3.9 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import { HttpOperationResponse, RequestOptionsBase, RestError, WebResource } from "@azure/ms-rest-js";
2import { AzureServiceClient } from "./azureServiceClient";
3import { LongRunningOperationStates } from "./util/constants";
4export declare type LROPollStrategyType = "AzureAsyncOperation" | "Location" | "GetResource";
5export interface LROPollState {
6 pollStrategyType: LROPollStrategyType;
7 initialResponse: HttpOperationResponse;
8 state: LongRunningOperationStates;
9 mostRecentRequest: WebResource;
10 mostRecentResponse: HttpOperationResponse;
11 resource: any;
12 azureAsyncOperationHeaderValue?: string;
13 locationHeaderValue?: string;
14 options?: RequestOptionsBase;
17 * A long-running operation polling strategy base class that other polling strategies should extend.
18 */
19export declare abstract class LROPollStrategy {
20 private readonly _azureServiceClient;
21 protected readonly _pollState: LROPollState;
22 constructor(_azureServiceClient: AzureServiceClient, _pollState: LROPollState);
23 getOperationStatus(): LongRunningOperationStates;
24 /**
25 * Get whether or not this poll strategy's LRO is finished.
26 * @returns Whether or not this poll strategy's LRO is finished.
27 */
28 isFinished(): boolean;
29 /**
30 * Send poll requests that check the LRO's status until it is determined that the LRO is finished.
31 * @returns Whether or not the LRO succeeded.
32 */
33 pollUntilFinished(): Promise<boolean>;
34 /**
35 * Send a single poll request that checks the LRO's status and return the response. If the LRO is
36 * finished, then no request will be sent and the last response received will be returned.
37 */
38 abstract sendPollRequest(): Promise<void>;
39 abstract isFinalStatusAcceptable(): boolean;
40 protected shouldDoFinalGetResourceRequest(): boolean;
41 protected abstract doFinalGetResourceRequest(): Promise<void>;
42 getMostRecentResponse(): HttpOperationResponse;
43 getOperationResponse(): Promise<HttpOperationResponse>;
44 getRestError(): RestError;
45 protected updateState(url: string, shouldDeserialize: boolean | ((response: HttpOperationResponse) => boolean)): Promise<void>;
46 /**
47 * Retrieves operation status by querying the operation URL.
48 * @param {string} statusUrl URL used to poll operation result.
49 */
50 protected updateOperationStatus(statusUrl: string, shouldDeserialize: boolean | ((response: HttpOperationResponse) => boolean)): Promise<HttpOperationResponse>;
51 getPollState(): LROPollState;
53export declare function getDelayInSeconds(azureServiceClient: AzureServiceClient, previousResponse: HttpOperationResponse): number;
55 * Get whether or not a long-running operation with the provided status is finished.
56 * @param status The current status of a long-running operation.
57 * @returns Whether or not a long-running operation with the provided status is finished.
58 */
59export declare function isFinished(status: LongRunningOperationStates): boolean;
60export declare function longRunningOperationStatesEqual(lhs: LongRunningOperationStates, rhs: LongRunningOperationStates): boolean;
62 * Create a new long-running operation polling strategy based on the provided initial response.
63 * @param initialResponse The initial response to the long-running operation's initial request.
64 * @param azureServiceClient The AzureServiceClient that was used to send the initial request.
65 * @param options Any options that were provided to the initial request.
66 */
67export declare function createLROPollStrategyFromInitialResponse(initialResponse: HttpOperationResponse, azureServiceClient: AzureServiceClient, options?: RequestOptionsBase): LROPollStrategy | undefined;
68export declare function createLROPollStrategyFromPollState(azureServiceClient: AzureServiceClient, lroPollState: LROPollState): LROPollStrategy | undefined;
69//# sourceMappingURL=lroPollStrategy.d.ts.map
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