1 |
2 |
3 |
4 | import {
5 | CosmosDBFunctionOptions,
6 | EventGridFunctionOptions,
7 | EventHubFunctionOptions,
8 | ExponentialBackoffRetryOptions,
9 | FixedDelayRetryOptions,
10 | FunctionOptions,
11 | FunctionTrigger,
12 | GenericFunctionOptions,
13 | HttpFunctionOptions,
14 | HttpHandler,
15 | HttpMethod,
16 | HttpMethodFunctionOptions,
17 | ServiceBusQueueFunctionOptions,
18 | ServiceBusTopicFunctionOptions,
19 | StorageBlobFunctionOptions,
20 | StorageQueueFunctionOptions,
21 | TimerFunctionOptions,
22 | WarmupFunctionOptions,
23 | } from '@azure/functions';
24 | import * as coreTypes from '@azure/functions-core';
25 | import { CoreInvocationContext, FunctionCallback } from '@azure/functions-core';
26 | import { returnBindingKey, version } from './constants';
27 | import { toRpcDuration } from './converters/toRpcDuration';
28 | import { InvocationModel } from './InvocationModel';
29 | import * as output from './output';
30 | import * as trigger from './trigger';
31 | import { isTrigger } from './utils/isTrigger';
32 | import { tryGetCoreApiLazy } from './utils/tryGetCoreApiLazy';
33 |
34 | export * as hook from './hooks/registerHook';
35 |
36 | class ProgrammingModel implements coreTypes.ProgrammingModel {
37 | name = '@azure/functions';
38 | version = version;
39 | getInvocationModel(coreCtx: CoreInvocationContext): InvocationModel {
40 | return new InvocationModel(coreCtx);
41 | }
42 | }
43 |
44 | let hasSetup = false;
45 | function setup() {
46 | const coreApi = tryGetCoreApiLazy();
47 | if (!coreApi) {
48 | console.warn(
49 | 'WARNING: Failed to detect the Azure Functions runtime. Switching "@azure/functions" package to test mode - not all features are supported.'
50 | );
51 | } else {
52 | coreApi.setProgrammingModel(new ProgrammingModel());
53 | }
54 | hasSetup = true;
55 | }
56 |
57 | function convertToHttpOptions(
58 | optionsOrHandler: HttpFunctionOptions | HttpHandler,
59 | method: HttpMethod
60 | ): HttpFunctionOptions {
61 | const options: HttpFunctionOptions =
62 | typeof optionsOrHandler === 'function' ? { handler: optionsOrHandler } : optionsOrHandler;
63 | options.methods = [method];
64 | return options;
65 | }
66 |
67 | function convertToGenericOptions<T extends Omit<FunctionOptions, 'trigger'> & Partial<FunctionOptions>>(
68 | options: T,
69 | triggerMethod: (o: Omit<T, 'handler' | 'return' | 'trigger' | 'extraInputs' | 'extraOutputs'>) => FunctionTrigger
70 | ): FunctionOptions {
71 | const { handler, return: ret, trigger, extraInputs, extraOutputs, ...triggerOptions } = options;
72 | return {
73 | trigger: trigger ?? triggerMethod(triggerOptions),
74 | return: ret,
75 | extraInputs,
76 | extraOutputs,
77 | handler,
78 | };
79 | }
80 |
81 | export function get(name: string, optionsOrHandler: HttpMethodFunctionOptions | HttpHandler): void {
82 | http(name, convertToHttpOptions(optionsOrHandler, 'GET'));
83 | }
84 |
85 | export function put(name: string, optionsOrHandler: HttpMethodFunctionOptions | HttpHandler): void {
86 | http(name, convertToHttpOptions(optionsOrHandler, 'PUT'));
87 | }
88 |
89 | export function post(name: string, optionsOrHandler: HttpMethodFunctionOptions | HttpHandler): void {
90 | http(name, convertToHttpOptions(optionsOrHandler, 'POST'));
91 | }
92 |
93 | export function patch(name: string, optionsOrHandler: HttpMethodFunctionOptions | HttpHandler): void {
94 | http(name, convertToHttpOptions(optionsOrHandler, 'PATCH'));
95 | }
96 |
97 | export function deleteRequest(name: string, optionsOrHandler: HttpMethodFunctionOptions | HttpHandler): void {
98 | http(name, convertToHttpOptions(optionsOrHandler, 'DELETE'));
99 | }
100 |
