3.29 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1// Type definitions for @babel/parser
2// Project: https://github.com/babel/babel/tree/master/packages/babel-parser
3// Definitions by: Troy Gerwien <https://github.com/yortus>
4// Marvin Hagemeister <https://github.com/marvinhagemeister>
5// Avi Vahl <https://github.com/AviVahl>
6// TypeScript Version: 2.9
9 * Parse the provided code as an entire ECMAScript program.
10 */
11export function parse(input: string, options?: ParserOptions): import('@babel/types').File;
14 * Parse the provided code as a single expression.
15 */
16export function parseExpression(input: string, options?: ParserOptions): import('@babel/types').Expression;
18export interface ParserOptions {
19 /**
20 * By default, import and export declarations can only appear at a program's top level.
21 * Setting this option to true allows them anywhere where a statement is allowed.
22 */
23 allowImportExportEverywhere?: boolean;
25 /**
26 * By default, await use is not allowed outside of an async function.
27 * Set this to true to accept such code.
28 */
29 allowAwaitOutsideFunction?: boolean;
31 /**
32 * By default, a return statement at the top level raises an error.
33 * Set this to true to accept such code.
34 */
35 allowReturnOutsideFunction?: boolean;
37 allowSuperOutsideMethod?: boolean;
39 /**
40 * Indicate the mode the code should be parsed in.
41 * Can be one of "script", "module", or "unambiguous". Defaults to "script".
42 * "unambiguous" will make @babel/parser attempt to guess, based on the presence
43 * of ES6 import or export statements.
44 * Files with ES6 imports and exports are considered "module" and are otherwise "script".
45 */
46 sourceType?: 'script' | 'module' | 'unambiguous';
48 /**
49 * Correlate output AST nodes with their source filename.
50 * Useful when generating code and source maps from the ASTs of multiple input files.
51 */
52 sourceFilename?: string;
54 /**
55 * By default, the first line of code parsed is treated as line 1.
56 * You can provide a line number to alternatively start with.
57 * Useful for integration with other source tools.
58 */
59 startLine?: number;
61 /**
62 * Array containing the plugins that you want to enable.
63 */
64 plugins?: ParserPlugin[];
66 /**
67 * Should the parser work in strict mode.
68 * Defaults to true if sourceType === 'module'. Otherwise, false.
69 */
70 strictMode?: boolean;
72 /**
73 * Adds a ranges property to each node: [node.start, node.end]
74 */
75 ranges?: boolean;
77 /**
78 * Adds all parsed tokens to a tokens property on the File node.
79 */
80 tokens?: boolean;
83export type ParserPlugin =
84 'estree' |
85 'jsx' |
86 'flow' |
87 'flowComments' |
88 'typescript' |
89 'doExpressions' |
90 'objectRestSpread' |
91 'decorators' |
92 'decorators-legacy' |
93 'classProperties' |
94 'classPrivateProperties' |
95 'classPrivateMethods' |
96 'exportDefaultFrom' |
97 'exportNamespaceFrom' |
98 'asyncGenerators' |
99 'functionBind' |
100 'functionSent' |
101 'dynamicImport' |
102 'numericSeparator' |
103 'optionalChaining' |
104 'importMeta' |
105 'bigInt' |
106 'optionalCatchBinding' |
107 'throwExpressions' |
108 'pipelineOperator' |
109 'nullishCoalescingOperator';