72.2 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 value: true
6exports.default = exports.ParseStatementFlag = exports.ParseFunctionFlag = void 0;
7var _types = require("../tokenizer/types");
8var _expression = require("./expression");
9var _parseError = require("../parse-error");
10var _identifier = require("../util/identifier");
11var _scopeflags = require("../util/scopeflags");
12var _util = require("./util");
13var _productionParameter = require("../util/production-parameter");
14var _expressionScope = require("../util/expression-scope");
15var _tokenizer = require("../tokenizer");
16var _location = require("../util/location");
17var _node = require("./node");
18var _lval = require("./lval");
19const loopLabel = {
20 kind: "loop"
21 },
22 switchLabel = {
23 kind: "switch"
24 };
25var ParseFunctionFlag = {
26 Expression: 0,
27 Declaration: 1,
28 HangingDeclaration: 2,
29 NullableId: 4,
30 Async: 8
32exports.ParseFunctionFlag = ParseFunctionFlag;
33var ParseStatementFlag = {
34 StatementOnly: 0,
35 AllowImportExport: 1,
36 AllowDeclaration: 2,
37 AllowFunctionDeclaration: 4,
38 AllowLabeledFunction: 8
40exports.ParseStatementFlag = ParseStatementFlag;
41const loneSurrogate = /[\uD800-\uDFFF]/u;
42const keywordRelationalOperator = /in(?:stanceof)?/y;
43function babel7CompatTokens(tokens, input) {
44 for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
45 const token = tokens[i];
46 const {
47 type
48 } = token;
49 if (typeof type === "number") {
50 {
51 if (type === 136) {
52 const {
53 loc,
54 start,
55 value,
56 end
57 } = token;
58 const hashEndPos = start + 1;
59 const hashEndLoc = (0, _location.createPositionWithColumnOffset)(loc.start, 1);
60 tokens.splice(i, 1, new _tokenizer.Token({
61 type: (0, _types.getExportedToken)(27),
62 value: "#",
63 start: start,
64 end: hashEndPos,
65 startLoc: loc.start,
66 endLoc: hashEndLoc
67 }), new _tokenizer.Token({
68 type: (0, _types.getExportedToken)(130),
69 value: value,
70 start: hashEndPos,
71 end: end,
72 startLoc: hashEndLoc,
73 endLoc: loc.end
74 }));
75 i++;
76 continue;
77 }
78 if ((0, _types.tokenIsTemplate)(type)) {
79 const {
80 loc,
81 start,
82 value,
83 end
84 } = token;
85 const backquoteEnd = start + 1;
86 const backquoteEndLoc = (0, _location.createPositionWithColumnOffset)(loc.start, 1);
87 let startToken;
88 if (input.charCodeAt(start) === 96) {
89 startToken = new _tokenizer.Token({
90 type: (0, _types.getExportedToken)(22),
91 value: "`",
92 start: start,
93 end: backquoteEnd,
94 startLoc: loc.start,
95 endLoc: backquoteEndLoc
96 });
97 } else {
98 startToken = new _tokenizer.Token({
99 type: (0, _types.getExportedToken)(8),
100 value: "}",
101 start: start,
102 end: backquoteEnd,
103 startLoc: loc.start,
104 endLoc: backquoteEndLoc
105 });
106 }
107 let templateValue, templateElementEnd, templateElementEndLoc, endToken;
108 if (type === 24) {
109 templateElementEnd = end - 1;
110 templateElementEndLoc = (0, _location.createPositionWithColumnOffset)(loc.end, -1);
111 templateValue = value === null ? null : value.slice(1, -1);
112 endToken = new _tokenizer.Token({
113 type: (0, _types.getExportedToken)(22),
114 value: "`",
115 start: templateElementEnd,
116 end: end,
117 startLoc: templateElementEndLoc,
118 endLoc: loc.end
119 });
120 } else {
121 templateElementEnd = end - 2;
122 templateElementEndLoc = (0, _location.createPositionWithColumnOffset)(loc.end, -2);
123 templateValue = value === null ? null : value.slice(1, -2);
124 endToken = new _tokenizer.Token({
125 type: (0, _types.getExportedToken)(23),
126 value: "${",
127 start: templateElementEnd,
128 end: end,
129 startLoc: templateElementEndLoc,
130 endLoc: loc.end
131 });
132 }
133 tokens.splice(i, 1, startToken, new _tokenizer.Token({
134 type: (0, _types.getExportedToken)(20),
135 value: templateValue,
136 start: backquoteEnd,
137 end: templateElementEnd,
138 startLoc: backquoteEndLoc,
139 endLoc: templateElementEndLoc
140 }), endToken);
141 i += 2;
142 continue;
143 }
144 }
145 token.type = (0, _types.getExportedToken)(type);
146 }
147 }
148 return tokens;
150class StatementParser extends _expression.default {
151 parseTopLevel(file, program) {
152 file.program = this.parseProgram(program);
153 file.comments = this.state.comments;
154 if (this.options.tokens) {
155 file.tokens = babel7CompatTokens(this.tokens, this.input);
156 }
157 return this.finishNode(file, "File");
158 }
159 parseProgram(program, end = 137, sourceType = this.options.sourceType) {
160 program.sourceType = sourceType;
161 program.interpreter = this.parseInterpreterDirective();
162 this.parseBlockBody(program, true, true, end);
163 if (this.inModule && !this.options.allowUndeclaredExports && this.scope.undefinedExports.size > 0) {
164 for (const [localName, at] of Array.from(this.scope.undefinedExports)) {
165 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ModuleExportUndefined, {
166 at,
167 localName
168 });
169 }
170 }
171 let finishedProgram;
172 if (end === 137) {
173 finishedProgram = this.finishNode(program, "Program");
174 } else {
175 finishedProgram = this.finishNodeAt(program, "Program", (0, _location.createPositionWithColumnOffset)(this.state.startLoc, -1));
176 }
177 return finishedProgram;
178 }
179 stmtToDirective(stmt) {
180 const directive = stmt;
181 directive.type = "Directive";
182 directive.value = directive.expression;
183 delete directive.expression;
184 const directiveLiteral = directive.value;
185 const expressionValue = directiveLiteral.value;
186 const raw = this.input.slice(directiveLiteral.start, directiveLiteral.end);
187 const val = directiveLiteral.value = raw.slice(1, -1);
188 this.addExtra(directiveLiteral, "raw", raw);
189 this.addExtra(directiveLiteral, "rawValue", val);
190 this.addExtra(directiveLiteral, "expressionValue", expressionValue);
191 directiveLiteral.type = "DirectiveLiteral";
192 return directive;
193 }
194 parseInterpreterDirective() {
195 if (!this.match(28)) {
196 return null;
197 }
198 const node = this.startNode();
199 node.value = this.state.value;
200 this.next();
201 return this.finishNode(node, "InterpreterDirective");
202 }
203 isLet() {
204 if (!this.isContextual(99)) {
205 return false;
206 }
207 return this.hasFollowingBindingAtom();
208 }
209 chStartsBindingIdentifier(ch, pos) {
210 if ((0, _identifier.isIdentifierStart)(ch)) {
211 keywordRelationalOperator.lastIndex = pos;
212 if (keywordRelationalOperator.test(this.input)) {
213 const endCh = this.codePointAtPos(keywordRelationalOperator.lastIndex);
214 if (!(0, _identifier.isIdentifierChar)(endCh) && endCh !== 92) {
215 return false;
216 }
217 }
218 return true;
219 } else if (ch === 92) {
220 return true;
221 } else {
222 return false;
223 }
224 }
225 chStartsBindingPattern(ch) {
226 return ch === 91 || ch === 123;
227 }
228 hasFollowingBindingAtom() {
229 const next = this.nextTokenStart();
230 const nextCh = this.codePointAtPos(next);
231 return this.chStartsBindingPattern(nextCh) || this.chStartsBindingIdentifier(nextCh, next);
232 }
233 hasInLineFollowingBindingIdentifier() {
234 const next = this.nextTokenInLineStart();
235 const nextCh = this.codePointAtPos(next);
236 return this.chStartsBindingIdentifier(nextCh, next);
237 }
238 startsUsingForOf() {
239 const {
240 type,
241 containsEsc
242 } = this.lookahead();
243 if (type === 101 && !containsEsc) {
244 return false;
245 } else if ((0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(type) && !this.hasFollowingLineBreak()) {
246 this.expectPlugin("explicitResourceManagement");
247 return true;
248 }
249 }
250 startsAwaitUsing() {
251 let next = this.nextTokenInLineStart();
252 if (this.isUnparsedContextual(next, "using")) {
253 next = this.nextTokenInLineStartSince(next + 5);
254 const nextCh = this.codePointAtPos(next);
255 if (this.chStartsBindingIdentifier(nextCh, next)) {
256 this.expectPlugin("explicitResourceManagement");
257 return true;
258 }
259 }
260 return false;
261 }
262 parseModuleItem() {
263 return this.parseStatementLike(ParseStatementFlag.AllowImportExport | ParseStatementFlag.AllowDeclaration | ParseStatementFlag.AllowFunctionDeclaration | ParseStatementFlag.AllowLabeledFunction);
264 }
265 parseStatementListItem() {
266 return this.parseStatementLike(ParseStatementFlag.AllowDeclaration | ParseStatementFlag.AllowFunctionDeclaration | (!this.options.annexB || this.state.strict ? 0 : ParseStatementFlag.AllowLabeledFunction));
267 }
268 parseStatementOrSloppyAnnexBFunctionDeclaration(allowLabeledFunction = false) {
269 let flags = ParseStatementFlag.StatementOnly;
270 if (this.options.annexB && !this.state.strict) {
271 flags |= ParseStatementFlag.AllowFunctionDeclaration;
272 if (allowLabeledFunction) {
273 flags |= ParseStatementFlag.AllowLabeledFunction;
274 }
275 }
276 return this.parseStatementLike(flags);
277 }
278 parseStatement() {
279 return this.parseStatementLike(ParseStatementFlag.StatementOnly);
