitionName = \"MyQuery\",\n QueryString = new QueryString(new QueryStringProps {\n Fields = new [] { \"@timestamp\", \"@message\" },\n Sort = \"@timestamp desc\",\n Limit = 20\n })\n});",
657 "version": "1"
658 },
659 "java": {
660 "source": "QueryDefinition.Builder.create(this, \"QueryDefinition\")\n .queryDefinitionName(\"MyQuery\")\n .queryString(QueryString.Builder.create()\n .fields(List.of(\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"))\n .sort(\"@timestamp desc\")\n .limit(20)\n .build())\n .build();",
661 "version": "1"
662 },
663 "go": {
664 "source": "logs.NewQueryDefinition(this, jsii.String(\"QueryDefinition\"), &queryDefinitionProps{\n\tqueryDefinitionName: jsii.String(\"MyQuery\"),\n\tqueryString: logs.NewQueryString(&queryStringProps{\n\t\tfields: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@timestamp\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@message\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tsort: jsii.String(\"@timestamp desc\"),\n\t\tlimit: jsii.Number(20),\n\t}),\n})",
665 "version": "1"
666 },
667 "$": {
668 "source": "new logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});",
669 "version": "0"
670 }
671 },
672 "location": {
673 "api": {
674 "api": "moduleReadme",
675 "moduleFqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs"
676 },
677 "field": {
678 "field": "markdown",
679 "line": 332
680 }
681 },
682 "didCompile": true,
683 "fqnsReferenced": [
684 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinition",
685 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinitionProps",
686 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryString",
687 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryStringProps",
688 "constructs.Construct"
689 ],
690 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
691 "syntaxKindCounter": {
692 "8": 1,
693 "10": 5,
694 "75": 9,
695 "104": 1,
696 "192": 1,
697 "193": 2,
698 "194": 2,
699 "197": 2,
700 "226": 1,
701 "281": 5
702 },
703 "fqnsFingerprint": "2c1b03f5f85c5b5c727b8181577e1b6a7ab45b415fa54ee095df217b061916c6"
704 },
705 "11c811ece799c9992e86a9bc11df5c857b8c54bf8dfb303f71f43232d3d60a3c": {
706 "translations": {
707 "python": {
708 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_destination = logs.CfnDestination(self, \"MyCfnDestination\",\n destination_name=\"destinationName\",\n role_arn=\"roleArn\",\n target_arn=\"targetArn\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n destination_policy=\"destinationPolicy\"\n)",
709 "version": "2"
710 },
711 "csharp": {
712 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnDestination cfnDestination = new CfnDestination(this, \"MyCfnDestination\", new CfnDestinationProps {\n DestinationName = \"destinationName\",\n RoleArn = \"roleArn\",\n TargetArn = \"targetArn\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DestinationPolicy = \"destinationPolicy\"\n});",
713 "version": "1"
714 },
715 "java": {
716 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnDestination cfnDestination = CfnDestination.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnDestination\")\n .destinationName(\"destinationName\")\n .roleArn(\"roleArn\")\n .targetArn(\"targetArn\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .destinationPolicy(\"destinationPolicy\")\n .build();",
717 "version": "1"
718 },
719 "go": {
720 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnDestination := logs.NewCfnDestination(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnDestination\"), &cfnDestinationProps{\n\tdestinationName: jsii.String(\"destinationName\"),\n\troleArn: jsii.String(\"roleArn\"),\n\ttargetArn: jsii.String(\"targetArn\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdestinationPolicy: jsii.String(\"destinationPolicy\"),\n})",
721 "version": "1"
722 },
723 "$": {
724 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnDestination = new logs.CfnDestination(this, 'MyCfnDestination', {\n destinationName: 'destinationName',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n targetArn: 'targetArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n destinationPolicy: 'destinationPolicy',\n});",
725 "version": "0"
726 }
727 },
728 "location": {
729 "api": {
730 "api": "type",
731 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnDestination"
732 },
733 "field": {
734 "field": "example"
735 }
736 },
737 "didCompile": true,
738 "fqnsReferenced": [
739 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnDestination",
740 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnDestinationProps",
741 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
742 ],
743 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnDestination = new logs.CfnDestination(this, 'MyCfnDestination', {\n destinationName: 'destinationName',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n targetArn: 'targetArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n destinationPolicy: 'destinationPolicy',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
744 "syntaxKindCounter": {
745 "10": 6,
746 "75": 8,
747 "104": 1,
748 "193": 1,
749 "194": 1,
750 "197": 1,
751 "225": 1,
752 "242": 1,
753 "243": 1,
754 "254": 1,
755 "255": 1,
756 "256": 1,
757 "281": 4,
758 "290": 1
759 },
760 "fqnsFingerprint": "b83f98dea5b44ad81e1fa79f5b7e8a82007c6db6750076da6b5da25eee5b2de1"
761 },
762 "d124bed7f6a93ffe2ceb3c54f1d9860525a0c6b04f4a5d8ef98b144ddede6686": {
763 "translations": {
764 "python": {
765 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_destination_props = logs.CfnDestinationProps(\n destination_name=\"destinationName\",\n role_arn=\"roleArn\",\n target_arn=\"targetArn\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n destination_policy=\"destinationPolicy\"\n)",
766 "version": "2"
767 },
768 "csharp": {
769 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnDestinationProps cfnDestinationProps = new CfnDestinationProps {\n DestinationName = \"destinationName\",\n RoleArn = \"roleArn\",\n TargetArn = \"targetArn\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DestinationPolicy = \"destinationPolicy\"\n};",
770 "version": "1"
771 },
772 "java": {
773 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnDestinationProps cfnDestinationProps = CfnDestinationProps.builder()\n .destinationName(\"destinationName\")\n .roleArn(\"roleArn\")\n .targetArn(\"targetArn\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .destinationPolicy(\"destinationPolicy\")\n .build();",
774 "version": "1"
775 },
776 "go": {
777 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnDestinationProps := &cfnDestinationProps{\n\tdestinationName: jsii.String(\"destinationName\"),\n\troleArn: jsii.String(\"roleArn\"),\n\ttargetArn: jsii.String(\"targetArn\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdestinationPolicy: jsii.String(\"destinationPolicy\"),\n}",
778 "version": "1"
779 },
780 "$": {
781 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnDestinationProps: logs.CfnDestinationProps = {\n destinationName: 'destinationName',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n targetArn: 'targetArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n destinationPolicy: 'destinationPolicy',\n};",
782 "version": "0"
783 }
784 },
785 "location": {
786 "api": {
787 "api": "type",
788 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnDestinationProps"
789 },
790 "field": {
791 "field": "example"
792 }
793 },
794 "didCompile": true,
795 "fqnsReferenced": [
796 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnDestinationProps"
797 ],
798 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnDestinationProps: logs.CfnDestinationProps = {\n destinationName: 'destinationName',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n targetArn: 'targetArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n destinationPolicy: 'destinationPolicy',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
799 "syntaxKindCounter": {
800 "10": 5,
801 "75": 8,
802 "153": 1,
803 "169": 1,
804 "193": 1,
805 "225": 1,
806 "242": 1,
807 "243": 1,
808 "254": 1,
809 "255": 1,
810 "256": 1,
811 "281": 4,
812 "290": 1
813 },
814 "fqnsFingerprint": "be82d884e3c21d5fdd1aa48cc92dae5e92f9ecd10b35dad2815274bdca6886ae"
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816 "8b8cc239fbe45793d4f0907e065a6fe785ba8a180abdfb6c286208525f62d095": {
817 "translations": {
818 "python": {
819 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# data_protection_policy: Any\n\ncfn_log_group = logs.CfnLogGroup(self, \"MyCfnLogGroup\",\n data_protection_policy=data_protection_policy,\n kms_key_id=\"kmsKeyId\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n retention_in_days=123,\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
820 "version": "2"
821 },
822 "csharp": {
823 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nvar dataProtectionPolicy;\n\nCfnLogGroup cfnLogGroup = new CfnLogGroup(this, \"MyCfnLogGroup\", new CfnLogGroupProps {\n DataProtectionPolicy = dataProtectionPolicy,\n KmsKeyId = \"kmsKeyId\",\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n RetentionInDays = 123,\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n});",
824 "version": "1"
825 },
826 "java": {
827 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nObject dataProtectionPolicy;\n\nCfnLogGroup cfnLogGroup = CfnLogGroup.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnLogGroup\")\n .dataProtectionPolicy(dataProtectionPolicy)\n .kmsKeyId(\"kmsKeyId\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .retentionInDays(123)\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
828 "version": "1"
829 },
830 "go": {
831 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar dataProtectionPolicy interface{}\n\ncfnLogGroup := logs.NewCfnLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnLogGroup\"), &cfnLogGroupProps{\n\tdataProtectionPolicy: dataProtectionPolicy,\n\tkmsKeyId: jsii.String(\"kmsKeyId\"),\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tretentionInDays: jsii.Number(123),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n})",
832 "version": "1"
833 },
834 "$": {
835 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const dataProtectionPolicy: any;\nconst cfnLogGroup = new logs.CfnLogGroup(this, 'MyCfnLogGroup', /* all optional props */ {\n dataProtectionPolicy: dataProtectionPolicy,\n kmsKeyId: 'kmsKeyId',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n retentionInDays: 123,\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});",
836 "version": "0"
837 }
838 },
839 "location": {
840 "api": {
841 "api": "type",
842 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogGroup"
843 },
844 "field": {
845 "field": "example"
846 }
847 },
848 "didCompile": true,
849 "fqnsReferenced": [
850 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogGroup",
851 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogGroupProps",
852 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
853 ],
854 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const dataProtectionPolicy: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnLogGroup = new logs.CfnLogGroup(this, 'MyCfnLogGroup', /* all optional props */ {\n dataProtectionPolicy: dataProtectionPolicy,\n kmsKeyId: 'kmsKeyId',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n retentionInDays: 123,\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
855 "syntaxKindCounter": {
856 "8": 1,
857 "10": 6,
858 "75": 13,
859 "104": 1,
860 "125": 1,
861 "130": 1,
862 "192": 1,
863 "193": 2,
864 "194": 1,
865 "197": 1,
866 "225": 2,
867 "242": 2,
868 "243": 2,
869 "254": 1,
870 "255": 1,
871 "256": 1,
872 "281": 7,
873 "290": 1
874 },
875 "fqnsFingerprint": "af91f8140a623129c30527ab9331053cefad71deb92d5371a04ffa6795ff1bd9"
876 },
877 "1d1fbc604bceccaa2cc8d741f088a8758f9995c4666b476ce6fc06a0c006a8a5": {
878 "translations": {
879 "python": {
880 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# data_protection_policy: Any\n\ncfn_log_group_props = logs.CfnLogGroupProps(\n data_protection_policy=data_protection_policy,\n kms_key_id=\"kmsKeyId\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n retention_in_days=123,\n tags=[CfnTag(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )]\n)",
881 "version": "2"
882 },
883 "csharp": {
884 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nvar dataProtectionPolicy;\n\nCfnLogGroupProps cfnLogGroupProps = new CfnLogGroupProps {\n DataProtectionPolicy = dataProtectionPolicy,\n KmsKeyId = \"kmsKeyId\",\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n RetentionInDays = 123,\n Tags = new [] { new CfnTag {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } }\n};",
885 "version": "1"
886 },
887 "java": {
888 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nObject dataProtectionPolicy;\n\nCfnLogGroupProps cfnLogGroupProps = CfnLogGroupProps.builder()\n .dataProtectionPolicy(dataProtectionPolicy)\n .kmsKeyId(\"kmsKeyId\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .retentionInDays(123)\n .tags(List.of(CfnTag.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .build();",
889 "version": "1"
890 },
891 "go": {
892 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar dataProtectionPolicy interface{}\n\ncfnLogGroupProps := &cfnLogGroupProps{\n\tdataProtectionPolicy: dataProtectionPolicy,\n\tkmsKeyId: jsii.String(\"kmsKeyId\"),\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tretentionInDays: jsii.Number(123),\n\ttags: []cfnTag{\n\t\t&cfnTag{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n}",
893 "version": "1"
894 },
895 "$": {
896 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const dataProtectionPolicy: any;\nconst cfnLogGroupProps: logs.CfnLogGroupProps = {\n dataProtectionPolicy: dataProtectionPolicy,\n kmsKeyId: 'kmsKeyId',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n retentionInDays: 123,\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};",
897 "version": "0"
898 }
899 },
900 "location": {
901 "api": {
902 "api": "type",
903 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogGroupProps"
904 },
905 "field": {
906 "field": "example"
907 }
908 },
909 "didCompile": true,
910 "fqnsReferenced": [
911 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogGroupProps"
912 ],
913 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const dataProtectionPolicy: any;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnLogGroupProps: logs.CfnLogGroupProps = {\n dataProtectionPolicy: dataProtectionPolicy,\n kmsKeyId: 'kmsKeyId',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n retentionInDays: 123,\n tags: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
914 "syntaxKindCounter": {
915 "8": 1,
916 "10": 5,
917 "75": 13,
918 "125": 1,
919 "130": 1,
920 "153": 1,
921 "169": 1,
922 "192": 1,
923 "193": 2,
924 "225": 2,
925 "242": 2,
926 "243": 2,
927 "254": 1,
928 "255": 1,
929 "256": 1,
930 "281": 7,
931 "290": 1
932 },
933 "fqnsFingerprint": "86763237c6d2506d17f90a48b7b94c2e2077e6374e537cd4559ac8f3a7adcfbe"
934 },
935 "066471f5d06c18d7560c9edd286bc1197c9891e21a23266bbfdcb3ade7bec15d": {
936 "translations": {
937 "python": {
938 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_log_stream = logs.CfnLogStream(self, \"MyCfnLogStream\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n log_stream_name=\"logStreamName\"\n)",
939 "version": "2"
940 },
941 "csharp": {
942 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnLogStream cfnLogStream = new CfnLogStream(this, \"MyCfnLogStream\", new CfnLogStreamProps {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n LogStreamName = \"logStreamName\"\n});",
943 "version": "1"
944 },
945 "java": {
946 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnLogStream cfnLogStream = CfnLogStream.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnLogStream\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .logStreamName(\"logStreamName\")\n .build();",
947 "version": "1"
948 },
949 "go": {
950 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnLogStream := logs.NewCfnLogStream(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnLogStream\"), &cfnLogStreamProps{\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlogStreamName: jsii.String(\"logStreamName\"),\n})",
951 "version": "1"
952 },
953 "$": {
954 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnLogStream = new logs.CfnLogStream(this, 'MyCfnLogStream', {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n});",
955 "version": "0"
956 }
957 },
958 "location": {
959 "api": {
960 "api": "type",
961 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogStream"
962 },
963 "field": {
964 "field": "example"
965 }
966 },
967 "didCompile": true,
968 "fqnsReferenced": [
969 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogStream",
970 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogStreamProps",
971 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
972 ],
973 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnLogStream = new logs.CfnLogStream(this, 'MyCfnLogStream', {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
974 "syntaxKindCounter": {
975 "10": 4,
976 "75": 6,
977 "104": 1,
978 "193": 1,
979 "194": 1,
980 "197": 1,
981 "225": 1,
982 "242": 1,
983 "243": 1,
984 "254": 1,
985 "255": 1,
986 "256": 1,
987 "281": 2,
988 "290": 1
989 },
990 "fqnsFingerprint": "2cda57da84742343352b2cfea212edaa134044d1b5dc9c041b66d93e033439bc"
991 },
992 "34dd1e7dbac8157d1d0507c045a6e051737257cc8cc1da35ff8179924a747248": {
993 "translations": {
994 "python": {
995 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_log_stream_props = logs.CfnLogStreamProps(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n log_stream_name=\"logStreamName\"\n)",
996 "version": "2"
997 },
998 "csharp": {
999 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnLogStreamProps cfnLogStreamProps = new CfnLogStreamProps {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n LogStreamName = \"logStreamName\"\n};",
1000 "version": "1"
1001 },
1002 "java": {
1003 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnLogStreamProps cfnLogStreamProps = CfnLogStreamProps.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .logStreamName(\"logStreamName\")\n .build();",
1004 "version": "1"
1005 },
1006 "go": {
1007 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnLogStreamProps := &cfnLogStreamProps{\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlogStreamName: jsii.String(\"logStreamName\"),\n}",
1008 "version": "1"
1009 },
1010 "$": {
1011 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnLogStreamProps: logs.CfnLogStreamProps = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n};",
1012 "version": "0"
1013 }
1014 },
1015 "location": {
1016 "api": {
1017 "api": "type",
1018 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogStreamProps"
1019 },
1020 "field": {
1021 "field": "example"
1022 }
1023 },
1024 "didCompile": true,
1025 "fqnsReferenced": [
1026 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnLogStreamProps"
1027 ],
1028 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnLogStreamProps: logs.CfnLogStreamProps = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1029 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1030 "10": 3,
1031 "75": 6,
1032 "153": 1,
1033 "169": 1,
1034 "193": 1,
1035 "225": 1,
1036 "242": 1,
1037 "243": 1,
1038 "254": 1,
1039 "255": 1,
1040 "256": 1,
1041 "281": 2,
1042 "290": 1
1043 },
1044 "fqnsFingerprint": "7981a5e4869913d0fd603a16cfc6b2712fd71bfb3d9536f0a4e08fc044578018"
1045 },
1046 "a535bb6c8c69986ec89b74321c1a0c5d46266d09308e220e2152fd4438b68902": {
1047 "translations": {
1048 "python": {
