11 kBJavaScriptView Raw
2 * @class APIBuilder
3 * The top-level module for managing APIBuilder services.
4 *
5 * An APIBuilder service is a Node.js server that runs in the API Runtime Services.
6 * To create a server, load the APIBuilder module, then use the APIBuilder constructor to create an
7 * APIBuilder instance and invoke its {@link #start start() method}.
8 *
9 * var APIBuilder = require('@axway/api-builder-runtime'),
10 * server = new APIBuilder();
11 *
12 * // Add event listeners or invoke APIs on the APIBuilder instance
13 * var myModel = APIBuilder.createModel('foo', {...});
14 * server.addModel(myModel);
15 *
16 * server.on('starting', function () {
17 * server.logger.trace('Starting server...');
18 * });
19 *
20 * server.start();
21 *
22 * ### Components
23 *
24 * An API Builder service is comprised of several components. You can either define the
25 * components using JavaScript files placed in specific directories, which are automatically loaded
26 * when creating an API Builder instance, or programmatically create components after initializing
27 * an API Builder instance.
28 *
29 * For information about the structure of API Builder services, see
30 * [API Builder guides](https://docs.axway.com/bundle/API_Builder_4x_allOS_en/page/api_builder.html).
31 *
32 * #### Express and Third-Party Middleware
33 *
34 * API Builder uses Express for its web framework. By default, API Builder creates an Express app
35 * instance when creating an API Builder instance, then binds its API endpoints to the app instance.
36 * You can access the Express app instance using the `app` property of the API Builder instance,
37 * then invoke [Express API calls](http://expressjs.com/4x/api.html) on the app instance.
38 *
39 * server.app.all('/api/*', function (req, res, next) {
40 * req.server.logger.info('Intercepted the request!');
41 * next();
42 * });
43 *
44 * Do not pass the error code to the response object's `send()` method. Use the `status()` method
45 * instead. If you pass a number value to the `send()` method, an error will be thrown.
46 *
47 * // Throws an error
48 * res.send(500);
49 *
50 * // Invoke the following methods instead.
51 * res.status(500).send('Uh oh. Something bad happened.');
52 *
53 * API Builder also loads the body-parser, cookie-parser and busboy modules to provide additional
54 * parsing capabilities as well as the compression module.
55 *
56 * For Express template engines, API Builder uses ejs, handlebars, marked and react modules.
57 * Access the template engines using the {@link APIBuilder.Middleware} API.
58 *
59 * #### Connectors
60 *
61 * {@link APIBuilder.Connector Connectors} allow an API Builder service to access data stored
62 * in an external source. Connectors are structured like API Builder service where they have
63 * their own models, dependencies and configuration files.
64 *
65 * You can either use an existing connector or create your own connector.
66 *
67 * #### Models
68 *
69 * {@link APIBuilder.Model Models} provide an interface for the API Builder service to access
70 * data. By default, the service will generate standardized endpoints for a client to access
71 * the data from the API Builder service.
72 *
73 * #### APIs
74 *
75 * {@link APIBuilder.API APIs} provide a way for a client to access your service, execute custom
76 * logic and internally access the service's models, then return data back to the client.
77 *
78 * Create an API to execute a custom operation with model data.
79 *
80 * #### Blocks
81 *
82 * {@link APIBuilder.Block Blocks} are functions that run before or after an API endpoint is
83executed. * They can be used to modify the API request, to modify the API response or to execute
84common * tasks like audit logging, caching, rate limiting or recording analytics. Multiple blocks
85can * be executed before or after an API request. Blocks are optional.
86 *
87 * #### Webs
88 *
89 * Webs are endpoints that render HTML to the client.
90 * Webs are comprised of routes, renderers, templates and static assets.
91 *
92 * {@link APIBuilder.Router Routes} provide the endpoint to access the Web and logic to access the
93 * {@data.
94 *
95 * {@link APIBuilderRendererEngine Renderers} (or template engines) apply local data to your
96templates * to generate HTML. To access a renderer or create your own renderer, use the {@link
97APIBuilder.Middleware} API.
98 *
99 * Templates are the files you want to render. Place all templates in the `./web/views` folder
100 * with an appropriate extension--either `ejs`, `hbs`, `html`, `jsx`, `md` or a custom one that
101 * you can define. API Builder selects the renderer engine based on the file extension.
102 *
103 * Place all assets, such as images, style sheets, static HTML files, etc., in the `./web/public`
104 * folder.
105 *
106 * #### Logger
107 *
108 * The {@link APIBuilder.Logger} provides a wrapper for
109 * [bunyan](https://www.npmjs.com/package/bunyan), a JSON logging utility. By default, API Builder
110 * creates a logger instance, which can be accessed using the `logger` property of the API Builder
111 * instance.
112 *
113 * server.logger.trace('breadcrumbs...');
114 * server.logger.info('%s %s', key, value);
115 * server.logger.error(err);
116 *
117 * ### Lifecycle
118 *
119 * The following sections describe the sequence of events that occur when initializing and starting
120 * an API Builder service, then making requests to the server.
121 *
122 * #### Initialization Sequence
123 *
124 * When creating a new API Builder instance, the following events occur:
125 *
126 * 1. Loads the configuration files.
127 * 2. Creates an Express app instance unless you pass `loadOnly` as `true` in the constructor.
128 * 3. Creates the API Builder Console unless its disabled.
