4.04 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { DockerImageAssetLocation, DockerImageAssetSource, FileAssetLocation, FileAssetSource } from '../assets';
2import { ISynthesisSession } from '../construct-compat';
3import { Stack } from '../stack';
4import { StackSynthesizer } from './stack-synthesizer';
6 * Properties for the CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer
7 */
8export interface CliCredentialsStackSynthesizerProps {
9 /**
10 * Name of the S3 bucket to hold file assets
11 *
12 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the staging bucket.
13 *
14 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
15 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
16 * respectively.
17 *
18 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSETS_BUCKET_NAME
19 */
20 readonly fileAssetsBucketName?: string;
21 /**
22 * Name of the ECR repository to hold Docker Image assets
23 *
24 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the ECR repository.
25 *
26 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
27 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
28 * respectively.
29 *
30 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_IMAGE_ASSETS_REPOSITORY_NAME
31 */
32 readonly imageAssetsRepositoryName?: string;
33 /**
34 * Qualifier to disambiguate multiple environments in the same account
35 *
36 * You can use this and leave the other naming properties empty if you have deployed
37 * the bootstrap environment with standard names but only differnet qualifiers.
38 *
39 * @default - Value of context key '@aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier' if set, otherwise `DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_QUALIFIER`
40 */
41 readonly qualifier?: string;
42 /**
43 * bucketPrefix to use while storing S3 Assets
44 *
45 * @default - DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_PREFIX
46 */
47 readonly bucketPrefix?: string;
48 /**
49 * A prefix to use while tagging and uploading Docker images to ECR.
50 *
51 * This does not add any separators - the source hash will be appended to
52 * this string directly.
53 *
54 * @default - DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_DOCKER_ASSET_PREFIX
55 */
56 readonly dockerTagPrefix?: string;
59 * A synthesizer that uses conventional asset locations, but not conventional deployment roles
60 *
61 * Instead of assuming the bootstrapped deployment roles, all stack operations will be performed
62 * using the CLI's current credentials.
63 *
64 * - This synthesizer does not support deploying to accounts to which the CLI does not have
65 * credentials. It also does not support deploying using **CDK Pipelines**. For either of those
66 * features, use `DefaultStackSynthesizer`.
67 * - This synthesizer requires an S3 bucket and ECR repository with well-known names. To
68 * not depend on those, use `LegacyStackSynthesizer`.
69 *
70 * Be aware that your CLI credentials must be valid for the duration of the
71 * entire deployment. If you are using session credentials, make sure the
72 * session lifetime is long enough.
73 *
74 * By default, expects the environment to have been bootstrapped with just the staging resources
75 * of the Bootstrap Stack V2 (also known as "modern bootstrap stack"). You can override
76 * the default names using the synthesizer's construction properties.
77 */
78export declare class CliCredentialsStackSynthesizer extends StackSynthesizer {
79 private readonly props;
80 private stack?;
81 private qualifier?;
82 private bucketName?;
83 private repositoryName?;
84 private bucketPrefix?;
85 private dockerTagPrefix?;
86 private readonly assetManifest;
87 constructor(props?: CliCredentialsStackSynthesizerProps);
88 bind(stack: Stack): void;
89 addFileAsset(asset: FileAssetSource): FileAssetLocation;
90 addDockerImageAsset(asset: DockerImageAssetSource): DockerImageAssetLocation;
91 /**
92 * Synthesize the associated stack to the session
93 */
94 synthesize(session: ISynthesisSession): void;