1049 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_metric_filter = logs.CfnMetricFilter(self, \"MyCfnMetricFilter\",\n filter_pattern=\"filterPattern\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n metric_transformations=[logs.CfnMetricFilter.MetricTransformationProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n metric_namespace=\"metricNamespace\",\n metric_value=\"metricValue\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n default_value=123,\n dimensions=[logs.CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n unit=\"unit\"\n )],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n filter_name=\"filterName\"\n)",
1050 "version": "2"
1051 },
1052 "csharp": {
1053 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnMetricFilter cfnMetricFilter = new CfnMetricFilter(this, \"MyCfnMetricFilter\", new CfnMetricFilterProps {\n FilterPattern = \"filterPattern\",\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n MetricTransformations = new [] { new MetricTransformationProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n MetricNamespace = \"metricNamespace\",\n MetricValue = \"metricValue\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DefaultValue = 123,\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n Unit = \"unit\"\n } },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n FilterName = \"filterName\"\n});",
1054 "version": "1"
1055 },
1056 "java": {
1057 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnMetricFilter cfnMetricFilter = CfnMetricFilter.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnMetricFilter\")\n .filterPattern(\"filterPattern\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .metricTransformations(List.of(MetricTransformationProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .metricNamespace(\"metricNamespace\")\n .metricValue(\"metricValue\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .defaultValue(123)\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build()))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .filterName(\"filterName\")\n .build();",
1058 "version": "1"
1059 },
1060 "go": {
1061 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnMetricFilter := logs.NewCfnMetricFilter(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnMetricFilter\"), &cfnMetricFilterProps{\n\tfilterPattern: jsii.String(\"filterPattern\"),\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tmetricTransformations: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricTransformationProperty{\n\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\tmetricNamespace: jsii.String(\"metricNamespace\"),\n\t\t\tmetricValue: jsii.String(\"metricValue\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tdefaultValue: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tfilterName: jsii.String(\"filterName\"),\n})",
1062 "version": "1"
1063 },
1064 "$": {
1065 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnMetricFilter = new logs.CfnMetricFilter(this, 'MyCfnMetricFilter', {\n filterPattern: 'filterPattern',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n metricTransformations: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metricNamespace: 'metricNamespace',\n metricValue: 'metricValue',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n defaultValue: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n unit: 'unit',\n }],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n filterName: 'filterName',\n});",
1066 "version": "0"
1067 }
1068 },
1069 "location": {
1070 "api": {
1071 "api": "type",
1072 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilter"
1073 },
1074 "field": {
1075 "field": "example"
1076 }
1077 },
1078 "didCompile": true,
1079 "fqnsReferenced": [
1080 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilter",
1081 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilterProps",
1082 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1083 ],
1084 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnMetricFilter = new logs.CfnMetricFilter(this, 'MyCfnMetricFilter', {\n filterPattern: 'filterPattern',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n metricTransformations: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metricNamespace: 'metricNamespace',\n metricValue: 'metricValue',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n defaultValue: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n unit: 'unit',\n }],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n filterName: 'filterName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1085 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1086 "8": 1,
1087 "10": 11,
1088 "75": 16,
1089 "104": 1,
1090 "192": 2,
1091 "193": 3,
1092 "194": 1,
1093 "197": 1,
1094 "225": 1,
1095 "242": 1,
1096 "243": 1,
1097 "254": 1,
1098 "255": 1,
1099 "256": 1,
1100 "281": 12,
1101 "290": 1
1102 },
1103 "fqnsFingerprint": "a8de1a79e560e3e5a17a821a5f4dd6dc25124dcf33493cefe08b256ba1836799"
1104 },
1105 "4b482beef098f99439a54016bcebc27515296fe8c43f55bcb24a424ad0fdd3d9": {
1106 "translations": {
1107 "python": {
1108 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ndimension_property = logs.CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n)",
1109 "version": "2"
1110 },
1111 "csharp": {
1112 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nDimensionProperty dimensionProperty = new DimensionProperty {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n};",
1113 "version": "1"
1114 },
1115 "java": {
1116 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nDimensionProperty dimensionProperty = DimensionProperty.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build();",
1117 "version": "1"
1118 },
1119 "go": {
1120 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ndimensionProperty := &dimensionProperty{\n\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n}",
1121 "version": "1"
1122 },
1123 "$": {
1124 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst dimensionProperty: logs.CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty = {\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n};",
1125 "version": "0"
1126 }
1127 },
1128 "location": {
1129 "api": {
1130 "api": "type",
1131 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty"
1132 },
1133 "field": {
1134 "field": "example"
1135 }
1136 },
1137 "didCompile": true,
1138 "fqnsReferenced": [
1139 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty"
1140 ],
1141 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst dimensionProperty: logs.CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty = {\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1142 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1143 "10": 3,
1144 "75": 7,
1145 "153": 2,
1146 "169": 1,
1147 "193": 1,
1148 "225": 1,
1149 "242": 1,
1150 "243": 1,
1151 "254": 1,
1152 "255": 1,
1153 "256": 1,
1154 "281": 2,
1155 "290": 1
1156 },
1157 "fqnsFingerprint": "6043174488c184152ed9f46d9ded72f626e077cd307200a3100009460019b9a0"
1158 },
1159 "c689cdc201ea7ea2e01d4c570ec362b84433b6b9403ef8a18f0592fac00b83e7": {
1160 "translations": {
1161 "python": {
1162 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\nmetric_transformation_property = logs.CfnMetricFilter.MetricTransformationProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n metric_namespace=\"metricNamespace\",\n metric_value=\"metricValue\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n default_value=123,\n dimensions=[logs.CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n unit=\"unit\"\n)",
1163 "version": "2"
1164 },
1165 "csharp": {
1166 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nMetricTransformationProperty metricTransformationProperty = new MetricTransformationProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n MetricNamespace = \"metricNamespace\",\n MetricValue = \"metricValue\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DefaultValue = 123,\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n Unit = \"unit\"\n};",
1167 "version": "1"
1168 },
1169 "java": {
1170 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nMetricTransformationProperty metricTransformationProperty = MetricTransformationProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .metricNamespace(\"metricNamespace\")\n .metricValue(\"metricValue\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .defaultValue(123)\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build();",
1171 "version": "1"
1172 },
1173 "go": {
1174 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nmetricTransformationProperty := &metricTransformationProperty{\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tmetricNamespace: jsii.String(\"metricNamespace\"),\n\tmetricValue: jsii.String(\"metricValue\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdefaultValue: jsii.Number(123),\n\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n}",
1175 "version": "1"
1176 },
1177 "$": {
1178 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst metricTransformationProperty: logs.CfnMetricFilter.MetricTransformationProperty = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metricNamespace: 'metricNamespace',\n metricValue: 'metricValue',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n defaultValue: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n unit: 'unit',\n};",
1179 "version": "0"
1180 }
1181 },
1182 "location": {
1183 "api": {
1184 "api": "type",
1185 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilter.MetricTransformationProperty"
1186 },
1187 "field": {
1188 "field": "example"
1189 }
1190 },
1191 "didCompile": true,
1192 "fqnsReferenced": [
1193 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilter.MetricTransformationProperty"
1194 ],
1195 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricTransformationProperty: logs.CfnMetricFilter.MetricTransformationProperty = {\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metricNamespace: 'metricNamespace',\n metricValue: 'metricValue',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n defaultValue: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n unit: 'unit',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1196 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1197 "8": 1,
1198 "10": 7,
1199 "75": 13,
1200 "153": 2,
1201 "169": 1,
1202 "192": 1,
1203 "193": 2,
1204 "225": 1,
1205 "242": 1,
1206 "243": 1,
1207 "254": 1,
1208 "255": 1,
1209 "256": 1,
1210 "281": 8,
1211 "290": 1
1212 },
1213 "fqnsFingerprint": "720bcc7125b919ed1f68b8d6d726c44ccae10edc968c87624831f74657b90f69"
1214 },
1215 "a8164b27c37b5f686b3aa0c3cc04383f461980b226bb8a5b4979c6ca236d6942": {
1216 "translations": {
1217 "python": {
1218 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_metric_filter_props = logs.CfnMetricFilterProps(\n filter_pattern=\"filterPattern\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n metric_transformations=[logs.CfnMetricFilter.MetricTransformationProperty(\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n metric_namespace=\"metricNamespace\",\n metric_value=\"metricValue\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n default_value=123,\n dimensions=[logs.CfnMetricFilter.DimensionProperty(\n key=\"key\",\n value=\"value\"\n )],\n unit=\"unit\"\n )],\n\n # the properties below are optional\n filter_name=\"filterName\"\n)",
1219 "version": "2"
1220 },
1221 "csharp": {
1222 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnMetricFilterProps cfnMetricFilterProps = new CfnMetricFilterProps {\n FilterPattern = \"filterPattern\",\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n MetricTransformations = new [] { new MetricTransformationProperty {\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n MetricNamespace = \"metricNamespace\",\n MetricValue = \"metricValue\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DefaultValue = 123,\n Dimensions = new [] { new DimensionProperty {\n Key = \"key\",\n Value = \"value\"\n } },\n Unit = \"unit\"\n } },\n\n // the properties below are optional\n FilterName = \"filterName\"\n};",
1223 "version": "1"
1224 },
1225 "java": {
1226 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnMetricFilterProps cfnMetricFilterProps = CfnMetricFilterProps.builder()\n .filterPattern(\"filterPattern\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .metricTransformations(List.of(MetricTransformationProperty.builder()\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .metricNamespace(\"metricNamespace\")\n .metricValue(\"metricValue\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .defaultValue(123)\n .dimensions(List.of(DimensionProperty.builder()\n .key(\"key\")\n .value(\"value\")\n .build()))\n .unit(\"unit\")\n .build()))\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .filterName(\"filterName\")\n .build();",
1227 "version": "1"
1228 },
1229 "go": {
1230 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnMetricFilterProps := &cfnMetricFilterProps{\n\tfilterPattern: jsii.String(\"filterPattern\"),\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tmetricTransformations: []interface{}{\n\t\t&metricTransformationProperty{\n\t\t\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\t\t\tmetricNamespace: jsii.String(\"metricNamespace\"),\n\t\t\tmetricValue: jsii.String(\"metricValue\"),\n\n\t\t\t// the properties below are optional\n\t\t\tdefaultValue: jsii.Number(123),\n\t\t\tdimensions: []interface{}{\n\t\t\t\t&dimensionProperty{\n\t\t\t\t\tkey: jsii.String(\"key\"),\n\t\t\t\t\tvalue: jsii.String(\"value\"),\n\t\t\t\t},\n\t\t\t},\n\t\t\tunit: jsii.String(\"unit\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tfilterName: jsii.String(\"filterName\"),\n}",
1231 "version": "1"
1232 },
1233 "$": {
1234 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnMetricFilterProps: logs.CfnMetricFilterProps = {\n filterPattern: 'filterPattern',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n metricTransformations: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metricNamespace: 'metricNamespace',\n metricValue: 'metricValue',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n defaultValue: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n unit: 'unit',\n }],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n filterName: 'filterName',\n};",
1235 "version": "0"
1236 }
1237 },
1238 "location": {
1239 "api": {
1240 "api": "type",
1241 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilterProps"
1242 },
1243 "field": {
1244 "field": "example"
1245 }
1246 },
1247 "didCompile": true,
1248 "fqnsReferenced": [
1249 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnMetricFilterProps"
1250 ],
1251 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnMetricFilterProps: logs.CfnMetricFilterProps = {\n filterPattern: 'filterPattern',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n metricTransformations: [{\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metricNamespace: 'metricNamespace',\n metricValue: 'metricValue',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n defaultValue: 123,\n dimensions: [{\n key: 'key',\n value: 'value',\n }],\n unit: 'unit',\n }],\n\n // the properties below are optional\n filterName: 'filterName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1252 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1253 "8": 1,
1254 "10": 10,
1255 "75": 16,
1256 "153": 1,
1257 "169": 1,
1258 "192": 2,
1259 "193": 3,
1260 "225": 1,
1261 "242": 1,
1262 "243": 1,
1263 "254": 1,
1264 "255": 1,
1265 "256": 1,
1266 "281": 12,
1267 "290": 1
1268 },
1269 "fqnsFingerprint": "771ad98cafaf1a761fd6998288404ab9173a44c30f32f13f316efeb371297b78"
1270 },
1271 "b6dbfbff08c2a95a2537c9e718a42f297d95c59ceba6577b9bd35c467e9d612a": {
1272 "translations": {
1273 "python": {
1274 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_query_definition = logs.CfnQueryDefinition(self, \"MyCfnQueryDefinition\",\n name=\"name\",\n query_string=\"queryString\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n log_group_names=[\"logGroupNames\"]\n)",
1275 "version": "2"
1276 },
1277 "csharp": {
1278 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnQueryDefinition cfnQueryDefinition = new CfnQueryDefinition(this, \"MyCfnQueryDefinition\", new CfnQueryDefinitionProps {\n Name = \"name\",\n QueryString = \"queryString\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n LogGroupNames = new [] { \"logGroupNames\" }\n});",
1279 "version": "1"
1280 },
1281 "java": {
1282 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnQueryDefinition cfnQueryDefinition = CfnQueryDefinition.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnQueryDefinition\")\n .name(\"name\")\n .queryString(\"queryString\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .logGroupNames(List.of(\"logGroupNames\"))\n .build();",
1283 "version": "1"
1284 },
1285 "go": {
1286 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnQueryDefinition := logs.NewCfnQueryDefinition(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnQueryDefinition\"), &cfnQueryDefinitionProps{\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tqueryString: jsii.String(\"queryString\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlogGroupNames: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"logGroupNames\"),\n\t},\n})",
1287 "version": "1"
1288 },
1289 "$": {
1290 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnQueryDefinition = new logs.CfnQueryDefinition(this, 'MyCfnQueryDefinition', {\n name: 'name',\n queryString: 'queryString',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logGroupNames: ['logGroupNames'],\n});",
1291 "version": "0"
1292 }
1293 },
1294 "location": {
1295 "api": {
1296 "api": "type",
1297 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnQueryDefinition"
1298 },
1299 "field": {
1300 "field": "example"
1301 }
1302 },
1303 "didCompile": true,
1304 "fqnsReferenced": [
1305 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnQueryDefinition",
1306 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnQueryDefinitionProps",
1307 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1308 ],
1309 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnQueryDefinition = new logs.CfnQueryDefinition(this, 'MyCfnQueryDefinition', {\n name: 'name',\n queryString: 'queryString',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logGroupNames: ['logGroupNames'],\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1310 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1311 "10": 5,
1312 "75": 7,
1313 "104": 1,
1314 "192": 1,
1315 "193": 1,
1316 "194": 1,
1317 "197": 1,
1318 "225": 1,
1319 "242": 1,
1320 "243": 1,
1321 "254": 1,
1322 "255": 1,
1323 "256": 1,
1324 "281": 3,
1325 "290": 1
1326 },
1327 "fqnsFingerprint": "1362ccfe6b6e579b21f9816fd278102c964928ed052844c6ae107d81c13bbb3f"
1328 },
1329 "e571b380f77e25ee2ec2572f029f4a9b56704f23baed0cca1fe43e6ef0ab5a66": {
1330 "translations": {
1331 "python": {
1332 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_query_definition_props = logs.CfnQueryDefinitionProps(\n name=\"name\",\n query_string=\"queryString\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n log_group_names=[\"logGroupNames\"]\n)",
1333 "version": "2"
1334 },
1335 "csharp": {
1336 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnQueryDefinitionProps cfnQueryDefinitionProps = new CfnQueryDefinitionProps {\n Name = \"name\",\n QueryString = \"queryString\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n LogGroupNames = new [] { \"logGroupNames\" }\n};",
1337 "version": "1"
1338 },
1339 "java": {
1340 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnQueryDefinitionProps cfnQueryDefinitionProps = CfnQueryDefinitionProps.builder()\n .name(\"name\")\n .queryString(\"queryString\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .logGroupNames(List.of(\"logGroupNames\"))\n .build();",
1341 "version": "1"
1342 },
1343 "go": {
1344 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnQueryDefinitionProps := &cfnQueryDefinitionProps{\n\tname: jsii.String(\"name\"),\n\tqueryString: jsii.String(\"queryString\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlogGroupNames: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"logGroupNames\"),\n\t},\n}",