280 }
281 parseStatementLike(flags) {
282 let decorators = null;
283 if (this.match(26)) {
284 decorators = this.parseDecorators(true);
285 }
286 return this.parseStatementContent(flags, decorators);
287 }
288 parseStatementContent(flags, decorators) {
289 const starttype = this.state.type;
290 const node = this.startNode();
291 const allowDeclaration = !!(flags & ParseStatementFlag.AllowDeclaration);
292 const allowFunctionDeclaration = !!(flags & ParseStatementFlag.AllowFunctionDeclaration);
293 const topLevel = flags & ParseStatementFlag.AllowImportExport;
294 switch (starttype) {
295 case 60:
296 return this.parseBreakContinueStatement(node, true);
297 case 63:
298 return this.parseBreakContinueStatement(node, false);
299 case 64:
300 return this.parseDebuggerStatement(node);
301 case 90:
302 return this.parseDoWhileStatement(node);
303 case 91:
304 return this.parseForStatement(node);
305 case 68:
306 if (this.lookaheadCharCode() === 46) break;
307 if (!allowFunctionDeclaration) {
308 this.raise(this.state.strict ? _parseError.Errors.StrictFunction : this.options.annexB ? _parseError.Errors.SloppyFunctionAnnexB : _parseError.Errors.SloppyFunction, {
309 at: this.state.startLoc
310 });
311 }
312 return this.parseFunctionStatement(node, false, !allowDeclaration && allowFunctionDeclaration);
313 case 80:
314 if (!allowDeclaration) this.unexpected();
315 return this.parseClass(this.maybeTakeDecorators(decorators, node), true);
316 case 69:
317 return this.parseIfStatement(node);
318 case 70:
319 return this.parseReturnStatement(node);
320 case 71:
321 return this.parseSwitchStatement(node);
322 case 72:
323 return this.parseThrowStatement(node);
324 case 73:
325 return this.parseTryStatement(node);
326 case 96:
327 if (!this.state.containsEsc && this.startsAwaitUsing()) {
328 if (!this.isAwaitAllowed()) {
329 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.AwaitUsingNotInAsyncContext, {
330 at: node
331 });
332 } else if (!allowDeclaration) {
333 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnexpectedLexicalDeclaration, {
334 at: node
335 });
336 }
337 this.next();
338 return this.parseVarStatement(node, "await using");
339 }
340 break;
341 case 105:
342 if (this.state.containsEsc || !this.hasInLineFollowingBindingIdentifier()) {
343 break;
344 }
345 this.expectPlugin("explicitResourceManagement");
346 if (!this.scope.inModule && this.scope.inTopLevel) {
347 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnexpectedUsingDeclaration, {
348 at: this.state.startLoc
349 });
350 } else if (!allowDeclaration) {
351 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnexpectedLexicalDeclaration, {
352 at: this.state.startLoc
353 });
354 }
355 return this.parseVarStatement(node, "using");
356 case 99:
357 {
358 if (this.state.containsEsc) {
359 break;
360 }
361 const next = this.nextTokenStart();
362 const nextCh = this.codePointAtPos(next);
363 if (nextCh !== 91) {
364 if (!allowDeclaration && this.hasFollowingLineBreak()) break;
365 if (!this.chStartsBindingIdentifier(nextCh, next) && nextCh !== 123) {
366 break;
367 }
368 }
369 }
370 case 75:
371 {
372 if (!allowDeclaration) {
373 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnexpectedLexicalDeclaration, {
374 at: this.state.startLoc
375 });
376 }
377 }
378 case 74:
379 {
380 const kind = this.state.value;
381 return this.parseVarStatement(node, kind);
382 }
383 case 92:
384 return this.parseWhileStatement(node);
385 case 76:
386 return this.parseWithStatement(node);
387 case 5:
388 return this.parseBlock();
389 case 13:
390 return this.parseEmptyStatement(node);
391 case 83:
392 {
393 const nextTokenCharCode = this.lookaheadCharCode();
394 if (nextTokenCharCode === 40 || nextTokenCharCode === 46) {
395 break;
396 }
397 }
398 case 82:
399 {
400 if (!this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere && !topLevel) {
401 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnexpectedImportExport, {
402 at: this.state.startLoc
403 });
404 }
405 this.next();
406 let result;
407 if (starttype === 83) {
408 result = this.parseImport(node);
409 if (result.type === "ImportDeclaration" && (!result.importKind || result.importKind === "value")) {
410 this.sawUnambiguousESM = true;
411 }
412 } else {
413 result = this.parseExport(node, decorators);
414 if (result.type === "ExportNamedDeclaration" && (!result.exportKind || result.exportKind === "value") || result.type === "ExportAllDeclaration" && (!result.exportKind || result.exportKind === "value") || result.type === "ExportDefaultDeclaration") {
415 this.sawUnambiguousESM = true;
416 }
417 }
418 this.assertModuleNodeAllowed(result);
419 return result;
420 }
421 default:
422 {
423 if (this.isAsyncFunction()) {
424 if (!allowDeclaration) {
425 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.AsyncFunctionInSingleStatementContext, {
426 at: this.state.startLoc
427 });
428 }
429 this.next();
430 return this.parseFunctionStatement(node, true, !allowDeclaration && allowFunctionDeclaration);
431 }
432 }
433 }
434 const maybeName = this.state.value;
435 const expr = this.parseExpression();
436 if ((0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(starttype) && expr.type === "Identifier" && this.eat(14)) {
437 return this.parseLabeledStatement(node, maybeName, expr, flags);
438 } else {
439 return this.parseExpressionStatement(node, expr, decorators);
440 }
441 }
442 assertModuleNodeAllowed(node) {
443 if (!this.options.allowImportExportEverywhere && !this.inModule) {
444 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ImportOutsideModule, {
445 at: node
446 });
447 }
448 }
449 decoratorsEnabledBeforeExport() {
450 if (this.hasPlugin("decorators-legacy")) return true;
451 return this.hasPlugin("decorators") && this.getPluginOption("decorators", "decoratorsBeforeExport") !== false;
452 }
453 maybeTakeDecorators(maybeDecorators, classNode, exportNode) {
454 if (maybeDecorators) {
455 if (classNode.decorators && classNode.decorators.length > 0) {
456 if (typeof this.getPluginOption("decorators", "decoratorsBeforeExport") !== "boolean") {
457 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DecoratorsBeforeAfterExport, {
458 at: classNode.decorators[0]
459 });
460 }
461 classNode.decorators.unshift(...maybeDecorators);
462 } else {
463 classNode.decorators = maybeDecorators;
464 }
465 this.resetStartLocationFromNode(classNode, maybeDecorators[0]);
466 if (exportNode) this.resetStartLocationFromNode(exportNode, classNode);
467 }
468 return classNode;
469 }
470 canHaveLeadingDecorator() {
471 return this.match(80);
472 }
473 parseDecorators(allowExport) {
474 const decorators = [];
475 do {
476 decorators.push(this.parseDecorator());
477 } while (this.match(26));
478 if (this.match(82)) {
479 if (!allowExport) {
480 this.unexpected();
481 }
482 if (!this.decoratorsEnabledBeforeExport()) {
483 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DecoratorExportClass, {
484 at: this.state.startLoc
485 });
486 }
487 } else if (!this.canHaveLeadingDecorator()) {
488 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnexpectedLeadingDecorator, {
489 at: this.state.startLoc
490 });
491 }
492 return decorators;
493 }
494 parseDecorator() {
495 this.expectOnePlugin(["decorators", "decorators-legacy"]);
496 const node = this.startNode();
497 this.next();
498 if (this.hasPlugin("decorators")) {
499 const startLoc = this.state.startLoc;
500 let expr;
501 if (this.match(10)) {
502 const startLoc = this.state.startLoc;
503 this.next();
504 expr = this.parseExpression();
505 this.expect(11);
506 expr = this.wrapParenthesis(startLoc, expr);
507 const paramsStartLoc = this.state.startLoc;
508 node.expression = this.parseMaybeDecoratorArguments(expr);
509 if (this.getPluginOption("decorators", "allowCallParenthesized") === false && node.expression !== expr) {
510 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DecoratorArgumentsOutsideParentheses, {
511 at: paramsStartLoc
512 });
513 }
514 } else {
515 expr = this.parseIdentifier(false);
516 while (this.eat(16)) {
517 const node = this.startNodeAt(startLoc);
518 node.object = expr;
519 if (this.match(136)) {
520 this.classScope.usePrivateName(this.state.value, this.state.startLoc);
521 node.property = this.parsePrivateName();
522 } else {
523 node.property = this.parseIdentifier(true);
524 }
525 node.computed = false;
526 expr = this.finishNode(node, "MemberExpression");
527 }
528 node.expression = this.parseMaybeDecoratorArguments(expr);
529 }
530 } else {
531 node.expression = this.parseExprSubscripts();
532 }
533 return this.finishNode(node, "Decorator");
534 }
535 parseMaybeDecoratorArguments(expr) {
536 if (this.eat(10)) {
537 const node = this.startNodeAtNode(expr);
538 node.callee = expr;
539 node.arguments = this.parseCallExpressionArguments(11, false);
540 this.toReferencedList(node.arguments);
541 return this.finishNode(node, "CallExpression");
