4.54 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
4 value: true
6exports.default = void 0;
7var _helperPluginUtils = require("@babel/helper-plugin-utils");
8var _pluginSyntaxFlow = require("@babel/plugin-syntax-flow");
9var _core = require("@babel/core");
10var _default = exports.default = (0, _helperPluginUtils.declare)((api, opts) => {
11 api.assertVersion(7);
12 const FLOW_DIRECTIVE = /(@flow(\s+(strict(-local)?|weak))?|@noflow)/;
13 let skipStrip = false;
14 const {
15 requireDirective = false
16 } = opts;
17 {
18 var {
19 allowDeclareFields = false
20 } = opts;
21 }
22 return {
23 name: "transform-flow-strip-types",
24 inherits: _pluginSyntaxFlow.default,
25 visitor: {
26 Program(path, {
27 file: {
28 ast: {
30 }
31 }
32 }) {
33 skipStrip = false;
34 let directiveFound = false;
35 if (comments) {
36 for (const comment of comments) {
37 if (FLOW_DIRECTIVE.test(comment.value)) {
38 directiveFound = true;
39 comment.value = comment.value.replace(FLOW_DIRECTIVE, "");
40 if (!comment.value.replace(/\*/g, "").trim()) {
41 comment.ignore = true;
42 }
43 }
44 }
45 }
46 if (!directiveFound && requireDirective) {
47 skipStrip = true;
48 }
49 },
50 ImportDeclaration(path) {
51 if (skipStrip) return;
52 if (!path.node.specifiers.length) return;
53 let typeCount = 0;
54 path.node.specifiers.forEach(({
55 importKind
56 }) => {
57 if (importKind === "type" || importKind === "typeof") {
58 typeCount++;
59 }
60 });
61 if (typeCount === path.node.specifiers.length) {
62 path.remove();
63 }
64 },
65 Flow(path) {
66 if (skipStrip) {
67 throw path.buildCodeFrameError("A @flow directive is required when using Flow annotations with " + "the `requireDirective` option.");
68 }
69 path.remove();
70 },
71 ClassPrivateProperty(path) {
72 if (skipStrip) return;
73 path.node.typeAnnotation = null;
74 },
75 Class(path) {
76 if (skipStrip) return;
77 path.node.implements = null;
78 path.get("body.body").forEach(child => {
79 if (child.isClassProperty()) {
80 const {
81 node
82 } = child;
83 {
84 if (!allowDeclareFields && node.declare) {
85 throw child.buildCodeFrameError(`The 'declare' modifier is only allowed when the ` + `'allowDeclareFields' option of ` + `@babel/plugin-transform-flow-strip-types or ` + `@babel/preset-flow is enabled.`);
86 }
87 }
88 if (node.declare) {
89 child.remove();
90 } else {
91 {
92 if (!allowDeclareFields && !node.value && !node.decorators) {
93 child.remove();
94 return;
95 }
96 }
97 node.variance = null;
98 node.typeAnnotation = null;
99 }
100 }
101 });
102 },
103 AssignmentPattern({
104 node
105 }) {
106 if (skipStrip) return;
107 if (node.left.optional) {
108 node.left.optional = false;
109 }
110 },
111 Function({
112 node
113 }) {
114 if (skipStrip) return;
115 if (node.params.length > 0 && node.params[0].type === "Identifier" && node.params[0].name === "this") {
116 node.params.shift();
117 }
118 for (let i = 0; i < node.params.length; i++) {
119 let param = node.params[i];
120 if (param.type === "AssignmentPattern") {
121 param = param.left;
122 }
123 if (param.optional) {
124 param.optional = false;
125 }
126 }
127 if (!_core.types.isMethod(node)) {
128 node.predicate = null;
129 }
130 },
131 TypeCastExpression(path) {
132 if (skipStrip) return;
133 let {
134 node
135 } = path;
136 do {
137 node = node.expression;
138 } while (_core.types.isTypeCastExpression(node));
139 path.replaceWith(node);
140 },
141 CallExpression({
142 node
143 }) {
144 if (skipStrip) return;
145 node.typeArguments = null;
146 },
147 OptionalCallExpression({
148 node
149 }) {
150 if (skipStrip) return;
151 node.typeArguments = null;
152 },
153 NewExpression({
154 node
155 }) {
156 if (skipStrip) return;
157 node.typeArguments = null;
158 }
159 }
160 };
163//# sourceMappingURL=index.js.map