1 | import * as cxschema from '@aws-cdk/cloud-assembly-schema';
2 | import * as cxapi from '@aws-cdk/cx-api';
3 | import { IConstruct, Construct } from 'constructs';
4 | import { ArnComponents, ArnFormat } from './arn';
5 | import { DockerImageAssetLocation, DockerImageAssetSource, FileAssetLocation, FileAssetSource } from './assets';
6 | import { CfnElement } from './cfn-element';
7 | import { CfnResource } from './cfn-resource';
8 | import { ISynthesisSession } from './construct-compat';
9 | import { Environment } from './environment';
10 | import { Construct as CoreConstruct } from './construct-compat';
11 | export declare const STACK_RESOURCE_LIMIT_CONTEXT = "@aws-cdk/core:stackResourceLimit";
12 | export interface StackProps {
13 | /**
14 | * A description of the stack.
15 | *
16 | * @default - No description.
17 | */
18 | readonly description?: string;
19 | /**
20 | * The AWS environment (account/region) where this stack will be deployed.
21 | *
22 | * Set the `region`/`account` fields of `env` to either a concrete value to
23 | * select the indicated environment (recommended for production stacks), or to
24 | * the values of environment variables
25 | * `CDK_DEFAULT_REGION`/`CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT` to let the target environment
26 | * depend on the AWS credentials/configuration that the CDK CLI is executed
27 | * under (recommended for development stacks).
28 | *
29 | * If the `Stack` is instantiated inside a `Stage`, any undefined
30 | * `region`/`account` fields from `env` will default to the same field on the
31 | * encompassing `Stage`, if configured there.
32 | *
33 | * If either `region` or `account` are not set nor inherited from `Stage`, the
34 | * Stack will be considered "*environment-agnostic*"". Environment-agnostic
35 | * stacks can be deployed to any environment but may not be able to take
36 | * advantage of all features of the CDK. For example, they will not be able to
37 | * use environmental context lookups such as `ec2.Vpc.fromLookup` and will not
38 | * automatically translate Service Principals to the right format based on the
39 | * environment's AWS partition, and other such enhancements.
40 | *
41 | * @example
42 | *
43 | * // Use a concrete account and region to deploy this stack to:
44 | * // `.account` and `.region` will simply return these values.
45 | * new Stack(app, 'Stack1', {
46 | * env: {
47 | * account: '123456789012',
48 | * region: 'us-east-1'
49 | * },
50 | * });
51 | *
52 | * // Use the CLI's current credentials to determine the target environment:
53 | * // `.account` and `.region` will reflect the account+region the CLI
54 | * // is configured to use (based on the user CLI credentials)
55 | * new Stack(app, 'Stack2', {
56 | * env: {
57 | * account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT,
58 | * region: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_REGION
59 | * },
60 | * });
61 | *
62 | * // Define multiple stacks stage associated with an environment
63 | * const myStage = new Stage(app, 'MyStage', {
64 | * env: {
65 | * account: '123456789012',
66 | * region: 'us-east-1'
67 | * }
68 | * });
69 | *
70 | * // both of these stacks will use the stage's account/region:
71 | * // `.account` and `.region` will resolve to the concrete values as above
72 | * new MyStack(myStage, 'Stack1');
73 | * new YourStack(myStage, 'Stack2');
74 | *
75 | * // Define an environment-agnostic stack:
76 | * // `.account` and `.region` will resolve to `{ "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" }` and `{ "Ref": "AWS::Region" }` respectively.
77 | * // which will only resolve to actual values by CloudFormation during deployment.
78 | * new MyStack(app, 'Stack1');
79 | *
80 | * @default - The environment of the containing `Stage` if available,
81 | * otherwise create the stack will be environment-agnostic.
82 | */
83 | readonly env?: Environment;
84 | /**
85 | * Name to deploy the stack with
86 | *
87 | * @default - Derived from construct path.
88 | */
89 | readonly stackName?: string;
90 | /**
91 | * Stack tags that will be applied to all the taggable resources and the stack itself.
92 | *
93 | * @default {}
94 | */
95 | readonly tags?: {
96 | [key: string]: string;
97 | };
98 | /**
99 | * Synthesis method to use while deploying this stack
100 | *
101 | * @default - `DefaultStackSynthesizer` if the `@aws-cdk/core:newStyleStackSynthesis` feature flag
102 | * is set, `LegacyStackSynthesizer` otherwise.