1345 "version": "1"
1346 },
1347 "$": {
1348 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnQueryDefinitionProps: logs.CfnQueryDefinitionProps = {\n name: 'name',\n queryString: 'queryString',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logGroupNames: ['logGroupNames'],\n};",
1349 "version": "0"
1350 }
1351 },
1352 "location": {
1353 "api": {
1354 "api": "type",
1355 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnQueryDefinitionProps"
1356 },
1357 "field": {
1358 "field": "example"
1359 }
1360 },
1361 "didCompile": true,
1362 "fqnsReferenced": [
1363 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnQueryDefinitionProps"
1364 ],
1365 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnQueryDefinitionProps: logs.CfnQueryDefinitionProps = {\n name: 'name',\n queryString: 'queryString',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logGroupNames: ['logGroupNames'],\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1366 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1367 "10": 4,
1368 "75": 7,
1369 "153": 1,
1370 "169": 1,
1371 "192": 1,
1372 "193": 1,
1373 "225": 1,
1374 "242": 1,
1375 "243": 1,
1376 "254": 1,
1377 "255": 1,
1378 "256": 1,
1379 "281": 3,
1380 "290": 1
1381 },
1382 "fqnsFingerprint": "a9f5f029d469671fb5266aa38f5ea4b2040bb78c09ff6e1df9d07c9653875439"
1383 },
1384 "d50fab984ea3720e65d8ae3982d007ce31443e38a4d677f08facedd89dd0d45f": {
1385 "translations": {
1386 "python": {
1387 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_resource_policy = logs.CfnResourcePolicy(self, \"MyCfnResourcePolicy\",\n policy_document=\"policyDocument\",\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n)",
1388 "version": "2"
1389 },
1390 "csharp": {
1391 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnResourcePolicy cfnResourcePolicy = new CfnResourcePolicy(this, \"MyCfnResourcePolicy\", new CfnResourcePolicyProps {\n PolicyDocument = \"policyDocument\",\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n});",
1392 "version": "1"
1393 },
1394 "java": {
1395 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnResourcePolicy cfnResourcePolicy = CfnResourcePolicy.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnResourcePolicy\")\n .policyDocument(\"policyDocument\")\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build();",
1396 "version": "1"
1397 },
1398 "go": {
1399 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnResourcePolicy := logs.NewCfnResourcePolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnResourcePolicy\"), &cfnResourcePolicyProps{\n\tpolicyDocument: jsii.String(\"policyDocument\"),\n\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n})",
1400 "version": "1"
1401 },
1402 "$": {
1403 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnResourcePolicy = new logs.CfnResourcePolicy(this, 'MyCfnResourcePolicy', {\n policyDocument: 'policyDocument',\n policyName: 'policyName',\n});",
1404 "version": "0"
1405 }
1406 },
1407 "location": {
1408 "api": {
1409 "api": "type",
1410 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnResourcePolicy"
1411 },
1412 "field": {
1413 "field": "example"
1414 }
1415 },
1416 "didCompile": true,
1417 "fqnsReferenced": [
1418 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnResourcePolicy",
1419 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnResourcePolicyProps",
1420 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1421 ],
1422 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnResourcePolicy = new logs.CfnResourcePolicy(this, 'MyCfnResourcePolicy', {\n policyDocument: 'policyDocument',\n policyName: 'policyName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1423 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1424 "10": 4,
1425 "75": 6,
1426 "104": 1,
1427 "193": 1,
1428 "194": 1,
1429 "197": 1,
1430 "225": 1,
1431 "242": 1,
1432 "243": 1,
1433 "254": 1,
1434 "255": 1,
1435 "256": 1,
1436 "281": 2,
1437 "290": 1
1438 },
1439 "fqnsFingerprint": "9b0d70d250027a8a10227af5b3c83cf94fb12aba8d99fa634a00d201760ecc1e"
1440 },
1441 "f0e8ea018beac657cff716c41d5c126008b158f85745f70c62b88d290778b3f4": {
1442 "translations": {
1443 "python": {
1444 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_resource_policy_props = logs.CfnResourcePolicyProps(\n policy_document=\"policyDocument\",\n policy_name=\"policyName\"\n)",
1445 "version": "2"
1446 },
1447 "csharp": {
1448 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnResourcePolicyProps cfnResourcePolicyProps = new CfnResourcePolicyProps {\n PolicyDocument = \"policyDocument\",\n PolicyName = \"policyName\"\n};",
1449 "version": "1"
1450 },
1451 "java": {
1452 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnResourcePolicyProps cfnResourcePolicyProps = CfnResourcePolicyProps.builder()\n .policyDocument(\"policyDocument\")\n .policyName(\"policyName\")\n .build();",
1453 "version": "1"
1454 },
1455 "go": {
1456 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnResourcePolicyProps := &cfnResourcePolicyProps{\n\tpolicyDocument: jsii.String(\"policyDocument\"),\n\tpolicyName: jsii.String(\"policyName\"),\n}",
1457 "version": "1"
1458 },
1459 "$": {
1460 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnResourcePolicyProps: logs.CfnResourcePolicyProps = {\n policyDocument: 'policyDocument',\n policyName: 'policyName',\n};",
1461 "version": "0"
1462 }
1463 },
1464 "location": {
1465 "api": {
1466 "api": "type",
1467 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnResourcePolicyProps"
1468 },
1469 "field": {
1470 "field": "example"
1471 }
1472 },
1473 "didCompile": true,
1474 "fqnsReferenced": [
1475 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnResourcePolicyProps"
1476 ],
1477 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnResourcePolicyProps: logs.CfnResourcePolicyProps = {\n policyDocument: 'policyDocument',\n policyName: 'policyName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1478 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1479 "10": 3,
1480 "75": 6,
1481 "153": 1,
1482 "169": 1,
1483 "193": 1,
1484 "225": 1,
1485 "242": 1,
1486 "243": 1,
1487 "254": 1,
1488 "255": 1,
1489 "256": 1,
1490 "281": 2,
1491 "290": 1
1492 },
1493 "fqnsFingerprint": "a781bc3b3a282b85206cefeb359b04219b7988178d9ac4083c6fe3633f658a38"
1494 },
1495 "824b5611feec722de00f583e5597be49288fee6d5a643e5af815627b931625dc": {
1496 "translations": {
1497 "python": {
1498 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_subscription_filter = logs.CfnSubscriptionFilter(self, \"MyCfnSubscriptionFilter\",\n destination_arn=\"destinationArn\",\n filter_pattern=\"filterPattern\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n distribution=\"distribution\",\n filter_name=\"filterName\",\n role_arn=\"roleArn\"\n)",
1499 "version": "2"
1500 },
1501 "csharp": {
1502 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnSubscriptionFilter cfnSubscriptionFilter = new CfnSubscriptionFilter(this, \"MyCfnSubscriptionFilter\", new CfnSubscriptionFilterProps {\n DestinationArn = \"destinationArn\",\n FilterPattern = \"filterPattern\",\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Distribution = \"distribution\",\n FilterName = \"filterName\",\n RoleArn = \"roleArn\"\n});",
1503 "version": "1"
1504 },
1505 "java": {
1506 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnSubscriptionFilter cfnSubscriptionFilter = CfnSubscriptionFilter.Builder.create(this, \"MyCfnSubscriptionFilter\")\n .destinationArn(\"destinationArn\")\n .filterPattern(\"filterPattern\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .distribution(\"distribution\")\n .filterName(\"filterName\")\n .roleArn(\"roleArn\")\n .build();",
1507 "version": "1"
1508 },
1509 "go": {
1510 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnSubscriptionFilter := logs.NewCfnSubscriptionFilter(this, jsii.String(\"MyCfnSubscriptionFilter\"), &cfnSubscriptionFilterProps{\n\tdestinationArn: jsii.String(\"destinationArn\"),\n\tfilterPattern: jsii.String(\"filterPattern\"),\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdistribution: jsii.String(\"distribution\"),\n\tfilterName: jsii.String(\"filterName\"),\n\troleArn: jsii.String(\"roleArn\"),\n})",
1511 "version": "1"
1512 },
1513 "$": {
1514 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnSubscriptionFilter = new logs.CfnSubscriptionFilter(this, 'MyCfnSubscriptionFilter', {\n destinationArn: 'destinationArn',\n filterPattern: 'filterPattern',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n distribution: 'distribution',\n filterName: 'filterName',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n});",
1515 "version": "0"
1516 }
1517 },
1518 "location": {
1519 "api": {
1520 "api": "type",
1521 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnSubscriptionFilter"
1522 },
1523 "field": {
1524 "field": "example"
1525 }
1526 },
1527 "didCompile": true,
1528 "fqnsReferenced": [
1529 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnSubscriptionFilter",
1530 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnSubscriptionFilterProps",
1531 "@aws-cdk/core.Construct"
1532 ],
1533 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnSubscriptionFilter = new logs.CfnSubscriptionFilter(this, 'MyCfnSubscriptionFilter', {\n destinationArn: 'destinationArn',\n filterPattern: 'filterPattern',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n distribution: 'distribution',\n filterName: 'filterName',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1534 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1535 "10": 8,
1536 "75": 10,
1537 "104": 1,
1538 "193": 1,
1539 "194": 1,
1540 "197": 1,
1541 "225": 1,
1542 "242": 1,
1543 "243": 1,
1544 "254": 1,
1545 "255": 1,
1546 "256": 1,
1547 "281": 6,
1548 "290": 1
1549 },
1550 "fqnsFingerprint": "afa7f0ca6d05ae29858904eb9618025302c1609bcc1a973803df8ed1f8bf28e4"
1551 },
1552 "d49f02f1bb1bdd1fe767baa40b1a33e674da412509f3ed858a260d0387b8dbe4": {
1553 "translations": {
1554 "python": {
1555 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncfn_subscription_filter_props = logs.CfnSubscriptionFilterProps(\n destination_arn=\"destinationArn\",\n filter_pattern=\"filterPattern\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n distribution=\"distribution\",\n filter_name=\"filterName\",\n role_arn=\"roleArn\"\n)",
1556 "version": "2"
1557 },
1558 "csharp": {
1559 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nCfnSubscriptionFilterProps cfnSubscriptionFilterProps = new CfnSubscriptionFilterProps {\n DestinationArn = \"destinationArn\",\n FilterPattern = \"filterPattern\",\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Distribution = \"distribution\",\n FilterName = \"filterName\",\n RoleArn = \"roleArn\"\n};",
1560 "version": "1"
1561 },
1562 "java": {
1563 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nCfnSubscriptionFilterProps cfnSubscriptionFilterProps = CfnSubscriptionFilterProps.builder()\n .destinationArn(\"destinationArn\")\n .filterPattern(\"filterPattern\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .distribution(\"distribution\")\n .filterName(\"filterName\")\n .roleArn(\"roleArn\")\n .build();",
1564 "version": "1"
1565 },
1566 "go": {
1567 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncfnSubscriptionFilterProps := &cfnSubscriptionFilterProps{\n\tdestinationArn: jsii.String(\"destinationArn\"),\n\tfilterPattern: jsii.String(\"filterPattern\"),\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdistribution: jsii.String(\"distribution\"),\n\tfilterName: jsii.String(\"filterName\"),\n\troleArn: jsii.String(\"roleArn\"),\n}",
1568 "version": "1"
1569 },
1570 "$": {
1571 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst cfnSubscriptionFilterProps: logs.CfnSubscriptionFilterProps = {\n destinationArn: 'destinationArn',\n filterPattern: 'filterPattern',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n distribution: 'distribution',\n filterName: 'filterName',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n};",
1572 "version": "0"
1573 }
1574 },
1575 "location": {
1576 "api": {
1577 "api": "type",
1578 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnSubscriptionFilterProps"
1579 },
1580 "field": {
1581 "field": "example"
1582 }
1583 },
1584 "didCompile": true,
1585 "fqnsReferenced": [
1586 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CfnSubscriptionFilterProps"
1587 ],
1588 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst cfnSubscriptionFilterProps: logs.CfnSubscriptionFilterProps = {\n destinationArn: 'destinationArn',\n filterPattern: 'filterPattern',\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n distribution: 'distribution',\n filterName: 'filterName',\n roleArn: 'roleArn',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
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1590 "10": 7,
1591 "75": 10,
1592 "153": 1,
1593 "169": 1,
1594 "193": 1,
1595 "225": 1,
1596 "242": 1,
1597 "243": 1,
1598 "254": 1,
1599 "255": 1,
1600 "256": 1,
1601 "281": 6,
1602 "290": 1
1603 },
1604 "fqnsFingerprint": "f3cc01023f26a4a1e4cf9beee50e74a3f8e27ecaf6fb3edfdac3161768341915"
1605 },
1606 "aad7de37bc2333e148b7086bf41db92ca345420641bababbe69aef768e27cb24": {
1607 "translations": {
1608 "python": {
1609 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\ncolumn_restriction = logs.ColumnRestriction(\n comparison=\"comparison\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n number_value=123,\n string_value=\"stringValue\"\n)",
1610 "version": "2"
1611 },
1612 "csharp": {
1613 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nColumnRestriction columnRestriction = new ColumnRestriction {\n Comparison = \"comparison\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n NumberValue = 123,\n StringValue = \"stringValue\"\n};",
1614 "version": "1"
1615 },
1616 "java": {
1617 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nColumnRestriction columnRestriction = ColumnRestriction.builder()\n .comparison(\"comparison\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .numberValue(123)\n .stringValue(\"stringValue\")\n .build();",
1618 "version": "1"
1619 },
1620 "go": {
1621 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\ncolumnRestriction := &columnRestriction{\n\tcomparison: jsii.String(\"comparison\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tnumberValue: jsii.Number(123),\n\tstringValue: jsii.String(\"stringValue\"),\n}",
1622 "version": "1"
1623 },
1624 "$": {
1625 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst columnRestriction: logs.ColumnRestriction = {\n comparison: 'comparison',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n numberValue: 123,\n stringValue: 'stringValue',\n};",
1626 "version": "0"
1627 }
1628 },
1629 "location": {
1630 "api": {
1631 "api": "type",
1632 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ColumnRestriction"
1633 },
1634 "field": {
1635 "field": "example"
1636 }
1637 },
1638 "didCompile": true,
1639 "fqnsReferenced": [
1640 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ColumnRestriction"
1641 ],
1642 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst columnRestriction: logs.ColumnRestriction = {\n comparison: 'comparison',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n numberValue: 123,\n stringValue: 'stringValue',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1643 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1644 "8": 1,
1645 "10": 3,
1646 "75": 7,
1647 "153": 1,
1648 "169": 1,
1649 "193": 1,
1650 "225": 1,
1651 "242": 1,
1652 "243": 1,
1653 "254": 1,
1654 "255": 1,
1655 "256": 1,
1656 "281": 3,
1657 "290": 1
1658 },
1659 "fqnsFingerprint": "4a34de5b363944524afdb8677b15b347d57667de80cb0e800f6c7f7e374aad33"
1660 },
1661 "a8833edcdf34b81c9429c4148d6f7087b791f84d20d84796ecc2bc0cd64b3ea0": {
1662 "translations": {
1663 "python": {
1664 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# role: iam.Role\n\ncross_account_destination = logs.CrossAccountDestination(self, \"MyCrossAccountDestination\",\n role=role,\n target_arn=\"targetArn\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n destination_name=\"destinationName\"\n)",
1665 "version": "2"
1666 },
1667 "csharp": {
1668 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nRole role;\n\nCrossAccountDestination crossAccountDestination = new CrossAccountDestination(this, \"MyCrossAccountDestination\", new CrossAccountDestinationProps {\n Role = role,\n TargetArn = \"targetArn\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DestinationName = \"destinationName\"\n});",
1669 "version": "1"
1670 },
1671 "java": {
1672 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nRole role;\n\nCrossAccountDestination crossAccountDestination = CrossAccountDestination.Builder.create(this, \"MyCrossAccountDestination\")\n .role(role)\n .targetArn(\"targetArn\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .destinationName(\"destinationName\")\n .build();",
1673 "version": "1"
1674 },
1675 "go": {
1676 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar role role\n\ncrossAccountDestination := logs.NewCrossAccountDestination(this, jsii.String(\"MyCrossAccountDestination\"), &crossAccountDestinationProps{\n\trole: role,\n\ttargetArn: jsii.String(\"targetArn\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdestinationName: jsii.String(\"destinationName\"),\n})",
1677 "version": "1"
1678 },
1679 "$": {
1680 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\nconst crossAccountDestination = new logs.CrossAccountDestination(this, 'MyCrossAccountDestination', {\n role: role,\n targetArn: 'targetArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n destinationName: 'destinationName',\n});",
1681 "version": "0"
1682 }
1683 },
1684 "location": {
1685 "api": {
1686 "api": "type",
1687 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CrossAccountDestination"
1688 },
1689 "field": {
1690 "field": "example"
1691 }
1692 },
1693 "didCompile": true,
1694 "fqnsReferenced": [
1695 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
1696 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CrossAccountDestination",
1697 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CrossAccountDestinationProps",
1698 "constructs.Construct"
1699 ],
1700 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst crossAccountDestination = new logs.CrossAccountDestination(this, 'MyCrossAccountDestination', {\n role: role,\n targetArn: 'targetArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n destinationName: 'destinationName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1701 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1702 "10": 5,
1703 "75": 12,
1704 "104": 1,
1705 "130": 1,
1706 "153": 1,
1707 "169": 1,
1708 "193": 1,
1709 "194": 1,
1710 "197": 1,
1711 "225": 2,
1712 "242": 2,
1713 "243": 2,
1714 "254": 2,
1715 "255": 2,
1716 "256": 2,
1717 "281": 3,
1718 "290": 1
1719 },
1720 "fqnsFingerprint": "cd06e0afa81b2c7973a51b39ac7c828312cc9790e33839958ffc79fa0f2c489c"
1721 },
1722 "753d80e6cafdb777df1aee5b449ed929dbe0aaf3a0ba1a508e0efbe5170f629f": {
1723 "translations": {
1724 "python": {
1725 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# role: iam.Role\n\ncross_account_destination_props = logs.CrossAccountDestinationProps(\n role=role,\n target_arn=\"targetArn\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n destination_name=\"destinationName\"\n)",
1726 "version": "2"
1727 },
1728 "csharp": {
1729 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nRole role;\n\nCrossAccountDestinationProps crossAccountDestinationProps = new CrossAccountDestinationProps {\n Role = role,\n TargetArn = \"targetArn\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DestinationName = \"destinationName\"\n};",
1730 "version": "1"
1731 },
1732 "java": {
