1 | # Azure Cosmos DB client library for JavaScript/TypeScript
2 |
3 | [][npm]
4 | [](https://dev.azure.com/azure-sdk/public/_build/latest?definitionId=850&branchName=main)
5 |
6 | Azure Cosmos DB is a globally distributed, multi-model database service that supports document, key-value, wide-column, and graph databases. This package is intended for JavaScript/TypeScript applications to interact with **SQL API** databases and the JSON documents they contain:
7 |
8 | - Create Cosmos DB databases and modify their settings
9 | - Create and modify containers to store collections of JSON documents
10 | - Create, read, update, and delete the items (JSON documents) in your containers
11 | - Query the documents in your database using SQL-like syntax
12 |
13 | Key links:
14 |
15 | - [Package (npm)][npm]
16 | - [API reference documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/?view=azure-node-lates)
17 | - [Product documentation][cosmos_docs]
18 |
19 | ## Getting started
20 |
21 | ### Prerequisites
22 |
23 | #### Azure Subscription and Cosmos DB SQL API Account
24 |
25 | You must have an [Azure Subscription][azure_sub], and a [Cosmos DB account][cosmos_account] (SQL API) to use this package.
26 |
27 | If you need a Cosmos DB SQL API account, you can use the Azure [Cloud Shell][cloud_shell_bash] to create one with this Azure CLI command:
28 |
29 | ```Bash
30 | az cosmosdb create --resource-group <resource-group-name> --name <cosmos-database-account-name>
31 | ```
32 |
33 | Or you can create an account in the [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com/#create/microsoft.documentdb)
34 |
35 | #### NodeJS
36 |
37 | This package is distributed via [npm][npm] which comes preinstalled with [NodeJS](https://nodejs.org/en/) using an LTS version.
38 |
39 | #### CORS
40 |
41 | You need to set up [Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/how-to-configure-cross-origin-resource-sharing) rules for your Cosmos DB account if you need to develop for browsers. Follow the instructions in the linked document to create new CORS rules for your Cosmos DB.
42 |
43 | ### Install this package
44 |
45 | ```Bash
46 | npm install @azure/cosmos
47 | ```
48 |
49 | ### Get Account Credentials
50 |
51 | You will need your Cosmos DB **Account Endpoint** and **Key**. You can find these in the [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com/#blade/hubsextension/browseresource/resourcetype/microsoft.documentdb%2fdatabaseaccounts) or use the [Azure CLI][azure_cli] snippet below. The snippet is formatted for the Bash shell.
52 |
53 | ```Bash
54 | az cosmosdb show --resource-group <your-resource-group> --name <your-account-name> --query documentEndpoint --output tsv
55 | az cosmosdb keys list --resource-group <your-resource-group> --name <your-account-name> --query primaryMasterKey --output tsv
56 | ```
57 |
58 | ### Create an instance of `CosmosClient`
59 |
60 | Interaction with Cosmos DB starts with an instance of the [CosmosClient](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/cosmosclient?view=azure-node-latest) class
61 |
62 | ```js
63 | const { CosmosClient } = require("@azure/cosmos");
64 |
65 | const endpoint = "https://your-account.documents.azure.com";
66 | const key = "<database account masterkey>";
67 | const client = new CosmosClient({ endpoint, key });
68 |
69 | async function main() {
70 | // The rest of the README samples are designed to be pasted into this function body
71 | }
72 |
73 | main().catch((error) => {
74 | console.error(error);
75 | });
76 | ```
77 |
78 | For simplicity we have included the `key` and `endpoint` directly in the code but you will likely want to load these from a file not in source control using a project such as [dotenv](https://www.npmjs.com/package/dotenv) or loading from environment variables
79 |
80 | In production environments, secrets like keys should be stored in [Azure Key Vault](https://azure.microsoft.com/services/key-vault/)
81 |
82 | ## Key concepts
83 |
84 | Once you've initialized a [CosmosClient](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/cosmosclient?view=azure-node-lates), you can interact with the primary resource types in Cosmos DB:
85 |
86 | - [Database](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/database?view=azure-node-latest): A Cosmos DB account can contain multiple databases. When you create a database, you specify the API you'd like to use when interacting with its documents: SQL, MongoDB, Gremlin, Cassandra, or Azure Table. Use the [Database](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/database?view=azure-node-latest) object to manage its containers.
87 |
88 | - [Container](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/container?view=azure-node-latest): A container is a collection of JSON documents. You create (insert), read, update, and delete items in a container by using methods on the [Container](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/container?view=azure-node-latest) object.