542 }
543 return expr;
544 }
545 parseBreakContinueStatement(node, isBreak) {
546 this.next();
547 if (this.isLineTerminator()) {
548 node.label = null;
549 } else {
550 node.label = this.parseIdentifier();
551 this.semicolon();
552 }
553 this.verifyBreakContinue(node, isBreak);
554 return this.finishNode(node, isBreak ? "BreakStatement" : "ContinueStatement");
555 }
556 verifyBreakContinue(node, isBreak) {
557 let i;
558 for (i = 0; i < this.state.labels.length; ++i) {
559 const lab = this.state.labels[i];
560 if (node.label == null || lab.name === node.label.name) {
561 if (lab.kind != null && (isBreak || lab.kind === "loop")) break;
562 if (node.label && isBreak) break;
563 }
564 }
565 if (i === this.state.labels.length) {
566 const type = isBreak ? "BreakStatement" : "ContinueStatement";
567 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.IllegalBreakContinue, {
568 at: node,
569 type
570 });
571 }
572 }
573 parseDebuggerStatement(node) {
574 this.next();
575 this.semicolon();
576 return this.finishNode(node, "DebuggerStatement");
577 }
578 parseHeaderExpression() {
579 this.expect(10);
580 const val = this.parseExpression();
581 this.expect(11);
582 return val;
583 }
584 parseDoWhileStatement(node) {
585 this.next();
586 this.state.labels.push(loopLabel);
587 node.body = this.withSmartMixTopicForbiddingContext(() => this.parseStatement());
588 this.state.labels.pop();
589 this.expect(92);
590 node.test = this.parseHeaderExpression();
591 this.eat(13);
592 return this.finishNode(node, "DoWhileStatement");
593 }
594 parseForStatement(node) {
595 this.next();
596 this.state.labels.push(loopLabel);
597 let awaitAt = null;
598 if (this.isAwaitAllowed() && this.eatContextual(96)) {
599 awaitAt = this.state.lastTokStartLoc;
600 }
601 this.scope.enter(_scopeflags.SCOPE_OTHER);
602 this.expect(10);
603 if (this.match(13)) {
604 if (awaitAt !== null) {
605 this.unexpected(awaitAt);
606 }
607 return this.parseFor(node, null);
608 }
609 const startsWithLet = this.isContextual(99);
610 {
611 const startsWithAwaitUsing = this.isContextual(96) && this.startsAwaitUsing();
612 const starsWithUsingDeclaration = startsWithAwaitUsing || this.isContextual(105) && this.startsUsingForOf();
613 const isLetOrUsing = startsWithLet && this.hasFollowingBindingAtom() || starsWithUsingDeclaration;
614 if (this.match(74) || this.match(75) || isLetOrUsing) {
615 const initNode = this.startNode();
616 let kind;
617 if (startsWithAwaitUsing) {
618 kind = "await using";
619 if (!this.isAwaitAllowed()) {
620 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.AwaitUsingNotInAsyncContext, {
621 at: this.state.startLoc
622 });
623 }
624 this.next();
625 } else {
626 kind = this.state.value;
627 }
628 this.next();
629 this.parseVar(initNode, true, kind);
630 const init = this.finishNode(initNode, "VariableDeclaration");
631 const isForIn = this.match(58);
632 if (isForIn && starsWithUsingDeclaration) {
633 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ForInUsing, {
634 at: init
635 });
636 }
637 if ((isForIn || this.isContextual(101)) && init.declarations.length === 1) {
638 return this.parseForIn(node, init, awaitAt);
639 }
640 if (awaitAt !== null) {
641 this.unexpected(awaitAt);
642 }
643 return this.parseFor(node, init);
644 }
645 }
646 const startsWithAsync = this.isContextual(95);
647 const refExpressionErrors = new _util.ExpressionErrors();
648 const init = this.parseExpression(true, refExpressionErrors);
649 const isForOf = this.isContextual(101);
650 if (isForOf) {
651 if (startsWithLet) {
652 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ForOfLet, {
653 at: init
654 });
655 }
656 if (awaitAt === null && startsWithAsync && init.type === "Identifier") {
657 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ForOfAsync, {
658 at: init
659 });
660 }
661 }
662 if (isForOf || this.match(58)) {
663 this.checkDestructuringPrivate(refExpressionErrors);
664 this.toAssignable(init, true);
665 const type = isForOf ? "ForOfStatement" : "ForInStatement";
666 this.checkLVal(init, {
667 in: {
668 type
669 }
670 });
671 return this.parseForIn(node, init, awaitAt);
672 } else {
673 this.checkExpressionErrors(refExpressionErrors, true);
674 }
675 if (awaitAt !== null) {
676 this.unexpected(awaitAt);
677 }
678 return this.parseFor(node, init);
679 }
680 parseFunctionStatement(node, isAsync, isHangingDeclaration) {
681 this.next();
682 return this.parseFunction(node, ParseFunctionFlag.Declaration | (isHangingDeclaration ? ParseFunctionFlag.HangingDeclaration : 0) | (isAsync ? ParseFunctionFlag.Async : 0));
683 }
684 parseIfStatement(node) {
685 this.next();
686 node.test = this.parseHeaderExpression();
687 node.consequent = this.parseStatementOrSloppyAnnexBFunctionDeclaration();
688 node.alternate = this.eat(66) ? this.parseStatementOrSloppyAnnexBFunctionDeclaration() : null;
689 return this.finishNode(node, "IfStatement");
690 }
691 parseReturnStatement(node) {
692 if (!this.prodParam.hasReturn && !this.options.allowReturnOutsideFunction) {
693 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.IllegalReturn, {
694 at: this.state.startLoc
695 });
696 }
697 this.next();
698 if (this.isLineTerminator()) {
699 node.argument = null;
700 } else {
701 node.argument = this.parseExpression();
702 this.semicolon();
703 }
704 return this.finishNode(node, "ReturnStatement");
705 }
706 parseSwitchStatement(node) {
707 this.next();
708 node.discriminant = this.parseHeaderExpression();
709 const cases = node.cases = [];
710 this.expect(5);
711 this.state.labels.push(switchLabel);
712 this.scope.enter(_scopeflags.SCOPE_OTHER);
713 let cur;
714 for (let sawDefault; !this.match(8);) {
715 if (this.match(61) || this.match(65)) {
716 const isCase = this.match(61);
717 if (cur) this.finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase");
718 cases.push(cur = this.startNode());
719 cur.consequent = [];
720 this.next();
721 if (isCase) {
722 cur.test = this.parseExpression();
723 } else {
724 if (sawDefault) {
725 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.MultipleDefaultsInSwitch, {
726 at: this.state.lastTokStartLoc
727 });
728 }
729 sawDefault = true;
730 cur.test = null;
731 }
732 this.expect(14);
733 } else {
734 if (cur) {
735 cur.consequent.push(this.parseStatementListItem());
736 } else {
737 this.unexpected();
738 }
739 }
740 }
741 this.scope.exit();
742 if (cur) this.finishNode(cur, "SwitchCase");
743 this.next();
744 this.state.labels.pop();
745 return this.finishNode(node, "SwitchStatement");
746 }
747 parseThrowStatement(node) {
748 this.next();
749 if (this.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
750 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.NewlineAfterThrow, {
751 at: this.state.lastTokEndLoc
752 });
753 }
754 node.argument = this.parseExpression();
755 this.semicolon();
756 return this.finishNode(node, "ThrowStatement");
757 }
758 parseCatchClauseParam() {
759 const param = this.parseBindingAtom();
760 this.scope.enter(this.options.annexB && param.type === "Identifier" ? _scopeflags.SCOPE_SIMPLE_CATCH : 0);
761 this.checkLVal(param, {
762 in: {
763 type: "CatchClause"
764 },
765 binding: _scopeflags.BIND_CATCH_PARAM
766 });
767 return param;
768 }
769 parseTryStatement(node) {
770 this.next();
771 node.block = this.parseBlock();
772 node.handler = null;
773 if (this.match(62)) {
774 const clause = this.startNode();
775 this.next();
776 if (this.match(10)) {
777 this.expect(10);
778 clause.param = this.parseCatchClauseParam();
779 this.expect(11);
780 } else {
781 clause.param = null;
782 this.scope.enter(_scopeflags.SCOPE_OTHER);
783 }
784 clause.body = this.withSmartMixTopicForbiddingContext(() => this.parseBlock(false, false));
785 this.scope.exit();
786 node.handler = this.finishNode(clause, "CatchClause");
787 }
788 node.finalizer = this.eat(67) ? this.parseBlock() : null;
789 if (!node.handler && !node.finalizer) {
790 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.NoCatchOrFinally, {
791 at: node
792 });
793 }
794 return this.finishNode(node, "TryStatement");
795 }
796 parseVarStatement(node, kind, allowMissingInitializer = false) {
797 this.next();
798 this.parseVar(node, false, kind, allowMissingInitializer);
799 this.semicolon();
800 return this.finishNode(node, "VariableDeclaration");
801 }
802 parseWhileStatement(node) {
803 this.next();
804 node.test = this.parseHeaderExpression();
805 this.state.labels.push(loopLabel);
806 node.body = this.withSmartMixTopicForbiddingContext(() => this.parseStatement());
807 this.state.labels.pop();
808 return this.finishNode(node, "WhileStatement");
809 }
810 parseWithStatement(node) {
811 if (this.state.strict) {
812 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.StrictWith, {
813 at: this.state.startLoc
814 });
815 }
816 this.next();
817 node.object = this.parseHeaderExpression();
