15.6 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { Logger } from "./logger";
2import { UserAgent } from "./util";
3export interface InitializeHandlerArguments<Input extends object> {
4 /**
5 * User input to a command. Reflects the userland representation of the
6 * union of data types the command can effectively handle.
7 */
8 input: Input;
10export interface InitializeHandlerOutput<Output extends object> extends DeserializeHandlerOutput<Output> {
11 output: Output;
13export interface SerializeHandlerArguments<Input extends object> extends InitializeHandlerArguments<Input> {
14 /**
15 * The user input serialized as a request object. The request object is unknown,
16 * so you cannot modify it directly. When work with request, you need to guard its
17 * type to e.g. HttpRequest with 'instanceof' operand
18 *
19 * During the build phase of the execution of a middleware stack, a built
20 * request may or may not be available.
21 */
22 request?: unknown;
24export interface SerializeHandlerOutput<Output extends object> extends InitializeHandlerOutput<Output> {
26export interface BuildHandlerArguments<Input extends object> extends FinalizeHandlerArguments<Input> {
28export interface BuildHandlerOutput<Output extends object> extends InitializeHandlerOutput<Output> {
30export interface FinalizeHandlerArguments<Input extends object> extends SerializeHandlerArguments<Input> {
31 /**
32 * The user input serialized as a request.
33 */
34 request: unknown;
36export interface FinalizeHandlerOutput<Output extends object> extends InitializeHandlerOutput<Output> {
38export interface DeserializeHandlerArguments<Input extends object> extends FinalizeHandlerArguments<Input> {
40export interface DeserializeHandlerOutput<Output extends object> {
41 /**
42 * The raw response object from runtime is deserialized to structured output object.
43 * The response object is unknown so you cannot modify it directly. When work with
44 * response, you need to guard its type to e.g. HttpResponse with 'instanceof' operand.
45 *
46 * During the deserialize phase of the execution of a middleware stack, a deserialized
47 * response may or may not be available
48 */
49 response: unknown;
50 output?: Output;
52export interface InitializeHandler<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
53 /**
54 * Asynchronously converts an input object into an output object.
55 *
56 * @param args An object containing a input to the command as well as any
57 * associated or previously generated execution artifacts.
58 */
59 (args: InitializeHandlerArguments<Input>): Promise<InitializeHandlerOutput<Output>>;
61export declare type Handler<Input extends object, Output extends object> = InitializeHandler<Input, Output>;
62export interface SerializeHandler<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
63 /**
64 * Asynchronously converts an input object into an output object.
65 *
66 * @param args An object containing a input to the command as well as any
67 * associated or previously generated execution artifacts.
68 */
69 (args: SerializeHandlerArguments<Input>): Promise<SerializeHandlerOutput<Output>>;
71export interface FinalizeHandler<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
72 /**
73 * Asynchronously converts an input object into an output object.
74 *
75 * @param args An object containing a input to the command as well as any
76 * associated or previously generated execution artifacts.
77 */
78 (args: FinalizeHandlerArguments<Input>): Promise<FinalizeHandlerOutput<Output>>;
80export interface BuildHandler<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
81 (args: BuildHandlerArguments<Input>): Promise<BuildHandlerOutput<Output>>;
83export interface DeserializeHandler<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
84 (args: DeserializeHandlerArguments<Input>): Promise<DeserializeHandlerOutput<Output>>;
87 * A factory function that creates functions implementing the {Handler}
88 * interface.
89 */
90export interface InitializeMiddleware<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
91 /**
92 * @param next The handler to invoke after this middleware has operated on
93 * the user input and before this middleware operates on the output.
94 *
95 * @param context Invariant data and functions for use by the handler.
96 */
97 (next: InitializeHandler<Input, Output>, context: HandlerExecutionContext): InitializeHandler<Input, Output>;
100 * A factory function that creates functions implementing the {BuildHandler}
101 * interface.
102 */
103export interface SerializeMiddleware<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
104 /**
105 * @param next The handler to invoke after this middleware has operated on
106 * the user input and before this middleware operates on the output.
107 *
108 * @param context Invariant data and functions for use by the handler.
109 */
110 (next: SerializeHandler<Input, Output>, context: HandlerExecutionContext): SerializeHandler<Input, Output>;
113 * A factory function that creates functions implementing the {FinalizeHandler}
114 * interface.
115 */
116export interface FinalizeRequestMiddleware<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
117 /**
118 * @param next The handler to invoke after this middleware has operated on
119 * the user input and before this middleware operates on the output.
120 *
121 * @param context Invariant data and functions for use by the handler.
