13.7 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1/// <reference types="node" />
2import { HttpHeadersLike } from "./httpHeaders";
3import { OperationSpec } from "./operationSpec";
4import { Mapper } from "./serializer";
5import { HttpOperationResponse } from "./httpOperationResponse";
6import { OperationResponse } from "./operationResponse";
7import { AgentSettings, ProxySettings } from "./serviceClient";
8export declare type HttpMethods = "GET" | "PUT" | "POST" | "DELETE" | "PATCH" | "HEAD" | "OPTIONS" | "TRACE";
9export declare type HttpRequestBody = Blob | string | ArrayBuffer | ArrayBufferView | (() => NodeJS.ReadableStream);
11 * Fired in response to upload or download progress.
12 */
13export declare type TransferProgressEvent = {
14 /**
15 * The number of bytes loaded so far.
16 */
17 loadedBytes: number;
20 * Allows the request to be aborted upon firing of the "abort" event.
21 * Compatible with the browser built-in AbortSignal and common polyfills.
22 */
23export interface AbortSignalLike {
24 readonly aborted: boolean;
25 dispatchEvent: (event: Event) => boolean;
26 onabort: ((this: AbortSignalLike, ev: Event) => any) | null;
27 addEventListener: (type: "abort", listener: (this: AbortSignalLike, ev: Event) => any, options?: any) => void;
28 removeEventListener: (type: "abort", listener: (this: AbortSignalLike, ev: Event) => any, options?: any) => void;
31 * An abstraction over a REST call.
32 */
33export interface WebResourceLike {
34 /**
35 * The URL being accessed by the request.
36 */
37 url: string;
38 /**
39 * The HTTP method to use when making the request.
40 */
41 method: HttpMethods;
42 /**
43 * The HTTP body contents of the request.
44 */
45 body?: any;
46 /**
47 * The HTTP headers to use when making the request.
48 */
49 headers: HttpHeadersLike;
50 /**
51 * Whether or not the body of the HttpOperationResponse should be treated as a stream.
52 */
53 streamResponseBody?: boolean;
54 /**
55 * Whether or not the HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized. If this is undefined, then the
56 * HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized.
57 */
58 shouldDeserialize?: boolean | ((response: HttpOperationResponse) => boolean);
59 /**
60 * A function that returns the proper OperationResponse for the given OperationSpec and
61 * HttpOperationResponse combination. If this is undefined, then a simple status code lookup will
62 * be used.
63 */
64 operationResponseGetter?: (operationSpec: OperationSpec, response: HttpOperationResponse) => undefined | OperationResponse;
65 formData?: any;
66 /**
67 * A query string represented as an object.
68 */
69 query?: {
70 [key: string]: any;
71 };
72 /**
73 * Used to parse the response.
74 */
75 operationSpec?: OperationSpec;
76 /**
77 * If credentials (cookies) should be sent along during an XHR.
78 */
79 withCredentials: boolean;
80 /**
81 * The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.
82 * If the request is terminated, an `AbortError` is thrown.
83 */
84 timeout: number;
85 /**
86 * Proxy configuration.
87 */
88 proxySettings?: ProxySettings;
89 /**
90 * HTTP(S) agent configuration.
91 */
92 agentSettings?: AgentSettings;
93 /**
94 * If the connection should be reused.
95 */
96 keepAlive?: boolean;
97 /**
98 * Limit the number of redirects followed for this request. If set to 0, redirects will not be followed.
99 * If left undefined the default redirect behaviour of the underlying node_fetch will apply.
100 */
101 redirectLimit?: number;
102 /**
103 * Used to abort the request later.
104 */
105 abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;
106 /**
107 * Callback which fires upon upload progress.
108 */
109 onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
110 /** Callback which fires upon download progress. */
111 onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
112 /**
113 * Validates that the required properties such as method, url, headers["Content-Type"],
114 * headers["accept-language"] are defined. It will throw an error if one of the above
115 * mentioned properties are not defined.
116 */
117 validateRequestProperties(): void;
118 /**
119 * Sets options on the request.
120 */
121 prepare(options: RequestPrepareOptions): WebResourceLike;
122 /**
123 * Clone this request object.
