3.73 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { TagType } from './cfn-resource';
2import { IResolvable } from './resolvable';
4 * Interface to implement tags.
5 */
6export interface ITaggable {
7 /**
8 * TagManager to set, remove and format tags
9 */
10 readonly tags: TagManager;
13 * Options to configure TagManager behavior
14 */
15export interface TagManagerOptions {
16 /**
17 * The name of the property in CloudFormation for these tags
18 *
19 * Normally this is `tags`, but Cognito UserPool uses UserPoolTags
20 *
21 * @default "tags"
22 */
23 readonly tagPropertyName?: string;
26 * TagManager facilitates a common implementation of tagging for Constructs
27 *
28 * Normally, you do not need to use this class, as the CloudFormation specification
29 * will indicate which resources are taggable. However, sometimes you will need this
30 * to make custom resources taggable. Used `tagManager.renderedTags` to obtain a
31 * value that will resolve to the tags at synthesis time.
32 *
33 * @example
34 * import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
35 *
36 * class MyConstruct extends cdk.Resource implements cdk.ITaggable {
37 * public readonly tags = new cdk.TagManager(cdk.TagType.KEY_VALUE, 'Whatever::The::Type');
38 *
39 * constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string) {
40 * super(scope, id);
41 *
42 * new cdk.CfnResource(this, 'Resource', {
43 * type: 'Whatever::The::Type',
44 * properties: {
45 * // ...
46 * Tags: this.tags.renderedTags,
47 * },
48 * });
49 * }
50 * }
51 *
52 */
53export declare class TagManager {
54 /**
55 * Check whether the given construct is Taggable
56 */
57 static isTaggable(construct: any): construct is ITaggable;
58 /**
59 * The property name for tag values
60 *
61 * Normally this is `tags` but some resources choose a different name. Cognito
62 * UserPool uses UserPoolTags
63 */
64 readonly tagPropertyName: string;
65 /**
66 * A lazy value that represents the rendered tags at synthesis time
67 *
68 * If you need to make a custom construct taggable, use the value of this
69 * property to pass to the `tags` property of the underlying construct.
70 */
71 readonly renderedTags: IResolvable;
72 private readonly tags;
73 private readonly dynamicTags;
74 private readonly priorities;
75 private readonly tagFormatter;
76 private readonly resourceTypeName;
77 private readonly initialTagPriority;
78 constructor(tagType: TagType, resourceTypeName: string, tagStructure?: any, options?: TagManagerOptions);
79 /**
80 * Adds the specified tag to the array of tags
81 *
82 */
83 setTag(key: string, value: string, priority?: number, applyToLaunchedInstances?: boolean): void;
84 /**
85 * Removes the specified tag from the array if it exists
86 *
87 * @param key The tag to remove
88 * @param priority The priority of the remove operation
89 */
90 removeTag(key: string, priority: number): void;
91 /**
92 * Renders tags into the proper format based on TagType
93 *
94 * This method will eagerly render the tags currently applied. In
95 * most cases, you should be using `tagManager.renderedTags` instead,
96 * which will return a `Lazy` value that will resolve to the correct
97 * tags at synthesis time.
98 */
99 renderTags(): any;
100 /**
101 * Render the tags in a readable format
102 */
103 tagValues(): Record<string, string>;
104 /**
105 * Determine if the aspect applies here
106 *
107 * Looks at the include and exclude resourceTypeName arrays to determine if
108 * the aspect applies here
109 */
110 applyTagAspectHere(include?: string[], exclude?: string[]): boolean;
111 /**
112 * Returns true if there are any tags defined
113 */
114 hasTags(): boolean;
115 private _setTag;
116 private get sortedTags();