14.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Constructs compatibility layer.
3 *
4 * This file includes types that shadow types in the "constructs" module in
5 * order to allow backwards-compatiblity in the AWS CDK v1.0 release line.
6 *
7 * There are pretty ugly hacks here, which mostly involve downcasting types to
8 * adhere to legacy AWS CDK APIs.
9 *
10 * This file, in its entirety, is expected to be removed in v2.0.
11 */
12import * as cxapi from '@aws-cdk/cx-api';
13import * as constructs from 'constructs';
14import { IAspect } from './aspect';
15import { IDependable } from './dependency';
17 * Represents a construct.
18 */
19export interface IConstruct extends constructs.IConstruct, IDependable {
20 /**
21 * The construct tree node for this construct.
22 */
23 readonly node: ConstructNode;
26 * Represents a single session of synthesis. Passed into `Construct.synthesize()` methods.
27 */
28export interface ISynthesisSession {
29 /**
30 * The output directory for this synthesis session.
31 */
32 outdir: string;
33 /**
34 * Cloud assembly builder.
35 */
36 assembly: cxapi.CloudAssemblyBuilder;
37 /**
38 * Whether the stack should be validated after synthesis to check for error metadata
39 *
40 * @default - false
41 */
42 validateOnSynth?: boolean;
45 * Represents the building block of the construct graph.
46 *
47 * All constructs besides the root construct must be created within the scope of
48 * another construct.
49 */
50export declare class Construct extends constructs.Construct implements IConstruct {
51 /**
52 * Return whether the given object is a Construct
53 */
54 static isConstruct(x: any): x is Construct;
55 /**
56 * The construct tree node associated with this construct.
57 */
58 readonly node: ConstructNode;
59 constructor(scope: constructs.Construct, id: string);
60 /**
61 * Validate the current construct.
62 *
63 * This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
64 * validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
65 *
66 * @returns An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
67 */
68 protected onValidate(): string[];
69 /**
70 * Perform final modifications before synthesis
71 *
72 * This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
73 * final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
74 * constructs have been prepared.
75 *
76 * This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
77 * understand the implications.
78 */
79 protected onPrepare(): void;
80 /**
81 * Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
82 *
83 * This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
84 * as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
85 *
86 * @param session The synthesis session.
87 */
88 protected onSynthesize(session: constructs.ISynthesisSession): void;
89 /**
90 * Validate the current construct.
91 *
92 * This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
93 * validation logic. It is called on all constructs before synthesis.
94 *
95 * @returns An array of validation error messages, or an empty array if the construct is valid.
96 */
97 protected validate(): string[];
98 /**
99 * Perform final modifications before synthesis
100 *
101 * This method can be implemented by derived constructs in order to perform
102 * final changes before synthesis. prepare() will be called after child
103 * constructs have been prepared.
104 *
105 * This is an advanced framework feature. Only use this if you
106 * understand the implications.
107 */
108 protected prepare(): void;
109 /**
110 * Allows this construct to emit artifacts into the cloud assembly during synthesis.
111 *
112 * This method is usually implemented by framework-level constructs such as `Stack` and `Asset`
113 * as they participate in synthesizing the cloud assembly.
114 *
115 * @param session The synthesis session.
116 */
117 protected synthesize(session: ISynthesisSession): void;
120 * In what order to return constructs
121 */
122export declare enum ConstructOrder {
123 /**
124 * Depth-first, pre-order
125 */
126 PREORDER = 0,
127 /**
128 * Depth-first, post-order (leaf nodes first)
129 */
133 * Options for synthesis.
134 *
135 * @deprecated use `app.synth()` or `stage.synth()` instead
136 */
137export interface SynthesisOptions extends cxapi.AssemblyBuildOptions {
138 /**
139 * The output directory into which to synthesize the cloud assembly.
140 * @default - creates a temporary directory
141 */
142 readonly outdir?: string;
143 /**
144 * Whether synthesis should skip the validation phase.
145 * @default false
146 */
147 readonly skipValidation?: boolean;
148 /**
149 * Whether the stack should be validated after synthesis to check for error metadata
150 *
151 * @default - false
152 */
153 readonly validateOnSynthesis?: boolean;
156 * Represents the construct node in the scope tree.
157 */
158export declare class ConstructNode {
159 /**
160 * Separator used to delimit construct path components.