103 | */
104 | readonly synthesizer?: IStackSynthesizer;
105 | /**
106 | * Whether to enable termination protection for this stack.
107 | *
108 | * @default false
109 | */
110 | readonly terminationProtection?: boolean;
111 | /**
112 | * Include runtime versioning information in this Stack
113 | *
114 | * @default `analyticsReporting` setting of containing `App`, or value of
115 | * 'aws:cdk:version-reporting' context key
116 | */
117 | readonly analyticsReporting?: boolean;
118 | }
119 | /**
120 | * A root construct which represents a single CloudFormation stack.
121 | */
122 | export declare class Stack extends CoreConstruct implements ITaggable {
123 | /**
124 | * Return whether the given object is a Stack.
125 | *
126 | * We do attribute detection since we can't reliably use 'instanceof'.
127 | */
128 | static isStack(x: any): x is Stack;
129 | /**
130 | * Looks up the first stack scope in which `construct` is defined. Fails if there is no stack up the tree.
131 | * @param construct The construct to start the search from.
132 | */
133 | static of(construct: IConstruct): Stack;
134 | /**
135 | * Tags to be applied to the stack.
136 | */
137 | readonly tags: TagManager;
138 | /**
139 | * Options for CloudFormation template (like version, transform, description).
140 | */
141 | readonly templateOptions: ITemplateOptions;
142 | /**
143 | * The AWS region into which this stack will be deployed (e.g. `us-west-2`).
144 | *
145 | * This value is resolved according to the following rules:
146 | *
147 | * 1. The value provided to `env.region` when the stack is defined. This can
148 | * either be a concerete region (e.g. `us-west-2`) or the `Aws.region`
149 | * token.
150 | * 3. `Aws.region`, which is represents the CloudFormation intrinsic reference
151 | * `{ "Ref": "AWS::Region" }` encoded as a string token.
152 | *
153 | * Preferably, you should use the return value as an opaque string and not
154 | * attempt to parse it to implement your logic. If you do, you must first
155 | * check that it is a concerete value an not an unresolved token. If this
156 | * value is an unresolved token (`Token.isUnresolved(stack.region)` returns
157 | * `true`), this implies that the user wishes that this stack will synthesize
158 | * into a **region-agnostic template**. In this case, your code should either
159 | * fail (throw an error, emit a synth error using `Annotations.of(construct).addError()`) or
160 | * implement some other region-agnostic behavior.
161 | */
162 | readonly region: string;
163 | /**
164 | * The AWS account into which this stack will be deployed.
165 | *
166 | * This value is resolved according to the following rules:
167 | *
168 | * 1. The value provided to `env.account` when the stack is defined. This can
169 | * either be a concerete account (e.g. `585695031111`) or the
170 | * `Aws.accountId` token.
171 | * 3. `Aws.accountId`, which represents the CloudFormation intrinsic reference
172 | * `{ "Ref": "AWS::AccountId" }` encoded as a string token.
173 | *
174 | * Preferably, you should use the return value as an opaque string and not
175 | * attempt to parse it to implement your logic. If you do, you must first
176 | * check that it is a concerete value an not an unresolved token. If this
177 | * value is an unresolved token (`Token.isUnresolved(stack.account)` returns
178 | * `true`), this implies that the user wishes that this stack will synthesize
179 | * into a **account-agnostic template**. In this case, your code should either
180 | * fail (throw an error, emit a synth error using `Annotations.of(construct).addError()`) or
181 | * implement some other region-agnostic behavior.
182 | */
183 | readonly account: string;
184 | /**
185 | * The environment coordinates in which this stack is deployed. In the form
186 | * `aws://account/region`. Use `stack.account` and `stack.region` to obtain
187 | * the specific values, no need to parse.
188 | *
189 | * You can use this value to determine if two stacks are targeting the same
190 | * environment.
191 | *
192 | * If either `stack.account` or `stack.region` are not concrete values (e.g.
193 | * `Aws.account` or `Aws.region`) the special strings `unknown-account` and/or
194 | * `unknown-region` will be used respectively to indicate this stack is
195 | * region/account-agnostic.
