11.3 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as iam from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
2import * as logs from '@aws-cdk/aws-logs';
3import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
4import { Construct } from 'constructs';
5import { Construct as CoreConstruct } from '@aws-cdk/core';
7 * Reference to the physical resource id that can be passed to the AWS operation as a parameter.
8 */
9export declare class PhysicalResourceIdReference implements cdk.IResolvable {
10 readonly creationStack: string[];
11 /**
12 * toJSON serialization to replace `PhysicalResourceIdReference` with a magic string.
13 */
14 toJSON(): string;
15 resolve(_: cdk.IResolveContext): any;
16 toString(): string;
19 * Physical ID of the custom resource.
20 */
21export declare class PhysicalResourceId {
22 readonly responsePath?: string | undefined;
23 readonly id?: string | undefined;
24 /**
25 * Extract the physical resource id from the path (dot notation) to the data in the API call response.
26 */
27 static fromResponse(responsePath: string): PhysicalResourceId;
28 /**
29 * Explicit physical resource id.
30 */
31 static of(id: string): PhysicalResourceId;
32 /**
33 * @param responsePath Path to a response data element to be used as the physical id.
34 * @param id Literal string to be used as the physical id.
35 */
36 private constructor();
39 * An AWS SDK call.
40 */
41export interface AwsSdkCall {
42 /**
43 * The service to call
44 *
45 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/index.html
46 */
47 readonly service: string;
48 /**
49 * The service action to call
50 *
51 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/index.html
52 */
53 readonly action: string;
54 /**
55 * The parameters for the service action
56 *
57 * @default - no parameters
58 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/index.html
59 */
60 readonly parameters?: any;
61 /**
62 * The physical resource id of the custom resource for this call.
63 * Mandatory for onCreate or onUpdate calls.
64 *
65 * @default - no physical resource id
66 */
67 readonly physicalResourceId?: PhysicalResourceId;
68 /**
69 * The regex pattern to use to catch API errors. The `code` property of the
70 * `Error` object will be tested against this pattern. If there is a match an
71 * error will not be thrown.
72 *
73 * @default - do not catch errors
74 */
75 readonly ignoreErrorCodesMatching?: string;
76 /**
77 * API version to use for the service
78 *
79 * @see https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-javascript/v2/developer-guide/locking-api-versions.html
80 * @default - use latest available API version
81 */
82 readonly apiVersion?: string;
83 /**
84 * The region to send service requests to.
85 * **Note: Cross-region operations are generally considered an anti-pattern.**
86 * **Consider first deploying a stack in that region.**
87 *
88 * @default - the region where this custom resource is deployed
89 */
90 readonly region?: string;
91 /**
92 * Restrict the data returned by the custom resource to a specific path in
93 * the API response. Use this to limit the data returned by the custom
94 * resource if working with API calls that could potentially result in custom
95 * response objects exceeding the hard limit of 4096 bytes.
96 *
97 * Example for ECS / updateService: 'service.deploymentConfiguration.maximumPercent'
98 *
99 * @default - return all data
100 *
101 * @deprecated use outputPaths instead
102 */
103 readonly outputPath?: string;
104 /**
105 * Restrict the data returned by the custom resource to specific paths in
106 * the API response. Use this to limit the data returned by the custom
107 * resource if working with API calls that could potentially result in custom
108 * response objects exceeding the hard limit of 4096 bytes.
109 *
110 * Example for ECS / updateService: ['service.deploymentConfiguration.maximumPercent']
111 *
112 * @default - return all data
113 */
114 readonly outputPaths?: string[];
115 /**
116 * Used for running the SDK calls in underlying lambda with a different role
117 * Can be used primarily for cross-account requests to for example connect
118 * hostedzone with a shared vpc
119 *
120 * Example for Route53 / associateVPCWithHostedZone
121 *
122 * @default - run without assuming role
123 */
124 readonly assumedRoleArn?: string;
127 * Options for the auto-generation of policies based on the configured SDK calls.
128 */
129export interface SdkCallsPolicyOptions {
130 /**
131 * The resources that the calls will have access to.
132 *
133 * It is best to use specific resource ARN's when possible. However, you can also use `AwsCustomResourcePolicy.ANY_RESOURCE`
134 * to allow access to all resources. For example, when `onCreate` is used to create a resource which you don't
135 * know the physical name of in advance.
136 *
137 * Note that will apply to ALL SDK calls.
138 */
139 readonly resources: string[];
142 * The IAM Policy that will be applied to the different calls.
143 */
144export declare class AwsCustomResourcePolicy {
145 readonly statements: iam.PolicyStatement[];
146 readonly resources?: string[] | undefined;
147 /**
148 * Use this constant to configure access to any resource.
149 */
150 static readonly ANY_RESOURCE: string[];
151 /**
152 * Explicit IAM Policy Statements.
153 *
154 * @param statements the statements to propagate to the SDK calls.
155 */
156 static fromStatements(statements: iam.PolicyStatement[]): AwsCustomResourcePolicy;
157 /**
158 * Generate IAM Policy Statements from the configured SDK calls.
159 *
160 * Each SDK call with be translated to an IAM Policy Statement in the form of: `call.service:call.action` (e.g `s3:PutObject`).