122 */
123 (next: FinalizeHandler<Input, Output>, context: HandlerExecutionContext): FinalizeHandler<Input, Output>;
125export interface BuildMiddleware<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
126 (next: BuildHandler<Input, Output>, context: HandlerExecutionContext): BuildHandler<Input, Output>;
128export interface DeserializeMiddleware<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
129 (next: DeserializeHandler<Input, Output>, context: HandlerExecutionContext): DeserializeHandler<Input, Output>;
131export declare type MiddlewareType<Input extends object, Output extends object> = InitializeMiddleware<Input, Output> | SerializeMiddleware<Input, Output> | BuildMiddleware<Input, Output> | FinalizeRequestMiddleware<Input, Output> | DeserializeMiddleware<Input, Output>;
133 * A factory function that creates the terminal handler atop which a middleware
134 * stack sits.
135 */
136export interface Terminalware {
137 <Input extends object, Output extends object>(context: HandlerExecutionContext): DeserializeHandler<Input, Output>;
139export declare type Step = "initialize" | "serialize" | "build" | "finalizeRequest" | "deserialize";
140export declare type Priority = "high" | "normal" | "low";
141export interface HandlerOptions {
142 /**
143 * Handlers are ordered using a "step" that describes the stage of command
144 * execution at which the handler will be executed. The available steps are:
145 *
146 * - initialize: The input is being prepared. Examples of typical
147 * initialization tasks include injecting default options computing
148 * derived parameters.
149 * - serialize: The input is complete and ready to be serialized. Examples
150 * of typical serialization tasks include input validation and building
151 * an HTTP request from user input.
152 * - build: The input has been serialized into an HTTP request, but that
153 * request may require further modification. Any request alterations
154 * will be applied to all retries. Examples of typical build tasks
155 * include injecting HTTP headers that describe a stable aspect of the
156 * request, such as `Content-Length` or a body checksum.
157 * - finalizeRequest: The request is being prepared to be sent over the wire. The
158 * request in this stage should already be semantically complete and
159 * should therefore only be altered as match the recipient's
160 * expectations. Examples of typical finalization tasks include request
161 * signing and injecting hop-by-hop headers.
162 * - deserialize: The response has arrived, the middleware here will deserialize
163 * the raw response object to structured response
164 *
165 * Unlike initialization and build handlers, which are executed once
166 * per operation execution, finalization and deserialize handlers will be
167 * executed foreach HTTP request sent.
168 *
169 * @default 'initialize'
170 */
171 step?: Step;
172 /**
173 * A list of strings to any that identify the general purpose or important
174 * characteristics of a given handler.
175 */
176 tags?: Array<string>;
177 /**
178 * A unique name to refer to a middleware
179 */
180 name?: string;
181 /**
182 * A flag to override the existing middleware with the same name. Without
183 * setting it, adding middleware with duplicated name will throw an exception.
184 * @internal
185 */
186 override?: boolean;
188export interface AbsoluteLocation {
189 /**
190 * By default middleware will be added to individual step in un-guaranteed order.
191 * In the case that
192 *
193 * @default 'normal'
194 */
195 priority?: Priority;
197export declare type Relation = "before" | "after";
198export interface RelativeLocation {
199 /**
200 * Specify the relation to be before or after a know middleware.
201 */
202 relation: Relation;
203 /**
204 * A known middleware name to indicate inserting middleware's location.
205 */
206 toMiddleware: string;
208export declare type RelativeMiddlewareOptions = RelativeLocation & Omit<HandlerOptions, "step">;
209export interface InitializeHandlerOptions extends HandlerOptions {
210 step?: "initialize";
212export interface SerializeHandlerOptions extends HandlerOptions {
213 step: "serialize";
215export interface BuildHandlerOptions extends HandlerOptions {
216 step: "build";
218export interface FinalizeRequestHandlerOptions extends HandlerOptions {
219 step: "finalizeRequest";
221export interface DeserializeHandlerOptions extends HandlerOptions {
222 step: "deserialize";
225 * A stack storing middleware. It can be resolved into a handler. It supports 2
226 * approaches for adding middleware:
227 * 1. Adding middleware to specific step with `add()`. The order of middleware
228 * added into same step is determined by order of adding them. If one middleware
229 * needs to be executed at the front of the step or at the end of step, set
230 * `priority` options to `high` or `low`.
231 * 2. Adding middleware to location relative to known middleware with `addRelativeTo()`.