196 | */
197 | readonly environment: string;
198 | /**
199 | * Whether termination protection is enabled for this stack.
200 | */
201 | readonly terminationProtection?: boolean;
202 | /**
203 | * If this is a nested stack, this represents its `AWS::CloudFormation::Stack`
204 | * resource. `undefined` for top-level (non-nested) stacks.
205 | *
206 | */
207 | readonly nestedStackResource?: CfnResource;
208 | /**
209 | * The name of the CloudFormation template file emitted to the output
210 | * directory during synthesis.
211 | *
212 | * Example value: `MyStack.template.json`
213 | */
214 | readonly templateFile: string;
215 | /**
216 | * The ID of the cloud assembly artifact for this stack.
217 | */
218 | readonly artifactId: string;
219 | /**
220 | * Synthesis method for this stack
221 | *
222 | */
223 | readonly synthesizer: IStackSynthesizer;
224 | /**
225 | * Whether version reporting is enabled for this stack
226 | *
227 | * Controls whether the CDK Metadata resource is injected
228 | *
229 | * @internal
230 | */
231 | readonly _versionReportingEnabled: boolean;
232 | /**
233 | * Logical ID generation strategy
234 | */
235 | private readonly _logicalIds;
236 | /**
237 | * Other stacks this stack depends on
238 | */
239 | private readonly _stackDependencies;
240 | /**
241 | * Lists all missing contextual information.
242 | * This is returned when the stack is synthesized under the 'missing' attribute
243 | * and allows tooling to obtain the context and re-synthesize.
244 | */
245 | private readonly _missingContext;
246 | private readonly _stackName;
247 | /**
248 | * Creates a new stack.
249 | *
250 | * @param scope Parent of this stack, usually an `App` or a `Stage`, but could be any construct.
251 | * @param id The construct ID of this stack. If `stackName` is not explicitly
252 | * defined, this id (and any parent IDs) will be used to determine the
253 | * physical ID of the stack.
254 | * @param props Stack properties.
255 | */
256 | constructor(scope?: Construct, id?: string, props?: StackProps);
257 | /**
258 | * Resolve a tokenized value in the context of the current stack.
259 | */
260 | resolve(obj: any): any;
261 | /**
262 | * Convert an object, potentially containing tokens, to a JSON string
263 | */
264 | toJsonString(obj: any, space?: number): string;
265 | /**
267 | * @deprecated use `reportMissingContextKey()`
268 | */
269 | reportMissingContext(report: cxapi.MissingContext): void;
270 | /**
271 | * Indicate that a context key was expected
272 | *
273 | * Contains instructions which will be emitted into the cloud assembly on how
274 | * the key should be supplied.
275 | *
276 | * @param report The set of parameters needed to obtain the context
277 | */
278 | reportMissingContextKey(report: cxschema.MissingContext): void;
279 | /**
280 | * Rename a generated logical identities
281 | *
282 | * To modify the naming scheme strategy, extend the `Stack` class and
283 | * override the `allocateLogicalId` method.
284 | */
285 | renameLogicalId(oldId: string, newId: string): void;
286 | /**
287 | * Allocates a stack-unique CloudFormation-compatible logical identity for a
288 | * specific resource.
289 | *
290 | * This method is called when a `CfnElement` is created and used to render the
291 | * initial logical identity of resources. Logical ID renames are applied at
292 | * this stage.
293 | *
294 | * This method uses the protected method `allocateLogicalId` to render the
295 | * logical ID for an element. To modify the naming scheme, extend the `Stack`
296 | * class and override this method.
297 | *
298 | * @param element The CloudFormation element for which a logical identity is
299 | * needed.
300 | */
301 | getLogicalId(element: CfnElement): string;
302 | /**
303 | * Add a dependency between this stack and another stack.
304 | *
305 | * This can be used to define dependencies between any two stacks within an
306 | * app, and also supports nested stacks.
307 | */
308 | addDependency(target: Stack, reason?: string): void;
309 | /**
310 | * Return the stacks this stack depends on
311 | */
312 | get dependencies(): Stack[];
313 | /**
314 | * The concrete CloudFormation physical stack name.
