2.56 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { RemoteProviderInit } from "@aws-sdk/credential-provider-imds";
2import { FromIniInit } from "@aws-sdk/credential-provider-ini";
3import { FromProcessInit } from "@aws-sdk/credential-provider-process";
4import { FromSSOInit } from "@aws-sdk/credential-provider-sso";
5import { FromTokenFileInit } from "@aws-sdk/credential-provider-web-identity";
6import { AwsCredentialIdentity, MemoizedProvider } from "@aws-sdk/types";
7export type DefaultProviderInit = FromIniInit & RemoteProviderInit & FromProcessInit & FromSSOInit & FromTokenFileInit;
9 * Creates a credential provider that will attempt to find credentials from the
10 * following sources (listed in order of precedence):
11 * * Environment variables exposed via `process.env`
12 * * SSO credentials from token cache
13 * * Web identity token credentials
14 * * Shared credentials and config ini files
15 * * The EC2/ECS Instance Metadata Service
16 *
17 * The default credential provider will invoke one provider at a time and only
18 * continue to the next if no credentials have been located. For example, if
19 * the process finds values defined via the `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and
20 * `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` environment variables, the files at
21 * `~/.aws/credentials` and `~/.aws/config` will not be read, nor will any
22 * messages be sent to the Instance Metadata Service.
23 *
24 * @param init Configuration that is passed to each individual
25 * provider
26 *
27 * @see {@link fromEnv} The function used to source credentials from
28 * environment variables
29 * @see {@link fromSSO} The function used to source credentials from
30 * resolved SSO token cache
31 * @see {@link fromTokenFile} The function used to source credentials from
32 * token file
33 * @see {@link fromIni} The function used to source credentials from INI
34 * files
35 * @see {@link fromProcess} The function used to sources credentials from
36 * credential_process in INI files
37 * @see {@link fromInstanceMetadata} The function used to source credentials from the
38 * EC2 Instance Metadata Service
39 * @see {@link fromContainerMetadata} The function used to source credentials from the
40 * ECS Container Metadata Service
41 */
42export declare const defaultProvider: (init?: DefaultProviderInit) => MemoizedProvider<AwsCredentialIdentity>;