232 * This is useful when given middleware must be executed before or after specific
233 * middleware(`toMiddleware`). You can add a middleware relatively to another
234 * middleware which also added relatively. But eventually, this relative middleware
235 * chain **must** be 'anchored' by a middleware that added using `add()` API
236 * with absolute `step` and `priority`. This mothod will throw if specified
237 * `toMiddleware` is not found.
238 */
239export interface MiddlewareStack<Input extends object, Output extends object> extends Pluggable<Input, Output> {
240 /**
241 * Add middleware to the stack to be executed during the "initialize" step,
242 * optionally specifying a priority, tags and name
243 */
244 add(middleware: InitializeMiddleware<Input, Output>, options?: InitializeHandlerOptions & AbsoluteLocation): void;
245 /**
246 * Add middleware to the stack to be executed during the "serialize" step,
247 * optionally specifying a priority, tags and name
248 */
249 add(middleware: SerializeMiddleware<Input, Output>, options: SerializeHandlerOptions & AbsoluteLocation): void;
250 /**
251 * Add middleware to the stack to be executed during the "build" step,
252 * optionally specifying a priority, tags and name
253 */
254 add(middleware: BuildMiddleware<Input, Output>, options: BuildHandlerOptions & AbsoluteLocation): void;
255 /**
256 * Add middleware to the stack to be executed during the "finalizeRequest" step,
257 * optionally specifying a priority, tags and name
258 */
259 add(middleware: FinalizeRequestMiddleware<Input, Output>, options: FinalizeRequestHandlerOptions & AbsoluteLocation): void;
260 /**
261 * Add middleware to the stack to be executed during the "deserialize" step,
262 * optionally specifying a priority, tags and name
263 */
264 add(middleware: DeserializeMiddleware<Input, Output>, options: DeserializeHandlerOptions & AbsoluteLocation): void;
265 /**
266 * Add middleware to a stack position before or after a known middleware,optionally
267 * specifying name and tags.
268 */
269 addRelativeTo(middleware: MiddlewareType<Input, Output>, options: RelativeMiddlewareOptions): void;
270 /**
271 * Apply a customization function to mutate the middleware stack, often
272 * used for customizations that requires mutating multiple middleware.
273 */
274 use(pluggable: Pluggable<Input, Output>): void;
275 /**
276 * Create a shallow clone of this stack. Step bindings and handler priorities
277 * and tags are preserved in the copy.
278 */
279 clone(): MiddlewareStack<Input, Output>;
280 /**
281 * Removes middleware from the stack.
282 *
283 * If a string is provided, it will be treated as middleware name. If a middleware
284 * is inserted with the given name, it will be removed.
285 *
286 * If a middleware class is provided, all usages thereof will be removed.
287 */
288 remove(toRemove: MiddlewareType<Input, Output> | string): boolean;
289 /**
290 * Removes middleware that contains given tag
291 *
292 * Multiple middleware will potentially be removed
293 */
294 removeByTag(toRemove: string): boolean;
295 /**
296 * Create a stack containing the middlewares in this stack as well as the
297 * middlewares in the `from` stack. Neither source is modified, and step
298 * bindings and handler priorities and tags are preserved in the copy.
299 */
300 concat<InputType extends Input, OutputType extends Output>(from: MiddlewareStack<InputType, OutputType>): MiddlewareStack<InputType, OutputType>;
301 /**
302 * Builds a single handler function from zero or more middleware classes and
303 * a core handler. The core handler is meant to send command objects to AWS
304 * services and return promises that will resolve with the operation result
305 * or be rejected with an error.
306 *
307 * When a composed handler is invoked, the arguments will pass through all
308 * middleware in a defined order, and the return from the innermost handler
309 * will pass through all middleware in the reverse of that order.
310 */
311 resolve<InputType extends Input, OutputType extends Output>(handler: DeserializeHandler<InputType, OutputType>, context: HandlerExecutionContext): InitializeHandler<InputType, OutputType>;
314 * Data and helper objects that are not expected to change from one execution of
315 * a composed handler to another.
316 */
317export interface HandlerExecutionContext {
318 /**
319 * A logger that may be invoked by any handler during execution of an
320 * operation.
321 */
322 logger?: Logger;
323 /**
324 * Additional user agent that inferred by middleware. It can be used to save
325 * the internal user agent sections without overriding the `customUserAgent`
326 * config in clients.
327 */
328 userAgent?: UserAgent;
329 [key: string]: any;
331export interface Pluggable<Input extends object, Output extends object> {
332 /**
333 * A function that mutate the passed in middleware stack. Functions implementing
334 * this interface can add, remove, modify existing middleware stack from clients
335 * or commands
336 */
337 applyToStack: (stack: MiddlewareStack<Input, Output>) => void;