315 | *
316 | * This is either the name defined explicitly in the `stackName` prop or
317 | * allocated based on the stack's location in the construct tree. Stacks that
318 | * are directly defined under the app use their construct `id` as their stack
319 | * name. Stacks that are defined deeper within the tree will use a hashed naming
320 | * scheme based on the construct path to ensure uniqueness.
321 | *
322 | * If you wish to obtain the deploy-time AWS::StackName intrinsic,
323 | * you can use `Aws.stackName` directly.
324 | */
325 | get stackName(): string;
326 | /**
327 | * The partition in which this stack is defined
328 | */
329 | get partition(): string;
330 | /**
331 | * The Amazon domain suffix for the region in which this stack is defined
332 | */
333 | get urlSuffix(): string;
334 | /**
335 | * The ID of the stack
336 | *
337 | * @example
338 | * // After resolving, looks like
339 | * 'arn:aws:cloudformation:us-west-2:123456789012:stack/teststack/51af3dc0-da77-11e4-872e-1234567db123'
340 | */
341 | get stackId(): string;
342 | /**
343 | * Returns the list of notification Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the current stack.
344 | */
345 | get notificationArns(): string[];
346 | /**
347 | * Indicates if this is a nested stack, in which case `parentStack` will include a reference to it's parent.
348 | */
349 | get nested(): boolean;
350 | /**
351 | * Creates an ARN from components.
352 | *
353 | * If `partition`, `region` or `account` are not specified, the stack's
354 | * partition, region and account will be used.
355 | *
356 | * If any component is the empty string, an empty string will be inserted
357 | * into the generated ARN at the location that component corresponds to.
358 | *
359 | * The ARN will be formatted as follows:
360 | *
361 | * arn:{partition}:{service}:{region}:{account}:{resource}{sep}}{resource-name}
362 | *
363 | * The required ARN pieces that are omitted will be taken from the stack that
364 | * the 'scope' is attached to. If all ARN pieces are supplied, the supplied scope
365 | * can be 'undefined'.
366 | */
367 | formatArn(components: ArnComponents): string;
368 | /**
369 | * Given an ARN, parses it and returns components.
370 | *
372 | *
373 | * ...it will be parsed and validated. The separator (`sep`) will be set to '/'
374 | * if the 6th component includes a '/', in which case, `resource` will be set
375 | * to the value before the '/' and `resourceName` will be the rest. In case
376 | * there is no '/', `resource` will be set to the 6th components and
377 | * `resourceName` will be set to the rest of the string.
378 | *
379 | * IF THE ARN IS A TOKEN...
380 | *
381 | * ...it cannot be validated, since we don't have the actual value yet at the
382 | * time of this function call. You will have to supply `sepIfToken` and
383 | * whether or not ARNs of the expected format usually have resource names
384 | * in order to parse it properly. The resulting `ArnComponents` object will
385 | * contain tokens for the subexpressions of the ARN, not string literals.
386 | *
387 | * If the resource name could possibly contain the separator char, the actual
388 | * resource name cannot be properly parsed. This only occurs if the separator
389 | * char is '/', and happens for example for S3 object ARNs, IAM Role ARNs,
390 | * IAM OIDC Provider ARNs, etc. To properly extract the resource name from a
391 | * Tokenized ARN, you must know the resource type and call
392 | * `Arn.extractResourceName`.
393 | *
394 | * @param arn The ARN string to parse
395 | * @param sepIfToken The separator used to separate resource from resourceName
396 | * @param hasName Whether there is a name component in the ARN at all. For
397 | * example, SNS Topics ARNs have the 'resource' component contain the topic
398 | * name, and no 'resourceName' component.
399 | *
400 | * @returns an ArnComponents object which allows access to the various
401 | * components of the ARN.
402 | *
403 | * @returns an ArnComponents object which allows access to the various
404 | * components of the ARN.
405 | *
406 | * @deprecated use splitArn instead
407 | */
408 | parseArn(arn: string, sepIfToken?: string, hasName?: boolean): ArnComponents;
409 | /**
410 | * Splits the provided ARN into its components.
411 | * Works both if 'arn' is a string like 'arn:aws:s3:::bucket',
412 | * and a Token representing a dynamic CloudFormation expression
413 | * (in which case the returned components will also be dynamic CloudFormation expressions,
414 | * encoded as Tokens).