818 node.body = this.withSmartMixTopicForbiddingContext(() => this.parseStatement());
819 return this.finishNode(node, "WithStatement");
820 }
821 parseEmptyStatement(node) {
822 this.next();
823 return this.finishNode(node, "EmptyStatement");
824 }
825 parseLabeledStatement(node, maybeName, expr, flags) {
826 for (const label of this.state.labels) {
827 if (label.name === maybeName) {
828 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.LabelRedeclaration, {
829 at: expr,
830 labelName: maybeName
831 });
832 }
833 }
834 const kind = (0, _types.tokenIsLoop)(this.state.type) ? "loop" : this.match(71) ? "switch" : null;
835 for (let i = this.state.labels.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
836 const label = this.state.labels[i];
837 if (label.statementStart === node.start) {
838 label.statementStart = this.state.start;
839 label.kind = kind;
840 } else {
841 break;
842 }
843 }
844 this.state.labels.push({
845 name: maybeName,
846 kind: kind,
847 statementStart: this.state.start
848 });
849 node.body = flags & ParseStatementFlag.AllowLabeledFunction ? this.parseStatementOrSloppyAnnexBFunctionDeclaration(true) : this.parseStatement();
850 this.state.labels.pop();
851 node.label = expr;
852 return this.finishNode(node, "LabeledStatement");
853 }
854 parseExpressionStatement(node, expr, decorators) {
855 node.expression = expr;
856 this.semicolon();
857 return this.finishNode(node, "ExpressionStatement");
858 }
859 parseBlock(allowDirectives = false, createNewLexicalScope = true, afterBlockParse) {
860 const node = this.startNode();
861 if (allowDirectives) {
862 this.state.strictErrors.clear();
863 }
864 this.expect(5);
865 if (createNewLexicalScope) {
866 this.scope.enter(_scopeflags.SCOPE_OTHER);
867 }
868 this.parseBlockBody(node, allowDirectives, false, 8, afterBlockParse);
869 if (createNewLexicalScope) {
870 this.scope.exit();
871 }
872 return this.finishNode(node, "BlockStatement");
873 }
874 isValidDirective(stmt) {
875 return stmt.type === "ExpressionStatement" && stmt.expression.type === "StringLiteral" && !stmt.expression.extra.parenthesized;
876 }
877 parseBlockBody(node, allowDirectives, topLevel, end, afterBlockParse) {
878 const body = node.body = [];
879 const directives = node.directives = [];
880 this.parseBlockOrModuleBlockBody(body, allowDirectives ? directives : undefined, topLevel, end, afterBlockParse);
881 }
882 parseBlockOrModuleBlockBody(body, directives, topLevel, end, afterBlockParse) {
883 const oldStrict = this.state.strict;
884 let hasStrictModeDirective = false;
885 let parsedNonDirective = false;
886 while (!this.match(end)) {
887 const stmt = topLevel ? this.parseModuleItem() : this.parseStatementListItem();
888 if (directives && !parsedNonDirective) {
889 if (this.isValidDirective(stmt)) {
890 const directive = this.stmtToDirective(stmt);
891 directives.push(directive);
892 if (!hasStrictModeDirective && directive.value.value === "use strict") {
893 hasStrictModeDirective = true;
894 this.setStrict(true);
895 }
896 continue;
897 }
898 parsedNonDirective = true;
899 this.state.strictErrors.clear();
900 }
901 body.push(stmt);
902 }
903 if (afterBlockParse) {
904 afterBlockParse.call(this, hasStrictModeDirective);
905 }
906 if (!oldStrict) {
907 this.setStrict(false);
908 }
909 this.next();
910 }
911 parseFor(node, init) {
912 node.init = init;
913 this.semicolon(false);
914 node.test = this.match(13) ? null : this.parseExpression();
915 this.semicolon(false);
916 node.update = this.match(11) ? null : this.parseExpression();
917 this.expect(11);
918 node.body = this.withSmartMixTopicForbiddingContext(() => this.parseStatement());
919 this.scope.exit();
920 this.state.labels.pop();
921 return this.finishNode(node, "ForStatement");
922 }
923 parseForIn(node, init, awaitAt) {
924 const isForIn = this.match(58);
925 this.next();
926 if (isForIn) {
927 if (awaitAt !== null) this.unexpected(awaitAt);
928 } else {
929 node.await = awaitAt !== null;
930 }
931 if (init.type === "VariableDeclaration" && init.declarations[0].init != null && (!isForIn || !this.options.annexB || this.state.strict || init.kind !== "var" || init.declarations[0].id.type !== "Identifier")) {
932 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ForInOfLoopInitializer, {
933 at: init,
934 type: isForIn ? "ForInStatement" : "ForOfStatement"
935 });
936 }
937 if (init.type === "AssignmentPattern") {
938 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.InvalidLhs, {
939 at: init,
940 ancestor: {
941 type: "ForStatement"
942 }
943 });
944 }
945 node.left = init;
946 node.right = isForIn ? this.parseExpression() : this.parseMaybeAssignAllowIn();
947 this.expect(11);
948 node.body = this.withSmartMixTopicForbiddingContext(() => this.parseStatement());
949 this.scope.exit();
950 this.state.labels.pop();
951 return this.finishNode(node, isForIn ? "ForInStatement" : "ForOfStatement");
952 }
953 parseVar(node, isFor, kind, allowMissingInitializer = false) {
954 const declarations = node.declarations = [];
955 node.kind = kind;
956 for (;;) {
957 const decl = this.startNode();
958 this.parseVarId(decl, kind);
959 decl.init = !this.eat(29) ? null : isFor ? this.parseMaybeAssignDisallowIn() : this.parseMaybeAssignAllowIn();
960 if (decl.init === null && !allowMissingInitializer) {
961 if (decl.id.type !== "Identifier" && !(isFor && (this.match(58) || this.isContextual(101)))) {
962 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DeclarationMissingInitializer, {
963 at: this.state.lastTokEndLoc,
964 kind: "destructuring"
965 });
966 } else if (kind === "const" && !(this.match(58) || this.isContextual(101))) {
967 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DeclarationMissingInitializer, {
968 at: this.state.lastTokEndLoc,
969 kind: "const"
970 });
971 }
972 }
973 declarations.push(this.finishNode(decl, "VariableDeclarator"));
974 if (!this.eat(12)) break;
975 }
976 return node;
977 }
978 parseVarId(decl, kind) {
979 const id = this.parseBindingAtom();
980 this.checkLVal(id, {
981 in: {
982 type: "VariableDeclarator"
983 },
984 binding: kind === "var" ? _scopeflags.BIND_VAR : _scopeflags.BIND_LEXICAL
985 });
986 decl.id = id;
987 }
988 parseAsyncFunctionExpression(node) {
989 return this.parseFunction(node, ParseFunctionFlag.Async);
990 }
991 parseFunction(node, flags = ParseFunctionFlag.Expression) {
992 const hangingDeclaration = flags & ParseFunctionFlag.HangingDeclaration;
993 const isDeclaration = !!(flags & ParseFunctionFlag.Declaration);
994 const requireId = isDeclaration && !(flags & ParseFunctionFlag.NullableId);
995 const isAsync = !!(flags & ParseFunctionFlag.Async);
996 this.initFunction(node, isAsync);
997 if (this.match(55)) {
998 if (hangingDeclaration) {
999 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.GeneratorInSingleStatementContext, {
1000 at: this.state.startLoc
1001 });
1002 }
1003 this.next();
1004 node.generator = true;
1005 }
1006 if (isDeclaration) {
1007 node.id = this.parseFunctionId(requireId);
1008 }
1009 const oldMaybeInArrowParameters = this.state.maybeInArrowParameters;
1010 this.state.maybeInArrowParameters = false;
1011 this.scope.enter(_scopeflags.SCOPE_FUNCTION);
1012 this.prodParam.enter((0, _productionParameter.functionFlags)(isAsync, node.generator));
1013 if (!isDeclaration) {
1014 node.id = this.parseFunctionId();
1015 }
1016 this.parseFunctionParams(node, false);
1017 this.withSmartMixTopicForbiddingContext(() => {
1018 this.parseFunctionBodyAndFinish(node, isDeclaration ? "FunctionDeclaration" : "FunctionExpression");
1019 });
1020 this.prodParam.exit();
1021 this.scope.exit();
1022 if (isDeclaration && !hangingDeclaration) {
1023 this.registerFunctionStatementId(node);
1024 }
1025 this.state.maybeInArrowParameters = oldMaybeInArrowParameters;
1026 return node;
1027 }
1028 parseFunctionId(requireId) {
1029 return requireId || (0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(this.state.type) ? this.parseIdentifier() : null;
1030 }
1031 parseFunctionParams(node, isConstructor) {
1032 this.expect(10);
1033 this.expressionScope.enter((0, _expressionScope.newParameterDeclarationScope)());
1034 node.params = this.parseBindingList(11, 41, _lval.ParseBindingListFlags.IS_FUNCTION_PARAMS | (isConstructor ? _lval.ParseBindingListFlags.IS_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMS : 0));
1035 this.expressionScope.exit();
1036 }
1037 registerFunctionStatementId(node) {
1038 if (!node.id) return;
1039 this.scope.declareName(node.id.name, !this.options.annexB || this.state.strict || node.generator || node.async ? this.scope.treatFunctionsAsVar ? _scopeflags.BIND_VAR : _scopeflags.BIND_LEXICAL : _scopeflags.BIND_FUNCTION, node.id.loc.start);
1040 }
1041 parseClass(node, isStatement, optionalId) {
1042 this.next();
1043 const oldStrict = this.state.strict;
1044 this.state.strict = true;
1045 this.parseClassId(node, isStatement, optionalId);