1733 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nRole role;\n\nCrossAccountDestinationProps crossAccountDestinationProps = CrossAccountDestinationProps.builder()\n .role(role)\n .targetArn(\"targetArn\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .destinationName(\"destinationName\")\n .build();",
1734 "version": "1"
1735 },
1736 "go": {
1737 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar role role\n\ncrossAccountDestinationProps := &crossAccountDestinationProps{\n\trole: role,\n\ttargetArn: jsii.String(\"targetArn\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdestinationName: jsii.String(\"destinationName\"),\n}",
1738 "version": "1"
1739 },
1740 "$": {
1741 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\nconst crossAccountDestinationProps: logs.CrossAccountDestinationProps = {\n role: role,\n targetArn: 'targetArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n destinationName: 'destinationName',\n};",
1742 "version": "0"
1743 }
1744 },
1745 "location": {
1746 "api": {
1747 "api": "type",
1748 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CrossAccountDestinationProps"
1749 },
1750 "field": {
1751 "field": "example"
1752 }
1753 },
1754 "didCompile": true,
1755 "fqnsReferenced": [
1756 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
1757 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.CrossAccountDestinationProps"
1758 ],
1759 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst crossAccountDestinationProps: logs.CrossAccountDestinationProps = {\n role: role,\n targetArn: 'targetArn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n destinationName: 'destinationName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
1760 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1761 "10": 4,
1762 "75": 12,
1763 "130": 1,
1764 "153": 2,
1765 "169": 2,
1766 "193": 1,
1767 "225": 2,
1768 "242": 2,
1769 "243": 2,
1770 "254": 2,
1771 "255": 2,
1772 "256": 2,
1773 "281": 3,
1774 "290": 1
1775 },
1776 "fqnsFingerprint": "4390822bb8ecd328671fb4d89849276ef7d1fee7e1a459b42acb17d15c476890"
1777 },
1778 "bfad21d47988f4e3b5e9456c95d86fe7a5c8588743e4cab7dbbc6b154f23ca7d": {
1779 "translations": {
1780 "python": {
1781 "source": "# Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\npattern1 = logs.FilterPattern.all_terms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\")\n\n# Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n# both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\npattern2 = logs.FilterPattern.any_term_group([\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"], [\"WARN\", \"Deadlock\"])",
1782 "version": "2"
1783 },
1784 "csharp": {
1785 "source": "// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\nIFilterPattern pattern1 = FilterPattern.AllTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\");\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\nIFilterPattern pattern2 = FilterPattern.AnyTermGroup(new [] { \"ERROR\", \"MainThread\" }, new [] { \"WARN\", \"Deadlock\" });",
1786 "version": "1"
1787 },
1788 "java": {
1789 "source": "// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\nIFilterPattern pattern1 = FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\");\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\nIFilterPattern pattern2 = FilterPattern.anyTermGroup(List.of(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"), List.of(\"WARN\", \"Deadlock\"));",
1790 "version": "1"
1791 },
1792 "go": {
1793 "source": "// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\npattern1 := logs.filterPattern.allTerms(jsii.String(\"ERROR\"), jsii.String(\"MainThread\"))\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\npattern2 := logs.filterPattern.anyTermGroup([]*string{\n\tjsii.String(\"ERROR\"),\n\tjsii.String(\"MainThread\"),\n}, []*string{\n\tjsii.String(\"WARN\"),\n\tjsii.String(\"Deadlock\"),\n})",
1794 "version": "1"
1795 },
1796 "$": {
1797 "source": "// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\nconst pattern1 = logs.FilterPattern.allTerms('ERROR', 'MainThread');\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\nconst pattern2 = logs.FilterPattern.anyTermGroup(\n ['ERROR', 'MainThread'],\n ['WARN', 'Deadlock'],\n);",
1798 "version": "0"
1799 }
1800 },
1801 "location": {
1802 "api": {
1803 "api": "type",
1804 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern"
1805 },
1806 "field": {
1807 "field": "example"
1808 }
1809 },
1810 "didCompile": true,
1811 "fqnsReferenced": [
1812 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
1813 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#allTerms",
1814 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#anyTermGroup",
1815 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern"
1816 ],
1817 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Search for lines that contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\"\nconst pattern1 = logs.FilterPattern.allTerms('ERROR', 'MainThread');\n\n// Search for lines that either contain both \"ERROR\" and \"MainThread\", or\n// both \"WARN\" and \"Deadlock\".\nconst pattern2 = logs.FilterPattern.anyTermGroup(\n ['ERROR', 'MainThread'],\n ['WARN', 'Deadlock'],\n);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
1818 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1819 "10": 6,
1820 "75": 8,
1821 "192": 2,
1822 "194": 4,
1823 "196": 2,
1824 "225": 2,
1825 "242": 2,
1826 "243": 2
1827 },
1828 "fqnsFingerprint": "5ddcc4251313dda0663580d6112e97f9bddb899c9a72ed783f1c1793d4cb1345"
1829 },
1830 "3109921ac331d04e9934bcbafb0a134eba409bb56047de196c29f44d084e63c2": {
1831 "translations": {
1832 "python": {
1833 "source": "# Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n# \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n# than 1000.\npattern = logs.FilterPattern.all(\n logs.FilterPattern.string_value(\"$.component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\"),\n logs.FilterPattern.any(\n logs.FilterPattern.boolean_value(\"$.error\", True),\n logs.FilterPattern.number_value(\"$.latency\", \">\", 1000)))",
1834 "version": "2"
1835 },
1836 "csharp": {
1837 "source": "// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\nJsonPattern pattern = FilterPattern.All(FilterPattern.StringValue(\"$.component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\"), FilterPattern.Any(FilterPattern.BooleanValue(\"$.error\", true), FilterPattern.NumberValue(\"$.latency\", \">\", 1000)));",
1838 "version": "1"
1839 },
1840 "java": {
1841 "source": "// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\nJsonPattern pattern = FilterPattern.all(FilterPattern.stringValue(\"$.component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\"), FilterPattern.any(FilterPattern.booleanValue(\"$.error\", true), FilterPattern.numberValue(\"$.latency\", \">\", 1000)));",
1842 "version": "1"
1843 },
1844 "go": {
1845 "source": "// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\npattern := logs.filterPattern.all(logs.filterPattern.stringValue(jsii.String(\"$.component\"), jsii.String(\"=\"), jsii.String(\"HttpServer\")), logs.filterPattern.any(logs.filterPattern.booleanValue(jsii.String(\"$.error\"), jsii.Boolean(true)), logs.filterPattern.numberValue(jsii.String(\"$.latency\"), jsii.String(\">\"), jsii.Number(1000))))",
1846 "version": "1"
1847 },
1848 "$": {
1849 "source": "// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\nconst pattern = logs.FilterPattern.all(\n logs.FilterPattern.stringValue('$.component', '=', 'HttpServer'),\n logs.FilterPattern.any(\n logs.FilterPattern.booleanValue('$.error', true),\n logs.FilterPattern.numberValue('$.latency', '>', 1000),\n ),\n);",
1850 "version": "0"
1851 }
1852 },
1853 "location": {
1854 "api": {
1855 "api": "type",
1856 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.JsonPattern"
1857 },
1858 "field": {
1859 "field": "example"
1860 }
1861 },
1862 "didCompile": true,
1863 "fqnsReferenced": [
1864 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
1865 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#all",
1866 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#any",
1867 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#booleanValue",
1868 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#numberValue",
1869 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#stringValue",
1870 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.JsonPattern"
1871 ],
1872 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Search for all events where the component field is equal to\n// \"HttpServer\" and either error is true or the latency is higher\n// than 1000.\nconst pattern = logs.FilterPattern.all(\n logs.FilterPattern.stringValue('$.component', '=', 'HttpServer'),\n logs.FilterPattern.any(\n logs.FilterPattern.booleanValue('$.error', true),\n logs.FilterPattern.numberValue('$.latency', '>', 1000),\n ),\n);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
1873 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1874 "8": 1,
1875 "10": 6,
1876 "75": 16,
1877 "106": 1,
1878 "194": 10,
1879 "196": 5,
1880 "225": 1,
1881 "242": 1,
1882 "243": 1
1883 },
1884 "fqnsFingerprint": "376fef3a73421cf7caf246b30cb963333eece753706ca50895d7c6c968c15d82"
1885 },
1886 "2e4d864fe45cc9533baf3455e79f1a141ff59f5a55a6f08ea67d948781b7927a": {
1887 "translations": {
1888 "python": {
1889 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n\nlog_group = logs.LogGroup(self, \"Log Group\")\nlog_bucket = s3.Bucket(self, \"S3 Bucket\")\n\ntasks.EmrContainersStartJobRun(self, \"EMR Containers Start Job Run\",\n virtual_cluster=tasks.VirtualClusterInput.from_virtual_cluster_id(\"de92jdei2910fwedz\"),\n release_label=tasks.ReleaseLabel.EMR_6_2_0,\n job_driver=tasks.JobDriver(\n spark_submit_job_driver=tasks.SparkSubmitJobDriver(\n entry_point=sfn.TaskInput.from_text(\"local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/pi.py\"),\n spark_submit_parameters=\"--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.executor.memory=2G --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.driver.cores=1\"\n )\n ),\n monitoring=tasks.Monitoring(\n log_group=log_group,\n log_bucket=log_bucket\n )\n)",
1890 "version": "2"
1891 },
1892 "csharp": {
1893 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\n\nLogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"Log Group\");\nBucket logBucket = new Bucket(this, \"S3 Bucket\");\n\nnew EmrContainersStartJobRun(this, \"EMR Containers Start Job Run\", new EmrContainersStartJobRunProps {\n VirtualCluster = VirtualClusterInput.FromVirtualClusterId(\"de92jdei2910fwedz\"),\n ReleaseLabel = ReleaseLabel.EMR_6_2_0,\n JobDriver = new JobDriver {\n SparkSubmitJobDriver = new SparkSubmitJobDriver {\n EntryPoint = TaskInput.FromText(\"local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/pi.py\"),\n SparkSubmitParameters = \"--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.executor.memory=2G --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.driver.cores=1\"\n }\n },\n Monitoring = new Monitoring {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n LogBucket = logBucket\n }\n});",
1894 "version": "1"
1895 },
1896 "java": {
1897 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\n\nLogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"Log Group\");\nBucket logBucket = new Bucket(this, \"S3 Bucket\");\n\nEmrContainersStartJobRun.Builder.create(this, \"EMR Containers Start Job Run\")\n .virtualCluster(VirtualClusterInput.fromVirtualClusterId(\"de92jdei2910fwedz\"))\n .releaseLabel(ReleaseLabel.EMR_6_2_0)\n .jobDriver(JobDriver.builder()\n .sparkSubmitJobDriver(SparkSubmitJobDriver.builder()\n .entryPoint(TaskInput.fromText(\"local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/pi.py\"))\n .sparkSubmitParameters(\"--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.executor.memory=2G --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.driver.cores=1\")\n .build())\n .build())\n .monitoring(Monitoring.builder()\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .logBucket(logBucket)\n .build())\n .build();",
1898 "version": "1"
1899 },
1900 "go": {
1901 "source": "import logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\n\nlogGroup := logs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"Log Group\"))\nlogBucket := s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"S3 Bucket\"))\n\ntasks.NewEmrContainersStartJobRun(this, jsii.String(\"EMR Containers Start Job Run\"), &emrContainersStartJobRunProps{\n\tvirtualCluster: tasks.virtualClusterInput.fromVirtualClusterId(jsii.String(\"de92jdei2910fwedz\")),\n\treleaseLabel: tasks.releaseLabel_EMR_6_2_0(),\n\tjobDriver: &jobDriver{\n\t\tsparkSubmitJobDriver: &sparkSubmitJobDriver{\n\t\t\tentryPoint: sfn.taskInput.fromText(jsii.String(\"local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/pi.py\")),\n\t\t\tsparkSubmitParameters: jsii.String(\"--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.executor.memory=2G --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.driver.cores=1\"),\n\t\t},\n\t},\n\tmonitoring: &monitoring{\n\t\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\t\tlogBucket: logBucket,\n\t},\n})",
1902 "version": "1"
1903 },
1904 "$": {
1905 "source": "import * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\nconst logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'Log Group');\nconst logBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'S3 Bucket')\n\nnew tasks.EmrContainersStartJobRun(this, 'EMR Containers Start Job Run', {\n virtualCluster: tasks.VirtualClusterInput.fromVirtualClusterId('de92jdei2910fwedz'),\n releaseLabel: tasks.ReleaseLabel.EMR_6_2_0,\n jobDriver: {\n sparkSubmitJobDriver: {\n entryPoint: sfn.TaskInput.fromText('local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/pi.py'),\n sparkSubmitParameters: '--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.executor.memory=2G --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.driver.cores=1',\n },\n },\n monitoring: {\n logGroup: logGroup,\n logBucket: logBucket,\n },\n});",
1906 "version": "0"
1907 }
1908 },
1909 "location": {
1910 "api": {
1911 "api": "type",
1912 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup"
1913 },
1914 "field": {
1915 "field": "example"
1916 }
1917 },
1918 "didCompile": true,
1919 "fqnsReferenced": [
1920 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
1921 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
1922 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
1923 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
1924 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.EmrContainersStartJobRun",
1925 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.EmrContainersStartJobRunProps",
1926 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.JobDriver",
1927 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.Monitoring",
1928 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.ReleaseLabel",
1929 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.ReleaseLabel#EMR_6_2_0",
1930 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.SparkSubmitJobDriver",
1931 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.VirtualClusterInput",
1932 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks.VirtualClusterInput#fromVirtualClusterId",
1933 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions.TaskInput",
1934 "@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions.TaskInput#fromText",
1935 "constructs.Construct"
1936 ],
1937 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Duration, RemovalPolicy, Size, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport * as dynamodb from '@aws-cdk/aws-dynamodb';\nimport * as ec2 from '@aws-cdk/aws-ec2';\nimport * as ecs from '@aws-cdk/aws-ecs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\nimport * as s3 from '@aws-cdk/aws-s3';\nimport * as sfn from '@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions';\nimport * as sns from '@aws-cdk/aws-sns';\nimport * as sqs from '@aws-cdk/aws-sqs';\nimport * as tasks from '@aws-cdk/aws-stepfunctions-tasks';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nconst logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'Log Group');\nconst logBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'S3 Bucket')\n\nnew tasks.EmrContainersStartJobRun(this, 'EMR Containers Start Job Run', {\n virtualCluster: tasks.VirtualClusterInput.fromVirtualClusterId('de92jdei2910fwedz'),\n releaseLabel: tasks.ReleaseLabel.EMR_6_2_0,\n jobDriver: {\n sparkSubmitJobDriver: {\n entryPoint: sfn.TaskInput.fromText('local:///usr/lib/spark/examples/src/main/python/pi.py'),\n sparkSubmitParameters: '--conf spark.executor.instances=2 --conf spark.executor.memory=2G --conf spark.executor.cores=2 --conf spark.driver.cores=1',\n },\n },\n monitoring: {\n logGroup: logGroup,\n logBucket: logBucket,\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
1938 "syntaxKindCounter": {
1939 "10": 7,
1940 "75": 29,
1941 "104": 3,
1942 "193": 4,
1943 "194": 9,
1944 "196": 2,
1945 "197": 3,
1946 "225": 2,
1947 "226": 1,
1948 "242": 2,
1949 "243": 2,
1950 "254": 1,
1951 "255": 1,
1952 "256": 1,
1953 "281": 9,
1954 "290": 1
1955 },
1956 "fqnsFingerprint": "69be2a9c6a861514328c29860072d2723ad0ab1a71089fb49bd69c6f8c43586d"
1957 },
1958 "ee9f1229de2f756f18135cc1ef31d8546321dd0899e71c7662f6ab417797fa8e": {
1959 "translations": {
1960 "python": {
1961 "source": "# vpc: ec2.Vpc\n\nkms_key = kms.Key(self, \"KmsKey\")\n\n# Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the log group\nlog_group = logs.LogGroup(self, \"LogGroup\",\n encryption_key=kms_key\n)\n\n# Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the S3 bucket\nexec_bucket = s3.Bucket(self, \"EcsExecBucket\",\n encryption_key=kms_key\n)\n\ncluster = ecs.Cluster(self, \"Cluster\",\n vpc=vpc,\n execute_command_configuration=ecs.ExecuteCommandConfiguration(\n kms_key=kms_key,\n log_configuration=ecs.ExecuteCommandLogConfiguration(\n cloud_watch_log_group=log_group,\n cloud_watch_encryption_enabled=True,\n s3_bucket=exec_bucket,\n s3_encryption_enabled=True,\n s3_key_prefix=\"exec-command-output\"\n ),\n logging=ecs.ExecuteCommandLogging.OVERRIDE\n )\n)",
1962 "version": "2"
1963 },
1964 "csharp": {
1965 "source": "Vpc vpc;\n\nKey kmsKey = new Key(this, \"KmsKey\");\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the log group\nLogGroup logGroup = new LogGroup(this, \"LogGroup\", new LogGroupProps {\n EncryptionKey = kmsKey\n});\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the S3 bucket\nBucket execBucket = new Bucket(this, \"EcsExecBucket\", new BucketProps {\n EncryptionKey = kmsKey\n});\n\nCluster cluster = new Cluster(this, \"Cluster\", new ClusterProps {\n Vpc = vpc,\n ExecuteCommandConfiguration = new ExecuteCommandConfiguration {\n KmsKey = kmsKey,\n LogConfiguration = new ExecuteCommandLogConfiguration {\n CloudWatchLogGroup = logGroup,\n CloudWatchEncryptionEnabled = true,\n S3Bucket = execBucket,\n S3EncryptionEnabled = true,\n S3KeyPrefix = \"exec-command-output\"\n },\n Logging = ExecuteCommandLogging.OVERRIDE\n }\n});",
1966 "version": "1"
1967 },
1968 "java": {
1969 "source": "Vpc vpc;\n\nKey kmsKey = new Key(this, \"KmsKey\");\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the log group\nLogGroup logGroup = LogGroup.Builder.create(this, \"LogGroup\")\n .encryptionKey(kmsKey)\n .build();\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the S3 bucket\nBucket execBucket = Bucket.Builder.create(this, \"EcsExecBucket\")\n .encryptionKey(kmsKey)\n .build();\n\nCluster cluster = Cluster.Builder.create(this, \"Cluster\")\n .vpc(vpc)\n .executeCommandConfiguration(ExecuteCommandConfiguration.builder()\n .kmsKey(kmsKey)\n .logConfiguration(ExecuteCommandLogConfiguration.builder()\n .cloudWatchLogGroup(logGroup)\n .cloudWatchEncryptionEnabled(true)\n .s3Bucket(execBucket)\n .s3EncryptionEnabled(true)\n .s3KeyPrefix(\"exec-command-output\")\n .build())\n .logging(ExecuteCommandLogging.OVERRIDE)\n .build())\n .build();",
