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4 | import { AzFuncSystemError } from '../errors';
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10 | export function nonNullProp<TSource, TKey extends keyof TSource>(
11 | source: TSource,
12 | name: TKey
13 | ): NonNullable<TSource[TKey]> {
14 | const value: NonNullable<TSource[TKey]> = <NonNullable<TSource[TKey]>>source[name];
15 | return nonNullValue(value, <string>name);
16 | }
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21 | export function nonNullValue<T>(value: T | undefined | null, propertyNameOrMessage?: string): T {
22 | if (value === null || value === undefined) {
23 | throw new AzFuncSystemError(
24 | 'Internal error: Expected value to be neither null nor undefined' +
25 | (propertyNameOrMessage ? `: ${propertyNameOrMessage}` : '')
26 | );
27 | }
28 |
29 | return value;
30 | }
31 |
32 | export function copyPropIfDefined<TData, TKey extends keyof TData>(source: TData, destination: TData, key: TKey): void {
33 | if (source[key] !== null && source[key] !== undefined) {
34 | destination[key] = source[key];
35 | }
36 | }
37 |
38 | export function isDefined<T>(data: T | undefined | null): data is T {
39 | return data !== null && data !== undefined;
40 | }