27.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 value: true
6exports.default = _default;
7var _core = require("@babel/core");
8var _pluginSyntaxDecorators = require("@babel/plugin-syntax-decorators");
9var _helperReplaceSupers = require("@babel/helper-replace-supers");
10var _helperSplitExportDeclaration = require("@babel/helper-split-export-declaration");
11function incrementId(id, idx = id.length - 1) {
12 if (idx === -1) {
13 id.unshift(65);
14 return;
15 }
16 const current = id[idx];
17 if (current === 90) {
18 id[idx] = 97;
19 } else if (current === 122) {
20 id[idx] = 65;
21 incrementId(id, idx - 1);
22 } else {
23 id[idx] = current + 1;
24 }
26function createPrivateUidGeneratorForClass(classPath) {
27 const currentPrivateId = [];
28 const privateNames = new Set();
29 classPath.traverse({
30 PrivateName(path) {
31 privateNames.add(path.node.id.name);
32 }
33 });
34 return () => {
35 let reifiedId;
36 do {
37 incrementId(currentPrivateId);
38 reifiedId = String.fromCharCode(...currentPrivateId);
39 } while (privateNames.has(reifiedId));
40 return _core.types.privateName(_core.types.identifier(reifiedId));
41 };
43function createLazyPrivateUidGeneratorForClass(classPath) {
44 let generator;
45 return () => {
46 if (!generator) {
47 generator = createPrivateUidGeneratorForClass(classPath);
48 }
49 return generator();
50 };
52function replaceClassWithVar(path) {
53 if (path.type === "ClassDeclaration") {
54 const varId = path.scope.generateUidIdentifierBasedOnNode(path.node.id);
55 const classId = _core.types.identifier(path.node.id.name);
56 path.scope.rename(classId.name, varId.name);
57 path.insertBefore(_core.types.variableDeclaration("let", [_core.types.variableDeclarator(varId)]));
58 path.get("id").replaceWith(classId);
59 return [_core.types.cloneNode(varId), path];
60 } else {
61 let className;
62 let varId;
63 if (path.node.id) {
64 className = path.node.id.name;
65 varId = path.scope.parent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(className);
66 path.scope.rename(className, varId.name);
67 } else if (path.parentPath.node.type === "VariableDeclarator" && path.parentPath.node.id.type === "Identifier") {
68 className = path.parentPath.node.id.name;
69 varId = path.scope.parent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(className);
70 } else {
71 varId = path.scope.parent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("decorated_class");
72 }
73 const newClassExpr = _core.types.classExpression(className && _core.types.identifier(className), path.node.superClass, path.node.body);
74 const [newPath] = path.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression([newClassExpr, varId]));
75 return [_core.types.cloneNode(varId), newPath.get("expressions.0")];
76 }
78function generateClassProperty(key, value, isStatic) {
79 if (key.type === "PrivateName") {
80 return _core.types.classPrivateProperty(key, value, undefined, isStatic);
81 } else {
82 return _core.types.classProperty(key, value, undefined, undefined, isStatic);
83 }
85function addProxyAccessorsFor(className, element, originalKey, targetKey, version, isComputed = false) {
86 const {
87 static: isStatic
88 } = element.node;
89 const thisArg = version === "2023-05" && isStatic ? className : _core.types.thisExpression();
90 const getterBody = _core.types.blockStatement([_core.types.returnStatement(_core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(thisArg), _core.types.cloneNode(targetKey)))]);
91 const setterBody = _core.types.blockStatement([_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", _core.types.memberExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(thisArg), _core.types.cloneNode(targetKey)), _core.types.identifier("v")))]);
92 let getter, setter;
93 if (originalKey.type === "PrivateName") {