1970 "version": "1"
1971 },
1972 "go": {
1973 "source": "var vpc vpc\n\nkmsKey := kms.NewKey(this, jsii.String(\"KmsKey\"))\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the log group\nlogGroup := logs.NewLogGroup(this, jsii.String(\"LogGroup\"), &logGroupProps{\n\tencryptionKey: kmsKey,\n})\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the S3 bucket\nexecBucket := s3.NewBucket(this, jsii.String(\"EcsExecBucket\"), &bucketProps{\n\tencryptionKey: kmsKey,\n})\n\ncluster := ecs.NewCluster(this, jsii.String(\"Cluster\"), &clusterProps{\n\tvpc: vpc,\n\texecuteCommandConfiguration: &executeCommandConfiguration{\n\t\tkmsKey: kmsKey,\n\t\tlogConfiguration: &executeCommandLogConfiguration{\n\t\t\tcloudWatchLogGroup: logGroup,\n\t\t\tcloudWatchEncryptionEnabled: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t\t\ts3Bucket: execBucket,\n\t\t\ts3EncryptionEnabled: jsii.Boolean(true),\n\t\t\ts3KeyPrefix: jsii.String(\"exec-command-output\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tlogging: ecs.executeCommandLogging_OVERRIDE,\n\t},\n})",
1974 "version": "1"
1975 },
1976 "$": {
1977 "source": "declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\nconst kmsKey = new kms.Key(this, 'KmsKey');\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the log group\nconst logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup', {\n encryptionKey: kmsKey,\n});\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the S3 bucket\nconst execBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'EcsExecBucket', {\n encryptionKey: kmsKey,\n});\n\nconst cluster = new ecs.Cluster(this, 'Cluster', {\n vpc,\n executeCommandConfiguration: {\n kmsKey,\n logConfiguration: {\n cloudWatchLogGroup: logGroup,\n cloudWatchEncryptionEnabled: true,\n s3Bucket: execBucket,\n s3EncryptionEnabled: true,\n s3KeyPrefix: 'exec-command-output',\n },\n logging: ecs.ExecuteCommandLogging.OVERRIDE,\n },\n});",
1978 "version": "0"
1979 }
1980 },
1981 "location": {
1982 "api": {
1983 "api": "type",
1984 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroupProps"
1985 },
1986 "field": {
1987 "field": "example"
1988 }
1989 },
1990 "didCompile": true,
1991 "fqnsReferenced": [
1992 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc",
1993 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs.Cluster",
1994 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs.ClusterProps",
1995 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs.ExecuteCommandConfiguration",
1996 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs.ExecuteCommandLogConfiguration",
1997 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs.ExecuteCommandLogging",
1998 "@aws-cdk/aws-ecs.ExecuteCommandLogging#OVERRIDE",
1999 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.IKey",
2000 "@aws-cdk/aws-kms.Key",
2001 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
2002 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroup",
2003 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogGroupProps",
2004 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.Bucket",
2005 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.BucketProps",
2006 "@aws-cdk/aws-s3.IBucket",
2007 "constructs.Construct"
2008 ],
2009 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\ndeclare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { SecretValue, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport autoscaling = require('@aws-cdk/aws-autoscaling');\nimport cloudmap = require('@aws-cdk/aws-servicediscovery');\nimport ecs = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ecs');\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport elb = require('@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancing');\nimport elbv2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-elasticloadbalancingv2');\nimport events = require('@aws-cdk/aws-events');\nimport kms = require('@aws-cdk/aws-kms');\nimport logs = require('@aws-cdk/aws-logs');\nimport s3 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-s3');\nimport secretsmanager = require('@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager');\nimport ssm = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ssm');\nimport targets = require('@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets');\nimport path = require('path');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst kmsKey = new kms.Key(this, 'KmsKey');\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the log group\nconst logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup', {\n encryptionKey: kmsKey,\n});\n\n// Pass the KMS key in the `encryptionKey` field to associate the key to the S3 bucket\nconst execBucket = new s3.Bucket(this, 'EcsExecBucket', {\n encryptionKey: kmsKey,\n});\n\nconst cluster = new ecs.Cluster(this, 'Cluster', {\n vpc,\n executeCommandConfiguration: {\n kmsKey,\n logConfiguration: {\n cloudWatchLogGroup: logGroup,\n cloudWatchEncryptionEnabled: true,\n s3Bucket: execBucket,\n s3EncryptionEnabled: true,\n s3KeyPrefix: 'exec-command-output',\n },\n logging: ecs.ExecuteCommandLogging.OVERRIDE,\n },\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2010 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2011 "10": 5,
2012 "75": 34,
2013 "104": 4,
2014 "106": 2,
2015 "130": 1,
2016 "153": 1,
2017 "169": 1,
2018 "193": 5,
2019 "194": 6,
2020 "197": 4,
2021 "225": 5,
2022 "242": 5,
2023 "243": 5,
2024 "281": 10,
2025 "282": 2,
2026 "290": 1
2027 },
2028 "fqnsFingerprint": "98cbf1fccdd417748f81c0bf4d1ea43df16dfe3255ff126c4d40cf44588910b3"
2029 },
2030 "744b42da691e7496f9f049411fbc4d0bb7aa712e708891c9275ecdcd8a059276": {
2031 "translations": {
2032 "python": {
2033 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# role: iam.Role\n\nlog_retention = logs.LogRetention(self, \"MyLogRetention\",\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n retention=logs.RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n log_group_region=\"logGroupRegion\",\n log_retention_retry_options=logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions(\n base=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n max_retries=123\n ),\n role=role\n)",
2034 "version": "2"
2035 },
2036 "csharp": {
2037 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nRole role;\nLogRetention logRetention = new LogRetention(this, \"MyLogRetention\", new LogRetentionProps {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n Retention = RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n LogGroupRegion = \"logGroupRegion\",\n LogRetentionRetryOptions = new LogRetentionRetryOptions {\n Base = Duration.Minutes(30),\n MaxRetries = 123\n },\n Role = role\n});",
2038 "version": "1"
2039 },
2040 "java": {
2041 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nRole role;\n\nLogRetention logRetention = LogRetention.Builder.create(this, \"MyLogRetention\")\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .retention(RetentionDays.ONE_DAY)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .logGroupRegion(\"logGroupRegion\")\n .logRetentionRetryOptions(LogRetentionRetryOptions.builder()\n .base(Duration.minutes(30))\n .maxRetries(123)\n .build())\n .role(role)\n .build();",
2042 "version": "1"
2043 },
2044 "go": {
2045 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar role role\n\nlogRetention := logs.NewLogRetention(this, jsii.String(\"MyLogRetention\"), &logRetentionProps{\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tretention: logs.retentionDays_ONE_DAY,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlogGroupRegion: jsii.String(\"logGroupRegion\"),\n\tlogRetentionRetryOptions: &logRetentionRetryOptions{\n\t\tbase: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\t\tmaxRetries: jsii.Number(123),\n\t},\n\trole: role,\n})",
2046 "version": "1"
2047 },
2048 "$": {
2049 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\nconst logRetention = new logs.LogRetention(this, 'MyLogRetention', {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n retention: logs.RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logGroupRegion: 'logGroupRegion',\n logRetentionRetryOptions: {\n base: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n maxRetries: 123,\n },\n role: role,\n});",
2050 "version": "0"
2051 }
2052 },
2053 "location": {
2054 "api": {
2055 "api": "type",
2056 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetention"
2057 },
2058 "field": {
2059 "field": "example"
2060 }
2061 },
2062 "didCompile": true,
2063 "fqnsReferenced": [
2064 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
2065 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetention",
2066 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionProps",
2067 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions",
2068 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays",
2069 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays#ONE_DAY",
2070 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
2071 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes",
2072 "constructs.Construct"
2073 ],
2074 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst logRetention = new logs.LogRetention(this, 'MyLogRetention', {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n retention: logs.RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logGroupRegion: 'logGroupRegion',\n logRetentionRetryOptions: {\n base: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n maxRetries: 123,\n },\n role: role,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2075 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2076 "8": 2,
2077 "10": 6,
2078 "75": 23,
2079 "104": 1,
2080 "130": 1,
2081 "153": 1,
2082 "169": 1,
2083 "193": 2,
2084 "194": 5,
2085 "196": 1,
2086 "197": 1,
2087 "225": 2,
2088 "242": 2,
2089 "243": 2,
2090 "254": 3,
2091 "255": 3,
2092 "256": 3,
2093 "281": 7,
2094 "290": 1
2095 },
2096 "fqnsFingerprint": "f88fde3c59ceb9ce0176f52d96eaa77f9b1831e4290d0cdf6179fed5ebca7fc4"
2097 },
2098 "99444d9a631a2fc0c878f99f5914bf2768d085455d0e9b504205e5a65595d52c": {
2099 "translations": {
2100 "python": {
2101 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# role: iam.Role\n\nlog_retention_props = logs.LogRetentionProps(\n log_group_name=\"logGroupName\",\n retention=logs.RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n log_group_region=\"logGroupRegion\",\n log_retention_retry_options=logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions(\n base=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n max_retries=123\n ),\n role=role\n)",
2102 "version": "2"
2103 },
2104 "csharp": {
2105 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nRole role;\nLogRetentionProps logRetentionProps = new LogRetentionProps {\n LogGroupName = \"logGroupName\",\n Retention = RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n LogGroupRegion = \"logGroupRegion\",\n LogRetentionRetryOptions = new LogRetentionRetryOptions {\n Base = Duration.Minutes(30),\n MaxRetries = 123\n },\n Role = role\n};",
2106 "version": "1"
2107 },
2108 "java": {
2109 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nRole role;\n\nLogRetentionProps logRetentionProps = LogRetentionProps.builder()\n .logGroupName(\"logGroupName\")\n .retention(RetentionDays.ONE_DAY)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .logGroupRegion(\"logGroupRegion\")\n .logRetentionRetryOptions(LogRetentionRetryOptions.builder()\n .base(Duration.minutes(30))\n .maxRetries(123)\n .build())\n .role(role)\n .build();",
2110 "version": "1"
2111 },
2112 "go": {
2113 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar role role\n\nlogRetentionProps := &logRetentionProps{\n\tlogGroupName: jsii.String(\"logGroupName\"),\n\tretention: logs.retentionDays_ONE_DAY,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlogGroupRegion: jsii.String(\"logGroupRegion\"),\n\tlogRetentionRetryOptions: &logRetentionRetryOptions{\n\t\tbase: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\t\tmaxRetries: jsii.Number(123),\n\t},\n\trole: role,\n}",
2114 "version": "1"
2115 },
2116 "$": {
2117 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\nconst logRetentionProps: logs.LogRetentionProps = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n retention: logs.RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logGroupRegion: 'logGroupRegion',\n logRetentionRetryOptions: {\n base: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n maxRetries: 123,\n },\n role: role,\n};",
2118 "version": "0"
2119 }
2120 },
2121 "location": {
2122 "api": {
2123 "api": "type",
2124 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionProps"
2125 },
2126 "field": {
2127 "field": "example"
2128 }
2129 },
2130 "didCompile": true,
2131 "fqnsReferenced": [
2132 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
2133 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionProps",
2134 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions",
2135 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays",
2136 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays#ONE_DAY",
2137 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
2138 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
2139 ],
2140 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst logRetentionProps: logs.LogRetentionProps = {\n logGroupName: 'logGroupName',\n retention: logs.RetentionDays.ONE_DAY,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logGroupRegion: 'logGroupRegion',\n logRetentionRetryOptions: {\n base: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n maxRetries: 123,\n },\n role: role,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2141 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2142 "8": 2,
2143 "10": 5,
2144 "75": 23,
2145 "130": 1,
2146 "153": 2,
2147 "169": 2,
2148 "193": 2,
2149 "194": 4,
2150 "196": 1,
2151 "225": 2,
2152 "242": 2,
2153 "243": 2,
2154 "254": 3,
2155 "255": 3,
2156 "256": 3,
2157 "281": 7,
2158 "290": 1
2159 },
2160 "fqnsFingerprint": "0f66767e4091a7bb991068f48377afe01615c811be0004e5c232395bef559ead"
2161 },
2162 "5d52598c629b87233c5dd357836d377ec022a8e5fc3c9a8df26d9d801a4ba7ed": {
2163 "translations": {
2164 "python": {
2165 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\nlog_retention_retry_options = logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions(\n base=cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n max_retries=123\n)",
2166 "version": "2"
2167 },
2168 "csharp": {
2169 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\nLogRetentionRetryOptions logRetentionRetryOptions = new LogRetentionRetryOptions {\n Base = Duration.Minutes(30),\n MaxRetries = 123\n};",
2170 "version": "1"
2171 },
2172 "java": {
2173 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nLogRetentionRetryOptions logRetentionRetryOptions = LogRetentionRetryOptions.builder()\n .base(Duration.minutes(30))\n .maxRetries(123)\n .build();",
2174 "version": "1"
2175 },
2176 "go": {
2177 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nlogRetentionRetryOptions := &logRetentionRetryOptions{\n\tbase: cdk.duration.minutes(jsii.Number(30)),\n\tmaxRetries: jsii.Number(123),\n}",
2178 "version": "1"
2179 },
2180 "$": {
2181 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\nconst logRetentionRetryOptions: logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions = {\n base: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n maxRetries: 123,\n};",
2182 "version": "0"
2183 }
2184 },
2185 "location": {
2186 "api": {
2187 "api": "type",
2188 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions"
2189 },
2190 "field": {
2191 "field": "example"
2192 }
2193 },
2194 "didCompile": true,
2195 "fqnsReferenced": [
2196 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions",
2197 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration",
2198 "@aws-cdk/core.Duration#minutes"
2199 ],
2200 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst logRetentionRetryOptions: logs.LogRetentionRetryOptions = {\n base: cdk.Duration.minutes(30),\n maxRetries: 123,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2201 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2202 "8": 2,
2203 "10": 2,
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2209 "196": 1,
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2211 "242": 1,
2212 "243": 1,
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2214 "255": 2,
2215 "256": 2,
2216 "281": 2,
2217 "290": 1
2218 },
2219 "fqnsFingerprint": "9f0b4d88fbe71613ad6ff9adea5ccbd2e77fcde6dea671cc25d04a5aaf6b2405"
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2222 "translations": {
2223 "python": {
2224 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# log_group: logs.LogGroup\n\nlog_stream = logs.LogStream(self, \"MyLogStream\",\n log_group=log_group,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n log_stream_name=\"logStreamName\",\n removal_policy=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY\n)",
2225 "version": "2"
2226 },
2227 "csharp": {
2228 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nLogGroup logGroup;\nLogStream logStream = new LogStream(this, \"MyLogStream\", new LogStreamProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n LogStreamName = \"logStreamName\",\n RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY\n});",
2229 "version": "1"
2230 },
2231 "java": {
2232 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nLogGroup logGroup;\n\nLogStream logStream = LogStream.Builder.create(this, \"MyLogStream\")\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .logStreamName(\"logStreamName\")\n .removalPolicy(RemovalPolicy.DESTROY)\n .build();",
2233 "version": "1"
2234 },
2235 "go": {
2236 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar logGroup logGroup\n\nlogStream := logs.NewLogStream(this, jsii.String(\"MyLogStream\"), &logStreamProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlogStreamName: jsii.String(\"logStreamName\"),\n\tremovalPolicy: cdk.removalPolicy_DESTROY,\n})",
2237 "version": "1"
2238 },
2239 "$": {
2240 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\nconst logStream = new logs.LogStream(this, 'MyLogStream', {\n logGroup: logGroup,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n});",
2241 "version": "0"
2242 }
2243 },
2244 "location": {
2245 "api": {
2246 "api": "type",
2247 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogStream"
2248 },
2249 "field": {
2250 "field": "example"
2251 }
2252 },
2253 "didCompile": true,
2254 "fqnsReferenced": [
2255 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
2256 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogStream",
2257 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogStreamProps",
2258 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy",
2259 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy#DESTROY",
2260 "constructs.Construct"
2261 ],
2262 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst logStream = new logs.LogStream(this, 'MyLogStream', {\n logGroup: logGroup,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2263 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2264 "10": 4,
2265 "75": 15,
2266 "104": 1,
2267 "130": 1,
2268 "153": 1,
2269 "169": 1,
2270 "193": 1,
2271 "194": 3,
2272 "197": 1,
2273 "225": 2,
2274 "242": 2,
2275 "243": 2,
2276 "254": 2,
2277 "255": 2,
2278 "256": 2,
2279 "281": 3,
2280 "290": 1
2281 },
2282 "fqnsFingerprint": "bda88f02f41b80e908af4673a58116b9afc4fd2932b2e1f32ce519b05d1f425f"
2283 },
2284 "ca3a957ca68bf411b8ce6c1dad39d65774dde1ab9e57585dd0c9e58122dc1496": {
2285 "translations": {
2286 "python": {
2287 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\nimport aws_cdk.core as cdk\n\n# log_group: logs.LogGroup\n\nlog_stream_props = logs.LogStreamProps(\n log_group=log_group,\n\n # the properties below are optional\n log_stream_name=\"logStreamName\",\n removal_policy=cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY\n)",
