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1# Contributing
3Thank you for your interest in contributing to the http-transport.
5* If you're unsure if a feature would make a good addition, you can always [create an issue](https://github.com/bbc/http-transport/issues/new) first. Raising an issue before creating a pull request is recommended.
6* We aim for 100% test coverage. Please write tests for any new functionality or changes.
7* Any API changes should be fully documented.
8* Make sure your code meets our linting standards. Run `npm run lint` to check your code.
9* Maintain the existing coding style. There are some settings in `.jsbeautifyrc` to help.
10* Be mindful of others when making suggestions and/or code reviewing.
14## Reporting Issues
15Before opening a new issue, first check that there is not already an [open issue or Pull Request](https://github.com/bbc/http-transport/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aopen) that addresses it.
17If there is, make relevant comments and add your reaction. Use a reaction in place of a "+1" comment:
18* 👍 - upvote
19* 👎 - downvote
21If you cannot find an existing issue that describes your bug or feature, create a new issue using the guidelines below.
231. Pick an appropriate template for the type of issue [from here](https://github.com/bbc/http-transport/issues/choose)
242. Provide as much detail as possible
253. Follow your issue in the issue tracking workflow
27## Contributing Code
28If you do not have push access to the repository, please [fork it](https://help.github.com/en/articles/fork-a-repo). You should then work on your own `master` branch.
30Otherwise, you may clone this repository and create a working branch with a _kebab-case_ name reflecting what you are working on (e.g. `fix-the-thing`).
32Follow the setup instructions in the [README](../README.md).
34Ensure all your code is thoroughly tested and that this testing is detailed in the pull request.
36## Pull Request Process
371. Make sure you have opened an issue and it was approved by a project maintainer before working on a PR
382. Read and complete all relevant sections of the PR template
393. Wait for the PR get approved