415 | *
416 | * @param arn the ARN to split into its components
417 | * @param arnFormat the expected format of 'arn' - depends on what format the service 'arn' represents uses
418 | */
419 | splitArn(arn: string, arnFormat: ArnFormat): ArnComponents;
420 | /**
421 | * Returns the list of AZs that are available in the AWS environment
422 | * (account/region) associated with this stack.
423 | *
424 | * If the stack is environment-agnostic (either account and/or region are
425 | * tokens), this property will return an array with 2 tokens that will resolve
426 | * at deploy-time to the first two availability zones returned from CloudFormation's
427 | * `Fn::GetAZs` intrinsic function.
428 | *
429 | * If they are not available in the context, returns a set of dummy values and
430 | * reports them as missing, and let the CLI resolve them by calling EC2
431 | * `DescribeAvailabilityZones` on the target environment.
432 | *
433 | * To specify a different strategy for selecting availability zones override this method.
434 | */
435 | get availabilityZones(): string[];
436 | /**
437 | * Register a file asset on this Stack
438 | *
439 | * @deprecated Use `stack.synthesizer.addFileAsset()` if you are calling,
440 | * and a different IStackSynthesizer class if you are implementing.
441 | */
442 | addFileAsset(asset: FileAssetSource): FileAssetLocation;
443 | /**
444 | * Register a docker image asset on this Stack
445 | *
446 | * @deprecated Use `stack.synthesizer.addDockerImageAsset()` if you are calling,
447 | * and a different `IStackSynthesizer` class if you are implementing.
448 | */
449 | addDockerImageAsset(asset: DockerImageAssetSource): DockerImageAssetLocation;
450 | /**
451 | * If this is a nested stack, returns it's parent stack.
452 | */
453 | get nestedStackParent(): Stack | undefined;
454 | /**
455 | * Returns the parent of a nested stack.
456 | *
457 | * @deprecated use `nestedStackParent`
458 | */
459 | get parentStack(): Stack | undefined;
460 | /**
461 | * Add a Transform to this stack. A Transform is a macro that AWS
462 | * CloudFormation uses to process your template.
463 | *
464 | * Duplicate values are removed when stack is synthesized.
465 | *
466 | * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSCloudFormation/latest/UserGuide/transform-section-structure.html
467 | * @param transform The transform to add
468 | *
469 | * @example
470 | * declare const stack: Stack;
471 | *
472 | * stack.addTransform('AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31')
473 | */
474 | addTransform(transform: string): void;
475 | /**
476 | * Called implicitly by the `addDependency` helper function in order to
477 | * realize a dependency between two top-level stacks at the assembly level.
478 | *
479 | * Use `stack.addDependency` to define the dependency between any two stacks,
480 | * and take into account nested stack relationships.
481 | *
482 | * @internal
483 | */
484 | _addAssemblyDependency(target: Stack, reason?: string): void;
485 | /**
486 | * Synthesizes the cloudformation template into a cloud assembly.
487 | * @internal
488 | */
489 | _synthesizeTemplate(session: ISynthesisSession, lookupRoleArn?: string): void;
490 | /**
491 | * Look up a fact value for the given fact for the region of this stack
492 | *
493 | * Will return a definite value only if the region of the current stack is resolved.
494 | * If not, a lookup map will be added to the stack and the lookup will be done at
495 | * CDK deployment time.
496 | *
497 | * What regions will be included in the lookup map is controlled by the
498 | * `@aws-cdk/core:target-partitions` context value: it must be set to a list
499 | * of partitions, and only regions from the given partitions will be included.
500 | * If no such context key is set, all regions will be included.
501 | *
502 | * This function is intended to be used by construct library authors. Application
503 | * builders can rely on the abstractions offered by construct libraries and do
504 | * not have to worry about regional facts.
505 | *
506 | * If `defaultValue` is not given, it is an error if the fact is unknown for
507 | * the given region.
508 | */
509 | regionalFact(factName: string, defaultValue?: string): string;
510 | /**
511 | * Create a CloudFormation Export for a value
512 | *
513 | * Returns a string representing the corresponding `Fn.importValue()`
514 | * expression for this Export. You can control the name for the export by
515 | * passing the `name` option.