1046 this.parseClassSuper(node);
1047 node.body = this.parseClassBody(!!node.superClass, oldStrict);
1048 return this.finishNode(node, isStatement ? "ClassDeclaration" : "ClassExpression");
1049 }
1050 isClassProperty() {
1051 return this.match(29) || this.match(13) || this.match(8);
1052 }
1053 isClassMethod() {
1054 return this.match(10);
1055 }
1056 isNonstaticConstructor(method) {
1057 return !method.computed && !method.static && (method.key.name === "constructor" || method.key.value === "constructor");
1058 }
1059 parseClassBody(hadSuperClass, oldStrict) {
1060 this.classScope.enter();
1061 const state = {
1062 hadConstructor: false,
1063 hadSuperClass
1064 };
1065 let decorators = [];
1066 const classBody = this.startNode();
1067 classBody.body = [];
1068 this.expect(5);
1069 this.withSmartMixTopicForbiddingContext(() => {
1070 while (!this.match(8)) {
1071 if (this.eat(13)) {
1072 if (decorators.length > 0) {
1073 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DecoratorSemicolon, {
1074 at: this.state.lastTokEndLoc
1075 });
1076 }
1077 continue;
1078 }
1079 if (this.match(26)) {
1080 decorators.push(this.parseDecorator());
1081 continue;
1082 }
1083 const member = this.startNode();
1084 if (decorators.length) {
1085 member.decorators = decorators;
1086 this.resetStartLocationFromNode(member, decorators[0]);
1087 decorators = [];
1088 }
1089 this.parseClassMember(classBody, member, state);
1090 if (member.kind === "constructor" && member.decorators && member.decorators.length > 0) {
1091 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DecoratorConstructor, {
1092 at: member
1093 });
1094 }
1095 }
1096 });
1097 this.state.strict = oldStrict;
1098 this.next();
1099 if (decorators.length) {
1100 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.TrailingDecorator, {
1101 at: this.state.startLoc
1102 });
1103 }
1104 this.classScope.exit();
1105 return this.finishNode(classBody, "ClassBody");
1106 }
1107 parseClassMemberFromModifier(classBody, member) {
1108 const key = this.parseIdentifier(true);
1109 if (this.isClassMethod()) {
1110 const method = member;
1111 method.kind = "method";
1112 method.computed = false;
1113 method.key = key;
1114 method.static = false;
1115 this.pushClassMethod(classBody, method, false, false, false, false);
1116 return true;
1117 } else if (this.isClassProperty()) {
1118 const prop = member;
1119 prop.computed = false;
1120 prop.key = key;
1121 prop.static = false;
1122 classBody.body.push(this.parseClassProperty(prop));
1123 return true;
1124 }
1125 this.resetPreviousNodeTrailingComments(key);
1126 return false;
1127 }
1128 parseClassMember(classBody, member, state) {
1129 const isStatic = this.isContextual(104);
1130 if (isStatic) {
1131 if (this.parseClassMemberFromModifier(classBody, member)) {
1132 return;
1133 }
1134 if (this.eat(5)) {
1135 this.parseClassStaticBlock(classBody, member);
1136 return;
1137 }
1138 }
1139 this.parseClassMemberWithIsStatic(classBody, member, state, isStatic);
1140 }
1141 parseClassMemberWithIsStatic(classBody, member, state, isStatic) {
1142 const publicMethod = member;
1143 const privateMethod = member;
1144 const publicProp = member;
1145 const privateProp = member;
1146 const accessorProp = member;
1147 const method = publicMethod;
1148 const publicMember = publicMethod;
1149 member.static = isStatic;
1150 this.parsePropertyNamePrefixOperator(member);
1151 if (this.eat(55)) {
1152 method.kind = "method";
1153 const isPrivateName = this.match(136);
1154 this.parseClassElementName(method);
1155 if (isPrivateName) {
1156 this.pushClassPrivateMethod(classBody, privateMethod, true, false);
1157 return;
1158 }
1159 if (this.isNonstaticConstructor(publicMethod)) {
1160 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ConstructorIsGenerator, {
1161 at: publicMethod.key
1162 });
1163 }
1164 this.pushClassMethod(classBody, publicMethod, true, false, false, false);
1165 return;
1166 }
1167 const isContextual = (0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(this.state.type) && !this.state.containsEsc;
1168 const isPrivate = this.match(136);
1169 const key = this.parseClassElementName(member);
1170 const maybeQuestionTokenStartLoc = this.state.startLoc;
1171 this.parsePostMemberNameModifiers(publicMember);
1172 if (this.isClassMethod()) {
1173 method.kind = "method";
1174 if (isPrivate) {
1175 this.pushClassPrivateMethod(classBody, privateMethod, false, false);
1176 return;
1177 }
1178 const isConstructor = this.isNonstaticConstructor(publicMethod);
1179 let allowsDirectSuper = false;
1180 if (isConstructor) {
1181 publicMethod.kind = "constructor";
1182 if (state.hadConstructor && !this.hasPlugin("typescript")) {
1183 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DuplicateConstructor, {
1184 at: key
1185 });
1186 }
1187 if (isConstructor && this.hasPlugin("typescript") && member.override) {
1188 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.OverrideOnConstructor, {
1189 at: key
1190 });
1191 }
1192 state.hadConstructor = true;
1193 allowsDirectSuper = state.hadSuperClass;
1194 }
1195 this.pushClassMethod(classBody, publicMethod, false, false, isConstructor, allowsDirectSuper);
1196 } else if (this.isClassProperty()) {
1197 if (isPrivate) {
1198 this.pushClassPrivateProperty(classBody, privateProp);
1199 } else {
1200 this.pushClassProperty(classBody, publicProp);
1201 }
1202 } else if (isContextual && key.name === "async" && !this.isLineTerminator()) {
1203 this.resetPreviousNodeTrailingComments(key);
1204 const isGenerator = this.eat(55);
1205 if (publicMember.optional) {
1206 this.unexpected(maybeQuestionTokenStartLoc);
1207 }
1208 method.kind = "method";
1209 const isPrivate = this.match(136);
1210 this.parseClassElementName(method);
1211 this.parsePostMemberNameModifiers(publicMember);
1212 if (isPrivate) {
1213 this.pushClassPrivateMethod(classBody, privateMethod, isGenerator, true);
1214 } else {
1215 if (this.isNonstaticConstructor(publicMethod)) {
1216 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ConstructorIsAsync, {
1217 at: publicMethod.key
1218 });
1219 }
1220 this.pushClassMethod(classBody, publicMethod, isGenerator, true, false, false);
1221 }
1222 } else if (isContextual && (key.name === "get" || key.name === "set") && !(this.match(55) && this.isLineTerminator())) {
1223 this.resetPreviousNodeTrailingComments(key);
1224 method.kind = key.name;
1225 const isPrivate = this.match(136);
1226 this.parseClassElementName(publicMethod);
1227 if (isPrivate) {
1228 this.pushClassPrivateMethod(classBody, privateMethod, false, false);
1229 } else {
1230 if (this.isNonstaticConstructor(publicMethod)) {
1231 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ConstructorIsAccessor, {
1232 at: publicMethod.key
1233 });
1234 }
1235 this.pushClassMethod(classBody, publicMethod, false, false, false, false);
1236 }
1237 this.checkGetterSetterParams(publicMethod);
1238 } else if (isContextual && key.name === "accessor" && !this.isLineTerminator()) {
1239 this.expectPlugin("decoratorAutoAccessors");
1240 this.resetPreviousNodeTrailingComments(key);
1241 const isPrivate = this.match(136);
1242 this.parseClassElementName(publicProp);
1243 this.pushClassAccessorProperty(classBody, accessorProp, isPrivate);
1244 } else if (this.isLineTerminator()) {
1245 if (isPrivate) {
1246 this.pushClassPrivateProperty(classBody, privateProp);
1247 } else {
1248 this.pushClassProperty(classBody, publicProp);
1249 }
1250 } else {
1251 this.unexpected();
1252 }
1253 }
1254 parseClassElementName(member) {
1255 const {
1256 type,
1257 value
1258 } = this.state;
1259 if ((type === 130 || type === 131) && member.static && value === "prototype") {
1260 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.StaticPrototype, {
1261 at: this.state.startLoc
1262 });
1263 }
1264 if (type === 136) {
1265 if (value === "constructor") {
1266 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ConstructorClassPrivateField, {
1267 at: this.state.startLoc
1268 });
1269 }
1270 const key = this.parsePrivateName();
1271 member.key = key;
1272 return key;
1273 }
1274 return this.parsePropertyName(member);
1275 }
1276 parseClassStaticBlock(classBody, member) {
1277 var _member$decorators;
1278 this.scope.enter(_scopeflags.SCOPE_CLASS | _scopeflags.SCOPE_STATIC_BLOCK | _scopeflags.SCOPE_SUPER);
1279 const oldLabels = this.state.labels;
1280 this.state.labels = [];
1281 this.prodParam.enter(_productionParameter.PARAM);
1282 const body = member.body = [];
1283 this.parseBlockOrModuleBlockBody(body, undefined, false, 8);
1284 this.prodParam.exit();
1285 this.scope.exit();
1286 this.state.labels = oldLabels;
1287 classBody.body.push(this.finishNode(member, "StaticBlock"));
1288 if ((_member$decorators = member.decorators) != null && _member$decorators.length) {
1289 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DecoratorStaticBlock, {
1290 at: member