129 * 4. Creates a Logger instance.
130 * 5. Registers the connectors.
131 * 6. Loads the model and block files.
132 * 7. Loads API and Web files and binds the endpoints to the Express app instance.
133 * 8. Fires the `loaded` event.
134 *
135 * At this point, you may add event listeners or programmatically add any other API Builder
136 * components.
137 *
138 * #### Startup Sequence
139 *
140 * After invoking the `start()` method on the API Builder instance:
141 *
142 * 1. Fires the `starting` event.
143 * 2. Registers and binds the model's standardized API endpoints to the Express app instance.
144 * 3. Fires the `listening` event.
145 * 4. Binds the server to a port.
146 * 5. Fires the `listen` event.
147 * 6. Fires the `started` event.
148 *
149 * The client can now make requests to the server.
150 *
151 * #### Request Sequence
152 *
153 * When a client makes a request to the API Builder service, API Builder first authenticates the
154 * request, then proceeds by making a series of middleware calls, where the `next()` function needs
155 * to be called after completing each operation.
156 *
157 * 1. Authenticate the request. If you are using a custom security plugin, the `validateRequest()`
158 * method is defined.
159 * 2. For Models, calls the Connector's `startRequest()`, `loginRequired()` and `login()` methods
160 * if defined.
161 * 3. Calls any defined pre-Blocks.
162 * 4. Calls the API, Model or Router logic.
163 * 5. Calls any defined post-Blocks.
164 * 6. For Models, calls the Connector's `endRequest()` method if defined.
165 * 7. Fires the `after` event.
166 *
167 * ### API Builder Middleware Calls
168 *
169 * Each API Builder middleware call (`action` or `execute` property) is passed the same three
170 * objects:
171 *
172 * * [Express Request object](http://expressjs.com/4x/api.html#req)
173 * * [Express Response object](http://expressjs.com/4x/api.html#res)
174 * * Middleware function to call next. Always call the `next()` function to execute the next
175 * middleware call in the sequence.
176 *
177 * In addition to the Express APIs, the request object is also passed a reference to the API Builder
178 * instance as the `server` property. Use the instance to invoke APIs, such as accessing
179 * model data or invoking an API endpoint. Both the request and response objects are passed a
180 * reference to the Logger instance as the `logger` property to log messages.
181 *
182 * For APIBuilder.API instances, the request and response objects are also passed the `model`
183 * and `responseModel` properties, which references the models passed to the API constructor.
184 */
187 * @constructor
188 * Loads the configuration files in the `./conf` folder and initializes an API Builder instance.
189 * @param {Object} [config] Additional configuration parameters, which are merged with the
190 * configuration files. @param {Boolean} [loadOnly] Set to `true` to only load the API Builder
191 * components. Does not create the Express app instance or starts the admin console.
192 */
195 * @event after
196 * Fired after a request completes. The callback will be passed the request and response objects.
197 */
199 * @event error
200 * Fired if an error occurred when setting up the server. The callback will be passed the error
201 * object.
202 */
204 * @event listening
205 * Fired before binding the server to a port.
206 */
208 * @event listen
209 * Fired when the server can accept connections.
210 */
212 * @event loaded
213 * Fired after initializing the API Builder instance.
214 */
216 * @event reloaded
217 * Fired after reloading an API Builder component.
218 */
220 * @event starting
221 * Fired when the `start()` method is invoked.
222 */
224 * @event started
225 * Fired when the `start()` method completes.
226 */
228 * @event stopping
229 * Fired when the `stop()` method is invoked.
230 */
232 * @event stopped
233 * Fired when the `stop()` method completes.
234 */
237 * @method addListener
238 * Binds a callback to an event.
239 * @static
240 * @param {String} name Event name
241 * @param {Function} cb Callback function to execute.
242 */
244 * @method on
245 * @alias #static-method-addListener
246 * @static
247 */
249 * @method once
250 * Binds an one-time listener to an event.
251 * @static
252 * @param {String} name Event name
253 * @param {Function} cb Callback function to execute.
254 */
256 * @method removeListener
257 * Unbinds a callback from an event.
258 * @static
259 * @param {String} name Event name
260 * @param {Function} cb Callback function to remove.
261 */
263 * @method removeAllListeners
264 * Unbinds all event callbacks for the specified event.
265 * @static
266 * @param {String} [name] Event name. If omitted, unbinds all event listeners.
267 */
270 * @property {Array<APIBuilder.API>} apis
271 * APIs loaded and added to the instance.
272 */
274 * @property {Object} app
275 * Express app instance.
276 */
278 * @property {Array<APIBuilder.Block>} blocks
279 * Blocks loaded or added to the instance.
280 */
282 * @property {Object} config
283 * Configuration object used to initialize the server instance.
284 */
286 * @property {Object} express
287 * Express module instance.
288 * @since 1.1.0
289 */
291 * @property {Boolean} ignoreDuplicateModels
292 * Set to `true` to ignore duplicate models.
293 */
295 * @property {APIBuilder.Logger} logger
296 * Logger instance.
297 */
299 * @property {APIBuilder.Middleware} middleware
300 * Middleware instance.
301 */
303 * @property {Array<APIBuilder.Model>} models
304 * Models loaded or added to the instance.
305 */
307 * @property {Number} port
308 * Port number used by the server instance.
309 */
311 * @property {Array<APIBuilder.Router>} routes
312 * Routes loaded to the instance.
313 */