2288 "version": "2"
2289 },
2290 "csharp": {
2291 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\nusing Amazon.CDK;\n\nLogGroup logGroup;\nLogStreamProps logStreamProps = new LogStreamProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n LogStreamName = \"logStreamName\",\n RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY\n};",
2292 "version": "1"
2293 },
2294 "java": {
2295 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.core.*;\n\nLogGroup logGroup;\n\nLogStreamProps logStreamProps = LogStreamProps.builder()\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .logStreamName(\"logStreamName\")\n .removalPolicy(RemovalPolicy.DESTROY)\n .build();",
2296 "version": "1"
2297 },
2298 "go": {
2299 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\nimport cdk \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkcore\"\n\nvar logGroup logGroup\n\nlogStreamProps := &logStreamProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tlogStreamName: jsii.String(\"logStreamName\"),\n\tremovalPolicy: cdk.removalPolicy_DESTROY,\n}",
2300 "version": "1"
2301 },
2302 "$": {
2303 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\nconst logStreamProps: logs.LogStreamProps = {\n logGroup: logGroup,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n};",
2304 "version": "0"
2305 }
2306 },
2307 "location": {
2308 "api": {
2309 "api": "type",
2310 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogStreamProps"
2311 },
2312 "field": {
2313 "field": "example"
2314 }
2315 },
2316 "didCompile": true,
2317 "fqnsReferenced": [
2318 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
2319 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogStreamProps",
2320 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy",
2321 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy#DESTROY"
2322 ],
2323 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';\n\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst logStreamProps: logs.LogStreamProps = {\n logGroup: logGroup,\n\n // the properties below are optional\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2324 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2325 "10": 3,
2326 "75": 15,
2327 "130": 1,
2328 "153": 2,
2329 "169": 2,
2330 "193": 1,
2331 "194": 2,
2332 "225": 2,
2333 "242": 2,
2334 "243": 2,
2335 "254": 2,
2336 "255": 2,
2337 "256": 2,
2338 "281": 3,
2339 "290": 1
2340 },
2341 "fqnsFingerprint": "ca175bab9f70c0f7cd57a5a513e62e6f72eca00eb955714572dfa802c4cfe4a1"
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2343 "b3a871c0e79df32728377d86472667e17d0de9f58b4fbf1e1e5d2724eacde276": {
2344 "translations": {
2345 "python": {
2346 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# role: iam.Role\n\nlog_subscription_destination_config = logs.LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig(\n arn=\"arn\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n role=role\n)",
2347 "version": "2"
2348 },
2349 "csharp": {
2350 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nRole role;\n\nLogSubscriptionDestinationConfig logSubscriptionDestinationConfig = new LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig {\n Arn = \"arn\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n Role = role\n};",
2351 "version": "1"
2352 },
2353 "java": {
2354 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nRole role;\n\nLogSubscriptionDestinationConfig logSubscriptionDestinationConfig = LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig.builder()\n .arn(\"arn\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .role(role)\n .build();",
2355 "version": "1"
2356 },
2357 "go": {
2358 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar role role\n\nlogSubscriptionDestinationConfig := &logSubscriptionDestinationConfig{\n\tarn: jsii.String(\"arn\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\trole: role,\n}",
2359 "version": "1"
2360 },
2361 "$": {
2362 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\nconst logSubscriptionDestinationConfig: logs.LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig = {\n arn: 'arn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n role: role,\n};",
2363 "version": "0"
2364 }
2365 },
2366 "location": {
2367 "api": {
2368 "api": "type",
2369 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig"
2370 },
2371 "field": {
2372 "field": "example"
2373 }
2374 },
2375 "didCompile": true,
2376 "fqnsReferenced": [
2377 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
2378 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig"
2379 ],
2380 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const role: iam.Role;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst logSubscriptionDestinationConfig: logs.LogSubscriptionDestinationConfig = {\n arn: 'arn',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n role: role,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2381 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2382 "10": 3,
2383 "75": 11,
2384 "130": 1,
2385 "153": 2,
2386 "169": 2,
2387 "193": 1,
2388 "225": 2,
2389 "242": 2,
2390 "243": 2,
2391 "254": 2,
2392 "255": 2,
2393 "256": 2,
2394 "281": 2,
2395 "290": 1
2396 },
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2398 },
2399 "6bca5d2cf393278ce8fd8b084186acfd088f4f9e2a2e5d93b87c0ed8962d82ec": {
2400 "translations": {
2401 "python": {
2402 "source": "MetricFilter(self, \"MetricFilter\",\n log_group=log_group,\n metric_namespace=\"MyApp\",\n metric_name=\"Latency\",\n filter_pattern=FilterPattern.exists(\"$.latency\"),\n metric_value=\"$.latency\"\n)",
2403 "version": "2"
2404 },
2405 "csharp": {
2406 "source": "new MetricFilter(this, \"MetricFilter\", new MetricFilterProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n MetricNamespace = \"MyApp\",\n MetricName = \"Latency\",\n FilterPattern = FilterPattern.Exists(\"$.latency\"),\n MetricValue = \"$.latency\"\n});",
2407 "version": "1"
2408 },
2409 "java": {
2410 "source": "MetricFilter.Builder.create(this, \"MetricFilter\")\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .metricNamespace(\"MyApp\")\n .metricName(\"Latency\")\n .filterPattern(FilterPattern.exists(\"$.latency\"))\n .metricValue(\"$.latency\")\n .build();",
2411 "version": "1"
2412 },
2413 "go": {
2414 "source": "lib.NewMetricFilter(this, jsii.String(\"MetricFilter\"), &metricFilterProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\tmetricNamespace: jsii.String(\"MyApp\"),\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"Latency\"),\n\tfilterPattern: *lib.FilterPattern.exists(jsii.String(\"$.latency\")),\n\tmetricValue: jsii.String(\"$.latency\"),\n})",
2415 "version": "1"
2416 },
2417 "$": {
2418 "source": "new MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {\n logGroup,\n metricNamespace: 'MyApp',\n metricName: 'Latency',\n filterPattern: FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),\n metricValue: '$.latency',\n});",
2419 "version": "0"
2420 }
2421 },
2422 "location": {
2423 "api": {
2424 "api": "type",
2425 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilter"
2426 },
2427 "field": {
2428 "field": "example"
2429 }
2430 },
2431 "didCompile": true,
2432 "fqnsReferenced": [
2433 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#exists",
2434 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
2435 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
2436 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilter",
2437 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilterProps",
2438 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy",
2439 "constructs.Construct"
2440 ],
2441 "fullSource": "import { App, RemovalPolicy, Stack, StackProps } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { FilterPattern, LogGroup, MetricFilter } from '../lib';\n\nclass MetricFilterIntegStack extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: App, id: string, props?: StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n const logGroup = new LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup', {\n removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n });\n\n /// !show\n new MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {\n logGroup,\n metricNamespace: 'MyApp',\n metricName: 'Latency',\n filterPattern: FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),\n metricValue: '$.latency',\n });\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new App();\nnew MetricFilterIntegStack(app, 'aws-cdk-metricfilter-integ');\napp.synth();\n",
2442 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2443 "10": 5,
2444 "75": 8,
2445 "104": 1,
2446 "193": 1,
2447 "194": 1,
2448 "196": 1,
2449 "197": 1,
2450 "226": 1,
2451 "281": 4,
2452 "282": 1
2453 },
2454 "fqnsFingerprint": "807e3d39d26baa68827a53009916a79dec3f6b9f4702e11808620a18b25dfd53"
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2457 "translations": {
2458 "python": {
2459 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# filter_pattern: logs.IFilterPattern\n\nmetric_filter_options = logs.MetricFilterOptions(\n filter_pattern=filter_pattern,\n metric_name=\"metricName\",\n metric_namespace=\"metricNamespace\",\n\n # the properties below are optional\n default_value=123,\n metric_value=\"metricValue\"\n)",
2460 "version": "2"
2461 },
2462 "csharp": {
2463 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nIFilterPattern filterPattern;\n\nMetricFilterOptions metricFilterOptions = new MetricFilterOptions {\n FilterPattern = filterPattern,\n MetricName = \"metricName\",\n MetricNamespace = \"metricNamespace\",\n\n // the properties below are optional\n DefaultValue = 123,\n MetricValue = \"metricValue\"\n};",
2464 "version": "1"
2465 },
2466 "java": {
2467 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nIFilterPattern filterPattern;\n\nMetricFilterOptions metricFilterOptions = MetricFilterOptions.builder()\n .filterPattern(filterPattern)\n .metricName(\"metricName\")\n .metricNamespace(\"metricNamespace\")\n\n // the properties below are optional\n .defaultValue(123)\n .metricValue(\"metricValue\")\n .build();",
2468 "version": "1"
2469 },
2470 "go": {
2471 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar filterPattern iFilterPattern\n\nmetricFilterOptions := &metricFilterOptions{\n\tfilterPattern: filterPattern,\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"metricName\"),\n\tmetricNamespace: jsii.String(\"metricNamespace\"),\n\n\t// the properties below are optional\n\tdefaultValue: jsii.Number(123),\n\tmetricValue: jsii.String(\"metricValue\"),\n}",
2472 "version": "1"
2473 },
2474 "$": {
2475 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const filterPattern: logs.IFilterPattern;\nconst metricFilterOptions: logs.MetricFilterOptions = {\n filterPattern: filterPattern,\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metricNamespace: 'metricNamespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n defaultValue: 123,\n metricValue: 'metricValue',\n};",
2476 "version": "0"
2477 }
2478 },
2479 "location": {
2480 "api": {
2481 "api": "type",
2482 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilterOptions"
2483 },
2484 "field": {
2485 "field": "example"
2486 }
2487 },
2488 "didCompile": true,
2489 "fqnsReferenced": [
2490 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
2491 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilterOptions"
2492 ],
2493 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const filterPattern: logs.IFilterPattern;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst metricFilterOptions: logs.MetricFilterOptions = {\n filterPattern: filterPattern,\n metricName: 'metricName',\n metricNamespace: 'metricNamespace',\n\n // the properties below are optional\n defaultValue: 123,\n metricValue: 'metricValue',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2494 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2495 "8": 1,
2496 "10": 4,
2497 "75": 13,
2498 "130": 1,
2499 "153": 2,
2500 "169": 2,
2501 "193": 1,
2502 "225": 2,
2503 "242": 2,
2504 "243": 2,
2505 "254": 1,
2506 "255": 1,
2507 "256": 1,
2508 "281": 5,
2509 "290": 1
2510 },
2511 "fqnsFingerprint": "f88998d76e6b074c143b369016ab0859da5a1a7751763431da56be448d21d67d"
2512 },
2513 "49a7b1c30c296767dec741736c7217978e0125e6e3a30094175387766a5ac969": {
2514 "translations": {
2515 "python": {
2516 "source": "MetricFilter(self, \"MetricFilter\",\n log_group=log_group,\n metric_namespace=\"MyApp\",\n metric_name=\"Latency\",\n filter_pattern=FilterPattern.exists(\"$.latency\"),\n metric_value=\"$.latency\"\n)",
2517 "version": "2"
2518 },
2519 "csharp": {
2520 "source": "new MetricFilter(this, \"MetricFilter\", new MetricFilterProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n MetricNamespace = \"MyApp\",\n MetricName = \"Latency\",\n FilterPattern = FilterPattern.Exists(\"$.latency\"),\n MetricValue = \"$.latency\"\n});",
2521 "version": "1"
2522 },
2523 "java": {
2524 "source": "MetricFilter.Builder.create(this, \"MetricFilter\")\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .metricNamespace(\"MyApp\")\n .metricName(\"Latency\")\n .filterPattern(FilterPattern.exists(\"$.latency\"))\n .metricValue(\"$.latency\")\n .build();",
2525 "version": "1"
2526 },
2527 "go": {
2528 "source": "lib.NewMetricFilter(this, jsii.String(\"MetricFilter\"), &metricFilterProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\tmetricNamespace: jsii.String(\"MyApp\"),\n\tmetricName: jsii.String(\"Latency\"),\n\tfilterPattern: *lib.FilterPattern.exists(jsii.String(\"$.latency\")),\n\tmetricValue: jsii.String(\"$.latency\"),\n})",
2529 "version": "1"
2530 },
2531 "$": {
2532 "source": "new MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {\n logGroup,\n metricNamespace: 'MyApp',\n metricName: 'Latency',\n filterPattern: FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),\n metricValue: '$.latency',\n});",
2533 "version": "0"
2534 }
2535 },
2536 "location": {
2537 "api": {
2538 "api": "type",
2539 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilterProps"
2540 },
2541 "field": {
2542 "field": "example"
2543 }
2544 },
2545 "didCompile": true,
2546 "fqnsReferenced": [
2547 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#exists",
2548 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
2549 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
2550 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilter",
2551 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.MetricFilterProps",
2552 "@aws-cdk/core.RemovalPolicy",
2553 "constructs.Construct"
2554 ],
2555 "fullSource": "import { App, RemovalPolicy, Stack, StackProps } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { FilterPattern, LogGroup, MetricFilter } from '../lib';\n\nclass MetricFilterIntegStack extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: App, id: string, props?: StackProps) {\n super(scope, id, props);\n\n const logGroup = new LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup', {\n removalPolicy: RemovalPolicy.DESTROY,\n });\n\n /// !show\n new MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {\n logGroup,\n metricNamespace: 'MyApp',\n metricName: 'Latency',\n filterPattern: FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),\n metricValue: '$.latency',\n });\n /// !hide\n }\n}\n\nconst app = new App();\nnew MetricFilterIntegStack(app, 'aws-cdk-metricfilter-integ');\napp.synth();\n",
2556 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2557 "10": 5,
2558 "75": 8,
2559 "104": 1,
2560 "193": 1,
2561 "194": 1,
2562 "196": 1,
2563 "197": 1,
2564 "226": 1,
2565 "281": 4,
2566 "282": 1
2567 },
2568 "fqnsFingerprint": "807e3d39d26baa68827a53009916a79dec3f6b9f4702e11808620a18b25dfd53"
2569 },
2570 "14f162da907c73a9f9dc1fa616b7641b291e7ee32f04423a6548778decb9dcfb": {
2571 "translations": {
2572 "python": {
2573 "source": "logs.QueryDefinition(self, \"QueryDefinition\",\n query_definition_name=\"MyQuery\",\n query_string=logs.QueryString(\n fields=[\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"],\n sort=\"@timestamp desc\",\n limit=20\n )\n)",
2574 "version": "2"
2575 },
2576 "csharp": {
2577 "source": "new QueryDefinition(this, \"QueryDefinition\", new QueryDefinitionProps {\n QueryDefinitionName = \"MyQuery\",\n QueryString = new QueryString(new QueryStringProps {\n Fields = new [] { \"@timestamp\", \"@message\" },\n Sort = \"@timestamp desc\",\n Limit = 20\n })\n});",
2578 "version": "1"
2579 },
2580 "java": {
2581 "source": "QueryDefinition.Builder.create(this, \"QueryDefinition\")\n .queryDefinitionName(\"MyQuery\")\n .queryString(QueryString.Builder.create()\n .fields(List.of(\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"))\n .sort(\"@timestamp desc\")\n .limit(20)\n .build())\n .build();",
2582 "version": "1"
2583 },
2584 "go": {
2585 "source": "logs.NewQueryDefinition(this, jsii.String(\"QueryDefinition\"), &queryDefinitionProps{\n\tqueryDefinitionName: jsii.String(\"MyQuery\"),\n\tqueryString: logs.NewQueryString(&queryStringProps{\n\t\tfields: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@timestamp\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@message\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tsort: jsii.String(\"@timestamp desc\"),\n\t\tlimit: jsii.Number(20),\n\t}),\n})",
2586 "version": "1"
2587 },
2588 "$": {
2589 "source": "new logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});",
2590 "version": "0"
2591 }
2592 },
2593 "location": {
2594 "api": {
2595 "api": "type",
2596 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinition"
2597 },
2598 "field": {
2599 "field": "example"
2600 }
2601 },
2602 "didCompile": true,
2603 "fqnsReferenced": [
2604 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinition",
2605 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinitionProps",
2606 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryString",
2607 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryStringProps",
2608 "constructs.Construct"
2609 ],
2610 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
2611 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2612 "8": 1,
2613 "10": 5,
2614 "75": 9,
2615 "104": 1,
2616 "192": 1,
2617 "193": 2,
2618 "194": 2,
2619 "197": 2,
2620 "226": 1,
2621 "281": 5
2622 },
2623 "fqnsFingerprint": "2c1b03f5f85c5b5c727b8181577e1b6a7ab45b415fa54ee095df217b061916c6"
2624 },
2625 "0dcaea37385bb20b52d7041c4fd1356e3c9b0b2077d1f82461456f768ba8c9b7": {
2626 "translations": {
2627 "python": {
2628 "source": "logs.QueryDefinition(self, \"QueryDefinition\",\n query_definition_name=\"MyQuery\",\n query_string=logs.QueryString(\n fields=[\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"],\n sort=\"@timestamp desc\",\n limit=20\n )\n)",
2629 "version": "2"
2630 },
2631 "csharp": {
2632 "source": "new QueryDefinition(this, \"QueryDefinition\", new QueryDefinitionProps {\n QueryDefinitionName = \"MyQuery\",\n QueryString = new QueryString(new QueryStringProps {\n Fields = new [] { \"@timestamp\", \"@message\" },\n Sort = \"@timestamp desc\",\n Limit = 20\n })\n});",
2633 "version": "1"
2634 },
2635 "java": {
2636 "source": "QueryDefinition.Builder.create(this, \"QueryDefinition\")\n .queryDefinitionName(\"MyQuery\")\n .queryString(QueryString.Builder.create()\n .fields(List.of(\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"))\n .sort(\"@timestamp desc\")\n .limit(20)\n .build())\n .build();",
2637 "version": "1"
2638 },
2639 "go": {
2640 "source": "logs.NewQueryDefinition(this, jsii.String(\"QueryDefinition\"), &queryDefinitionProps{\n\tqueryDefinitionName: jsii.String(\"MyQuery\"),\n\tqueryString: logs.NewQueryString(&queryStringProps{\n\t\tfields: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@timestamp\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@message\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tsort: jsii.String(\"@timestamp desc\"),\n\t\tlimit: jsii.Number(20),\n\t}),\n})",
