1.53 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { LoadedConfigSelectors } from "@aws-sdk/node-config-provider";
2import { Provider, RetryStrategy, RetryStrategyV2 } from "@aws-sdk/types";
3export declare const ENV_MAX_ATTEMPTS = "AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS";
4export declare const CONFIG_MAX_ATTEMPTS = "max_attempts";
5export declare const NODE_MAX_ATTEMPT_CONFIG_OPTIONS: LoadedConfigSelectors<number>;
6export interface RetryInputConfig {
7 /**
8 * The maximum number of times requests that encounter retryable failures should be attempted.
9 */
10 maxAttempts?: number | Provider<number>;
11 /**
12 * The strategy to retry the request. Using built-in exponential backoff strategy by default.
13 */
14 retryStrategy?: RetryStrategy | RetryStrategyV2;
16interface PreviouslyResolved {
17 /**
18 * Specifies provider for retry algorithm to use.
19 * @internal
20 */
21 retryMode: string | Provider<string>;
23export interface RetryResolvedConfig {
24 /**
25 * Resolved value for input config {@link RetryInputConfig.maxAttempts}
26 */
27 maxAttempts: Provider<number>;
28 /**
29 * Resolved value for input config {@link RetryInputConfig.retryStrategy}
30 */
31 retryStrategy: Provider<RetryStrategyV2 | RetryStrategy>;
33export declare const resolveRetryConfig: <T>(input: T & PreviouslyResolved & RetryInputConfig) => T & RetryResolvedConfig;
34export declare const ENV_RETRY_MODE = "AWS_RETRY_MODE";
35export declare const CONFIG_RETRY_MODE = "retry_mode";
36export declare const NODE_RETRY_MODE_CONFIG_OPTIONS: LoadedConfigSelectors<string>;
37export {};