516 | *
517 | * If you don't supply a value for `name`, the value you're exporting must be
518 | * a Resource attribute (for example: `bucket.bucketName`) and it will be
519 | * given the same name as the automatic cross-stack reference that would be created
520 | * if you used the attribute in another Stack.
521 | *
522 | * One of the uses for this method is to *remove* the relationship between
523 | * two Stacks established by automatic cross-stack references. It will
524 | * temporarily ensure that the CloudFormation Export still exists while you
525 | * remove the reference from the consuming stack. After that, you can remove
526 | * the resource and the manual export.
527 | *
528 | * ## Example
529 | *
530 | * Here is how the process works. Let's say there are two stacks,
531 | * `producerStack` and `consumerStack`, and `producerStack` has a bucket
532 | * called `bucket`, which is referenced by `consumerStack` (perhaps because
533 | * an AWS Lambda Function writes into it, or something like that).
534 | *
535 | * It is not safe to remove `producerStack.bucket` because as the bucket is being
536 | * deleted, `consumerStack` might still be using it.
537 | *
538 | * Instead, the process takes two deployments:
539 | *
540 | * ### Deployment 1: break the relationship
541 | *
542 | * - Make sure `consumerStack` no longer references `bucket.bucketName` (maybe the consumer
543 | * stack now uses its own bucket, or it writes to an AWS DynamoDB table, or maybe you just
544 | * remove the Lambda Function altogether).
545 | * - In the `ProducerStack` class, call `this.exportValue(this.bucket.bucketName)`. This
546 | * will make sure the CloudFormation Export continues to exist while the relationship
547 | * between the two stacks is being broken.
548 | * - Deploy (this will effectively only change the `consumerStack`, but it's safe to deploy both).
549 | *
550 | * ### Deployment 2: remove the bucket resource
551 | *
552 | * - You are now free to remove the `bucket` resource from `producerStack`.
553 | * - Don't forget to remove the `exportValue()` call as well.
554 | * - Deploy again (this time only the `producerStack` will be changed -- the bucket will be deleted).
555 | */
556 | exportValue(exportedValue: any, options?: ExportValueOptions): string;
557 | /**
558 | * Returns the naming scheme used to allocate logical IDs. By default, uses
559 | * the `HashedAddressingScheme` but this method can be overridden to customize
560 | * this behavior.
561 | *
562 | * In order to make sure logical IDs are unique and stable, we hash the resource
563 | * construct tree path (i.e. toplevel/secondlevel/.../myresource) and add it as
564 | * a suffix to the path components joined without a separator (CloudFormation
565 | * IDs only allow alphanumeric characters).
566 | *
567 | * The result will be:
568 | *
569 | * <path.join('')><md5(path.join('/')>
570 | * "human" "hash"
571 | *
572 | * If the "human" part of the ID exceeds 240 characters, we simply trim it so
573 | * the total ID doesn't exceed CloudFormation's 255 character limit.
574 | *
575 | * We only take 8 characters from the md5 hash (0.000005 chance of collision).
576 | *
577 | * Special cases:
578 | *
579 | * - If the path only contains a single component (i.e. it's a top-level
580 | * resource), we won't add the hash to it. The hash is not needed for
581 | * disamiguation and also, it allows for a more straightforward migration an
582 | * existing CloudFormation template to a CDK stack without logical ID changes
583 | * (or renames).
584 | * - For aesthetic reasons, if the last components of the path are the same
585 | * (i.e. `L1/L2/Pipeline/Pipeline`), they will be de-duplicated to make the
586 | * resulting human portion of the ID more pleasing: `L1L2Pipeline<HASH>`
587 | * instead of `L1L2PipelinePipeline<HASH>`
588 | * - If a component is named "Default" it will be omitted from the path. This
589 | * allows refactoring higher level abstractions around constructs without affecting
590 | * the IDs of already deployed resources.
591 | * - If a component is named "Resource" it will be omitted from the user-visible
592 | * path, but included in the hash. This reduces visual noise in the human readable
593 | * part of the identifier.
594 | *
595 | * @param cfnElement The element for which the logical ID is allocated.
596 | */
597 | protected allocateLogicalId(cfnElement: CfnElement): string;
598 | /**
599 | * Validate stack name
600 | *
601 | * CloudFormation stack names can include dashes in addition to the regular identifier
602 | * character classes, and we don't allow one of the magic markers.