161 */
162 static readonly PATH_SEP = "/";
163 /**
164 * Returns the wrapping `@aws-cdk/core.ConstructNode` instance from a `constructs.ConstructNode`.
165 *
166 * @internal
167 */
168 static _unwrap(c: constructs.Node): ConstructNode;
169 /**
170 * Synthesizes a CloudAssembly from a construct tree.
171 * @param node The root of the construct tree.
172 * @param options Synthesis options.
173 * @deprecated Use `app.synth()` or `stage.synth()` instead
174 */
175 static synth(node: ConstructNode, options?: SynthesisOptions): cxapi.CloudAssembly;
176 /**
177 * Invokes "prepare" on all constructs (depth-first, post-order) in the tree under `node`.
178 * @param node The root node
179 * @deprecated Use `app.synth()` instead
180 */
181 static prepare(node: ConstructNode): void;
182 /**
183 * Invokes "validate" on all constructs in the tree (depth-first, pre-order) and returns
184 * the list of all errors. An empty list indicates that there are no errors.
185 *
186 * @param node The root node
187 */
188 static validate(node: ConstructNode): ValidationError[];
189 /**
190 * @internal
191 */
192 readonly _actualNode: constructs.Node;
193 /**
194 * The Construct class that hosts this API.
195 */
196 private readonly host;
197 constructor(host: Construct, scope: IConstruct, id: string);
198 /**
199 * Returns the scope in which this construct is defined.
200 *
201 * The value is `undefined` at the root of the construct scope tree.
202 */
203 get scope(): IConstruct | undefined;
204 /**
205 * The id of this construct within the current scope.
206 *
207 * This is a a scope-unique id. To obtain an app-unique id for this construct, use `uniqueId`.
208 */
209 get id(): string;
210 /**
211 * The full, absolute path of this construct in the tree.
212 *
213 * Components are separated by '/'.
214 */
215 get path(): string;
216 /**
217 * A tree-global unique alphanumeric identifier for this construct. Includes
218 * all components of the tree.
219 *
220 * @deprecated use `node.addr` to obtain a consistent 42 character address for
221 * this node (see https://github.com/aws/constructs/pull/314).
222 * Alternatively, to get a CloudFormation-compatible unique identifier, use
223 * `Names.uniqueId()`.
224 */
225 get uniqueId(): string;
226 /**
227 * Returns an opaque tree-unique address for this construct.
228 *
229 * Addresses are 42 characters hexadecimal strings. They begin with "c8"
230 * followed by 40 lowercase hexadecimal characters (0-9a-f).
231 *
232 * Addresses are calculated using a SHA-1 of the components of the construct
233 * path.
234 *
235 * To enable refactorings of construct trees, constructs with the ID `Default`
236 * will be excluded from the calculation. In those cases constructs in the
237 * same tree may have the same addreess.
238 *
239 * Example value: `c83a2846e506bcc5f10682b564084bca2d275709ee`
240 */
241 get addr(): string;
242 /**
243 * Return a direct child by id, or undefined
244 *
245 * @param id Identifier of direct child
246 * @returns the child if found, or undefined
247 */
248 tryFindChild(id: string): IConstruct | undefined;
249 /**
250 * Return a direct child by id
251 *
252 * Throws an error if the child is not found.
253 *
254 * @param id Identifier of direct child
255 * @returns Child with the given id.
256 */
257 findChild(id: string): IConstruct;
258 /**
259 * Returns the child construct that has the id `Default` or `Resource"`.
260 * This is usually the construct that provides the bulk of the underlying functionality.
261 * Useful for modifications of the underlying construct that are not available at the higher levels.
262 *
263 * @throws if there is more than one child
264 * @returns a construct or undefined if there is no default child
265 */
266 get defaultChild(): IConstruct | undefined;
267 /**
268 * Override the defaultChild property.
269 *
270 * This should only be used in the cases where the correct
271 * default child is not named 'Resource' or 'Default' as it
272 * should be.
273 *
274 * If you set this to undefined, the default behavior of finding
275 * the child named 'Resource' or 'Default' will be used.
276 */
277 set defaultChild(value: IConstruct | undefined);
278 /**
279 * All direct children of this construct.
280 */
281 get children(): IConstruct[];
282 /**
283 * Return this construct and all of its children in the given order
284 */
285 findAll(order?: ConstructOrder): IConstruct[];
286 /**
287 * This can be used to set contextual values.