89 |
90 | - [Item](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/item?view=azure-node-latest): An Item is a JSON document stored in a container. Each Item must include an `id` key with a value that uniquely identifies the item within the container. If you do not provide an `id`, the SDK will generate one automatically.
91 |
92 | For more information about these resources, see [Working with Azure Cosmos databases, containers and items][cosmos_resources].
93 |
94 | ## Examples
95 |
96 | The following sections provide several code snippets covering some of the most common Cosmos DB tasks, including:
97 |
98 | - [Create a database](#create-a-database)
99 | - [Create a container](#create-a-container)
100 | - [Using Partition Keys](#using-partition-keys)
101 | - [Insert items](#insert-items)
102 | - [Query documents](#query-the-database)
103 | - [Read an item](#read-an-item)
104 | - [Delete an item](#delete-an-data)
105 | - [CRUD on Container with hierarchical partition key](#container-hierarchical-partition-key)
106 | ### Create a database
107 |
108 | After authenticating your [CosmosClient](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/cosmosclient?view=azure-node-latest), you can work with any resource in the account. The code snippet below creates a NOSQL API database.
109 |
110 | ```js
111 | const { database } = await client.databases.createIfNotExists({ id: "Test Database" });
112 | console.log(database.id);
113 | ```
114 |
115 | ### Create a container
116 |
117 | This example creates a container with default settings
118 |
119 | ```js
120 | const { container } = await database.containers.createIfNotExists({ id: "Test Database" });
121 | console.log(container.id);
122 | ```
123 |
124 | ### Using Partition Keys
125 | This example shows various types of partition Keys supported.
126 | ```js
127 | await container.item("id", "1").read(); // string type
128 | await container.item("id", 2).read(); // number type
129 | await container.item("id", true).read(); // boolean type
130 | await container.item("id", {}).read(); // None type
131 | await container.item("id", undefined).read(); // None type
132 | await container.item("id", null).read(); // null type
133 | ```
134 |
135 | If the Partition Key consists of a single value, it could be supplied either as a literal value, or an array.
136 |
137 | ```js
138 | await container.item("id", "1").read();
139 | await container.item("id", ["1"]).read();
140 | ```
141 |
142 | If the Partition Key consists of more than one values, it should be supplied as an array.
143 | ```js
144 | await container.item("id", ["a", "b"]).read();
145 | await container.item("id", ["a", 2]).read();
146 | await container.item("id", [{}, {}]).read();
147 | await container.item("id", ["a", {}]).read();
148 | await container.item("id", [2, null]).read();
149 |
150 | ```
151 |
152 | ### Insert items
153 |
154 | To insert items into a container, pass an object containing your data to [Items.upsert](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/items?view=azure-node-latest#upsert-t--requestoptions-). The Azure Cosmos DB service requires each item has an `id` key. If you do not provide one, the SDK will generate an `id` automatically.
155 |
156 | This example inserts several items into the container
157 |
158 | ```js
159 | const cities = [
160 | { id: "1", name: "Olympia", state: "WA", isCapitol: true },
161 | { id: "2", name: "Redmond", state: "WA", isCapitol: false },
162 | { id: "3", name: "Chicago", state: "IL", isCapitol: false }
163 | ];
164 | for (const city of cities) {
165 | await container.items.create(city);
166 | }
167 | ```
168 |
169 | ### Read an item
170 |
171 | To read a single item from a container, use [Item.read](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/item?view=azure-node-latest#read-requestoptions-). This is a less expensive operation than using SQL to query by `id`.
172 |
173 | ```js
174 | await container.item("1", "1").read();
175 | ```
176 | ### CRUD on Container with hierarchical partition key
177 |
178 | Create a Container with hierarchical partition key
179 | ```js
180 | const containerDefinition = {
181 | id: "Test Database",
182 | partitionKey: {
183 | paths: ["/name", "/address/zip"],
184 | version: PartitionKeyDefinitionVersion.V2,
185 | kind: PartitionKeyKind.MultiHash,
186 | },
187 | }
188 | const { container } = await database.containers.createIfNotExists(containerDefinition);
189 | console.log(container.id);
190 | ```
191 | Insert an item with hierarchical partition key defined as - `["/name", "/address/zip"]`
192 | ```js
193 | const item = {
194 | id: "1",
195 | name: 'foo',
196 | address: {
197 | zip: 100
198 | },
199 | active: true
200 | }
201 | await container.items.create(item);
202 | ```
203 |
204 | To read a single item from a container with hierarchical partition key defined as - `["/name", "/address/zip"],`
205 | ```js
206 | await container.item("1", ["foo", 100]).read();
207 | ```
208 | Query an item with hierarchical partition key with hierarchical partition key defined as - `["/name", "/address/zip"],`
209 | ```js
210 | const { resources } = await container.items
211 | .query("SELECT * from c WHERE c.active = true", {
212 | partitionKey: ["foo", 100],
213 | })
214 | .fetchAll();
215 | for (const item of resources) {
216 | console.log(`${item.name}, ${item.address.zip} `);
217 | }
218 | ```
219 | ### Delete an item
220 |
221 | To delete items from a container, use [Item.delete](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/item?view=azure-node-latest#delete-requestoptions-).
