10.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved.
2// Licensed under the MIT License.
5 * HTTP request headers.
6 */
7export interface HttpRequestHeaders {
8 [name: string]: string;
12 * HTTP response headers.
13 */
14export interface HttpResponseHeaders {
15 [name: string]: string;
19 * Query string parameter keys and values from the URL.
20 */
21export interface HttpRequestQuery {
22 [name: string]: string;
26 * Route parameter keys and values.
27 */
28export interface HttpRequestParams {
29 [name: string]: string;
33 * Object representing logged-in user, either through
34 * AppService/Functions authentication, or SWA Authentication
35 */
36export interface HttpRequestUser {
37 /**
38 * Type of authentication, either AppService or StaticWebApps
39 */
40 type: HttpRequestUserType;
41 /**
42 * unique user GUID
43 */
44 id: string;
45 /**
46 * unique username
47 */
48 username: string;
49 /**
50 * provider of authentication service
51 */
52 identityProvider: string;
53 /**
54 * Extra authentication information, dependent on auth type
55 * and auth provider
56 */
57 claimsPrincipalData: {
58 [key: string]: any;
59 };
63 * HTTP request object. Provided to your function when using HTTP Bindings.
64 */
65export interface HttpRequest {
66 /**
67 * HTTP request method used to invoke this function.
68 */
69 method: HttpMethod | null;
70 /**
71 * Request URL.
72 */
73 url: string;
74 /**
75 * HTTP request headers.
76 */
77 headers: HttpRequestHeaders;
78 /**
79 * Query string parameter keys and values from the URL.
80 */
81 query: HttpRequestQuery;
82 /**
83 * Route parameter keys and values.
84 */
85 params: HttpRequestParams;
86 /**
87 * Object representing logged-in user, either through
88 * AppService/Functions authentication, or SWA Authentication
89 * null when no such user is logged in.
90 */
91 user: HttpRequestUser | null;
92 /**
93 * The HTTP request body.
94 * If the media type is 'application/octet-stream' or 'multipart/*', this will be a Buffer
95 * If the value is a JSON parse-able string, this will be the parsed object
96 * Otherwise, this will be a string
97 */
98 body?: any;
100 /**
101 * The HTTP request body as a UTF-8 string. In this case, the name "raw" is used because the string will never be parsed to an object even if it is json.
102 * Improvements to the naming are tracked in https://github.com/Azure/azure-functions-nodejs-worker/issues/294
103 */
104 rawBody?: any;
106 /**
107 * The raw Buffer representing the body before any decoding or parsing has been done
108 */
109 bufferBody?: Buffer;
111 /**
112 * Get the value of a particular header field
113 */
114 get(field: string): string | undefined;
116 /**
117 * Parses the body and returns an object representing a form
118 * @throws if the content type is not "multipart/form-data" or "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
119 */
120 parseFormBody(): Form;
123export interface Form extends Iterable<[string, FormPart]> {
124 /**
125 * Returns the value of the first name-value pair whose name is `name`. If there are no such pairs, `null` is returned.
126 */
127 get(name: string): FormPart | null;
129 /**
130 * Returns the values of all name-value pairs whose name is `name`. If there are no such pairs, an empty array is returned.
131 */
132 getAll(name: string): FormPart[];
134 /**
135 * Returns `true` if there is at least one name-value pair whose name is `name`.
136 */
137 has(name: string): boolean;
139 /**
140 * The number of parts in this form
141 */
142 length: number;
145export interface FormPart {
146 /**
147 * The value for this part of the form
148 */
149 value: Buffer;
151 /**
152 * The file name for this part of the form, if specified
153 */
154 fileName?: string;
156 /**
157 * The content type for this part of the form, assumed to be "text/plain" if not specified
158 */
159 contentType?: string;
163 * Possible values for an HTTP request method.
164 */
165export type HttpMethod = 'GET' | 'POST' | 'DELETE' | 'HEAD' | 'PATCH' | 'PUT' | 'OPTIONS' | 'TRACE' | 'CONNECT';
168 * Possible values for an HTTP Request user type
169 */
170export type HttpRequestUserType = 'AppService' | 'StaticWebApps';
173 * Http response object and methods.
174 * This is the default of the res property in the Context object provided to your function when using HTTP triggers.
175 */
176export interface HttpResponseFull {
177 /**
178 * HTTP response headers.
179 */
180 headers?: HttpResponseHeaders;
181 /**
182 * HTTP response cookies.
183 */
184 cookies?: Cookie[];
185 /**
186 * HTTP response body.
187 */
188 body?: any;
189 /**
190 * HTTP response status code.