124 */
125 clone(): WebResourceLike;
127export declare function isWebResourceLike(object: any): object is WebResourceLike;
129 * Creates a new WebResource object.
130 *
131 * This class provides an abstraction over a REST call by being library / implementation agnostic and wrapping the necessary
132 * properties to initiate a request.
133 *
134 * @constructor
135 */
136export declare class WebResource {
137 url: string;
138 method: HttpMethods;
139 body?: any;
140 headers: HttpHeadersLike;
141 /**
142 * Whether or not the body of the HttpOperationResponse should be treated as a stream.
143 */
144 streamResponseBody?: boolean;
145 /**
146 * Whether or not the HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized. If this is undefined, then the
147 * HttpOperationResponse should be deserialized.
148 */
149 shouldDeserialize?: boolean | ((response: HttpOperationResponse) => boolean);
150 /**
151 * A function that returns the proper OperationResponse for the given OperationSpec and
152 * HttpOperationResponse combination. If this is undefined, then a simple status code lookup will
153 * be used.
154 */
155 operationResponseGetter?: (operationSpec: OperationSpec, response: HttpOperationResponse) => undefined | OperationResponse;
156 formData?: any;
157 query?: {
158 [key: string]: any;
159 };
160 operationSpec?: OperationSpec;
161 withCredentials: boolean;
162 timeout: number;
163 proxySettings?: ProxySettings;
164 keepAlive?: boolean;
165 agentSettings?: AgentSettings;
166 redirectLimit?: number;
167 abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;
168 /** Callback which fires upon upload progress. */
169 onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
170 /** Callback which fires upon download progress. */
171 onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
172 constructor(url?: string, method?: HttpMethods, body?: any, query?: {
173 [key: string]: any;
174 }, headers?: {
175 [key: string]: any;
176 } | HttpHeadersLike, streamResponseBody?: boolean, withCredentials?: boolean, abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike, timeout?: number, onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void, onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void, proxySettings?: ProxySettings, keepAlive?: boolean, agentSettings?: AgentSettings, redirectLimit?: number);
177 /**
178 * Validates that the required properties such as method, url, headers["Content-Type"],
179 * headers["accept-language"] are defined. It will throw an error if one of the above
180 * mentioned properties are not defined.
181 */
182 validateRequestProperties(): void;
183 /**
184 * Prepares the request.
185 * @param {RequestPrepareOptions} options Options to provide for preparing the request.
186 * @returns {WebResource} Returns the prepared WebResource (HTTP Request) object that needs to be given to the request pipeline.
187 */
188 prepare(options: RequestPrepareOptions): WebResource;
189 /**
190 * Clone this WebResource HTTP request object.
191 * @returns {WebResource} The clone of this WebResource HTTP request object.
192 */
193 clone(): WebResource;
195export interface RequestPrepareOptions {
196 /**
197 * The HTTP request method. Valid values are "GET", "PUT", "HEAD", "DELETE", "OPTIONS", "POST",
198 * or "PATCH".
199 */
200 method: HttpMethods;
201 /**
202 * The request url. It may or may not have query parameters in it. Either provide the "url" or
203 * provide the "pathTemplate" in the options object. Both the options are mutually exclusive.
204 */
205 url?: string;
206 /**
207 * A dictionary of query parameters to be appended to the url, where
208 * the "key" is the "query-parameter-name" and the "value" is the "query-parameter-value".
209 * The "query-parameter-value" can be of type "string" or it can be of type "object".
210 * The "object" format should be used when you want to skip url encoding. While using the object format,
211 * the object must have a property named value which provides the "query-parameter-value".
212 * Example:
213 * - query-parameter-value in "object" format: { "query-parameter-name": { value: "query-parameter-value", skipUrlEncoding: true } }
214 * - query-parameter-value in "string" format: { "query-parameter-name": "query-parameter-value"}.
215 * Note: "If options.url already has some query parameters, then the value provided in options.queryParameters will be appended to the url.
216 */
217 queryParameters?: {
218 [key: string]: any | ParameterValue;
219 };
220 /**
221 * The path template of the request url. Either provide the "url" or provide the "pathTemplate" in
222 * the options object. Both the options are mutually exclusive.