94 getter = _core.types.classPrivateMethod("get", _core.types.cloneNode(originalKey), [], getterBody, isStatic);
95 setter = _core.types.classPrivateMethod("set", _core.types.cloneNode(originalKey), [_core.types.identifier("v")], setterBody, isStatic);
96 } else {
97 getter = _core.types.classMethod("get", _core.types.cloneNode(originalKey), [], getterBody, isComputed, isStatic);
98 setter = _core.types.classMethod("set", _core.types.cloneNode(originalKey), [_core.types.identifier("v")], setterBody, isComputed, isStatic);
99 }
100 element.insertAfter(setter);
101 element.insertAfter(getter);
103function extractProxyAccessorsFor(targetKey, version) {
104 if (version !== "2023-05" && version !== "2023-01") {
105 return [_core.template.expression.ast`
106 function () {
107 return this.${_core.types.cloneNode(targetKey)};
108 }
109 `, _core.template.expression.ast`
110 function (value) {
111 this.${_core.types.cloneNode(targetKey)} = value;
112 }
113 `];
114 }
115 return [_core.template.expression.ast`
116 o => o.${_core.types.cloneNode(targetKey)}
117 `, _core.template.expression.ast`
118 (o, v) => o.${_core.types.cloneNode(targetKey)} = v
119 `];
121const FIELD = 0;
122const ACCESSOR = 1;
123const METHOD = 2;
124const GETTER = 3;
125const SETTER = 4;
126const STATIC_OLD_VERSION = 5;
127const STATIC = 8;
129function getElementKind(element) {
130 switch (element.node.type) {
131 case "ClassProperty":
132 case "ClassPrivateProperty":
133 return FIELD;
134 case "ClassAccessorProperty":
135 return ACCESSOR;
136 case "ClassMethod":
137 case "ClassPrivateMethod":
138 if (element.node.kind === "get") {
139 return GETTER;
140 } else if (element.node.kind === "set") {
141 return SETTER;
142 } else {
143 return METHOD;
144 }
145 }
147function isDecoratorInfo(info) {
148 return "decorators" in info;
150function filteredOrderedDecoratorInfo(info) {
151 const filtered = info.filter(isDecoratorInfo);
152 return [...filtered.filter(el => el.isStatic && el.kind >= ACCESSOR && el.kind <= SETTER), ...filtered.filter(el => !el.isStatic && el.kind >= ACCESSOR && el.kind <= SETTER), ...filtered.filter(el => el.isStatic && el.kind === FIELD), ...filtered.filter(el => !el.isStatic && el.kind === FIELD)];
154function generateDecorationList(decorators, decoratorsThis, version) {
155 const decsCount = decorators.length;
156 const hasOneThis = decoratorsThis.some(Boolean);
157 const decs = [];
158 for (let i = 0; i < decsCount; i++) {
159 if (version === "2023-05" && hasOneThis) {
160 decs.push(decoratorsThis[i] || _core.types.unaryExpression("void", _core.types.numericLiteral(0)));
161 }
162 decs.push(decorators[i]);
163 }
164 return {
165 hasThis: hasOneThis,
166 decs
167 };
169function generateDecorationExprs(info, version) {
170 return _core.types.arrayExpression(filteredOrderedDecoratorInfo(info).map(el => {
171 const {
172 decs,
173 hasThis
174 } = generateDecorationList(el.decorators, el.decoratorsThis, version);
175 let flag = el.kind;
176 if (el.isStatic) {
177 flag += version === "2023-05" ? STATIC : STATIC_OLD_VERSION;
178 }
179 if (hasThis) flag += DECORATORS_HAVE_THIS;
180 return _core.types.arrayExpression([decs.length === 1 ? decs[0] : _core.types.arrayExpression(decs), _core.types.numericLiteral(flag), el.name, ...(el.privateMethods || [])]);
181 }));
183function extractElementLocalAssignments(decorationInfo) {
184 const localIds = [];
185 for (const el of filteredOrderedDecoratorInfo(decorationInfo)) {
186 const {
187 locals
188 } = el;
189 if (Array.isArray(locals)) {
190 localIds.push(...locals);
191 } else if (locals !== undefined) {
192 localIds.push(locals);
193 }
194 }
195 return localIds;
197function addCallAccessorsFor(element, key, getId, setId) {