2641 "version": "1"
2642 },
2643 "$": {
2644 "source": "new logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});",
2645 "version": "0"
2646 }
2647 },
2648 "location": {
2649 "api": {
2650 "api": "type",
2651 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinitionProps"
2652 },
2653 "field": {
2654 "field": "example"
2655 }
2656 },
2657 "didCompile": true,
2658 "fqnsReferenced": [
2659 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinition",
2660 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinitionProps",
2661 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryString",
2662 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryStringProps",
2663 "constructs.Construct"
2664 ],
2665 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
2666 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2667 "8": 1,
2668 "10": 5,
2669 "75": 9,
2670 "104": 1,
2671 "192": 1,
2672 "193": 2,
2673 "194": 2,
2674 "197": 2,
2675 "226": 1,
2676 "281": 5
2677 },
2678 "fqnsFingerprint": "2c1b03f5f85c5b5c727b8181577e1b6a7ab45b415fa54ee095df217b061916c6"
2679 },
2680 "8a6f9c2d6a8f67213ca0f8c05d57f6036147f54741dba8fe6f6c15baa5ed47d9": {
2681 "translations": {
2682 "python": {
2683 "source": "logs.QueryDefinition(self, \"QueryDefinition\",\n query_definition_name=\"MyQuery\",\n query_string=logs.QueryString(\n fields=[\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"],\n sort=\"@timestamp desc\",\n limit=20\n )\n)",
2684 "version": "2"
2685 },
2686 "csharp": {
2687 "source": "new QueryDefinition(this, \"QueryDefinition\", new QueryDefinitionProps {\n QueryDefinitionName = \"MyQuery\",\n QueryString = new QueryString(new QueryStringProps {\n Fields = new [] { \"@timestamp\", \"@message\" },\n Sort = \"@timestamp desc\",\n Limit = 20\n })\n});",
2688 "version": "1"
2689 },
2690 "java": {
2691 "source": "QueryDefinition.Builder.create(this, \"QueryDefinition\")\n .queryDefinitionName(\"MyQuery\")\n .queryString(QueryString.Builder.create()\n .fields(List.of(\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"))\n .sort(\"@timestamp desc\")\n .limit(20)\n .build())\n .build();",
2692 "version": "1"
2693 },
2694 "go": {
2695 "source": "logs.NewQueryDefinition(this, jsii.String(\"QueryDefinition\"), &queryDefinitionProps{\n\tqueryDefinitionName: jsii.String(\"MyQuery\"),\n\tqueryString: logs.NewQueryString(&queryStringProps{\n\t\tfields: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@timestamp\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@message\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tsort: jsii.String(\"@timestamp desc\"),\n\t\tlimit: jsii.Number(20),\n\t}),\n})",
2696 "version": "1"
2697 },
2698 "$": {
2699 "source": "new logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});",
2700 "version": "0"
2701 }
2702 },
2703 "location": {
2704 "api": {
2705 "api": "type",
2706 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryString"
2707 },
2708 "field": {
2709 "field": "example"
2710 }
2711 },
2712 "didCompile": true,
2713 "fqnsReferenced": [
2714 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinition",
2715 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinitionProps",
2716 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryString",
2717 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryStringProps",
2718 "constructs.Construct"
2719 ],
2720 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
2721 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2722 "8": 1,
2723 "10": 5,
2724 "75": 9,
2725 "104": 1,
2726 "192": 1,
2727 "193": 2,
2728 "194": 2,
2729 "197": 2,
2730 "226": 1,
2731 "281": 5
2732 },
2733 "fqnsFingerprint": "2c1b03f5f85c5b5c727b8181577e1b6a7ab45b415fa54ee095df217b061916c6"
2734 },
2735 "47319323c3001be5f139387d95ccbff0410d82fad35158314cc12e9318c4275d": {
2736 "translations": {
2737 "python": {
2738 "source": "logs.QueryDefinition(self, \"QueryDefinition\",\n query_definition_name=\"MyQuery\",\n query_string=logs.QueryString(\n fields=[\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"],\n sort=\"@timestamp desc\",\n limit=20\n )\n)",
2739 "version": "2"
2740 },
2741 "csharp": {
2742 "source": "new QueryDefinition(this, \"QueryDefinition\", new QueryDefinitionProps {\n QueryDefinitionName = \"MyQuery\",\n QueryString = new QueryString(new QueryStringProps {\n Fields = new [] { \"@timestamp\", \"@message\" },\n Sort = \"@timestamp desc\",\n Limit = 20\n })\n});",
2743 "version": "1"
2744 },
2745 "java": {
2746 "source": "QueryDefinition.Builder.create(this, \"QueryDefinition\")\n .queryDefinitionName(\"MyQuery\")\n .queryString(QueryString.Builder.create()\n .fields(List.of(\"@timestamp\", \"@message\"))\n .sort(\"@timestamp desc\")\n .limit(20)\n .build())\n .build();",
2747 "version": "1"
2748 },
2749 "go": {
2750 "source": "logs.NewQueryDefinition(this, jsii.String(\"QueryDefinition\"), &queryDefinitionProps{\n\tqueryDefinitionName: jsii.String(\"MyQuery\"),\n\tqueryString: logs.NewQueryString(&queryStringProps{\n\t\tfields: []*string{\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@timestamp\"),\n\t\t\tjsii.String(\"@message\"),\n\t\t},\n\t\tsort: jsii.String(\"@timestamp desc\"),\n\t\tlimit: jsii.Number(20),\n\t}),\n})",
2751 "version": "1"
2752 },
2753 "$": {
2754 "source": "new logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});",
2755 "version": "0"
2756 }
2757 },
2758 "location": {
2759 "api": {
2760 "api": "type",
2761 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryStringProps"
2762 },
2763 "field": {
2764 "field": "example"
2765 }
2766 },
2767 "didCompile": true,
2768 "fqnsReferenced": [
2769 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinition",
2770 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryDefinitionProps",
2771 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryString",
2772 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.QueryStringProps",
2773 "constructs.Construct"
2774 ],
2775 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\nnew logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {\n queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',\n queryString: new logs.QueryString({\n fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],\n sort: '@timestamp desc',\n limit: 20,\n }),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
2776 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2777 "8": 1,
2778 "10": 5,
2779 "75": 9,
2780 "104": 1,
2781 "192": 1,
2782 "193": 2,
2783 "194": 2,
2784 "197": 2,
2785 "226": 1,
2786 "281": 5
2787 },
2788 "fqnsFingerprint": "2c1b03f5f85c5b5c727b8181577e1b6a7ab45b415fa54ee095df217b061916c6"
2789 },
2790 "35ee08cd58ded9f7dbb793bdb5bd6fe52c49a5e5943c066132f3e49e0345d267": {
2791 "translations": {
2792 "python": {
2793 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# policy_statement: iam.PolicyStatement\n\nresource_policy = logs.ResourcePolicy(self, \"MyResourcePolicy\",\n policy_statements=[policy_statement],\n resource_policy_name=\"resourcePolicyName\"\n)",
2794 "version": "2"
2795 },
2796 "csharp": {
2797 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nPolicyStatement policyStatement;\n\nResourcePolicy resourcePolicy = new ResourcePolicy(this, \"MyResourcePolicy\", new ResourcePolicyProps {\n PolicyStatements = new [] { policyStatement },\n ResourcePolicyName = \"resourcePolicyName\"\n});",
2798 "version": "1"
2799 },
2800 "java": {
2801 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nPolicyStatement policyStatement;\n\nResourcePolicy resourcePolicy = ResourcePolicy.Builder.create(this, \"MyResourcePolicy\")\n .policyStatements(List.of(policyStatement))\n .resourcePolicyName(\"resourcePolicyName\")\n .build();",
2802 "version": "1"
2803 },
2804 "go": {
2805 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar policyStatement policyStatement\n\nresourcePolicy := logs.NewResourcePolicy(this, jsii.String(\"MyResourcePolicy\"), &resourcePolicyProps{\n\tpolicyStatements: []*policyStatement{\n\t\tpolicyStatement,\n\t},\n\tresourcePolicyName: jsii.String(\"resourcePolicyName\"),\n})",
2806 "version": "1"
2807 },
2808 "$": {
2809 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const policyStatement: iam.PolicyStatement;\nconst resourcePolicy = new logs.ResourcePolicy(this, 'MyResourcePolicy', /* all optional props */ {\n policyStatements: [policyStatement],\n resourcePolicyName: 'resourcePolicyName',\n});",
2810 "version": "0"
2811 }
2812 },
2813 "location": {
2814 "api": {
2815 "api": "type",
2816 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ResourcePolicy"
2817 },
2818 "field": {
2819 "field": "example"
2820 }
2821 },
2822 "didCompile": true,
2823 "fqnsReferenced": [
2824 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ResourcePolicy",
2825 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ResourcePolicyProps",
2826 "constructs.Construct"
2827 ],
2828 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const policyStatement: iam.PolicyStatement;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst resourcePolicy = new logs.ResourcePolicy(this, 'MyResourcePolicy', /* all optional props */ {\n policyStatements: [policyStatement],\n resourcePolicyName: 'resourcePolicyName',\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2829 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2830 "10": 4,
2831 "75": 11,
2832 "104": 1,
2833 "130": 1,
2834 "153": 1,
2835 "169": 1,
2836 "192": 1,
2837 "193": 1,
2838 "194": 1,
2839 "197": 1,
2840 "225": 2,
2841 "242": 2,
2842 "243": 2,
2843 "254": 2,
2844 "255": 2,
2845 "256": 2,
2846 "281": 2,
2847 "290": 1
2848 },
2849 "fqnsFingerprint": "4c8c5969a017246399792d93431d6f0b27ccef0654d9d7ca21b61b7a7c23568d"
2850 },
2851 "59c34506d3e53af459b9f23fdf160b0f98b6457acc490d4368e7491c827be207": {
2852 "translations": {
2853 "python": {
2854 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_iam as iam\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# policy_statement: iam.PolicyStatement\n\nresource_policy_props = logs.ResourcePolicyProps(\n policy_statements=[policy_statement],\n resource_policy_name=\"resourcePolicyName\"\n)",
2855 "version": "2"
2856 },
2857 "csharp": {
2858 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM;\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nPolicyStatement policyStatement;\n\nResourcePolicyProps resourcePolicyProps = new ResourcePolicyProps {\n PolicyStatements = new [] { policyStatement },\n ResourcePolicyName = \"resourcePolicyName\"\n};",
2859 "version": "1"
2860 },
2861 "java": {
2862 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.iam.*;\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nPolicyStatement policyStatement;\n\nResourcePolicyProps resourcePolicyProps = ResourcePolicyProps.builder()\n .policyStatements(List.of(policyStatement))\n .resourcePolicyName(\"resourcePolicyName\")\n .build();",
2863 "version": "1"
2864 },
2865 "go": {
2866 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport iam \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawsiam\"\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar policyStatement policyStatement\n\nresourcePolicyProps := &resourcePolicyProps{\n\tpolicyStatements: []*policyStatement{\n\t\tpolicyStatement,\n\t},\n\tresourcePolicyName: jsii.String(\"resourcePolicyName\"),\n}",
2867 "version": "1"
2868 },
2869 "$": {
2870 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const policyStatement: iam.PolicyStatement;\nconst resourcePolicyProps: logs.ResourcePolicyProps = {\n policyStatements: [policyStatement],\n resourcePolicyName: 'resourcePolicyName',\n};",
2871 "version": "0"
2872 }
2873 },
2874 "location": {
2875 "api": {
2876 "api": "type",
2877 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ResourcePolicyProps"
2878 },
2879 "field": {
2880 "field": "example"
2881 }
2882 },
2883 "didCompile": true,
2884 "fqnsReferenced": [
2885 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ResourcePolicyProps"
2886 ],
2887 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const policyStatement: iam.PolicyStatement;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst resourcePolicyProps: logs.ResourcePolicyProps = {\n policyStatements: [policyStatement],\n resourcePolicyName: 'resourcePolicyName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
2888 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2889 "10": 3,
2890 "75": 11,
2891 "130": 1,
2892 "153": 2,
2893 "169": 2,
2894 "192": 1,
2895 "193": 1,
2896 "225": 2,
2897 "242": 2,
2898 "243": 2,
2899 "254": 2,
2900 "255": 2,
2901 "256": 2,
2902 "281": 2,
2903 "290": 1
2904 },
2905 "fqnsFingerprint": "299108dcde444bdb9cfeacf516d8bd4245a0e4954aad4fc176b83f719b63b547"
2906 },
2907 "8fb110add046eb766530d0d6d8253fc55534ec3c2697b56e998fc0b777ced6a9": {
2908 "translations": {
2909 "python": {
2910 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n# my_logs_publishing_role: iam.Role\n# vpc: ec2.Vpc\n\n\n# Exporting logs from a cluster\ncluster = rds.DatabaseCluster(self, \"Database\",\n engine=rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.aurora(\n version=rds.AuroraEngineVersion.VER_1_17_9\n ),\n instance_props=rds.InstanceProps(\n vpc=vpc\n ),\n cloudwatch_logs_exports=[\"error\", \"general\", \"slowquery\", \"audit\"], # Export all available MySQL-based logs\n cloudwatch_logs_retention=logs.RetentionDays.THREE_MONTHS, # Optional - default is to never expire logs\n cloudwatch_logs_retention_role=my_logs_publishing_role\n)\n\n# Exporting logs from an instance\ninstance = rds.DatabaseInstance(self, \"Instance\",\n engine=rds.DatabaseInstanceEngine.postgres(\n version=rds.PostgresEngineVersion.VER_12_3\n ),\n vpc=vpc,\n cloudwatch_logs_exports=[\"postgresql\"]\n)",
2911 "version": "2"
2912 },
2913 "csharp": {
2914 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\nRole myLogsPublishingRole;\nVpc vpc;\n\n\n// Exporting logs from a cluster\nDatabaseCluster cluster = new DatabaseCluster(this, \"Database\", new DatabaseClusterProps {\n Engine = DatabaseClusterEngine.Aurora(new AuroraClusterEngineProps {\n Version = AuroraEngineVersion.VER_1_17_9\n }),\n InstanceProps = new InstanceProps {\n Vpc = vpc\n },\n CloudwatchLogsExports = new [] { \"error\", \"general\", \"slowquery\", \"audit\" }, // Export all available MySQL-based logs\n CloudwatchLogsRetention = RetentionDays.THREE_MONTHS, // Optional - default is to never expire logs\n CloudwatchLogsRetentionRole = myLogsPublishingRole\n});\n\n// Exporting logs from an instance\nDatabaseInstance instance = new DatabaseInstance(this, \"Instance\", new DatabaseInstanceProps {\n Engine = DatabaseInstanceEngine.Postgres(new PostgresInstanceEngineProps {\n Version = PostgresEngineVersion.VER_12_3\n }),\n Vpc = vpc,\n CloudwatchLogsExports = new [] { \"postgresql\" }\n});",
2915 "version": "1"
2916 },
2917 "java": {
2918 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\nRole myLogsPublishingRole;\nVpc vpc;\n\n\n// Exporting logs from a cluster\nDatabaseCluster cluster = DatabaseCluster.Builder.create(this, \"Database\")\n .engine(DatabaseClusterEngine.aurora(AuroraClusterEngineProps.builder()\n .version(AuroraEngineVersion.VER_1_17_9)\n .build()))\n .instanceProps(InstanceProps.builder()\n .vpc(vpc)\n .build())\n .cloudwatchLogsExports(List.of(\"error\", \"general\", \"slowquery\", \"audit\")) // Export all available MySQL-based logs\n .cloudwatchLogsRetention(RetentionDays.THREE_MONTHS) // Optional - default is to never expire logs\n .cloudwatchLogsRetentionRole(myLogsPublishingRole)\n .build();\n\n// Exporting logs from an instance\nDatabaseInstance instance = DatabaseInstance.Builder.create(this, \"Instance\")\n .engine(DatabaseInstanceEngine.postgres(PostgresInstanceEngineProps.builder()\n .version(PostgresEngineVersion.VER_12_3)\n .build()))\n .vpc(vpc)\n .cloudwatchLogsExports(List.of(\"postgresql\"))\n .build();",
2919 "version": "1"
2920 },
2921 "go": {
2922 "source": "import logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\nvar myLogsPublishingRole role\nvar vpc vpc\n\n\n// Exporting logs from a cluster\ncluster := rds.NewDatabaseCluster(this, jsii.String(\"Database\"), &databaseClusterProps{\n\tengine: rds.databaseClusterEngine.aurora(&auroraClusterEngineProps{\n\t\tversion: rds.auroraEngineVersion_VER_1_17_9(),\n\t}),\n\tinstanceProps: &instanceProps{\n\t\tvpc: vpc,\n\t},\n\tcloudwatchLogsExports: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"error\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"general\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"slowquery\"),\n\t\tjsii.String(\"audit\"),\n\t},\n\t // Export all available MySQL-based logs\n\tcloudwatchLogsRetention: logs.retentionDays_THREE_MONTHS,\n\t // Optional - default is to never expire logs\n\tcloudwatchLogsRetentionRole: myLogsPublishingRole,\n})\n\n// Exporting logs from an instance\ninstance := rds.NewDatabaseInstance(this, jsii.String(\"Instance\"), &databaseInstanceProps{\n\tengine: rds.databaseInstanceEngine.postgres(&postgresInstanceEngineProps{\n\t\tversion: rds.postgresEngineVersion_VER_12_3(),\n\t}),\n\tvpc: vpc,\n\tcloudwatchLogsExports: []*string{\n\t\tjsii.String(\"postgresql\"),\n\t},\n})",
2923 "version": "1"
2924 },
2925 "$": {
2926 "source": "import * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\ndeclare const myLogsPublishingRole: iam.Role;\ndeclare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\n\n// Exporting logs from a cluster\nconst cluster = new rds.DatabaseCluster(this, 'Database', {\n engine: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.aurora({\n version: rds.AuroraEngineVersion.VER_1_17_9, // different version class for each engine type\n }),\n instanceProps: {\n vpc,\n },\n cloudwatchLogsExports: ['error', 'general', 'slowquery', 'audit'], // Export all available MySQL-based logs\n cloudwatchLogsRetention: logs.RetentionDays.THREE_MONTHS, // Optional - default is to never expire logs\n cloudwatchLogsRetentionRole: myLogsPublishingRole, // Optional - a role will be created if not provided\n // ...\n});\n\n// Exporting logs from an instance\nconst instance = new rds.DatabaseInstance(this, 'Instance', {\n engine: rds.DatabaseInstanceEngine.postgres({\n version: rds.PostgresEngineVersion.VER_12_3,\n }),\n vpc,\n cloudwatchLogsExports: ['postgresql'], // Export the PostgreSQL logs\n // ...\n});",
2927 "version": "0"
2928 }
2929 },
2930 "location": {
2931 "api": {
2932 "api": "type",
2933 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays"
2934 },
2935 "field": {
2936 "field": "example"
2937 }
2938 },
2939 "didCompile": true,
2940 "fqnsReferenced": [
2941 "@aws-cdk/aws-ec2.IVpc",
2942 "@aws-cdk/aws-iam.IRole",
2943 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays",
2944 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.RetentionDays#THREE_MONTHS",
2945 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.AuroraClusterEngineProps",
2946 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.AuroraEngineVersion",
2947 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.AuroraEngineVersion#VER_1_17_9",
2948 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.DatabaseCluster",
2949 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.DatabaseClusterEngine",
2950 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.DatabaseClusterEngine#aurora",
2951 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.DatabaseClusterProps",
2952 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.DatabaseInstance",
2953 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.DatabaseInstanceEngine",
2954 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.DatabaseInstanceEngine#postgres",
2955 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.DatabaseInstanceProps",
2956 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.IClusterEngine",
2957 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.IInstanceEngine",