161 *
162 * This policy generator assumes the IAM policy name has the same name as the API
163 * call. This is true in 99% of cases, but there are exceptions (for example,
164 * S3's `PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration` requires
165 * `s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration` permissions, Lambda's `Invoke` requires
166 * `lambda:InvokeFunction` permissions). Use `fromStatements` if you want to
167 * do a call that requires different IAM action names.
168 *
169 * @param options options for the policy generation
170 */
171 static fromSdkCalls(options: SdkCallsPolicyOptions): AwsCustomResourcePolicy;
172 /**
173 * @param statements statements for explicit policy.
174 * @param resources resources for auto-generated from SDK calls.
175 */
176 private constructor();
179 * Properties for AwsCustomResource.
180 *
181 * Note that at least onCreate, onUpdate or onDelete must be specified.
182 */
183export interface AwsCustomResourceProps {
184 /**
185 * Cloudformation Resource type.
186 *
187 * @default - Custom::AWS
188 */
189 readonly resourceType?: string;
190 /**
191 * The AWS SDK call to make when the resource is created.
192 *
193 * @default - the call when the resource is updated
194 */
195 readonly onCreate?: AwsSdkCall;
196 /**
197 * The AWS SDK call to make when the resource is updated
198 *
199 * @default - no call
200 */
201 readonly onUpdate?: AwsSdkCall;
202 /**
203 * The AWS SDK call to make when the resource is deleted
204 *
205 * @default - no call
206 */
207 readonly onDelete?: AwsSdkCall;
208 /**
209 * The policy that will be added to the execution role of the Lambda
210 * function implementing this custom resource provider.
211 *
212 * The custom resource also implements `iam.IGrantable`, making it possible
213 * to use the `grantXxx()` methods.
214 *
215 * As this custom resource uses a singleton Lambda function, it's important
216 * to note the that function's role will eventually accumulate the
217 * permissions/grants from all resources.
218 *
219 * @see Policy.fromStatements
220 * @see Policy.fromSdkCalls
221 */
222 readonly policy: AwsCustomResourcePolicy;
223 /**
224 * The execution role for the singleton Lambda function implementing this custom
225 * resource provider. This role will apply to all `AwsCustomResource`
226 * instances in the stack. The role must be assumable by the
227 * `lambda.amazonaws.com` service principal.
228 *
229 * @default - a new role is created
230 */
231 readonly role?: iam.IRole;
232 /**
233 * The timeout for the singleton Lambda function implementing this custom resource.
234 *
235 * @default Duration.minutes(2)
236 */
237 readonly timeout?: cdk.Duration;
238 /**
239 * The number of days log events of the singleton Lambda function implementing
240 * this custom resource are kept in CloudWatch Logs.
241 *
242 * @default logs.RetentionDays.INFINITE
243 */
244 readonly logRetention?: logs.RetentionDays;
245 /**
246 * Whether to install the latest AWS SDK v2. Allows to use the latest API
247 * calls documented at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/latest/index.html.
248 *
249 * The installation takes around 60 seconds.
250 *
251 * @default true
252 */
253 readonly installLatestAwsSdk?: boolean;
254 /**
255 * A name for the singleton Lambda function implementing this custom resource.
256 * The function name will remain the same after the first AwsCustomResource is created in a stack.
257 *
258 * @default - AWS CloudFormation generates a unique physical ID and uses that
259 * ID for the function's name. For more information, see Name Type.
260 */
261 readonly functionName?: string;
264 * Defines a custom resource that is materialized using specific AWS API calls. These calls are created using
265 * a singleton Lambda function.
266 *
267 * Use this to bridge any gap that might exist in the CloudFormation Coverage.
268 * You can specify exactly which calls are invoked for the 'CREATE', 'UPDATE' and 'DELETE' life cycle events.
269 *
270 */
271export declare class AwsCustomResource extends CoreConstruct implements iam.IGrantable {
272 private static breakIgnoreErrorsCircuit;
273 readonly grantPrincipal: iam.IPrincipal;
274 private readonly customResource;
275 private readonly props;
276 constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: AwsCustomResourceProps);
277 /**
278 * Returns response data for the AWS SDK call.
279 *
280 * Example for S3 / listBucket : 'Buckets.0.Name'
281 *
282 * Use `Token.asXxx` to encode the returned `Reference` as a specific type or
283 * use the convenience `getDataString` for string attributes.
284 *
285 * Note that you cannot use this method if `ignoreErrorCodesMatching`
286 * is configured for any of the SDK calls. This is because in such a case,
287 * the response data might not exist, and will cause a CloudFormation deploy time error.
288 *
289 * @param dataPath the path to the data
290 */
291 getResponseFieldReference(dataPath: string): cdk.Reference;
292 /**
293 * Returns response data for the AWS SDK call as string.
294 *
295 * Example for S3 / listBucket : 'Buckets.0.Name'
296 *
297 * Note that you cannot use this method if `ignoreErrorCodesMatching`
298 * is configured for any of the SDK calls. This is because in such a case,
299 * the response data might not exist, and will cause a CloudFormation deploy time error.
300 *
301 * @param dataPath the path to the data
302 */
303 getResponseField(dataPath: string): string;
304 private encodeJson;
307 * AWS SDK service metadata.
308 */
309export declare type AwsSdkMetadata = {
310 [key: string]: any;