222 |
223 | ```js
224 | // Delete the first item returned by the query above
225 | await container.item("1").delete();
226 | ```
227 |
228 | ### Query the database
229 |
230 | A Cosmos DB SQL API database supports querying the items in a container with [Items.query](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/items?view=azure-node-latest#query-string---sqlqueryspec--feedoptions-) using SQL-like syntax:
231 |
232 | ```js
233 | const { resources } = await container.items
234 | .query("SELECT * from c WHERE c.isCapitol = true")
235 | .fetchAll();
236 | for (const city of resources) {
237 | console.log(`${city.name}, ${city.state} is a capitol `);
238 | }
239 | ```
240 |
241 | Perform parameterized queries by passing an object containing the parameters and their values to [Items.query](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/@azure/cosmos/items?view=azure-node-latest#query-string---sqlqueryspec--feedoptions-):
242 |
243 | ```js
244 | const { resources } = await container.items
245 | .query({
246 | query: "SELECT * from c WHERE c.isCapitol = @isCapitol",
247 | parameters: [{ name: "@isCapitol", value: true }]
248 | })
249 | .fetchAll();
250 | for (const city of resources) {
251 | console.log(`${city.name}, ${city.state} is a capitol `);
252 | }
253 | ```
254 |
255 | For more information on querying Cosmos DB databases using the SQL API, see [Query Azure Cosmos DB data with SQL queries][cosmos_sql_queries].
256 |
257 | ### Change Feed Pull Model
258 |
259 | Change feed can be fetched for a partition key, a feed range or an entire container.
260 |
261 | To process the change feed, create an instance of `ChangeFeedPullModelIterator`. When you initially create `ChangeFeedPullModelIterator`, you must specify a required `changeFeedStartFrom` value inside the `ChangeFeedIteratorOptions` which consists of both the starting position for reading changes and the resource(a partition key or a FeedRange) for which changes are to be fetched. You can optionally use `maxItemCount` in `ChangeFeedIteratorOptions` to set the maximum number of items received per page.
262 |
263 | Note: If no `changeFeedStartFrom` value is specified, then changefeed will be fetched for an entire container from Now().
264 |
265 | There are four starting positions for change feed:
266 |
267 | - `Beginning`
268 |
269 | ```js
270 | // Signals the iterator to read changefeed from the beginning of time.
271 | const options = {
272 | changeFeedStartFrom: ChangeFeedStartFrom.Beginning(),
273 | };
274 | const iterator = container.getChangeFeedIterator(options);
275 | ```
276 |
277 | - `Time`
278 |
279 | ```js
280 | // Signals the iterator to read changefeed from a particular point of time.
281 | const time = new Date("2023/09/11"); // some sample date
282 | const options = {
283 | changeFeedStartFrom: ChangeFeedStartFrom.Time(time),
284 | };
285 | ```
286 |
287 | - `Now`
288 |
289 | ```js
290 | // Signals the iterator to read changefeed from this moment onward.
291 | const options = {
292 | changeFeedStartFrom: ChangeFeedStartFrom.Now(),
293 | };
294 | ```
295 |
296 | - `Continuation`
297 |
298 | ```js
299 | // Signals the iterator to read changefeed from a saved point.
