1 | # Amazon CloudWatch Logs Construct Library
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8 | > AWS CDK v1 has reached End-of-Support on 2023-06-01.
9 | > This package is no longer being updated, and users should migrate to AWS CDK v2.
10 | >
11 | > For more information on how to migrate, see the [_Migrating to AWS CDK v2_ guide][doc].
12 | >
13 | > [doc]: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/v2/guide/migrating-v2.html
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15 | ---
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19 | This library supplies constructs for working with CloudWatch Logs.
20 |
21 | ## Log Groups/Streams
22 |
23 | The basic unit of CloudWatch is a *Log Group*. Every log group typically has the
24 | same kind of data logged to it, in the same format. If there are multiple
25 | applications or services logging into the Log Group, each of them creates a new
26 | *Log Stream*.
27 |
28 | Every log operation creates a "log event", which can consist of a simple string
29 | or a single-line JSON object. JSON objects have the advantage that they afford
30 | more filtering abilities (see below).
31 |
32 | The only configurable attribute for log streams is the retention period, which
33 | configures after how much time the events in the log stream expire and are
34 | deleted.
35 |
36 | The default retention period if not supplied is 2 years, but it can be set to
37 | one of the values in the `RetentionDays` enum to configure a different
38 | retention period (including infinite retention).
39 |
40 | [retention example](test/example.retention.lit.ts)
41 |
42 | ## LogRetention
43 |
44 | The `LogRetention` construct is a way to control the retention period of log groups that are created outside of the CDK. The construct is usually
45 | used on log groups that are auto created by AWS services, such as [AWS
46 | lambda](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/lambda/latest/dg/monitoring-cloudwatchlogs.html).
47 |
48 | This is implemented using a [CloudFormation custom
49 | resource](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-cfn-customresource.html)
50 | which pre-creates the log group if it doesn't exist, and sets the specified log retention period (never expire, by default).
51 |
52 | By default, the log group will be created in the same region as the stack. The `logGroupRegion` property can be used to configure
53 | log groups in other regions. This is typically useful when controlling retention for log groups auto-created by global services that
54 | publish their log group to a specific region, such as AWS Chatbot creating a log group in `us-east-1`.
55 |
56 | ## Resource Policy
57 |
58 | CloudWatch Resource Policies allow other AWS services or IAM Principals to put log events into the log groups.
59 | A resource policy is automatically created when `addToResourcePolicy` is called on the LogGroup for the first time:
60 |
61 | ```ts
62 | const logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup');
63 | logGroup.addToResourcePolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
64 | actions: ['logs:CreateLogStream', 'logs:PutLogEvents'],
65 | principals: [new iam.ServicePrincipal('es.amazonaws.com')],
66 | resources: [logGroup.logGroupArn],
67 | }));
68 | ```
69 |
70 | Or more conveniently, write permissions to the log group can be granted as follows which gives same result as in the above example.
71 |
72 | ```ts
73 | const logGroup = new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup');
74 | logGroup.grantWrite(new iam.ServicePrincipal('es.amazonaws.com'));
75 | ```
76 |
77 | Be aware that any ARNs or tokenized values passed to the resource policy will be converted into AWS Account IDs.
78 | This is because CloudWatch Logs Resource Policies do not accept ARNs as principals, but they do accept
79 | Account ID strings. Non-ARN principals, like Service principals or Any princpals, are accepted by CloudWatch.
80 |
81 | ## Encrypting Log Groups
82 |
83 | By default, log group data is always encrypted in CloudWatch Logs. You have the
84 | option to encrypt log group data using a AWS KMS customer master key (CMK) should
85 | you not wish to use the default AWS encryption. Keep in mind that if you decide to
86 | encrypt a log group, any service or IAM identity that needs to read the encrypted
87 | log streams in the future will require the same CMK to decrypt the data.
88 |
89 | Here's a simple example of creating an encrypted Log Group using a KMS CMK.
90 |
91 | ```ts
92 | import * as kms from '@aws-cdk/aws-kms';
93 |
94 | new logs.LogGroup(this, 'LogGroup', {
95 | encryptionKey: new kms.Key(this, 'Key'),
96 | });
97 | ```
98 |
99 | See the AWS documentation for more detailed information about [encrypting CloudWatch
100 | Logs](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/encrypt-log-data-kms.html).
101 |
102 | ## Subscriptions and Destinations
103 |
104 | Log events matching a particular filter can be sent to either a Lambda function
105 | or a Kinesis stream.
106 |
107 | If the Kinesis stream lives in a different account, a `CrossAccountDestination`
108 | object needs to be added in the destination account which will act as a proxy
109 | for the remote Kinesis stream. This object is automatically created for you
110 | if you use the CDK Kinesis library.