288 * Context must be set before any children are added, since children may consult context info during construction.
289 * If the key already exists, it will be overridden.
290 * @param key The context key
291 * @param value The context value
292 */
293 setContext(key: string, value: any): void;
294 /**
295 * Retrieves a value from tree context.
296 *
297 * Context is usually initialized at the root, but can be overridden at any point in the tree.
298 *
299 * @param key The context key
300 * @returns The context value or `undefined` if there is no context value for the key.
301 */
302 tryGetContext(key: string): any;
303 /**
305 * @deprecated use `metadataEntry`
306 */
307 get metadata(): cxapi.MetadataEntry[];
308 /**
309 * An immutable array of metadata objects associated with this construct.
310 * This can be used, for example, to implement support for deprecation notices, source mapping, etc.
311 */
312 get metadataEntry(): constructs.MetadataEntry[];
313 /**
314 * Adds a metadata entry to this construct.
315 * Entries are arbitrary values and will also include a stack trace to allow tracing back to
316 * the code location for when the entry was added. It can be used, for example, to include source
317 * mapping in CloudFormation templates to improve diagnostics.
318 *
319 * @param type a string denoting the type of metadata
320 * @param data the value of the metadata (can be a Token). If null/undefined, metadata will not be added.
321 * @param fromFunction a function under which to restrict the metadata entry's stack trace (defaults to this.addMetadata)
322 */
323 addMetadata(type: string, data: any, fromFunction?: any): void;
324 /**
325 * DEPRECATED: Adds a { "info": <message> } metadata entry to this construct.
326 * The toolkit will display the info message when apps are synthesized.
327 * @param message The info message.
328 * @deprecated use `Annotations.of(construct).addInfo()`
329 */
330 addInfo(message: string): void;
331 /**
332 * DEPRECATED: Adds a { "warning": <message> } metadata entry to this construct.
333 * The toolkit will display the warning when an app is synthesized, or fail
334 * if run in --strict mode.
335 * @param message The warning message.
336 * @deprecated use `Annotations.of(construct).addWarning()`
337 */
338 addWarning(message: string): void;
339 /**
340 * DEPRECATED: Adds an { "error": <message> } metadata entry to this construct.
341 * The toolkit will fail synthesis when errors are reported.
342 * @param message The error message.
343 * @deprecated use `Annotations.of(construct).addError()`
344 */
345 addError(message: string): void;
346 /**
347 * DEPRECATED: Applies the aspect to this Constructs node
348 *
349 * @deprecated This API is going to be removed in the next major version of
350 * the AWS CDK. Please use `Aspects.of(scope).add()` instead.
351 */
352 applyAspect(aspect: IAspect): void;
353 /**
354 * Add a validator to this construct Node
355 */
356 addValidation(validation: constructs.IValidation): void;
357 /**
358 * All parent scopes of this construct.
359 *
360 * @returns a list of parent scopes. The last element in the list will always
361 * be the current construct and the first element will be the root of the
362 * tree.
363 */
364 get scopes(): IConstruct[];
365 /**
366 * @returns The root of the construct tree.
367 */
368 get root(): IConstruct;
369 /**
370 * Returns true if this construct or the scopes in which it is defined are
371 * locked.
372 */
373 get locked(): boolean;
374 /**
375 * Add an ordering dependency on another Construct.
376 *
377 * All constructs in the dependency's scope will be deployed before any
378 * construct in this construct's scope.
379 */
380 addDependency(...dependencies: IDependable[]): void;
381 /**
382 * Return all dependencies registered on this node or any of its children
383 */
384 get dependencies(): Dependency[];
385 /**
386 * Remove the child with the given name, if present.
387 *
388 * @returns Whether a child with the given name was deleted.
389 */
390 tryRemoveChild(childName: string): boolean;
393 * An error returned during the validation phase.
394 */
395export interface ValidationError {
396 /**
397 * The construct which emitted the error.
398 */
399 readonly source: Construct;
400 /**
401 * The error message.
402 */
403 readonly message: string;
406 * A single dependency
407 */
408export interface Dependency {
409 /**
410 * Source the dependency
411 */
412 readonly source: IConstruct;
413 /**
414 * Target of the dependency
415 */
416 readonly target: IConstruct;
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