1291 });
1292 }
1293 }
1294 pushClassProperty(classBody, prop) {
1295 if (!prop.computed && (prop.key.name === "constructor" || prop.key.value === "constructor")) {
1296 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ConstructorClassField, {
1297 at: prop.key
1298 });
1299 }
1300 classBody.body.push(this.parseClassProperty(prop));
1301 }
1302 pushClassPrivateProperty(classBody, prop) {
1303 const node = this.parseClassPrivateProperty(prop);
1304 classBody.body.push(node);
1305 this.classScope.declarePrivateName(this.getPrivateNameSV(node.key), _scopeflags.CLASS_ELEMENT_OTHER, node.key.loc.start);
1306 }
1307 pushClassAccessorProperty(classBody, prop, isPrivate) {
1308 if (!isPrivate && !prop.computed) {
1309 const key = prop.key;
1310 if (key.name === "constructor" || key.value === "constructor") {
1311 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ConstructorClassField, {
1312 at: key
1313 });
1314 }
1315 }
1316 const node = this.parseClassAccessorProperty(prop);
1317 classBody.body.push(node);
1318 if (isPrivate) {
1319 this.classScope.declarePrivateName(this.getPrivateNameSV(node.key), _scopeflags.CLASS_ELEMENT_OTHER, node.key.loc.start);
1320 }
1321 }
1322 pushClassMethod(classBody, method, isGenerator, isAsync, isConstructor, allowsDirectSuper) {
1323 classBody.body.push(this.parseMethod(method, isGenerator, isAsync, isConstructor, allowsDirectSuper, "ClassMethod", true));
1324 }
1325 pushClassPrivateMethod(classBody, method, isGenerator, isAsync) {
1326 const node = this.parseMethod(method, isGenerator, isAsync, false, false, "ClassPrivateMethod", true);
1327 classBody.body.push(node);
1328 const kind = node.kind === "get" ? node.static ? _scopeflags.CLASS_ELEMENT_STATIC_GETTER : _scopeflags.CLASS_ELEMENT_INSTANCE_GETTER : node.kind === "set" ? node.static ? _scopeflags.CLASS_ELEMENT_STATIC_SETTER : _scopeflags.CLASS_ELEMENT_INSTANCE_SETTER : _scopeflags.CLASS_ELEMENT_OTHER;
1329 this.declareClassPrivateMethodInScope(node, kind);
1330 }
1331 declareClassPrivateMethodInScope(node, kind) {
1332 this.classScope.declarePrivateName(this.getPrivateNameSV(node.key), kind, node.key.loc.start);
1333 }
1334 parsePostMemberNameModifiers(methodOrProp) {}
1335 parseClassPrivateProperty(node) {
1336 this.parseInitializer(node);
1337 this.semicolon();
1338 return this.finishNode(node, "ClassPrivateProperty");
1339 }
1340 parseClassProperty(node) {
1341 this.parseInitializer(node);
1342 this.semicolon();
1343 return this.finishNode(node, "ClassProperty");
1344 }
1345 parseClassAccessorProperty(node) {
1346 this.parseInitializer(node);
1347 this.semicolon();
1348 return this.finishNode(node, "ClassAccessorProperty");
1349 }
1350 parseInitializer(node) {
1351 this.scope.enter(_scopeflags.SCOPE_CLASS | _scopeflags.SCOPE_SUPER);
1352 this.expressionScope.enter((0, _expressionScope.newExpressionScope)());
1353 this.prodParam.enter(_productionParameter.PARAM);
1354 node.value = this.eat(29) ? this.parseMaybeAssignAllowIn() : null;
1355 this.expressionScope.exit();
1356 this.prodParam.exit();
1357 this.scope.exit();
1358 }
1359 parseClassId(node, isStatement, optionalId, bindingType = _scopeflags.BIND_CLASS) {
1360 if ((0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(this.state.type)) {
1361 node.id = this.parseIdentifier();
1362 if (isStatement) {
1363 this.declareNameFromIdentifier(node.id, bindingType);
1364 }
1365 } else {
1366 if (optionalId || !isStatement) {
1367 node.id = null;
1368 } else {
1369 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.MissingClassName, {
1370 at: this.state.startLoc
1371 });
1372 }
1373 }
1374 }
1375 parseClassSuper(node) {
1376 node.superClass = this.eat(81) ? this.parseExprSubscripts() : null;
1377 }
1378 parseExport(node, decorators) {
1379 const maybeDefaultIdentifier = this.parseMaybeImportPhase(node, true);
1380 const hasDefault = this.maybeParseExportDefaultSpecifier(node, maybeDefaultIdentifier);
1381 const parseAfterDefault = !hasDefault || this.eat(12);
1382 const hasStar = parseAfterDefault && this.eatExportStar(node);
1383 const hasNamespace = hasStar && this.maybeParseExportNamespaceSpecifier(node);
1384 const parseAfterNamespace = parseAfterDefault && (!hasNamespace || this.eat(12));
1385 const isFromRequired = hasDefault || hasStar;
1386 if (hasStar && !hasNamespace) {
1387 if (hasDefault) this.unexpected();
1388 if (decorators) {
1389 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnsupportedDecoratorExport, {
1390 at: node
1391 });
1392 }
1393 this.parseExportFrom(node, true);
1394 return this.finishNode(node, "ExportAllDeclaration");
1395 }
1396 const hasSpecifiers = this.maybeParseExportNamedSpecifiers(node);
1397 if (hasDefault && parseAfterDefault && !hasStar && !hasSpecifiers) {
1398 this.unexpected(null, 5);
1399 }
1400 if (hasNamespace && parseAfterNamespace) {
1401 this.unexpected(null, 97);
1402 }
1403 let hasDeclaration;
1404 if (isFromRequired || hasSpecifiers) {
1405 hasDeclaration = false;
1406 if (decorators) {
1407 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnsupportedDecoratorExport, {
1408 at: node
1409 });
1410 }
1411 this.parseExportFrom(node, isFromRequired);
1412 } else {
1413 hasDeclaration = this.maybeParseExportDeclaration(node);
1414 }
1415 if (isFromRequired || hasSpecifiers || hasDeclaration) {
1416 var _node2$declaration;
1417 const node2 = node;
1418 this.checkExport(node2, true, false, !!node2.source);
1419 if (((_node2$declaration = node2.declaration) == null ? void 0 : _node2$declaration.type) === "ClassDeclaration") {
1420 this.maybeTakeDecorators(decorators, node2.declaration, node2);
1421 } else if (decorators) {
1422 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnsupportedDecoratorExport, {
1423 at: node
1424 });
1425 }
1426 return this.finishNode(node2, "ExportNamedDeclaration");
1427 }
1428 if (this.eat(65)) {
1429 const node2 = node;
1430 const decl = this.parseExportDefaultExpression();
1431 node2.declaration = decl;
1432 if (decl.type === "ClassDeclaration") {
1433 this.maybeTakeDecorators(decorators, decl, node2);
1434 } else if (decorators) {
1435 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnsupportedDecoratorExport, {
1436 at: node
1437 });
1438 }
1439 this.checkExport(node2, true, true);
1440 return this.finishNode(node2, "ExportDefaultDeclaration");
1441 }
1442 this.unexpected(null, 5);
1443 }
1444 eatExportStar(node) {
1445 return this.eat(55);
1446 }
1447 maybeParseExportDefaultSpecifier(node, maybeDefaultIdentifier) {
1448 if (maybeDefaultIdentifier || this.isExportDefaultSpecifier()) {
1449 this.expectPlugin("exportDefaultFrom", maybeDefaultIdentifier == null ? void 0 : maybeDefaultIdentifier.loc.start);
1450 const id = maybeDefaultIdentifier || this.parseIdentifier(true);
1451 const specifier = this.startNodeAtNode(id);
1452 specifier.exported = id;
1453 node.specifiers = [this.finishNode(specifier, "ExportDefaultSpecifier")];
1454 return true;
1455 }
1456 return false;
1457 }
1458 maybeParseExportNamespaceSpecifier(node) {
1459 if (this.isContextual(93)) {
1460 if (!node.specifiers) node.specifiers = [];
1461 const specifier = this.startNodeAt(this.state.lastTokStartLoc);
1462 this.next();
1463 specifier.exported = this.parseModuleExportName();
1464 node.specifiers.push(this.finishNode(specifier, "ExportNamespaceSpecifier"));
1465 return true;
1466 }
1467 return false;
1468 }
1469 maybeParseExportNamedSpecifiers(node) {
1470 if (this.match(5)) {
1471 if (!node.specifiers) node.specifiers = [];
1472 const isTypeExport = node.exportKind === "type";
1473 node.specifiers.push(...this.parseExportSpecifiers(isTypeExport));
1474 node.source = null;
1475 node.declaration = null;
1476 if (this.hasPlugin("importAssertions")) {
1477 node.assertions = [];
1478 }
1479 return true;
1480 }
1481 return false;
1482 }
1483 maybeParseExportDeclaration(node) {
1484 if (this.shouldParseExportDeclaration()) {
1485 node.specifiers = [];
1486 node.source = null;
1487 if (this.hasPlugin("importAssertions")) {
1488 node.assertions = [];
1489 }
1490 node.declaration = this.parseExportDeclaration(node);
1491 return true;
1492 }
1493 return false;
1494 }
1495 isAsyncFunction() {
1496 if (!this.isContextual(95)) return false;
1497 const next = this.nextTokenInLineStart();
1498 return this.isUnparsedContextual(next, "function");
1499 }
1500 parseExportDefaultExpression() {
1501 const expr = this.startNode();
1502 if (this.match(68)) {
1503 this.next();
1504 return this.parseFunction(expr, ParseFunctionFlag.Declaration | ParseFunctionFlag.NullableId);
1505 } else if (this.isAsyncFunction()) {
1506 this.next();
1507 this.next();
1508 return this.parseFunction(expr, ParseFunctionFlag.Declaration | ParseFunctionFlag.NullableId | ParseFunctionFlag.Async);
1509 }
1510 if (this.match(80)) {
1511 return this.parseClass(expr, true, true);
1512 }
1513 if (this.match(26)) {