300 | const continuationToken = "some continuation token recieved from previous request";
301 | const options = {
302 | changeFeedStartFrom: ChangeFeedStartFrom.Continuation(continuationToken),
303 | };
304 | ```
305 |
306 | Here's an example of fetching change feed for a partition key
307 |
308 | ```js
309 | const partitionKey = "some-partition-Key-value";
310 | const options = {
311 | changeFeedStartFrom: ChangeFeedStartFrom.Beginning(partitionKey),
312 | };
313 |
314 | const iterator = container.items.getChangeFeedIterator(options);
315 |
316 | while (iterator.hasMoreResults) {
317 | const response = await iterator.readNext();
318 | // process this response
319 | }
320 | ```
321 |
322 | Because the change feed is effectively an infinite list of items that encompasses all future writes and updates, the value of `hasMoreResults` is always `true`. When you try to read the change feed and there are no new changes available, you receive a response with `NotModified` status.
323 |
324 | More detailed usage guidelines and examples of change feed can be found [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/nosql/change-feed-pull-model?tabs=javascript).
325 |
326 | ## Error Handling
327 |
328 | The SDK generates various types of errors that can occur during an operation.
329 |
330 | 1. `ErrorResponse` is thrown if the response of an operation returns an error code of >=400.
331 | 2. `TimeoutError` is thrown if Abort is called internally due to timeout.
332 | 3. `AbortError` is thrown if any user passed signal caused the abort.
333 | 4. `RestError` is thrown in case of failure of underlying system call due to network issues.
334 | 5. Errors generated by any devDependencies. For Eg. `@azure/identity` package could throw `CredentialUnavailableError`.
335 |
336 | Following is an example for handling errors of type `ErrorResponse`, `TimeoutError`, `AbortError`, and `RestError`.
337 |
338 | ```js
339 | try {
340 | // some code
341 | } catch (err) {
342 | if (err instanceof ErrorResponse) {
343 | // some specific error handling.
344 | } else if (err instanceof RestError) {
345 | // some specific error handling.
346 | }
347 | // handle other type of errors in similar way.
348 | else {
349 | // for any other error.
350 | }
351 | }
352 | ```
353 |
354 | It's important to properly handle these errors to ensure that your application can gracefully recover from any failures and continue functioning as expected. More details about some of these errors and their possible solutions can be found [here](https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/nosql/conceptual-resilient-sdk-applications#should-my-application-retry-on-errors).
355 |
356 | ## Troubleshooting
357 |
358 | ### General
359 |
360 | When you interact with Cosmos DB errors returned by the service correspond to the same HTTP status codes returned for REST API requests:
361 |
362 | [HTTP Status Codes for Azure Cosmos DB][cosmos_http_status_codes]
363 |
364 | #### Conflicts
365 |
366 | For example, if you try to create an item using an `id` that's already in use in your Cosmos DB database, a `409` error is returned, indicating the conflict. In the following snippet, the error is handled gracefully by catching the exception and displaying additional information about the error.
367 |
368 | ```js
369 | try {
370 | await containers.items.create({ id: "existing-item-id" });
371 | } catch (error) {
372 | if (error.code === 409) {
373 | console.log("There was a conflict with an existing item");
374 | }
375 | }
376 | ```
377 |
378 | ### Transpiling
379 |
380 | The Azure SDKs are designed to support ES5 JavaScript syntax and [LTS versions of Node.js](https://github.com/nodejs/release#release-schedule). If you need support for earlier JavaScript runtimes such as Internet Explorer or Node 6, you will need to transpile the SDK code as part of your build process.
381 |
382 | ### Handle transient errors with retries
383 |
384 | While working with Cosmos DB, you might encounter transient failures caused by [rate limits][cosmos_request_units] enforced by the service, or other transient problems like network outages. For information about handling these types of failures, see [Retry pattern][azure_pattern_retry] in the Cloud Design Patterns guide, and the related [Circuit Breaker pattern][azure_pattern_circuit_breaker].
385 |
386 | ### Logging
387 |
388 | Enabling logging may help uncover useful information about failures. In order to see a log of HTTP requests and responses, set the `AZURE_LOG_LEVEL` environment variable to `info`. Alternatively, logging can be enabled at runtime by calling `setLogLevel` in the `@azure/logger`. While using `AZURE_LOG_LEVEL` make sure to set it before logging library is initialized.
389 | Ideally pass it through command line, if using libraries like `dotenv` make sure such libraries are initialized before logging library.
390 |
391 | ```javascript
392 | const { setLogLevel } = require("@azure/logger");
393 | setLogLevel("info");
394 | ```
395 |
396 | For more detailed instructions on how to enable logs, you can look at the [@azure/logger package docs](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/tree/main/sdk/core/logger).
