8.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Stack } from './stack';
3 * An enum representing the various ARN formats that different services use.
4 */
5export declare enum ArnFormat {
6 /**
7 * This represents a format where there is no 'resourceName' part.
8 * This format is used for S3 resources,
9 * like 'arn:aws:s3:::bucket'.
10 * Everything after the last colon is considered the 'resource',
11 * even if it contains slashes,
12 * like in 'arn:aws:s3:::bucket/object.zip'.
13 */
14 NO_RESOURCE_NAME = "arn:aws:service:region:account:resource",
15 /**
16 * This represents a format where the 'resource' and 'resourceName'
17 * parts are separated with a colon.
18 * Like in: 'arn:aws:service:region:account:resource:resourceName'.
19 * Everything after the last colon is considered the 'resourceName',
20 * even if it contains slashes,
21 * like in 'arn:aws:apigateway:region:account:resource:/test/mydemoresource/*'.
22 */
23 COLON_RESOURCE_NAME = "arn:aws:service:region:account:resource:resourceName",
24 /**
25 * This represents a format where the 'resource' and 'resourceName'
26 * parts are separated with a slash.
27 * Like in: 'arn:aws:service:region:account:resource/resourceName'.
28 * Everything after the separating slash is considered the 'resourceName',
29 * even if it contains colons,
30 * like in 'arn:aws:cognito-sync:region:account:identitypool/us-east-1:1a1a1a1a-ffff-1111-9999-12345678:bla'.
31 */
32 SLASH_RESOURCE_NAME = "arn:aws:service:region:account:resource/resourceName",
33 /**
34 * This represents a format where the 'resource' and 'resourceName'
35 * parts are seperated with a slash,
36 * but there is also an additional slash after the colon separating 'account' from 'resource'.
37 * Like in: 'arn:aws:service:region:account:/resource/resourceName'.
38 * Note that the leading slash is _not_ included in the parsed 'resource' part.
39 */
40 SLASH_RESOURCE_SLASH_RESOURCE_NAME = "arn:aws:service:region:account:/resource/resourceName"
42export interface ArnComponents {
43 /**
44 * The partition that the resource is in. For standard AWS regions, the
45 * partition is aws. If you have resources in other partitions, the
46 * partition is aws-partitionname. For example, the partition for resources
47 * in the China (Beijing) region is aws-cn.
48 *
49 * @default The AWS partition the stack is deployed to.
50 */
51 readonly partition?: string;
52 /**
53 * The service namespace that identifies the AWS product (for example,
54 * 's3', 'iam', 'codepipline').
55 */
56 readonly service: string;
57 /**
58 * The region the resource resides in. Note that the ARNs for some resources
59 * do not require a region, so this component might be omitted.
60 *
61 * @default The region the stack is deployed to.
62 */
63 readonly region?: string;
64 /**
65 * The ID of the AWS account that owns the resource, without the hyphens.
66 * For example, 123456789012. Note that the ARNs for some resources don't
67 * require an account number, so this component might be omitted.
68 *
69 * @default The account the stack is deployed to.
70 */
71 readonly account?: string;
72 /**
73 * Resource type (e.g. "table", "autoScalingGroup", "certificate").
74 * For some resource types, e.g. S3 buckets, this field defines the bucket name.
75 */
76 readonly resource: string;
77 /**
78 * Separator between resource type and the resource.
79 *
80 * Can be either '/', ':' or an empty string. Will only be used if resourceName is defined.
81 * @default '/'
82 *
83 * @deprecated use arnFormat instead
84 */
85 readonly sep?: string;
86 /**
87 * Resource name or path within the resource (i.e. S3 bucket object key) or
88 * a wildcard such as ``"*"``. This is service-dependent.
89 */
90 readonly resourceName?: string;
91 /**
92 * The specific ARN format to use for this ARN value.
