1.16 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as cxschema from '@aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema';
2import { FileAssetSource, FileAssetLocation, DockerImageAssetSource, DockerImageAssetLocation } from '../assets';
3import { ISynthesisSession } from '../construct-compat';
4import { Stack } from '../stack';
6 * Build an manifest from assets added to a stack synthesizer
7 */
8export declare class AssetManifestBuilder {
9 private readonly files;
10 private readonly dockerImages;
11 addFileAssetDefault(asset: FileAssetSource, stack: Stack, bucketName: string, bucketPrefix: string, role?: RoleOptions): FileAssetLocation;
12 addDockerImageAssetDefault(asset: DockerImageAssetSource, stack: Stack, repositoryName: string, dockerTagPrefix: string, role?: RoleOptions): DockerImageAssetLocation;
13 /**
14 * Write the manifest to disk, and add it to the synthesis session
15 *
16 * Reutrn the artifact Id
17 */
18 writeManifest(stack: Stack, session: ISynthesisSession, additionalProps?: Partial<cxschema.AssetManifestProperties>): string;
19 private manifestEnvName;
21export interface RoleOptions {
22 readonly assumeRoleArn?: string;
23 readonly assumeRoleExternalId?: string;