397 |
398 | ### Diagnostics
399 |
400 | Cosmos Diagnostics feature provides enhanced insights into all your client operations. A CosmosDiagnostics object is added to response of all client operations. such as
401 | - Point look up operation reponse - `item.read()`, `container.create()`, `database.delete()`
402 | - Query operation reponse -`queryIterator.fetchAll()`,
403 | - Bulk and Batch operations -`item.batch()`.
404 | - Error/Exception response objects.
405 |
406 | A CosmosDiagnostics object is added to response of all client operations.
407 | There are 3 Cosmos Diagnostic levels, info, debug and debug-unsafe. Where only info is meant for production systems and debug and debug-unsafe are meant to be used during development and debugging, since they consume significantly higher resources. Cosmos Diagnostic level can be set in 2 ways
408 | - Programatically
409 | ```js
410 | const client = new CosmosClient({ endpoint, key, diagnosticLevel: CosmosDbDiagnosticLevel.debug });
411 | ```
412 | - Using environment variables. (Diagnostic level set by Environment variable has higher priority over setting it through client options.)
413 | ```bash
415 | ```
416 |
417 | Cosmos Diagnostic has three members
418 | - ClientSideRequestStatistics Type: Contains aggregates diagnostic details, including metadata lookups, retries, endpoints contacted, and request and response statistics like payload size and duration. (is always collected, can be used in production systems.)
419 |
420 | - DiagnosticNode: Is a tree-like structure that captures detailed diagnostic information. Similar to `har` recording present in browsers. This feature is disabled by default and is intended for debugging non-production environments only. (collected at diagnostic level debug and debug-unsafe)
421 |
422 | - ClientConfig: Captures essential information related to client's configuration settings during client initialization. (collected at diagnostic level debug and debug-unsafe)
423 |
424 | Please make sure to never set diagnostic level to `debug-unsafe` in production environment, since it this level `CosmosDiagnostics` captures request and response payloads and if you choose to log it (it is by default logged by @azure/logger at `verbose` level). These payloads might get captured in your log sinks.
425 |
426 | #### Consuming Diagnostics
427 |
428 | - Since `diagnostics` is added to all Response objects. You could programatically access `CosmosDiagnostic` as follows.
429 | ```js
430 | // For point look up operations
431 | const { container, diagnostics: containerCreateDiagnostic } =
432 | await database.containers.createIfNotExists({
433 | id: containerId,
434 | partitionKey: {
435 | paths: ["/key1"],
436 | },
437 | });
438 |
439 | // For Batch operations
440 | const operations: OperationInput[] = [
441 | {
442 | operationType: BulkOperationType.Create,
443 | resourceBody: { id: 'A', key: "A", school: "high" },
444 | },
445 | ];
446 | const response = await container.items.batch(operations, "A");
447 |
448 | // For query operations
449 | const queryIterator = container.items.query("select * from c");
450 | const { resources, diagnostics } = await queryIterator.fetchAll();
451 |
452 | // While error handling
453 | try {
454 | // Some operation that might fail
455 | } catch (err) {
456 | const diagnostics = err.diagnostics
457 | }
458 | ```
459 | - You could also log `diagnostics` using `@azure/logger`, diagnostic is always logged using `@azure/logger` at `verbose` level. So if you set Diagnostic level to `debug` or `debug-unsafe` and `@azure/logger` level to `verbose`, `diagnostics` will be logged.
460 | ## Next steps
461 |
462 | ### More sample code
463 |
464 | [Several samples][cosmos_samples] are available to you in the SDK's GitHub repository. These samples provide example code for additional scenarios commonly encountered while working with Cosmos DB:
465 |
466 | - Database Operations
467 | - Container Operations
468 | - Item Operations
469 | - Configuring Indexing
470 | - Reading a container Change Feed
471 | - Stored Procedures
472 | - Changing Database/Container throughput settings
473 | - Multi Region Write Operations
474 |
475 | ### Limitations
476 |
477 | Currently the features below are **not supported**. For alternatives options, check the **Workarounds** section below.
478 |
479 | ### Data Plane Limitations:
480 |
481 | * Queries with COUNT from a DISTINCT subquery
482 | * Direct TCP Mode access
483 | * Aggregate cross-partition queries, like sorting, counting, and distinct, don't support continuation tokens. Streamable queries, like SELECT \* FROM <table> WHERE <condition>, support continuation tokens. See the "Workaround" section for executing non-streamable queries without a continuation token.