198 element.insertAfter(_core.types.classPrivateMethod("get", _core.types.cloneNode(key), [], _core.types.blockStatement([_core.types.returnStatement(_core.types.callExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(getId), [_core.types.thisExpression()]))])));
199 element.insertAfter(_core.types.classPrivateMethod("set", _core.types.cloneNode(key), [_core.types.identifier("v")], _core.types.blockStatement([_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(setId), [_core.types.thisExpression(), _core.types.identifier("v")]))])));
201function isNotTsParameter(node) {
202 return node.type !== "TSParameterProperty";
204function movePrivateAccessor(element, key, methodLocalVar, isStatic) {
205 let params;
206 let block;
207 if (element.node.kind === "set") {
208 params = [_core.types.identifier("v")];
209 block = [_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(methodLocalVar, [_core.types.thisExpression(), _core.types.identifier("v")]))];
210 } else {
211 params = [];
212 block = [_core.types.returnStatement(_core.types.callExpression(methodLocalVar, [_core.types.thisExpression()]))];
213 }
214 element.replaceWith(_core.types.classPrivateMethod(element.node.kind, _core.types.cloneNode(key), params, _core.types.blockStatement(block), isStatic));
216function isClassDecoratableElementPath(path) {
217 const {
218 type
219 } = path;
220 return type !== "TSDeclareMethod" && type !== "TSIndexSignature" && type !== "StaticBlock";
222function staticBlockToIIFE(block) {
223 return _core.types.callExpression(_core.types.arrowFunctionExpression([], _core.types.blockStatement(block.body)), []);
225function maybeSequenceExpression(exprs) {
226 if (exprs.length === 0) return _core.types.unaryExpression("void", _core.types.numericLiteral(0));
227 if (exprs.length === 1) return exprs[0];
228 return _core.types.sequenceExpression(exprs);
230function transformClass(path, state, constantSuper, version) {
231 const body = path.get("body.body");
232 const classDecorators = path.node.decorators;
233 let hasElementDecorators = false;
234 const generateClassPrivateUid = createLazyPrivateUidGeneratorForClass(path);
235 for (const element of body) {
236 if (!isClassDecoratableElementPath(element)) {
237 continue;
238 }
239 if (element.node.decorators && element.node.decorators.length > 0) {
240 hasElementDecorators = true;
241 } else if (element.node.type === "ClassAccessorProperty") {
242 const {
243 key,
244 value,
245 static: isStatic,
246 computed
247 } = element.node;
248 const newId = generateClassPrivateUid();
249 const valueNode = value ? _core.types.cloneNode(value) : undefined;
250 const newField = generateClassProperty(newId, valueNode, isStatic);
251 const [newPath] = element.replaceWith(newField);
252 addProxyAccessorsFor(path.node.id, newPath, key, newId, version, computed);
253 }
254 }
255 if (!classDecorators && !hasElementDecorators) return;
256 const elementDecoratorInfo = [];
257 let firstFieldPath;
258 let constructorPath;
259 let requiresProtoInit = false;
260 let requiresStaticInit = false;
261 const decoratedPrivateMethods = new Set();
262 let protoInitLocal, staticInitLocal, classInitLocal, classIdLocal;
263 const assignments = [];
264 const scopeParent = path.scope.parent;
265 const memoiseExpression = (expression, hint) => {
266 const localEvaluatedId = scopeParent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(hint);
267 assignments.push(_core.types.assignmentExpression("=", localEvaluatedId, expression));
268 return _core.types.cloneNode(localEvaluatedId);
269 };
270 const decoratorsThis = new Map();
271 const maybeExtractDecorator = decorator => {
272 const {
273 expression
274 } = decorator;
275 if (version === "2023-05" && _core.types.isMemberExpression(expression)) {
276 let object;
277 if (_core.types.isSuper(expression.object) || _core.types.isThisExpression(expression.object)) {
278 object = memoiseExpression(_core.types.thisExpression(), "obj");
