11 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { DockerImageAssetLocation, DockerImageAssetSource, FileAssetLocation, FileAssetSource } from '../assets';
2import { ISynthesisSession } from '../construct-compat';
3import { Stack } from '../stack';
4import { StackSynthesizer } from './stack-synthesizer';
5export declare const BOOTSTRAP_QUALIFIER_CONTEXT = "@aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier";
7 * Configuration properties for DefaultStackSynthesizer
8 */
9export interface DefaultStackSynthesizerProps {
10 /**
11 * Name of the S3 bucket to hold file assets
12 *
13 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the staging bucket.
14 *
15 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
16 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
17 * respectively.
18 *
19 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSETS_BUCKET_NAME
20 */
21 readonly fileAssetsBucketName?: string;
22 /**
23 * Name of the ECR repository to hold Docker Image assets
24 *
25 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the ECR repository.
26 *
27 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
28 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
29 * respectively.
30 *
31 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_IMAGE_ASSETS_REPOSITORY_NAME
32 */
33 readonly imageAssetsRepositoryName?: string;
34 /**
35 * The role to use to publish file assets to the S3 bucket in this environment
36 *
37 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role.
38 *
39 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
40 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
41 * respectively.
42 *
43 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_PUBLISHING_ROLE_ARN
44 */
45 readonly fileAssetPublishingRoleArn?: string;
46 /**
47 * External ID to use when assuming role for file asset publishing
48 *
49 * @default - No external ID
50 */
51 readonly fileAssetPublishingExternalId?: string;
52 /**
53 * The role to use to publish image assets to the ECR repository in this environment
54 *
55 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role.
56 *
57 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
58 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
59 * respectively.
60 *
61 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_IMAGE_ASSET_PUBLISHING_ROLE_ARN
62 */
63 readonly imageAssetPublishingRoleArn?: string;
64 /**
65 * The role to use to look up values from the target AWS account during synthesis
66 *
67 * @default - None
68 */
69 readonly lookupRoleArn?: string;
70 /**
71 * External ID to use when assuming lookup role
72 *
73 * @default - No external ID
74 */
75 readonly lookupRoleExternalId?: string;
76 /**
77 * Use the bootstrapped lookup role for (read-only) stack operations
78 *
79 * Use the lookup role when performing a `cdk diff`. If set to `false`, the
80 * `deploy role` credentials will be used to perform a `cdk diff`.
81 *
82 * Requires bootstrap stack version 8.
83 *
84 * @default true
85 */
86 readonly useLookupRoleForStackOperations?: boolean;
87 /**
88 * External ID to use when assuming role for image asset publishing
89 *
90 * @default - No external ID
91 */
92 readonly imageAssetPublishingExternalId?: string;
93 /**
94 * External ID to use when assuming role for cloudformation deployments
95 *
96 * @default - No external ID
97 */
98 readonly deployRoleExternalId?: string;
99 /**
100 * The role to assume to initiate a deployment in this environment
101 *
102 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the publishing role.
103 *
104 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
105 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
106 * respectively.
107 *
108 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_DEPLOY_ROLE_ARN
109 */
110 readonly deployRoleArn?: string;
111 /**
112 * The role CloudFormation will assume when deploying the Stack
113 *
114 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the execution role.
115 *
116 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
117 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
118 * respectively.
119 *
120 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_CLOUDFORMATION_ROLE_ARN
121 */
122 readonly cloudFormationExecutionRole?: string;
123 /**
124 * Name of the CloudFormation Export with the asset key name
125 *
126 * You must supply this if you have given a non-standard name to the KMS key export
127 *
128 * The placeholders `${Qualifier}`, `${AWS::AccountId}` and `${AWS::Region}` will
129 * be replaced with the values of qualifier and the stack's account and region,
130 * respectively.
131 *
132 * @default DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_KEY_ARN_EXPORT_NAME
133 * @deprecated This property is not used anymore
134 */
135 readonly fileAssetKeyArnExportName?: string;
136 /**
137 * Qualifier to disambiguate multiple environments in the same account
138 *
139 * You can use this and leave the other naming properties empty if you have deployed
140 * the bootstrap environment with standard names but only differnet qualifiers.
141 *
142 * @default - Value of context key '@aws-cdk/core:bootstrapQualifier' if set, otherwise `DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_QUALIFIER`
143 */
144 readonly qualifier?: string;
145 /**
146 * Whether to add a Rule to the stack template verifying the bootstrap stack version
147 *
148 * This generally should be left set to `true`, unless you explicitly
149 * want to be able to deploy to an unbootstrapped environment.
150 *
151 * @default true
152 */
153 readonly generateBootstrapVersionRule?: boolean;
154 /**
155 * bucketPrefix to use while storing S3 Assets
156 *
157 * @default - DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_PREFIX
158 */
159 readonly bucketPrefix?: string;
160 /**
161 * A prefix to use while tagging and uploading Docker images to ECR.