93 *
94 * @default - uses value of `sep` as the separator for formatting,
95 * `ArnFormat.SLASH_RESOURCE_NAME` if that property was also not provided
96 */
97 readonly arnFormat?: ArnFormat;
99export declare class Arn {
100 /**
101 * Creates an ARN from components.
102 *
103 * If `partition`, `region` or `account` are not specified, the stack's
104 * partition, region and account will be used.
105 *
106 * If any component is the empty string, an empty string will be inserted
107 * into the generated ARN at the location that component corresponds to.
108 *
109 * The ARN will be formatted as follows:
110 *
111 * arn:{partition}:{service}:{region}:{account}:{resource}{sep}{resource-name}
112 *
113 * The required ARN pieces that are omitted will be taken from the stack that
114 * the 'scope' is attached to. If all ARN pieces are supplied, the supplied scope
115 * can be 'undefined'.
116 */
117 static format(components: ArnComponents, stack?: Stack): string;
118 /**
119 * Given an ARN, parses it and returns components.
120 *
122 *
123 * ...it will be parsed and validated. The separator (`sep`) will be set to '/'
124 * if the 6th component includes a '/', in which case, `resource` will be set
125 * to the value before the '/' and `resourceName` will be the rest. In case
126 * there is no '/', `resource` will be set to the 6th components and
127 * `resourceName` will be set to the rest of the string.
128 *
130 *
131 * ...it cannot be validated, since we don't have the actual value yet at the
132 * time of this function call. You will have to supply `sepIfToken` and
133 * whether or not ARNs of the expected format usually have resource names
134 * in order to parse it properly. The resulting `ArnComponents` object will
135 * contain tokens for the subexpressions of the ARN, not string literals.
136 *
137 * If the resource name could possibly contain the separator char, the actual
138 * resource name cannot be properly parsed. This only occurs if the separator
139 * char is '/', and happens for example for S3 object ARNs, IAM Role ARNs,
140 * IAM OIDC Provider ARNs, etc. To properly extract the resource name from a
141 * Tokenized ARN, you must know the resource type and call
142 * `Arn.extractResourceName`.
143 *
144 * @param arn The ARN to parse
145 * @param sepIfToken The separator used to separate resource from resourceName
146 * @param hasName Whether there is a name component in the ARN at all. For
147 * example, SNS Topics ARNs have the 'resource' component contain the topic
148 * name, and no 'resourceName' component.
149 *
150 * @returns an ArnComponents object which allows access to the various
151 * components of the ARN.
152 *
153 * @returns an ArnComponents object which allows access to the various
154 * components of the ARN.
155 *
156 * @deprecated use split instead
157 */
158 static parse(arn: string, sepIfToken?: string, hasName?: boolean): ArnComponents;
159 /**
160 * Splits the provided ARN into its components.
161 * Works both if 'arn' is a string like 'arn:aws:s3:::bucket',
162 * and a Token representing a dynamic CloudFormation expression
163 * (in which case the returned components will also be dynamic CloudFormation expressions,
164 * encoded as Tokens).
165 *
166 * @param arn the ARN to split into its components
167 * @param arnFormat the expected format of 'arn' - depends on what format the service 'arn' represents uses
168 */
169 static split(arn: string, arnFormat: ArnFormat): ArnComponents;
170 /**
171 * Extract the full resource name from an ARN
172 *
173 * Necessary for resource names (paths) that may contain the separator, like
174 * `arn:aws:iam::111111111111:role/path/to/role/name`.
175 *
176 * Only works if we statically know the expected `resourceType` beforehand, since we're going
177 * to use that to split the string on ':<resourceType>/' (and take the right-hand side).
178 *
179 * We can't extract the 'resourceType' from the ARN at hand, because CloudFormation Expressions
180 * only allow literals in the 'separator' argument to `{ Fn::Split }`, and so it can't be
181 * `{ Fn::Select: [5, { Fn::Split: [':', ARN] }}`.
182 *
183 * Only necessary for ARN formats for which the type-name separator is `/`.
184 */
185 static extractResourceName(arn: string, resourceType: string): string;
186 private constructor();