279 } else if (!scopeParent.isStatic(expression.object)) {
280 object = memoiseExpression(expression.object, "obj");
281 expression.object = object;
282 } else {
283 object = expression.object;
284 }
285 decoratorsThis.set(decorator, _core.types.cloneNode(object));
286 }
287 if (!scopeParent.isStatic(expression)) {
288 decorator.expression = memoiseExpression(expression, "dec");
289 }
290 };
291 if (classDecorators) {
292 classInitLocal = scopeParent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("initClass");
293 const [classId, classPath] = replaceClassWithVar(path);
294 path = classPath;
295 classIdLocal = classId;
296 path.node.decorators = null;
297 for (const classDecorator of classDecorators) {
298 maybeExtractDecorator(classDecorator);
299 }
300 } else {
301 if (!path.node.id) {
302 path.node.id = path.scope.generateUidIdentifier("Class");
303 }
304 classIdLocal = _core.types.cloneNode(path.node.id);
305 }
306 let lastInstancePrivateName;
307 let needsInstancePrivateBrandCheck = false;
308 if (hasElementDecorators) {
309 for (const element of body) {
310 if (!isClassDecoratableElementPath(element)) {
311 continue;
312 }
313 const {
314 node
315 } = element;
316 const decorators = element.get("decorators");
317 const hasDecorators = Array.isArray(decorators) && decorators.length > 0;
318 if (hasDecorators) {
319 for (const decoratorPath of decorators) {
320 maybeExtractDecorator(decoratorPath.node);
321 }
322 }
323 const isComputed = "computed" in element.node && element.node.computed === true;
324 if (isComputed) {
325 if (!scopeParent.isStatic(node.key)) {
326 node.key = memoiseExpression(node.key, "computedKey");
327 }
328 }
329 const kind = getElementKind(element);
330 const {
331 key
332 } = node;
333 const isPrivate = key.type === "PrivateName";
334 const isStatic = !!element.node.static;
335 let name = "computedKey";
336 if (isPrivate) {
337 name = key.id.name;
338 } else if (!isComputed && key.type === "Identifier") {
339 name = key.name;
340 }
341 if (isPrivate && !isStatic) {
342 if (hasDecorators) {
343 needsInstancePrivateBrandCheck = true;
344 }
345 if (_core.types.isClassPrivateProperty(node) || !lastInstancePrivateName) {
346 lastInstancePrivateName = key;
347 }
348 }
349 if (element.isClassMethod({
350 kind: "constructor"
351 })) {
352 constructorPath = element;
353 }
354 if (hasDecorators) {
355 let locals;
356 let privateMethods;
357 if (kind === ACCESSOR) {
358 const {
359 value
360 } = element.node;
361 const params = [_core.types.thisExpression()];
362 if (value) {
363 params.push(_core.types.cloneNode(value));
364 }
365 const newId = generateClassPrivateUid();
366 const newFieldInitId = element.scope.parent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(`init_${name}`);
367 const newValue = _core.types.callExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(newFieldInitId), params);
368 const newField = generateClassProperty(newId, newValue, isStatic);
369 const [newPath] = element.replaceWith(newField);
370 if (isPrivate) {
371 privateMethods = extractProxyAccessorsFor(newId, version);
372 const getId = newPath.scope.parent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(`get_${name}`);
373 const setId = newPath.scope.parent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(`set_${name}`);
374 addCallAccessorsFor(newPath, key, getId, setId);
375 locals = [newFieldInitId, getId, setId];
376 } else {
377 addProxyAccessorsFor(path.node.id, newPath, key, newId, version, isComputed);
378 locals = newFieldInitId;
379 }
380 } else if (kind === FIELD) {
381 const initId = element.scope.parent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(`init_${name}`);
382 const valuePath = element.get("value");
383 valuePath.replaceWith(_core.types.callExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(initId), [_core.types.thisExpression(), valuePath.node].filter(v => v)));