603 | *
604 | * @internal
605 | */
606 | protected _validateId(name: string): void;
607 | /**
608 | * Returns the CloudFormation template for this stack by traversing
609 | * the tree and invoking _toCloudFormation() on all Entity objects.
610 | *
611 | * @internal
612 | */
613 | protected _toCloudFormation(): any;
614 | /**
615 | * Deprecated.
616 | *
617 | * @see https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/pull/7187
618 | * @returns reference itself without any change
619 | * @deprecated cross reference handling has been moved to `App.prepare()`.
620 | */
621 | protected prepareCrossReference(_sourceStack: Stack, reference: Reference): IResolvable;
622 | /**
623 | * Determine the various stack environment attributes.
624 | *
625 | */
626 | private parseEnvironment;
627 | /**
628 | * Maximum number of resources in the stack
629 | *
630 | * Set to 0 to mean "unlimited".
631 | */
632 | private get maxResources();
633 | /**
634 | * Check whether this stack has a (transitive) dependency on another stack
635 | *
636 | * Returns the list of reasons on the dependency path, or undefined
637 | * if there is no dependency.
638 | */
639 | private stackDependencyReasons;
640 | /**
641 | * Calculate the stack name based on the construct path
642 | *
643 | * The stack name is the name under which we'll deploy the stack,
644 | * and incorporates containing Stage names by default.
645 | *
646 | * Generally this looks a lot like how logical IDs are calculated.
647 | * The stack name is calculated based on the construct root path,
648 | * as follows:
649 | *
650 | * - Path is calculated with respect to containing App or Stage (if any)
651 | * - If the path is one component long just use that component, otherwise
652 | * combine them with a hash.
653 | *
654 | * Since the hash is quite ugly and we'd like to avoid it if possible -- but
655 | * we can't anymore in the general case since it has been written into legacy
656 | * stacks. The introduction of Stages makes it possible to make this nicer however.
657 | * When a Stack is nested inside a Stage, we use the path components below the
658 | * Stage, and prefix the path components of the Stage before it.
659 | */
660 | private generateStackName;
661 | /**
662 | * The artifact ID for this stack
663 | *
664 | * Stack artifact ID is unique within the App's Cloud Assembly.
665 | */
666 | private generateStackArtifactId;
667 | /**
668 | * Generate an ID with respect to the given container construct.
669 | */
670 | private generateStackId;
671 | /**
672 | * Indicates whether the stack requires bundling or not
673 | */
674 | get bundlingRequired(): boolean;
675 | }
676 | /**
677 | * CloudFormation template options for a stack.
678 | */
679 | export interface ITemplateOptions {
680 | /**
681 | * Gets or sets the description of this stack.
682 | * If provided, it will be included in the CloudFormation template's "Description" attribute.
683 | */
684 | description?: string;
685 | /**
686 | * Gets or sets the AWSTemplateFormatVersion field of the CloudFormation template.
687 | */
688 | templateFormatVersion?: string;
689 | /**
690 | * Gets or sets the top-level template transform for this stack (e.g. "AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31").
691 | *
692 | * @deprecated use `transforms` instead.
693 | */
694 | transform?: string;
695 | /**
696 | * Gets or sets the top-level template transform(s) for this stack (e.g. `["AWS::Serverless-2016-10-31"]`).
697 | */
698 | transforms?: string[];
699 | /**
700 | * Metadata associated with the CloudFormation template.
701 | */
702 | metadata?: {
703 | [key: string]: any;
704 | };
705 | }
706 | /**
707 | * Return the construct root path of the given construct relative to the given ancestor
708 | *
709 | * If no ancestor is given or the ancestor is not found, return the entire root path.
710 | */
711 | export declare function rootPathTo(construct: IConstruct, ancestor?: IConstruct): IConstruct[];
712 | /**
713 | * Options for the `stack.exportValue()` method
714 | */
715 | export interface ExportValueOptions {
716 | /**
717 | * The name of the export to create
718 | *
719 | * @default - A name is automatically chosen
720 | */
721 | readonly name?: string;
722 | }
723 | import { Reference } from './reference';
724 | import { IResolvable } from './resolvable';
725 | import { IStackSynthesizer } from './stack-synthesizers';
726 | import { ITaggable, TagManager } from './tag-manager';