101 | export function http(name: string, options: HttpFunctionOptions): void {
102 | options.return ||= output.http({});
103 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.http));
104 | }
105 |
106 | export function timer(name: string, options: TimerFunctionOptions): void {
107 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.timer));
108 | }
109 |
110 | export function storageBlob(name: string, options: StorageBlobFunctionOptions): void {
111 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.storageBlob));
112 | }
113 |
114 | export function storageQueue(name: string, options: StorageQueueFunctionOptions): void {
115 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.storageQueue));
116 | }
117 |
118 | export function serviceBusQueue(name: string, options: ServiceBusQueueFunctionOptions): void {
119 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.serviceBusQueue));
120 | }
121 |
122 | export function serviceBusTopic(name: string, options: ServiceBusTopicFunctionOptions): void {
123 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.serviceBusTopic));
124 | }
125 |
126 | export function eventHub(name: string, options: EventHubFunctionOptions): void {
127 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.eventHub));
128 | }
129 |
130 | export function eventGrid(name: string, options: EventGridFunctionOptions): void {
131 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.eventGrid));
132 | }
133 |
134 | export function cosmosDB(name: string, options: CosmosDBFunctionOptions): void {
135 |
136 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, <any>trigger.cosmosDB));
137 | }
138 |
139 | export function warmup(name: string, options: WarmupFunctionOptions): void {
140 | generic(name, convertToGenericOptions(options, trigger.warmup));
141 | }
142 |
143 | export function generic(name: string, options: GenericFunctionOptions): void {
144 | if (!hasSetup) {
145 | setup();
146 | }
147 |
148 | const bindings: Record<string, coreTypes.RpcBindingInfo> = {};
149 |
150 | const trigger = options.trigger;
151 | bindings[trigger.name] = {
152 | ...trigger,
153 | direction: 'in',
154 | type: isTrigger(trigger.type) ? trigger.type : trigger.type + 'Trigger',
155 | };
156 |
157 | if (options.extraInputs) {
158 | for (const input of options.extraInputs) {
159 | bindings[input.name] = {
160 | ...input,
161 | direction: 'in',
162 | };
163 | }
164 | }
165 |
166 | if (options.return) {
167 | bindings[returnBindingKey] = {
168 | ...options.return,
169 | direction: 'out',
170 | };
171 | }
172 |
173 | if (options.extraOutputs) {
174 | for (const output of options.extraOutputs) {
175 | bindings[output.name] = {
176 | ...output,
177 | direction: 'out',
178 | };
179 | }
180 | }
181 |
182 | let retryOptions: coreTypes.RpcRetryOptions | undefined;
183 | if (options.retry) {
184 | retryOptions = {
185 | ...options.retry,
186 | retryStrategy: options.retry.strategy,
187 | delayInterval: toRpcDuration((<FixedDelayRetryOptions>options.retry).delayInterval, 'retry.delayInterval'),
188 | maximumInterval: toRpcDuration(
189 | (<ExponentialBackoffRetryOptions>options.retry).maximumInterval,
190 | 'retry.maximumInterval'
191 | ),
192 | minimumInterval: toRpcDuration(
193 | (<ExponentialBackoffRetryOptions>options.retry).minimumInterval,
194 | 'retry.minimumInterval'
195 | ),
196 | };
197 | }
198 |
199 | const coreApi = tryGetCoreApiLazy();
200 | if (!coreApi) {
201 | console.warn(
202 | `WARNING: Skipping call to register function "${name}" because the "@azure/functions" package is in test mode.`
203 | );
204 | } else {
205 | coreApi.registerFunction({ name, bindings, retryOptions }, <FunctionCallback>options.handler);
206 | }
207 | }