384 locals = initId;
385 if (isPrivate) {
386 privateMethods = extractProxyAccessorsFor(key, version);
387 }
388 } else if (isPrivate) {
389 locals = element.scope.parent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier(`call_${name}`);
390 const replaceSupers = new _helperReplaceSupers.default({
391 constantSuper,
392 methodPath: element,
393 objectRef: classIdLocal,
394 superRef: path.node.superClass,
395 file: state.file,
396 refToPreserve: classIdLocal
397 });
398 replaceSupers.replace();
399 const {
400 params,
401 body,
402 async: isAsync
403 } = element.node;
404 privateMethods = [_core.types.functionExpression(undefined, params.filter(isNotTsParameter), body, isAsync)];
405 if (kind === GETTER || kind === SETTER) {
406 movePrivateAccessor(element, _core.types.cloneNode(key), _core.types.cloneNode(locals), isStatic);
407 } else {
408 const node = element.node;
409 path.node.body.body.unshift(_core.types.classPrivateProperty(key, _core.types.cloneNode(locals), [], node.static));
410 decoratedPrivateMethods.add(key.id.name);
411 element.remove();
412 }
413 }
414 let nameExpr;
415 if (isComputed) {
416 nameExpr = _core.types.cloneNode(key);
417 } else if (key.type === "PrivateName") {
418 nameExpr = _core.types.stringLiteral(key.id.name);
419 } else if (key.type === "Identifier") {
420 nameExpr = _core.types.stringLiteral(key.name);
421 } else {
422 nameExpr = _core.types.cloneNode(key);
423 }
424 elementDecoratorInfo.push({
425 kind,
426 decorators: decorators.map(d => d.node.expression),
427 decoratorsThis: decorators.map(d => decoratorsThis.get(d.node)),
428 name: nameExpr,
429 isStatic,
430 privateMethods,
431 locals
432 });
433 if (kind !== FIELD) {
434 if (isStatic) {
435 requiresStaticInit = true;
436 } else {
437 requiresProtoInit = true;
438 }
439 }
440 if (element.node) {
441 element.node.decorators = null;
442 }
443 if (!firstFieldPath && !isStatic && (kind === FIELD || kind === ACCESSOR)) {
444 firstFieldPath = element;
445 }
446 }
447 }
448 }
449 const elementDecorations = generateDecorationExprs(elementDecoratorInfo, version);
450 let classDecorationsFlag = 0;
451 let classDecorations = [];
452 if (classDecorators) {
453 const {
454 hasThis,
455 decs
456 } = generateDecorationList(classDecorators.map(el => el.expression), classDecorators.map(dec => decoratorsThis.get(dec)), version);
457 classDecorationsFlag = hasThis ? 1 : 0;
458 classDecorations = decs;
459 }
460 const elementLocals = extractElementLocalAssignments(elementDecoratorInfo);
461 if (requiresProtoInit) {
462 protoInitLocal = scopeParent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("initProto");
463 elementLocals.push(protoInitLocal);
464 const protoInitCall = _core.types.callExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(protoInitLocal), [_core.types.thisExpression()]);
465 if (firstFieldPath) {
466 const value = firstFieldPath.get("value");
467 const body = [protoInitCall];
468 if (value.node) {
469 body.push(value.node);
470 }
471 value.replaceWith(_core.types.sequenceExpression(body));
472 } else if (constructorPath) {
473 if (path.node.superClass) {
474 path.traverse({
475 CallExpression: {
476 exit(path) {
477 if (!path.get("callee").isSuper()) return;
478 path.replaceWith(_core.types.callExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(protoInitLocal), [path.node]));
479 path.skip();
480 }
481 }
482 });
483 } else {
484 constructorPath.node.body.body.unshift(_core.types.expressionStatement(protoInitCall));
485 }
486 } else {
487 const body = [_core.types.expressionStatement(protoInitCall)];
488 if (path.node.superClass) {
489 body.unshift(_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(_core.types.super(), [_core.types.spreadElement(_core.types.identifier("args"))])));