111 |
112 | Create a `SubscriptionFilter`, initialize it with an appropriate `Pattern` (see
113 | below) and supply the intended destination:
114 |
115 | ```ts
116 | import * as destinations from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs-destinations';
117 | declare const fn: lambda.Function;
118 | declare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;
119 |
120 | new logs.SubscriptionFilter(this, 'Subscription', {
121 | logGroup,
122 | destination: new destinations.LambdaDestination(fn),
123 | filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.allTerms("ERROR", "MainThread"),
124 | });
125 | ```
126 |
127 | ## Metric Filters
128 |
129 | CloudWatch Logs can extract and emit metrics based on a textual log stream.
130 | Depending on your needs, this may be a more convenient way of generating metrics
131 | for you application than making calls to CloudWatch Metrics yourself.
132 |
133 | A `MetricFilter` either emits a fixed number every time it sees a log event
134 | matching a particular pattern (see below), or extracts a number from the log
135 | event and uses that as the metric value.
136 |
137 | Example:
138 |
139 | [metricfilter example](test/integ.metricfilter.lit.ts)
140 |
141 | Remember that if you want to use a value from the log event as the metric value,
142 | you must mention it in your pattern somewhere.
143 |
144 | A very simple MetricFilter can be created by using the `logGroup.extractMetric()`
145 | helper function:
146 |
147 | ```ts
148 | declare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;
149 | logGroup.extractMetric('$.jsonField', 'Namespace', 'MetricName');
150 | ```
151 |
152 | Will extract the value of `jsonField` wherever it occurs in JSON-structed
153 | log records in the LogGroup, and emit them to CloudWatch Metrics under
154 | the name `Namespace/MetricName`.
155 |
156 | ### Exposing Metric on a Metric Filter
157 |
158 | You can expose a metric on a metric filter by calling the `MetricFilter.metric()` API.
159 | This has a default of `statistic = 'avg'` if the statistic is not set in the `props`.
160 |
161 | ```ts
162 | declare const logGroup: logs.LogGroup;
163 | const mf = new logs.MetricFilter(this, 'MetricFilter', {
164 | logGroup,
165 | metricNamespace: 'MyApp',
166 | metricName: 'Latency',
167 | filterPattern: logs.FilterPattern.exists('$.latency'),
168 | metricValue: '$.latency',
169 | });
170 |
171 | //expose a metric from the metric filter
172 | const metric = mf.metric();
173 |
174 | //you can use the metric to create a new alarm
175 | new cloudwatch.Alarm(this, 'alarm from metric filter', {
176 | metric,
177 | threshold: 100,
178 | evaluationPeriods: 2,
179 | });
180 | ```
181 |
182 | ## Patterns
183 |
184 | Patterns describe which log events match a subscription or metric filter. There
185 | are three types of patterns:
186 |
187 | * Text patterns
188 | * JSON patterns
189 | * Space-delimited table patterns
190 |
191 | All patterns are constructed by using static functions on the `FilterPattern`
192 | class.
193 |
194 | In addition to the patterns above, the following special patterns exist:
195 |
196 | * `FilterPattern.allEvents()`: matches all log events.
197 | * `FilterPattern.literal(string)`: if you already know what pattern expression to
198 | use, this function takes a string and will use that as the log pattern. For
199 | more information, see the [Filter and Pattern
200 | Syntax](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/FilterAndPatternSyntax.html).
201 |
202 | ### Text Patterns
203 |
204 | Text patterns match if the literal strings appear in the text form of the log
205 | line.
206 |
207 | * `FilterPattern.allTerms(term, term, ...)`: matches if all of the given terms
208 | (substrings) appear in the log event.
209 | * `FilterPattern.anyTerm(term, term, ...)`: matches if all of the given terms
210 | (substrings) appear in the log event.
211 | * `FilterPattern.anyTermGroup([term, term, ...], [term, term, ...], ...)`: matches if
212 | all of the terms in any of the groups (specified as arrays) matches. This is
213 | an OR match.
214 |
215 | Examples:
216 |
217 | ```ts
218 | // Search for lines that contain both "ERROR" and "MainThread"
219 | const pattern1 = logs.FilterPattern.allTerms('ERROR', 'MainThread');
220 |
221 | // Search for lines that either contain both "ERROR" and "MainThread", or
222 | // both "WARN" and "Deadlock".
223 | const pattern2 = logs.FilterPattern.anyTermGroup(
224 | ['ERROR', 'MainThread'],
225 | ['WARN', 'Deadlock'],
226 | );
227 | ```
228 |
229 | ## JSON Patterns
230 |
231 | JSON patterns apply if the log event is the JSON representation of an object
232 | (without any other characters, so it cannot include a prefix such as timestamp
233 | or log level). JSON patterns can make comparisons on the values inside the
234 | fields.