1514 if (this.hasPlugin("decorators") && this.getPluginOption("decorators", "decoratorsBeforeExport") === true) {
1515 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DecoratorBeforeExport, {
1516 at: this.state.startLoc
1517 });
1518 }
1519 return this.parseClass(this.maybeTakeDecorators(this.parseDecorators(false), this.startNode()), true, true);
1520 }
1521 if (this.match(75) || this.match(74) || this.isLet()) {
1522 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.UnsupportedDefaultExport, {
1523 at: this.state.startLoc
1524 });
1525 }
1526 const res = this.parseMaybeAssignAllowIn();
1527 this.semicolon();
1528 return res;
1529 }
1530 parseExportDeclaration(node) {
1531 if (this.match(80)) {
1532 const node = this.parseClass(this.startNode(), true, false);
1533 return node;
1534 }
1535 return this.parseStatementListItem();
1536 }
1537 isExportDefaultSpecifier() {
1538 const {
1539 type
1540 } = this.state;
1541 if ((0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(type)) {
1542 if (type === 95 && !this.state.containsEsc || type === 99) {
1543 return false;
1544 }
1545 if ((type === 128 || type === 127) && !this.state.containsEsc) {
1546 const {
1547 type: nextType
1548 } = this.lookahead();
1549 if ((0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(nextType) && nextType !== 97 || nextType === 5) {
1550 this.expectOnePlugin(["flow", "typescript"]);
1551 return false;
1552 }
1553 }
1554 } else if (!this.match(65)) {
1555 return false;
1556 }
1557 const next = this.nextTokenStart();
1558 const hasFrom = this.isUnparsedContextual(next, "from");
1559 if (this.input.charCodeAt(next) === 44 || (0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(this.state.type) && hasFrom) {
1560 return true;
1561 }
1562 if (this.match(65) && hasFrom) {
1563 const nextAfterFrom = this.input.charCodeAt(this.nextTokenStartSince(next + 4));
1564 return nextAfterFrom === 34 || nextAfterFrom === 39;
1565 }
1566 return false;
1567 }
1568 parseExportFrom(node, expect) {
1569 if (this.eatContextual(97)) {
1570 node.source = this.parseImportSource();
1571 this.checkExport(node);
1572 this.maybeParseImportAttributes(node);
1573 this.checkJSONModuleImport(node);
1574 } else if (expect) {
1575 this.unexpected();
1576 }
1577 this.semicolon();
1578 }
1579 shouldParseExportDeclaration() {
1580 const {
1581 type
1582 } = this.state;
1583 if (type === 26) {
1584 this.expectOnePlugin(["decorators", "decorators-legacy"]);
1585 if (this.hasPlugin("decorators")) {
1586 if (this.getPluginOption("decorators", "decoratorsBeforeExport") === true) {
1587 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DecoratorBeforeExport, {
1588 at: this.state.startLoc
1589 });
1590 }
1591 return true;
1592 }
1593 }
1594 return type === 74 || type === 75 || type === 68 || type === 80 || this.isLet() || this.isAsyncFunction();
1595 }
1596 checkExport(node, checkNames, isDefault, isFrom) {
1597 if (checkNames) {
1598 if (isDefault) {
1599 this.checkDuplicateExports(node, "default");
1600 if (this.hasPlugin("exportDefaultFrom")) {
1601 var _declaration$extra;
1602 const declaration = node.declaration;
1603 if (declaration.type === "Identifier" && declaration.name === "from" && declaration.end - declaration.start === 4 && !((_declaration$extra = declaration.extra) != null && _declaration$extra.parenthesized)) {
1604 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ExportDefaultFromAsIdentifier, {
1605 at: declaration
1606 });
1607 }
1608 }
1609 } else if (node.specifiers && node.specifiers.length) {
1610 for (const specifier of node.specifiers) {
1611 const {
1612 exported
1613 } = specifier;
1614 const exportName = exported.type === "Identifier" ? exported.name : exported.value;
1615 this.checkDuplicateExports(specifier, exportName);
1616 if (!isFrom && specifier.local) {
1617 const {
1618 local
1619 } = specifier;
1620 if (local.type !== "Identifier") {
1621 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ExportBindingIsString, {
1622 at: specifier,
1623 localName: local.value,
1624 exportName
1625 });
1626 } else {
1627 this.checkReservedWord(local.name, local.loc.start, true, false);
1628 this.scope.checkLocalExport(local);
1629 }
1630 }
1631 }
1632 } else if (node.declaration) {
1633 if (node.declaration.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || node.declaration.type === "ClassDeclaration") {
1634 const id = node.declaration.id;
1635 if (!id) throw new Error("Assertion failure");
1636 this.checkDuplicateExports(node, id.name);
1637 } else if (node.declaration.type === "VariableDeclaration") {
1638 for (const declaration of node.declaration.declarations) {
1639 this.checkDeclaration(declaration.id);
1640 }
1641 }
1642 }
1643 }
1644 }
1645 checkDeclaration(node) {
1646 if (node.type === "Identifier") {
1647 this.checkDuplicateExports(node, node.name);
1648 } else if (node.type === "ObjectPattern") {
1649 for (const prop of node.properties) {
1650 this.checkDeclaration(prop);
1651 }
1652 } else if (node.type === "ArrayPattern") {
1653 for (const elem of node.elements) {
1654 if (elem) {
1655 this.checkDeclaration(elem);
1656 }
1657 }
1658 } else if (node.type === "ObjectProperty") {
1659 this.checkDeclaration(node.value);
1660 } else if (node.type === "RestElement") {
1661 this.checkDeclaration(node.argument);
1662 } else if (node.type === "AssignmentPattern") {
1663 this.checkDeclaration(node.left);
1664 }
1665 }
1666 checkDuplicateExports(node, exportName) {
1667 if (this.exportedIdentifiers.has(exportName)) {
1668 if (exportName === "default") {
1669 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DuplicateDefaultExport, {
1670 at: node
1671 });
1672 } else {
1673 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DuplicateExport, {
1674 at: node,
1675 exportName
1676 });
1677 }
1678 }
1679 this.exportedIdentifiers.add(exportName);
1680 }
1681 parseExportSpecifiers(isInTypeExport) {
1682 const nodes = [];
1683 let first = true;
1684 this.expect(5);
1685 while (!this.eat(8)) {
1686 if (first) {
1687 first = false;
1688 } else {
1689 this.expect(12);
1690 if (this.eat(8)) break;
1691 }
1692 const isMaybeTypeOnly = this.isContextual(128);
1693 const isString = this.match(131);
1694 const node = this.startNode();
1695 node.local = this.parseModuleExportName();
1696 nodes.push(this.parseExportSpecifier(node, isString, isInTypeExport, isMaybeTypeOnly));
1697 }
1698 return nodes;
1699 }
1700 parseExportSpecifier(node, isString, isInTypeExport, isMaybeTypeOnly) {
1701 if (this.eatContextual(93)) {
1702 node.exported = this.parseModuleExportName();
1703 } else if (isString) {
1704 node.exported = (0, _node.cloneStringLiteral)(node.local);
1705 } else if (!node.exported) {
1706 node.exported = (0, _node.cloneIdentifier)(node.local);
1707 }
1708 return this.finishNode(node, "ExportSpecifier");
1709 }
1710 parseModuleExportName() {
1711 if (this.match(131)) {
1712 const result = this.parseStringLiteral(this.state.value);
1713 const surrogate = result.value.match(loneSurrogate);
1714 if (surrogate) {
1715 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ModuleExportNameHasLoneSurrogate, {
1716 at: result,
1717 surrogateCharCode: surrogate[0].charCodeAt(0)
1718 });
1719 }
1720 return result;
1721 }
1722 return this.parseIdentifier(true);
1723 }
1724 isJSONModuleImport(node) {
1725 if (node.assertions != null) {
1726 return node.assertions.some(({
1727 key,
1728 value
1729 }) => {
1730 return value.value === "json" && (key.type === "Identifier" ? key.name === "type" : key.value === "type");
1731 });
1732 }
1733 return false;
1734 }
1735 checkImportReflection(node) {
1736 if (node.module) {
1737 var _node$assertions;
1738 if (node.specifiers.length !== 1 || node.specifiers[0].type !== "ImportDefaultSpecifier") {
1739 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ImportReflectionNotBinding, {
1740 at: node.specifiers[0].loc.start
1741 });
1742 }
1743 if (((_node$assertions = node.assertions) == null ? void 0 : _node$assertions.length) > 0) {
1744 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ImportReflectionHasAssertion, {
1745 at: node.specifiers[0].loc.start
1746 });
1747 }
1748 }
1749 }
1750 checkJSONModuleImport(node) {
1751 if (this.isJSONModuleImport(node) && node.type !== "ExportAllDeclaration") {
1752 const {
1753 specifiers
1754 } = node;
1755 if (specifiers != null) {
1756 const nonDefaultNamedSpecifier = specifiers.find(specifier => {
1757 let imported;
1758 if (specifier.type === "ExportSpecifier") {
1759 imported = specifier.local;
1760 } else if (specifier.type === "ImportSpecifier") {
1761 imported = specifier.imported;
1762 }
1763 if (imported !== undefined) {
1764 return imported.type === "Identifier" ? imported.name !== "default" : imported.value !== "default";
1765 }
1766 });
1767 if (nonDefaultNamedSpecifier !== undefined) {
1768 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ImportJSONBindingNotDefault, {