490 }
491 path.node.body.body.unshift(_core.types.classMethod("constructor", _core.types.identifier("constructor"), [_core.types.restElement(_core.types.identifier("args"))], _core.types.blockStatement(body)));
492 }
493 }
494 if (requiresStaticInit) {
495 staticInitLocal = scopeParent.generateDeclaredUidIdentifier("initStatic");
496 elementLocals.push(staticInitLocal);
497 }
498 if (decoratedPrivateMethods.size > 0) {
499 path.traverse({
500 PrivateName(path) {
501 if (!decoratedPrivateMethods.has(path.node.id.name)) return;
502 const parentPath = path.parentPath;
503 const parentParentPath = parentPath.parentPath;
504 if (parentParentPath.node.type === "AssignmentExpression" && parentParentPath.node.left === parentPath.node || parentParentPath.node.type === "UpdateExpression" || parentParentPath.node.type === "RestElement" || parentParentPath.node.type === "ArrayPattern" || parentParentPath.node.type === "ObjectProperty" && parentParentPath.node.value === parentPath.node && parentParentPath.parentPath.type === "ObjectPattern" || parentParentPath.node.type === "ForOfStatement" && parentParentPath.node.left === parentPath.node) {
505 throw path.buildCodeFrameError(`Decorated private methods are not updatable, but "#${path.node.id.name}" is updated via this expression.`);
506 }
507 }
508 });
509 }
510 const classLocals = [];
511 let classInitInjected = false;
512 const classInitCall = classInitLocal && _core.types.callExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(classInitLocal), []);
513 const originalClass = path.node;
514 if (classDecorators) {
515 classLocals.push(classIdLocal, classInitLocal);
516 const statics = [];
517 let staticBlocks = [];
518 path.get("body.body").forEach(element => {
519 if (element.isStaticBlock()) {
520 staticBlocks.push(element.node);
521 element.remove();
522 return;
523 }
524 const isProperty = element.isClassProperty() || element.isClassPrivateProperty();
525 if ((isProperty || element.isClassPrivateMethod()) && element.node.static) {
526 if (isProperty && staticBlocks.length > 0) {
527 const allValues = staticBlocks.map(staticBlockToIIFE);
528 if (element.node.value) allValues.push(element.node.value);
529 element.node.value = maybeSequenceExpression(allValues);
530 staticBlocks = [];
531 }
532 element.node.static = false;
533 statics.push(element.node);
534 element.remove();
535 }
536 });
537 if (statics.length > 0 || staticBlocks.length > 0) {
538 const staticsClass = _core.template.expression.ast`
539 class extends ${state.addHelper("identity")} {}
540 `;
541 staticsClass.body.body = [_core.types.staticBlock([_core.types.toStatement(originalClass, true) || _core.types.expressionStatement(originalClass)]), ...statics];
542 const constructorBody = [];
543 const newExpr = _core.types.newExpression(staticsClass, []);
544 if (staticBlocks.length > 0) {
545 constructorBody.push(...staticBlocks.map(staticBlockToIIFE));
546 }
547 if (classInitCall) {
548 classInitInjected = true;
549 constructorBody.push(classInitCall);
550 }
551 if (constructorBody.length > 0) {
552 constructorBody.unshift(_core.types.callExpression(_core.types.super(), [_core.types.cloneNode(classIdLocal)]));
553 staticsClass.body.body.push(_core.types.classMethod("constructor", _core.types.identifier("constructor"), [], _core.types.blockStatement([_core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.sequenceExpression(constructorBody))])));
554 } else {
555 newExpr.arguments.push(_core.types.cloneNode(classIdLocal));
556 }
557 path.replaceWith(newExpr);
558 }
559 }
560 if (!classInitInjected && classInitCall) {
561 path.node.body.body.push(_core.types.staticBlock([_core.types.expressionStatement(classInitCall)]));
562 }