2958 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.InstanceProps",
2959 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.PostgresEngineVersion",
2960 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.PostgresEngineVersion#VER_12_3",
2961 "@aws-cdk/aws-rds.PostgresInstanceEngineProps",
2962 "constructs.Construct"
2963 ],
2964 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\ndeclare const myLogsPublishingRole: iam.Role;\ndeclare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Duration, SecretValue, Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');\nimport rds = require('@aws-cdk/aws-rds');\nimport targets = require('@aws-cdk/aws-events-targets');\nimport lambda = require('@aws-cdk/aws-lambda');\nimport kms = require('@aws-cdk/aws-kms');\nimport iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');\nimport secretsmanager = require('@aws-cdk/aws-secretsmanager');\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\n// Exporting logs from a cluster\nconst cluster = new rds.DatabaseCluster(this, 'Database', {\n engine: rds.DatabaseClusterEngine.aurora({\n version: rds.AuroraEngineVersion.VER_1_17_9, // different version class for each engine type\n }),\n instanceProps: {\n vpc,\n },\n cloudwatchLogsExports: ['error', 'general', 'slowquery', 'audit'], // Export all available MySQL-based logs\n cloudwatchLogsRetention: logs.RetentionDays.THREE_MONTHS, // Optional - default is to never expire logs\n cloudwatchLogsRetentionRole: myLogsPublishingRole, // Optional - a role will be created if not provided\n // ...\n});\n\n// Exporting logs from an instance\nconst instance = new rds.DatabaseInstance(this, 'Instance', {\n engine: rds.DatabaseInstanceEngine.postgres({\n version: rds.PostgresEngineVersion.VER_12_3,\n }),\n vpc,\n cloudwatchLogsExports: ['postgresql'], // Export the PostgreSQL logs\n // ...\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n",
2965 "syntaxKindCounter": {
2966 "10": 8,
2967 "75": 40,
2968 "104": 2,
2969 "130": 2,
2970 "153": 2,
2971 "169": 2,
2972 "192": 2,
2973 "193": 5,
2974 "194": 12,
2975 "196": 2,
2976 "197": 2,
2977 "225": 4,
2978 "242": 4,
2979 "243": 4,
2980 "254": 1,
2981 "255": 1,
2982 "256": 1,
2983 "281": 9,
2984 "282": 2,
2985 "290": 1
2986 },
2987 "fqnsFingerprint": "08fddfe5f1cd7a3d905e6058ca5b5fee72e3e91cd37e98bea8002b5221640679"
2988 },
2989 "e3100cecd66104e8c90f3c8abe1721f33d9cb3982c7ecf3f2d5cdcf1e70fe36f": {
2990 "translations": {
2991 "python": {
2992 "source": "# Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n# result code is not equal to 200.\npattern = logs.FilterPattern.space_delimited(\"time\", \"component\", \"...\", \"result_code\", \"latency\").where_string(\"component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\").where_number(\"result_code\", \"!=\", 200)",
2993 "version": "2"
2994 },
2995 "csharp": {
2996 "source": "// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\nSpaceDelimitedTextPattern pattern = FilterPattern.SpaceDelimited(\"time\", \"component\", \"...\", \"result_code\", \"latency\").WhereString(\"component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\").WhereNumber(\"result_code\", \"!=\", 200);",
2997 "version": "1"
2998 },
2999 "java": {
3000 "source": "// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\nSpaceDelimitedTextPattern pattern = FilterPattern.spaceDelimited(\"time\", \"component\", \"...\", \"result_code\", \"latency\").whereString(\"component\", \"=\", \"HttpServer\").whereNumber(\"result_code\", \"!=\", 200);",
3001 "version": "1"
3002 },
3003 "go": {
3004 "source": "// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\npattern := logs.filterPattern.spaceDelimited(jsii.String(\"time\"), jsii.String(\"component\"), jsii.String(\"...\"), jsii.String(\"result_code\"), jsii.String(\"latency\")).whereString(jsii.String(\"component\"), jsii.String(\"=\"), jsii.String(\"HttpServer\")).whereNumber(jsii.String(\"result_code\"), jsii.String(\"!=\"), jsii.Number(200))",
3005 "version": "1"
3006 },
3007 "$": {
3008 "source": "// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\nconst pattern = logs.FilterPattern.spaceDelimited('time', 'component', '...', 'result_code', 'latency')\n .whereString('component', '=', 'HttpServer')\n .whereNumber('result_code', '!=', 200);",
3009 "version": "0"
3010 }
3011 },
3012 "location": {
3013 "api": {
3014 "api": "type",
3015 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SpaceDelimitedTextPattern"
3016 },
3017 "field": {
3018 "field": "example"
3019 }
3020 },
3021 "didCompile": true,
3022 "fqnsReferenced": [
3023 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
3024 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#spaceDelimited",
3025 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SpaceDelimitedTextPattern",
3026 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SpaceDelimitedTextPattern#whereNumber",
3027 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SpaceDelimitedTextPattern#whereString"
3028 ],
3029 "fullSource": "// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// Search for all events where the component is \"HttpServer\" and the\n// result code is not equal to 200.\nconst pattern = logs.FilterPattern.spaceDelimited('time', 'component', '...', 'result_code', 'latency')\n .whereString('component', '=', 'HttpServer')\n .whereNumber('result_code', '!=', 200);\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
3030 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3031 "8": 1,
3032 "10": 10,
3033 "75": 6,
3034 "194": 4,
3035 "196": 3,
3036 "225": 1,
3037 "242": 1,
3038 "243": 1
3039 },
3040 "fqnsFingerprint": "21704a18ecdb7086d532c7467ee18fdfac540eb28f25941afb0687fc7d123836"
3041 },
3042 "ee943f4e4e3db0453a0e654dca6994e636c77a0c6b5b35179f7495ed90b83132": {
3043 "translations": {
3044 "python": {
3045 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\nstream_options = logs.StreamOptions(\n log_stream_name=\"logStreamName\"\n)",
3046 "version": "2"
3047 },
3048 "csharp": {
3049 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nStreamOptions streamOptions = new StreamOptions {\n LogStreamName = \"logStreamName\"\n};",
3050 "version": "1"
3051 },
3052 "java": {
3053 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nStreamOptions streamOptions = StreamOptions.builder()\n .logStreamName(\"logStreamName\")\n .build();",
3054 "version": "1"
3055 },
3056 "go": {
3057 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nstreamOptions := &streamOptions{\n\tlogStreamName: jsii.String(\"logStreamName\"),\n}",
3058 "version": "1"
3059 },
3060 "$": {
3061 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nconst streamOptions: logs.StreamOptions = {\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n};",
3062 "version": "0"
3063 }
3064 },
3065 "location": {
3066 "api": {
3067 "api": "type",
3068 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.StreamOptions"
3069 },
3070 "field": {
3071 "field": "example"
3072 }
3073 },
3074 "didCompile": true,
3075 "fqnsReferenced": [
3076 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.StreamOptions"
3077 ],
3078 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst streamOptions: logs.StreamOptions = {\n logStreamName: 'logStreamName',\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3079 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3080 "10": 2,
3081 "75": 5,
3082 "153": 1,
3083 "169": 1,
3084 "193": 1,
3085 "225": 1,
3086 "242": 1,
3087 "243": 1,
3088 "254": 1,
3089 "255": 1,
3090 "256": 1,
3091 "281": 1,
3092 "290": 1
3093 },
3094 "fqnsFingerprint": "c0e316814f6383942f2c446db6e8a7a2f2c1639986fb0ab06c1fc7e37f7de93a"
3095 },
3096 "380b31ec0a233180313e60f5d51f507fd42710460fa2993ce5008cec7ac1be7d": {
3097 "translations": {
3098 "python": {
3099 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_logs_destinations as destinations\n# fn: lambda.Function\n# log_group: logs.LogGroup\n\n\nlogs.SubscriptionFilter(self, \"Subscription\",\n log_group=log_group,\n destination=destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filter_pattern=logs.FilterPattern.all_terms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\")\n)",
3100 "version": "2"
3101 },
3102 "csharp": {
3103 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs.Destinations;\nFunction fn;\nLogGroup logGroup;\n\n\nnew SubscriptionFilter(this, \"Subscription\", new SubscriptionFilterProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n Destination = new LambdaDestination(fn),\n FilterPattern = FilterPattern.AllTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\")\n});",
3104 "version": "1"
3105 },
3106 "java": {
3107 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.destinations.*;\nFunction fn;\nLogGroup logGroup;\n\n\nSubscriptionFilter.Builder.create(this, \"Subscription\")\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .destination(new LambdaDestination(fn))\n .filterPattern(FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"))\n .build();",
3108 "version": "1"
3109 },
3110 "go": {
3111 "source": "import destinations \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogsdestinations\"\nvar fn function\nvar logGroup logGroup\n\n\nlogs.NewSubscriptionFilter(this, jsii.String(\"Subscription\"), &subscriptionFilterProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\tdestination: destinations.NewLambdaDestination(fn),\n\tfilterPattern: logs.filterPattern.allTerms(jsii.String(\"ERROR\"), jsii.String(\"MainThread\")),\n})",
3112 "version": "1"
3113 },
3114 "$": {
3115 "source": "import * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations';\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n\nnew logs.SubscriptionFilter(this, 'Subscription', {\n logGroup,\n destination: new destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"),\n});",
3116 "version": "0"
3117 }
3118 },
3119 "location": {
3120 "api": {
3121 "api": "type",
3122 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilter"
3123 },
3124 "field": {
3125 "field": "example"
3126 }
3127 },
3128 "didCompile": true,
3129 "fqnsReferenced": [
3130 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
3131 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations.LambdaDestination",
3132 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
3133 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#allTerms",
3134 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
3135 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
3136 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogSubscriptionDestination",
3137 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilter",
3138 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilterProps",
3139 "constructs.Construct"
3140 ],
3141 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations';\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew logs.SubscriptionFilter(this, 'Subscription', {\n logGroup,\n destination: new destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
3142 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3143 "10": 4,
3144 "75": 18,
3145 "104": 1,
3146 "130": 2,
3147 "153": 2,
3148 "169": 2,
3149 "193": 1,
3150 "194": 4,
3151 "196": 1,
3152 "197": 2,
3153 "225": 2,
3154 "226": 1,
3155 "242": 2,
3156 "243": 2,
3157 "254": 1,
3158 "255": 1,
3159 "256": 1,
3160 "281": 2,
3161 "282": 1,
3162 "290": 1
3163 },
3164 "fqnsFingerprint": "c4976cece6cd33aa4c017d9630d31206fe2b4af8c139af7663f6f9b4d5f47ddb"
3165 },
3166 "89efa5c3e2860fccf6358a195a8a5f06ecdee34c9e15eaabf09072f130ac68fa": {
3167 "translations": {
3168 "python": {
3169 "source": "# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n# The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport aws_cdk.aws_logs as logs\n\n# filter_pattern: logs.IFilterPattern\n# log_subscription_destination: logs.ILogSubscriptionDestination\n\nsubscription_filter_options = logs.SubscriptionFilterOptions(\n destination=log_subscription_destination,\n filter_pattern=filter_pattern\n)",
3170 "version": "2"
3171 },
3172 "csharp": {
3173 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nusing Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs;\n\nIFilterPattern filterPattern;\nILogSubscriptionDestination logSubscriptionDestination;\n\nSubscriptionFilterOptions subscriptionFilterOptions = new SubscriptionFilterOptions {\n Destination = logSubscriptionDestination,\n FilterPattern = filterPattern\n};",
3174 "version": "1"
3175 },
3176 "java": {
3177 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.*;\n\nIFilterPattern filterPattern;\nILogSubscriptionDestination logSubscriptionDestination;\n\nSubscriptionFilterOptions subscriptionFilterOptions = SubscriptionFilterOptions.builder()\n .destination(logSubscriptionDestination)\n .filterPattern(filterPattern)\n .build();",
3178 "version": "1"
3179 },
3180 "go": {
3181 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport logs \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogs\"\n\nvar filterPattern iFilterPattern\nvar logSubscriptionDestination iLogSubscriptionDestination\n\nsubscriptionFilterOptions := &subscriptionFilterOptions{\n\tdestination: logSubscriptionDestination,\n\tfilterPattern: filterPattern,\n}",
3182 "version": "1"
3183 },
3184 "$": {
3185 "source": "// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const filterPattern: logs.IFilterPattern;\ndeclare const logSubscriptionDestination: logs.ILogSubscriptionDestination;\nconst subscriptionFilterOptions: logs.SubscriptionFilterOptions = {\n destination: logSubscriptionDestination,\n filterPattern: filterPattern,\n};",
3186 "version": "0"
3187 }
3188 },
3189 "location": {
3190 "api": {
3191 "api": "type",
3192 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilterOptions"
3193 },
3194 "field": {
3195 "field": "example"
3196 }
3197 },
3198 "didCompile": true,
3199 "fqnsReferenced": [
3200 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
3201 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogSubscriptionDestination",
3202 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilterOptions"
3203 ],
3204 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\n// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.\n// The values are placeholders you should change.\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\n\ndeclare const filterPattern: logs.IFilterPattern;\ndeclare const logSubscriptionDestination: logs.ILogSubscriptionDestination;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\nimport { Construct } from \"@aws-cdk/core\";\nclass MyConstruct extends Construct {\nconstructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\nsuper(scope, id);\n// Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\nconst subscriptionFilterOptions: logs.SubscriptionFilterOptions = {\n destination: logSubscriptionDestination,\n filterPattern: filterPattern,\n};\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n} }",
3205 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3206 "10": 1,
3207 "75": 14,
3208 "130": 2,
3209 "153": 3,
3210 "169": 3,
3211 "193": 1,
3212 "225": 3,
3213 "242": 3,
3214 "243": 3,
3215 "254": 1,
3216 "255": 1,
3217 "256": 1,
3218 "281": 2,
3219 "290": 1
3220 },
3221 "fqnsFingerprint": "d011b0dea735cd1443164333201700d93cb9aef80c768df50fa6e493b930e7a7"
3222 },
3223 "04aa8e9c2b277707d61a1ea8be222cf8e5631335b5135e9219c9d3fe23ad886a": {
3224 "translations": {
3225 "python": {
3226 "source": "import aws_cdk.aws_logs_destinations as destinations\n# fn: lambda.Function\n# log_group: logs.LogGroup\n\n\nlogs.SubscriptionFilter(self, \"Subscription\",\n log_group=log_group,\n destination=destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filter_pattern=logs.FilterPattern.all_terms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\")\n)",
3227 "version": "2"
3228 },
3229 "csharp": {
3230 "source": "using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Logs.Destinations;\nFunction fn;\nLogGroup logGroup;\n\n\nnew SubscriptionFilter(this, \"Subscription\", new SubscriptionFilterProps {\n LogGroup = logGroup,\n Destination = new LambdaDestination(fn),\n FilterPattern = FilterPattern.AllTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\")\n});",
3231 "version": "1"
3232 },
3233 "java": {
3234 "source": "import software.amazon.awscdk.services.logs.destinations.*;\nFunction fn;\nLogGroup logGroup;\n\n\nSubscriptionFilter.Builder.create(this, \"Subscription\")\n .logGroup(logGroup)\n .destination(new LambdaDestination(fn))\n .filterPattern(FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"))\n .build();",
3235 "version": "1"
3236 },
3237 "go": {
3238 "source": "import destinations \"github.com/aws-samples/dummy/awscdkawslogsdestinations\"\nvar fn function\nvar logGroup logGroup\n\n\nlogs.NewSubscriptionFilter(this, jsii.String(\"Subscription\"), &subscriptionFilterProps{\n\tlogGroup: logGroup,\n\tdestination: destinations.NewLambdaDestination(fn),\n\tfilterPattern: logs.filterPattern.allTerms(jsii.String(\"ERROR\"), jsii.String(\"MainThread\")),\n})",
3239 "version": "1"
3240 },
3241 "$": {
3242 "source": "import * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations';\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n\nnew logs.SubscriptionFilter(this, 'Subscription', {\n logGroup,\n destination: new destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"),\n});",
3243 "version": "0"
3244 }
3245 },
3246 "location": {
3247 "api": {
3248 "api": "type",
3249 "fqn": "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilterProps"
3250 },
3251 "field": {
3252 "field": "example"
3253 }
3254 },
3255 "didCompile": true,
3256 "fqnsReferenced": [
3257 "@aws-cdk/aws-lambda.IFunction",
3258 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations.LambdaDestination",
3259 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern",
3260 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.FilterPattern#allTerms",
3261 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.IFilterPattern",
3262 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogGroup",
3263 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.ILogSubscriptionDestination",
3264 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilter",
3265 "@aws-cdk/aws-logs.SubscriptionFilterProps",
3266 "constructs.Construct"
3267 ],
3268 "fullSource": "// Hoisted imports begin after !show marker below\n/// !show\nimport * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations';\ndeclare const fn: lambda.Function;\ndeclare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;\n/// !hide\n// Hoisted imports ended before !hide marker above\n// Fixture with packages imported, but nothing else\nimport { Construct } from 'constructs';\nimport { Stack } from '@aws-cdk/core';\nimport * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';\nimport * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';\nimport * as cloudwatch from '@aws-cdk/aws-cloudwatch';\nimport * as lambda from '@aws-cdk/aws-lambda';\n\nclass Fixture extends Stack {\n constructor(scope: Construct, id: string) {\n super(scope, id);\n\n // Code snippet begins after !show marker below\n/// !show\n\n\nnew logs.SubscriptionFilter(this, 'Subscription', {\n logGroup,\n destination: new destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),\n filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.allTerms(\"ERROR\", \"MainThread\"),\n});\n/// !hide\n// Code snippet ended before !hide marker above\n }\n}\n\n",
3269 "syntaxKindCounter": {
3270 "10": 4,
3271 "75": 18,
3272 "104": 1,
3273 "130": 2,
3274 "153": 2,
3275 "169": 2,
3276 "193": 1,
3277 "194": 4,
3278 "196": 1,
3279 "197": 2,
3280 "225": 2,
3281 "226": 1,
3282 "242": 2,
3283 "243": 2,
3284 "254": 1,
3285 "255": 1,
3286 "256": 1,
3287 "281": 2,
3288 "282": 1,
3289 "290": 1
3290 },
3291 "fqnsFingerprint": "c4976cece6cd33aa4c017d9630d31206fe2b4af8c139af7663f6f9b4d5f47ddb"
3292 }
3293 }
\No newline at end of file