1 | import type { AuthenticationRecord, MsalAccountInfo, MsalToken, ValidMsalToken } from "./types.js";
2 | import type { CredentialLogger } from "../util/logging.js";
3 | import type { AzureLogLevel } from "@azure/logger";
4 | import type { GetTokenOptions } from "@azure/core-auth";
5 | import { msalCommon } from "./msal.js";
6 | export interface ILoggerCallback {
7 | (level: msalCommon.LogLevel, message: string, containsPii: boolean): void;
8 | }
9 | /**
10 | * Ensures the validity of the MSAL token
11 | * @internal
12 | */
13 | export declare function ensureValidMsalToken(scopes: string | string[], msalToken?: MsalToken | null, getTokenOptions?: GetTokenOptions): asserts msalToken is ValidMsalToken;
14 | /**
15 | * Returns the authority host from either the options bag or the AZURE_AUTHORITY_HOST environment variable.
16 | *
17 | * Defaults to {@link DefaultAuthorityHost}.
18 | * @internal
19 | */
20 | export declare function getAuthorityHost(options?: {
21 | authorityHost?: string;
22 | }): string;
23 | /**
24 | * Generates a valid authority by combining a host with a tenantId.
25 | * @internal
26 | */
27 | export declare function getAuthority(tenantId: string, host?: string): string;
28 | /**
29 | * Generates the known authorities.
30 | * If the Tenant Id is `adfs`, the authority can't be validated since the format won't match the expected one.
31 | * For that reason, we have to force MSAL to disable validating the authority
32 | * by sending it within the known authorities in the MSAL configuration.
33 | * @internal
34 | */
35 | export declare function getKnownAuthorities(tenantId: string, authorityHost: string, disableInstanceDiscovery?: boolean): string[];
36 | /**
37 | * Generates a logger that can be passed to the MSAL clients.
38 | * @param credLogger - The logger of the credential.
39 | * @internal
40 | */
41 | export declare const defaultLoggerCallback: (logger: CredentialLogger, platform?: "Node" | "Browser") => ILoggerCallback;
42 | /**
43 | * @internal
44 | */
45 | export declare function getMSALLogLevel(logLevel: AzureLogLevel | undefined): msalCommon.LogLevel;
46 | /**
47 | * Wraps core-util's randomUUID in order to allow for mocking in tests.
48 | * This prepares the library for the upcoming core-util update to ESM.
49 | *
50 | * @internal
51 | * @returns A string containing a random UUID
52 | */
53 | export declare function randomUUID(): string;
54 | /**
55 | * Handles MSAL errors.
56 | */
57 | export declare function handleMsalError(scopes: string[], error: Error, getTokenOptions?: GetTokenOptions): Error;
58 | export declare function publicToMsal(account: AuthenticationRecord): msalCommon.AccountInfo;
59 | export declare function msalToPublic(clientId: string, account: MsalAccountInfo): AuthenticationRecord;
60 | /**
61 | * Serializes an `AuthenticationRecord` into a string.
62 | *
63 | * The output of a serialized authentication record will contain the following properties:
64 | *
65 | * - "authority"
66 | * - "homeAccountId"
67 | * - "clientId"
68 | * - "tenantId"
69 | * - "username"
70 | * - "version"
71 | *
72 | * To later convert this string to a serialized `AuthenticationRecord`, please use the exported function `deserializeAuthenticationRecord()`.
73 | */
74 | export declare function serializeAuthenticationRecord(record: AuthenticationRecord): string;
75 | /**
76 | * Deserializes a previously serialized authentication record from a string into an object.
77 | *
78 | * The input string must contain the following properties:
79 | *
80 | * - "authority"
81 | * - "homeAccountId"
82 | * - "clientId"
83 | * - "tenantId"
84 | * - "username"
85 | * - "version"
86 | *
87 | * If the version we receive is unsupported, an error will be thrown.
88 | *
89 | * At the moment, the only available version is: "1.0", which is always set when the authentication record is serialized.
90 | *
91 | * @param serializedRecord - Authentication record previously serialized into string.
92 | * @returns AuthenticationRecord.
93 | */
94 | export declare function deserializeAuthenticationRecord(serializedRecord: string): AuthenticationRecord;
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