7.36 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Interface for objects that can render themselves to log patterns.
3 */
4export interface IFilterPattern {
5 readonly logPatternString: string;
8 * Base class for patterns that only match JSON log events.
9 */
10export declare abstract class JsonPattern implements IFilterPattern {
11 readonly jsonPatternString: string;
12 constructor(jsonPatternString: string);
13 get logPatternString(): string;
16 * A collection of static methods to generate appropriate ILogPatterns
17 */
18export declare class FilterPattern {
19 /**
20 * Use the given string as log pattern.
21 *
22 * See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/FilterAndPatternSyntax.html
23 * for information on writing log patterns.
24 *
25 * @param logPatternString The pattern string to use.
26 */
27 static literal(logPatternString: string): IFilterPattern;
28 /**
29 * A log pattern that matches all events.
30 */
31 static allEvents(): IFilterPattern;
32 /**
33 * A log pattern that matches if all the strings given appear in the event.
34 *
35 * @param terms The words to search for. All terms must match.
36 */
37 static allTerms(...terms: string[]): IFilterPattern;
38 /**
39 * A log pattern that matches if any of the strings given appear in the event.
40 *
41 * @param terms The words to search for. Any terms must match.
42 */
43 static anyTerm(...terms: string[]): IFilterPattern;
44 /**
45 * A log pattern that matches if any of the given term groups matches the event.
46 *
47 * A term group matches an event if all the terms in it appear in the event string.
48 *
49 * @param termGroups A list of term groups to search for. Any one of the clauses must match.
50 */
51 static anyTermGroup(...termGroups: string[][]): IFilterPattern;
52 /**
53 * A JSON log pattern that compares string values.
54 *
55 * This pattern only matches if the event is a JSON event, and the indicated field inside
56 * compares with the string value.
57 *
58 * Use '$' to indicate the root of the JSON structure. The comparison operator can only
59 * compare equality or inequality. The '*' wildcard may appear in the value may at the
60 * start or at the end.
61 *
62 * For more information, see:
63 *
64 * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/FilterAndPatternSyntax.html
65 *
66 * @param jsonField Field inside JSON. Example: "$.myField"
67 * @param comparison Comparison to carry out. Either = or !=.
68 * @param value The string value to compare to. May use '*' as wildcard at start or end of string.
69 */
70 static stringValue(jsonField: string, comparison: string, value: string): JsonPattern;
71 /**
72 * A JSON log pattern that compares numerical values.
73 *
74 * This pattern only matches if the event is a JSON event, and the indicated field inside
75 * compares with the value in the indicated way.
76 *
77 * Use '$' to indicate the root of the JSON structure. The comparison operator can only
78 * compare equality or inequality. The '*' wildcard may appear in the value may at the
79 * start or at the end.
80 *
81 * For more information, see:
82 *
83 * https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/FilterAndPatternSyntax.html
84 *
85 * @param jsonField Field inside JSON. Example: "$.myField"
86 * @param comparison Comparison to carry out. One of =, !=, <, <=, >, >=.
87 * @param value The numerical value to compare to
88 */
89 static numberValue(jsonField: string, comparison: string, value: number): JsonPattern;
90 /**
91 * A JSON log pattern that matches if the field exists and has the special value 'null'.
92 *
93 * @param jsonField Field inside JSON. Example: "$.myField"
94 */
95 static isNull(jsonField: string): JsonPattern;
96 /**
97 * A JSON log pattern that matches if the field does not exist.
98 *
99 * @param jsonField Field inside JSON. Example: "$.myField"
100 */
101 static notExists(jsonField: string): JsonPattern;
102 /**
103 * A JSON log patter that matches if the field exists.
104 *
105 * This is a readable convenience wrapper over 'field = *'
106 *
107 * @param jsonField Field inside JSON. Example: "$.myField"
108 */
109 static exists(jsonField: string): JsonPattern;
110 /**
111 * A JSON log pattern that matches if the field exists and equals the boolean value.
112 *
113 * @param jsonField Field inside JSON. Example: "$.myField"
114 * @param value The value to match
115 */
116 static booleanValue(jsonField: string, value: boolean): JsonPattern;
117 /**
118 * A JSON log pattern that matches if all given JSON log patterns match
119 */
120 static all(...patterns: JsonPattern[]): JsonPattern;
121 /**
122 * A JSON log pattern that matches if any of the given JSON log patterns match
123 */
124 static any(...patterns: JsonPattern[]): JsonPattern;
125 /**
126 * A space delimited log pattern matcher.
127 *
128 * The log event is divided into space-delimited columns (optionally
129 * enclosed by "" or [] to capture spaces into column values), and names
130 * are given to each column.
131 *
132 * '...' may be specified once to match any number of columns.
133 *
134 * Afterwards, conditions may be added to individual columns.
135 *
136 * @param columns The columns in the space-delimited log stream.
137 */
138 static spaceDelimited(...columns: string[]): SpaceDelimitedTextPattern;
140export declare type RestrictionMap = {
141 [column: string]: ColumnRestriction[];
144 * Space delimited text pattern
145 */
146export declare class SpaceDelimitedTextPattern implements IFilterPattern {
147 private readonly columns;
148 private readonly restrictions;
149 /**
150 * Construct a new instance of a space delimited text pattern
151 *
152 * Since this class must be public, we can't rely on the user only creating it through
153 * the `LogPattern.spaceDelimited()` factory function. We must therefore validate the
154 * argument in the constructor. Since we're returning a copy on every mutation, and we
155 * don't want to re-validate the same things on every construction, we provide a limited
156 * set of mutator functions and only validate the new data every time.
157 */
158 static construct(columns: string[]): SpaceDelimitedTextPattern;
159 protected constructor(columns: string[], restrictions: RestrictionMap);
160 /**
161 * Restrict where the pattern applies
162 */
163 whereString(columnName: string, comparison: string, value: string): SpaceDelimitedTextPattern;
164 /**
165 * Restrict where the pattern applies
166 */
167 whereNumber(columnName: string, comparison: string, value: number): SpaceDelimitedTextPattern;
168 get logPatternString(): string;
169 /**
170 * Return the column expression for the given column
171 */
172 private columnExpression;
173 /**
174 * Make a copy of the current restrictions and add one
175 */
176 private addRestriction;
178export interface ColumnRestriction {
179 /**
180 * Comparison operator to use
181 */
182 readonly comparison: string;
183 /**
184 * String value to compare to
185 *
186 * Exactly one of 'stringValue' and 'numberValue' must be set.
187 */
188 readonly stringValue?: string;
189 /**
190 * Number value to compare to
191 *
192 * Exactly one of 'stringValue' and 'numberValue' must be set.
193 */
194 readonly numberValue?: number;