484 | * Change Feed: Processor
485 | * Change Feed: Read multiple partitions key values
486 | * Change Feed pull model support for partial hierarchical partition keys [#27059](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/issues/27059)
487 | * Cross-partition ORDER BY for mixed types
488 |
489 | ### Control Plane Limitations:
490 |
491 | * Get CollectionSizeUsage, DatabaseUsage, and DocumentUsage metrics
492 | * Create Geospatial Index
493 | * Update Autoscale throughput
494 |
495 | ## Workarounds
496 |
497 | ### Continuation token for cross partitions queries
498 | You can achieve cross partition queries with continuation token support by using
499 | [Side car pattern](https://github.com/Azure-Samples/Cosmosdb-query-sidecar).
500 | This pattern can also enable applications to be composed of heterogeneous components and technologies.
501 |
502 | ### Executing non-stremable cross-partition query
503 |
504 | To execute non-streamable queries without the use of continuation tokens, you can create a query iterator with the required query specification and options. The following sample code demonstrates how to use a query iterator to fetch all results without the need for a continuation token:
505 |
506 | ```javascript
507 | const querySpec = {
508 | query: "SELECT c.status, COUNT(c.id) AS count FROM c GROUP BY c.status",
509 | };
510 | const queryOptions = {
511 | maxItemCount: 10, // maximum number of items to return per page
512 | enableCrossPartitionQuery: true,
513 | };
514 | const querIterator = await container.items.query(querySpec, queryOptions);
515 | while (querIterator.hasMoreResults()) {
516 | const { resources: result } = await querIterator.fetchNext();
517 | //Do something with result
518 | }
519 | ```
520 |
521 | This approach can also be used for streamable queries.
522 |
523 | ### Control Plane operations
524 | Typically, you can use [Azure Portal](https://portal.azure.com/), [Azure Cosmos DB Resource Provider REST API](https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/cosmos-db-resource-provider), [Azure CLI](https://docs.microsoft.com/cli/azure/azure-cli-reference-for-cosmos-db) or [PowerShell](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/manage-with-powershell) for the control plane unsupported limitations.
525 |
526 |
527 | ### Additional documentation
528 |
529 | For more extensive documentation on the Cosmos DB service, see the [Azure Cosmos DB documentation][cosmos_docs] on docs.microsoft.com.
530 |
531 | ## Useful links
532 |
533 | - [Welcome to Azure Cosmos DB](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/community)
534 | - [Quick start](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/sql-api-nodejs-get-started)
535 | - [Tutorial](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/sql-api-nodejs-application)
536 | - [Samples](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/tree/main/sdk/cosmosdb/cosmos/samples)
537 | - [Introduction to Resource Model of Azure Cosmos DB Service](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/sql-api-resources)
538 | - [Introduction to SQL API of Azure Cosmos DB Service](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/sql-api-sql-query)
539 | - [Partitioning](https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/sql-api-partition-data)
540 | - [API Documentation](https://docs.microsoft.com/javascript/api/%40azure/cosmos/?view=azure-node-latest)
541 |
542 | ## Contributing
543 |
544 | If you'd like to contribute to this library, please read the [contributing guide](https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) to learn more about how to build and test the code.
545 |
546 | 
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 | [azure_cli]: https://docs.microsoft.com/cli/azure
551 | [azure_pattern_circuit_breaker]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/architecture/patterns/circuit-breaker
552 | [azure_pattern_retry]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/architecture/patterns/retry
553 | [azure_portal]: https://portal.azure.com
554 | [azure_sub]: https://azure.microsoft.com/free/
555 | [cloud_shell]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cloud-shell/overview
556 | [cloud_shell_bash]: https://shell.azure.com/bash
557 | [cosmos_account_create]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/how-to-manage-database-account
558 | [cosmos_account]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/account-overview
559 | [cosmos_container]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/databases-containers-items#azure-cosmos-containers
560 | [cosmos_database]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/databases-containers-items#azure-cosmos-databases
561 | [cosmos_docs]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/
562 | [cosmos_http_status_codes]: https://docs.microsoft.com/rest/api/cosmos-db/http-status-codes-for-cosmosdb
563 | [cosmos_item]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/databases-containers-items#azure-cosmos-items
564 | [cosmos_request_units]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/request-units
565 | [cosmos_resources]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/databases-containers-items
566 | [cosmos_samples]: https://github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-js/tree/main/sdk/cosmosdb/cosmos/samples
567 | [cosmos_sql_queries]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/how-to-sql-query
568 | [cosmos_ttl]: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/cosmos-db/time-to-live
569 | [npm]: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@azure/cosmos