162 *
163 * This does not add any separators - the source hash will be appended to
164 * this string directly.
165 *
166 * @default - DefaultStackSynthesizer.DEFAULT_DOCKER_ASSET_PREFIX
167 */
168 readonly dockerTagPrefix?: string;
169 /**
170 * Bootstrap stack version SSM parameter.
171 *
172 * The placeholder `${Qualifier}` will be replaced with the value of qualifier.
173 *
175 */
176 readonly bootstrapStackVersionSsmParameter?: string;
179 * Uses conventionally named roles and asset storage locations
180 *
181 * This synthesizer:
182 *
183 * - Supports cross-account deployments (the CLI can have credentials to one
184 * account, and you can still deploy to another account by assuming roles with
185 * well-known names in the other account).
186 * - Supports the **CDK Pipelines** library.
187 *
188 * Requires the environment to have been bootstrapped with Bootstrap Stack V2
189 * (also known as "modern bootstrap stack"). The synthesizer adds a version
190 * check to the template, to make sure the bootstrap stack is recent enough
191 * to support all features expected by this synthesizer.
192 */
193export declare class DefaultStackSynthesizer extends StackSynthesizer {
194 private readonly props;
195 /**
196 * Default ARN qualifier
197 */
198 static readonly DEFAULT_QUALIFIER = "hnb659fds";
199 /**
200 * Default CloudFormation role ARN.
201 */
202 static readonly DEFAULT_CLOUDFORMATION_ROLE_ARN = "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-${Qualifier}-cfn-exec-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}";
203 /**
204 * Default deploy role ARN.
205 */
206 static readonly DEFAULT_DEPLOY_ROLE_ARN = "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-${Qualifier}-deploy-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}";
207 /**
208 * Default asset publishing role ARN for file (S3) assets.
209 */
210 static readonly DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_PUBLISHING_ROLE_ARN = "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-${Qualifier}-file-publishing-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}";
211 /**
212 * Default asset publishing role ARN for image (ECR) assets.
213 */
214 static readonly DEFAULT_IMAGE_ASSET_PUBLISHING_ROLE_ARN = "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-${Qualifier}-image-publishing-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}";
215 /**
216 * Default lookup role ARN for missing values.
217 */
218 static readonly DEFAULT_LOOKUP_ROLE_ARN = "arn:${AWS::Partition}:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:role/cdk-${Qualifier}-lookup-role-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}";
219 /**
220 * Default image assets repository name
221 */
222 static readonly DEFAULT_IMAGE_ASSETS_REPOSITORY_NAME = "cdk-${Qualifier}-container-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}";
223 /**
224 * Default file assets bucket name
225 */
226 static readonly DEFAULT_FILE_ASSETS_BUCKET_NAME = "cdk-${Qualifier}-assets-${AWS::AccountId}-${AWS::Region}";
227 /**
228 * Name of the CloudFormation Export with the asset key name
229 */
230 static readonly DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_KEY_ARN_EXPORT_NAME = "CdkBootstrap-${Qualifier}-FileAssetKeyArn";
231 /**
232 * Default file asset prefix
233 */
234 static readonly DEFAULT_FILE_ASSET_PREFIX = "";
235 /**
236 * Default Docker asset prefix
237 */
238 static readonly DEFAULT_DOCKER_ASSET_PREFIX = "";
239 /**
240 * Default bootstrap stack version SSM parameter.
241 */
242 static readonly DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_STACK_VERSION_SSM_PARAMETER = "/cdk-bootstrap/${Qualifier}/version";
243 private _stack?;
244 private bucketName?;
245 private repositoryName?;
246 private _deployRoleArn?;
247 private _cloudFormationExecutionRoleArn?;
248 private fileAssetPublishingRoleArn?;
249 private imageAssetPublishingRoleArn?;
250 private lookupRoleArn?;
251 private useLookupRoleForStackOperations;
252 private qualifier?;
253 private bucketPrefix?;
254 private dockerTagPrefix?;
255 private bootstrapStackVersionSsmParameter?;
256 private assetManifest;
257 constructor(props?: DefaultStackSynthesizerProps);
258 bind(stack: Stack): void;
259 addFileAsset(asset: FileAssetSource): FileAssetLocation;
260 addDockerImageAsset(asset: DockerImageAssetSource): DockerImageAssetLocation;
261 protected synthesizeStackTemplate(stack: Stack, session: ISynthesisSession): void;
262 /**
263 * Synthesize the associated stack to the session
264 */
265 synthesize(session: ISynthesisSession): void;
266 /**
267 * Returns the ARN of the deploy Role.
268 */
269 get deployRoleArn(): string;
270 /**
271 * Returns the ARN of the CFN execution Role.
272 */
273 get cloudFormationExecutionRoleArn(): string;
274 protected get stack(): Stack | undefined;