235 |
236 | * **Strings**: the comparison operators allowed for strings are `=` and `!=`.
237 | String values can start or end with a `*` wildcard.
238 | * **Numbers**: the comparison operators allowed for numbers are `=`, `!=`,
239 | `<`, `<=`, `>`, `>=`.
240 |
241 | Fields in the JSON structure are identified by identifier the complete object as `$`
242 | and then descending into it, such as `$.field` or `$.list[0].field`.
243 |
244 | * `FilterPattern.stringValue(field, comparison, string)`: matches if the given
245 | field compares as indicated with the given string value.
246 | * `FilterPattern.numberValue(field, comparison, number)`: matches if the given
247 | field compares as indicated with the given numerical value.
248 | * `FilterPattern.isNull(field)`: matches if the given field exists and has the
249 | value `null`.
250 | * `FilterPattern.notExists(field)`: matches if the given field is not in the JSON
251 | structure.
252 | * `FilterPattern.exists(field)`: matches if the given field is in the JSON
253 | structure.
254 | * `FilterPattern.booleanValue(field, boolean)`: matches if the given field
255 | is exactly the given boolean value.
256 | * `FilterPattern.all(jsonPattern, jsonPattern, ...)`: matches if all of the
257 | given JSON patterns match. This makes an AND combination of the given
258 | patterns.
259 | * `FilterPattern.any(jsonPattern, jsonPattern, ...)`: matches if any of the
260 | given JSON patterns match. This makes an OR combination of the given
261 | patterns.
262 |
263 | Example:
264 |
265 | ```ts
266 | // Search for all events where the component field is equal to
267 | // "HttpServer" and either error is true or the latency is higher
268 | // than 1000.
269 | const pattern = logs.FilterPattern.all(
270 | logs.FilterPattern.stringValue('$.component', '=', 'HttpServer'),
271 | logs.FilterPattern.any(
272 | logs.FilterPattern.booleanValue('$.error', true),
273 | logs.FilterPattern.numberValue('$.latency', '>', 1000),
274 | ),
275 | );
276 | ```
277 |
278 | ## Space-delimited table patterns
279 |
280 | If the log events are rows of a space-delimited table, this pattern can be used
281 | to identify the columns in that structure and add conditions on any of them. The
282 | canonical example where you would apply this type of pattern is Apache server
283 | logs.
284 |
285 | Text that is surrounded by `"..."` quotes or `[...]` square brackets will
286 | be treated as one column.
287 |
288 | * `FilterPattern.spaceDelimited(column, column, ...)`: construct a
289 | `SpaceDelimitedTextPattern` object with the indicated columns. The columns
290 | map one-by-one the columns found in the log event. The string `"..."` may
291 | be used to specify an arbitrary number of unnamed columns anywhere in the
292 | name list (but may only be specified once).
293 |
294 | After constructing a `SpaceDelimitedTextPattern`, you can use the following
295 | two members to add restrictions:
296 |
297 | * `pattern.whereString(field, comparison, string)`: add a string condition.
298 | The rules are the same as for JSON patterns.
299 | * `pattern.whereNumber(field, comparison, number)`: add a numerical condition.
300 | The rules are the same as for JSON patterns.
301 |
302 | Multiple restrictions can be added on the same column; they must all apply.
303 |
304 | Example:
305 |
306 | ```ts
307 | // Search for all events where the component is "HttpServer" and the
308 | // result code is not equal to 200.
309 | const pattern = logs.FilterPattern.spaceDelimited('time', 'component', '...', 'result_code', 'latency')
310 | .whereString('component', '=', 'HttpServer')
311 | .whereNumber('result_code', '!=', 200);
312 | ```
313 |
314 | ## Logs Insights Query Definition
315 |
316 | Creates a query definition for CloudWatch Logs Insights.
317 |
318 | Example:
319 |
320 | ```ts
321 | new logs.QueryDefinition(this, 'QueryDefinition', {
322 | queryDefinitionName: 'MyQuery',
323 | queryString: new logs.QueryString({
324 | fields: ['@timestamp', '@message'],
325 | sort: '@timestamp desc',
326 | limit: 20,
327 | }),
328 | });
329 | ```
330 |
331 | ## Notes
332 |
333 | Be aware that Log Group ARNs will always have the string `:*` appended to
334 | them, to match the behavior of [the CloudFormation `AWS::Logs::LogGroup`
335 | resource](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/aws-resource-logs-loggroup.html#aws-resource-logs-loggroup-return-values).