563 originalClass.body.body.unshift(_core.types.staticBlock([_core.types.expressionStatement(createLocalsAssignment(elementLocals, classLocals, elementDecorations, _core.types.arrayExpression(classDecorations), _core.types.numericLiteral(classDecorationsFlag), needsInstancePrivateBrandCheck ? lastInstancePrivateName : null, state, version)), requiresStaticInit && _core.types.expressionStatement(_core.types.callExpression(_core.types.cloneNode(staticInitLocal), [_core.types.thisExpression()]))].filter(Boolean)));
564 path.insertBefore(assignments.map(expr => _core.types.expressionStatement(expr)));
565 path.scope.crawl();
566 return path;
568function createLocalsAssignment(elementLocals, classLocals, elementDecorations, classDecorations, classDecorationsFlag, maybePrivateBranName, state, version) {
569 let lhs, rhs;
570 const args = [_core.types.thisExpression(), elementDecorations, classDecorations];
571 if (version === "2021-12" || version === "2022-03" && !state.availableHelper("applyDecs2203R")) {
572 lhs = _core.types.arrayPattern([...elementLocals, ...classLocals]);
573 rhs = _core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper(version === "2021-12" ? "applyDecs" : "applyDecs2203"), args);
574 } else {
575 if (version === "2023-05") {
576 if (maybePrivateBranName || classDecorationsFlag.value !== 0) {
577 args.push(classDecorationsFlag);
578 }
579 if (maybePrivateBranName) {
580 args.push(_core.template.expression.ast`
581 _ => ${_core.types.cloneNode(maybePrivateBranName)} in _
582 `);
583 }
584 rhs = _core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper("applyDecs2305"), args);
585 } else if (version === "2023-01") {
586 if (maybePrivateBranName) {
587 args.push(_core.template.expression.ast`
588 _ => ${_core.types.cloneNode(maybePrivateBranName)} in _
589 `);
590 }
591 rhs = _core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper("applyDecs2301"), args);
592 } else {
593 rhs = _core.types.callExpression(state.addHelper("applyDecs2203R"), args);
594 }
595 if (elementLocals.length > 0) {
596 if (classLocals.length > 0) {
597 lhs = _core.types.objectPattern([_core.types.objectProperty(_core.types.identifier("e"), _core.types.arrayPattern(elementLocals)), _core.types.objectProperty(_core.types.identifier("c"), _core.types.arrayPattern(classLocals))]);
598 } else {
599 lhs = _core.types.arrayPattern(elementLocals);
600 rhs = _core.types.memberExpression(rhs, _core.types.identifier("e"), false, false);
601 }
602 } else {
603 lhs = _core.types.arrayPattern(classLocals);
604 rhs = _core.types.memberExpression(rhs, _core.types.identifier("c"), false, false);
605 }
606 }
607 return _core.types.assignmentExpression("=", lhs, rhs);
609function _default({
610 assertVersion,
611 assumption
612}, {
613 loose
614}, version) {
615 var _assumption;
616 if (version === "2023-05" || version === "2023-01") {
617 assertVersion("^7.21.0");
618 } else if (version === "2021-12") {
619 assertVersion("^7.16.0");
620 } else {
621 assertVersion("^7.19.0");
622 }
623 const VISITED = new WeakSet();
624 const constantSuper = (_assumption = assumption("constantSuper")) != null ? _assumption : loose;
625 return {
626 name: "proposal-decorators",
627 inherits: _pluginSyntaxDecorators.default,
628 visitor: {
629 "ExportNamedDeclaration|ExportDefaultDeclaration"(path) {
630 var _declaration$decorato;
631 const {
632 declaration
633 } = path.node;
634 if ((declaration == null ? void 0 : declaration.type) === "ClassDeclaration" && ((_declaration$decorato = declaration.decorators) == null ? void 0 : _declaration$decorato.length) > 0) {
635 (0, _helperSplitExportDeclaration.default)(path);
636 }
637 },
638 Class(path, state) {
639 if (VISITED.has(path)) return;
640 const newPath = transformClass(path, state, constantSuper, version);
641 if (newPath) VISITED.add(newPath);
642 }
643 }
644 };
647//# sourceMappingURL=transformer-2023-05.js.map