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174 }
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179 "config",
180 "bin",
181 "dist/**/*.js"
182 ],
183 "nodemonConfig": {
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185 "exec": "bin/backstage-cli",
186 "ext": "ts"
187 },
188 "configSchema": {
189 "$schema": "https://backstage.io/schema/config-v1",
190 "title": "@backstage/cli",
191 "type": "object",
192 "properties": {
193 "app": {
194 "type": "object",
195 "properties": {
196 "baseUrl": {
197 "type": "string",
198 "visibility": "frontend"
199 },
200 "title": {
201 "type": "string",
202 "visibility": "frontend"
203 },
204 "datadogRum": {
205 "type": "object",
206 "description": "Datadog RUM events configuration",
207 "properties": {
208 "env": {
209 "type": "string",
210 "visibility": "frontend",
211 "description": "Environment for Datadog RUM events"
212 },
213 "clientToken": {
214 "type": "string",
215 "visibility": "frontend",
216 "description": "clientToken for Datadog RUM events"
217 },
218 "applicationId": {
219 "type": "string",
220 "visibility": "frontend",
221 "description": "applicationId for Datadog RUM events"
222 },
223 "site": {
224 "type": "string",
225 "visibility": "frontend",
226 "description": "site for Datadog RUM events"
227 }
228 },
229 "required": [
230 "clientToken",
231 "applicationId"
232 ]
233 },
234 "listen": {
235 "type": "object",
236 "description": "Listening configuration for local development",
237 "properties": {
238 "host": {
239 "type": "string",
240 "visibility": "frontend",
241 "description": "The host that the frontend should be bound to. Only used for local development."
242 },
243 "port": {
244 "type": "number",
245 "visibility": "frontend",
246 "description": "The port that the frontend should be bound to. Only used for local development."
247 }
248 }
249 },
250 "https": {
251 "type": "object",
252 "description": "Only used for local development. The https object is passed to webpack in order to enable using https on localhost.",
253 "properties": {
254 "certificate": {
255 "type": "object",
256 "description": "Parent object containing certificate and the private key",
257 "required": [
258 "key",
259 "cert"
260 ],
261 "properties": {
262 "key": {
263 "type": "string",
264 "visibility": "secret",
265 "description": "Https Certificate private key. Use $file to load in a file"
266 },
267 "cert": {
268 "type": "string",
269 "visibility": "secret",
270 "description": "Https Certificate. Use $file to load in a file"
271 }
272 }
273 }
274 }
275 }
276 }
277 }
278 }
279 }
\No newline at end of file