1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | import * as coreTypes from '@azure/functions-core';
5 | import {
6 | CoreInvocationContext,
7 | InvocationArguments,
8 | RpcBindingInfo,
9 | RpcInvocationResponse,
10 | RpcLogCategory,
11 | RpcLogLevel,
12 | RpcTypedData,
13 | } from '@azure/functions-core';
14 | import { format } from 'util';
15 | import { returnBindingKey } from './constants';
16 | import { fromRpcBindings } from './converters/fromRpcBindings';
17 | import { fromRpcRetryContext, fromRpcTraceContext } from './converters/fromRpcContext';
18 | import { fromRpcTriggerMetadata } from './converters/fromRpcTriggerMetadata';
19 | import { fromRpcTypedData } from './converters/fromRpcTypedData';
20 | import { toCamelCaseValue } from './converters/toCamelCase';
21 | import { toRpcHttp } from './converters/toRpcHttp';
22 | import { toRpcTypedData } from './converters/toRpcTypedData';
23 | import { InvocationContext } from './InvocationContext';
24 | import { isHttpTrigger, isTimerTrigger, isTrigger } from './utils/isTrigger';
25 | import { isDefined, nonNullProp, nonNullValue } from './utils/nonNull';
26 |
27 | export class InvocationModel implements coreTypes.InvocationModel {
28 | #isDone = false;
29 | #coreCtx: CoreInvocationContext;
30 | #functionName: string;
31 | #bindings: Record<string, RpcBindingInfo>;
32 | #triggerType: string;
33 |
34 | constructor(coreCtx: CoreInvocationContext) {
35 | this.#coreCtx = coreCtx;
36 | this.#functionName = nonNullProp(coreCtx.metadata, 'name');
37 | this.#bindings = nonNullProp(coreCtx.metadata, 'bindings');
38 | const triggerBinding = nonNullValue(
39 | Object.values(this.#bindings).find((b) => isTrigger(b.type)),
40 | 'triggerBinding'
41 | );
42 | this.#triggerType = nonNullProp(triggerBinding, 'type');
43 | }
44 |
45 |
46 | async getArguments(): Promise<InvocationArguments> {
47 | const req = this.#coreCtx.request;
48 |
49 | const context = new InvocationContext({
50 | invocationId: nonNullProp(this.#coreCtx, 'invocationId'),
51 | functionName: this.#functionName,
52 | logHandler: (level: RpcLogLevel, ...args: unknown[]) => this.#userLog(level, ...args),
53 | retryContext: fromRpcRetryContext(req.retryContext),
54 | traceContext: fromRpcTraceContext(req.traceContext),
55 | triggerMetadata: fromRpcTriggerMetadata(req.triggerMetadata, this.#triggerType),
56 | options: fromRpcBindings(this.#bindings),
57 | });
58 |
59 | const inputs: unknown[] = [];
60 | if (req.inputData) {
61 | for (const binding of req.inputData) {
62 | const bindingName = nonNullProp(binding, 'name');
63 | let input: unknown = fromRpcTypedData(binding.data);
64 |
65 | const bindingType = this.#bindings[bindingName].type;
66 | if (isTimerTrigger(bindingType)) {
67 | input = toCamelCaseValue(input);
68 | }
69 |
70 | if (isTrigger(bindingType)) {
71 | inputs.push(input);
72 | } else {
73 | context.extraInputs.set(bindingName, input);
74 | }
75 | }
76 | }
77 |
78 | return { context, inputs };
79 | }
80 |
81 | async invokeFunction(
82 | context: InvocationContext,
83 | inputs: unknown[],
84 | handler: coreTypes.FunctionCallback
85 | ): Promise<unknown> {
86 | try {
87 | return await Promise.resolve(handler(...inputs, context));
88 | } finally {
89 | this.#isDone = true;
90 | }
91 | }
92 |
93 | async getResponse(context: InvocationContext, result: unknown): Promise<RpcInvocationResponse> {
94 | const response: RpcInvocationResponse = { invocationId: this.#coreCtx.invocationId };
95 |
96 | response.outputData = [];
97 | let usedReturnValue = false;
98 | for (const [name, binding] of Object.entries(this.#bindings)) {
99 | if (binding.direction === 'out') {
100 | if (name === returnBindingKey) {
101 | response.returnValue = await this.#convertOutput(binding, result);
102 | usedReturnValue = true;
103 | } else {
104 | const outputValue = await this.#convertOutput(binding, context.extraOutputs.get(name));
105 | if (isDefined(outputValue)) {
106 | response.outputData.push({ name, data: outputValue });
107 | }
108 | }
109 | }
110 | }
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 | if (!usedReturnValue && !isHttpTrigger(this.#triggerType)) {
117 | response.returnValue = toRpcTypedData(result);
118 | }
119 |
120 | return response;
121 | }
122 |
123 | async #convertOutput(binding: RpcBindingInfo, value: unknown): Promise<RpcTypedData | null | undefined> {
124 | if (binding.type?.toLowerCase() === 'http') {
125 | return toRpcHttp(value);
126 | } else {
127 | return toRpcTypedData(value);
128 | }
129 | }
130 |
131 | #log(level: RpcLogLevel, logCategory: RpcLogCategory, ...args: unknown[]): void {
132 | this.#coreCtx.log(level, logCategory, format(...args));
133 | }
134 |
135 | #systemLog(level: RpcLogLevel, ...args: unknown[]) {
136 | this.#log(level, 'system', ...args);
137 | }
138 |
139 | #userLog(level: RpcLogLevel, ...args: unknown[]): void {
140 | if (this.#isDone && this.#coreCtx.state !== 'postInvocationHooks') {
141 | let badAsyncMsg =
142 | "Warning: Unexpected call to 'log' on the context object after function execution has completed. Please check for asynchronous calls that are not awaited. ";
143 | badAsyncMsg += `Function name: ${this.#functionName}. Invocation Id: ${this.#coreCtx.invocationId}.`;
144 | this.#systemLog('warning', badAsyncMsg);
145 | }
146 | this.#log(level, 'user', ...args);
147 | }
148 | }