1769 at: nonDefaultNamedSpecifier.loc.start
1770 });
1771 }
1772 }
1773 }
1774 }
1775 isPotentialImportPhase(isExport) {
1776 return !isExport && this.isContextual(125);
1777 }
1778 applyImportPhase(node, isExport, phase, loc) {
1779 if (isExport) {
1780 ;
1781 return;
1782 }
1783 if (phase === "module") {
1784 this.expectPlugin("importReflection", loc);
1785 node.module = true;
1786 } else if (this.hasPlugin("importReflection")) {
1787 node.module = false;
1788 }
1789 }
1790 parseMaybeImportPhase(node, isExport) {
1791 if (!this.isPotentialImportPhase(isExport)) {
1792 this.applyImportPhase(node, isExport, null);
1793 return null;
1794 }
1795 const phaseIdentifier = this.parseIdentifier(true);
1796 const {
1797 type
1798 } = this.state;
1799 const isImportPhase = (0, _types.tokenIsKeywordOrIdentifier)(type) ? type !== 97 || this.lookaheadCharCode() === 102 : type !== 12;
1800 if (isImportPhase) {
1801 this.resetPreviousIdentifierLeadingComments(phaseIdentifier);
1802 this.applyImportPhase(node, isExport, phaseIdentifier.name, phaseIdentifier.loc.start);
1803 return null;
1804 } else {
1805 this.applyImportPhase(node, isExport, null);
1806 return phaseIdentifier;
1807 }
1808 }
1809 isPrecedingIdImportPhase(phase) {
1810 const {
1811 type
1812 } = this.state;
1813 return (0, _types.tokenIsIdentifier)(type) ? type !== 97 || this.lookaheadCharCode() === 102 : type !== 12;
1814 }
1815 parseImport(node) {
1816 if (this.match(131)) {
1817 return this.parseImportSourceAndAttributes(node);
1818 }
1819 return this.parseImportSpecifiersAndAfter(node, this.parseMaybeImportPhase(node, false));
1820 }
1821 parseImportSpecifiersAndAfter(node, maybeDefaultIdentifier) {
1822 node.specifiers = [];
1823 const hasDefault = this.maybeParseDefaultImportSpecifier(node, maybeDefaultIdentifier);
1824 const parseNext = !hasDefault || this.eat(12);
1825 const hasStar = parseNext && this.maybeParseStarImportSpecifier(node);
1826 if (parseNext && !hasStar) this.parseNamedImportSpecifiers(node);
1827 this.expectContextual(97);
1828 return this.parseImportSourceAndAttributes(node);
1829 }
1830 parseImportSourceAndAttributes(node) {
1831 var _node$specifiers;
1832 (_node$specifiers = node.specifiers) != null ? _node$specifiers : node.specifiers = [];
1833 node.source = this.parseImportSource();
1834 this.maybeParseImportAttributes(node);
1835 this.checkImportReflection(node);
1836 this.checkJSONModuleImport(node);
1837 this.semicolon();
1838 return this.finishNode(node, "ImportDeclaration");
1839 }
1840 parseImportSource() {
1841 if (!this.match(131)) this.unexpected();
1842 return this.parseExprAtom();
1843 }
1844 parseImportSpecifierLocal(node, specifier, type) {
1845 specifier.local = this.parseIdentifier();
1846 node.specifiers.push(this.finishImportSpecifier(specifier, type));
1847 }
1848 finishImportSpecifier(specifier, type, bindingType = _scopeflags.BIND_LEXICAL) {
1849 this.checkLVal(specifier.local, {
1850 in: {
1851 type
1852 },
1853 binding: bindingType
1854 });
1855 return this.finishNode(specifier, type);
1856 }
1857 parseImportAttributes() {
1858 this.expect(5);
1859 const attrs = [];
1860 const attrNames = new Set();
1861 do {
1862 if (this.match(8)) {
1863 break;
1864 }
1865 const node = this.startNode();
1866 const keyName = this.state.value;
1867 if (attrNames.has(keyName)) {
1868 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ModuleAttributesWithDuplicateKeys, {
1869 at: this.state.startLoc,
1870 key: keyName
1871 });
1872 }
1873 attrNames.add(keyName);
1874 if (this.match(131)) {
1875 node.key = this.parseStringLiteral(keyName);
1876 } else {
1877 node.key = this.parseIdentifier(true);
1878 }
1879 this.expect(14);
1880 if (!this.match(131)) {
1881 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ModuleAttributeInvalidValue, {
1882 at: this.state.startLoc
1883 });
1884 }
1885 node.value = this.parseStringLiteral(this.state.value);
1886 attrs.push(this.finishNode(node, "ImportAttribute"));
1887 } while (this.eat(12));
1888 this.expect(8);
1889 return attrs;
1890 }
1891 parseModuleAttributes() {
1892 const attrs = [];
1893 const attributes = new Set();
1894 do {
1895 const node = this.startNode();
1896 node.key = this.parseIdentifier(true);
1897 if (node.key.name !== "type") {
1898 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ModuleAttributeDifferentFromType, {
1899 at: node.key
1900 });
1901 }
1902 if (attributes.has(node.key.name)) {
1903 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ModuleAttributesWithDuplicateKeys, {
1904 at: node.key,
1905 key: node.key.name
1906 });
1907 }
1908 attributes.add(node.key.name);
1909 this.expect(14);
1910 if (!this.match(131)) {
1911 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ModuleAttributeInvalidValue, {
1912 at: this.state.startLoc
1913 });
1914 }
1915 node.value = this.parseStringLiteral(this.state.value);
1916 attrs.push(this.finishNode(node, "ImportAttribute"));
1917 } while (this.eat(12));
1918 return attrs;
1919 }
1920 maybeParseImportAttributes(node) {
1921 let attributes;
1922 let useWith = false;
1923 if (this.match(76)) {
1924 if (this.hasPrecedingLineBreak() && this.lookaheadCharCode() === 40) {
1925 return;
1926 }
1927 this.next();
1928 {
1929 if (this.hasPlugin("moduleAttributes")) {
1930 attributes = this.parseModuleAttributes();
1931 } else {
1932 this.expectImportAttributesPlugin();
1933 attributes = this.parseImportAttributes();
1934 }
1935 }
1936 useWith = true;
1937 } else if (this.isContextual(94) && !this.hasPrecedingLineBreak()) {
1938 if (this.hasPlugin("importAttributes")) {
1939 if (this.getPluginOption("importAttributes", "deprecatedAssertSyntax") !== true) {
1940 this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ImportAttributesUseAssert, {
1941 at: this.state.startLoc
1942 });
1943 }
1944 this.addExtra(node, "deprecatedAssertSyntax", true);
1945 } else {
1946 this.expectOnePlugin(["importAttributes", "importAssertions"]);
1947 }
1948 this.next();
1949 attributes = this.parseImportAttributes();
1950 } else if (this.hasPlugin("importAttributes") || this.hasPlugin("importAssertions")) {
1951 attributes = [];
1952 } else {
1953 if (this.hasPlugin("moduleAttributes")) {
1954 attributes = [];
1955 } else return;
1956 }
1957 if (!useWith && this.hasPlugin("importAssertions")) {
1958 node.assertions = attributes;
1959 } else {
1960 node.attributes = attributes;
1961 }
1962 }
1963 maybeParseDefaultImportSpecifier(node, maybeDefaultIdentifier) {
1964 if (maybeDefaultIdentifier) {
1965 const specifier = this.startNodeAtNode(maybeDefaultIdentifier);
1966 specifier.local = maybeDefaultIdentifier;
1967 node.specifiers.push(this.finishImportSpecifier(specifier, "ImportDefaultSpecifier"));
1968 return true;
1969 } else if ((0, _types.tokenIsKeywordOrIdentifier)(this.state.type)) {
1970 this.parseImportSpecifierLocal(node, this.startNode(), "ImportDefaultSpecifier");
1971 return true;
1972 }
1973 return false;
1974 }
1975 maybeParseStarImportSpecifier(node) {
1976 if (this.match(55)) {
1977 const specifier = this.startNode();
1978 this.next();
1979 this.expectContextual(93);
1980 this.parseImportSpecifierLocal(node, specifier, "ImportNamespaceSpecifier");
1981 return true;
1982 }
1983 return false;
1984 }
1985 parseNamedImportSpecifiers(node) {
1986 let first = true;
1987 this.expect(5);
1988 while (!this.eat(8)) {
1989 if (first) {
1990 first = false;
1991 } else {
1992 if (this.eat(14)) {
1993 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.DestructureNamedImport, {
1994 at: this.state.startLoc
1995 });
1996 }
1997 this.expect(12);
1998 if (this.eat(8)) break;
1999 }
2000 const specifier = this.startNode();
2001 const importedIsString = this.match(131);
2002 const isMaybeTypeOnly = this.isContextual(128);
2003 specifier.imported = this.parseModuleExportName();
2004 const importSpecifier = this.parseImportSpecifier(specifier, importedIsString, node.importKind === "type" || node.importKind === "typeof", isMaybeTypeOnly, undefined);
2005 node.specifiers.push(importSpecifier);
2006 }
2007 }
2008 parseImportSpecifier(specifier, importedIsString, isInTypeOnlyImport, isMaybeTypeOnly, bindingType) {
2009 if (this.eatContextual(93)) {
2010 specifier.local = this.parseIdentifier();
2011 } else {
2012 const {
2013 imported
2014 } = specifier;
2015 if (importedIsString) {
2016 throw this.raise(_parseError.Errors.ImportBindingIsString, {
2017 at: specifier,
2018 importName: imported.value
2019 });
2020 }
2021 this.checkReservedWord(imported.name, specifier.loc.start, true, true);
2022 if (!specifier.local) {
2023 specifier.local = (0, _node.cloneIdentifier)(imported);
2024 }
2025 }
2026 return this.finishImportSpecifier(specifier, "ImportSpecifier", bindingType);
2027 }
2028 isThisParam(param) {
2029 return param.type === "Identifier" && param.name === "this";
2030 }
2032exports.default = StatementParser;
2034//# sourceMappingURL=statement.js.map