191 * @default 200
192 */
193 statusCode?: number | string;
194 /**
195 * Enable content negotiation of response body if true
196 * If false, treat response body as raw
197 * @default false
198 */
199 enableContentNegotiation?: boolean;
200 /**
201 * Sets the HTTP response status code
202 * @returns the updated HttpResponseFull instance
203 */
204 status: (statusCode: number | string) => HttpResponseFull;
205 /**
206 * Sets a particular header field to a value
207 * @returns the updated HttpResponseFull instance
208 */
209 setHeader(field: string, val: any): HttpResponseFull;
210 /**
211 * Has the same functionality as setHeader.
212 * Sets a particular header field to a value
213 * @returns the updated HttpResponseFull instance
214 */
215 header(field: string, val: any): HttpResponseFull;
216 /**
217 * Has the same functionality as setHeader.
218 * Sets a particular header field to a value
219 * @returns the updated HttpResponseFull instance
220 */
221 set(field: string, val: any): HttpResponseFull;
222 /**
223 * Get the value of a particular header field
224 */
225 getHeader(field: string): any;
226 /**
227 * Has the same functionality as getHeader
228 * Get the value of a particular header field
229 */
230 get(field: string): any;
231 /**
232 * Removes a particular header field
233 * @returns the updated HttpResponseFull instance
234 */
235 removeHeader(field: string): HttpResponseFull;
236 /**
237 * Set the 'Content-Type' header to a particular value
238 * @returns the updated HttpResponseFull instance
239 */
240 type(type: string): HttpResponseFull;
241 /**
242 * Automatically sets the content-type then calls context.done()
243 * @returns updated HttpResponseFull instance
244 * @deprecated this method calls context.done() which is deprecated, use async/await and pass the response as the return value instead.
245 * See the docs here for more information: https://aka.ms/functions-js-async-await
246 */
247 send(body?: any): HttpResponseFull;
248 /**
249 * Same as send()
250 * Automatically sets the content-type then calls context.done()
251 * @returns updated HttpResponseFull instance
252 * @deprecated this method calls context.done() which is deprecated, use async/await and pass the response as your function's return value instead.
253 * See the docs here for more information: https://aka.ms/functions-js-async-await
254 */
255 end(body?: any): HttpResponseFull;
256 /**
257 * Sets the status code then calls send()
258 * @returns updated HttpResponseFull instance
259 * @deprecated this method calls context.done() which is deprecated, use async/await and pass the response as your function's return value instead.
260 * See the docs here for more information: https://aka.ms/functions-js-async-await
261 */
262 sendStatus(statusCode: string | number): HttpResponseFull;
263 /**
264 * Sets the 'Content-Type' header to 'application/json' then calls send(body)
265 * @deprecated this method calls context.done() which is deprecated, use async/await and pass the response as your function's return value instead.
266 * See the docs here for more information: https://aka.ms/functions-js-async-await
267 */
268 json(body?: any): void;
272 * Http response object.
273 * This is not the default on the Context object, but you may replace context.res with an object of this type when using HTTP triggers.
274 */
275export interface HttpResponseSimple {
276 /**
277 * HTTP response headers.
278 */
279 headers?: HttpResponseHeaders;
280 /**
281 * HTTP response cookies.
282 */
283 cookies?: Cookie[];
284 /**
285 * HTTP response body.
286 */
287 body?: any;
288 /**
289 * HTTP response status code.
290 * This property takes precedence over the `status` property
291 * @default 200
292 */
293 statusCode?: number | string;
294 /**
295 * HTTP response status code
296 * The same as `statusCode`. This property is ignored if `statusCode` is set
297 * @default 200
298 */
299 status?: number | string;
300 /**
301 * Enable content negotiation of response body if true
302 * If false, treat response body as raw
303 * @default false
304 */
305 enableContentNegotiation?: boolean;
309 * Http response type.
310 */
311export type HttpResponse = HttpResponseSimple | HttpResponseFull;
314 * Http response cookie object to "Set-Cookie"
315 */
316export interface Cookie {
317 /** Cookie name */
318 name: string;
319 /** Cookie value */
320 value: string;
321 /** Specifies allowed hosts to receive the cookie */
322 domain?: string;
323 /** Specifies URL path that must exist in the requested URL */
324 path?: string;
325 /**
326 * NOTE: It is generally recommended that you use maxAge over expires.
327 * Sets the cookie to expire at a specific date instead of when the client closes.
328 * This can be a Javascript Date or Unix time in milliseconds.
329 */
330 expires?: Date | number;
331 /** Sets the cookie to only be sent with an encrypted request */
332 secure?: boolean;
333 /** Sets the cookie to be inaccessible to JavaScript's Document.cookie API */
334 httpOnly?: boolean;
335 /** Can restrict the cookie to not be sent with cross-site requests */
336 sameSite?: 'Strict' | 'Lax' | 'None' | undefined;
337 /** Number of seconds until the cookie expires. A zero or negative number will expire the cookie immediately. */
338 maxAge?: number;