223 * Example: "/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/{accountName}"
224 */
225 pathTemplate?: string;
226 /**
227 * The base url of the request. Default value is: "https://management.azure.com". This is
228 * applicable only with pathTemplate. If you are providing options.url then it is expected that
229 * you provide the complete url.
230 */
231 baseUrl?: string;
232 /**
233 * A dictionary of path parameters that need to be replaced with actual values in the pathTemplate.
234 * Here the key is the "path-parameter-name" and the value is the "path-parameter-value".
235 * The "path-parameter-value" can be of type "string" or it can be of type "object".
236 * The "object" format should be used when you want to skip url encoding. While using the object format,
237 * the object must have a property named value which provides the "path-parameter-value".
238 * Example:
239 * - path-parameter-value in "object" format: { "path-parameter-name": { value: "path-parameter-value", skipUrlEncoding: true } }
240 * - path-parameter-value in "string" format: { "path-parameter-name": "path-parameter-value" }.
241 */
242 pathParameters?: {
243 [key: string]: any | ParameterValue;
244 };
245 formData?: {
246 [key: string]: any;
247 };
248 /**
249 * A dictionary of request headers that need to be applied to the request.
250 * Here the key is the "header-name" and the value is the "header-value". The header-value MUST be of type string.
251 * - ContentType must be provided with the key name as "Content-Type". Default value "application/json; charset=utf-8".
252 * - "Transfer-Encoding" is set to "chunked" by default if "options.bodyIsStream" is set to true.
253 * - "Content-Type" is set to "application/octet-stream" by default if "options.bodyIsStream" is set to true.
254 * - "accept-language" by default is set to "en-US"
255 * - "x-ms-client-request-id" by default is set to a new Guid. To not generate a guid for the request, please set options.disableClientRequestId to true
256 */
257 headers?: {
258 [key: string]: any;
259 };
260 /**
261 * When set to true, instructs the client to not set "x-ms-client-request-id" header to a new Guid().
262 */
263 disableClientRequestId?: boolean;
264 /**
265 * The request body. It can be of any type. This value will be serialized if it is not a stream.
266 */
267 body?: any;
268 /**
269 * Provides information on how to serialize the request body.
270 */
271 serializationMapper?: Mapper;
272 /**
273 * A dictionary of mappers that may be used while [de]serialization.
274 */
275 mappers?: {
276 [x: string]: any;
277 };
278 /**
279 * Provides information on how to deserialize the response body.
280 */
281 deserializationMapper?: object;
282 /**
283 * Indicates whether this method should JSON.stringify() the request body. Default value: false.
284 */
285 disableJsonStringifyOnBody?: boolean;
286 /**
287 * Indicates whether the request body is a stream (useful for file upload scenarios).
288 */
289 bodyIsStream?: boolean;
290 abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;
291 /**
292 * Limit the number of redirects followed for this request. If set to 0, redirects will not be followed.
293 * If left undefined the default redirect behaviour of the underlying node_fetch will apply.
294 */
295 redirectLimit?: number;
296 onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
297 onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
298 streamResponseBody?: boolean;
301 * The Parameter value provided for path or query parameters in RequestPrepareOptions
302 */
303export interface ParameterValue {
304 value: any;
305 skipUrlEncoding: boolean;
306 [key: string]: any;
309 * Describes the base structure of the options object that will be used in every operation.
310 */
311export interface RequestOptionsBase {
312 /**
313 * @property {object} [customHeaders] User defined custom request headers that
314 * will be applied before the request is sent.
315 */
316 customHeaders?: {
317 [key: string]: string;
318 };
319 /**
320 * The signal which can be used to abort requests.
321 */
322 abortSignal?: AbortSignalLike;
323 /**
324 * The number of milliseconds a request can take before automatically being terminated.
325 */
326 timeout?: number;
327 /**
328 * Callback which fires upon upload progress.
329 */
330 onUploadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
331 /**
332 * Callback which fires upon download progress.
333 */
334 onDownloadProgress?: (progress: TransferProgressEvent) => void;
335 [key: string]: any;
337//# sourceMappingURL=webResource.d.ts.map
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